Quantum Pilot-Wave Mechanism of GP - 2019

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Quantum pilot-wave mechanism

for the formation of gravitational potentials

Vladimir N. Fedorov

Varna, Bulgaria


Dated: February 28, 2019

Essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2019 Awards for
Essays on Gravitation.


This essay continues the research1 of Tolman [2] and reveals the unity of the properties
and mechanisms of all the fundamental interactions that can be combined on the basis of the
single vortex essence of quantum fermions of fractal matter [8].

The winners of the 2018 contest were the authors of an essay [1] about the Tolman effect in gravity,
where they wrote: «thermodynamics can change our way to see some gravitational effects».

Tolman wrote: «The purpose of the present article is to investigate the thermodynamic implications … In
particular an investigation is made to see if a temperature gradient is a necessary accompaniment of thermal
equilibrium in a gravitational field, in order to prevent the flow of heat from regions of higher to those of lower
gravitational potential» [2].

Gerard's Hooft wrote: «conceivably, the problem of quantizing gravity and the problem of turning quantum
mechanics into a deterministic theory for dynamics, will have to be solved together» [10].

Below is giving examples of the relationship of temperature with the gravitational

It is known that around the Earth there is an infrared background of maximum intensity
with wavelength OE  25  m (OE - the orbit of the Earth) with temperature
TOE  TOEopt  0.29  cm  K / OE  116  K .

It is known from the kinetic theory of gases that the kinetic energy and the speed of
moving molecules   2  k  T / m .

It is known that the gravitational potential is equal to the square OE  OE
of the orbital
equilibrium velocity [7] [8]. Then the mass of molecules forming the zodiacal infrared glow is
mOE  2  k  TOE /OE
 3.6154610-30  kg .

The first cosmic speed of the Sun is 1S  437  km / s .

The known temperature2 of the sun's chromosphere also equal to the design temperature
TS  mOE S2 /(2  k )  25000K .

Mass of electron is in 4 times less than the calculated mass mOE. Therefore, it can be
assumed that the zodiacal infrared luminescence is caused by medium of propagation of light,
consisting from dipositroniums3.

We observe the band of infrared glow throughout the entire orbit of the Earth [3] and
the bright infrared spot from the eastern quadrature of the orbit. Obviously, we see the
toroidal object in orbit, which precesses and forms the dipole component of the infrared glow
of the medium of light.

In the solar atmosphere, the heavier Hydrogen atoms cannot move at speed of 437 km/s. Otherwise the
temperature would have reached many millions of degrees. Hydrogen is an effective converter of kinetic and
thermal energy into photons with average temperature of 5600 K of the fundamental Planck spectrum [8] in the
region of the Balmer series lines.
Consequently, the Dirac Sea from electron-positron pairs is not hypothesis, but a reality. In the Dirac Sea,
there is a mechanism for minimizing the interaction energy between dipositronies, and they move in one direction
with speed associated with the temperature of the medium. Those, the entire Dirac sea in the solar system
revolves around the sun with an orbital equilibrium speed in general spherical vortex of the gravitational field.

It should be assumed that in the spiral branch of Orion4 and in the toroidal object in
the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, we see the same phenomenon — the vortex motion of the
medium of propagation of electromagnetic waves, which is ahead the body in its orbit and
leads to dragging effect of the body [4].

Consequently, the vortex motion of the neutrino medium can form not only
spherical vortex gravitational fields, but spiral and toroidal fields.

The toroidal gravitational field is the toroidal gravitational pilot wave (fermion), which
have a strictly determine resonant frequency, energy and mass. It is assumed that gravitational
waves are formed due to the classical parametric resonance in the material, dynamic5 and
superfluid medium of physical vacuum, in which quantum vortices are always formed

Gravitational waves are always formed in pairs6. The Earth rotates around the Sun in one
wave, the center of the other wave is the Earth , this wave passes through the Sun, where
two thin coronal rays form , and "deflects" the Sun from their common center of masses.

In the dark spots on the Sun, deep wells form from the dynamic action of coronal loops
(of toroidal gravity waves).

From the directional dynamic action on Earth of the orbital gravitational waves of the
Earth and the Moon, heavier water forms in the oceans, which forms tides .

From the similar bright spot of the CMB background, it is clear that the Sun moves relative to the medium
propagation of electromagnetic waves at speed of 371 km/s. The direction of the CMB dipole component exactly
coincides with the tangent to the Orion arm and at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the spiral axis .

