Lighthouse April 7, 2011

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You are on page 1of 40 Vol. 11, No.

7 | Thursday, April 7, 2011

Triathlons set for April 9 at Mugu beach
The public is invited to watch civilian and military personnel and civilians and the U.S. base’s Family Beach. The AFTC starts at
military triathletes swim at Point Mugu’s Armed Forces Triathlon Championship 10:30 a.m. with teams from the Army, Air
beach and bike and run along the back roads (AFTC) for top military athletes on Saturday, Force and Marine Corps. The Coast Guard
of Naval Base Ventura County as the base April 9.
hosts the annual Admiral’s Cup triathlon for The Admiral’s Cup begins at 8 a.m. at the SEE TRIATHLONS, PAGE 8

A long way
from 1911
Rear Adm. Mat Winter, left,
commander of the Naval Air
Warfare Center Weapons Division,
and Rear Adm. Donald Gaddis,
Petty Officer 3rd Class Nicholas program executive officer for
Emmons, a builder with NMCB 3’s Tactical Aircraft Programs, try out
Det. 4, cuts out a section of a new
the S-3 simulator that was moved
door to place hinges before it is
installed in Kandahar. Page 7.
to Naval Base Ventura County
Point Mugu from Jacksonville, Fla.
A ribbon-cutting for the simulator,
which will help train VX-30
personnel, was held Thursday,
March 31, in conjunction with a
celebration honoring 100 years
of naval aviation and 60 years of
electronic warfare excellence at
PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE Point Mugu. Details, Page 20.

Tax Day is coming up

he? “I want to use somebody who
ATC Patrick Robinson of the Fleet
Readiness Center at NBVC Point VITA available until has the most up-to-date informa-
Mugu was named the Most Valuable
Player after helping his team win the April 15 and it’s free tion, who knows everything that’s
service-related,” he said.
intramural basketball championship
game on Tuesday, March 29. By Andrea Howry So on a recent Wednesday, An-
Page 12.
Lighthouse editor derson hauled all his paperwork
Kyron Anderson knows he could over to the computer lab at the Na-
WHAT’S AHEAD do his own taxes. He’s done them val Construction Training Center
before, and he’s done them for oth- at Naval Base Ventura County Port PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
The Community Center at Naval Hueneme, where the Volunteer In- Lio Alvarado, a banker from Oxnard, prepares taxes free of charge
Base Ventura County Point Mugu is
er people as a volunteer tax pre-
open for business, and construction parer. come Tax Assistance program has for Aircrewman Mechanical Kyron Anderson of VX-30. The Volunteer
continues on the one at Port But as an aircrewman mechanical set up shop until April 15. Income Tax Assistance program will stay open through April 15 at
Hueneme, next to Seabee Park. with Air Test and Evaluation the Naval Construction Training Center computer lab at Naval Base
April 21 edition. Squadron 30 (VX-30), why should SEE TAXES, PAGE 20 Ventura County Port Hueneme.


Ask the








By Captain
Captain JimJim McHugh

NBVC Commanding Officer 800-221-STAR (7827)
The Lighthouse

Have a suggestion? Drop it in! Ventura County Star
By Airman Rhonniesha Simpson easier way to communicate regardless of ranks, and NICHE PUBLICATIONS DIRECTOR
you can even keep it anonymous.” MICHAEL HOFFMAN
Communication is a vital factor when it comes
Voicing opinions and providing fresh perspective 805-437-0206
to operating within the Navy. Whether they’re com- on current programs or problems can help facilitate
ing from a seaman recruit, commanding officer or the chain of command in better understanding of JANE ALVAREZ
civilian contractor, suggestions and comments are the needs of the community.

important and can potentially help improve the well 805-437-0372
“We’re looking to improve processes and imple-
being of all. ment ideas,” said Capt. Jim McHugh, NBVC com-
The Commanding Officer Suggestion Box pro- manding officer. “Employees are a great source of
gram at Naval Base Ventura County does exactly innovative ideas, due to the first-hand experiences
that. they have in the day-to-day workplace. I encourage
The CO Suggestion Box allows everyone to give all interested personnel to take advantage of this
feedback to the commanding officer. It also provides option.” THE LIGHTHOUSE IS PUBLISHED AT NO COST TO THE GOVERN-
the CO with an opportunity to hear everyone’s The CO Suggestion Box is simple to use. Just MENT EVERY OTHER THURSDAY BY THE STAR, OF CAMARILLO,
voice and take action where it is needed. Anyone go to any of the drop box locations at the Warfield
who might be apprehensive of possible consequenc- Gym at Port Hueneme, Mugu gym, Navy Lodge,
es should not be concerned — all comments and Beach Motel, PSD and both galleys. Fill out a form NOT NECESSARILY THE OFFICIAL VIEWS OF, NOR ENDORSED BY,
Thursday, April 7, 2011

suggestions are totally anonymous. and drop it in the secured box. Anyone can use it.
“Having a CO suggestion box is great, especial- Next time something of concern crosses your
ly for those who are lower ranking,” said Culinary mind, don’t hesitate to drop it in the suggestion box. PUBLICATION SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE, USE
Specialist 2nd Class Rafael Pascal. “It provides an SEX, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE, MARITAL STATUS, PHYSICAL
Please submit your questions or comments to Lighthouse Editor Andrea Howry at AND PROVIDED TO THE PUBLISHER BY THE LOCAL INSTALLA-
Assistant Secretary of Navy to speak at expo COMMUNITY CALENDAR
Business event on April
21 will focus on energy,
A simultaneous free job fair will feature
local employers, staffing services and Navy
base employment opportunities. The job
fair is designed to align potential candi-
job opportunities.
dates to positions open on base and TRIATHLONS: Admiral’s
throughout the community. Cup for military and
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Jack- “The Navy base is Ventura County’s civilians, 8 a.m.;
alyne Pfannenstiel will be the keynote largest employer, with over 17,000 military Armed Forces Triathlon
speaker at the 4th Annual Military Busi- and civilian personnel,” said Bill Buratto, Championship, 10:30 a.m., NBVC
ness & Community Expo set for April 21 president of VCEDA and chair of the Point Mugu. Information: Page 1.
at the Ventura County Office of Education Military Expo Planning Committee. “In

Conference Center in Camarillo. addition, it supports thousands of off-base BOOK SALE: 10 a.m. to
Pfannenstiel, who is in charge of energy jobs. There is no doubt that the base is an 4 p.m., Ray D. Preuter
installations and environmental issues, will integral part of our county’s economy. The Library, 510 Park Ave.,
discuss “Sailing the Great Green Fleet: Navy’s focus on alternative energy and Port Hueneme. Free.
How Strategic Energy Use Advances Our sustainability complements VCEDA’s ef- 27th annual event. Information: 486-
Mission.” Her message will be in keeping forts to establish Ventura County as a 5460.
with the expo’s overall sustainable energy vibrant hub for green and alternative en-
theme. ergy business.”

The Department of Navy has set a goal The conference center is at 5100 Adolfo SAVE A LIFE: Red Cross
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Jackalyne
that by the year 2020, 50 percent of all Road in Camarillo. Expo and job fair CPR class, 8 a.m. to
Pfannenstiel will be the keynote speaker at
Navy energy consumption must come the Military Business & Community Expo in hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission to 4 p.m., NBVC FFSC.
from alternative sources such as biofuels, the expo and conference is $40 if pur- Free for active-duty and

The Lighthouse
Camarillo on April 21.
hybrid electric power systems, wind tur- chased by April 15 and $50 at the door. dependents. Call to register: 982-
bines, solar power and geothermal pow- ty Economic Development Association, Admission includes access to all exhibi- 3074.
er. RDP-21 and the Santa Barbara and Chan- tors, presentations, workshops and expo
The expo will focus on how Naval Base nel Islands Navy Leagues, the expo will continental breakfast and lunch.

Ventura County is working to achieve feature sessions on alternative fuels, en- To register online, go to: EARTH DAY 5K:
energy success locally and how local con- ergy, reducing carbon footprints and Registration at 11 a.m.;
tractors and businesses might align them- LEED certified buildings. Other confer- To inquire about exhibiting at the expo run at 11:30 a.m., NBVC
selves to do business with the Navy in the ence topics will include “How To Do Busi- or job fair, contact Renee Smith at 969- Family Beach, Point
years ahead. ness With The Navy” and “How To Get 5244 or at Mugu. Free event. Earth Day display
Hosted by TRIAD, the Ventura Coun- A Job On Base.” booth on site. Information: 989-

VAW-112 lieutenant receives Stewart Award

KIDS DAY: A full day
of activities at NBVC
Lt. Olivia K. Degenkolb of Car-
rier Airborne Command and Con- Point Mugu, including a
trol Squadron 112 (VAW-112) and
Other events Robotics Competition
Two other Women’s History Month (details, Page 18), a 1K kids’ fun
the Naval Base Ventura County events involved Naval Base Ventura
(NBVC) Point Mugu Operations run, carnival games, a dunk tank
County: a presentation by the female
Department has received the 2011 police chiefs of Oxnard and Port and door prizes. Information: School
Joyce W. Stewart Memorial Award Hueneme and a Joint Women’s Liaison Officer Monica James, 989-
for her efforts to promote equal Leadership Symposium in San Diego 5211.
treatment and acceptance of diver- that women from NBVC attended.
sity on base. Read about these events in the April

The selection was announced by 21 edition.
Capt. Jim McHugh, NBVC com-
manding officer, before a packed mer winners were on hand for the
ballroom at the Bard Mansion on event.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

March 24. The award ceremony was According to her nomination let-

coordinated by the Federal Women’s CHICKEN DINNER:
ter, Degenkolb, who is responsible The Chick-Fil-A Military
Program, a committee of the Equal for leading, managing and mentor-
Employment Opportunity Council Appreciation Night, 4
ing 26 Sailors in two departments,
for NBVC. to 7 p.m. All active and
created a comprehensive education
Degenkolb was one of 12 indi- plan directed at increasing the PHOTO BY CHARLIE HOUSER / NSWC PHD
retired military and their immediate
viduals and one two-person team knowledge base and qualification Capt. Jim McHugh, commanding officer, Naval Base families are invited for a free meal.
nominated. As this was the 20th an- level of all junior Sailors. Ventura County, presents Lt. Olivia K. Degenkolb of VAW- Limited menu. 2040 N. Rose Ave.,
niversary of the award, many for- 112 with the 2011 Joyce W. Stewart Memorial Award. Oxnard. 988-9232.
Operation Purple camps help youngsters escape stress

It’s that time! For more information on Operation

Each summer, all across the county, Camp in Santa Barbara Purple summer camp as well as family
summer camps take place for special, camps offered through National Mili-
unsung heroes: military children and The nearest Operation Purple camp to tary Family Association (NMFA), log
youth. Children of deployed military
members have an opportunity to attend
Homefront Naval Base Ventura County is in Santa
Barbara. That camp runs from Sunday, July
on on You can
register to receive updates on Operation
in focus
17, to Friday, July 22, and is designed for
a free summer camp specifically crafted children ages 7 to 13 years old. For more Purple and other events sponsored by
and developed for their unique life- information, see NMFA at that site as well.
style. with Beth After speaking to Stephanie’s camp-
Offered by the National Military ers, I’ve decided that if I can’t attend as
Family Association, an organization Wilson a camper, I need to find a camp where
dedicated to advocating for the military and camp counselors,” Cabrera said. I can volunteer. I don’t want to miss out
family (, Op- “She talked about it for months.” on the fun and the friendships these
eration Purple summer camps provide Stephanie Cabrera, a National Guard Operation Purple camps are open to campers experience.
military kids “a carefree, fun experience spouse and mother of five, speaks of military children from all branches with- April is the Month of the Military
while learning coping skills to deal with the experience and impact on her chil- out regard to rank. Priority is given to Child. Be sure to connect with your
war-related stress.” dren through Operation Purple. children whose parents are currently installation’s Child and Youth Programs
Operation Purple camps are fun! Our “My oldest, my son, was able to con- within a 15-month “deployment win- office as well as family programs for op-
military teens and youth have an op- nect with other teens who also felt the dow.” portunities for your military child tak-
portunity to experience camp with all effects of deployment and specifically This year Operation Purple will host ing place throughout the month and the
that it includes — activities, events and as their new role as ‘man of the house.’ 40 weeklong sessions in 25 states as well summer.
experiences. Woven in the fabric of these He came home with rich friendships and as Japan. These camps are free to at-
camps are opportunities for campers to a lighter spirit.” tendees. Transportation costs are the — Connect with Beth Wilson on
The Lighthouse

connect with other military kids facing She spoke of one teen daughter who responsibility of the camper. Space is Facebook at
the same challenges of military and de- “wasn’t going to go.” This teen felt the limited, so early registration is encour- EnlistedSpouseCommunity or her forum at
ployment life as well as opportunities camp would hold nothing for her. aged; however, applicants are chosen Wilson
to learn coping methods, stress manage- “When we arrived to pick her up she based on deployment criteria, not on a also hosts Enlisted Spouse Radio on www.
ment and much more. wasn’t ready to leave her new friends first-come, first-serve basis.
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Take time to celebrate Month of the Military Child
In 1986, April was designated as the Youth & Fitness Program is off to a racing the SLO can guide parents when making
Month of the Military Child, a time when start, with many new fitness and sports a school related decision. Every school
each branch of the military service recog- programs coming. This program will allow system is different; therefore, the NBVC
nizes the sacrifices made by the children children to find true enjoyment in sports SLO is the person to go to with questions
of parents who are serving our country School and fitness in a safe learning environment regarding local schools.

Here at Naval Base Ventura County, while also learning the fundamentals of During the month of April, installations
military children are important year- teamwork and fair competition. worldwide will plan events and offer op-
round. There are many programs and Even prior to birth, military children portunities to show appreciation to mili-
services in place to support military fam- with Monica are taken care of at the Fleet & Family tary children. It is estimated that there are
ilies with children. The month of April Support Center. Through the New Parent more than 1 million children who have at
allows us to highlight these many pro- James Support Program, expectant parents can least one parent serving on active duty.
grams. find support, knowledge and resources. Here in Ventura County, it is estimated
Child Development Centers, Child De- Once the baby arrives, a new spectrum of that there are nearly 5,000 children who
velopment Homes and Youth Centers are questions and concerns may arise and New are military-connected.
available for children of all ages. These Parent Support will be there to lead the To show appreciation to those children,
programs provide child care and enriching When teens no longer need child care, parents to the resources and help they a Kids Day event is planned for April 30,
activities for military-connected children, they still need a safe place to “hang out” need. from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at NBVC Point
ages 6 weeks through 18. All of the centers and meet other teens. The CYP teen pro- General parenting classes, step-parent- Mugu.
are accredited by national accrediting grams provide highly interactive and excit- ing classes and support for families with Please take time this month to recognize
agencies and offer high quality pro- ing teen rooms catered to the interests of exceptional family members lead into an- and appreciate the military child in your
grams. the teens in their programs. Best of all, other area of support for military children life. Their support, sacrifices and contribu-
The Youth Centers provide school-age teens who are new to the area (or maybe at the FFSC. When parents seek support tions are essential to a healthy military
care for elementary age children and cater haven’t even arrived yet) can connect with and knowledge, their children benefit. family.

The Lighthouse
their schedule to the local schools’ sched- teens who are already here and become The NBVC school liaison officer (SLO) — For more information regarding local
ules. With either a “walking” bus or an familiar with the area through the Navy is also available to families with any edu- Month of the Military Child events or any
actual bus, children can be taken safely Youth Sponsorship Program. cation-related questions. The SLO can school issues, please contact the NBVC
from the door step of the Youth Center Already planning a soccer season, bas- assist families in finding educational re- school liaison officer at 989-5211 or 207-
to the steps of their school. ketball season and a kids run, the NBVC sources, such as free online tutoring. Also, 3410 or






     "    "



Thursday, April 7, 2011





Fasting, done properly, helps relationship with God

We are currently in the season of Lent, There are certain virtues that should be
which most Christians celebrate. Lent cultivated during Lent, such as repentance,
commenced on Ash Wednesday and ends self-control, peace, love, kindness, giving
Worship schedule
for some on Holy Thursday and for others and simplicity. This is not an exhaustive
the day before Easter. It is a recognized list of virtues, just examples of the change

time of repentance, self-denial, sacrifice that should be taking place when we fast
and overall Christian growth. for God.
In preparation for the celebration of the Remember that when we fast in a reli- Seabee Chapel
Resurrection of Christ, Easter, we are ex- with Lt. Deann gious context, fasting should be inten- Port Hueneme
pected to be introspective, search our own
hearts and take spiritual inventory. We are Coleman tional, purposeful and deliberate. Fasting
can really help us put things in perspective
Building 1433
Phone: (805) 982-4358
to look within and identify anything we and recognize what is really important in Fax: (805) 982-5364
need to change within our lives that inter- our lives. Fasting can free our mind to
feres with or hinders our relationship with focus more on God’s expectations of us, Protestant
God. This is why many choose to fast from as long as we are not constantly thinking Sunday worship service: 9 a.m.
food or something that has demanded time to God by praying consistently, read- about or missing the “thing” we have Choir rehearsal: Wednesday, 6 p.m.
most of one’s time, thoughts and atten- ing more of the Holy Scriptures for per- given up. Fasting can help us recognize Catholic Mass
tion. For example, some give up sweets, sonal application and growth and meditat- the difference between needs and wants. Sunday: 11:15 a.m.
meat and other foods, alcohol, video ing on what God is speaking to you and When we give up something we think we Confession by prior appt.: 10:45 a.m.
games, cigarettes, watching television, your family. If one simply gives something need, we gain more freedom in our life. Wednesday: 11:30 a.m.
shopping sprees, drinking coffee — and up for 40 days and makes no change with- Personally, I view it as freedom to serve Confession by prior appt.: 11 a.m.
the list goes on. in one’s self or does spiritual inventory, God more freely.
Although fasting is an essential part of then how does one’s relationship with God My prayer is that when we fast for spir- Christian Bible Studies
The Lighthouse

Lent, the purpose is to bring one closer benefit? What about when one chooses to itual reasons, we make every effort to sub- Women’s Bible Study: Tuesday,
10 a.m.
to God. Therefore, an exchange is sup- fast from a particular food and after the mit more of ourselves to God so that He All Hands Bible Study: Thursday,
posed to occur. When one fasts, the pur- fast, in glutton form, eats the food they can continue to do good work in and 11:30 a.m.
pose is to give more of yourself and your craved? through us. Catholic Religious Education
Pre-K through high school
Lent and Holy Week activities continue at base chapels Tuesdays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

The 2011 Lent and Holy Week sched- a.m. at Port Hueneme; Maundy Thurs- at Point Mugu; Good Friday Cantata
ule continues this month at Naval Base day services at 6:30 p.m. April 21, at Port service at 5 p.m. April 22 at Port Huen- Chapel of Faith
Ventura County. Hueneme, followed by family sharing eme; and Easter Sunday services at 9 Point Mugu
For Roman Catholics, Community supper and potluck; Good Friday ser- a.m. at Port Hueneme and 11:15 a.m. at Building 121
Stations of the Cross with school chil- vices April 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Port Hue- Point Mugu, plus a 6:30 a.m. sunrise Phone: (805) 989-7967
dren are taking place at the Point Mugu neme, followed by a soup supper and service in the Seabee Chapel courtyard Fax: (805) 989-7968
Chapel of Faith at 6 p.m. April 7 and potluck; and Easter Sunday Catholic at Port Hueneme.
April 14. At the Port Hueneme Seabee Mass April 24 at 9 a.m. at Point Mugu An Easter egg hunt will follow the Protestant
Chapel, services begin at 6:30 p.m. April and 11:15 a.m. at Port Hueneme. 11:15 a.m. Point Mugu Chapel of Faith Sunday worship service: 11:15 a.m.
8 and April 15. Each service will be fol- Easter egg hunts will follow both Eas- service.
Catholic Mass
lowed by a soup supper and potluck. ter Sunday services. For any questions regarding services, Sunday: 9 a.m.
The Roman Catholic schedule contin- The Protestant worship schedule in- please contact the Port Hueneme Seabee Confession by prior appt.: 8:15 a.m.
ues with Palm Sunday services April 17 cludes Palm Sunday services April 17 at Chapel at 982-4358 or the Point Mugu Thursday: 11:30 a.m.
at 9 a.m. at Point Mugu and at 11:15 9 a.m. at Port Hueneme and 11:15 a.m. Chapel of Faith at 989-7967. Confession by prior appt.: 11 a.m.

