Fox Fluid Mechanics 8th Solved Problem 3.17

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Problem 3.

17 [Difficulty: 4]

Given: Container of mercury with vertical tubes of known diameter, brass

cylinder of known dimensions introduced into larger tube, where it floats.

d1 = 39.5⋅ mm d2 = 12.7⋅ mm D = 37.5⋅ mm H = 76.2⋅ mm SGHg = 13.55 SGb = 8.55

Find: (a) Pressureon the bottom of the cylinder

(b) New equlibrium level, h, of the mercury

Solution: We will analyze a free body diagram of the cylinder, and apply the hydrostatics equation.

Governing equations: ΣFz = 0 (Vertical Equilibrium)

= − ρ⋅ g (Hydrostatic Pressure - z is positive upwards)
ρ = SG⋅ ρwater (Definition of Specific Gravity)

Assumptions: (1) Static liquid

(2) Incompressible liquid

If we take a free body diagram of the cylinder:

π 2 π 2
ΣFz = p⋅ ⋅ D − ρb⋅ g⋅ ⋅ D ⋅ H = 0 thus: p = ρb⋅ g⋅ H = SGb⋅ ρwater⋅ g⋅ H
4 4

kg m m
p = 8.55 × 1000⋅ × 9.81⋅ × 76.2⋅ mm × p = 6.39⋅ kPa (gage)
3 2 3
m s 10 ⋅ mm
This pressure must be generated by a column of mercury h+x in height. Thus:

p = ρHg⋅ g⋅ ( h + x) = SGHg⋅ ρwater⋅ g⋅ ( h + x) = SGb⋅ ρwater⋅ g⋅ H Thus: h+x = ⋅H

The value of x can be found by realizing that the volume of mercury in the system remains constant. Therefore:
⎡⎢⎛ d ⎞ 2 ⎛ d2 ⎞ ⎥⎤
⋅ D ⋅ x = ⋅ ⎛ d1 − D ⎞ ⋅ h + ⋅ d2 ⋅ h
π 2 π 2 2 π 2 1
Now if we solve for x: x = ⎢⎜ ⎟ − 1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⋅ h
4 4 ⎝ ⎠ 4 ⎣⎝ D ⎠ ⎝D⎠ ⎦
SGb 2
These expressions now allow us to solve for h: h= ⋅ ⋅H Substituting in values:
SGHg 2 2
d1 + d2

8.55 ( 37.5⋅ mm)
h = × × 76.2⋅ mm h = 39.3⋅ mm
13.55 2 2
( 39.5⋅ mm) + ( 12.7⋅ mm)

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