Component M13 of the rigid-rotation tensor for Hipparcos stars against stellar heliocentric distance r
. Galactic rotation component M13 (l = 90◦, b = 0◦, the y axis).
Heat traces from the vortex motion of the medium of the physical vacuum relative to the nearest stars and
galaxies form bright and dark spots and folds of microwave radiation in accordance with the
dispersion interaction of its elements .
The ellipse denotes the contours of the dipole component of the motion of the medium of propagation of
microwave radiation in the spiral branch of Sagittarius , adjacent to the branch of Orion .

The dynamism of the medium is due to the dependence of its density from the varying dimensions of the
pilot de Broglie wave’s electrons (fermions of phonons) [6].

The pair of orbital waves interacts at Lagrange points where centers of gravitation are formed .

Vortex magnetospheric loops form on the Earth the amphidromic points with constant
ebbs that do not depend on the position of the Moon and the tides rotates around these

It is assumed that with increase in the density of the medium, on the Earth the
propagation velocity of the gravitational interaction decreases by 8 km/s.

Energy circulates in toroidal gravitational waves (magnetospheric loops, Schumann

waves) near of the Earth. This is similar to circulation of energy in the coronal loops and in the
loops of solar granulation.

Therefore, the acceleration or deceleration of neutrino matter of gravitational waves in

the gradient of the propagation velocity of gravitational interaction leads to reactive force of
attraction of bodies.

Therefore, photons7 turn blue or turn red as they pass through gradients of the
gravitational potential.

It is assumed that the force of all interactions is carried out using toroidal gravitational
waves (analogues of geons, closed photons, quantum loops and strings)8.

Satellites and comets form their own fans9 of toroidal gravitational waves ,
which is obeying the quantum laws of the transformation of Fourier, in accordance with the
approximating law of formation of the force of attraction between bodies.

Due to the absence of mass, photons have the dispersion of velocity of 770 times less than the gravitons,
phonons, and gravitational waves. However, the photon energy varies in accordance with the gradient of the
propagation velocity of the gravitational interaction.
For example, one can observe how Saturn’s companions, Prometheus and Pandora, are attracted to each
other with the help of vortex gravitational waves [5]. The matter of Saturn's rings is an indicator of the
magnitude of the force and direction of the waves.
The formation of the variable force is carried out by sequential forced replacing one pilot wave with
another wave. For example, only one wave of its fan always acts on each satellite.
In the process of changing the wave, a pulsed force acts on the body, which corrects the orbit and often
tears off part of the comet during the “loss of tail” or leads to the strongest seismic activity (like on
Pluto, forming young mountains).
In the intervals between the change of waves or in the circular orbit, the constant and necessary force acts
on the body to maintain the orbital body in the equilibrium state of the solitonal potential well for stability and
compensating for the decelerating force of the medium .

It should be noted that the measured by Michelson and Morley [4] average value of the
medium speed of 8 km/s10 exactly corresponds to the first cosmic velocity of the Earth, and
the speed of 371 km/s is close to the first cosmic velocity of the Sun 1S  437  km / s , is
average speed of moving its.

Then it must be assumed that gravity has the dynamic cause11.

To confirm the dynamic cause of gravity, we will carry out the calculation of the solar
radiation power, due to its deceleration in a physical vacuum medium.

It is assumed that the inhibition of solar system should be greater than the rate of tired light
with the Hubble’s parameter H  72.82  (km / c) / Mpc , and is determined by the anomalous
"acceleration" of the "Pioneers 10-11" aP  (8.74  1.33)  1010  m / s 2 then
H P  aP / c  (90  13.7)  (km / c) / Mpc .

The power of the interaction of the solar system with the physical vacuum medium is

WV  FS 1S  M S  aP 1S  M S  H P  c 1S  7.6 1026  W . (1)

Half of this power (1) is spent on the synthesis of heavier elements in the solar system, the
second half is spent on the emission of electromagnetic waves.

Then the radiation power of the Sun in accordance with the Unruh effect is

WS  WV / 2  3.8  1026  W (2)

and differs from the solar radiation power by 1.6%.

By the distribution of brightness and temperature in the infrared spot [3], we
observe the distribution of the gradient of the gravitational potential in the orbital gravitational
wave of the Earth , inverse to the solar gradient.