   Long-term care insurance

   open season ends June 24
Open season for the Federal Long Term Chaplains serving NBVC
Care Insurance Program continues Lt. Cmdr. Jeffrey Han
Thursday, April 7, 2011

through June 24. Command Chaplain

Questions about the program can be
directed to the Long Term Care Partners Lt. Deann Coleman
at 800-582-3337 or by e-mail at info@ Staff Chaplain
3DVWRU -DVSHU + %XWOHU :LIH 1DQF\ For more information, call the Human Father Antony Berchmanz
  !   "
Resources Office: Rebecca Coronado at Catholic Priest
   !    !  " 982-4084 or Diane Bowling at 982-
 8 )JMM 4U t 0YOBSE t 
On-the-job training Seabees keep bridges safe
while in Afghanistan By MC3 (SCW) Christopher Carson
Steel Worker 1st Class (SCW) Teddy Brown has been deployed
By MC3 (SCW) Christopher Carson to Afghanistan for more than four months, and he has made a
NMCB 3 superb impact on military and locals alike during his time in coun-
KANDAHAR Afghanistan — Seabees from Naval Mo- try.
bile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 3 assigned to Kan- Brown deployed with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion
dahar consistently maintain a high-quality camp in support (NMCB) 3, but he is currently assigned to the 25th Naval Con-
of special operations forces. struction Regiment (NCR) in Kandahar as the bridge program
These Seabees have been fixing broken doors, leaky fau- manager.
cets and taking care of most anything in the camp having “Right now, we’re working on Gen. David Petraeus’ freedom of
to do with electrical, plumbing and carpentry work. movement initiative on the main supply routes for the country,”
Maintaining the camp has been no easy task. In a mat- said Brown.
ter of four months, there have been more than 60 plumb- He has tasked units with 30 different bridge repair projects since
ing repairs, including the replacement of 300 feet of he has been deployed.
sewer piping and 100 building repairs. “I’m in the process of mapping every bridge in the country, no
“I have repaired a little of everything but mostly the matter what size it is,” he said.
plumbing of the camp,” said Utilitiesman 3rd Class (SCW) Keeping Afghanistan’s bridges safe and stable ensures freedom
Benjamin Sanders. “I didn’t plan on just doing work re- of movement for NATO troops in the country and also helps the
lated to my rate [trade skills]. I actually planned on doing PHOTO BY MC3 CHRISTOPHER CARSON / NMCB 3
locals with their travel. Safe bridges provide stable supply routes
mostly builder type of work, but it is definitely nice to get Constructionman Brian Garro, engineering for military convoys, and they help local farmers transport their
so much experience in my rate doing the work that I have aide of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion wares from villages to market, often over extremely rough terrain.
done.” This safe transit of goods and services will help stimulate the local

The Lighthouse
3, measures the length of a new door before
The Seabees have also used their construction skills to it is installed into a room in Kandahar. The economy.
make life in the camp more organized and comfortable. Seabees are focusing on maintaining the “Our No. 1 priority is freedom of movement for commerce and
“I provide any carpentry work that’s needed in camp,” material condition of the camp for themselves operations,” said Capt. Allan Stratman, commodore, 25th
said Builder 3rd Class (SCW) Nicholas Emmons. “I have and special operations forces units stationed NCR.
built about 50 shelves and repaired 50 beds.” at Kandahar. “It feels great knowing we are helping,” Brown said.





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Not too late to help NMCRS Business traveler?
The Active Duty Fund Drive to benefit
the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society is
save money on clothing, uniforms and
household items.
Try Navy Lodge
well under way. It’s not too late to con- There are two ways to donate to Navy Lodges are a great place to stay
tribute and help Sailors, Marines and their NMCRS without signing a monthly al- while traveling, whether on temporary
families in times of need. lotment: assigned duty or temporary duty orders
To locate the fund drive coordinator for • The NEX Coupon Sale. Visit your or for business.
your command, email james.w.jones5@ NEX before April 11 and make a $5 dona- Navy Lodge has oversized business or tion to NMCRS with a cashier or a cus- class rooms featuring a queen-sized bed,
To make a donation online, visit this tomer service representative. You will be sofa, desk with a computer hookup and
link: given a “Benefit Sale Ticket” to receive 10 task lighting, all at a value up to 45 per-
geNavigator/2011_active_duty_home. to 30 percent off different departments at cent less than comparable civilian ho-
html the NEX. The discounts are good only for tels.
For the donation to be included in the April 11 and 12. “Business travelers will find safe and
numbers for NBVC, personnel should • End of Campaign Fundraiser. This comfortable first-class lodging when stay-
make a copy of the transaction and give event takes place April 15 at the Naval Schedule of events ing at one of our 40 Navy Lodges around
it to the fund drive representative at their Construction Training Center Park start- the world,” said James Tiqui, manager
respective command. ing at 11 a.m. For a $10 per person entry • Thrift Shop: (Bldg. 829, Port Huen- of the Navy Lodge at Naval Base Ven-
The Society is very appreciative of all fee, your command can compete in horse- eme): Open Monday and Wednesday, 10 tura County Port Hueneme.
donations, as they assist military members shoe, volleyball and basketball tourna- a.m. to 1 p.m. Low-cost uniforms, civil- Navy Lodges are also conveniently lo-
and their families. NMCRS provides fi- ments. Trophies will be awarded for first ian clothing, baby items, household items cated on or near the Navy installation for
nancial assistance in the form of interest- place in each tournament. Burgers, hot and more. Prices start at 5 cents! quick access to all commands as well as
free loans and grants for unforeseen emer- dogs and sodas will be available for pur- • Budget for Baby: Tuesday, April 12, other amenities such as the Navy Ex-
gencies, emergency travel and essential chase. To enroll your team or to get more and Tuesday, May 10, from 6 to 7 p.m. change and Morale, Welfare and Recre-
The Lighthouse

needs. In addition, the Society provides information, contact Culinary Specialist Lunchtime class Wednesday, April 20, ation restaurants and food courts, gyms
other assistance through budget counsel- 1st Class Maria Cordoba at 982-2377. from noon to 1 p.m. and other recreation activities.
ing, post-secondary education loans, com- To make an appointment for budget • Volunteer Orientation: Tuesday, May Many Navy Lodge guest rooms offer
plimentary layettes to new parents and counseling or an interest-free loan or 2, at 1 p.m. satellite TV with DVD player, Internet
administering thrift shops to help families grant, call 982-4409. Information: 982-4409. access, direct-dial telephone service and
a kitchenette complete with microwave
  #        %  !  # ' Triathlons April 9 and utensils.
Navy Lodges also offer guests house-
keeping service, vending machines, DVD
rental service and laundry facilities as
races with the Navy team. Top finish- well as handicapped accessible rooms.
ers in the AFTC will form the U.S. Free local calls, free in-room coffee and
$   $ $# '   $ $ $ $#$  team competing in the annual World newspapers and convenient parking are
Military Games in Brazil in July. also available.
Both the Admiral’s Cup and Armed “I encourage you to stay at the Navy
Forces Triathlon events are free for Lodge Port Hueneme the next time you
spectators. travel,” said Tiqui. “Navy Lodges offer
A shuttle van will transport guests the price, location, cleanliness and guest
to and from the Las Posas Gate to the service travelers are looking for when
triathlon site from 6:30 a.m. to 1 away from home.”
 ! "           !      
p.m. All guests 18 and older must have Shopping at the NEX is authorized for
      "     "   "   
a valid photo identification when Department of Defense civilians when

boarding the shuttle in order to gain they are on official orders. Shopping
access to NBVC. passes, which are needed to enter the



     The Admiral’s Cup is a sprint race, NEX, are available at the Navy Lodge’s
comprised of a 400-meter swim, 12- front desk.
mile bike ride and 3-mile run. To make reservations for your vacation
 !!#!  !  !# !  !
The AFTC is longer, consisting of or to receive a Navy Lodge directory, call
Thursday, April 7, 2011

 # # '  !   !#

a 1,500-meter swim, 24.8-mile bike 1-800-NAVY-INN, 24 hours a day, seven

 # ' #$#
ride and 6.2-mile run. days a week or go online at
 & '# '
Both the man and woman who won
last year’s race – Capt. James Bales Once you make a reservation, you can-
       of the Air Force and 1st Lt. Kathy not be bumped from your room. Reserva-
Rakel, also of the Air Force – are re- tion is accepted on an as-received basis
   turning. without regard to rank.
     For more information on either For other military lodging options go
event, call 989-7378. to
When a drill becomes reality
3 from VAW-112 rescue driver through the passenger side window
and through a barbed wire fence,” Forsch
car accident victim in said. “She was face-down in the dirt about
eight feet from the car.”
Fallon, Nev. While someone from a nearby home
called 911, Forsch, Litviak and Haag shut
By Lt. Carl Davis off the car engine and rendered first aid,
VAW-112 public affairs officer staying with the woman until the ambu-
Just hours after successfully passing an lance and law enforcement arrived.
aviation maintenance inspection that in- Forsch once worked as an emergency
cluded an emergency medical response medical technician and firefighter; Lit-
drill, three members of Carrier Airborne viak and Haag have been trained in
Command and Control Squadron 112 CPR.
(VAW-112) came across a car accident and “She was lucid and conscious,” Forsch
rendered first aid to the seriously injured said. “We asked where she was hurt and
driver. assessed her for trauma and bleeding. Re-
On detachment to Naval Air Station, markably, she seemed in pretty good shape
Fallon, Nev., VAW-112 Command Master except for her face being very bloody.”
Chief Casey Forsch, Senior Chief Avia- The woman asked the Sailors to call her
The newly expanded Bee Fit and Ready Department, which features tactical
tion Structural Mechanic Jim Litviak and daughter, which they did. She arrived
equipment and nutritional supplements, held a grand opening at the Naval Aviation Structural Mechanic 1st Class about the same time as the ambulance.
Base Ventura County Port Hueneme Navy Exchange on Friday, April 1. Tactical Jason Haag were driving about 1 p.m. She rode with her mother in the ambu-
Friday, March 25, on a rural road when lance, while Haag drove the daughter’s

The Lighthouse
equipment is the fast-growing line of merchandise in the store, said Ramiro
Victoria, hardlines divisional manager. “Sales are phenomenal, especially pre- they came upon the single-car accident truck to the hospital.
deployment or pre-field exercise,” said General Manager Anna Esguerra. The that had happened moments before. Haag called the family three days later
expansion gives Port Hueneme’s NEX the second largest tactical department in “The car had lost control, skidded and learned that the woman was in fair
the Navy Exchange system, she said. across the road sideways and hit the op- but stable condition but would be under-
posite berm with enough force to eject the going surgery for a broken pelvis.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

High school student attends ‘A’ School

By BUC (SCW) Daniel James Lynch Geer is one of five students taking ad- them, well enough to talk to and ask ques-
NCTC vantage of a fledgling program that opens tions,” he said.
and Andrea Howry NCTC’s doors to outstanding mechani- Andrew is attending courses in the
Lighthouse editor cally inclined high school students. Two NCTC classrooms from 7 a.m. to 3:30
(Editor’s note: This is the first in a series other local high school students are cur- p.m. Officially, he’s in independent studies,
following a high schooler’s experience at rently in the program, and two graduated so he squeezes in English, physical educa-
“A” School.) earlier this year. tion and other academics the rest of the
As a 17-year-old high school junior, “We’re ecstatic about being able to pro- day, as instructed by an Oxnard Union
Andrew Geer of Oxnard is getting an A- vide this program,” said NCTC Chief High School District independent studies
level education. Construction Mechanic Jeff Bright. “It coordinator.
For 11 weeks, Andrew, a standout auto helps students to graduate on time with For the next few weeks, Andrew will be
mechanics student at Channel Islands the correct number of credits, and it can studying electrical components and bat-
High School, is attending Construction provide some direction to those who aren’t teries, lighting and warning systems, start-
Mechanic “A” School, working alongside sure what they want to do with their ing systems, electronic ignition, on-board
24 Navy and Air Force recruits at the Na- lives.” computer systems and diesel engines.
val Construction Training Center, Port “It’s pretty good so far,” Andrew said The second half of the class deals with
Hueneme, learning the ins and outs of the during his second week of classes. “We hydraulic, suspension and steering sys-
engines, power trains, brakes, steering sys- spent all last week on the cooling system, tems, plus transmission, drive lines, gear
tems and other critical components of the ignition system and the basics of an boxes and brakes.
military and commercial vehicles. engine. The cooling system – I didn’t know Andrew’s father, Eric, worked as a me-
By the time he’s done, Andrew will have anything about that.” chanic for 10 years, and Andrew grew up PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
the high school credits he needs plus a Safety was also a big part of the cur- tinkering with cars. Today, there’s a 1971 From left, AB John Hawthorne and CMCR
jump start on a vocational school educa- riculum, as was paperwork for the re- Plymouth Satellite sitting in his side yard, Jake Eaton watch as high school junior
The Lighthouse

tion that can lead to an auto mechanic cruits. waiting for him to get some spare time. Andrew Geer works on a four-cylinder gas
engine in one of Andrew’s first classes at
certificate and the job opportunities that “I like working with my hands more “I’ve grown up around manual labor
the Naval Construction Training Center.
come with it. than the paperwork,” he said. work,” he said. “It’s more fun for me than
And he won’t have paid a dime. His oldest classmate is 31; the youngest bookwork. I can’t sit around and do noth- “I thought they’d all be drill instructors,
“I’m pretty amazed about that,” he is 18. ing for awhile.” yelling and screaming,” he said. “It’s a lot
said. “I’ve become friends with a couple of Still, it was by sheer accident that he more relaxed than I thought. It’s also
ended up in auto shop in high school. harder. There’s a lot more bookwork and
“I’d signed up for cooking, but they put homework than I expected.”
me in auto shop,” he said. “It ended up He said the program has forced him to
being pretty interesting.” concentrate and focus.
At the start of this school year, Andrew “Andrew is a good example of the type
   signed up for the NCTC program. He went of student we’re trying to get in this pro-
through an interview process and was se- gram,” Bright said. “We can provide a lot
“They told me they’d be watching me
of guidance for a student who might be
struggling in a pure academic environment
  because I wasn’t always going to class at or who might be having disagreements
   Channel Islands,” he confessed. “They with authority figures. ”
+RPHV IRU   thought that if I was in a military pro- He called Andrew a “model student” in
+HURHV gram, I’d do better.”
He didn’t know what to expect from the
“He’s on time, and he’s willing to learn,”
+RPH EX\LQJ 6HPLQDU instructors. Bright said.

Thursday, April 7, 2011






10 0RYHZHVW 5HDOW\ ,QF The Lighthouse Thursday, April 7, 2011
Heating plants FRC Fire wins crown
off for summer The 2011 intramural basketball season came
to an end Tuesday, March 29, with Fleet Read-
iness Center (FRC) Fire taking the crown.
In keeping with the Navy’s energy pol- FRC Fire defeated Old School, whose players
icy, all heating plants are being shut down came from several different commands, with a
until cooler weather returns this fall. final score of 57 to 45.
The last plant will be shut down by April Chief Aviation Electronics Technician Patrick
15. Robinson was named most valuable player, hav-
The Public Works Department reminds ing scored 21 points.
all personnel at Naval Base Ventura Coun- FRC Fire lost their first two games, then went
ty that electric portable heaters are pro- undefeated for the rest of the season. They went
hibited unless they have prior approval. into the playoffs with a 6-2 record, then won all
Ken Mears and Tom Santoianni of the five games in the playoffs.
Public Works Department review requests “We had our confidence shaken and it was
for portable space heaters on a case-by- pretty tough, but then we became focused and
case basis. Those that are approved must went undefeated,” Robinson said. “That made
be Underwriter Laboratory, (UL) or Fac- it extra fun.”
tory Mutual (FM) approved and must Annabelle Ferrer, who coordinated the games
have a label or approval affixed with a for Morale, Welfare and Recreation, said the
built-in thermostat and a tip-over device. season went smoothly.
A permit must also be obtained from the “We had 18 teams take part,” she said. “It
Fire Prevention Office, which can be was really good.”
reached at 989-0112. Portable space heat- The season began at the end of January, and
The Lighthouse

ers using gas or liquid fuel are prohibit- playoffs started March 9.
ed. The championship team was made up of
Anyone with questions is asked to call PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE Robinson, Eric Britt, Jason Jackson, Seth
Santoianni at 982-4075 or Mears at 982- The intramural basketball team from Fleet Readiness Center Fire poses with the Thompson, Christian Galman, Chris Gappi,
1807. trophy. Mike Vargas and Bruno Munoz.





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Bee Club scholarship
April 15 is the deadline to apply for
the Bee Club of Naval Base Ventura
‘Plank owner’ Miller helped create Mugu
County’s “Can Do” scholarship, which Editor’s note: Winston LaVern “Mike”
is open to any qualified student graduat- Miller, who was assigned to the brand-new
ing from a Ventura County high school Naval Air Missile Test Center at Point
(including GED and home school grad- Mugu in 1946 — making him a “plank
uate) who is a dependent of any military owner” — died March 5. He retired from
member assigned to Naval Base Ven- Point Mugu in 1965, then was appointed
tura County. technical director of the Pacific Missile
Two individual $1,000 scholarships Range, a position he held until 1984.
will be awarded this year. Bill Cunneen, a retired naval officer who
Scholarship applications are available served as vice commander during part of
online at Miller’s tenure at the Pacific Missile Test
For more information about the Bee Center, wrote this story based on a 53-page
transcript of a tape recording Miller made
Club and the “Can Do” scholarship re-
about his life and career. The transcript
quirements and application, visit: http:// and accompanying photographs are or call Kelsie Garin housed in the Command Historical Stor-
ty, Point Mugu. Mike Miller is in the lower right-hand corner in this 1964 photo of Naval Missile Center
Aye, robot By Bill Cunneen

Family Robotics Night continues from

5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, April 7, at the Port
Point Mugu is what it is today in part
because of Winston LaVern “Mike” Mill- This project included nization and a “national range” and the
Navy’s major component of a Defense
The Lighthouse

Hueneme Youth Center and from 5 to 7

p.m. Friday, April 8, at the youth center
Miller was part of the post-World War a contractor, civil Department organization of armed service
range capabilities.
at Catalina Heights, Camarillo. Mugu’s
Robotics Night was held April 6.
II survey group that evaluated 26 prospec-
tive sites for the Navy’s guided missile
service engineers A major effort at Point Mugu from the
NAMTC beginnings was the development
Neal Friedman of Robotics and
Things will lead families in their efforts
development and test facility. That group
eventually recommended Point Mugu, a
and technicians, and acquisition of aerial targets that
would represent a threat simulation to the
to build a family robot and show how
they can add on to it after they take it
choice that Congress and the president of
the United States affirmed.
and uniformed weapons under test. The targets organiza-
tion became part of the PMR.
home. Families can then bring their ro-
bots to Kids Day on April 30 for a robot-
Miller had begun his engineering career
with the Navy’s Bureau of Aeronautics
Navy personnel, Miller, by now a captain, returned to
Point Mugu as the director of missiles for
ics competition.
The kits, provided by a sponsorship
(BUAER). As a degreed aeronautical en-
gineer, he was immediately assigned to
a combination the Naval Missile Center (NMC). BUAER
had been succeeded by the Naval Air Sys-
from Time Warner Cable, are being pro-
vided to the first 100 families who reg-
BUAER upon his graduation from the
University of Minnesota and commission-
that would endure tems Command (NAVAIR), and Miller
was deeply involved in a NAVAIR pro-
ister at one of the CYP Youth Centers.
For more information, call 989-5211.
ing in 1943, and so he missed combat in
World War II. He also missed pilot train-
throughout his career. gram titled Total Airborne Weapon Sys-
tem Performance Evaluation Program
ing because the Navy’s need for aeronau- (TAWSPEP). It concentrated on entire
tical engineers took precedence. system integration that included the air-
Soccer’s a real kick After three years, Miller was transferred
from BUAER headquarters to Naval Air
tected and that the system under test sat-
isfied the Navy’s requirements.
craft avionics, the missile guidance and
fire control system, and aircrew functions
Youth soccer sign-ups are now taking Station Mojave, where early elements of In September of 1946, Miller, now a and interfaces.
place at the Child Development Centers the Point Mugu workforce were being as- lieutenant, arrived at Point Mugu to lead Up until then the interfaces were not
at Naval Base Ventura County Port Hue- sembled. At Mugu itself, facilities were the propulsion laboratory, a merger of the sophisticated, but the introduction of the
neme and Point Mugu. Deadline to reg- being prepared for the Oct. 1, 1946, com- rocket group that had been moved from dual operator F-4 and then the F-14 con-
ister is April 29. missioning of the Naval Air Missile Test Annapolis, Md., and the air-breathing vinced NAVAIR management that the
Soccer is open to boys and girls ages Center (NAMTC). engine group that had been moved from entire system required special integration
5 to 12. Cost is $40 for active duty and Miller’s first assignment was the Gar- Traverse City, Mich. For the next three attention that included testing. This led
$45 for DoD personnel, and that in- goyle program. This air-to-surface 1,000- years, he presided over the organizational to the development and use of special
cludes a skills clinic, five Friday night
Thursday, April 7, 2011

pound glide bomb was being tested on the and professional changes necessitated by laboratories known as System Integration
games, a soccer shirt, socks and an end- Mojave field range against stationary a growing and maturing NAMTC. Test Stations (SITS), the most famous and
of-season trophy. ground targets. This project included a He returned to BUAER headquarters highly employed of which was the F-14/
The skills clinic is Friday, May 13; the contractor (McDonnell Aircraft), civil in 1949. Phoenix SITS at Point Mugu.
first game is May 20; and there are no service engineers and technicians, and By 1962, the year Miller returned to The combination of special laboratories
games over the Memorial Day week- uniformed Navy personnel, a combination Point Mugu, the Sea Test Range that had and a highly instrumented test range at
end. that would endure throughout his career. been included in the NAMTC organiza- Point Mugu was used by the contractors
For more information, call 982- Miller was primarily responsible for ensur- tion had been designated the Pacific Mis- developing highly capable weapons sys-
5460. ing that the Navy’s interests were pro- sile Range (PMR), an independent orga- SEE PIONEER, PAGE 19
Pioneer at missile testing center dies Put kids to work
April 11 is the deadline to register
students between grades 4 and 12 to take
CONTINUED FROM 18 As an example, both the Navy and Air part in Bring Your Child to Work Day,
Force share the common goal of develop- hosted by Naval Base Ventura County
tems that would defeat emerging threat ing effective air-to-air missiles, although and set for Thursday, April 14.
systems, represented on the PMR as aer- for different launch platforms. In the Children are invited to accompany
ial targets. The SITS was owned by the 1950s the Navy developed the F-4, which their parents or guardians to work that
Navy and used by system and support became so effective that the Air Force day, provided the arrangement has ap-
contractors Hughes and Grumman. began acquiring their own versions of proval from a supervisor.
Flight test was conducted on the PMR, the F-4, which did not need to operate The April 14 event begins at 8:15 a.m.
which required instrumentation and tar- from an aircraft carrier. In parallel, the in the BeeFit Gym. Students can either
gets commensurate with the sophistica- Navy had developed the Sparrow and attend the kickoff and shadow their par-
tion of the weapons being tested. Sidewinder missile systems, which were ents in the morning or attend presenta-
In 1965, Miller retired from the uni- also adapted for all versions of the F-4. tions from the Fire Department, Naval
formed Navy and applied for the senior Therefore the Defense Department tried Facilities Engineering Service Center
civil service position at the PMR. In the to determine which service should man- and Defense Acquisitions University in
taped interview, he expressed the belief age the major test facilities for guided the morning and shadow their parents
that a prime reason for his selection for missiles, creating a competition between in the afternoon. The presentations are
the range position was that, in his role at the services that persists today and is a limited to the first 100 students who
the NMC as director of missiles, his proj- concern for PMR management. register for the event.
ects were a major user of PMR services, What this illustrates is that the invest- For more information on registering,
and the PMR management believed that ment and operating environment for the call School Liaison Officer Monica
he could improve the relationship be- PHOTO COURTESY COMMAND HISTORICAL PMR is highly complex and intertwined James at 989-5211.
tween the NMC and the PMR, particu- STORAGE FACILITY / NBVC POINT MUGU with other services that include the Army,

