Admincases Week6

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• CTA rendered a decision declaring the compromise

Philippine National Oil Company v. CA agreement between BIR, PNOC and PNB to be without force and
GR No. 109976/112800, 26 April 2005 effect, and directed the BIR to enforce the tax assessment it issued
against PNB.
LEGAL DOCTRINE: • On appeal, the CA affirmed the decision of the CTA. Hence,
this petition.
• The discretionary power of the BIR Commissioner to enter
into compromises cannot be superior over the power of judicial ISSUE:
review by the courts, his authority to compromise granted to the BIR
Commissioner is never meant to be absolute, uncontrolled and Whether the Court of Tax Appeals had jurisdiction to question the
unrestrained. compromise agreement entered into by the Commissioner of
International Revenue. YES, the CTA had jurisdiction to question the
FACTS: compromise agreement.

• In a sworn statement by private respondent Tirso RATIO

Savellano to the BIR, Savellano informed BIR that PNB had failed to
withhold the 15% final tax on interest earnings and/or yields from • It is generally true that purely administrative and
the money placements of PNOC with the said bank in violation of PD discretionary functions may not be interfered with by the courts; but
1931, which withdrew all tax exemptions of GOCCs. when the exercise of such functions by the administrative officer is
• Thereafter, BIR requested to PNOC to settle its liability for tainted by a failure to abide by the command of the law, then it is
taxes on the interests earned by its money placements with PNB and incumbent on the courts to set matters right, with this Court having
which PNB did not withhold. the last say on the matter. The manner by which BIR Commissioner
• PNOC wrote to the BIR and made an offer to compromise Tan exercised his discretionary power to enter into a compromise
its tax liability. It proposed to set-off its tax liability against a claim was brought under the scrutiny of the CTA amidst allegations of
for tax refund/credit of NAPOCOR, then pending with the BIR. The “grave abuse of discretion and/or whimsical exercise of jurisdiction.”
amount of the claim for tax refund/credit was supposedly a The discretionary power of the BIR Commissioner to enter into
receivable amount of PNOC from NAPOCOR. compromises cannot be superior over the power of judicial review
• Soonafter, BIR sent a demand letter to PNB, as withholding by the courts. The discretionary authority to compromise granted to
agent, for the payment of the final tax on the interest earnings the BIR Commissioner is never meant to be absolute, uncontrolled
and/or yields from PNOC’s money placements with the bank, PNOC and unrestrained. No such unlimited power may be validly granted
was informed of said demand letter to PNB. to any officer of the government, except perhaps in cases of national
• Hence, in another letter, PNOC reiterated its proposal to emergency.
settle its tax liability through the set-off earlier suggested, to which • In this case, the BIR Commissioner’s authority to
the BIR replied that the proposal for set off was premature since compromise, whether under E.O. No. 44 or Section 246 of the NIRC
NAPOCOR’s claim was still under process. of 1977, as amended, can only be exercised under certain
• PNOC made another offer to the BIR to compromise its tax circumstances specifically identified in said statutes. The BIR
liability by paying 30% of the basic tax due in accordance with E0 44. Commissioner would have to exercise his discretion within the
BIR accepted the compromise. parameters set by the law, and in case he abuses his discretion, the
• Privant respondent Savellano received an informer’s CTA may correct such abuse if the matter is appealed to them.
reward from the BIR in installments. Thereafter, Savellano
demanded the payment of the remaining balance of his reward, but • Although the general rule is that compromises are to be
the BIR contended that it already fully paid the informer’s reward, favored, and that compromises entered into in good faith cannot be
which is equivalent to 15% of the amount of tax actually collected by set aside, this rule is not without qualification. A court may still
the BIR pursuant to the compromise agreement with PNOC. reject a compromise or settlement when it is repugnant to law,
• Savellano submitted another letter to the BIR questioning morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. The
the legality of the compromise agreement it entered into with compromise agreement between the BIR and PNOC was contrary to
PNOC, and claimed that the tax liability should have been collected law having been entered into by BIR Commissioner Tan in excess or
in full. When this was denied by the BIR, he filed a motion for in abuse of the authority granted to him by legislation. E.O. No. 44
reconsideration. and the NIRC of 1977, as amended, had identified the situations
• Thereafter, while his MR was pending, Savellano filed a wherein the BIR Commissioner may compromise tax liabilities, and
petition for review with the CTA alleging that BIR Commissioner Tan none of these situations existed in this case.
acted “with grave abuse of discretion and/or whimsical exercise of
jurisdiction” in entering into a compromise agreement that resulted • In the case at bar, the compromise was contrary to public
in “a gross and unconscionable diminution” of his reward. policy. The primary duty of the BIR is to collect taxes since taxes are
• Years after, the new BIR commissioner demanded that the lifeblood of the Government and their prompt and certain
PNB pay the deficiency withholding tax on PNOC’s money availability are imperious needs. In the present case, however, BIR
placements. With this, Savellano filed a motion to withdraw his Commissioner Tan, by entering into the compromise agreement that
motion for suspension of the proceeding since the BIR already was bereft of any legal basis, would have caused the Government to
resolved his MR. lose almost P300 million in tax revenues and would have deprived
the Government of much needed monetary resources. Allegations of
good faith and previous execution of the terms of the compromise other officers of the casino and players until the next day. The
agreement on the part of PNOC would not be enough for this Court incident prompted PAGCOR to mobilize its Corporate Investigation
to disregard the demands of law and public policy. Compromise may Unit (CIU) to investigate the matter since the action of Syhongpan
be the favored method to settle disputes, but when it involves taxes, was prohibited. Generally, PAGCOR employees are prohibited from
it may be subject to closer scrutiny by the courts. A compromise playing in the casino. On special occasions, however, officers may be
agreement involving taxes would affect not just the taxpayer and the authorized by the Chairman of the Board of Directors to play,
BIR, but also the whole nation, the ultimate beneficiary of the tax provided that they play only at the small tables, limit their bets to
revenues collected. P5,000 per deal, and cease playing by 6:00 a.m. of the following day.

