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Question,Answers,Comment,Instructions,Render as

一つ,ひとつ,One Thing,Type the reading!,Image

七,"なな,しち",Seven,Type the reading!,Image
七つ,ななつ,Seven Things,Type the reading!,Image
九,"きゅう,く",Nine,Type the reading!,Image
九つ,ここのつ,Nine Things,Type the reading!,Image
二,に,Two,Type the reading!,Image
二つ,ふたつ,Two Things,Type the reading!,Image
人,ひと,Person,Type the reading!,Image
二人,ふたり,"Two People, Pair, Couple, Two Persons",Type the reading!,Image
一人,ひとり,"Alone, One Person",Type the reading!,Image
入る,はいる,"To Enter, To Go In",Type the reading!,Image
入れる,いれる,"To Insert, To Put In",Type the reading!,Image
八,はち,Eight,Type the reading!,Image
八つ,やっつ,Eight Things,Type the reading!,Image
力,ちから,"Power, Strength, Ability",Type the reading!,Image
十,じゅう,Ten,Type the reading!,Image
三,さん,Three,Type the reading!,Image
三つ,みっつ,Three Things,Type the reading!,Image
三人,さんにん,"Three People, Three Persons",Type the reading!,Image
上,うえ,"Up, Above, Over",Type the reading!,Image
上げる,あげる,"To Raise, To Raise Something, To Lift",Type the reading!,Image
上がる,あがる,"To Rise, To Go Up, To Be Raised",Type the reading!,Image
上る,のぼる,"To Climb, To Go Up",Type the reading!,Image
下,した,"Down, Below, Under, Beneath",Type the reading!,Image
下がる,さがる,"To Get Lower, To Fall, To Drop, To Come Down, To Hang Down",Type the
下げる,さげる,"To Lower, To Hang, To Lower Something, To Hang Something",Type the
下さい,ください,"Please Give Me, Please",Type the reading!,Image
口,くち,Mouth,Type the reading!,Image
入り口,いりぐち,Entrance,Type the reading!,Image
大きい,おおきい,"Big, Large",Type the reading!,Image
大きさ,おおきさ,Size,Type the reading!,Image
大した,たいした,"Great, Considerable, Important, Big Deal",Type the reading!,Image
大人,おとな,"Adult, Mature",Type the reading!,Image
女,おんな,"Woman, Female",Type the reading!,Image
山,やま,Mountain,Type the reading!,Image
ふじ山,ふじさん,"Mt Fuji, Mount Fuji, Mt. Fuji",Type the reading!,Image
川,かわ,River,Type the reading!,Image
人口,じんこう,Population,Type the reading!,Image
人工,じんこう,"Artificial, Man Made, Human Made",Type the reading!,Image
左右,さゆう,"Left And Right, Both Ways, Influence, Control",Type the reading!,Image
刀,かたな,"Sword, Katana",Type the reading!,Image
土,つち,"Soil, Earth, Ground, Dirt",Type the reading!,Image
千,せん,Thousand,Type the reading!,Image
一千,いっせん,One Thousand,Type the reading!,Image
夕べ,ゆうべ,"Evening, Last Night",Type the reading!,Image
子,こ,"Kid, Child",Type the reading!,Image
女の子,おんなのこ,"Girl, Young Girl, Young Lady, Young Woman",Type the reading!,Image
女子,じょし,"Girl, Woman",Type the reading!,Image
小さい,ちいさい,"Small, Little",Type the reading!,Image
又,また,"Again, And Also",Type the reading!,Image
丸,まる,"Circle, Round, Circular",Type the reading!,Image
丸い,まるい,"Circular, Round, Spherical",Type the reading!,Image
〜才,さい,"Years Old, Age",Type the reading!,Image
中,なか,"Inside, In, Middle, Center",Type the reading!,Image
中々,なかなか,"Very, Considerably, Quite",Type the reading!,Image
五,ご,Five,Type the reading!,Image
五月,ごがつ,May,Type the reading!,Image
五日,いつか,"Fifth Day, Day Five, Five Days",Type the reading!,Image
五十,ごじゅう,Fifty,Type the reading!,Image
五つ,いつつ,Five Things,Type the reading!,Image
六,ろく,Six,Type the reading!,Image
六つ,むっつ,Six Things,Type the reading!,Image
六月,ろくがつ,June,Type the reading!,Image
六日,むいか,"Sixth Day, Day Six, Six Days",Type the reading!,Image
十六,じゅうろく,Sixteen,Type the reading!,Image
〜円,えん,"Money, Yen",Type the reading!,Image
千円,せんえん,"One Thousand Yen, A Thousand Yen, Thousand Yen",Type the
円い,まるい,"Round, Circular",Type the reading!,Image
天,てん,Heaven,Type the reading!,Image
天才,てんさい,Genius,Type the reading!,Image
手,て,Hand,Type the reading!,Image
下手,へた,"Unskillful, Unskilled, Bad At, Not Good At, Not Skilled",Type the
上手,じょうず,"Good At, Skillful, Skilled At, Skilled",Type the reading!,Image
文,ぶん,"Writing, Sentence",Type the reading!,Image
日,ひ,"Sun, Day",Type the reading!,Image
月,つき,"Moon, Month",Type the reading!,Image
十月,じゅうがつ,October,Type the reading!,Image
一月,いちがつ,January,Type the reading!,Image
二月,にがつ,February,Type the reading!,Image
木,き,"Tree, Wood",Type the reading!,Image
水,みず,Water,Type the reading!,Image
火,ひ,Fire,Type the reading!,Image
火山,かざん,Volcano,Type the reading!,Image
犬,いぬ,Dog,Type the reading!,Image
子犬,こいぬ,Puppy,Type the reading!,Image
王,おう,King,Type the reading!,Image
王子,おうじ,Prince,Type the reading!,Image
女王,じょおう,Queen,Type the reading!,Image
王女,おうじょ,Princess,Type the reading!,Image
出す,だす,"To Take Out, To Hand Out, To Remove, To Turn In, To Put Out",Type the
出る,でる,"To Exit, To Leave, To Attend, To Come Out, To Go Out",Type the
出口,でぐち,Exit,Type the reading!,Image
右,みぎ,"Right Direction, Right",Type the reading!,Image
四,"よん,し",Four,Type the reading!,Image
四月,しがつ,April,Type the reading!,Image
左,ひだり,"Left Direction, Left",Type the reading!,Image
本,ほん,Book,Type the reading!,Image
日本,"にほん,にっぽん",Japan,Type the reading!,Image
正しい,ただしい,"Correct, True, Right",Type the reading!,Image
正す,ただす,To Correct,Type the reading!,Image
玉,たま,Ball,Type the reading!,Image
玉ねぎ,たまねぎ,"Onion, Round Onion",Type the reading!,Image
田,た,"Rice Field, Rice Paddy",Type the reading!,Image
白,しろ,White,Type the reading!,Image
白人,はくじん,"Caucasian, White Person, White People",Type the reading!,Image
目,め,Eye,Type the reading!,Image
目玉,めだま,Eyeball,Type the reading!,Image
立つ,たつ,"To Stand, To Stand Up, To Rise",Type the reading!,Image
立てる,たてる,"To Stand Up, To Stand Something Up, To Erect, To Erect Something",Type
the reading!,Image
二日,ふつか,"Second Day, Day Two, Two Days",Type the reading!,Image
人々,ひとびと,"People, Everybody",Type the reading!,Image
一日,"いちにち,ついたち","One Day, Day One, First Day",Type the reading!,Image
三日,みっか,"Third Day, Day Three, Three Days",Type the reading!,Image
七日,なのか,"Seventh Day, Day Seven, Seven Days",Type the reading!,Image
九日,ここのか,"Nine Days, Day Nine, Ninth Day",Type the reading!,Image
八日,ようか,"Eight Days, Day Eight, Eighth Day",Type the reading!,Image
十日,とおか,"Ten Days, Day Ten, Tenth Day",Type the reading!,Image
水中,すいちゅう,Underwater,Type the reading!,Image
入力,にゅうりょく,"Input, Enter, Entry",Type the reading!,Image
ビー玉,"びーだま,ビーだま",Marble,Type the reading!,Image
生まれる,うまれる,To Be Born,Type the reading!,Image
生む,うむ,"To Give Birth, To Produce",Type the reading!,Image
生きる,いきる,"To Live, To Be Alive, To Exist",Type the reading!,Image
生,なま,"Fresh, Raw, Live",Type the reading!,Image
一万,いちまん,Ten Thousand,Type the reading!,Image
二万,にまん,Twenty Thousand,Type the reading!,Image
十万,じゅうまん,"One Hundred Thousand, Hundred Thousand",Type the reading!,Image
今,いま,Now,Type the reading!,Image
今日,きょう,Today,Type the reading!,Image
今月,こんげつ,"This Month, Current Month",Type the reading!,Image
元,もと,"Origin, Ex, Former",Type the reading!,Image
半分,はんぶん,Half,Type the reading!,Image
分かる,わかる,To Understand,Type the reading!,Image
分ける,わける,"To Separate, To Divide, To Share, To Split",Type the reading!,Image
分,"ふん,ぶん","Minute, Part, Portion",Type the reading!,Image
切れる,きれる,"To Be Cut, To Snap, To Break",Type the reading!,Image
大切,たいせつ,"Important, Precious, Valuable",Type the reading!,Image
切る,きる,To Cut,Type the reading!,Image
友人,ゆうじん,Friend,Type the reading!,Image
太い,ふとい,"Fat, Thick",Type the reading!,Image
太る,ふとる,"To Get Fat, To Gain Weight, To Grow Fat, To Become Fat",Type the
少し,すこし,"A Little, A Few, Few",Type the reading!,Image
少ない,すくない,"A Few, Few, Scarce, Not Much, Not Many",Type the reading!,Image
引く,ひく,"To Pull, To Subtract",Type the reading!,Image
心,こころ,"Heart, Mind, Feeling",Type the reading!,Image
戸口,とぐち,Doorway,Type the reading!,Image
方,"かた,ほう","Way, Direction",Type the reading!,Image
止まる,とまる,To Stop,Type the reading!,Image
止める,とめる,"To Stop Something, To Stop",Type the reading!,Image
中止,ちゅうし,"Suspension, Cancellation, Stoppage, Discontinuance, Interruption",Type
the reading!,Image
毛,け,"Fur, Hair",Type the reading!,Image
父,ちち,Father,Type the reading!,Image
お父さん,おとうさん,"Father, Dad, Papa",Type the reading!,Image
牛,うし,Cow,Type the reading!,Image
冬,ふゆ,Winter,Type the reading!,Image
北,きた,North,Type the reading!,Image
半,はん,Half,Type the reading!,Image
古い,ふるい,Old,Type the reading!,Image
中古,ちゅうこ,"Secondhand, Used, Second Hand",Type the reading!,Image
一台,いちだい,One Machine,Type the reading!,Image
二台,にだい,Two Machines,Type the reading!,Image
五台,ごだい,Five Machines,Type the reading!,Image
十台,じゅうだい,Ten Machines,Type the reading!,Image
外,そと,Outside,Type the reading!,Image
外人,がいじん,"Foreigner, Outsider",Type the reading!,Image
外れ,はずれ,"Extremity, Furthest Point, End, Outskirts, Outer Limits, Edge, Miss,
Failure",Type the reading!,Image
外れる,はずれる,"To Be Disconnected, To Come Off, To Be Out, To Be Off",Type the
市,し,City,Type the reading!,Image
市立,しりつ,"Municipal, City",Type the reading!,Image
広い,ひろい,"Wide, Spacious",Type the reading!,Image
母,はは,"Mother, Mom",Type the reading!,Image
お母さん,おかあさん,"Mother, Mom",Type the reading!,Image
用いる,もちいる,"To Utilize, To Use",Type the reading!,Image
公用,こうよう,"Government Business, Official Business",Type the reading!,Image
矢,や,Arrow,Type the reading!,Image
人生,じんせい,"One's Life, Human Life, Life",Type the reading!,Image
内,うち,"Inside, Within",Type the reading!,Image
〜台,だい,"Big Machine, Big Device, Machine, Device, Machine Counter, Number Of
Machines",Type the reading!,Image
〜人,にん,"Number Of People, People, People Counter, Counter For People",Type the
少女,"しょうじょ,おとめ","Girl, Young Lady, Little Girl, Maiden",Type the
万,まん,Ten Thousand,Type the reading!,Image
用,よう,"Task, Use, Duty, Service, Business, Purpose, Function",Type the
大人しい,おとなしい,"Obedient, Docile, Quiet",Type the reading!,Image
戸,と,"Japanese Style Door, Door",Type the reading!,Image
女の人,おんなのひと,Woman,Type the reading!,Image
休み,やすみ,"Rest, Break, Vacation, Holiday",Type the reading!,Image
休む,やすむ,"To Rest, To Take Time Off",Type the reading!,Image
休止,きゅうし,"Pause, Rest, Break",Type the reading!,Image
休日,きゅうじつ,Holiday,Type the reading!,Image
先ず,まず,"First Of All, To Start With, Firstly, To Begin With",Type the
先,さき,"Previous, Ahead, Past, Former",Type the reading!,Image
先々月,せんせんげつ,"Month Before Last, The Month Before Last",Type the reading!,Image
先月,せんげつ,Last Month,Type the reading!,Image
先日,せんじつ,"The Other Day, A Few Days Ago, Other Day",Type the reading!,Image
先生,せんせい,"Teacher, Master, Doctor",Type the reading!,Image
名人,めいじん,"Master, Expert",Type the reading!,Image
名字,みょうじ,"Surname, Last Name, Family Name",Type the reading!,Image
字,じ,"Character, Kanji Character, Letter, Symbol",Type the reading!,Image
太字,ふとじ,"Bold Letter, Bold, Bold Character, Bold Text, Boldface",Type the
文字,もじ,"Letter (Of The Alphabet), Character, Letters, Characters, Letter",Type
the reading!,Image
一文字,いちもんじ,Straight Line,Type the reading!,Image
2011年,にせんじゅういちねん,"Year 2011, 2011, The Year 2011",Type the reading!,Image
年内,ねんない,"Within A Year, Within The Year",Type the reading!,Image
年中,ねんじゅう,"Year Round, All Year, Whole Year, Throughout The Year",Type the
一年生,いちねんせい,First Year Student,Type the reading!,Image
少年,しょうねん,"Boy, Young Boy, Juvenile, Youth",Type the reading!,Image
去年,きょねん,Last Year,Type the reading!,Image
早い,はやい,"Early, Fast, Quick",Type the reading!,Image
早々,"そうそう,はやばや","As Soon As, Just After, Immediately After, Promptly,
Quickly",Type the reading!,Image
気,き,"Spirit, Energy",Type the reading!,Image
気に入る,きにいる,"To Be Pleased With, To Be Satisfied With, To Be Happy With, To Be
Pleased, To Be Satisfied, To Be Happy",Type the reading!,Image
一気,いっき,"One Breath, One Go, One Sitting",Type the reading!,Image
気分,きぶん,"Feeling, Mood",Type the reading!,Image
人気,にんき,"Popular, Popularity",Type the reading!,Image
元気,げんき,"Energy, Health, Energetic, Healthy",Type the reading!,Image
天気,てんき,Weather,Type the reading!,Image
本気,ほんき,Serious,Type the reading!,Image
平気,へいき,"Calm, Cool, All Right, Okay",Type the reading!,Image
一本気,いっぽんぎ,"One Track Mind, Single Mindedness",Type the reading!,Image
百万,ひゃくまん,"Million, One Million",Type the reading!,Image
四百,よんひゃく,Four Hundred,Type the reading!,Image
五百,ごひゃく,Five Hundred,Type the reading!,Image
二百,にひゃく,Two Hundred,Type the reading!,Image
竹の子,たけのこ,"Bamboo Shoots, Bamboo Sprouts",Type the reading!,Image
竹,たけ,Bamboo,Type the reading!,Image
糸,いと,Thread,Type the reading!,Image
耳,みみ,"Ear, Ears",Type the reading!,Image
虫,むし,"Bug, Insect",Type the reading!,Image
村,むら,"Village, Rural Town",Type the reading!,Image
村人,むらびと,Villager,Type the reading!,Image
男,おとこ,Man,Type the reading!,Image
町,まち,Town,Type the reading!,Image
花,はな,Flower,Type the reading!,Image
花火,はなび,Fireworks,Type the reading!,Image
花見,はなみ,"Viewing Cherry Blossoms, Sakura Viewing, Cherry Blossom Viewing",Type
the reading!,Image
見る,みる,"To See, To Look",Type the reading!,Image
見える,みえる,"To be Seen, To Seem",Type the reading!,Image
見せる,みせる,To Show,Type the reading!,Image
見分ける,みわける,"To Distinguish, To Tell Apart, To Differentiate, To
Recognize",Type the reading!,Image
見方,みかた,"Way Of Seeing, Point Of View, Perspective, Viewpoint",Type the
月見,つきみ,Moon Viewing,Type the reading!,Image
貝,かい,"Shell, Shellfish, Clam",Type the reading!,Image
赤,あか,Red,Type the reading!,Image
赤ちゃん,あかちゃん,Baby,Type the reading!,Image
足りる,たりる,"To Be Enough, To Be Sufficient, To Suffice",Type the reading!,Image
足,あし,"Foot, Leg",Type the reading!,Image
不足,ふそく,"Shortage, Physical Shortage, Insufficient, Not Sufficient, Not
Enough",Type the reading!,Image
車,くるま,Car,Type the reading!,Image
車内,しゃない,"Inside The Car, In The Car, In A Car, Inside A Car, Within The Car,
Within A Car",Type the reading!,Image
世,よ,"World, Society, Age, Generation",Type the reading!,Image
二世,にせい,Second Generation,Type the reading!,Image
三世,さんせい,Third Generation,Type the reading!,Image
主に,おもに,"Mainly, Primarily",Type the reading!,Image
主人,しゅじん,"Head Of Household, Husband, Head Of A Household, Head Of The
Household, Landlord, Master",Type the reading!,Image
仕方,しかた,"Method, Way, Way Of Doing",Type the reading!,Image
他,ほか,Other,Type the reading!,Image
他人,たにん,"Another Person, Other People, Stranger",Type the reading!,Image
代わる,かわる,"To Replace, To Substitute For, To Substitute, To Be Replaced, To Be
Substituted, To Be Substituted For",Type the reading!,Image
一代,いちだい,"Lifetime, One Lifetime, Generation, One Generation",Type the
代用,だいよう,Substitution,Type the reading!,Image
写す,うつす,"To Copy, To Photograph, To Take A Picture",Type the reading!,Image
写る,うつる,To Be Photographed,Type the reading!,Image
号,ごう,"Number, Edition, Model",Type the reading!,Image
中央,ちゅうおう,"Center, Central, Centre",Type the reading!,Image
平ら,たいら,Flat,Type the reading!,Image
平日,へいじつ,Weekdays,Type the reading!,Image
打つ,うつ,"To Hit, To Pound, To Type",Type the reading!,Image
一打,いちだ,"One Strike, One Stroke, One Blow",Type the reading!,Image
氷,こおり,Ice,Type the reading!,Image
かき氷,かきごおり,Shaved Ice,Type the reading!,Image
申す,もうす,"To Say Humbly, To Say, To Humbly Say",Type the reading!,Image
申し申し,"もうしもうし,もしもし","Telephone Hello, Hello, Hello On Telephone",Type the
皿,さら,"Plate, Dish",Type the reading!,Image
小皿,こざら,"Small Plate, Small Dish, Little Plate, Little Dish",Type the
お礼,おれい,"Thanks, Gratitude",Type the reading!,Image
不正,ふせい,"Injustice, Unfairness, Dishonesty",Type the reading!,Image
子牛,こうし,"Calf, Baby Cow",Type the reading!,Image
切手,きって,"Postage Stamp, Stamp",Type the reading!,Image
引き分け,ひきわけ,"Tie, Draw",Type the reading!,Image
年,とし,"Year, Age",Type the reading!,Image
名,な,"Name, Reputation",Type the reading!,Image
宝,たから,Treasure,Type the reading!,Image
宝石,ほうせき,Jewel,Type the reading!,Image
赤い,あかい,Red,Type the reading!,Image
白い,しろい,White,Type the reading!,Image
百,ひゃく,"Hundred, One Hundred",Type the reading!,Image
二十日,はつか,"Twentieth Day, Day Twenty, Twenty Days",Type the reading!,Image
丸ごと,まるごと,"In Its Entirety, Whole, Wholly, Entirely",Type the reading!,Image
出かける,でかける,"To Go Out, To Leave",Type the reading!,Image
大気,たいき,Atmosphere,Type the reading!,Image
右手,みぎて,Right Hand,Type the reading!,Image
四日,よっか,"Fourth Day, Day Four, Four Days",Type the reading!,Image
四つ,よっつ,Four Things,Type the reading!,Image
四千,よんせん,Four Thousand,Type the reading!,Image
四十,よんじゅう,Forty,Type the reading!,Image
左手,ひだりて,Left Hand,Type the reading!,Image
石,いし,Stone,Type the reading!,Image
兄,あに,"Older Brother, Big Brother, Elder Brother",Type the reading!,Image
皮,かわ,"Skin, Hide",Type the reading!,Image
交ぜる,まぜる,"To Mix, To Mix Something",Type the reading!,Image
大会,たいかい,"Convention, Tournament, Meetup, Event",Type the reading!,Image
会う,あう,"To Meet, To Encounter",Type the reading!,Image
光,ひかり,"Light, Sunlight",Type the reading!,Image
光年,こうねん,Light Year,Type the reading!,Image
月光,げっこう,"Moonlight, Moonbeam",Type the reading!,Image
日光,にっこう,Sunlight,Type the reading!,Image
同じ,おなじ,Same,Type the reading!,Image
同日,どうじつ,"Same Day, The Same Day",Type the reading!,Image
〜回,かい,"Times, Number Of Times, Time",Type the reading!,Image
回る,まわる,"To Revolve, To Go Around, To Rotate",Type the reading!,Image
一回,いっかい,"One Time, Once",Type the reading!,Image
今回,こんかい,This Time,Type the reading!,Image
毎回,まいかい,"Every Time, Each Time",Type the reading!,Image
多い,おおい,"Many, Much, Lots Of",Type the reading!,Image
多分,たぶん,"Maybe, Perhaps, Probably",Type the reading!,Image
当たる,あたる,"To Be Right, To Be On Target, To Touch, To Hit",Type the
当たり,あたり,"A Success, Success, Hit, Guess",Type the reading!,Image
毎月,"まいつき,まいげつ","Every Month, Monthly",Type the reading!,Image
毎日,まいにち,"Every Day, Daily",Type the reading!,Image
毎年,"まいとし,まいねん","Every Year, Yearly, Annually, Each Year",Type the
米,こめ,Rice,Type the reading!,Image
羽,はね,"Feathers, Feather, Wing, Wings",Type the reading!,Image
考える,かんがえる,"To Think About, To Consider, To Give Thought",Type the
肉,にく,Meat,Type the reading!,Image
牛肉,ぎゅうにく,Beef,Type the reading!,Image
皮肉,ひにく,"Irony, Sarcasm",Type the reading!,Image
自分,じぶん,"Oneself, Myself, Self",Type the reading!,Image
自立,じりつ,"Independence, Self Reliance",Type the reading!,Image
色,いろ,Color,Type the reading!,Image
色々,いろいろ,Various,Type the reading!,Image
水色,みずいろ,"Sky Blue, Light Blue, Light Blue Color, Sky Blue Color",Type the
行く,いく,To Go,Type the reading!,Image
行う,おこなう,"To Carry Out, To Perform",Type the reading!,Image
行き,"ゆき,いき","Train Direction, Bound For",Type the reading!,Image
西,にし,West,Type the reading!,Image
北西,ほくせい,Northwest,Type the reading!,Image
何千,なんぜん,Thousands,Type the reading!,Image
何,"なに,なん",What,Type the reading!,Image
何人,なんにん,How Many People,Type the reading!,Image
何月,なんがつ,"What Month, Which Month",Type the reading!,Image
何日,なんにち,"How Many Days, What Day, Which Day",Type the reading!,Image
何年,なんねん,"What Year, How Many Years",Type the reading!,Image
何回,なんかい,How Many Times,Type the reading!,Image
学ぶ,まなぶ,"To Learn, To Study In Depth, To Study",Type the reading!,Image
学生,がくせい,Student,Type the reading!,Image
学年,がくねん,"School Grade, Grade In School, School Year, Year In School",Type the
入学,にゅうがく,"School Admission, Entry Into School, Admission Into School, School
Entry, Entering A School",Type the reading!,Image
工学,こうがく,Engineering,Type the reading!,Image
大学,だいがく,"University, College, Uni",Type the reading!,Image
休学,きゅうがく,"Absent From School, Absence From School, School Absence, Leave Of
Absence",Type the reading!,Image
林,はやし,"Forest, Grove",Type the reading!,Image
空気,くうき,"Air, Atmosphere",Type the reading!,Image
空,そら,Sky,Type the reading!,Image
金,きん,Gold,Type the reading!,Image
金玉,きんたま,Testicles,Type the reading!,Image
お金,おかね,Money,Type the reading!,Image
雨,あめ,Rain,Type the reading!,Image
青い,あおい,"Blue, Unripe",Type the reading!,Image
青年,せいねん,"Youth, Young Man",Type the reading!,Image
草,くさ,Grass,Type the reading!,Image
音,おと,"Sound, Noise",Type the reading!,Image
作る,つくる,"To Make, To Build, To Create",Type the reading!,Image
体,からだ,Body,Type the reading!,Image
体力,たいりょく,"Physical Strength, Physical Power, Stamina, Endurance",Type the
体内,たいない,"Internal, Within The Body, Inside The Body",Type the reading!,Image
作文,さくぶん,"Composition, Writing, Essay",Type the reading!,Image
作用,さよう,"Action, Effect, Operation",Type the reading!,Image
工作,こうさく,"Handicraft, Crafts, Maneuvering",Type the reading!,Image
大作,たいさく,"An Epic, Epic, Epic Saga, Masterpiece, Masterwork, Magnum Opus",Type
the reading!,Image
図,ず,Diagram,Type the reading!,Image
声,こえ,Voice,Type the reading!,Image
大声,おおごえ,"Large Voice, Loud Voice, Big Voice",Type the reading!,Image
弟,おとうと,"Younger Brother, Little Brother",Type the reading!,Image
兄弟,きょうだい,"Brothers, Siblings",Type the reading!,Image
来る,くる,To Come,Type the reading!,Image
来月,らいげつ,Next Month,Type the reading!,Image
来年,らいねん,Next Year,Type the reading!,Image
古来,こらい,Ancient,Type the reading!,Image
外来,がいらい,"Imported, Outpatient, Foreign",Type the reading!,Image
〜年来,ねんらい,"For Some Years, For Years",Type the reading!,Image
社内,しゃない,"Within The Company, In House, Inside The Company, Inside A Company, In
The Company, Within A Company",Type the reading!,Image
入社,にゅうしゃ,"Joining A Company, Entering A Company",Type the reading!,Image
公社,こうしゃ,"Public Corporation, Public Company, Government Agency, Federal
Agency",Type the reading!,Image
本社,ほんしゃ,"Headquarters, Hq, Head Office, Company Headquarters",Type the
会社,かいしゃ,"Company, Corporation, The Office",Type the reading!,Image
角,"かく,かど","Angle, Corner",Type the reading!,Image
三角,さんかく,Triangle,Type the reading!,Image
四角,しかく,"Square, Rectangle",Type the reading!,Image
言う,いう,To Say,Type the reading!,Image
谷,たに,Valley,Type the reading!,Image
走る,はしる,To Run,Type the reading!,Image
走行,そうこう,"Traveling, Running, Moving",Type the reading!,Image
近い,ちかい,"Close, Nearby, Near",Type the reading!,Image
近日,きんじつ,"Soon, In A Few Days, Coming Days",Type the reading!,Image
近年,きんねん,Recent Years,Type the reading!,Image
麦,むぎ,"Wheat, Barley, Oats",Type the reading!,Image
男の子,おとこのこ,Boy,Type the reading!,Image
毛虫,けむし,Caterpillar,Type the reading!,Image
下町,したまち,"Downtown, Backstreets",Type the reading!,Image
男の人,おとこのひと,Man,Type the reading!,Image
今まで,いままで,"Until Now, Up To Now, So Far",Type the reading!,Image
毛糸,けいと,"Wool Yarn, Yarn",Type the reading!,Image
今すぐ,いますぐ,"At Once, Right Now, Immediately, Right Away",Type the reading!,Image
里,さと,"Hometown, Village, One's Parents' Home",Type the reading!,Image
里心,さとごころ,"Homesick, Homesickness",Type the reading!,Image
広がる,ひろがる,"To Spread Out, To Extend, To Stretch",Type the reading!,Image
本当,ほんとう,"Reality, Truth, True",Type the reading!,Image
空車,くうしゃ,"Open Taxi, Empty Parking Space",Type the reading!,Image
万人,ばんにん,"All People, Everybody",Type the reading!,Image
会,かい,"Meeting, Assembly, Party",Type the reading!,Image
考古学,こうこがく,"Archeology, Archaeology",Type the reading!,Image
一生,いっしょう,"Whole Life, All Through Life, Lifelong",Type the reading!,Image
仕草,しぐさ,"Action, Acting, Gesture, Bearing, Treatment, Behavior, Behaviour,
Movement",Type the reading!,Image
生える,はえる,"To Grow, To Spring Up, To Sprout, To Come Out",Type the reading!,Image
〜形,けい,"Form, Tense",Type the reading!,Image
外交,がいこう,Diplomacy,Type the reading!,Image
生まれ,うまれ,"Birthplace, Birth",Type the reading!,Image
大体,だいたい,"General, Approximate, Outline, Gist",Type the reading!,Image
文学,ぶんがく,Literature,Type the reading!,Image
本来,ほんらい,"Originally, Primarily, Essentially, Naturally",Type the reading!,Image
〜斤,きん,"Bread Loaf Counter, Counter for Loaves of Bread",Type the reading!,Image
大文字,おおもじ,"Uppercase Letters, Capital Letters, Uppercase",Type the
耳打ち,みみうち,"Whisper In Ear, Whisper In One's Ear, Whisper In Someone's Ear",Type
the reading!,Image
仕方がない,しかたがない,"Can't Be Helped, It's No Use, There's No Other Way",Type the
文化,ぶんか,Culture,Type the reading!,Image
地,ち,"Earth, Ground",Type the reading!,Image
地下,ちか,"Underground, Basement, Cellar",Type the reading!,Image
土地,とち,Land,Type the reading!,Image
地図,ちず,Map,Type the reading!,Image
両手,りょうて,Both Hands,Type the reading!,Image
両日,りょうじつ,Both Days,Type the reading!,Image
両方,りょうほう,"Both, Both Sides, Both Ways",Type the reading!,Image
全て,すべて,"All, Entire",Type the reading!,Image
全力,ぜんりょく,"Full Effort, Every Effort, Best Effort, Full Power",Type the
全日本,"ぜんにほん,ぜんにっぽん","All Japan, All Of Japan",Type the reading!,Image
安全,あんぜん,"Safety, Safe",Type the reading!,Image
方向,ほうこう,Direction,Type the reading!,Image
安い,やすい,"Cheap, Inexpensive",Type the reading!,Image