The Lighthouse
larly because of the increasing sophistica-
tion of the systems being tested. His
Mike Miller, a plank owner of Naval Air
Missile Test Center at Point Mugu, died on
the Coast Guard and foreign armed ser-
vices and extend to the Ballistic Missile
Mud Run registration
March 5. Registration is now open for the May
selection for this position was controver- Defense Agency. All these management 7 Naval Construction Training Center
sial among PMR senior civil service per- challenges were either emerging or were
sonnel who had been serving in the PMR All these management overcome while Miller was the senior
Mud Run at NBVC Port Hueneme.
The event, which is open to the public,
and thought themselves highly qualified
for this senior position. In typical Mike challenges were either civilian. The PMR is universally recog-
nized as the test facility to use to prove
begins at 12:30 p.m. at Dozer Field. It
starts with a 2-mile run and finishes with
Miller fashion, he won the skeptics over
and was instrumental in improving the emerging or were effectiveness of weapons, partly due to
the leadership of Miller and the dedi-
an obstacle course through mud. Reg-
istrants must be 16 or older. Registration
performance of range functions, in at-
tracting new programs to the PMR and overcome while Miller cated civilian work force.
Miller was the technical director of the
at closes at 11:59 p.m.
May 2. Cost is $10 for military and $20
in capturing Defense Department invest-
ment in upgrading PMR capability.
was the senior civilian. PMR when the Navy decided to collapse
the three major commands at Point Mugu
for civilians.
To access registration forms at www.
NAVAIR systems were a major source — the PMR, the NMC and Naval Air, type in “Mud Run” under
of testing on the PMR, but the Naval Sea Station Point Mugu. In July of 1975, he the running category as the keyword.
Systems Command (NAVSEA) was became the acting technical director of
emerging as another serious contender PMR management. In the early days of the newly consolidated PMTC under
for the use of the Sea Test Range, par- the NAMTC it was conceived by Grayson NAVAIR sponsorship, similar to the
ticularly as the AEGIS Combat System Merrill and BUAER management that a NAMTC structure. Kids Run is May 6
was being developed. The USS Norton guided missile test range was needed as By 1975 the organization at Point Registration is under way for the Fri-
Sound, homeported at Port Hueneme, a location where development contractors Mugu had grown so much that it was day, May 6, Armed Forces Kids Run,
became the testbed for AEGIS capabil- could demonstrate the capabilities of decided to create a Program Management which will take place at 3:30 p.m. Friday,
ity, which has the primary mission of their systems, rather than have each con- Group that would coordinate the various May 6, at the Point Mugu and Port Hue-
protecting the fleet from attack by air- tractor own their own range. This also activities associated with specific pro- neme Youth Centers.
craft and guided missiles and became a provided Navy personnel an early op- grams. The technical director position There’s no charge to run, and anybody
priority demand for testing on the PMR. portunity to gain familiarity with emerg- had evolved into a position of oversight with base access can take part. All par-
This created a split in sponsorship at ing systems and ultimately conduct inde- of the emerging technologies that were ticipants will get a free T-shirt.
Point Mugu between NAVAIR and NAV- pendent testing and suitability evaluation. being employed and improved. Miller Volunteers are needed to help out with

Thursday, April 7, 2011

SEA. By 1962 the use of the PMR had expand- performed this function until mid-1976 water stations and to patrol the
Over the next several years competition ed to the point that considering NAVAIR when Thad Perry, formerly technical di- course.
between NAVAIR and NAVSEA pro- as the sole sponsor was no longer tena- rector of the NMC, returned from a sab- Children ages 5 and 6 run half a mile;
grams at the PMR would result in many ble. batical to assume the position for PMTC. ages 7 and 8 run one mile; and ages 9
scheduling and resource conflicts, with As time went on the Defense Depart- Miller then resumed his position as tech- through 13 run two miles.
Miller and the PMR professionals trying ment began to accept more responsibil- nical director of the Range Directorate. Registration is taking place at the
to satisfy competing demands. ity for the capability of ranges that had Until he retired in 1986, he oversaw a youth centers — children who live in
The subject of how a major multipur- been established by the services to pursue Range Development Department that Catalina Heights will run at Mugu.
pose, multiuser test range is funded be- their own programs, which sometimes was larger than any similar group at any America’s Kids Run began in 1986
came a primary focus for Miller and the had common goals. of the national ranges. with 3,800 children participating. 19
Point Mugu celebrates its electronic warfare history

100 years of naval

aviation on display
On May 8, 1911, Navy Capt. Washing-
ton Irving Chambers, officer in charge of
aviation, requisitioned the Navy’s first
aircraft from aviator and inventor Glenn
H. Curtiss.
And so was born naval aviation.
That day — along with the birth 60
years ago of electronic warfare at Point
Mugu — was celebrated on Thursday,
March 31, with displays, guest speakers
and a luncheon for more than 400 people
at what is today Naval Base Ventura
County (NBVC) Point Mugu.
“It’s wonderful to be able to celebrate
this here,” said Capt. Jim McHugh, com-
manding officer, NBVC. “A lot of events
have happened here that have been critical
to naval aviation.”
The Lighthouse


McHugh was one of four who talked
Capt. Jim McHugh, commanding officer, Naval Base Ventura County, brings down the house with stories of his father’s bachelor days
that day about the role Mugu has played at what is now NBVC Point Mugu. Also speaking at the 100th anniversary celebration of naval aviation and a 60-year celebration of
in the Navy’s history. The event was orga- electronic warfare excellence at Point Mugu were, from left, Rear Adm. Donald Gaddis, program executive officer, Tactical Aircraft
nized by the Naval Air Warfare Center Programs; Rear Adm. Mat Winter, commander, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division; and Dr. R.E. Smiley, director of electronic
Weapons Division, with support from warfare combat systems and the Avionics Department for the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division.
“The evolution is on display here,” Dr. Lieutenants with VX-30, from
R.E. Smiley, director of electronic warfare out the people who pioneered and took a left, Shane Davis, Joshua
combat systems and the Avionics Depart- risk to venture out into the field of elec- Krieg and Nathan Rellergert,
ment for the Naval Air Warfare Center, tronic warfare.” admire a Stearman that
said as he pointed toward a display of He said the “innovative, can-do spirit” was used to train pilots in
nearly a dozen aircraft representing dif- of those who came before “will take us the World War II era. The
ferent eras of naval aviation — from a into the next 50 years.” Stearman was one of several
pre-World War II Stearman to an E-2C The keynote speaker, Rear Adm. Don- aircraft — both older and
Hawkeye. ald Gaddis, the program executive officer modern-day — on display
Rear Adm. Mat Winter, commander, for Tactical Aircraft Programs, praised not Thursday, March 31, outside
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Divi- only the electronic warfare pioneers, but the VX-30 hangar during a
celebration of 100 years of
sion, called Point Mugu “the jewel of also those working in the field today.
naval aviation and 60 years of
electronic warfare.” “What you do does matter,” he said. electronic warfare excellence
“It’s very important to pause and re- “You’re providing the magic to make it at Point Mugu.
flect,” he said. “We wouldn’t be here with- work. You’re saving lives.”

Tax Day gets closer; VITA ready to help procrastinators

CONTINUED FROM 1 a total of 2,345 federal and state returns, But Gonzales’ stable of preparers is spend the money? There’s plenty of per-
There, Lio Alvarado, a banker and a 272 more than the year prior, said Sal ready for a last-minute onslaught as more sonnel.
Thursday, April 7, 2011

first-time VITA volunteer, prepared An- Gonzales, who coordinates the VITA pro- people realize they’ve run out of time. “It’s a piece of cake.”
derson’s taxes for free. gram through the Navy Legal Service “We have 41 preparers this year – 15 Taxes are done on a first-come, first-
“This is an excellent program,” Alvara- Branch Office. returned from last year,” Gonzales said. served basis. The center is open from 11:30
do said. “People have a lot of things going This year’s numbers are down a bit. “They’re a great group.” a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and
on. This is the last thing I want them “We’ve done about 175 fewer tax prep- Lt. (j.g.) Al Kormanos of Naval Mobile Thursdays; noon to 4 p.m. Wednesdays;
thinking about. This takes the burden off arations than at this time last year,” Gon- Construction Battalion 5 had used the 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays; and 10 a.m. to
them, and they don’t have to pay for it.” zales said. “A lot more people are com- VITA service one year at Quantico, Va. noon Saturdays.
A record number of people used the puter-savvy and are doing their own “I saw no reason not to use the asset For more information, call the Naval
service at NBVC last year, garnering more taxes using programs off the web. And here,” he said. “I could do it myself, but Legal Service Office at 982-3124.
20 than $3 million in refunds. VITA prepared there are a lot of services out there.” this is free and it’s for the troops. Why
Award for promoting equality
goes to VAW-112 lieutenant
CONTINUED FROM 3 Center Port Hueneme Division (NSWC
Cmdr. Aaron Brodsky, executive of- In his remarks, McHugh acknowledged
ficer of the VAW-112 Golden Hawks, the 14 nominees for possessing the same
said Degenkolb was instrumental in re- qualities as Joyce Stewart.
establishing the command’s professional “They have been practicing fairness
library, mentoring through the Navy and equal treatment while supporting
Women E-Mentor Program and provid- EEO programs, pursuing positive ap-
ing fitness and nutritional information proaches to diversity in the workplace
to Sailors enrolled in the command Fit- and maintaining a professional image on
ness Enhancement Program. and off base, including community in-
“As the command’s primary Sexual volvement,” he noted.
Assault Prevention and Response repre- The nominees this year were:
sentative and program manager, Liv up- • The team of Chief Construction Me-
dated command directives ensuring equal chanic Anthony R. Boyko and Philip
representation of both sexes and incor- Ternahan of Naval Facilities Expedition-
porated bystander prevention techniques, ary Logistics Center.
training and recommendations through • Delia P. Aldrete, NSWC PHD.
extensive coordination with the Univer- • Cary Martinez de Andino, NSWC
PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE sity of New Hampshire,” Brodsky said.

The Lighthouse
Rear Adm. Mat Winter, commander, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, cuts the In her spare time, Brodsky said, De-
ribbon of the new S-3 simulator as Cmdr. John Rousseau, commanding officer of VX-30, genkolb is involved in the Big Brother,
• Toni Rush, commander, Airborne
looks on. Command and Control Logistics Wing.
Big Sister program and volunteers at a • Deborah Jordan, NSWC PHD.

S-3 simulator finds home

local women’s shelter. She competes in • Karen Green, NSWC PHD.
triathlons, having completed three, and • Jacqueline R. Francis, Center for Sea-
she is pursuing a master’s degree in ad- bees and Facilities Engineering and the

near Mugu’s VX-30 hangar

ministrative leadership through the Uni- Civil Engineering Corps Officers
versity of Oklahoma. School.
The Joyce W. Stewart Memorial Award • Chief Builder (SCW/FMF) Kristi D.
is named for the first woman at the Na- Thrift, Naval Construction Training Cen-
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held val Construction Battalion Center to ter, Port Hueneme.
Thursday, March 31, for an S-3 simulator achieve the professional grade of GM- • Julie Brennan, NSWC PHD.
that was moved in pieces from Jackson- 14. • Arthur T. Tate, Navy Information
ville, Fla., to its new home at Naval Base Lisa Zimmerman and Pam Klieman, Technology Center.
Ventura County, Point Mugu. special events chairpersons, and Patrina • Culinary Specialist 1st Class (SCW)
The simulator, which is being used by Haizlip-Payne, last year’s award recipi- Maria A. Cordoba, NBVC Port Hueneme
Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 30 ent, spoke during the luncheon, In ad- Galley.
(VX-30) replicates the cockpit of the two dition, a song was performed by Jenna • Builder 1st Class (SCW) Kirk D. John-
S-3B Vikings that VX-30 flies out of and Desiree Gillespie, daughters of Kris- son, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion
Mugu. The aircraft provides range surveil- tine Gillespie, Naval Surface Warfare 5.
lance and control for the Sea Test Range
off the coast of Mugu. It also provides PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE

infrared imagery and is used in airborne The simulator duplicates the environment
threat exercises. inside this S-3 aircraft used by VX-30 at NAWCWD recruiting wounded warriors
“This simulator is key to being able to Naval Base Ventura County Point Mugu.
safely operate the S-3, and at the same Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division is hosting two recruitment
time, keep the test range clear for other tical Aircraft Programs. events for wounded warriors and individuals with disabilities.
activities,” explained Cmdr. John Rous- Lt. Christine Felice of VX-30 was tasked The Point Mugu event will be held June 16; the China Lake event will be

Thursday, April 7, 2011

seau, commanding officer of VX-30. “It in 2009 with finding a location for the held July 20.
is essential in safely taking folks from dif- simulator and arranging its move to Mugu. “Schedule A” eligible candidates and wounded warriors will have the op-
ferent aircraft types and qualifying them Building 611 across from the VX-30 han- portunity to interview face-to-face with managers, by invitation only. Resume
to fly in the S-3. There are no other train- gar had been empty for years and had submission deadline is April 18.
ing providers to train our aircrew.” become infested with bats. She oversaw For resume submission instructions please access:
Rousseau was joined at the ribbon-cut- the cleanup, then coordinated the 2,500- mil/nawcwd/nawcwd/downloads/employment/IDWW_Flyer_2011.pdf
ting by Rear Adm. Mat Winter, com- mile transport of the simulator via flatbed For more information, please contact Rosa Martinez-Sotelo at (805) 989-
mander, Naval Air Warfare Center Weap- truck and three C-130 cargo runs. 4027 or Tim Little at (760) 939-2207.
ons Division, and Rear Adm. Donald “The simulator is an excellent tool for
Gaddis, program executive officer for Tac- us,” she said. 21
‘A Message to Garcia’ becomes a lesson for Sailors

When Cmdr. Allen Blaxton took com- ingful way, ensure that the Sailors of FRC
mand of Fleet Readiness Center South- Southwest, Point Mugu have the chance
west at Naval Base Ventura County, Point to benefit from its meaning in the same
Mugu, earlier this year, he knew right away way that I’ve tried to,” Blaxton said.
how to state his philosophy to his Sail- “There’s obviously a limit to the type of
ors. initiative displayed by Rowan that has to
“‘A Message to Garcia’” is an essay that be respected, and a responsibility of lead-
was placed in my inbox (the old-fashioned ers to ensure we’re in fact sending the right
wooden kind) after about a week in my messages to the right people. Bad things
first squadron by our newly-arrived squad- can happen if these constraints aren’t
ron safety officer,” he said. “Little did I heeded in short, we have to avoid ‘can-do
know the impact this essay, which indel- gone awry.’
ibly etched a mindset that I try my best to Blaxton deemed the following three es-
emulate daily, would have on my career says to be the best from among those sub-
or how many times I would reference it in mitted, and he gave each of the writers a
the future.” day of special liberty.
So Blaxton put out a challenge to his The entire text of “A Message to Gar-
PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE new Sailors: Write an essay that explains cia,” written by Elbert Hubbard in 1899,
Cmdr. Allen Blaxton issued a challenge when he became commanding officer of Fleet what the message means to you. can be found at
Readiness Center Southwest: Write an essay explaining “A Message to Garcia.” “I wanted to creatively, yet in a mean- garcia.htm.

Essay ‘motivational story’ Summon any one and

The Lighthouse

make this request:

By AME3 Sarah Richards it’s another assignment that he must com-
What is the secret to success? For cen- plete, so without further adieu he gets it ‘Please look in the
turies there has been much speculation on done as asked. In telling this story, the
the subject. Many key points pertaining author’s aim is to challenge the reader to encyclopedia and make
to the achievement of success are examined ask himself “Could I carry a message to
in the short essay “A Message to Garcia” Garcia?” a brief memorandum
by Elbert Hubbard. Such a person is out-
lined in the lead character, whose traits are
As a member of the U.S. Navy, “A Mes-
sage to Garcia” is a motivational story.
for me concerning the
supplied as a basis for rest of the story.
Who knew a simple story could hold such
Motivational being a choice word because
of the story’s ability to help you under-
life of Correggio.’ Will
insight on idea of being a successful per-
stand that you could be like Rowan if you
desire. It’s easy to become disgruntled in
the clerk quietly say,
The story takes place in the late 19th the military, but you must look at the big “Yes, sir,” and go do
century during the American conflict with picture. Do the job right and when a task
Spain. In the beginning of the story, the is assigned, don’t ask foolish questions. Just the task? On your life,
reader is introduced to a man called Row- do it and do it with a sense of urgency. You
an who is noted for his ability to achieve will get what you put out. If you do half- he will not. He will look
results. His reputation is so valued that he effort work and must constantly be baby-
is called upon to complete a task by the sat, that’s all that life will return to you. at you out of a fishy eye
highest authority in the United States, the You won’t be noted for your qualities like
president. The president needs him to de- Rowan, but rather for your flaws. Your PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
and ask one or more of
liver a message to General Garcia, a lead-
er of insurgents in Cuba.
name will be marked by whatever you do,
so do all well. You must also do the right
AME3 Sarah Richards
the following questions:
The quick delivery of this message is
highly critical in the outcome of the war,
thing even when your leader is not around.
Don’t ask for a walk-through, just do what
wish to speak a word of sympathy for the
man who succeeds — the man who, against
Who was he? Which
so one could imagine the magnitude of you have to do. No one owes you a thing, great odds, has directed the efforts of oth- encyclopedia? Where
Thursday, April 7, 2011

this task. However, the difficulty comes so you have to achieve success yourself. ers, and having succeeded, finds there’s
not with the importance of the task, but It is indeed possible to be like Rowan, nothing in it: nothing but bare board and is the encyclopedia?
the manner in which its done. Garcia’s and men like Rowan are in high demand. clothes,” the author explains that success
existence is very vague. What’s more is dur- The world is a very competitive place, es- is achievable by anyone willing to go the Was I hired for that? ...
ing this period in time message delivery pecially with the economy like it is. He distance.
was not simple like it is today. sends the message that you should not So in conclusion, I take this phrase with What’s the matter with
The sound of this daunting task would complain about your situation, or be dis- me: “The world cries out for such: he is
send an average scurrying for help, and gruntled, but rather do what you can to needed and needed badly — the man who Charlie doing it?
begging for more information. To Rowan improve the situation. In the statement “I can ‘Carry a Message to Garcia.’” — From ‘A Message to Garcia’
Message proves ‘it’s not always about me’
By ADAN Kathryn Ervin all. You should always work to the best of not wish. Rowan is a person that is hard to
I have only been on board here for about your ability even though you’re mad because find in society. Everyone wants to rebel, re-
three months. And in my time here it has you feel as if you are always messing up. If sist, or do something they feel is better. I may
been a very frustrating and confusing time every person took it upon themselves to give fail at times to be the way Rowan was but if
in my young career. It’s always tough to con- it their all in all times the world would prob- I constantly am fixing myself I will be better
stantly be wrong and always accept criticism ably go a lot smoother. And if any military than doing nothing at all.
without being resentful. Today, specifically branch took it upon themselves to execute Yes, I believe that it would be in the best
I have been having a tough time because I any order that they were given, even if they interest to follow all orders without gripe or
feel that I am doing quite well yet I feel that had no idea the reason, then there would complaint. But it is also the responsibility to
it’s either underappreciated or neglected or probably be a lot less “oops” and a lot less our leaders to be sure that each and every
the praise was given to the next higher up “my bad’s.” And we should try to eliminate order that they issue is just and in the best
than me. And I wanted more than anything as many mistakes as possible. interest of the Navy. Any unconditional obe-
to just give up and go into a corner and cry. Rowan’s character in this article is exactly dience must come from an unconditional
But I read “A Message to Garcia” and real- how I want to be in my naval career. Rowan command.
ized that it’s not always about me or my was a man that under no real instruction did I want to strive daily to be the best Sailor
praise or what I need. And it shouldn’t al- exactly as he was asked. He went out and did that I can be. I just hope that all my fellow
ways have to be that way. Yes, everyone de- that job even though it was a huge risk to his Sailors will join me in this task and strive to
serves to be praised when they are doing what life and was a task that at first seemed quite be the best that they might be themselves. It
LIGHTHOUSE is best. But that will not always happen. impossible. If I can strive to always do my is up to all of us to do our best as well as
ADAN Kathryn Ervin What I took away from “A Message to best and do as I am instructed no path that hold all other people accountable to be the
Garcia” is that it’s always best to give it your I attempt will every come out the way I do best and do their best as well.

