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Universal quantum laws of the universe to solve the problems

of unsolvability, computability and unpredictability

Vladimir N. Fedorov

( fedorovvlad53@gmail.com )

Paper submitted to the 2019–2020 FQXi Undecidability, Uncomputability, and

Unpredictability Essay Contest, March 10, 2020


The problems of Undecidability, Uncomputability and Unpredictability of physical processes are

caused by the lack of an objective understanding of relativistic effects and quantum processes, due to
insufficiently substantiated axiomatic in physics.
These problems can be solved using the pilot wave quantum mechanics, based on the observed
phenomena and calculations.
It is assumed in the work that the device of the Universe is based on a single essence - a toroidal
gravitational pilot wave. De Broglie pilot waves are vortices of deterministic turbulence in the material,
dynamic and fractal medium of a physical vacuum. Pilot waves form toroidal gravitational waves and
fields, which in the process of quantum transformations form the only mechanism of of force of inertia
The paper gives the universal quantum laws of the Universe associated with Rydberg formula. It
is shown that these laws are valid for all levels of fractal matter, from elementary particles, to planetary
and stellar systems and organisms. Depending on the energy of the external perturbation of matter,
identical and similar self-organizing quantum structures are formed from pilot waves.
Thus instead of global chaos, there is deterministic turbulence of quantum pilot waves in the
material medium. That is, “chaos” is an order that we do not know about.
Dynamic pilot wave mechanisms of energy conversion are the cause of self-organization of
matter in solitons structures.
All pilot waves are governed by the laws of quantum classical parametric resonance in a non-
ideal, nonlinear, neutrino, fractal, and dynamic material medium of a physical vacuum. The energy
circulation of the elements of matter in the solitons pilot wave forms a gravitational field and provides
an equilibrium state in the potential well.

“The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible”

Albert Einstein

In modern physics, quantum mechanics is, in fact, a theory of potential wells that are associated
with de Broglie's abstract probability waves.
However, de Broglie waves must be material [1], because they form photons with real
energy. This is similar to the fact that material electron-positron pairs (pairs of Compton pilot waves)
are converted into photons and vice versa.
Consequently, the de Broglie pilot waves are always formed in pairs and converted (“annihilate”)
into photons in pairs as well.
The process of “annihilation” of pilot waves and their formation is an elementary act of quantum
division of pilot waves as the result of the process of classical parametric resonance through the phase
of photon formation.
A pilot wave (toroidal gravitational wave) is a dynamic self-organizing vortex solitons from
micro to macro scales, which is a high-quality topological resonator. The pilot wave forms a toroidal
gravitational field (analogue of a Geon). The square of the speed of the vortex motion of the elements of
the medium at each particular point of the field around the annular axis of the pilot wave is always equal
to the gravitational (electric) potential [5]. This is similar to the fact that the square of the orbital
velocity of the planets is always equal to the gravitational potential of their orbits. If the elements of
matter in an electron move at the speed of light, then it can be assumed that the electron is the Compton
toroidal gravitational pilot wave with a gravitational potential on the axis of ring equal to the square of
the speed of light.
The formation of the gravitational potential well of orbital bodies is a common property of all
fundamental interactions. Orbital bodies are located in wells of potential stability of the toroidal
gravitational fields of de Broglie pilot waves. Therefore, toroidal vortices in superfluid media are stable,
and the law of uniform motion of bodies by inertia is also valid for curvilinear motion of bodies in
circular orbits that are in potential wells. Thus, the law of gravity and the electrodynamics must be
transformed and describe potential wells, similarly to the strong fundamental interaction.
Thus, the central part of quantum mechanics is the material pilot waves (de Broglie and Compton
However, the generally accepted formula for the dependence of de Broglie wavelength on mass is
incorrect. You can notice that the mass disappears from the formulas (1) and (2), since it was in both the
numerator and the denominator. Thus, the wavelength depends only on the velocity υ and on the
Compton wavelength.
For electron: . (1)

For proton: . (2)

It follows that the inertia radius of the macro body determines the radius macro pilot wave of the
de Broglie for the body. In this case, the Planck parameters are parameters of electron [1, 2]. All
particles with greater energy and shorter wavelength are elements of a deeper than the electron level of
the fractal structure of matter.
Thus, the modern theory of gravity has simplified the concept of mass to the magical property of
generating inertia and relativistic mass without understanding the mechanism of their formation. And in
quantum mechanics, on the contrary, calculations of the splitting of the spectral lines of atoms by non-
existent de Broglie probability waves were complicated, using mass ratios from which de Broglie waves
are independent and also do not understanding the mass formation mechanism.
Therefore, all calculations for the de Broglie probability wavelengths in quantum mechanics
using masses are not just insufficiently substantiated generalizations, but they are monstrous errors that
deprived science of realism, causality of processes, determinism, the principles of self-organization of
matter and the possibility of combining all fundamental interactions.

