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Comprehension Test 阅读理解

Pocahontas 风中奇缘
Retold by Tim Vicary (著)

1 Put the following events in the right order. Number them 1–15. 为下列事件排序。
a Argall takes Pocahontas to Jamestown.
b Pocahontas meets King James.
c Pocahontas marries John Rolfe.
d The English arrive in Virginia.
e Smith goes to Powhatan’s village.
f The English build walls around Jamestown.
g Pocahontas dies.
h Smith returns to England.
i The English build Jamestown.
j John Rolfe returns to Virginia.
k Smith has an accident with some gunpowder.
l Pocahontas goes to England.
m Smith goes back to Jamestown with Pocahontas and Opekankanu.
n Pocahontas meets John Smith in England.
o Powhatan gives Smith to Pocahontas.

30 marks

2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) 判断以下句子正确(T)或错误(F)。

a Indian men had hair on their faces.
b John Smith had blue eyes.
c Powhatan wanted guns.
d John Smith was much older than Pocahontas.
e John Smith left a letter for Pocahontas when he went to England.
f Pocahontas and John Rolfe had a son.
g People in London were afraid of Pocahontas.
h Pochontas thought that John Smith was dead.
i Pocahontas lived in England for many years.
j Pocahontas died in England.

10 marks

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3 Who said this? Who did they say it to? Pocahontas, John Rolfe, John Smith, Queen Anne,
Powhatan 谁对谁说的这些话?
a ‘Don’t kill this man. Give him to me.’ ............... to ...............
b ‘What is a compass for?’ ............... to ...............
c ‘I’m not the right husband for you.’ ............... to ...............
d ‘I would very much like to be your wife.’ ............... to ...............
e ‘I have a letter about you.’ ............... to ...............

20 marks

4 Who? Match a number from A with a letter from B to make complete sentences. 在 B 部分
中选择合适的序号与 A 部分组成完整的句子。

1 The Indians … 6 Rolfe ...
2 Smith … 7 Pocahontas ...
3 Powhatan … 8 King James ...
4 Opekankanu … 9 Queen Anne ...
5 Pocahontas … 10 John Rolfe ...

a … married an Englishwoman in Virginia.
b … wanted to be friendly but careful.
c … thought that Pocahontas was the most beautiful woman in Jamestown.
d … gave food to the Englishmen.
e … wanted to kill all the English.
f ... was the king of all the Algonquin Indians.
g ... learnt about England and the English.
h ... was very interested in Jamestown.
i ... thought that London was noisy and exciting.
j ... had a letter from John Smith.

30 marks

5 Match the place with the description. Gravesend, London, the church in Jamestown,
Werowocomoco, Jamestown. 将地名与适当的形容搭配。
a An English town in Virginia. ...............
b Pocahontas’ village. ...............

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c The place where the King and Queen of England lived. ...............
d The place where Pocahontas died ...............
e The place where Pocahontas married John Rolfe. ...............

10 marks

Total marks

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Multiple-choice Test 选择题

Pocahontas 风中奇缘
Retold by Tim Vicary

Setting 故事背景

Choose the best answer. 选择适当的答案。

1 In _____ 1607 three ships left England.
a [ ] December b [ ] January c [ ] February d [ ] March
2 There were a hundred and fifty _____ on the ships.
a [ ] dogs b [ ] children c [ ] horses d [ ] men
3 They wanted to find _____ in the west.
a [ ] old forests b [ ] a new world c [ ] new flowers d [ ] tall trees
4 After four long months at sea they were tired, ill and _____.
a [ ] happy b [ ] hungry c [ ] afraid d [ ] pleased
5 Virginia was beautiful, with rivers, and _____, and forests.
a [ ] vegetables b [ ] corn c [ ] flowers d [ ] houses
6 When the Englishmen came, the Algonquin Indians of Virginia were _____.
a [ ] happy b [ ] afraid c [ ] ill d [ ] hungry
7 The English began to build a town called _____.
a [ ] Edwardtown b [ ] Johntown c [ ] Jamestown d [ ] Kingtown
8 The Indians tried to talk to the Englishmen, and gave them _____.
a [ ] knives b [ ] pictures c [ ] beads d [ ] food
9 The Englishmen needed _____ and vegetables for winter.
a [ ] flowers b [ ] trees c [ ] water d [ ] corn
10 The Indians were very afraid of _____.
a [ ] ships b [ ] corn c [ ] guns d [ ] walls