The Lighthouse
‘We must have initiative and pride in our work’
By AS3 Jose Fernandez cepted the task without was to have pride in your work; es or creating new ones; it in-
The story of “A Message to questioning it; he completed the the story also states that a man volves challenging the status quo
Garcia” is a very unique one, mission that contributed to the who does his work when the boss rather than passively adapting to
given the fact that the story was eventual outcome of Spain’s de- is away is to be praised. People present conditions” (Lantz &
written in less than an hour after feat. do not always get recognized or Andersson, 2009). Society is one
the author’s son, Bert, comment- Rowan took initiative to de- rewarded for a good perfor- long, anxious search for just such
ed at the dinner table on Wash- liver a letter to Garcia. To reflect mance, but having satisfaction individuals. The story makes it
ington’s birthday in 1899. The on this it is important to under- and pride in oneself’s work pro- clear why this attitude is cher-
story is about Rowan who took stand what is initiative. Accord- vides a satisfaction that cannot ished and needed in every work-
initiative to deliver a letter to ing to Hubbard (1899), initiative be purchased with money. place.
Garcia; he was a general in the is doing the right thing without On the other hand, the story Rowan accepted the task with-
Cuban army. Garcia took com- being told. But next to doing the describes different categories of out questioning it. This type of
mand of the rebellion against thing without being told is to do people. It stated that we have fel- attitude and behavior has re-
Spanish rule. Years later the it when you are told once. Simi- lows who will not do the right warded many people including
Spanish-American war started. larly personal initiative is defined thing even when someone goes myself. The story is a good re-
At this time President McKinley as the individual’s taking an ac- along to show him how to do it. minder that not everyone gets
composed a message of support tive and self-starting approach Initiative is important. Some recognized or rewarded for their
to Garcia, and was advised that to work, and going beyond what take initiative to do more and actions nor should they be ex-
a U.S. Army officer named Row- is formally required in a given some do not. Proactive behavior pected to get rewarded. This is a PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY /
an could be relied upon to de- job (Lantz & Andersson, 2009). is defined as “taking initiative in reminder that we must have ini- LIGHTHOUSE
liver the message. Rowan ac- A lesson that I learned years ago improving current circumstanc- tiative and pride in our work. AS3 Jose Fernandez

“You see that bookkeeper,” said the foreman to me in a large factory. “Yes, what about him?”

Thursday, April 7, 2011

“Well he’s a fine accountant, but if I’d send him up town on an errand, he might accomplish
the errand all right, and on the other hand, might stop at four saloons on the way, and when
he got to Main Street, would forget what he had been sent for.” Can such a man be entrusted
to carry a message to Garcia?
— From ‘A Message to Garcia’ 23

Support Center
The Fleet & Family
Help when you need it.

All classes at Port Hueneme unless oth- • Smooth Move: Know your entitle-
erwise noted. Call 982-5037 for more in-
Toll-free appointment scheduling ser-
Comedian deals with tough topic ments from experts. Wed., April 20, 10
a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

vice: 1-866-923-6478, call 24 hours a day, Comedian Bernie McGrenahan brings his “Comedy is the Cure” show to
seven days a week. Confidential clinical the Needham Theater at Naval Base Ventura County Port Hueneme as part Financial Management
counseling, relocation assistance, resume of a two-day sexual assault and suicide prevention workshop that starts Mon-
assistance, financial consultations and day, April 11. • Home Buying Seminar: Learn all the
many other support services are available McGrenahan’s performance runs from 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 12. It is tools to determine if it is “your time to
at your convenience at the Fleet and Fam- open to anyone with base access. buy.” Wed., April 20, 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
ily Support Center. The two-day workshop is presented by U.S. Fleet Forces and features as the • Raising Financially Fit Children:
keynote speaker Dr. Alan Berkowitz, an expert in the area of bystander inter- Four easy steps to raising financially
Career Support and Retention vention. The workshop is designed to provide all supervising personnel – from aware children. Wed., April 27; 6 to 7
• Corporate Resume writing: Cutting- commanding officers to front-line supervisors – with the latest training and p.m.
edge resume techniques! Must call 982 - tools in the areas of sexual assault and suicide prevention.
5325 to register. Fri., April 8, 7:30 to 9 On Wednesday, April 13, the Fleet and Family Support Center and the
a.m. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response office will have a table set up at the New Parent Support
• Federal Employment: Resume, web- Ventura County Government Center in Ventura for the annual commemora- • Super Saturday Birth Class: April 9,
tive ceremony honoring crime victims. Base personnel will also take part in a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Lighthouse

sites and the application process. Fri.,

April 8, 9 to 11 a.m. march around the Government Center for crime victims’ rights. The event • Brand New Baby (3 sessions): Thurs.,
• Interview Skills: Prepare for your job runs from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 14, 21, 28; 6 to 8:30 p.m.
interview. Learn the interview process, sal- For more information, call Melissa Ramirez, sexual assault response coor-
dinator for NBVC, at 982-6139.
ary negotiation, conduct a mock interview Free food distribution
and more. Mon., April 11, 10 a.m. to
• MS Excel: Wed., April 13, 8:30 to 10:30 • Third Saturday of the month, 9 a.m.
a.m. IA Readiness and Deployment Exceptional Family Member to 2 p.m., Bldg. 19, near the Pleasant Val-
• VA Workshops/Briefs: Get on-the-spot ley Gate on NBVC Port Hueneme. Food
assistance in filing your VA claim! Call • Deployment Readiness: Are you ready • EFM POC Training: Training for items vary from month to month. Require-
982-5325 to sign up. Wed., April 20, 9 a.m. for your spouse’s deployment? Join others Command Exceptional Family Member ments: Active duty E-6 and below or their
to noon. to learn what it is all about, what you will POCs. Wed., April 20, 9 to 10 a.m. spouses; bring an LES and only one issue
need, and how to do more than just sur- • Parents Support Network: A support per family. E-7 with two or more depen-
vive deployment. Thurs., April 7, 10:30 to group for active and retired military fam- dents may qualify. Income guideline state-
Sexual Assault Prevention 11:30 a.m. ilies with special needs children. Wed., ment available at distribution site. Custo-
Response (SAPR) • IA Family Connection: Tues., April April 13, 9:30 to 11 a.m. Call 982-3159 for dian of a child who is a family member
12, 4 to 5 p.m. more information. of Active Duty personnel on deploy-
• Initial Victim Advocate Training: For • Deployment Homecoming: Learn ment.
new command advocates and for those what to expect and how to help both of
needing a refresher course. Monday- you make this a rewarding reunion. Wed., Relocation — For information, please call Sandy Lyle,
Thursday, April 18-21, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 13, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. • Sponsor Training: Wed., April 13, 3 command liaison, at 989-8833 or e-mail
to 4 p.m.





Thursday, April 7, 2011





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The Lighthouse



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Thursday, April 7, 2011

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Thursday, April 7, 2011


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All very good cond
805-671-9852 VCS270636





207 233 0273 275 283 297 297 Pets & Supplies
Furniture/ Miscellaneous
Household Goods
For Sale
Sporting Goods Wanted To Buy Wanted To Buy 300-315
Washer & Dryers BED Queen Orthopedic
Guaranteed and/or Pillowtop Mattress Set
Never used, still in plastic GOLD HAS
Repair $99 to $199
482-4983 or 816-4081 Gary
Bowen VCS269144
w/warr.Retails $699, sell $160.
805-830-3314 VCS269373
PASSED $1000
Bed Tempurpedic Style

CA$H 305
Queen Memory Foam WE ARE LARGEST We specialize in regriping,
Mattress Set. Brand new in BUYERS OF SCRAP reshafting, loft & lie angles. WE BUY
219 plastic w/warr! Retails $1199, GOLD, GOLD CHAINS, Call or come in today &
STUFF 4 CA$H Birds/Fish
Sell $345! 805-830-3314 BRACELETS, regrip those irons!
Cemetery Lots VCS271310 DIAMONDS LARGE
1807 E. Main St, Ventura
(1/2 mi W of Vta High Schl) TOP Coins, gold/silver
jewelry, unwanted

ELECTRIC “Rise” Chair/Re- WATCHES, SWISS 805-651-8820
2 PLOT, LOT 416 G&H cliner. Paid $800. Used 6 WATCHES, GOLD Mention this ad for scrap gold, watches,
GARDEN OF VALOR times, sell at 1/2 price/OBO COINS, WE PAY UP TO a 15% discount VCS270767 diamonds, vintage
805-497-8449 SPOT PRICES, GOLD
Pierce Bros. Valley Oaks VCS271459 CROWNS, SILVER
Memorial Park, West- COINS, SILVER antiques, crystal,
lake Village $5500 each
CHAINS WE PAY porcelain, sterling
or both for $10000 by Benchcraft, black,
excellent condition, $400.
CASH NOW! TOP $$ 293 silver, art, historic
alamargeneral TRUNDLE BED
4255-18 E. MAIN ST Toys And Games documents, German Shepherd VENTURA CA 93003
Wood frame, with two We’ll buy your
(805)796-1060 VCS268243 mattresses, like new, $250.
805-650-0444 memorabilia Male, AKC Black and Red
Call (805) 383-0213 Next to Honey Baked car running IMAGINARIUM WOODEN
TRAIN TABLE SET, Long Coat born on 20
or not!
sold out Santa Cruz 1 loc, Ham Firehouse Plaza lights, sounds, DVD’s. $75 Jan 2011 and at 8 weeks
he now weigh 20lbs. Sieg-
Plot 261/grave B sac@$5800
805-320-4512 VCS270378
MOVING:King & Full Queen,
Misc Wicker, Full Loft VCS270110
805-493-2188 VCS271384 MUCH! er Champion Bloodline-
Bunkbed. $100-$300. Can’t find the CONFIDENTIAL, Working K9. “Teddy

805-501-0951 VCS269487 SPAY AND NEUTER
pink or
Running or CONVENIENT.
Bear” personality.
Great with children.
SOFA flower w/match over- 110 N. Olive, Ventura, CA registration? Not Running
Commercial stuffed chair +ottoman, 805-641-1170 Tues-Sat No problem! Wanted To Buy WILL COME Dam V Leila vom Haus
Juris SCHH2 Kkl 1 a.
Equipment $200 Coffee Table, heavy Furniture/mention ad at TO YOU!
glass/brass, orig $600, sell register, get 10% OFF. Lic’d Dismantler Sire: V Ritzy vom Wus-
$100 805-987-1453 VCS269827 To get the best tenberger-land SG11
GOURMET Coffee Grinder,
Bunn-O-Matic. G3-Red.
VCS270403 $$ A CASH BUYER $$
(818) 889-4666 or WE BUY STUFF BSZS Schh3, kkl1. Pur-
deal, call us first! 4 CA$H
Retails $1500. Bargain $499.
Hobart Deli Slicer $200/obo
274 805-754-9839
(818)516-0331 I BUY
ANTIQUE, COSTUME (805) chase price includes: 1
st. vaccination, micro-
Furniture JEWELRY (Any Condition),
805-984-1360 VCS271206
Medical Equipment OLD SILVER, JEWELRY 933-8280 OPEN 6 DAYS
M-F 10a-6p
chip, tattoo, AKC Regis-
tration-5 generation

The Lighthouse
VCS269357 (Mexico or other)
Sat 11a-4p bloodline $2,500.00
Upright $49+ Beam $12+ Elliot’s Unfinished Furni- Going Out of Business Sale LITTLE THINGS.
SHELVING Steel & Wood
2’x4’x 6, 8 or 10’ $69+
ture Largest selection of
unfinished and finished
Power Chairs/Scooters
PS Surplus, Army/Navy
store calling it quits after
14 yrs. Everything in store
CA$H 742 Hampshire Rd.,
Suite #C, WLV, Ca
805-532-1103 VCS268880 furniture in Ventura
County. Visit our show-
Lift Chairs/Ramps
Hospital Beds/Hoyer
25-50% off. Dealers welcome.
1037 South Ventura Rd.
(Cross st is Wooley Rd.)
for 888-95WEBUY MARINE
Exercise Equipment
room at 1501 Palma Dr.
Ventura or our website
805-382-9345 VCS271183
CALL ME 818-889-4666 or
818-516- 0331 BEFORE
“” Quality Fur-
niture for every room in 275
CALL 805-643-HAUL
THAT GARAGE SALE, METALS *** After Hours Call ***
your home. We also have Miscellaneous WE PICK UP & RECYCLE YOUR OLD JEWELRY
VCS270944 Specializing in fresh
Floor models, excellent
all Major Appliances. CALL ME & GET WHAT
Construction & & salt water
condition, $250-$400
(805)671-9852 VCS270632
available a large selection For Sale Help Save our Planet. IT’S REALLY WORTH. Demolition Scrap I BUY HIGH-END
RANGES AND From set up to
of outdoor furniture. Low Call 805-671-9569 VCS270635 HASSLE-FREE.
BELL & HOWELL 16mm Heavy Equipment REFRIGERATORS, maintenance
Prices for Solid Wood $$ TOP DOLLAR PAID! 805-671-9569 VCS270633
Film Projector $50; Free SERVING THE ENTIRE Car Bodies 28 Yrs Experience
Furniture travel flims & comedies.
230 Men’s Beach Cruiser,like 277 CONEJO VALLEY.
Automotive Scrap I PAY CASH for old books,
Firewood new-blk/red rims, $150. Steel - Rebar magazines, paper ephemera, For a free estimate
Depression Glass; Cabbage Musical Instruments SERVICE ALWAYS!
CALL EILEEN movie/comics/sports call or e-mail
Rose, lg collection $70 Lic’d Dismantler & memorabilia, libraries,
EUCALYPTUS FIREWOOD 805-985-2633 VCS271008
818-889-4666 or 818-516-0331
Weighmaster posters, old toys, etc. Kevin for an
Fill your pickup w/level load (805)639-9222 PIANO. med finish, very
Carl 818-889-3599 appointment today
for $100. Sm trucks $80.00 Boxes for moving nice, $800 805-987-1453
VCS268958 @ 805.233.0711 or
Weekends only. Somis
VCS266927 only 75¢ each VCS269823 marineartistic
805-386-4622 VCS271015
250. Used. 805-487-2796 Musical 805.933.8280
WANTED 15 Gal Stainless
Steel Beer Barrels & 20-30

233 0273
VCS269919 Selectyouroptions. instruments? 842 Mission Rock Rd
Santa Paula, Ca 93060
Gal Fermenters. Call John
805-646-1391 VCS270289
-Canopies - Lighting
• Set-up & Installation
Furniture/ Jewelry/Clothing Searchbymake VCS271128 •Filters-Heaters-Chillers
Household Goods Greatbuys ormodel. -Protien Skimmers
•Live Water-Live Rock
Affordable CATS CRADLE Thrift Shop
arecloserthan Locatelocaldealers. - Live Sand

Open Thurs thru Sun
youthink. • Fish-Corals-Invertebrates

Sectionals & Sofas Clothes, jewelry, books/etc. • Complete Service
4160 Market #10, VTA
Custom Sized 25¢-up 805-485-8811 VCS270625 24 hours a days
Pottery Barn inspired styles 7 days a week
and more, local mfr
stories and features through hundreds VCS271451

Thursday, April 7, 2011

showroom factory
direct sectionals sized
of homes for sale
by the inch with your
measurements. Hard to Pool/Spa Supplies about new housing Online garage sale map. Every Friday
fit spaces our specialty Best communities. using local MLS.
prices, quality & selection.
Visit Visit
Sectionals from $799. 6 years old, seats 5 with
805-302-2138 VCS269464 lounger, in great shape,
Create your CABANA mahogany, newly
BED California King refinished, also good cond
Pillowtop Mattress Set
Never used, still in plastic
w/warr, retails $899 sac $260!
own ad online at garagesalemap $4000/pair. Can seperate
805-526-2218 VCS269742 yourcar.
Create your own ad online
805-830-3314 VCS269370 SPA/HOT TUB
Deluxe 2011 Model. at
BED Full Size Orthopedic Neck jets, therapy seat,
Pillowtop Mattress Set
Never used, still in plastic garagesales
warranty, never used,
can deliver, worth $5950,
w/warr.Retails $499, sac $150.
805-830-3314 VCS269372
will sell $1950. Call
818-785-9043 VCS271279
800-221-STAR (7827) 29

Help Wanted
Supplies/Services Supplies/Services Supplies/Services
black, longhair, 5 lbs male, 1 male, 1 female, 4.5 months, Accounts Payable Rep 1
A Private shots, potty trained, $400 &
CKC Copper/wht, short
with 2nd shots. $750/each.
315-767-9557 VCS270259
Duties & Responsibilities:
This exciting part-time (32
Foundation Has hair fem, all shots, spayed hours per week) opportu-
$300 805-443-0015 VCS270902 POMERANIAN Female,
Rescued Dogs CHIHUAHUA PUPS very Two cream/white & tri-
nity processes the activities
of accounts payable so as to
For Adoption tiny AKC, Champion lines, color male shih tzu/pom ensure timely and accurate
payment to vendors in a
SAMMY ready now. $600-$800. ful.all 2 yrs old. professional and courteous
9 year old male, 805-886-8307 VCS270170 manner. Assist other staff
Pomeranian, 9 pounds. $500/OBO. (805)354-4658 members as directed in an
JOSE pure bred, black & rare wht,
effort to ensure the require-
ments and demands of the
7.5 year old male, 2 girls, 1 boy, $350 & up Accounting Department
Chihuahua mix, 10 pounds. PORTUGUESE WATER
805-574-9582 VCS269457 DOGS AKC, champ show and Health System are be-
PEEWEE DACHSHUNDS AKC $500 bloodline, health tests & ing met.
Qualifications: High School
5 year old male, 661-333-4697 or 661-769-8807 shots, hypoallergenic, in-
Chihuahua mix, 13 pounds. telligent, medium sized. graduate or equivalent re-
Call 805-729-3343 quired. AA degree in Busi-
TRAMP VCS269987 ness, Accounting or in an
1 year old male, Dachshunds VCS270694 equivalent area preferred.
Schnauzer mix, 11 pounds. Males & Females, A minimum of three years
8 week old friendly & beauti-
in a business office setting
with at least one year expe-
3 year old male, n,Blk/Tn,Solids,Dap- rience in accounts payable
Terrier mix, 13 pounds. ful males, $800 805-630-7974
ples,Smooth,Long- VCS269461 is required. Excellent com-
MEKA hair.Price varies. SHIHTZU PUPPY - AKC
munication, analytical and
organizational skills a
1.5 year old female,
Black Retriever, 45 pounds $350.00 Fem, gorgeous, brindle/wht, must. Ability to use Excel,
(805)208-7417 VCS271468 beautiful markings, $500 Word, and Office
PRECIOUS CMHS offers excellent
2 year old female, ENGLISH BULLDOG 805-415-8661 VCS270805 benefits, such as Medical,
Cocker Spaniel, 13 pounds.

