General Consideration: Admin Law Midterms Atty. Chavez

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ATTY. CHAVEZ Aratuc vs. Commission on Elections
88 SCRA 251, Nos. L-49705-09 February 8, 1979
Same; Administrative law; As the superior administrative body having control
GENERAL CONSIDERATION and supervision over boards of canvassers, the COMELEC may review the
actuations of the Regional Board of Canvassers, such as by extending its
Definition / nature of administrative law inquiry beyond the election records of the voting centers in question.—While
That branch of modern law under which the executive department of nominally, the procedure of bringing to the Commission objections to the
the government, acting in quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial capacity, actuations of boards of canvassers has been quite loosely referred to in certain
quarters, even by the Commission and by this Court, such as in the guidelines
interferes with the conduct of the individual for the purpose of
of May 23, 1978 quoted earlier in this opinion, as an appeal, the fact of the
promoting the well-being of the community, as under laws regulating matter is that the authority of the Commission in reviewing such actuations
public interest, professions, trades and callings, rates and prices, laws does not spring from any appellant jurisdiction conferred anywhere in the
for the protection of public health and safety and the promotion of Election Code, but from the plenary prerogative of direct control and
public convenience. supervision endowed to it by the above-quoted provisions of Section 168. And
in administrative law, it is a too well settled postulate to need any supporting
The primary function of the administrative agency is to enforce the citation here, that a superior body or office having supervision and control
law, which it can actually perform even without exercising either over another may do directly what the latter is supposed to do or ought to have
done. Consequently, anything said in Lucman vs. Dimaporo, 33 SCRA 387,
quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial power, which, if conferred upon it,
cited by petitioner, to the contrary notwithstanding, We cannot fault
may be invoked or exercised by it only for purposes of enhancing its respondent Comelec for its having extended its inquiry beyond that
enforcement prerogative and only within the confines of the undertaken by the Board of Canvassers. On the contrary, it must be stated that
constitutional or statutory grand of either. Comelec correctly and commendably asserted its statutory authority born of
its envisaged constitutional duties vis-a-vis the preservation of the purity of
Roots of Administrative Law elections and electoral processes and procedures in doing what petitioner
The origin of Administrative Law is in the legislation and its claims it should not have done.
justification is expediency.
Maceda vs. Energy Regulatory Board, 192 SCRA 363, G.R. Nos. 95203-
Doctrine of separation of powers 05, G.R. Nos. 95119-21 December 18, 1990
Energy Regulatory Board; Due Process; Executive Order 172; While under
Under this doctrine, all rules of conduct are supposed to be laid down
E.O. 172, a hearing is indispensable, the Board is not precluded from
directly by the legislature, subject to the (likewise) direct
ordering, ex parte, a provisional increase in the price of petroleum products.
enforcement of the executive department, and the application or —Senator Maceda and Atty. Lozano, in questioning the lack of a hearing,
interpretation, also directly, by the judiciary. have overlooked the provisions of Section 8 of Executive Order No. 172,
which we quote: "SECTION 8. Authority to Grant Provisional Relief.—The
The legislative and the judiciary departments no longer had time or Board may, upon the filing of an application, petition or complaint or at any
the need of expertise to attend to these new problems. stage thereafter and without prior hearing, on the basis of supporting papers
duly verified or authenticated, grant provisional relief on motion of a party in
the case or on its own initiative, without prejudice to a final decision after
Doctrine of Delegation of powers
hearing, should the Board find that the pleadings, together with such
By delegation, therefore, the legislature is able to relive itself of the
affidavits, documents and other evidence which may be submitted in support
responsibility to legislative directly on relatively minor matters and of of the motion, substantially support the provisional order: Provided, That the
attending as well to the adjudication of essentially factual questions Board shall immediately schedule and conduct a hearing thereon within thirty
that more properly pertain to the executive authorities. In this (30) days thereafter, upon publication and notice to all affected parties. x x x
manner, the legislature can concentrate on the matters of national or What must be stressed is that while under Executive Order No. 172, a hearing
greater significance. is indispensable, it does not preclude the Board from ordering, ex parte, a
provisional increase, as it did here, subject to its final disposition of whether
or not: (1) to make it permanent; (2) to reduce or increase it further; or (3) to
Present Status
deny the application. Section 3, paragraph (e) is akin to a temporary
Administrative Law, at this point, must proceed on a trial-and-error restraining order or a writ of preliminary attachment issued by the courts,
basis as it seeks to discover the most acceptable ways by which it which are given ex parte, and which are subject to the resolution of the main
may ensure the proper enforcement of law with a minimum of case.
interference with individual rights.
Sources Administration as institution
1. Constitutional or statutory enactments creating Refers to the aggregate of individuals in whose hands the rein of
administrative bodies; government are for the time being. Refers to the persons who actually
2. Decisions of courts interpreting the charters of run the government during their prescribed term of office.
administrative bodies and defining their powers, rights, Transitional in nature which actually mans the government, which, in
inhibitions, among others, and the effects of their turn, is a more or less permanent fixture in every state.
determination and regulations;
3. Rules and regulations issued by the administrative bodies in Administration as a function
pursuance of the purpose for which they were created; and The actual running of the government by the executive authorities
4. Determinations and orders of the administrative bodies in through the enforcement of laws and the implementation of policies.
the settlement of controversies arising in their respective Any activities outside legislation and rendering of judicial decision
fields. will come under administration.

Internal administration

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

Covers those rules defining the relation of public functionaries inter functions are defined by law or regulation.” An instrumentality is deemed to
se and embraces the whole range of the laws of public officer. refer “to any agency of the National Government, not integrated within the
Internal administration consists, among others, of rules laid down in a department framework, vested with special functions or jurisdiction by law,
particular agency or office, like those prescribing work assignments endowed with some if not all corporate powers, administering special funds
and enjoying operational autonomy, usually through a charter. This term
or jobs descriptions, uniform, procedures for the submission of
includes regulatory agencies, chartered institutions and government-owned or
reports, and the like, all of which are imposed by the superior in said controlled corporations.”
office upon his subordinates.
The COSLAP discharges quasi-judicial functions: “Quasi-judicial function”
External administration is a term which applies to the actions, discretion, etc. of public administrative
The relations of the public office with the public in general. The rules officers or bodies, who are required to investigate facts, or ascertain the
prescribe thereunder do not necessarily affect the personnel of the existence of facts, hold hearings, and draw conclusions from them, as a basis
office but are promulgated for observance by those who have for their official action and to exercise discretion of a judicial nature.”
dealings or transactions with said office.
Separation of Powers; It does not depart from its basic nature as an
administrative agency, albeit one that exercises quasi-judicial functions. Still,
Administration vis a vis Law administrative agencies are not considered courts; they are neither part of the
Law Administration judicial system nor are they deemed judicial tribunals. The doctrine of
- An impersonal - Preventive rather than separation of powers observed in our system of government reposes the three
command provided with sanctions punitive and is accepted to more (3) great powers into its three (3) branches—the legislative, the executive, and
to be applied in case of violation. personal than law. the judiciary—each department being co-equal and coordinate, and supreme
- Concerned only with - Has a more sympathetic
in its own sphere. Accordingly, the executive department may not, by its own
obedience to its mandate and not regard for the individual and seeks
fiat, impose the judgment of one of its own agencies, upon the judiciary.
with the circumstances or excuses to spare him from the punishment
of the violator. of the law by persuading him to Indeed, under the expanded jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, it is
observe its commands. empowered “to determine whether or not there has been grave abuse of
- May clarify certain discretion amounting to lack of or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any
ambiguous provisions in the statues branch or instrumentality of the Government.”
through the issuance of
interpretative regulations meant to
Anak Mindanao Party-List Group vs. The Executive Secretary, 531
make it easier for the people to
SCRA 583, G.R. No. 166052 August 29, 2007
understand and so obey the law.
- May however constitute The Constitution confers, by express provision, the power of control over
a defect, permits a disregard or executive departments, bureaus and offices in the President alone. And it lays
misapplication of the impersonal down a limitation on the legislative power. The Constitution’s express grant of
provisions of the law at the will of the power of control in the President justifies an executive action to carry out
those who are supposed to enforce reorganization measures under a broad authority of law.
In establishing an executive department, bureau or office, the legislature
ADMINSITRATIVE AGENCIES necessarily ordains an executive agency’s position in the scheme of
administrative structure. Such determination is primary, but subject to the
President’s continuing authority to reorganize the administrative structure. As
Definition of administrative agency far as bureaus, agencies or offices in the executive department are concerned,
A body endowed with quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial powers for the power of control may justify the President to deactivate the functions of a
the purpose of enabling it to carry out laws entrusted to it for particular office. Or a law may expressly grant the President the broad
enforcement or execution. authority to carry out reorganization measures. The Administrative Code of
1987 is one such law.
United Residents of Dominican Hill, Inc. vs. Commission on the
As thus provided by law, the President may transfer any agency under the
Settlement of Land Problems, 353 SCRA 782, G.R. No. 135945 March 7,
Office of the President to any other department or agency, subject to the
policy in the Executive Office and in order to achieve simplicity, economy
Administrative Law; Commission on the Settlement of Land Problems
and efficiency. Gauged against these guidelines, the challenged executive
(COSLAP); Origin.—The COSLAP was created by virtue of Executive Order
orders may not be said to have been issued with grave abuse of discretion or in
No. 561 dated September 21, 1979. Its forerunner was the Presi dential Action
violation of the rule of law.
Committee on Land Problems (PACLAP) founded on July 31, 1970 by virtue
of Executive Order No. 251. As originally conceived, the committee was
tasked “to expedite and coordinate the investigation and resolution of land Categories of Administrative Relationships
disputes, streamline and shorten administrative procedures, adopt bold and 1. Supervision and control;
decisive measures to solve land problems, and/or recommend other solutions.” 2. Administrative supervision; and
It was given the power to issue subpoenas duces tecum and ad testificandum 3. Attachment.
and to call upon any department, office, agency or instrumentality of the
government, including government owned or controlled corporations and local
government units, for assistance in the performance of its functions. At the Ley son, Jr. vs. Office of the Ombudsman
time, the PACLAP did not exercise quasi-judicial functions. 331 SCRA 227, G.R. No. 134990 April 27, 2000
Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC); Requisites—
An agency is defined by statute as “any of the various units of the Quimpo v. Tanodbayan involved the issue as to whether PETROPHIL was a
Government, including a department, bureau, office, instrumentality, or government owned or controlled corporation the employees of which fell
government-owned or controlled corporation, or a local government or a within the jurisdictional purview of the Tanodbayan for purposes of The Anti-
distinct unit therein.” A department, on the other hand, “refers to an Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. We upheld the jurisdiction of the
executive department created by law.” Whereas, a bureau is understood to Tanodbayan on the ratiocination that—While it may be that PETROPHIL was
refer “to any, principal subdivision of any department.” In turn, an office not originally “created” as a government-owned or controlled corporation,
“refers, within the framework of governmental organization, to any major after it was acquired by PNOC, which is a government-owned or controlled
functional unit of a department or bureau including regional offices. It may corporation, PETROPHIL became a subsidiary of PNOC and thus shed-off its
also refer to any position held or occupied by individual persons, whose private status. It is now funded and owned by the government as, in fact, it

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

was acquired to perform functions related to government programs and machinery although not integrated with the department framework. The
policies on oil, a vital commodity in the economic life of the nation. It was MIAA Charter expressly states that transforming MIAA into a “separate and
acquired not temporarily but as a permanent adjunct to perform essential autonomous body” will make its operation more “financially viable.”
government or government-related functions, as the marketing arm of the
PNOC to assist the latter in selling and distributing oil and petroleum products
Manila International Airport Authority vs. City of Pasay, 583 SCRA 234,
to assure and maintain an adequate and stable domestic supply. But these
G.R. No. 163072 April 2, 2009
jurisprudential rules invoked by petitioner in support of his claim that the CIIF
Administrative Agencies—A close scrutiny of the definition of “government-
companies are government owned and/or controlled corporations are
owned or controlled corporation” in Section 2(13) will show that MIAA
incomplete without resorting to the definition of “government owned or
would not fall under such definition. MIAA is a government “instrumentality”
controlled corporation” contained in par. (13), Sec. 2, Introductory Provisions
that does not qualify as a “government-owned or controlled corporation.” As
of the Administrative Code of 1987, i.e., any agency organized as a stock or
explained in the 2006 MIAA case: “A government-owned or controlled
non-stock corporation vested with functions relating to public needs whether
corporation must be “organized as a stock or non-stock corporation.” MIAA is
governmental or proprietary in nature, and owned by the Government directly
not organized as a stock or non-stock corporation. MIAA is not a stock
or through its instrumentalities either wholly, or, where applicable as in the
corporation because it has no capital stock divided into shares. MIAA has no
case of stock corporations, to the extent of at least fifty-one (51) percent of its
stockholders or voting shares. x x x”
capital stock. The definition mentions three (3) requisites, namely, first, any
agency organized as a stock or non-stock corporation; second, vested with
functions relating to public needs whether governmental or proprietary in University of the Philippines vs. Dizon, 679 SCRA 54, G.R. No. 171182
nature; and, third, owned by the Government directly or through its August 23, 2012
instrumentalities either wholly, or, where applicable as in the case of stock Irrefragably, the UP is a government instrumentality, performing the State’s
corporations, to the extent of at least fifty-one (51) percent of its capital stock. constitutional mandate of promoting quality and accessible education. As a
government instrumentality, the UP administers special funds sourced from
Where there is no showing that certain corporations, majority of whose shares the fees and income enumerated under Act No. 1870 and Section 1 of
are owned by the UCPB-CIIF, are vested with functions relating to public Executive Order No. 714, and from the yearly appropriations, to achieve the
needs whether governmental or proprietary in nature, they are not within the purposes laid down by Section 2 of Act 1870, as expanded in Republic Act
scope of the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction. No. 9500. All the funds going into the possession of the UP, including any
interest accruing from the deposit of such funds in any banking institution,
constitute a “special trust fund,” the disbursement of which should always be
People vs. Sandiganbayan,
aligned with the UP’s mission and purpose, and should always be subject to
451 SCRA 413, G.R. Nos. 147706-07 February 16, 2005
auditing by the COA.
Section 2(13) of EO 292 defines government-owned or controlled
corporations as follows: x x x From the foregoing, PPSB fits the bill as a
government-owned or controlled corporation, and organized and incorporated Republic vs. City of Parañaque
under the Corporation Code as a subsidiary of the Philippine Postal 677 SCRA 246, G.R. No. 191109 July 18, 2012
Corporation (PHILPOST). More than 99% of the authorized capital stock of Many government instrumentalities are vested with corporate powers but they
PPSB belongs to the government while the rest is nominally held by its do not become stock or non-stock corporations, which is a necessary condition
incorporators who are/were themselves officers of PHILPOST. The creation before an agency or instrumentality is deemed a GOCC. Examples are the
of PPSB was expressly sanctioned by Section 32 of RA 7354, otherwise Mactan International Airport Authority, the Philippine Ports Authority, the
known as the Postal Service Act of 1992, for purposes of, among others, “to University of the Philippines, and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. All these
encourage and promote the virtue of thrift and the habit of savings among the government instrumentalities exercise corporate powers but they are not
general public, especially the youth and the marginalized sector in the organized as stock or non-stock corporations as required by Section 2(13) of
countryside x x x” and to facilitate postal service by “receiving collections and the Introductory Provisions of the Administrative Code. These government
making payments, including postal money orders.” instrumentalities are sometimes loosely called government corporate entities.
They are not, however, GOCCs in the strict sense as understood under the
Administrative Code, which is the governing law defining the legal
Manila International Airport Authority vs. Court of Appeals, 495 SCRA
relationship and status of government entities.
591, G.R. No. 155650 July 20, 2006
Administrative Law—Since MIAA is neither a stock nor a non-stock
corporation, MIAA does not qualify as a government-owned or controlled Nature
corporation. What then is the legal status of MIAA within the National An arm of the legislature insofar as it is authorized to promulgate
Government? MIAA is a government instrumentality vested with corporate rules that have the force of law by virtue of a valid delegation of
powers to perform efficiently its governmental functions. MIAA is like any legislative power. Loosely considered a court because it performs
other government instrumentality, the only difference is that MIAA is vested functions of a particular judicial character, as when it decides factual
with corporate powers. Section 2(10) of the Introductory Provisions of the
and sometimes even legal questions as an incident of its general
Administrative Code defines a government “instrumentality” as follows: SEC.
2. General Terms Defined.––x x x x (10) Instrumentality refers to any agency
power of regulation. Administrative agency pertains to the executive
of the National Government, not integrated within the department framework, department because its principal function is implementation for the
vested with special functions or jurisdiction by law, endowed with some if not law in accordance with the policies and instructions laid down by the
all corporate powers, administering special funds, and enjoying operational legislature.
autonomy, usually through a charter. x x x Administrative bodies endowed with quasi-judicial prerogative are
essentially executive agencies, and are not to be considered as courts,
When the law vests in a government instrumentality corporate powers, the or do not form part of the judiciary.
instrumentality does not become a corporation. Unless the government
instrumentality is organized as a stock or non-stock corporation, it remains a
government instrumentality exercising not only governmental but also Agra vs. Commission on Audit
corporate powers. Thus, MIAA exercises the governmental powers of eminent 661 SCRA 563, G.R. No. 167807 December 6, 2011
domain, police authority and the levying of fees and charges. At the same Administrative Law; Public Officers; Definition of an “Incumbent”.—We
time, MIAA exercises “all the powers of a corporation under the Corporation have defined an incumbent as “a person who is in present possession of an
Law, insofar as these powers are not inconsistent with the provisions of this office; one who is legally authorized to discharge the duties of an office.”
Executive Order.” There is no question that petitioners were not incumbents as of June 30, 1989.
Likewise, when the law makes a government instrumentality operationally We have likewise characterized NEA as a GOCC in National Electrification
autonomous, the instrumentality remains part of the National Government Administration v. Morales, 528 SCRA 79 (2007). Thus, Section 5.5 quoted

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

above, issued pursuant to the authority given to the DBM under Section 12 of Department of Environment and Natural Resources vs. DENR Region 12
Republic Act No. 6758, was correctly applied by the COA. Employees, 409 SCRA 359, G.R. No. 149724 August 19, 2003
Administrative Law; Department of Environment and Natural Resources—
As petitioners were hired after June 30, 1989, the COA was correct in This Court is fully aware that procedural rules are not to be simply
disallowing the grant of the benefit to them, as they were clearly not entitled disregarded for these prescribed procedures ensure an orderly and speedy
to it. As quoted above, we have repeatedly held that under Section 12 of administration of justice. However, it is equally true that litigation is not
Republic Act No. 6758, the only requirements for the continuous grant of merely a game of technicalities. Time and again, courts have been guided by
allowances and fringe benefits on top of the standardized salary rates for the principle that the rules of procedure are not to be applied in a very rigid
employees of GOCCs and GFIs are as follows: (1) the employee must be an and technical manner, as rules of procedure are used only to help secure and
incumbent as of July 1, 1989; and (2) the allowance or benefit was not not to override substantial justice. Thus, if the application of the Rules would
consolidated in the standardized salary rate as prescribed by Republic Act No. tend to frustrate rather than promote justice, it is always within the power of
6758. this Court to suspend the rules, or except a particular case from its operation.

Trade and Investment Development Corporation of the Philippines vs. Banda vs. Ermita
Manalang-Demigillo, 681 SCRA 27, G.R. No. 176343 September 18, 2012 618 SCRA 488, G.R. No. 166620 April 20, 2010
Administrative Law; Preventive Suspension―Under Section 51, Revised The issuance of Executive Order No. 378 by President Arroyo is an exercise
Administrative Code of 1987, the imposition of preventive suspension by the of a delegated legislative power granted by the aforementioned Section 31,
proper disciplining authority is authorized provided the charge involves Chapter 10, Title III, Book III of the Administrative Code of 1987, which
dishonesty, oppression, or grave misconduct, or neglect in the performance of provides for the continuing authority of the President to reorganize the Office
duty, or if there are reasons to believe that the respondent is guilty of charges of the President, “in order to achieve simplicity, economy and efficiency.”
which would warrant his removal from the service. Section 51 nowhere states This is a matter already well-entrenched in jurisprudence. The reorganization
or implies that before a preventive suspension may issue there must be proof of such an office through executive or administrative order is also recognized
that the subor dinate may unduly influence the witnesses against him or may in the Administrative Code of 1987.
tamper the documentary evidence on file in her office.
To be very clear, this delegated legislative power to reorganize pertains only
to the Office of the President and the departments, offices and agencies of the
Yamane vs. BA Lepanto Condominium Corporation, 474 SCRA 258,
executive branch and does not include the Judiciary, the Legislature or the
G.R. No. 154993 October 25, 2005
constitutionally-created or mandated bodies. Moreover, it must be stressed
Constitutional Law; Separation of Powers; Congress; Jurisdictions; Statutes.
that the exercise by the President of the power to reorganize the executive
— The stringent concept of original jurisdiction may seemingly be neutered
department must be in accordance with the Constitution, relevant laws and
by Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, Section 1 of which lists a
prevailing jurisprudence. x x x Stated alternatively, the presidential power to
slew of administrative agencies and quasi-judicial tribunals or their officers
reorganize agencies and offices in the executive branch of government is
whose decisions may be reviewed by the Court of Appeals in the exercise of
subject to the condition that such reorganization is carried out in good faith.
its appellate jurisdiction. However, the basic law of jurisdiction, Batas
Pambansa Blg. 129 (B.P. 129), ineluctably confers appellate jurisdiction on
If the reorganization is done in good faith, the abolition of positions, which
the Court of Appeals over final rulings of quasi-judicial agencies,
results in loss of security of tenure of affected government employees, would
instrumentalities, boards or commission, by explicitly using the phrase
be valid. In Buklod ng Kawaning EIIB v. Zamora, 360 SCRA 718 (2001), we
“appellate jurisdiction.” The power to create or characterize juris diction of
even observed that there was no such thing as an absolute right to hold office.
courts belongs to the legislature. While the traditional notion of appellate
Except those who hold constitutional offices, which provide for special
jurisdiction connotes judicial review over lower court decisions, it has to yield
immunity as regards salary and tenure, no one can be said to have any vested
to statutory redefinitions that clearly expand its breadth to encompass even
right to an office or salary.
review of decisions of officers in the executive branches of government.

Pichay, Jr. vs. Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs-
Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Philippine American Accident
Investigative and Adjudicatory Division, 677 SCRA 408, G.R. No. 196425
Insurance Company, Inc., 453 SCRA 668, G.R. No. 141658 March 18,
July 24, 2012
The abolition of the PAGC did not require the creation of a new, additional
Administrative Law; Court of Tax Appeals—Dedicated exclusively to the
and distinct office as the duties and functions that pertained to the defunct
study and consideration of tax problems, the CTA has necessarily developed
anti-graft body were simply transferred to the ODESLA, which is an existing
an expertise in the subject of taxation that this Court has recognized time and
office within the Office of the President Proper. The reorganization required
again. For this reason, the findings of fact of the CTA, particularly when
no more than a mere alteration of the administrative structure of the ODESLA
affirmed by the Court of Appeals, are generally conclusive on this Court
through the establishment of a third division—the Investigative and
absent grave abuse of discretion or palpable error, which are not present in
Adjudicatory Division—through which ODESLA could take on the additional
this case.
functions it has been tasked to discharge under E.O. 13.

