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[1st year (Batch - A)]




Sales Management System

Submitted to : Submitted by :

MS. ISHA MITTAL Divya mehta

Anupama (7149)
Meeta khaturia (7209)
Kritika makhijani (7201)
Kavita (7198)
Apoorva Gupta (7151)

Chapter 1 Page#
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.2 Objective
1.3 Preliminary investigation
1.4 Problems of the current system
1.5 Proposed solutions to the problems
1.6 Benefits of the proposed system
1.7 Conclusion

Chapter 2 Page#
2.0 Feasibility
2.1 Technical Feasibility
2.2 Operational Feasibility
2.3 Economic Feasibility
2.3.1 Cost-Benefits Analysis
2.3.2 Pay Back Analysis Graph
2.3.3 Pay Back Analysis
2.4 Schedule feasibility
2.4.1 Task Description
2.5 Conclusion

Chapter 3 Page#
3.0 Data Flow Diagrams
3.1 Context Diagram
3.1.1 Explanation of Context Diagram
3.2 Data Dictionary
3.2.1 Data Flows
3.2.3 Data Store
3.2.4 Processes
3.2.5 Entities

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude towards all the people who have
in various ways, helped in the successful completion of our project.

We convey our gratitude to Miss Esha Mittal for giving us the constant source of inspiration and
help in preparing the project, personally correcting our work and providing encouragement
throughout the project.

We would also like to thank all our friends for steering us through the tough as well as easy
phases of the project in a result oriented manner with concern attention.

This project is about Sales Management System for apparels outlet. Being expertise in the
apparels business, this apparel outlets offer great deal for their customer and provide a
competitive edge for their competitors. In this project we are required to do the work of the
system analyst and go through each process which the system analyst performs. We know that
for optimal sales management processes, we need robust functionality for managing sales

Support for sales management helps the Apparel Store record and track materials on the basis of
both quantity and value. Sales management functions cover internal warehouse movements and
storage. Using this software we can reduce costs for warehousing, transportation, order
fulfillment, and material handling – while improving customer service. You can significantly
improve inventory turns, optimize the flow of goods, and shorten routes within your warehouse
or distribution center. Additional benefits of sales management include improved visibility, and
decision making. This software is user friendly and hence easy to use.


As we all know that the retail industry is advancing and will be at boom in the upcoming years.
Due to this increase in demand for fast and effective Sales data are required. Thus the need for
new Sales Management System has increased in Retail industry.
Now day’s old systems are being replaced by new system, the reason behind
this is that the organization demands excellent quality work more profit to be earned in short
term and to gain more market share as quick as they can and to kick their competitors out of the
New system is:

 User Friendly
 Simple to understand
 Cost effective
 More Efficient
 Faster
 Time Saving
 Accurate
 Only 5% manual work.
 Reduces work load.
 Connected via internet to send emails to customers.

As mentioned above that what the new system does, our prime target is to create a new and
reliable system for Apparel Outlets for managing their Sales, as it is assist in billing with Sales
Management as soon as the sales is being made. Immediate information will not only assist the
respective Apparel Store but also its corporate office to keep track of its inventory. As it sends
immediate updates, it helps in deciding the Re-Supply in timely manner.

Our objective is to make useful and user friendly system, so that non technical person can also
under stand it making the system very effective and efficient for both company and store. It is
easy for the apparel outlets to use the system, as it will be plugging in with the existing billing
system. The system, that would be designed for the outlets will consists of high security software
and installing latest version of antivirus (Quick heal) so the system is virus free and the data is
secured. Last but not least it helps in auto recovery of data, if required.

Preliminary investigation

Our team started its work with the very basic step that was searching for the problem of the
Apparel Stores in managing their sales. After the problem recognition by the team members we
gathered information regarding the problem.

Problems In existing system

As we know that the existing system is quite tedious, time consuming and less efficient and
accurate in comparison to the new system.
So following are some disadvantages of the old system:

 Demand forecast
As in the Apparel Industry the consumer buying trends keeps on changing. We, thus,
need a system with which we can track the exact pace and place of sales. The current
system does not assist in Demand Forecasting of stock which leads to overload of stock
and sometimes unavailability of product during peak seasons.

 Supply
Every store has to reorder its products as the sales proceeds. This reorder is far before all
the stock gets sold off. The existing system is inefficient and there cannot help in
planning the supply of products. (Apparel in this case)

 Piling up of Sales Report

The Sales Reports are usually made weekly or monthly. This leads to piling up of
everyday sales data which is utilized at the end of month. This is problem with existing
system that it cannot provide daily updates on sales instead keep on adding sales report
for its utilization later on.