PUPPIES Dental, Vision, Life, and
Siberian Husky Blk & wht
CASPER Gorgeous! Vet certification
& health guarantee Female, 11 weeks old
AD&D insurance. We also
offer a comprehensive
1 year old male, Maltese $250. 805-758-7747 403(b) retirement plan,
Poodle Mix, 10 pounds, included. Adorable, short VCS270179
Visit our website for pics leg, wrinkely with small flexible spending accounts,
ears. 2 females, 1 male, paid time off, and a variety
Find a home.
samsimon playful & loving. Excel- of other great benefits. or lent health care, diets, If you are interested in join-
call (310)457-5898 grooming, socialization, ing teams that meld quality
The Lighthouse

VCS269358 potty training started. care and compassion to

Wonderful references create an environment of
and pictures to email. excellence, please take a
moment to discover more
Appointments welcomed.
Outstanding pet price of about what it’s like to work
$1250 Call 818-631-7556 at Community Memorial
& $&# * $&#) & ) &
$& &  *# ,(# VCS270148 a directory of regional new housing Health System
To apply go to:
communities. Visit
(& &#
(&$  ## #*& # ) ( GOLDEN RETRIEVER, 4 yr
F, champ lines, shots, house-
CMHS is an EOE.
broken, fantastic pet $1000 VCS270128
AKC German 805-338-4500 VCS270935
$&# $  # & #& &  
#$  &(# PUPPIES AKC/OFA Cert,
lt to golden color, 1st shots,
Male, Great Show and K-9 LA VERNE - #3107
 #   &  &"$   #& ($ *& )# '- Potential. Black and Red
born on 20 Jan 2011 and
born 2-10, avail 4-5. Very
healthy, happy & do well
RCA –Ventura County
with kids, parents are

#  $  &* (#  *  #  &(#  # at 8 weeks they now
weigh 20lbs. Sieger
healthy & active. $600
818-648-2612 VCS270938
Horses/Livestock Campus, Oxnard
The University of La
Miscellaneous Verne has a position
+ &
&$  (   &   )$  Champion Bloodline-
Working K9, Family GOLDEN Retriever Pups
available for an Adminis-
trative Assistant I. Re-
AKC, OFA certified, porting directly to the
 &  #  -- &(& #
(#$& dogs. Dam V Leila vom
Haus Juris SCHH2 Kkl 1
parents on site. Champion
Lines, Health Guarantee,
covered paddocks, barn stall
with attached paddock, Director of the regional
campus, the primary
a. Sire: V Ritzy vom Potty/Crate Trained. arena, next to Santa
Monica Mountain Trails function of this position is
Wustenberger-land SG11 Born 1/21/11. Wonderful
  ) $)#  $ # & #&  BSZS Schh3, kkl1 . Pur- Dispositions. Simi
805-526-6582 VCS271389
805-371-0184 VCS269582 to provide all admin as-
sistant support for the re-
chase price includes: 1 gional campus, its
#     #  #  &   +#  ### st. vaccination, micro-
chip, tattoo, AKC Regis-
Pups $2000+ web: golden
Employment director, and academic
advising staff. This posi-
($$$ )& #$& &) tration-5 generation
bloodline. Wonderful
805-532-2216 VCS270510 500-585 tion requires a high
school diploma or equiva-
lent and three years of
#  #  &   +#  ### with children $4,000.00 HUSKIE PUPPIES
Looking for good home.
office experience. Prefer-
ence will be given to
For more info email or call:
those who have complet-
ed some college courses
805-259-7713 VCS270141 or have work experience
VCS271005 JACK RUSSELL. Male, 14 in a college or university
weeks, all shots, short setting. To apply, please
shots. Male/Female $120
legged, short haired 95%
house trained, sleeps on 540
visit our website:
805-640-0917 or 798-4940

 bed. $275. Ojai, 661-766-2209

Help Wanted
EOE VCS270647
Thursday, April 7, 2011

VCS271230 VCS269673

Cute and lively Siamese.
$250/each. For Info: Accounting
$&# $ #( &
  !( #&(&, ,# BORGI Puppies 805-646-4471 VCS270033 AP/AR Clerk
Commercial General Con- through hundreds
“Designer Dog” LAB PUPPIES
A combination of a Corgi
and a Border Collie. Makes SPRING IS HERE! Enjoy
tractor in Woodland Hills
has Immediate opening for of homes for sale
a small, smart, pretty walking with your female candidate with 2+ years
using local MLS.
companion dog! 1st shots,
dewormed. $300. Chocolate Lab Puppy $500
AKC, OFA, all shots,
FAX 818-225-1062 Visit
559-564-8404 dewclaws, wormed. VCS270194
VCS269625 805-649-3692 VCS269703
CATS & KITTENS $125 Sat & YORKIE, AKC to breed
Sun 11-5@ PetCo in CAM w/female AKC Yorkie CALL
and Market & Donlon in Needed ASAP. 805-300-0586
30 VTA 805-485-8811 VCS270623 VCS270848 800 221 STAR 7827





540 540 540 540 540

Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
This position analyzes, sup-
ports, manages enhance-
ments, acquisitions and
needed for 62+ complex.
Immediate opening with
benefits available. Must be
able to live on site. Man-
Salary Range: $15.77 -
$22.14 Hour Full Time
COMPUTER Amgen has an
opening for a Sr. Associate
Programmer Analyst.
Reqs: Master’s & course-
work/exp. w/ Prog languag-
Experienced Only
Coach America Oxnard is
Positively appetizing.
implementations of comput- agement couple a plus. Fax Including Full Benefit es & platforms (C, C+, currently accepting appli-
er application systems as resume to 714-669-4542 or Package - Employer Paid VC++, C#, .NET); Script- cations for Full Time &
directed by management. email to: ing (Perl, Python, Shell);

SUNDAY, NOV. 22, 2009

Part Time experienced FOOD

Duties & Responsibilities:
Manage all activities of
VCS270940 Gold Coast Transit seeks
Web Techs (HTML, XML,
PHP, Apache, Tomcat); Sw
motor coach drivers.
Must be at least 21 years FARMERS MARKET WINE 101
Food – Every Sunday
small to large size informa- a bus operator with a Devt Methodologies ( RAD, of age, current CDL with Welcome
Cafe Society, Cook Du Jour,
Moorpark vendor also struggling. On a re- Oaks, where the farmers Park at Fifth and C streets, Oxnard
(483-7960). 1:30 to 6:30 p.m., The
cent Saturday, there were market is closed for the
venues are dormant Oaks shopping center, at Thousand

tion systems projects in- Waterfall, Agile, RUP, Test

only eight booths offering holidays.

AUTO SALES minimum of 3 years of P endorsement, air France to

Oaks Boulevard and Wilbur Road,
Two markets just miles goods for sale. FINDING THE MARKETS Thousand Oaks (529-6266).
apart in Moorpark seemed Callie Vanden-Bossche, Sundays: 8:30 a.m. to noon Fridays: 3 to 8 p.m., Simi Valley

cluding implementation on safe driving experience. Driven Devt); Socket Prog;

overly ambitious for a rela- reading a book while she

brakes, good driving your table

Quick Bites, Farmers Market,
Sundays, College of the Canyons Town Center, 1555 Simi Town

tively small community. waited for customers at (parking lot 8 off Valencia Center Way, in the parking lot in
Kerry Clasby appar- the Green Farms booth Boulevard), Santa Clarita (529- front of Limon Latin Grill, Simi

time, within budget, and co- Class B driver license MATLAB; LDAP Prog; record, current medical.
ently feels the same way,
because as of the second
out of Lompoc, said busi-
ness “is not very good.”
6266). 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., 300 E.
Matilija St., Ojai (698-5555). 9 a.m.
Valley (643-6458).
Saturdays: 8 a.m. to noon, 2220
for holiday
ordination of the project Become part of a well preferred but not re- TCP/IP Architecture; Mo- Must be avail. Nites &
week in November, the
High Street farmers mar-
Karen Schott of the
Ventura County Certified
to 2 p.m., Agoura Hills City Mall,
Kanan Road (818-591-8286). 10
Ventura Blvd., Camarillo (482-1507).
8 to 11 a.m., fish market behind

I Wine 101, Wine-ology,

a.m. to 2 p.m., Harbor and Channel Andria’s Seafood Restaurant, 1449
ket is closed.

established dealer group.

Farmers’ Market Associa- Islands boulevards (includes a fish t’s not hard to pair

team. Plans, manages and bile Comm; Operating Syst

Spinnaker Drive, Ventura (644-

“I’m hoping to find a tion recently announced

weekends. Competitive
Anne Kallas / Special to The Star better location, closer to market), Oxnard (643-6458). 10 to 0169). 8 a.m. to noon, Moorpark some meals with wine.
the Moorpark market was 2 p.m. Village Glen Plaza, between College, Parking Lot G1 at Campus A cabernet sauvignon
The Moorpark College

Experience preferred.
the 118 to draw better granted an extension to Agoura and Townsgate roads, Park Drive (529-6266). 8:30 a.m. to goes great with a big,

guides projects, utilizing (Windows, Unix). Job Site:

farmers market had

pay & benefits Coach

crowds, where I can re- its temporary use permit, Westlake Village (818-591-8286). noon, Palm and Santa Clara streets, juicy steak. A Chianti
few booths and fewer open in March,” she said. keeping it open through Wednesdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Ventura (529-6266). 9 a.m. to 1

Paid Training
customers on a recent works with almost any

Eat For Life, The Healthy Plate

Unfortunately for Moor- the holiday season, which Pacific View mall parking lot facing p.m., Oak Park Plaza, 706 Lindero

standard I.S. Methodology, For full job description Thousand Oaks, CA. Send
tomato-based Italian dish.

America is an EEO
Saturday, despite closure park, the farmers market it is hoped will attract Main Street, Ventura (529-6266). Canyon Road, Oak Park (643-6458).
of the High Street market. at Moorpark College is Shellfish and chardonnay
Thursdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Plaza

Ask about our

shoppers from Thousand — Anne Kallas are made for each other.

which implement computer and application instruc- resume w/ ref #7MKNG9 to: employer. Apply at
But what
wine do

application systems which Guaranteed Income tions, see our listings at: Global Mobility, Amgen,
you select

and recipes.
for your

satisfy strategic, customer Paid Vacation Medical http://www.goldcoast Inc., One Amgen Center careers

and Dental Benefits 401K


and regulatory require- Drive, Mailstop B36-2-C, VCS270634 Russ

wine do

ments. Impartially analyz- Plan & Monthly Bonuses Thousand Oaks, CA 91320.
Briley you dare
try to pair
with your

es new and/or possible Ask for Joe, Chris or Stu 301 E. Third St., Oxnard No phone calls or e-mails.
Thanksgiving turkey and/

Search for available jobs.

or ham?

My answer is a

software enhancements EOE VCS270123 Must be legally authorized

Beaujolais Nouveau from

identifying present and fu- First Honda to work in the U.S. w/o Beaujolais Nouveau is
a red wine made from the
gamay grape in the French

ture business needs. Works 2283 First St, Simi Valley sponsorship. EOE.
region of Burgundy. This
is the only subregion in

Burgundy where anything

with customers to ensure VCS271348

other than pinot noir and

Positively foryou.
modifications are appropri- These beef enchiladas can be assembled in advance and then quickly baked when a fast dinner is needed.
Susan Tusa / Detroit Free Press

The whole enchilada
ate and are consistent with Auto Sales
established I.S. standards. BUYER/PLANNER Project Engineer/
Provides clear and concise For power supply co. in Si-
VENTURA Project Assistant Easy make-ahead enchilada sauce from scratch. 1/44 teaspoon black pepper spread 1 cup of the sauce.

training and documentation mi: electronic components entree is a quick

Not me. I use canned sauce 2 cans (10 ounces each) medium Working with 1 tortilla at a time

Commercial/TI Experience
and doctor it up. enchilada sauce quickly fry (about 10 seconds)
in the skillet to make it pliable

on operational processes. planning/buying, inventory

You can assemble them the 1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste
holidayy season fix dayy before — just don’t add 1 canned chipotle chili in adobo Using tongs, dip the tortilla g

required FAX 818-225-1062

quickly in the sauce to coat and
the remaining sauce on top; sauce produced worldwide.

Meets with customers, in- control, coordinating trans-

place in the pan. Spoon 1/3 cup

ternal and external, assur- actions & correspondences or email to:

ing documentation is clear BIG VOLUME w/ overseas factory. Exp in
VCS270196 540 540 540 540
and understood. Analyzes, import/export logistics and
identifies, evaluates and DEALERSHIP electronic components pre- Construction
Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
documents customer needs SEEKING SELF MOTI- ferred. Fluent in Chinese a
and current applications to plus. Fax to HR at: SUPERINTENDENT
determine system require- VATED NEW AND 805.522.8777 or Email to: Commercial T.I. 5 yrs +
ments and insure future USED SALES REPS exp req’d. Email to:

The Lighthouse
needs for patient care, THAT ARE HARD VCS270630
regulatory requirements WORKING AND WANT or fax to: 818-225-1062
and daily operations are TO EARN TOP VCS270195
met. Analyzes present pro- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
cesses/programs for en- COOK: Chili Hut Cafe is
hancements to improve TOO MUCH seeking applicant to cook/

data integrity Provides op- TRAFFIC TO prep hamburgers, hot/cold
erational support for appli- sandwiches, quesadillas,
cations including data HANDLE pancakes, etc. 2 yrs exp
integrity, maintenance, 6,000 GUARANTEE req. 40/hr wk. $13.09/hr, OT
training and vendor inter-
(See Dealer For Details) cycles,boats @ 1-1/2. Send resume to
Connie Hanks @ 817 E.

Qualifications: Bachelor’s Main St., Santa Paula, CA
Degree or equivalent or 5 WE OFFER: 93060. VCS270658
or more years experience •TOP COMMISSIONS Counselors
in Healthcare is required.
Minimum of Three to five
    &#-#,%* .#+" #*#%#+#* &
years of experience work- • GIANT INVENTORY Exp w/ developmentally
! +9 # 7 !9 ',& ))#')*
ing with Hospital Informa- • 401K RETIREMENT
tion Systems, supporting • HEALTH BENEFITS disabled. PT/FT.
Call 805-404-0447
4&..($.  4/.(3 ,&   '#&+ ,!,

application software, ana-

lyzing business problems
and / or project manage-
APPLY IN PERSON  %5#2# %%+# 2%+ 7!! ,%/   "#& $

ment Specialized knowl- NEW CONCIERGE RECEPTION  +,'%#,! %+ 2 # # (% !6!+ )2 !2&!2% %.4%2 )3 3%%*).' ).$)6)$5!+3
edge of integrated hospital MIKE STAMAKINLEY CABINET INSTALLER 7)4( $)3!")+)4)%3 7(/ !2% %+)')"+% &/2 ./.#/-0%4)4)6%
systems. Knowledge of 805-620-4611 CABINET ASSEMBLER
F/T front counter for corpo- # +'%+2# 5#2%#, % 2 !00/).4-%.43 4(2/5'( 4(% #(%$5+%  ()2).' !54(/2)49
rate jet svc at Camarillo
analysis, debugging and
standard project manage-
Highly skilled w/own tools Aprt. CSR aviation exp re- #9*, #%#'+%2 '+%2, # +%!3% 2%6)%7 4(% &/++/7).' +).* &/2 ).&/2-!4)/. 2%'!2$).'
VENTURA AUTO & transp. for high end cabi-
ment tools is required. CENTER net shop in Oxnard. Refs
quired. Starts @ $13.00/hr –
Benefits avail after 90 days.
'+%+", 6 +29 % 5!2 # 4()3 !54(/2)49
Meditech software support 
experience and Microsoft 6360 AUTO CENTER DR
req’d. Call 805-983-4380, or
fax resume 805-983-4387
Email resume to %"'!8 '+%,,%# ! %5#2#
office automation applica-
tions is preferred.
VENTURA CA 93003 VCS270828 VCS271066 # # !92 ! 5#2%#, # 2 % !2% !+3/ 3%%*).' /5.$%$ !22)/23%4%2!.3 7)4(
VCS270981 $)3!")+)49 2!4).'3 /& , /2 -/2% &/2 4(% /##50!4)/.!+
CMHS offers excellent CUSTOMER SERVICE
# # ' +2"#2- ,,,2, # 2 '2/503 "%+/7 +%!3% 2%6)%7 4(% &/++/7).' +).* &/2 -/2%
benefits, such as Medical,
Dental, Vision, Life, and Amgen Inc. seeks a Health giene, Agency Exp, P/T
DATA ENTRY REP '+' + 2%# % 52, # '+' + ).&/2-!4)/. 2%'!2$).' 4()3 ./.#/-0%4)4)6% ()2).' 02/'2!-
F/T, fast paced Risk Mgmt
AD&D insurance. We also Economics Manager. Reqs. $10/hr background ck, ref- Co. Motivated, experienced # # ! +'%+2, %+ #%#'+%2   
offer a comprehensive Master’s & 2 yrs exp. & erences, Call 805-375-2434
403(b) retirement plan, exp. or coursework in: con- VCS270720
Customer Service
Comp. literate, 45 wpm,
Rep. '+%+ ", # '+%2,- # ,,,2, !24)#)0!4)/. ). 4(%3% %6%.43 7)++ "% "9 ).6)4!4)/. /.+9
flexible spending accounts,
paid time off, and a variety
ducting client-funded re-
search projects in COMMERCIAL ANALYSIS multi-tasker. Hourly + 52%+, 72 2 ##5 ! +)')")+)49 &/2 !00/).4-%.4 7)++ "% #/.
2-%$ !.$ ).6)4!4)/.3
economics or health, health MANAGER Amgen Inc. has benefits. Fax resumes to 52, % 2 #%#'+%2,( 7)++ "% %84%.$%$ 4/ #!.$)$!4%3 / "% #/.3)$%2%$
of other great benefits. 818-332-7074 or email to:
If you are interested in join- care, health service or oth- an opportunity for a Com- !00+)#!.43 -534 35"-)4 4(%)2 2%35-%3 !.$ 02/6)$%
er health-rltd areas; Mgmt mercial Analysis Manager. 3500/24).' $/#5-%.43 !3 2%15%34%$ %' ! #(%$5+% 
ing teams that meld quality VCS270146
5!! % ,+'2%# +)5+"#2,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

care and compassion to & analysis of large-scale Reqs: Master’s + 3 yrs +%44%2   %4#
create an environment of secondary databases w/c in- exp. or Bachelor’s + 5 yrs
excellence, please take a clude health-related meas- post-baccalaureate exp., & # ''! 2%# 6 ! ! 2 777(  ) %%#&! ('*#+#'&* #& +" '%%'.#&! ',(+#'&% !)',(*
ures; Statistical prog exp. w/ pharmaceutical
moment to discover more
about what it’s like to work language (SAS, Stata or data apps in a client-facing CALL  296#25+ (%+( ,5", + #%2 #)%.4)343 !.$ .').%%23
at Community Memorial R); & applying quantitative role incl mkt research, mkt
800 221 STAR 7827 '2 # '!  % # ''! 2%#( 53).%33 2/&%33)/.!+3
Health System. modeling methods (e.g. analysis and/or sales ops,
To apply go to: Markov modeling, Monte field ops, data mgmt, fore- !#  !# , 5+, 9 '+! &  0%#)!+)343
Carlo simulation). Job Lo-
cation: Thousand Oaks, CA.
casting or mkt analysis.
Job Site: Thousand Oaks,
 :: '"( %#(.)#)!.3 .').%%2).' +%#42)#!+
Send resume Ref. # 83CULV
to: Global Mobility, Amgen,
CA. Send resume referenc-
ing #6NXSBJ to: Global Carnews, 25+# 2%  %5,# 52%+290

NANCE Plumbing, electri-
Inc., One Amgen Center
Drive, Mailstop B36-2-C
Mobility, Amgen Inc., One
Amgen Center Drive, Mail- research& 29 %
# 5# 6#25+
 )4):%.3()0 2%15)2%$  -534 "% %+)')"+% 4/ /"4!).
!.$ -!).4!). ! 3%#52)49 #+%!2!.#% +%!3% 2%6)%7 4(%
cal, tile, drywall, paint,
carpentry, appl install & re-
pair. Must be on call. Exp’d
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320.
No phone calls or e-mails
pls. Must be legally author-
stop 37-1-C, Thousand Oaks,
CA 91320. No phone calls
or e-mails. Must be legally
resources. $$ 6+,
2+2 #25+   &/++/7).' 7%"3)4% 4/ +%!2. -/2% !"/54 /52 /2'!.):!4)/. !.$
4/ 35"-)4 9/52 2%35-% / 4/ 777.!6!)2.!69-)+.!7#7$
only apply. Call Monday ized to work in the U.S. w/o authorized to work in the $3::& %+  8 2% :/3.$( !.$ 3%+%#4    ). 4(% /7 )$ /5 %!2
only 10am-2pm Bob sponsorship. EOE. U.S. w/o sponsorship. EOE.  
%+$ +%!3% 35"-)4 2%35-%3 "9
()#% +" 
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“California law requires that
contractors taking jobs that
Carpet Repair Construction Electrical Gardening Handypersons Handypersons Hauling
total $499 or more (labor and
materials) be licensed. State
law also requires that contrac-
tors include their license num-
bers on all advertising. Check CARPET REPAIR Fast FreeEstimates Need An Alonso’s Gardening Service
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out your licensed contractor by
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DRYWALL CONSTRUCTION Rejis Electric Trimmed •Yard Clean-ups
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No job too big or small. Plumbing, Tile, Roof
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818-402-7841 Reasonable. Free
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Repair, Carpentry,
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We Paint Too!
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We Take Care of All Home
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Ca Lic 835604 VCS270024 DOORMAN ON-CALL 24/7 Lic #945896 VCS270972 Will Haul You Call
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Liability & Worker’s Comp Camarillo, CA. mc/visa. Ins/Bond/Lic#938346 • locks • cabinets Every Friday P.M. Demolition & Real Estate
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WE DO IT ALL! about auto maintenance
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CONCRETE •Concrete & Demolition
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Call now for free estimate + decks, driveways & patios, Dry Wall or Repairs Vinyl Fencing &
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Lic#341411 VCS271298 ways, aprons. Free Est/
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805-558-0551 patios, block/retaining Electric FIREWOOD termite and dryrot repairs. * Will Haul Big or Small *
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Thursday, April 7, 2011

