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SONORUS is a European Training Network

inside the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

funded by the European Commission. The goal
of those training networks is to bring together
universities, research centres and companies
from different countries to train a new gen-
eration of researchers with a profile beyond
existing professions.
SONORUS’ overall objective was and is to
offer young researchers in the early-stage of
their career the opportunity to develop their


knowledge and skills in the area of urban sound
planning. The complexity to handle the sound
environment in our cities demands a trans-
disciplinary approach to master the planning
process of an urban sound environment. A key
issue for such holistic urban planning is the
successful communication between all people
involved in the process together with the inclu-
sion of tools and methods for communication.
To achieve this, the tools and methods that are
needed go beyond today’s state of the art.
SONORUS is the beginning of a process
towards urban sound planning. Now, when
reaching the end of the four-year project, the
task of this booklet is to state where we are in
this process and to summarize our views and
experiences, but also our research in the field
of urban sound planning.

ISBN 9789163918599
90000 >
9 789163 918599 - the SONORUS project
- the SONORUS project

SONORUS is a European Training Net- sound environment with all its related
work inside the Marie Skłodowska- aspects such as city and traffic planning,
Curie Actions funded by the European architectural aspects, noise control and
Commission. The goal of those training soundscaping, as well as political pro-
networks is to bring together universities, cesses.
research centres and companies from Second, a key issue for such holistic
different countries to train a new genera- urban planning is the successful commu-
tion of researchers with a profile beyond nication between all people involved in
existing professions. the process together with the inclusion
SONORUS’ overall objective was of tools and methods for communica-
and is to offer young researchers in the tion. To achieve this, the tools and meth-
early-stage of their career the opportun- ods that are needed go beyond today’s
ity to develop their knowledge and skills state of the art.
in the area of urban sound planning. The Third, one rarely finds acoustic ex-
idea of SONORUS stems from several perts mastering the whole spectrum of
observations. knowledge. The demanded tools inside
First, the complexity to handle the the field of acoustics needed for such a
sound environment in our cities de- task include applying state-of-art sound
mands a trans-disciplinary approach to prediction tools for shielded and quiet
master the planning process of an urban areas, being able to work with the con-

2 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

cepts of soundscaping including aspects rather a status report than a final toolbox
of behaviour science and psychology, for urban sound planning.
having deep inside knowledge on noise The booklet has been written by the
control measures such as the application young researchers participating in the
of quiet road surfaces or traffic manage- training network. All authors contributed
ment and being able to develop a hol- equally to their corresponging chapters
istic low noise pollution strategy for an and they are listed alphabetically. We are
entire city or a large urban area. very grateful for all the effort they spent
It is obvious that SONORUS can only in order to summarize their experience,
be the beginning of a process towards knowledge and insight into urban sound
urban sound planning. Now, when reach- planning.
ing the end of the four-year project, the Thanks to all supervisors and col-
task of this booklet is to state where we leagues from the cities who supported
are in this process and to summarize the training programme as well as the
our views and experiences, but also writing of the booklet. Finally, we would
our research in the field of urban sound like to thank Alexandra Bäckström who
planning. This means that this booklet is added the wonderful illustrations.

Wolfgang Kropp, Jens Forssén and Laura Estévez Mauriz.

Members of the SONORUS consortium: Members of the Educational Program:
Senior Researchers: Francesco Aletta
Wolfgang Kropp, coordinator - Chalmers University of Sonia Alves
Technology, Sweden Gemma Echevarría Sánchez
Jens Forssén , coordinator - Chalmers University of Laura Estévez Mauriz
Technology, Sweden Karlo Filipan
Beate Altreuther - Müller BBM, Germany Ignacio García Merino
Dick Botteldooren - Gent University, Belgium Fotis Georgiou
Salvatore Curcuruto - ISPRA, Italy Like Jiang
Kurt Heutschi - EMPA, Switzerland Mercury Kounturas
Maarten Hornikx - Eindhoven University of Technology, Efstathios Margaritis
the Netherlands Raúl Pagán Muñoz
Nicole van Hout - Eindhoven University of Technology, Virginia Puyana Romero
the Netherlands Frederik Rietdijk
Jian Kang - Sheffield University, UK Georgios Zachos
Krister Larsson - SP, Sweden
Luigi Maffei - Second University of Naples, Italy City representatives:
Timothy van Renterghem - Gent University , Belgium Rebecca Beeckman (Antwerp)
Joachim Scheuren - Müller BBM, Germany Matthew Easteal & Simon Banister (Brighton & Hove)
Rosalba Silvaggio - ISPRA Martin Knape, Henrik Nystedt & Maria Holmes
Guido Carati (Rome)

4 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Controlling the sound environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Controlling the sound environment at microscale level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Controlling the sound environment at mesoscale level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Controlling the sound environment at macroscale level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Prediction and auralisation of urban sound environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Prediction methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Auralisation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Urban soundscape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
What is (urban) soundscape?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Design process in urban soundscape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Analysis of the implemented urban soundscape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Presenting information about urban soundscape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Applied urban sound planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Applying urban sound planning: our study fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Urban soundplanning workshop - a tool to improve interactive and
participative processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Implementing a holistic approach in urban sound planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Reflection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
The needs for urban sound planning in the
context of accelerating urbanization
We are living in a time of rapidly This risk is drastically increased due to
increasing urbanization and urban the often-observed fragmentation of
urban planning processes. The fragment-
development. To supply sufficient ation also precludes the possibility to
housing and infrastructure are utilize potential synergy effects provided
key issues on the agenda of any by a holistic planning approach.
bigger city in Europe and around The sound environment in our cities
is one of those qualities that typically
the world. Having focus on what appear on the agenda only very late and
appears to be most urgent, there is only when discovering that a project
a risk that we loose sight of other might not meet relevant regulations with
qualities also being relevant for a respect to noise. In these cases regula-
tions are experienced as hinders e.g. for
sustainable development of our an economically efficient urban develop-
cities. ment. This view reveals the lack of aware-
ness about the tremendous importance

6 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

that an adequate sound environment has urban planning process is a tremendous
for the functioning of urban spaces. challenge. A natural solution would be
We as acousticians might partly be that architects include the sound envir-
responsible for this situation. Over many onment into their design processes as
years we have been arguing that the self-evidently as they do with the visual
sound environment strongly influences aspects. At the same time the process
health and well-being. We have focused has to aim on the inclusion of urban
the discussion towards the negative sound planning in the planning process
impact of noise on society both with re- of cities at the earliest stage.
spect to health risks and their economic For this to happen, it is also neces-
consequences. Although the problem sary that we acousticians understand and
of health risks and their economic con- learn the process of urban sound plan-
sequences has been strongly confirmed ning in all its complexity. The task of
during the recent years, the focus on urban sound planning requires a com-
these problems is rather diminishing prehensive view on the future develop-
the role of the sound environment in ment of cities, including the development
the context of urban planning instead of of their transport and industrial infra-
strengthening it. structure. To cope with the complexity of
The importance of the sound en- this task, the consequent application of
vironment stems from the fact that the a transdisciplinary approach is needed:
auditory perception of an urban setting urban and traffic planning, architectural
is on par with its visual perception, a cir- aspects, acoustics, noise control, and
cumstance that also demands coherence soundscaping, as well as political and
between auditory and visual design. Res- administrative processes and economic
idential areas, parks or meeting places aspects, must be considered from the
are incomplete in their design when very beginning of the planning process.
the sound environment is not coherent In order to integrate urban sound
with the intentional use of the spaces. planning in the overall planning process,
Non-adequate sound environments will it is essential that tools are developed for
reduce the functionality of such places or controlling, communicating and design-
even destroy their usability completely. ing the sound environment on a level
To create the necessary awareness beyond todays engineering solutions.
about the importance of the sound en- The booklet comprises a description
vironment among all involved in the of such tools as they haven been de-

Introduction 7
veloped in SONORUS. In Section 2 the macroscale, related to urban planning;
control of the sound environment is re- on the mesoscale, related to urban
lated to e.g. decisions on traffic planning design; and on the microscale.
and urban form. Methods for predicting Although the process of urban
and auralising the sound environment, sound planning has been initiated and
as essential tools for communicating first attempts have been made toward
the acoustic consequences of different using such a process, it is essential to
planning scenarios, are presented in recognize that the work documented
Section 3. Section 4 focuses on the use in this booklet is just the beginning of a
of the soundscape approach as a tool to development.
design the perceived acoustic environ- The on-going urbanization de-
ment (i.e. the sonic environment) from an mands a different way of planning,
end-user perspective. Although tools are where a holistic view is essential to
important, the most important advance- create attractive cities. A positive sound
ment is the implementation of urban environment is an essential part of the
sound planning in real life cases. Section perception of cities. Only an attractive
5 presents four test sites where the idea urban environment will be successful on
of urban sound planning is converted to an economic level, by being able to de-
realistic scenarios for the cities of velop, attract and to keep competence,
Antwerp, Brighton, Rome and Gothen- enterprises and financial resources, as
burg. The discussions in the following well as creating means and capabilities
text is adapted to the general view on for further development of future social,
planning by discussing urban sound cultural, environmental and economic
planning on three different scales: on the sustainability.

8 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

the sound
Authors: Gemma Echevarría Sánchez, Laura Estévez Mauriz, Efstathios Margaritis,

The process of Urban Sound Plan- use of greenery in the context of noise
ning requires the possibility to control engineering.
However, when it comes to Urban
control the sound environment. Sound Planning, the needs are beyond
Traditionally we talk about noise just controlling the noise. Tools are called
control in this context, and during for that allow for shaping and exchang-
the past a multitude of noise mit- ing dominating sounds in an area. In ad-
dition, approaches are demanded which
igation measures have been de- can be applied on all three scales:
veloped and practical applications On the macroscale, where an acous-
explored. tic master plan may define the needs and
also the ambition of a city with respect
This includes tools such as noise barriers, to the sound environment, tools and
low-noise road surfaces or the use of approaches are required for controlling
green roofs and facades. Here, the out- the overall sound environment. There is
comes of the EC project HOSANNA may also still a need to develop a theoretical
be a useful source of inspiration for the framework supporting the planning on

this scale. noise control engineering work. How-
On the mesoscale, where urban ever, in an urban sound planning pro-
areas are considered, transport manage- cess, measures are motivated by thor-
ment and traffic design are important ough pre-considerations, e.g. of the
tools for controlling the sound environ- architectural design.
ment. In the following, approaches de-
On the microscale, local modifica- veloped within SONORUS are presented
tions are made to adjust the sound en- which have the goal to control the sound
vironment to the needs in a very limited environment on all these three scales.
area. This is most similar to traditional

Controlling the
sound environment
at microscale level
CONTROLLING THE SOUND unaware of the acoustical consequences
ENVIRONMENT BY LOCAL that the presence of the different urban
elements can have on the exposure of
these people as well as on those living in
In the urban context, motorized traffic
the flanking dwellings. The facade shape,
and pedestrians or cyclists are often
the width of the street, and urban fur-
found in the same street canyon. Urban
niture are natural elements in the urban
designers and architects are frequently

10 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 1 - Reduction of noise level at pedestrians by a low inclined barrier

environment that can transform the 20 m wide canyon and 8-floor buildings
propagation of sound. Add-on small (See Case F1.1 in Figure 2a), organized in
barriers, absorptive layers, and shaped street cases (S) and facade cases (F). The
balconies can alleviate exposure. (See source is two-lane urban traffic at speed
example in Figure 1). 50 km/h. The results from this study,
To quantify the potential benefit of given below sorted by efficiency, should
each of these effects, a range of over 60 be taken as an instructive guideline to
cases were calculated using a numer- understand the effect of different urban
ical method that can account for small geometries on noise. The optimal design
geometrical details and all propagation to achieve the greatest noise reduction
effects they cause: A 2-D Finite Difference for any other urban situation would need
Time Domain method. All cases analysed new calculations. The conclusions from
are variations of a typical geometry of a these calculations are summarized below.

Facade cases:


F1.1 F1.2 F1.3 F1.4 F1.5 F1.6 F1.7

Controlling the sound environment 11


F2.1 F2.2 F2.3 F2.4


F3.1 F3.2 F3.3 F3.4 F3.5


F4.1 F4.2 F4.3 F4.4 F4.5

Figure 2 - Studied cases: General Building Shapes (a),
Setback in lower storeys (b), Balcony geometry (c),
Triangular prominences on facade (d), Shielded inclined
windows (e), Low barrier shape (f), Absorption on a
vertical low barrier (g), Absorption on an inclined low
F5.1 F5.2 barrier (h), Depressed road (i), Two level street ( j).

12 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Street cases:


S1.1 S1.2 S1.3 S1.4


S2.1 S2.2 S2.3 S2.4 S2.5


S3.1 S3.2 S3.3 S3.4


S4.1 S4.2 S4.3 S4.4 S4.5


S5.1 S5.2 S5.3 S5.4 S5.5

Controlling the sound environment 13

• General building shape has a limited add absorption to the ceiling of the
influence on sound levels near pedes- setback to farther reduce noise levels
trians and on the facades. for pedestrians.
• Upwardly inclined facades (F1.3) are
most efficient for pedestrians, inde- • The addition of balconies has an im-
pendent of facade material. portant effect on the facade, reducing
• Concave facades (F1.7) are also bene- at least 5 dBA on each floor except
ficial for pedestrians. on the ground floor.
• Downwardly inclined facades (F1.2) • The presence of balconies does not
should be avoided unless they are have an important effect for pedes-
absorptive as they increase levels with trians.
up to 6 dBA for pedestrians. • Changing the balcony shape can re-
• Full building facades in glass can in- duce levels on the facade by 6 dBA if
crease exposure by 6 dBA for pedes- balconies are more or less continuous
trians compared to facades in brick. along the length of the street.
• The position of pedestrian area varies • Inclination of balcony ceiling (F3.3) is
with the facade geometry. It is advis- beneficial as they reflect sound dir-
able to locate the walkways as far as ectly towards the canyon opening.
possible from the source. • The balcony with absorption on the
ceiling (F3.4) also results in important
• Setback in lower storeys may reduce reductions for facade.
noise by up to 4 dBA for pedestrians • The most efficient case would be a
and on the facade in lower storeys combination of inclined balconies
• There is not much reduction on the with absorption on the ceiling only in
facade in upper storeys. the lower storeys (F3.5) which would
• The last case (F2.4) with a setback of additionally reduce noise for pedes-
5 m depth and 2 floors height is the trians.
most efficient within the sequence.
• The noise reduction is proportional • The triangular prominences have an
to the setback dimensions: increas- important noise reduction on facade
ing setback depth reduces noise for • No positive effect is found for pedes-
pedestrians and increasing setback trians.
height reduces noise on the facade. • Different triangular shapes give 6 dBA
• Additionally, it is recommended to variation

14 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

• Noise decreases with larger triangles • Different absorption gives reduction
• Up vertex case (F4.5) is the most ad- of pedestrian exposure within 4 dBA
vantageous as it shields the windows range
which are the weakest element on the • The most efficient face to place the
facade. absorption is the source side (S2.3)
• Down-vertex (F4.4) is the least avant- (additionally 2 dBA)
ageous as it reflects sound directly • The least efficient face is the receiver
towards the window. side S2.2
• The addition of absorption on the top
• Increasing inclination of window of the barrier (in S2.2 or S2.4) reduces
achieves important noise reduction additionally 1 dBA for pedestrians,
on the windows. despite the small surface.
• However, it has a small noise incre- • The maximum reduction achieved
ment on the first floor and for pedes- compared to the non-barrier case
trians. is of nearly 9 dBA with all surfaces
• The case with a larger window iclin- absorbent (S2.5)
ation (F5.2) is the most advantageous
for the facade. However, the addition of absorption
on an inclined low barrier has different
• Small barriers have little effect on effects than on a vertical one:
the exposure of facades flanking the • Different absorption treatment for an
street except for the lowest floors, yet inclined low barrier varies by 2 dBA.
they can reduce the level near pedes- • The most efficient faces for adding
trians if shaped correctly. absorption are receiver side and top.
• The addition of absorption on the
• A small vertical barrier reduces noise source side has no additional effect
levels with more than 4dBA for pe- for the inclined barrier case.
destrians. • Absorptive wainscot does not addi-
• Inclination of a low barrier addition- tionally reduce noise for pedestrians.
ally reduces 3dBA for pedestrians
(8dBA in total). • A road depression has no effect if
• 30 degrees inclination is the most sides are straight and reflective.
beneficial for this canyon dimensions. • The addition of an inclined barrier on
the edge reduces noise by 7 dBA for