Creation and Abolition A valid reorganization must not only be exercised through legitimate authority
The administrative body may be created by the Constitution or by but must also be pursued in good faith. A reorganization is said to be carried
Statute. Other administrative agencies have been created by, and out in good faith if it is done for purposes of economy and efficiency. It
exclusively in the discretion of, the legislature. The agencies make up appears in this case that the streamlining of functions within the Office of the
the majority pf the coterie of officers that constitute the so-called President Proper was pursued with such purposes in mind. In its Whereas
clauses, E.O. 13 cites as bases for the reorganization the policy dictates of
administrative department.
eradicating corruption in the government and promoting economy and
efficiency in the bureaucracy. Indeed, the economical effects of the
If created Constitution itself, the administrative body can be altered reorganization is shown by the fact that while Congress had initially
or abolished only by constitutional amendment. But where the body appropriated P22 Million for the PAGC’s operation in the 2010 annual
is created only by statute, the legislature that breathed life into it can budget, no separate or added funding of such a considerable amount was ever
amend or even repeal its charter, thereby resulting its abolition, which required after the transfer of the PAGC functions to the IAD-ODESLA.
is justified if made in good faith and not attended by grave abuse of
discretion. Advantages
Administrative agencies have the advantages not only of expertise
derived from specialized training and experience, but also of

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

adaptability to change and ease in reacting to new and even

emergency situations, given its flexible nature because of its basic Eastern Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. vs. International
rule-making authority and adjudicatory prerogatives. Communication Corporation, 435 SCRA 55, G.R. No. 135992 July 23,
Unlike court of justice, they can initiate actions and not simply wait Administrative Law; Public Utilities; Telecommunications; National
Telecommunications Commission—The power of the NTC to grant a
for their jurisdiction to be invoked. They may, in addition, proceed to
provisional authority has long been settled. As the regulatory agency of the
the solution of the problems confided to their attention with more national government with jurisdiction over all telecommunications entities, it
expeditiousness and efficacy, owing to the flexibility of their powers, is clothed with authority and given ample discretion to grant a provisional
than can ordinarily be expected from the legislature. permit or authority. It also has the authority to issue Certificates of Public
Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for the installation, operation, and
maintenance of communications facilities and services, radio communications
systems, telephone and telegraph systems, including the authority to determine
Relation to Regular Departments the areas of operations of applicants for telecommunications services. In this
regard, the NTC is clothed with sufficient discretion to act on matters solely
In the exercise of the powers delegated to it by the legislature, the
within its competence.
administrative body acts as an agent of the law-making body and so The power of the NTC in granting or denying a provisional authority to
is bound to obey and implement the legislative will. Being a creature operate a local exchange carrier service is a quasi-judicial function, a sphere in
of legislature, it enables the legislature to exert a great deal of which the DOTC cannot intrude upon—if at all, the service area scheme
influence upon the administrative body that can impair its provided in DOTC Dept. Circular No. 91-2660 is only one of the factors, but
independence. should not in any way tie down the NTC in its determination of the propriety
of a grant of a provisional authority to a qualified applicant for local exchange
Administrative agency pertains to executive department and so comes service.
under the constitutional control of the President, which control
generally cannot be withdrawn or limited even by the legislature. Laguna Lake Development Authority vs. Court of Appeals
231 SCRA 292, G.R. No. 110120 March 16, 1994
Given the power of control exercised by the President over the
Administrative Law; Sec. 16 E.O. 192; A Pollution Adjudication Board (PAB)
administrative agency, it cannot claim independence from the under the office of DENR Secretary now assumes the powers and functions of
executive department. the National Pollution Control Commission with respect to adjudication of
pollution cases.
Courts can review, or even reverse, the administrative acts even of
the Chief Executive. The rules of procedure promulgated by As a general rule, the adjudication of pollution cases generally pertains to the
administrative bodies in connection with their exercise of their Pollution Adjudication Board (PAB), except in cases where the special law
adjudicatory functions are subject to the disapproval by the Supreme provides for another forum. It must be recognized in this regard that the
LLDA, as a specialized administrative agency, is specifically mandated under
Court, make the administrative body also subservient to the judicial
Republic Act No. 4850 and its amendatory laws to carry out and make
department. effective the declared national policy of promoting and accelerating the
development and balanced growth of the Laguna Lake area and the
POWERS OF ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES surrounding provinces of Rizal and Laguna and the cities of San Pablo,
Manila, Pasay, Quezon and Caloocan with due regard and adequate provisions
Quasi-Legislative and Quasi-Judicial Powers for environmental management and control, preservation of the quality of
human life and ecological systems, and the prevention of undue ecological
The powers of the administrative body are generally classified into
disturbances, deterioration and pollution. Under such a broad grant of power
the quasi-legislative and the quasi-judicial. and authority, the LLDA, by virtue of its special charter, obviously has the
responsibility to protect the inhabitants of the Laguna Lake region from the
Smart Communications, Inc. (SMART) vs. National Telecommunications deleterious effects of pollutants emanating from the discharge of wastes from
Commission (NTC), 408 SCRA 678, G.R. No. 151908, G.R. No. 152063 the surrounding areas. In carrying out the aforementioned declared policy, the
August 12, 2003 LLDA is mandated, among others, to pass upon and approve or disapprove all
Administrative Law; National Telecommunications Commission; Powers; plans, programs, and projects proposed by local government offices/agencies
Quasi-Legislative Power—Administrative agencies possess quasi-legislative within the region, public corporations, and private persons or enterprises
or rule-making powers and quasi-judicial or administrative adjudicatory where such plans, programs and/or projects are related to those of the LLDA
powers. Quasi-legislative or rule-making power is the power to make rules for the development of the region.
and regulations which results in delegated legislation that is within the
confines of the granting statute and the doctrine of non-delegability and LLDA has the power and authority to issue a “cease and desist” order under
separability of powers. RA. 4850 and its amendatory laws. The cease and desist order issued by the
LLDA requiring the City Government of Caloocan to stop dumping its
The rules and regulations that administrative agencies promulgate, which are garbage in the Camarin open dumpsite found by the LLDA to have been done
the product of a delegated legislative power to create new and additional legal in violation of Republic Act No. 4850, as amended, and other relevant
provisions that have the effect of law, should be within the scope of the environment laws, cannot be stamped as an unauthorized exercise by the
statutory authority granted by the legislature to the administrative agency. It is LLDA of injunctive powers. By its express terms, Republic Act No. 4850, as
required that the regulation be germane to the objects and purposes of the law, amended by P.D. No. 813 and Executive Order No. 927, series of 1983,
and be not in contradiction to, but in conformity with, the standards prescribed authorizes the LLDA to “make, alter or modify orders requiring the
by law. They must conform to and be consistent with the provisions of the discontinuance of pollution.” (Italics for emphasis) Section 4, par. (d)
enabling statute in order for such rule or regulation to be valid. Constitutional explicitly authorizes the LLDA to make whatever order may be necessary in
and statutory provisions control with respect to what rules and regulations the exercise of its jurisdiction.
may be promulgated by an administrative body, as well as with respect to
what fields are subject to regulation by it. It may not make rules and The power to make, alter or modify orders requiring the discontinuance of
regulations which are inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution or a pollution is also expressly bestowed upon LLDA by E.O. No. 927, series of
statute, particularly the statute it is administering or which created it, or which 1983. While it is a fundamental rule that an administrative agency has only
are in derogation of, or defeat, the purpose of a statute. In case of conflict such powers as are expressly granted to it by law, it is likewise a settled rule
between a statute and an administrative order, the former must prevail.

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

that an administrative agency has also such powers as are necessarily implied The discretion to determine what the law shall be is exclusively
in the exercise of its express powers. legislative and cannot be delegated. The power to make rules to carry
out a policy declared by the lawmaker is administrative and not
PAB has the power to issue an ex-parte cease and desist order when there is legislative. There is a distinction between delegation of power to
prima facie evidence of an establishment exceeding the allowable standards make the law which necessarily involves a discretion as to what the
set by the anti-pollution laws of the country. law shall be and the conferring of authority or discretion under an in
pursuance of the law.
The relevant Pollution control statute and implementing regulations were
enacted and promulgated in the exercise of that pervasive sovereign power to Hontiveros-Baraquel vs. Toll Regulatory Board
protect the safety, health and general welfare and comfort of the public, as 751 SCRA 271, G.R. No. 181293 February 23, 2015
well as the protection of plant and animal life commonly designated as the Unless there is a law that specifically requires a franchise for the operation of
police power. a public utility, particular agencies in the executive branch may issue
authorizations and licenses for the operation of certain classes of public
utilities. In the instant case, there is no law that states that a legislative
franchise is necessary for the operation of toll facilities.

The doctrine of qualified political agency declares that, save in matters on

The Quasi-Legislative Power which the Constitution or the circumstances require the President to act
Definition personally, executive and administrative functions are exercised through
The authority delegated by the law-making body to the administrative executive departments headed by cabinet secretaries, whose acts are
body to adopt rules and regulations intended to carry out the presumptively the acts of the President unless disapproved by the latter.
provisions of a law and implement legislative policy.
Secretaries of departments, of course, exercise certain powers under the law
These regulations are regarded as “little laws possessed of the same but the law cannot impair or in any way affect the constitutional power of
control and direction of the President. As a matter of executive policy, they
legal force and, perhaps, with even more efficacy than the statues
may be granted departmental autonomy as to certain matters but this is by
they are supposed to implement, mere concession of the executive, in the absence of valid legislation in the
particular field. If the President, then, is the authority in the Executive
In general rules and regulations issued by administrative or executive Department, he assumes the corresponding responsibility. The head of a
officers pursuant to the procedure or authority conferred by law upon department is a man of his confidence; he controls and directs his acts; he
the administrative agency have the force and effect, or partake the appoints him and can remove him at pleasure; he is the executive, not any of
nature, of a statue. Administrative regulations and policies enacted to his secretaries.
interpret the law which they are entrusted to enforce, have the force
of law, and are entitled to great respect. Associated Communications & Wireless Services-United Broadcasting
Networks vs. National Telecommunications Commission, 397 SCRA 574,
G.R. No. 144109 February 17, 2003
Administrative rule is defined in the administrative code as “any
Administrative Law; Delegation of Powers.—The Court is not unmindful that
agency statement of general applicability that implements or there is a trend towards delegating the legislative power to authorize the
interprets a law, fixes and describes the procedures in, or practice operation of certain public utilities to administrative agencies and dispensing
requirements of, an agency, including its regulations. with the requirement of a congressional franchise as in the Albano case which
involved the provision of cargo handling and port related ser vices at the
Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Interport Resources Manila International Port Complex and the PAL case involving the operation
Corporation, 567 SCRA 354, G.R. No. 135808 October 6, 2008 of domestic air transport. The rationale for this trend was explained in the
The mere absence of implementing rules cannot effectively invalidate PAL case, viz.: “. . . With the growing complexity of modern life, the
provisions of law, where a reasonable construction that will support the law multiplication of the subjects of governmental regulation, and the increased
may be given. difficulty of administering the laws, there is a constantly growing tendency
towards the delegation of greater powers by the legislature, and towards the
The necessity for vesting administrative authorities with power to make rules approval of the practice by the courts. (Pangasinan Transportation Co., Inc. vs.
and regulations is based on the impracticability of lawmakers’ providing The Public Service Commission, G.R. No. 47065, June 26, 1940, 70 Phil.
general regulations for various and varying details of management. To rule 221) It is generally recognized that a franchise may be derived indirectly from
that the absence of implementing rules can render ineffective an act of the state through a duly designated agency, and to this extent, the power to
Congress, such as the Revised Securities Act, would empower the grant franchises has frequently been delegated, even to agencies other than
administrative bodies to defeat the legislative will by delaying the those of a legislative nature. (Dyer vs. Tuskaloosa Bridge Co., 2 Port. 296, 27
implementing rules. To assert that a law is less than a law, because it is made Am. D. 655; Christian-Todd Tel. Co. vs. Commonwealth, 161 S.W. 543, 156
to depend on a future event or act, is to rob the Legislature of the power to act Ky. 557, 37 CJ.S. 158) In pursuance of this, it has been held that privileges
wisely for the public welfare whenever a law is passed relating to a state of conferred by grant by local authorities as agents for the state constitute as
affairs not yet developed, or to things future and impossible to fully know. It much a legislative franchise as though the grant had been made by an act of
is well established that administrative authorities have the power to the Legislature. (Superior Water, Light and Power Co. vs. City of Superior,
promulgate rules and regulations to implement a given statute and to 181 N.W. 113, 174 Wis. 257, affirmed 183 N.W. 254, 37 C.J.S. 158.) The call
effectuate its policies, provided such rules and regulations conform to the to dispense with the requisite legislative franchise must, however, be
terms and standards prescribed by the statute as well as purport to carry into addressed to Congress as the lawmaker of the land for the Court’s function is
effect its general policies. Nevertheless, it is undisputable that the rules and to interpret and not to rewrite the law. As long as the law remains unchanged,
regulations cannot assert for themselves a more extensive prerogative or the requirement of a franchise to operate a television station must be upheld.
deviate from the mandate of the statute. Moreover, where the statute contains
sufficient standards and an unmistakable intent, as in the case of Sections 30 Sources
and 36 of the Revised Securities Act, there should be no impediment to its The power to promulgate administrative regulations is derived from
implementation. the legislature, by virtue of a valid delegation.

Distinguished from Legislative Power Test of Delegations

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

Completeness test performance of his functions. A sufficient standard is one which defines
The law must be complete in all its terms and conditions when it legislative policy, marks its limits, maps out its boundaries and specifies the
leaves the legislature so that when it reaches the delegate, it will have public agency to apply it. It indicates the circumstances under which the
nothing to do but enforce it. If the law is complete in itself, setting legislative command is to be effected. Both tests are intended to prevent a
total transference of legislative authority to the delegate, who is not allowed to
forth therein the policy to be executed, carried out or implemented by
step into the shoes of the legislature and exercise a power essentially
the delegate. legislative.

Sufficient standard test Congress does not abdicate its functions or unduly delegate power when it
If the law fixes a standard – the limits of which the delegate must describes what job must be done, who must do it, and what is the scope of his
conform in the performance of his functions. One which defines authority—in our complex economy that is frequently the only way in which
legislative policy, marks its limits, maps out its boundaries and the legislative process can go forward.
specifies the public agency to apply it. It indicates the circumstances
When one speaks of the Secretary of Finance as the alter ego of the President,
under which the legislative command is to be effected.
it simply means that as head of the Department of Finance he is the assistant
and agent of the Chief Executive. The multifarious executive and
Belgica vs. Ochoa, Jr., 710 SCRA 1, G.R. No. 208566 November 19, 2013 administrative functions of the Chief Executive are performed by and through
As an adjunct to the separation of powers principle, legislative power shall be the executive departments, and the acts of the secretaries of such departments,
exclusively exercised by the body to which the Constitution has conferred the such as the Department of Finance, performed and promulgated in the regular
same. In particular, Section 1, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution states that course of business, are, unless disapproved or reprobated by the Chief
such power shall be vested in the Congress of the Philippines which shall Executive, presumptively the acts of the Chief Executive. The Secretary of
consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives, except to the extent Finance, as such, occupies a political position and holds office in an advisory
reserved to the people by the provision on initiative and referendum. Based on capacity, and, in the language of Thomas Jefferson, “should be of the
this provision, it is clear that only Congress, acting as a bicameral body, and President’s bosom confidence” and, in the language of Attorney-General
the people, through the process of initiative and referendum, may Cushing, is “subject to the direction of the President.”
constitutionally wield legislative power and no other. This premise embodies
the principle of non-delegability of legislative power, and the only recognized In the present case, in making his recommendation to the President on the
exceptions thereto would be: (a) delegated legislative power to local existence of either of the two conditions, the Secretary of Finance is not acting
governments which, by immemorial practice, are allowed to legislate on as the alter ego of the President or even her subordinate, and he is not subject
purely local matters; and (b) constitutionally-grafted exceptions such as the to the power of control and direction of the President—he is acting as the
authority of the President to, by law, exercise powers necessary and proper to agent of the legislative department, to determine and declare the event upon
carry out a declared national policy in times of war or other national which its expressed will is to take effect, becoming the means or tool by
emergency, or fix within specified limits, and subject to such limitations and which legislative policy is determined and implemented.
restrictions as Congress may impose, tariff rates, import and export quotas,
tonnage and wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts within the framework
of the national development program of the Government. The Quasi-Judicial Power
The Court agrees with petitioners that the phrase “and for such other purposes Definition
as may be hereafter directed by the President” under Section 8 of P.D. 910 The power of the administrative authorities to make determinations of
constitutes an undue delegation of legislative power insofar as it does not lay facts in the performance of their official duties and to apply the law
down a sufficient standard to adequately determine the limits of the as the construe it to the facts so found. Administrative officers can
President’s authority with respect to the purpose for which the Malampaya interpret and apply the law to the facts ascertained by them because
Funds may be used.
this function is necessary to the discharge of their primary function of
Abakada Guro Party List vs. Ermita
469 SCRA 14, G.R. No. 168056, G.R. No. 168207, G.R. No. 168461, G.R.
No. 168463, G.R. No. 168730 September 1, 2005 Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Universal Rightfield Property
With respect to the Legislature, Section 1 of Article VI of the Constitution Holdings, Inc., 763 SCRA 197, G.R. No. 181381 July 20, 2015
provides that “the Legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the The Court has consistently held that the essence of due process is simply an
Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.” opportunity to be heard, or as applied to administrative proceedings, an
The powers which Congress is prohibited from delegating are those which are opportunity to explain one’s side or an opportunity to seek a reconsideration
strictly, or inherently and exclusively, legislative. Purely legislative power, of the action or ruling complained of. Any seeming defect in its observance is
which can never be delegated, has been described as the authority to make a cured by the filing of a motion for reconsideration, and denial of due process
complete law—complete as to the time when it shall take effect and as to cannot be successfully invoked by a party who has had the opportunity to be
whom it shall be applicable—and to determine the expediency of its heard on such motion. What the law prohibits is not the absence of previous
enactment. Thus, the rule is that in order that a court may be justified in notice, but the absolute absence thereof and the lack of opportunity to be
holding a statute unconstitutional as a delegation of legislative power, it must heard.
appear that the power involved is purely legislative in nature—that is, one
appertaining exclusively to the legislative department. It is the nature of the The revocation of registration of securities and permit to sell them to the
power, and not the liability of its use or the manner of its exercise, which public is not an exercise of the SEC’s quasi-judicial power, but of its
determines the validity of its delegation. Nonetheless, the general rule barring regulatory power. A “quasi-judicial function” is a term which applies to the
delegation of legislative powers is subject to the following recognized action, discretion, etc., of public administrative officers or bodies, who are
limitations or exceptions: (1) Delegation of tariff powers to the President required to investigate facts, or ascertain the existence of facts, hold hearings,
under Section 28 (2) of Article VI of the Constitution; (2) Delegation of and draw conclusions from them, as a basis for their official action and to
emergency powers to the President under Section 23 (2) of Article VI of the exercise discretion of a judicial nature. Although Section 13.1 of the SRC
Constitution; (3) Delegation to the people at large; (4) Delegation to local requires due notice and hearing before issuing an order of revocation, the SEC
governments; and (5) Delegation to administrative bodies. does not perform such quasi-judicial functions and exercise discretion of a
judicial nature in the exercise of such regulatory power. It neither settles
In every case of permissible delegation, there must be a showing that the actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and
delegation itself is valid. It is valid only if the law (a) is complete in itself, enforceable, nor adjudicates private rights and obligations in cases of
setting forth therein the policy to be executed, carried out, or implemented by adversarial nature. Rather, when the SEC exercises its incidental power to
the delegate; and (b) fixes a standard—the limits of which are sufficiently conduct administrative hearings and make decisions, it does so in the course
determinate and determinable—to which the delegate must conform in the of the performance of its regulatory and law enforcement function.

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

credible elections. Enfeebled by lack of funds and the magnitude of its

Source workload, the petitioner does not have a sufficient number of legal officers to
The quasi-judicial power is incidental to the power of regulation conduct such investigation and to prosecute such cases. The prosecutors
vested in the administrative body but is often expressly conferred by deputized by the petitioner are subject to its authority, control and supervision
in respect of the particular functions covered by such deputation. The acts of
the legislature through specific provisions in the charter of the
such deputies within the lawful scope of their delegated authority are, in legal
agency. The power is needed to enable the administrative officers to contemplation, the acts of the petitioner itself. Such authority may be revoked
perform their executive duties. Often referred to as the power of or withdrawn any time by the petitioner, either expressly or impliedly, when
adjudication. in its judgment such revocation or withdrawal is necessary to protect the
integrity of the process to promote the common good, or where it believes that
Determinative Powers successful prosecution of the case can be done by the petitioner. Moreover,
Enabling powers being mere deputies or agents of the petitioner, provincial or city prosecutors
Those that permit the doing of an act which the law undertakes to deputized by the petitioner are expected to act in accord with and not contrary
to or in derogation of the resolutions, directives or orders of the petitioner in
regulate nad which would be unlawful without government approval.
relation to election cases such prosecutors are deputized to investigate and
prosecute. Otherwise, the only option of such provincial or city prosecutor is
Directing powers to seek relief from the petitioner as its deputy.
It orders the doing to performance of particular acts to ensure
compliance with the law and are often exercised for corrective The conduct of a preliminary investigation of election offenses for the purpose
purposes. This includes the dispensing, the examining and the of determining whether or not there is probable cause to believe that the
summary powers. accused is guilty of the offense charged and, therefore, should be subjected to
trial is the function of the petitioner. The Court will not even interfere with the
finding of the petitioner absent a clear showing of grave abuse of discretion.
Neither should the respondent. This principle emanates from the COMELEC’s
Dispensing powers exclusive power to conduct preliminary investigation of all election offenses
Allows the administrative officer to relax the general and to prosecute the same except as may otherwise be provided by law. While
operation of law or exempt from the performance of a general it is the duty of the petitioner to prosecute those committing election offenses,
duty. it is equally its duty not to prosecute those offenses where no probable cause
exists. The exclusion and inclusion of persons in Informations for election
Examining powers offenses is a prerogative granted by the law and the Constitution to the
Enables the administrative body to inspect the records, petitioner. The petitioner may not be compelled to charge a person or include
the latter in an Information when it believes that under the law and on the
premises, and investigate the activities, of persons or entitles
basis of the evidence in its possession, such person should not be charged at
coming under its jurisdiction. This will include the following, all.
among others, to wit:
1. Issuance of subpoenas;
Exercise of Powers
2. Swearing in of witnesses;
Duties of the administrative body are generally considered
3. Interrogation of witnesses;
discretionary, especially as the involve the interpretation or
4. Calling for production of books, papers and records;
construction and enforcement of the law and the appreciation of
5. Requiring written answers to questionnaires;
factual question may be submitted to it for resolution. Some
6. Requiring periodic or special reports; and
administrative duties are merely ministerial, however, which means
7. Requiring the filing of statements.
that no judgment or discretion is required or allowed in their exercise.
The jurisdiction ad powers of administrative agencies are limited to
Summary powers
those expressly granted or necessarily implied from those granted in
Those involving the use by administrative authorities of force
the legislation creating such bodies.
upon persons or things without necessity of previous judicial
Cerafica vs. Commission on Elections, 743 SCRA 426, G.R. No. 205136
December 2, 2014
Commission on Elections vs. Español, 417 SCRA 554, G.R. Nos. 149164- The Court reminds the Comelec that, in the exercise of it adjudicatory or
73 December 10, 2003 quasi-judicial powers, the Constitution mandates it to hear and decide cases
Under Article IX, Section 2(b) of the Constitution, the petitioner is first by Division and, upon motion for reconsideration, by the En Banc. Where
empowered to investigate and, when appropriate, prosecute election offenses. a power rests in judgment or discretion, so that it is of judicial nature or
The grant by the Constitution to the petitioner of the express power to character, but does not involve the exercise of functions of a judge, or is
investigate and prosecute election offenses is intended to enable the petitioner conferred upon an officer other than a judicial officer, it is deemed quasi-
to assure the people of a fine, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible election. judicial. As cancellation proceedings involve the exercise of quasi-judicial
Under Section 265 of the Omnibus Election Code, the petitioner, through its functions of the Comelec, the Comelec in Division should have first decided
duly authorized legal officers, has the exclusive power to conduct preliminary this case.
investigation of all election offenses punishable under the Omnibus Election
Code, and to prosecute the same. The petitioner may avail of the assistance of
the prosecuting arms of the government. In Section 2, Rule 34 of the QUASI-LEGISLATIVE POWER
COMELEC Rules of Procedure, all Provincial and City Prosecutors and/or
their respective assistants are given continuing authority as its deputies to Kinds of Administrative Regulations
conduct preliminary investigation of complaints involving election offenses Administrative regulations are either interpretative or legislative.
under election laws and to prosecute the same. The complaints may be filed
directly with them or may be indorsed to them by the petitioner or its duly Legislative v. Interpretative Rule/Regulation
authorized representatives. Legislative
Accorded by the courts or by express provision of the statue the force
The deputation of the Provincial and City Prosecutors is necessitated by the
need for prompt investigation and dispensation of election cases as an and effect of law immediately upon going to effect. The
indispensable part of the task of securing fine, orderly, honest, peaceful and administrative agency is acting in a legislative capacity

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

supplementing the statue, filling in the details, or “making the law”

and usually acting pursuant to a specific delegation of legislative Requisites of Administrative Regulations
power. It is in the nature of subordinate legislation, designed to 1.) Its promulgation must be authorized by the legislature.
implement a primary legislation by providing the details thereof. 2.) It must be within the scope of the authority given by the
Legislative regulation is issued by the administrative body pursuant 3.) It must be promulgated in accordance with the prescribed
to a valid delegation of legislative power and is intended to have the procedure.
binding force and effect of a law enacted by the legislature itself. 4.) It must be reasonable.

Interpretative Promulgation must be authorized by the legislature.