20 marks

Characters 人物

Choose the best answer. 选择适当的答案。

11 The King of England was called _____.

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a [ ] John b [ ] James c [ ] William d [ ] Christopher
12 Powhatan was _____ of the Algonquin Indians.
a [ ] chief b [ ] leader c [ ] king d [ ] an enemy
13 Powhatan was the _____ of Pocahontas.
a [ ] friend b [ ] brother c [ ] enemy d [ ] father
14 Opekankanu was Powhatan’s _____.
a [ ] brother b [ ] father c [ ] enemy d [ ] friend
15 John Smith was not very tall, and he had _____.
a [ ] brown eyes b [ ] hair on his face c [ ] no hair on his face d [ ] green eyes
16 An Indian arrow hit John Smith’s _____.
a [ ] eye b [ ] head c [ ] arm d [ ] leg
17 _____ wanted to kill John Smith with a big stick.
a [ ] Pocahontas b [ ] Opekankanu c [ ] Powhatan d [ ] Edward Wingfield
18 Pocahontas wanted _____ for a husband.
a [ ] John Smith b [ ] Opekankanu c [ ] Edward Wingfield d [ ] Christopher Newport
19 John Smith went _____ because he was ill.
a [ ] to see Pocahontas b [ ] to the forest c [ ] to Jamestown d [ ] home to England
20 Pocahontas married John Rolfe in the church in _____.
a [ ] Jamestown b [ ] Werowocomoco c [ ] Gravesend d [ ] London

20 marks

Dialogue 对话

Who said this? 谁说的这些话?

21 ‘The fields are more important than the houses.’
a [ ] John Smith b [ ] Christopher Newport c [ ] Powhatan d [ ] Edward Wingfield
22 ‘The men must always be ready; they must carry their guns with them. The Indians tried to
kill you because they weren’t afraid of you.’
a [ ] Pocahontas b [ ] Edward Wingfield c [ ] John Smith d [ ] Christopher Newport
23 ‘What are white men, father? Are they white because they are ill?’
a [ ] Powhatan b [ ] John Smith c [ ] Pocahontas d [ ] Opekankanu
24 ‘These Englishmen cannot live here. They are taking our land and killing our people with
their guns.’
a [ ] Opekankanu b [ ] Pocahontas c [ ] Powhatan d [ ] Edward Wingfield

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25 ‘What happened? Where’s the tree?’
a [ ] John Smith b [ ] Pocahontas c [ ] Opekankanu d [ ] Christopher Newport
26 ‘But we want to be your friends, and friends are better than guns.’
a [ ] Pocahontas b [ ] Powhatan c [ ] Edward Wingfield d [ ] John Smith
27 ‘Do you have a wife, John Smith?’
a [ ] Pocahontas b [ ] Powhatan c [ ] Christopher Newport d [ ] Edward Wingfield
28 ‘What a good friend you are, Pocahontas. How can I thank you?’
a [ ] John Smith b [ ] Powhatan c [ ] John Rolfe d [ ] Opekankanu
29 ‘You must bring Pocahontas on to my ship, and leave her there.’
a [ ] Samuel Argall b [ ] Iapassus c [ ] John Smith d [ ] Powhatan
30 ‘The English are my people now.’
a [ ] John Smith b [ ] Pocahontas c [ ] Samuel Argall d [ ] Edward Wingfield