Controlling the sound environment 15

pedestrians and also achieves im- • Inclination of geometries or the
portant noise reductions on facade. addition of absorption is shown to
• Inclining containing walls additionally be very effective. Both treatments
reduces noise by 3 dBA for pedestri- simultaneously do not bring further
ans and on the ground floor (11dBA in reduction.
total) • Reductions achieved can easily ex-
• The case with inclined containing ceed reductions that could be ob-
walls and inclined small barrier on the tained by lowering traffic speed or re-
edge (S3.5) is the most efficient for ducing traffic flow to a small fraction.
pedestrians and on facade.
• A second level road has an important AREAS
positive effect for pedestrians and The concept of quiet side has become
along the whole facade. more popular as they have been classi-
• Parking space linking at both sides fied as a common restorative place to
reduces noise by 5 dBA for pedestri- moderate the adverse effects of road
ans and by 3–5 dBA along facade traffic noise. These areas are identified as
• A barrier on the sidewalk edge re- the ones not exposed to sound-pressure
duces additionally 4–5 dBA for ped- levels above a certain magnitude. Since
estrians they are considered as restorative places,
• The case with inclined walls and our homes are the perfect place to have
inclined low barrier on the edge is access to them. We must not forget that
the most beneficial, reducing up to 11 the quiet side concept is strongly linked
dBA for pedestrians and on the lower to the quality of those spaces. The way
storeys. we perceive our environment strongly
affects the way we behave and how we
General remarks: feel. To make these areas attractive, at-
• Changes in facade influence noise taining a low noise level is not sufficient.
levels along facades whereas changes Other spatial qualities might influence
in the street mainly influence pedes- the human response, such as vegeta-
trian exposure. tion, diversity, privacy, aesthetics, sense
• Small geometrical changes can be a of community, thermal comfort, etc. For
powerful architectonic tool to reduce example, in a dwelling located close to
noise. a busy road, it may be of importance to

16 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Quiet side

Figure 3 - Noise contribution to inner-yard

have one of its facades protected from noise mapping prediction software. The
high noise levels. The recommendation is main focus is on the diffraction over the
to keep that level below 50 dB and buildings combined with multiple reflec-
preferably below 45 dB as a day- tions in both the street canyon and the
evening-night noise level. inner-yard.
What makes these areas so im- Results between the implementation
portant is their tremendous capacity to model and the noise mapping software
influence the urban decision-making show differences around 10 dB for low
process, having an impact at all urban frequencies for hard facades, increasing
scales. These conditions are making the with frequency (Figure 4). This is in the
quiet side an incredibly powerful tool in case we have 1 reflection order, which
the development of new urban areas, is usually how the noise maps from our
especially when densification of consoli- cities are calculated. Results get closer
dated cities is pursued. (See illustration in to each other when the noise mapping
Figure 3). software calculations include a higher
Normally, noise mapping has been order of reflections (20 in this case). The
the main tool to obtain noise levels at calculations are made for hard ground
the quiet areas. However, they are regu- (dense asphalt) and for both soft facade
larly underestimating the noise levels in (SF, 20% absorption) and hard facade
such type of areas. This is mainly due to (HF, 3% absorption).
the fact that the software used are de- The Qside implementation and
veloped to study the most exposed fa- noise mapping software calculations are
cade. In SONORUS the Qside engin- compared with noise measurements at
eering model that accounts for quiet an inner-yard in the city of Gothenburg
areas is expanded, in order to implement (see Figure 5). Similar spectra are found
it in real case studies and compare it with for the Qside implementation and the
Controlling the sound environment 17
Figure 4 - Contribution to the inner-yard noise level from a line source (road).
Differences between noise mapping software with different reflection order and
Qside implementation with soft and hard facade materials.

Figure 5 - Contribution to the inner-yard noise level. Differences between meas-

urements, Qside implementation and noise mapping software.

18 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

measurements, with a total deviation of Here, a flat and hard ground without
around 3 dBA. Contrary, noise mapping buildings is modelled.
prediction software showed a deviation
of 15 dBA in the case of including one (a)
reflection order. These results show that
the inclusion of this type of tool in the
decision-making process of the city is
highly needed as a complement to the
current noise mapping software tech-

Among the microscale traffic study in
cities, one of the most important designs
is of the intersection. A common practice
has been to replace crossings by round-
abouts as a safer alternative. To compare
these two intersection types, the influ-
ence of vehicle kinematics is studied in
SONORUS through a microscopic traffic
assessment. The two intersection types Figure 6 - Two intersection types. Crossing and
are based on the future urban develop- roundabout. (a) Amount of traffic, (b) microscopic
ment of Frihamnen in Gothenburg, with traffic simulation.
a different number of vehicles coming
from the different streets approaching In the scenarios, the same amount of
the intersection. The intention is to iso- traffic was handled in both intersection
late key features that could help to un- types, adjusting the road layout. In Figure
derstand their behaviour and the sound 6a, the amount of traffic is indicated, with
environment impact. For this, we study a smaller total flow in the E-W direction
several indicators based on time patterns compared with the N-S direction. Figure
related to human annoyance for three 6b represents the microscopic traffic sim-
scenarios of each intersection type. ulations for both scenarios.

Controlling the sound environment 19

Table 1 – Scenarios for signalized crossing and roundabout: vehicle distribution

Case % Vehicles
Light (LV) Medium-heavy (MHV) Heavy vehicles (HV)
1) LV-MHV-HV 92 4 4
2) LV-MHV 96 4 -
3) LV 100 - -

Since vehicle types also have a strong pends on how traffic is handled:
influence on people’s perception of the • Queues at certain lanes make it diffi-
sound environment, we study alternat- cult to enter the roundabout. In this
ives of including heavy-vehicles (>12 tons case, if points are located close to
as large buses and heavy duty vehicles) the intersection, crossing has higher
and medium-heavy vehicles (3.5-12 tons) noise levels (1-4 dB);
in comparison with having only light • For sidewalks in the E-W direction,
vehicles (<3.5 tons) for the peak hour as the roundabout tends to have high-
the worst-case scenario (Table 1). er noise levels (probably due to low
To study the differences between traffic flow and the resulting higher
these two intersection types, 12 study driving speeds);
points are included. The results, dis- • For location points at 100 m of the
played in Figure 7, show that not all intersection, the behaviour is similar
study points are less noisy for a certain for both.
intersection type, since it strongly de-

20 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 7 - The consequences of
replacing the intersection types
in the sound pressure level (dB)
including heavy, medium-heavy
and light vehicles.

Controlling the sound environment 21

(a) (b)

The equivalent sound pressure level
difference maps present a useful tool to
observe the different behaviours of the
two intersections (Figure 8):
• With different vehicle types, the sig-
nalized crossing intersection is having
a higher sound pressure level almost
in the entire area (blue colour), be-
ing more equal when removing the
heavier vehicles;
• The effect of vehicle kinematics is
present and it is observable as a stop-
and-go behaviour represented by
blue dots that indicate higher noise
Figure 8 - Equivalent noise level difference maps levels due to interrupted traffic flow;
for the crossing and the roundabout for the three • With these types of maps is clearly
vehicle types: light, medium-heavy and heavy observable that noise mapping soft-
vehicles (a), light and medium-heavy vehicles (b), ware, which gives as output a con-
light vehicles (c)
stant traffic flow, is not enough in case
we want to study how traffic behaves
in urban areas and the impact on
people’s health and behaviour.

22 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

(a) (b)

At high traffic variations, as the ones
present in dense urban environments,
time patterns, as shown in Figure 9,
become relevant since noise annoyance
is partly determined by the noise events
resulting from traffic flow. Moreover, if we
are interested in the types of activities
and uses that citizens can do of such
urban spaces, the sound environment
becomes even more important. For
example, if one wants to experience the
city-life, have a coffee with friends with-
out being disturbed by road traffic noise,
Figure 9 - Time patterns at (a) study point etc.
4 (at the intersection), (b) study point 8 (at In the study of number of events
100 m of intersection) and (c) study point above 60 dBA for these two intersections
11 (at sidewalk) for the signalized crossing
(see Figure 10), one can conclude that:
and the roundabout
• There is a strong influence of heavy
vehicles, resulting in a larger number
of events, specially in the roundabout
• As soon as the heavy vehicles are re-
moved, the differences start to smear
Controlling the sound environment 23
• The behaviour within this type of
analysis is rather different than in the
study of sound pressure level. The
implicit rule to yield to vehicles in
the roundabout results in a higher
congestion of certain parts of the
network, as these vehicles need a
larger gap to enter the roundabout,
turning it into a complex situation in
the case of high traffic flow.
• The signalised crossing maintains a
more constant behaviour through-
out the inclusion or exclusion of
(b) different vehicles types. In this sense,
research has appointed that the
presence of heavy vehicles led to
higher unpleasantness scores in the
roundabout cases.

These types of results are interesting in

the study beyond the energy equivalent
measures, accounting for noise events
caused by traffic. With this, we want to
go further in the understanding of traffic
scenarios and its relation to traffic dens-
ity and traffic flow related to the appro-
priateness of the sound environment to
Figure 10 - Number of events certain uses and functions.
above 60 dBA for the signalized
crossing (a) and the roundabout (b)

24 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Controlling the
sound environment
at mesoscale level
THE EFFECT OF TRANSPORT acoustic environment by creating urban
MANAGEMENT AND TRAFFIC spaces with good quality that support
health and wellbeing is a priority in the
unavoidable densification process of cit-
NOISE ies. These aspects have enormous conse-
A major concern in the planning of our quences in the currently high construc-
cities is to improve mobility, which is tion rate, which makes later remodelling
directly connected to transport manage- complex and expensive.
ment and traffic design decisions. More- Environmental noise levels depend
over, these decisions are deeply linked on the strengths of the sources and on
to the characteristics of the sound en- the propagation paths. Transport de-
vironment. All around Europe, chronic cisions have consequences on both of
traffic congestion has become a problem, them. Urbanization processes and en-
and around 30 million of EU citizens are vironmental sustainability are under a
exposed to road traffic noise levels above constant collision and, due to its relev-
the World Health Organization targets ance, infrastructures are normally seen
(Ln<55 dB, Ld<65 dB). Controlling the as the battleground of play. One of those
Controlling the sound environment 25
infrastructures refers to the transporta- effects, especially during night-time
tion system. In SONORUS we focus on where sleep disturbance is more evident.
the transport management and traffic In SONORUS a tool is developed to
design, looking towards a more efficient improve the city decision-making pro-
transport layout, bringing opportunities cesses in terms of road traffic and noise
to improve the sound environment by emission, bridging the gap between cur-
studying time patterns and vehicle kine- rent situations in cities and urban plan-
matics, strongly linked with annoyance ning practice. The dynamic assessment
and health effects among citizens. tool consists of a series of microscopic
The mainstream prediction tool for traffic simulations that allow for the in-
traffic noise is through static traffic flow clusion of vehicles kinematics. The traffic
analysis. These instruments, commonly simulation gives as output single-vehicle
known as noise mapping prediction data in terms of position, speed and
tools, are very useful as a first attempt to acceleration, used to compute the noise
study the noise level exposure of larger emission of each vehicle along time. For
areas. Here, we are under the framework this part the tool is composed of a series
of a macroscopic analysis with mean of in-house Matlab scripts implementing
speed and flow (veh/d) as input, and the road emission model of the Common
day-evening-night noise level as output. Noise Assessment Method in Europe
In urban areas, traffic is characterised (CNOSSOS-EU) (see more in the Chapter
by high fluctuations in terms of accelera- on “Prediction and auralisation of urban
tion due to the presence of pedestrians, sound environments”). Main outputs are
intersections, parking places, etc. In these noise contribution maps, i.e. respective
cases, the study turns towards a meso- contribution from each road segment
scale and a microscale level. In such situ- to a selected receiver, and time patterns
ations, the traffic noise assessment can enabling to study the effects of vehicle
be underestimated by noise prediction kinematics.
software. Here, features from transport To test it under a real case scenario
dynamics become relevant, having a and explore its possibilities, the new
strong influence on the source strength. urban development of Frihamnen test
This becomes extremely important since, site has been used. This way we are able
in recent decades, research has pointed to evaluate the impact that the transport
to the effect of road traffic noise events management and traffic design of the
on noise annoyance and other health new development plan will have on the

26 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

noise emission and the sound environ- depending on noise level, e.g. L50 mean-
ment. Moreover, we can test plausible ing the level exceeded 50% of time, or
traffic strategies to explore new possi- e.g. an event, defined to occur when a
bilities that may improve the quality of chosen noise level threshold is exceeded,
certain urban areas. The study focuses lasting for at least 3 seconds, and then it
on 9 traffic alternatives. As an example, is finished when the level has decreased
we show here 5 different strategies: (1) 3 dB from the threshold. In our real case
base-scenario for the future plan, (2) study (see Figure 11), the number of
remove a road and move its traffic to- noisy events as the ones above 65 dB,
wards other adjacent roads, (5) reduce are drastically reduced in the scenario
speed in the highway located near the without heavy vehicles (scenario 8) for
area, (8) remove medium-heavy and the majority of the points (up to 60% less
heavy vehicles, and (9) neglect the effect noise events at several points). In case
of acceleration. The “Applied Urban there is a change in the traffic network
Sound Planning” Chapter includes more (scenario 2), the reductions are visible at
about the results on a real case study. several study points, however, other ones
To understand the possibilities of the are having an increase in the number of
tool, the equivalent sound pressure level noise events as a consequence of the
is plotted for the selected scenarios for added traffic. In Figure 11, the equivalent
different study points (check Frihamnen sound pressure levels (a) and number of
area section at “Applied Urban Sound events above 60 dB (b) are plotted for
Planning” to locate them). In case the the different scenarios.
heavy and medium-heavy vehicles are This type of tool might be very use-
removed from the network (8), equiva- ful as input for road traffic auralisation as
lent sound pressure level (LAeq) reduc- a further step in the study of new de-
tions at the selected points are between 1 velopment areas, giving a new perspect-
and 3 dB. The same occurs if acceleration ive in the study of the urbanisation pro-
noise is omitted (9). cess (see “Prediction and auralisation of
With this type of tool, we can study urban sound environments” Chapter).
time patterns in any form of indicator

Controlling the sound environment 27



Figure 11 - Equivalent
sound pressure level (a)
and number of events
above 60 dB (b) for all
study points and plaus-
ible scenarios

28 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

(a) (b)

Figure 12 - (a) Case with dispersed green space pattern (left) (ANN=0.79),
(b) case with clustered green space pattern (right) (ANN=0.84).

THE EFFECT OF GREEN SPACE green space coverage itself. Small areas
PATTERN ON TRAFFIC NOISE with similar green space coverage and
different green space pattern exhibit dif-
ferent noise levels (Figure 12).
Green space becomes important in the
The same conclusions were found in
analysis of the sound environment. The
a city-scale approach. Eight average-
analysis of green space coverage itself
sized UK cities were investigated using
is sometimes not enough to be used as
a sample area of 30 km2. A prelimi-
a predictor for the average noise levels.
nary study is presented in Figure 13a,
Another issue is that frequently, cities
where the population density ranges
express an unequal spatial distribution of
between 4,300 and 7,200 residents/km2
their green space pattern depending on
with Brighton being the most densely
the morphology of the place and the so-
populated city. Regarding the car avail-
cioeconomic status of the area. Overall,
ability (Figure 13b), there are relatively
the green space pattern as a parameter
small differences among the cities and a
is sometimes more important than the
Controlling the sound environment 29
(a) (b)

Figure 13 – (a) Population density (residents/km2) in the sample area for

the eight cities, (b) car availability per resident in the sample area

range between 0.32 and 0.46 cars/resi-

dent. In this case the order of the cities
was not consistent with the population
dynamics. In particular Brighton comes
in the fifth place with Bournemouth to
have the highest ratio out of the eight
cities. The two figures combined show
that the fluctuations in population and
car availability are relatively small, which
makes the cities comparable for a further
analysis. It should be noted that here we
assume that the acoustic output power is Figure 14 – Positive correlation between the total
proportional to the car availability ratio, number of cars and the sound pressure level
since no traffic count data was available (SPL) in the eight cities
at that stage. This argument is also
strengthened by the positive correlation Regarding the green space pattern in the
between the total number of cars per city eight cities, it was shown that the exist-
and the sound pressure level as present- ence of small and dispersed green space
ed in Figure 14. patches can lead to lower average noise

30 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

levels. The extent of dispersion was On the contrary, a clustered green space
measured by the Average Nearest configuration within the same area tends
Neighbour (ANN) index where higher to lead to higher noise levels. The dis-
values denote a dispersed pattern (see tances observed among the green space
Figure 15). patches ranged between 47 and 107 m.
From the planning perspective, these
findings can also provide a positive input
to the green space accessibility and
proximity standards for the citizens. Such
guidelines already exist for the UK stand-
ards, but not for the European, since the
most common guidelines refer just to
the total green space coverage or the
amount of green space per capita.
One restriction by testing the same
indicators in different scales is that usu-
ally results tend to be scale-dependent.
Figure 15 - The effect of green space pattern
This means that indicators that are cor-
(ANN) in various UK cities related in the macroscale can be reject-
ed as uncorrelated in the mesoscale or

Controlling the sound environment 31

Controlling the
sound environment
at macroscale

THE EFFECTS OF CITY STRUC- A comparison between the green space

TURES ON ROAD TRAFFIC NOISE coverage and noise levels of each city
Each of the previous cities (see Figure (Figure 17) shows that those surrounded
15) has a unique road network structure by a ring road (radial) have a significantly
affected by the morphology of the area higher percentage of green space cover-
and the way it evolved over time. For age (Figure 17a). However, as presented
planning purposes, existing structures of in Figure 17b it was not directly clear
all cities were classified in three system- whether at this scale results could be
atic forms: radial, linear and grid. Ex- drawn for noise levels. Nevertheless,
amples of a ring road structure and a from the planning viewpoint, a distinc-
linear one are presented in Figure 16. tion in the city’s form can provide initial

32 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 16 - (a) Ring road in a radial city (Sheffield),
(b) Long main road next to the sea in a linear city (Brighton)

Figure 17 – Description
of the relationship of
radial and linear forms
with: (a) Green space
coverage ratio,
(b) Noise levels

evidence for the cost of possible noise THE EFFECT OF SPECIFIC GREEN
interventions or the policy that should SPACE VARIABLES ON TRAFFIC
be followed. Characteristic examples are
the ones referring to the Outline Zoning
To relate traffic noise prediction and the
Plans and the compatibility of different
effect of green space, two typical aver-
land uses.
age-sized UK cities were chosen as
Sheffield and Brighton. Sheffield, apart
from being a radial city, is also con-
Controlling the sound environment 33
Figure 18 - Com-
parison of the road
coverage in the two
cities in primary,
minor and local

sidered one of the greenest cities in ated backyards or front yards, could be
England. On the other hand, Brighton a good predictor for traffic noise, since it
is a mid-size linear city with less natural contributed up to 38% in the Lden ex-
green spaces within the selected study planation for the current case studies
area. Both cities present similar charac- (see Figure 19). The combination of de-
teristics in terms of the road coverage in tached or semi-detached houses and
the different categories as presented in their gardens (Figure 20) reflects the
Figure 18. They also have similar values noise resistant areas, favoured also by
in the car availability per resident, which the small local roads around them and
allows for further comparison between their distance from the city centre. Such
them. results can be further used in the plan-
The analysis on the green spaces ning field, when designing residential
in these two typical UK cities has shown areas in combination with the traffic
that green areas, such as parks, urban management system. Another parameter
forests and gardens can affect traffic that was also proved significant is the
noise distribution. This was especially total number of cars, which in this partic-
noticeable in purely residential areas with ular case was negatively correlated with
high green space coverage. For example, the amount of green areas within the
the “Gardens ratio” referring to veget- same study sites (Figure 21).