Those which purport to do no more than interpret the statute being Authority to promulgate the regulation is usually conferred by the
administered, to say what it means, they constitute the administrator’s charter itself of the administrative body or by the law it is supposed to
construction and of statute. The administrative agency is merely enforce.
anticipating what ultimately must be done by the courts; they are
performing a judicial function rather than a legislative function, and Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Solidbank Corporation, 416 SCRA
interpretative regulations, in the absence of legislature, have validity 436, G.R. No. 148191 November 25, 2003
in judicial proceeding only to the extent that they correctly construe In general, rules and regulations issued by administrative or executive officers
the statue and the, strictly speaking, it is the statute and not the pursuant to the procedure or authority conferred by law upon the
administrative agency have the force and effect, or partake of the nature, of a
regulation to which the individual must conform.
statute. The reason is that statutes express the policies, purposes, objectives,
remedies and sanctions intended by the legislature in general terms. The
Issued as an incident of its power to enforce the law and is intended details and manner of carrying them out are oftentimes left to the
merely to clarify its power to enforce the law and is intended merely administrative agency entrusted with their enforcement.
to clarify its provisions for proper observance by the people.
A revenue regulation is binding on the courts as long as the procedure fixed
BPI Leasing Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 416 SCRA 4, G.R. No. for its promulgation is followed. Even if the courts may not be in agreement
127624 November 18, 2003 with its stated policy or innate wisdom, it is nonetheless valid, provided that
Administrative issuances may be distinguished according to their nature and its scope is within the statutory authority or standard granted by the
substance: legislative and interpretative. A legislative rule is in the matter of legislature.
subordinate legislation, designed to implement a primary legislation by
providing the details thereof. An interpretative rule, on the other hand, is Review Center Association of the Philippines vs. Ermita, 583 SCRA 428,
designed to provide guidelines to the law which the administrative agency is G.R. No. 180046 April 2, 2009
in charge of enforcing. The Court finds the questioned revenue regulation to The President has no inherent or delegated legislative power to amend the
be legislative in nature. functions of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) under Republic
Act (RA) 7722, since, legislative power, which is the authority to make laws
The principle is well entrenched that statutes, including administrative rules and to alter or repeal them, is vested with the Congress.
and regulations, operate prospectively only, unless the legislative intent to the
contrary is manifest by express terms or by necessary implication. Administrative agencies exercise their quasi-legislative or rule-making power
through the promulgation of rules and regulations. The CHED may only
La Bugal-B’Laan Tribal Association, Inc. vs. Ramos exercise its rule-making power within the confines of its jurisdiction under RA
421 SCRA 148, G.R. No. 127882 January 27, 2004 7722. The RIRR covers review centers and similar entities which are neither
When an administrative or executive agency renders an opinion or issues a institutions of higher education nor institutions offering degree-granting
statement of policy, it merely interprets a pre-existing law; and the programs.
administrative interpretation of the law is at best advisory, for it is the courts
that finally determine what the law means. Department of Health vs. Philip Morris Philippines Manufacturing, Inc.,
754 SCRA 452, G.R. No. 202943 March 25, 2015
Supplementary regulation It must be stressed that RA 9211 is a special legislation which exclusively
Intended to fill in the details of the law and “to make explicit what is deals with the subject of tobacco products and related activities. On the other
hand, RA 7394 is broader and more general in scope, and treats of the general
only general.” its purpose is to enlarge upon a statute, subject only to
welfare and interests of consumers vis-à-vis proper conduct for business and
the standards fixed therein, to ensure its effective enforcement in industry. As such, lex specialis derogat generali. General legislation must give
accordance with legislative will. way to special legislation on the same subject, and generally is so interpreted
as to embrace only cases in which the special provisions are not applicable. In
Contingent regulation other words, where two statutes are of equal theoretical application to a
Issued upon the happening of a certain contingency which the particular case, the one specially designed therefore should prevail.
administrative body is given the discretion to determine or “to
ascertain, under and pursuant to the law, some circumstances on Must be within the scope of the authority given by the legislature
which the law, by its own terms, makes its own action depend, or to The power of the administrative officials to promulgate rules and
find the facts or conditions properly prescribed under which a law as regulations in the implementation of a statue is necessarily limited
passed will or will not operate, that is, putting in effect, applying or only to carrying into effect what is provided in the legislative
suspending a law.” enactment. Administrative rules and regulations are intended to carry
out, not supplant or modify the law.
Security Bank and Trust Company vs. RTC of Makati, Br. 61
263 SCRA 483, G.R. No. 113926 October 23, 1996 Lokin, Jr. vs. Commission on Elections, 621 SCRA 385, G.R. Nos. 179431-
All the promissory notes were signed in 1983 and, therefore, were already 32 June 22, 2010
covered by CB Circular No. 905. Contrary to the claim of respondent court, As a general rule, the Legislature cannot surrender or abdicate its legislative
this circular did not repeal nor in any way amend the Usury Law but simply power, for doing so will be unconstitutional; Under certain circumstances, the
suspended the latter’s effectivity. Legislature can delegate to executive officers and administrative boards the

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

authority to adopt and promulgate Implementing Rules and Regulations rule-making power necessarily includes the power to amend, revise, alter, or
(IRRs), but the Legislature must declare the policy of the law and fix the legal repeal the same. This is to allow administrative agencies flexibility in
principles that are to control in given cases. formulating and adjusting the details and manner by which they are to
implement the provisions of a law, in order to make it more responsive to the
The authority to make IRRs in order to carry out an express legislative times. Hence, it is a standard provision in administrative rules that prior
purpose, or to effect the operation and enforcement of a law is not a power issuances of administrative agencies that are inconsistent therewith are
exclusively legislative in character, but is rather administrative in nature. The declared repealed or modified.
rules and regulations adopted and promulgated must not, however, subvert or
be contrary to existing statutes. The function of promulgating IRRs may be
Carpio-Morales vs. Court of Appeals (Sixth Division), 774 SCRA 431,
legitimately exercised only for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of a
G.R. Nos. 217126-27 November 10, 2015
law. The power of administrative agencies is confined to implementing the
The fact that the legislature statutorily provided for this appeal does not give it
law or putting it into effect. Corollary to this is that administrative regulation
the right to encroach upon the constitutionally granted powers of the judiciary.
cannot extend the law and amend a legislative enactment. It is axiomatic that
Once the administrative action has ended and the right to appeal arises the
the clear letter of the law is controlling and cannot be amended by a mere
legislature is void of any right to control a subsequent appellate judicial
administrative rule issued for its implementation. Indeed, administrative or
proceeding. The judicial rules have come into play and have preempted the
executive acts shall be valid only when they are not contrary to the laws or the

Must be promulgated in accordance with the prescribed procedure

Fermin vs. Commission on Elections, 574 SCRA 782, G.R. No. 179695
Administrative bodies can promulgate the regulation in its exclusive
December 18, 2008
A COMELEC rule or resolution cannot supplant or vary the legislative discretion and on the basis of information acquired by it through
enactments that distinguish the grounds for disqualification from those of methods other than the holding of a public hearing except where the
ineligibility, and the appropriate proceedings to raise the said grounds. legislature itself requires and mandates that the regulation shall be
based on certain facts as determined at an appropriate investigation.

Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation vs. Commissioner of Internal Dagan vs. Philippine Racing Commission, 578 SCRA 585, G.R. No.
Revenue, 583 SCRA 168, G.R. No. 158885 April 2, 2009 175220 February 12, 2009
The authority to prescribe regulations can pertain to more technical matters, As a rule, the issuance of rules and regulations in the exercise of an
such as how to appraise the value of the inventory or what papers need to be administrative agency of its quasi-legislative power does not require notice
filed to properly itemize the contents of such inventory. But such authority and hearing. In Abella, Jr. v. Civil Service Commission, 442 SCRA 507
cannot go as far as to amend Section 105 itself, which the Commissioner had (2004), this Court had the occasion to rule that prior notice and hearing are not
unfortunately accomplished in this case. It is of course axiomatic that a rule or essential to the validity of rules or regulations issued in the exercise of quasi-
regulation must bear upon, and be consistent with, the provisions of the legislative powers since there is no determination of past events or facts that
enabling statute if such rule or regulation is to be valid. In case of conflict have to be established or ascertained.
between a statute and an administrative order, the former must prevail. Indeed,
the CIR has no power to limit the meaning and coverage of the term “goods” The rule is that what has been delegated cannot be delegated or as expressed
in Section 105 of the Old NIRC absent statutory authority or basis to make in the Latin maxim: potestas delegate non delegare potest; Rule admits of
and justify such limitation. A contrary conclusion would mean the CIR could recognized exceptions such as the grant of rule-making power to
very well moot the law or arrogate legislative authority unto himself by administrative agencies.
retaining sole discretion to provide the definition and scope of the term
“goods.” In every case of permissible delegation, there must be a showing that the
delegation itself is valid. It is valid only if the law (a) is complete in itself,
setting forth therein the policy to be executed, carried out, or implemented by
Heirs of Aurelio Reyes vs. Garilao, 605 SCRA 294, G.R. No. 136466 the delegate; and (b) fixes a standard—the limits of which are sufficiently
November 25, 2009 determinate and determinable—to which the delegate must conform in the
It is a general rule that the power of administrative officials to promulgate performance of his functions. A sufficient standard is one which defines
rules and regulations in the implementation of a statute is necessarily limited legislative policy, marks its limits, maps out its boundaries and specifies the
only to carrying into effect what is provided in the legislative enactment. public agency to apply it. It indicates the circumstances under which the
Furthermore, it is an elementary rule in administrative law that administrative legislative command is to be effected.
regulations and policies enacted by administrative bodies to interpret the law
which they are entrusted to enforce, have the force of law, and are entitled to
great weight and respect. Merida Water District vs. Bacarro, 567 SCRA 203, G.R. No. 165993
September 30, 2008
When a local water district increases water rates, the law requires the district
Pharmaceutical and Health Care Association of the Philippines vs. Duque concerned to conduct a public hearing regarding these rates. The same rates
III, 535 SCRA 265, G.R. No. 173034 October 9, 2007 are subject to review by the LWUA, which is tasked to determine whether the
Respondents failed to establish that the provisions of pertinent World Health establishment of the rates complies with the law. Thus, compliance with the
Assembly (WHA) Resolutions are customary international law that may be public hearing requirement means that the rates presented in the hearing
deemed part of the law of the land. Consequently, legislation is necessary to should be the same rates submitted to the LWUA for review and approval.
transform the provisions of the WHA Resolutions into domestic law. The Considering that there was no finding with regard to this question of fact,
provisions of the WHA Resolutions cannot be considered as part of the law of whether the rates presented in the hearing were the same rates approved by the
the land that can be implemented by executive agencies without the need of a LWUA, the NWRB must be given the opportunity to resolve this matter.
law enacted by the legislature.

Section 57 of the RIRR does not provide for the repeal of laws but only Securities and Exchange Commission , vs. GMA Network, Inc., 575
orders, issuances and rules and regulations. Thus, said provision is valid as it SCRA 113, G.R. No. 164026 December 23, 2008
is within the DOH’s rule-making power. An administrative agency like The clear directive of R.A. No. 3531 to impose the same fees for the filing of
respondent possesses quasi-legislative or rule-making power or the power to articles of incorporation and the filing of amended articles of incorporation to
make rules and regulations which results in delegated legislation that is within reflect an extension of corporate term. R.A. No. 3531 provides an
the confines of the granting statute and the Constitution, and subject to the unmistakable standard which should guide the SEC in fixing and imposing its
doctrine of non-delegability and separability of powers. Such express grant of rates and fees. If such mandate were the only consideration, the Court would
have been inclined to rule that the SEC was correct in imposing the filing fees

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

as outlined in the questioned memorandum circular, GMA’s argument administrative agency and not the public. Neither is publication required of
notwithstanding. the so-called letters of instructions issued by administrative superiors
concerning the rules or guidelines to be followed by their subordinates in the
The questioned memorandum circular of the Securities and Exchange performance of their duties.
Commission (SEC) is invalid as it does not appear from the records that it has
been published in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general
Securities and Exchange Commission vs. PICOP Resources, Inc., 566
circulation. Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR); The
SCRA 451, G.R. No. 164314 September 26, 2008
questioned Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) memorandum
In the case under review, there is an evident violation of the due process
circular is likewise ineffective for not having been filed with the Office of the
requirement. It is admitted that the SEC failed to satisfy the requirements for
National Administrative Register of the University of the Philippines Law
promulgation when it filed the required copies of the said regulation at the UP
Center as required in the Administrative Code of 1987.
Law Center only fourteen (14) years after it was supposed to have taken
effect. The SEC violated the due process clause insofar as it denied the public
Honasan II vs. The Panel of Investigating Prosecutors of the Department prior notice of the regulations that were supposed to govern them. The SEC
of Justice, 427 SCRA 46, G.R. No. 159747 April 13, 2004 can not wield the provisions of the 1990 Circular against PICOP and expect its
Interpretative regulations and those merely internal in nature, that is, outright compliance. The circular was not yet effective during the time PICOP
regulating only the personnel of the administrative agency and not the public, filed its request to extend its corporate existence in 2002. In fact, it was only
need not be published—OMB-DOJ Joint Circular No. 95-001 is merely an discovered in 2004, fifteen (15) days before the SEC filed its second motion
internal circular between the DOJ and the Office of the Ombudsman, outlining for reconsideration.
authority and responsibilities among prosecutors of the DOJ and of the Office
of the Ombudsman in the conduct of preliminary investigation and does not Must be reasonable
regulate the conduct of persons or the public, in general. Accordingly, there is
It must not be unreasonable or arbitrary as to violate due process.
no merit to petitioner’s submission that OMB-DOJ Joint Circular No. 95-001
has to be published.

Lupangco vs. Court of Appeals, 160 SCRA 848, No. L-77372 April 29,
Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) Employees Hired After July 1, 1989 vs.
Commission on Audit (COA), 469 SCRA 397, G.R. No. 160396 September
It is an axiom in administrative law that administrative authorities should not
6, 2005
act arbitrarily and capriciously in the issuance of rules and regulations. To be
To stress, the failure to publish DBM-CCC No. 10 meant that the COLA and
valid, such rules and regulations must be reasonable and fairly adapted to
the amelioration allowance were not effectively integrated into the
secure the end in view. If shown to bear no reasonable relation to the purposes
standardized salaries of the PPA employees as of July 1, 1989. The integration
for which they are authorized to be issued, then they must be held to be
became effective only on March 16, 1999. Thus, in between those two dates,
they were still entitled to receive the two allowances. Be it remembered that
the “other additional compensations” not expressly specified in Section 12 of
RA 6758 had to be determined by the DBM before they could be deemed Taxicab Operators of Metro Manila, Inc. vs. Board of Transportation,
included or not included in the standardized salary rates. True, Section 12 117 SCRA 597, No. L-59234 September 30, 1982
could be considered self-executing in regard to items (a) to (f) above, but it As public respondents contend, however, it is impractical to subject every
was not so in regard to item (g). It was only upon the issuance and effectivity taxicab to constant and recurring evaluation, not to speak of the fact that it can
of the corresponding DBM Implementing Rules and Regulations that the open the door to the adoption of multiple standards, possible collusion, and
enumeration found in item (g) could be deemed legally completed. even graft and corruption. A reasonable standard must be adopted to apply to
all vehicles affected uniformly, fairly, and justly. The span of six years
supplies that reasonable standard. The product of experience shows that by
Senate of the Philippines vs. Ermita, 488 SCRA 1, G.R. No. 169777, G.R.
that time taxis have fully depreciated, their cost recovered, and a fair return on
No. 169659, G.R. No. 169660, G.R. No. 169667, G.R. No. 169834, G.R. No.
investment obtained. They are also generally dilapidated and no longer fit for
171246 April 20, 2006
safe and comfortable service to the public specially considering that they are
While E.O. 464 applies only to officials of the executive branch, it does not
in continuous operation practically 24 hours everyday in three shifts of eight
follow that the same is exempt from the need for publication. On the need for
hours per shift. With that standard of reasonableness and absence of
publishing even those statutes that do not directly apply to people in general,
arbitrariness, the requirement of due process has been met.
Tañada v. Tuvera, 146 SCRA 446 (1986), states: The term “laws” should refer
to all laws and not only to those of general application, for strictly speaking all
laws relate to the people in general albeit there are some that do not apply to Penal Regulations
them directly. An example is a law granting citizenship to a particular The power to define and punish crime is exclusively legislative and
individual, like a relative of President Marcos who was decreed instant may not be delegated to the administrative authorities. Administrative
naturalization. It surely cannot be said that such a law does not affect the authorities cannot prescribe penalties.
public although it unquestionably does not apply directly to all the people. The
subject of such law is a matter of public interest which any member of the
Phil. Association of Service Exporters, Inc. vs. Torres, 212 SCRA 298,
body politic may question in the political forums or, if he is a proper party,
G.R. No. 101279 August 6, 1992 (mali ata pag kakalagay ni sir pang 4th
even in courts of justice. Although the above statement was made in reference
requisite of a valid administrative regulation yung doctrine neto)
to statutes, logic dictates that the challenged order must be covered by the
Administrative rules and regulations must be published if their purpose is to
publication requirement. As explained above, E.O. 464 has a direct effect on
enforce or implement existing law pursuant to a valid delegation
the right of the people to information on matters of public concern. It is,
therefore, a matter of public interest which members of the body politic may
question before this Court. Due process thus requires that the people should Requisite of a valid administrative regulation with a penal
have been apprised of this issuance before it was implemented. sanction
1) The law itself must make a violation of the administrative
Villanueva vs. Judicial and Bar Council, 755 SCRA 182, G.R. No. 211833 regulation punishable.
April 7, 2015 2) The law itself must impose and specify the penalty for the
As a general rule, publication is indispensable in order that all statutes, violation of the regulation.
including administrative rules that are intended to enforce or implement 3) The regulation must be published.
existing laws, attain binding force and effect. There are, however, several
exceptions to the requirement of publication, such as interpretative regulations
Construction and Interpretations of Administrative Regulations
and those merely internal in nature, which regulate only the personnel of the

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

The same rules on the construction and interpretation of statues are which may be regarded as bases thereof—factors leading the courts to give the
applied to administrative regulations, with the specific requirement principle controlling weight in particular instances, or as independent rules in
that the regulation should be read in harmony with the statute and not themselves. These factors include the respect due the governmental agencies
in violation of the authority conferred on the administrative charged with administration, their competence, expertness, experience, and
informed judgment and the fact that they frequently are the drafters of the law
they interpret; that the agency is the one on which the legislature must rely to
advise it as to the practical working out of the statute, and practical application
Al-Amanah Islamic Investment Bank of the Phils. vs. Civil Service of the statute presents the agency with unique opportunity and experiences for
Commission, 207 SCRA 801, G.R. No. 100599 April 8, 1992 discovering deficiencies, inaccuracies, or improvements in the statute.
The well-entrenched principle is that “a statute operates prospectively only
and not retroactively, unless the legislative intent to the contrary is made
manifest either by the express terms of the statute or by necessary Enforcement of Administrative Regulations
implication.” (Nilo v. Court of Appeals, 128 SCRA 519 [1984] cited in Puzon This may be effected through judicial action, as in petitions for
v. Abellera, 169 SCRA 789 [1989]). We rule that the same principle is mandamus and injunction, or through sanctions that the statue may
applicable to administrative rules and regulations issued by the government allow the administrative body to impose.
agencies in their duty to implement laws. The Memorandum Circular does not
indicate that it should be applied retroactively, hence the general rule that a Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Interport Resources
statute operates prospectively must be followed. Corporation, 567 SCRA 354, G.R. No. 135808 October 6, 2008
Section 53 of the Securities Regulations Code clearly provides that criminal
Philippine National Oil Company vs. Court of Appeals, 457 SCRA 32, complaints for violations of rules and regulations enforced or administered by
G.R. No. 112800 April 26, 2005 the SEC shall be referred to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for preliminary
When there appears to be an inconsistency or conflict between two statutes investigation, while the SEC nevertheless retains limited investigatory powers.
and one of the statutes is a general law, while the other is a special law, then Additionally, the SEC may still impose the appropriate administrative
repeal by implication is not the primary rule applicable. The following rule sanctions under Section 54 of the aforementioned law.
should principally govern instead: Specific legislation upon a particular
subject is not affected by a general law upon the same subject unless it clearly The Code empowers the SEC to conduct only administrative investigations
appears that the provisions of the two laws are so repugnant that the legislators and to impose fines and other administrative sanctions against violators of the
must have intended by the later to modify or repeal the earlier legislation. The Code. Section 54.2 of the Code states that the “imposition of x x x
special act and the general law must stand together, the one as the law of the administrative sanctions shall be without prejudice to the filing of criminal
particular subject and the other as the general law of the land. (Ex Parte charges against the individuals responsible for the violation.” Thus, the
United States, 226 U. S., 420; 57 L. ed., 281; Ex Parte Crow Dog, 109 U. S., criminal charges may proceed separately and independently of the
556; 27 L. ed., 1030; Partee vs. St. Louis & S. F. R. Co., 204 Fed. Rep., 970.) administrative proceedings.
Where there are two acts or provisions, one of which is special and particular,
and certainly includes the matter in question, and the other general, which, if Amendment or Repeal
standing alone, would include the same matter and thus conflict with the The administrative regulation made thereunder is subject to
special act or provision, the special must be taken as intended to constitute an
amendment or repeal by the authorities that promulgated them in the
exception to the general act or provision, especially when such general and
special acts or provisions are contemporaneous, as the Legislature is not to be first place.
presumed to have intended a conflict. (Crane v. Reeder and Reeder, 22 Mich.,
322, 334; University of Utah vs. Richards, 77 Am. St. Rep., 928.) It has, thus, Abakada Guro Party List vs. Purisima, 562 SCRA 251, G.R. No. 166715
become an established rule of statutory construction that between a general August 14, 2008
law and a special law, the special law prevails—Generalia specialibus non The requirement that the implementing rules of a law be subjected to approval
derogant. by Congress as a condition for their effectivity violates the cardinal
constitutional principles of bicameralism and the rule on presentment; A valid
exercise of legislative power requires the act of both chambers—it can be
Guidelines in resolving dispute in re: interpretation by an agency
exercised neither solely by one of the two chambers nor by a committee of
of its own rules and regulation either or both chambers.
Basic guidelines in resolving disputes concerning interpretation by an
agency of its own rules and regulations are: Every bill passed by Congress must be presented to the President for approval
1) Whether the delegation of power was valid; or veto. In the absence of presentment to the President, no bill passed by
2) Whether the regulation was within that delegation; Congress can become a law. In this sense, law-making under the Constitution
3) Whether it was a reasonable regulation under a due process is a joint act of the Legislature and of the Executive. Assuming that legislative
test. veto is a valid legislative act with the force of law, it cannot take effect
without such presentment even if approved by both chambers of Congress.
Securities and Exchange Commission vs. PICOP Resources, Inc., 566
From the moment the law becomes effective, any provision of law that
SCRA 451, G.R. No. 164314 September 26, 2008
empowers Congress or any of its members to play any role in the
The rule is well-entrenched in this jurisdiction that the interpretation given to
implementation or enforcement of the law violates the principle of separation
a rule or regulation by those charged with its execution is entitled to the
of powers and is thus unconstitutional. Under this principle, a provision that
greatest weight by the courts construing such rule or regulation. While this
requires Congress or its members to approve the implementing rules of a law
Court has consistently yielded and accorded great respect to such doctrine, it
after it has already taken effect shall be unconstitutional, as is a provision that
will not hesitate to set aside an executive interpretation if there is an error of
allows Congress or its members to overturn any directive or ruling made by
law, abuse of power, lack of jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion clearly
the members of the executive branch charged with the implementation of the
conflicting with the letter and spirit of the law.

Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) vs.

Philippine Gaming Jurisdiction, Incorporated (PEJI), 586 SCRA 658,
G.R. No. 177333 April 24, 2009
Both PAGCOR and the Ecozones being under the supervision of the Office of Concept
the President, the latter’s interpretation of R.A. No. 7903 is persuasive and Quasi-Judicial is the term applied to the action, discretion of officers
deserves respect under the doctrine of respect for administrative or practical who are required to investigate facts or ascertain the existence of
construction. In applying said doctrine, courts often refer to several factors

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

facts and draw conclusions from the mas a basis for their official Administrative agencies are not considered courts; they are neither
action, and to exercise discretion of a judicial nature. part of the judicial system nor are they deemed judicial tribunals.

