12 Factors Influencing Friction Force (TM)

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Factors Influencing Friction Force


During the experiments, students should be able to:

1. Discover and describe factors that have influence on force of friction.


1. Formulating assumption 5. Making generalization

2. Gathering Data 6. Reporting and sharing of findings
3. Analyzing Data 7. Applying new knowledge
4. Verifying assumption


1.The area of contact of sliding surfaces has practically no influence on friction.

2. Rough surfaces generally offer greater kinetic friction force than smooth ones.
3. The greater the weight of an object, the greater the kinetic friction force.


1. Review students the general idea of friction, like characteristics, nature and kinds of friction.
(But don’t discuss yet its influencing factors.
2. Distribute equipment to each group.
3. For few minutes, let students manipulate the distributed equipment. Guide them to come up
with ideas as to what could have an influence on friction force. Collect all assumptions.
4. Explain to students that the method to apply for further investigation is, always, to vary only
one factor at a time. Each assumed factor must be varied and it has to be observed keenly if
ever it influences friction force. Identify three assumed factors (area, nature of surfaces,
weight) to be investigated. Make students understand that if there are more assumptions, more
experiments have to be done. And to be efficient with time, it is enough to do the following:

Group I & II to work on Experiment A - Assumption: Weight

Group III & IV to work on Experiment B - Assumption: Nature of Surface
Group V to work on Experiment C - Assumption: area of Contact

5. Distribute worksheets to students by groups and let them do their respective experiments.
Closely monitor each group.
6. Reporting and sharing of results: Call one or two representatives from each group to report to
the class what they did and what they found out in their respective groups.
7. Make a summary of the group.

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Experiment A: Friction and Weight Experiment B: Friction and nature of Experiment C: Friction and Area
Equipment Equipment:
1 spring balance, 5N or10N 1 spring balance, 5N or 10N 1 spring balance, 5N or 10N
1 friction block 1 friction block 1 friction block
1 friction board 1 friction board 1 friction board
2 hooked masses, 250g

Set – up Set – up

Figure A-1 Figure B-1 Figure C-1


Weight (N) Kinetic Surfaces in Kinetic Size of Contact Kinetic

Friction (N) Contact Friction (N) Area Friction (N)
2.6 0.8 Rubber on wood 1.3 Small 0.7
5.1 1.6 Wood on Wood 0.6 Big 0.7
7.6 2.3 Rubber on carpet 1.2
Wood on carpet 1.0

Data Analysis 1. the greater the weight, 1. Force of friction varies with different 1. Area of surfaces in contact does not
the greater the friction surfaces in contact. influence force of friction.
force. (all other factors constant) (all other factors constant)
(all other factors constant)

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Make students be aware that:

1. Two factors influence force of friction. These are:

a) Nature of surfaces in contact. There are ways of varying and altering surfaces,
one is by applying lubricants.
b) Weight of the object. The greater is the weight, the greater is the force of friction.

2. The area of contact of sliding surface does not influence force of friction if all other
factors are kept constant.

Exercises / Problems

Experiment A. As far as reducing friction is concerned, both solutions are correct. If some load
are removed, the weight of the carton would be reduced. If the carton is lifted,
somehow, the normal force pressing the two surfaces would be reduced also,
thereby decreasing friction force between the carton and the floor.

Experiment B. They could try spreading the mat across the floor and let the box slide over it and
find out if hopefully there is any decrease in the force they have to exert. It could
be quite the opposite.

Experiment C. Since the size of contact area does not affect friction force, the same amount of
force has to be exerted whichever side is in contact with the floor.

Application / Evaluation

1. What factors influence force of friction?

2. To keep moving parts of the bicycles, machines and the like in fine shape, it is essential
to lubricate them regularly. How do lubricants function in this situation?
3. Two identical motorcycles are loaded differently. Motorcycle A is loaded with
the driver only and motorcycle B with an entire family. Compare the friction force of the
two motorcycles’ wheels with the road.

1. Weight and nature of surfaces influence force of friction.

2. Lubricants alter the surface of contact, in this case, from steel against steel to oil against
oil, thereby decreasing friction.
3. The whole family has greater weight than the single passenger. Therefore, the
friction force of their motorcycle’s wheels with road is greater than that of the single

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