After investigations and deliberations, Syhongpan was charged guilty

of grave misconduct and dishonesty. The same became a basis for
Douglas Cagas VS COMELEC his dismissal by the PAGCOR. Syhongpan appealed to the Civil
G.R. No. 194139 Service Commission which affirmed the dismissal.
January 24, 2012
On appeal before the Court of Appeals, it held that Syhongpan could
Facts: The petitioner and respondent Claude P. Bautista were not be found guilty of grave misconduct and dishonesty for the
candidate for Governor of the Province of Davao del Sur in the May offense charged does not have direct relation to, or is not connected
10, 2010 automated national and local elections. On may 14, 2010, with the performance of his official duties. It noted that the incident
canvassing of votes were cast in favor of the petitioner. did not occur in Syhongpan’s office in Davao, but in Manila. A
Motion for Reconsideration was denied. Hence, this petition.
Alleging anomalies in the conduct of the election, Bautista filed an
electoral protest on May 24, 2010. In his answer the petitioner ISSUE:
averred as his special affirmative defenses that Bautista did not
make the requisite cash deposit on time; and that Bautista did not Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in dismissing the case on
render a detailed specification of the acts or omissions complained the ground that the offense charge does not have a direct relation
of. The COMELEC First Division issued the first order denying the and connection to the performance of official duties
special affirmative defenses of the petitioner. The petitioner moved
to reconsider on the ground that the order did not discuss whether HELD:
the protest specified the alleged irregularities. Bautista countered
that the assailed orders, being merely interlocutory, could not be Dishonesty, to warrant dismissal, need not be committed in the
elevated to the COMELEC en banc. the COMELEC First Division performance of duty of the employee charged. In Remolona v. Civil
issued its second order, denying the petitioner’s motion for Service Commission, the therein petitioner, a Postmaster at the
reconsideration for failing to show that the first order was contrary Postal Office Service in Infanta, Quezon, was dismissed by the CSC
to law. Hence, petitioner commenced the present special civil action. for dishonesty – acquiring fake eligibility for his wife who was an
elementary school teacher. Posed as main issue was whether a civil
service employee can be dismissed from the government service for
Issue: whether or not Supreme Court can take cognizance of the an offense which is not work-related or which is not connected with
petition for certiorari. the performance of his official duty. The Court upholds the legality of
the dismissal. Under Section 23, Rule XIV of the Rules Implementing
Held: No. Though Section 7, Article IX of the 1987 Constitution Book V of Executive Order No. 292, the rule is that dishonesty, in
grants SC the power to review any decision, order or ruling of order to warrant dismissal, need not be committed in the course of
COMELEC, this however is limited only to a final decision or the performance of duty by the person charged. The rationale for
resolution of the COMELEC en banc, and does not extend to an the rule is that if a government officer or employee is dishonest or is
interlocutory order issued by a Division of the COMELEC. Otherwise guilty of oppression or grave misconduct, even if said defects of
stated, the Court has no power to review on certiorari an character are not connected with his office, they affect his right to
interlocutory order or even a final resolution issued by a Division of continue in office.
Syhongpan did indeed commit serious violations of casino rules and
PHILIPPINE AMUSEMENT AND GAMING CORPORATION v. RICHARD regulations and his duties as Branch Manager of Casino Filipino-
SYHONGPAN Davao. By his own admission, he formed a ―corporation‖ composed
of persons who agreed to pool together their resources and play at
500 SCRA 198 (2006) the gaming tables and share in the profits or losses, thereby
advancing his personal interest over that of the corporation which
A government officer or employee may be dismissed for dishonesty he was duty bound to protect, being a high officer of the
even if the latter was not committed in the performance of duty. corporation. Such admission, together with his other admissions
detailed above which are against his interest, clearly merit his
Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation’s (PAGCOR) Casino dismissal.
Filipino-Heritage, Manila opened its expanded VIP Gaming Area.
Richard Syhongpan, the Branch Manager of Casino Filipino-Davao, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court of Tax Appeals and
attended the event during which he played in the casino area with Petron Corporation, G.R. No. 207843, July 15, 2015
component is subject to excise tax as contemplated under Section
DOCTRINE: The CTA has no jurisdiction to determine the validity of a 148 (e) of the NIRC. CIR filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds of
ruling issued by the CIR or the COC in the exercise of their quasi- lack of jurisdiction and prematurity. CTA gave due course to Petron's
legislative powers to interpret tax laws. The phrase "other matters petition, finding that: (a) the controversy was not essentially for the
arising under this Code," as stated in the second paragraph of determination of the constitutionality, legality or validity of a law,
Section 4 of the NIRC, should be understood as pertaining to those rule or regulation but a question on the propriety or soundness of
matters directly related to the preceding phrase "disputed the CIR's interpretation of Section 148 (e) of the NIRC which falls
assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or other within the exclusive jurisdiction of the CTA under Section 4 thereof,
charges, penalties imposed in relation thereto". It cannot extend to particularly under the phrase "other matters arising under [the
evaluating the soundness of the interpretation of tax laws by the NIRC]";17 and (b) there are attending circumstances that exempt the
CIR. case from the rule on non-exhaustion of administrative remedies,
such as the great irreparable damage that may be suffered by Petron
FACTS: (Short Version) Petron imports alkylate as a raw material for from the CIR's final assessment of excise tax on its importation. CIR
the manufacture of motor gasoline. It claims that its importation of sought immediate recourse to the Court, through the instant
akylate is exempt from excise tax. A Customs Memorandum Circular petition, alleging that the CTA committed grave abuse of discretion
(CMC) was issued stating that Alkylate is subject to excise tax under when it assumed authority to take cognizance of the case despite its
Section 148( e) of the NIRC. CIR then issued assessment to Petron for lack of jurisdiction to do so
deficiency tax. Petron filed before the CTA a petition for review
raising the issue of whether its importation of alkylate is subject to ISSUE/S: WON CTA had jurisdiction - NO
excise tax as contemplated under Section 148 (e) of the NIRC. CIR
filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction and HELD: NO. The case does not fall within the jurisdiction of the CTA
prematurity. CTA ruled in favor of Petron, stating that (a) the because the phrase "other matters arising under this Code," as