Generalized quantum laws of deterministic fractal turbulence of matter

Everyone knows that the problem of calculating turbulent processes is not solved, this process is
considered chaos. However, in pilot wave quantum mechanics the turbulence is determined for any
The kinetic energy of a bodies is the energy of its many de Broglie pilot waves (in the form of
vortices of deterministic quantum turbulence) accumulated from a material superfluid medium of
2 17
physical vacuum in gravispheres (in a potential well in the form of a solitons). During the
deceleration of the body, the energy of quantum pilot waves (relativistic mass) is expended to form a
multitude of quantum pulses of deceleration force.
Quantum impulses of the strength of all fundamental interactions are formed in the process of
energy exchange between pilot waves (high-quality vortex resonators) at close resonant frequencies.
From formulas (1) and (2) the same interaction frequencies of the de Broglie and Compton pilot waves
are directly calculated

The Compton pilot wave precesses (has perturbation) with the frequency, that equal to the
rotation frequency of the pilot wave of de Broglie (3).
For this reason, the resonant frequency of rotation of the Compton wave is split into its own and
combination frequency of rotation of the de Broglie wave. There are two options for forming the lateral
splitting frequency, either up or down in frequency,
Pilot-waves of de Broglie are also precessing and form secondary de Broglie waves, etc. The
processes of parametric reformation of the pilot waves occur only during energy transfer, through the
formation of force pulses (during acceleration, deceleration, attraction or repulsion).
On the other hand, pilot waves at close frequencies carry out dispersion interaction. In accordance
with the dispersion curve, higher-frequency pilot waves are amplified due to low-frequency waves,
similarly to the effect of the Syunyaev-Zel'dovich .
All gravispheres from the set of pilot waves are self-organizing solitons that focus energy in the
center of gravitation due to the energy of external disturbance according to the principle of the action of
a heat pump, in which, instead of phase transformations of Freon, is transformed quantum pilot wave de
Broglie in a dynamic environment of physical vacuum.
That is, in gravispheres, gravitational separation of more energetic (heavy) pilot waves occurs,
which move closer to the center of gravity. In the center of gravity are the maximum density of the
medium of the physical vacuum and the minimum propagation velocity of the gravitational interaction.
The reactive force of gravity is formed in the gradient of the speed of propagation of gravitational
interaction [5]. The square of the difference in the speeds of gravitational interaction is always equal to
the difference in gravitational potentials. This is how the generalized mechanism of self-organization of
matter in gravispheres works.
It should be noted that in the case of self-organization of matter, the interaction of the pilot waves
at their resonant frequencies (3), and not the additive of the energy of the pilot waves, is of decisive
Therefore, to simplify the further text, concepts and terms such as orbit synchronization, radius of
a synchronous or quantum orbit, processes synchronization, and others will be used.
Experiments with slit show that the first de Broglie pilot waves really exist. Experiments with
electrons in Josephson elements show that photons are formed only by the second pilot de Broglie
waves of electrons [1]:

, where ,

e – Is the charge, UD - is the accelerating voltage, me - is the mass of the electron.

The energy of the second pilot wave is equal to the kinetic energy of electron motion.
According to Rydberg formula (4), the spectral lines in atoms are also associated with de Broglie
second pilot waves. However, for the formation of the lines, difference combination frequencies
between the second de Broglie pilots waves formed on the subharmonics are used. Therefore, Rydberg
formula involves the squares of quantum numbers of parametric resonance (the numbers of
subharmonics of the pilot wave of the Bohr orbit n1 and n2)

. (4)