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House Cleaning Landscaping Paint Contractor Painting Plumbing Roofing Sprinklers Tree Services


Wallpaper. Acoustic Ceiling
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Residential & Commercial.
Removal. Attention - Home PLUMBING New Roof, Re-Roof,
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Pedro 805-223-9384 805-526-4125
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18 yrs Exp. Lic # 00098280 Centrally Located in Simi
Cell 818-749-2206 Lic #877-858 VCS270474 Lic #921281 VCS269252 805-816-9414
Lic #885763
805-804-7785 VCS270834 (805)649-4759
Tony Juarez VCS269988
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Service local since 1986
H:805-488-9852 VCS269364 Lic/bonded#887037 VCS269243 Pest Control
We Repair
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Lath- Stucco-re-stucco-molds-
Lightweight Tile Slate Screens I HANG IT!
U.S. Claytile Reroof-
Ins/Lic#798198 VCS269601 805-443-4608 PAINTING windows-doors-Concrete- Cleanups Composition Tree Services
LIC#579047 VCS269344 Quality Since stone-block-brick-tile- Shingles Two piece Rustic LENA HOKANSON
Drywall-acustic removal- Rotted out wood
1989 recoats framing-remodel-
& LANDSCAPE Contractor Does His paint repairs
replacement Drywall
Free Est. Lic #435701
WHO SAID YOU CAN’T DO Own Work Office 805-604-4801 805-651-4325 TREE SERVICE BECAUSE QUALITY
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IN THIS ECONOMY! Interior /Exterior Window Screens •Stumps •Firewood 818-709-7407
Call Today 805-797-6090 Complete /Partial * FREE ESTIMATES * Retractable Doors Special Free Estimates, Payment
PLAIN CONCRETE $5.50/sf Xlnt Prep/Paint Find new & used cars. Sliding Screen Doors Options Avail. 20 Yrs Exp. Serving Simi & Conejo Vly,
(500sf min) 805-522-1698 Pet Screen /Pet Grilles 24 Hr Emergency Svc Moorpark & Camarillo
STAMP CONCRETE $7/sf (805) 987-2334 Contractors Lic #575354 805-530-0333 or 818-744-0184 805-532-1710 Since 1974
(500sf min) VCS269666 Lic#485764 VCS269465 VCS271218 VCS270881 licd & insured VCS271437 LIC 761973 VCS270043



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Thursday, April 7, 2011

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    #/#)' %0..5/+%#4+0/3 $'47''/  offer a comprehensive Re- of information requests;
,$',3 , -*)(-$$&$.3 $- (-1 ,$(" *#)( - ( 0/3425%4+0/  7/'2 #/&  tirement plan, flexible compilation of documenta- Information Technology
54*02+4+'3 #6+/) 52+3&+%4+0/ spending accounts, paid tion; timely and accurate AMGEN INC. has an oppor-
$, .$(" &&- .# , /.$ - $(&/ ", .$(" time off, and a variety of release of information; tunity for a Specialist IS
0$-$.),- ( - , .,$& .-%- $(&/$(" 1), other great benefits. timely coordination of ap- Bus Sys Analyst. Reqs:
    If you are interested in join- peals and all associated Bachelor’s & 6 yrs exp; &
*,) --$(" ( &$(" . )-$.$)( , +/$, - ")) ing teams that meld quality deadlines. The Govern- • RN, Home Health exp w/ experience with Ora-
'-& 2'-#4'& '81'2+'/%' care and compassion to ment/Commercial Audit
("&$-# &("/" -%$&&- ")) 1), *,) --$(" • RN, Intake cle Database 10g &
 #%*'-023 ')2'' +/ 2%*+4'%452' create an environment of Manager needs to be a • LVN per diem, Hospice PL/SQL; review, test & rec-
-%$&&- /-$("  ),  20
%+'/4 %0.154'2 3,+--3 #/& +%2030(4 excellence, please take a team player, leading the • Physical Therapist onciliation of product func-
&,3 )'' (-/,. 1$.# 2* ,$ ( moment to discover more team of case managers, • Occupational Therapist tionality vs system
#11-+%#4+0/3 about what it’s like to work billing and coders in meet- specifications; design, de-
   *031+4#- '81'2+'/%' 3420/)-9 at Community Memorial ings and organizing appeals Call Eli 805-642-0239 velopment, testing & imple-
     Health System. for the Health System. Fax resume: 805-650-1536 mentation of applications;
12'('22'& CMHS is an EOE/AA Em- Must have experience in 1996 Eastman Ave #101 design functionality & ar-
 +/$, - '$($'/' )!  3 ,- 2* ,$ ( $( $,,!. ployer billing, coding, reimburse- Ventura, CA 93003 chitecture of enhancement
-.,/./, - -., -- (&3-$- /-$(" ).# &--$& !*' 35%%'33(5- %#/&+&#4' 7+-- $' 0(('2'& '8%'--'/4 To apply go to: ment and chart audits. VCS270158 & new products; writing Knowledge of government functional requirement
#( (&3-$- ( $($. & ' (. ) &$(" &-) %0.1'/3#4+0/ #/& #/ 05434#/&+/) $'/'
43 CMHS is an EOE. and commercial programs specifications; business
, +/$, - '$($'/' )!   ", $( ("$( ,$(" 1#%,#)' +/%-5&+/) 120
4 3*#2+/) 02 +..'&+#4' VCS270102 a must. HUMAN process implementation.
Qualifications: Associates Job site: Thousand Oaks,
&,3 )'' (-/,. 1$.# 2* ,$ ( #/& %0/
&'/4+#- %0/3+&'2#4+0/ 1-'#3' 3'/& 9052 degree required; Bachelors RESOURCES
The Lighthouse

CA. Reference # 7UCUGY

2'35.' 40
Dynamex Inc. Exp’d in- degree preferred. Three (3) ADMINISTRATOR & submit resume to Global
years experience in per- Mobility, Amgen Inc., One
    dependent contractor/ forming billing, coding, re- Salem Communications is
driver with white cargo Amgen Center Drive, MS
 +/$, - '$($'/' )!  3 ,- 2* ,$ ( imbursement and medical seeking an addition to B36-2-C, Thousand Oaks,
van or box truck need- record reviews; audits in their HR Dept. Respon-
ed for daily office sup- CA 91320. No phone calls or
$( ' #($&  -$"( ( ,1$(" # %$(" ply route in DT Sta healthcare is required. Ex- sibilities: Maintain per- e-mails please. Must be le-
1$.# $,,!. ("$( ,$(" 2* ,$ ( *, ! ,,  perience in working with sonnel files and gally authorized to work in
Barbara. Must have time sensitive and confiden- termination records, 20%
own vehicle. Start the U.S. without sponsor-
()1& " )!   ( '$&$.,3 ,1$(" ASAP! Call 805-310-8949 tial projects. Expert Knowl- filing; Report analysis; ship. EOE.
edge of MS Office (Excel), Assist w/ events; Assist VCS270768
-.(,- , +/$,   2* ,$ ( $- VCS270205 working Knowledge of MS HR Director & Bfts Mgr
(). , +/$,  /. 2* ,$ ( +2'%402 0( '230//'- Office (Word, Power- with projects as as-
DRIVERS - for busy mes- Point).Ability to present in- signed: Oversee EEO & Information Technology
1$.# ,) ("$( ,$("  02102#4+0/ senger svc, must have own formation to a diverse FCC; Requirements: Min
 $-  *&/- -+6' -6& car & ins. Xlnt pay. Call audience. Must be team 5 yrs HR exp; Excellent NETWORK
818-715-1416 or email to: oriented, highly organized verbal and written skills.
&,3 )'' (-/,. 4 05+3   joe.zep@ person who can work inde- Maintain confidentiality; ENGINEER/
1$.# 2* ,$ (  #8 pendently to complete Proficient with Word, Ex- ADMINISTRATOR
VCS270115 tasks. Effective communi- cel & Outlook. Knowledge
cator with physicians, Man- of ADP Enterprise help- Seeks Independent Con-
'$& 3)/, , -/' .) Financial agers and Director level ful; Ability to lift 35#; tractor for tech support
"  staff. Bachelor’s or equivalent;
'' ,,$..
.- ("$( ,$(")'  LICENSE / CERTIFICA- SPHR/PHR a +. $20/hr. Must be exp’d with Ac-
TION / REGISTRATIONS We offer a comprehen- tive Directory Windows
REQUIRED: CCS-P, CPC, sive bfts pkg. Please sub- 2003\2008 MS Exchange
CPC-H or CHC, RHIT, mit your resume and a 2003/2007 Active Directory
COMPLIANCE RHIA certification pre- well-written cover letter and related domain level

Positively participatory.
ferred detailing your HR exp components and protocols
SPECIALIST and why you want to con-
tinue in the HR field to:
WINS. Exp w/ admin of
CMHS offers excellent
National recognized fi- benefits, such as Medical, MS SQL Server.
nancial services firm lo- Dental, Vision, Life, and EOE VCS270255
cated in Carpinteria AD&D insurance. We also 2-5 yrs exp. Must be de-
seeks experienced, moti- offer a comprehensive HUMAN RESOURCES tailed oriented & reliable.
vated individual for Com- 403(b) retirement plan, Classified HR Dir. Start $20/hr DOE

Communities pliance Team.

include: Audits,
branch exams, interface
flexible spending accounts,
paid time off, and a variety
of other great benefits. If
P/T 4 hrs/day. Ojai Unified
School District Closes 4/11.
805-640-4300 x1007.
Send resume to:
Every Wednesday. with CCO & Ops depts to
formalize & maintain
policies, & procedures,
you are interested in join-
ing teams that meld quality
care and compassion to

Your guide to news review & approve ad &

mktg materials. Must
have S6, S26 with S7 &
create an environment of
excellence, please take a
moment to discover more Recreation Therapist / Aide
Amgen Inc. has an opportu-
and events in your Per Diem - weekends and
Thursday, April 7, 2011

S24 preferred. PlanMem- about what it’s like to work nity for a Manager, Global
ber is a SEC & FINRA at Community Memorial some weekday availability. Health Economics. Reqs:
reg b/d & investment ad- Health System. C.T.R.S. or R.T.C. certifica- PhD; or Master’s & 3 yrs
neighborhood and visor providing retire-
ment planning &
To apply go to:
CMHS is an EOE.
tion preferred or related ex-
perience. Performs R.T.
Group Therapy and R.T.
exp; & exp with health eco-
nomics & outcomes re-
search; Economic theory &
the county.
services. Send re-
sume/salary history to VCS270116 Assessments. modeling; Pharmacoepi- Aurora Vista demiology. Job site: Thou-
del Mar Hospital sand Oaks, CA. Reference
website at Attn: Human Resources # 7ZR5H3 & submit resume
VCS270207 801 Seneca St. to Global Mobility, Amgen
loan calculator to project monthly Ventura, CA. 93001 Inc., One Amgen Center
Phone: (805) 626-5287 Drive, MS B36-2-C, Thou-

Positively foryou.
HEALTHCARE - Front Of- payments. Visit Fax: (805) 652-2248 sand Oaks, CA 91320. No
fice Coordinator F/T Greet Matt Kohagen PHR, LMFT phone calls or e-mails
patients. Accurate data en- Director of HR VCS270130 please. Must be legally au-
try skills w/knowledge of in- thorized to work in the U.S.
surance. People skills req. without sponsorship. EOE.
Fax resume to: 805-495-0086
34 VCS271186 Call 800 221 STAR 7827 VCS270244





540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540

Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

MEDICAL ASST Medical Records

Occupational Therapist
Physical Therapist
Amgen Inc. seeks a Senior PURCHASING
Registered Nurse
Needed for busy ortho sur- Duties & Responsibilities: INTENSIVE CARE UNIT - THERAPIST THERAPIST - PER DIEM Associate Project Manager, MANAGER/ CENTER COORDINATOR
geon. Local travel req. To abstract and code dis- OVCH Must have current Duties: Provides evalua- Duties: P&PE Global Business Op- DISADVANTAGED (RN) - SURGERY
Must be exp. NO NEW charged patient records, CA RN License; Current tion and treatment to a va- •Provides evaluation and erations. Reqs. Master’s de- Duties & Responsibilities:
maintain discharge statis- CPR, ACLS. riety of in and outpatient treatment to a variety of gree. Exp. Or coursework BUSINESS The Coordinator performs
GRADS. Prev exp w/ortho
pref. Fax 818-901-6642 or tics and to ensure complete- One Full-Time Position diagnoses. Performs initial complex inpatient and out- in: Resource or capacity ENTERPRISE clinical care activities and ness of the medical record Available (72 hrs a pay pe- and on-going assessment patient diagnoses. planning; Business analy- (DBE) OFFICER is responsible for the coor-
VCS271002 in accordance with accred- riod) Night Shift (7:00pm - according to department •Supervises daily profes- sis; Project planning; Pro- dination of a specialty peri-
iting and regulatory agency 7:00am) policy and scope of prac- sional patient related ac- ject Management Life Salary Range operative service for
requirements. Performs Ojai Valley Community tice. Documents the treat- tivities of physical therapy Cycle; Project manage- $58,800- $82,300 patients, physicians, and
ICD-9 and CPT coding for Hospital offers excellent ment and relevant assistant and physical ment software and spread- Excellent benefits & other identified customers.
inpatient, Emergency De- benefits, such as Medical, information according to therapy aide. sheets; MS Project; CalPERS pension plan With Director and Manager
partment, Outpatient and Dental, Vision, Life, and organizational policy and •Communicates physical Handling large data using collaborates and provides
Same Day Surgery records. AD&D insurance. We also regulatory status. therapy goals and patient Microsoft Excel; Financial, Gold Coast Transit, the support for achieving estab-
Accurately abstracts health offer a comprehensive Re- Education and/or Experi- information to physicians, Statistical or mathematical public transit provider lished goals.
data on all record types tirement plan, flexible ence: Current licensed other hospital staff, and modeling; Working within a for western Ventura Qualifications: Associate’s
into the Hospital system ac- spending accounts, paid Occupational Therapist in agents of reimbursement. team matrix environment. County, is seeking an ex- Degree (ADN) required,
Medical Billing Office cording to established stan- time off, and a variety of the State of California. One •Documents in a timely Job Location: Thousand perienced procurement BSN preferred. Open Heart
seeks Benefit dards. Qualifications: other great benefits. (1) to two (2) years acute manner appropriate patient Oaks, CA. Send resume professional to join our experience is required.
Administrator/Account High School diploma or If you are interested in join- care experience is pre- status and goals. Ref. # 85S88M to: Global team. This hands-on posi- Management experience is
Receivable Manager general education degree ing teams that meld quality ferred. Professional experi- •Follows policies for de- Mobility, Amgen, Inc., One tion is responsible for preferred.
(GED) is required. Must care and compassion to ence and/or training in both partmental and hospital Amgen Center Drive, Mail- procuring a variety of CMHS offers excellent
Qualifications: have Certified Coding Spe- create an environment of inpatient and outpatient performance improvement stop 37-1-C Thousand Oaks, commodities and servic- benefits, such as Medical,
•Minimum of 2 years cialist certificate or three excellence, please take a areas preferred, including projects. CA 91320. No phone calls es, including rolling Dental, Vision, Life, and
Medical Billing exp years of Inpatient coding moment to discover more pre-graduate clinical intern- •Attends meetings and per- or e-mails please. Must be stock, facility construc- AD&D insurance. We also
•Working knowledge of with expectation to obtain about what it’s like to work ships. Current CPR certifi- forms special projects as legally authorized to work tion and professional ser- offer a comprehensive
CPT and ICD9 codes, Certified Coding Specialist at Community Memorial cation is required. required. in the U.S. without sponsor- vices, and for overseeing 403(b) retirement plan,
HCFA 1500, UB04 claim certificate within one year Health System. CMHS offers excellent Requirements: ship. EOE. all GCT purchasing ac- flexible spending accounts,
forms, HIPAA, billing of hire. Previous Inpatient To apply go to: benefits, such as Medical, •Must be a licensed Physi- VCS267582 tivity and compliance. paid time off, and a variety
regulations, insurance coding experience strongly Dental, Vision, Life, and cal Therapist by the State This position is also re- of other great benefits.
benefits and appeal preferred. CMHS is an EOE. AD&D insurance. We also of California. sponsible for the adminis- If you are interested in join-
processes CMHS offers excellent VCS268741 VCS269514 offer a comprehensive •1-2 years experience in tration, update and ing teams that meld quality
•Proficient in Microsoft benefits, such as Medical, VCS270121 403(b) retirement plan, acute care is preferred. Psychology/ implementation of GCT’s care and compassion to
Office, incl Outlook, Dental, Vision, Life, and flexible spending accounts, •Must have current CPR Social Work/ federally required DBE create an environment of
Word and Excel AD&D insurance. We also RN IV CHARGE NURSE, paid time off, and a variety certification Program. excellence, please take a
•Organized, reliable and offer a comprehensive ICU/CCU Duties: Provides of other great benefits. CMHS offers excellent MFT Consultant moment to discover more
posses excellent 403(b) retirement plan, critical care nursing to the If you are interested in join- benefits, such as Medical, This position requires a about what it’s like to work
communication skills flexible spending accounts, patients in the ICU/CCU, ing teams that meld quality Dental, Vision, Life, and Seeking candidate for di- at Community Memorial
vision of Education Man- thorough knowledge and
Duties: paid time off, and a variety oversees shift operations, care and compassion to AD&D insurance. We also understanding of the Health System.
•Benefit Verification/ of other great benefits. and participates in leader- create an environment of offer a comprehensive agement Corp located in To apply go to:
Ventura. Support study laws, regulations and
Precertification If you are interested in join- ship activities. Assumes excellence, please take a 403(b) retirement plan, practices of public con-
•Charge entry ing teams that meld quality role in directing shift opera- moment to discover more flexible spending accounts, programs for mental VCS270119

The Lighthouse
health fields. Knowledge tract and procurement
•A/R follow up including care and compassion to tions as appropriate to li- about what it’s like to work paid time off, and a variety methods (IFB/RFP/
processing incoming create an environment of cense and practice. at Community Memorial of other great benefits. of clinical, Dx/Tx, Registered Nurse
law/ethics, assess, etc. RFQ), as well as the ap-
mail, appeals and record excellence, please take a Participates in various as- Health System. go to: If you are interested in join- plicable Federal and RN II - CATH LAB
requests moment to discover more pects of leadership role. ing teams that meld quality Ability to teach one-on- Duties: Provides general
one. Assist course devel- State contracting laws,
•Account resolution with about what it’s like to work Participates in departmen- CMHS is an EOE. care and compassion to business law, UCC and nursing care to patients in
Health Plans and at Community Memorial tal and hospital-wide Per- VCS270101 create an environment of opment. MA/PhD. Xlnt the Cardiac Cath Lab by
Benefits/401k. FTA regulations.
Patients Health System. go to: formance Improvement excellence, please take a Experience with FTA- performing the duties with- projects. Acts as a resource moment to discover more in scope of license. Effec-
compliant transit pro-
Salary DOE and includes CMHS is an EOE. to staff. Office Manager about what it’s like to work
VCS270221 curements is desirable, tively plans and
benefits for full time VCS269526 Requirements: Must have ATAC is seeking an Of- at Community Memorial as is experience with communicates patient and
Email your resume to current California RN li- fice Manager at our Pt. Health System. go to: Federal contracting DBE family education. Partici- Nursing cense. Must have current Mugu, CA location. Ideal PURCHASING ANALYST pates in unit based educa-
Review contract, evaluate requirements and project
VCS270797 LVN - CFH SAVIERS ACLS and BLS certifica- candidate will have a min CMHS is an EOE. management techniques. tion activities. Accurately
Duties: Provides profes- tion. 1 year of Office Mgmt VCS270105 suppliers performance, and timely documentation
sional nursing care to pa- CMHS offers excellent exp. Extensive knowledge mail to: Foreign Trade Cor- consistent with practice and
poration, 130 W Cochran St, This position requires the
tients in support of medical benefits, such as Medical, of WORD & EXCEL re- equivalent of graduation hospital policy.
Selectyouroptions. care as directed by medical Dental, Vision, Life, and quired. Team player Call 800 221 STAR 7827 Simi Valley, CA 93065,
from a four-year college Requirements: Associate’s
staff and pursuant to objec- AD&D insurance. We also w/pos attitude, who is No calls. degree (ADN) required,
or university and three
Searchbymake tives and policies of the offer a comprehensive both proactive and reac- PART TIME Small jewelry VCS271259
years of experience in a BSN preferred. Experi-
ormodel. hospital. Organizes and Co- 403(b) retirement plan, tive with limited instruc- bus. Display & cleaning. procurement environ- enced Cath Lab Nurse, able
ordinates patient care plan- flexible spending accounts, tion who can multi task in 10-20 hrs/wk, mostly morn- ment, preferably in a to take call. Must have ex-
ning with other hospital paid time off, and a variety fast paced environment. tensive critical care/cardi-
Locatelocaldealers. disciplines. Reports to the of other great benefits. Previous exp in Aviation
ings. $11/hr. Dwntwn Vta Find new & used cars. government setting.
ology background. Current
Clinic Nursing Supervisor If you are interested in join- a plus. Duties include or- VCS271452 For a complete job de- CA RN License is required.
or Coordinator and interfac- ing teams that provides der supplies, maintain scription and application, Must be flexible with work
es with Front Office and quality care and compas- equip., answer phones, schedule plan, flexible
Back Office staff to assure sion to create an environ- flight logs, aircraft PROGRAM please see:
http://www.goldcoast spending accounts, paid
patient flow in the Back Of-
fice of the clinic.
ment of excellence, please
take a moment to discover
sheets, other duties as
needed. ANALYST time off, and a variety of
other great benefits.