Definition Jurisdiction of the Civil Service Commission

Quasi-Judicial power is the power of the administrative agency to Art IX-B Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution.
determine questions of fact to which the legislative policy is to apply, 1. The civil service embraces all branches, subdivisions,
in accordance with the standards laid down by the law itself. instrumentalities, and agencies of the Government,
including government-owned or controlled corporations
Nature with original charters.
Performs in a judicial manner an acct which is essentially of an
executive administrative nature, where the power to act in such Hidalgo vs. Republic, 623 SCRA 391, G.R. No. 179793 July 5, 2010
manner is incidental to, or reasonably necessary for, the performance It is not the absence or presence of the required appointment from the Civil
of the executive or administrative duty entrusted to it. Service Commission, or the membership of an employee in the Social
Security System or in the Government Service Insurance System that
determine the status of the position of an employee—it is the regulation or the
Land Bank of the Philippines vs. Natividad, 458 SCRA 441, G.R. No.
law creating the Service that determines the position of the employee.
127198 May 16, 2005
The DAR’s primary jurisdiction to determine and adjudicate agrarian reform
Armed Forces of the Philippines Commissary and Exchange Services
matters and exclusive original jurisdiction over all matters involving the
(AFPCES); The historical background of its creation and establishment
implementation of agrarian reform, which includes the determination of
indicates that AFPCES is an agency under the direct control and supervision
questions of just compensation, and the original and exclusive jurisdiction of
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines as it was established to take charge of
regional trial courts over all petitions for the determination of just
the operations and management of all commissary facilities in military
compensation. The first refers to administrative proceedings, while the second
establishments all over the country—all Armed Forces of the Philippines
refers to judicial proceedings. In accordance with settled principles of
Commissary and Exchange Services (AFPCES) personnel should therefore be
administrative law, primary jurisdiction is vested in the DAR to determine in a
classified as government employees and any appointment, promotion,
preliminary manner the just compensation for the lands taken under the
discipline and termination of its civilian staff should be governed by
agrarian reform program, but such determination is subject to challenge before
appropriate civil service laws and procedures.
the courts. The resolution of just compensation cases for the taking of lands
under agrarian reform is, after all, essentially a judicial function. Thus, the
trial did not err in taking cognizance of the case as the determination of just Jurisdiction of the Commission on Elections
compensation is a function addressed to the courts of justice. Art IX-C, Section 2, 1987 Constitution. The Commission on
Elections shall exercise the following powers and functions:
Balangauan vs. Court of Appeals, Special Nineteenth Division, 562 SCRA 1. xxx
184, G.R. No. 174350 August 13, 2008 2. Exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over all contests
Though some cases describe the public prosecutor’s power to conduct a
relating to the elections, returns, and qualifications of all
preliminary investigation as quasi-judicial in nature, this is true only to the
extent that, like quasi-judicial bodies, the prosecutor is an officer of the elective regional, provincial, and city officials, and
executive department exercising powers akin to those of a court, and the appellate jurisdiction over all contests involving elective
similarity ends at this point; A quasi-judicial body is an organ of government municipal officials decided by trial courts of general
other than a court and other than a legislature which affects the rights of jurisdiction, or involving elective barangay officials
private parties through either adjudication or rule-making. A quasi-judicial decided by trial courts of limited jurisdiction.
agency performs adjudicatory functions such that its awards, determine the
rights of parties, and their decisions have the same effect as judgments of a Jurisdiction of the Commission on Audit
court. Such is not the case when a public prosecutor conducts a preliminary
Art. IX-D, Section 2, 1987 Constitution.
investigation to determine probable cause to file an Information against a
person charged with a criminal offense, or when the Secretary of Justice is 1. The Commission on Audit shall have the power, authority,
reviewing the former’s order or resolutions. In this case, since the DOJ is not a and duty to examine, audit, and settle all accounts
quasi-judicial body, Section 14, Article VIII of the Constitution finds no pertaining to the revenue and receipts of, and expenditures
application. or uses of funds and property, owned or held in trust by, or
pertaining to, the Government, or any of its subdivisions,
2 Conditions of The Proper Exercise of Quasi-Judicial Power agencies, or instrumentalities, including government-owned
1. Jurisdiction must be properly acquired by the or controlled corporations with original charters, and on a
administrative body. post- audit basis:
2. Due process must be observed in the conduct of the a. constitutional bodies, commissions and offices
proceedings. that have been granted fiscal autonomy under this
Jurisdiction b. autonomous state colleges and universities;
The competence of an office or body to act on a given matter or c. other government-owned or controlled
decide a certain question. corporations and their subsidiaries; and
d. such non-governmental entities receiving subsidy
Distinction between Jurisdiction in Administrative vis-à-vis or equity, directly or indirectly, from or through
Judicial Proceedings the Government, which are required by law or the
Legislature has the power to confer jurisdiction upon the granting institution to submit to such audit as a
administrative body and so limit or expand its authority. condition of subsidy or equity. However, where
Unfortunately, there is no uniform rule concerning the jurisdiction of the internal control system of the audited
administrative bodies that one might rely on as in the courts of agencies is inadequate, the Commission may
justice. adopt such measures, including temporary or
special pre-audit, as are necessary and

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

appropriate to correct the deficiencies. It shall countenanced. Nowhere in the Constitution is any provision granting such
keep the general accounts of the Government exemption. The Congress' power of inquiry, being broad, encompasses
and, for such period as may be provided by law, everything that concerns the administration of existing laws as well as
preserve the vouchers and other supporting proposed or possibly needed statutes.22 It even extends "to government
agencies created by Congress and officers whose positions are within the
papers pertaining thereto.
power of Congress to regulate or even abolish."23 PCGG belongs to this class.
2. The Commission shall have exclusive authority, subject to
the limitations in this Article, to define the scope of its
audit and examination, establish the techniques and Cariño vs. Commission on Human Rights
204 SCRA 483, G.R. No. 96681 December 2, 1991
methods required therefor, and promulgate accounting and
Court declares the Commission on Human Rights to have no jurisdiction on
auditing rules and regulations, including those for the adjudicatory powers over certain specific type of cases like alleged human
prevention and disallowance of irregular, unnecessary, rights violations involving civil or political rights.
excessive, extravagant, or unconscionable expenditures or
uses of government funds and properties. The most that may be conceded to the Commission in the way of adjudicative
power is that it may investigate, i.e., receive evidence and make findings of
Powers and Functions of the Commission on Human Rights fact as regards claimed human rights violations involving civil and political
rights. The Constitution clearly and categorically grants to the Commission
Art XIII, Section 18, 1987 Constitution. The Commission on Human
the power to investigate all forms of human rights violations invoking civil
Rights shall have the following powers and functions:
and political rights. It cannot try and decide cases (or hear and determine
1. Investigate, on its own or on complaint by any party, all causes) as courts of justice or even quasi-judicial bodies do.
forms of human rights violations involving civil and
political rights;
Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Interport Resources
2. Adopt its operational guidelines and rules of procedure, and Corporation, 567 SCRA 354, G.R. No. 135808 October 6, 2008
cite for contempt for violations thereof in accordance with Chapter 3, Book VII of the Administrative Code, entitled “Adjudication,”
the Rules of Court; does not affect the investigatory functions of the agencies—the Rules of
3. Provide appropriate legal measures for the protection of Practice and Procedure of Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s)
human rights of all persons within the Philippines, as well Prosecution and Enforcement Department (PED) need not comply with the
as Filipinos residing abroad, and provide for preventive provisions of the Administrative Code on adjudication, particularly Section
measures and legal aid services to the under-privileged 12(3), Chapter 3, Book VII.
whose human rights have been violated or need protection;
The law creating PED empowers it to investigate violations of the rules and
4. Exercise visitorial powers over jails, prisons, or detention regulations promulgated by the SEC and to file and prosecute such cases. It
facilities; fails to mention any adjudicatory functions insofar as the PED is concerned.
5. Establish a continuing program of research, education, and Estrada vs. Office of the Ombudsman, 748 SCRA 1, G.R. Nos. 212140-41
information to enhance respect for the primacy of human January 21, 2015
rights; This Court held that the power to conduct preliminary investigation is quasi-
6. Recommend to Congress effective measures to promote judicial in nature. But this statement holds true only in the sense that, like
human rights and to provide for compensation to victims of quasi-judicial bodies, the prosecutor is an office in the executive department
exercising powers akin to those of a court. Here is where the similarity ends.
violations of human rights, or their families;
7. Monitor the Philippine Government's compliance with A closer scrutiny will show that preliminary investigation is very different
international treaty obligations on human rights; from other quasi-judicial proceedings. A quasi-judicial body has been defined
8. Grant immunity from prosecution to any person whose as “an organ of government other than a court and other than a legislature
testimony or whose possession of documents or other which affects the rights of private parties through either adjudication or rule-
evidence is necessary or convenient to determine the truth making.”
in any investigation conducted by it or under its authority;
9. Request the assistance of any department, bureau, office, or Philippine Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (POTC) vs. Africa,
agency in the performance of its functions; 700 SCRA 453, G.R. No. 184622 July 3, 2013
10. Appoint its officers and employees in accordance with law; Consequently, we agree with the CA’s consolidated decision promulgated on
and September 30, 2008 that the RTC (Branch 138), not the Sandiganbayan, had
jurisdiction because Civil Case No. 04-1049 did not involve a sequestration-
11. Perform such other duties and functions as may be provided
related incident but an intra-corporate controversy.
by law.

Abad vs. Philippine Communications Satellite Corporation, 753 SCRA

Vesting of Jurisdiction on Administrative Bodies by the
544, G.R. No. 200620 March 18, 2015
We ruled that it is the RTC and not the Sandiganbayan which has jurisdiction
Each administrative body has its own peculiar jurisdiction as over cases which do not involve a sequestration-related incident but an intra-
conferred upon it by the specific provisions of its charter. The corporate controversy.
legislature may leave certain controversies to an administrative body
while, at the same time, assigning other controversies of a similar Philippine Communications Satellite Corporation vs. Sandiganbayan, 5th
nature to courts of justice. Division, 759 SCRA 242, G.R. No. 203023 June 17, 2015
From the foregoing, it is clear that the dispute in the present case is an intra-
Jurisdiction of Administrative Agencies in various cases corporate controversy. As such, it is clear that the jurisdiction lies with the
regular courts and not with the Sandiganbayan.
Sabio v. Garcia
504 SCRA 704, G.R. No. 174340, October 17, 2006 Section 5 of Presidential Decree No. 902-A conferred original and exclusive
Considering these jurisprudential instructions, we find Section 4(b) directly jurisdiction over intra-corporate disputes on the SEC. However, Section 5.2 of
repugnant with Article VI, Section 21. Section 4(b) exempts the PCGG R.A. 8799, transferred the jurisdiction over such cases to courts of general
members and staff from the Congress' power of inquiry. This cannot be jurisdiction, or the appropriate RTC.

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

Continental Micronesia, Inc. vs. Basso, 771 SCRA 329, G.R. Nos. 178382-
Philippine Coconut Producers Federation, Inc. (COCOFED) vs. 83 September 23, 2015
Republic, 805 SCRA 1, G.R. Nos. 177857-58, G.R. No. 178193 October 5, As regards jurisdiction over the parties, we agree with the Court of Appeals
2016 that the Labor Arbiter acquired jurisdiction over the person of Basso,
The acknowledgment that the Court has no jurisdiction over SMC in the notwithstanding his citizenship, when he filed his complaint against CMI. On
present case is not “allow[ing] San Miguel Corporation to keep these treasury the other hand, jurisdiction over the person of CMI was acquired through the
shares under the guise of technicalities.”37 The question of jurisdiction, the coercive process of service of summons. We note that CMI never denied that
Court has repeatedly explained, is not a mere question of technicality or a it was served with summons. CMI has, in fact, voluntarily appeared and
simple matter of procedure but an element of due process.38 Indeed, it is participated in the proceedings before the courts. Though a foreign
unsporting, nay the height of injustice and a clear violation of the due process corporation, CMI is licensed to do business in the Philippines and has a local
guarantee, to order SMC to comply with any decision rendered in CC 0033-F business address here. The purpose of the law in requiring that foreign
when it was never given the opportunity to present, explain, and prove its corporations doing business in the country be licensed to do so, is to subject
claim over the presently contested shares. the foreign corporations to the jurisdiction of our courts.

Cojuangco, Jr. vs. Republic, 686 SCRA 472, G.R. No. 180705 November Cantemprate vs. CRS Realty Development Corporation, 587 SCRA 492,
27, 2012 G.R. No. 171399 May 8, 2009
Both deal with the recovery of sequestered shares, property or business Petitioners are partly correct in asserting that under Section 1 of P.D. No.
enterprises claimed, as alleged in the corresponding basic complaints, to be ill- 1344, an action for specific performance to compel respondents to comply
gotten assets of President Marcos, his cronies and nominees and acquired by with their obligations under the various contracts for the purchase of lots
taking undue advantage of relationships or influence and/or through or as a located in the subdivision owned, developed and/or sold by respondents CRS
result of improper use, conversion or diversion of government funds or Realty, Casal and Salvador is within the province of the HLURB. The
property. Recovery of these assets―determined as shall hereinafter be HLURB has exclusive jurisdiction over the complaint for specific
discussed as prima facie ill-gotten―falls within the unquestionable performance to compel respondents CRS Realty, Casal and Salvador as
jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan. subdivision owners and developers to deliver to petitioners the certificates of
title after full payment of the subdivision lots. On this score, the Court affirms
the findings of HLURB Arbiter Aquino with respect to the obligation of
Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) vs. Dumayas,
respondents Casal, Salvador and CRS Realty to deliver the certificates of title
765 SCRA 524, G.R. No. 210901 August 11, 2015
of the subdivision to petitioners pursuant to their respective contracts to sell.
Under Section 4(C) of P.D. No. 1606, as amended by R.A. No. 7975 and R.A.
No. 8249, the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan included suits for recovery of
ill-gotten wealth and related cases: (C) Civil and criminal cases filed pursuant Important Matters pertinent to Jurisdiction of Administrative
to and in connection with Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A, issued in Agency
1986. x x x x The Sandiganbayan shall have exclusive original jurisdiction Rules of Procedure
over petitions for the issuance of the writs of mandamus, prohibition, When an administrative body is expressly granted the power of
certiorari, habeas corpus, injunctions, and other ancillary writs and processes adjudication, it is deemed also vested with the implied power to
in aid of its appellate jurisdiction and over petitions of similar nature,
prescribe the rules to be observed in the conduct of its proceedings.
including quo warranto, arising or that may arise in cases filed or which may
be filed under Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A, issued in 1986:
Provided, That the jurisdiction over these petitions shall not be exclusive of Philippine Health Insurance Corporation vs. Chinese General Hospital
the Supreme Court. and Medical Center, 456 SCRA 459, G.R. No. 163123 April 15, 2005
The Supreme Court will not hesitate, whenever necessary, to allow a liberal
implementation of the rules and regulations of an administrative agency in
Divinagracia vs. Consolidated Broadcasting System, Inc. , 584 SCRA 213, cases where their unjustifiably rigid enforcement will result in a deprivation of
G.R. No. 162272 April 7, 2009 legal rights. A careful reading of RA 7875 shows that the law itself does not
An important proviso is stipulated in the legislative franchises, particularly provide for any specific period within which to file claims, thus it can safely
under Section 5 of R.A. No. 7477 and Section 3 of R.A. No. 7582, in relation be presumed that the period for filing was not per se the principal concern of
to Section 11 of R.A. No. 3902. The provision authorizes the President of the the legislature.—A careful reading of RA 7875 shows that the law itself does
Philippines to exercise considerable infringements on the right of the not provide for any specific period within which to file claims.
franchisees to operate their enterprises and the right to free expression. Such
authority finds corollary constitutional justification as well under Section 17, While it is doctrinal in administrative law that the rules and regulations of
Article XII, which allows the State “in times of national emergency, when the administrative bodies interpreting the law they are entrusted to enforce have
public interest so requires x x x during the emergency and under reasonable the force of law, these issuances are by no means iron-clad norms.
terms prescribed by it, temporarily take over or direct the operation of any Administrative bodies themselves can and have in fact “bent the rules” for
privately-owned public utility or business affected with public interest.” We reasons of public interest.
do not doubt that the President or the State can exercise such authority through
the NTC, which remains an agency within the executive branch of
government, but such can be exercised only under limited and rather drastic Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB) vs.
circumstances. They still do not vest in the NTC the broad authority to cancel Lubrica, 457 SCRA 800, G.R. No. 159145 April 29, 2005
licenses and permits. In the absence of a specific statutory grant of jurisdiction to issue the said
extraordinary writ of certiorari, the DARAB, as a quasi-judicial body with
These provisions granting special rights to the President in times of only limited jurisdiction, cannot exercise jurisdiction over a petition for
emergency are incorporated in our understanding of the legislated state policy certiorari—neither the quasi-judicial authority of the DARAB nor its
with respect to the operation by private respondents of their legislative rulemaking power justifies such self-conferment of authority. The quantum of
franchises. There are restrictions to the operation of such franchises, and when judicial or quasi-judicial powers which an administrative agency may exercise
these restrictions are indeed exercised there still may be cause for the courts to is defined in the enabling act of such agency.
review whether said limitations are justified despite Section 3, Article I of the
Constitution. At the same time, the state policy as embodied in these That the statutes allowed the DARAB to adopt its own rules of procedure does
franchises is to restrict the government’s ability to impair the freedom to not permit it with unbridled discretion to grant itself jurisdiction ordinarily
broadcast of the stations only upon the occurrence of national emergencies or conferred only by the Constitution or by law. Procedure, as distinguished from
events that compromise the national security. jurisdiction, is the means by which the power or authority of a court to hear
and decide a class of cases is put into action. Rules of procedure are remedial
in nature and not substantive. They cover only rules on pleadings and practice.

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

28 SCRA 344, No. L-25018 May 26, 1969

Power to Issue Subpoena Duces Tecum and Ad Testificandum The constitutional guarantee against self-incrimination extends to
The power to issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum is not inherit administrative proceedings which possess a criminal or penal aspect. In an
in administrative bodies. It is settled that theses bodies may summon administrative hearing against a medical practitioner for alleged malpractice, x
x x the x x x Board of Medical Examiners cannot, consistently with the self-
witnesses and require the production of evidence only when duly
incrimination clause, compel the person proceeded against to take the witness
allowed by law, and always only in connection with the matter they stand without his consent. A proceeding for malpractice possesses a criminal
are authorized to investigate. or penal aspect in the sense that the respondent would suffer the revocation of
his license as a medical practitioner, for some an even greater deprivation than
Differentiation between Investigation and Adjudication, and forfeiture of property.
other important matters
Manalo vs. Roldan-Confesor
To investigate is not to adjudicate or adjudge. Whether in the popular 215 SCRA 808, G.R. No. 102358 November 19, 1992
or the technical sense, these terms have well understood and quite That the administrative determination of facts may result in the suspension or
distinct meanings. revocation of the authority of CPSI does not require a higher degree of proof.
The proceedings are administrative, and the consequent imposition of
suspension/revocation of Authority/ License does not make the proceedings
criminal. Moreover, the sanctions are administrative and, accordingly, their
“Investigate” commonly understood, means to examine, explore,
infliction does not give rise to double jeopardy when a criminal action is
inquire or delve or probe into, research on, study. The dictionary instituted for the same act.
definition of “investigate” is “to observe or study closely: inquire into
systematically: “to search or inquire into: xx to subject to an official
The Contempt Power
probe x x: to conduct an official inquiry." The purpose of The power to punish for contempt is essentially judicial and cannot
investigation, of course, is to discover, to find out, to learn, obtain
be claimed as an inherent right by the administrative body.
information. Nowhere included or intimated is the notion of settling,
deciding or resolving a controversy involved in the facts inquired into
Bedol vs. Commission on Elections
by application of the law to the facts established by the inquiry. 606 SCRA 554, G.R. No. 179830 December 3, 2009
The effectiveness of the quasi-judicial power vested by law on a government
The legal meaning of “investigate” is essentially the same: "(t)o institution hinges on its authority to compel attendance of the parties and/or
follow up step by step by patient inquiry or observation, To trace or their witnesses at the hearings or proceedings
track; to search into; to examine and inquire into with care and
accuracy; to find out by careful inquisition; examination; the taking To withhold from the Commission on Elections the power to punish
of evidence; a legal inquiry;" “to inquire; to make an investigation,” individuals who refuse to appear during a fact-finding investigation, despite a
previous notice and order to attend, would render nugatory the COMELEC’s
“investigation” being in turn described as "(a)n administrative
investigative power, which is an essential incident to its constitutional
function, the exercise of which ordinarily does not require a hearing. mandate to secure the conduct of honest and credible elections. In this case,
2 Am J2d Adm L Sec. 257; x x an inquiry, judicial or otherwise, for the purpose of the investigation was however derailed when petitioner
the discovery and collection of facts concerning a certain matter or obstinately refused to appear during said hearings and to answer questions
matters." (Cariño vs. Commission on Human Rights, 204 SCRA 483, regarding the various election documents which, he claimed, were stolen
G.R. No. 96681 December 2, 1991) while they were in his possession and custody. Undoubtedly, the COMELEC
could punish petitioner for such contumacious refusal to attend the Task Force
Adjudicate hearings.
“Adjudicate,” commonly or popularly understood, means to adjudge,
arbitrate, judge, decide, determine, resolve, rule on, settle. The Simon, Jr. vs. Commission on Human Rights, 229 SCRA 117, G.R. No.
dictionary defines the term as “to settle finally (the rights and duties 100150 January 5, 1994
On its contempt powers, the CHR is constitutionally authorized to “adopt its
of the parties to a court case) on the merits of issues raised: xx to pass
operational guidelines and rules of procedure, and cite for contempt for
judgment on: settle judicially: xx act as judge." And “adjudge” means violations thereof in accordance with the Rules of Court.” Accordingly, the
“to decide or rule upon as a judge or with judicial or quasi-judicial CHR acted within its authority in providing in its revised rules, its power “to
powers: xx to award or grant judicially in a case of controversy xx." cite or hold any person in direct or indirect contempt, and to impose the
appropriate penalties in accordance with the procedure and sanctions provided
In the legal sense, “adjudicate” means: “To settle in the exercise of for in the Rules of Court.” That power to cite for contempt, however, should
judicial authority. To determine finally. Synonymous with adjudge in be understood to apply only to violations of its adopted operational guidelines
its strictest sense;” and “adjudge” means: “To pass on judicially, to and rules of procedure essential to carry out its investigatorial powers. To
exemplify, the power to cite for contempt could be exercised against persons
decide, settle or decree, or to sentence or condemn. xx Implies a
who refuse to cooperate with the said body, or who unduly withhold relevant
judicial determination of a fact, and the entry of a judgment." information, or who decline to honor summons, and the like, in pursuing its
investigative work.
Hence it is that the Commission on Human Rights, having merely the
power “to investigate,” cannot and should not “try and resolve on the Notice and Hearing
merits” (adjudicate) the matters involved in Striking Teachers HRC The right to notice and hearing is essential to due process and its non-
Case No. 90–775, as it has announced it means to do; and it cannot observance will as a rule invalidate the administrative proceeding.
do so even if there be a claim that in the administrative disciplinary Persons are entitled to be notified of any pending case affecting their
proceedings against the teachers in question, initiated and conducted interest so that, if they are minded, they may claim the right to appear
by the DECS, their human rights, or civil or political rights had been therein and present their side or refute the position of opposing
transgressed. (Cariño vs. Commission on Human Rights, 204 SCRA parties.
483, G.R. No. 96681 December 2, 1991)