Michelson and Morley determined that the velocity of the medium of propagation of light from the
eastern quadrature of the Earth's orbit [4] is 8 km/s , ahead of the Earth in orbit .
This orbital flow of the medium is shielded by the vortex gravisphere of the Earth and the Earth itself,
therefore there are difficulties in measuring flow parameters. Only separate variable flows of the medium
(gravitational waves) penetrate the Earth. To increase accuracy, the measurements were carried out by Michelson
and Morley on a high mountain with sufficient statistics. Of course, such measurements should be carried out far
from the Earth in its orbit, but not at Lagrange points.
The motion of body relative to the medium of propagation of electromagnetic waves forms a vortex
gravitational field with a maximum gravitational potential equal to the square of the velocity of motion.
The temperature difference in the infrared spot is small, and the radius of the toroidal gravitational wave
for calculating the gradient is also small compared to the radius of the Earth's orbit.
Therefore, we can assume that the gradients of the gravitational potential of the orbital wave and the
gravisphere of the Sun are equal.

Therefore, it should be assumed that the Earth is not really attracted to the Sun, does not
experience the centrifugal force of inertia and does not radiate powerful waves in accordance
with the Unruh effect13.
Thus, it should be assumed that the gravitational interaction has the property of forming
the orbital potential well of stability using toroidal pilot de Broglie waves [6], how
strong interaction and orbital electron in quantum mechanics.
But it is generally accepted that the de Broglie wave of the Earth must be of microscopic
dimensions. Then, it is necessary to consider once again whether the connection between the
de Boyle wave and the mass is sufficiently substantiated.
In [7] [8], it was found that for the electron me and for the proton mp, the length of the de
Broglie pilot wave independent of mass14, but depends only on the radius of inertia of the
particle rie and rip, or the body
 m  c  re c c
rdb   e  re   rie  . (3)
me   me    
 m  c  re c c
rdbp   e  rp   rip  . (4)
mp  m  e 
r  
Then the orbital pilot of the de Broglie wave of the Earth is easily calculated through the
first cosmic velocity of the Earth 1E  8  km / s and the radius of inertia of the Earth
riE  RE  2 / 5  4000 km
rOE  riE   150  million  km . (5)

It should be noted that the reduced pattern of change in the de Broglie wavelength (3)
(4) (5) speed dependence  determines the fundamental law of frequency conservation

 db  c / db   Ve   / e . (6)

And this is logical, for the formation of any force requires energy.
Nature is able to very easily minimize the action of the force, forming solitonal gravisphere from toroidal
gravitational pilot waves. The Lagrange equation reflects the reality of the process of minimizing the gravitational
force in orbit and the inertial force of bodies.
Basically, the force of attraction of bodies is formed only near the surfaces of cosmic bodies. Due to the
Fizeau effect, the medium of physical vacuum is practically fixed horizontally to the surface, but the medium flows
in toroidal gravitational waves act on the surface perpendicular with an effective velocity of body perturbation
equal to the first cosmic velocity.
That, the “motionless” lying body on the Earth “equivalently moves vertically” relative to the medium of a
physical vacuum with the first cosmic velocity in the gradient of the propagation velocity of the gravitational
interaction, and therefore is attracted to the Earth.
Obviously, as the electron approaches the speed of light, the pilot wave mass approaches the electron
mass. The first pilot wave forms the second pilot wave, etc. Thus, the relativistic electron mass is due to the
multitude of pilot waves around the electron. Pilot waves shield an electron, form a gravisphere and divert excess
disturbance energy into pilot waves energy, stabilizing the electron's parameters.

Obviously, the pair of real toroidal gravitational waves with radius of inertia is formed in
the bowels of the Earth, which precesses with the frequency of rotation of the orbital
gravitational wave15.
Similarly, to the wave of inertia of the Earth, the pair of gravitational waves of inertia of
the Sun is formed, which are located at the depth of about 30,000 km .
The first pilot wave of de Broglie Sun is in the center of the asteroid belt (456 million
kilometers), Mars is in its 2nd harmonic, Earth is in the 3rd harmonic, Venus is in the 4th
harmonic, Jupiter is in the 2nd subharmonic, Saturn is in the 3rd subharmonic.
Thus, the planets of the Solar System are in orbits in certain quantum states 17.
At a CMB temperature TCMB  2.725  K at the edge of the solar system, the speed of the

dipositroniums18 in medium is CMB  2  k  TCMB  c 2 /(4  Ee )  4.56  km / s .

It is assumed that, at the constant temperature TCMB  2.725  K behind the Kuiper belt,
the one same gravitational potential is formed, where the orbital velocity should not depend on
the distance to the Sun19.