安心,あんしん,"Relief, Peace Of Mind",Type the reading!,Image
不安,ふあん,"Uneasiness, Anxiety, Unease",Type the reading!,Image
平安,へいあん,"Peace, Tranquility, Heian",Type the reading!,Image
州,しゅう,"State, Province, County",Type the reading!,Image
九州,きゅうしゅう,"Kyuushuu, Kyushu",Type the reading!,Image
本州,ほんしゅう,"Honshuu, Honshu",Type the reading!,Image
曲,きょく,"Tune, Piece Of Music, Song, Melody",Type the reading!,Image
名曲,めいきょく,"Famous Music, Famous Song, Famous Tune, Masterpiece",Type the
有る,ある,"To Have, To Exist",Type the reading!,Image
有名,ゆうめい,Famous,Type the reading!,Image
次,つぎ,Next,Type the reading!,Image
次回,じかい,Next Time,Type the reading!,Image
目次,もくじ,Table Of Contents,Type the reading!,Image
年次,ねんじ,"Annual, Yearly",Type the reading!,Image
死ぬ,しぬ,To Die,Type the reading!,Image
死体,したい,"Dead Body, Corpse, Cadaver",Type the reading!,Image
死亡,しぼう,"Mortality, Death",Type the reading!,Image
羊,ひつじ,Sheep,Type the reading!,Image
羊毛,ようもう,Wool,Type the reading!,Image
血,ち,Blood,Type the reading!,Image
出血,しゅっけつ,"Bleeding, Bleed",Type the reading!,Image
国,くに,"Country, Nation",Type the reading!,Image
中国,ちゅうごく,China,Type the reading!,Image
天国,てんごく,"Kingdom Of Heaven, Heaven, Paradise",Type the reading!,Image
全国,ぜんこく,"Nationwide, National, Countrywide",Type the reading!,Image
四国,しこく,Shikoku,Type the reading!,Image
外国,がいこく,"Foreign Country, Other Countries, Overseas",Type the reading!,Image
外国人,がいこくじん,"Foreign Person, Foreigner",Type the reading!,Image
米国,べいこく,"United States Of America, United States, America, USA",Type the
夜,よる,"Night, Evening",Type the reading!,Image
今夜,こんや,"Tonight, This Evening",Type the reading!,Image
姉妹,しまい,Sisters,Type the reading!,Image
妹,いもうと,"Younger Sister, Little Sister",Type the reading!,Image
お姉さん,おねえさん,"Older Sister, Miss",Type the reading!,Image
店,みせ,"Shop, Store",Type the reading!,Image
明るい,あかるい,"Bright, Cheerful",Type the reading!,Image
不明,ふめい,"Unknown, Unclear, Uncertain, Unsure",Type the reading!,Image
東方,とうほう,"Eastward, Eastern Direction, Touhou",Type the reading!,Image
東北,とうほく,"Tohoku , Tohoku Region, Northeast Region",Type the reading!,Image
中東,ちゅうとう,Middle East,Type the reading!,Image
南東,なんとう,Southeast,Type the reading!,Image
歩く,あるく,To Walk,Type the reading!,Image
直す,なおす,"To Fix, To Repair, To Fix Something, To Repair Something",Type the
直る,なおる,"To Be Fixed, To Fix",Type the reading!,Image
正直,しょうじき,"Honest, Honestly",Type the reading!,Image
直行,ちょっこう,"Nonstop, Direct",Type the reading!,Image
長い,ながい,Long,Type the reading!,Image
社長,しゃちょう,"Company President, Manager, Director, President Of A Company",Type
the reading!,Image
前,まえ,"Front, Before",Type the reading!,Image
午前,ごぜん,"AM, Morning, A.M.",Type the reading!,Image
南,みなみ,South,Type the reading!,Image
後ろ,うしろ,"Behind, Back, Rear",Type the reading!,Image
後で,あとで,"After, Afterwards, Later",Type the reading!,Image
午後,ごご,"PM, Afternoon",Type the reading!,Image
思う,おもう,To Think,Type the reading!,Image
星,ほし,Star,Type the reading!,Image
生活,せいかつ,"Life, Livelihood",Type the reading!,Image
海,うみ,"Ocean, Sea",Type the reading!,Image
海外,かいがい,"Overseas, Foreign, Abroad",Type the reading!,Image
点,てん,"Point, Decimal, Decimal Point",Type the reading!,Image
科学,かがく,Science,Type the reading!,Image
お茶,おちゃ,Tea,Type the reading!,Image
茶色,ちゃいろ,"Brown, Brown Color, Color Brown",Type the reading!,Image
食べる,たべる,To Eat,Type the reading!,Image
首,くび,Neck,Type the reading!,Image
足首,あしくび,Ankle,Type the reading!,Image
首になる,くびになる,"To Get Fired, To Get Sacked",Type the reading!,Image
亡くなる,なくなる,"To Pass Away, To Become Deceased, To Die",Type the reading!,Image
小文字,こもじ,"Lowercase Letters, Lowercase Characters, Lowercase",Type the
冬休み,ふゆやすみ,"Winter Holiday, Winter Break, Winter Vacation",Type the
出来る,できる,To Be Able To Do,Type the reading!,Image
方言,ほうげん,Dialect,Type the reading!,Image
東京,とうきょう,"Tokyo, Toukyou",Type the reading!,Image
早口,"はやくち,はやぐち","Fast Talker, Fast Talking, Fast Speaker, Fast Speaking,
Quick Talker",Type the reading!,Image
足りない,たりない,"Not Enough, To Not Be Sufficient, To Not Be Enough, Insufficient,
Not Sufficient, To Be Insufficient",Type the reading!,Image
年上,としうえ,Older,Type the reading!,Image
世の中,よのなか,"Society, The World",Type the reading!,Image
代わり,かわり,"Substitute, Replacement",Type the reading!,Image
今年,"ことし,こんねん",This Year,Type the reading!,Image
代える,かえる,"To Replace, To Substitute, To Exchange, To Replace Something, To
Substitute Something, To Exchange Something",Type the reading!,Image
年下,としした,Younger,Type the reading!,Image
向く,むく,"To Face, To Turn Toward",Type the reading!,Image
東,ひがし,East,Type the reading!,Image
私,"わたし,わたくし","I, Me",Type the reading!,Image
私生活,しせいかつ,"Personal Life, One's Personal Life, Private Life, One's Private
Life",Type the reading!,Image
私立,しりつ,Private,Type the reading!,Image
国宝,こくほう,"National Treasure, Nic Cage",Type the reading!,Image
宝くじ,たからくじ,"Lottery, Public Lottery",Type the reading!,Image
一歩,いっぽ,One Step,Type the reading!,Image
三百,さんびゃく,Three Hundred,Type the reading!,Image
足す,たす,To Add,Type the reading!,Image
車両,しゃりょう,"Railroad Car, Vehicle, Train Car, Railway Carriage, Railcar",Type
the reading!,Image
早く,はやく,"Early, Soon, Quickly, Fast",Type the reading!,Image
死,し,Death,Type the reading!,Image
姉,あね,"Older Sister, Big Sister, Elder Sister",Type the reading!,Image
〜室,しつ,Room,Type the reading!,Image
草地,くさち,"Meadow, Grassland",Type the reading!,Image
国王,こくおう,"King, Monarch, Sovereign",Type the reading!,Image
水星,すいせい,Mercury,Type the reading!,Image
金星,きんせい,Venus,Type the reading!,Image
土星,どせい,Saturn,Type the reading!,Image
活気,かっき,"Energy, Liveliness, Vigor, Spirit",Type the reading!,Image
地中,ちちゅう,"Underground, Subterranean",Type the reading!,Image
活用,かつよう,"Conjugation, Practical Use",Type the reading!,Image
海王星,かいおうせい,Neptune,Type the reading!,Image
知る,しる,To Know,Type the reading!,Image
手首,てくび,Wrist,Type the reading!,Image
四十二,よんじゅうに,"Forty Two, The Answer",Type the reading!,Image
お兄さん,おにいさん,"Older Brother, Guy",Type the reading!,Image
考え,かんがえ,"Thought, A Thought",Type the reading!,Image
考え方,かんがえかた,"Way Of Thinking, Thought Process",Type the reading!,Image
形,かたち,"Shape, Appearance, Form",Type the reading!,Image
欠点,けってん,"Shortcoming, Fault, Defect, Flaw, Weakness, Weak Point",Type the
〜氏,し,"Mister, Sir, Ma'am, Madam, Miss",Type the reading!,Image
氏名,しめい,"Full Name, First And Last Name",Type the reading!,Image
自由,じゆう,"Freedom, Liberty",Type the reading!,Image
理由,りゆう,Reason,Type the reading!,Image
〜札,さつ,"Bill, Note",Type the reading!,Image
国民,こくみん,"The People, Citizens, National",Type the reading!,Image
辺り,あたり,"Area, Vicinity, Neighborhood",Type the reading!,Image
この辺,このへん,"Around Here, This Area",Type the reading!,Image
付ける,つける,To Attach,Type the reading!,Image
以外,いがい,"Other Than, Excepting, Except For",Type the reading!,Image
以上,いじょう,"More Than, Or More, That's All",Type the reading!,Image
以前,いぜん,"Previously, Before",Type the reading!,Image
失う,うしなう,"To Lose, To Part With, To Lose Something, To Part With Something",Type
the reading!,Image
失礼,しつれい,"Rude, Rudeness, Impoliteness",Type the reading!,Image
必ず,かならず,"Surely, Certainly, Without Exception, Always, Definitely",Type the
必死,ひっし,"Frantic, Desperate, Certain Death, Sure Death",Type the reading!,Image
未だ,まだ,"Not Yet, Still",Type the reading!,Image
未来,みらい,"Future, The Future, Distant Future, The Distant Future",Type the
末,すえ,"The End, End",Type the reading!,Image
年末,ねんまつ,"Year End, End Of The Year, End Of Year",Type the reading!,Image
月末,げつまつ,"End Of The Month, Month End",Type the reading!,Image
高校,こうこう,High School,Type the reading!,Image
学校,がっこう,School,Type the reading!,Image
夏,なつ,Summer,Type the reading!,Image
夏休み,なつやすみ,"Summer Vacation, Summer Break, Summer Holiday",Type the
家,"いえ,うち","Home, House",Type the reading!,Image
作家,さっか,"Author, Writer, Novelist",Type the reading!,Image
弱い,よわい,Weak,Type the reading!,Image
弱点,じゃくてん,"Weak Point, Weakness",Type the reading!,Image
時,とき,"Time, Hour",Type the reading!,Image
一時,いちじ,"One O'clock, One Hour",Type the reading!,Image
二時半,にじはん,"Two Thirty, Half Past Two, Half Two",Type the reading!,Image
何時,なんじ,What Time,Type the reading!,Image
同時,どうじ,Same Time,Type the reading!,Image
紙,かみ,Paper,Type the reading!,Image
手紙,てがみ,Letter,Type the reading!,Image
日記,にっき,"Diary, Journal",Type the reading!,Image
通る,とおる,"To Pass, To Pass Through",Type the reading!,Image
交通,こうつう,"Traffic, Transport, Transit",Type the reading!,Image
高い,たかい,"Tall, High, Expensive",Type the reading!,Image
強い,つよい,Strong,Type the reading!,Image
強力,きょうりょく,"Strength, Strong, Powerful",Type the reading!,Image
教える,おしえる,"To Teach, To Tell",Type the reading!,Image
教室,きょうしつ,Classroom,Type the reading!,Image
心理学,しんりがく,Psychology,Type the reading!,Image
地理,ちり,Geography,Type the reading!,Image
組,くみ,"Group, Team, Class",Type the reading!,Image
船,ふね,"Boat, Ship",Type the reading!,Image
風船,ふうせん,Balloon,Type the reading!,Image
先週,せんしゅう,Last Week,Type the reading!,Image
今週,こんしゅう,This Week,Type the reading!,Image
週末,しゅうまつ,Weekend,Type the reading!,Image
雪,ゆき,Snow,Type the reading!,Image
魚,さかな,Fish,Type the reading!,Image
金魚,きんぎょ,Goldfish,Type the reading!,Image
海魚,"かいぎょ,うみざかな","Ocean Fish, Saltwater Fish",Type the reading!,Image
鳥,とり,Bird,Type the reading!,Image
白鳥,はくちょう,Swan,Type the reading!,Image
黄色,きいろ,"Yellow, Yellow Color, Color Yellow",Type the reading!,Image
黒い,くろい,Black,Type the reading!,Image
黒人,こくじん,"Black Person, Black People",Type the reading!,Image
人形,にんぎょう,"Doll, Puppet",Type the reading!,Image
手作り,てづくり,"Handmade, Homemade",Type the reading!,Image
風,かぜ,Wind,Type the reading!,Image
大学生,だいがくせい,"University Student, College Student, Uni Student",Type the
言い方,いいかた,"Way Of Saying, Way Of Talking, Speaking Style",Type the
先回り,さきまわり,"Arriving Ahead, Going Ahead, Anticipation",Type the reading!,Image
近々,"ちかぢか,きんきん,ちかじか","Before Long, Soon",Type the reading!,Image
青空,あおぞら,Blue Sky,Type the reading!,Image
小学生,しょうがくせい,"Elementary School Student, Primary School Student, Elementary
Schooler, Primary Schooler, Grade Schooler, Grade School Student",Type the
作り方,つくりかた,"How To Make, Way To Make, Way Of Making",Type the reading!,Image
中学生,ちゅうがくせい,"Middle School Student, Junior High School Student, Middle
Schooler, Junior High Schooler, Junior High Student",Type the reading!,Image
不人気,ふにんき,"Unpopular, Not Popular",Type the reading!,Image
欠ける,かける,"To Lack, To Be Lacking, To Be Chipped",Type the reading!,Image
心理,しんり,"Mental State, Psychology",Type the reading!,Image
時代,じだい,"Period, Epoch, Era, Time Period",Type the reading!,Image
本当に,ほんとうに,"Really, Truly",Type the reading!,Image
社会,しゃかい,Society,Type the reading!,Image
〜丁目,ちょうめ,"District Of A Town, City Block, Town District, District",Type the
〜時,じ,O'Clock,Type the reading!,Image
大きく,おおきく,"In A Big Way, On A Grand Scale",Type the reading!,Image
近く,ちかく,"Near, Neighborhood, Vicinity, Nearly, Shortly",Type the reading!,Image
台風,たいふう,"Typhoon, Hurricane",Type the reading!,Image
船体,せんたい,"Hull, Ship Hull",Type the reading!,Image
〜号室,ごうしつ,"Room Number, Suffix For Room Numbers",Type the reading!,Image
大空,おおぞら,"Heavens, Firmament, Sky, Skies",Type the reading!,Image
見当たる,みあたる,"To Be Found, To Come Upon, To Come Across",Type the reading!,Image
三角形,"さんかくけい,さんかっけい",Triangle,Type the reading!,Image
活用形,かつようけい,Conjugated Form,Type the reading!,Image
一体,いったい,"The Heck, In The World, On Earth",Type the reading!,Image
小声,こごえ,"Low Voice, Whisper",Type the reading!,Image
辺,へん,"Area, Vicinity, Region",Type the reading!,Image
以下,いか,"Less Than, Or Less, Not Exceeding, Below",Type the reading!,Image
町民,ちょうみん,Townspeople,Type the reading!,Image
来週,らいしゅう,Next Week,Type the reading!,Image
光る,ひかる,"To Shine, To Glitter",Type the reading!,Image
札,ふだ,"Tag, Amulet, Label, Playing Card",Type the reading!,Image
以後,いご,"After This, From Now On, After, Since",Type the reading!,Image
一斤,いっきん,"One Loaf of Bread, One Loaf",Type the reading!,Image
二斤,にきん,"Two Loaves of Bread, Two Loaves",Type the reading!,Image
池,いけ,Pond,Type the reading!,Image
馬,うま,Horse,Type the reading!,Image
馬力,ばりき,Horsepower,Type the reading!,Image
支える,ささえる,To Support,Type the reading!,Image
支店,してん,"Branch Office, Branch Store",Type the reading!,Image
住む,すむ,"To Live, To Dwell, To Reside",Type the reading!,Image
住人,じゅうにん,"Resident, Inhabitant, Dweller",Type the reading!,Image
助ける,たすける,"To Help, To Save, To Rescue",Type the reading!,Image
助力,じょりょく,"Assistance, Support",Type the reading!,Image
助言,じょげん,Advice,Type the reading!,Image
医大,いだい,"Medical University, Medical School, Med School",Type the reading!,Image
医学,いがく,"Medical Science, Medicine",Type the reading!,Image
医者,いしゃ,"Doctor, Physician",Type the reading!,Image
君主国,くんしゅこく,Monarchy,Type the reading!,Image
君,きみ,"You, Buddy",Type the reading!,Image
〜君,くん,"Boy Name Ender, Male Name Ender, Kun",Type the reading!,Image
対する,たいする,"To Compare With, To Face Each Other, To Oppose, To Compare, To
Contrast, To Contrast With",Type the reading!,Image
対外,たいがい,"Foreign, Overseas",Type the reading!,Image
対立,たいりつ,"Confrontation, Opposition",Type the reading!,Image
反対,はんたい,"Opposition, Opposite",Type the reading!,Image
局,きょく,"Bureau, Department, Station, Office",Type the reading!,Image
支局,しきょく,Branch Office,Type the reading!,Image
役,やく,"Role, Part, Duty, Service",Type the reading!,Image
役人,やくにん,"Public Official, Government Official, Public Servant",Type the
役に立つ,やくにたつ,"To Be Useful, To Be Of Use, To Be Helpful, To Be Of Service",Type
the reading!,Image
大役,たいやく,"Important Task, Great Duty, Important Role",Type the reading!,Image
決,けつ,Decision,Type the reading!,Image
決める,きめる,To Decide,Type the reading!,Image
決心,けっしん,"Determination, Resolution, Conviction",Type the reading!,Image
未決,みけつ,"Pending, Unsettled, Undecided, Not Yet Decided",Type the reading!,Image
自決,じけつ,"Suicide, Self Determination",Type the reading!,Image
究明,きゅうめい,Investigation,Type the reading!,Image
研究,けんきゅう,"Investigation, Study, Research",Type the reading!,Image
投げる,なげる,"To Throw, To Throw Something",Type the reading!,Image
心身,しんしん,"Body And Mind, Mind And Body",Type the reading!,Image
身体,"しんたい,からだ","The Body, Health, Body",Type the reading!,Image
全身,ぜんしん,"Whole Body, Entire Body",Type the reading!,Image
森,もり,"Woods, Forest",Type the reading!,Image
両者,りょうしゃ,Both People,Type the reading!,Image
作者,さくしゃ,"Author, Writer",Type the reading!,Image
学者,がくしゃ,Scholar,Type the reading!,Image
工学者,こうがくしゃ,Engineer,Type the reading!,Image
場所,ばしょ,"Place, Location, Spot",Type the reading!,Image
入場,にゅうじょう,"Entrance, Admission, Entering",Type the reading!,Image
工場,"こうじょう,こうば",Factory,Type the reading!,Image
所,ところ,"Place, Spot, Scene",Type the reading!,Image
入所,にゅうしょ,"Admission, Entrance, Imprisonment, Internment",Type the
出所,"しゅっしょ,でどころ","Source, Origin, Release From Prison",Type the
他所,"たしょ,よそ","Another Place, Somewhere Else, Other Place, Elsewhere",Type the
名所,めいしょ,Famous Place,Type the reading!,Image
住所,じゅうしょ,Address,Type the reading!,Image
朝,あさ,Morning,Type the reading!,Image
朝ごはん,あさごはん,Breakfast,Type the reading!,Image
朝日,あさひ,"Morning Sun, Rising Sun",Type the reading!,Image
番号,ばんごう,"Number, Series Of Digits",Type the reading!,Image
一番,いちばん,"Number One, The First, First, The Best, Best, The Most, Most",Type the
二番,にばん,"Number Two, Second",Type the reading!,Image
交番,こうばん,"Police Box, Koban",Type the reading!,Image
答え,こたえ,"Answer, Reply, Response",Type the reading!,Image
答える,こたえる,"To Answer, To Reply, To Respond",Type the reading!,Image
絵,え,"Painting, Drawing, Picture",Type the reading!,Image
買う,かう,To Buy,Type the reading!,Image
道,みち,"Road, Street, Path, Way",Type the reading!,Image
歩道,ほどう,"Sidewalk, Footpath, Pavement",Type the reading!,Image
〜道,どう,"Method Of, Way, Style, Way Of",Type the reading!,Image
間,"あいだ,ま","Interval, Interval Of Time, Time Interval, Between, Room",Type the
時間,じかん,Time,Type the reading!,Image
〜間,かん,"Amount Of Time, Interval Of Time, Time Interval, Period Of Time",Type the
人間,にんげん,"Human, Human Being",Type the reading!,Image
間もなく,まもなく,"Soon, Before Long, In A Short Time, Shortly, Momentarily",Type the
空間,くうかん,Space,Type the reading!,Image
雲,くも,Cloud,Type the reading!,Image
数える,かぞえる,To Count,Type the reading!,Image
数,かず,"Number, Count, Amount",Type the reading!,Image
数字,すうじ,"Numeral, Digit",Type the reading!,Image
数学,すうがく,"Mathematics, Math, Maths",Type the reading!,Image
人数,にんずう,"The Number Of People, Number Of People, The Amount Of People, Amount
Of People",Type the reading!,Image
点数,てんすう,"Points, Score",Type the reading!,Image
楽しい,たのしい,Fun,Type the reading!,Image
音楽,おんがく,Music,Type the reading!,Image
楽,らく,"Comfort, Ease, Pleasure",Type the reading!,Image
話す,はなす,"To Speak, To Talk",Type the reading!,Image
電話,でんわ,"Telephone, Phone",Type the reading!,Image
会話,かいわ,"Conversation, Dialogue",Type the reading!,Image
電車,でんしゃ,Train,Type the reading!,Image
電気,でんき,"Electricity, Light",Type the reading!,Image
電池,でんち,Battery,Type the reading!,Image
電子,でんし,"Electron, Electronic",Type the reading!,Image
電力,でんりょく,Electric Power,Type the reading!,Image
次々,つぎつぎ,"One By One, In Succession, One After The Other",Type the
向こう,むこう,"Over There, Opposite Side, Other Side, Far Away",Type the
曲がる,まがる,"To Be Bent, To Bend, To Curve, To Turn",Type the reading!,Image
南米,なんべい,South America,Type the reading!,Image
全米,ぜんべい,All America,Type the reading!,Image
南口,みなみぐち,"South Exit, South Entrance, Southern Exit, Southern Entrance, South
Gate",Type the reading!,Image
思い出,おもいで,"A Memory, Memories, Memory",Type the reading!,Image
近づく,ちかづく,"To Get Close, To Approach, To Draw Near, To Near, To Bring
Near",Type the reading!,Image
思い出す,おもいだす,"To Remember, To Recall",Type the reading!,Image
見直す,みなおす,"To Reevaluate, To Look Again, To Reassess",Type the reading!,Image
全く,まったく,"Completely, Entirely, Truly, Really, Wholly",Type the reading!,Image
長さ,ながさ,Length,Type the reading!,Image
この前,このまえ,"The Other Day, Recently, In Front of This",Type the reading!,Image
東口,ひがしぐち,"East Exit, East Entrance, Eastern Exit, Eastern Entrance, East
Gate",Type the reading!,Image
お知らせ,おしらせ,"Notice, Notification, Flier, Pamphlet, Handbill, Flyer,
Leaflet",Type the reading!,Image
名前,なまえ,"Name, First Name, Full Name, Given Name",Type the reading!,Image
出来上がる,できあがる,"To Be Finished, To Be Completed",Type the reading!,Image
曲げる,まげる,"To Bend, To Bend Something",Type the reading!,Image
交じる,まじる,"To Be Mixed, To Be Blended With, To Join",Type the reading!,Image
走り回る,はしりまわる,To Run Around,Type the reading!,Image
当てる,あてる,"To Guess, To Guess Something, To Hit, To Apply",Type the
交わる,まじわる,"To Intersect, To Cross, To Mingle",Type the reading!,Image
化ける,ばける,To Transform,Type the reading!,Image
回す,まわす,"To Turn, To Rotate, To Turn Something, To Rotate Something, To
Spin",Type the reading!,Image
私自身,"わたしじしん,わたくしじしん","Personally, As For Me, Myself",Type the
私立大学,しりつだいがく,"Private College, Private University",Type the reading!,Image
前回,ぜんかい,"Last Time, Previous Time",Type the reading!,Image
身,み,"Body, Oneself",Type the reading!,Image
明日,"あした,あす,みょうにち",Tomorrow,Type the reading!,Image
地上,ちじょう,"Above Ground, On The Ground",Type the reading!,Image
北海道,ほっかいどう,"Hokkaido, Hokkaidou",Type the reading!,Image
向ける,むける,"To Turn Towards, To Point, To Turn (Something) Towards",Type the
お前,おまえ,You,Type the reading!,Image
地中海,ちちゅうかい,Mediterranean Sea,Type the reading!,Image
毎朝,まいあさ,Every Morning,Type the reading!,Image
当たり前,あたりまえ,"Natural, Reasonable, Obvious, Usual, Common",Type the
水道,すいどう,"Water Supply, Water Service, Waterworks, Aqueduct, Conduit, Water
Line",Type the reading!,Image
点ける,つける,"To Turn On, To Switch On, To Light Up",Type the reading!,Image
役目,やくめ,"Duty, Business, Role",Type the reading!,Image
生地,きじ,"Material, Cloth, Fabric, Dough, Batter",Type the reading!,Image
番組,ばんぐみ,"Program, Programme",Type the reading!,Image
科目,かもく,"Subject, Course, Curriculum",Type the reading!,Image
数年,すうねん,Several Years,Type the reading!,Image
絵文字,えもじ,Emoji,Type the reading!,Image
投手,とうしゅ,Pitcher,Type the reading!,Image
売る,うる,To Sell,Type the reading!,Image
ハート形,"はーとがた,ハートがた",Heart Shaped,Type the reading!,Image
千円札,せんえんさつ,"Thousand Yen Bill, Thousand Yen Note",Type the reading!,Image
住民,じゅうみん,"Residents, Citizens",Type the reading!,Image
事,こと,"Thing, Matter, Action",Type the reading!,Image
用事,ようじ,"Errand, Business",Type the reading!,Image
工事,こうじ,Construction,Type the reading!,Image
大事,だいじ,"Important, Valuable, Serious Matter",Type the reading!,Image
返事,へんじ,"Reply, Response",Type the reading!,Image
食事,しょくじ,Meal,Type the reading!,Image
使う,つかう,"To Use, To Spend",Type the reading!,Image
道具,どうぐ,Tool,Type the reading!,Image
家具,かぐ,Furniture,Type the reading!,Image
受ける,うける,"To Receive, To Accept, To Catch",Type the reading!,Image
和風,わふう,Japanese Style,Type the reading!,Image
平和,へいわ,"Peace, Harmony",Type the reading!,Image
和食,わしょく,"Japanese Style Food, Japanese Food",Type the reading!,Image
和室,わしつ,Japanese Style Room,Type the reading!,Image
和服,わふく,"Japanese Style Clothes, Japanese Clothing, Japanese Style Clothing,
Japanese Clothes",Type the reading!,Image
予定,よてい,"Plan, Schedule, Estimate",Type the reading!,Image
決定,けってい,"Decision, Determination",Type the reading!,Image
実,じつ,"Truth, Reality",Type the reading!,Image
事実,じじつ,"Truth, Fact, Reality",Type the reading!,Image
実力,じつりょく,"True Strength, True Ability, True Power",Type the reading!,Image
服,ふく,"Clothes, Clothing",Type the reading!,Image
泳ぐ,およぐ,To Swim,Type the reading!,Image
物,もの,"Thing, Object, Item",Type the reading!,Image
名物,めいぶつ,"Local Specialty, Famous Product, Specialty, Famous Goods",Type the
苦い,にがい,"Bitter Tasting, Bitter",Type the reading!,Image
苦しい,くるしい,"Painful, Agonizing",Type the reading!,Image
乗る,のる,To Ride,Type the reading!,Image
乗せる,のせる,"To Give A Ride, To Give Someone A Ride, To Place On",Type the
お客さん,おきゃくさん,"Guest, Visitor, Customer",Type the reading!,Image
客室,きゃくしつ,Guest Room,Type the reading!,Image
〜屋,や,"Store, Shop",Type the reading!,Image
部屋,へや,Room,Type the reading!,Image
肉屋,にくや,"Butcher Shop, Meat Shop, Meat Store",Type the reading!,Image
茶屋,ちゃや,"Tea Shop, Tea Store, Tea House",Type the reading!,Image
魚屋,さかなや,"Fish Shop, Fish Market, Fish Dealer, Fish Store, Fishmonger",Type the
名古屋,なごや,Nagoya,Type the reading!,Image
今度,こんど,"This Time, Next Time",Type the reading!,Image
丁度,ちょうど,"Exactly, Just",Type the reading!,Image
毎度,まいど,"Each Time, Every Time, Frequently",Type the reading!,Image
角度,かくど,Angle,Type the reading!,Image
〜度,ど,Degrees,Type the reading!,Image
持つ,もつ,"To Hold, To Carry, To Own, To Keep",Type the reading!,Image
世界,せかい,"The World, Society, The Universe",Type the reading!,Image
発売,はつばい,"For Sale, Selling, Item For Sale, Sale",Type the reading!,Image
発音,はつおん,Pronunciation,Type the reading!,Image
発見,はっけん,Discovery,Type the reading!,Image
相談,そうだん,"Consultation, Discussion, Advice",Type the reading!,Image
相手,あいて,"Partner, Companion",Type the reading!,Image
〜県,けん,Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
美しい,うつくしい,Beautiful,Type the reading!,Image
美人,びじん,Beautiful Woman,Type the reading!,Image
負ける,まける,"To Lose, To Be Defeated",Type the reading!,Image
勝負,しょうぶ,"Match, Showdown, Contest",Type the reading!,Image
勝つ,かつ,To Win,Type the reading!,Image
勝者,しょうしゃ,"Winner, Victor",Type the reading!,Image
必勝,ひっしょう,"Sure Victory, Certain Victory, Sure Win, Certain Win",Type the
楽勝,らくしょう,"Easy Victory, Easy Win",Type the reading!,Image
送る,おくる,To Send,Type the reading!,Image
重い,おもい,Heavy,Type the reading!,Image
重要,じゅうよう,"Essential, Important, Necessary",Type the reading!,Image
体重,たいじゅう,Body Weight,Type the reading!,Image
二重,にじゅう,"Double, Dual",Type the reading!,Image
必要,ひつよう,"Necessary, Needed, Essential",Type the reading!,Image
要点,ようてん,"Main Point, Gist, Main Idea, Essence",Type the reading!,Image
仮に,かりに,"Temporarily, Supposing, For Argument's Sake",Type the reading!,Image
仮名,かな,Kana,Type the reading!,Image
仮定,かてい,"Assumption, Hypothesis",Type the reading!,Image
小学校,しょうがっこう,"Elementary School, Primary School, Grade School",Type the
通り,とおり,"Avenue, Street, Road, Way",Type the reading!,Image
気を付けて,きをつけて,"Be Careful, Take Care",Type the reading!,Image