Therefore, the energy of the photons forming the spectral lines is equal to the difference in the
kinetic energies of the electron during the transition from one orbit to another.
The quantum number Z (4) is the number of harmonic of the pilot wave of the Bohr orbit and
exactly coincides with the number of protons in the atom and the number of the orbit of the electron, of
the first after nucleus of atom.
For example, the radius of the electron’s main orbit in hydrogen is determined by α resonance
, which is caused by the fractal structure of matter, where any fundamental
element of level n consists of (8) elements of the deeper level of
matter [1, 2] etc.
The de Broglie pilot wave interacts 137 times with an orbital electron in one period of its rotation.
The frequency of interactions of the de Broglie pilot wave with the Compton wave is equal to the
electron Compton pilot wave rotation frequency; this is the second general frequency of the pilot waves
interacting, in contrast to (3). This is the physical essence of α.
The orbital electron cannot exist in the orbital pilot wave of the electronic level of matter
, but can exist in the first de Broglie pilot waves of the quark ("neutrino")
level of matter with energy: . Quark-level pilot waves cannot form
If the spectral lines of the atom are formed by the second pilot waves of de Boyle of the electron
(4), then their splitting lines are formed on the fourth de Broglie waves. Then the calculation formula for
the pilot waves for the splitting lines with the corresponding numbers of subharmonics is

, Where orbital

velocity of an electron in a hydrogen atom. The frequency is


It should be noted that the levels of splitting do not depend in the 4th degree on the series number
, but in the 3rd degree. This is because the splitting levels are determined by the orbital pilot waves,
and not with the electron.
For example, for the Brackett series , the fundamental spectral splitting lines are the
following frequencies, interconnected by subharmonics numbers :

That is confirmed by the experiment:

The remaining splitting lines are mainly combinational frequencies - with summary and
difference frequencies (as in radio engineering) - and with α-resonances of fundamental lines. For
example, if the ratio of the spectral lines does not correspond exactly to an integer:
. It is necessary to represent this ratio of

spectral lines through the combination frequencies of other lines

which is 28 times

more accurate.
Relativistic mass in pilot wave quantum mechanics is formed due to the additive of the masses
and energies of de Broglie material pilot waves of particles and bodies.
Therefore, the formula for the dependence of the relativistic mass on speed in Einstein's theory of
relativity led to the erroneous relativistic Dirac formula in quantum mechanics when calculating the
levels of splitting of spectral lines. For example, for an orbital electron in a hydrogen atom, its mass will
be - .
But in pilot wave quantum mechanics, the mass of a relativistic electron is determined by the sum
of the masses, basically, of even numbers of de Broglie pilot waves, and all of them exist and form the
corresponding levels of spectral line splitting
Note that the results of the two calculation options are almost the same. That is, Einstein's
formula approximates the physical process of the formation of relativistic masses well. But we should
be interested in the physics of the process, and not the approximation formula. Therefore, it does not
make sense to apply Einstein’s formula; in any case, it is writing as known approximate polynomial in
powers. This creates additional mathematical errors and robs the corrections of the true physical
The pilot wave version of the Universe also determines the mechanism of formation of any mass.
It was established [2] that between the wavelengths of the Lyman and Balmer series there exists a
limit exciton (analogue of an electron) with a wavelength (9)
and angular momentum 137 times greater than the
angular momentum of an electron (7).
It is assumed that the limit excitons control a series of lines (at the resonances of their second
harmonics and subharmonics) in accordance with the law of conservation of angular momentum. That
is, it is most likely that in each series of lines of the atom there are always 137 pilot waves to preserve
the angular momentum. This means that all 137 pilot waves of the Lyman series have energy
or half the energy of the pilot wave with the Bohr radius
In the Bohr's pilot wave, 137 quarks move at the speed of light and possess kinetic energy
. Therefore, the energy of the pilot waves of the Lyman series determines
the mass of the Bohr's pilot wave.
Accordingly, the mass of the pilot wave generated at the 2nd subharmonics of the Bohr's pilot
wave is determined by the summary energy of the series of Balmer, which forms the Planck spectrum of
the Sun radiation and the effect of sonoluminescence in the mode of water cavitations. In fact,
both of these radiations are a manifestation of the Unruh effect during mass acceleration.
In addition to α resonance, there is an even more fundamental πα resonance (9) [6]. He is related
to the ratio of the electron radius to the radius of one of its 137 quarks in the fundamental pilot wave [1,
2, 4, 5] 1
(9) . That is, the fine structure constant α has a
geometric meaning as the number π.
Thus, 137 electron quarks form their stable pilot de Broglie waves at the πα resonance, which
form a common electron Compton pilot wave. Electrons also form at πα resonance their stable second
de Broglie pilot waves with a wavelength (9) and energy
(8) to ensure stability.
137 such stable electron pilot wave form the limit element of the higher level of matter
exciton, with the wavelength (9) and energy (8)
The same πα resonance determines the equilibrium stable velocity of the necessary perturbation
of an electron for its stable state (10) . At this speed, pairs
electrons move in the equilibrium state of superfluidity and in the superconducting state of potential
wells (in pilot waves, in eddy currents). Therefore, superconductors are insulators for the magnetic field.
Fundamental πα-resonance (together with α-resonance) determines the parameters of limit
elements for all levels of fractal matter and determines he single synchronous grid of resonant
frequencies [1, 2, 4, 5]. Resonant frequencies synchronize all processes and ensure the uniformity of the
flow of time in the Universe.
In each level of matter n there is the complex of constant quantities - of the limit parameters of
particles [2]:
The limit speed of propagation of interaction of elements of different levels
cn  c  (   )n , (6)
On the basis of (1), the angular of the momentum of the elements of matter of different levels
. (7)
Where: n - the number of level of matter for limit element, u - number of level of matter of
element constituting the limit element.
The energy and wavelength of any element in the structure of fundamental element [1, 2,
4] are equal
En,u  Ee  ( 2   )( n 1)   u  n . (8)
n,u  e  (   ) 3( n 1) u n rn,u  re  (   )3( n 1)  u  n (9)
Equivalent velocity of the necessary external disturbance for any element in the fundamental
0,0 0,0
V n,u  c   . (10)
0,( nu ) 0,n
The speed of motion of the elements of matter at all levels of matter on the ring axis of
fundamental fermions
0, n
 t n ,u  c  . (11)
( n 1), (u  n 1)
It should be noted that each limit element in all levels n is formed at frequencies (9) (10)
, common to all elements that make up the pilot wave at all levels . For example,
a single frequency for all constituent elements of an electron :
The common frequency for all elements of the limit exciton for level
is a
fundamental constant, which is associated with the formation of S lines of splitting.
The spectral S lines of an atom are the result of more fundamental πα resonance. Therefore, the S
lines have a much smaller width in comparison with the P, D, and F lines. The spectral S lines of
splitting are synchronized with the triple πα resonance of the limit exciton
and the double α resonance of the orbital electron (8):