The period of rotation of the disturbance wave (with the first cosmic velocity) along the toroidal
gravitational wave of inertia of the Earth riE, is equal to the period of rotation (52 minutes) of the orbital
gravitational wave of the Earth with the speed of light.
This pair of Sun inertia waves forms toroidal gravitational waves of coronal loops on their harmonics and
therefore their location is observed .
The period of rotation of the disturbance wave (with the first cosmic velocity of the Sun) on the toroidal
gravitational wave of inertia of the Sun is 160 minutes. The orbital gravitational de Broglie wave of the Sun rotates
at the speed of light with a period of 160 minutes, with radius of 456 million kilometers. The entire surface of the
sun is experiencing powerful vibrations with period of 160 minutes.
Judging by the maximum radius of the coronal loops of 100,000 km, they cannot penetrate deeper.
Therefore, the sun can be considered as the gravitational shell.
Small displacements of the orbits of the planets from the calculated values are due to the dispersive
interaction of gravitational waves and are associated with the direction of the redistribution of energy
between them.
It should be noted that the positronium composition of the medium of physical vacuum in the solar
system is confirmed by the photon energy of Cherenkov radiation in the region Ee(πα) =268 eV, which is associated
with the electron energy by fundamental πα resonance [8].
For example, comets emit X-ray waves in the range of 200 - 800 eV, which corresponds to the fundamental
πα resonance and its 2 and 3 harmonics.
There may be doubts about the medium from the pairs of positroniums, which are actually bosons and
which must necessarily turn into photons. However, nature uses the sustainable version of such elements in the
form of baryons. In this case, the positronium has one quantum-parametric fermion divided by 2. Thus, the neutral
baryon of 3 fermions is formed, which is essentially the stable “parametric generator” without the strong
resonant coupling of the elements. This is analogous to the u-d-u sequence of quarks in the proton.

It should be noted that calculations of the relationship between the temperature of the
medium and the gravitational potential were made in 3 levels of the Solar System, which
correspond to the 3 Planck’s fundamental spectra [8]20 associated with the electron by the
fundamental πα resonance.

In other orbits of the Solar system, the temperature of radiation may not correspond to
the gravitational potential21.

Thus, the phase state of the elements of the medium of a physical vacuum can differ

The obvious reason for the self-organization of matter in gravitational attractors, spiral
branches and toroidal gravitational waves is the dispersion of the elements of the medium

Therefore, trans-Neptunian objects should have, on average, a constant equilibrium orbital velocity of
4.56 km/s. Obviously, for this reason, many stars have not only toroidal, but spiral structures are also
observed, like in galaxies. Obviously, there are spiral branches in the solar system, and the Oort cloud forms a
In spiral branches (vortex gravitational fields), the bodies rotate around spiral axes at different speeds,
which are linearly related to the distance from the spiral axis. At the same time, the bodies rotate around the
central attractor at the same speed.
Those, the parameters of the background spectra differ in 1/(πα)=43.6 time (in temperature, frequency,
energy, and wavelength).
In [8], 14 experimentally found fundamental background spectra are shown, differing in parameters by 43.6
times (related by πα resonance). They begin with the background energy distribution of electron neutrinos when
electrons fly out of the nucleus and end with background seismic spectra.
Only in the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is observed infrared background radiation with simultaneous
emission of background visible zodiacal white light.
So, it is obvious that in the solar corona the temperature is too high (1000 000 K), this may be due to the
synthesis in the chromosphere of heavier elements of the environment (presumably quark elements) equal to 159
electron masses. Obviously, the interstellar medium of a physical vacuum consists of elements that are 1648 times
lighter than electrons.
It is also obvious that the intergalactic medium of physical vacuum consists of even lighter elements than
the interstellar medium, and its temperature is much lower than the interstellar medium and is determined by the
temperature of the waves in the dipole component between the poles of the Galaxy at a frequency of 600 kHz.

In all structures of the Universe there is a wide range of elements of the environment with different
masses. All of them are elements of the electron level of matter (pairs of pilot waves of de Broglie electrons,
phonons) or consist of them, forming fractal structures [8].
In the elements of the electron level, quark matter [8] moves with the speed of light along a ring of the
toroidal gravitational wave. Therefore, in the elements of the environment there is always a limiting gravitational
potential equal to the square of the speed of light. Therefore, photons (pairs of spiral elements of 137 quarks [8])
are forced to move relative to the elements of the medium at the speed of light, in accordance with the
gravitational potential. Those maximum gravitational potential of the elements forms a rigid framework of the
medium, which determines the speed of the photons.

of physical vacuum23. Due to dispersion, the toroidal vortex gravitational fields (waves) are
stable, unlike the generally accepted concept of the instability of toroidal vortices.
It should be noted that regardless of the type of waves (gravitational, electromagnetic,
seismic or acoustic waves), their spectra24 contain a lot of common fundamental resonant
frequencies (spectral lines).