新しい,あたらしい,New,Type the reading!,Image
高校生,こうこうせい,"High School Student, High Schooler",Type the reading!,Image
中学校,ちゅうがっこう,"Middle School, Junior High School",Type the reading!,Image
付く,つく,To Be Attached,Type the reading!,Image
見付ける,みつける,"To Find, To Find Something",Type the reading!,Image
弱虫,よわむし,"Weakling, Coward",Type the reading!,Image
弱々しい,よわよわしい,"Weak Looking, Frail, Weak Seeming, Seemingly Weak",Type the
高さ,たかさ,Height,Type the reading!,Image
白黒,しろくろ,"Black And White, White And Black",Type the reading!,Image
返す,かえす,"To Return, To Return Something",Type the reading!,Image
保持,ほじ,"Retention, Maintenance, Preservation",Type the reading!,Image
生保,せいほ,Life Insurance,Type the reading!,Image
保つ,たもつ,"To Preserve, To Keep, To Maintain",Type the reading!,Image
試みる,こころみる,"To Try, To Attempt",Type the reading!,Image
試食,ししょく,"Sample, Taste, Food Sample",Type the reading!,Image
体験,たいけん,Experience,Type the reading!,Image
受験,じゅけん,"Taking An Exam, Taking An Examination, Taking A Test",Type the
実験,じっけん,Experiment,Type the reading!,Image
試験,しけん,"Examination, Test, Experiment, Exam",Type the reading!,Image
発表,はっぴょう,"Announcement, Presentation",Type the reading!,Image
表す,あらわす,To Express,Type the reading!,Image
出発,しゅっぱつ,Departure,Type the reading!,Image
本屋,ほんや,"Bookstore, Bookshop",Type the reading!,Image
全部,ぜんぶ,"All, Entire, Whole",Type the reading!,Image
天使,てんし,Angel,Type the reading!,Image
新年,しんねん,New Year,Type the reading!,Image
要る,いる,To Need,Type the reading!,Image
対談,たいだん,"Conversation, Dialogue, Talk",Type the reading!,Image
〜部,ぶ,"Department, Club, Category",Type the reading!,Image
部分,ぶぶん,"Portion, Section, Part",Type the reading!,Image
不自由,ふじゆう,"Discomfort, Inconvenience, Disability, Impairment, Poverty,
Destitution",Type the reading!,Image
教え,おしえ,"Teaching, Instruction, Teachings, Lesson, Doctrine",Type the
表,おもて,"Front, Surface, Exterior, Face, Outside, Appearance",Type the
売れる,うれる,"To Be Sold, To Sell",Type the reading!,Image
付近,ふきん,"Neighborhood, Vicinity, Environs, Nearby, Locality",Type the
欠かす,かかす,"To Miss, To Fail, To Fail To Attend",Type the reading!,Image
何度,なんど,"How Many Times, How Often, What Temperature",Type the reading!,Image
泳ぎ,およぎ,"Swimming, Swim",Type the reading!,Image
記事,きじ,"Article, News Story, Report, Account, News Article",Type the
火事,かじ,Fire,Type the reading!,Image
通す,とおす,"To Let Pass, To Overlook, To Continue, To Keep, To Make Way For, To
Persist In",Type the reading!,Image
部室,ぶしつ,Clubroom,Type the reading!,Image
生物,せいぶつ,"Living Thing, Creature, Organism",Type the reading!,Image
家事,かじ,"Housework, Chores",Type the reading!,Image
部首,ぶしゅ,Radical,Type the reading!,Image
使用,しよう,"Use, Application, Employment",Type the reading!,Image
助手,じょしゅ,"Assistant, Helper, Aide",Type the reading!,Image
研究室,けんきゅうしつ,"Laboratory, Lab, Study Room, Professor's Office, Teacher's
Office",Type the reading!,Image
始める,はじめる,"To Begin, To Start, To Begin Something, To Start Something",Type the
起きる,おきる,To Wake Up,Type the reading!,Image
早速,さっそく,"At Once, Immediately, Without Delay, Right Away, Right Now",Type the
速度,そくど,Speed,Type the reading!,Image
配る,くばる,"To Distribute, To Pass Out, To Deliver",Type the reading!,Image
お酒,おさけ,"Sake, Alcohol",Type the reading!,Image
日本酒,"にほんしゅ,にっぽんしゅ","Japanese Style Alcohol, Japanese Alcohol, Sake",Type
the reading!,Image
病院,びょういん,Hospital,Type the reading!,Image
学院,がくいん,"Academy, Institute",Type the reading!,Image
終わる,おわる,"To End, To Finish",Type the reading!,Image
終点,しゅうてん,"Last Stop, Final Stop, Terminus",Type the reading!,Image
終了,しゅうりょう,"End, Finish, Close",Type the reading!,Image
最終,さいしゅう,"Last, Final, The Last, The Final",Type the reading!,Image
習う,ならう,To Learn,Type the reading!,Image
転がる,ころがる,"To Roll, To Tumble, To Lie Down, To Be Scattered About",Type the
自転車,じてんしゃ,"Bicycle, Bike, Pushbike",Type the reading!,Image
運転する,うんてんする,To Drive,Type the reading!,Image
転送,てんそう,"Transfer, Forwarding, Transmission",Type the reading!,Image
回転,かいてん,"Rotation, Revolution, Revolve, Rotate",Type the reading!,Image
進む,すすむ,"To Advance, To Go Forward, To Progress",Type the reading!,Image
進化,しんか,"Evolution, Progress",Type the reading!,Image
進行,しんこう,"Advance, Progress",Type the reading!,Image
落ちる,おちる,"To Fall Down, To Drop, To Fall",Type the reading!,Image
青葉,あおば,"Fresh Leaves, Greenery, Young Leaves",Type the reading!,Image
軽い,かるい,"Lightweight, Light, Light Weight",Type the reading!,Image
運ぶ,はこぶ,"To Carry, To Transport, To Move",Type the reading!,Image
運がいい,うんがいい,Lucky,Type the reading!,Image
開ける,あける,"To Open, To Open Something",Type the reading!,Image
公開,こうかい,Open To The Public,Type the reading!,Image
開業,かいぎょう,"Opening A Business, Opening Of Business, Starting A Business",Type
the reading!,Image
開発,かいはつ,Development,Type the reading!,Image
集める,あつめる,"To Collect, To Gather, To Assemble",Type the reading!,Image
集中,しゅうちゅう,"Concentration, Focusing",Type the reading!,Image
集金,しゅうきん,"Collecting Money, Money Collection",Type the reading!,Image
飲む,のむ,To Drink,Type the reading!,Image
工業,こうぎょう,Industry,Type the reading!,Image
漢字,かんじ,"Kanji, Chinese Letters, Chinese Characters",Type the reading!,Image
道路,どうろ,"Paved Road, Road, Sealed Road",Type the reading!,Image
線路,せんろ,"Railroad Track, Train Track, Railway Track, Track, Line",Type the
路地,ろじ,"Alley, Path, Dirt Road",Type the reading!,Image
農民,のうみん,"Peasants, Farmers",Type the reading!,Image
農業,のうぎょう,Agriculture,Type the reading!,Image
地下鉄,ちかてつ,"Subway, The Underground, The Tube, The Metro",Type the
鉄人,てつじん,"Strong Man, Badass, Iron Man, Macho Man, Tough Guy",Type the
電鉄,でんてつ,Electric Railway,Type the reading!,Image
歌,うた,Song,Type the reading!,Image
歌手,かしゅ,Singer,Type the reading!,Image
算数,さんすう,"Arithmetic, Math, Mathematics",Type the reading!,Image
算定する,さんていする,To Calculate,Type the reading!,Image
聞く,きく,"To Hear, To Ask, To Listen",Type the reading!,Image
新聞,しんぶん,Newspaper,Type the reading!,Image
日本語,にほんご,"Japanese Language, Japanese",Type the reading!,Image
主語,しゅご,Subject,Type the reading!,Image
読む,よむ,To Read,Type the reading!,Image
読み方,よみかた,"Reading, Pronunciation, Way Of Reading",Type the reading!,Image
鳴く,なく,"To Chirp, To Bark, To Make An Animal Sound",Type the reading!,Image
線,せん,Line,Type the reading!,Image
横,よこ,"Side, Beside, Next To, Horizontal",Type the reading!,Image
調子,ちょうし,Condition,Type the reading!,Image
強調,きょうちょう,"Emphasis, Highlight, Stress",Type the reading!,Image
調べる,しらべる,"To Investigate, To Examine, To Research, To Look Into, To
Search",Type the reading!,Image
親,おや,Parent,Type the reading!,Image
親しい,したしい,"Intimate, Friendly, Close",Type the reading!,Image
親切,しんせつ,"Kind, Kindness",Type the reading!,Image
親友,しんゆう,"Close Friend, Best Friend, Good Friend",Type the reading!,Image
頭,あたま,Head,Type the reading!,Image
顔,かお,Face,Type the reading!,Image
顔付き,かおつき,"Expression, Facial Expression",Type the reading!,Image
病気,びょうき,"Sick, Illness, Sickness, Disease",Type the reading!,Image
〜病,びょう,"Disease, Sickness, Illness",Type the reading!,Image
病人,びょうにん,"Sick Person, Patient",Type the reading!,Image
最も,もっとも,"The Most, Most, Extremely",Type the reading!,Image
最高,さいこう,"The Best, Best, Supreme, The Most, Most",Type the reading!,Image
最後,さいご,"Last, Latest, End, Conclusion, Final",Type the reading!,Image
最近,さいきん,"Recent, Latest, Lately, Recently",Type the reading!,Image
外来語,がいらいご,"Foreign Word, Borrowed Word, Loanword",Type the reading!,Image
当て字,あてじ,Phonetic Kanji,Type the reading!,Image
目医者,めいしゃ,"Eye Doctor, Oculist",Type the reading!,Image
一番目,いちばんめ,"First Thing, The First",Type the reading!,Image
楽しみ,たのしみ,"Looking Forward To, Hope, Expectation, Anticipation, Pleasure,
Enjoyment",Type the reading!,Image
〜向け,むけ,"Made For, Intended For, Aimed At",Type the reading!,Image
研究所,"けんきゅうしょ,けんきゅうじょ","Research Institute, Research Laboratory,
Research Establishment, Research Lab, Research Facility",Type the reading!,Image
近道,ちかみち,"Shortcut, Short Way",Type the reading!,Image
助かる,たすかる,"To Be Helped, To Be Saved, To Be Rescued",Type the reading!,Image
楽しむ,たのしむ,"To Enjoy, To Enjoy Oneself, To Have Fun",Type the reading!,Image
決まる,きまる,"To Be Decided, To Be Settled",Type the reading!,Image
投げ付ける,なげつける,"To Throw Against, To Throw At",Type the reading!,Image
化かす,ばかす,"To Bewitch, To Enchant",Type the reading!,Image
話,はなし,"Story, Talk, Speech, Conversation",Type the reading!,Image
出会う,であう,"To Meet By Chance, To Meet Unexpectedly, To Come Across, To Encounter,
To Run Into",Type the reading!,Image
心配,しんぱい,"A Worry, Concern, Anxiety, Worry",Type the reading!,Image
求める,もとめる,"To Want, To Request, To Demand",Type the reading!,Image
求人,きゅうじん,"Help Wanted, Seeking Workers, Recruitment, Job Offer",Type the
私鉄,してつ,Private Railway,Type the reading!,Image
要求,ようきゅう,"Demand, Requirement",Type the reading!,Image
私大,しだい,"Private College, Private University, Private Uni",Type the
開始,かいし,"Start, Beginning, Opening",Type the reading!,Image
曲線,きょくせん,"Curve, Curved Line",Type the reading!,Image
言語,げんご,"Language, A Language",Type the reading!,Image
速い,はやい,Fast,Type the reading!,Image
千葉,ちば,Chiba,Type the reading!,Image
思わず,おもわず,"Unintentionally, Reflexively, Spontaneously, Involuntarily,
Instinctively",Type the reading!,Image
立ち飲み,たちのみ,"Standing And Drinking, Drinking While Standing",Type the
作業,さぎょう,"Work, Operation, Manufacturing",Type the reading!,Image
病む,やむ,"To Be Sick, To Fall Ill, To Be Ill, To Come Down With, To Suffer
From",Type the reading!,Image
入院,にゅういん,"Hospitalization, Hospitalisation, Hospital Admission, Admission To A
Hospital, Institutionalized",Type the reading!,Image
葉,は,"Leaf, Leaves",Type the reading!,Image
役場,やくば,"Town Hall, Town Office, Public Office",Type the reading!,Image
口調,くちょう,"Tone, Tone Of Voice, Verbal Expression",Type the reading!,Image
語る,かたる,"To Talk, To Tell, To Recite",Type the reading!,Image
台所,だいどころ,Kitchen,Type the reading!,Image
農場,のうじょう,Farm,Type the reading!,Image
大学院,だいがくいん,"Graduate School, Grad School",Type the reading!,Image
今朝,けさ,This Morning,Type the reading!,Image
近所,きんじょ,Neighborhood,Type the reading!,Image
足し算,たしざん,Addition,Type the reading!,Image
引き算,ひきざん,Subtraction,Type the reading!,Image
番号札,ばんごうふだ,"Numbered Tag, Numbered Ticket",Type the reading!,Image
売り上げ,うりあげ,"Amount Sold, Sales",Type the reading!,Image
売り切れ,うりきれ,"Sold Out, Out Of Stock",Type the reading!,Image
売り手,うりて,"Seller, Vendor",Type the reading!,Image
本物,ほんもの,"Real Thing, Real Deal, Genuine Article",Type the reading!,Image
乗り物,のりもの,Vehicle,Type the reading!,Image
金持ち,かねもち,"Rich Person, Rich, Wealthy",Type the reading!,Image
気持ち,きもち,Feeling,Type the reading!,Image
放送する,ほうそうする,To Broadcast,Type the reading!,Image
物語,ものがたり,"Tale, Story, Legend",Type the reading!,Image
争う,あらそう,"To Compete, To Argue, To Quarrel",Type the reading!,Image
戦争,せんそう,War,Type the reading!,Image
競争,きょうそう,Competition,Type the reading!,Image
仲間,なかま,"Companion, Comrade, Associate",Type the reading!,Image
仲,なか,"Relationship, Relation",Type the reading!,Image
仲直り,なかなおり,"Reconciliation, Make Peace With",Type the reading!,Image
伝える,つたえる,"To Transmit, To Tell, To Pass Down, To Pass Along",Type the
共通点,きょうつうてん,"Common Point, Common Feature",Type the reading!,Image
共同,きょうどう,"Cooperation, Collaboration, Joint",Type the reading!,Image
公共,こうきょう,"Public, Community",Type the reading!,Image
共有,きょうゆう,"Shared, Co Ownership, Joint Ownership, Share",Type the
好き,すき,"Like, Fondness, Love, To Like",Type the reading!,Image
友好,ゆうこう,Friendship,Type the reading!,Image
成る,なる,To Become,Type the reading!,Image
成功,せいこう,Success,Type the reading!,Image
老人,ろうじん,"Old Person, Elderly Person",Type the reading!,Image
〜位,い,Rank,Type the reading!,Image
一位,いちい,"First Place, First Rank",Type the reading!,Image
首位,しゅい,"First Place, Head Position, Leading Position, First Position",Type the
低い,ひくい,"Low, Short",Type the reading!,Image
最低,さいてい,"The Lowest, The Worst, Lowest, Worst, Nasty, Terrible",Type the
初回,しょかい,"The First Time, First Time",Type the reading!,Image
最初,さいしょ,"The First, First, Beginning, Outset",Type the reading!,Image
別の,べつの,"Separate, Different, Another, Separate Thing, Different Thing, Another
Thing",Type the reading!,Image
別に,べつに,"Not Particularly, Separately, Not Really, Not Exactly, Not
Especially",Type the reading!,Image
別人,べつじん,"Different Person, Changed Person, Changed Man",Type the reading!,Image
別々,べつべつ,"Separately, Individually",Type the reading!,Image
特別,とくべつ,Special,Type the reading!,Image
利く,きく,"To Work Well, To Be Possible, To Be Effective",Type the reading!,Image
便利,べんり,"Convenient, Handy, Useful",Type the reading!,Image
努力,どりょく,"Great Effort, Exertion, Grueling Effort",Type the reading!,Image
労働,ろうどう,"Manual Labor, Labor",Type the reading!,Image
苦労,くろう,"Hardship, Troubles",Type the reading!,Image
労働者,ろうどうしゃ,"Laborer, Blue Collar Worker, Manual Laborer",Type the
命,いのち,Life,Type the reading!,Image
運命,うんめい,"Fate, Destiny",Type the reading!,Image
命令,めいれい,"Order, Command",Type the reading!,Image
海岸,かいがん,"Seashore, Coast, Seacoast",Type the reading!,Image
放す,はなす,"To Release, To Let Go, To Release Something, To Let Go Of
Something",Type the reading!,Image
開放する,かいほうする,"To Open Up, To Throw Open, To Open To The Public",Type the
昔,むかし,"Long Ago, Long Time Ago",Type the reading!,Image
電波,でんぱ,"Reception, Radio Wave, Electromagnetic Wave",Type the reading!,Image
注ぐ,"そそぐ,つぐ",To Pour,Type the reading!,Image
注意,ちゅうい,"Caution, Attention",Type the reading!,Image
注文,ちゅうもん,"Order, Request",Type the reading!,Image
集中する,しゅうちゅうする,"To Concentrate, To Focus",Type the reading!,Image
育つ,そだつ,"To Be Raised, To Be Brought Up, To Grow Up",Type the reading!,Image
教育,きょういく,Education,Type the reading!,Image
拾う,ひろう,"To Pick Up, To Find, To Gather",Type the reading!,Image
指す,さす,"To Point, To Point At",Type the reading!,Image
指,ゆび,"Finger, Toe",Type the reading!,Image
指定する,していする,"To Appoint, To Assign, To Designate, To Specify",Type the
洋風,ようふう,Western Style,Type the reading!,Image
洋服,ようふく,"Clothes, Western Clothing, Western Style Clothes",Type the
太平洋,たいへいよう,Pacific Ocean,Type the reading!,Image
洋食,ようしょく,"Western Food, Western Style Food",Type the reading!,Image
洋室,ようしつ,Western Style Room,Type the reading!,Image
神,かみ,"God, Gods",Type the reading!,Image
神道,しんとう,"Shinto, Shintou",Type the reading!,Image
神社,じんじゃ,Shinto Shrine,Type the reading!,Image
秒,びょう,Second,Type the reading!,Image
高級,こうきゅう,"High Class, High Grade, High Level",Type the reading!,Image
初級,しょきゅう,"Beginner Level, Elementary Level, Beginning Level",Type the
中級,ちゅうきゅう,"Intermediate Level, Intermediate Rank, Intermediate Grade",Type
the reading!,Image
上級,じょうきゅう,"Advanced Level, High Grade, Advanced Grade, High Level",Type the
追う,おう,"To Chase, To Follow",Type the reading!,Image
戦い,たたかい,"Battle, Fight, Conflict",Type the reading!,Image
作戦,さくせん,"Tactics, Strategy",Type the reading!,Image
戦車,せんしゃ,Tank,Type the reading!,Image
戦場,せんじょう,"Battlefield, Battleground",Type the reading!,Image
競う,きそう,To Compete,Type the reading!,Image
良い,"よい,いい",Good,Type the reading!,Image
特に,とくに,"Especially, Particularly",Type the reading!,Image
不便,ふべん,"Inconvenient, Not Convenient",Type the reading!,Image
便所,べんじょ,"Toilet, Lavatory, Restroom, Bathroom",Type the reading!,Image
働く,はたらく,"To Work, To Labor",Type the reading!,Image
意見,いけん,"Opinion, View",Type the reading!,Image
意味,いみ,Meaning,Type the reading!,Image
味,あじ,"Taste, Flavor",Type the reading!,Image
安売り,やすうり,"Sell Cheaply, Discount, Bargain Sale, Sale",Type the reading!,Image
仕返し,しかえし,"Getting Even, Getting Back At, Retaliation, Revenge",Type the
返る,かえる,"To Be Returned, To Return, To Come Back",Type the reading!,Image
乗り場,のりば,"Bus Stop, Taxi Stand, Train Platform, Place For Boarding
Vehicles",Type the reading!,Image
使い方,つかいかた,"How To Use, Way Of Using",Type the reading!,Image
仕事,しごと,"Job, Work, Occupation",Type the reading!,Image
負け犬,まけいぬ,Loser,Type the reading!,Image
勝ち,かち,"Victory, Win, A Victory, A Win",Type the reading!,Image
決定する,けっていする,"To Decide, To Determine",Type the reading!,Image
苦しむ,くるしむ,"To Suffer, To Struggle",Type the reading!,Image
気付く,きづく,"To Realize, To Notice",Type the reading!,Image
見送る,みおくる,To See Off,Type the reading!,Image
時々,ときどき,"Sometimes, At Times",Type the reading!,Image
受付,うけつけ,"Receptionist, Reception",Type the reading!,Image
買い物,かいもの,Shopping,Type the reading!,Image
苦手,にがて,"Hard To Deal With, Weak Point, Poor At, Not Very Good At, Bad At",Type
the reading!,Image
伝わる,つたわる,"To Be Transmitted, To Be Told, To Be Handed Down",Type the
不良,ふりょう,"Bad, Substandard, Delinquent",Type the reading!,Image
気持ちいい,きもちいい,"Good Feeling, Feeling Good, Feels Good",Type the reading!,Image
試す,ためす,"To Attempt, To Try Out, To Test, To Test The Limits, To Try",Type the
入学試験,にゅうがくしけん,"Entrance Exam, Entrance Examination, Admission Test,
Admission Exam, Admission Examination, Entrance Test",Type the reading!,Image
意外,いがい,Unexpected,Type the reading!,Image
〜付き,つき,"Including, Included, Furnished With, Attached To",Type the
味方,みかた,"Ally, Supporter, Friend",Type the reading!,Image
発売中,はつばいちゅう,"Now For Sale, In Stores Now, Now Available",Type the
食べ物,たべもの,Food,Type the reading!,Image
波,なみ,Wave,Type the reading!,Image
丁度いい,ちょうどいい,"Just Right, Exactly Right",Type the reading!,Image
保持する,ほじする,"To Maintain, To Preserve, To Retain",Type the reading!,Image
通う,かよう,"To Commute, To Attend, To Go Back And Forth",Type the reading!,Image
屋上,おくじょう,"Rooftop, Housetop",Type the reading!,Image
支度,したく,"Preparation, Arrangements, Getting Ready",Type the reading!,Image
用意,ようい,"Preparation, Arrangements, Provision, Getting Ready",Type the
見物,けんぶつ,"Sightseeing, Sightseer, Watching, Watcher, Viewing, Viewer",Type the
予め,あらかじめ,"Beforehand, In Advance, Previously, Ahead Of Time",Type the
平仮名,ひらがな,Hiragana,Type the reading!,Image
文字通り,もじどおり,"Literal, Literally, To The Letter",Type the reading!,Image
初歩,しょほ,"Basics, Rudiments, Elements, Abcs",Type the reading!,Image
新た,あらた,"New, Fresh, Novel, Newly, Freshly",Type the reading!,Image
西洋,せいよう,"The West, Western Countries",Type the reading!,Image
別,べつ,"Different, Separate",Type the reading!,Image
心持ち,こころもち,"Feeling, Mood, Somewhat, Slightly",Type the reading!,Image
昔話,むかしばなし,"Folk Tale, Legend, Old Story, Folklore",Type the reading!,Image
見事,みごと,"Splendid, Magnificent, Beautiful, Admirable, Praiseworthy Act,
Feat",Type the reading!,Image
生物学,せいぶつがく,Biology,Type the reading!,Image
伝記,でんき,"Biography, Life Story",Type the reading!,Image
始まる,はじまる,"To Begin, Something Begins, To Start, Something Starts",Type the
始めに,はじめに,"In The Beginning, To Begin With, To Start With",Type the
待つ,まつ,To Wait,Type the reading!,Image
勉強,べんきょう,"Studies, Study",Type the reading!,Image
家庭,かてい,"Family, Household, Home",Type the reading!,Image
庭,にわ,"Garden, Yard",Type the reading!,Image
息,いき,Breath,Type the reading!,Image
息子,むすこ,Son,Type the reading!,Image
利息,りそく,Interest,Type the reading!,Image
旅,たび,"Trip, Travel",Type the reading!,Image
旅行,りょこう,"Trip, Travel",Type the reading!,Image
根,ね,Root,Type the reading!,Image
根本,"こんぽん,ねもと","Root, Source, Origin, Foundation",Type the reading!,Image
屋根,やね,Roof,Type the reading!,Image
根気,こんき,"Patience, Perseverance, Persistence",Type the reading!,Image
大根,だいこん,"Daikon, Japanese Radish",Type the reading!,Image
流す,ながす,"To Flow, To Flush, To Drain, To Pour, To Float, To Wash Away, To Set
Afloat",Type the reading!,Image
流行,"りゅうこう,はやり","Trend, Fad, Craze",Type the reading!,Image
一流,いちりゅう,"First Rate, First Class, Top Notch, Top Grade",Type the
本流,ほんりゅう,Mainstream,Type the reading!,Image
消す,けす,"To Extinguish, To Erase, To Turn Off",Type the reading!,Image
〜倍,ばい,"Times, Fold",Type the reading!,Image
二倍,にばい,"Double, Two Times, Twice",Type the reading!,Image
店員,てんいん,"Shop Staff, Store Staff, Store Employee, Shop Employee, Clerk, Shop
Assistant",Type the reading!,Image
全員,ぜんいん,"All Members, All Hands, Everyone, Everybody",Type the reading!,Image
社員,しゃいん,"Employee, Staff, Company Employee, Company Staff",Type the
会社員,かいしゃいん,"Company Employee, Office Worker",Type the reading!,Image
広島,ひろしま,Hiroshima,Type the reading!,Image
祭,まつり,Festival,Type the reading!,Image
文章,ぶんしょう,"Writing, Article, Sentence, Composition",Type the reading!,Image
第二章,だいにしょう,"Chapter Two, Second Chapter",Type the reading!,Image
第一,だいいち,"The First, First, Number One, Best",Type the reading!,Image
第一位,だいいちい,"First Place, First Rank",Type the reading!,Image
東京都,とうきょうと,"Tokyo Metropolis, Tokyo Metro, Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Tokyo
Metro Area",Type the reading!,Image
京都,きょうと,"Kyoto, Kyouto",Type the reading!,Image
動く,うごく,"To Move, To Operate",Type the reading!,Image
動物,どうぶつ,Animal,Type the reading!,Image
運動,うんどう,Exercise,Type the reading!,Image
商売,しょうばい,"Business, Commerce",Type the reading!,Image
商人,しょうにん,"Merchant, Trader, Shopkeeper",Type the reading!,Image
悪い,わるい,"Bad, Poor, Wrong",Type the reading!,Image
悪人,あくにん,"Bad Person, Villain, Evildoer, Bad Guy, Wicked Person, Evil
Person",Type the reading!,Image
悪女,あくじょ,"Evil Woman, Wicked Woman, Bad Woman",Type the reading!,Image
最悪,さいあく,"The Worst, Worst",Type the reading!,Image
家族,かぞく,"Family, Immediate Family",Type the reading!,Image
民族,みんぞく,"Ethnic Group, Ethnicity, Race",Type the reading!,Image
血族,けつぞく,Blood Relative,Type the reading!,Image
深い,ふかい,Deep,Type the reading!,Image
深夜,しんや,"Middle Of The Night, Late At Night",Type the reading!,Image
水深,すいしん,"Water Depth, Depth Of Water",Type the reading!,Image
最深,さいしん,"Deepest, The Deepest",Type the reading!,Image
球,"たま,きゅう","Sphere, Ball, Sports Ball",Type the reading!,Image
野球,やきゅう,Baseball,Type the reading!,Image
童話,どうわ,"Children's Story, Fairy Tale",Type the reading!,Image
太陽,たいよう,"Sun, The Sun, Sol",Type the reading!,Image
一階,いっかい,"First Floor, Floor One, First Story, Ground Floor",Type the
二階,にかい,"Second Floor, Floor Two, Second Story",Type the reading!,Image
四十二階,よんじゅうにかい,"Forty Second Floor, Floor Forty Two, Forty Second
Story",Type the reading!,Image
寒い,さむい,Cold,Type the reading!,Image
暑い,あつい,"Hot Weather, Hot",Type the reading!,Image
期待,きたい,"Expectation, Expect, Anticipate",Type the reading!,Image
学期,がっき,"School Term, Semester",Type the reading!,Image
時期,じき,"Time, Season, Period, Time Period, Period Of Time",Type the
植物,しょくぶつ,"Plant, Vegetation",Type the reading!,Image
歯医者,はいしゃ,Dentist,Type the reading!,Image
虫歯,むしば,"Cavity, Decayed Tooth, Tooth Decay",Type the reading!,Image
歯,は,"Tooth, Teeth",Type the reading!,Image
温かい,あたたかい,Warm,Type the reading!,Image
温泉,おんせん,"Hot Springs, Onsen",Type the reading!,Image
温度,おんど,Temperature,Type the reading!,Image
空港,くうこう,Airport,Type the reading!,Image
茶の湯,ちゃのゆ,Tea Ceremony,Type the reading!,Image
湯気,ゆげ,"Steam, Vapor",Type the reading!,Image
登る,のぼる,"To Climb, To Ascend",Type the reading!,Image
登山,とざん,Mountain Climbing,Type the reading!,Image
着る,きる,"To Wear, To Put On",Type the reading!,Image
着く,つく,To Arrive,Type the reading!,Image
短い,みじかい,Short,Type the reading!,Image
短刀,たんとう,"Short Sword, Dagger, Tanto",Type the reading!,Image
短期,たんき,"Short Period, Short Term",Type the reading!,Image
泉,いずみ,"Spring, Fountain",Type the reading!,Image
合う,あう,"To Suit, To Come Together, To Meet, To Match",Type the reading!,Image
酒飲み,さけのみ,"Alcoholic, Boozer, Drunkard",Type the reading!,Image
鳴き声,なきごえ,"Animal Cry, Animal Sound, Animal Noise, Chirp, Tweet, Roar, Bark,
Meow",Type the reading!,Image
飲み物,のみもの,"Beverage, Drink",Type the reading!,Image
聞こえる,きこえる,"Hearable, Audible, To Be Able To Hear, To Be Heard, To Be Audible,
Can Hear",Type the reading!,Image
心配事,しんぱいごと,"Cares, Worries, Troubles",Type the reading!,Image
音読み,おんよみ,"Chinese Reading, On'yomi",Type the reading!,Image
運転手,うんてんしゅ,Driver,Type the reading!,Image
落ち葉,おちば,"Fallen Leaves, Fallen Leaf",Type the reading!,Image
父親,ちちおや,"Father, Dad",Type the reading!,Image
母親,ははおや,"Mother, Mom",Type the reading!,Image
三番目,さんばんめ,"Third Thing, The Third",Type the reading!,Image
話し方,はなしかた,"Way Of Speaking, Speaking Style, Way Of Talking, Talking
Style",Type the reading!,Image
転ぶ,ころぶ,"To Fall Over, To Fall Down",Type the reading!,Image
集まる,あつまる,"To Come Together, To Gather, To Be Gathered",Type the reading!,Image