controversy was not essentially for the determination of the stated in the second paragraph of Section 4 of the NIRC, should be
constitutionality, legality or validity of a law, rule or regulation but a understood as pertaining to those matters directly related to the
question on the propriety or soundness of the CIR's interpretation of preceding phrase "disputed assessments, refunds of internal
Section 148 (e) of the NIRC which falls within the exclusive revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties imposed in relation
jurisdiction of the CTA under Section 4 thereof, particularly under thereto". It cannot extend to evaluating the soundness of the
the phrase "other matters arising under [the NIRC]";17 and (b) there interpretation of tax laws by the CIR. Moreover, Section 4 of the
are attending circumstances that exempt the case from the rule on NIRC confers upon the CIR both: (a) the power to interpret tax laws
non-exhaustion of administrative remedies, such as the great in the exercise of her quasi-legislative function; and (b) the power to
irreparable damage that may be suffered by Petron from the CIR's decide tax cases in the exercise of her quasi-judicial function. It also
final assessment of excise tax on its importation. CIR is now alleging delineates the jurisdictional authority to review the validity of the
that the CTA committed grave abuse of discretion because it does CIR's exercise of the said powers, thus: SEC. 4. Power of the
not have jurisdiction to take cognizance of the case. (Long Version) Commissioner to Interpret Tax Laws and to Decide Tax Cases. - The
Petron, which is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of power to interpret the provisions of this Code and other tax laws
petroleum products, imports alkylate as a raw material or blending shall be under the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the
component for the manufacture of ethanol-blended motor Commissioner, subject to review by the Secretary of Finance. The
gasoline.For the period January 2009 to August 2011, as well as for power to decide disputed assessments, refunds of internal revenue
the month of April 2012, Petron transacted an aggregate of 22 taxes, fees or other charges, penalties imposed in relation thereto,
separate importations for which petitioner the Commissioner of or other matters arising under this Code or other laws or portions
Internal Revenue (CIR) issued Authorities to Release Imported Goods thereof administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue is vested in
(ATRIGs), categorically stating that Petron's importation of alkylate is the Commissioner, subject to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of
exempt from the payment of the excise tax. In June 2012, Petron the Court of Tax Appeals. The CTA is a court of special jurisdiction,
imported 12,802,660 liters of alkylate and paid value-added tax with power to review by appeal decisions involving tax disputes
(VAT) in the total amount of 41,657,533.00 as evidenced by Import rendered by either the CIR or the COC. Conversely, [the CTA] has no
Entry and Internal Revenue Declaration (IEIRD) No. SN 122406532. jurisdiction to determine the validity of a ruling issued by the CIR or
Based on the Final Computation, said importation was subjected by the COC in the exercise of their quasilegislative powers to interpret
the Collector of Customs of Port Limay, Bataan, upon instructions of tax laws. In this case, Petron's tax liability was premised on the COC's
the Commissioner of Customs (COC), to excise taxes of P4.35 per issuance of CMC No. 164-2012, which gave effect to the CIR's June
liter, or in the aggregate amount of P55,691,571.00, and 29, 2012 Letter interpreting Section 148 (e) of the NIRC as to include
consequently, to an additional VAT of 12% on the imposed excise tax alkylate among the articles subject to customs duties, hence,
in the amount of P6,682,989.00. The imposition of the excise tax was Petron's petition before the CTA ultimately challenging the legality
supposedly premised on Customs Memorandum Circular (CMC) No. and constitutionality of the CIR's aforesaid interpretation of a tax
164-2012 dated July 18, 2012, implementing the Letter dated June provision. In line with the foregoing discussion, however, the CIR
29, 2012 issued by the CIR, which states that: [A]lkylate which is a correctly argues that the CTA had no jurisdiction to take cognizance
product of distillation similar to that of naphta, is subject to excise of the petition as its resolution would necessarily involve a
tax under Section 148( e) of the National Internal Revenue Code declaration of the validity or constitutionality of the CIR's
(NIRC) of 1997. In view of the CIR's assessment, Petron filed before interpretation of Section 148 (e) of the NIRC, which is subject to the
the CTA a petition for review, docketed as CTA Case No. 8544, exclusive review by the Secretary of Finance and ultimately by the
raising the issue of whether its importation of alkylate as a blending regular courts. Hence, as the CIR's interpretation of a tax provision
involves an exercise of her quasi-legislative functions, the proper affidavit for lack of probable cause. The Resolution was approved by
recourse against the subject tax ruling expressed in CMC No. 164- the Assistant Chief State Prosecutors. On automatic review, the
2012 is a review by the Secretary of Finance and ultimately the Resolution was affirmed by then Secretary of Justice Raul M.
regular courts. There being no protest ruling by the customs Gonzales.
collector that was appealed to the COC, the filing of the petition Dissatisfied, the BOC filed a motion for reconsideration which was
before the CTA was premature as there was nothing yet to review. denied by the the Acting Secretary of Justice Agnes VST Devanadera.
Verily, the fact that there is no decision by the COC to appeal from The BOC filed a petition for certiorari with the CA. The CA dismissed
highlights Petron's failure to exhaust administrative remedies the petition as well as the motion for reconsideration for the non-
prescribed by law. Before a party is allowed to seek the intervention submission of the certification against forum shopping.
of the courts, it is a pre-condition that he avail of all administrative
processes afforded him, such that if a remedy within the ISSUE:
administrative machinery can be resorted to by giving the
administrative officer every opportunity to decide on a matter that Whether or not the CTA has the jurisdiction over the petition for
comes within his jurisdiction, then such remedy must be exhausted certiorari assailing the DOJ resolution in a preliminary investigation
first before the court's power of judicial review can be sought, involving tax and tariff offenses.
otherwise, the premature resort to the court is fatal to one's cause
of action. DISPOSITIVE: WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
Resolutions dated February 13, 2013 and May 8, 2013 of the Court RULING:
of Tax Appeals (CTA), Second Division in CTA Case No. 8544 are
hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The petition for review filed by Yes, the CTA has jurisdiction over petition for certiorari of
private respondent Petron Corporation before the CTA is DISMISSED DOJ resolutions. HOWEVER, by reason of justice, the mistake in the
for lack of jurisdiction and prematurity. filing in the CA may be excused.