Pascual, Jr. vs. Board of Medical Examiners

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

Padilla vs. National Labor Relations Commission, 273 SCRA 457, G.R. 5. The decision must be rendered on the evidence presented at the hearing,
No. 114764 June 13, 1997 or at least contained in the record and disclosed to the parties affected.
The essence of due process in administrative proceedings is the opportunity to 6. The Court of Industrial Relations or any of its judges, therefore, must
explain one’s side or a chance to seek reconsideration of the action or ruling act on its or his own independent consideration of the law and facts of
complained of. Thus, the Labor Code requires the employer to furnish the the controversy, and not simply accept the views of a subordinate in
employee with a written notice containing a statement of the cause for arriving at a decision.
termination and to afford said employee ample opportunity to be heard and to 7. The Court of Industrial Relations should, in all controversial questions,
defend himself with the assistance of his representative, if he so desires. The render its decision in such a manner that the parties to the proceeding
employer is also required to notify the worker in writing of the decision to can know the various issues involved, and the reasons for the decisions
dismiss him, stating clearly the reasons therefore. rendered. The performance of this duty is inseparable from the
authority conferred upon it.
Administrative Due Process
There is no requirement for strict adherence to technical rules as are Department of Health vs. Camposano, 457 SCRA 438, G.R. No. 157684
observed in truly judicial proceedings. It is a general rule that they are April 27, 2005
unrestricted by the technical or formal rules of procedure which Due process in administrative proceedings requires compliance with the
following cardinal principles: (1) the respondents’ right to a hearing, which
govern trials before a court, especially where the administrative order
includes the right to present one’s case and submit supporting evidence, must
has the effect of only prima facie evidence. be observed; (2) the tribunal must consider the evidence presented; (3) the
decision must have some basis to support itself; (4) there must be substantial
Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Hantex Trading Co., Inc., 454 evidence; (5) the decision must be rendered on the evidence presented at the
SCRA 301, G.R. No. 136975 March 31, 2005 hearing, or at least contained in the record and disclosed to the parties
We agree with the contention of the petitioner that the best evidence affected; (6) in arriving at a decision, the tribunal must have acted on its own
obtainable may consist of hearsay evidence, such as the testimony of third consideration of the law and the facts of the controversy and must not have
parties or accounts or other records of other taxpayers similarly circumstanced simply accepted the views of a subordinate; and (7) the decision must be
as the taxpayer subject of the investigation, hence, inadmissible in a regular rendered in such manner that respondents would know the reasons for it and
proceeding in the regular courts. Moreover, the general rule is that the various issues involved.
administrative agencies such as the BIR are not bound by the technical rules
of evidence. It can accept documents which cannot be admitted in a judicial
Estrada vs. Office of the Ombudsman, supra.
proceeding where the Rules of Court are strictly observed. It can choose to
The rights to due process in administrative cases as prescribed in Ang Tibay v.
give weight or disregard such evidence, depending on its trustworthiness.
Court of Industrial Relations, 69 Phil. 635 (1940), as amplified in GSIS v.
Court of Appeals, 296 SCRA 514 (1998), are granted by the Constitution;
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company, Inc. vs. Tiamson, 474 hence, these rights cannot be taken away by mere legislation. On the other
SCRA 761, G.R. Nos. 164684-85 November 11, 2005 hand, as repeatedly reiterated by this Court, the right to a preliminary
Rules of evidence are not strictly observed in proceedings before investigation is merely a statutory right, not part of the “fundamental and
administrative bodies like the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) essential requirements” of due process as prescribed in Ang Tibay and
where decisions may be reached on the basis of position papers. amplified in GSIS. Thus, a preliminary investigation can be taken away by
legislation. The constitutional right of an accused to confront the witnesses
Handwritten listings and unsigned computer printouts that were against him does not apply in preliminary investigations; nor will the absence
unauthenticated are unreliable—mere self-serving evidence should be rejected of a preliminary investigation be an infringement of his right to confront the
as evidence without any rational probative value even in administrative witnesses against him. A preliminary investigation may be done away with
proceedings. entirely without infringing the constitutional right of an accused under the due
It is true that administrative and quasi-judicial bodies like the NLRC are not process clause to a fair trial.
bound by the technical rules of procedure in the adjudication of cases.
However, this procedural rule should not be construed as a license to disregard Sy Tiong Shiou v. Sy Chim
certain fundamental evidentiary rules. While the rules of evidence prevailing G.R. No. 174168, March 30, 2009
in the courts of law or equity are not controlling in proceedings before the Moreover, it is settled that the preliminary investigation proper, i.e., the
NLRC, the evidence presented before it must at least have a modicum of determination of whether there is reasonable ground to believe that the
admissibility for it to be given some probative value. … The decisions of this accused is guilty of the offense charged and should be subjected to the
Court, while adhering to a liberal view in the conduct of proceedings before expense, rigors and embarrassment of trial, is the function of the prosecution.
administrative agencies, have nonetheless consistently required some proof of This Court has adopted a policy of non-interference in the conduct of
authenticity or reliability as a condition for the admission of documents. preliminary investigations and leaves to the investigating prosecutor sufficient
Absent any such proof of authenticity, the printout of the CAMA tape should latitude of discretion in the determination of what constitutes sufficient
be considered inadmissible, hence, without any probative weight. evidence as will establish probable cause for the filing of information against
the supposed offender.
Seven (7) Cardinal Rights in Administrative Due Process
As in every rule, however, there are settled exceptions. Hence, the principle of
non-interference does not apply when there is grave abuse of discretion which
Ang Tibay vs. Court oF Industrial Relations etc.,
would authorize the aggrieved person to file a petition for certiorari and
69 Phil. 635, No. 46496 February 27, 1940
prohibition under Rule 65, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.
1. The first of these rights is the right to a hearing, which includes the
right of the party interested or affected to present his own case and
As correctly found by the Court of Appeals, the DOJ gravely abused its
submit evidence in support thereof.
discretion when it suspended the hearing of the charges for violation of the
2. Not only must the party be given an opportunity to present his case and
Corporation Code on the ground of prejudicial question and when it dismissed
to adduce evidence tending to establish the rights which he asserts but
the criminal complaints.
the tribunal must consider the evidence presented.
3. While the duty to deliberate does not impose the obligation to decide
right, it does imply a necessity which cannot be disregarded, namely, Santos vs. Go, 473 SCRA 350, G.R. No. 156081 October 19, 2005
that of having something to support its decision. Since the DOJ is not a quasi-judicial body and it is not one of those agencies
4. Not only must there be some evidence to support a finding or whose decisions, orders or resolutions are appealable to the Court of Appeals
conclusion, but the evidence must be substantial. under Rule 43, the resolution of the Secretary of Justice finding probable
cause to indict petitioners for estafa is, therefore, not appealable to the Court

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

of Appeals via a petition for review under Rule 43. Accordingly, the Court of
Appeals correctly dismissed petitioners’ petition for review. Montemayor vs. Bundalian
405 SCRA 264, G.R. No. 149335 July 1, 2003
Inclusion of Observance of Procedural Due Process in The essence of due process in administrative proceedings is the opportunity to
Administrative Proceedings; Requisites supplementing the 7 explain one’s side or seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling complained
of. As long as the parties are given the opportunity to be heard before
Cardinal Rights
judgment is rendered, the demands of due process are sufficiently met.

Anillo vs. Commission on the Settlement of Land Problems The lack of verification of the administrative complaint and the non-
534 SCRA 228, G.R. No. 157856 September 27, 2007 appearance of the complainant at the investigation did not divest the PCAGC
In administrative proceedings, procedural due process has been recognized to of its authority to investigate the charge of unexplained wealth; Complaints
include the following: (1) the right to actual or constructive notice of the involving graft and corruption may be filed before the PCAGC in any form or
institution of proceedings which may affect a respondent’s legal rights; (2) a manner against presidential appointees in the executive department.
real opportunity to be heard personally or with the assistance of counsel, to
present witnesses and evidence in one’s favor, and to defend one’s rights; (3) It is well to remember that in administrative proceedings, technical rules of
a tribunal vested with competent jurisdiction and so constituted as to afford a procedure and evidence are not strictly applied. Administrative due process
person charged administratively a reasonable guarantee of honesty as well as cannot be fully equated with due process in its strict judicial sense for it is
impartiality; and (4) a finding by said tribunal which is supported by enough that the party is given the chance to be heard before the case against
substantial evidence submitted for consideration during the hearing or him is decided. This was afforded to the petitioner in the case at bar.
contained in the records or made known to the parties affected.
On the second issue, there is a need to lay down the basic principles in
China Banking Corporation vs. Lozada, 557 SCRA 177, G.R. No. 164919 administrative investigations. First, the burden is on the complainant to prove
July 4, 2008 by substantial evidence the allegations in his complaint. Substantial evidence
This Court establishes that the issue herein is one involving procedural due is more than a mere scintilla of evidence. It means such relevant evidence as a
process. Procedural due process “refers to the method or manner by which the reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion, even if
law is enforced.” It consists of the two basic rights of notice and hearing, as other minds equally reasonable might conceivably opine otherwise. Second, in
well as the guarantee of being heard by an impartial and competent tribunal. reviewing administrative decisions of the executive branch of the government,
True to the mandate of the due process clause, the basic rights of notice and the findings of facts made therein are to be respected so long as they are
hearing pervade not only in criminal and civil proceedings, but in supported by substantial evidence. Hence, it is not for the reviewing court to
administrative proceedings as well. Non-observance of these rights will weigh the conflicting evidence, determine the credibility of witnesses, or
invalidate the proceedings. Individuals are entitled to be notified of any otherwise substitute its judgment for that of the administrative agency with
pending case affecting their interests; and upon notice, they may claim the respect to the sufficiency of evidence. Third, administrative decisions in
right to appear therein, present their side and refute the position of the matters within the executive jurisdiction can only be set aside on proof of
opposing parties. gross abuse of discretion, fraud, or error of law. These principles negate the
power of the reviewing court to re-examine the sufficiency of the evidence in
an administrative case as if originally instituted therein, and do not authorize
Ledesma vs. Court of Appeals, 541 SCRA 444, G.R. No. 166780 the court to receive additional evidence that was not submitted to the
December 27, 2007 administrative agency concerned.
Due process, as a constitutional precept, does not always and in all situations
require a trialtype proceeding; In administrative proceedings, the filing of The doctrine of res judicata applies only to judicial or quasi-judicial
charges and giving reasonable opportunity for the person so charged to answer proceedings not to the exercise of administrative powers.
the accusations against him constitute the minimum requirements of due
process. As opposed to a regular trial court, an administrative agency, vested
with quasi-judicial functions, may investigate an irregularity on its own
initiative. Concerning the right to representation, it is sufficient that
petitioner’s counsel of choice was allowed to submit in writing his
observations on the investigation. Petitioner’s counsel even filed a Minimum Standards of Procedural Due Process in School
memorandum before the CAB. What is frowned upon is the absolute Administrative Proceedings
deprivation of the right to counsel. The counsel’s participation in a proceeding
similar to that of a courtroom trial is not required. Administrative due process
De La Salle University, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 541 SCRA 22, G.R. No.
cannot be fully equated with due process in its strict judicial sense for it is
127980 December 19, 2007
enough that the party is given the chance to be heard before the case against
The Due Process Clause in Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution embodies
him is decided.
a system of rights based on moral principles so deeply imbedded in the
traditions and feelings of our people as to be deemed fundamental to a
Perez vs. People, 544 SCRA 532, G.R. No. 164763 February 12, 2008 civilized society as conceived by our entire history. The constitutional behest
There is no law, jurisprudence or rule which mandates that an employee that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process
should be assisted by counsel in an administrative case. On the contrary, of law is solemn and inflexible. In administrative cases, such as investigations
jurisprudence is in unison in saying that assistance of counsel is not of students found violating school discipline, “[t]here are withal minimum
indispensable in administrative proceedings. standards which must be met before to satisfy the demands of procedural due
process and these are: that (1) the students must be informed in writing of the
The right to counsel, which cannot be waived unless the waiver is in writing nature and cause of any accusation against them; (2) they shall have the right
and in the presence of counsel, is a right afforded a suspect or accused during to answer the charges against them and with the assistance if counsel, if
custodial investigation. It is not an absolute right and may be invoked or desired; (3) they shall be informed of the evidence against them; (4) they shall
rejected in a criminal proceeding and, with more reason, in an administrative have the right to adduce evidence in their own behalf; and (5) the evidence
inquiry. must be duly considered by the investigating committee or official designated
by the school authorities to hear and decide the case.”
While investigations conducted by an administrative body may at times be
akin to a criminal proceeding, a party in an administrative inquiry may or may Notice and hearing is the bulwark of administrative due process, the right to
not be assisted by counsel, irrespective of the nature of the charges and of which is among the primary rights that must be respected even in
respondent’s capacity to represent himself, and no duty rests on such body to administrative proceedings; A formal trial-type hearing is not, at all times and
furnish the person being investigated with counsel. in all instances, essential to due process—it is enough that the parties are

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

given a fair and reasonable opportunity to explain their respective sides of the It is, therefore, not legally objectionable for being violative of due process for
controversy and to present supporting evidence on which a fair decision can an administrative agency to resolve a case based solely on position papers,
be based. The proceedings in student discipline cases may be summary, and affidavits or documentary evidence submitted by the parties as affidavits of
cross examination is not an essential part thereof. witnesses may take the place of their direct testimonies. Undoubtedly, due
process in administrative proceedings is an opportunity to explain one’s side
Additional Principles to be observed in Administrative or an opportunity to seek reconsideration of the action or ruling complained
of, which requirement was afforded Bungubung.
When the findings of fact by the Ombudsman are not adequately supported by
substantial evidence, they shall not be binding upon the courts. Within the
Cada vs. Time Saver Laundry/Leslie Perez field of administrative law, while strict rules of evidence are not applicable to
577 SCRA 566, G.R. No. 181480 January 30, 2009 quasi-judicial proceedings, nevertheless, in adducing evidence constitutive of
In Quasi-judicial proceedings before the National Labor Relations substantial evidence, the basic rule that mere allegation is not evidence cannot
Commission (NLRC) and its arbitration branch, procedural rules governing be disregarded.
service summons are not strictly construed. Substantial compliance thereof is
sufficient. In labor cases, punctilious adherence to stringent technical rules
may be relaxed in the interest of the working man; it should not defeat the Montoya vs. Varilla
complete and equitable resolution of the rights and obligations of the parties. 574 SCRA 831, G.R. No. 180146 December 18, 2008
The right to substantive and procedural due process is applicable to
A party who has availed himself of the opportunity to present his position administrative proceedings. The essence of due process is simply an
cannot claim to have been denied due process. What the law prohibits is opportunity to be heard or, as applied to administrative proceedings, an
absolute absence of the opportunity to be heard; hence, a party cannot feign opportunity to explain one’s side or an opportunity to seek a reconsideration
denial of due process where he had been afforded the opportunity to present of the action or ruling complained of; What includes due process in
his side. administrative proceedings.

Hence, even if administrative tribunals exercising quasi-judicial powers are

NASECO Guards Association-PEMA (NAGA-PEMA) vs. National not strictly bound by procedural requirements, they are still bound by law and
Service Corporation (NASECO) equity to observe the fundamental requirements of due process. Notice to
629 SCRA 90, G.R. No. 165442, August 25, 2010 enable the other party to be heard and to present evidence is not a mere
The respondent’s right to due process in this case has not been denied. The technicality or a trivial matter in any administrative or judicial proceedings. In
order in the first Court of Appeals (CA) decision to recompute and reevaluate the application of the principle of due process, what is sought to be
was satisfied when the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) safeguarded is not lack of previous notice but the denial of the opportunity to
Secretary reexamined their initial findings and adjusted the awarded benefits. be heard. Where the denial of the fundamental right of due process is
A reevaluation, contrary to what the respondent claims, is a process by which apparent, a decision rendered in disregard of that right is void for lack of
a person or office (in this case the DOLE secretary) revisits its own initial jurisdiction.
pronouncement and makes another assessment of its findings. In simple terms,
to reevaluate is to take another look at a previous matter in issue. A
reevaluation does not necessitate the introduction of new materials for review Odchigue-Bondoc vs. Tan Tiong Bio
nor does it require a full hearing for new arguments. From a procedural 632 SCRA 457, G.R. No. 186652 October 6, 2010
standpoint, a reevaluation is a continuation of the original case and not a new A preliminary investigation is not a quasi-judicial proceeding since the
proceeding. Hence, the evidence, financial reports and other documents prosecutor in a preliminary investigation does not determine the guilt or
submitted by the parties in the course of the original proceeding are to be innocence of the accused. While the [prosecutor] makes that determination, he
visited and reviewed again. In this light, the respondent has been given the cannot be said to be acting as a quasi-court, for it is the courts, ultimately, that
opportunity to be heard by the DOLE Secretary. pass judgment on the accused, not the [prosecutor]. A preliminary
investigation thus partakes of an investigative or inquisitorial power for the
sole purpose of obtaining information on what future action of a judicial
nature may be taken.

Marcoleta vs. Commission on Elections Even the action of the Secretary of Justice in reviewing a prosecutor’s order or
586 SCRA 765, G.R. No. 181377 April 24, 2009 resolution via appeal or petition for review cannot be considered a quasi-
When the Commission en banc is equally divided in opinion, or the necessary judicial proceeding since the “DOJ is not a quasi-judicial body.” Section 14,
majority cannot be had, the case shall be reheard, and if on rehearing no Article VIII of the Constitution does not thus extend to resolutions issued by
decision is reached, the action or proceeding shall be dismissed if originally the DOJ Secretary.
commenced in the Commission; in appealed cases, the judgment or order
appealed from shall stand affirmed; and in all incidental matters, the petition Solid Homes, Inc. vs. Laserna, 550 SCRA 613, G.R. No. 166051 April 8,
or motion shall be denied; Section 5(a) of Rule 3 of the Comelec Rules of 2008
Procedure and Section 7 of Article IX-A of the Constitution require that a As can be seen above, among these rights are “the decision must be rendered
majority vote of all the members of the Comelec, and not only those who on the evidence presented at the hearing, or at least contained in the record
participated and took part in the deliberations, is necessary for the and disclosed to the parties affected”; and that the decision be rendered “in
pronouncement of a decision, resolution, order or ruling. such a manner that the parties to the proceedings can know the various issues
involved, and the reasons for the decisions rendered.” Note that there is no
Since neither the assenters nor dissenters can claim a majority in the En Banc requirement in Ang Tibay that the decision must express clearly and distinctly
Resolution of November 6, 2007, the Resolution served no more than a record the facts and the law on which it is based. For as long as the administrative
of votes, lacking in legal effect despite its pronouncement of reversal of the decision is grounded on evidence, and expressed in a manner that sufficiently
First Division Resolution. The Comelec is well within its authority to order a informs the parties of the factual and legal bases of the decision, the due
re-hearing, it having the inherent power to amend or control its processes and process requirement is satisfied.
orders before these become final and executory.

Administrative Appeals and Review

Marcelo vs. Bungubung, 552 SCRA 589, G.R. No. 175201 April 23, 2008
Unless otherwise provided by law or executive order, an appeal from
It is well-settled that in administrative proceedings, including those before the
Ombudsman, cases may be submitted for resolution on the basis of affidavits
a final decision of the administrative agency may be taken to the
and pleadings. The standard of due process that must be met in administrative Department Head, whose decision may further be brought to the
tribunals allows a certain degree of latitude as long as fairness is not ignored. regular courts of justice, in accordance with the procedure specified

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

by the law. The appellate administrative agency may even conduct Section 5. The Congress shall provide for the standardization of
additional hearings in the appealed case, if deemed necessary. compensation of government officials and employees, including
those in government-owned or controlled corporations with original
Rule 43 Section 1 of the Rules of Court charters, taking into account the nature of the responsibilities
Section 1. Scope. — This Rule shall apply to appeals from judgments pertaining to, and the qualifications required for, their positions.
or final orders of the Court of Tax Appeals and from awards,
judgments, final orders or resolutions of or authorized by any quasi- C. THE COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS
judicial agency in the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions. Among XXX
these agencies are the Civil Service Commission, Central Board of Section 2. The Commission on Elections shall exercise the following
Assessment Appeals, Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of powers and functions:
the President, Land Registration Authority, Social Security 1. Enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to
Commission, Civil Aeronautics Board, Bureau of Patents, the conduct of an election, plebiscite, initiative,
Trademarks and Technology Transfer, National Electrification referendum, and recall.
Administration, Energy Regulatory Board, National 2. Exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over all contests
Telecommunications Commission, Department of Agrarian Reform relating to the elections, returns, and qualifications of all
under Republic Act No. 6657, Government Service Insurance elective regional, provincial, and city officials, and
System, Employees Compensation Commission, Agricultural appellate jurisdiction over all contests involving elective
Invention Board, Insurance Commission, Philippine Atomic Energy municipal officials decided by trial courts of general
Commission, Board of Investments, Construction Industry jurisdiction, or involving elective barangay officials
Arbitration Commission, and voluntary arbitrators authorized by law. decided by trial courts of limited jurisdiction.
Decisions, final orders, or rulings of the Commission on election
Rule 64 Section 1 of the Rules of Court contests involving elective municipal and barangay offices shall be
Section 1. Scope. — This Rule shall govern the review of judgments final, executory, and not appealable.
and final orders or resolutions of the Commission on Elections and
the Commission on Audit. (n) 3. Decide, except those involving the right to vote, all
questions affecting elections, including determination of the
Section 2. Mode of review. — A judgment or final order or resolution number and location of polling places, appointment of
of the Commission on Elections and the Commission on Audit may election officials and inspectors, and registration of voters.
be brought by the aggrieved party to the Supreme Court on certiorari 4. Deputize, with the concurrence of the President, law
under Rule 65, except as hereinafter provided. (n; Bar Matter No. enforcement agencies and instrumentalities of the
803, 17 February 1998) Government, including the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, for the exclusive purpose of ensuring free,
Article IX-A of the 1987 Constitution orderly, honest, peaceful, and credible elections.
A. COMMON PROVISIONS 5. Register, after sufficient publication, political parties,
XXX organizations, or coalitions which, in addition to other
requirements, must present their platform or program of
Section 6. Each Commission en banc may promulgate its own rules government; and accredit citizens' arms of the Commission
concerning pleadings and practice before it or before any of its on Elections. Religious denominations and sects shall not
offices. Such rules, however, shall not diminish, increase, or modify be registered. Those which seek to achieve their goals
substantive rights. through violence or unlawful means, or refuse to uphold
and adhere to this Constitution, or which are supported by
Section 7. Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of all its any foreign government shall likewise be refused
Members, any case or matter brought before it within sixty days from registration.
the date of its submission for decision or resolution. A case or matter
is deemed submitted for decision or resolution upon the filing of the Financial contributions from foreign governments and their agencies
last pleading, brief, or memorandum required by the rules of the to political parties, organizations, coalitions, or candidates related to
Commission or by the Commission itself. Unless otherwise provided elections, constitute interference in national affairs, and, when
by this Constitution or by law, any decision, order, or ruling of each accepted, shall be an additional ground for the cancellation of their
Commission may be brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari by registration with the Commission, in addition to other penalties that
the aggrieved party within thirty days from receipt of a copy thereof. may be prescribed by law.

Section 8. Each Commission shall perform such other functions as 6. File, upon a verified complaint, or on its own initiative,
may be provided by law. petitions in court for inclusion or exclusion of voters;
investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute cases of
B. THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION violations of election laws, including acts or omissions
XXX constituting election frauds, offenses, and malpractices.
Section 2. 7. Recommend to the Congress effective measures to
1. The civil service embraces all branches, subdivisions, minimize election spending, including limitation of places
instrumentalities, and agencies of the Government, where propaganda materials shall be posted, and to prevent
including government-owned or controlled corporations and penalize all forms of election frauds, offenses,
with original charters. malpractices, and nuisance candidacies.
XXX 8. Recommend to the President the removal of any officer or
employee it has deputized, or the imposition of any other

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

disciplinary action, for violation or disregard of, or 2. The Commission shall have exclusive authority, subject to
disobedience to, its directive, order, or decision. the limitations in this Article, to define the scope of its
9. Submit to the President and the Congress, a comprehensive audit and examination, establish the techniques and
report on the conduct of each election, plebiscite, initiative, methods required therefor, and promulgate accounting and
referendum, or recall. auditing rules and regulations, including those for the
prevention and disallowance of irregular, unnecessary,
Section 3. The Commission on Elections may sit en banc or in two excessive, extravagant, or unconscionable expenditures or
divisions, and shall promulgate its rules of procedure in order to uses of government funds and properties.
expedite disposition of election cases, including pre- proclamation
controversies. All such election cases shall be heard and decided in Cayetano vs. Commission on Elections, 648 SCRA 561, G.R. No. 193846
division, provided that motions for reconsideration of decisions shall April 12, 2011
be decided by the Commission en banc. The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to review an order, whether final or
interlocutory, even a final resolution of a division of the COMELEC—the
Court can only review via certiorari a decision, order, or ruling of the
Section 4. The Commission may, during the election period,
COMELEC en banc in accordance with Section 7, Article IX-A of the
supervise or regulate the enjoyment or utilization of all franchises or Constitution, a rule which admits of exceptions as when the issuance of the
permits for the operation of transportation and other public utilities, assailed interlocutory order is a patent nullity because of the absence of
media of communication or information, all grants, special privileges, jurisdiction to issue the same. Although it is not the duty of the Court to point
or concessions granted by the Government or any subdivision, to litigants to the appropriate remedy which they should take from orders of
agency, or instrumentality thereof, including any government-owned COMELEC Divisions, the aggrieved party can still assign as error the
or controlled corporation or its subsidiary. Such supervision or interlocutory order if in the course of the proceedings he decides to appeal the
regulation shall aim to ensure equal opportunity, time, and space ,and main case to the COMELEC En Banc.
the right to reply, including reasonable, equal rates therefor, for
public information campaigns and forums among candidates in Ibrahim vs. Commission on Elections, 688 SCRA 129, G.R. No. 192289
connection with the objective of holding free, orderly, honest, January 8, 2013
Section 7, Article IX of the 1987 Constitution in part substantially provides
peaceful, and credible elections.
that any decision, order or ruling of any of the Constitutional Commissions
may be brought for review to the Supreme Court on certiorari within 30 days
Section 5. No pardon, amnesty, parole, or suspension of sentence for from receipt of a copy thereof. The orders, ruling and decisions rendered or
violation of election laws, rules, and regulations shall be granted by issued by the COMELEC en banc must be final and made in the exercise of its
the President without the favorable recommendation of the adjudicatory or quasi-judicial power. Further, Section 1, Rule 64 of the Rules
Commission. of Court states that it shall govern the review of final judgments and orders or
XXX resolutions of the COMELEC and the Commission on Audit.