For example, in accordance with the dispersion curve in the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect , the energy of
higher-frequency waves increases due to the suppression of the energy of low-frequency waves. Accordingly,
between the layers of the medium of physical vacuum in the gravisphere, for example, from positroniums, there
occurs a dispersion redistribution of energy between the pilot’s waves of de Broglie. In the gravispheres occurs
gravitational separation. In general, each star system cools the interstellar medium of physical vacuum according
to the principle of the heat pump and heats the star itself.
In the spicules of the chromosphere of stars, the synthesis of Hydrogen atoms occurs with a power
absorption power equal to the radiation power. Those, “potential” energy in the form of atoms accumulates in
stars, and “kinetic” energy is emitted by photons. Stars increase their mass and, over time, change their quantum
state through the phase of red giants, when stars are freed from excess matter, and the cycle repeats many times.
At the centers of galaxies, atoms break down to the elements of the medium of physical vacuum, which disturb the
Stars. The rupture of pairs of fundamental toroidal gravitational waves consisting of 137 quarks [8] leads to the
formation of pairs of spiral fermions of photons. Spiral photons from quarks are screwed into a rigid medium of
physical vacuum and have an interaction cross section equal to a pair of quarks. Therefore, photons are elements
of quark level of matter and are forced to equilibrium move relative to the elements of the medium at the speed
of light, realizing the soliton mechanism for minimizing energy loss. The photons of stars and galaxies age in the
intergalactic medium and heat it. Quasars condense the energy of the medium in toroidal and spiral structures
(ribbons of the cellular structure of the Universe) from a multitude of galaxies. It occurs so the circulation of
energy in the universe.
For example, you can compare the spectra for gravitational waves and the drum , as well as for
natural electromagnetic waves .
Acoustic waves are caused by the formation of toroidal gravitational waves, which can be converted into
electromagnetic waves in the Unruh effect and vice versa. Similarly, positronium turns into photons, which can
turn into positronium. Recently, it was again very accurately measured the speed of electromagnetic waves. They
were transformed by the surface of the Earth into gravitational waves and were registered as waves from the
merger of binary neutron stars. Gravitational waves, as and positronium, cannot propagate at the speed of light.
The magnetic field is caused by the polarization of pairs of toroidal pilots of gravitational waves of the
electron level of matter in a physical vacuum.
All fundamental interactions have the property of forming quantum soliton self-organizing orbital potential
well of stability due to parametric resonances in the dynamic Dirac sea from dipositronies and their pilot de Broglie
waves. On this basis, all interactions can easily unite with a single formalism.
For this reason, the law of Newton is valid only on the surfaces of the cosmic objects of the solar system.
Between the cosmic bodies of the solar system, the law of Newton is not valid. In [8], it was shown that the
gravitational constant is closely related to the constant in the third Kepler law. These constants are not
fundamental, because they are calculated through the parameters of the bodies of the solar system. Thus, the
action of the constants is limited to the spherical part of the solar system. Therefore, they cannot be extended to
other planetary systems, and even more so to planetary systems of the micro world.

[1] Gravity’s universality: The physics underlying Tolman temperature gradients. Jessica
Santiago_ and Matt Visser. Essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2018.

[2] R. C. Tolman, “On the weight of heat and thermal equilibrium in general relativity,”
Phys. Rev. 35 (1930) 904. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRev.35.904 ]

[3] Stanley F., Mark C. Wyatt, et al. Orbital Evolution of Interplanetary Dust.
http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~wyatt/dgdj01.pdf . Accessed on 01/20/2019

[4] Conference on the Michelson-Morley experiment held at the Mount Wilson

observatory Pasadena, California February 4 and 5, // The Astrophysical Journal, vol. LXVIII (68),
december 1928, No 5, p.341. (1927)

[5] http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3APIA07712_-

[6] Modeling quantum fluid dynamics at nonzero temperatures. Natalia G. Berloffa,b,1,

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[7] Vladimir Fedorov. The reason of self-organization systems of matter is quantum

parametric resonance and the formation of solitons. Essay of FQXi. Februar 20, 2017

[8] Vladimir Fedorov. "Fundamental" means the underlying principles, laws, essence,
structure, constants and properties of matter. Paper submitted to the 2017–2018 FQXi Essay
Contest, Jan. 20, 2017.

[9] Spiral Arms Point to Possible Planets in a Star's Dusty Disk. Released on October 19,
2011. https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/10847

[10] Gerard't Hooft. The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.

(Submitted on 7 May 2014 (v1), last revised 21 Dec 2015 (this version, v3)).


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