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Vol. 29, No. 7d Two Wall Street, New York, New York 10005 • april 8, 2011

All together now

In days gone by, recalled James when we did the last iteration of this,” The Fed, of course, isn’t the world’s
Bianco, eponymous chief of Bianco he said. “The S&P 500 is up 20%-plus only money-spinning central bank. In
Research, stocks seemed to know and the Russell 2000, which is about response to last month’s earthquake,
their own minds. Some went up, oth- small-cap stocks, is up 30%-plus.” the Bank of Japan—inventor of the
ers down. Now they move together in From which it follows that correla- millennial art of quantitative easing—
packs, like teenagers. It’s “risk on” or tions between individual stocks and proceeded to outdo itself. “They did
“risk off.” the indices in which they are grouped more to inject funds into the system
“And the reason they go up together are near the highest levels since 1926, than they did throughout the entire
and down together,” Bianco explained and nearly back to the peaks of 2008- quantitative easing exercise in the
to the Grant’s audience, “is they share 09. “This is a year and a half after the 1990s,” said Bianco. “They have now
a common fundamental.” Manipula- crisis has ended,” Bianco pointed out. taken up their balance sheet almost
tive monetary policy is that shared “Now we all know that, in a crisis, cor- 250% in two weeks. Boy, does Ber-
driver. relations go to one, but we didn’t know nanke look like an amateur when he
People used to wonder if govern- that in a recovery from a crisis, they go looks at what the Bank of Japan has
ment operatives were somehow lifting to one as well.” been doing.”
the stock market. No need to wonder The relationship between stocks As for what follows QE2, our speak-
anymore. “The day after QE2 was ap- and bonds, too, has the fingerprints of er proposed that it’s already begun.
proved in November, [Ben Bernanke] the government all over it. Between “I’d argue to you that QE3 already
wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post 1963 and 1997, falling yields were started with Japan two weeks ago if
and I’ll read the highlight,” Bianco said: bullish for equities, rising ones bear- you want to be pragmatic about it,”
“‘Lower corporate bond rates will en- ish, our speaker proceeded. However, Bianco wound up. “We will play this
courage investment. And higher stock since around the time of the Long- game until it ends with the fear of in-
prices’—again, that emphasis on pric- Term Capital Management crisis, it’s flation. When inflation gets so high,
es—‘will boost consumer wealth and been the other way around. then it becomes a big problem for the
help increase confidence, which can Naturally, Bianco continued, the Fed because all the stimulus they put
also spur spending. Increased spending central bank makes its mark on com- into the market is going to take years
will lead to higher incomes and profits modity prices—though not, uniformly, to get out. When the market starts to
that, in a virtuous circle, will further on all of them. Tallow is among the worry about inflation, it is going to
support economic expansion.’” humble items that trade without ap- want it out by Friday. It is not going
Looking into the CNBC cameras parent regard for quantitative easing. to wait until 2014 when a lot of it is
late in January, the chairman empha- Maybe things would be different, Bi- removed. And it can’t come out by Fri-
sized the point: “The policies [QE2] anco reflected, if there were a tallow day, and that is going to be a problem
have contributed to a strong stock futures contract (“whatever tallow is,” for the markets.”
market just as they did in March 2009, he muttered under his breath). •

One-time reprint permission granted to: Bianco Research, LLC

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