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3-Ingredient Homemade Nutella

Prep time Cook time Total time

15 mins 15 mins 30 mins

Author: Fablunch
Serves: 1 jar


Nutella With Maple Syrup

1 cup hazelnuts
1½ tbsp cacao/cocoa powder
¼ cup maple syrup (agave or coconut nectar also work)
water (I usually use about ¼ cup)
Nutella With Dates
1 cup hazelnuts
1½ tbsp cacao/cocoa powder
12 dates
water (I usually use ⅔-1cup)
Nutella With Coconut Sugar
1 cup hazelnuts
1½ tbsp cacao/cocoa powder
¼ cup + 2 tbsp of coconut sugar
½ tsp vanilla (optional)
pinch of salt (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 360F/180C.

2. Place hazelnuts in a baking dish in single layer and roast for 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes.
3. Remove hazelnuts from the oven and let cool for 10-15 minutes.
4. Place hazelnuts in food processor and blend for 10 minutes until they turn into hazelnut butter. I
usually stop my food processor every minute or so to give it a break and scrape the sides.
5. *IF USING DATES* Soak dates in hot water for 5-15 minutes depending on how soft they are.
6. Add cacao powder and the sweetener (maple syrup/soaked dates/coconut sugar) to the food processor.
Blend for about a minute.
7. While the food processor is still running, gradually add water to reach the desire consistency. Blend for
2 minutes or so until the mixture is smooth.
8. *IMPORTANT* The amount of water you need will depend on what sweetener you're using. I usually
add ¼ cup of water when I make Nutella with maple syrup, ⅔-1 cup if I'm using dates, and NO WATER
if I'm using coconut sugar.
Recipe by Fablunch at 2019-12-31, 11:32 PM

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