. (12)

Let us compare the calculation of the splitting lines with experiment (12):

The levels of splitting of the spectral lines of an atom are not limited to the 4th Wave of de Broglie
of electron (5) and (12) - they are also formed at the 5th, 6th, 7th Waves, etc.
For example, each electron in an atom can form de Broglie pilot waves at α resonance, both with
the radius of the Earth , and with the radius of the solar system
, etc. Their energy is small, but their number is huge.
Consequently, there are no places in the universe without material de Broglie gravitational pilot
Therefore, pilot waves form a rigid material (neutrino) medium of physical vacuum with a low
density, where the matter of the elements of the electronic level constantly moves at the speed of light,
forming a frame of elements with the ultimate gravitational potential equal to the square of the speed of
light [5].
The higher the concentration of energy of the pilot waves in the medium, the higher the density of
the medium of the physical vacuum, the lower the speed of propagation of gravitational interaction. The
higher the density of the spectral lines of the pilot waves, the more they interact with each other, the
greater the friction between the elements of matter, the lower the Q factor of the pilot wave resonators.
Upon breaking (“annihilation”) of each pair of gravitational pilot waves, pairs of spiral elements
(pairs of nematic crystals of 137 quarks) of photons are formed. Photon spirals having an interaction
cross section equal to the pair of quarks are forced to move at the equilibrium speed of light, in
accordance with the ultimate gravitational potential of the harsh medium.
Whereas, the state of gravitational pilot waves (closed photons) requires the formation of a
gravitational potential well in order for 137 elements to move at the speed of light in a closed circuit
without energy consumption.
It can be assumed that in the spectrum of pilot waves around all limit elements there are series of
pilot waves - (analogues of the series of Lyman, Balmer lines, etc.) which are synchronizing quantum
the processes in the corresponding structures.
For example, in the nuclei of atoms around electrons there is a complex of de Broglie
orbital pilot waves of electrons of the quark level of matter (an analog of the pilot waves of the
16 17
series of Balmer, similar to the complex of pilot waves of Prometheus ), which form the
background distribution of the energies of the emission of electrons from the nucleus accompanied by a
pair of quark (neutrino) de Broglie pilot waves.
Around the limit element of the level and with radius (9) , pilot waves
of inertia of turbulence vortices in liquids are also formed, which are analogues of the pilot wave series
(4) and (13).
Such pilot waves from excitons of level around level elements accompany,
synchronize, and transform vortices of deterministic turbulence with the radius of mainly 1 to 20 mm.

