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You will find ips and advice on how you can successfully find a job and handle interviews,
links to over 200,000 jobs, the secrets of finding a job on the Internet, recommended books
for you to read and much more.
The word Curriculum Vitae literally translated means the story of your life. The words
Curriculum Vitae are usually abbreviated to CV or C.V. and you will sometimes see it incorrectly
written in lower case as c.v. or cv. The possessive form of Curriculum Vitae / CV should be
written as Curriculum Vitae's or C.V.'s or CVs, but not as c.v.'s or cv's.
Your CV is a very important document; with it rest your hopes and dreams for the future -
that next step up the career ladder, a better position, more money, new challenges, etc. Your CV
therefore has to represent the best you have to offer if you do not want to miss out on that job
you saw which was 'perfect' for you.
These days employers often receive a lot of CVs for each advertised position - jobs
advertised in national papers can often attract hundreds of applicants. So your CV has to be just
that little bit special to stand out if you want to obtain interviews. The good news (for you) is that
most people do not know how to write a CV and only spend a short time preparing a CV. Writing
professional CVs is a skill, which these people have not learnt.
Of course your CV can continue to work in your favour even after it has obtained an
interview for you. It can help you at an interview by carefully focusing the interviewer's mind on
your good points and on your achievements. Once you have left the interview it will continue to
work in your favour as the interviewer will probably reread it before making a decision, either on
who should be invited to the second interview stage or who the job should be offered to.
When it comes to salary negotiations a well written CV can help. If your CV conveys your
full worth you are likely to get a higher salary offer than you might have done with a poorer CV.
So do not skimp on the time you spend on writing a CV as it will probably be a false
In the following sections we will teach you how to write professional CVs and show you a
number of CV examples as an introduction to the art of CV writing
2. Why are CVs rejected?

First impressions

First impressions matter; if your CV does not attract the reader's attention in the first 20-30
seconds then your chances of obtaining an interview are greatly reduced. An employer may have
a hundred or more CVs to look through and probably only a couple of hours in which to make
their selection. So put your work experience at the start of your CV, not personal or educational
details, unless you have only just left education.
What an employer really wants to know is why they should invite you for an interview. For
this reason a short summary of your capabilities and/or a list of your major achievements can
often be a good idea. This should make an employer want to invite you for an interview - but
please be careful that you do not oversell yourself.

Poor visual layout

The visual layout of your CV is very important. Even though the wording you use may be
correct, if people cannot find the information they want quickly they will move on to someone
else's CV. You should use plenty of 'white' space in your CV and appropriate headings and
section breaks.
Always use a word-processor/DTP package. Never use a typewriter as you will look old
fashioned and out of date. Use good quality A4 paper, preferably 100gram for both your CV and
cover letter.

Length of CV

It is usually best to try and keep your CV to two pages of A4, unless someone specifically
asks you for a longer CV. If you cannot keep your CV to this length then you probably have not
understood an employer's requirements. Employers do not want to know your whole life history -
just enough to decide whether they should interview you or not.

Organizing the information on your CV

If your CV is not well organized then the reader will find it hard to follow and will not be
able to build up a picture of you quickly. Remember the reader will not spend very long looking at
your CV - so if they cannot find what they want they will not bother to read any further.
Overwritten - long paragraphs and sentences

This makes it difficult to read quickly - try and keep your sentences short and punchy and
use bullet points to break up the text under section headings.

Too little information

A lot of people do not include enough details about their previous jobs and experience and
an employer therefore does not have enough information - they will therefore have to reject your

Not results orientated

You need to shout about your achievements. Please remember that your CV is your sales
document to an employer. If it does not tell an employer why they should employ you then it has
failed. An employer will only want to employ you if they can see a benefit in it for themselves. So
do tell them the benefits of employing you.

CV makes you look too young/old for the job

In general being too young/old can be a real problem and a barrier to future advancement,
or even to getting a job in the first place. There are a number of ways round this problem - but
this depends very much on your individual circumstances and the industry/job you are applying
for. There are further hints and tips throughout this web site to help you.

Mis-spellings, typographical errors, poor grammar

Your CV should be carefully checked for such errors before you send it out to employers. Tiny
errors in your CV can detract from an otherwise good CV and make you look lazy or careless -
not the sort of qualities you want to portray to an employer. As you will probably be 'blind' to
these errors you should get someone else to check your CV for grammar and spelling errors.