落とす,おとす,"To Drop Something, To Let Fall, To Drop, To Fall",Type the
終わり,おわり,"The End, End, The Finish, Finish",Type the reading!,Image
終電,しゅうでん,"Last Train, The Last Train",Type the reading!,Image
開く,あく,"To Open, To Be Open",Type the reading!,Image
起こる,おこる,"To Occur, To Happen, To Take Place",Type the reading!,Image
心配する,しんぱいする,"To Worry, To Be Concerned, To Be Anxious",Type the
鳴る,なる,To Ring,Type the reading!,Image
歌う,うたう,To Sing,Type the reading!,Image
勝手,かって,"As One Pleases, One's Own Convenience, One's Own Way, One's Way",Type
the reading!,Image
都合,つごう,"At Your Convenience, Circumstance",Type the reading!,Image
要求する,ようきゅうする,To Demand,Type the reading!,Image
消化,しょうか,Digestion,Type the reading!,Image
運,うん,Luck,Type the reading!,Image
気温,きおん,"Temperature, Air Temperature",Type the reading!,Image
〜階,かい,"Floor, Story, Storey",Type the reading!,Image
都市,とし,"City, A City, Town, Municipal, Urban",Type the reading!,Image
言葉,ことば,"Word, Language, Manner Of Speech",Type the reading!,Image
僕,ぼく,"I, Me",Type the reading!,Image
地球,ちきゅう,"The Earth, The Globe, Earth",Type the reading!,Image
田代島,たしろじま,Tashirojima,Type the reading!,Image
会員,かいいん,"Member, Membership",Type the reading!,Image
船員,せんいん,"Sailor, Seaman, Mariner, Crewman",Type the reading!,Image
都会,とかい,"City, Town, Urban, Civilization",Type the reading!,Image
島,しま,Island,Type the reading!,Image
落ち,おち,"Conclusion, Final Result, The End, Punch Line, Slip, Omission,
Outcome",Type the reading!,Image
陽気,ようき,"Cheerful, Jovial, Merry, Lively, Spring Season, Warm Weather",Type the
期間,きかん,"Period, Term, Interval, Span",Type the reading!,Image
行動,こうどう,"Action, Conduct, Behaviour, Behavior",Type the reading!,Image
集まり,あつまり,"Gathering, Meeting, Assembly, Party, Collection, Get Together",Type
the reading!,Image
植える,うえる,"To Plant, To Grow",Type the reading!,Image
親分,おやぶん,"Boss, Kingpin, Chief, Head",Type the reading!,Image
顔文字,かおもじ,Kaomoji,Type the reading!,Image
大学院生,だいがくいんせい,"Graduate Student, Grad Student",Type the reading!,Image
港,みなと,"Harbor, Port",Type the reading!,Image
湯,ゆ,Hot Water,Type the reading!,Image
活動,かつどう,"Action, Activity",Type the reading!,Image
祭日,さいじつ,"National Holiday, Festival Day",Type the reading!,Image
着々,ちゃくちゃく,Steadily,Type the reading!,Image
仲良し,なかよし,"Good Friend, Intimate Friend, Close Friend",Type the reading!,Image
小指,こゆび,"Little Finger, Pinky Finger, Pinky, Little Toe, Pinky Toe",Type the
仲良く,なかよく,"Friendly, Good Terms",Type the reading!,Image
酒好き,さけずき,"Drinker, Alcoholic",Type the reading!,Image
想像する,そうぞうする,To Imagine,Type the reading!,Image
映像,えいぞう,"Picture, Image, Video, Reflection",Type the reading!,Image
画像,がぞう,"Image, Portrait, Picture",Type the reading!,Image
一億,いちおく,One Hundred Million,Type the reading!,Image
一億円,いちおくえん,One Hundred Million Yen,Type the reading!,Image
億,おく,Hundred Million,Type the reading!,Image
問題,もんだい,"Problem, Question",Type the reading!,Image
疑問,ぎもん,"Doubt, Question",Type the reading!,Image
器,うつわ,"Container, Bowl, Vessel",Type the reading!,Image
器用,きよう,"Dextrous, Skillful",Type the reading!,Image
楽器,がっき,Musical Instrument,Type the reading!,Image
食器,しょっき,"Tableware, Eating Utensils, Serving Utensils",Type the reading!,Image
力士,りきし,Sumo Wrestler,Type the reading!,Image
宿題,しゅくだい,Homework,Type the reading!,Image
新宿,しんじゅく,Shinjuku,Type the reading!,Image
事情,じじょう,"Circumstances, Reason, Situation",Type the reading!,Image
人情,にんじょう,"Humanity, Human Feelings, Empathy, Kindness, Sympathy",Type the
情け,なさけ,"Pity, Sympathy, Mercy, Compassion",Type the reading!,Image
感情,かんじょう,"Feeling, Emotion",Type the reading!,Image
予想,よそう,"Expectation, Anticipation, Expect, Anticipate, Prediction",Type the
回想,かいそう,"Retrospection, Reminiscence",Type the reading!,Image
思想,しそう,"Thought, Idea",Type the reading!,Image
五感,ごかん,"The Five Senses, Five Senses",Type the reading!,Image
同感,どうかん,"Sympathy, Same Sentiment, Concurrence, Agree, Empathy",Type the
飲み会,のみかい,Drinking Party,Type the reading!,Image
見返る,みかえる,"To Look Back At, To Look Back On, To Look Back",Type the
初めに,はじめに,"Beginning, In The Beginning, First Of All, To Begin With",Type the
初めて,はじめて,"For The First Time, First Time",Type the reading!,Image
神風,かみかぜ,"Kamikaze, Divine Winds",Type the reading!,Image
手伝う,てつだう,"To Help, To Assist, To Lend A Hand, To Give A Hand",Type the
左利き,ひだりきき,Left Handed,Type the reading!,Image
体育,たいいく,"PE Class, PE, Physical Education, Gym Class",Type the reading!,Image
右利き,みぎきき,Right Handed,Type the reading!,Image
育てる,そだてる,"To Bring Up, To Raise, To Bring Something Up, To Raise
Something",Type the reading!,Image
追い付く,おいつく,"To Catch Up With, To Overtake, To Keep Up With",Type the
戦う,たたかう,"To Fight, To Battle, To Combat",Type the reading!,Image
追いかける,おいかける,"To Pursue, To Stalk, To Chase, To Run After, To Follow",Type
the reading!,Image
注文する,ちゅうもんする,"To Order, To Request",Type the reading!,Image
大好き,だいすき,"Really Like, To Really Like, Love, To Love, Like A Lot, To Like A
Lot, Like Very Much, To Like Very Much",Type the reading!,Image
放れる,はなれる,To Be Released,Type the reading!,Image
感じ,かんじ,"Feeling, Sense, Impression",Type the reading!,Image
感じる,かんじる,To Feel,Type the reading!,Image
感動する,かんどうする,"To Be Emotionally Moved, To Be Moved Emotionally, To Be
Moving",Type the reading!,Image
感心,かんしん,Admiration,Type the reading!,Image
感想,かんそう,"Impressions, One's Impressions, Thoughts",Type the reading!,Image
感謝,かんしゃ,"Thanks, Gratitude",Type the reading!,Image
整然,せいぜん,"Orderly, Systematic, Well Organized, Natural Order",Type the
入館料,にゅうかんりょう,"Admission Fee, Entrance Fee, Entry Fee",Type the
料金,りょうきん,"Fee, Bills, Fees, Bill",Type the reading!,Image
映る,うつる,"To Be Reflected, To Be Projected",Type the reading!,Image
映画,えいが,"Movie, Film",Type the reading!,Image
暗い,くらい,Dark,Type the reading!,Image
暗殺,あんさつ,Assassination,Type the reading!,Image
暗記,あんき,"Memorization, Memorize",Type the reading!,Image
〜様,さま,"Formal Name Ender, Formal Name Title, Sama",Type the reading!,Image
様々,さまざま,"Various, Many",Type the reading!,Image
皆様,みなさま,"Everyone, All, Everybody",Type the reading!,Image
目標,もくひょう,"Goal, Target, Objective",Type the reading!,Image
橋,はし,Bridge,Type the reading!,Image
殺す,ころす,To Kill,Type the reading!,Image
殺人,さつじん,Murder,Type the reading!,Image
自殺,じさつ,Suicide,Type the reading!,Image
全然,ぜんぜん,"Entirely, Completely, Not At All",Type the reading!,Image
当然,とうぜん,"Natural, Obvious",Type the reading!,Image
自然,しぜん,"Nature, Natural",Type the reading!,Image
情熱,じょうねつ,"Passion, Enthusiasm",Type the reading!,Image
熱,ねつ,"Fever, Heat",Type the reading!,Image
熱い,あつい,"Hot Thing, Hot",Type the reading!,Image
熱心,ねっしん,"Enthusiasm, Passion, Zeal",Type the reading!,Image
皆さん,みなさん,"Everyone, Everybody, All",Type the reading!,Image
福島,ふくしま,Fukushima,Type the reading!,Image
緑,みどり,Green,Type the reading!,Image
緑色,みどりいろ,"Green, Color Green, Green Color",Type the reading!,Image
練習,れんしゅう,Practice,Type the reading!,Image
詩,し,Poem,Type the reading!,Image
詩人,しじん,Poet,Type the reading!,Image
詩歌,"しいか,しか",Poetry,Type the reading!,Image
課長,かちょう,"Section Manager, Section Chief",Type the reading!,Image
謝る,あやまる,To Apologize,Type the reading!,Image
賞金,しょうきん,"Cash Prize, Prize Money",Type the reading!,Image
車輪,しゃりん,"Tire, Car Wheel, Wheel",Type the reading!,Image
輪,わ,"Ring, Wheel, Loop",Type the reading!,Image
選ぶ,えらぶ,To Choose,Type the reading!,Image
選手,せんしゅ,"Pro Athlete, Sports Player, Professional Athlete",Type the
水銀,すいぎん,"Mercury, Quicksilver",Type the reading!,Image
銀,ぎん,Silver,Type the reading!,Image
銀色,ぎんいろ,"Silver, Silver Color, Color Silver",Type the reading!,Image
銀行,ぎんこう,Bank,Type the reading!,Image
鏡,かがみ,Mirror,Type the reading!,Image
〜放題,ほうだい,"As Much As You Want, All You Can",Type the reading!,Image
話題,わだい,"Topic, Subject",Type the reading!,Image
お願いします,おねがいします,"Please Help Me, Please, If You Would Be So Kind",Type the
心願,しんがん,"Heartfelt Desire, Heartfelt Wish, Prayer, Heart's Desire",Type the
養う,やしなう,"To Foster, To Raise, To Rear",Type the reading!,Image
養子,ようし,Adopted Child,Type the reading!,Image
旅館,りょかん,"Japanese Inn, Japanese Hotel, Inn, Ryokan, Japanese Style Inn,
Japanese Style Hotel",Type the reading!,Image
本館,ほんかん,Main Building,Type the reading!,Image
駅,えき,"Station, Train Station",Type the reading!,Image
駅前,えきまえ,"Front Of Station, In Front Of Station, Front Of The Station, In Front
Of The Station, Station Front",Type the reading!,Image
駅員,えきいん,"Train Station Employee, Train Station Staff, Train Station Attendant,
Station Attendant, Station Employee",Type the reading!,Image
駅長,えきちょう,"Station Master, Stationmaster, Train Station Master, Train
Stationmaster",Type the reading!,Image
整理,せいり,"Arrangement, Sorting, Organization, Adjustment",Type the reading!,Image
宿,やど,"Lodging, Inn, Hotel, Lodge",Type the reading!,Image
実感,じっかん,"Realization, Real Feeling, Actual Feeling",Type the reading!,Image
別れる,わかれる,"To Separate, To Be Divided, To Part From, To Break Up",Type the
共有する,きょうゆうする,"To Share, To Own Jointly, To Co Own",Type the reading!,Image
表情,ひょうじょう,Facial Expression,Type the reading!,Image
中指,なかゆび,"Middle Finger, Second Finger, Middle Toe",Type the reading!,Image
女神,"めがみ,じょしん","Goddess, Female Deity",Type the reading!,Image
学問,がくもん,"Schooling, Study, Learning, Scholarship",Type the reading!,Image
想定,そうてい,"Hypothesis, Supposition, Assumption",Type the reading!,Image
王様,おうさま,King,Type the reading!,Image
親指,おやゆび,"Thumb, Big Toe",Type the reading!,Image
神様,かみさま,"God, Gods",Type the reading!,Image
指先,ゆびさき,"Fingertip, Tip Of The Toe",Type the reading!,Image
特選,とくせん,"Special Selection, Special Choice, Special Prize",Type the
場合,ばあい,"Case, Circumstance, Situation",Type the reading!,Image
待たせる,またせる,"To Make Someone Wait, To Keep Someone Waiting, To Make Wait, To
Keep Waiting",Type the reading!,Image
着物,きもの,"Kimono, Clothes",Type the reading!,Image
下着,したぎ,Underwear,Type the reading!,Image
水着,みずぎ,"Swimsuit, Bathing Suit, Swimwear",Type the reading!,Image
間に合う,まにあう,"To Be In Time For, To Make It On Time, To Be On Time For",Type the
知り合い,しりあい,Acquaintance,Type the reading!,Image
待ちぼうけ,まちぼうけ,"Stood Up, Waiting In Vain",Type the reading!,Image
消しゴム,"けしごむ,けしゴム","Eraser, Rubber",Type the reading!,Image
悪気,わるぎ,"Evil Intent, Malice, Ill Will",Type the reading!,Image
山登り,やまのぼり,Mountain Climbing,Type the reading!,Image
流行語,りゅうこうご,"Popular Phrase, Catchphrase, Popular Word, Buzzword",Type the
流行歌,りゅうこうか,Popular Song,Type the reading!,Image
例外,れいがい,Exception,Type the reading!,Image
一例,いちれい,"Instance, Example",Type the reading!,Image
例えば,たとえば,"For Example, For Instance",Type the reading!,Image
例文,れいぶん,"Example Sentence, Model Sentence, Sample Sentence",Type the
悪例,あくれい,"Bad Example, Bad Precedent",Type the reading!,Image
協会,きょうかい,"Union, Association, Organization",Type the reading!,Image
協力,きょうりょく,Cooperation,Type the reading!,Image
参る,まいる,"To Come, To Go",Type the reading!,Image
一周,いっしゅう,"One Time Around, Once Around",Type the reading!,Image
周囲,しゅうい,"Perimeter, Circumference, Surroundings, Environs",Type the
周年,しゅうねん,Anniversary,Type the reading!,Image
囲む,かこむ,"To Surround, To Enclose",Type the reading!,Image
雰囲気,ふんいき,"Atmosphere, Ambience, Ambiance, Mood",Type the reading!,Image
固い,かたい,"Hard, Solid, Tough",Type the reading!,Image
頑固,がんこ,Stubborn,Type the reading!,Image
基本,きほん,"Foundation, Basics",Type the reading!,Image
四季,しき,"The Four Seasons, Four Seasons",Type the reading!,Image
完了,かんりょう,"Completion, Complete, Finish, Conclusion",Type the reading!,Image
完全,かんぜん,"Complete, Perfect, Perfection, Completeness",Type the reading!,Image
完成,かんせい,"Completion, Accomplishment",Type the reading!,Image
念願,ねんがん,"Heart's Desire, Earnest Wish",Type the reading!,Image
残念,ざんねん,"Too Bad, Unfortunate",Type the reading!,Image
人性,じんせい,"Human Nature, Instinct",Type the reading!,Image
女性,じょせい,"Female, Woman, Lady",Type the reading!,Image
性病,せいびょう,"Sexually Transmitted Disease, Std, Sexually Transmitted Infection,
Sti",Type the reading!,Image
男性,だんせい,"Male, Man, Guy",Type the reading!,Image
技,わざ,"Technique, Art",Type the reading!,Image
技能,ぎのう,"Skill, Ability",Type the reading!,Image
特技,とくぎ,Specialty,Type the reading!,Image
折る,おる,To Fold,Type the reading!,Image
折角,せっかく,"With Trouble, Valuable, Kind",Type the reading!,Image
骨折,こっせつ,"Broken Bone, Fracture, Bone Fracture",Type the reading!,Image
失望,しつぼう,"Disappointment, Despair",Type the reading!,Image
望み,のぞみ,"Wish, Hope, Desire",Type the reading!,Image
望む,のぞむ,"To Wish, To Desire, To Wish For",Type the reading!,Image
願望,がんぼう,"Desire, Wish, Aspiration",Type the reading!,Image
木材,もくざい,"Wood, Lumber",Type the reading!,Image
材料,ざいりょう,"Ingredients, Material",Type the reading!,Image
材木,ざいもく,"Lumber, Timber, Wood",Type the reading!,Image
束,たば,"Bundle, Bunch",Type the reading!,Image
約束,やくそく,"Promise, Appointment, Pact",Type the reading!,Image
松,まつ,"Pine, Pine Tree",Type the reading!,Image
松葉,まつば,Pine Needle,Type the reading!,Image
人格,じんかく,"Character, Personality",Type the reading!,Image
合格する,ごうかくする,"To Pass A Test, To Pass An Exam",Type the reading!,Image
性格,せいかく,"Personality, Character",Type the reading!,Image
格好,かっこう,"Shape, Form, Posture, Appearance",Type the reading!,Image
骨格,こっかく,Skeleton,Type the reading!,Image
残り,のこり,"Remainder, Remnant, Leftover, Residue",Type the reading!,Image
残る,のこる,"To Remain Behind, To Remain, To Stay Behind",Type the reading!,Image
残業,ざんぎょう,Overtime,Type the reading!,Image
料理,りょうり,"Cooking, Cuisine, Cookery",Type the reading!,Image
〜的,てき,"Al, Like, Typical",Type the reading!,Image
日本的,にほんてき,"Very Japanese, Typically Japanese",Type the reading!,Image
目的,もくてき,"Purpose, Goal, Motive",Type the reading!,Image
予約,よやく,"Reservation, Appointment",Type the reading!,Image
約,やく,"About, Approximately",Type the reading!,Image
才能,さいのう,"Talent, Ability, Genius",Type the reading!,Image
能力,のうりょく,"Ability, Capability",Type the reading!,Image
芸能界,げいのうかい,"Showbusiness, Showbiz, Show Business",Type the reading!,Image
芸人,げいにん,"Comedian, Performer, Entertainer",Type the reading!,Image
芸者,げいしゃ,Geisha,Type the reading!,Image
芸術,げいじゅつ,"Art, The Arts, Fine Art",Type the reading!,Image
美術,びじゅつ,"Fine Art, Art",Type the reading!,Image
骨,ほね,Bone,Type the reading!,Image
落ち着く,おちつく,To Calm Down,Type the reading!,Image
消化する,しょうかする,To Digest,Type the reading!,Image
消える,きえる,"To Disappear, To Go Out, To Turn Off",Type the reading!,Image
気持ち悪い,きもちわるい,"Bad Feeling, Feeling Bad, Feeling Terrible, Unpleasant,
Gross",Type the reading!,Image
流れる,ながれる,"To Stream, To Flow",Type the reading!,Image
動かす,うごかす,To Move Something,Type the reading!,Image
着ける,つける,"To Put On, To Wear",Type the reading!,Image
勉強する,べんきょうする,To Study,Type the reading!,Image
旅行する,りょこうする,"To Travel, To Take A Trip",Type the reading!,Image
温める,あたためる,"To Warm Up, To Warm, To Heat Up, To Heat",Type the reading!,Image
起こす,おこす,"To Wake Someone Up, To Wake Up, To Wake Someone",Type the
旅行者,りょこうしゃ,"Traveler, Tourist",Type the reading!,Image
悪口,"わるくち,わるぐち,あっこう","Verbal Abuse, Saying Bad Things, Insult, Slander,
Bad Mouth",Type the reading!,Image
良好,りょうこう,"Good, Favorable, Satisfactory",Type the reading!,Image
自動,じどう,Automatic,Type the reading!,Image
卒業,そつぎょう,Graduation,Type the reading!,Image
希望,きぼう,"Hope, Wish, Aspiration",Type the reading!,Image
妥協,だきょう,"Compromise, Giving In",Type the reading!,Image
消化不良,しょうかふりょう,Indigestion,Type the reading!,Image
期待する,きたいする,"To Expect, To Anticipate",Type the reading!,Image
回転ずし,かいてんずし,"Rotating Sushi, Conveyor Belt Sushi, Revolving Sushi, Sushi
Train, Sushi Go Round",Type the reading!,Image
回転する,かいてんする,"To Rotate, To Revolve",Type the reading!,Image
試合,しあい,"Game, Match",Type the reading!,Image
合わせる,あわせる,"To Join Together, To Unify, To Match",Type the reading!,Image
性,せい,"Gender, Nature, Sex",Type the reading!,Image
動き,うごき,"Movement, Activity, Trend, Development, Change",Type the reading!,Image
周り,まわり,"Circumference, Perimeter, Edge, Surroundings, Locality,
Neighborhood",Type the reading!,Image
深さ,ふかさ,"Depth, Profundity",Type the reading!,Image
周期,しゅうき,"Cycle, Period",Type the reading!,Image
理性,りせい,"Reason, Sense, Intellect, Understanding",Type the reading!,Image
待合,まちあい,"Waiting Room, Meeting Place",Type the reading!,Image
言葉つき,ことばつき,"Speech, Expression, Wording, Language, Diction",Type the
具合,ぐあい,"Condition, Health",Type the reading!,Image
意図的,いとてき,"Intentional, On Purpose",Type the reading!,Image
近代的,きんだいてき,"Modern, Contemporary",Type the reading!,Image
意地悪,いじわる,"Malicious, Mean, Jerk",Type the reading!,Image
合図,あいず,"Sign, Signal",Type the reading!,Image
文化祭,ぶんかさい,"School Festival, Culture Festival, Arts Festival",Type the
本能,ほんのう,Instinct,Type the reading!,Image
運動会,うんどうかい,Sports Day,Type the reading!,Image
人参,にんじん,Carrot,Type the reading!,Image
好む,このむ,"To Be Fond Of, To Like",Type the reading!,Image
映画館,えいがかん,"Movie Theater, Cinema, Movie Theatre",Type the reading!,Image
仏,ほとけ,Buddha,Type the reading!,Image
仏教,ぶっきょう,Buddhism,Type the reading!,Image
大仏,だいぶつ,"Giant Buddha Statue, Daibutsu, Giant Statue Of Buddha, Large Buddha
Statue, Large Statue Of Buddha",Type the reading!,Image
信じる,しんじる,"To Believe, To Trust In",Type the reading!,Image
自信,じしん,"Confidence, Self Confidence",Type the reading!,Image
信号,しんごう,"Traffic Light, Signal, Traffic Signal, Stoplight, Semaphore",Type the
信心,しんじん,"Faith, Belief",Type the reading!,Image
信用,しんよう,"Trust, Confidence",Type the reading!,Image
不信,ふしん,"Distrust, Mistrust, Discredit, Unfaithfulness",Type the reading!,Image
返信,へんしん,"Reply, Answer",Type the reading!,Image
勇気,ゆうき,"Courage, Bravery, Valour, Valor",Type the reading!,Image
区,く,"District, Ward",Type the reading!,Image
区分,くぶん,"Division, Classification",Type the reading!,Image
地区,ちく,"District, Area, Zone",Type the reading!,Image
単に,たんに,"Simply, Merely",Type the reading!,Image
単語,たんご,"Word, Vocabulary",Type the reading!,Image
上司,じょうし,"Boss, Superior",Type the reading!,Image
坂,さか,Slope,Type the reading!,Image
変,へん,Strange,Type the reading!,Image
変人,へんじん,"An Eccentric, Eccentric, Oddball",Type the reading!,Image
変化,へんか,"Change, Transformation",Type the reading!,Image
変死,へんし,"Unnatural Death, Accidental Death",Type the reading!,Image
大変,たいへん,"Serious, Terrible, Very, Difficult, Hard, Hectic",Type the
事変,じへん,Incident,Type the reading!,Image
夫,おっと,Husband,Type the reading!,Image
岩,いわ,"Boulder, Rock",Type the reading!,Image
帰る,かえる,"To Return Home, To Return",Type the reading!,Image
建てる,たてる,"To Build, To Construct",Type the reading!,Image
建築,けんちく,"Architecture, Construction",Type the reading!,Image
式,しき,"Ceremony, Ritual, Equation",Type the reading!,Image
春,はる,Spring,Type the reading!,Image
春休み,はるやすみ,"Spring Break, Spring Vacation, Spring Holiday",Type the
昨今,さっこん,"These Days, Nowadays, Recently",Type the reading!,Image
昨日,"きのう,さくじつ",Yesterday,Type the reading!,Image
昼,ひる,Noon,Type the reading!,Image
晩,ばん,"Night, Evening",Type the reading!,Image
今晩は,こんばんは,Good Evening,Type the reading!,Image
毎晩,まいばん,"Every Night, Nightly",Type the reading!,Image
晴れる,はれる,"To Clear Up, To Become Sunny",Type the reading!,Image
毒,どく,Poison,Type the reading!,Image
中毒,ちゅうどく,"Poisoning, Addiction",Type the reading!,Image
有毒,ゆうどく,"Poisonous, Toxic, Venomous",Type the reading!,Image
食中毒,しょくちゅうどく,Food Poisoning,Type the reading!,Image
毒ガス,"どくがす,どくガス",Poison Gas,Type the reading!,Image
方法,ほうほう,"Method, Way",Type the reading!,Image
文法,ぶんぽう,Grammar,Type the reading!,Image
不法,ふほう,"Illegal, Unlawful",Type the reading!,Image
泣く,なく,To Cry,Type the reading!,Image
浅い,あさい,Shallow,Type the reading!,Image
猫,ねこ,Cat,Type the reading!,Image
子猫,こねこ,"Kitten, Kitty",Type the reading!,Image
秋,あき,"Autumn, Fall",Type the reading!,Image
新築,しんちく,"Newly Built, New Building, New Construction",Type the reading!,Image
世紀,せいき,Century,Type the reading!,Image
紀元後,きげんご,"AD, Anno Domini, After Death, CE, Common Era",Type the
英語,えいご,"English Language, English",Type the reading!,Image
英会話,えいかいわ,English Conversation,Type the reading!,Image
英文,えいぶん,"English Writing, English Composition",Type the reading!,Image
英国,えいこく,"Britain, Uk, United Kingdom, England",Type the reading!,Image
英和,えいわ,English Japanese,Type the reading!,Image
時計,とけい,"Watch, Clock",Type the reading!,Image
合計,ごうけい,"Total, Sum",Type the reading!,Image
計画,けいかく,"Plan, Project",Type the reading!,Image
計算,けいさん,Calculation,Type the reading!,Image
軍人,ぐんじん,Soldier,Type the reading!,Image
海軍,かいぐん,Navy,Type the reading!,Image
飯,めし,"Meal, Cooked Rice, Food",Type the reading!,Image
ご飯,ごはん,"Meal, Cooked Rice",Type the reading!,Image
不器用,"ぶきよう,ぶきっちょ","Clumsy, Unskillful, Awkward",Type the reading!,Image
お願い,おねがい,"A Request, Request, Wish, Please",Type the reading!,Image
飲み放題,のみほうだい,All You Can Drink,Type the reading!,Image
食べ放題,たべほうだい,All You Can Eat,Type the reading!,Image
人殺し,ひとごろし,"Murder, Murderer",Type the reading!,Image
殺人者,さつじんしゃ,"Murderer, Killer",Type the reading!,Image
指輪,ゆびわ,Ring,Type the reading!,Image
輪ゴム,"わごむ,わゴム","Rubber Band, Elastic Band",Type the reading!,Image
整理する,せいりする,"To Arrange, To Organize, To Sort",Type the reading!,Image
暗記する,あんきする,To Memorize,Type the reading!,Image
練習する,れんしゅうする,To Practice,Type the reading!,Image
映す,うつす,"To Project, To Reflect",Type the reading!,Image
変事,へんじ,"Strange Incident, Unusual Incident",Type the reading!,Image
同期中,どうきちゅう,"Syncing, Synchronizing",Type the reading!,Image
寺,てら,Temple,Type the reading!,Image
美味しい,おいしい,"Tasty, Good Tasting, Delicious",Type the reading!,Image
変える,かえる,To Change,Type the reading!,Image
丈夫,じょうぶ,"Sturdy, Firm, Healthy",Type the reading!,Image
丈,たけ,"Height, Length",Type the reading!,Image
頑丈,がんじょう,"Solid, Firm, Stout, Sturdy",Type the reading!,Image
見返す,みかえす,"To Look Back At, To Triumph Over",Type the reading!,Image
軍,ぐん,"Army, Troops, Force",Type the reading!,Image
列,れつ,"Line, Line Of Things, Line Of People, Queue",Type the reading!,Image
伝,つて,"Intermediary, Connections, Go Between",Type the reading!,Image
情けない,なさけない,"Miserable, Pitiable, Shameful, Deplorable, Wretched, Sad,
Pitiful",Type the reading!,Image
放つ,はなつ,"To Fire, To Hit, To Break Wind, To Let Loose, To Set Free",Type the
整える,ととのえる,"To Arrange, To Put In Order",Type the reading!,Image
昼休み,ひるやすみ,"Lunch Break, Noon Break",Type the reading!,Image
晴れ,はれ,Clear Weather,Type the reading!,Image
昨年,さくねん,Last Year,Type the reading!,Image
待合室,まちあいしつ,Waiting Room,Type the reading!,Image
取材,しゅざい,"Covering An Event, Collecting Data, Data Collection, Interview",Type
the reading!,Image
約束する,やくそくする,To Promise,Type the reading!,Image
仮面,かめん,Mask,Type the reading!,Image
係わる,かかわる,"To Be Involved With, To Be Connected With, To Be Affected, To Have
To Do With",Type the reading!,Image
保守的,ほしゅてき,Conservative,Type the reading!,Image
保存,ほぞん,"Preserve, Preservation, Conservation, Saving",Type the reading!,Image
保険,ほけん,Insurance,Type the reading!,Image
保証,ほしょう,Guarantee,Type the reading!,Image
仏像,ぶつぞう,"Image Of Buddha, Statue Of Buddha",Type the reading!,Image
古典的,こてんてき,Classical,Type the reading!,Image
仏典,ぶってん,"Buddhist Scriptures, Buddhist Writing",Type the reading!,Image
字典,じてん,"Character Dictionary, Kanji Dictionary",Type the reading!,Image
事典,じてん,Encyclopedia,Type the reading!,Image
冒険,ぼうけん,Adventure,Type the reading!,Image
冗談,じょうだん,Joke,Type the reading!,Image
危険,きけん,"Risky, Unsafe, Dangerous, Danger, Peril, Hazard",Type the
危ない,あぶない,"Dangerous, Risky",Type the reading!,Image
取る,とる,"To Take, To Take Something",Type the reading!,Image
下品,げひん,"Crude, Vulgarity",Type the reading!,Image
作品,さくひん,"A Work, Work, Production",Type the reading!,Image
品,"ひん,しな","Article, Item, Goods",Type the reading!,Image
新品,しんぴん,"Brand New, New Item, New Product",Type the reading!,Image
商品,しょうひん,"Merchandise, Product, Goods",Type the reading!,Image
公園,こうえん,"Public Park, Park",Type the reading!,Image
園,"えん,その","Garden, Park",Type the reading!,Image
存じる,ぞんじる,"To Know, To Be Aware Of",Type the reading!,Image
生存,せいぞん,"Existence, Life, Survival",Type the reading!,Image
守る,まもる,"To Protect, To Defend",Type the reading!,Image
留守,るす,"Absence, Away From Home",Type the reading!,Image
真実,しんじつ,"Truth, Reality",Type the reading!,Image