34 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 19 - The effect of Gardens
ratio in the Lden levels

Figure 20 - Example of
houses with vegetated
backyards or front yards in
(a) Sheffield, (b) Brighton

Figure 21 - Correlation between

the total number of cars and
the green space coverage in the
investigated cities

Controlling the sound environment 35

PREDICITING THE EXTENT OF parks, usually have low noise levels with-
QUIETNESS IN CITIES BASED ON in the urban context of a city. However,
the research in various European cities
showed that this assumption is not
The macroscale level holds a great num-
always true. For example, Antwerp
ber of systems and stakeholders, which
(Figure 22), with a high percentage of
are constantly interacting. This mani-
greenery, was also proved noisier. Novel
fold of interests makes the study from
indicators going beyond the traditional
the acoustic point of view even more
approaches as the green space availa-
complex. As an attempt, the research in
bility (m2/person) gives a better under-
SONORUS started to analyse the extent
standing of the urban sound environ-
of quietness in cities based on the green
ment. In this sense, an indicator such as
space data. This has been done through
the porosity of the city (Δporous ) considers
a comparison of the land cover data
the ratio of green areas to the built-up
(green spaces) and the correspondent
ones (building and road coverage), as
city classification. The classification was
presented in Eq. 1. This indicator can also
done in a descending scale, assuming
be used as a predictor for traffic noise
that the greener ones will also be quieter.
levels in the macro scale.
The approach has a theoretical basis
in terms of the physics of sound
propagation, since green areas such as

Figure 22 – (a) Green space distribution

in comparison with the highway network
of Antwerp, (b) Noise level distribution
according to the strategic noise map of
the city

(a) (b)

36 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Prediction and auralisation of
urban sound environments
Authors: Fotis Georgiou, Raúl Pagán Muñoz, Frederik Rietdijk, Georgios Zachos

A key role in the acoustic planning Nowadays, prediction methods are
and design process of urban areas widely used in Europe for noise mapping
purposes in order to fulfil the EC noise
is played by the numerical predic- mapping requirements and, additionally,
tion of sound propagation. Being they are of large importance for eval-
able to simulate the sound field in uating the impact of noise control meas-
urban environments can be used to ures. Here, we make a distinction
between the prediction methods typic-
facilitate the decision-making and ally used for noise mapping, referred to
closing the communication gap as engineering methods, and the com-
among the diverse groups particip- putational urban acoustics methods,
ating in the planning process. which predict the urban sound field with
high accuracy by numerically solving the
governing physical equations after some

The predictions also form the basis for model, whereby the same propagation
auralisation purposes, i.e. making the modelling can be applied to different
urban environment audible in a virtual sound sources. The usually unavoid-
reality sense. It can be seen as the pro- able propagation effects of importance
cess of simulating a listening experience. to model are the distance decay, the
While developed originally for room ground reflection, and the air absorp-
acoustical purposes during the recent tion, as well as the Doppler effect in case
decades, auralisation of outdoor environ- of a moving source (or receiver). Other
ments has gained an increased interest propagation effects may involve reduc-
during the last decade. Being able to tion due to screening objects, reflection/
listen to a planned environment before it scattering in facades and other objects,
has been built is not only informative for focusing due to wind and temperature
decision makers and users at all levels, profiles, and wave distortion due to tur-
including the citizens, but can also be bulence in the air.
used as input for further computer aided Since the calculation of the propaga-
analysis and tools. tion effects may be numerically expens-
A sound environment can consist ive, it is of interest to try and simplify
of audible contributions from a large the physical modelling. For instance,
number of sources. The sources may be for auralisation puposes, the modelling
stationary in space, like a splashing water of a distant road (macro or mesoscale
fountain in a park or a humming bus background sounds) may be simplified if
on idle, or moving through space, like there is a more prominent sound event,
a flying seagull making its alarm call or e.g. a car passing by on a nearby local
the siren on a passing ambulance. The road (microscale foreground sound).
source signal of the auralisation can be a Simplifications leading to a reduction of
recorded or a synthesised sound. Due to the numerical cost may thus allow for
the large possible variation in output of a higher level of detail in the modelling
environmental sound sources, it is at- of the more prominent sound events,
tractive to use models for the synthesis enabling real-time auralisation of more
of the source signals rather than relying complex situations.
on recordings. Conventionally urban environmental
The sound propagation effects, noise is assessed with noise measure-
during the travel from the source to the ments and noise mapping software. Also,
listener, are separated from the source noise control measures are usually ex-

38 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

pressed as a reduction of sound pressure from the fountain, which is usually con-
level, e.g. of the Lden value. This way sidered a positive sound source, may
of evaluating an acoustic environment mask the unwanted traffic noise. This
and a noise control measure can indeed effect would not be observable on a
help in getting a good insight and helps regular noise map. Therefore, new tools
in the decision making regarding the are needed for the design of the uban
action that needs to be taken in order environment, where more detailed pre-
to improve the acoustic environment. diction and auralisation has its place, also
However, since the noise sources in the supporting the concept of soundscapes.
urban environment are time varying they Furthermore, combining aural and visual
cannot be assessed only by equivalent information enhances the experience
noise levels like Ld, Ln, Lden etc. More- giving a feeling of immersion. The level
over, urban noise sources can be masked of immersion can be greatly enhanced
by a positive sound source. For example, by creating the possibility to interact with
a fountain on a square will increase the the simulated environment, for example
noise levels but the overall acoustic by using virtual reality glasses that allow
quality can be improved since the sound you to look freely around.

Prediction and auralisation of urban sound environments 39

Prediction methods
During the last decades, different tech- the calculations. This order of reflections
niques have been developed for sound is a key factor for those inner city envir-
field prediction. Among them, geometri- onments where the direct sound coming
cal acoustics methods, diffuse field meth- from the source is not the main contrib-
ods and wave-based methods have been utor to the sound field, hence a too low
of main importance. Geometrical acous- amount of reflections in the calculations
tics and diffuse field techniques can be will cause an underestimation of the
regarded as engineering methods. Basi- sound levels. However, including more
cally, in geometrical acoustics the sound reflections increases the computational
waves are computed as rays that interact time. Furthermore, engineering methods
with boundaries while the diffuse field are limited in accounting for complex
approach is based on the propagation meteorological effects and for irregular
of the sound energy instead. Both meth- facade shapes. Nevertheless, engineering
ods are mostly appropriate in the high methods are suitable for noise mapping
frequency range where the assumptions purposes at macroscale level with a reas-
taken in their implementation fairly well onable balance of accuracy and compu-
fulfil the conditions of the sound environ- tational time. In the last years, a unified
ment. For geometrical acoustics meth- method based on geometrical acoustics
ods, the environmental objects need to has been developed for noise mapping
be large in comparison with the sound according to the European Noise Dir-
wavelength, where a small wavelength ective (END). The method, referred to as
corresponds to a high frequency. CNOSSOS-EU, harmonizes the oper-
Diffuse field methods are applicable ational approach to be used in future
when the sound field is similar to an rounds of strategic noise maps in the
indoor space and is spatially smooth, i.e. European Union.
they may be applicable mainly to inner Wave-based methods account for
city environments and at sufficiently high all phenomena of wave propagation in
frequencies such that individual standing their approach and when all input data
waves are not prominent. On the other is appropriate, mainly sound source
hand, the precision of the geometrical features, atmospheric conditions, urban
acoustics computations highly depends topology and other properties of bound-
on the number of reflections included in aries (facades, streets surfaces, vegeta-

40 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Table 1. Most popular computational scale level. However, due to the advances
urban acoustics methods in computer power, the capabilities of
these methods keep growing. There is
Method Acronym a wide variety of wave-based methods
Pseudo-spectral PSTD using different approaches when solving
time-domain the governing equations. In general, they
are divided between time domain and
Finite-differences FDTD
frequency domain methods depending
on in what domain the equations are
Boundary element BEM defined and solved. The discussion of the
method main features of these methods is out of
Equivalent source ESM scope here, but to make the reader fa-
method miliar with the names of the approaches,
Transmission line TLM Table 1 includes a list of the currently
matrix method most popular ones.
Parabolic equation PE The next figure shows a comparison
Finite element FEM between the sound propagation in a sec-
method tion of a street computed with a wave-
based method (PSTD) and a geometrical
Discontinuous DG
method. This figure facilitates the under-
standing of some of the limitations of
Digital wave- DWM engineering methods when compared
guide mesh with a wave-based approach.
Lattice Boltzmann LBM Computational acoustics methods
method are of large importance for validation or
improvement of engineering methods.
tion, etc.), the sound field solutions are There are numerous examples of wave-
highly accurate. The major limitation of based methods used as reference to re-
the wave-based methods is the com- fine noise mapping calculation methods.
putational cost, which is increasing with For instance, FDTD simulations were used
frequency and with size of the area to be to fit an analytical function describing
calculated, whereby their main applica- canyon-to-canyon sound propagation,
tion nowadays still remains in the low to a multiple-reflection correction term in
mid-frequency range at micro to meso- noise mapping was derived with the help

Prediction and auralisation of urban sound environments 41

Figure 1 - Snap-
shots of wave
propagation in a
section of a street
computed with
a wave-based
method (left
column of graphs)
using PSTD and
a geometrical
method (right
column of graphs)

42 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 2 - Schematic example of an application of the hybrid method
developed within the SONORUS project for a two-dimensional domain

of PSTD models, and the parabolic equa- pass-by. Other projects within SONORUS
tion and the equivalent source method have used numerical simulations in their
have been used to characterize the ex- investigations. For example, at microscale
cess attenuation of intermediate canyons level the influence of the urban canyon
to obtain a correction factor for engin- shape has been investigated using the
eering methods. FDTD method and at macroscale level
SONORUS has contributed to fur- several SONORUS projects have worked
ther developing some of these numer- on combining noise control and urban
ical methodologies. For instance, a planning by using engineering meth-
novel hybrid method combining PSTD ods for noise and exposure assessment.
and DG has been implemented to allow More details about these projects can
the computation of arbitrary boundary be found in the “Controlling the sound
conditions and complex geometries environment” Chapter.
as shown in the schematic example of As emphasized above, wave based
Figure 2 and in an application of the methods (FDTD, PSTD, etc.) are more ac-
methodology to a 2D irregular shape, as curate than geometrical acoustics meth-
shown in Figure 3. Additionally, source ods, while being computationally heav-
directivity has been incorporated in PSTD ier. Furthermore, geometrical acoustics
by using spherical harmonics technique methods may become more appropriate
and currently these developments are at high frequencies where complex wave
used for the auralisation of inner city car based effects may be neglected.

Prediction and auralisation of urban sound environments 43

Figure 3 - Application of the
hybrid PSTD/DG method
developed within the
SONORUS project to a 2D
irregular-shape; a) detail of
the hybrid grid and b) snap-
shots of wave propagation


44 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 4 - Top figure: Lay-
out of a potential hybrid
auralisation of urban
Bottom figure: anatomy
of an impulse response in
an urban environment.
The low frequency part
is modelled using a wave
based method for both
early and late parts of
the simulation and for
the high frequency part
the early reflections are
modelled with an image
source method (ISM) and
the late with a Ray tracing

This initializes the design of a hybrid responses is not straightforward and is

auralisation methodology where a wave still an open question. Also, further work
based method is used for the low fre- is needed to identify the appropriate
quencies and a geometrical acoustics crossover frequency between the two
method for the higher frequencies. methods.
During the past two decades there has Numerical methods for computing
been an increased research interest in sound propagation in the urban envir-
this approach. An impulse response (the onment have not yet been fully de-
acoustic response of an environment to veloped. One main reason is the continu-
an impulse excitation) is composed as ous development of computer architec-
follows using the hybrid approach. First, ture (e.g., parallel GPU’s) that will keep
two impulse responses are computed progressing in the coming years, requir-
using the wave based and geometrical ing that the numerical methods are
acoustics methods, and second, those continuously updated in order to exploit
two impulse responses are combined. the computational power. Also, there is a
A graphical demonstration is shown in need to bring the urban acoustics pre-
Figure 4. How to combine the impulse diction codes to real-life applications and

Prediction and auralisation of urban sound environments 45

open source codes, facilitating the appli- be addressed in the coming years since,
cation of the methods by others, outside clearly, this is most relevant for the accur-
the academic and research institutes. acy of the final results. Input data for the
Furthermore, there is a lack of acous- models can be obtained via experiments
tic input data for the models (e.g., ab- or using other numerical techniques, e.g.
sorption coefficient of facade materials, simulating the acoustic features of ma-
source features, etc.), a point that must terials.

For the sound synthesis of the source, a certain gear and engine speed (rpm)
several methods exist. Synthesis can be of a car and can be reconstructed to a
achieved by determining the physical seemingly continuous sound stream. This
properties of a source, with possible way, a car with a variable speed across its
sub-sources, and determining their route can be given a sound with smooth
sound spectrum. Then noise according and controlled transitions. Aside from the
to these spectra can be generated and spectrum of the source, its temporal
updated. Spectral modelling for example, behaviour is generally also needed.
will construct a sound spectrum by Examples are amplitude modulations
adding frequency components. Sub- in the emission of wind turbines and jet
tractive synthesis on the other hand will engines as well as impulse-like sounds.
remove unwanted components from Directivity of a source refers to the
a noise spectrum. Another method is angular distribution of the sound field
synchronous granular synthesis, an idea generated by the source. The major
first conceived for musical purposes. sources of noise in urban environments,
Granular synthesis will acquire small road, rail and air traffic, have a directional
grains of sound, usually from recordings, character. A realistic auralisation of these
saved as a library for a source and picked noise sources in urban environments re-
up according to the preferred source quires taking into account these aspects
property. This has been proven useful in the prediction method.
for sources that contain cycles of opera- Another factor that affects the
tion, just like a car engine. For example, perceived sound field is the effect of the
a group of grains has been recorded for head, outer ears and torso of the listener.

