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 For and Since               

 - You use FOR if you don't have to calculate the period of time, because you have it in the
sentence  :

I have lived here FOR two months (  you don't have to calculate, you know the period is "two
months"  )

 - You use SINCE if you have to calculate the period of time, because you only have the starting
point   :

I have lived here SINCE 1975 (  you have to calculate now: if you came in 1975 - the starting
point - and now it is 2009, then 2009-1975 = 24 years  )
Now fill the gaps with FOR or SINCE:

1. I have been living in New York   1 year

2. I haven't seen you   a week
3. I have been waiting  12:30.
4. I've lived here   5 years.
5. I've lived here   2003
6.  she came here I've been very nervous
7. She has been married   ten years
8. She has been a doctor     1998
9. I have been living in Valencia   last june
10. I haven't seen you   last week
11. Yesterday I studied   three hours
12. She has been studying English   two months
13. She has been studying English  last January
14. She has been studying English  12.00
15. She has been studying English  your birthday
16. She has been studying English two hours
17. She has been studying English  six minutes
18. She has been studying English  a long time
19. I've been working here   the last two years.
20. I have loved you   the first time I saw you

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