専門,せんもん,"Specialty, Speciality, Area Of Study, Major",Type the reading!,Image
不幸,ふこう,"Unhappiness, Misfortune, Misery, Death",Type the reading!,Image
幸せ,しあわせ,Happiness,Type the reading!,Image
政府,せいふ,Government,Type the reading!,Image
弁当,べんとう,"Bento, Box Lunch",Type the reading!,Image
東京弁,とうきょうべん,Tokyo Dialect,Type the reading!,Image
〜弁,べん,Dialect,Type the reading!,Image
急ぐ,いそぐ,To Hurry,Type the reading!,Image
急に,きゅうに,"Suddenly, Immediately, Abruptly",Type the reading!,Image
急死,きゅうし,Sudden Death,Type the reading!,Image
急行,きゅうこう,Express,Type the reading!,Image
政治,せいじ,"Politics, Government",Type the reading!,Image
書く,かく,To Write,Type the reading!,Image
残品,ざんぴん,"Unsold Merchandise, Remaining Stock",Type the reading!,Image
治す,なおす,"To Cure, To Heal",Type the reading!,Image
全治,"ぜんち,ぜんじ","Complete Recovery, Healed, Fully Recovered, Fully Recover,
Healed Completely, Heal Completely, Completely Cured, Fully Cured, Fully
Healed",Type the reading!,Image
不治,"ふじ,ふち","Incurability, Incurable",Type the reading!,Image
明治,めいじ,"Meiji Era, Meiji Emperor, Meiji",Type the reading!,Image
浴びる,あびる,To Bathe,Type the reading!,Image
日光浴,にっこうよく,Sunbathe,Type the reading!,Image
特急,とっきゅう,"Limited Express Train, Limited Express",Type the reading!,Image
留学,りゅうがく,"Study Abroad, Studying Abroad",Type the reading!,Image
写真,しゃしん,"Photo, Photograph, Picture",Type the reading!,Image
真っ黒,まっくろ,"Pitch Black, Pure Black",Type the reading!,Image
幸福,こうふく,Happiness,Type the reading!,Image
笑う,わらう,To Laugh,Type the reading!,Image
笑顔,えがお,"Smile, Smiling Face",Type the reading!,Image
ゴミ箱,"ごみばこ,ゴミばこ","Garbage Can, Garbage Bin, Trash Can, Trash Bin, Waste Can,
Waste Bin, Rubbish Bin",Type the reading!,Image
箱,はこ,Box,Type the reading!,Image
荷物,にもつ,"Luggage, Baggage, Load",Type the reading!,Image
証,あかし,"Evidence, Proof",Type the reading!,Image
証人,しょうにん,Witness,Type the reading!,Image
証言,しょうげん,Testimony,Type the reading!,Image
辞書,じしょ,Dictionary,Type the reading!,Image
辞める,やめる,"To Quit, To Resign",Type the reading!,Image
世辞,せじ,"Flattery, Compliment",Type the reading!,Image
遠い,とおい,"Far, Far Away",Type the reading!,Image
入門,にゅうもん,"Admission, Entrance",Type the reading!,Image
関する,かんする,"To Be Connected To, To Be Related",Type the reading!,Image
関係,かんけい,"Connection, Relation",Type the reading!,Image
阪神,はんしん,Hanshin,Type the reading!,Image
前面,ぜんめん,"Front, Front Side",Type the reading!,Image
地面,じめん,"Ground, Earth's Surface",Type the reading!,Image
外面,"がいめん,そとづら","Exterior, Surface, Outside",Type the reading!,Image
画面,がめん,"Screen, Monitor",Type the reading!,Image
面白い,おもしろい,"Interesting, Amusing, Funny",Type the reading!,Image
図書館,としょかん,Library,Type the reading!,Image
料理人,りょうりにん,"A Cook, Cook, Chef",Type the reading!,Image
芸術家,げいじゅつか,Artist,Type the reading!,Image
自動的,じどうてき,Automatic,Type the reading!,Image
基本的,きほんてき,"Fundamental, Basic, Standard",Type the reading!,Image
折り目,おりめ,"Fold, Crease",Type the reading!,Image
卒業式,そつぎょうしき,"Graduation Ceremony, Graduation",Type the reading!,Image
不完全,ふかんぜん,"Incomplete, Imperfect",Type the reading!,Image
美術館,びじゅつかん,"Museum, Art Museum, Art Gallery",Type the reading!,Image
折り紙,おりがみ,"Origami, Art Of Paper Folding",Type the reading!,Image
希望する,きぼうする,"To Request, To Wish, To Hope, To Want, To Expect",Type the
技術,ぎじゅつ,"Art, Craft, Technique, Technology",Type the reading!,Image
妥協する,だきょうする,To Compromise,Type the reading!,Image
不合格,ふごうかく,"Fail A Test, Failure, Rejection",Type the reading!,Image
卒業する,そつぎょうする,To Graduate,Type the reading!,Image
残す,のこす,"To Leave Behind, To Leave Over",Type the reading!,Image
固める,かためる,"To Make Hard, To Harden",Type the reading!,Image
証明,しょうめい,"Proof, Verification",Type the reading!,Image
曜日,ようび,"Day Of The Week, Weekday",Type the reading!,Image
関西,かんさい,Kansai,Type the reading!,Image
大阪,おおさか,"Osaka, Oosaka",Type the reading!,Image
取れる,とれる,"To Come Off, To Be Removed, To Fall Off",Type the reading!,Image
関心,かんしん,"Concern, Interest",Type the reading!,Image
自動車,じどうしゃ,"Automobile, Car",Type the reading!,Image
教科書,きょうかしょ,Textbook,Type the reading!,Image
顔面,がんめん,"Face Of A Person, Person's Face, Face",Type the reading!,Image
急,きゅう,"Urgent, Sudden, Abrupt",Type the reading!,Image
動物園,どうぶつえん,"Zoo, Zoological Gardens, Menagerie",Type the reading!,Image
記念日,きねんび,"Holiday, Anniversary, Memorial Day",Type the reading!,Image
場面,ばめん,"Scene, Setting, Locale",Type the reading!,Image
辞典,じてん,"Dictionary, Lexicon",Type the reading!,Image
幸運,こううん,"Good Luck, Fortune",Type the reading!,Image
折れる,おれる,"To Break, To Snap, To Fracture",Type the reading!,Image
門,もん,Gate,Type the reading!,Image
食料品,しょくりょうひん,Groceries,Type the reading!,Image
治安,ちあん,"Public Order, Public Safety, Public Peace",Type the reading!,Image
荷札,にふだ,"Tag, Shipping Label, Label",Type the reading!,Image
遠足,えんそく,"Excursion, Outing, Trip",Type the reading!,Image
悲しむ,かなしむ,To Be Sad,Type the reading!,Image
喜ぶ,よろこぶ,"To Rejoice, To Become Happy",Type the reading!,Image
建築家,けんちくか,Architect,Type the reading!,Image
紀元前,きげんぜん,"Before Christ, Bc, Bce, Before Common Era",Type the reading!,Image
朝ご飯,あさごはん,Breakfast,Type the reading!,Image
泣き虫,なきむし,Crybaby,Type the reading!,Image
泣き声,なきごえ,"Crying, Sob",Type the reading!,Image
晩ご飯,ばんごはん,"Dinner, Supper",Type the reading!,Image
昼ご飯,ひるごはん,Lunch,Type the reading!,Image
願い事,ねがいごと,"One's Wish, Prayer, Wish",Type the reading!,Image
右側,みぎがわ,"Right Side, Right-hand Side",Type the reading!,Image
左側,ひだりがわ,"Left Side, Left-hand Side",Type the reading!,Image
内側,うちがわ,Inside,Type the reading!,Image
外側,"そとがわ,がいそく",Outside,Type the reading!,Image
両側,りょうがわ,Both Sides,Type the reading!,Image
東側,ひがしがわ,East Side,Type the reading!,Image
西側,にしがわ,"West, West Side",Type the reading!,Image
兵員,へいいん,"Military Personnel, Military Strength",Type the reading!,Image
兵器,へいき,"Arms, Weapons",Type the reading!,Image
兵士,へいし,Soldier,Type the reading!,Image
米兵,べいへい,"US Soldier, American Soldier",Type the reading!,Image
原因,げんいん,"Cause, Origin, Source",Type the reading!,Image
原子,げんし,Atom,Type the reading!,Image
原作,げんさく,Original Work,Type the reading!,Image
内因,ないいん,"Internal Cause, Actual Reason, Intrinsic, Endogenous",Type the
主因,しゅいん,"Main Cause, Primary Cause",Type the reading!,Image
悪因悪果,あくいんあっか,"Evil Breeds Evil, Evil Begets Evil",Type the reading!,Image
食堂,しょくどう,"Cafeteria, Dining Hall, Diner",Type the reading!,Image
塩,しお,Salt,Type the reading!,Image
塩水,"しおみず,えんすい",Salt Water,Type the reading!,Image
塩味,"しおあじ,えんみ,しおみ","Salty Taste, Tastes Salty, Salty, Salty Flavor",Type the
官金,かんきん,"Government Funds, Government Money",Type the reading!,Image
外交官,がいこうかん,Diplomat,Type the reading!,Image
察する,さっする,"To Guess, To Sense, To Presume",Type the reading!,Image
察知,さっち,"Inference, Infer, Sense",Type the reading!,Image
席,せき,Seat,Type the reading!,Image
欠席,けっせき,"Absence, Nonattendance",Type the reading!,Image
出席,しゅっせき,Attendance,Type the reading!,Image
空席,くうせき,"Open Seat, Empty Seat, Free Seat",Type the reading!,Image
常に,つねに,"Always, Usually, Ordinarily",Type the reading!,Image
日常,にちじょう,"Everyday Life, Normal Life, Daily Life, Ordinary, Regular, Everyday,
Usual",Type the reading!,Image
常識,じょうしき,"Common Sense, Common Knowledge",Type the reading!,Image
干す,ほす,To Dry,Type the reading!,Image
干天,かんてん,"Dry Weather, Drought",Type the reading!,Image
干渉,かんしょう,"Interference, Intervention",Type the reading!,Image
幻,まぼろし,"Illusion, Phantom, Apparition",Type the reading!,Image
幻覚,げんかく,Hallucination,Type the reading!,Image
幻想,げんそう,"Fantasy, Illusion",Type the reading!,Image
底,そこ,Bottom,Type the reading!,Image
心底,しんそこ,"Bottom Of One's Heart, Bottom Of My Heart",Type the reading!,Image
川底,かわぞこ,"Riverbed, River Bottom",Type the reading!,Image
建つ,たつ,"To Be Erected, To Be Built",Type the reading!,Image
建物,たてもの,Building,Type the reading!,Image
建前,たてまえ,"Public Behavior, Public Behaviour, Official Stance, Public Position,
Public Face, Tatemae",Type the reading!,Image
恋,こい,Love,Type the reading!,Image
失恋,しつれん,"Heartbreak, Broken Heart",Type the reading!,Image
愛,あい,Love,Type the reading!,Image
愛国心,あいこくしん,Patriotism,Type the reading!,Image
恋愛,れんあい,"Love, Romance",Type the reading!,Image
自愛,じあい,"Self Love, Selfishness",Type the reading!,Image
性愛,せいあい,Sexual Love,Type the reading!,Image
愛知県,あいちけん,Aichi Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
敗れる,やぶれる,"To Be Defeated, To Be Unsuccessful",Type the reading!,Image
失敗,しっぱい,"Failure, Mistake",Type the reading!,Image
勝敗,しょうはい,"Victory Or Defeat, Win Or Lose, Outcome",Type the reading!,Image
敗者,はいしゃ,"Loser, The Defeated",Type the reading!,Image
是非,ぜひ,"Absolutely, By All Means",Type the reading!,Image
果物,くだもの,Fruit,Type the reading!,Image
結果,けっか,Result,Type the reading!,Image
栄える,さかえる,"To Flourish, To Prosper",Type the reading!,Image
光栄,こうえい,"Honor, Privilege",Type the reading!,Image
栄光,えいこう,Glory,Type the reading!,Image
梅,うめ,"Ume, Japanese Plum",Type the reading!,Image
梅酒,うめしゅ,"Ume Wine, Plum Wine, Plum Liquor, Umeshu",Type the reading!,Image
交渉,こうしょう,Negotiation,Type the reading!,Image
無力,むりょく,"Powerless, Powerlessness, Helplessness",Type the reading!,Image
無休,むきゅう,"No Holidays, Always Open",Type the reading!,Image
無名,むめい,Anonymous,Type the reading!,Image
無事,ぶじ,"Safe And Sound, Safe",Type the reading!,Image
無知,むち,Ignorance,Type the reading!,Image
無茶,むちゃ,"Absurd, Rash, Excessive",Type the reading!,Image
無料,むりょう,"Free, Without Charge",Type the reading!,Image
細い,ほそい,"Thin, Slender",Type the reading!,Image
結局,けっきょく,"After All, Eventually, In The End",Type the reading!,Image
署名,しょめい,Signature,Type the reading!,Image
薬,くすり,"Medicine, Drug, Drugs",Type the reading!,Image
薬学,やくがく,"Study Of Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics",Type the
薬方,やくほう,Prescription,Type the reading!,Image
薬物,やくぶつ,"Medicines, Drugs",Type the reading!,Image
薬用,やくよう,"Medicinal, Medicinal Use",Type the reading!,Image
虚栄心,きょえいしん,Vanity,Type the reading!,Image
虚弱,きょじゃく,"Weak, Feeble, Weakness, Feebleness",Type the reading!,Image
自覚,じかく,"Consciousness, Awareness, Realization",Type the reading!,Image
感覚,かんかく,"Senses, The Senses",Type the reading!,Image
説明,せつめい,Explanation,Type the reading!,Image
小説,しょうせつ,Novel,Type the reading!,Image
伝説,でんせつ,Legend,Type the reading!,Image
仮説,かせつ,Hypothesis,Type the reading!,Image
図説,ずせつ,"Illustration, Explanatory Diagram",Type the reading!,Image
知識,ちしき,"Knowledge, Information",Type the reading!,Image
意識,いしき,"Awareness, Consciousness",Type the reading!,Image
警察,けいさつ,Police,Type the reading!,Image
非常,ひじょう,Emergency,Type the reading!,Image
鼻,はな,Nose,Type the reading!,Image
鼻くそ,はなくそ,"Snot, Boogers",Type the reading!,Image
鼻先,はなさき,"Tip Of The Nose, Tip Of Nose, Nose Tip",Type the reading!,Image
鼻歌,はなうた,Humming,Type the reading!,Image
鼻血,"はなぢ,はなじ","Nosebleed, Bloody Nose",Type the reading!,Image
水兵,すいへい,"Navy Soldier, Naval Soldier, Seaman",Type the reading!,Image
詳しい,くわしい,"Detailed, Expert",Type the reading!,Image
詳細,しょうさい,Details,Type the reading!,Image
不詳,ふしょう,"Unknown, Unidentified",Type the reading!,Image
劇,げき,"Drama, Play, Show",Type the reading!,Image
喜劇,きげき,Comedy,Type the reading!,Image
悲劇,ひげき,Tragedy,Type the reading!,Image
劇的,げきてき,Dramatic,Type the reading!,Image
劇場,げきじょう,"Theater, Theatre",Type the reading!,Image
歌劇,かげき,Opera,Type the reading!,Image
不味い,まずい,"Bad Tasting, Unappetizing, Unskillful",Type the reading!,Image
兵,へい,"Soldier, Army, Troops",Type the reading!,Image
無理,むり,"Impossible, Unreasonable, Overdoing",Type the reading!,Image
側,"がわ,そば","Side, Side Of Something, Part",Type the reading!,Image
変わる,かわる,"To Be Changed, To Be Transformed, To Be Altered, To Vary, To Be
Turned",Type the reading!,Image
勇む,いさむ,"To Be Encouraged, To Be Lively, To Be In High Spirits, To Cheer Up, To
Be Excited, To Be Inspired",Type the reading!,Image
無し,なし,"Without, With No",Type the reading!,Image
完結,かんけつ,"Conclusion, Completion, Ending, Consummation",Type the reading!,Image
無言,むごん,Silence,Type the reading!,Image
愛する,あいする,To Love,Type the reading!,Image
相変わらず,あいかわらず,"As Usual, As Ever, The Same, As Before",Type the
愛人,あいじん,"Lover, Mistress",Type the reading!,Image
虚しい,むなしい,"Empty, Vacant, Futile, Vain",Type the reading!,Image
果てる,はてる,"To End, To Be Finished, To Be Exhausted, To Die",Type the
愛情,あいじょう,"Love, Affection",Type the reading!,Image
一昨日,"おととい,いっさくじつ,おとつい","Day Before Last, Day Before Yesterday",Type the
上品,じょうひん,Elegant,Type the reading!,Image
大阪弁,おおさかべん,Osaka Dialect,Type the reading!,Image
関西弁,かんさいべん,Kansai Dialect,Type the reading!,Image
土曜日,どようび,Saturday,Type the reading!,Image
日曜日,にちようび,Sunday,Type the reading!,Image
月曜日,げつようび,Monday,Type the reading!,Image
木曜日,もくようび,Thursday,Type the reading!,Image
水曜日,すいようび,Wednesday,Type the reading!,Image
留学生,りゅうがくせい,"Exchange Student, International Student, Foreign Student",Type
the reading!,Image
お笑い,おわらい,"Comedy, Joke, Funny Story",Type the reading!,Image
手荷物,てにもつ,"Hand Baggage, Hand Luggage, Cabin Baggage, Carry On",Type the
証明書,しょうめいしょ,"Certificate, Credentials",Type the reading!,Image
笑い,わらい,"A Laugh, Laugh",Type the reading!,Image
借用,しゃくよう,"Borrowing, Loan",Type the reading!,Image
借りる,かりる,To Borrow,Type the reading!,Image
借金,しゃっきん,Debt,Type the reading!,Image
借家,"しゃくや,しゃっか","Renting A House, House For Rent, Rented House",Type the
僧院,そういん,"Temple, Monastery",Type the reading!,Image
仏僧,ぶっそう,Buddhist Priest,Type the reading!,Image
切り取る,きりとる,"To Cut Off, To Cut Out",Type the reading!,Image
取り出す,とりだす,"To Pick Out, To Take Out",Type the reading!,Image
取り分け,とりわけ,Especially,Type the reading!,Image
取り決め,とりきめ,"Arrangement, Agreement",Type the reading!,Image
文句,もんく,Complaint,Type the reading!,Image
禁句,きんく,"Taboo Word, Taboo Phrase, Dirty Word, Bad Word",Type the reading!,Image
可愛い,かわいい,Cute,Type the reading!,Image
許可,きょか,Permission,Type the reading!,Image
可分,かぶん,"Divisible, Separable",Type the reading!,Image
不可欠,ふかけつ,"Indispensable, Essential",Type the reading!,Image
告白,こくはく,Confession,Type the reading!,Image
告げる,つげる,"To Announce, To Tell",Type the reading!,Image
広告,こうこく,"Advertisement, Ad, Advert",Type the reading!,Image
予告,よこく,"Advance Notice, Forward Notice, Prior Notice",Type the reading!,Image
公告,こうこく,"Public Notice, Public Announcement",Type the reading!,Image
報告,ほうこく,"Report, Information",Type the reading!,Image
喫煙,きつえん,Smoking,Type the reading!,Image
喫茶店,きっさてん,"Tea House, Cafe, Coffee House, Coffee Shop",Type the
情報,じょうほう,"Information, Data",Type the reading!,Image
予報,よほう,Forecast,Type the reading!,Image
報じる,ほうじる,To Report On,Type the reading!,Image
報道,ほうどう,News Report,Type the reading!,Image
お守り,おまもり,"Charm, Amulet",Type the reading!,Image
留守番,るすばん,"Caretaker, Housesitting, Looking After One's House",Type the
正座,せいざ,"Seiza, Traditional Japanese Sitting",Type the reading!,Image
座禅,ざぜん,"Zen Meditation, Zazen",Type the reading!,Image
座席,ざせき,Seat,Type the reading!,Image
銀座,ぎんざ,Ginza,Type the reading!,Image
駅弁,えきべん,"Train Station Bento, Station Bento",Type the reading!,Image
弓,ゆみ,Bow,Type the reading!,Image
弓道,きゅうどう,"Archery, Kyudo, Kyuudou",Type the reading!,Image
忘れる,わすれる,To Forget,Type the reading!,Image
忘年会,ぼうねんかい,"Year End Party, End Of Year Party",Type the reading!,Image
下書き,したがき,Rough Draft,Type the reading!,Image
書き入れる,かきいれる,"To Write In, To Fill In",Type the reading!,Image
書き方,かきかた,"Penmanship, Way Of Writing, Manner Of Writing",Type the
書き直す,かきなおす,To Rewrite,Type the reading!,Image
何枚,なんまい,"How Many Flat Objects, How Many Sheets",Type the reading!,Image
枚数,まいすう,"Number Of Sheets, Number Of Flat Objects",Type the reading!,Image
五枚,ごまい,"Five Flat Objects, Five Sheets",Type the reading!,Image
洗う,あらう,To Wash,Type the reading!,Image
洗車,せんしゃ,Car Wash,Type the reading!,Image
洗練,せんれん,"Refinement, Polish",Type the reading!,Image
焼く,やく,"To Bake, To Cook, To Grill, To Burn, To Fry",Type the reading!,Image
日焼け,ひやけ,"Sunburn, Suntan, Tan",Type the reading!,Image
焼き鳥,やきとり,"Roast Chicken, Cooked Chicken, Yakitori",Type the reading!,Image
焼き肉,やきにく,"Roast Meat, Grilled Meat, Cooked Meat, Yakiniku",Type the
夕焼け,ゆうやけ,Sunset,Type the reading!,Image
煙,けむり,Smoke,Type the reading!,Image
黒煙,"こくえん,くろけむり",Black Smoke,Type the reading!,Image
祈る,いのる,To Pray,Type the reading!,Image
祈念,きねん,"Prayer, A Prayer",Type the reading!,Image
祈願,きがん,"Prayer, A Prayer",Type the reading!,Image
禁煙,きんえん,No Smoking,Type the reading!,Image
禁止,きんし,"Forbidden, Prohibition, Ban",Type the reading!,Image
禅寺,"ぜんでら,ぜんじ",Zen Temple,Type the reading!,Image
禅僧,ぜんそう,Zen Priest,Type the reading!,Image
人種,じんしゅ,"Race Of People, Race",Type the reading!,Image
等しい,ひとしい,"Equal, The Same, Equivalent, Similar",Type the reading!,Image
等号,とうごう,"Equal Sign, Equals Sign",Type the reading!,Image
一等,いっとう,"First Class, First Rank, The Best",Type the reading!,Image
不等,ふとう,"Inequality, Disparity",Type the reading!,Image
訓練,くんれん,"Training, Practice",Type the reading!,Image
胸,むね,"Chest, Breasts",Type the reading!,Image
脳,のう,Brain,Type the reading!,Image
脳死,のうし,"Brain Death, Brain Dead",Type the reading!,Image
脳みそ,のうみそ,"Brains, Gray Matter",Type the reading!,Image
洗脳,せんのう,Brainwashing,Type the reading!,Image
落書き,らくがき,"Graffiti, Scribble, Sketch",Type the reading!,Image
葉書,はがき,Postcard,Type the reading!,Image
訓読み,くんよみ,"Kun'yomi, Kun Reading, Japanese Reading",Type the reading!,Image
教訓,きょうくん,"Lesson, Moral",Type the reading!,Image
許す,ゆるす,"To Permit, To Forgive, To Allow",Type the reading!,Image
友達,ともだち,"Friend, Companion",Type the reading!,Image
配達する,はいたつする,To Deliver,Type the reading!,Image
達人,たつじん,"Master, Expert",Type the reading!,Image
伝達,でんたつ,"Transmission, Transmit, Convey",Type the reading!,Image
静か,しずか,Quiet,Type the reading!,Image
静止,せいし,"Still, Standstill, At Rest, Stationary",Type the reading!,Image
平静,へいせい,"Calm, Serene, Tranquil",Type the reading!,Image
人類,じんるい,"Mankind, Race Of People, Humanity, Humankind",Type the reading!,Image
分類,ぶんるい,Classification,Type the reading!,Image
種類,しゅるい,"Kind, Type, Sort",Type the reading!,Image
親類,しんるい,Relatives,Type the reading!,Image
汽車,きしゃ,"Steam Train, Steam Engine Train, Steam Engine",Type the reading!,Image
汽船,きせん,"Steam Ship, Steam Boat",Type the reading!,Image
書類,しょるい,Document,Type the reading!,Image
火曜日,かようび,Tuesday,Type the reading!,Image
金曜日,きんようび,Friday,Type the reading!,Image
可能,かのう,Possible,Type the reading!,Image
大丈夫,だいじょうぶ,"Safe, All Right, Okay",Type the reading!,Image
〜枚,まい,"Flat Object, Clothing Items, Sheets, Flat Object Counter",Type the
座る,すわる,To Sit,Type the reading!,Image
〜達,たち,Pluralizing Suffix,Type the reading!,Image
警告,けいこく,"Warning, Advice, Caution",Type the reading!,Image
固まる,かたまる,"To Harden, To Solidify, To Become Firm, To Become Certain",Type the
達する,たっする,"To Attain, To Reach, To Get To, To Arrive At",Type the
遠く,とおく,"Far Away, Distant, At A Distance, Distant Place, By Far",Type the
子守歌,こもりうた,Lullaby,Type the reading!,Image
高等,こうとう,"High Class, High Grade",Type the reading!,Image
辞書形,じしょけい,Dictionary Form,Type the reading!,Image
対等,たいとう,"Equality, Equal",Type the reading!,Image
幸い,さいわい,"Happiness, Luck, Fortune",Type the reading!,Image
禁じる,きんじる,To Prohibit,Type the reading!,Image
品物,しなもの,"Goods, Article, Item, Thing",Type the reading!,Image
喉,のど,Throat,Type the reading!,Image
喉頭,こうとう,"Larynx, Voice Box",Type the reading!,Image
叩く,たたく,"To Strike, To Beat, To Hit, To Knock",Type the reading!,Image
叩頭,こうとう,Kowtow,Type the reading!,Image
飴,あめ,"Candy, Hard Candy",Type the reading!,Image
飴細工,あめざいく,"Sugar Sculpture, Candy Sculpture, Sugar Animal",Type the
悲しい,かなしい,Sad,Type the reading!,Image
二枚舌,にまいじた,"Forked Tongue, Duplicity",Type the reading!,Image
乱れる,みだれる,"To Be In Disorder, To Be In Disarray, To Be Disordered, To Be
Disturbed",Type the reading!,Image
乱戦,らんせん,"Melee, Free For All",Type the reading!,Image
混乱,こんらん,"Confusion, Disorder, Chaos",Type the reading!,Image
〜冊,さつ,"Book Counter, Counter For Books, Books, Counter for Volumes",Type the
三冊,さんさつ,"Three Books, Three Volumes",Type the reading!,Image
八冊,はっさつ,"Eight Books, Eight Volumes",Type the reading!,Image
一冊,いっさつ,"One Book, One Volume",Type the reading!,Image
別冊,べっさつ,Separate Volume,Type the reading!,Image
いい加減,いいかげん,"Irresponsible, Pointless, Unfounded, Careless",Type the
原子力,げんしりょく,"Nuclear Power, Nuclear Energy, Atomic Power, Atomic Energy",Type
the reading!,Image
改善,かいぜん,"Improvement, Betterment",Type the reading!,Image
善悪,ぜんあく,"Good And Evil, Right and Wrong",Type the reading!,Image
集団,しゅうだん,"Group, Crowd",Type the reading!,Image
入団,にゅうだん,"Join, Enlist, Enrollment, Enlistment",Type the reading!,Image
季節,きせつ,Season,Type the reading!,Image
宇宙,うちゅう,"Outer Space, Space, Universe",Type the reading!,Image
警官,けいかん,"Police Officer, Policeman, Cop",Type the reading!,Image
内容,ないよう,"Contents, Substance",Type the reading!,Image
容疑,ようぎ,"Suspicion, Suspect",Type the reading!,Image
形容詞,けいようし,Adjective,Type the reading!,Image
履歴書,りれきしょ,"Personal History, Resume, Resumé, Curriculum Vitae, CV",Type the
履く,はく,"To Put On Shoes, To Put On Pants, To Put On Boots",Type the
若布,わかめ,"Wakame, Wakame Seaweed",Type the reading!,Image
布,ぬの,"Cloth, Fabric",Type the reading!,Image
財布,さいふ,"Wallet, Purse",Type the reading!,Image
布団,ふとん,"Futon, Bedding, Sleeping Mat",Type the reading!,Image
毛布,もうふ,Blanket,Type the reading!,Image
生徒,せいと,"Student, Pupil, Follower",Type the reading!,Image
仏教徒,ぶっきょうと,Buddhist,Type the reading!,Image
信徒,しんと,"Believer, Follower",Type the reading!,Image
得る,える,"To Acquire, To Gain, To Obtain",Type the reading!,Image
得,とく,"Benefit, Profit, Advantage, Gain",Type the reading!,Image
得意,とくい,"Good At, Skilled At, Strong Point, Specialty, Forte",Type the
説得,せっとく,Persuasion,Type the reading!,Image
忙しい,いそがしい,Busy,Type the reading!,Image
恋人,こいびと,"Lover, Significant Other, Boyfriend, Girlfriend",Type the
改まる,あらたまる,"To Be Renewed, To Be Formal, To Be Altered, To Be Revised",Type
the reading!,Image
改正,かいせい,Revision,Type the reading!,Image
大失敗,だいしっぱい,"Total Failure, Huge Mistake, Debacle, Epic Fail",Type the
昆布,"こんぶ,こぶ","Konbu, Kombu, Konbu Seaweed, Kombu Seaweed",Type the
易しい,やさしい,"Easy, Simple To Do",Type the reading!,Image
容易,ようい,"Ease, Easily, Easy, Simple",Type the reading!,Image
暴れる,あばれる,"To Act Violently, To Rage",Type the reading!,Image
暴力,ぼうりょく,"Violence, Force",Type the reading!,Image
乱暴,らんぼう,"Violence, Assault",Type the reading!,Image
暴走,ぼうそう,"Run Wild, Run Out Of Control",Type the reading!,Image
梅干,うめぼし,"Pickled Plums, Pickled Ume, Umeboshi",Type the reading!,Image
歴史,れきし,History,Type the reading!,Image
学歴,がくれき,"Academic History, Academic Background, Academic Record",Type the
比べる,くらべる,To Compare,Type the reading!,Image
比例,ひれい,"Proportion, Ratio",Type the reading!,Image
対比,たいひ,"Contrast, Comparison",Type the reading!,Image
混ぜる,まぜる,"To Mix, To Mix Something, To Stir, To Stir Something, To Blend, To
Blend Something",Type the reading!,Image
混ざる,まざる,"To Get Mixed, To Be Mixed, To Be Blended With",Type the reading!,Image
減る,へる,"To Be Decreased, To Get Decreased, To Decrease",Type the reading!,Image
減法,げんぽう,Subtraction,Type the reading!,Image
節句,せっく,Seasonal Festival,Type the reading!,Image
絡む,からむ,"To Be Entangled, To Be Tangled, To Pick A Fight, To Be Involved With,
To Get Entangled",Type the reading!,Image
続く,つづく,To Continue,Type the reading!,Image
続々,ぞくぞく,"One After Another, Successively, In Succession",Type the
舌,した,Tongue,Type the reading!,Image
猫舌,ねこじた,Aversion To Hot Foods,Type the reading!,Image
若い,わかい,Young,Type the reading!,Image
若者,わかもの,Young Person,Type the reading!,Image
若々しい,わかわかしい,"Youthful, Young Looking",Type the reading!,Image
名詞,めいし,Noun,Type the reading!,Image
動詞,どうし,Verb,Type the reading!,Image
歌詞,かし,"Song Lyrics, Lyrics",Type the reading!,Image
助詞,じょし,"Grammar Particle, Particle, Postposition",Type the reading!,Image
数詞,すうし,"Numeral, Number Word",Type the reading!,Image
自動詞,じどうし,Intransitive Verb,Type the reading!,Image
無意識,むいしき,"Unconsciousness, Unconsciously, Involuntary",Type the reading!,Image
私財,しざい,"Private Funds, Own Funds, Private Property, Personal Funds",Type the
借財,しゃくざい,Debt,Type the reading!,Image
連続,れんぞく,"Serial, Consecutive, Successive, Series",Type the reading!,Image
