LA Exam 1st Bim

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Colegio Bilingüe Madison Veracruz

“Una visión universal”

Code 004248
Subject: Date:

Student: Grade:

Teacher: Mónica, Maricela. List #:

Bimonthly Exam: 1st bim Score : / 32

1. Identify just the verbs. Make a circle around them. ( / 5).

library fly computer short

talk study write listen

parents students actor teacher

2. Represent the following actions or verbs. ( / 4).

See hear buy dance

3. Complete with the correct word from the word wall. Be careful with your
spelling. ( /5).

 A movable panel that is used to open or close an entrance:

 An area of a building that is divided by walls: _______________.
 Water that falls from clouds to the earth in drops: ________________.
 Means all the time: _______________.
 The place you go to learn: ______________.

4. Represent the meaning of each word with a drawing. ( / 4)

people between outside inside

5. Listen to your teacher and write the words from the vocabulary. ( /5).

 __________________
 __________________
 __________________
 __________________
 __________________
6. Read about each book below. Decide whether the book is FICTION or
NONFICTION. Write FICTION on the line if the book is fiction, or
NONFICTION if the book is nonfiction. ( /2)

Sarah Jane is my cow. 

Last week she told me
a story about how she
got her blue spots. She
said when she was
little, all she would eat
was blueberries. 
Cats make great pets and
are easy to take care of. 
Cats keep themselves clean
by washing themselves with
their tongues. Cats like to
play with small balls, pieces
of yarn and special cat toys
that you can buy.

7. Read the sentence and complete with the word FICTION or NONFICTION. ( / 4).

 Books with talking animals are: __________________.

 Newspapers and enciclopedias are examples of _________________
 The purpose of __________________ is to inform the reader.
 The purpose of ________________ is to entertain.

8. Coloring the pictures, then cut and paste according the sequence of the story. (3)

1 2 3
Beginning Middle End
Good luck!!! 

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