Bureau of Customs vs. Devanadera Under R.A. No. 9282, amending R.A. No. 1125, it expanded the
G.R. No. 193253 | September 8, 2015 jurisdiction of the CTA, enlarging its membership and elevating its
J. Peralta rank to the level of a collegiate court with special jurisdiction. It is no
longer clear which between the CA and the CTA has jurisdiction to
TOPIC: Appellate Jurisdiction of the CTA review through a petition for certiorari the DOJ resolution in
preliminary investigations involving tax and tariff offenses. In City of
FACTS: Manila v. Hon. Grecia-Cuerdo, the Court ruled that the CTA has
jurisdiction over a special civil action for certiorari via express
BOC Commissioner Morales issued Audit Notification Letter constitutional mandate and for being inherent in the exercise of its
informing the President of OILINK that the BOC will be conducting a appellate jurisdiction, it can also be reasonably concluded based on
compliance audit, including the examination, inspection, verification the same premise that the CTA has original jurisdiction over a
and/or investigation of all pertinent records of OILINK's import petition for certiorari assailing the DOJ resolution in a preliminary
transactions for the past three (3)-year period counted from the said investigation involving tax and tariff offenses. Furthermore, Section
date. OILINK failed to submit the remaining pertinent documents. 6, Rule 135 of the present Rules of Court provides that when by law,
Upon recommendation, Commissioner Morales approved the filing jurisdiction is conferred on a court or judicial officer, all auxiliary
of an administrative case against OILINK for failure to comply with writs, processes and other means necessary to carry it into effect
the requirements of Customs Administrative Order. The Legal may be employed by such court or officer.
Service of the BOC rendered a Decision finding that OILINK violated
Section IV.A.2 (c) and (e) of CAO 4-2004 when it refused to furnish As the CA dismissed the petition for certiorari solely due to a
the Audit Team copies of the required documents, despite repeated procedural defect (non-submission of the certification against forum
demands. Consequently, OILINK failed to settle the administrative shopping) without resolving the issue of whether or not the Acting
fine; hence, a Hold Order was issued by the District Collector against Secretary of Justice gravely abused her discretion in affirming the
all shipments of OILINK for failure to settle its outstanding account dismissal of the BOC's complaint-affidavit for lack of probable cause,
with the BOC and to protect the interest of the government. the Court ought to reinstate the petition and refer it to the CTA for
proper disposition. For one, as a highly specialized court specifically
UNIOIL, on the other hand, requested the District Collector to allow created for the purpose of reviewing tax and customs cases, the CTA
it to withdraw the base oils from OILINK's temporarily closed is dedicated exclusively to the study and consideration of revenue-
Terminal, citing the Terminalling Agreement with OILINK. related problems, and has necessarily developed an expertise on the
Commissioner Morales granted the request of UNIOIL. subject.For another, the referral of the petition to the CTA is in line
with the policy of hierarchy of courts in order to prevent inordinate
In a complaint-affidavit, Atty. Balmyrson M. Valdez, a member of the demands upon the Court's time and attention which are better
petitioner BOC's Anti-Oil Smuggling Coordinating Committee that devoted to those matters within its exclusive jurisdiction, and to
investigated the illegal withdrawal by UNIOIL of oil products prevent further overcrowding of its docket.
consigned to OILINK accused the private respondents of violation of
Sections 3601 and 3602, in relation to Sections 2503 and 2530, Be that as it may, the Court stressed in The Diocese of Bacolod v.
paragraphs f and l (3), (4) and (5), of the TCCP.|| The State Commission on Elections that the doctrine of hierarchy of courts is
Prosecutor of the DOJ recommended the dismissal of the complaint- not an iron-clad rule, and that it has full discretionary power to
take cognizance and assume jurisdiction over special civil actions respondent Standard Chartered Bank Employees Union (SCBEU), w...
for certiorari filed directly with it for exceptionally compelling hich provided, among others, for medical benefits.
reasons or if warranted by the nature of the issues clearly and
specifically raised in the petition. One of the recognized exceptions Article XI, Section 1... of the CBA, petitioner committed to "continue
to the said is when the petition includes questions that are dictated to cover all its employees with a group hospitalization and major
by public welfare and the advancement of public policy, or surgical insurance plan including maternity benefits."[7]... fter the
demanded by the broader interest of justice, or the orders signing of the CBA, petitioner changed its insurance provider from
complained of were found to be patent nullities, or the appeal was Philamlife to Maxicare, a Health Maintenance Organization, to
considered as clearly an inappropriate remedy. Since the present allegedly provide its employees with improved medical bene... o
case includes questions that are dictated by public welfare and the Maxicare, a Health Maintenance Organization, to allegedly provide
advancement of public policy, or demanded by the broader interest its employees with improved medical benefits under the... he CBA.
of justice, as well as to avoid multiplicity of suits and further delay in
its disposition, the Court shall directly resolve the petition for Subsequently, respondent charged petitioner with unfair labor
certiorari, instead of referring it to the CTA. practice before the DOLE for alleged gross violation of the economic
provisions of the CBA and diminution or removal of benefit... s.
Pilipinas Total Gas, Inc. vs Commissioner of Internal Revenue. G.R.
No. 207112. December 8, 2015. Respondent contested, among others, the exclusion of the
FACTS: outpatient medicine... reimbursements of the employees and the
maternity benefits granted to the spouses of the male employees of
Total Gas filed its Amended Quarterly VAT Returns. Total claims that petitioner in the new insurance policy provided by Maxicare.
they incurred unused input VAT credits.
dule L Respondent also cited Schedule
On May 15, 2008, Total filed an administrative claim for the refund.
On August 28, 2008, Total submitted to the BIR additional CBA and affidavits of employees to prove that the spouses of the
documents. On January 23, 2009, Total elevated the case to the CTA. male employees of petitioner were entitled to maternity benefits.