連れる,つれる,"To Take Along, To Bring With, To Bring A Person, To Lead, To Be
Accompanied By",Type the reading!,Image
財閥,ざいばつ,"Plutocrats, Financial Clique, Zaibatsu",Type the reading!,Image
非常に,ひじょうに,"Very, Extremely, Exceedingly",Type the reading!,Image
非常口,ひじょうぐち,Emergency Exit,Type the reading!,Image
順位,じゅんい,"Ranking, Standing",Type the reading!,Image
順番,じゅんばん,"Order, One's Turn",Type the reading!,Image
大きい順,おおきいじゅん,"Decreasing Order, Descending Order, Largest First",Type the
小さい順,ちいさいじゅん,"Increasing Order, Ascending Order, Smallest First",Type the
席順,せきじゅん,Seating Order,Type the reading!,Image
年代順,ねんだいじゅん,Chronological Order,Type the reading!,Image
五十音順,ごじゅうおんじゅん,"Aiueo Order, In Aiueo Order, Syllabary Order",Type the
果たして,はたして,"Really, As Was Expected, Just As I Thought, As Expected",Type the
細かい,こまかい,"Detailed, Small, Fine, Trivial",Type the reading!,Image
警察署,けいさつしょ,Police Station,Type the reading!,Image
説明書,せつめいしょ,"Written Explanation, Instructions, Manual",Type the
笛,ふえ,"Flute, Whistle",Type the reading!,Image
汽笛,きてき,Steam Whistle,Type the reading!,Image
加える,くわえる,"To Add, To Include",Type the reading!,Image
参加,さんか,Participation,Type the reading!,Image
連絡する,れんらくする,"To Contact, To Get In Touch, To Get In Contact",Type the
劇団,げきだん,"Drama Troupe, Theatrical Company",Type the reading!,Image
品詞,ひんし,Part Of Speech,Type the reading!,Image
覚える,おぼえる,"To Memorize, To Remember, To Learn, To Pick Up",Type the
連中,"れんちゅう,れんぢゅう,れんじゅう","Colleagues, Company, These Guys, Troupe",Type
the reading!,Image
多忙,たぼう,Busy,Type the reading!,Image
喜び,よろこび,"Joy, Delight, Glee, Rapture, Pleasure, Satisfaction, Gratification,
Rejoicing, Congratulations",Type the reading!,Image
連日,れんじつ,"Every Day, Day After Day, For Days On End, Daily, Prolonged",Type the
関連,かんれん,"Relation, Connection, Relevance, Correlation, Association",Type the
悲しみ,かなしみ,"Sadness, Sorrow, Grief, Unhappiness, Distress",Type the
宙,ちゅう,"Midair, Air, Space",Type the reading!,Image
混血,こんけつ,"Mixed Race, Mixed Parentage",Type the reading!,Image
皿洗い,さらあらい,"Dishwashing, Doing Dishes, Washing The Dishes, Washing
Dishes",Type the reading!,Image
困る,こまる,"To Be Distressed, To Be Troubled, To Be Perplexed, To Be Annoyed",Type
the reading!,Image
余る,あまる,"To Be In Surplus, To Remain Left Over, To Be In Excess",Type the
余計,よけい,"Unneeded, More Than Enough, Too Much, Excess, Unnecessary",Type the
残余,ざんよ,"Remainder, Residual",Type the reading!,Image
個人,こじん,"Personal, Individual",Type the reading!,Image
一個,いっこ,"One Small Thing, One Thing, One Small Object, One Object",Type the
個室,こしつ,"Private Room, One's Own Room",Type the reading!,Image
三個,さんこ,"Three Small Things, Three Things, Three Objects, Three Small
Objects",Type the reading!,Image
倒す,たおす,"To Knock Over, To Knock Down, To Bring Down",Type the reading!,Image
面倒,めんどう,"Trouble, Difficulty",Type the reading!,Image
倒産,とうさん,Bankruptcy,Type the reading!,Image
借り手,かりて,"Borrower, Tenant",Type the reading!,Image
厚い,あつい,Thick,Type the reading!,Image
圧力,あつりょく,"Pressure, Stress",Type the reading!,Image
血圧,けつあつ,Blood Pressure,Type the reading!,Image
指圧,しあつ,"Shiatsu, Finger Pressure",Type the reading!,Image
存在,そんざい,Existence,Type the reading!,Image
実在,じつざい,"Reality, Real Existence",Type the reading!,Image
在外,ざいがい,"Overseas, Abroad",Type the reading!,Image
夢中,むちゅう,"Crazy About, Absorption, Mad About",Type the reading!,Image
悪夢,あくむ,"Nightmare, Bad Dream",Type the reading!,Image
夢,ゆめ,Dream,Type the reading!,Image
妨害,ぼうがい,"Obstruction, Interference",Type the reading!,Image
妨げる,さまたげる,"To Obstruct, To Prevent, To Hamper",Type the reading!,Image
被る,かぶる,"To Put On A Hat, To Put On, To Wear A Hat, To Wear, To Put A Hat
On",Type the reading!,Image
妻,つま,"Wife, My Wife",Type the reading!,Image
夫妻,ふさい,"Husband And Wife, Married Couple, Mr. And Mrs.",Type the reading!,Image
妻子,さいし,"Wife And Kids, Wife And Children",Type the reading!,Image
一夫多妻,いっぷたさい,"Polygamy, Polygyny",Type the reading!,Image
嫌,いや,"Dislike, Eww, Ew, Gross",Type the reading!,Image
嫌い,きらい,"Dislike, Hate, To Dislike, To Hate",Type the reading!,Image
機嫌,きげん,Mood,Type the reading!,Image
嫌疑,けんぎ,Suspicion,Type the reading!,Image
留守番電話,るすばんでんわ,Answering Machine,Type the reading!,Image
公害,こうがい,Pollution,Type the reading!,Image
水害,すいがい,"Flood Damage, Water Damage",Type the reading!,Image
無害,むがい,Harmless,Type the reading!,Image
お尻,おしり,"Butt, Buttocks, Bottom, Behind",Type the reading!,Image
弓矢,ゆみや,Bow And Arrow,Type the reading!,Image
忘れ物,わすれもの,"Forgotten Item, Something Forgotten, Forgotten Thing, Lost
Property",Type the reading!,Image
機械,きかい,"Machine, Mechanism",Type the reading!,Image
飛行機,ひこうき,"Airplane, Aeroplane, Aircraft, Plane",Type the reading!,Image
危機,きき,Crisis,Type the reading!,Image
災い,わざわい,"Disaster, Misfortune",Type the reading!,Image
災害,さいがい,"Natural Disaster, Disaster, Accident",Type the reading!,Image
火災,かさい,Fire Disaster,Type the reading!,Image
災難,さいなん,"Misfortune, Calamity, Disaster",Type the reading!,Image
震災,しんさい,Earthquake Disaster,Type the reading!,Image
煙い,けむい,Smoky,Type the reading!,Image
犯す,おかす,"To Commit A Crime, To Make A Mistake, To Rape",Type the reading!,Image
犯人,はんにん,"Criminal, Culprit",Type the reading!,Image
共犯者,きょうはんしゃ,Accomplice,Type the reading!,Image
確率,かくりつ,"Probability, Likelihood, Chances",Type the reading!,Image
比率,ひりつ,"Percentage, Ratio",Type the reading!,Image
産む,うむ,To Give Birth,Type the reading!,Image
確かに,たしかに,"Certainly, Surely",Type the reading!,Image
正確,せいかく,"Accurate, Precise, Exact",Type the reading!,Image
立入禁止,たちいりきんし,"Do Not Enter, No Entry, Entry Prohibited, No Trespassing,
Trespassing Prohibited",Type the reading!,Image
穴,あな,Hole,Type the reading!,Image
穴場,あなば,"Hole In The Wall, Little Known Good Place",Type the reading!,Image
鼻の穴,はなのあな,"Nostril, Nose Hole",Type the reading!,Image
穴子,あなご,"Conger Eel, Anago",Type the reading!,Image
経つ,たつ,"To Pass, To Elapse",Type the reading!,Image
経験,けいけん,Experience,Type the reading!,Image
罪,つみ,"Sin, Crime",Type the reading!,Image
有罪,ゆうざい,"Guilty, Guilt",Type the reading!,Image
犯罪,はんざい,Crime,Type the reading!,Image
臭い,くさい,"Stinky, Stinking, To Be Stinky, Smelly, To Be Smelly",Type the
被害,ひがい,"Damage, Harm, Injury",Type the reading!,Image
余裕,よゆう,"Surplus, Leeway, Room",Type the reading!,Image
裕福,ゆうふく,Wealth,Type the reading!,Image
論文,ろんぶん,"Thesis, Paper, Article, Essay",Type the reading!,Image
理論,りろん,Theory,Type the reading!,Image
論理,ろんり,Logic,Type the reading!,Image
会議,かいぎ,"Meeting, Conference, Assembly",Type the reading!,Image
議論,ぎろん,"Argument, Discussion, Controversy",Type the reading!,Image
不思議,ふしぎ,"Wonder, Mystery, Marvelous",Type the reading!,Image
防止,ぼうし,Prevention,Type the reading!,Image
防ぐ,ふせぐ,"To Defend, To Protect Against, To Prevent",Type the reading!,Image
防水,ぼうすい,"Waterproof, Watertight",Type the reading!,Image
防火,ぼうか,"Fire Prevention, Fire Fighting, Fire Proof",Type the reading!,Image
予防,よぼう,"Prevention, Prevent",Type the reading!,Image
困難,こんなん,"Hardship, Difficulty",Type the reading!,Image
非難,ひなん,Criticism,Type the reading!,Image
難しい,むずかしい,"Difficult, Hard",Type the reading!,Image
地震,じしん,Earthquake,Type the reading!,Image
震度,しんど,"Earthquake Intensity, Earthquake Magnitude, Magnitude, Seismic
Scale",Type the reading!,Image
余震,よしん,Aftershock,Type the reading!,Image
人類学,じんるいがく,Anthropology,Type the reading!,Image
飛ぶ,とぶ,"To Fly, To Jump",Type the reading!,Image
手洗い,てあらい,"Hand Washing, Bathroom, Restroom, Lavatory, Washing The Hands",Type
the reading!,Image
胸焼け,むねやけ,Heartburn,Type the reading!,Image
不可分,ふかぶん,"Indivisible, Inseparable",Type the reading!,Image
可能性,かのうせい,"Possibility, Likelihood",Type the reading!,Image
音訓,おんくん,"On'yomi And Kun'yomi, Chinese And Japanese Readings",Type the
人達,ひとたち,People,Type the reading!,Image
静々,しずしず,"Quietly, Calmly",Type the reading!,Image
焼ける,やける,"To Be Cooked, To Burn",Type the reading!,Image
電子機器,でんしきき,"Electronic Equipment, Electronics",Type the reading!,Image
読者,どくしゃ,Reader,Type the reading!,Image
在留,ざいりゅう,Residence,Type the reading!,Image
機,き,"Machine, Chance, Opportunity",Type the reading!,Image
自在,じざい,"Freely, At Will, Flexible, Adjustable",Type the reading!,Image
議会,ぎかい,"Diet, The Diet, Congress, Parliament, Assembly",Type the reading!,Image
会議室,かいぎしつ,"Conference Room, Council Room, Meeting Room",Type the
議員,ぎいん,"Member Of The Diet, Diet Member, Legislator, Assembly Member",Type the
尾,お,Tail,Type the reading!,Image
最後尾,さいこうび,End Of A Line,Type the reading!,Image
天気予報,てんきよほう,Weather Forecast,Type the reading!,Image
嫌悪,けんお,"Disgust, Hate, Repugnance",Type the reading!,Image
議長,ぎちょう,"Chairman, Chairperson, Speaker",Type the reading!,Image
高等学校,こうとうがっこう,Senior High School,Type the reading!,Image
喉飴,のどあめ,"Cough Drop, Throat Lozenge",Type the reading!,Image
口笛,くちぶえ,Whistling,Type the reading!,Image
参加する,さんかする,To Participate,Type the reading!,Image
参加者,さんかしゃ,Participant,Type the reading!,Image
警察官,けいさつかん,"Police Officer, Policeman",Type the reading!,Image
乱す,みだす,"To Put In Disorder, To Throw Out Of Order, To Disturb",Type the
宇宙人,うちゅうじん,Alien,Type the reading!,Image
宇宙船,うちゅうせん,"Space Ship, Space Shuttle, Starship, Star Ship, Ufo, Spacecraft,
Space Craft, Flying Saucer",Type the reading!,Image
履き物,はきもの,"Footwear, Shoes",Type the reading!,Image
説得する,せっとくする,"To Persuade, To Convince",Type the reading!,Image
混む,こむ,"To Be Crowded, To Be Packed",Type the reading!,Image
混じる,まじる,"To Get Mixed Up In, To Get Mixed, To Be Mixed",Type the reading!,Image
混乱する,こんらんする,To Be Confused,Type the reading!,Image
減らす,へらす,"To Decrease, To Decrease Something, To Reduce",Type the reading!,Image
続ける,つづける,"To Continue, To Keep On",Type the reading!,Image
固有名詞,こゆうめいし,Proper Noun,Type the reading!,Image
他動詞,たどうし,Transitive Verb,Type the reading!,Image
暴力団,ぼうりょくだん,"Crime Syndicate, Yakuza, Gangster Organization",Type the
容疑者,ようぎしゃ,Suspect,Type the reading!,Image
暴走族,ぼうそうぞく,"Biker Gang, Motorcycle Gang, Japanese Bikers, Bosozoku",Type the
経済,けいざい,"Economy, Economics, The Economy",Type the reading!,Image
いい加減にしろ,いいかげんにしろ,"Cut It Out, Cut The Bs, That's Enough",Type the
手続き,てつづき,"Procedure, Formalities",Type the reading!,Image
敵,"てき,かたき",Enemy,Type the reading!,Image
素敵,すてき,"Lovely, Dreamy, Beautiful",Type the reading!,Image
大敵,たいてき,"Arch Enemy, Rival, Enemy",Type the reading!,Image
無敵,むてき,"Unrivaled, Invincible",Type the reading!,Image
済む,すむ,"To Come To An End, To Be Finished, To Be Completed",Type the
委員,いいん,"Member Of A Committee, Committee Member",Type the reading!,Image
挙がる,あがる,To Rise,Type the reading!,Image
選挙,せんきょ,Election,Type the reading!,Image
判子,はんこ,"One's Seal, Seal, Personal Seal",Type the reading!,Image
評判,ひょうばん,"Fame, Reputation",Type the reading!,Image
制服,せいふく,Uniform,Type the reading!,Image
制度,せいど,System,Type the reading!,Image
強制,きょうせい,"Compulsory, Obligation, Mandatory, Obligatory, Coercion,
Forcing",Type the reading!,Image
自制,じせい,"Self Control, Self Restraint",Type the reading!,Image
務める,つとめる,"To Work As, To Serve As, To Be Employed As",Type the reading!,Image
事務所,じむしょ,Office,Type the reading!,Image
義務,ぎむ,"Obligation, Duty",Type the reading!,Image
任務,にんむ,"Duty, Task, Job",Type the reading!,Image
審査,しんさ,"Examination, Inspection, Investigation, Review",Type the reading!,Image
総合,そうごう,"Overall, Comprehensive",Type the reading!,Image
総理,そうり,Prime Minister,Type the reading!,Image
総体的,そうたいてき,"As A Whole, Overall",Type the reading!,Image
設ける,もうける,"To Establish, To Set Up",Type the reading!,Image
設定する,せっていする,"To Establish, To Set Up, To Configure",Type the reading!,Image
公設,こうせつ,"Public, Public Institution",Type the reading!,Image
建設,けんせつ,"Construction, Building",Type the reading!,Image
資本,しほん,"Funds, Capital",Type the reading!,Image
資金,しきん,"Funds, Capital",Type the reading!,Image
資料,しりょう,"Material, Data",Type the reading!,Image
投資,とうし,Investment,Type the reading!,Image
人権,じんけん,Human Rights,Type the reading!,Image
権利,けんり,"A Right, Right",Type the reading!,Image
女権,じょけん,"Women's Rights, Woman's Rights",Type the reading!,Image
条件,じょうけん,"Condition, Conditions, Terms, Requirements",Type the reading!,Image
事件,じけん,"Incident, Case",Type the reading!,Image
派手,はで,"Showy, Flashy, Gaudy",Type the reading!,Image
立派,りっぱ,"High Class, Splendid, Fine",Type the reading!,Image
岡山県,おかやまけん,Okayama Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
素材,そざい,Raw Material,Type the reading!,Image
断る,ことわる,"To Refuse, To Reject",Type the reading!,Image
判断,はんだん,"Judgement, Judgment, Decision, Conclusion",Type the reading!,Image
評論,ひょうろん,"Critique, Criticism",Type the reading!,Image
書評,しょひょう,Book Review,Type the reading!,Image
批判,ひはん,Criticism,Type the reading!,Image
任意,にんい,"Optional, Voluntary, Arbitrary",Type the reading!,Image
検査,けんさ,"Checkup, Inspection, Examination",Type the reading!,Image
検問する,けんもんする,"To Inspect, To Examine, To Check",Type the reading!,Image
審判,しんぱん,"Judgment, Judgement, Referee, Umpire",Type the reading!,Image
条約,じょうやく,Treaty,Type the reading!,Image
責める,せめる,To Blame,Type the reading!,Image
責任,せきにん,Responsibility,Type the reading!,Image
省く,はぶく,"To Omit, To Eliminate, To Skip, To Leave Out",Type the reading!,Image
反省,はんせい,"Reconsideration, Reflection",Type the reading!,Image
増える,ふえる,To Increase,Type the reading!,Image
増加,ぞうか,"Increase, Addition, Growth",Type the reading!,Image
急増,きゅうぞう,"Sudden Increase, Increase Suddenly",Type the reading!,Image
増税,ぞうぜい,"Tax Increase, Raise Taxes, Increased Taxes",Type the reading!,Image
税金,ぜいきん,Tax,Type the reading!,Image
無税,むぜい,"Tax Free, No Tax, Duty Free",Type the reading!,Image
解ける,とける,"To Be Solved, To Be Untied, To Come Undone, To Be Cleared",Type the
解決,かいけつ,Solution,Type the reading!,Image
理解,りかい,"Comprehension, Understanding",Type the reading!,Image
正解,せいかい,"Correct Answer, Correct",Type the reading!,Image
分解,ぶんかい,"Analysis, Breakdown, Disassembly, Dismantling, Decomposition",Type the
実際,じっさい,"Actually, Really, Reality",Type the reading!,Image
国際,こくさい,International,Type the reading!,Image
際,きわ,"Side, Edge, Brink",Type the reading!,Image
認める,みとめる,"To Recognize, To Perceive, To Acknowledge, To Approve, To
Admit",Type the reading!,Image
確認,かくにん,"Confirmation, Verification",Type the reading!,Image
企てる,くわだてる,"To Plan, To Scheme, To Attempt",Type the reading!,Image
企画,きかく,"Plan, Planning, Project",Type the reading!,Image
正義,せいぎ,"Justice, Righteousness",Type the reading!,Image
主義,しゅぎ,"Ism, Principle, Doctrine",Type the reading!,Image
義理,ぎり,"Sense Of Duty, Social Obligation, In-Law",Type the reading!,Image
定義,ていぎ,Definition,Type the reading!,Image
〜務省,むしょう,Ministry Of,Type the reading!,Image
形容動詞,けいようどうし,Na Adjective,Type the reading!,Image
解説,かいせつ,"Explanation, Commentary",Type the reading!,Image
布地,"ぬのじ,きれじ","Cloth, Fabric, Textile",Type the reading!,Image
得体,えたい,"Character, Nature",Type the reading!,Image
心得,こころえ,"Knowledge, Information, Understanding, Rules",Type the reading!,Image
目覚める,めざめる,"To Wake Up, To Awaken",Type the reading!,Image
資格,しかく,"Qualifications, Capabilities, Requirements",Type the reading!,Image
羨む,うらやむ,"To Envy, To Be Envious Of, To Be Jealous Of",Type the reading!,Image
羨望,せんぼう,"Envy, Jealousy",Type the reading!,Image
尻尾,しっぽ,Tail,Type the reading!,Image
経験者,けいけんしゃ,Experienced Person,Type the reading!,Image
評価,ひょうか,"Evaluation, Appraisal, Verdict, Valuation, Assessment, Rating",Type
the reading!,Image
圧倒する,あっとうする,To Overwhelm,Type the reading!,Image
高血圧,こうけつあつ,"High Blood Pressure, Hypertension",Type the reading!,Image
存在する,そんざいする,To Exist,Type the reading!,Image
嫌味,いやみ,"Hurtful Words, Hurtful Speech, Sarcasm, Disagreeableness",Type the
機会,きかい,"Opportunity, Chance",Type the reading!,Image
防犯,ぼうはん,Crime Prevention,Type the reading!,Image
産業,さんぎょう,"Industry, Heavy Industry",Type the reading!,Image
被害者,ひがいしゃ,"Victim, Victims",Type the reading!,Image
寝る,ねる,"To Sleep, To Go To Bed, To Lie Down",Type the reading!,Image
昼寝,ひるね,Nap,Type the reading!,Image
寝不足,ねぶそく,Lack Of Sleep,Type the reading!,Image
寝坊,ねぼう,Oversleep,Type the reading!,Image
過ぎる,すぎる,"To Exceed, To Be Over, To Surpass",Type the reading!,Image
過去,かこ,"Past, The Past",Type the reading!,Image
罰,ばつ,"Penalty, Punishment",Type the reading!,Image
罰金,ばっきん,"A Fine, Fine",Type the reading!,Image
罰ゲーム,"ばつげーむ,ばつゲーム","Batsu Game, Penalty Game",Type the reading!,Image
罰する,ばっする,"To Punish, To Penalize",Type the reading!,Image
誕生,たんじょう,Birth,Type the reading!,Image
脱ぐ,ぬぐ,"To Undress, To Take Off Clothes",Type the reading!,Image
脱線,だっせん,"Digression, Derailment, Derail",Type the reading!,Image
脱字,だつじ,"Omitted Character, Omitted Word",Type the reading!,Image
脱走する,だっそうする,"To Escape, To Flee",Type the reading!,Image
脱税,だつぜい,Tax Evasion,Type the reading!,Image
坊さん,ぼうさん,Monk,Type the reading!,Image
赤ん坊,あかんぼう,Baby,Type the reading!,Image
坊主,ぼうず,Buddhist Priest,Type the reading!,Image
宮,みや,"Palace, Shrine, Prince, Princess",Type the reading!,Image
各々,おのおの,"Each, Every, Respectively",Type the reading!,Image
各〜,かく,"Each, Every, Various",Type the reading!,Image
各地,かくち,Each Area,Type the reading!,Image
各自,かくじ,"Each Person, Individual",Type the reading!,Image
案内,あんない,Guide,Type the reading!,Image
案外,あんがい,"Unexpectedly, More Than Expected",Type the reading!,Image
置く,おく,"To Put Down, To Set Down, To Place",Type the reading!,Image
位置,いち,"Position, Location, Place",Type the reading!,Image
費用,ひよう,"Expenses, Cost",Type the reading!,Image
消費,しょうひ,"Consumption, Expenditure",Type the reading!,Image
社費,しゃひ,Company Expenses,Type the reading!,Image
価,あたい,Value,Type the reading!,Image
物価,ぶっか,Prices,Type the reading!,Image
地価,ちか,Land Value,Type the reading!,Image
勢い,いきおい,"Force, Vigor",Type the reading!,Image
勢力,せいりょく,"Influence, Force",Type the reading!,Image
姿勢,しせい,"Posture, Attitude",Type the reading!,Image
大勢,おおぜい,Crowd,Type the reading!,Image
営む,いとなむ,"To Run A Business, To Manage A Business",Type the reading!,Image
営業,えいぎょう,"Business, Sales",Type the reading!,Image
公営,こうえい,"Public, Government Run, Run By The Government",Type the reading!,Image
私営,しえい,"Private, Privately Run, Run Privately",Type the reading!,Image
市営,しえい,"Run By The City, City-Run",Type the reading!,Image
官営,かんえい,"Government Management, Government Operation, Run By The Government,
Government Run",Type the reading!,Image
県営,けんえい,"Run By The Prefecture, Prefecture Run",Type the reading!,Image
示す,しめす,"To Indicate, To Show",Type the reading!,Image
指示,しじ,"Instructions, Directions",Type the reading!,Image
公示,こうじ,Public Announcement,Type the reading!,Image
大統領,だいとうりょう,President,Type the reading!,Image
伝統,でんとう,Tradition,Type the reading!,Image
統合,とうごう,"Unification, Integration",Type the reading!,Image
受領書,じゅりょうしょ,"Receipt, Docket",Type the reading!,Image
領域,りょういき,"Domain, Territory",Type the reading!,Image
領土,りょうど,Territory,Type the reading!,Image
策,さく,"A Plan, Plan, Scheme",Type the reading!,Image
政策,せいさく,"Policy, A Policy",Type the reading!,Image
藤,ふじ,Wisteria,Type the reading!,Image
副詞,ふくし,Adverb,Type the reading!,Image
副業,ふくぎょう,Side Business,Type the reading!,Image
副題,ふくだい,"Subtitle, Subheading",Type the reading!,Image
値,"ね,あたい","Value, Price",Type the reading!,Image
価値,かち,"Value, Worth, Merit",Type the reading!,Image
観る,みる,"To View, To Spectate, To Watch",Type the reading!,Image
観光,かんこう,Sightseeing,Type the reading!,Image
観客,かんきゃく,"Audience, Spectators",Type the reading!,Image
外観,がいかん,"External Appearance, Outward Appearance",Type the reading!,Image
主観,しゅかん,Subjectivity,Type the reading!,Image
観念,かんねん,"Idea, Notion",Type the reading!,Image
姿,すがた,"Figure, Shape, Form",Type the reading!,Image
区域,くいき,"Boundary, Zone",Type the reading!,Image
地域,ちいき,"Region, Area, Zone",Type the reading!,Image
吸う,すう,"To Smoke, To Suck, To Inhale",Type the reading!,Image
応じる,おうじる,To Respond,Type the reading!,Image
一応,いちおう,"Tentatively, For Now, Just In Case",Type the reading!,Image
反応,"はんのう,はんおう","A Response, Response, A Reaction, Reaction",Type the
提案,ていあん,"Proposition, Proposal, Suggestion",Type the reading!,Image
提出,ていしゅつ,"Presentation, Submission, Filing, Handing In, Turning In",Type the
援助,えんじょ,"Assistance, Aid",Type the reading!,Image
支援,しえん,Support,Type the reading!,Image
状態,じょうたい,"Condition, State",Type the reading!,Image
変態,へんたい,"Pervert, Abnormal, Transformation, Metamorphosis",Type the
態と,わざと,"On Purpose, Deliberately, Intentionally",Type the reading!,Image
態度,たいど,"Attitude, Manner, Behavior",Type the reading!,Image
失態,しったい,"Blunder, Disgrace",Type the reading!,Image
年賀状,ねんがじょう,"New Year's Card, New Year's Greeting Card",Type the
不可能,ふかのう,"Impossible, Not Possible",Type the reading!,Image
非難する,ひなんする,"To Criticize, To Blame",Type the reading!,Image
大嫌い,だいきらい,"Hate, To Hate, To Really Hate",Type the reading!,Image
倒れる,たおれる,"To Get Knocked Over, To Get Knocked Down, To Collapse",Type the
飛ばす,とばす,"To Let Fly, To Send Flying, To Skip Over",Type the reading!,Image
確かめる,たしかめる,"To Make Sure Of, To Verify, To Confirm, To Make Certain",Type the
面倒臭い,めんどうくさい,"Troublesome, A Bother",Type the reading!,Image
応援,おうえん,"Support, Root For, Aid",Type the reading!,Image
お手洗い,おてあらい,"Toilet, Restroom, Bathroom, Lavatory",Type the reading!,Image
在留する,ざいりゅうする,"To Reside, To Stay, To Remain",Type the reading!,Image
不機嫌,ふきげん,"Bad Mood, Pout, Displeasure, Ill Humor, Ill Humour, Sullen",Type the
震える,ふるえる,"To Shake, To Shiver, To Quake, To Tremble, To Quaver, To
Quiver",Type the reading!,Image
価格,かかく,"Price, Value, Cost",Type the reading!,Image
嫌悪感,けんおかん,Unpleasant Feelings,Type the reading!,Image
対応,たいおう,"Interaction, Correspondence, Coping With, Dealing With, Support,
Software Support",Type the reading!,Image
待機,たいき,"Alert, Standby",Type the reading!,Image
有り難う,ありがとう,"Thank You, Thanks",Type the reading!,Image
お土産,おみやげ,"Souvenir, Present",Type the reading!,Image
諦観,ていかん,Resignation,Type the reading!,Image
諦める,あきらめる,"To Give Up, To Abandon",Type the reading!,Image
袖,そで,Sleeve,Type the reading!,Image
領袖,りょうしゅう,"Leader, Boss, Chief",Type the reading!,Image
現在,げんざい,"Present, Now, Current",Type the reading!,Image
保守主義,ほしゅしゅぎ,"Conservative, Conservatism",Type the reading!,Image
素晴らしい,すばらしい,"Wonderful, Splendid, Magnificent, The Best",Type the
各駅停車,かくえきていしゃ,Local Train,Type the reading!,Image
確認する,かくにんする,"To Confirm, To Verify",Type the reading!,Image
済ます,すます,"To Finish, To Settle",Type the reading!,Image
経済的,けいざいてき,"Economic, Financial, Economical",Type the reading!,Image
委員会,いいんかい,Committee,Type the reading!,Image
選挙する,せんきょする,To Elect,Type the reading!,Image
判断する,はんだんする,To Judge,Type the reading!,Image
責任感,せきにんかん,Sense Of Responsibility,Type the reading!,Image
バス停,"ばすてい,バスてい",Bus Stop,Type the reading!,Image
停止,ていし,"Stoppage, Suspension",Type the reading!,Image
停電,ていでん,"Power Outage, Cutoff Of Electricity, Power Cut",Type the
吸血鬼,きゅうけつき,Vampire,Type the reading!,Image
吸収,きゅうしゅう,Absorption,Type the reading!,Image
領収書,りょうしゅうしょ,Receipt,Type the reading!,Image
収入,しゅうにゅう,Income,Type the reading!,Image
革,かわ,Leather,Type the reading!,Image
革命,かくめい,Revolution,Type the reading!,Image
皮革,ひかく,"Leather, Hides, Pelts",Type the reading!,Image
無職,むしょく,Unemployment,Type the reading!,Image
職場,しょくば,"Place Of Work, Workplace, Place Of Employment",Type the reading!,Image
職業,しょくぎょう,Occupation,Type the reading!,Image
職員,しょくいん,"Personnel, Staff, Employee",Type the reading!,Image
有職,ゆうしょく,Employed,Type the reading!,Image
求職,きゅうしょく,Job Hunting,Type the reading!,Image
辞職,じしょく,"Resignation, Quitting",Type the reading!,Image
鬼,おに,"Demon, Ogre",Type the reading!,Image
規則,きそく,"Rule, Regulation",Type the reading!,Image
規律,きりつ,"Rules, Law, Order, Discipline",Type the reading!,Image
看護師,かんごし,Nurse,Type the reading!,Image
弁護士,べんごし,"Attorney, Lawyer",Type the reading!,Image
保護する,ほごする,"To Conserve, To Protect",Type the reading!,Image
教師,きょうし,Teacher,Type the reading!,Image
医師,いし,Doctor,Type the reading!,Image
法律,ほうりつ,Law,Type the reading!,Image
律動,りつどう,Rhythm,Type the reading!,Image
不文律,ふぶんりつ,"Unwritten Law, Unwritten Rule, Common Law",Type the reading!,Image
割る,わる,"To Divide, To Split, To Break",Type the reading!,Image
役割,やくわり,Role,Type the reading!,Image
一割,いちわり,Ten Percent,Type the reading!,Image
割合,わりあい,"Ratio, Percentage",Type the reading!,Image