To get yourself noticed it is important to use a CV format which will best represent you in
the jobs market. There are any numbers of ways of laying out a CV, but these can in fact be
reduced to 5 basic examples: Chronological CV (traditional approach - superseded by the
Performance CV), Functional CV, Performance CV (an updated form of the Chronological CV),
Targeted CV and Alternative CV. Each of these formats has its advantages and disadvantages
(see below).
In general the Performance CV works best for most people, assuming that you are staying
in the same field. If this format is unsuitable for you then you could try either the Functional or
Targeted CV formats and see which reads/looks better for you. Even if you create a Performance
CV for yourself, there are times when a Functional/Targeted CV may help you secure an
interview when a Performance CV would fail.

Selecting Your CV Format

Performance CV

In a Performance CV your employment history is shown in reverse chronological order,

with your most recent job first. Job titles and company names are strongly emphasised and
duties and achievements are described under each job title. You should use a Performance CV
when you are seeking a job which is directly in line with your past experiences or your last
employer was a household name. The only difference between a Chronological CV and a
Performance CV is that the Performance CV highlights a list of your major achievements near the
start of your CV.


1. If you are planning to stay in the same field/work area.

2. If you want to show-off your promotions.
3. If the name of your last employer is highly prestigious.
4. Most people prefer this format to the other formats listed here because it is easy to see
who you have worked for and what you did in each particular job.


1. If you are planning to change career direction.

2. If you have frequently changed employer.
3. If your work history has been patchy in recent years, either through unemployment,
redundancy, self-employment, ill health, etc.
4. If you do not have many achievements (you could just leave out the achievements section
as in a traditional Chronological CV) or your achievements are not in line with what you
want to do now - either leave out the achievements section or consider using a Functional
or Targeted CV.

Functional CV

This type of CV highlights the main functions/achievements of your whole career and it
can therefore be very useful if you have had a varied career or you are seeking a change of
career direction. In this format, job titles and company names are given less dominance or even
omitted in some cases.


1. If you want to emphasise abilities and achievements that have not been used in your most
recent job(s).
2. If you are changing career direction.
3. If you have had a large number of jobs and you would prefer to describe the experience
you have gained in total.
4. If you want to include voluntary/unpaid experience.
5. If your work history has been patchy in recent years, either through unemployment,
redundancy, self-employment, ill health, etc.


1. If you want to highlight promotions/career growth - you could include this sort of
information on the second page of your CV, but it would not be as prominent as on a
Performance CV.
2. If your most recent employer is highly prestigious, because their name will not be
prominently displayed on the first page. You can get round this by putting their name in
both the profile and cover letter.
3. If your job has only a limited number of functions.
4. Unusual CV format - may not be liked by everyone.

Targeted CV

This type of CV emphasises your abilities and achievements which are directly relevant to
a specific job target. It is best used when you are planning a change of career direction.

1. If you want to emphasise abilities and achievements that have not been used in your most
recent job(s).
2. If you are changing career direction.
3. If you have had a large number of jobs and you would prefer to describe the experience
you have gained in total.
4. If you want to include voluntary/unpaid experience.
5. If your work history has been patchy in recent years, either through unemployment,
redundancy, self-employment, ill health, etc.
6. If you have several completely different job targets and you need a CV for each.


1. If you want to highlight promotions/career growth - you could include this sort of
information on the second page of your CV, but it would not be as prominent as on a
Performance CV.
2. If your most recent employer is highly prestigious, because their name will not be
prominently displayed on the first page. You can get round this by putting their name in
both the profile and cover letter.
3. Unusual CV format - may not be liked by everyone.

Alternative CV

This sort of CV is suitable for creative careers in, for example, writing, public relations and
fashion designers. It is not suitable for senior managers/executives who would be better advised
to use the Performance CV.


1. If the job requires exceptional talent in either the written or visual mediums.
2. If you will be applying directly to the person you will be working for.


1. Not to be used if you are seeking a management position.

2. If you are planning to apply through normal channels such as advertised vacancies/the
Personnel Department.
3. This CV format may fail utterly if your ideas are not well received by the recipient of your

General CV / Resume Tips

1. These days you should write your CV in the first person (i.e. I have), rather than the third
person (i.e. he/she has). However, you do not need to use "I" in a CV because its use is
2. Do mention things you are good at, but do not go over the top. You can oversell yourself.
3. Don't mention things that you are bad at or say negative things about yourself in your CV.
4. Make sure that the CV you write conjures up the right image of you and your skills,
capabilities and achievements. If you do not match the picture you have painted with your
CV at the interview, then your application will not be taken further.
5. Be careful when you use abbreviations - they can be misunderstood.
6. If you are not happy with your CV or you only seem to get rejection letters then please get
a professional CV writing service to write it for you. Yes, you will have to pay for it. But, it
could save you a lot of time, lead to you getting less rejection letters and hopefully you
should get an interview that much quicker.