46 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 5 - Directivity in horizontal plane: analytical directivity (blue solid)
and modelled directivity (red dotted) in PSTD for the octave-bands with
centre frequencies 63Hz, 125Hz and 250Hz

This is referred to as the head related a PSTD simulated source are shown for
transfer function (HRTF) or head related three different octave bands.
directivity. An HRTF is the response that A valid auralisation tool will not
characterises how the human ear re- necessarily simulate accurately all of the
ceives the sound from a point in space. physical properties and processes
With the use of HRTFs a 3D sound ex- of an environment and its sources the
perience can be achieved with the use way they are taking place in reality, but
of only two audio channels (headphone through translating these will give useful
playback). By incorporating directivity results for the situation. Source models
and HRTFs in auralisation the quality of can be constructed by using psycho-
auralisation is significantly improved. acoustic properties of the human
Source directivity and HRTFs have hearing, for example taking into consid-
been incorporated in various geometrical eration temporal and frequency masking.
acoustics methods and computational In the SONORUS project, a method for
methods. Within the SONORUS project auralisation of background road traffic
a methodology to include source and has been developed, with the aim to
head related directivity in the pseudo- concentrate computational power to
spectral time-domain method (PSTD) has foreground events, e.g. a car passing
been developed. In Figure 5, directivity by on a local road where the listener is
patterns of an analytically derived and located. The approach uses modulation

Prediction and auralisation of urban sound environments 47

Figure 6 - Spectrogram of an aircraft
auralisation. The instantaneous sound
pressure level is shown in the colour
scale as function of time (x-axis) and of
frequency (y-axis).

transfer functions, i.e. rippled noise spec- account typical effects like spherical
tra that shift with time, which appears spreading and air absorption. Especially
to be a compact and promising way to important with aircraft auralisation
model a time varying noise event. Initial are the often strong Doppler shift and
listening tests have been carried out for ground effect. Also, while listening to
this approach and further work is ongo- aircraft noise, one can typically hear
ing. fluctuations that are relatively slow and
Aircraft are a major contributor random. These fluctuations are often due
to noise in urban environments. The to atmospheric turbulence. An important
amount of people exposed to aircraft contribution of the project was a model
noise increases every year due to urban to simulate the effects of atmospheric
densification and increasing flight move- turbulence on sound propagation result-
ments. Within the SONORUS project ing in more realistic sounding auralisa-
tools have been developed to simulate tions.
how it sounds when an aircraft flies over Figure 6 shows a spectrogram of an
an urban environment. The developed auralisation of an Airbus A320 taking off
tools can be used to study the impact of from Zurich Airport. Strong tonal com-
aircraft noise on humans. ponents can be observed during the first
The propagation model takes into seconds as the aircraft approaches the

48 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

observer, visible as horizontal lines in ularities and ensure a controlled listening
the figure. A strong Doppler shift occurs experience. Moreover, since headphones
and, as the aircraft passes, the relative do not usually offer good low frequency
strength of the tonal components drops response they could be used together
significantly. Interference between direct with a loudspeaker, like a subwoofer,
and ground reflected paths results in a while using open-back headphones. This
clearly noticeable interference pattern. will enhance the listening experience, of
How noticeable the interference pattern importance for most traffic sounds, and
is depends on the ground type and the may furthermore provide vibrations that
atmospheric turbulence condition. radiate through the human body. As it
The overall directivity of the aircraft can be seen, headphone reproduction
is stronger to the rear, and therefore as cannot easily be used in a mobile set-
an aircraft approaches and flies over, the up, except for preliminary or screening
level quite rapidly increases. This is ex- listening tests.
pected to contribute to the disturbance. The simplest loudspeaker setup for
An equally important stage to the listening tests is the vector-based amp-
auralisation process for creating the litude panning (VBAP), giving the com-
wanted sounds is the way the produced mon “stereo” effect. This method offers a
sounds will be used. Initially it has to be small sweet-spot area , i.e. the position
decided whether the auralisations will be where the contribution of each loud-
used as a final product or as a means for speaker of the setup is correctly balanced
extracting further information. In the first with the others and gives the desired
case, choosing a reproduction method is spatial imagery. As with all loudspeaker
needed, e.g. headphones or multi- reproduction setups, the room that the
channel loudspeaker setups. listening test takes place should be prop-
Although it might seem straightfor- erly treated. VBAP can also be combined
ward, for critical listening, headphone re- with HRTFs to give more realistic results.
production should be handled with care. As mentioned, HRTFs output a signal for
Even when using high-end headphones each ear of a listener, and as such, sound
with a known frequency response given due to e.g. the loudspeaker representing
from the manufacturer, each unit will the right channel, will contribute to the
show irregularities. To avoid these, the left ear, and this may be counteracted by
units can be measured in lab to create using the HRTFs, in what is called cross-
filters that will compensate for the irreg- talk cancellation.

Prediction and auralisation of urban sound environments 49

Reproduction of sound:
Headphone and multichannel
loudspeaker setup

More multichannel setups exist, where area, and the listeners can navigate
the most popular ones are higher order themselves within this acoustic field. Both
ambisonics (HOA) and wave field syn- HOA and WFS can be configured to cre-
thesis (WFS) rendering techniques. The ate a correct acoustic field in either a 2D
main difference between these two is plane or a 3D volume. It should be noted
that HOA has a sweet spot, although it that the headphone setup coupled with
can be expanded and controlled, where- HRTFs, HOA or WFS techniques, can be
as WFS, with its large number of loud- enhanced by using sensors tracking the
speakers, avoids the sweet-spot limita- position and rotation of a listener, and
tion. For the latter, virtual sound sources adjusting the output.
are spatially located within the listening Designing a subjective listening

50 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

test itself is a part of the field of psycho- carefully chosen as they may bias the
acoustics. Here, the statements under result. It is, for example, common to test
test should be decided in order to define for the perceived annoyance, which may
the structure of the test. If, for example, be self-introduced in the results already
the purpose is to validate an auralisation, by asking about it.
the test would vastly differ from one that Subjective listening test methods
investigates a certain noise abatement can be further developed by including
measure within the context of urban objective data from the subjects. These
sound planning. For the former case, can be muscle movements and heart
the auralisation should be tested either rate variations when introducing a sound,
against a reference (e.g. a recording or as well as brain responses, although this
an already validated sound), or using is yet a largely unknown area. By obtain-
certain tracking abilities and responses ing these data with properly designed
of the listener (e.g. perception of speed tests to avoid biases and cross depend-
of car pass-by, detection of individual encies between fixed and non-fixed para-
cars in a mixed traffic sound environ- meters, useful indicators that describe
ment, etc.), which will assess the realism attributes of urban environments may be
of an auralisation. For the latter case, created.
the attributes that are tested should be

Prediction and auralisation of urban sound environments 51

Urban soundscape
Authors: Francesco Aletta, Karlo Filipan, Virginia Puyana Romero

What is (urban)
The approach to the evaluation The concept of ‘soundscape’ was origi-
and design of the urban sonic nally rooted in the music and acoustic
ecology research areas. It quickly ex-
environment can be tackled from panded to other disciplines, such as
different perspectives regarding the environmental noise, architecture, envir-
scale, the potential users of the onmental health, psychology, sociology
areas and the complementarity and urban studies, claiming for a holistic
approach to the way we conceive the
with other kinds of interventions. sound around us. Soundscape research
In this Chapter, an overview of the investigates how humans experience the
whole design process has been sonic environments and tries to establish
undertaken, from the establish- the relationships between the physical
world and the human response to it.
ment of the general objectives to It involves the cooperation of human,
the definition of the soundscape social and engineering sciences. Sound-
proposal. Examples of the applica- scape planning and design represents a
tion of the soundscape design can paradigm shift as it explores the diversity
of soundscapes across countries and
be found in the “Applied Urban cultures, and considers environmen-
Sound Planning” Chapter in the tal sounds as a ‘resource’ rather than a
sections referring to the cities of ‘waste’. Soundscape is a key approach in
Brighton, Rome and Antwerp. the urban sound planning process advo-

Example of a positive
soundscape transformation

cated in this booklet. scale, rethinking the sonic environment

Soundscape can be considered at of a functional area, for example an
different degrees of abstraction, cove- urban park. At this scale the variability
ring different fractions of the urban of the soundscape over the area and
space, and influencing different amounts the creation of sonic subspaces is of
of people. At a macroscopic scale, the importance. Matching soundscape to
whole city and even a bigger audience the (expected) users and the use of the
of visitors may experience the effect of space is crucial for creating congruent
a change. This can be related to typical soundscapes. At the microscale a single
sound marks. Indeed, if the sound of Big experience of the sonic environment is
Ben would change, it would extensively considered. It can be related to a private
change the soundscape for London garden affecting only its owners or a
inhabitants and many others who have small part of public space.
visited it. Also changes in the use of In this Chapter, the stages of sound-
urban space may lead to macroscopic scape planning and design will be briefly
soundscape effects. For example, re- described and analysis techniques that
thinking mobility in city centers creating can be used during this process will be
larger areas free of motorized traffic discussed. The former can be applied
sound may affect how the city is per- at macro, meso or microscale while the
ceived acoustically by its inhabitants analysis methods are mainly applicable
and visitors alike. Most often, however, at the mesoscale.
soundscape designers work at the meso-

54 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Design process in urban
The design of the urban soundscape is to achieve the long-term vision. This
an iterative process involving planners adaptive iterative process reflects the
and stakeholders that aims at defining volatility of the urban soundscape.
and implementing a matching sound-
scape for a given context (Figure 1).
When designing, the urban sound plan-
ner has to be aware of the long-term
vision for the urban environment, inclu-
ding its soundscape. The planning pro-
cess starts by defining a vision on the
desired soundscape, the soundscape
character (e.g. tranquil park, vibrant
promenade, peaceful cemetery) that be-
comes the objective in an urban sound
planning process. By introducing or
accentuating (i.e. making them more no- Figure 1 - Iterative design process in urban
ticeable) matching sounds or suppress- soundscape
ing sounds that are unwanted within this
soundscape vision, for example using
noise control engineering (to know more SETTING THE SOUNDSCAPE
see the Chapter on “Controlling the OBJECTIVE
sound environment”), the desired sound- Soundscape, the acoustic environment
scape is then implemented either directly as it is perceived and understood by an
in the field or in simulations (see the individual or society within a context (ISO
final Chapter on “Applied Urban Sound definition), has to be considered within a
Planning”). The implementation is later wider context of urban design. Visual
checked using established soundscape context, the typical use of the space
analysis techniques and relevant stake- (shopping, relaxing, retiring at night,
holders and planners are apprised on the etc.), its typical users, cultural and clima-
new situation. Finally, the objectives are tological context reflect in the process of
evaluated and the procedure reiterated creating a vision on the soundscape and

Urban soundscape 55
setting the objectives. The urban sound- of the private home have some specific
scape design can be part of a wider demands. Here, the feeling of being in
intervention comprising different fields control of the sound environment be-
such as urbanism, community affairs or comes particularly important.
environmental protection, so in this case Different methodologies could be
the objectives must be compatible with envisaged to derive soundscape object-
a set of global objectives for the area. ives. The process could be part of design
For soundscape design to succeed, the competitions for (re)development of an
drawing up of these objectives should area. The question “How will it sound
involve the active engagement of the during different parts of the day or in
stakeholders from the outset of the de- different seasons?” can be answered to-
cision making process. gether with more usual questions such as
Urban soundscape methodolo- “What will it look like?” or “How will it be
gies have been mostly applied for open used?” The technology is there to
outdoor public spaces with a typical use. illustrate this vision to a broader audi-
For these, and in particular for parks and ence (see Chapter on “Prediction and
squares, literature on sound preference auralisation of urban sound environ-
has established different kinds of wanted ments”). Co-creation of the public space,
sound sources, such as natural (sound including its soundscape, by several
of rustling leaves, wind, water sounds, stakeholders together is certainly also an
birds…) and cultural sounds (bells, tra- option.
ditional festival sounds, sound marks…), Some examples of acoustic object-
contrasting the unwanted sound (me- ives include: “I want the sound of water
chanical and technological sounds). to be noticeable”, “I want the sound of
However, soundscapes along routes the traditional music of the festival to
connecting different functions of the city dominate completely” or “I do not want
should not be forgotten. Indeed, trans- to hear the noise of the trains passing
ition gives stronger impressions than a by”. The achievements of these goals at
sustained sonic environment as the the soundscape scale can lead to meet
human ear quickly adapts and filters. the global goals that influence people’s
Finally, objectives for the environment mood, behaviour and quality of life.

56 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

CONSIDERING HUMAN experience of the space. Hence the
PERCEPTION purpose of the design is to assure
When implementing the objective, a that users do not notice the sounds
practitioner has to be aware of how the and that they are affected in the least
changes in the sonic environment will possible way by the sound environ-
influence human perception and thus ment. This rather unrealistic design
the soundscape. Therefore, some basic unfortunately is a rather common
knowledge on attention and the effect of vision.
personal beliefs is useful. • Supportive soundscape. The sound-
People who find themselves in the scape supports the experience of the
specific soundscape usually do not listen public space but the experience is
for the specific sounds, but their atten- not primarily focused on sound. In
tion enables them to select from a multi- other words, the soundscape has to
tude of sounds sources. When attending be congruent with the vision of the
to the sound, two mechanisms interplay space that is mainly determined by
– bottom-up and top-down selection. other factors.
Bottom-up selection is based on charac- • Focused soundscape. In this last
teristics (features) of the sound listened situation, the sonic environment itself
to, in particular its saliency (i.e. how is the purpose of being in a place.
much the sound stands out of the overall Obviously, open-air theatres, street
sonic environment). Top-down attention performance spaces, etc. fall under
represents the listener’s intention on this category. In this case not only the
focusing on a specific event. Therefore, sound itself but also the acoustics of
the soundscape objective implementa- the environment becomes relevant.
tion has to take into account what are Reverberation, clarity, warmth, and
the characteristics of the sound sources signal to noise ratio have to be con-
and how much would they attract human sidered.
With noticing sounds in mind, a Users of a public space have their be-
classification of desired soundscapes in liefs and viewpoints on how such space
three large categories is suggested: should sound. Considering that the
• Backgrounded soundscape. This visitors have a prior knowledge of sound
vision assumes that soundscape does sources, sounds that are familiar are
not contribute significantly to the usually easier to recognize. However,

Urban soundscape 57
unexpected or incongruent sounds could could both be used. The main acoustic
also be more salient because they dis- strategies applied in the urban sound-
turb the overall expectations based on scape management and planning are
an earlier experience of the environment. listed below.
Therefore, it needs to be clear which vis- Noise control technologies (see
itors will visit the newly designed urban Chapter on “Controlling the sound en-
soundscape and what are the possible vironment”) are necessary tools for the
influences of their personal beliefs to noise abatement in soundscape inter-
perception. ventions. They could be applied at the
source, on the transmission path
between the source and receiver, or at
the receiver, and tend to mitigate the
negative effects of noise in the environ-
Masking techniques are often used
when it is not possible to adequately re-
duce the environmental noise with noise
control techniques. Energetic masking
may be applied in the cases in which
we want to avoid certain sources to be
heard. This energetic masking is intro-
duced via sounds that are created natur-
ally or artificially (i.e. by means of elec-
troacoustic devices). Attentional masking
DEFINING THE ACOUSTIC consist of the introduction of positive
STRATEGY sounds that attract the attention of vis-
Once we have established the objectives itors and decrease the perception of un-
of our intervention, we have to define wanted sounds. However, limitations
an acoustic strategy on how to achieve include environments with high back-
them. To define this strategy, evaluation ground noise levels, above 65 dB accord-
by listening to the existing or new scen- ing to some literature, where the noise
arios and prediction of the improvement levels should firstly be reduced through
(see Chapter on “Prediction and aural- noise control measures.
isation of urban sound environments”) A different approach can be undertaken

58 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Example of sound-
scape intervention
using water features
for masking and
noise barriers for
sound level reduc-

in the urban soundscape design tending FINALIZING THE DESIGN

to reinforce the dominant role of vision PROPOSAL
on the overall process of perception. This The conceptualization of the design
approach may for example enable the proposals is left to the creativity of the
visibility of elements with known posit- planner or designer. For instance, if an
ive effects on soundscape perception objective for an urban park close to
such as water or vegetation, and can be a busy road is “to hear the rustling of
combined with masking techniques. For leaves” and the implementation is to
instance, trees can be used to reduce the achieve this through energetic masking,
noise annoyance when seen from the a suitable water feature (fountain) could
dwelling’s window. To obtain the optimal be designed for this purpose. Neverthe-
results, the adequacy of the designed less, in real case scenarios it is not likely
scenarios may be evaluated with virtual that a single strategy will achieve the
reality test in which auralised sounds or predefined soundscape objective and
sound recordings are played simultan- combined use and iterative process of
eously with the visual changes that the different strategies and solutions might
proposal introduces into the environ- be required.