The CTA dismissed the case citing that the case was prematurely ule L of the CBA
filed as the neccesary documents were incomplete; that the 120 day
period allowed to the CIR to decide on the claim under Section 112 Petitioner, in turn, argued that there was no diminution of benefits
of the NRC has not started to run. as the insurance policy issued by Maxicare contained similar benefits
to those contained in the pre... vious Philamlife policy.
With the CTA en banc, the case was again dismissed reiterating the
decision of the Division. The en banc also stated that the reckoning In a Decision dated May 31, 2001, the DOLE gave credit to the claims
point of the 120 day period was on May 2008 thus the petition filed of respondent. It ruled that the "outpatient benefit [had] been a
on January 2009 was considered belatedly filed. regular feature of the [petitioner's] medical coverage and as a
regular feature, c... annot be withdrawn unilaterally."[9
ISSUE: Whether the claim has prescribed.
The DOLE also held that the spouses of the male employees of
RULING: petitioner were entitled to maternity benefits as a matter of
NO. practice.

The SC held that Total timely filed its judicial claim on January 2009. Petitioner elevated this case before the appellate court through a
special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.
The NIRC provides that the CIR has 120 days from the date of The said court dismissed the petition and affirmed the assailed
submission of complete documents to decide on the claim for tax Orders dated March 11, 2002 and April 29, 2002 of the DOLE and
credits. Upon inaction of the BIR after 120 days, the taxpayer may, held... that the basis for the grant of the subject maternity benefits
within 30 days, appeal on the CTA. was Schedule L of the CBA of the parties. The appellate court
likewise denied petitioner's motion for reconsideration thereto for
The BIR did not give notice to Total with regard to the documents lack of merit.
submitted on August 2008. Thus the counting of the 120 day period
should start from August 2008 or when Total made its submission of petitioner claims that the spouses of its male employees are not
complete documents to support its application. The BIR had until entitled to maternity benefits as these are exclusively intended for
December 2008 to decide. Because of the BIR's inaction, Total had its female employees. It is petitioner's view tha
until January 25, 2009 to file their judicial claim.
L of the CBA obligates... the CA erred in finding that Schedule L of
STANDARD CHARTERED BANK v. STANDARD CHARTERED BANK the CBA obligates it to pay... maternity benefits to spouses of its
EMPLOYEES UNION, GR No. 165550, 2008-10-08 male employees, despite ruling that there is no company practice
granting maternity benefits to such persons.
Facts: On August 25, 1998, petitioner Standard Chartered Bank
entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement[6] (CBA) with
Petitioner points out Section 1 of Article XI of the CBA and claims dissembling tactic. It is undeniable from the full text of petitioner's
that this provision shows that the maternity benefits provided in explanation of maternity benefits that the dependent of an insured
Schedule L extend only to its employees, thus, the spouses of its employee... can claim maternity benefits subject only to the
male employees are not entitled to these benefits. Petitioner asserts condition that she has been continuously insured for a period of nine
that the CBA would have stated expressly that spouses of male months. This booklet appears to be a publication solely of petitioner
employees are entitled to the said benefit had this been the and it is clear evidence that petitioner itself interprets Philamlife
intention of the parties, similar to the provision granting of advances Group Policy No.
and medicine allowances to the employees and their dependents.
Moreover, the CA allegedly... erred in applying Article 4 of the Labor P-1620 as authorizing the grant of maternity benefits to dependents
Code in interpreting Schedule L of the CBA instead of Articles 1370- of its employees. Having knowingly and voluntarily incorporated by
1379 of the Civil Code. refer... ence the provisions of its Philamlife group hospitalization
insurance plan in the CBA (as can be seen in Article XI, Section 1
Petitioner adds that its previous medical insurance policy which was thereof in... relation to Schedule L), petitioner cannot now assert
provided by Philamlife granted insurance benefits only to its that it never intended to extend maternity benefits to the spouses of
"regular, full-time employees" and that there is nothing in the said its male employees under the CBA.
policy granting maternity benefits to the spouses of its male
employees. Hence,... petitioner asserts that the CA, having correctly Insofar as the outpatient benefit is concerned, it must be stressed
ruled that petitioner had no company practice of extending such that this Office directed the Bank to continue with the outpatient
benefits to the spouses of its male employees, should not have benefit under the old insurance plan and to carry it over to the new
granted such benefits on the basis of Schedule L of the CBA. health care plan. This means that the components of the old
health... insurance scheme on this particular benefit should be the
Anent the second issue, petitioner claims that the appellate court same component under the new health plan. In the Decision dated
erred in ruling that its employees are entitled to "outpatient 31 May 2001, this Office made particular mention of the claims for
medicine reimbursements" distinct and separate from the "medicine reimbursement appearing as Annex "O" of the Union's Position
allowances" granted in the CBA. This would allegedly result in the Paper as basis for its... directive to the Bank to continue with the
unjust... enrichment of the employees at the expense of petitioner. outpatient benefits. These claims refer not only to x-ray services but
also to reimbursement of prescription drugs. The existence of these
In its Reply, petitioner claims that "when the facts are undisputed, benefits were further buttressed in the Union's "Reply to SCB's
then the question of whether or not the conclusion drawn Motion for
therefrom by the Court of Appeals is correct is a question of law."
[12] The issues before this Court are thus questions of... law because Reconsideration" (dated 11 July 2001) where the Union submitted
petitioner seeks the review of the "evidence on record and the copies of claims for doctor's fees, prescription drugs and laboratory
conclusion drawn by the app... ellate court." fees processed, approved and paid. These should provide ample
guidance to the parties in the grant of outpatient benefits, which...
Issues: includes medicine reimbursements as earlier practised [sic].
Whether or not, on the basis of evidence on record, the appellate
court is correct in ruling that spouses of male employees are entitled We see no reversible error in the CA's adoption of said findings of
to maternity benefits despite its own finding that there was no the DOLE. It is elementary that factual findings of labor officials, who
established company practice of granting maternity benefits to are deemed to have acquired expertise in matters within their
male... employees' spouses; and jurisdiction, are accorded not only respect but finality.[23] In a
recent case, it was similarly held that where the factual findings of
Whether or not, on the basis of the evidence on record, the the labor tribunals or agencies conform to, and are affirmed by, the
appellate court is correct in ruling that there is an established CA, the same are accorded respect and finality, and are binding upon
company practice of g... ranting outpatient medicine this Court.[24]
reimbursements to petitioner's employees.
With respect to the procedural issue, we agree with respondent that
The Court finds that the element of consistency in the alleged the issues raised by the bank are essentially questions of fact that
practice of giving maternity benefits to spouses of petitioner's male cannot be the subject of this petition for review on certiorari.
employees is lacking in this case. Section 1 of Rule 45 of the Rules of Court provides that only...
questions of law may be raised on appeal by certiorari. Well-settled
Nonetheless, the Court still sustains the grant of maternity benefits in our jurisprudence is the principle that this Court is not a trier of
to spouses of male employees on the basis of Schedule L of the facts and that it is neither the function of this Court to analyze or
1998-2000 CBA, explicitly providing the coverage of the "Group weigh the evidence of the parties all over again.[14] The ruling in
Hospitalization Benefits" (which include maternity benefit), to Microsoft Corporation v. Maxicorp, Inc.[15] elucidates the...
include married... staff and spouses and eligible children. istinction of a question of law and a question of fact as f... follows:

