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Read the specific directions carefully and abide by the guidelines given. Point deductions may be incurred for
not following directions carefully. Feel free to download and submit whatever format works for you (PDF, doc.,
JPEG image).
You may seek help from google, the reading, and family members in completing the activity sheet, however, do
not forget to cite sources properly. Utilize APA style.

PART 1. Give 5 examples of non-verbal messages through body language. Numbers 1-2 will be from the
reading of Navarro-What every BODY is Saying and numbers 3-5 will be based from your own observations
and experiences in real life (not googled or copy-pasted).
Complete the table with the required details substantially. Answers may be in text format through phrases,
sentences, and paragraph (not more than 4 sentences) or images (original or Googled). Keep answers concise
and comprehensible. (50 points)



e.g. standing upright with both closed e.g. Conveys a message of being dominant and in
fist on the waist. Also known as control. Also gives a sense of commandeering and
Wonderwoman pose confident leadership. May also be seemed as bossy
and too controlling.

Insert your logical interpretation here.

1. Eye-blocking or - Conveys a message where the person feels
Squinting threatened or doesn’t like what he or she sees.

2. Pressing of lips also known as lip - One of the universal tells that shows the
compression. person is uneasy or uncomfortable on what is

3. Scratching of head - Conveys a message of being nervous or

and stumping of feet feeling pressured. It is also a sign of
or fidgeting. frustration.

4. Sudden change of behavior like being happy - In my own experience, this shows that
and then feeling odd or different. something must have happen bad to the
5. Eye contact when engaging in conversation - Conveys a message being interested to what
the person is saying and vice versa you want
the person to pay attention to you.

Aside from body language, non-verbal communication has other sub aspects. Read further about these sub
aspects. Hint: when you google the concepts add the phrase non-verbal communication in the search entry.

PART 2. Define the sub-aspects of non-verbal communication in a single sentence and provide one example for
every item. Drawing, grabbed photos, memes, comic conversations, word explanations, and other creative
means of communicating your answer (as long as it is legal) are accepted. (50 points)

SPRINGBOARD: How can a person communicate through…

- Chronemics is a sub aspects of non-verbal communication where it
studies on how a person perceive and use time to define identities and

- Proxemics is a sub aspects of non-verbal communication where it
studies on how a person use space to communicate although it varies
depending on the cultures of the person.

- Haptics is a sub aspects of non-verbal communication where it studies
on how the person uses touch to communicate to another person

- Paralanguage is a sub aspects of non-verbal communication where it mainly focuses the tone of language of
being used not the words itself.
- Examples of paralanguage is a conversation between a husband and wife.
Husband: Hey honey! How’s your day at work?
Wife: I’m fine! *frustrated tone

- Artifacts is a sub aspects of non-verbal communication where it mainly focuses
on objects such as clothing, jewelries, cars, homes that describes the personal and
social status of a certain person.


Navarro, J., & Karlins, M. (2008). What every BODY is saying: An ex-FBI agent's guide to speed reading
people. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

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