Urban soundscape 59
Analysis of the Example of a soundwalk
around a city
implemented urban
Once the soundscape objective is trans- associated with a different perception
formed into a specific implementation, of soundscape. It is important to decide
several steps have to be observed to test how we are going to gather information
the characteristics of the changed envir- on urban soundscape, according to the
onment. different types of experience of the urban
environments. Previous soundscape
COLLECTING PERCEPTUAL DATA studies have used various methods and
There are many ways to experience the today the most common extend to:
acoustic environment. This can happen • Soundwalk
when we are actually on site, in a labor- • Interview
atory, or we can just recall it from • Behavioural observation
memory. Every such experience will be • Laboratory experiment

60 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 2 - Methods
and tools used for
gathering sound-
scape perceptual

Every method will likely be related to part of the acoustic environment, so that
different ‘tools’ necessary to achieve the information later can be further pro-
the desired goals. In particular, all of the cessed with respect to its ‘perceptual’
mentioned methods except laboratory counterpart. Several techniques for
experiment have the advantage of being recording exist and the most commonly
administered in situ and to the people used today are: Ambisonics recording,
that have recently experienced the envir- binaural recording and recording with
onment in question. On the other hand, portable devices.
laboratory experiment brings the possib- Ambisonics recordings are used for
ility of having the controlled environ- capturing 3D sound environments. The
ment when investigating the particular equipment is placed usually in a station-
characteristics of the soundscape. To ary measurement position. Main advan-
summarize the main approaches used by tage of Ambisonics is the possibility of
researchers and practitioners, methods the listening to a real sound environment
and associated tools are presented in in laboratory conditions. However, this
Figure 2. implies that a listening room with specifi-
cally positioned loudspeakers has to
MEASURING PHYSICAL be created. Although used widely in
ENVIRONMENT research on spatial audio, the custom
Every time we collect soundscape data, it created solution is always necessary. An-
is crucial to measure also the ‘physical’ other advantage is the possibility to
convert the Ambisonics recordings to a
Urban soundscape 61
Recording of an
urban soundscape
using an artificial

range of available formats (stereo, Dolby tionary recording while the latter one is
formats, binaural). This gives the prac- used in mobile systems. Binaural format
titioners the possibility of having their provides an easy transition from meas-
recordings stored in a universal format urements to a listening experience since
with an easy conversion to any reproduc- the necessary equipment in the whole
tion format required. chain consists of microphone, recorder,
A widely used type of capturing playback device with the equalizer and
physical environment is recording the headphones. Finally, the commercial
binaural signals. They are based on the solutions both for recording and repro-
characteristics of human hearing where duction are easily accessible.
only two signals coming to each ear are Latest trends in soundscape research
enough to capture the spatiality of the focus on the use of portable measure-
sound. These recordings can be made ment devices. Their applications extend
using an artificial head or by placing the mostly to the acquisition of a sound in
microphones in or on the listener’s ears. dynamic and large urban environments.
The former type is usually used as sta- The measurement device is often set

62 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

only to record a single channel, while in their perception of soundscape is influ-
some cases the sound is captured with enced mostly by the sound sources
spectral levels alone. This in turn enables that at times their attention focuses on.
collection of large datasets in a relatively Computational models that aim to de-
short time. For such purpose, the pro- termine how much the specific sounds in
fessional calibrated devices paired with the environment attract attention are the
positional information (GPS) can be used. ones predicting auditory saliency. During
On the other hand, for gathering data the years, researchers proposed differ-
from the general population, recording ent models for saliency extraction. Such
with smartphones is a viable option. models form their calculations on a spe-
In addition to the purely acoustic cific feature extractor (spectral, Gamma-
data, multisensory perception usually tone, MFCC, etc.) and summarize the ob-
manifested through the interplay with tained features to a single time-varying
the visual environment can also influ- indication of sound saliency.
ence the soundscape. The most common Considering the complete model
techniques to capture visual character- for human auditory perception based on
istics of an environment are photos and the current scientific knowledge, features
videos. In a subsequent analysis or pre- extracted from the input sound – likely
sentation, these can be paired with their the same as the ones that determine
respective sound recordings to enhance saliency – form an input to a complex
the experience of the investigated envir- neural system of adaptation, voluntary
onment. attention and memory. When modeling
such a complex system, the most ap-
ANALYSING THE URBAN propriate computational algorithm is a
SOUNDSCAPE WITH multi-layered artificial neural network.
Although the basic implementation of a
neural network mimics the neural signal
In addition to measurements, sound-
transmission in a human brain, without
scape can be analysed with created
specific adjustments, not all cognitive
models that mimic characteristics of
processes are simulated accurately.
human perception using specifically con-
It should be noted that the research
structed computational algorithms.
on computational models that predict
People that experience soundscapes
attention to salient sounds, or directly
seldom visit the space with a single pur-
recognize the sounds from recordings,
pose to listen to the sound. Therefore,

Urban soundscape 63
is still in the early stages. However, the evaluation of the input sound. The model
possibilities that such models provide for can be used when (single-channel)
automatic analysis and long term mon- recordings from real or auralised sonic
itoring in the future should encourage environments are available. To the plan-
their use within the practitioners’ com- ners, its output would present a clear
munity. indication when the visitors of a recorded
place would likely pay attention to the
MODELS DEVELOPED DURING sound. As displayed in Figure 3, when
SONORUS PROJECT given a recording, the model marks
A new model for extracting auditory auditory saliency with a signal that peaks
saliency from environmental sound has where noticeable events are detected. As
been developed. The features of the a result, analysis of recordings of sound-
model are based on spectro-temporal scape could be greatly simplified by ex-
modulations found to induce direct tracting only the parts that are deemed
response in the human brain. Imple- salient and discarding the other sublim-
mented in the model are the procedures inal (i.e. non-noticeable) signal portions.
that mimic processing in human auditory This automatic procedure would find its
pathways, as well as the simulation of application in large sensor networks that
activation and inhibition of neurons in gather ‘big data’ and help the planners
the human brain. to focus on what is most important in
The output of the model represents the soundscape.
a single-number time-changing saliency

64 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project



Figure 3 - Saliency
output from a traffic
noise with honk
sounds recorded
in Ghent (BE): (a)
original recording; (b)
recording with added

Urban soundscape 65
Presenting information
about urban soundscape
Gathering data from several sources can LA10-LA90. In addition, psychoacoustic
imply that the structure and internal co- parameters related to the sound percep-
herence useful for the study needs to be tion can also be evaluated with examples
created. According to the goals, we have of: Loudness, Sharpness, Roughness and
to select and organize information into Fluctuation Strength.
more meaningful structures for repres- Spatial metrics are algorithms that
entation. define features of the landscape structure
on the basis of land use. In the analysis
“WHAT ARE WE GOING TO of urban soundscape, these metrics
REPRESENT?” are used to investigate the influence of
Most of the authors agree that the urban landscape on the perceived sonic
perception of the sonic environment is environment. Some other spatial and
influenced by the context in which the visual parameters can be used, such as
sounds are perceived and by the indi- the height of the buildings, distances
vidual differences. Regarding this gen- from the sound sources, and percentage
eral approach, we can represent acoustic, portion of elements perceived in an area
contextual (related with visual or spatial and finally visibility features.
information, odours, temperature, illu- Different measures for evaluation
minance…) and individual data (demo- of the sonic environment according to
graphic data, noise sensitivity, mood perceptual responses have been con-
scales…). Other classifications of the sidered. These include indicators related
represented data may be done regarding to soundscape quality, acoustic com-
the way of gathering the data – physical, fort and noise annoyance. To obtain a
perceptual or from computational detailed description of the sonic atmo-
models. sphere, semantic scales may be used to
In soundscape research the most evaluate people’s appraisals on sound-
frequently used acoustic variables related scape or to study how people experience
to the physical environment are Leq, an environment.
LAeq, LA10, LA50, LA90, LCeq-LAeq and

66 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

(a) (b)

Figure 4 - Maps showing: (a) acoustical data measured in Rivierenhof park,

Antwerp (Belgium); (b) perceptual indicators from questionnaire survey in Valley
Garden area, Brighton (UK)

“HOW ARE WE GOING TO surface modelling graphs, polar and

REPRESENT IT?” radar graphs, heat maps…)
The way in which we represent the in- • Acoustic level distribution graphs
formation should arouse the interest and (histograms, spectrograms, time his-
be easily understandable by stakeholders tories…)
and concerned people. We have at our • (Interactive) maps (dots, classes/cat-
disposal a number of tools that provide egories, interpolated values)
a framework for data representation,
which range from the typical statistical Although there are many ways to rep-
instruments to geographical information resent the soundscape information, we
representation showing the spatial distri- would like to highlight the capability of
bution of certain sound attributes. Below maps for showing the spatial variability
is a brief list (non-exhaustive) of some of of the collected data (to know more see
the most used instruments to depict the the Chapter on “Applied Urban Sound
outcomes of the study of urban sound- Planning”). The traditional noise maps
scape. represent the noise propagation of cer-
• Statistical tools (bar and line graphs, tain artificial sound sources (road, train
boxplots, scatterplots, jittered plots, and air traffic or industrial sources)

Urban soundscape 67
calculated with specific engineering ation can be cross validated with other
prediction methods (see the Chapter on predictive statistics.
“Controlling the sound environment”). These maps can also be intended
Representation of the sound propagation to show different perceptual informa-
of other artificial (engines, commercial tion than the acoustic one, for example
and leisure activities…) or natural sounds related with appraisals on the security of
(birds, water…) may also be used as com- a place, the beauty of landscape or the
plementary information in the sound- potential benefits to offer an alternative
scape evaluation. In contrast, maps with information to soundscape data, which
alternative information to that offered by can affect the overall environment per-
the traditional noise maps may be de- ception.
veloped, showing for example the classi- Finally, as people experience sound-
fications of areas regarding typologies of scape by visiting the space and listen-
soundscape or the distinctive spatial and ing (attending) to the sound, it is very
temporal variability of sound (Figure 4a). important for the planners and stake-
The perception of a single sound- holders to do the same. Although other
scape attribute from semantic differential methods we presented provide good
scales may also be represented using representations and general overview, to
maps (Figure 4b). Geo-statistical meth- experience soundscape by listening will
ods of interpolation, based on the con- provide a significant advantage to the
tinuous spatial variation of the same pat- planner. Therefore, in order to imagine
tern may be used for the representation a specific soundscape that matches an
of these variables. The main assumption environment – a goal that every urban
of interpolation is that the collected sound planner should aim to achieve –
data samples are correlated in space. listening in every possible occasion will
Such procedure can be understood as a provide not only the ideas but also the
prediction of the spatial behaviour of the feedback necessary to successfully ac-
variables, and the results of the interpol- complish this rewarding task.

68 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Applied urban sound

Authors: Sónia Alves, Laura Estévez Mauriz

Contributions to introduction: Matthew Easteal
Contributions from working groups:
Antwerp: Gemma Maria Echevarria Sanchez, Efstathios Margaritis, Karlo Filipan, Sónia Alves
Brighton & Hove: Francesco Aletta, Raúl Pagán Muñoz
Gothenburg: Laura Estévez Mauriz, Georgios Zachos, Sónia Alves
Rome: Virginia Puyana Romero, Fotis Georgiou, Ignacio García Merino, Mercury Kounturas

Worldwide, cities are expanding at well-planned infrastructure develop-
an unprecedented rate. Population ments are therefore needed to face this
growth in city centres places un- The requirement to improve peo-
precedented demands on existing ple’s mobility within cities will increase,
city infrastructure systems that which inevitably affects the urban in-
are bringing many EU cities to a frastructure, resulting in the expansion
of the transportation networks. Conse-
breaking point. quently, negative impacts such as noise
and air pollution are expected to rise.
Traffic noise, people noise, pollution, In order to meet these challenges, the
poorly planned and managed places integration of urban and transport plan-
within our cities threaten the health and ning will be fundamental to the future
wellbeing for all of us. Large scale and of successful cities. The delivery of col-

laborative transport, public realm and of SONORUS to urban sound planning
regeneration projects can achieve this. relies on preventing the occurrence of
It has therefore never before been more noise, by not limiting the interventions to
important for technical, social and eco- the obvious noise engineering solutions
logical systems to work together. but to include a combined approach that
In such a dynamic environment, the coordinates actions of different acoustic
newly established discipline of Urban fields to provide an integrated solution.
Sound Planning combines synergies In this Chapter, we are summarizing
with the other planning processes in a examples where urban sound planning
unique way. The Urban Sound Planner is applied within the SONORUS project.
brings a different perspective and con- The intention of including practical cases
tributions to the process of delivering in the project is to develop exemplary
well-designed cities that work for people application to real case scenarios within
rather than harm them. This is achieved the urban sound planning approach. This
by improving the quality of sonic urban work aims to contribute to improving
environments, not simply trying to make the current situation and reversing the
things quieter, but proactively designing growth of poor urban sound envir-
to avoid noise generation and defining onments. Four different scenarios are
policies and strategies to value, introduce included, varying in scales, methods and
and preserve the characteristics of a outcomes: Rivierenhof Park in Antwerp
good sonic environment. (Belgium), Frihamnen area in Gothen-
Presently, the main objective of an burg (Sweden), Valley Gardens in
acoustic intervention is defined in the Brighton & Hove (UK) and the Colos-
regulations as a noise ceiling and is seum, Palatine and Roman Forum area in
usually considered after the urban plan Rome (Italy).
project is already decided, limiting the
opportunities of approaches to other DIFFERENT SCALES, DIFFERENT
than traditional engineering noise con- NEEDS, DIFFERENT TOOLS
trol. This approach is usually restricted The holistic approach has the ability to
in space (to the most exposed receivers) assess the sonic environment at different
and in time (short-term perspective), urban scales, from growing mega-urban
missing the opportunity to contribute developments to the small urban park.
to improved environments, sometimes Mega (more than 10 million inhabitants)
missing to take advantage of high- or Meta cities (more than 20 million
quality potentials. The holistic approach

70 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

inhabitants) are in a growing trend and onments and support future planning
by 2050 the number of megacities is ex- strategies. This may include: dynamic
pected to rise to 41. However the pres- noise map tools, contributing to an opti-
sure it adds in terms of urban infrastruc- mization of the traffic layout (Gothenburg
ture demand is enormous: the increased test site); integration of noise engineer-
need to commute from peripheral areas ing concepts, protecting inhabitants from
into the city centre will add even more high noise levels (Gothenburg and
traffic resulting in increased pollution and Antwerp test sites); and preservation of
lower quality of life. History has shown public spaces at a larger scale by means
that building more road infrastructure of soundscape analysis (Antwerp and
will only increase traffic. In order to cope Brighton & Hove test sites). In a micro-
with this previously unseen demand scale planning level, the focus is nar-
for mobility, innovative and integrated rowed down to the users, the residents
approaches are required. Efficient public and their wellbeing, e.g. through the
transportation systems and functional development of multisensory perception
and safe paths for pedestrians and cy- tools including visual and aural stimuli,
clists will support a sustainable mobility allowing for testing different scenarios
and, at the same time, contribute to the (Rome and Brighton & Hove test sites).
improvement of the sonic environment. Here, small projects take into account
Specific innovative tools developed the individual needs and try to improve
for the analysis of sonic environments the liveability of spaces, promoting in-
can be integrated into the overall plan- teractions between people, in safe and
ning at this level, contributing to an healthy environments.
optimized solution. For both macro and It is extremely important to remark
mesoscale planning of the built envir- that all scales are influencing each other.
onment, urban sound planning shall be For that, we must extend the acoustic
applied at the beginning of the planning interventions to exploit all the potential
process. This is the only way to obtain a benefits to obtain a good sound envir-
coherent solution. Within the SONORUS onment, even when noise has not come
project, several tools have been devel- up as a matter of concern. Therefore, the
oped attending to the different urban use of available tools and the develop-
scales. At the mesoscale or larger, a com- ment of new ones will ensure a proactive
prehensive and truly holistic approach urban sound planning approach.
can be applied to set the basis for a
good acoustic characterisation of envir-
Applied urban sound planning 71
Road that
crosses the
park, dividing
Map of Antwerp it in two parts
(Rivierenhof park
marked in green)


Highway running
on the south side
of the park

Highway on the west side of the park, with

the only connection between the city
centre and the park being the
Turnhoutsebaan bridge

72 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Applying urban sound
planning: our study fields
ANTWERP road with local roads.
PLANNING GOAL: Improve the access and AREA 1: Spoor Oost is the location
use of a park area. chosen to place a major funfair
MAIN RESEARCH TOPIC: Controlling the (Sinksenfoor) that happens every year in
sound environment through noise pre- summer. During the rest of the year this
diction methods and soundscape of open space is expected to be a pleasant
urban parks. meeting point for the nearby residents.
AREA 2: Hof ter Lo is a residential
Mesoscale level development exposed to high noise lev-
OUTPUT: Impact study of measures to els. The city asked for several guidelines
control the sound environment by FDTD and a series of actions to protect the
calculations (finite-difference time-do- residents.
main) and further development of a AREA 3: Rivierenhof Park is one of the
model for human perception of environ- most important green areas of the city,
mental sounds and its translation to an however, the park is affected by high
artificial sound perception model. noise levels due to the busy highway
that surrounds the park on the south
and west sides. Additionally, a local road
Antwerp is one of the most populated
divides Rivierenhof in two parts.
cities in Belgium located in the centre of
AREA 4: The Turnhoutsebaan bridge is
several road infrastructures connecting
the only access to Rivierenhof Park from
Europe. Road traffic and the associated
the city centre. It is of remarkable impor-
noise and air pollution are major envir-
tance, since the area located to the west
onmental challenges for the city.
of it lacks green areas. A few hundred
The study area in which the urban
meters of roads (the Singel-Ringway) and
sound planning praxis is applied in
a railway separate the two areas. Despite
Antwerp is composed of four sub-areas
the spatial proximity, in reality, it is diffi-
affected by a road infrastructure node
cult to access the park, as the bridge is
situated at the northeast part of the city
extremely noisy, unpleasant and unsafe.
with intense traffic that combines two
It is mainly working as a barrier instead
major road infrastructures and a ring
of a connector.
Applied urban sound planning 73
Urban Sound Planning in praxis: The first step of this study was to
strategies and results in gather data in a large-scale measure-
ment campaign conducted not only at
Rivierenhof Park, Antwerp
Rivierenhof Park, but also at several other
- Soundscape design through indivi-
urban parks in Antwerp. The measure-
dual perception model, green space and
ment campaign included the recording
of the sound environment during 22
Different acoustic challenges demand
days with mobile sensor nodes carried
different approaches. Thus, in the follow-
on all paths inside the parks. The re-
ing paragraphs, the main tools applied
corded data included sound spectrum in
at these test sites will be described. The
1/3-octave bands, audio signals and GPS
work is mainly focused on the third area,
position, enabling a spatial representa-
Rivierenhof Park.
tion of all measurements (Figure 1). At
In order to study the human per-
the same time, visitors of the parks were
ception of environmental sounds, the
questioned about their perception of the
influence of green areas, natural sound
sonic environment.
sources and relative membership are in-
The outputs of the measurement
vestigated. The main strategies used are
campaign include equivalent sound
based on a soundscape approach. The
pressure levels (LAEq) averaged over 1
idea is to develop statistical and com-
second along the paths inside the park,
putational models to be used by urban
complemented by a comprehensive
planners to assess the soundscape of
characterisation of the sound environ-
urban parks. Based on a comprehensive
ment using several indicators:
study, a human auditory attention model
• Percentile indicators to get the dy-
is developed and tested including:
namic characteristics of the 1-minute
• The conduction of a large-scale
sonic environment: 50-percentile
measurement campaign.
to illustrate the average, 90-per-
• The development of a model for
centile to illustrate the background
human perception of environment
and the 10-percentile to illustrate
sounds and its translation to an artifi-
the high values. The difference be-
cial sound perception model.
tween C-weighted and A-weighted
• The application of environmental
levels as an indicator that depicts
sound monitoring at the park.
the low-frequency content of the
measured sound, as well as the