裁く,さばく,To Judge,Type the reading!,Image
裁判,さいばん,Trial,Type the reading!,Image
崎,"さき,みさき","Cape, Small Peninsula",Type the reading!,Image
川崎,かわさき,"Kawasaki, Kawasaki City",Type the reading!,Image
長崎,ながさき,Nagasaki,Type the reading!,Image
基準,きじゅん,"Standard, A Standard",Type the reading!,Image
反則,はんそく,"Foul, Violation",Type the reading!,Image
法則,ほうそく,"Physical Law, Law",Type the reading!,Image
備える,そなえる,"To Provide, To Furnish, To Equip, To Prepare For",Type the
準備,じゅんび,Preparations,Type the reading!,Image
導く,みちびく,"To Lead, To Guide",Type the reading!,Image
指導,しどう,Guidance,Type the reading!,Image
幹,みき,Tree Trunk,Type the reading!,Image
新幹線,しんかんせん,"Bullet Train, Shinkansen",Type the reading!,Image
張る,はる,To Stretch,Type the reading!,Image
優しい,やさしい,"Gentle, Kind, Warm Hearted, Nice",Type the reading!,Image
男優,だんゆう,Actor,Type the reading!,Image
優先,ゆうせん,Priority,Type the reading!,Image
優勝,ゆうしょう,"Victory, Championship",Type the reading!,Image
宅,たく,"Home, House",Type the reading!,Image
自宅,じたく,"One's Home, One's Own Home",Type the reading!,Image
住宅,じゅうたく,"Dwelling, Residence",Type the reading!,Image
沢,さわ,"Mountain Stream, Swamp",Type the reading!,Image
贅沢,ぜいたく,"Extravagant, Luxury",Type the reading!,Image
施行,"しこう,せこう","Enforcement, Carrying Out",Type the reading!,Image
現れる,あらわれる,"To Appear, To Emerge",Type the reading!,Image
表現,ひょうげん,"Expression, Figure Of Speech, Representation",Type the
現実,げんじつ,Reality,Type the reading!,Image
現場,げんば,"Scene, Spot, Site",Type the reading!,Image
牛乳,ぎゅうにゅう,"Milk, Cow's Milk",Type the reading!,Image
乳首,ちくび,Nipple,Type the reading!,Image
呼ぶ,よぶ,"To Call, To Call Out",Type the reading!,Image
城,しろ,Castle,Type the reading!,Image
俳優,はいゆう,Actor,Type the reading!,Image
俳句,はいく,Haiku,Type the reading!,Image
秀でる,ひいでる,"To Excel, To Surpass",Type the reading!,Image
優秀,ゆうしゅう,"Superior, Superiority",Type the reading!,Image
経済学,けいざいがく,"Economics, Study Of Economics",Type the reading!,Image
検査する,けんさする,"To Examine, To Inspect, To Check",Type the reading!,Image
挙げる,あげる,"To Raise, To Elevate, To Bring Up",Type the reading!,Image
理解する,りかいする,"To Understand, To Comprehend",Type the reading!,Image
批判する,ひはんする,To Criticize,Type the reading!,Image
増やす,ふやす,"To Increase Something, To Increase",Type the reading!,Image
解く,とく,"To Solve, To Solve Something, To Untie, To Untie Something",Type the
断つ,たつ,To Cut Off,Type the reading!,Image
施設,しせつ,"Institution, Facilities, Facility, Establishment",Type the
総理府,そうりふ,Prime Minister's Office,Type the reading!,Image
了解,りょうかい,"Comprehension, Understanding, Roger",Type the reading!,Image
演技,えんぎ,"Acting, Performance",Type the reading!,Image
演ずる,えんずる,"To Perform, To Play",Type the reading!,Image
演芸,えんげい,"Performance, Entertainment",Type the reading!,Image
上演,じょうえん,"Performance, Presentation, Production, Staging, Mount",Type the
台詞,せりふ,"Speech, Words, One's Lines, Remarks",Type the reading!,Image
心得る,こころえる,"To Know, To Understand, To Be Aware Of, To Consent, To Agree",Type
the reading!,Image
楽天主義,らくてんしゅぎ,Optimism,Type the reading!,Image
沢山,たくさん,"A Lot, Many, Much",Type the reading!,Image
現に,げんに,"Actually, Really",Type the reading!,Image
割り算,わりざん,Division,Type the reading!,Image
羨ましい,うらやましい,"Envious, Jealous",Type the reading!,Image
安値,やすね,"Low Price, Cheap Price",Type the reading!,Image
高値,たかね,"High Price, Expensive Price",Type the reading!,Image
違い,ちがい,Difference,Type the reading!,Image
違う,ちがう,"To Be Different, To Be Wrong, To Be Mistaken, To Vary, To Differ",Type
the reading!,Image
可燃ゴミ,"かねんごみ,かねんゴミ","Burnable Garbage, Burnable Trash, Burnable
Rubbish",Type the reading!,Image
営業する,えいぎょうする,"To Run A Business, To Manage A Business",Type the
伝統的,でんとうてき,Traditional,Type the reading!,Image
誕生日,たんじょうび,Birthday,Type the reading!,Image
寝坊する,ねぼうする,To Oversleep,Type the reading!,Image
過去形,かこけい,Past Tense,Type the reading!,Image
過ぎ,すぎ,"Too Much, After, Past",Type the reading!,Image
対策,たいさく,"Counter Plan, Counter Measure",Type the reading!,Image
価値観,かちかん,"Values, Sense Of Values, Moral Values",Type the reading!,Image
応援団,おうえんだん,"Rooting Section, Cheerleaders, Cheering Section",Type the
規準,きじゅん,"Standard, Criterion",Type the reading!,Image
法規,ほうき,"Laws, Regulations",Type the reading!,Image
担ぐ,かつぐ,"To Carry, To Shoulder",Type the reading!,Image
担当,たんとう,In Charge,Type the reading!,Image
負担,ふたん,"Burden, Responsibility",Type the reading!,Image
半額,はんがく,Half Price,Type the reading!,Image
多額,たがく,"Large Amount, Large Sum",Type the reading!,Image
年額,ねんがく,"Annual Amount, Yearly Amount",Type the reading!,Image
月額,げつがく,Monthly Amount,Type the reading!,Image
定額,ていがく,"Fixed Amount, Fixed Sum, Flat Rate, Ration",Type the reading!,Image
残額,ざんがく,Remaining Amount,Type the reading!,Image
製品,せいひん,"Product, Manufactured Goods",Type the reading!,Image
製作,せいさく,"Manufacturing, Production",Type the reading!,Image
木製,もくせい,"Wooden, Made From Wood, Made Of Wood",Type the reading!,Image
日本製,にほんせい,Made In Japan,Type the reading!,Image
中国製,ちゅうごくせい,Made In China,Type the reading!,Image
アメリカ製,"あめりかせい,アメリカせい","Made In USA, Made in America",Type the
自家製,じかせい,"Homemade, Home Brewed, Made At Home",Type the reading!,Image
輸出,ゆしゅつ,Export,Type the reading!,Image
輸血,ゆけつ,Blood Transfusion,Type the reading!,Image
不燃ゴミ,"ふねんごみ,ふねんゴミ","Nonburnable Garbage, Unburnable Garbage, Nonburnable
Trash, Unburnable Trash, Nonburnable Rubbish, Unburnable Rubbish",Type the
祝う,いわう,To Celebrate,Type the reading!,Image
祝日,しゅくじつ,Holiday,Type the reading!,Image
届く,とどく,"To Be Delivered, To Arrive, To Reach",Type the reading!,Image
狭い,せまい,Narrow,Type the reading!,Image
肩,かた,Shoulder,Type the reading!,Image
腕,うで,Arm,Type the reading!,Image
腕時計,うでどけい,"Wristwatch, Watch",Type the reading!,Image
腰,こし,Waist,Type the reading!,Image
触る,さわる,To Touch,Type the reading!,Image
触角,しょっかく,Antenna,Type the reading!,Image
感触,かんしょく,"Touch, Feel, Touch Sense, Sense Of Touch",Type the reading!,Image
所載,しょさい,"Printed, Published",Type the reading!,Image
記載,きさい,"Record, Report",Type the reading!,Image
載る,のる,"To Be Published, To Be Reported, To Be Printed",Type the reading!,Image
一層,いっそう,"Much More, All The More",Type the reading!,Image
〜層,そう,"Layer Of, Layer, Demographic",Type the reading!,Image
型,かた,"Model, Type, Mold",Type the reading!,Image
典型的,てんけいてき,Typical,Type the reading!,Image
原型,げんけい,"Prototype, Model",Type the reading!,Image
都庁,とちょう,"Metropolitan Government, Metro Government",Type the reading!,Image
警視庁,けいしちょう,"Metropolitan Police Department, Metro Police Department",Type the
警察庁,けいさつちょう,National Police Agency,Type the reading!,Image
官庁,かんちょう,"Government Office, Government Authorities, Government Agency",Type
the reading!,Image
無視する,むしする,"To Ignore, To Disregard",Type the reading!,Image
視覚,しかく,"Sense Of Sight, Sight",Type the reading!,Image
近視,きんし,"Nearsightedness, Shortsightedness, Myopia",Type the reading!,Image
遠視,えんし,"Farsightedness, Longsightedness, Hyperopia",Type the reading!,Image
差す,さす,"To Shine At, To Shine On",Type the reading!,Image
差別,さべつ,"Discrimination, Distinction",Type the reading!,Image
交差点,こうさてん,Intersection,Type the reading!,Image
時差,じさ,Time Difference,Type the reading!,Image
管,くだ,"Pipe, Tube",Type the reading!,Image
管理,かんり,"Management, Administration",Type the reading!,Image
血管,けっかん,Blood Vessel,Type the reading!,Image
象,ぞう,Elephant,Type the reading!,Image
対象,たいしょう,"Target, Subject",Type the reading!,Image
現象,げんしょう,Phenomenon,Type the reading!,Image
気象,きしょう,"Weather, Disposition",Type the reading!,Image
量る,はかる,"To Measure, To Weigh",Type the reading!,Image
量,りょう,"Quantity, Amount",Type the reading!,Image
大量,たいりょう,"Large Quantity, Huge Amount",Type the reading!,Image
定量,ていりょう,"Fixed Quantity, Measurement, Fixed Amount, Set Quantity, Set
Amount",Type the reading!,Image
境,さかい,Boundary,Type the reading!,Image
国境,"こっきょう,くにざかい",National Border,Type the reading!,Image
境界,きょうかい,Boundary,Type the reading!,Image
環境,かんきょう,Environment,Type the reading!,Image
武器,ぶき,Weapon,Type the reading!,Image
武道,ぶどう,Martial Arts,Type the reading!,Image
武士,ぶし,Samurai,Type the reading!,Image
質,しつ,Quality,Type the reading!,Image
質問,しつもん,Question,Type the reading!,Image
品質,ひんしつ,"Material Quality, Item Quality, Product Quality, Quality",Type the
良質,りょうしつ,"Good Quality, High Quality, Superior Quality",Type the
特質,とくしつ,"Characteristic, Trait",Type the reading!,Image
述べる,のべる,"To Mention, To State, To Explain",Type the reading!,Image
記述,きじゅつ,"Description, Account",Type the reading!,Image
上述,じょうじゅつ,"Above Mentioned, The Above Mentioned",Type the reading!,Image
提供,ていきょう,"Offer, Program Sponsoring, Programme Sponsoring",Type the
供える,そなえる,"To Make An Offering, To Offer",Type the reading!,Image
子供,こども,"Child, Kid, Children, Kids",Type the reading!,Image
展示会,てんじかい,"Trade Show, Exhibition",Type the reading!,Image
発展する,はってんする,To Develop,Type the reading!,Image
展開,てんかい,"Unfolding, Development",Type the reading!,Image
親展,しんてん,Confidential,Type the reading!,Image
販売,はんばい,"Sales, Selling, Marketing",Type the reading!,Image
自動販売機,じどうはんばいき,Vending Machine,Type the reading!,Image
通販,つうはん,Mail Order,Type the reading!,Image
株,かぶ,"Stock, Share",Type the reading!,Image
株式,かぶしき,"Stock, Share, Stocks, Shares",Type the reading!,Image
朝寝坊,あさねぼう,"Late Riser, Oversleep",Type the reading!,Image
営業中,えいぎょうちゅう,Open For Business,Type the reading!,Image
置き場,おきば,"Place To Put Something, Place To Put Down, Location To Put Something,
Location To Put Down",Type the reading!,Image
主観的,しゅかんてき,Subjective,Type the reading!,Image
援助する,えんじょする,"To Assist, To Aid",Type the reading!,Image
応援する,おうえんする,"To Root For, To Cheer On, To Cheer For",Type the reading!,Image
副大統領,ふくだいとうりょう,Vice President,Type the reading!,Image
提案する,ていあんする,To Propose,Type the reading!,Image
支援する,しえんする,"To Support, To Back, To Aid",Type the reading!,Image
観光客,かんこうきゃく,"Tourist, Sightseer",Type the reading!,Image
燃やす,もやす,"To Burn Something, To Burn",Type the reading!,Image
全額,ぜんがく,"Total, Full Amount, Sum, Total Amount, Entirety, Grand Total",Type the
左腕,"ひだりうで,さわん",Left Arm,Type the reading!,Image
値札,ねふだ,Price Tag,Type the reading!,Image
額,がく,"Framed Picture, Picture, Frame",Type the reading!,Image
指差す,ゆびさす,"To Point At, To Point To",Type the reading!,Image
本質,ほんしつ,"Essence, True Nature, Substance, Reality",Type the reading!,Image
燃料,ねんりょう,Fuel,Type the reading!,Image
両腕,りょううで,Both Arms,Type the reading!,Image
輸送,ゆそう,"Transport, Transportation",Type the reading!,Image
半袖,はんそで,Short Sleeves,Type the reading!,Image
長袖,ながそで,Long Sleeves,Type the reading!,Image
絞める,しめる,To Strangle,Type the reading!,Image
状況,じょうきょう,"Condition, Circumstances, Situation",Type the reading!,Image
限界,げんかい,"Limit, Boundary",Type the reading!,Image
限定,げんてい,Limit,Type the reading!,Image
限度,げんど,Limit,Type the reading!,Image
限る,かぎる,To Limit,Type the reading!,Image
時限,じげん,"Time Limit, Period",Type the reading!,Image
期限,きげん,"Term, Period, Due Date",Type the reading!,Image
無限,むげん,"Infinite, Limitless",Type the reading!,Image
吸収する,きゅうしゅうする,To Absorb,Type the reading!,Image
割れる,われる,"To Be Divided, To Be Separated, To Break",Type the reading!,Image
割引,わりびき,Discount,Type the reading!,Image
準備する,じゅんびする,To Prepare,Type the reading!,Image
頑張る,がんばる,To Persevere,Type the reading!,Image
抜く,ぬく,"To Extract, To Pluck",Type the reading!,Image
捕まる,つかまる,"To Be Caught, To Get Caught",Type the reading!,Image
模型,もけい,"Plastic Model, Model, Dummy, Scale Model",Type the reading!,Image
与える,あたえる,"To Give, To Grant",Type the reading!,Image
賞与金,しょうよきん,Bonus,Type the reading!,Image
含む,ふくむ,To Include,Type the reading!,Image
含意,がんい,"Implication, Hint At, Suggestion",Type the reading!,Image
影,かげ,Shadow,Type the reading!,Image
不況,ふきょう,Recession,Type the reading!,Image
渡る,わたる,"To Cross, To Cross Over, To Go Across",Type the reading!,Image
渡す,わたす,To Hand Over,Type the reading!,Image
響く,ひびく,"To Echo, To Reverberate, To Resound",Type the reading!,Image
影響,えいきょう,Influence,Type the reading!,Image
票,ひょう,"Ballot, A Vote, Vote",Type the reading!,Image
投票する,とうひょうする,To Vote,Type the reading!,Image
光景,こうけい,"Spectacle, Sight",Type the reading!,Image
景況,けいきょう,"Business Climate, Economic Climate, Condition, The Situation",Type
the reading!,Image
景観,けいかん,"Scenery, Spectacular View, Great View",Type the reading!,Image
全景,ぜんけい,"Complete View, Full View, Panoramic View, Panorama",Type the
前景,ぜんけい,Foreground,Type the reading!,Image
訴える,うったえる,"To Sue, To Accuse, To Appeal, To Complain",Type the reading!,Image
告訴,こくそ,"Accusation, Charge",Type the reading!,Image
訴訟,そしょう,"Lawsuit, Litigation",Type the reading!,Image
逮捕,たいほ,"Arrest, Capture, Apprehension",Type the reading!,Image
補う,おぎなう,"To Supplement, To Compensate For",Type the reading!,Image
候補者,こうほしゃ,"Candidate, Applicant",Type the reading!,Image
気候,きこう,Climate,Type the reading!,Image
天候,てんこう,"The Weather, Weather",Type the reading!,Image
時候,じこう,"Season, Time Of Year",Type the reading!,Image
構う,かまう,"To Care About, To Mind",Type the reading!,Image
構成,こうせい,"Organization, Configuration",Type the reading!,Image
結構,けっこう,"Fine, Fairly, Alright, Quite, Pretty",Type the reading!,Image
模様,もよう,Pattern,Type the reading!,Image
規模,きぼ,"Scale, Scope, Size",Type the reading!,Image
新鮮,しんせん,Fresh,Type the reading!,Image
鮮やか,あざやか,"Vivid, Splendid, Brilliant",Type the reading!,Image
鮮魚,せんぎょ,Fresh Fish,Type the reading!,Image
効く,きく,To Be Effective,Type the reading!,Image
効果,こうか,"An Effect, Effect",Type the reading!,Image
効率,こうりつ,Efficiency,Type the reading!,Image
効力,こうりょく,"Effectiveness, In Effect",Type the reading!,Image
所属,しょぞく,"Attached To, Belong To",Type the reading!,Image
属する,ぞくする,"To Belong To, To Fall Under",Type the reading!,Image
金属,きんぞく,Metal,Type the reading!,Image
慣れる,なれる,"To Become Accustomed To, To Get Used To",Type the reading!,Image
習慣,しゅうかん,"Custom, Habit",Type the reading!,Image
豊か,ゆたか,"Plentiful, Abundant",Type the reading!,Image
豊満,ほうまん,"Plump, Full Figured",Type the reading!,Image
満足,まんぞく,"Satisfied, Totally Satisfied, Satisfaction",Type the reading!,Image
満月,まんげつ,Full Moon,Type the reading!,Image
満員,まんいん,"Full House, No Vacancy, Sold Out",Type the reading!,Image
満点,まんてん,Perfect Score,Type the reading!,Image
肥満,ひまん,Obesity,Type the reading!,Image
肥料,ひりょう,"Manure, Fertilizer",Type the reading!,Image
巻く,まく,"To Roll, To Roll Up",Type the reading!,Image
一巻,いっかん,"One Volume, First Volume",Type the reading!,Image
下巻,げかん,"Last Volume, Final Volume",Type the reading!,Image
上巻,じょうかん,First Volume,Type the reading!,Image
二巻,にかん,"Second Volume, Two Volumes",Type the reading!,Image
捜す,さがす,To Search For,Type the reading!,Image
捜査,そうさ,Criminal Investigation,Type the reading!,Image
絞殺,こうさつ,"Death By Strangling, Strangled To Death, Strangling",Type the
絞る,しぼる,"To Wring Out, To Squeeze, To Narrow Down",Type the reading!,Image
先輩,せんぱい,"Senior, Older Graduate, Superior",Type the reading!,Image
後輩,こうはい,"Junior, One's Junior",Type the reading!,Image
年輩,ねんぱい,"Elderly Person, Old Person, Elderly",Type the reading!,Image
隠す,かくす,To Hide,Type the reading!,Image
隠居,いんきょ,Retirement,Type the reading!,Image
掛ける,かける,"To Hang, To Hang Something",Type the reading!,Image
替える,かえる,"To Replace, To Substitute, To Switch, To Exchange",Type the
替わる,かわる,"To Be Replaced, To Be Substituted, To Be Switched",Type the
女優,じょゆう,Actress,Type the reading!,Image
革命家,かくめいか,"Revolutionary, A Revolutionary",Type the reading!,Image
革ジャン,"かわじゃん,かわジャン",Leather Jacket,Type the reading!,Image
長崎県,ながさきけん,Nagasaki Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
呼ばれる,よばれる,To Be Called,Type the reading!,Image
現す,あらわす,"To Show, To Reveal",Type the reading!,Image
景色,けしき,"Scenery, Scene, Landscape",Type the reading!,Image
居る,いる,"To Exist, To Be",Type the reading!,Image
律動的,りつどうてき,"Rhythmical, Rhythmic",Type the reading!,Image
見渡す,みわたす,"To Look Out Over, To Survey, To Sweep, To Glance Over, To Take An
Extensive View Of",Type the reading!,Image
規則正しい,きそくただしい,"Regular, Well Regulated, Systematic",Type the reading!,Image
家庭教師,かていきょうし,"Tutor, Coach, Private Teacher",Type the reading!,Image
不規則,ふきそく,"Irregularity, Unsteadiness, Disorderly, Irregular, Erratic,
Inconsistent",Type the reading!,Image
反響,はんきょう,"Echo, Reverberation, Influence, Repercussion, Reaction",Type the
収める,おさめる,"To Store, To Achieve, To Score, To Finish",Type the reading!,Image
増す,ます,"To Increase, To Grow",Type the reading!,Image
掛け算,かけざん,Multiplication,Type the reading!,Image
優れる,すぐれる,"To Surpass, To Outstrip, To Excel",Type the reading!,Image
捉える,とらえる,"To Catch, To Grasp, To Perceive, To Captivate",Type the
間違い,まちがい,"A Mistake, Mistake",Type the reading!,Image
載せる,のせる,"To Publish, To Place On Top",Type the reading!,Image
気象庁,きしょうちょう,"Weather Agency, Meteorological Agency",Type the reading!,Image
構造,こうぞう,Structure,Type the reading!,Image
再び,ふたたび,"Again, Once Again",Type the reading!,Image
再来月,さらいげつ,"Month After Next, The Month After Next",Type the reading!,Image
再来年,さらいねん,Year After Next,Type the reading!,Image
再来週,さらいしゅう,Week After Next,Type the reading!,Image
再開,さいかい,Reopening,Type the reading!,Image
再建,さいけん,"Rebuilding, Reconstruction",Type the reading!,Image
再度,さいど,"Again, A Second Time, Twice",Type the reading!,Image
刺激,しげき,Stimulation,Type the reading!,Image
刺す,さす,"To Stab, To Pierce, To Poke, To Sting, To Stick, To Shank",Type the
名刺,めいし,Business Card,Type the reading!,Image
創造,そうぞう,Creation,Type the reading!,Image
独創,どくそう,"Originality, Creativity",Type the reading!,Image
創立,そうりつ,"Establishment, Founding",Type the reading!,Image
激励,げきれい,Encouragement,Type the reading!,Image
励ます,はげます,"To Encourage Someone, To Cheer Up Someone, To Encourage",Type the
占い,うらない,Fortune Telling,Type the reading!,Image
占める,しめる,To Occupy,Type the reading!,Image
独占,どくせん,Monopoly,Type the reading!,Image
印,しるし,"Mark, Logo, Symbol",Type the reading!,Image
第一印象,だいいちいんしょう,First Impression,Type the reading!,Image
届ける,とどける,To Deliver,Type the reading!,Image
差別する,さべつする,To Discriminate,Type the reading!,Image
人差し指,ひとさしゆび,"Index Finger, Pointer Finger",Type the reading!,Image
差し上げる,さしあげる,"To Give, To Raise Up",Type the reading!,Image
往復,おうふく,Round Trip,Type the reading!,Image
従う,したがう,To Obey,Type the reading!,Image
従業,じゅうぎょう,Employment,Type the reading!,Image
従来,じゅうらい,"Up To Now, So Far, Usual, Traditional",Type the reading!,Image
復習,ふくしゅう,Review,Type the reading!,Image
回復,かいふく,Recovery,Type the reading!,Image
特徴,とくちょう,"Characteristic, Distinctive Feature",Type the reading!,Image
象徴,しょうちょう,Symbol,Type the reading!,Image
怪しい,あやしい,"Suspicious, Shady",Type the reading!,Image
怪事件,かいじけん,"Strange Mystery, Mystery Case",Type the reading!,Image
怪談,かいだん,Ghost Story,Type the reading!,Image
我,われ,"I, Me",Type the reading!,Image
無我,むが,Selflessness,Type the reading!,Image
担う,になう,"To Take Responsibility, To Assume Responsibility, To Take On A Burden,
To Carry",Type the reading!,Image
振る,ふる,"To Shake, To Wave, To Swing, To Dump, To Reject, To Break Up With",Type
the reading!,Image
振動,しんどう,"Vibration, Oscillation",Type the reading!,Image
不振,ふしん,"Dullness, Slump, Stagnation",Type the reading!,Image
授業,じゅぎょう,"Lesson, Class, Teaching",Type the reading!,Image
教授,きょうじゅ,"Teaching, Professor, Pedagogy",Type the reading!,Image
直接,ちょくせつ,Direct,Type the reading!,Image
間接,かんせつ,Indirect,Type the reading!,Image
面接,めんせつ,Interview,Type the reading!,Image
事故,じこ,Accident,Type the reading!,Image
故障,こしょう,"Malfunction, Out Of Order",Type the reading!,Image
故意,こい,"Intention, Premeditation, Purpose, Intent",Type the reading!,Image
株式会社,"かぶしきがいしゃ,かぶしきかいしゃ",Corporation,Type the reading!,Image
株式市場,かぶしきしじょう,Stock Market,Type the reading!,Image
比較,ひかく,Comparison,Type the reading!,Image
汗,あせ,Sweat,Type the reading!,Image
汗臭い,あせくさい,"Sweaty-Smelling, Smelling Of Sweat, Smelling Like Sweat",Type the
河,かわ,"River, Suffix For Rivers, River Suffix",Type the reading!,Image
河童,かっぱ,Kappa,Type the reading!,Image
氷河,ひょうが,Glacier,Type the reading!,Image
運河,うんが,Canal,Type the reading!,Image
河豚,"ふぐ,ふく","Fugu, Blowfish, Pufferfish",Type the reading!,Image
激しい,はげしい,"Fierce, Violent, Intense",Type the reading!,Image
燃える,もえる,"To Get Burned, To Be Burned, To Burn, To Get Burnt, To Be Burnt",Type
the reading!,Image
燃え付く,もえつく,"To Catch Fire, To Catch On Fire",Type the reading!,Image
独り,ひとり,Alone,Type the reading!,Image
独身,どくしん,"Single, Unmarried",Type the reading!,Image
独特,どくとく,Unique,Type the reading!,Image
独立,どくりつ,Independence,Type the reading!,Image
独学,どくがく,"Self Study, Self Education",Type the reading!,Image
獣,けもの,"Beast, A Beast",Type the reading!,Image
怪獣,かいじゅう,"Giant Monster, Kaiju",Type the reading!,Image
獣医,じゅうい,"Veterinarian, Vet",Type the reading!,Image
獣類,じゅうるい,"Beasts, Animals",Type the reading!,Image
野獣,やじゅう,"Wild Beast, Wild Animal",Type the reading!,Image
突く,つく,"To Stab, To Poke, To Jab",Type the reading!,Image
突然,とつぜん,Suddenly,Type the reading!,Image
筆,ふで,"Writing Brush, Brush",Type the reading!,Image
鉛筆,えんぴつ,Pencil,Type the reading!,Image
管理人,かんりにん,Manager,Type the reading!,Image
お菓子,おかし,"Candy, Pastry, Sweets",Type the reading!,Image
触れる,ふれる,"To Feel, To Touch, To Touch On, To Refer To, To Mention",Type the
検討する,けんとうする,"To Examine, To Study, To Look Into",Type the reading!,Image
討論,とうろん,"Debate, Discussion",Type the reading!,Image
お誕生日おめでとう,おたんじょうびおめでとう,Happy Birthday,Type the reading!,Image
豚,ぶた,Pig,Type the reading!,Image
豚肉,ぶたにく,"Pork, Pig Meat",Type the reading!,Image
自販機,じはんき,Vending Machine,Type the reading!,Image
貯える,たくわえる,"To Save, To Put Something Aside",Type the reading!,Image
貯金,ちょきん,Savings,Type the reading!,Image
輸入,ゆにゅう,Import,Type the reading!,Image
輸出する,ゆしゅつする,To Export,Type the reading!,Image
造る,つくる,"To Manufacture, To Make, To Create, To Brew, To Prepare",Type the
製造,せいぞう,Manufacturing,Type the reading!,Image
造園,ぞうえん,Landscape Gardening,Type the reading!,Image
改造,かいぞう,"Remodeling, Renewal",Type the reading!,Image
人造,じんぞう,"Artificial, Synthetic, Imitation, Man Made",Type the reading!,Image
酒造,しゅぞう,"Brewing, Distilling",Type the reading!,Image
気違い,きちがい,Crazy,Type the reading!,Image
人違い,ひとちがい,Mistaken Identity,Type the reading!,Image
読み違い,よみちがい,"Misreading, Misread",Type the reading!,Image
大違い,おおちがい,"Big Difference, Major Mistake",Type the reading!,Image
針医,はりい,Acupuncturist,Type the reading!,Image
秒針,びょうしん,"Second Hand, Seconds Hand",Type the reading!,Image
鉛,なまり,Lead,Type the reading!,Image
鉛管,えんかん,Lead Pipe,Type the reading!,Image
鉛毒,えんどく,Lead Poisoning,Type the reading!,Image
障る,さわる,"To Irritate, To Annoy, To Affect Negatively, To Be Bad For",Type the
障子,しょうじ,"Japanese Sliding Door, Sliding Door",Type the reading!,Image
障害,しょうがい,"Disability, Handicap",Type the reading!,Image
保障,ほしょう,"Guarantee, Warranty, Security, Safeguard",Type the reading!,Image
過ごす,すごす,To Spend Time On,Type the reading!,Image
郵便,ゆうびん,Mail,Type the reading!,Image
故,ゆえ,"Reason, Circumstances, Cause",Type the reading!,Image
従順,じゅうじゅん,"Obedient, Gentle, Meek, Submissive, Docile, Tame",Type the
何故,なぜ,"Why, How",Type the reading!,Image
怪物,かいぶつ,"Monster, Ghost, Goblin",Type the reading!,Image
お祝い,おいわい,"Congratulation, Congratulations, Celebration, Festival,
Congratulatory Gift",Type the reading!,Image
独裁,どくさい,"Dictatorship, Despotism",Type the reading!,Image
万年筆,まんねんひつ,Fountain Pen,Type the reading!,Image
狭める,せばめる,"To Narrow, To Reduce",Type the reading!,Image
違反,いはん,"Violation, Transgression, Infringement, Breach",Type the reading!,Image
右腕,"みぎうで,うわん",Right Arm,Type the reading!,Image
限定販売,げんていはんばい,Limited Edition,Type the reading!,Image
腰抜け,こしぬけ,Coward,Type the reading!,Image
抜ける,ぬける,"To Be Extracted, To Get Extracted, To Be Plucked, To Get Plucked, To
Come Out, To Fall Out, To Be Omitted, To Leave",Type the reading!,Image
捕える,とらえる,"To Catch, To Capture, To Seize, To Grab",Type the reading!,Image
掛かる,かかる,"To Be Hung, To Get Hung, To Hang",Type the reading!,Image
隠れる,かくれる,To Be Hidden,Type the reading!,Image
値段,ねだん,"Price, Cost",Type the reading!,Image
健康,けんこう,Health,Type the reading!,Image
健忘症,けんぼうしょう,"Amnesia, Loss Of Memory",Type the reading!,Image
効果的,こうかてき,Effective,Type the reading!,Image
就く,つく,"To Settle In, To Take A Seat, To Take A Position",Type the reading!,Image