In its pleadings, petitioner conveniently omits the second sentence

of the foregoing quote but this Court is not misled by such
A question of law exists when the doubt or difference centers on which increases the appellate jurisdiction of this Court. No
what the law is on a certain state of facts. A question of fact exists if countervailing argument has been cogently presented to justify such
the doubt centers on the truth or falsity of the alleged fac... facts. disregard of the constitutional prohibition which, as correctly
explained in First Lepanto Ceramics, Inc. vs. The Court of Appeals, et
There is a question of law if the issue raised is capable of being al. was intended to give this Court a measure of control over cases
resolved without need of reviewing the probative value of the placed under its appellate jurisdiction. Otherwise, the indiscriminate
evidence. The resolution of the issue must rest solely on what the enactment of legislation enlarging its appellate jurisdiction would
law provides on the given set of circumstances. Once it is clear that unnecessarily burden the Court.
the issue... i... nvites a review of the evidence presented,... f f... ct.
As a consequence of our ratiocination that Section 27 of Republic
Fabian v. Desierto, G.R. No. 129742, 16 September 1998 Act No. 6770 should be struck down as unconstitutional, and in line
with the regulatory philosophy adopted in appeals from quasi-
FACTS: Petitioner Teresita G. Fabian was the major stockholder and judicial agencies in the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure,
president of PROMAT Construction Development Corporation appeals from decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman in
(PROMAT) which participated in the bidding for government administrative disciplinary cases should be taken to the Court of
construction projects including those under the First Manila Appeals under the provisions of Rule 43.
Engineering District (FMED), and private respondent Nestor V.
Agustin, incumbent District Engineer, reportedly taking advantage of
his official position, inveigled petitioner into an amorous CONCHITA CARPIO MORALES v. CA, GR Nos. 217126-27, 2015-11-10
relationship. After misunderstandings and unpleasant incidents,
Fabian eventually filed the aforementioned administrative case Facts:
against Agustin in a letter-complaint. The Graft Investigator of the On July 22, 2014, a complaint/affidavit[10] was filed by Atty. Renato
Ombudsman issued a resolution finding private respondent guilty of L. Bondal and Nicolas "Ching" Enciso VI before the Office of the
grave misconduct and ordering his dismissal from the service with Ombudsman against Binay, Jr. and other public officers and
forfeiture of all benefits under the law. On a motion for employees of the City Government of Makati (Binay, Jr., et... al),
reconsideration, Agustin was exonerated of the administrative accusing them of Plunder[11] and violation of Republic Act No. (RA)
charges. 3019,[12] otherwise known as "The Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
Act," in connection with the five (5) phases of the procurement and
In the present appeal, petitioner argues that Section 27 of Republic construction of the
Act No. 6770 (Ombudsman Act of 1989) pertinently provides that —
Makati City Hall Parking Building (Makati Parking Building).[13]
In all administrative disciplinary cases, orders, directives or decisions
of the Office of the Ombudsman may be appealed to the Supreme On even date,[58] Binay, Jr. filed a petition for certiorari[59] before
Court by filing a petition for certiorari within ten (10) days from the CA, docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 139453, seeking the nullification
receipt of the written notice of the order, directive or decision or of the preventive suspension order, and praying for the issuance of a
denial of the motion for reconsideration in accordance with Rule 45 TRO and/or
of the Rules of Court (Emphasis supplied)
WPI to enjoin its implementation.
ISSUE#1: Can the Court resolve the constitutionality of Section 27 of
Republic Act No. 6770 not raised in the trial? a) Phases I and

HELD#1: YES. II were undertaken before he was elected Mayor of Makati in 2010

Constitutional questions, not raised in the regular and orderly Phases III to V transpired during his first term and that his re-election
procedure in the trial are ordinarily rejected unless the jurisdiction as City Mayor of Makati for a second term effectively condoned his
of the court below or that of the appellate court is involved in which administrative liability therefor, if any, thus... rendering the
case it may be raised at any time or on the court’s own motion. The administrative cases against him moot and academic.
Court ex mero motu may take cognizance of lack of jurisdiction at
any point in the case where that fact is developed. The court has a Prior to the hearing of the oral arguments before the CA, or on
clearly recognized right to determine its own jurisdiction in any March 25, 2015, the Ombudsman filed the present petition before
proceeding. this Court, assailing the CA's March 16, 2015 Resolution, which
granted Binay, Jr.'s prayer for TRO
ISSUE#2: Is Section 27 of Republic Act No. 6770 unconstitutional?
The Ombudsman claims that: (a) the CA had no jurisdiction to grant
HELD#2: YES. Binay, Jr.'s prayer for a TRO, citing Section 14 of RA 6770,[82] or
"The Ombudsman Act of 1989," which states that no injunctive writ
Section 27 of Republic Act No. 6770 cannot validly authorize an could be issued to delay the Ombudsman's investigation unless
appeal to this Court from decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman there is prima facie evidence that the subject matter thereof is
in administrative disciplinary cases. It consequently violates the outside the latter's jurisdiction... and
proscription in Section 30, Article VI of the Constitution against a law
(b) the CA's directive for the Ombudsman to comment on Binay, Jr.'s The Ombudsman's argument against the CA's lack of subject matter
petition for contempt is illegal and improper, considering that the jurisdiction over the main petition, and her corollary prayer for its
Ombudsman is an impeachable officer, and therefore, cannot be dismissal, is based on her interpretation of Section 14, RA 6770, or
subjected to contempt proceedings. the Ombudsman Act

Binay, Jr. argues that Section 1, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution The first paragraph of Section 14, RA 6770 is a prohibition against
specifically grants the CA judicial power to review acts of any branch any court (except the Supreme Court[119]) from issuing a writ of
or instrumentality of government, including the Office of the injunction to delay an investigation being conducted by the Office of
the Ombudsman.
Ombudsman, in case of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
or excess of jurisdiction, which he asserts was committed in this case As a general rule, the second paragraph of Section 14, RA 6770 bans
when said office issued the preventive suspension order against him. the whole range of remedies against issuances of the Ombudsman