74 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 1 - Noise map of
Rivierenhof Park (LAeq,1s)

Figure 2 – The yellow-

to-purple coloured dots rep-
resent the 1-minute moving
average of the indicator
of high frequency content

sharpness, which is a psychoacoustic The measurement results show that

parameter that describes high fre- Rivierenhof Park has the highest noise
quency content. For this reason, it levels adjacent to the busy highways with
can be used as a proxy indicator for LEq between 60 and 75 dBA. Addition-
sounds such as voices; ally, the background noise level (L90) is
• Green space data (grass and tree between 60 and 75 dBA. It can be seen
coverage) as indicators that might that the sharpness indicator in the park
affect noise level distribution due to in Figure 2 has highest values at the
different properties in absorption, centre as well as in areas where people
diffusion or scattering. would be the more dominant sound
source compared to road traffic noise.
Applied urban sound planning 75
Figure 3 – Appreciation of sounds in parks

In order to evaluate the subjective re-

sponse to the sound environment, the
public was asked to complete a ques-
tionnaire including 13 statements to
analyse the influence of the park, the
meaning of tranquillity and the heard
(attended) types of sounds and the rel-
ative membership. All of their responses
were assigned to the calculated tranquil-
Figure 4 – Average values of L90 and relative
lity viewpoint group with a relative mem- confidence intervals depicted for each green
bership (social relationships, sounds and space category in Rivierenhof Park
nature, and silence). The questions relate
the sounds that the park visitors repor- the other hand, in the group of partici-
ted to have heard during their visit to the pants belonging to the same tranquillity
park and the degree of membership of belief groups, a pronounced increase
the three viewpoints on tranquility. is found in the hearing of mechanical
As can be seen in Figure 3, the par- sounds. Correspondingly, it can be
ticipants who heard a large number of argued that the mechanical sounds
natural sounds do generally not belong (often characterized as unwanted) are
to the groups associating tranquillity to noticed more by those people associ-
natural sound sources or to silence. On ating tranquillity to silence and natural

76 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 5 – Artificial sound attention model output for Rivierenhof Park

sound sources. Therefore, such people ing that an increase in the amount of
hear these antagonizing sounds more trees within the parks can provide fur-
than the sounds that they actually want ther noise level attenuation (Figure 4). A
and expect to hear in a tranquil environ- second outcome is that the noise levels
ment. within the “tree coverage” are lower than
Rivierenhof Park is also the objec- the noise levels in the “grass coverage”.
tive of study for the interaction of green To continue with the application of
space parameters and sound levels. In urban sound planning, the study conti-
this case there is a negative correlation nued with the development of a model
between the tree coverage and the for human perception of environmental
average levels of L10 and L90, suggest- sounds and its translation to an artificial
Applied urban sound planning 77
sound perception model (see Figure 5). attentively to either of the sounds, as a
The current status of technology allows human park visitor would do.
a monitoring of cities with a high spa- To complement this study applying
tial resolution. However, the challenge an urban sound planning approach, the
starts within a soundscape approach that study goes beyond the analysis of the
analyses the person-environment inter- distribution of different activities within
action, i.e. the perception. The inclusion the park, with the aim to make it more
of such translation will strongly help in attractive to the users. The proximity of
the understanding and assessment of different paths, the accessibility of the
urban sound environments. Although park and different activities have been
the models will not be described in detail studied, as well as the quality of inte-
(for more information, check the “Urban gration in the city. It was concluded that
soundscape” Chapter), it is worth to the southern part of the park has more
mention that they describe and imple- chances to be visited than the northern
ment two basic listening styles: the first part due to the presence of water (lakes)
characterizes the holistic background lis- and the activities around it. Improving
tening experience and the second imple- accessibility, creating new paths, and en-
ments the analytic listening considering hancing the lake as the final destination
the person’s attention and the noticed could result in more visitors for these
sounds areas.
The model is expected to give statis-
tical information about individual per- Controlling the urban sound en-
ception. For example, mechanical sounds vironment: improvement of road
were almost constantly noticed next to layout
the busy roads. Human sounds appear Rivierenhof Park is divided by a 1 km
mostly in the centre area of the park. road with two traffic lanes, each with an
Natural sounds were often noticed in adjacent bicycle and pedestrian path.
the north area of the park. However, the The current urban layout decreases
model also includes an important por- pedestrian safety and interrupts the co-
tion of human sounds activation in areas hesion of the park as only four crossing
without many people during the mea- points are available. At the same time,
surement campaign. As a consequence the linear geometry of the road en-
of the implementation of attention hances vehicle acceleration. From the
processes, the model allows not listening aesthetic and visual point of view, it gives

78 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 6 – Scenarios modelled: current scenario, scenario 1, scenario 2

the misleading impression to the visitor • Separating the two traffic lanes;
that this is the end of the park. Addition- • Reducing the number of lanes: redis-
ally, this road is a significant source of tribution of the traffic flow to other
road traffic noise, with LEq values around possible routes;
70 dBA. • Reducing traffic speed with calming
In this regard, the working group measures, such as the inclusion of
proposed the following solutions to chicanes along the road, known to
mitigate the problems generated by road reduce traffic speed. This measure will
traffic, reducing road traffic noise emis- also avoid the linear perception of
sion and increasing pedestrian safety and the road, giving visual continuity to
urban green space quality: the park;

Applied urban sound planning 79



Figure 7 – Noise exposure

along the cross section at 1.5
m height. (a) Scenario 1,
(b) Scenario 2

• Adding a porous road surface mater- Most of the proposed solutions were
ial, reducing noise emission; acoustically calculated using a wave
• Locating vegetated low barriers next model (a Finite-Difference Time-Domain
to the source (see “Controlling the method, FDTD) (to know more, see the
urban sound environment” Chapter); Chapter on “Prediction and auralisation
• Including absorbent vegetated areas of urban sound environments”). The ad-
between source and receiver, reduc- dition of different shapes of low barriers
ing noise levels at the pedestrian was also assessed (see the “Controlling
paths while giving visual continuity to the urban sound environment” Chapter).
the park; The different noise abatement meas-
• Locating pedestrian paths and bike ures are included in two new scenarios:
lanes at a further distance from the scenario 1 (Sc1) keeping the two-lane
road. road, and scenario 2 (Sc2) modelling a
one-lane road (see Figure 6). Both scen-
arios are compared to the current situa-

80 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

tion, where both the cyclist and pedes- dBA in the exposure for the same posi-
trian paths are located next to the road. tion. The comparison between the two
Seven different cases are calculated, charts shows the importance of limiting
including the current scenario, the two the traffic speed achieving around 5 dBA
future scenarios without barriers and reduction. It should be noted that the
the future scenarios with the two barrier modelling results have been performed
types (see Figure 6). In both proposed in two dimensions, assuming no variation
scenarios, pedestrian and cycling path along the third dimension. They corre-
are located at a further distance from the spond approximately to a 3D model from
road (8.5 and 17 m respectively), making the section infinitely extruded, which is
it possible to include two absorbing not a real-life case. However, they are
green areas. useful for comparing the efficiency of
Two different low barrier types each noise abatement.
(vertical or 30 degrees inclined) of 1.1 m The exposure reduction in dBA rela-
height have been assessed taking into tive to the reference values in the current
account different traffic speeds (50, 40 case (cyclist at 4 m and the pedestrian
and 30 km/h). Both barrier types are at 5 m) is displayed (see Figure 8). Here,
modelled with absorbing vegetation large noise reductions are shown, es-
on the top and receiver sides. The total pecially in the cases with the inclined
sound pressure level distribution along low barrier, where a 25 dBA reduction is
the section at 1.5 m height in the differ- achieved on the cyclist exposure at 8.5
ent cases are compared to the current m distance and 30 dBA reduction for the
situation (see Figure 7). The inclined pedestrian exposure at 17 m in scenario
low barrier for scenario Sc2 is the most Sc2.
effective solution, with a reduction of 11.5
Attenuation (dBA)

Figure 8 – Noise reduction

(dBA) for cyclist at 8.5m and
pedestrian at 17 m from the
road centre in both scen-
arios. Vegetated substrate is

Applied urban sound planning 81

From this analysis the main conclusions Virtual Reality as a tool to
are that: combine visualisation and
• The combination of different noise
abatement measures proposed, in-
The Virtual Reality technology is an inter-
cluding distance increase, can reduce
esting tool to combine visualisation and
up to 25 dBA for cyclists and up to 30
auralisation, allowing a comprehensive
dBA for pedestrians;
analysis of the urban environment during
• The suppression of one traffic lane
the design phase. Additionally, it is an
gives an overall reduction of around
effective means to communicate propos-
3 dBA;
als to stakeholders as they can be virtu-
• Decreasing the speed from 50 to 40
ally transported to the newly designed
km/h reduces an overall noise level
urban area.
by around 3 dBA. Reducing the speed
Virtual Reality was applied in
from 40 km/h to 30 km/h additionally
SONORUS to improve the urban sound
reduces noise by around 3 dBA;
environment, assessing different reno-
• Displacing the cyclist and pedestrian
vation designs for the Turnhoutsebaan
lanes further away from the source
bridge, which passes over a busy High-
achieves a reduction of around 7 dBA
way in Antwerp and is the only access
and 17 dBA respectively.
to Rivierenhof Park from the city centre.
• Vegetated ground surfaces only
Despite the spatial proximity, the con-
reduce noise at far distances. Reduc-
junction of roads and railways constitutes
tion of around 6.5 dBA is achieved for
a real obstacle to reach the park. Walk-
pedestrians at 17 m from the road.
ing on this bridge is currently extremely
• The addition of a low vertical barrier
noisy and gives a feeling of insecurity.
reduces noise by around 6 dBA for
A test was performed with normal
cyclists, but practically no effect is
hearing participants experiencing a walk
found for pedestrians.
over different virtual environments on
• The inclined barrier achieves bigger
the bridge using the Oculus Rift (see
reductions than the vertical one in all
Figure 9). Different urban arrangements
cases. It additionally reduces noise
were modelled and different noise abate-
by around 4 dBA in Sc1 and around
ment measures (noise barriers) were
2 dBA in Sc2 for cyclists. For pedes-
conveniently auralised.
trians, a reduction of nearly 5 dBA is
It was shown that human percep-
achieved in Sc1 and 3 dBA in Sc2.
tion of the urban environment is multi-

82 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 9. Virtual reality applied to improve the urban sound environ-
ment at Turnhoutsebaan bridge

sensorial (especially, the visual sense is This demonstrates that noise control
related to the auditory sense) and such in the context of soundscape design
interactions can have an important effect should not only consider reducing levels
on people’s noise perception. As an of unwanted sounds, but also improve
example, the effect of the noise barriers the audio-visual perception of the urban
is not only a noise reduction at the ear environment. Consequently, architects
of the pedestrian. It also partially hides and urbanists play an important role in
the sound source from sight, and the the perception of the urban environment
visual design of the barrier may help to and the participation of an urban sound
improve the overall perception of the planner is recommended as an integral
environment. part of future urban planning.

Applied urban sound planning 83

Map of Götaälv bridge
Gothenburg to the northeast
(Frihamnen of the area
area marked in

One pedestrian bridge links the

Frihamnen area with the north side. The
bridge goes over the highway and rail-
way that run along the northwest side of
the area.

84 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

GOTHENBURG, FRIHAMNEN 2040, transforming it into a dense-mixed
AREA area with around 15 000 people and the
PLANNING GOAL: Recover and transform same number of working places.
a central area with residential purposes, However, Frihamnen is a challenge
including a large city park. from the environmental point of view,
MAIN RESEARCH TOPIC: Controlling the where the list of aspects contain rising
sound environment through noise pre- water levels, contaminated soil and wa-
diction methods. ter, and air and noise pollution coupled
with the infrastructure problems.
Mesoscale level
OUTPUT: Development of a tool to study Frihamnen within SONORUS
the impact of future road traffic scen- SONORUS working group got the task to
arios on the sound environment through analyse the acoustic situation and under-
microscopic traffic alternatives based on stand the impact of future developments
real situations. on the sound environment from a holis-
tic perspective. In this regard, Frihamnen
Description presents a great potential to become
The city of Gothenburg is located at the a pleasant area. However, the project
mouth of the river Göta in west Sweden. needs to look at a long-term perspective
It is the second largest city in Sweden, under a holistic approach, where retrofit-
with 550 000 inhabitants in the urban ting might be avoided due to the in-
area. crease in costs and technical complexity.
The study area of the SONORUS Frihamnen is a project largely driven by
project is Frihamnen (Freeport). It was the need of densification. Moreover, the
built in the 1920s as the most inner har- complexity is increased by the interest
bour located in front of the city centre. it has generated among the city offices,
The freeport was closed in 1996. Since the citizens and the building companies
then, this area of around 100 ha (the around it.
same size as the city centre) has been Our concern is on how to obtain
enduring a severe transformation. a good sound environment, attending
The area presents a unique opportunity to the above described interactions. To
to improve and test new ideas within the exploit all potential benefits of obtain-
urbanization process. This unique occa- ing a good sound environment, guide-
sion is presented by the city in the way line values may be a first approach, but
of a long-term project to be finished by certainly not the final answer within an
Applied urban sound planning 85
Figure 10 – Noise map of Frihamnen area. Day-evening-
night noise levels

urban sound planning approach. a residential area. The Swedish legislation

To get a glimpse of the current noise considers the LAEq,24h limit to be 55 dB.
situation, a noise map reflecting the day- However, this limit level is raised in the
evening-night equivalent level (Lden) case the noise levels at the quiet side are
is already assessing the problematic below 55 dB, in at least half of the living
environment (see Figure 10). The whole rooms and bedrooms.
area is submitted to levels above 65 dB, The main noise source in Frihamnen
calculated according to the Swedish is the road traffic. Nevertheless, a high
standard. The World Health Organization contribution is also coming from the
(WHO) stated in the Good practice guide trains traveling northwest-northeast.
on noise, that Lden values around 50 dB However, as we stated in the previ-
would represent a good sound quality in ous Chapters (see “Controlling the
86 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project
urban sound environment” Chapter), give enough answers to improve the
these type of maps, which are mainly sound environment of large areas.
based on static traffic situations, are not Within the mesoscale, the appropri-
adding enough information about how ateness of the sound environment to the
the sound power of sources is varying desired planned activities and functions
along the roads and over time, where in the area is one of the main ideas to
vehicles are constantly braking and explore. However, certain proper condi-
accelerating. Such noise maps are not tions are needed. In an area dominated
giving enough information about how to by high exposure to noise, the spatial
improve the area embracing a view that functions and uses that this part of the
places sound quality on the urban plan- city could offer to its inhabitants is prac-
ning agenda. tically none. With such high exposure to
Transport management and traffic noise, the idea to, for example, sit in a
design are decisive if one wants to start park to read a book not being disturbed
talking about qualities in the sound by traffic noise or rest at home without
environment. To study these types of noticing the high noise levels coming
projects, the assessment includes a from the road traffic all the time, etc., will
macroscale perspective, focusing on how be extremely difficult to realise, unless a
the city works. The building and trans- careful plan of the sound environment is
portation structures comprise a cascade included in the decision-making process.
effect within the rest of the urban scales. If this is not addressed at the planning
Infrastructures such as the train line and stage, it is very likely that in order to mit-
highways are affecting the overall sound igate the noise and increase the sound
environment (to know more on this type quality of the area, the resulting design
of scales and the implications it has on will end up being a patchwork design,
the sound environment, read the intro- e.g. with noise proof windows, standard
duction of the Chapter on “Controlling noise barriers and suboptimal use of
the urban sound environment”). This spaces due to their high exposure to
type of scale is tackled from a long- noise. This will also have enormous long-
term perspective, looking at all agents term consequences on complexity and
involved. In the study of Frihamnen, the costs. The SONORUS vision tries to avoid
focus is on looking toward the next scale this retrofitting state, where everything
affected by this macroscale planning becomes complex and expensive.
design, i.e. the mesoscale, capable to The city is making a large effort by

