5 Ways Podcasting Can Change Your Business Pages 2020

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Yeah, I thought about it too… I thought it wasn’t for me.

Just a few short years ago I stood in the shower and stared at the wall while the sounds of a
podcast episode were streaming. Weird, right? But since my commute takes 30 seconds (yay for
working at home) and we rarely leave the house, I don’t have much time to tune in to my favorite

As I listened to the advice and soaked in the knowledge (pun intended) I asked myself, “Well,
why couldn’t I just do that?”.

I had a lot of preconceived notions about podcasting and some real limiting beliefs that were
holding me back from starting my own show!

Limiting beliefs about podcasting:

 1.) I hate the sound of my own voice.
Is that weird? I guess I had this perceived notion that there are “good” and “bad” voices out there -
and I’d tagged myself as “bad”! I remember trying to record a decent voice note in my phone and it
took a solid 10 tries. How would I get over the hurdle of disliking my own darn voice?

 2.) Creating content each week sounded daunting.
How could I possibly keep up with a podcast, my blog, Facebook, Instagram, email… and don’t
even get me started about hosting live video streaming. There’re just too many things we are
expected to do!

3.) What if no one listened?
Would that be disheartening? Could I handle failure? I mean, I knew my mom would likely tune in
but what if people just didn’t care what I had to say - heck, what if I ran out of things to say 5
shows in?

All of these things were my obvious, major obstacles from diving into the world of podcasting and I
really had to take a step back and look at all the pros and cons and weigh it out to
see if it would be a worthwhile way to spend my valuable, limited time.

Just a few months in and hundreds of thousands
of downloads later, my podcast was taking off
(and that’s an understatement!)

Since then, it has been one of the best tools I’ve ever implemented in terms of sharing free,
applicable content, while serving my audience, dosing out my story in bite-sized chunks, and
creating a stronger connection with the people who are tuning in (and telling all their friends about

Let’s dive into why podcasting might just transform your business… Because that’s exactly
what happened to mine.


It creates true connection

One thing I underestimated about podcasts was the ability to create deeper, more detailed
connections than captions on Instagram photos or Instagram stories of bits of your day. When you
hit record on that mic and let the words flow, it feels a lot more like a conversation and
human connection. People start to really feel like they know you in a way that typed words can’t

Podcasting took fans and turned them into superfans and even friends. Yep, I’ve made real life
friendships out of both my podcasts guests AND my listeners! Brilliant business ideas and
collaborations sprung out those new kinships. It made people truly know, like, and trust me.

Looking forward, I know that this will not only continue to pay off in terms of subscribers and
reviews, but it will also pay off when it comes time to offer a new product, course, or opportunity.


It expands your reach

One of the coolest things about the podcast is that it gives me the opportunity to get in front of
experts that I likely wouldn’t be able to reach without it. I can give them the ability to share their
story, expertise, and opportunities with my listeners and at the same time, I get to interview, ask
questions, learn, and build a relationship with my guests.

It’s helped me to expand my reach to their audiences and vice versa - hi, podcasting, you’re a
super mutually beneficial endeavor! Not only do I give my guests a platform from which to
shine, but I too get to have experts teach my listeners and it’s a win/win/win for all of us.


It grows your content library

Prior to podcasting, I taught on just a few main subjects and most were based around the content
that I taught in my online courses. Having a show that publishes 2x a week gives me the ability
to share more than just the things I already had circulating around the internet. I suddenly
had the freedom to nerd out, follow the whim of whatever sparked my curiosity, and found myself
diving a lot deeper into subjects that I likely skimmed over in the past!

Now I have all this fresh data to use to see what people are most interested in learning about me.
Podcasting can take you from being a one-hit-wonder and transform you into being an all-
encompassing expert as it challenges you to expand your subject matter, conversation topics, and
in general… keep the spark alive with your listeners (and yourself!)


It can be a big email list builder

I intentionally like to offer upgrades to our episodes whenever possible, so whether it’s a free
download, a cheatsheet, a super-deep-dive, or an outline, we are using the podcast to help grow
our email list and transition listeners from being passive audience members to an active part of my

The power of email marketing is insane and we recognize that, so every episode that airs, we want
to give our listeners a reason to jump out of the podcast and onto our list and hit them with
additional content and resources that will deliver their own results. Pairing an episode with an
extra is a powerhouse and it helps you serve your audience, grow your email list, and
become a trusted source for education.


It can fuel your launches

Strategy is my superpower AND love language, so when looking at how the podcast could boost
financial gain for the business, I had to look beyond the obvious things like affiliates and
sponsorships. I wanted to make sure our content sharing strategy was pointing potential purchased
toward our extra training resources and programs.

Using the podcast to share content around the time we launch a new product not only helps
connect interested listeners to free content on their favorite subjects and solutions they’re hunting
for, it also helps people see the strategy that we use in my business to convert cold leads into
happy, paying clients.


Look at your own user decisions!

I was first to purchase from the educators that I listened to on

podcasts because they had been serving and teaching me
important strategies, tips, and tricks for FREE, so I knew their
paid content had to be AMAZING.

It’s the rule of reciprocity at play, and podcasting is a great platform to fuel launches and to share
extra opportunities.

Is Podcasting for you?
I truly believe that everyone has a voice that matters and a story to share! The best part is,
you can do both of those things from the comfort of your own home! Not only can you share your
story but you can build your brand and even bring in profits each time you hit “record.”

Podcasting, like everything else in business, requires your time, creativity, and follow through. It
can be an incredibly powerful tool for your business if you commit to consistency, set some
attainable goals, and work smarter with strategy!

Hosting your own show can boost your credibility in your field, set the stage for you as an
expert, and help you sustain your current biz while fuelling new adventures! Can you tell I’m
basically podcasting’s number one fan? I can’t wait to hear what you think about starting your very
own show!

T U N E I N !

Find The Goal Digger Podcast at:



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