D. THE COMMISSION ON AUDIT Enforcement of Decisions of Administrative Bodies

XXX In the absence of any statue providing for the enforcement of an
Section 2. administrative determination, the same cannot be enforced except
1. The Commission on Audit shall have the power, authority, possibly by appeal to the force of public opinion. Usually, the
and duty to examine, audit, and settle all accounts administrative body is allowed certain sanctions that it may impose
pertaining to the revenue and receipts of, and expenditures directly for the enforcement of its own decisions.
or uses of funds and property, owned or held in trust by, or
pertaining to, the Government, or any of its subdivisions, Soriano vs. Laguardia, 587 SCRA 79, G.R. No. 164785 April 29, 2009
agencies, or instrumentalities, including government-owned In fine, the suspension meted was simply part of the duties of the MTRCB in
or controlled corporations with original charters, and on a the enforcement and administration of the law which it is tasked to implement.
post- audit basis: Viewed in its proper context, the suspension sought to penalize past speech
made on prime-time “G” rated TV program; it does not bar future speech of
a. constitutional bodies, commissions and offices
petitioner in other television programs; it is a permissible subsequent
that have been granted fiscal autonomy under this administrative sanction; it should not be confused with a prior restraint on
Constitution; speech. The investiture of supervisory power would be meaningless if it did
b. autonomous state colleges and universities; not carry with it the power to penalize the supervised as may be proportionate
c. other government-owned or controlled to the offense proved.
corporations and their subsidiaries; and Allowing the MTRCB some reasonable elbow-room in its operations and, in
d. such non-governmental entities receiving subsidy the exercise of its statutory disciplinary functions, according it ample latitude
or equity, directly or indirectly, from or through in fixing, by way of an appropriate issuance, administrative penalties with due
regard for the severity of the offense and attending mitigating or aggravating
the Government, which are required by law or the
circumstances, as the case may be, would be consistent with its mandate to
granting institution to submit to such audit as a effectively and efficiently regulate the movie and television industry.
condition of subsidy or equity. However, where
the internal control system of the audited
Garcia vs. Drilon, 699 SCRA 352, G.R. No. 179267 June 25, 2013
agencies is inadequate, the Commission may Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual
adopt such measures, including temporary or controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable,
special pre-audit, as are necessary and and to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
appropriate to correct the deficiencies. It shall amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
keep the general accounts of the Government instrumentality of the Government. On the other hand, executive power “is
and, for such period as may be provided by law, generally defined as the power to enforce and administer the laws. It is the
preserve the vouchers and other supporting power of carrying the laws into practical operation and enforcing their due
observance.” As clearly delimited by the aforequoted provision, the BPO
papers pertaining thereto.
issued by the Punong Barangay or, in his unavailability, by any available

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

Barangay Kagawad, merely orders the perpetrator to desist from (a) causing
physical harm to the woman or her child; and (2) threatening to cause the General Rule
woman or her child physical harm. Such function of the Punong Barangay is, Administrative decisions may be appealed to the courts of justice if
thus, purely executive in nature, in pursuance of his duty under the Local only the Constitution or the law permits or if the issue to be reviewed
Government Code to “enforce all laws and ordinances,” and to “maintain
involve questions of law. Outside of these exceptions, the
public order in the barangay.” We have held that “(t)he mere fact that an
officer is required by law to inquire into the existence of certain facts and to
administrative decision is no more reviewable by the courts of justice
apply the law thereto in order to determine what his official conduct shall be than are judicial decisions reviewable by administrative bodies. As a
and the fact that these acts may affect private rights do not constitute an rule, the administrative decision may be validly rendered final and
exercise of judicial powers.” inappealable at the administrative level without allowing the aggrieve
party a final resort to the courts of justice.
Res Judicata; Principle; Application
As a general rule, administrative decisions are not considered res Article IX-A Section 7, 1987 Constitution
judicata so as to preclude its subsequent reconsideration or Section 7. Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of all its
revocation. Administrative decision-making is a continuing process. Members, any case or matter brought before it within sixty days from
the date of its submission for decision or resolution. A case or matter
Philippine National Oil Company vs. Court of Appeals, supra. is deemed submitted for decision or resolution upon the filing of the
A compromise agreement constitutes a final and definite settlement of the last pleading, brief, or memorandum required by the rules of the
controversy between the parties. A compromise agreement, even if not Commission or by the Commission itself. Unless otherwise provided
judicially approved, has the effect of res judicata on the parties. Article 2037 by this Constitution or by law, any decision, order, or ruling of each
of the Civil Code provides: A compromise has upon the parties the effect and Commission may be brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari by
authority of res judicata; but there shall be no execution except in compliance the aggrieved party within thirty days from receipt of a copy thereof.
with a judicial compromise. (Emphasis supplied) The compromise agreement
has the force of law between the parties and no party may discard unilaterally
the compromise agreement. Under Section 8.1 of RMO No. 39-86, upon Section 1, Republic Act No. 7902
payment of the compromise amount, the tax “case is already closed.” The Section 1. Section 9 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, as amended, known
Solicitor General, who withdrew as counsel for the BIR, maintains that the as the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, is hereby further
compromise agreement is valid. amended to read as follows:
Gonzales III vs. Office of the President of the Philippines "(3) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all final judgments,
679 SCRA 614, G.R. No. 196231 September 4, 2012 decisions, resolutions, orders or awards of Regional Trial Courts and
In any case, assuming that the Ombudsman’s Internal Affairs Board properly quasi-judicial agencies, instrumentalities, boards or commissions,
conducted a subsequent and parallel administrative action against petitioner, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Social
its earlier dismissal of the charge of graft and corruption against petitioner Security Commission, the Employees Compensation Commission
could not have the effect of preventing the Office of the President from
and the Civil Service Commission, except those falling within the
proceeding against petitioner upon the same ground of graft and corruption.
After all, the doctrine of res judicata applies only to judicial or quasi-judicial appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in accordance with the
proceedings, not to the exercise of administrative powers. In Montemayor v. Constitution, the Labor Code of the Philippines under Presidential
Bundalian, the Court sustained the President’s dismissal from service of a Decree No. 442, as amended, the provisions of this Act, and of
Regional Director of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) subparagraph (1) of the third paragraph and subparagraph (4) of the
who was found liable for unexplained wealth upon investigation by the now fourth paragraph of Section 17 of the Judiciary Act of 1948.
defunct Philippine Commission Against Graft and Corruption (PCAGC). The
Court categorically ruled therein that the prior dismissal by the Ombudsman Section 1, Rule 64 of the Rules of Court
of similar charges against said official did not operate as res judicata in the
Section 1. Scope. — This Rule shall govern the review of judgments
PCAGC case.
and final orders or resolutions of the Commission on Elections and
the Commission on Audit. (n)
B.F. Goodrich Philippines, Inc. vs. Workmen’s Compensation
Commission, 159 SCRA 355, No. L-38569 March 28, 1988
For res judicata to apply, the following elements must be present: (a) the Philippine National Oil Company vs. Court of Appeals, supra.
former judgment must be final; (b) it must be rendered by a court having It is generally true that purely administrative and discretionary functions may
jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties; (c) it must be a judgment not be interfered with by the courts; but when the exercise of such functions
on the merits; (d) there must be, between the first and the second actions by the administrative officer is tainted by a failure to abide by the command of
identity of parties, of subject matter, and cause of action. the law, then it is incumbent on the courts to set matters right, with this Court
“The rule which forbids the reopening of a matter once juducially determined having the last say on the matter. The manner by which BIR Commissioner
by competent authority applies as well to the judicial and quasi-judicial acts of Tan exercised his discretionary power to enter into a compromise was brought
public, executive or administrative officers and boards acting within their under the scrutiny of the CTA amidst allegations of “grave abuse of discretion
jurisdiction as to the judgments of courts having general judicial powers. x x x and/or whimsical exercise of jurisdiction.” The discretionary power of the BIR
It has been declared that whenever final adjudication of persons invested with Commissioner to enter into compromises cannot be superior over the power of
power to decide on the property and rights of the citizen is examinable by the judicial review by the courts. The discretionary authority to compromise
Supreme Court, upon a writ of error or a certiorari, such final adjudication granted to the BIR Commissioner is never meant to be absolute, uncontrolled
may be pleaded as res judicata” (Brillantes v. Castro, 99 Phil. 497, 503). Still and unrestrained. No such unlimited power may be validly granted to any
later, this Court further elucidated that the doctrine of res judicata cannot be officer of the government, except perhaps in cases of national emergency. In
said to apply exclusively to decisions rendered by what are usually understood this case, the BIR Commissioner’s authority to compromise, whether under
as courts without unreasonably circumscribing the scope thereof. “The more E.O. No. 44 or Section 246 of the NIRC of 1977, as amended, can only be
equitable attitude is to allow extension of the defense to decisions of bodies exercised under certain circumstances specifically identified in said statutes.
upon whom judicial powers have been conferred” (Ipekjian Merchandising The BIR Commissioner would have to exercise his discretion within the
Co., Inc. vs. Court of Tax Appeals, 9 SCRA 75) parameters set by the law, and in case he abuses his discretion, the CTA may
correct such abuse if the matter is appealed to them.


“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

Cagas vs. Commission on Elections, 663 SCRA 645, G.R. No. 194139 would be dismissible, not for lack of jurisdiction, but for the taxpayer’s failure
January 24, 2012 to substantiate the claim at the administrative level. When a judicial claim for
A case or matter is deemed submitted for decision or resolution upon the filing refund or tax credit in the CTA is an appeal of an unsuccessful administrative
of the last pleading, brief, or memorandum required by the rules of the claim, the taxpayer has to convince the CTA that the CIR had no reason to
Commission or by the Commission itself. Unless otherwise provided by this deny its claim. It, thus, becomes imperative for the taxpayer to show the CTA
Constitution or by law, any decision, order, or ruling of each Commission may that not only is he entitled under substantive law to his claim for refund or tax
be brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari by the aggrieved party within credit, but also that he satisfied all the documentary and evidentiary
thirty days from receipt of a copy thereof. This provision, although it confers requirements for an administrative claim. It is, thus, crucial for a taxpayer in a
on the Court the power to review any decision, order or ruling of the judicial claim for refund or tax credit to show that its administrative claim
COMELEC, limits such power to a final decision or resolution of the should have been granted in the first place. Consequently, a taxpayer cannot
COMELEC en banc, and does not extend to an interlocutory order issued by a cure its failure to submit a document requested by the BIR at the
Division of the COMELEC. Otherwise stated, the Court has no power to administrative level by filing the said document before the CTA.
review on certiorari an interlocutory order or even a final resolution issued by
a Division of the COMELEC. Question of Law vis a vis Questions of Fact
It should be noted as well that, for purposes of appeals, distinction
Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) vs. may also be made with respect to questions of fact and questions of
Aumentado, Jr., 625 SCRA 241, G.R. No. 173634 July 22, 2010 law. When it comes to questions of law, administrative decisions
PAGCOR is correct that the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals over petitions
thereon are appealable to the courts of justice even without legislative
for review under Rule 43 is not limited to judgments and final orders of the
CSC. Section 1, Rule 43 of the Rules provides: SECTION 1. Scope.—This
permission even against legislative prohibition.
Rule shall apply to appeals from judgments or final orders of the Court of Tax
Appeals and from awards, judgments, final orders or resolutions of or Standard Chartered Bank vs. Standard Chartered Bank Employees
authorized by any quasi-judicial agency in the exercise of its quasi-judicial Union (SCBEU), 568 SCRA 135, G.R. No. 165550 October 8, 2008
functions. Among these agencies are the Civil Service Commission, x x x. With respect to the procedural issue, we agree with respondent that the issues
(Emphasis supplied) It is clear from the Rules that the Court of Appeals can raised by the bank are essentially questions of fact that cannot be the subject
entertain appeals from awards, judgments, final orders or resolutions of the of this petition for review on certiorari. Section 1 of Rule 45 of the Rules of
CSC. Court provides that only questions of law may be raised on appeal by
certiorari. Well-settled in our jurisprudence is the principle that this Court is
not a trier of facts and that it is neither the function of this Court to analyze or
Remedies in Rulings of the CIR or the Commissioner of Customs
weigh the evidence of the parties all over again. The ruling in Microsoft
Corporation v. Maxicorp, Inc., 438 SCRA 224 (2004), elucidates the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Court of Appeals, 855 SCRA 395, distinction of a question of law and a question of fact as follows: . . . A
G.R. No. 207843 February 14, 2018 question of law exists when the doubt or difference centers on what the law is
The apparent conflicting jurisprudence on the matter involving the Court’s on a certain state of facts. A question of fact exists if the doubt centers on the
2008 En Banc ruling in British American Tobacco and the Court’s Third truth or falsity of the alleged facts. x x x x x x x x x There is a question of
Division Ruling in Philamlife has been seemingly settled in the 2016 En Banc law if the issue raised is capable of being resolved without need of reviewing
case of Banco De Oro v. Republic of the Philippines (Banco De Oro), 800 the probative value of the evidence. The resolution of the issue must rest
SCRA 392 (2016), wherein it was opined that: Section 7 of Republic Act No. solely on what the law provides on the given set of circumstances. Once it is
1125, as amended, is explicit that, except for local taxes, appeals from the clear that the issue invites a review of the evidence presented, the question
decisions of quasi-judicial agencies (Commissioner of Internal Revenue, posed is one of fact. If the query requires a re-evaluation of the credibility of
Commissioner of Customs, Secretary of Finance, Central Board of witnesses, or the existence or relevance of surrounding circumstances and
Assessment Appeals, Secretary of Trade and Industry) on tax-related their relation to each other, the issue in that query is factual.
problems must be brought exclusively to the Court of Tax Appeals. In other
words, within the judicial system, the law intends the Court of Tax Appeals to
have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve all tax problems. Petitions for writs of
Method of Review
certiorari against the acts and omissions of the said quasi-judicial agencies The methods of judicial review are prescribed by the Constitution,
should thus be filed before the Court of Tax Appeals. statues or the Rules of Court.

Bureau of Customs vs. Devanadera, 770 SCRA 1, G.R. No. 193253 Fabian vs. Desierto, 295 SCRA 470, G.R. No. 129742 September 16, 1998
September 8, 2015 Hence, we will merely observe and lay down the rule at this juncture that
By virtue of Section 1, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution, vesting judicial Section 27 of Republic Act No. 6770 is involved only whenever an appeal by
power in the Supreme Court (SC) and such lower courts as may be established certiorari under Rule 45 is taken from a decision in an administrative
by law, to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion disciplinary action. It cannot be taken into account where an original action
on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government, in relation to for certiorari under Rule 65 is resorted to as a remedy for judicial review, such
Section 5(5), Article VIII thereof, vesting upon it the power to promulgate as from an incident in a criminal action.
rules concerning practice and procedure in all courts, the SC thus declares that
the Court of Appeals’ (CA’s) original jurisdiction over a petition for certiorari Whenever the legislature intends that the decisions or resolutions of the quasi-
assailing the Department of Justice (DOJ) resolution in a preliminary judicial agency shall be reviewable by the Supreme Court or the Court of
investigation involving tax and tariff offenses was necessarily transferred to Appeals, a specific provision to that effect is included in the law creating that
the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) pursuant to Section 7 of Republic Act (RA) quasi-judicial agency and, for that matter, any special statutory court. Appeals
No. 9282, and that such petition shall be governed by Rule 65 of the Rules of from judgments and final orders of quasi-judicial agencies are now required to
Court, as amended. be brought to the Court of Appeals on a verified petition for review, under the
requirements and conditions in Rule 43 which was precisely formulated and
adopted to provide for a uniform rule of appellate procedure for quasi-judicial
Pilipinas Total Gas, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 776 agencies.
SCRA 395, G.R. No. 207112 December 8, 2015
A distinction must be made between administrative cases appealed due to
inaction and those dismissed at the administrative level due to the failure of Carpio-Morales vs. Court of Appeals (Sixth Division), supra.
the taxpayer to submit supporting documents. If an administrative claim was On the other hand, the second paragraph of Section 14, RA 6770 provides that
dismissed by the CIR due to the taxpayer’s failure to submit complete no appeal or application for remedy may be heard against the decision or
documents despite notice/request, then the judicial claim before the CTA findings of the Ombudsman, with the exception of the Supreme Court on pure
questions of law. This paragraph, which the Ombudsman particularly relies on

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

in arguing that the CA had no jurisdiction over the main C.A.-G.R. S.P. No. To allow the COMELEC to wait for a person to file a petition to cancel the
139453 petition, as it is supposedly this Court which has the sole jurisdiction certificate of candidacy of one suffering from perpetual special
to conduct a judicial review of its decisions or findings, is vague for two (2) disqualification will result in the anomaly that these cases so grotesquely
reasons: (1) it is unclear what the phrase “application for remedy” or the word exemplify. Despite a prior perpetual special disqualification, Jalosjos was
“findings” refers to; and (2) it does not specify what procedural remedy is elected and served twice as mayor. The COMELEC will be grossly remiss in
solely allowable to this Court, save that the same be taken only against a pure its constitutional duty to “enforce and administer all laws” relating to the
question of law. The task then, is to apply the relevant principles of statutory conduct of elections if it does not motu proprio bar from running for public
construction to resolve the ambiguity. office those suffering from perpetual special disqualification by virtue of a
final judgment.
Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Hyatt vs Bacungan,
GR No. 149050, March 25, 2009 Unduran vs. Aberasturi, 773 SCRA 114, G.R. No. 181284 October 20,
The Court held that the decision or award of the voluntary arbitrator or panel 2015
of arbitrators should likewise be appealable to the Court of Appeals, in line View that under the doctrine of primary jurisdiction, courts must refrain from
with the procedure outlines in Revised Administrative Circular No. 1-95 (now determining a controversy involving a question which is within the
embodied in Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure), just like those of jurisdiction of an administrative tribunal, where the question demands the
the quasi-judicial agencies, boards and commissions enumerated therein, and exercise of sound administrative discretion requiring the special knowledge,
consistent with the original purpose to provide a uniform procedure for the experience and services of the administrative tribunal to determine technical
appellate review of adjudications of all quasi-judicial entities. and intricate matters of fact.

Doctrine of primary jurisdiction (prior resort) Badillo vs. Court of Appeals

Does not warrant a court to arrogate unto itself authority to resolve a 555 SCRA 435, G.R. No. 131903 June 26, 2008
controversy the jurisdiction over which is initially lodged with an An action to enforce statutory and contractual rights against subdivision
owners is a specific performance case which falls under the Housing and Land
administrative body of special competence.
Use Regulatory Board’s (HLURB’s) exclusive jurisdiction. When an
administrative agency is conferred quasi-judicial functions, all controversies
Well-entrenched is the rule that courts will not interfere in matters relating to the subject matter pertaining to its specialization are deemed to be
which are addressed to the sound discretion of government agency included within its jurisdiction—split jurisdiction is not favored; The
entrusted with the regulation of activities coming under the special argument that only courts of justice can adjudicate claims resoluble under the
and technical training and knowledge of such agency. provisions of the Civil Code is out of step with the fast-changing times.

Jalosjos vs. Commission on Elections Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Laigo, 768 SCRA 633, G.R. No.
698 SCRA 742, G.R. No. 205033 June 18, 2013 188639 September 2, 2015
The above-cited constitutional provision requiring a motion for From the effectivity of the Pre-Need Code, it is the Insurance Commission
reconsideration before the COMELEC En Banc may take action is confined (IC) that “shall have the primary and exclusive power to adjudicate any and all
only to cases where the COMELEC exercises its quasi-judicial power. It finds claims involving pre-need plans.” The transitory provisions of the Pre-Need
no application, however, in matters concerning the COMELEC’s exercise of Code, however, provide that “[n]otwithstanding any provision to the contrary,
administrative functions. The distinction between the two is well-defined. all pending claims, complaints and cases (referring to pre-need contract and
trust claims) filed with the SEC shall be continued in its full and final
The Court held that the COMELEC’s denial of due course to and/or conclusion.” The Pre-Need Code recognizes that the jurisdiction over pending
cancellation of a CoC in view of a candidate’s disqualification to run for claims against the trust funds prior to its effectivity is vested with the SEC.
elective office based on a final conviction is subsumed under its mandate to Such authority can be easily discerned even from the provisions of the SRC.
enforce and administer all laws relating to the conduct of elections. Section 4 thereof provides that despite the transfer of jurisdiction to the RTC
Accordingly, in such a situation, it is the COMELEC’s duty to cancel motu of those matters enumerated under Section 5 of P.D. No. 902-A, the SEC
proprio the candidate’s CoC, notwithstanding the absence of any petition remains authorized to “exercise such other powers as may be provided by law
initiating a quasi-judicial proceeding for the resolution of the same. Thus, the as well as those which may be implied from, or which are necessary or
Court stated: incidental to the carrying out of, the express powers granted the Commission
to achieve the objectives and purposes of these laws.”
Even without a petition under either Section 12 or Section 78 of the Omnibus
Election Code, or under Section 40 of the Local Government Code, the
Alijandro vs. Office of the Ombudsman Fact-Finding and Intelligence
COMELEC is under a legal duty to cancel the certificate of candidacy of
Bureau, 695 SCRA 35, G.R. No. 173121 April 3, 2013
anyone suffering from the access ory penalty of perpetual special
The Ombudsman has primary jurisdiction to investigate any act or omission of
disqualification to run for public office by virtue of a final judgment of
a public officer or employee who is under the jurisdiction of the
conviction. The final judgment of conviction is notice to the COMELEC of
Sandiganbayan. RA 6770 provides:
the disqualification of the convict from running for public office. The law
itself bars the convict from running for public office, and the disqualification
Section 15. Powers, Functions and Duties.―The Office of the Ombudsman
is part of the final judgment of conviction. The final judgment of the court is
shall have the following powers, functions and duties:
addressed not only to the Executive branch, but also to other government
agencies tasked to implement the final judgment under the law.
(1) Investigate and prosecute on its own or on complaint by any person, any
act or omission of any public officer or employee, office or agency, when such
Whether or not the COMELEC is expressly mentioned in the judgment to
act or omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient. It has
implement the disqualification, it is assumed that the portion of the final
primary jurisdiction over cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan and, in the
judgment on disqualification to run for elective public office is addressed to
exercise of this primary jurisdiction, it may take over, at any stage, from any
the COMELEC because under the Constitution the COMELEC is duty bound
investigatory agency of Government, the investigation of such cases.
to “[e]nforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of
an election.” The disqualification of a convict to run for public office under
The Sandiganbayan’s jurisdiction extends only to public officials occupying
the Revised Penal Code, as affirmed by final judgment of a competent court,
positions corresponding to salary grade 27 and higher. Consequently, as we
is part of the enforcement and administration of “all laws” relating to the
held in Office of the Ombudsman v. Rodriguez, any act or omission of a
conduct of elections.
public officer or employee occupying a salary grade lower than 27 is within
the concurrent jurisdiction of the Ombudsman and of the regular courts or
other investigative agencies.

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

intensive and therefore best left to the specialized quasi-judicial body that is
In administrative cases involving the concurrent jurisdiction of two or more the NLRC.
disciplining authorities, the body where the complaint is filed first, and which
opts to take cognizance of the case, acquires jurisdiction to the exclusion of The approach suggested by the dissent is frowned upon by common law. To
other tribunals exercising concurrent jurisdiction wit: [I]t is a general rule, that no court of limited jurisdiction can give itself
jurisdiction by a wrong decision on a point collateral to the merits of the case
upon which the limit to its jurisdiction depends; and however its decision may
Office of the Ombudsman vs. Delijero, Jr., 634 SCRA 135, G.R. No.
be final on all particulars, making up together that subject matter which, if
172635 October 20, 2010
true, is within its jurisdiction, and however necessary in many cases it may be
The administrative disciplinary authority of the Ombudsman over a public
for it to make a preliminary inquiry, whether some collateral matter be or be
school teacher is not an exclusive power but is concurrent with the proper
not within the limits, yet, upon this preliminary question, its decision must
committee of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS). In
always be open to inquiry in the superior court. A more liberal interpretative
sum, We reiterate that it is the School Superintendent and not the Ombudsman
mode, “pragmatic or functional analysis,” has also emerged in ascertaining the
that has jurisdiction over administrative cases against public school teachers.
jurisdictional boundaries of administrative agencies whose jurisdiction is
established by statute. Under this approach, the Court examines the intended
Office of the Ombudsman vs. Masing, 542 SCRA 253, G.R. No. 165416, function of the tribunal and decides whether a particular provision falls within
G.R. No. 165584, G.R. No. 165731 January 22, 2008 or outside that function, rather than making the provision itself the
Fabella, however, does not apply to the cases at bar. The public schoolteachers determining centerpiece of the analysis. Yet even under this more expansive
in Fabella were charged with violations of civil service laws, rules and approach, the dissent fails.
regulations in administrative proceedings initiated by the DECS Secretary. In
contrast, herein respondents Masing and Tayactac were administratively
charged in letter-complaints duly filed before the Office of the Ombudsman Lakeview Golf and Country Club, Inc. vs. Luzvimin Samahang Nayon,
for Mindanao. The charges were for violations of R.A. No. 6713, otherwise 585 SCRA 368, G.R. No. 171253 April 16, 2009
known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and It is settled that jurisdiction over the subject matter is conferred by law.
Employees, collecting unauthorized fees, failure to remit authorized fees, Section 50 of Republic Act No. 6657 and Section 17 of Executive Order No.
failure to account for public funds, oppression, serious misconduct, 229 vests in the DAR the primary and exclusive jurisdiction, both original and
discourtesy in the conduct of official duties, and physical or mental incapacity appellate, to determine and adjudicate all matters involving the
or disability due to immoral or vicious habits. In short, the acts and omissions implementation of agrarian reform. Through Executive Order No. 129-A, the
complained of relate to respondents’ conduct as public official and employee, President of the Philippines created the DARAB and authorized it to assume
if not to outright graft and corruption. the powers and functions of the DAR pertaining to the adjudication of
agrarian reform cases.