Quantum states of the solar system structure

Further studies of the planetary system of the Earth and the Solar system will show the unity of
quantum laws based on Rydberg formulas (4) and (13) at all levels of matter (6) - (11) from micro to
macro scales.
It can also be is assumed that there should exist the limit pilot waves of the level of matter
(9) around the Earth, which synchronize all processes in the planetary
system of the Earth.
Indeed, we can observe the limit pilot waves around the Earth in the form of an internal torus in
the belts of Vann Allen (the toroidal harness of many pilot waves), which synchronize the
radius of Earth and the radius of Venus
is similarly synchronized.
11 27
Such limit elements on the Sun form a continuous supergranulation , with a
characteristic rings diameter of 35 Mm . An analogue of the external
4 3 12
background torus around the Earth on the Sun are toroidal coronal loops .
The limit elements of the level of matter (9)
for all planets and the Sun are analogs of electrons in the planetary system of an atom. Then the double
α-resonance of the limit element determines the analogue of the Rydberg parameter (in units of the
length of the radius of the pilot wave) for all planets (13) :

Where: (13)

As in the hydrogen atom, an analogue of the Balmer series forms a background external toroidal
formation around the Earth 4
. An analogue of the α-Balmer line synchronizes the radius of
3 25
Saturn .
The analogs of the pilot waves of the Lyman series in the Hydrogen atom, at the level of matter
, form the recently discovered analogue of the third internal radiation belt of Vann Allen
, where forms the conditions for more powerful acceleration of protons , in
comparison with the neighboring belt formed by limit elements that provide only
The harness from the pilot waves of analogues of the Lyman series form spicules of the
chromosphere of the Sun and are natural proton accelerators. In the process of proton
collisions, Hydrogen is synthesized with the absorption of the external energy of the Sun's disturbance,
which moves relative to the medium at an average speed .
The laws of the quantum states of the planets for the level of matter
25 24
are structurally repeated in the next higher level of the mother
, which has the scale in times larger.
For example, the radius of the orbit of Saturn is synchronized with the radius of the limit element
24 13 17
. The shift to a higher
frequency of the orbital pilot wave of the Saturn by 6.4% provides a dispersive redistribution of energy
from the limit elements to Saturn. In addition, Saturn moves in orbit, being on the edge of the
gravitational potential well from the harness of limit elements, where the gradient of the gravitational
potential of the pilot wave and the Sun cancel each other .
Instead of a Van Allen belt in level , at the 2nd harmonic of the limit element of
the level is Jupiter with the radius of the orbit ,
Near the orbital pilot wave of Jupiter , there is the harness of pilot wave, an
analog of Rydberg parameter with radius (13) , which unique changes
the trajectories of Hilda asteroids.
That is, the toroidal gravitational field of the pilot waves harness, analogs of the lines of the
Lyman series (13), serves as the center of gravity which the Hilda asteroids bypass accompanied by the
pilot wave harnesses. Like comets, they go around the Sun, being in the harnesses of the pilot waves of
17 18
the escort , periodically lose some pilot waves and pass in the other . Or how
Prometheus periodically changes his pilot waves when his pilot waves are attracting Pandora
with the constantly changing force.
The orbit of Uranus is determined by the harness of pilot wave - analog of one of the lines of the
Balmer series, which is very close to the limit of Balmer .
The orbit of Neptune is determined by the harness of pilot waves generated on the 3rd
subharmonics of limit element .
The Kuiper belt is completely formed by many pilot waves, analogs of the lines of the Paschen
series and is supported by the 4th subharmonics of the limit element .
When Pioneer 10 moved in the Kuiper belt, his data was used to calculate the anomalous
“acceleration” (braking). However, the path of the Pioneer 10 was far from smooth, he met on his way
numerous harnesses of pilot waves that form many local (toroidal) potential holes and caused local
29 10 17
jumps, sharp braking and sharp acceleration of the Pioneers .
Calculations of the ephemeris of the Moon are considered an unsolved problem; only empirical
approximation is used to compile the tables.
The radius of the apogee of the orbit of the Moon coincides with the pilot
wave analogue of the limit of the series (13) . The Moon moves