Applied urban sound planning 87

creating several workshops and activities Urban Sound Planning in praxis:
about the area. However, acoustic traffic strategies, noise emission
aspects are generally not present in
tool and results in Frihamnen
those activities. As part of the Urban
Sound Planning approach, SONORUS area, Gothenburg
organised a workshop with members of The tool is understood as a dynamic
the city’s Planning Office and Environ- assessment composed by microscopic
mental Office (see section “Urban Sound traffic simulations including the vehic-
Planning workshop”). les’ kinematics, which are computed to
As mentioned previously, the trans- obtain single-vehicle noise emission (see
port management and traffic design is the Chapters on “Controlling the urban
key if one wants to start talking about sound environment” and “Prediction and
qualities in the sound environment. For auralisation of urban sound environ-
this purpose we started to study the ments”).
traffic scenario proposed by the Traffic The study focuses on nine alterna-
Office (this model has been modified in tive traffic strategies. Five of the strate-
the latest project reviews). gies are related to speed reductions or
In general, noise mapping software acceleration effects based on the first
work with static traffic, which may lead to scenario (the one proposed by the Traffic
underestimations. Therefore, a dynamic Office). The rest of scenarios present
assessment tool, representing the kine- different layout transformations (see Fig-
matics of the vehicle is developed within ure 11). The models are made to assess
the SONORUS project. The purpose is the worst traffic demand situation (peak
to study those plausible strategies that hour). The requisite is that all scenarios
could improve the sound environment of have to allocate the same traffic, for
the area. These strategies seek to ad- example, the same number of vehicles
dress the appropriateness of the sound traveling from one point should be able
environment to the place (closeness to to reach their destination in all scenarios
water, the location of residential areas, We selected 11 receiver points dis-
the influence of major infrastructures, tributed among the area to see how the
etc.). acoustic properties are changing among
them (see figure 12, scenario 1). The
sound power level of all individual vehic-
les during the peak hour is estimated.
The influence of vehicle dynamics is

88 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 11 – Studied scenarios

already shown in scenario 9 in Figure 12, is analysed. (See Figure 13, top, for equ-
(acceleration noise omitted) in compari- ivalent as well as peak levels.) To study
son with base scenario (1), with diffe- data through maps, roads are grouped
rences around 1-3 dBA for the selected into segments (here ca 150 segments in
receivers. Also, scenario 8, without heavy total).
vehicles, is giving differences in terms of In general, when assessing LAeq,1h
equivalent sound pressure level (1-2.5 the most favourable scenarios are 3, 5, 8
dBA). and 9. Speed reduction in the highway
With this type of tool is also possible (scenario 5) might be a good solution to
to see the contribution to the equivalent reduce noise levels in the majority of the
sound pressure level, for e.g. 15 minutes study points. Keeping only light vehicles
(LAeq,900s), from each road segment to (scenario 8) reduces levels up to 2.5 dBA.
a certain study point (e.g. receiver), cre- A study on time patterns should be
ating a kind of contribution noise map. made to give further information about
The same way, the largest LAeq,1s value the test site opportunities (to see more
during the period, here denoted Lpeak, about time patterns and number of
Applied urban sound planning 89
Figure 12 – Dynamic noise maps for the second simulated quarter hour
reflect the equivalent sound pressure level for the second quarter hour

90 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 13 – LAEq,900s
contribution per link
and sound pressure

Applied urban sound planning 91

events go to the Chapter on “Controlling onment through transport manage-
the urban sound environment”). ment and traffic design strategies
From this work, we have concluded focusing both on a macro and micro-
that there is a need to confront the pro- scopic traffic study;
ject under a multi-perspective scenario, • Interest on time patterns with a large
letting the urban planning process meet impact on nuisance: study through
the requirements of the city, while offer- dynamic traffic situations;
ing concrete proposals from a holistic • Rethink the opportunities to improve
point of view. The SONORUS working the sound environment through the
group has been developing the research study of the activities and functions
in parallel to the development of the that each particular site is deman-
project. Our aim has been to show differ- ding;
ent alternatives that can be considered • Avoid complex and expensive solu-
by the city, but also to develop a tool tions through the application of the
that might be used as part of the design urban sound planning approach as
process in other urban developments. part of the decision-making design
Some recommendations proposed stage.
are looking toward:
• The reinterpretation of the transport
system: controlling the sound envir-

92 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

BRIGHTON, VALLEY GARDENS sulting in excessive noise and annoyance
PLANNING GOAL: Regain a park area for therefrom.
MAIN RESEARCH TOPIC: Soundscape of The Valley Gardens site within
urban parks including urban sound envir- SONORUS
onment control. The Valley Gardens site is a green area
located in the city centre, which stretches
Microscale level from the seafront roundabout (Brighton
OUTPUT: Characterization of the sound Pier) to approximately 1.5 km into the
environment by integrating a detailed city.
traditional noise mapping and sound- The area constitutes a relevant
scape maps through the perception access for entering and leaving the city
evaluation of the sonic environment and for accessing the seaside. Conse-
appropriateness. First assessments show quently, it is largely affected by the high
that this integration may be an effec- noise levels from road traffic. The resi-
tive methodology in the analysis stage, dents do not use the green areas along
supporting city planners with adequate the site for their leisure activities.
information and strategies to plan future Added to the problem of noise,
urban interventions. there are also mobility issues: some road
sections have a total of four lanes, nar-
Description row sidewalks and almost non-existing
Brighton & Hove is a city of 250 000 cycling lanes which make it difficult for
residents and is one of the main seaside people to move around.
destinations in the UK, both for national In order to solve these problems, the
and foreigner tourists. It receives around city of Brighton & Hove started a project
400 000 visitors per year. Brighton & with the purpose of improving the area
Hove city has a wide range of restaurants and transform it into a safe and flexi-
and cafes, and offers a varied nightlife, ble place that will attract residents and
which, along with the numerous art and visitors. This way, the area will become a
cultural events have created a thriving meeting place, connecting the city effi-
city. ciently and safely however people travel.
The drawback of being such a vi- The Valley Gardens project’s aim is to
brant city is the added pressure in terms upgrade the public spaces and improve
of road traffic and human activities re- routes for pedestrians, cyclists, drivers

Applied urban sound planning 93


Map of Brighton
(Valley Gardens 7

marked in blue)

A narrow strip
of the park
surrounded by

View of the Royal Pavillion

94 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

and public transport. This project seeks The noise map for the day-time level (Ld)
to minimise intrusive/unwanted noise was generated based on fifty-five select-
whilst at the same time introduce posi- ed receiver points, calculated according
tive sounds. According to the city part- to the CRTN method (used in the UK).
ner, the intention for this site is to use A noise survey and a soundwalk
sound as a valuable resource rather than campaign were carried out at eight
a “waste product of poorly designed selected locations close to and within
areas”. the Valley Gardens; (1) Seafront, (2) The
Nevertheless, the current situation Old Steine, (3) Royal Pavilion, (4) Victoria
is deeply affected by noise problems. Gardens South–Victoria Statue, (5)
The entire Valley Gardens area is being Victoria Gardens South–Mazda Fountain,
exposed to high noise levels (Lden≥65 (6) Victoria Gardens North, (7) St Peter’s
dBA and Ln≥60 dBA), which are above Church and (8) The Level.
the recommended levels by the WHO. For each location, 21 participants
One of the first challenges proposed by were asked to listen to the sound envir-
the city to the SONORUS working group onment for 2 minutes and fill in a struc-
was to tackle this problem in a holistic tured questionnaire. The questionnaire
way, improving the soundscape of the included questions about: participant’s
park area. demographic information, expected
social or recreational activities, notice-
Urban Sound Planning in praxis: ability of different sound source types,
soundscape design strategies semantic scales of perceptual attributes
related to the sound environment, and
and results in the Valley Gardens,
overall quality and appropriateness of
Brighton the sound environment. Two sets of
In order to have a solid background for questions on a ten-point scale were fur-
future proposal and design, it was es- ther considered to assess:
sential to have a good acoustic charac- • Soundscape quality: two questions
terisation of the current Valley Gardens considered the perception of the
situation. Thus, two main strategies were sound environment, ranging from
defined: producing a more detailed road “very bad” (0) to “very good” (10),
traffic noise map of the Valley Gardens and the appropriateness of the sound
area characterizing the sound environ- environment, ranging from “not at all
ment both from the acoustic metrics and appropriate” (0) to “completely ap-
the individual perceptions point of view. propriate” (10).
Applied urban sound planning 95
Figure 14 – Median
individual responses for
appropriateness of the
sound environment to
the place and overall
sound environment

• Sound source profiles, to evaluate to been found to be the main cause of

what extent different urban sound noise annoyance in the investigated area.
sources were present: traffic noise, A “sound sources dominance map”
other urban noise sources (sirens, was also produced by implementing the
construction noise, etc.), sounds of mean individual scores for the sound
individuals or natural sounds. The source profiles question into a Geo-
scale ranged from “do not hear at all” graphical Information System (GIS) plat-
(0) to “dominates completely” (10). form, generating a prediction surface for
the study area, using the Kriging inter-
The results (see Figure 14) show that only polation method (Figure 15).
two of the selected locations had high The results show that road traffic
scores both on the overall sound envir- noise sources dominate the area and
onment quality and appropriateness of that “sounds of individuals” had low
the sounds environment to the place: scores, which suggests the absence of
The Royal Pavilion and The Level. This is perceived sounds from human activities
likely due to the fact that those are the throughout the park.
only two sites that are not directly A combination of noise mitigation
exposed to road traffic noise, which has actions and different soundscape

96 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 15 – Sound
source dominance
Traffic (a),
Other urban sounds
(construction, sirens,
etc) (b),
Sounds of indi-
viduals (c),
Natural sounds (d)

strategies has been proposed in order the majority of the study points are the
to assess potential benefits of an overall banning of heavy vehicles and the intro-
solution aimed at improving the Valley duction of a continuous absorbing noise
Gardens sound environment. For this, 15 barrier around the park. However, the
study points were selected (see Figure 16 noise barrier solution will need a fur-
and Table 1). ther study in order to be adapted to the
Different noise mitigation actions several particularities of the urban layout,
were proposed and discussed with the such as crossings, bike lanes, etc.
city planners. The most effective ones for

Applied urban sound planning 97

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6


-04 2
-08 5



Figure 16 – Noise mitigation actions (Attenuation in dBA)

Table 1 - Noise mitigation actions

Case Description
1 No reflections from buildings

2 Speed limit set to 20 km/h

3 Continuous absorbing noise barrier (1 m. height)
around the park

4 No heavy vehicles
5 Buses on the West bound and remaining traffic on
the East bound
6 All traffic to the East bound

98 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

In an attempt to improve the urban responses) confirmed that road traffic
sound environment, soundscape noise is the most relevant noise source
strategies may be used in the case noise while being perceived as inappropriate
reduction measures were not feasible. to the Valley Gardens area.
However, for noisy environments, it
is strongly recommended to reduce In summary, the traditional approach
noise levels previous to the inclusion of provided by the road traffic noise map
soundscape measures. For the present was extended by including results of
study, the proposed soundscape strategy research featuring the overall sound
aimed to achieve attentional auditory environment characterisation, in both
masking for hot spots (suitable places acoustical and perceptual levels, and
to improve the sound environment due showed that the sound environment of
to its relevance and its high noise ex- the site is not adequate to the visitors’
posure). The sound-pressure level of a expectations. Together, the three tools
sound from walking on a platform implemented by the working group
covered with gravel was compared with a (noise maps, sound maps and sound-
15-second excerpt of traffic noise recor- scape maps) proved to constitute an
ded at a crossroads in Valley Gardens. effective methodology at the analysis
A simulation of the comparison between stage, as well as for the planning of the
the walking sound on gravel and a typ- future site. The methodology supported
ical background noise recorded on site the city planners with adequate informa-
during the soundwalk is shown on the tion to plan urban interventions toward
next page. Figure 17 shows that the level an improved urban solution.
of the walking sounds has the potential The main acoustic goal was to pro-
to exceed that of a typical road traffic mote sound environments that can foster
noise as recorded on site. Therefore, it health and wellbeing for citizens. In order
seems reasonable to assume that this to implement the holistic concept, the is-
solution could provide energetic as well sues related to the sound environment of
as attentional masking for the unwanted the test site were approached from both
sound source. a conventional noise control perspective
Data collection at the test site (both and a soundscape perspective.
objective measurements and individual

Applied urban sound planning 99

Walking sound Background noise
on gravel (Leq = 65 dB)


Time (s)

Figure 17 – Results of masking effects of proposed solution

100 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

ROME, THE COLOSSEUM, The Colosseum, Palatine and
PALATINE AND ROMAN FORUM Roman Forum area within
PLANNING GOAL: Improve the perceived In terms of its sound environment, the
quality of an archaeological area for area is considered a highly protected
visitors. environment where quietness is a basic
MAIN RESEARCH TOPIC: Controlling the characteristic for its use. Despite all the
urban sound environment through noise regulations, the sound environment is
mitigation actions and soundscape with- not appropriate to the activities and uses
in an archaeological area. of the space. Road traffic noise levels
above 65 dBA (LEq) are generally present
Microscale level in the area. The municipality has taken
OUTPUT: Integration of noise maps and some actions to reduce the noise ex-
acoustic measurements with a percep- posure by banning private traffic from
tual analysis to characterise the current around the Colosseum in the Fori
situation. First assessments indicate that Imperiali street. Due to this, around 1300
poorer general judgements are related veh/h in the peak morning hour are
to low ratings of soundscape quality. removed from the area. Moreover, con-
struction activities are currently present
Description in the surroundings of the area, to en-
Rome is well known for its historical and able a new metro line.
archaeological heritage, where the most The area confronts a wide range of
important monuments are the Colos- challenges in order to protect, under-
seum and the Roman Forum area, with stand and value the archaeological area.
6,5 million visitors in 2015. This situation These challenges cover a broad perspec-
suggested the emergence of new strat- tive, including: the improvement of qual-
egies to approach to heritage interpre- ity and attractiveness of outdoor spaces,
tation, improving the liveability of the the need for protection of certain areas
space and the surroundings, while en- whilst guaranteeing tourists’ access, and
hancing the experience and site’s iden- integration in the city as a crucial part
tity. The site is immersed in the urban of the cultural, societal and economical
structure with an area of around 40 ha. development, promoting a participative
Busy roads and high human activity are process including all interested stake-
surrounding the area. holders.

Applied urban sound planning 101

View of the
Colosseum and
pedestrian area
Map of Rome
(Roman Forum,
Palatine and the
marked in

Via Celio Vibenna and Via di San

Gregorio passes to the east of the
Roman Forum, Palatine and the
Colosseum, exposing the areas to the
sounds from noisy mopeds and turist

102 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

The SONORUS working group got the soundwalks, traffic counts, traffic record-
task to evaluate the factors that can ings, and people density estimates were
affect the sound environment of the area. included. In the survey campaign, the
In this area we find a battlefield in which questions involved sound and visual
the needs of residents and tourists are aspects as landscape quality, soundscape
largely confronted. Tourists’ and resi- quality, overall analysis, etc. A 7-point
dents’ demands are evolving over time, scale was used, rating them from 1 (very
making it harder to state a unique inter- bad) to 7 (excellent). All data collection
vention. A multidisciplinary approach was made inside and outside the limits of
requires both considering the problems the Roman Forum and Palatine.
and enhancing the potential of the area. The results in Figure 18 confirm that
In this study, the focus is mainly on the the area is visually very attractive for the
tourist perspectives and expectations, visitors. However, sound quality was not
however, it has an effect that will help to rated in the same way. The study points
improve the overall quality of the area. 1, 2 and 3, located at the surroundings
of the Colosseum, present a low mean
Urban Sound Planning in praxis: score. In this area, controlling the sound
soundscape and landscape environment is extremely needed. The
main source at points 2 and 3 is road
strategies and results: quality
traffic, however, at point 1 people be-
perception in the Colosseum, come the main source, which may lead
Palatine and Roman Forum area to a different approach, trying to improve
The first attempt is to analyse the sound the overall impression and attract their
environment of the area and to study the attention to other qualities of the area.
soundscape and landscape quality per- It is also interesting to observe the
ception. Four steps were taken, including correlation between the lower general
data acquisition, data analysis, conclu- judgements of the landscape quality with
sions and proposals. low general judgements of soundscape
In the data acquisition stage, the quality. However, this might be due to
archaeological, cultural and historical other aspects influencing the soundscape
values are considered, including meas- appraisal, and needs further study.
urements and survey campaigns made Semantic differential analysis was per-
at different periods throughout the year. formed using bipolar scales where dif-
To get this type of data, a series of sound ferent adjectives are able to characterize
measurements, field surveys including the sound environment. These adjectives

Applied urban sound planning 103

Figure 18 – Soundscape
and landscape quality
perception inside and
outside the Roman
Forum and Palatine area

104 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

have been pointed out in several re- In summary, high noise exposure levels
search works: eventful, exciting, calm, are constraining the area and due to the
pleasant, chaotic, unpleasant, uneventful uniqueness of the place, the measures
and monotonous. (See Figure 19.) As a need to go beyond the sound aspects,
result, the soundscapes of the areas 3 looking to all characteristics involved in
and 4 (intersection between Labicana the conservation and value of the area,
and Celio St., and the Palatine entrance) including the social, economical and cul-
are considered the more unpleasant tural values. The municipality of Rome is
ones by more than the 60% of the inter- very interested in improving the acoustic
viewees. On the contrary, the entrance to quality of the archaeological area, but is
the Roman Forum and the gardens near also conscious of the complexity of the
Campidoglio Square are the more pleas- interventions due to the different author-
ant ones. The Colosseum Square, the ities involved in the decision process of
Constantine Arch and the Garden nearby this area.
the Campidoglio Square, although being Some recommendations proposed
pedestrian areas, are considered chaotic to the municipality are looking towards:
by approximately 45% of the inter- • Reinterpretation of the perimeter of
viewees. the area, including strategies of urban
Considering the results related to renewal aspects;
the unpleasantness of the sound envir- • Establishment of a monitoring system
onment, several measures should be in the area to acquire objective and
implemented based on a combination of subjective data of the sound environ-
different approaches, looking first to con- ment;
trol the sound environment, i.e. reduce • Controlling the sound environment
noise levels, and then to integrate these through transport management and
measures with soundscape design ap- traffic design strategies;
proaches. For that, prediction methods • Provision of information to tourists
and auralisation techniques might im- about the archaeological area, di-
prove the assessment and increase the recting their attention towards other
opportunities of the area. (See previous aspects such as information on the
Chapters to know more about different set, observation of the landscape,
tools that can be used.) discovery through time, etc., rather
than towards the presence of disturb-
ing noise.