Celestial Nickel Mining Exploration Corporation vs. Macroasia

Corporation, 541 SCRA 166, G.R. No. 169080, G.R. No. 172936, G.R. No. Department of Health vs. Philip Morris Philippines Manufacturing, Inc.,
176226, G.R. No. 176319 December 19, 2007 supra.
RA 7942, similar to PD 463, confers exclusive and primary jurisdiction on the In fine, the Court agrees with the CA that it is the IAC-Tobacco and not the
DENR Secretary to approve mineral agreements, which is purely an DOH which has the primary jurisdiction to regulate sales promotion activities
administrative function within the scope of his powers and authority. In as explained in the foregoing discussion. As such, the DOH’s ruling, including
exercising such exclusive primary jurisdiction, the DENR Secretary, through its construction of RA 9211 (i.e., that it completely banned tobacco
the MGB, has the best competence to determine to whom mineral agreements advertisements, promotions, and sponsorships, as promotion is inherent in
are granted. Settled is the rule that the courts will defer to the decisions of the both advertising and sponsorship), are declared null and void, which, as a
administrative offices and agencies by reason of their expertise and experience necessary consequence, precludes the Court from further delving on the same.
in the matters assigned to them pursuant to the doctrine of primary
jurisdiction. Administrative decisions on matter within the jurisdiction of Doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies
administrative bodies are to be respected and can only be set aside on proof of The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies calls for resort
grave abuse of discretion, fraud, or error of law. Unless it is shown that the first to the appropriate administrative authorities in the resolution of a
then DENR Secretary has acted in a wanton, whimsical, or oppressive
controversy falling under their jurisdiction before the same may be
manner, giving undue advantage to a party or for an illegal consideration and
similar reasons, this Court cannot look into or review the wisdom of the
elevated to the courts of justice for review.
exercise of such discretion. Blue Ridge failed in this regard. Delineation of
powers and functions is accorded the three branches of government for the Manubay vs. Garilao
smooth functioning of the different governmental services. We will not disturb 585 SCRA 134, G.R. No. 140717 April 16, 2009
nor interfere in the exercise of purely administrative functions of the executive Elevating the matter to the OP was consistent with the doctrine of exhaustion
branch absent a clear showing of grave abuse of discretion. of administrative remedies. A party aggrieved by an order of an administrative
official should first appeal to the higher administrative authority before
seeking judicial relief. Otherwise, as in this case, the complaint will be
People's Broadcasting(Bombo Radyo Phils., Inc.) vs. Secretary of the
dismissed for being premature or for having no cause of action.
Department of Labor and Employment, 587 SCRA 724, G.R. No. 179652
May 8, 2009
The law accords a prerogative to the NLRC over the claim when the Oporto vs. Members of the Board of Inquiry and Discipline of National
employer-employee relationship has terminated or such relationship has not Power Corporation, 569 SCRA 93, G.R. No. 147423 October 15, 2008
arisen at all. The reason is obvious. In the second situation especially, the The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies mandates that
existence of an employer-employee relationship is a matter which is not easily whenever there is an available administrative remedy provided by law, no
determinable from an ordinary inspection, necessarily so, because the judicial recourse can be made until all such remedies have been availed of and
elements of such a relationship are not verifiable from a mere ocular exhausted. This rule is based on the practical principle that the administrative
examination. The intricacies and implications of an employer-employee agency should be given a chance to correct its error, and that relief first sought
relationship demand that the level of scrutiny should be far above the cursory from a superior administrative agency could render court action unnecessary.
and the mechanical. While documents, particularly documents found in the
employer’s office are the primary source materials, what may prove decisive While admittedly violation of due process is an exception to the doctrine of
are factors related to the history of the employer’s business operations, its exhaustion of administrative remedies, petitioner was not denied due process
current state as well as accepted contemporary practices in the industry. More of law. Due process is not a mantra, the mere invocation of which shall
often than not, the question of employer-employee relationship becomes a warrant a reversal of a decision. Well-settled is the rule that the essence of due
battle of evidence, the determination of which should be comprehensive and process is the opportunity to be heard, or as applied to administrative

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

proceedings, an opportunity to explain one’s side or seek a reconsideration of The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies requires that when an
the action or ruling complained of. administrative remedy is provided by law, relief must be sought by exhausting
this remedy before the courts will act. No recourse can be had until all such
remedies have been exhausted and special civil actions against administrative
Aquino vs. Aure
officers should not be entertained if superior administrative officers could
546 SCRA 71, G.R. No. 153567 February 18, 2008
grant relief. In Hon. Carale v. Hon. Abarintos, the Court enunciated the
It is true that the precise technical effect of failure to comply with the
reasons for the doctrine, thus: Observance of the mandate regarding
requirement of Section 412 of the Local Government Code on barangay
exhaustion of administrative remedies is a sound practice and policy. It
conciliation (previously contained in Section 5 of Presidential Decree No.
ensures an orderly procedure which favors a preliminary sifting process,
1508) is much the same effect produced by non-exhaustion of administrative
particularly with respect to matters peculiarly within the competence of the
remedies—the complaint becomes afflicted with the vice of pre-maturity; and
administrative agency, avoidance of interference with functions of the
the controversy there alleged is not ripe for judicial determination. The
administrative agency by withholding judicial action until the administrative
complaint becomes vulnerable to a motion to dismiss. Nevertheless, the
process had run its course, and prevention of attempts to swamp the courts by
conciliation process is not a jurisdictional requirement, so that non-
a resort to them in the first instance. The underlying principle of the rule rests
compliance therewith cannot affect the jurisdiction which the court has
on the presumption that the administrative agency, if afforded a complete
otherwise acquired over the subject matter or over the person of the defendant.
chance to pass upon the matter, will decide the same correctly. There are both
legal and practical reasons for this principle. The administrative process is
Ruivivar vs. Office of the Ombudsman, 565 SCRA 324, G.R. No. 165012 intended to provide less expensive and more speedy solutions to disputes.
September 16, 2008 Where the enabling statute indicates a procedure for administrative review,
For a fuller appreciation of our above conclusion, we clarify that although and provides a system of administrative appeal, or reconsideration, the courts,
they are separate and distinct concepts, exhaustion of administrative remedies for reasons of law, comity and convenience, will not entertain the case unless
and due process embody linked and related principles. The “exhaustion” the available administrative remedies have been resorted to and the
principle applies when the ruling court or tribunal is not given the opportunity appropriate authorities have been given an opportunity to act and correct the
to re-examine its findings and conclusions because of an available opportunity errors committed in the administrative forum.
that a party seeking recourse against the court or the tribunal’s ruling omitted
to take. Under the concept of “due process,” on the other hand, a violation In Paat vs. Court of Appeals, the Court enumerated the instances when the
occurs when a court or tribunal rules against a party without giving him or her rule on exhaustion of administrative remedies may be disregarded: . . . (1)
the opportunity to be heard. Thus, the exhaustion principle is based on the when there is a violation of due process, (2) when the issue involved is purely
perspective of the ruling court or tribunal, while due process is considered a legal question, (3) when the administrative action is patently illegal
from the point of view of the litigating party against whom a ruling was made. amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, (4) when there is estoppel on the
The commonality they share is in the same “opportunity” that underlies both. part of the administrative agency concerned, (5) when there is irreparable
In the context of the present case, the available opportunity to consider and injury, (6) when the respondent is a department secretary whose acts as an
appreciate the petitioner’s counter-statement of facts was denied the alter ego of the President bear the implied and assumed approval of the latter,
Ombudsman; hence, the petitioner is barred from seeking recourse at the CA (7) when to require exhaustion of administrative remedies would be
because the ground she would invoke was not considered at all at the unreasonable, (8) when it would amount to a nullification of a claim, (9) when
Ombudsman level. At the same time, the petitioner—who had the same the subject matter is a private land in land case proceedings, (10) when the
opportunity to rebut the belatedly-furnished affidavits of the private rule does not provide a plain, speedy and adequate remedy, and (11) when
respondent’s witnesses—was not denied and cannot now claim denial of due there are circumstances indicating the urgency of judicial intervention.
process because she did not take advantage of the opportunity opened to her at
the Ombudsman level.
Merida Water District vs. Bacarro, 567 SCRA 203, G.R. No. 165993
September 30, 2008
Reasons for the Doctrine Respondents failed to exhaust administrative remedies by their failure to
1. The administrative superiors, if given the opportunity, can appeal to the NWRB. Non-exhaustion of administrative remedies renders the
correct the errors committed by their subordinates. action premature. The Court has consistently reiterated the rationale behind
2. Courts should as much as possible refrain from disturbing the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies: One of the reasons for
the findings of administrative bodies in deference to the the doctrine of exhaustion is the separation of powers, which enjoins upon the
Judiciary a becoming policy of non-interference with matters coming
doctrine of separation of powers.
primarily (albeit not exclusively) within the competence of the other
3. On practical grounds, it is best that the courts which are departments. The theory is that the administrative authorities are in a better
burdened enough as they are with judicial cases, should not position to resolve questions addressed to their particular expertise and that
be saddled with the review of administrative cases. errors committed by subordinates in their resolution may be rectified by their
4. Judicial review of administrative cases is usually effected superiors if given a chance to do so… It may be added that strict enforcement
through the special civil actions of certiorari, mandamus, of the rule could also relieve the courts of a considerable number of avoidable
and prohibition, which are available only if there is no other cases which otherwise would burden their heavily loaded dockets.
plain, speedy and adequate remedy.
The non-observance of the doctrine of exhaustion has been upheld in cases
when the patent illegality of the assailed act is clear, undisputed, and more
Information Technology Foundation of the Philippines vs. Commission importantly, evident outright. In these cases, the assailed act did not require
on Elections, 419 SCRA 141, G.R. No. 159139 January 13, 2004 the consideration of the existence and relevancy of specific surrounding
A long line of cases establishes the basic rule that regular courts of justice circumstances and their relation to each other for the Court to conclude that
should not interfere in matters which are addressed to the sound discretion of the act was indeed patently illegal. In the case at bar, certain facts need to be
government agencies entrusted with the regulation of activities coming under resolved first, to determine whether petitioners’ increase of the water rate is
the special technical knowledge and training of such agencies. The underlying patently illegal act.
principle of the rule on exhaustion of administrative remedies rests on the
presumption that when the administrative body, or grievance machinery, is
afforded a chance to pass upon the matter, it will decide the same correctly.
The principle of exhaustion of administrative remedies is not an ironclad rule. Buston-Arendain vs. Gil, 555 SCRA 561, G.R. No. 172585 June 26, 2008
This doctrine is relative, and its flexibility is called upon by the peculiarity Under the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies, an administrative
and uniqueness of the factual and circumstantial settings of a case. decision must first be appealed to the administrative superiors at the highest
level before it may be elevated to a court of justice for review. This Court has
consistently held that before a party is allowed to seek the intervention of the

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

court, it is a pre-condition that he should have availed himself of all the means First 12 Exceptions
of administrative processes afforded him. Hence, if a remedy within the 1. Where there is estoppel on the part of the of the party
administrative machinery can still be resorted to by giving the administrative invoking the doctrine;
officer concerned every opportunity to decide on a matter that comes within 2. Where the challenged administrative act is patently illegal,
his jurisdiction, then such remedy should be exhausted first before the court’s
amounting to lack of jurisdiction;
judicial power can be sought. The premature invocation of the court’s
intervention is fatal to one’s cause of action. Accordingly, absent any finding
3. Where there is unreasonable delay or official inaction that
of waiver or estoppel, the case is susceptible of dismissal for lack of cause of will irretrievably prejudice the complaint;
action. This doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies is not without 4. Where the amount involved is relatively small as to make
its practical and legal reasons; for one thing, availment of administrative the rule impractical and oppressive;
remedy entails lesser expenses and provides for a speedier disposition of 5. Where the questions raised is purely legal and will
controversies. It is no less true to state that the courts of justice, for reasons of ultimately have to be decided by the courts of justice;
comity and convenience, will shy away from a dispute until the system of 6. Where judicial intervention is urgent;
administrative redress has been completed and complied with so as to give the
7. Where its application may cause great and irreparable
administrative agency concerned every opportunity to correct its error and to
dispose of the case.
8. Where the controverted acts violate due process;
The principle of exhaustion of administrative remedies, as tested by a battery 9. When the issue of non-exhaustion of administrative
of cases, is not an ironclad rule. This doctrine is a relative one, and its remedies has been rendered moot;
flexibility is called upon by the peculiarity and uniqueness of the factual and 10. Where there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy;
circumstantial settings of a case. 11. When strong public interest is involved; and
12. In quo warranto proceedings.
Civil Service Commission vs. Department of Budget and Management
464 SCRA 115, G.R. No. 158791 July 22, 2005 Batelec II Electric Cooperative, Inc. vs. Energy Industry Administration
The rule on exhaustion of administrative remedies invoked by respondent Bureau (EIAB), 447 SCRA 482, G.R. No. 135925 December 22, 2004
applies only where there is an express legal provision requiring such In light of the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies, a motion for
administrative step as a condition precedent to taking action in court. As reconsideration must first be filed before the special civil action for certiorari
petitioner is not mandated by any law to seek clarification from the Secretary may be availed of. The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies calls
of Budget and Management prior to filing the present action, its failure to do for resort first to the appropriate administrative authorities to accord them the
so does not call for the application of the rule. prior opportunity to decide controversies within their competence before the
same may be elevated to the courts of justice for review. It is presumed that an
Estrada vs. Court of Appeals, 442 SCRA 117, G.R. No. 137862 November administrative agency, if afforded an opportunity to pass upon a matter, will
11, 2004 (MAG SAWA SI SER SA EXEMPTIONS PUCHA HAHA) decide the same correctly, or correct any previous error committed in its
The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies requires that resort be forum. Furthermore, reasons of law, comity and convenience prevent the
first made with the administrative authorities in the resolution of a controversy courts from entertaining cases proper for determination by administrative
falling under their jurisdiction before the same may be elevated to a court of agencies. Hence, premature resort to the courts necessarily becomes fatal to
justice for review. If a remedy within the administrative machinery is still the cause of action of the petitioner.
available, with a procedure pursuant to law for an administrative officer to
decide the controversy, a party should first exhaust such remedy before going It is a settled rule, it is true, that on purely legal question the aggrieved party
to court. A premature invocation of a court’s intervention renders the need not exhaust administrative remedies. This is because nothing of an
complaint without cause of action and dismissible on such ground. The reason administrative nature is to be done or can be done in the administrative forum.
for this is that prior availment of administrative remedy entails lesser expenses But the pivotal issue in this case of whether petitioner, not the NPC, should
and provides for a speedier disposition of controversies. Comity and supply the power needs of PSC requires a probe into the technical and
convenience also impel courts of justice to shy away from a dispute until the financial capability of petitioner to meet the requirements of bulk power
system of administrative redress has been completed and complied with. supply of PSC—a question of fact, the determination of which is within the
expertise of the Bureau. The contention of petitioner that the issue is on pure
While the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies is flexible and question of law is, therefore, hollow.
may be disregarded in certain instances, such as: (1) when there is a violation
of due process, (2) when the issue involved is purely a legal question, (3) Specific Exceptions
when the administrative action is patently illegal amounting to lack or excess When the question raised is purely legal
of jurisdiction, (4) when there is estoppel on the part of the administrative The reason behind providing an exception to the rule is that issues of
agency concerned, (5) when there is irreparable injury, (6) when the
law cannot be resolved with finality by the administrative officer.
respondent is a department secretary whose acts as an alter ego of the
President bears [sic] the implied and assumed approval of the latter, (7) when Appeal to the administrative officer would only be an exercise in
to require exhaustion of administrative remedies would be unreasonable, (8) futility. A legal question is properly addressed to a regular court of
when it would amount to a nullification of a claim, (9) when the subject matter justice rather than to an administrative body.
is a private land in land case proceedings, (10) when the rule does not provide
a plain, speedy and adequate remedy, (11) when there are circumstances Castro vs. Gloria, 363 SCRA 417, G.R. No. 132174 August 20, 2001
indicating the urgency of judicial intervention, (12) when no administrative Truly, a petition for mandamus is premature if there are administrative
review is provided by law, (13) where the rule of qualified political agency remedies available to petitioner. But where the case involves only legal
applies, and (14) when the issue of non-exhaustion of administrative remedies questions, the litigant need not exhaust all administrative remedies before such
has been rendered moot—we find, however, that the instant case does not fall judicial relief can be sought. In Cortes v. Bartolome, a case involving a
under any of the recognized exceptional circumstances. petition for mandamus, we ruled that “while it may be that non-judicial
remedies could have been available to respondent in that he could have
appealed to the then Secretary of Local Government and Community
Exceptions Development and thereafter to the Civil Service Commission, the principle of
The doctrine of administrative remedies, which is based on sound exhaustion of administrative remedies need not be adhered to when the
question is purely legal.” This is because issues of law cannot be resolved
discretion of public policy and practical consideration, is no
with finality by the administrative officer. Appeal to the administrative officer
inflexible. would only be an exercise in futility.

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

Alzate, etc, vs. Aldana, etc. et al.

It is settled that for a question to be one of law, the same must not involve an 107 Phil. 298, No. L-14407 February 29, 1960
examination of the probative value of the evidence presented by the litigants In case at bar the parties had to agree and the court had to approve the
or any of them. And the distinction is well known. There is a question of law agreement that the Director of Public Schools shall recommend to the proper
when the doubt or differences arise as to what the law is on a certain state of officials not later than June 30, 1958 and before the closing of office hours on
facts. There is a question of fact when the doubt or differences arise as to the that date the commitment of the sum of P840.00 claimed by petitioner to be
truth or the falsehood of alleged facts. due him under Republic Act No. 842, to accounts payable in order to prevent
its reversion. This is a recognition by the parties as well as the court of the
validity and urgency of the action taken by petitioner. Under the
Rubio, Jr. vs. Paras, 455 SCRA 697, G.R. No. 156047 April 12, 2005
circumstances, petitioner should be deemed to have had sufficient cause of
In fine, the petitioner had a remedy in the ordinary course of law, namely, a
action at the time he filed his petition for mandamus on June 11, 1958, and in
motion for the reconsideration of the formal charge against him, including his
view of the special situation, resort to the court without awaiting for the final
preventive suspension. The general rule is that the aggrieved party is
decision of the administrative officers is not premature.
mandated to exhaust all administrative remedies available before resorting to
judicial recourse. The tribunal, either judicial or quasi-judicial must be given a
chance to correct the imputed errors on its act or order. The rule is an element When the claim involve is small
of the petitioner’s right to action, and if he fails or refuses to avail himself of
the same, the judiciary shall decline to interfere. Cipriano vs. Marcelino, 43 SCRA 291, No. L-27793 February 28, 1972
The principle of exhaustion of administrative remedies may be disregarded
When the administrative body is in estoppel when it does not provide a plain, speedy and adequate remedy. Thus, to
Administrative body could not invoke the doctrine after denying the require an ordinary employee of the government to go all the way to the
petitioner’s backpay application on the ground that aliens were not President of the Philippines on appeal in the matter of the collection of the
small total of P949 would not only be oppressive but would be patently
covered by the backpay law despite an opinion of the Secretary of
unreasonable. By the time her appeal shall have been decided by the
Justice. President, the amount of much more than P949 would in all likelihood have
been spent.
Perez vs. City Mayor of Cabanatuan
3 SCRA 431, No. L-16786 October 31, 1961
When irreparable damage will be suffered.
There being an appropriate administrative remedy that could have first been
availed of by petitioner, his action for mandamus is, therefore, premature. In
other words, no recourse to the courts can be had until all administrative De Lara, Jr. vs. Cloribel, 14 SCRA 269, No. L-21653 May 31, 1965
remedies have been exhausted The rule of exhaustion of administrative remedies is inapplicable if it should
appear that an irreparable damage and injury will be suffered by a party if he
should await, before taking court action, the final action of the administrative
When the act complained of is patently illegal official concerned on the matter.

Department of Agrarian Reform vs. Apex Investment and Financing

When there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy
Corporation, 401 SCRA 283, G.R. No. 149422 April 10, 2003
On the first assigned error, this Court has consistently held that the doctrine of
exhaustion of administrative remedies is a relative one and is flexible Marquez-Azarcon vs. Bunagan, 399 SCRA 365, G.R. No. 124611 March
depending on the peculiarity and uniqueness of the factual and circumstantial 20, 2003
settings of a case. Among others, it is disregarded where, as in this case, (a) SAGANA, in its Comment once more maintains that Azarcon’s petition for
there are circumstances indicating the urgency of judicial intervention; and (b) Certiorari before the Court of Appeals should have been dismissed due to her
the administrative action is patently illegal and amounts to lack or excess of failure to exhaust all administrative remedies. The questioned Order, however,
jurisdiction. merely involves an interpretation of the dispositive portion of the Board
decision which had become final and executory. Hence, Azarcon properly
filed a petition for Certiorari before the Court of Appeals where she ascribed
Verceles vs. Bureau of Labor Relations-Department of Labor and grave abuse of discretion in the issuance of the order.
Employment-National Capital Region, 451 SCRA 338, G.R. No. 152322
February 15, 2005
The argument that there was failure to exhaust administrative remedies cannot When strong public interest is involved
be sustained. One of the instances when the rule of exhaustion of
administrative remedies may be disregarded is when there is a violation of due Philippine Health Insurance Corporation vs. Chinese General Hospital
process. In this case, the respondents have chronicled from the very beginning and Medical Center, supra.
that they were indefinitely suspended without the benefit of a formal charge While it is doctrinal in administrative law that the rules and regulations of
sufficient in form and substance. Therefore, the rule on exhaustion of administrative bodies interpreting the law they are entrusted to enforce have
administrative remedies cannot squarely apply to them. the force of law, these issuances are by no means iron-clad norms.
Administrative bodies themselves can and have in fact “bent the rules” for
reasons of public interest.
Sangguniang Barangay of Don Mariano Marcos, Bayombong, Nueva
Vizcaya vs. Martinez, 547 SCRA 416, G.R. No. 170626 March 3, 2008
This Court in Castro v. Gloria, 363 SCRA 417 (2001), declared that where the When the subject of the controversy is private land
case involves only legal questions, the litigant need not exhaust all
administrative remedies before such judicial relief can be sought. The reason Buston-Arendain vs. Gil, supra.
behind providing an exception to the rule on exhaustion of administrative Based on the ninth exception stated in the preceding paragraph, the doctrine
remedies is that issues of law cannot be resolved with finality by the requiring the prior exhaustion of administrative remedies before recourse to
administrative officer. Appeal to the administrative officer would only be an the courts can be had is confined to land cases involving public lands; it is
exercise in futility. A legal question is properly addressed to a regular court of inapplicable to cases in which the subject matter is private lands. Upon
justice rather than to an administrative body. registration, the homestead granted to Antonia and Miguel Gil ceased to have
the character of public land and so was removed from the operation of the
When there is urgent need for judicial intervention doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies.