accompanied by many pilot waves of analogues of serie , which it is forced to periodically
change and change the orbit. This is similar to changes in the trajectory of the orbital motion of the
21 22
asteroids of Hilda .
To see a generalized example of the formation of elliptical orbits, let us turn to the gravitational
interaction of Saturn’s moons Prometheus and Pandora.
Prometheus has an orbit with a radius (13), Pandora
. Between these moons there is the thin visible ring F with the
radius , which allows you to observe the process of gravitational attraction
of moons through a fan of several pilot waves , that are leaving vortex traces (streamer
channels) on the ring F.
Pilot waves of moons not only bend the matter of the rings in streamer channels in the F ring with
their vortex movement of elements, but they also carry it along the pilot waves in the direction of action
of the force of gravitational attraction.
Due of rapprochement of the moons , a deviation of the matter of the F ring by pilot
waves from Prometheus towards Pandora is observed. But if Pandora is located on the opposite side of
Saturn, the ring material has deviation towards Prometheus . Thus, the moons are always
attracted to each other by their own pilot waves.
16 17
It should also be noted that Prometheus is always in only one pilot wave ,
but periodically the moons change the pilot waves and form on the ring periodic significant deviations
of the matter the ring F .
The direct process of pilot wave replacement can be observed in comets , when they
“lose their tails” along with part of their matter and “form new tails”. That is, In the process of replacing
the pilot waves with cosmic bodies, large impulses of force are formed, which change the direction of
orbital motion and form “earthquakes” and young mountains, such as on Pluto. This process of
replacing pilot - waves is similar to quantum changes in the orbits of electrons in an atom, by replacing
one orbital pilot wave (potential well) with another.
In work [2] it was shown that experimentally detected 14 background spectra are fundamental
properties of a physical vacuum medium (including visible matter). The maxima of the background
spectra differ in frequency in times.
For example, the maximum frequency of the gravity pilot waves of the limit elements of
the inner torus is (9) and corresponds to photons at a frequency and
gravitational waves with their harmonics in the LISA ,
, 7
The maximum of the background spectrum of the outer torus , an analogue of the solar
spectrum 3
, is located in the region of the β-Balmer analogue, with a radius
of approximately in times the radius of the limit
elements and lower in frequency . In the region of this frequency, a seismic
background is formed, which, for example, interferes with measurements of gravitational waves

All observed phenomena are explained by a single entity and are calculated using universal
quantum laws - these are only the first steps in the study of the Universe on the way to determinism.
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The technical endnotes
1 The fractal structure of elements of matter (6) - (11) [1 - 5]. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

2 Hunt for an 'unidentified electron object'. (Accessed on 03/10/2020) [11]

3 The fractal structures of the three Van Allen radiation belts around the Earth and the radiation
spectrum of the Sun are identical. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

4 The toroidal formation around the Earth is by toroidal gravitational waves in which there is an
acceleration of elementary particles. Van Allen Probes: Radiation Belt Storm Probe (RBSP) «Two giant
donuts of charged particles called the Van Allen Belts surround Earth. (Credit: NASA/T. Benesch, J.
Carns)». (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

5 LTP: The LISA Technology Package aboard LISA Pathfinder [13]. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

6 LTP: The LISA Technology Package aboard LISA Pathfinder [13]. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

7 LTP: The LISA Technology Package aboard LISA Pathfinder [13] (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

8 «In the HAARP project, when the shock outrage is introduced in the auroral zone of electrojet
cycles around the path of the electrojet 2.5 times (2.5 Hz) to 3 times (3 Hz) a second until it dissipates.
The apparent resonant frequency of the electrojet is determined by its circumference». (Accessed on

9 LIGO Seismic Noise_01.jpg (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

10 «from Anderson et al (arXiv gr-qc/9808081v2, bigger there) and added Sun distances on it»
[16] 29 10 (Accessed on 03/10/2020).