Head Start Program gctemployment.html
Requirements: High school more about what it’s like to Submit cover letter & re- If you are interested in join-
diploma or general educa- work at Community Memo- sume to: $60K - $75K Annual ing teams that provides
Applications must be
Transportation? tion degree (GED) is re- rial Health System. quality care and compas-

HR Manager, Serve as chief advisor to completed for considera-
quired. Must have a To apply go to: Fax 757-243-8742 tion. A resume may ac- sion to create an environ-
current California LVN li- or email to the Head Start preschool ment of excellence, please
programs director on all company a completed
cense. Experience working CMHS is an EOE. application. VCS270109 take a moment to discover
in a clinic setting is pre- VCS270100 EOE VCS270417 matters affecting pro- more about what it’s like to
ferred. Ability to prioritize gram budgets, enroll- work at Community Memo-
and maintain flow of pa- ments, expenditures, and rial Health System.
tients for a buys practice. general business opera- To apply go to:

Bilingual in English/spanish tions. Responsible for all
is preferred systemic and statistical CMHS is an EOE.
Community Memorial Hos- aspects of the Head Start Real Estate VCS270104
program; for devising COMMERCIAL
pital offers excellent bene-
fits, such as Medical, and recommending cours-
es of action to keep all PROPERTY

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dental, Vision, Life, and
AD&D insurance. We also programs in proper bud- MANAGER
offer a comprehensive Re- getary balance. Reqr’s: East Ventura County area.
tirement plan, flexible News you can use from technology, food, health, Min BA/BS in economics, Must have comm’l real es-
spending accounts, paid movies and relationships. info science, math, opera- tate exp. Fax resume to Selectyouroptions.
time off, and a variety of tions analysis or related. Scheu Development
Min 3 yrs recent work 805-379-3768 Searchbymake
other great benefits.

exp in responsible posi- VCS271250
If you are interested in join-
ing teams that meld quality tion involving program ormodel.
planning and budgeting,
care and compassion to Locatelocaldealers.
create an environment of systems dev. and imple- Online garage sale map. Every Friday
excellence, please take a mentation, data collec-
moment to discover more tion, analysis, and results

about what it’s like to work prep. Computer & Excel
at Community Memorial proficiency. Apply by
Health System. 03/31/11. Online garage sale map.
Positively for you.
CDR, 221 Ventura Blvd. To apply go to:
To subscribe, call
Oxnard, (805) 485-7878. Every Friday P.M.
800-221-STAR (7827) CMHS is an EOE.
VCS270122 VCS270139
AA/EEOE. 800-221-STAR (7827) 35
540 540 540 Rentals 609 609 609 609
Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments
600-683 Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished
Provide direct and indirect Wholesale gift co. seeks CLINIC TECHNICIAN 3+2 & 2+2. Pool, spa, f/p, &
patient care in the acute in-
patient setting. Communi-
expd phone sales. Take in- (MA)
CFH Vineyard, Oxnard Small, Quiet, 55+comm. DEL CIERVO tennis court. Baywood Apts
805-581-9052 VCS269910
coming/make outgoing
cate with physicians and calls. Telemarketing exp A DUTIES: Provide safe, ef- Upstairs 1 bd w/balcony,
a/c, fridge, gas stove,lndry OXNARD APARTMENTS
interdisciplinary patient MUST. $8.50/hr + incen- ficient, and therapeutic pa-
care team members about
changes in patient’s clinical
tives. Benefit pkg. Email
resume w/pay history to:
tient care services under
the supervision and direc- 609
room clubhouse. $854/mo.
111 Holly Dr. 2+2 & 3+2 Low Deposits Stonepine Apts
Near 23 & 101, T.Oaks
condition. Participates in
performance improvement
Subject line: SALES JOB.
tion of a licensed physician
and nurse in performing Apartments
805-482-6000 VCS269868 Townhouse OAC 805 497-3450
Move-In Specials
and CQI activities.
Must have current CA RN
VCS270722 various duties. Has com-
pleted the training and Unfurnished FILLMORE ADULT 55+ Apartments 1 & 2 Bedrooms VCS269682

1br, a/c, all utils pd, except
license; 1 or more years re-
cent acute care hospital ex-
Sales competencies for medical
technician in performing elec. From $745.HUD/PET *on availabilty Thousand Oaks
perience; BLS, ACLS &
Sales Professional the routine tasks needed to BELLA VISTA OK. Call 805-642-9527 or • Beautiful Grounds
Stonepine Apts
805-524-4124 VCS269426
PALS certified; Strong ver-
bal and written communi-
Rancho Dominguez, CA. care for the clinic patients.
CONDO’s Lovely, newly remodeled
townhome apts each
• BBQ Area ** 13th Month FREE! **
We are seeking an experi- Active Adult includes a huge balcony • Pool and Jacuzzi CALL NOW
cation skills. enced, energetic individual School Diploma or GED is NEWBURY PARK
One Full-Time Day Position to assist in future develop- required. Medical Assist- 55+ Community and garage parking. • Tennis Courts 805 497-3450
Available (7:00am - ing our business through ant certificate from college In fantastic location 2+1.5 $1,450-$1,495 Great location near • Close to Shopping VCS269684
7:00pm) Vermeer equipment sales. or technical school and +$750 dep. 1,200 sq. ft. shopping, beach,
Ojai Valley Community This individual must pos- minimum of one (1) year Recently upgraded college, CBC base. T.O MOUNT CLEF APTS
Hospital offers excellent
benefits, such as Medical,
sess exceptional communi-
cation & organizational
experience as a Medical As-
sistant in a medical prac-
On Tanager St, Vta Clean & quiet
Private balcony
We also feature:
Fitness Center, 1905 N. H St. Spring Specials!
Dental, Vision, Life, and
AD&D insurance. We also
skills & the ability to priori-
tize & multi-task.
tice. Must be able to multi-
task in a physician office FOR LEASE: Stove & Refrigerator
W/d hkups (2 bdrm only)
Multiple Laundry Facilites
2 Sparkling Pools 805-981-4341 1br from $1050. 2br from
and much more! VCS270394
offer a comprehensive Re- RDO Equipment Co. is a setting. Must be organized, • 2bed+2bath Onsite laundry rooms 805-492-2022 VCS270404
tirement plan,
spending accounts, paid
flexible proud leader of Vermeer
Equipment. More informa-
able to prioritize and com-
municate both verbally and
$500 OFF 1st Months Rent! Open beam ceilings
Some w/small backyard
Come visit Oxnard
time off, and a variety of tion about RDO Equipment in writing. Computer expe-
Contact: Michele DiMauro Assigned parking spaces Monterey Villas T.O. QUIET LOCATION
• 1+1 - $1,145
other great benefits Co. is available at: rience and typing skills a (carport w/storage)
If you are interested in join- must. Phlebotomy certifi- 805.639.3214 or Close to schools, shopping Apartments • 2+2 - $1,295 & up
ing teams that meld quality Interested applicants must cate required. Bilingual 805.766.0269 & freeway. Small pet ok. • 2 Bedroom Townhouses
care and compassion to apply on-line. RDO Equip- (Spanish) is required. • Washer/Dryer every unit No Dogs or Cats.
Please visit: CALL TO VIEW: 805-492-2113
create an environment of ment Co. offers competitive Applicants who do not meet (805) 498-6131 or email: • Dogs & Cats Welcome
excellence, please take a wages & a comprehensive job requirements will not (Breed Restrictions Apply) VCS270405
VCS269076 mtshadow207
moment to discover more benefits package. We are be considered. VCS270475 • Large Private Patios
about what it’s like to work an EEO Employer. CMHS offers excellent and join our Lines are open 24/7 T.O.
at Community Memorial VCS270241 benefits, such as Medical, CAM 1+1 950sf unique 866-291-3218
Health System. Dental, Vision, Life, and upstairs apt in the quiet NEWBURY PARK awesome VCS271137
To apply go to: AD&D insurance. We also Heights area, approx 200 CASA OAKS APTS SOCIAL SERVICES offer a comprehensive degree views+350ft of community
CMHS is an EOE. LEAD 403(b) retirement plan, Studios 1 & 2 Bdrms 805-488-3946
The Lighthouse

deck, 10ft ceilings, f/p,

VCS270103 COUNSELOR flexible spending accounts, lndry access, driveway VCS269223
Turning Point Founda- paid time off, and a variety prking $1600 Bkr Helen, Custom paint and
tion, a non-profit agency of other great benefits. 805-506-8523 VCS270725 OXN
If you are interested in join- carpet, fireplaces, When Available
serving adults with seri-
ing teams that meld quality balcony, pool, Elegant Living
RESTAURANT ous and persistent mental
care and compassion to CAM 2+1.5 Oxnard Beach near marina. Beautiful Spacious 1 & 2
BARTENDER NEEDED illness has the following laundry facility. complex with garages, Bedrooms
create an environment of Move In Special
Oxnard, CA. Bilingual
pref. Call 818-438-1105
positions available
their Adult Wellness &
excellence, please take a 1 MONTH FREE! Dogs Welcome Channel Island washer, dryer hookups,
pool and spa. No pets.
Pool, covered parking
VCS271191 Recovery Program cur-
rently in Ventura and ex-
moment to discover more
about what it’s like to work
Lovely spacious townhome
Attached 2 car gar. Tennis, $30 application fee. Village Apts SPECIAL
& laundry room.
Easy Fwy Access.
panding to Oxnard. at Community Memorial
Health System
Playground, pool & spa.
805-482-1682 VCS269095
Studio $850 Discount Rate Now! Sorry, no pets
Mon-Sat 9am-5pm
Retail Full job description at:
To apply go to: 2088 W Hillcrest Dr 1+1 $995 Large 1+1 & 2+2 or by appt
www.turningpoint Please come see the
CMHS is an EOE. 866.982.2176 2+1 $1250 friendly manager for the (805)495-5520
VCS270320 other move in specials at 223 Erbes Rd #101
VCS270126 VCS269755 Spacious floor plans, VILLA MARINA VCS271142
Software Engineer CAMARILLO
heated indoor pool & 1320 S. Victoria, Oxnard
Design/develop/test/inte- 805-985-0644 VCS271442 VENTURA
grate testing suites, prod- OXN North end 2+1 $1295+. spa tennis ct & gym. 1br apt $950, 2br apt $1200
SPROUTS IS NOW ucts and certification Spotless units including all Near college. No smoke/pets.
ACCEPTING programs to satisfy fulfill- TRANSIT GREAT DEAL appliances, gar w/remote. Only $500 dep!! OXN N. 2 Bdrm - Large, 805-890-2142 VCS271446
Gated.Some utils.No Sec 8 No Application Fees clean and quiet. Gated
Westlake Village specifications and product Salary Range: N/S/P 805-452-1691 VCS270352 prk’g. Close to fwy. From
Sprouts Store functionality. Develop de- $48,100 - $67,300 3650 Ketch Ave $1,250. (Gonzales @ H St.) VENTURA EAST
tailed test specifications Including Full Benefit
Package - Employer Paid
OXN 2+1 newly remodeled,
steps from the beach, quiet,
(805)984-5880 805-485-5877
Managers and formulate/analyze test
results including corrective Retirement 2bd+2ba gar and lndry, $1,650/mo.
VCS269664 or visit: CITRUS GLEN
Department Heads, 818-712-2000 VCS271154 VCS271110 A real sense of
actions to resolve system
Gold Coast Transit seeks ONLY $1,385/mo OXNARD
defects. Maintain and up-
a transit supervisor that
Stockers, Clerks, grade existing sys- Beautiful, clean efficiency GAS AND WATER PAID
tems/technology/protocols requires thorough work- We offer Spacious 1 & 2 Oxnard 1 Bedroom studio at Hollywood Beach.
Baggers, and more! in the Smart Grid industry. ing knowledge of public bdrm apts and 2 bdrm STOP! See Us First! Quiet, safe location. Close
Please apply online at
Master’s degree in Comput-
er Science or related+2
transit bus operations,
CHP and DMV regula-
townhomes in a gorgeous
garden setting. Sparkling
Spacious. Frig included.
North end convenient to
to base. Steps to beach and
Renovated 1, 2, 3 bedrm
Channel Islands Harbor. CALL WE ANSWER! years exp. in energy/power tions including principles pool/spa, Huge Lndry rms, Fwy. From $950. $950/mo - military discount
Abundant pkg. XLNT Loc. apartments available at VCS268353
area of smart grid and de- of safety and supervision. Parkwood Gardens available. All utilities,wi-fi,
mand response system. You must have a class B 805-983-1201 cable, refrigerator, Rancho Solana Apts VENTURA Midtown Studio
Job Fair: Must be familiar with
SOAP, Java/J2EE and
license with passenger
endorsement and at least Ask
or visit:
microwave included.
805-485-1208 VCS269221 $745mo+$745dep. N/S, N/P.
Utils incl. Available now
April 1, 2011, 9am-5pm
April 2, 2011, 9am-2pm UML. Send resume to:
Steve Kang at QualityLogic
3 years of experience. About Manager No pets, no smoking, N/D.
Reference’s Required.
OXN Studio $750 full kitchen,
large bath and closets.
Call 805-216-7609 VCS270875
1012 Westlake Blvd.

Westlake, CA 91361 5401 Tech Circle, For full job description 805-402-5115 Historical District. Bkr, Toni VENTURA
Moorpark, CA 93021. and application instruc- VCS270638 805-984-3613 VCS269366
VCS268883 tions, see our listings at: Ventura Village
Thursday, April 7, 2011


TAKE ROOT AT Online garage sale map.
805-987-6146 Online garage sale map. PT HUE 1 Bdrm - Clean,
quiet property. Fresh
Green 3+1.5
Kid friendly, private patio,
SPROUTS! no pets 3bdrms 1full/1half
VCS270580 Every Friday P.M. Hacienda De Camarillo newcars, Every Friday P.M. paint, clean carpets, pool
and gated prk’g from $895. baths $1,550.00/mo 831 Paseo Camarillo
usedcarsand Across from Navy Base. (805)642-4500
Open 7 days PARK MADERA APTS VCS271010
ROOFERS *OAC Credit Problems?
dealers. 805-984-4062

Sell Find
Santa Barbara roofing co We can help. or visit:
seeking experienced Roof-
ers-Journeymen/Superinten- Motorhead VCS271109
dents only. Min 7 yrs
roofing exp & understand
yourcar. onlineat... Blog. PT Hue $850 Reduced to $795
Spacious full 1 bedroom
all aspects roofing applica-
tions. Valid DL, Bilingual cycles,boats VCS271403
Motorhead, Lance Lambert
lower, on quiet street.
805-253-3206 VCS270214
English/Spanish. Referenc-
es req’d. Please fax res to:
Create your own ad online
at andRVs. Find a home. blogs all things on wheels.
SIMI 1+1 $975 & UP
805-649-5995 or email to: Gated, Garden Building with Pool, A/C. No pets.
36 VCS271447 805-520-9486 VCS270645





Employment 609 617 617 627 627 627 627

Apartments Condos/Townhomes Condos/Townhomes
500-585 Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished
Houses Unfurnished Houses Unfurnished Houses Unfurnished Houses Unfurnished
VTA 2br 2ba x-Lg units w/all PT HUE 2+1 Marina Village OXN 4+2+2 car garage, VTA 2+1 @ 386 S. Evergreen
appliances, close to shopping Penthouse, stove, gar, pool, CAMARILLO big backyard, $2100/mo Nice backyard, gardener
$1295. Some units avail for no pets. $995/mo+dep. MISSION OAKS 805-509-9810 or 805-509-6204 incl $1675+Dep - OAC
handicapped and/or seniors. Coast Prop Mgmt 4 bdrms+2.5 baths, 2 car or 805-248-6630 VCS270894 No P/SM. Central Coast
805-658-7453 VCS271059 805-988-8077 VCS270664 gar, stove, dishwasher, 805-389-6803 VCS269611
a/c, central heat, f/p, w/d OXN 4+2 near Marina &
VTA 3+2 UPSTAIRS - Great THOUSAND OAKS 1+1 Oak Shopping, new flooring, f/p, VTA 2 br 1 ba Ocean view
Views, from $1450. Small hkups, lrg bkyd, 2,200 sqft
609 Pets? No smoke. Apply at
Knoll Villa Retirement
Comm. Must be 55+ to
of living space, pd grdnr.
$2,400/mo NO RENT
fresh paint, gar, fenced yd,
no pets. $1,875+dep.
home, w/d, fp, $1995/mo
805-896-0946 VCS271292
Apartments office Tues-Sat, 80 Aliso
Lane 11am-5pm VCS271095
apply. 2nd floor condo with
elevator. Same flr coin lndry.
INCREASE EVER! Coast Prop Mgmt
805-988-8077 VCS270661 VTA 4+2, w/d hkups, trash,
Unfurnished Lg balcony, newer appls.
No pets, good credit req’d.
Available NOW!!! wtr pd. Ave area $2000/mo
VTA view from all rms and bal- OXN 6 bedroom 2 bath home MOVE IN SPECIAL -
Del Norte Apartments cony. Beautiful cul-de-sac 805-455-7136 Nyeland Acres,Available 1st 3 Months ONLY $1500/mo
Move In Specials! CONDOS/APTS location near Thousand
Oaks Mall. Carport park-
VCS271278 now. Section 8 ok. $2600
805-377-5033 VCS271439 HOUSES 805-746-0549 VCS270062
1 & 2 Bedrooms CAMARILLO
ing for 1 car. Small dogs/ VTA 4+3+office & family
VTA 2+1 $1075 Village At The Park!
• Beautiful Grounds cats ok w/owner approval. OXNARD 1+1 w/gar, yard, VTA 4+2 below room Stockton Ave, avail
• Pool on Hummingbird $50/pet extra per month 4+3 custom home, 3+ car May 1st, $2575/mo +dep
• Onsite Laundry (max 2 pets). Min 1 year garage, parks, pools, school, fwy access, water paid, college, huge back- (805) 794-4285 VCS270957
gardener. No Smoking/Pets. pet considered, $900 yard, washer/dryer
1 & 2 Bedroom • Cats Ok VTA 2+1 upstairs, lease. Karen 805-509-0886
$3,200/mo. 805-383-0213 Crossroads Inv 805-485-4040
10855-10880 Del Norte St for info VCS269037 frig $2200 on Estates VTA E 1+1 COTTAGE
water/trash paid. VCS270602 VCS271153
BLOWOUT (805)659-2258
Ocean/hillside views THOUSAND OAKS - 2+2
w/garage, laundry hookups,
quiet secure area, yard
VCS269676 Mprk ESTATE HOME OXN Mandalay Bay 3+2+
Starting at $1095 $1200 S.Evergreen OAK KNOLL VILLA CONDO PANORAMIC VIEWS loft, pvt boat dock, southern
STA PAULA 2+1 $1050 maint, gas and water pd.
Water & Trash PAID VTA E. 2+1 APT $1095/mo with all amenities. 55+ Beautiful 5100sf custom home exposure, f/p, deck,balcony on North 12th No dogs $1095/mo+ dep
Spacious Floorplans 2+1.5 townhouse style apt Community. $1,550/month. 805-647-1952, 805-642-9574
W/D Hookups $1295 Cat ok. N/S. Call VTA 1+1 back half 805-551-5831 VCS269724 5bd, 6ba, dramatic entry, $2350. Broker, Toni
Kitchen Appliances 805-647-8411 VCS270239 of duplex, wood GE monogram desinger 805-984-3613 VCS270273 STA PAULA 4+2
T.O. 1+1 w/carport & a/c, in kitchen, custom upgrades, 2 story with ocean VTA E. 3+2 fenced yard,
Rec Room includes floors & fireplace. exclusive gated comm. $4750 SIMI 3+2 in good area,
• Pool Tables 55+ Oaknoll Villas. central air, large kitchen, views from master. kitchen applcs incl $1550+
• Flatscreen TV
VTA $1100. Buena Vista $1,125/mo lease. No smoking. 805-798-0505 VCS270844
corner lot, $1975/month $500 dep, trash paid. Sec 8
• Card Table Harbor View Villas 805-300-2328 VCS269786 NBP - 4034 Colonett, 3+2, 805-582-0538 VCS270301
Gardener incl $2700. ok. 805-405-1286 VCS270337
• WiFi Luxury Apts. VTA 1+2, 3 story remodeled, community pools, On Shasta
Heated Pool & Spa • Ocean View beach unit, 2 car VTA PARKSIDE 2 BDRM tennis court, $2,400/mo. VTA E. 3+2+small office,
Fitness Center
garage and near Govt Ctr. Lg enclosed 805-498-4451 VCS269511 SIMI 4+3 VTA Beach Rincon
fam rm, living rm, f/p,
Cats Welcome • Most utils paid front & back patios, lg 2 Executive Home beautiful landscape
Close to Shopping • FREE basic cable awesome views car att gar, laundry in NEWBURY PARK 4+2 Point 4+2.5 stain- $1975+dep 9880 Cheyenne
Located between $2500. San Pedro newly remodeled, A/C, fplc, 2162 Sq Ft. $2,695 less steel, granite, St (805)415-2008 VCS269266
333 N. Kalorama unit, pool/spa. Pet?
101/126 FWYS
Call us today 805-648-1760 $1600. Some utils pd. Call quiet neighborhood, lg yard,
incl grdnr, No smkg or pets. 805-491-2246 kitchen, Travertine VTA LRG 4+3 w/fp, new
SP 2+1 front unit in 805-258-2700 VCS270027 VCS269235
(866) 311-7888
VCS270526 $2350/mo 818-324-1369 floors, Gated comm. everything - floors, doors,
or visit us at
a triplex. Fresh VTA W. Almost New! VCS270406 On Buena Fortuna walls, bath, no smoke/pets

