Ap09 Aa10 Ev06 Debate

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Presentado por



Septiembre 2021
Discussion Preparation Template

First speaker's guide

Theme Appointment request operation at the black and white

Speakers' names Neftali Zambrano and Fabio Jacome

Speaker position Firm and realistic.

Greeting and introduction
Good morning, my name is Neftali Zambrano. I am one of the creators of the black and
white hairdresser software.

We are creating a software that has the ability to schedule appointments and sell hair

The topic of today's debate is that when creating one of these software we need to know
if our clients are going to use the page as such or just make a phone call to schedule an
appointment or buy a product.

Summarize your team's case:

a) Your points:
I'll be talking about ...

● The advantages and disadvantages of having a website for a hairdresser

● If our clients are going to like the page

● If our clients are going to use it

Your first point

My first point is that the advantages of having a platform to schedule appointments in a

hairdresseryou can be in contact with your clients continuously, offering them all the
information about all your products and / or services, and the disadvantages are that not
all clients have the possibility of having data or internet and a device to connect

My second point is that our clients are used to requesting appointments by phone call and
would not agree with our changes.
Your second point
My second point is that our clients are used to requesting appointments by phone call and
would not agree with our changes.

Your third point

My third point is that not all of our clients will agree to our changes.

Closing phrase
As a developer of the website, I would get to offer and carry out work with high-level
hairdressers and in an underdeveloped country.

Second speaker guide

Speaker position Firm and positive

Expressing disagreement with the first speaker's arguments
My name is Fabio Jacome, I do not agree with Mr. Neftali Zambrano and I will make my

Briefly state the points you will make

Today I will be talking about:

● The website of the hairdresser black an white is complete and very well illustrated

● It is very easy to use and interact

● The website can be used by people of all ages

Your first point

My first point is ...

The black and white web page is a page constituted with all the facilities which the user is
going to do
easy to use since it is very well illustrated with very good graphics also our clients can
enter for free

Your second point

Express your argument:
My second point is that most of our clients are computer literate and would have no
problem using it and interacting with it.

Do you

Your third point

Express your argument:
My third point is that most of our clients are young and would have no problem adjusting
to changes.

Closing phrase
So my point of view which I do not agree with Mr. Neftali Zambrano is that we would not
have problems with the website created for the black and white hairdresser.

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