 Reactive rather than proactive

The organizations are ever changing, the customer demands are changing, expectations
are changing and to remain in the market is getting tougher. One of the major problem
with the existing system is that by the time it conveys you the problem and you take
action to rectify it, it’s too late. The action taken is thus Reactive.

 Incomplete Statistical Information

Since the reports are prepared at a particular time period, the exact statistical figures are
also available during those time period. For rest of the time period the Store managers
have incomplete or vague answers about their sales. Instead these managers should have
exact statistical figure of sales to be proactive in their approach.

Proposed solutions to the problems

 Daily and hourly updating of sales

The new system has a feature of plug-in through internet which can send hourly and daily
updates of sales. This is the most important feature of this system and thus provides
solutions to a lot of problems faced in the older system.

 Centralized monitoring of the sales

The centralized system will give timely information of stock movement thus along with
store the corporate offices can also track the stock movement and accordingly plan their
production and sales promotion activities.

 Automatic report generator on the bases of daily sales record

The company and the Appeal Store can simultaneously take benefit of automatic report
generator. These benefits include analysis on daily basis, tracking daily sales, which store
is performing the best out of the existing, which store is least performing and how to
increase its sales etc.

 Being proactive
Suppose the demand for apparel is lofty during a week and we need to store a lot of
inventory considering the high demand. To cope up with such a situation we need to be
proactive in our approach only then we will be able to meet with existing demand. Also
being Proactive pays off.

 Exact statistical figures about sales

Whenever the store manager requires information about sales or the available inventory
with him he can check out the data in our system and can give exact statistical figures
regarding sales per day, sales per hour, sales per week, available stock with him at
present, on which days more of the stock is converted into sales and many more such
queries can be answered promptly.

As we know each and every project needs to have a feasibility study for the complete
understandability of the project. Feasibility report means to identify the problem and
summarizing the complete Objectives. It also creates broad data for the management team that
would decide by looking at the objects whether to move on the new phase or not.
There are 4 types of feasibility report which are mentioned below:

1. Technical
2. Operational
3. Schedule feasibility
4. Economical

Technical Feasibility:
Technical Feasibility centers on the existing computer system and to what extent it can support
the proposed addition. In this, case the question arises whether the plug in system proposed is
technically feasible. This new system requires one fully trained person to install system
perfectly. One administration person to maintain/update database. As our existing system is less
efficient, so we need a onetime investment of Rs 3 Lacs for the purchase of hardware and
software for computers, LAN for all the outlets etc. It requires apprx. 10 Lacks PA as a operating
cost. With the above details our system is technically feasible as it has accumulated benefit of
Rs.2580884. Pay back period for this system will be 3 years.

Operational Feasibility:
Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems, and
takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the
requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development.
The new solution is feasible in all sense .It will operationally make the work of report making
more easier for the employees this will also help for the company’s headquarters to keep record
of sales warehouse inventory and customers on daily basis. It do not require the user to have
technical knowledge.

Economic Feasibility:
Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a
candidate system. More commonly known as Cost-Benefit Analysis, the procedure is to
determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a candidate system and compare them
with costs. Under this feasibility we analysis weather benefits in making the new system are
more then the development cost. Is it profitable to take the task and make it? Will it going to
provide any benefits to the organization.

Cost-benefit analysis:

Economic feasibility is performed by doing the cost-benefit analysis, which is the

process of identifying the financial benefits and costs associated with the
development of the project.
Pay Back Analysis Graph
Schedule feasibility

A project will fail if it takes too long to be completed before it is useful. Typically this means
estimating how long the system will take to develop, and if it can be completed in a given time
period using some methods like payback period.

Task completing dates

• Feasibility report would be done in 2 days including technical, economical, operational,

• Requirements of users will be done in 2 days.
• Analysis of system needs would be done in 2 days.
• Development and documenting the software would take 3 days.
• Cost benefit analysis would be done in 2days.
• Payback analysis would be done in 1 day
• All the diagrams e.g. data flow diagrams would be done in 2 days
• Data dictionary and Data store would be made in 1 day
• All Entities software would be done in 4 days
• Making of screenshots in 2 day

While developing the system a conscious effort has been made to create and develop a software
package, making use of available tools, techniques and resources – that would generate a proper
System During making the system, an eye has been kept on making it as user-friendly, as cost-
effective and as flexible as possible. As such one may hope that the system will be acceptable to
any user and will adequately meet his/her needs.
As in case of any system development processes where there are a number of shortcomings,
there have been some shortcomings in the development of this system also. The project is still
under modification.
Data flow is known as a geographical figure of the data. DFD denotes the process which takes
place in a system .it even shows how data evolve around through an information system.