In quo warranto proceedings

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

On the other hand, it is the contention of public respondent, the Office of the
Corpus vs. Cuaderno, Sr. Solicitor General, that an exception to this well-settled principle is the
4 SCRA 749, No. L-17860 March 30, 1962 doctrine of qualified political agency. Where the respondent is a Department
The reason is obvious. While it may be desirable that administrative remedies Secretary, whose acts as an alter ego of the President bear the implied or
be first resorted to, no one is compelled or bound to do so; and as said assumed approval of the latter, unless the President actually disapproves them,
remedies neither are prerequisite to nor bar the institution of quo warranto administrative remedies have already been exhausted. Recourse to the court
proceedings, it follows that he who claims the right to hold a public off ice may be made at that point, according to private respondents, a view that was
allegedly usurped by another and who desires to seek redress in the courts, sustained by the Court of Appeals. In this case, the appellate court ruled that
should file the proper judicial action within the reglementary period. As the appeal before it was filed beyond the reglementary period as petitioner
emphasized in Bautista vs. Fajardo, 38 Phil. 624, and Tumulak vs. Egay, 46 appealed to the Office of the President, and not to the Court of Appeals, where
O.G. 3683, public interest requires that the right to a public office should be it should have been brought. In Tan v. Director of Forestry this Court ruled
determined as speedily as practicable. that even if the respondent was a Department Secretary, an appeal to the
President was proper where the law expressly provided for exhaustion. As a
valid exercise of the Secretary’s rule-making power to issue internal rules of
Land Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals, 318 SCRA 144, G.R.
procedure, DAR Memo. Circ. No. 3, series of 1994, expressly provides for an
No. 126332 November 16, 1999
appeal to the Office of the President.
With the issue of jurisdiction of SAC already settled, this Court finds it
unnecessary to determine whether the order to transfer ownership of subject
In Calo v. Fuertes this Court held that an administrative appeal to the
lands from private respondent to the Republic of the Philippines before the
President was the final step in the administrative process and thus a condition
DARAB had settled with finality the matter of their proper valuation qualifies
precedent to a judicial appeal. Hence, an appeal to the Office of the President
as an exception to the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies.
from the decision of the Department Secretary in an administrative case is the
Moreover, the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies is
last step that an aggrieved party should take in the administrative hierarchy, as
inapplicable when the issue is rendered moot and academic, as in the instant
it is a plain, speedy and adequate remedy available to the petitioner.
case where the DARAB dismissed the valuation proceedings before it on 29
November 1993.
Abakada Guro Party List vs. Ermita, 469 SCRA 1, G.R. No. 168056, G.R.
No. 168207, G.R. No. 168461, G.R. No. 168463, G.R. No. 168730
Regino vs. Pangasinan Colleges of Science and Technology, 443 SCRA 56,
September 1, 2005
G.R. No. 156109 November 18, 2004
Facts: In view of the Court’s Resolution dated July 12, 2005, which required
Respondents anchored their Motion to Dismiss on petitioner’s alleged failure
Former Finance Secretary Cesar V. Purisima to show cause why he should not
to exhaust administrative remedies before resorting to the RTC. According to
be held in contempt of court for conduct which puts the Court and its
them, the determination of the controversy hinge on the validity, the wisdom
Members into dis-honor, disrepute and discredit, and degrades the
and the propriety of PCST’s academic policy. Thus, the Complaint should
administration of justice. Purisima cites the July 11, 2005 edition of the
have been lodged in the CHED, the administrative body tasked under
Philippine Star and the July 10, 2005 edition of the Philippine Daily Inquirer,
Republic Act No. 7722 to implement the state policy to “protect, foster and
which reported that Purisima did not directly accuse the President of
promote the right of all citizens to affordable quality education at all levels
influencing the Court in issuing the TRO, and that he would neither confirm
and to take appropriate steps to ensure that education is accessible to all.”
nor deny the reports that the President had a hand in its issuance. The Court
Petitioner counters that the doctrine finds no relevance to the present case
finds Purisima’s explanation unsatisfactory.
since she is praying for damages, a remedy beyond the domain of the CHED
and well within the jurisdiction of the courts. Petitioner is correct. The
Issue: WON SC should hold Purisima in contempt.
doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies has no bearing on the
present case. In Factoran, Jr. v. CA, the Court had occasion to elucidate on the
Held: Yes. At the time the reports came out, Purisima did not contro-vert the
rationale behind this doctrine: “The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
truth or falsity of the statements attributed to him. It was only after the Court
remedies is basic. Courts, for reasons of law, comity, and convenience, should
issued the show-cause order that Purisima saw it fit to deny having uttered
not entertain suits unless the available administrative remedies have first been
these statements. By then, it was already impressed upon the public’s mind
resorted to and the proper authorities have been given the appropriate
that the issuance of the TRO was the product of machinations on the Court by
opportunity to act and correct their alleged errors, if any, committed in the
the executive branch.
administrative forum. x x x.” Petitioner is not asking for the reversal of the
policies of PCST. Neither is she demanding it to allow her to take her final
If it were true that Purisima felt that the media misconstrued his actions, then
examinations; she was already enrolled in another educational institution. A
he should have immediately rectified it. He should not have waited until the
reversal of the acts complained of would not adequately redress her
Court required him to explain before he denied having made such statements.
grievances; under the circumstances, the consequences of respondents’ acts
And even then, his denials were made as a result of the Court’s show-cause
could no longer be undone or rectified.
order and not by any voluntary act on his part that will show utter regret for
having been “misquoted.” Purisima should know that these press releases
Appeal to the President placed the Court into dishonor, disrespect, and public contempt, diminished
The question of whether or not a decision of the Cabinet member has public confidence, promoted distrust in the Court, and assailed the integrity of
to be appealed first to the President before it may be brought to a its Members. The Court already took a beating before Purisima made any
court of justice. disclaimer. The damage has been done, so to speak.

Valencia vs. Court of Appeals, 401 SCRA 666, G.R. No. 122363 April 29, Land Car, Inc. vs. Bachelor Express, Inc.
2003 417 SCRA 307, G.R. No. 154377 December 8, 2003
The purpose of DAR Memo. Circ. No. 3, series of 1994, is to provide a mode The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies empowers the Office of
of appeal for matters not falling within the jurisdictional ambit of the the President to review any determination or disposition of a department head.
Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB) under R.A. The doctrine allows, indeed requires, an administrative decision to first be
No. 6657 and correct technical errors of the administrative agency; On the appealed to the administrative superiors up to the highest level before it may
other hand, the purpose of SC Adm. Circ. No. 1-95, now embodied in Rule 43 be elevated to a court of justice for review, Thus, if a remedy within the
of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, is to invoke the constitutional power of administrative machinery can still be had by giving the administrative officer
judicial review over quasi-judicial agencies, such as the Department of concerned every opportunity to decide on the matter that comes within his
Agrarian Reform under R.A. No. 6657 and the Office of the President in other jurisdiction, then such remedy should be priorly exhausted before the court’s
cases providing for an appeal to the Court of Appeals. judicial power is invoked.

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

Carpio vs. Executive Secretary (Administrative Order No. 18) which shall govern as to how many motions for
206 SCRA 290, G.R. No. 96409 February 14, 1992 reconsideration of its decision/resolution/order shall be allowed. In this case, a
This presidential power of control over the executive branch of government second motion for reconsideration is allowed in exceptionally meritorious
extends over all executive officers from Cabinet Secretary to the lowliest clerk cases. More importantly, Section 9 of its rules provides only for the suppletory
and has been held by us, in the landmark case of Mondano vs. Silvosa, to application of the Rules of Court. Inasmuch as Administrative Order No. 18
mean “the power of [the President] to alter or modify or nullify or set aside provides for the rule on motions for reconsideration, Section 4, Rule 43 of the
what a subordinate officer had done in the performance of his duties and to Rules of Court should find no application.
substitute the judgment of the former with that of the latter.” It is said to be at
the very “heart of the meaning of Chief Executive.” Effect of non-compliance
It should be noted that failure to exhaust administrative remedies
Equally well accepted, as a corollary rule to the control powers of the
President, is the “Doctrine of Qualified Political Agency.” As the President does not affect the jurisdiction of the court and merely results in the
cannot be expected to exercise his control powers all at the same time and in lack of a cause of action which may be invoked in a motion to
person, he will have to delegate some of them to his Cabinet members. The dismiss.
President’s power of control is directly exercised by him over the members of
the Cabinet who in turn and by his authority, control the bureaus and other Rule 16, Section 1, Rules of Court
offices under their respective jurisdiction in the executive department. Section 1. Grounds. — Within the time for but before filing the
answer to the complaint or pleading asserting a claim, a motion to
Phillips Seafood (Philippines) Corporation vs. Board of Investments, 578 dismiss may be made on any of the following grounds:
SCRA 113, G.R. No. 175787 February 4, 2009 (a) That the court has no jurisdiction over the person of the defending
Administrative Order (A.O.) No. 18 expressly recognizes an exception to the party;
remedy of appeal to the Office of the President from the decisions of
(b) That the court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter of the
executive departments and agencies. Under Section 1 thereof, a decision or
order issued by a department or agency need not be appealed to the Office of
the President when there is a special law that provides for a different mode of (c) That venue is improperly laid;
appeal. In the instant case, the enabling law of respondent BOI, E.O. No. 226, (d) That the plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue;
explicitly allows for immediate judicial relief from the decision of respondent (e) That there is another action pending between the same parties for
BOI involving petitioner’s application for an ITH. E.O. No. 226 is a law of the same cause;
special nature and should prevail over A.O. No. 18. (f) That the cause of action is barred by a prior judgment or by the
statute of limitations;
Moran, Jr. vs. Office of the President of the Philippines (g) That the pleading asserting the claim states no cause of action;
736 SCRA 644, G.R. No. 192957 September 29, 2014 (h) That the claim or demand set forth in the plaintiff's pleading has
The procedure for appeals to the OP is governed by Administrative Order No. been paid, waived, abandoned, or otherwise extinguished;
18, Series of 1987. Section 1 thereof provides: SECTION 1. Unless otherwise
(i) That the claim on which the action is founded is enforceable under
governed by special laws, an appeal to the Office of the President shall be
the provisions of the statute of frauds; and
taken within thirty (30) days from receipt by the aggrieved party of the
decision/resolution/order complained of or appealed from… (Emphasis (j) That a condition precedent for filing the claim has not been
supplied) In Phillips Seafood (Philippines) Corporation v. The Board of complied with. (1a)
Investments, 578 SCRA 69 (2009) we interpreted the above provision and
declared that “a decision or order issued by a department or agency need not Castro vs. Gloria, supra.
be appealed to the Office of the President when there is a special law that The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies calls for resort first to
provides for a different mode of appeal.” the appropriate administrative authorities in the resolution of a controversy
falling under their jurisdiction before the same may be elevated to the courts
Amadore vs. Romulo, 466 SCRA 397, G.R. No. 161608 August 9, 2005 of justice for review. It is settled that non-observance of the doctrine results in
Administrative Order No. 18, Series of 1987, prescribes the rules and lack of a cause of action, which is one of the grounds allowed by the Rules of
regulations governing appeals to the Office of the President of the Philippines. Court for the dismissal of the complaint.
Sections 7 and 9 read as follows: SEC. 7. Decisions/resolutions/orders of the
Office of the President shall, except as otherwise provided for by special laws, Calub vs. Court of Appeals
become final after the lapse of fifteen (15) days from receipt of a copy thereof 331 SCRA 55, G.R. No. 115634 April 27, 2000
by the parties, unless a motion for reconsideration thereof is filed within such Given the circumstances in this case, we need not pursue the Office of the
period. Only one motion for reconsideration by any one party shall be allowed Solicitor General’s line for the defense of petitioners concerning exhaustion of
and entertained, save in exceptionally meritorious cases. SEC. 9. The Rules of administrative remedies. We ought only to recall that exhaustion must be
Court shall apply in a suppletory character whenever practicable. raised at the earliest time possible, even before filing the answer to the
complaint or pleading asserting a claim, by a motion to dismiss. If not invoked
It is clear from Section 7 of Administrative Order No. 18 that only one motion at the proper time, this ground for dismissal could be deemed waived and the
for reconsideration is allowed to be filed from a decision, resolution or order court could take cognizance of the case and try it.
of the Office of the President. A second motion for reconsideration is allowed
only in exceptionally meritorious cases. In the case of petitioner, he, together
Calub vs. Court of Appeals, 331 SCRA 55, G.R. No. 115634 April 27,
with a co-respondent, filed a second motion for reconsideration claiming he
will be presenting evidence that he was not able to present during the
Given the circumstances in this case, we need not pursue the Office of the
hearings, which, if admitted, will alter the decision. The Court of Appeals
Solicitor General’s line for the defense of petitioners concerning exhaustion of
relied heavily on Section 4, Rule 43 of the Rules of Court mandating that only
administrative remedies. We ought only to recall that exhaustion must be
one motion for reconsideration shall be allowed. Under Administrative Order
raised at the earliest time possible, even before filing the answer to the
No. 18, a second motion for reconsideration can be permitted in exceptionally
complaint or pleading asserting a claim, by a motion to dismiss. If not invoked
meritorious cases. It does not absolutely prohibit the filing of a second motion
at the proper time, this ground for dismissal could be deemed waived and the
for reconsideration. In the case at bar, petitioner filed a second motion for
court could take cognizance of the case and try it.
reconsideration believing that he will be exonerated if the evidence he will be
presenting will be accepted. He was of the opinion that his case is
exceptionally meritorious and is worthy of a second look via a second motion Reviewable Questions
for reconsideration. It is the rules of the Office of the President

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

Two kinds of questions are reviewable by the courts of justice, to wit, support a conclusion." (Ang Tibay v. Court of Industrial Relations, 69 Phil.
the question of facts and the question of law. There is a question of 635, 642; Police Commission v. Lood, 127 SCRA 762 [1984]). In the case at
law when the doubt or difference arises as to what the law is on a bar, the record amply shows that the Director of Mines' decision was
certain state of facts. There is question of facts when the doubt or supported by substantial evidence.
difference arises as to the truth or the falsehood of the alleged facts.
Rumbaoa and Teves. Tapispisan vs. Court of Appeals, 459 SCRA 695,
Question of fact G.R. No. 157950 June 8, 2005
When it comes to question of facts, review of the administrative The designation of respondents Rumbaoa and Teves was well within the
prerogative of the said respondents DECS officials. It behooves the Court to
decision lies in the discretion of the legislature, which may or may
refrain from unduly interfering with the exercise of such administrative
not permit it as it sees fit. Denial of this remedy does not violate due prerogative. After all, it is well settled that administrative decisions on matters
process for the right to appeal is not deemed embraced in a hearing. within the jurisdiction of administrative bodies are entitled to respect and can
only be set aside on proof of grave abuse of discretion, fraud or error of law.
Question of law None of these vices has been shown as having attended the designation of
When it comes to question of law, the administrative decision may be respondents
appealed to the courts of justice independently of legislative
permission or that the judiciary cannot be deprived of its inherent Bernardo vs. Court of Appeals, 429 SCRA 285, G.R. No. 124261 May 27,
power to review all decisions on questions of law, whether made 2004
initially by the lower court and more so by an administrative body The rule is that the findings of fact of administrative bodies, if based on
only. substantial evidence, are controlling on the reviewing authority. It is settled
that it is not for the appellate court to substitute its own judgment for that of
the administrative agency on the sufficiency of the evidence and the
Tamondong vs Court of Appeals, GR No. 158397, November 16, 2004 credibility of the witnesses. Administrative decisions on matters within their
The appeal shall be taken by filing a notice of appeal with the RTC and the jurisdiction are entitled to respect and can only be set aside on proof of grave
payment of the requisite fees therefor unless record on appeal is required in abuse of discretion, fraud or error of law. None of these vices has been shown
other cases. However, under Section 2(c) of the said rule, where only in this case. As we held in Pabuaya v. Court of Appeals: . . . Factual findings
questions of law are raised or involved, the appeal shall be taken to the of administrative agencies are generally held to be binding and final so long as
Supreme Court by petition for review on certiorari in accordance with Rule 45 they are supported by substantial evidence in the record of the case. It is not
of the Rules of Court. The nature of the issues to be raised can be gleaned the function of the Supreme Court to analyze or weigh all over again the
from the appellant's notice of appeal and his brief in the CA. If it appears from evidence and credibility of witnesses presented before the lower court,
the brief that the only issues raised are legal and not factual, the appellate tribunal or office. The Supreme Court is not a trier of facts. Its jurisdiction is
court is mandated to dismiss the appeal in accordance with Section 2, Rule 50 limited to reviewing and revising errors of law imputed to the lower court, its
of the Rules of Court. findings of fact being conclusive and not reviewable by this Court.

If the appellant desires to raise only questions of law in the appellate court, he
should file a petition for review on certiorari in the Supreme Court within the Question of Fact
period therefor, serving a copy thereof on the lower court concerned in Administrative agencies’ findings of fact on matters falling under
accordance with Section 3, Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. their jurisdiction are generally accorded respect, if not finality.

The Court has consistently ruled that a question of law exists when there is a Mac Adams Metal Engineering Workers Union-Independent vs. Mac
doubt or controversy as to what the law is on a certain state of facts. On the Adams Metal Engineering, 414 SCRA 411, G.R. No. 141615 October 24,
other hand, there is a question of fact when the doubt or difference arises as to 2003
the truth or the alleged falsehood of the alleged facts. For a question to be one The labor arbiter, the NLRC and the Court of Appeals were unanimous in
of law, it must involve no examination of the probative value of the evidence their findings that private respondents’ closure of business was bona fide and
presented by the litigants or any of them. that private respondents did not engage in the operation of run-away shops.
We have always held that we are bound, in principle, by the factual findings
Ortiz vs. San Miguel Corporation, 560 SCRA 654, G.R. Nos. 151983-84 of administrative officials, if supported by substantial evidence. Their factual
July 31, 2008 findings are entitled not only to great weight and respect but even finality,
This Court has consistently ruled that a question of law exists when there is a unless petitioners are able to show that the labor arbiter and the NLRC
doubt or controversy as to what the law is on a certain state of facts. On the arbitrarily disregarded the evidence before them or misapprehended evidence
other hand, there is a question of fact when the doubt or difference arises as to of such nature as to compel a contrary conclusion if properly appreciated. We
the alleged truth or falsehood of the alleged facts. For a question to be one of find no cogent reason to depart from the rule.
law, it must involve no examination of the probative value of the evidence
presented by the litigants or any of them. The test of whether a question is one Ledesma vs. Court of Appeals, supra.
of law or of fact is not the appellation given to such question by the party The Court has reviewed the findings of the ATO and fully concurs with its
raising the same; rather, it is whether the appellate court can determine the conclusion. In reviewing administrative decisions of the executive branch of
issue raised without reviewing or evaluating the evidence, in which case, it is the government, the findings of facts made therein are to be respected so long
a question of law; otherwise, it is a question of fact. as they are supported by substantial evidence. Hence, it is not for the
reviewing court to weigh the conflicting evidence, determine the credibility of
Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation vs. Factoran, witnesses, or otherwise substitute its judgment for that of the administrative
Jr., 154 SCRA 49, No. L-75501 September 15, 1987 agency with respect to the sufficiency of evidence. Administrative decisions in
lt is apparent that the second issue as to whether or not there was a valid matters within the executive jurisdiction can only be set aside on proof of
location and discovery of the disputed mining claims is a question of fact best gross abuse of discretion, fraud, or error of law. These principles negate the
left ft to the determination of the administrative bodies charged with the power of the reviewing court to re-examine the sufficiency of the evidence in
implementation of the law they are entrusted to enforce. As uniformly held by an administrative case as if originally instituted therein, and do not authorize
the Court, it is sufficient that administrative findings of fact are supported by the court to receive additional evidence that was not submitted to the
evidence, or negatively stated, it is sufficient that findings of fact are not administrative agency concerned.
shown to be unsupported by evidence. Substantial evidence is all that is
needed to support an administrative finding of fact, and substantial evidence is Hydro Resources Contractors Corporation vs. National Irrigation
"such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to Administration, 441 SCRA 614, G.R. No. 160215 November 10, 2004

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

In closing, we restate the rule that the courts will not interfere in matters 4. When the judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts;
which are addressed to the sound discretion of government agencies entrusted 5. When the findings of fact are conflicting;
with the regulation of activities coming under the special technical knowledge 6. When in making its findings, the CA went beyond to the
and training of such agencies.” An action by an administrative agency may be admission of both the appellant and the appellee;
set aside by the judicial department only if there is an error of law, abuse of
7. When the findings are contrary to the trial court;
power; lack of jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion clearly conflicting with
the letter and spirit of the law. In the case at bar, there is no cogent reason to
8. When the findings are conclusions without citation of
depart from the general rule because the action of the CIAC conforms rather specific evidence on which they are based;
than conflicts with the governing statutes and controlling case law on the 9. When the facts set forth in the petition as well as the
matter. petitioner’s main and reply briefs are not disputed by the
Ateneo De Manila University vs. Court of Appeals, 145 SCRA 100, No. L- 10. When the findings of fact are premised on the supposed
56180 October 16, 1986 absence of evidence and contradicted by the evidence on
By reason of their special knowledge and expertise gained from the handling record; and
of specific matters falling under their respective jurisdictions, we ordinarily 11. When the CA manifestly overlooked certain relevant facts
accord respect if not finality to factual findings of administrative tribunals. not disputed by the parties, which, if properly considered,
However, there are exceptions to this rule and judicial power asserts itself would justify a different conclusion.
whenever the factual findings are not supported by evidence; where the
findings are vitiated by fraud, imposition, or collusion; where the procedure
which led to the factual findings is irregular; when palpable errors are Acevedo vs. Advanstar Company, Inc., 474 SCRA 656, G.R. No. 157656
committed; or when a grave abuse of discretion, arbitrariness, or November 11, 2005
capriciousness is manifest. The pivotal issues in this case are factual: (a) whether the respondent ACI was
the employer of respondent Jalapadan; (b) whether the petitioner is the
employee of respondent ACI; and (c) whether the petitioner resigned from his
Soliva vs. Commission on Elections, 357 SCRA 336, G.R. No. 141723 employment. Under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, only questions of law may
April 20, 2001 be raised in and resolved by this Court. The reason for this is that the Court is
We agree with the findings of the COMELEC that there was a failure of not a trier of facts; it is not to reexamine and calibrate the evidence on record.
election in the municipality of RTR, as the counting of the votes and the Moreover, findings of facts of quasi-judicial bodies like the NLRC, and
canvassing of the election returns was clearly attended by fraud, intimidation, affirmed by the CA in due course, are conclusive on this Court, unless the
terrorism and harassment. Findings of fact of administrative bodies charged aggrieved party establishes that grave abuse of discretion amounting to excess
with a specific field of expertise are afforded great weight and respect by the or lack of jurisdiction was committed. Thus, in exceptional cases, this Court
courts, and in the absence of substantial showing that such findings are made may delve into and resolve factual issues. Indeed, the Court has reviewed the
from an erroneous estimation of the evidence presented, they are conclusive records in this case and holds that the findings of the NLRC and that of the
and should not be disturbed. The COMELEC, as the administrative agency CA on substantial matters are contrary to the evidence on record.
and specialized constitutional body charged with the enforcement and
administration of all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an
election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and recall, has more than enough Malabaguio vs. Commission on Elections, 346 SCRA 699, G.R. No.
expertise in its field that its findings and conclusions are generally respected 142507 December 1, 2000
and even given finality. It is conceded that by reason of the special knowledge and expertise of an
administrative agency like the COMELEC over matters falling under their
jurisdiction, they are in a better position to pass judgment thereon. Thus, their
Philippine Ports Authority vs. Pier 8 Arrastre & Stevedoring Services, findings of fact in that regard are generally accorded great respect, if not
Inc., 475 SCRA 426, G.R. No. 147861, G.R. No. 155252 November 18, finality by the courts. It bears emphasis, however, that even decisions of
2005 administrative agencies which are declared “final” by law are not exempt from
More importantly, even if PASSI had been able to establish a basis upon judicial review when so warranted. Factual findings of administrative agencies
which a preliminary injunction could be issued under Rule 58 of the Revised are not infallible and will be set aside when they fail the test of arbitrariness,
Rules on Civil Procedure, the application of P.D. No. 1818 would override the or upon proof of gross abuse of discretion, fraud or error of law.
right to an injunctive remedy. P.D. No. 1818 deprives the courts of
jurisdiction to issue any preliminary injunction or temporary retraining order
on essential government projects, including arrastre and stevedoring Questions of law
operations. Unfortunately, the Court of Appeals paid no heed to established Administrative bodies may be allowed to resolve questions of law in
jurisprudence that there are only two exceptional circumstances which warrant the exercise of their quasi-judicial function as an incident of their
the non-observance of P.D. No. 1818, namely: (1) where there is clear grave primary power of regulation. However, their determination on this
abuse of discretion on the part of the government authority or private person matter is only tentative at best and, whenever necessary, may be
being enjoined, and (2) where the effect of the non-issuance of an injunction reviewed and reversed by the courts in proper cases. Decisions of
or a restraining order would be to “stave off implementation of a government
legal questions is an essentially judicial power that may not be
withheld or withdrawn from the courts by legislation as the power is
Obviously, the subject situation does not present itself as an instance where inherent in the judiciary.
the non-issuance of an injunctive writ would itself inhibit the implementation
of a government project. In fact, the non-issuance of an injunctive writ would Bukidnon Doctors’ Hospital, Inc. vs. Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co., 463
allow PPA to run Pier 8 in the manner it deems fit instead of having a court- SCRA 222, G.R. No. 161882 July 8, 2005
imposed extension of “holdover” operations by PASSI. Neither can the petitioner be deemed to have waived its right to file this
petition. Realizing that the remaining issue was a pure question of law, it
Eleven (11) exceptions to the rule that the findings of fact of withdrew its Notice of Appeal stating that it was appealing the 28 January
2002 Order on both questions of law and fact. Section 9 of Rule 41 of the
Administrative Agencies do not bind the courts
Rules of Court provides that prior to the transmittal of the original record, the
1. When the findings are grounded entirely on speculation, court may allow withdrawal of the appeal. Nothing in the Rules prevents a
surmises or conjectures; party from filing a petition under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court after
2. When the interference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd seasonably withdrawing the Notice of Appeal as long as it is done within the
or impossible; reglementary period and the issue involved is purely one of law. In this case it
3. When there is grave abuse of discretion; was before the lapse of the reglementary period to appeal that the petitioner

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

withdrew its Notice of Appeal to the Court of Appeals and filed with us a
motion for extension of time to file a petition under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Court. And the petition was filed within the extended period we granted,
raising only one question of law.

Nor is there a violation of the doctrine of hierarchy of courts. Section 2(c),

Rule 41 of the Rules of Court categorically provides that in all cases where
only questions of law are raised, the appeal from a decision or order of the
Regional Trial Court shall be to the Supreme Court by petition for review on
certiorari in accordance with Rule 45.

Bagatsing vs. Committee on Privatization, 246 SCRA 334, G.R. No.

115994 July 14, 1995
The COA itself, the agency that adopted the rules on bidding procedure to be
followed by government offices and corporations, had upheld the validity and
legality of the questioned bidding. The interpretation of an agency of its own
rules should be given more weight than the interpretation by that agency of the
law it is merely tasked to administer.

The Rules and Regulations issued by the COP to implement R.A. No. 7181 set
aside 10% of the shares subject of the privatization to be offered first to the
small local investors, and made clear that as far as said 10% block is
concerned, the small investors shall have the first crack to buy the same.
These Rules have been consistently applied in previous privatizations, and
they constitute a contemporaneous construction and interpretation of a law by
the implementing, administrative agency. Such construction is accorded great
respect by the Court (Nestlé Philippines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 203 SCRA
504 [1991]).

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:34

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