11 The granulation of the photosphere diameter of 20-30 thousand km relatively quiet Sun».
(Accessed on 03/10/2020)

12 Coronal loops on the Sun are coming out of one dark spots and go into other dark spots.
(Accessed on 03/10/2020)

13 A circumsolar annular model (103 M ⊕) matching the Pioneer anomaly_02.jpg «All proposed
gravitational explanations of the Pioneer anomaly must crucially face the Equivalence Principle. Thus,
if Pioneers 10 and 11 were influenced by anomalous gravitational effects in regions containing other
Solar System bodies, then those bodies should likewise be influenced, irrespective of their shape,
composition or mass. Although the lack of any observed influence upon planetary orbits severely
constrains such explanations, here we aim to construct by computer modeling, hypothetical gravitating
annuli having no gravitational impact on planetary orbits from Mercury to Neptune». [14] (Accessed on

14 The third internal radiation belt of Vann Allen. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

15 October 15, 2007 + View Video «The moon Prometheus slowly collides with the diffuse inner
edge of Saturn's F ring in this movie sequence of Cassini images. The oblong moon pulls a streamer of
material from the ring and leaves behind a dark channel». (Accessed on 03/10/2020).

16 “Saturn's moon Prometheus, having perturbed the planet's thin F ring, continues in its orbit.
The gravity of potato-shaped Prometheus (86 kilometers, or 53 miles across) periodically creates
streamer-channels in the F ring, and the moon's handiwork can be seen in the dark channels here. To
learn more and to watch a movie of this process, see PIA08397”.
https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA12684 (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

17 At a minimum distance from the Sun, Comet McNaught repeatedly "lost" their tails (orbital
toroidal gravitational waves accompaniment). [15] -
SWICS also found that even at 160 million miles from the comet's nucleus, the tail had slowed the solar
wind to half its normal speed. "This was very surprising to me," Combi said. "Way past the orbit of
Mars, the solar wind felt the disturbance of this little comet. It will be a serious challenge for us
theoreticians and computer modelers to figure out the physics."
Space science professor Thomas Zurbuchen, a U-M author of the paper, likened Ulysses' pass to putting
your hand in the waters of Lake Michigan and pulling out a fish.
For the first time at a comet, researchers detected O3+ oxygen ions (atoms of oxygen with a
positive charge because they have five electrons instead of eight). This suggests that the solar
wind ions, originally missing most of their electrons, picked up some of their missing electrons
when they passed through McNaught's atmosphere. The comet served as a source of electrons,
said Michael Combi, a U-M space science professor who is an author of the paper. (Accessed on

18 «we were lucky enough to capture an intriguing phenomena: in our images is clearly visible a
nice disconnection event (DE) in the plasma tail of the comet (evidenced by a red circle in this
rendition):» (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

19 PIA07712 F ring animation. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

20 «The constant change in Saturn’s wavy, wiggly F ring is on display in this set of images
obtained by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. The images show a view looking directly down onto the ring
with the planet removed from the center. The radial distance from the center of the F ring has been
exaggerated by a factor of 140 to make the wiggles and other radial structures more visible». (Accessed
on 03/10/2020)

21 The Hilda asteroids are locked in a 3:2 stabilizing resonance with the planet, in such a way as
to reach their conjunction with Jupiter (with respect to the Sun) near their respective perihelia, so that
they never get too close to the planet. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

22 The Hilda asteroids «Orbits of two idealized asteroids of the Hilda family, in the rotating
reference frame of Jupiter. Black: eccentricity 0.310; aphelion at Jupiter's orbit. Red: eccentricity
0.211». (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

23 The above graph plots eccentricity versus semimajor axis. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

24 (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

25 Details of Saturn's three main rings, in a natural-colour composite of six images obtained by
the Cassini spacecraft on December 12, 2004. The view is from below the ring plane, with the rings
tilted at an angle of about 4°.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

26 Syunyaev-Zel'dovich (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

27 Even larger are supergranules, which are about 35,000 kilometers across (about the size of two
Earths) and last about 24 hours. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

28 The spicules are a relatively small 300 miles in diameter and typically shoot a relatively
modest 3,000 to 6,000 miles above the sun's surface. (Accessed on 03/10/2020)

29 1987 1999 Doppler residuals in Hz for the entire Pioneer 10 dataspan_013.jpg [16] 29 10
(Accessed on 03/10/2020)

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