Applied urban sound planning 105

Figure 19 – Semantic
differential analysis of the
eight areas under study.
The radial magnitudes
represent the percentages
of subjects that have given
a certain score on each
of the following 7 points
bipolar scales of the sonic
7=Exciting and
Half of the neutral scores
(4) have been represented
in each positive or negat-
ive sector of the bipolar

106 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 20 – SONORUS Workshop Frihamnen

Urban sound planning

workshops - a tool to
improve interactive and
participative processes
In order to embrace an integrated ap- members. The intention is to acquire
proach to urban sound planning, every knowledge about the project for an
test site organised a workshop with the attempt to provide solutions that may
different stakeholders and city repres- improve the urban sound environment
entatives. In practice, it is an opportunity with an integrated approach.
to exchange opinions and ideas among This type of study will increase
those directly involved in the project, awareness among the people involved
for example, between the city’s planners in the urbanisation process as well as
and working groups and the SONORUS among the citizens, which are constantly

Applied urban sound planning 107

demanding an improvement in the needs to go a step further by the con-
environmental quality. These demands stant exchange of ideas with the different
require innovative solutions to cope actors involved in the project.
with the agents and systems involved in In this Chapter two workshops are
urbanization processes. Although several presented: the one realised at the Valley
solutions to reduce the impact of noise Gardens site in Brighton & Hove and the
have been looking through a retrofitting one at Frihamnen area in Gothenburg.
perspective (increase of sound insulation
in buildings, noise barriers, etc.), the goal VALLEY GARDENS URBAN
of the SONORUS project is to avoid such SOUND PLANNING WORKSHOP,
types of solutions. Our aim is to initiate
the urban sound planning study and its
This workshop consisted of a project
practical implementation one step before
update from the Valley Gardens project
the urban decisions are made. This will
manager, a site walk-about, and a sum-
avoid expensive and complex solutions
mary of the current design proposals.
and will further avoid overall physical
There was general agreement that the
modifications that could end in a retrofit-
background noise levels in Valley
ting patchwork. To succeed in this holistic
Gardens test site need to be reduced by
methodology, a comprehensive ap-
at least 8 dBA before any enhancements
proach and a continuous dialog between
to soundscape experienced in the space
the interested partners is needed.
would be sufficiently beneficial.
The Urban Sound Planning work-
After the site walk-about, the partici-
shop pointed at several challenges that
pants (including the SONORUS network)
the areas are confronted with. Selected
were split into three groups for a brain-
steps in this methodology include the
storming session. From the workshop,
study of the site, understanding its scale
a strategic approach (Table 2) was sug-
and area of influence, the incorporation
gested to condensate in two inter-related
and comprehension of the several
key types of proposals for the test site:
urban systems involved in city planning
controlling the urban sound environment
and their potential impact on the sound
and providing positive soundscapes.
environment, and the overall quality and
its perception. The study methodology

108 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Table 2. Recommendations for different problems in the Valley Gardens, Brighton

Topic Problem Applying Urban Sound Planning:

Controlling the urban Noise levels exceeding the As the most dominant noise source was the road traffic
sound environment WHO guidelines noise, the recommendations of the workshop parti-
cipants focused on actions:
• Low-noise road surfaces
• Limit the vehicles speed
• Promote awareness actions among the bus
• drivers
• Reduce heavy traffic by goods distribution centres
• Low vegetated barriers next to the roads
• Soil embankments surrounding the noise hotspots
of the park
• Encourage profiled/textured building facade profiles
rather than flat reflective surfaces
• Vegetated roofs or facades
• Moveable screens for music events
• Create acoustic ‘shadow’ areas at ground level using
physical barriers, level changes, topographic model-
ling within the park
• Creation of different areas according to users and
existing noise levels (e.g. sports activities, children
parks, resting areas etc.)

Provide positive Perceived sound envir- • Introduce ‘natural’ sounds through elements such
soundscapes onment as bad and not as wind in vegetative foliage or flowing water
appropriate to the site • Allow for ‘artificial’ sounds via infrastructure such as
new lampposts
• Encourage bird song by adequate planting
• Encourage positive activity such as children’s play

Applied urban sound planning 109

FRIHAMNEN URBAN SOUND participants formed five teams to work
PLANNING WORKSHOP, on the situation and its possible solution
alternatives, mainly through sketches and
discussions, aided by maps and models
The workshop started with a visit to the
(see Figures 21 and 22). The outcomes of
site by the working group. During the
the workshop are condensed into three
second day, together with city represen-
main topics: controlling the urban sound
tatives, a series of presentations about
environment, the acoustic quality and
the city, the area, the challenges, future
the soundscape design, and the eco-
plans, environmental issues and current
nomic aspects (Table 3). These topics are
sonic environment gave the opportun-
concatenated and interpretations must
ity to the participants to get to know
be made with this integrative approach.
more about the area. Afterwards, the

Table 3. Recommendations for different problems in the Frihamnen area, Gothenburg

Topic Problem Applying Urban Sound Planning:

Controlling the urban Time scale of the pro- • Different kinds of noise maps able to reflect the
sound environment ject: construction will last construction process and its acoustic impact are
20-25 years. Impact on needed
visitors and residents. • Build some kind of temporary acoustic screen
during the construction period

High noise levels in the • Introduction of noise reduction treatments: noise

entire area, both indoors abatement in the propagation path through the
and outdoors with a large implementation of greener solutions
number of sensitive areas • Buildings and sound absorbing solutions: shift-
ing building positions between the two rows of
buildings next to the railroad could form a barrier
to the Jubilee park, located in the northern pier.
Incorporating vegetated roofs, especially in the
lower buildings, as well as green or sound-ab-
sorbing facades will increase the acoustic quality
throughout the area. Sensitive areas, such as
schools and hospitals, may, in case of maintaining
the current plan, require special noise abatement
treatments, including material aspects.
• Introduction of green and screening objects
through the use of low-height acoustic barriers
that could protect pedestrians and cyclists from

110 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Proposal for the
northern part of

Railway infrastructure: the • Reduction by screening is the primary effect, for

proximity to the railway example through the construction of a sloped
is already causing high roof/building, which could also be designed as a
noise levels and vibrations pedestrian path. Presumably, this would facilitate
the crossing to the other side of the motorway, in
an attempt to erase the “urban scar” that this road
is drawing in the northern part of Frihamnen.

Road traffic infrastructure, • Concentrating traffic and applying preventive

transport management, solutions in surrounding limited areas will not only
road design and con- reduce the costs, but also attend to the spatial
nectivity: avoid noise configuration, bringing acoustic quality as a re-
abatement measures sponse to the functions and uses
in the future that will • The road parallel to the motorway will have a
become difficult and large impact in terms of noise levels at the three
expensive piers. This road could be allowed for residents
1) Distributing traffic with electric vehicles and electric buses only
throughout the area will • The introduction of an electric shuttle bus and the
result in a larger zone promotion of cycling and walking routes could
with high noise levels improve the sound quality of the entire area. This
2) High noise levels entails a careful study about the connectivity and
coming from the south accessibility.
due to the bridge • To avoid high noise levels at the south part, the
new bridge requires a careful design, incorporat-
ing a good shielding through the use of screens.
Finally, the noise coming from the city centre
should be considered in the analysis of the sound
environment of the area.

Applied urban sound planning 111

Acoustic quality and The high noise levels will • Promotion of the area among residents: ideas on
soundscape design constrain the popularity possible compensations, such as attractive activit-
of the area, especially ies that make the best out of the acoustic quality
during the constuction

Accessibility and sound • The passage through the area should be attractive
attractiveness: access to and accessible. For this, the city could use sound
both the city centre and to connect the space as a kind of heritage, reflect-
the north area is one of ing the possibilities to keep and recall its past as a
the key sets in this project former industrial area and harbour.
• Build a landmark/soundmark throughout the
piers. Taking advantage of the positive sounds
that water features may bring to Frihamnen, in-
corporating the waterfront history (e.g. sounds of
waves on resting boat hulls), floating bridges and
shipyard sculptures as a variation of the sound en-
vironment as well as different pavements capable
to reduce attention to road traffic noise.

Park area and piers: to • The park activities could be oriented according to
cope with the uses and the noise exposure of the area. Possible functions
functions of this area as might be a recreational park with a large number
a park, special acoustic of activities e.g. concerts, playground, sports, etc.
qualities are needed. The • Topography as an alley through the construction
area will be submitted to of a railroad-oriented slope, incorporating the
high noise levels during attractive idea to Gothenburg citizens of a running
the construction period, track in the park, which could block the noise from
which will be around 20 the northern infrastructures

Economic aspects The impact of the low • Careful study on the impact of future measures
attractiveness of the area intended to act only at a single city system. For
due to its high levels of example, the traffic can be planned as a deterrent,
noise providing a design difficult to drive through.
However, this approach might drive the area and
its surroundings to a higher noise exposure as
a consequence of the spread of traffic and the
increase in the distance travelled.

112 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Figure 21 – Working process and outcomes. Focus on controlling the urban
sound environment.

Figure 22 – Work-
ing process and
outcomes. Focus
on soundscape

Applied urban sound planning 113

Implementing a holistic
approach in urban sound
Within this project, the research made threats (T) are the ones that could cause
has intended to start a process of in- trouble to the development and success
teraction with stakeholders through the of the project (Table 4).
development of tools to minimize the One of the main concerns in the
gap between urban planning practice working groups is the inability to see the
and current situations in cities. proposals realized. This has mainly to do
From the beginning of the work with the limited awareness that differ-
with the city partners, a holistic approach ent stakeholders and actors involved in
has been intended, where the problem the current urban planning of our cities
and methodology is approached from might have related to the sound environ-
a broader perspective including the ment management.
concept of urbanisation processes as Liveability of spaces has become
a problem-solving method. The main more relevant in recent decades, and
goal is to avoid unnecessary costs and the role of urban sound planners and
complexity where retrofitting is avoided their incorporation in the decision-mak-
as an option. However, the way is still ing process is extremely needed. In this
long and here we have just attempted to sense, the holistic urban sound plan-
take some steps toward the inclusion of ning approach shares its scope with the
sound as a self-evident part of the urban urbanization processes to make spaces
planning process. more liveable while efficient, integrating
Aligned to this, a SWOT analysis for all systems and stakeholders in the pro-
each test site was performed where the cess and avoiding to tackle “noise issues”
strengths (S) relied on assessing the pro- as an independent entity.
ject characteristics that give advantage The results presented in this Chapter
over others, the weaknesses (W) are the are intended to be an application of the
aspects that place the project at a disad- previous Chapters, showing that there is
vantage relative to others, the opportun- a wide range of possible approaches to
ities (O) are the elements that the project a holistic planning that embraces sound
could exploit to its advantage, and the in the urban development agenda with

114 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Table 4. SWOT analysis for the four areas of analysis

Test site S W O T
Several professional Indirect contact with Interventions made Sensitive areas related
Antwerp backgrounds in the the city planning previous to urban to noise annoyance
working group office decisions, observation with possible public
of consequences due opinion and news me-
to the short-term dia repercussions

Freedom to imple- Project complexity Include the urban Inconsistency between

Gothenburg ment innovative and scale with a con- sound environment in current project and
urban sound plan- siderable existing en- the planning process proposed vision: risk
ning proposals since vironmental deteri- defining acoustic of increasing environ-
they are running oration: sonic quality capacities in order to mental degradation.
parallel with the city is not in the current improve liveability The group is not part
project planning agenda in the decision making

Different professional Sound is only a small Proposing local solu- Recommendations

Brighton backgrounds in the fragment of the over- tion for critical issues provided by urban
working group; direct all picture; the time within the current sound planners not
contact with the scale of the research design eventually considered
city council project project is different in the final proposal
manager and design to that of the design
team scheme

Indirect participation Acoustic interven- Authorities are aware The group is not an
Rome within the first phase tions are limited due of the noise problem active part in the de-
of the decision to the protective and are open to intro- cision making process
making process legislation, despite duce noise mitigation
that high acoustic actions to improve the
standards are de- sonic quality of the
fined for the site area

Applied urban sound planning 115

successful results. importance due to its strategic location.
For example, in Antwerp the urban The tools used in the holistic approach
sound planning praxis intended to re- studied the sound environment from the
store a damaged sound environment, traffic planning perspective. This dynamic
protecting pedestrians and cyclists. noise map tool is capable of analysing
Results from calculation methods have traffic time patterns and noise events,
shown that including adapted noise rethinking the traffic layout and study-
abatement solutions in the propagation ing different possibilities to improve the
path may result in large improvements to future sonic environment and its deman-
the sound environment. Also, the study ded qualities. The Rome archaeological
goes beyond traditional ones through area confronts a very particular situation,
the development of a model for human where social, economical, and cultural
perception of environmental sounds values are confronted. Moreover, tourist
and its translation to an artificial sound and residential demands are leading to
perception model, with very interest- different problem approaches. In order
ing applications in the study of human to understand its particularities, sound
perception. Also the Valley Gardens site measurements and surveys have been
in Brighton & Hove targets a damaged carried out and a series of recommenda-
sound environment. Outcomes in this tions for improving the sound environ-
case show that the combined tool of ment of the area have been given.
road traffic noise maps, soundwalks and Throughout the urban sound plan-
“sound source dominance maps” may ning workshops, together with the tools
enhance the possibilities to intervene in developed in the project, the SONORUS
the sound environment of an area on working group attempts to facilitate the
a broader perspective. The Frihamnen process of understanding the importance
project in Gothenburg used a different of incorporating acoustic quality aspects
approach mainly due to its scale with a in the designing process, as a self-
large new urban development of great evident part of city planning.

116 Urban sound planning - the SONORUS project

Reflection on the future of urban sound
The idea of SONORUS was born out of and ideas of a holistic approach, includ-
the vision that it is possible to achieve a ing its complexity in real applications, are
paradigm shift in the handling of sound documented. The booklet demonstrates
environments in our cities. A shift to a the potential of the paradigm shift, but
holistic approach to sound environment it also shows that we are far from offer-
planning, as a natural part of the over- ing final tools, recipes and solutions for
all planning of our cities from the very urban sound planning. Despite this long
beginning, instead of traditional noise way left to go, it is an encouraging docu-
control applied late in the planning pro- mentation.
cess. It is self-evident that a project such Inside the acoustics community,
as SONORUS alone never can achieve urban sound planning has become a
such a change during its limited lifetime. relevant topic due to SONORUS. By com-
It can, however, be the beginning of that bining noise control engineering, sound-
change. scape approach and prediction and
For this paradigm shift to take place, auralisation schemes, embracing city and
we are depending on the young re- traffic planning, SONORUS established
searchers from SONORUS who worked urban sound planning as a new field of
hard during the last years to approach research. This field offers innovative tools
the vision behind SONORUS. They will and a better understanding for designing
hopefully have the chance to implement the sound environments in our cities.
their ideas, knowledge and skills during We also observe that urban sound
their future professional careers. planning has started to attract architects
This booklet is written by the and planners. It is this attraction we have
SONORUS young researchers for acous- to work further for. A good urban sound
ticians as well as for architects, planners environment should not only be a ques-
and all professionals and stakeholders tion of fulfilling regulations, but a self-ev-
involved in the development of our cities. ident part of designing our future cities.
The lines of research and the philosophy


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