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Name/Name Fitria Alfi Qotrunnada

Class 5C

Comment by Dhea Miftahul Huda

No. Focus of Analysis Model of Skripsi Proposed Quantitative Research Design
Title of Skripsi The Effect of Using Song Lyrics on The Effectiveness of Guessing Game to
Students’ English Phrasal Verbs Mastery Improve Students Speaking Skills
(A Quasi Experimental Study at The Tenth Students’ speaking skills
Grade of SMK Nusantara 01 Jl.Ciputat
By : Ikoh
Departement Of English Education Faculty
Of Tarbiyah And Teachers’ Training Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
1 Problems Students’ English phrasal verbs mastery
2 Solutions Song lyrics Guessing game These solutions tend to have less
impact because of the students
Doing the guessing game makes
students more nervous so they don't
really remember the vocabulary,
maybe by watching YouTube songs
in English or practicing dialogue
with their friends.
3 Theoretical A. Phrasal verbs : Definition of phrasal A. Concept of Speaking : Definition of
Foundation/Basis verb, types of phrasal verb, the importance of speaking, component of speaking.
phrasal verb, the difficulty of phrasal verbs,
idiom and phrasal verb, technique in B. Concept of Guessing Game : The
teaching phrasal verb. nature of game, types of game, guessing
game, kinds of guessing game, advantages
B. Music, lyric and song : Definition of and diadvantages of using guessing game.
music, definition of lyric, definition of song.
C. Why Song lyric? : Advantages and
disadvantages of using song lyrics, choice of
song, the benefit of using music in class,
technique for presenting song.
4 Variables Dependent : Students’ English phrasal verbs Dependent : Students’ speaking skills
Independent : Guessing game
Independent : Song lyric
5 Type of Quantitative a quasi-experimental a quasi-experimental study
Research study
6 Design of Pre-test and post-test Pre-test and post-test Design of test are unclear whether
Quantitative using oral or written to test students
Research speaking achievement.

7 Hypothesis
A Research Hypothesis Using English song lyric is effective toward Using guessing game is effective to
students’ phrasal verb mastery in SMK improve students speaking skills
Nusantara 01.