Binay, Jr. maintains that... the CA correctly enjoined the The subject provision, however, crafts an exception to the foregoing
implementation of the preventive suspension order given his clear general rule. While the specific procedural vehicle is not explicit
and unmistakable right to public office, and that it is clear that he from its text, it is fairly deducible that the second paragraph of
could not be held administratively liable for any of the charges Section 14, RA 6770 excepts, as the only allowable remedy... against
against him since his subsequent re-election in "the decision or findings of the Ombudsman," a Rule 45 appeal, for
the reason that it is the only remedy taken to the Supreme Court on
2013 operated as a condonation of any administrative offenses he "pure questions of law," whether under the 1964 Rules of Court or
may have committed during his previous term. the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure:

Binay, Jr. submits that while the Ombudsman is indeed an... Section 5, Article XI of the 1987 Constitution guarantees the
impeachable officer and, hence, cannot be removed from office independence of the Office of the Ombudsman
except by way of impeachment, an action for contempt imposes the
penalty of fine and imprisonment, without necessarily resulting in As may be deduced from the various discourses in Gonzales III, the
removal from office. Thus, the fact that the Ombudsman is an concept of Ombudsman's independence covers three (3) things:
impeachable officer... should not deprive the CA of its inherent
power to punish contempt. First: creation by the Constitution, which means that the office
cannot be abolished, nor its constitutionally specified functions and
the CA issued a Resolution... which further enjoined the privileges, be removed, altered, or modified by law, unless the
implementation of the preventive... suspension order. Constitution itself allows, or an amendment thereto is made;

In so ruling, the CA found that Binay, Jr. has an ostensible right to Second: fiscal autonomy, which means that the office "may not be
the final relief prayed for, namely, the nullification of the preventive obstructed from [its] freedom to use or dispose of [its] funds for
suspension order, in view of the condonation doctrine, citing purposes germane to [its] functions;[168] hence, its budget cannot
Aguinaldo v. Santos. be... strategically decreased by officials of the political branches of
government so as to impair said functions; and
the Ombudsman has been adamant that the CA has no jurisdiction
to issue any provisional injunctive writ against her office to enjoin its Third: insulation from executive supervision and control, which
preventive suspension orders. As basis, she invokes the first means that those within the ranks of the office can only be
paragraph of Section 14, RA 6770... in conjunction with her office's disciplined by an internal authority.
independence under the 1987 Constitution. She advances the idea
that "[i]n order to further ensure [her office's] independence, [RA Evidently, all three aspects of independence intend to protect the
6770] likewise insulated it from judicial intervention,"[157] Office of the Ombudsman from political harassment and pressure, so
particularly, "from injunctive... reliefs traditionally obtainable from as to free it from the "insidious tentacles of politics."[169]
the courts,"[158] claiming that said writs may work "just as
effectively as direct harassment or political pressure would." That being the case, the concept of Ombudsman independence
cannot be invoked as basis to insulate the Ombudsman from judicial
Issues: power constitutionally vested unto the courts. Courts are apolitical
Whether or not the CA has subject matter jurisdiction to issue a TRO bodies, which are ordained to act as impartial tribunals and apply
and/or WPI enjoining the implementation of a preventive even justice to... all. Hence, the Ombudsman's notion that it can be
suspension order issued by the Ombudsman; exempt from an incident of judicial power - that is, a provisional writ
of injunction against a preventive suspension order - clearly strays
Whether or not the CA gravely abused its discretion in issuing the from the concept's rationale of insulating the office from political
TRO and eventually, the WPI in CA-G.R. SP No. 139453 enjoining the harassment or... pressure.
implementation of the preventive suspension order against Binay, Jr.
based on the condonation doctrine The Ombudsman's erroneous abstraction of her office's
independence notwithstanding, it remains that the first paragraph of
Ruling: Section 14, RA 6770 textually prohibits courts from extending
provisional injunctive relief to delay any investigation conducted by
her office. Despite the... usage of the general phrase "[n]o writ of In this case, the Court agrees with the Ombudsman that since the
injunction shall be issued by any court," the Ombudsman herself time Pascual was decided, the legal landscape has radically shifted.
concedes that the prohibition does not cover the Supreme Court. Again, Pascual was a 1959 case decided under the 1935 Constitution,
which dated provisions do not reflect the experience of the
Hence, with Congress interfering with matters of procedure (through
passing the first paragraph of Section 14, RA 6770) without the Filipino People under the 1973 and 1987 Constitutions. Therefore,
Court's consent thereto, it remains that the CA had the authority to the plain difference in setting, including, of course, the sheer impact
issue the questioned injunctive writs enjoining the implementation of the condonation doctrine on public accountability, calls for
of the... preventive suspension order against Binay, Jr. At the risk of Pascual's judicious re-examination.
belaboring the point, these issuances were merely ancillary to the
exercise of the CA's certiorari jurisdiction conferred to it under What remains apparent from the text of these cases is that the basis
Section 9 (1), Chapter I of BP 129, as amended, and which it had for condonation, as jurisprudential doctrine, was - and still remains -
already... acquired over the main CA-G.R. SP No. 139453 case. the... above-cited postulates of Pascual, which was lifted from
rulings of US courts where condonation was amply supported by
The condonation doctrine - which connotes this same sense of their own state laws. With respect to its applicability to
complete extinguishment of liability as will be herein elaborated administrative cases, the core premise of condonation - that is, an
upon - is not based on statutory law. It is a jurisprudential creation elective official's... re-election cuts qff the right to remove him for an
that originated from the 1959 case of Pascual v. Hon. administrative offense committed during a prior term - was adopted
hook, line, and sinker in our jurisprudence largely because the
Provincial Board ofNueva Ecija,[247] (Pascual), which was therefore legality of that doctrine was never tested against existing legal
decided under the 1935 Constitution. norms. As in the US, the... propriety of condonation is - as it should
be -dependent on the legal foundation of the adjudicating
As there was no legal precedent on the issue at that time, the Court, jurisdiction. Hence, the Court undertakes an examination of our
in Pascual, resorted to American authorities and "found that cases current laws in order to determine if there is legal basis for the
on the matter are conflicting due in part, probably, to differences in continued application of the doctrine of... condonation.
statutes and constitutional provisions, and also,... in part, to a
divergence of views with respect to the question of whether the The foundation of our entire legal system is the Constitution. It is the
subsequent election or appointment condones the prior misconduct supreme law of the land;[284] thus, the unbending rule is that every
statute should be read in light of the Constitution.[285] Likewise, the
The conclusion is at once problematic since this Court has now Constitution is a... framework of a workable government; hence, its
uncovered that there is really no established weight of authority in interpretation must take into account the complexities, realities, and
the United States (US) favoring the doctrine of condonation, which, politics attendant to the operation of the political branches of
in the words of Pascual, theorizes that an official's re-election denies government.
the... right to remove him from office due to a misconduct during a
prior term. In fact, as pointed out during the oral arguments of this As earlier intimated, Pascual was a decision promulgated in 1959.
case, at least seventeen (17) states in the US have abandoned the Therefore, it was decided within the context of the 1935
condonation doctrine.[250] The Ombudsman aptly cites several... Constitution which was silent with respect to public accountability,
rulings of various US State courts, as well as literature published on or of the nature of public office being a public trust. The provision in
the matter, to demonstrate the fact that the doctrine is not the
uniformly applied across all state jurisdictions
1935 Constitution that comes closest in dealing with public office is
At any rate, these US cases are only of persuasive value in the Section 2, Article II which states that "[t]he defense of the State is a
process of this Court's decision-making. "[They] are not relied upon prime duty of government, and in the fulfillment of this duty all
as precedents, but as guides of interpretation."[267] Therefore, the citizens may be required by law to render personal military or civil...
ultimate analysis is on whether or not the condonation... doctrine, as service."[287] Perhaps owing to the 1935 Constitution's silence on
espoused in Pascual, and carried over in numerous cases after, can public accountability, and considering the dearth of jurisprudential
be held up against prevailing legal norms. Note that the doctrine of rulings on the matter, as well as the variance in the policy
stare decisis does not preclude this Court from revisiting existing considerations, there was no glaring objection confronting... the
doctrine. As adjudged in the case of Pascual Court in adopting the condonation doctrine that originated
from select US cases existing at that time.
Belgica, the stare decisis rule should not operate when there are
powerful countervailing considerations against its application.[268] After the turbulent decades of Martial Law rule, the Filipino People
In other words, stare decisis becomes an intractable rule only when have framed and adopted the 1987 Constitution, which sets forth in
circumstances exist to preclude reversal... of standing precedent. the Declaration of Principles and State Policies in Article II that "[t]he
[269] As the Ombudsman correctly points out, jurisprudence, after State shall maintain honesty and integrity in the public service... and
all, is not a rigid, atemporal abstraction; it is an organic creature that take positive and effective measures against graft and
develops and devolves along with the society within which it thrives. corruption."[288] Learning how unbridled power could corrupt
[270] In the words of a recent US Supreme Court Decision, "[w]hat public servants under the regime of a dictator, the Framers put
we can decide, we can undecide."[271] primacy on the integrity of the public service by declaring it as a...
constitutional principle and a State policy. More significantly, the powers upon which... the entire fabric of our constitutional system is
1987 Constitution strengthened and solidified what has been first based";[164] and
proclaimed in the 1973 Constitution by commanding public officers
to be accountable to the people at all times: (3) "[T]he constitutional deliberations explain the Constitutional
Commissions' need for independence. In the deliberations of the
To begin with, the concept of public office is a public trust and the 1973 Constitution, the delegates amended the 1935 Constitution by
corollary requirement of accountability to the people at all times, as providing for a constitutionally-created Civil Service Commission,...
mandated under the 1987 Constitution, is plainly inconsistent with instead of one created by law, on the premise that the effectivity of
the idea that an elective local official's... administrative liability for a this body is dependent on its freedom from the tentacles of politics.
misconduct committed during a prior term can be wiped off by the In a similar manner, the deliberations of the 1987 Constitution on
fact that he was elected to a second term of office, or even another the Commission on Audit highlighted the developments in the past
elective post. Election is not a mode of condoning an administrative
offense, and there is simply no... constitutional or statutory basis in Constitutions geared towards insulating the Commission on Audit
our jurisdiction to support the notion that an official elected for a from political pressure."[165]
different term is fully absolved of any administrative liability arising
from an offense done during a prior term. In this jurisdiction, liability At bottom, the decisive ruling in Gonzales III, however, was that the
arising from... administrative offenses may be condoned bv the independence of the Office of the Ombudsman, as well as that of the
President in light of Section 19, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution foregoing independent bodies, meant freedom from control or
which was interpreted in Llamas v. Orbos[293] to apply to supervision of the Executive Department
administrative offenses:

