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6th Grade Math

Welcome to another year at the Islamic School of Miami! Insha-Allah, you will have a great
time this year in 6th Grade Math. I will be your teacher this year. There will be a lot to
learn this year and hopefully we will challenge all of you to reach your highest potential.
Let’s see what you will be learning in math class this year. - Br. Yahya

What you will Learn:

 How to Multiply and Divide Fractions
 How to change in between Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
 What are Negative Numbers and what do they mean
 How to measure length, volume, and mass using different units
 The basics of Algebra
 How do we find the volume of the Pyramids in Egypt
 And much, much more!

Important Class Rules:

 Always begin your work by Remembering Allah
 Remember Allah is watching us and we should always be honest in our work.
 Come in with a good attitude and be ready to learn
 Once you have finished learning something, help your fellow classmates as well
 Always speak in a humble, soft tone inside the masjid building
 Wait to speak in the class until the teacher has called on you
 Always come prepared to class. Have all of your materials ready to use.

Insha-Allah, once per week, we will be using the I-Ready system to practice and reinforce
our skills. Write down your I-Ready login and password below so you don’t forget it!
Username: _________________
Password: _________________
Materials to Bring to Class:
 Your Math Book and Math Workbook
 Paper and Pencils
 A folder
 A ruler
 Headphones - For I-Ready
 A planner—Highly Recommended!
 Other supplies, such as art supplies, may be needed occasionally

Grades (Posted in Google Classroom)

40% - Tests
We will have an exam every 3 weeks. The exams will be per chapter, and we will have a re-
view before each exam
10% Pop Quizzes
There will be random pop quizzes any day of the week when you first enter class. Always be
20% Classwork
This will include all activities, Mid chapter reviews, Exit Tickets (when you leave class), and
‘On your own’ sections
25% Homework
This will be from the Practice book
5% I Ready
Each week, you must complete 45 minutes of I-Ready work. This and the grade you receive
on your lessons will be taken into account to form this portion of the grade.

Important Policies and Procedures:

 There will be NO redo work. Occasional extra credit may be given, however.
 Make sure both your parents and yourself check your email and Google Classrooms regu-
 Cheating will not be tolerated. If caught cheating, a student may be sent to the office or
removed from the class altogether.
 Students may work in groups on most classwork unless stated otherwise. Students must
work individually on homework, quizzes, and tests.
 If your parents have any questions, they can email at

Parent Signature:

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