Context diagram
Data dictionary

Date dictionary is just like a dictionary which contains meanings of words. Data dictionary is
made by the analysis to keep track and record of the information and thus it could be use further
in future if required changes in the system. Data dictionary contains the meanings of words
which are used in the system and data flow diagrams. It helps to

• Deplete redundancy
• Compose data flow in a constructive manner
• Provide aid on data stored files and save it
• Create deductive data flow processes
The data dictionary for this project is given below:

Data Flows

Name customer details

Description details of new customers
Source customer
Destination customer info
Data Structure customer name+ DOB + address + email

Name placement of order

Description details of new order
Source customer
Destination verify order
Data Structure Product name + Product ID+ Product type + order ID

Name Verification of order

Description Verifying the new order
Source Verify order
Destination Data store of outlet
Data Structure Product name + Product ID+ Product type + order ID

Name Availability status

Description Sending availability info
Source Data store of outlet
Destination verify order
Data Structure Product name + Product ID+ Product type + order ID

Name If available
Description Availability of products conformed
Source Verify order
Destination Selling
Data Structure Product name + Product ID+ Product type + sale code + order ID

Name If not available

Description Non availability of product
Source Verify order
Destination Reject
Data Structure Order canceled + product ID

Name Payment
Description Details of payments
Source Customer
Destination Sales account
Data Structure Amount of payment + mode of payment +customer ID +.order ID

Name Receipt
Description Receipt of the payment made
Source Selling account
Destination Customer
Data Structure Customer ID + Order ID + receipt ID + amount paid

Name Sales info

Description Updates the sales records
Source Selling
Destination Data store of sales report
Data Structure Sales ID + product ID + date and time of sale

Name Amount updation

Description Updations of sales amount
Source Selling account
Destination Sales
Data Structure Amount paid+ receipt ID+ customer ID + order ID

Name Sales report updation

Description Updation of sales detail
Source Sales
Destination Data store of sales report
Data Structure Sales ID + product ID + date and time of sale + Amount paid+ receipt
ID+ customer ID + order ID

Name Sending info about rejected product

Description Details of rejected product
Source Reject
Destination Warehouse of branch
Data Structure Product ID + Product name + Product type + quantity

Name Demand
Description Demand for stock
Source Warehouse of the branch
Destination Central branch
Data Structure Product ID + Product name + Product type + quantity

Name Supply
Description Supply of demanded stock
Source Central branch
Destination Warehouse of branch
Data Structure Product ID + Product name + Product type + quantity

Name Update of new stock

Description Details of new stock
Source Warehouse of branch
Destination Data store of outlet
Data Structure Product ID + Product name + Product type + quantity

Name Updated data store of outlet

Description Data store info updated at main branch
Source Data store of outlet
Destination Central branch
Data Structure Product ID + Product name + Product type + quantity

Name Updation at main branch about sales report

Description Updating about sales report
Source Data store of sales report
Destination Central branch
Data Structure Sales ID + product ID + date and time of sale + Amount paid+ receipt
ID+ customer ID + order ID

Name Update about inventory

Description Inventory updation
Source Warehouse of branch
Destination Inventory report
Data Structure Product ID + Product name + Product type + quantity

Name Updation at main branch about inventory

Description Updating about inventory
Source Inventory report
Destination Central branch
Data Structure Product ID + Product name + Product type + quantity

Data store

Name Data store of customer info

Description All the details of a customer
Input Data Flow Customer details
Output Data Flow No outflow
Data Structure Customers name + customer ID + DOB + email ID
Name Data store of outlet of particular branch
Description All the details of products of the outlet
Input Data Flow Availability status, update of new stock
Output Data Flow Updation at main branch about stock
Data Structure Product ID + Product name + Product type + quantity+ order ID

Name Data store of sales report of particular branch

Description All the details of sales of the outlet
Input Data Flow Sales report updation
Output Data Flow Updation at main branch about sales report
Data Structure Sales ID + product ID + date and time of sale + Amount paid+ receipt
ID+ customer ID + order ID


Name Verify order

Description Registering new customers and placement of new order
Input data flow Placement of order
Output data flow If available, if not available, availability status
Process specification Receives customer order, check availability of the products ordered
in data store of outlet.

Name Sales
Description Details of the sales in hourly bases
Input data flow Sales info, amount of sales updation
Output data flow Sales report updation
Process specification Receives customer sales info, updates the data store of sales record
of outlet as when sales happen.

Name Warehouse of the particular branch

Description Records and updates the product details in the warehouse
Input data flow Supply
Output data flow Send info about rejected product, Update of new stock, update
about inventory
Process specification It checks the availability and if not available send demand at main

Name Inventory report

Description It generate and update inventory report
Input data flow Update about inventory
Output data flow Update at main branch about inventory
Process specification Updating inventory record of each outlet at central branch

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