That being said, this Court simply finds no legal authority to sustain
the condonation doctrine in this jurisdiction. As can be seen from
this discourse, it was a doctrine adopted from one class of US rulings
way back in 1959 and thus, out of touch from - and now rendered...
obsolete by - the current legal regime. In consequence, it is high
time for this Court to abandon the condonation doctrine that
originated from Pascual, and affirmed in the cases following the
same, such as Aguinaldo, Salalima, Mayor Garcia, and Governor
Garcia,... Jr. which were all relied upon by the CA.

It should, however, be clarified that this Court's abandonment of the

condonation doctrine should be prospective in application for the
reason that judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the
Constitution, until reversed, shall form part of the legal... system of
the Philippines


Gonzales III is the first case which grappled with the meaning of the
Ombudsman's independence vis-a-vis the independence of the other
constitutional bodies. Pertinently, the Court observed:

(1) "[T]he independence enjoyed by the Office of the Ombudsman

and by the Constitutional Commissions shares certain characteristics
- they do not owe their existence to any act of Congress, but are
created by the Constitution itself; additionally, they all... enjoy fiscal
autonomy. In general terms, the framers of the Constitution
intended that these 'independent' bodies be insulated from political
pressure to the extent that the absence of 'independence' would
result in the impairment of their core... functions"[163];

(2) "[T]he Judiciary, the Constitutional Commissions, and the

Ombudsman must have the independence and flexibility needed in
the discharge of their constitutional duties. The imposition of
restrictions and constraints on the manner the independent
constitutional... offices allocate and utilize the funds appropriated
for their operations is anathema to fiscal autonomy and violative not
only [of] the express mandate of the Constitution, but especially as
regards the Supreme Court, of the independence and separation of

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