Word-Processing & Printing

Your CV should be produced using a modern word-processing package, such as Microsoft
Word, WordPerfect or Lotus WordPro and printed on a high quality laser printer. It is not really
good enough these days to produce your CV on a typewriter and it will make you look very
unprofessional, out of date and out of touch with the modern world.
If you do not have access to this technology, or using a computer is one of your worst
nightmares, then you will have to pay someone to do this for you. If you get someone else to
prepare your CV make sure they print it out on a laser printer. Dot matrix or inkjet printers are not
really good enough and the ink from an inkjet tends to smudge fairly easily. Always ask for a
proof copy of your CV so that you can check that it meets your needs.
When you are creating your CV you should ensure that you have all margins set to one
inch. Name, address and telephone number should be included in the first page header. Section
headings should be in BOLD UPPER CASE. In a Performance CV you should pick out
employers and job titles in bold text, but you may not want to pick them out in bold in a
Functional or Targeted CV. Please ensure that you use enough 'white space' (empty space) on
each page - do not squeeze things in and make your CV looked cramped.
You should check your draft CV thoroughly for spelling and grammatical errors. When you
are happy with it you should get at least one other person to check it over and give you some
feedback. You should then re-draft it and show it to them again. You may need to do this several
times before you are completely satisfied with the final version.
When it comes to printing your CV out you should use good quality paper, preferably
100gram weight and you should also use this paper for writing any letters on. You can use
brilliant white paper or if you want to be distinctive and different you might try cream or vellum
paper. When you are sending your CV to someone you should always send it in an A4 envelope
rather than folding it.

Avoiding I and My in Your Résumé

Because your resume is about you to begin with, you don't need to write the words I and
my. Doing so for every statement is repetitious and clutters your résumé with unnecessary words.
Most recipients scan résumés in under 60 seconds before reading them. Unnecessary words just
get in the way of the scanning eye.
One of the tricks is not really a trick at all, but a simple omission. Just leave out the words I
and my. Some people might have a problem with this, because from grade school through
college, we're taught to write complete sentences. But it's perfectly acceptable to construct your
résumé with incomplete sentences. In fact, it's the preferred method, which makes it relatively
easy to avoid writing the words I and my.
The other trick is to start your sentences with relevant action words or keywords instead of
I or my. Action words spruce up your résumé, but its good idea to resist the temptation to overdo
it. In this age of electronic résumés, keywords are important to make your résumé searchable by
Below are simple examples of skill and achievement statements. In each, Interview is how
you might state your skills and achievements during an interview. Résumé is a suggested way to
present the same statement in your résumé, without writing I and my.
You don't need to include punctuation at the end of incomplete sentences, except to
separate them if you write two or more on the same line.
Interview: I have a lot of experience programming in C++ and Java.
Résumé: Highly experienced programming in C++ and Java

Interview: I have worked on micro, mini and mainframe computers.

Résumé: Computer platform experience includes micro, mini and mainframe

Interview: I know Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel very well.

Résumé: Proficient with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel

Interview: I have worked with UNIX and Windows NT.

Résumé: Working knowledge of UNIX and Windows NT

Interview: My GPA was 3.5 and I graduated with honors.

Résumé: 3.5 GPA. Graduated with honors

Interview: I have researched and written online help and user manuals.
Résumé: Developed online help and user manuals.

Interview: Launching new products was an important part of my job.

Résumé: Instrumental in launching new products

Interview: I easily understand technical matters.

Résumé: Demonstrated ability to grasp technical matters

Interview: My staff performed well under my supervision and I always made budget.
Résumé: Successfully managed staff and resources within budget

Interview: I received a research grant for $100,000.