20 marks

Vocabulary 词汇

Choose the best answer. 选择适当的答案。

31 the most important man in a country
a [ ] chief b [ ] king c [ ] hostage d [ ] leader
32 to put small plants in the ground
a [ ] fever b [ ] marry c [ ] sow d [ ] try
33 to hit, hurt, or try to kill someone
a [ ] fight b [ ] sow c [ ] enemy d [ ] lock
34 you feel this when something new or sudden happens
a [ ] unhappy b [ ] enemy c [ ] sail d [ ] surprise
35 bottles and windows are made of this
a [ ] glass b [ ] sow c [ ] chief d [ ] gunpowder
36 when you are ill with a very hot head and body
a [ ] sadly b [ ] unhappy c [ ] surprise d [ ] fever
37 not a friend; a person who hates you
a [ ] queen b [ ] leader c [ ] chief d [ ] enemy
38 the most important man in an Indian village
a [ ] king b [ ] chief c [ ] queen d [ ] enemy
39 to take somebody as your husband or wife

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a [ ] marry b [ ] queen c [ ] sail d [ ] try
40 to work hard to do something
a [ ] fight b [ ] try c [ ] build d [ ] lock

20 marks

Plot 情节

Choose the best answer. 选择适当的答案。

41 John Smith went _____ with nine men to find some food for Christmas.
a [ ] in the forest b [ ] to England c [ ] up the river d [ ] to the fields
42 John Smith gave Opekankanu some _____ to take to Powhatan.
a [ ] gunpowder b [ ] corn c [ ] stones d [ ] trees
43 In the winter John Smith went to Powhatan to ask for more _____.
a [ ] guns b [ ] corn c [ ] ships c [ ] beads
44 The Englishmen took _____ as a hostage.
a [ ] Pocahontas b [ ] Iapassus c [ ] Powhatan d [ ] Opekankanu
45 Powhatan wanted his _____ more than he wanted his daughter.
a [ ] guns b [ ] forest c [ ] ships d [ ] corn
46 Pocahontas went to England in _____.
a [ ] 1616 b [ ] 1716 c [ ] 1816 d [ ] 1916
47 Queen Anne had a letter about Pocahontas from _____.
a [ ] Powhatan b [ ] King James c [ ] John Rolfe d [ ] John Smith
48 Pocahontas and John Rolfe had a son called _____.
a [ ] John b [ ] James c [ ] Thomas d [ ] Edward
49 For eight years Pocahontas heard nothing from _____.
a [ ] John Smith b [ ] John Rolfe c [ ] Powhatan d [ ] Opekankanu
50 Pocahontas died in _____.
a [ ] London b [ ] Virginia c [ ] Gravesend d [ ] Jamestown

20 marks

Total Marks

Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 1 7


1 a 9
b 12
c 10
d 1
e 4
f 3
g 14
h 8
i 2
j 15
k 7
l 11
m 6
n 13
o 5

2 a F
b T
c T
d T
e F
f T
g F
h T
i F
j T

3 a Pocahontas, Powhatan
b Pocahontas, John Smith
c John Smith, Pocahontas
d Pocahontas, John Rolfe
e Queen Anne, Pocahontas

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4 1 d
2 b
3 f
4 e
5 g or i
6 a or c
7 g or i
8 h
9 j
10 a or c

5 a Jamestown
b Werowocomoco
c London
d Gravesend
e the church in Jamestown

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1 b
2 d
3 b
4 b
5 c
6 b
7 c
8 d
9 d
10 c


11 b
12 c
13 d
14 a
15 b
16 d
17 b
18 a
19 d
20 a


21 d
22 c
23 c
24 a
25 b
26 d
27 a
28 a
29 a

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30 b


31 b
32 c
33 a
34 d
35 a
36 d
37 d
38 b
39 a
40 b


41 c
42 a
43 b
44 a
45 a
46 a
47 d
48 c
49 a
50 c

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