Rita Hasryanti Rusni-1924040011

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Name: Rita Hasryanti Rusni

Nim : 1924040011
Class : PTE01
• Menulis kembali apa yang diutarakan di rekaman audio 1 hingga 5 (audio 2
sampai 5 dalam satu file)
A. Listen and sing then write and circle
It is rainy today, it is rainy today. If it is rainy on the weekend, I’ll play on
my tablet.
It is chilly today, it is chilly today. If it is chilly on the weekend I’ll play in
the yard
It is sunny today, it is sunny today. If it is sunny on the weekend I’ll go on
the picnic
It is stormy today, it is stormy today. If it is stormy on the weekend I'll
practice my guitar

Recording Seven
1. We had a good response to a survey and we found that while 80% of all
students drink coffee only 15% drink tea with the rest preferring water.
2. Over 800.000 people in the US are estimated to have tried skiing. This may
seem a large number, but it represents just over 0.26% of the total population
of three hundred million. So per capita it is surprisingly small.
3. It's estimated that India is home to between thirty-eight thousand and fifty-
three thousand while elephants, while Africa has between fourth hundred
seventy thousand and sixth hundred ninety thousand. Exact figures a difficult
to determine.
4. An elephant can weigh between 2.5 and 5 tonnes. This is comparable to the
tongue of the blue whale which one can weighs 2.7 tonnes. In fact a blue whale
can weigh 15 times more than an elephant and can grow to about 10 times the
size of a standard bus.

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