Résumé: Earned $100,000 research grant

Resume Formats
All resumes share similar components in three, common formats.
Chronological - Presents job history and education by date. It's organized in reverse order
by employer, with the most recent first.
Functional - Also called a skills resume, it's a summary of qualifications typically organized
by education, experience and skills, with little emphasis on employer history.
Combination - Also called a hybrid resume, it's a composite of the two above.
Resume formats (and fancy samples, like those above) are only guidelines and there are
an endless number of variations. Which format is best and in which order the components appear
depends on your career situation. But always place your contact information first, followed by
your objective.
Some resume writing services refer to a focused resume as though it's a fourth format. But
all resumes are focused on landing interviews, regardless of format. Others call it a targeted
resume, a better name for the purpose. But it's not a format either. Focused or targeted, it's one
of the formats above, with the wording tailored to closely match the job qualifications an employer
Do tailor your resume for each employer's job description whenever possible. It shows that
you've done your homework and might be the ideal candidate for the job.
For example, if an employer is looking for a Windows NT Administrator, state in your
objective that you are specifically seeking "a career position as a Windows NT Administrator"
rather than generically, "a position in an MIS department." Under appropriate headings in the
remainder of your resume, emphasize your education, skills and experiences that are in tune with
the employer's job description.
You might also hear of other formats, such as a technical resume. But they too are
essentially the formats above, with some tweaks. For example, this technical resume is a simple
chronological resume with a Profile heading up front. When creating a technical resume, do place
a list of your skills up front, in the form of keywords. There's more about keywords in the
Electronic Resumes link below.
Some scientific, medical, academic and overseas jobs require a Curriculum Vitae (CV)
instead of a resume.
Phrases for Body heading:
1. I'm most at home in a high-energy workplace with (ambitious, goal-oriented people,
compassionate, service-oriented people ...)
2. I want to be part of an organization that offers (growth potential, stability, educational
opportunities, travel opportunities, advancement opportunities ...)
3. My background in (...) would be an asset to your company's work in ...
4. My previous experience in (...) would complement your firm's (strategy, goals, projects ....)
5. "One of my proudest professional accomplishments was ... "
6. Use verbs such as: developed, implemented, organized, pioneered, produced, created,
designed, introduced, revamped.
7. I enjoy working with a team to meet management goals ...
8. I want to apply my skills in an environment that (inspires, encourages, rewards) (initiative,
dedication, creative problem-solving ... )
9. I'm motivated to be part of an organization that values (commitment to excellence, team
efforts, individual initiative ...)
10. My skills in (.......) would seem to be an excellent fit with the hiring criteria mentioned in
your ad.

Phrases for Introduction heading:

1. "I enjoyed speaking with you when we met at ... "
2. "Ben Jacobs, CEO at Lindstrom Associates, suggested I get in touch ..."
3. "In your recent interview with NPR, you raised several key issues ..."
4. My most recent experience has been managing a household, although I was employed in
the (name of industry) industry some years ago.
5. I am motivated to spend my summer gaining broad exposure to (industry or field) and
valuable practical experience.
6. In recent discussions with colleagues in the (name industry trade group, or association)I
learned that you may be looking for a new (name position).
7. "Your recent article in Hospitality Industry drew my attention ..."
8. "Your speech at the Tech 2000 Conference in New York last month was right on target ... "
9. Eric Anderson, at Tech Support Inc., mentioned that your are looking for an experienced
person to develop ...
10. Eric and I worked together for three years at Network Enterprises Corp. ...
11. With just six weeks to go until my graduation from (school) with a (type of degree or
certification) degree in (area of study), I am eager to earn some practical experience and
apply my skills.
12. As a (volunteer, parent, tutor, fundraiser ...) I have developed my skills in (team motivation,
project managment, public relations, etc.) I am known for (following through on
commitments, paying attention to details, being well organized, ...)
13. At the recent (trade show, conference...) in (name location), your company’s name
surfaced repeatedly as one of the hot-growth prospects in the (name industry or sector).

Phrases for Closing heading:

1. I will call you next week to see if we can arrange a meeting. Thank you for your
2. I plan to be in your area the week of (....). I will call (specific date) to see if we might
arrange a meeting. Thank you for your time.
3. I'd like a chance to convince you that my skills and energy would be an asset to your team.
4. Sincerely,
5. Sincerely yours,
6. Yours truly,
7. Best wishes,
8. Regards,
9. I plan to attend the (speech, conference, meeting) and will introduce myself then. I look
forward to meeting you.
10. The prospect of working with the talented staff at (name company)is exciting.

Phrases for Enclosure heading:

1. Enclosed: Resume, PowerPoint slides
2. Enclosed: Resume, 3 writing samples
3. Enclosure: Resume
4. Enc: 3 copies of resume

Should You Lie on Your Resume?