The Lighthouse
VTA Large 1+1, new carpet SIMI A very clean 2+1.5 grdnr pd $2100 dep reqd. & paint, pool, gar, indoor cat paint, own lndry Nice & clean, 2+2, f/p, w/d NEWBURY PK 3+2, large remodeled, $1400 + utils 805-477-0031 VCS270888
VCS269073 ok, onsite lndry.Avail 4/30/11. hkps $1050.High St hkups, sm deck, 2 car gar, fenced yd, very clean and
N/S/P. $1,600/mo+dep. pretty, $2300/mo. Incl grdnr.
N/S/P 805-428-1847 VTA 4+2 new crpt,
Please call for appointment. VCS269395 WLV 3+2+fam rm, 1 level,
805-644-4131 VCS270641 Oak Street Property Shoppe 1st+sec,credit ck 805-495-6605 paint. On Nevin.Call
VTA McKeon 2+1 805-643-1288 VCS269594 VCS271048 Barbara Hilll 805-443-2073 new carpet, a/c, f/p, avail
all upstairs $1100 SIMI WOODRANCH 3+2 now. $2800 1082 Freeport Ct
VTA LARGE 2+1 upstairs 818-359-0428 VCS270733
$1,485/mo & 2+1 downstairs WLV STONEYBROOK, 1 sto- OAK PARK LOVELY 4+2.5 Single story, $2,500mo.
water/trash paid ry, 3+2, 2 car gar, highly cul-de-sac HOME. Pool, Available Now! Pets ok.
$1,520/mo. Includes all utils. All properties are no pets,
Pleasant surroundings. Bryce Way upgraded, fresh paint, cul- spa, covered patio, fire- 325 Spring Breeze no smoke, 1 year lease.
We Have The Access to transit/shpp’g & de-sac, nr Brook. Avail 4/1. place, central heat and 805-390-5291 VCS270563 Find new & used cars.
restaurants. 805-642-3000 VTA 2+1 La $3450 +sec. 818-991-1244 A/C, Blue Ribbon schools. Visit out website at
One For You! VCS270987 VCS270675 $3100/month includes gar- SIMI WOODRANCH
Ventana, 2 patios, Newer 3+2.5, 1,300 sqft,
BRAND NEW VTA MEDITERRANEAN, refrig, washer, dry-
dener and pool service. large master, $2,265/mo.
Call 818-889-5459. Call the owners at
1 Bedroom Townhouse Style 2+2 $1850 er, $1595 wtr/trash Call 800 221 STAR 7827 VCS271309 805-581-4849 VCS270876
Homes For Rent,
f/p, dishwasher, gar, hkps,
Apartment Homes water pd. 60 & 74 Coronado softwtr pd.Tennyson OAK View 2+1 Gorgeous! SOMIS 2+1 Adorable House the proud parents 669
with yard. Grdnr, water &
Washer/Dryer included
Walk-in Closets
Open Daily 10am-2pm
805-653-7711 VCS271478 Visit out website at 621
Renovated, hkups, carport,
outdoor pet ok. Must see! trash incl. N/P/S. $1,400/mo. of a NMCB 3 soldier Miscellaneous
Sparkling Pool VTA Quiet neighborhood 3+1
or Duplexes $1350. Available now 3436 C West St.
805-603-0681 VCS270381
805-650-2500 Rentals
Refreshing Spa 805-794-7437 VCS270796
$1285 2+1 $1100 & Furn rm
Fitness Center w/bath $600; garages, w/d,
Call the owners at Unfurnished OJAI BEST LOC! 4+2.5, a/c, T.O. Oabrook 2+2 1200sf,
Valley.14 lg stalls, office,
Internet Coffee Lounge
patio, bbq. Seamist Props Homes For Rent, f/p, large fenced yard, L/R w/fp, lg pvt yd, dbl gar Find a home. lndry, kitch, ba, grooms
805-984-3372 VCS270399 the proud parents OXN Silverstrand Beach water paid. N/S/D/P, $2300 cul-de-sac nr pk+shops $1895 apt, arena. Lease All or
of a NMCB 3 soldier 3+2 upstairs, f/p, bonus 805-482-0804 VCS271420 805-469-7048 VCS270751 Part 805-857-4389 VCS268930
VCS269077 rm, rooftop deck, refrig,
805-650-2500 dshwshr, lndry room
VTA 1+1 $900/mo+$600/sec. w/wshr/dryr, dbl gr, pet

2+1 $1,200/mo+$600/sec.

Positively peanuts.
considered. $1925
Vance 805-641-1776 OXN 2+2+den Beautiful Crossroads Inv 805-485-4040
VCS269194 Harbour Island! Marina VCS270181
views gated comm, one
through hundreds level, $2495 Toni, Broker
805-984-3613 VCS268902 Find new & used cars.
VTA 1 Bdrm - Best value
in town! See us before you of homes for sale OXNARD 2+2 in Gated
rent. From $1,095. Community. Large family
(just west of Victoria)
Ventura Del Sol Apts
using local MLS. room, pool, $1,800/mo. Call
805-331-2567 VCS271171
805-656-0236 Visit
or visit:
OXN Harbor 4+3 mstr/walk
-in closet, 2 car, park. $2700 Kim
627 Comics- Everyday
Houses Unfurnished
VTA 2+2 Duplex 725 Empire 805-231-2046 VCS270973
Smile out loud with your

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ave. Remodeled, dshwshr,
landscaped yard. $1380 OXN Mandalay Bay - walk to

favorite comic strips from

beach, 2+2, $1,750/mo. Gated CAM 3+2 1 story, 86 Camino
Open Sat & Sun 12-3pm. Estrada. Sm pet ok. Lease
213-321-6059 VCS271398 Comm, 1,300sf, 2 car gar.
818-439-3210 VCS271223 $2200 credit ck/refs reqd

Alley Oop to Dilbert.

805-482-5013 Kathy
Walk to beach. Upstairs 2+1,
VTA 2 & 3 bdrm.Compare! courtyard w/pool $1400. CAM 4+2 CLEAN, 3 car gar
Spacious, self-clean oven 2+2.5 townhouse. 2 story, covered patio $2190+$2100
and frost free frig. fplc, porch, side yard, dep. 1559 Brookhaven Ave.
You be the judge! 617 wshr/dryer/frig incl. Wa- 805-987-0749 or 805-432-2174
From $1,150/sec $400.
805-644-5676 for appt. Condos/Townhomes ter/trash pd. $1675/mo
California Realty 805-985-8813
or visit: Unfurnished CAMARILLO - LEISURE

Positively foryou.
VCS271107 VILLAGE (55+). Gated 2+2
CAM 2+1 upper floor condo PH 3+2 HUENEME BAY and DEN. Very nice with
VTA 2bdrm Apts w/Awesome View! 2 car gar, 55+, neutral decor, frig, crown molding, garage.
Starting @ $995 near park laundry, frig. $1,500. N/P/S. lndry in unit, lush patio, No pets. $1,795/month. Many
and school. No pets. 142 Calle Vista dbl gar, $1295 Toni, Broker utilities paid. 805-300-1330
805-258-3203 VCS271247 805-603-0681 VCS270380 805-984-3613 VCS270275 VCS270449 37
675 677 677 Real Estate 780 Commercial 885 887
Rentals To Share Rooms For Rent Rooms For Rent 700-874 Houses For Sale Real Estate Commercial Stores/Offices
Industrial Rent Rent/Lease
OXN SHORES Beach Studio Oxnard, large furnished PT HUE Rm w/pvt entrance 875-893 VTA - 11,680 sf WHSE & IND Business Starter
Ste, lovely, lg, airy. Pvt ba, room, near Oxnard Col- 1/2 mi from beach, utils/cbl EMPTY 19 ft clear, no posts, 5 dock S. Oxn 1 to 3 room offices
sundeck, $950. 805-985-3029 lege, private bath, private incl $550. Also Share Ocean high, $.59 MG DAUM. 280-525sf Saviers Rd. Incl
805-890-0908 VCS270261 entrance, kitchen & living view condo, pool spa, $575 NESTERS 805-898-9779 VCS270915 utils. Mint Cond. Wall to
room to share with one N/S 818-292-3399 VCS269993 Before you list your VTA 2646 Palma Drive wall carpet, private patio,
other, $600 per month + home for sale, 1st floor. $400/mo-$700
$600 deposit, no smoking Warehouses - 1,276 sqft
677 no pets call Richard VTA E. Tropical Home. 707 get this FREE
*** Reduced Price ***
Call Bill @ 818.519.1653
Rodgers Management
805-985-0044 VCS269274
Rooms For Rent 805-483-3214 VCS270391 Large Kitchen With New SPECIAL REPORT
Appliances. Living Room Beach & Vacation that reveals how to Commercial Lourdes @ 805.236.0267
W/Fireplace, Game Room,
$550+dep, includes utilities Koi Pond, Full Privileges Property sell your home for Industrial Rent OXN INDUSTRIAL
and house privs. N/S/D/P. Incl: Internet & Laundry. the most money, VTA INDUSTRIAL SPACE Rice/101/Rose
dep incl elec, cable, washer 805-483-3152 VCS268951 $575/Mo+Utilities & Dep. OXNARD BEACH CAMARILLO 675 to 4480sf 960sf - 2,125sf, with office &
/dry. New house @ Adolfo & Available 5/1/11. Call Steve COTTAGE CUTIE and avoid making warehouse, office and warehouse, roll up door,
1000 - 55,000 SF
Flynn 1821 Santo Domingo OXN Furnished Room, DSL 9 common, costly bathroom. No auto. Call OXN OFFICE/MEDICAL
805-654-1276 or 310-463-2947 2+1, new carpet, paint, terrific location, great 500 - 5,000 SF
N/S/D/Pets 805-389-1545 or & SAT, hot tub, full privs, 805-649-4857 VCS270597
Cell 805-612-9769 VCS270862 share bath, $650/mo+$350
See online ad for pics/info: landscaping, steps to the mistakes. terms and pricing. Sunbelt Enterprises VCS271017 beach. Asking $409k. Mid Valley Properties
dep, incl utils. 805-236-0276 Bill Holling RE/MAX
www.SmartEmpty 805-527-9632 Ext:1
805-604-0700 VCS271350
flat tv-5.1, shared ba, w/d,
VCS271297 805-339-3566 VCS271387 800sf - 5000sf, with office & VCS270497 RESTAURANT SPACE
VTA In house. Near mall
N/S/D/P. $500/mo, utils incl. OXN Furnished room in very and beach. No smoking, 1866-470-1131 warehouse, roll up door, for lease. Former Subway
805-443-1579 VCS271138 beautiful home & safe new 1/3 utils. $550/month. CODE #1013 terrific location, great restaurant 1300sf plus private
neighborhood, close to Call 818-620-3038 or KW-Ojai DRE#01438966 terms and pricing. 887 outdoor patio. Great loca-
VCS270903 Mid Valley Properties tion, high visibility, huge
home. 1 Rm $650, 2 Rms $800
beaches & Navy base, w/d
& house privs, driveway
805-642-3616. VCS269660
805-527-9632 Ext: 1 Stores/Offices traffic count, will build to
Pvt ba, lg deck, full privs.
Cable, lndry, WiFi, ofc sp,
prkg, $650, utils incl.
VCS270494 Rent/Lease suit. Located at Mission
Village, 2154 Saviers Road,
805-890-8149. VCS270384
own bath, Clean & quiet.No Oxnard across from Santa
Avail now. No Smoke/Pets
805-504-9696 VCS271436 Oxn, Mandalay Shores, un smoke/pet.$650+half elec Positively foryou. SALE SIMI OFFICE/ AN EXECUTIVE SUITE
Vta Prof office from $250/mo Clara High School.
furn, kitch priv., no smoke, 805-644-1414 VCS270106 Bank Foreclosures. WAREHOUSE 120-625sf. Victoria & 101 fwy. Rodgers Management
CAM Lovely Quiet Room prvt ba, Avail 4/1, $800 + 3+2 Ojai homes 1000-2400sf, roll-up 805-479-8284 VCS271449 805-985-0044 VCS269275
Dep, 479-2153 VCS269694 from $200k-$2 Mil.
beautiful view & surround- doors. Easy St loc.
ings. $500 includes
utilities, cable, full house
privs. Call 818-266-2000
OXN N or S. 1 bdrm $500.
Utils pd, w/d. Sec req’d. NO
Smoke/Pets. 805-981-4240 or
Positively opinionated. Receive a free list
w/pics of fore-
Call now!
APPROX 600-830 sq ft
$400 - $550 per month
575 Dawson Drive Cam SIMI Industrial Spc 750,
1200, 1400,1600, 1850, 2100sf.
VCS271305 805-407-3055 VCS271125 closure properties. 805-529-3721 VCS268821 2nd floor offices ERRINGER Plaza Office
Opinion - Everyday Crossroads Inv 805-485-4040 Spc, Simi 1100sf, 3200sf,
FILLMORE 1 Bdrm furn or OXN nr HS Furn $400/mo + T.O. (2) 1,500 sf units, each VCS270803
unfurn. Kitch/lndry/hse $50 dep, hse privs, cable/utils Editorial, Commentary, Free recorded with small office & bath, 805-526-5260 VCS269699
privs,$575/mo,util incl, N/S/D. incl, no pets/smke/drugs message large roll up door. Call TPC AVENIDA DE LOS
805-616-8470 VCS269294 Your Letters, political cartoons 760-247-6798 VCS271406 ARBOLES (1026 & 1056), SIMI OFFICE SPACE
805-509-0405 VCS271236 1-866-470-1131
Prime Loc! Busy, Estab 700sf - 1,000sf. Available.
The Lighthouse

NP bedroom & study with OXN SHORES Room w/bath, Code #1042 KW-Ojai T.O. Prime Active Center - Thousand Oaks Neighbor- Excellent terms & pricing.
a closet in each, view $500 $650, house privs, close to Palm Plaza. 468sf or 1,100sf. hood Ctr. 1310sf, 2622sf Mid Valley Properties
+dep. Utils incl. N/S/P
805-499-3887 VCS270168
beach. N/S/P. 805-807-1437
Positively foryou. DRE#01438966 VCS269396 Available 4/1. Rarely Vacant.
818-889-2100 VCS269648
@ $1.20/sf/ea NNN. Ana
(310)675-1179 x4 VCS270065
805-527-9632 Ext: 1
Thursday, April 7, 2011


887 936 977 980

Stores/Offices Motorhomes/RV Auto For Sale Classics/Antiques/
Rent/Lease Specialty
Ave. All new. 5000sf, 50 ft HY-LINE 36ft 2006 Jaguar XK, Triumph TR,
storefront, corner. Top ex- 5th Wheel, 3 jumbo slides, Porsche 356, early 911,
posure, signage, traffic. sleeps 8, washer & dryer, Wanted any year or cond.
Fred Short Co 805-642-4155 microwave, jumbo a/c, 415-227-0144 VCS270550
VCS255498 VCS271241 non-smoker, many extras,
Mint Condition, $26,500/obo CAD Brougham 1993
VTA 2646 PALMA DRIVE (54242p). 818-679-7985 CHRYSLER Triple black, CELEBRITY,
2 car phones, loaded. runs
Office Space 120 - 500 sqft. VCS269097
*** Reduced Price *** Crossfire 2006 xlnt, 69k miles $65,998/obo.
(3CIB595). 805-499-4956
Call Bill @ 818.519.1653
Lourdes @ 805.236.0267
Transportation CONVERTIBLE, STAN-
DARD, GAS, blue, Air
VTA Offices & Flex Spaces 950-998 Conditioning, Leather,
CD Changer, Side Air
Bag, Power Mirrors,
1953-1972, any condition.
Street Signage 1632 or1776sf 1-800-850-3656 VCS269176
on corner of Telephone & Traction Control, Alloy
Market. Central Coast Wheels, Tinted Glass, JAGUAR 1949 thru 1973
805-389-6803 VCS271402 Antilock Brakes, Power XK120, 140, 150, E-type,
Steering, Power Win- Mark II WANTED, any cond.
dows, Power Seats, Pas- (415)566-5052 VCS269770
VTA OFFICE SPACE senger Air Bag, CD,
Beautiful units from Cruise, Tilt, Driver Air MERCEDES SL WANTED
540sf - 4,500sf. Great terms Bag, Navigation System, or Cabriolet ‘54 thru ‘71
& pricing. Now Available! 962 Power Locks, Rear De- 190SL, 230SL, 250SL, 280SL,
300SL 220S/SE, 250SE,
Mid Valley Properties frost 95,000 miles,
805-527-9632 Ext: 1 Auto Parts & $11,000.00 (bmwsvue) 280SE Convertible Any cond.
VCS270496 Services 510-638-7221 VCS269768
(818)787-1036 WANTED: FORD Mustang
‘64 Thru ‘68 Coupe,
Recreation 2010 MAZDA 6
VCS267204 Convertible, FB, any cond
510-568-5114 VCS269769
900-945 This is an OEM 2010
MAZDA 6 Rear Spoiler,

Black. This is not an White, 18” low profile tires,
aftermarket part. Brand 106,000 mi, 8 cyl, 370 HP, 995
new in OEM box. Part #
0000-V4-920-NN. This kit
$12,298. (5jlr907)
805-987-3650 VERY FAST!
Wanted Vehicles
sells for between $300 & VCS270644
$500 at the dealers. $120. Any 2005-2009 Toyota Prius
Randy 805-526-2140
MAZDA Miata will pay thousands over
dealer trade-in. 805-499-4956
MX5 2001 Sam VCS271163

The Lighthouse
Boats 968 MATIC, GAS, White, Pam- VEHICLE RV/Boat
pered Princess! Single
Auto Under $1000 owner, exceptional condi- o/b-running/not veh
KLAMATH ‘84, 12 FT ALUM tion, hard top, leather, ‘89-up RV ‘91-down
BOAT, all welded hull, 63” Bose sound 20,180 miles, 1-800-613-5410 VCS270268
beam, 30” bow rise, 8 hp I PAY $800 CASH OR $9,900.00 ()
mariner, sonar/troll, MORE For many Cars,
SeaKing trailer, runs great. $$$ LOCAL MECHANIC/
Trucks, Vans, SUVs &
$1,750. (CF4141HY). Mini Vans. Fast, Polite (805)658-8618 COLLECTOR WANTS
805-813-3641 VCS270409 Service. 7 Days. Call BOAT or RV. RUNNING
805-944-8970 VCS269957 or NOT! Come To You.
805-495-7445, 800-299-3114
YAMAHA 2004 Orange, Power Locks,
FX1100C-C Windows, Steering &
Mirrors, Heating/AC,
High Output, Four Stroke, Cruise, CD, Air Bags,
Very Powerful 3 Seater. Antilock Brakes, New Online garage sale map.
Very low hours! Battery. Clean and re-
GREAT CONDITION liable. 106,000 miles, Every Friday P.M.
Never used in ocean! $6,500.00 OBO
• Trailer
Includes: (5CFK403)(805)512-5359
• 2 Factory covers
• Life Jackets Need
• Wet suits Positively appealing.
• Wakeboard
Many other great items.
ALL for $5,500/OBO Every Sunday in The Star
Homes, new homes,
apartments, rentals
MUST SELL!! $$$$$$$$$$ and agents.
Located in SIMI VALLEY
WE Positively foryou.
Call Ray
805.206.7147 BUY
running Positively

Thursday, April 7, 2011

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805-643-7178 VCS269695
VCS269216 39

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