B Statistical The researcher has hypothesis that reveal the Ha: Guessing game is effective for
Hypothesis using English songs (lyric) is effective to
improve student’s ability in phrasal verb. speaking skill
The formulation : Ho: Guessing game is not effective for
speaking skill
Ho: {μ1 = μ2}
Ha: {μ1 ≠ μ2}
Ho = Null Hypothesis
Ha = Alternative hypothesis
μ1 = student’s phrasal verb achievement
who are taught through song lyrics.
μ2 = student’s phrasal verb achievement who
are taught without song lyrics.
The writer’s assumption of those hypothesis
are as follows:
1.) If Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, it
means there is significant difference of
students’ phrasal verb achievement between
students who are taught through song lyrics
and students who are taught without song
2.) If Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, it
means there is no significant difference of
students’ phrasal verb achievement through
song lyric and students who are taught
without song
8 Research Questions Is there any effect before and after using Is guessing game effective to improve
song lyrics on students’ English phrasal verbs students’ speaking skills?
9 Population and Population: The whole students of the tenth Population: Seventh grade students.
Sample grade students of SMK Nusantara 01. There There are 2 classes of seventh grade and
are only two classes, there are 60 students. the total of the students is 60.
Sample: The researcher use quota sampling. Sample: Class VII A 30 students for
It means there is no random sampling experimental class, and class VII B 30
because limitation of population. students for control class.
10 Technique of In this study, the writer administered pre-test Pre-test and post-test through speaking
Collecting Data and post-test. Pre-test and post-test were test.
given to both experimental and controlled
The pre-test is conducted before the
treatment. The purpose is to know how the
students’ achievement in phrasal verb before
the treatments carried out.
The post-test is conducted after the
treatments are conducted. It is also given to
both experimental and controlled groups.
The purpose is to know the students’
achievement in phrasal verb after the
treatments carried out.
11 Instrument of In this study the writer uses the form of test. 1.) Role play
Collecting Data The test is given to measure the students’
2.) Pre-test and post-test of speaking
competency or students’ learning
achievement. The form of test as the
instruments to get the data isusing
multiplechoice tests.
12 Data analysis T-test formula a. Validity test
(Descriptive &
b. Normality test
Inferential Statistics)
Note: c. Reliability test
M1= Mean of Variable X (experimental - Determining Mean of variable X
class) - Determining Mean of variable Y
- Determining standard deviation
M2= Mean of Variable Y (controlled class) score of variable X
SE= Standard Error - Determining standard deviation
score of variable Y
*After conducting the research, the - Determining standard error Mean
researcher got data from students’ score in of variable X
pre-test and post-test. The data described in - Determining standard error Mean
two points as the data of experiment class of variable Y
and control class. - Determining standard error Mean
*After getting the score students’ of difference Mean of variable X
achievement, then the researcher made a and Mean of variable Y
table that compares the post-test score from - Determining t0
experiment class and controlled class to - Determining t-table in significant
know the final result of the test. From the level 5% and 1% with df.
table the researcher analyzed whether song
lyrics technique is effective or not to be used
in mastering phrasal verb from the second
grade of SMK Nusantara 01
II. Instrumentation of Research (Design an instrument of the quantitative research you proposed/Kisi-kisi)
Ini adalah tabel yang harus dilengkapi sebagai bagian dari final project MK Quantitative Research
1. Carilah skripsi yang bermetoda quantitative experimental
2. Untuk menghindari terdapat skripsi yang sama, isilah google pada link ini
3. Isilah pada kolom yang sudah disediakan (Model of Skripsi) dengan melakukan analisa sesuai dengan fokus analisis yang terdapat pada
tabel tersebut
4. Setelah selesai, selanjutnya adalah membuat modifkasi dari desain penelitian yang sudah dianlisis sesuai dengan fokus yang terdapat
pada tabel tersebut pada kolom “Proposed Quantitative Research Design”
5. Simpanlah file tersebut dengan nama file:: QRD_TBI A_Name_NIM
6. Emailkan file ini beserta soft file skripsi yang dianalisisnya dengan mengisi subject sesuai dengan nama file nya “QRD_TBI
7. Setelah selesai memodifikasi, selanjutnya isilah google sheet pada link ini
8. Jadi file yang harus disubmit per individu mahasiswa adalah: a. file hasil analisis data deskriptif dan inferensial dengan spss, b. hasil
analisis skripsi kelompok beserta soft file skripsinya, dan c. file QRD beserta soft file skripsinya (5 file)

II. Instrumentation of Research (Design an instrument of the quantitative research you proposed/Kisi-kisi)
Ini adalah tabel yang harus dilengkapi sebagai bagian dari final project MK Quantitative Research
9. Carilah skripsi yang bermetoda quantitative experimental
10. Untuk menghindari terdapat skripsi yang sama, isilah google pada link ini
11. Isilah pada kolom yang sudah disediakan (Model of Skripsi) dengan melakukan analisa sesuai dengan fokus analisis yang terdapat pada
tabel tersebut
12. Setelah selesai, selanjutnya adalah membuat modifkasi dari desain penelitian yang sudah dianlisis sesuai dengan fokus yang terdapat
pada tabel tersebut pada kolom “Proposed Quantitative Research Design”
13. Simpanlah file tersebut dengan nama file:: QRD_TBI A_Name_NIM
14. Emailkan file ini beserta soft file skripsi yang dianalisisnya dengan mengisi subject sesuai dengan nama file nya “QRD_TBI
15. Setelah selesai memodifikasi, selanjutnya isilah google sheet pada link ini
16. Jadi file yang harus disubmit per individu mahasiswa adalah: a. file hasil analisis data deskriptif dan inferensial dengan spss, b. hasil
analisis skripsi kelompok beserta soft file skripsinya, dan c. file QRD beserta soft file skripsinya (5 file)

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