Some studies estimate that as many as one-third of all job seekers provide false or
exaggerated information on their resumes, ranging from innocent omissions to blatant lies. Other
studies estimate that it occurs much more often. One such study indicates that men do it more
than women.
The most common resume lie is about education. Other common lies include:
• Stretching dates to cover employment gaps
• Enhancing job titles
• Embellishing job duties and achievements
• Inventing employers
Resumes are all about presentation. Some hiring manager is going to scan your resume
and make a determination in about 60 seconds or less whether or not you're qualified. After all, if
you don't get to the interview, you can't possibly land the job, right? Understandably, you're under
a lot of pressure to make yourself look good, so it's tempting to embellish. The anonymity of
Internet resumes has made it even more tempting. If everybody else is doing it, why shouldn't

Who would know anyway?

Maybe no one. That's one of the reasons it's common practice. Some employers conduct
background and reference checks, some don't. Maybe it'll come out when you're asked specific
questions during your interview, maybe it won't.
But now that the word about resume fraud is spreading, employers are wising up. What if
an employer does check up on you? Maybe you won't get busted right away, but what about
later? Can you take the pressure of knowing you lied? Are you willing to suffer exposure,
embarrassment, humiliation, and maybe even termination or blacklisting?
Resumes are not legal documents, so there's not much an employer can do if you lie,
except decline to hire you. But if you lie on your resume, you'll have to follow suit on your job
application or risk immediate exposure. Job applications are legal documents. If it comes out later
that you lied on your job application, your employer has the right to fire you, even if you've
performed well.
Then it begins to snowball. You'll likely have to lie to your next employer, about getting
fired for lying to your previous employer. If you get busted for that too, you're trapped pretty deep
inside a rapidly growing snowball. Ask yourself if it's worth it.
What's acceptable?
A little resume sprucing is part of the process. Employers expect you to jazz up your
resume a bit and tailor it for their jobs. But of course, there's a big difference between sprucing
and lying.
For example, let's say you're going for a job that requires you to participate directly in
launching new products. Naturally, you'll want to highlight anything in your employment history
that translates into such experience. Simply writing Regularly attended new-product meetings
doesn't pack much punch. But Instrumental in launching new products does, and it's honest if you
were truly instrumental.
If you helped to launch only one new product in your entire career, then the statement
above is not entirely true. It implies that you launched several new products, which is not the
case. Instrumental in launching the widget product is a better way to write it. If you weren't truly
instrumental, then Assisted in launching the widget product is more appropriate.
If you've never helped to launch a new product, then any statement on your resume that
implies you have is at least an embellishment. Sure, all employees do their part to get new
products out the door. For example, accountants crunch the numbers and technical writers create
user documentation. But this is incidental involvement, not direct participation as the statements
above imply. It may catch up with you during an interview or worse, on the job.

How to Write a Resume

Your resume is not intended to list every task you've ever performed; it's not a job
description. It's a sales and marketing tool, intended to quickly give readers an honest sense of
your skills, where you've been and where you're going. If it gets your phone to ring, it has done its
So when making your pitch, remember -- less is more. Here are a few ways you can help
yourself decide what's important to include for maximum impact:

1. Carefully chose action words that convey clarity, focus and enthusiasm. If you're lucky,
your resume will get about 10 seconds of attention from your prospective boss. Direct
these eyeballs carefully. Look beyond the usual for the strongest and most accurate action
words. Some examples:

Adapt Analyze Collaborate on Cultivate Defuse

Harness Enhance Familiarize Foster Navigate
Initiate Interpret Leverage Nurture Persuade
Quadruple Streamline Synthesize Target Triple
2. Eliminate unnecessary or weak words, such as "which," "that," "there," "is," "was," "were,"
"has been," "have been" and "responsible for." For example, "Managed office" is more
direct than "Was responsible for office management." Stronger verbs and tight
descriptions make your resume crisp.
3. Keep it simple. For example, write "use" instead of "utilize." It's natural and more easily
4. Start every sentence with an action word.
5. Use present tense for your present job, past tense for all previous jobs.
6. Keep sentences brief. For example, if you're changing careers, you may want the first
sentence of a brief goal statement to read, "Transition to and establish career in X."
7. Instead of explaining big changes at your current employment in detail, write "Thrived
amid four mergers/acquisitions." From this brief sentence, readers can easily infer your
flexibility and relationship skills.
8. Pretend you're the reader. As an employer, what would you want to know?
9. In what ways does your job affect the overall success of your employer? This core focus
is what really matters to any employer.
10. What's your "elevator speech"? If you ran into a prospective employer in an elevator, how
would you describe what you do in three or four concise sentences, before the elevator
arrives at the employer's floor? Think about it. Once you've figured this out, drop the word
"I" from each sentence and, voila, you have the blurb for your present position.

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