就職,しゅうしょく,"Finding Employment, Finding A Job, Getting A Job, Accepting A
Job",Type the reading!,Image
就業,しゅうぎょう,Employment,Type the reading!,Image
退屈,たいくつ,"Boring, Boredom, Tedium",Type the reading!,Image
巻きずし,まきずし,"Rolled Sushi, Sushi Roll, Makizushi",Type the reading!,Image
春巻き,はるまき,Spring Rolls,Type the reading!,Image
頑張れ,がんばれ,"Do Your Best, Good Luck",Type the reading!,Image
怒る,おこる,"To Get Angry, To Get Mad",Type the reading!,Image
怒鳴る,どなる,"To Shout At, To Yell At",Type the reading!,Image
悩み,なやみ,"A Worry, Worry, A Trouble, Trouble",Type the reading!,Image
悩む,なやむ,"To Worry, To Be Troubled",Type the reading!,Image
惑う,まどう,"To Be Misguided, To Be Led Astray, To Be Perplexed, To Be Puzzled",Type
the reading!,Image
迷惑,めいわく,"Trouble, Annoyance, Inconvenience, Nuisance",Type the reading!,Image
誘惑,ゆうわく,"Temptation, Seduction",Type the reading!,Image
見抜く,みぬく,To See Through,Type the reading!,Image
間抜け,まぬけ,Idiot,Type the reading!,Image
抜き出す,ぬきだす,"To Select, To Extract, To Start To Pull Out",Type the
招く,まねく,"To Beckon, To Invite, To Summon",Type the reading!,Image
招待する,しょうたいする,"To Invite, To Summon",Type the reading!,Image
手掛かり,てがかり,"Clue, A Clue",Type the reading!,Image
昇る,のぼる,To Ascend,Type the reading!,Image
昇進,しょうしん,"Job Promotion, Promotion",Type the reading!,Image
暇,ひま,"Spare Time, Free Time",Type the reading!,Image
休暇,きゅうか,"Holiday, Time Off, Day Off",Type the reading!,Image
両替,りょうがえ,"Money Exchange, Make Change, Currency Exchange",Type the
取り替える,とりかえる,To Exchange,Type the reading!,Image
着替え,きがえ,Change Of Clothes,Type the reading!,Image
究極,きゅうきょく,Ultimate,Type the reading!,Image
極める,きわめる,"To Carry To Extremes, To Carry To The Extreme, To Take To The
Extreme, To Take To An Extreme, To Carry To An Extreme, To Take To Extremes, To
Master",Type the reading!,Image
極楽,ごくらく,Paradise,Type the reading!,Image
南極,なんきょく,Antarctica,Type the reading!,Image
構え,かまえ,Stance,Type the reading!,Image
結構です,けっこうです,"No Thank You, No Thanks",Type the reading!,Image
お構いなく,おかまいなく,"Don't Worry About It, Don't Worry",Type the reading!,Image
大規模,だいきぼ,Large Scale,Type the reading!,Image
小規模,しょうきぼ,Small Scale,Type the reading!,Image
階段,かいだん,"Stairs, Stairway",Type the reading!,Image
段々,だんだん,"Gradually, Steps",Type the reading!,Image
段階,だんかい,"Stage, Phase",Type the reading!,Image
第一段,だいいちだん,"The First Step, First Step",Type the reading!,Image
濃い,こい,"Thick, Dense, Concentrated, Deep, Strong",Type the reading!,Image
濃度,のうど,"Density, Concentration",Type the reading!,Image
〜症,しょう,"Disease, Sickness",Type the reading!,Image
症状,しょうじょう,Symptom,Type the reading!,Image
不眠症,ふみんしょう,Insomnia,Type the reading!,Image
痛い,いたい,"Painful, Ow, It Hurts, Ouch",Type the reading!,Image
頭痛,ずつう,Headache,Type the reading!,Image
眠い,ねむい,Sleepy,Type the reading!,Image
睡眠,すいみん,Sleep,Type the reading!,Image
端,はし,Edge,Type the reading!,Image
先端,せんたん,"Tip, The Latest, Advanced Technology",Type the reading!,Image
中途半端,ちゅうとはんぱ,"Half Finished, Half Assed",Type the reading!,Image
極端,きょくたん,Extreme,Type the reading!,Image
給料,きゅうりょう,"Wages, Pay, Salary, Net Pay, Base Wages, Base Salary",Type the
給与,きゅうよ,"Allowance, Wages, Pay, Salary, Gross Pay",Type the reading!,Image
供給,きょうきゅう,Supply,Type the reading!,Image
減給,げんきゅう,Pay Cut,Type the reading!,Image
昇給,しょうきゅう,"Pay Raise, Salary Raise, Raise",Type the reading!,Image
締結する,ていけつする,"To Ratify, To Bind",Type the reading!,Image
締める,しめる,"To Tighten, To Tie",Type the reading!,Image
組織,そしき,Organization,Type the reading!,Image
織る,おる,"To Weave, To Knit",Type the reading!,Image
胃痛,いつう,Stomachache,Type the reading!,Image
腹,はら,"Belly, Abdomen, Stomach",Type the reading!,Image
切腹,せっぷく,"Seppuku, Ritual Suicide",Type the reading!,Image
訪ねる,たずねる,To Visit,Type the reading!,Image
訪問,ほうもん,"A Visit, Visit",Type the reading!,Image
誘う,さそう,"To Invite, To Ask, To Tempt, To Entice",Type the reading!,Image
貸す,かす,"To Lend, To Rent",Type the reading!,Image
貸し切り,かしきり,"Reserved, Reservation",Type the reading!,Image
迫る,せまる,"To Urge, To Coerce, To Press, To Draw Near",Type the reading!,Image
圧迫,あっぱく,Pressure,Type the reading!,Image
迫害,はくがい,"Persecution, Oppression",Type the reading!,Image
切迫,せっぱく,"Urgency, Pressure, Draw Near, Be Imminent",Type the reading!,Image
迷う,まよう,"To Get Lost, To Go Astray, To Waver, To Hesitate, To Wander",Type the
迷子,まいご,"Lost Child, Lost Kid, Lost Person",Type the reading!,Image
迷路,めいろ,Maze,Type the reading!,Image
迷信,めいしん,Superstition,Type the reading!,Image
退く,しりぞく,"To Retreat, To Withdraw, To Resign",Type the reading!,Image
退院する,たいいんする,"To Be Discharged, To Leave The Hospital",Type the
早退,そうたい,Leave Early,Type the reading!,Image
途中,とちゅう,"On The Way, En Route",Type the reading!,Image
逮捕する,たいほする,"To Arrest, To Capture, To Apprehend",Type the reading!,Image
野郎,やろう,"Bastard, Guy, Fellow",Type the reading!,Image
靴,くつ,Shoes,Type the reading!,Image
靴下,くつした,Socks,Type the reading!,Image
靴屋,くつや,"Shoe Store, Shoe Shop",Type the reading!,Image
長靴,ながぐつ,"Boots, Rubber Boots, Rain Boots",Type the reading!,Image
悪影響,あくえいきょう,"Bad Influence, Evil Influence",Type the reading!,Image
隠居する,いんきょする,To Retire,Type the reading!,Image
居酒屋,いざかや,"Izakaya, Japanese Style Bar",Type the reading!,Image
居間,いま,"Living Room, Sitting Room, Parlor, Parlour",Type the reading!,Image
屈む,かがむ,"To Stoop, To Lean Over, To Bend Down, To Crouch, To Bend Forward, To
Bow, To Bend Over",Type the reading!,Image
引退,いんたい,"Retire, Retirement",Type the reading!,Image
手渡す,てわたす,"To Hand Over, To Surrender",Type the reading!,Image
理屈,りくつ,"Theory, Reason",Type the reading!,Image
胃,い,Stomach,Type the reading!,Image
故に,ゆえに,"Therefore, Consequently",Type the reading!,Image
針金,はりがね,Wire,Type the reading!,Image
巨大,きょだい,"Huge, Gigantic, Enormous",Type the reading!,Image
巨人,きょじん,"A Giant, Giant",Type the reading!,Image
矢印,やじるし,Arrow,Type the reading!,Image
絶景,ぜっけい,"Superb View, Splendid View, Stunning View, Spectacular View, Great
View",Type the reading!,Image
並列,へいれつ,"In A Row, Arrange In A Row",Type the reading!,Image
並行,へいこう,Parallel,Type the reading!,Image
並ぶ,ならぶ,To Be Lined Up,Type the reading!,Image
並,なみ,"Ordinary, Average",Type the reading!,Image
修士,しゅうし,Master's Degree,Type the reading!,Image
修理,しゅうり,Repair,Type the reading!,Image
研修,けんしゅう,"Training, In Service Training, Study",Type the reading!,Image
修辞学,しゅうじがく,Rhetoric,Type the reading!,Image
傘,かさ,Umbrella,Type the reading!,Image
傘立て,かさたて,"Umbrella Stand, Umbrella Holder",Type the reading!,Image
児童,じどう,Children,Type the reading!,Image
幼児,ようじ,"Children, Child, Toddler",Type the reading!,Image
冷たい,つめたい,"Cold, Cool, Cold To The Touch",Type the reading!,Image
冷静,れいせい,Cool Headed,Type the reading!,Image
冷凍庫,れいとうこ,Freezer,Type the reading!,Image
凍る,こおる,"To Freeze, To Be Frozen",Type the reading!,Image
凍死,とうし,Freeze To Death,Type the reading!,Image
凍結,とうけつ,Freeze,Type the reading!,Image
処理,しょり,"Deal With, Take Care Of, Process",Type the reading!,Image
処分,しょぶん,Disposal,Type the reading!,Image
処置,しょち,"Treatment, Measure",Type the reading!,Image
〜券,けん,Ticket,Type the reading!,Image
旅券,りょけん,Passport,Type the reading!,Image
前売り券,まえうりけん,"Advance Ticket, Ticket Sold In Advance",Type the reading!,Image
回数券,かいすうけん,"Book Of Tickets, Train Tickets, Train Coupons",Type the
刺身,さしみ,Sashimi,Type the reading!,Image
創造力,そうぞうりょく,"Creative Power, Creativity",Type the reading!,Image
創造的,そうぞうてき,Creative,Type the reading!,Image
博物館,はくぶつかん,Museum,Type the reading!,Image
博打,ばくち,Gambling,Type the reading!,Image
星占い,ほしうらない,"Astrology, Horoscope",Type the reading!,Image
微妙,びみょう,"Not So Good, Not Really, Delicate, Not Great, Complicated,
Doubtful",Type the reading!,Image
妙,みょう,"Odd, Unusual, Strange",Type the reading!,Image
妙薬,みょうやく,"Wonder Drug, Miracle Cure",Type the reading!,Image
婦人,ふじん,Lady,Type the reading!,Image
夫婦,ふうふ,"Husband And Wife, Wife And Husband, Married Couple",Type the
主婦,しゅふ,Housewife,Type the reading!,Image
幼い,おさない,"Childish, Very Young, Immature",Type the reading!,Image
幼年時代,ようねんじだい,Childhood,Type the reading!,Image
庫,くら,"Warehouse, Granary",Type the reading!,Image
金庫,きんこ,"A Safe, Safe",Type the reading!,Image
車庫,しゃこ,Garage,Type the reading!,Image
回復する,かいふくする,To Recover,Type the reading!,Image
微か,かすか,"Delicate, Faint, Indistinct, Dim",Type the reading!,Image
微生物,びせいぶつ,"Microorganism, Microbe",Type the reading!,Image
憲法,けんぽう,Constitution,Type the reading!,Image
憲政,けんせい,Constitutional Government,Type the reading!,Image
無我夢中,むがむちゅう,"Total Absorption, Ecstasy",Type the reading!,Image
身振り,みぶり,Gesture,Type the reading!,Image
振り仮名,ふりがな,"Furigana, Small Kana Next To Kanji",Type the reading!,Image
面接する,めんせつする,"To Interview With, To Interview",Type the reading!,Image
撃つ,うつ,"To Shoot, To Attack, To Fire A Gun",Type the reading!,Image
攻撃,こうげき,Attack,Type the reading!,Image
攻める,せめる,"To Attack, To Assault, To Assail",Type the reading!,Image
専攻,せんこう,"Major, College Major, Field Of Study",Type the reading!,Image
反攻,はんこう,"Counterattack, Counter Offensive",Type the reading!,Image
浜,はま,Beach,Type the reading!,Image
横浜,よこはま,Yokohama,Type the reading!,Image
清い,きよい,"Pure, Clean",Type the reading!,Image
清潔,せいけつ,"Clean, Cleanness, Cleanliness",Type the reading!,Image
潔い,いさぎよい,"Pure, Pure Hearted, Gracious",Type the reading!,Image
不潔,ふけつ,"Filthy, Dirty",Type the reading!,Image
独り言,ひとりごと,Talking To Yourself,Type the reading!,Image
利益,りえき,Profit,Type the reading!,Image
有益,ゆうえき,"Beneficial, Useful",Type the reading!,Image
公益,こうえき,"Public Benefit, Public Interest",Type the reading!,Image
国益,こくえき,"National Interests, National Benefit",Type the reading!,Image
移す,うつす,"To Shift, To Transfer",Type the reading!,Image
移民,いみん,"Immigration, Emigration, Emigrant, Immigrant, Migration, Migrant",Type
the reading!,Image
移住,いじゅう,"Migration, Immigration",Type the reading!,Image
程,ほど,"Extent, An Extent",Type the reading!,Image
程度,ていど,"Degree, Extent, Level",Type the reading!,Image
過程,かてい,"Process, A Process",Type the reading!,Image
日程,にってい,"Schedule, Agenda",Type the reading!,Image
幼稚,ようち,"Childish, Immature",Type the reading!,Image
精神,せいしん,"Spirit, Mind, Soul",Type the reading!,Image
精度,せいど,"Precision, Accuracy",Type the reading!,Image
絶対,ぜったい,"Absolutely, Without Fail, Unconditionally",Type the reading!,Image
絶つ,たつ,"To Sever, To Cut Off, To Abstain From",Type the reading!,Image
絶望,ぜつぼう,"Despair, Hopelessness",Type the reading!,Image
菓子屋,かしや,"Candy Store, Candy Shop, Sweet Store, Sweet Shop",Type the
大衆,たいしゅう,General Public,Type the reading!,Image
衆議院,しゅうぎいん,House Of Representatives,Type the reading!,Image
貯金箱,ちょきんばこ,"Savings Box, Piggy Bank, Bank, Money Box",Type the reading!,Image
比較的,ひかくてき,"Comparatively, Relatively",Type the reading!,Image
比較する,ひかくする,To Compare,Type the reading!,Image
逆,ぎゃく,"Reverse, Opposite",Type the reading!,Image
逆効果,"ぎゃくこうか,ぎゃっこうか",Opposite Effect,Type the reading!,Image
逆らう,さからう,"To Go Against, To Oppose, To Be Contrary To",Type the reading!,Image
逆説,ぎゃくせつ,Paradox,Type the reading!,Image
大間違い,おおまちがい,Big Mistake,Type the reading!,Image
郵便局,ゆうびんきょく,Post Office,Type the reading!,Image
郵便番号,ゆうびんばんごう,"Post Number, Postal Code, Postcode, Zip Code",Type the
郵便箱,ゆうびんばこ,"Mailbox, Postbox",Type the reading!,Image
録音,ろくおん,"Sound Recording, Audio Recording",Type the reading!,Image
登録,とうろく,Registration,Type the reading!,Image
記録,きろく,"Record, Document",Type the reading!,Image
軍隊,ぐんたい,"Army, An Army",Type the reading!,Image
〜隊,たい,"Squad, Party, Team",Type the reading!,Image
兵隊,へいたい,"Soldier, Sailor",Type the reading!,Image
入隊,にゅうたい,"Enlist In The Army, Enlist",Type the reading!,Image
輸入する,ゆにゅうする,To Import,Type the reading!,Image
我々,われわれ,"We, Us",Type the reading!,Image
直接的,ちょくせつてき,"Directly, Direct",Type the reading!,Image
進撃,しんげき,"Advance, Charge",Type the reading!,Image
家政婦,かせいふ,"Housekeeper, Maid",Type the reading!,Image
従兄弟,いとこ,"Cousin, Male Cousin",Type the reading!,Image
浜辺,はまべ,Beach,Type the reading!,Image
何故なら,なぜなら,"Because, The Reason Is",Type the reading!,Image
間違える,まちがえる,"To Make A Mistake, To Confuse, To Mistake",Type the
移動,いどう,"Movement, Transfer, Removal, Migration",Type the reading!,Image
お腹,おなか,"Belly, Stomach, Abdomen",Type the reading!,Image
腹立つ,はらだつ,"To Get Mad, To Get Angry",Type the reading!,Image
腹切り,はらきり,"Harakiri, Ritual Suicide",Type the reading!,Image
同僚,どうりょう,"Colleague, Coworker",Type the reading!,Image
官僚,かんりょう,"Bureaucrat, Bureaucracy",Type the reading!,Image
診断,しんだん,Diagnosis,Type the reading!,Image
乾く,かわく,"To Get Dry, To Become Dry, To Be Dried",Type the reading!,Image
乾季,かんき,Dry Season,Type the reading!,Image
乾杯,かんぱい,"Kanpai, Toast, Cheers",Type the reading!,Image
促す,うながす,"To Urge, To Pressure",Type the reading!,Image
催促,さいそく,"Urge, Press For, Demand",Type the reading!,Image
催告,さいこく,Notification,Type the reading!,Image
主催,しゅさい,"Sponsorship, Promotion",Type the reading!,Image
壊す,こわす,"To Break Something, To Break",Type the reading!,Image
全壊,ぜんかい,"Complete Destruction, Total Destruction",Type the reading!,Image
倒壊,とうかい,"Collapse, Destruction, Crumbling",Type the reading!,Image
娘,むすめ,Daughter,Type the reading!,Image
一人娘,ひとりむすめ,Only Daughter,Type the reading!,Image
宗教,しゅうきょう,Religion,Type the reading!,Image
宗派,しゅうは,"Sect, Denomination",Type the reading!,Image
禅宗,ぜんしゅう,Zen Sect,Type the reading!,Image
宴会,えんかい,"Banquet, Dinner Party",Type the reading!,Image
宴,うたげ,"Banquet, Dinner Party, Party, Feast",Type the reading!,Image
不健康,ふけんこう,"Unhealthy, Not Healthy",Type the reading!,Image
緊張,きんちょう,"Stress, Tension, Nervous",Type the reading!,Image
怒り,いかり,"Anger, Wrath",Type the reading!,Image
怖い,こわい,Scary,Type the reading!,Image
恐怖,きょうふ,"Terror, Fear",Type the reading!,Image
恐怖症,きょうふしょう,Phobia,Type the reading!,Image
恐ろしい,おそろしい,"Scary, Fearful",Type the reading!,Image
一杯,いっぱい,"One Cup, One Cup Of Liquid, A Drink, One Drink",Type the
二杯,にはい,"Two Cups, Two Cups Of Liquid",Type the reading!,Image
三杯,さんばい,"Three Cups, Three Cups Of Liquid",Type the reading!,Image
板,いた,"A Board, Board, A Plank, Plank",Type the reading!,Image
看板,かんばん,Store Sign,Type the reading!,Image
見極める,みきわめる,"To See Through, To Get To The Bottom Of",Type the reading!,Image
極めて,きわめて,Extremely,Type the reading!,Image
欧米,おうべい,"Europe And America, America And Europe, Usa And Europe, Europe And
Usa, The West",Type the reading!,Image
中欧,ちゅうおう,Central Europe,Type the reading!,Image
日欧,にちおう,"Europe And Japan, Japan And Europe",Type the reading!,Image
江戸,えど,"Edo, Tokyo",Type the reading!,Image
入り江,いりえ,"Inlet, Cove",Type the reading!,Image
添える,そえる,"To Append, To Accompany, To Garnish",Type the reading!,Image
添付,てんぷ,Attachment,Type the reading!,Image
強烈,きょうれつ,"Strong, Intense",Type the reading!,Image
猛烈,もうれつ,"Fierce, Violent, Intense",Type the reading!,Image
熱烈,ねつれつ,"Impassioned, Passionate Enthusiasm, Passionate, Vehement",Type the
猛〜,もう,"Fierce, Energetic",Type the reading!,Image
略す,りゃくす,To Abbreviate,Type the reading!,Image
省略,しょうりゃく,"Abbreviation, Omission, Abbreviate, Leave Out",Type the
略語,りゃくご,Abbreviation,Type the reading!,Image
略図,りゃくず,Rough Sketch,Type the reading!,Image
大略,たいりゃく,"Summary, Outline",Type the reading!,Image
痛み,いたみ,"A Pain, Pain",Type the reading!,Image
痛み止め,いたみどめ,Painkiller,Type the reading!,Image
痛む,いたむ,"To Be Painful, To Hurt",Type the reading!,Image
眠る,ねむる,To Sleep,Type the reading!,Image
眠り薬,ねむりぐすり,"Sleeping Pills, Sleeping Drugs, Sleeping Medicine",Type the
睡眠薬,すいみんやく,"Sleeping Pills, Sleeping Drugs, Sleeping Medicine",Type the
積もる,つもる,"To Accumulate, To Get Piled Up",Type the reading!,Image
面積,めんせき,Area,Type the reading!,Image
体積,たいせき,Volume,Type the reading!,Image
検索,けんさく,"Lookup, Internet Search",Type the reading!,Image
索引,さくいん,Index,Type the reading!,Image
緊急,きんきゅう,"Urgent, Emergency",Type the reading!,Image
締切,しめきり,"Deadline, Closing Date",Type the reading!,Image
締まる,しまる,"To Tighten, To Become Tight, To Become Taut",Type the reading!,Image
大臣,だいじん,"Minister, Cabinet Member",Type the reading!,Image
航法,こうほう,Navigation,Type the reading!,Image
航空,こうくう,"Aviation, Flight",Type the reading!,Image
直航,ちょっこう,"Nonstop Flight, Direct Voyage",Type the reading!,Image
商店街,しょうてんがい,Shopping District,Type the reading!,Image
街道,かいどう,"Highway, Motorway",Type the reading!,Image
診る,みる,"To Examine A Patient, To Examine",Type the reading!,Image
診察,しんさつ,"Medical Exam, Medical Examination",Type the reading!,Image
詰める,つめる,"To Stuff In, To Cram In",Type the reading!,Image
詰まる,つまる,"To Be Stuffed, To Be Crammed Full",Type the reading!,Image
誘惑する,ゆうわくする,"To Tempt, To Seduce",Type the reading!,Image
請求,せいきゅう,"Demand, Claim, Request, Charge",Type the reading!,Image
請願,せいがん,Petition,Type the reading!,Image
要請,ようせい,"Demand, Request",Type the reading!,Image
請ける,うける,"To Take, To Undertake, To Accept, To Receive",Type the reading!,Image
貸し,かし,Rental,Type the reading!,Image
道に迷う,みちにまよう,"To Get Lost, To Be Lost",Type the reading!,Image
閣僚,かくりょう,Cabinet Ministers,Type the reading!,Image
閣議,かくぎ,Cabinet Meeting,Type the reading!,Image
英雄,えいゆう,Hero,Type the reading!,Image
韓国,かんこく,"South Korea, Korea",Type the reading!,Image
日韓,にっかん,"Japan And South Korea, South Korea And Japan, Japan And Korea, Korea
And Japan",Type the reading!,Image
好奇心,こうきしん,Curiosity,Type the reading!,Image
奇数,きすう,Odd Number,Type the reading!,Image
奇妙,きみょう,"Strange, Curious, Odd",Type the reading!,Image
織物,おりもの,"Cloth, Fabric",Type the reading!,Image
怒気,どき,"Anger, Fit Of Anger",Type the reading!,Image
腹が減った,はらがへった,"Hungry, To Be Hungry",Type the reading!,Image
招き猫,まねきねこ,"Shop Window Cat, Beckoning Cat, Maneki Neko",Type the
構える,かまえる,"To Assume A Stance, To Get Ready To Fight",Type the reading!,Image
訪れる,おとずれる,To Visit,Type the reading!,Image
監視,かんし,"Observation, Monitor, Keep Watch Over, Surveillance",Type the
監督,かんとく,"Supervision, Direction, Director",Type the reading!,Image
綺麗,きれい,"Pretty, Beautiful, Clean",Type the reading!,Image
黒板,こくばん,Blackboard,Type the reading!,Image
迷惑メール,"めいわくめーる,めいわくメール","Spam, Junk Mail, Unsolicited Mail",Type the
寄与,きよ,"Contribution, Service",Type the reading!,Image
寄付,きふ,"Contribution, Donation",Type the reading!,Image
居眠り,いねむり,"Nap, Doze, Dozing, Nodding Off, Dozing Off",Type the reading!,Image
怒らせる,おこらせる,"To Anger Someone, To Anger, To Provoke, To Offend Someone",Type
the reading!,Image
寄る,よる,"To Approach, To Visit, To Drop In, To Stop By",Type the reading!,Image
迷い,まよい,"Hesitation, Indecision, Doubt",Type the reading!,Image
捜索,そうさく,"Search, Investigation",Type the reading!,Image
博覧会,はくらんかい,"Exposition, Exhibition, Fair",Type the reading!,Image
魅力,みりょく,"Allure, Charm, Attraction, Appeal",Type the reading!,Image
並べる,ならべる,"To Line Up, To Put In Order",Type the reading!,Image
乏しい,とぼしい,"Scarce, Meager",Type the reading!,Image
欠乏,けつぼう,"Lack, Scarcity, Deficiency",Type the reading!,Image
冷やす,ひやす,"To Chill Something, To Chill",Type the reading!,Image
結婚,けっこん,Marriage,Type the reading!,Image
求婚,きゅうこん,Marriage Proposal,Type the reading!,Image
新婚旅行,しんこんりょこう,Honeymoon,Type the reading!,Image
未婚,みこん,Unmarried,Type the reading!,Image
延ばす,のばす,"To Prolong, To Lengthen, To Extend",Type the reading!,Image
延長,えんちょう,"Prolonging, Extension",Type the reading!,Image
延期する,えんきする,To Postpone,Type the reading!,Image
快い,こころよい,Pleasant,Type the reading!,Image
快感,かいかん,"Pleasure, Pleasant Feeling",Type the reading!,Image
快速,かいそく,"High Speed, Express",Type the reading!,Image
不快,ふかい,"Unpleasant, Uncomfortable",Type the reading!,Image
懐かしい,なつかしい,"Nostalgic, Nostalgia",Type the reading!,Image
押す,おす,To Push,Type the reading!,Image
撮る,とる,"To Take A Picture, To Take A Photograph, To Take A Photo, To Photograph,
To Take Video, To Film",Type the reading!,Image
撮影,さつえい,"Photoshoot, Movie Shoot, Photographing, Filming",Type the
盗撮,とうさつ,"Secret Photography, Secret Filming",Type the reading!,Image
診断する,しんだんする,To Diagnose,Type the reading!,Image
旗,はた,Flag,Type the reading!,Image
国旗,こっき,National Flag,Type the reading!,Image
背景,はいけい,Background,Type the reading!,Image
更に,さらに,"Furthermore, Moreover, Anew, Again",Type the reading!,Image
更生,こうせい,"Rebirth, Resuscitation, Rehabilitation",Type the reading!,Image
更新,こうしん,"Renewal, Update",Type the reading!,Image
変更,へんこう,"Alteration, Change",Type the reading!,Image
枕,まくら,Pillow,Type the reading!,Image
浮く,うく,To Float,Type the reading!,Image
浮世絵,うきよえ,"Ukiyo-e, Ukiyo-e Woodblock Print, Ukiyo-e Painting",Type the
浮気,うわき,"Affair, Infidelity",Type the reading!,Image
渇く,かわく,"To Become Thirsty, To Be Thirsty, To Become Dry",Type the
漏水,ろうすい,Water Leakage,Type the reading!,Image
漏出,ろうしゅつ,"Leak Out, Escape, Leakage",Type the reading!,Image
漏れる,もれる,"To Leak, To Leak Out",Type the reading!,Image
照らす,てらす,To Illuminate,Type the reading!,Image
照れる,てれる,"To Feel Embarrassed, To Be Shy, To Be Embarrassed, To Feel Shy",Type
the reading!,Image
照明,しょうめい,"Illumination, Lighting",Type the reading!,Image
出版,しゅっぱん,Publishing,Type the reading!,Image
版権,はんけん,Copyright,Type the reading!,Image
初版,しょはん,First Edition,Type the reading!,Image
盗む,ぬすむ,To Steal,Type the reading!,Image
強盗,ごうとう,"Burglary, Robbery, Burglar, Robber",Type the reading!,Image
盗作,とうさく,Plagiarism,Type the reading!,Image
盗品,とうひん,"Stolen Goods, Stolen Items",Type the reading!,Image
幼稚園,ようちえん,Kindergarten,Type the reading!,Image
切符,きっぷ,Ticket,Type the reading!,Image
精一杯,せいいっぱい,"With All One's Might, With All Your Might",Type the
精神的,せいしんてき,"Spiritual, Mental, Emotional",Type the reading!,Image
精神病,せいしんびょう,"Mental Illness, Mental Disorder",Type the reading!,Image
〜系,けい,"Tribe, Lineage, Group",Type the reading!,Image
日系,にっけい,"Japanese Descent, Of Japanese Descent",Type the reading!,Image
太陽系,たいようけい,Solar System,Type the reading!,Image
体系的,たいけいてき,Systematic,Type the reading!,Image
絶える,たえる,"To Die Out, To End",Type the reading!,Image
翌日,よくじつ,"The Next Day, Next Day, The Following Day",Type the reading!,Image
翌月,よくげつ,"The Next Month, Next Month, The Following Month",Type the
翌朝,"よくあさ,よくちょう","The Next Morning, Next Morning, The Following
Morning",Type the reading!,Image
翌年,"よくねん,よくとし","The Next Year, Next Year, The Following Year",Type the
背,せ,"Height, Back, Spine",Type the reading!,Image
一覧,いちらん,"A Look, A Glance, List, Table",Type the reading!,Image
ご覧,ごらん,"Look At, See",Type the reading!,Image
観覧,かんらん,"Viewing, Seeing",Type the reading!,Image
貧しい,まずしい,Poor,Type the reading!,Image
貧乏,びんぼう,"Poor, Poverty",Type the reading!,Image
購入,こうにゅう,Purchase,Type the reading!,Image
購買,こうばい,Purchasing,Type the reading!,Image
購読,こうどく,Subscription,Type the reading!,Image
越える,こえる,"To Go Beyond, To Cross Over",Type the reading!,Image
越権,えっけん,"Overstepping Your Authority, Overstep One's Authority, Overstepping
One's Authority",Type the reading!,Image
逆さま,さかさま,Upside Down,Type the reading!,Image
遊ぶ,あそぶ,To Play,Type the reading!,Image
遊園地,ゆうえんち,"Amusement Park, Theme Park",Type the reading!,Image
適当,てきとう,"Appropriate, Proper, Irresponsible",Type the reading!,Image
移住者,いじゅうしゃ,"Emigrant, Immigrant, Migrant",Type the reading!,Image
不適,ふてき,"Unsuitable, Inappropriate",Type the reading!,Image
登録する,とうろくする,To Register,Type the reading!,Image
預ける,あずける,"To Deposit, To Deposit Money",Type the reading!,Image
預金,よきん,"Bank Deposit, Deposit, Bank Account",Type the reading!,Image
飾る,かざる,To Decorate,Type the reading!,Image
服飾,ふくしょく,Attire,Type the reading!,Image
電飾,でんしょく,Decorative Lighting,Type the reading!,Image
騒ぐ,さわぐ,"To Make Noise, To Be Boisterous, To Make A Fuss",Type the
騒音,そうおん,"Noise, Din",Type the reading!,Image
攻撃する,こうげきする,To Attack,Type the reading!,Image
先程,さきほど,A While Ago,Type the reading!,Image
官僚的,かんりょうてき,Bureaucratic,Type the reading!,Image
移る,うつる,"To Be Shifted, To Be Transferred",Type the reading!,Image
主,ぬし,"Master, Head Of Household, Leader",Type the reading!,Image
研修生,けんしゅうせい,Trainee,Type the reading!,Image
背後,はいご,"Background, Behind The Scenes",Type the reading!,Image
快楽,かいらく,"Pleasure, Enjoyment",Type the reading!,Image
快適,かいてき,"Pleasant, Agreeable, Comfortable",Type the reading!,Image
成程,なるほど,"I See, That's Right, Indeed",Type the reading!,Image
押し,おし,"Push, Pressure",Type the reading!,Image
程よく,ほどよく,"Properly, Well",Type the reading!,Image
匂う,におう,"To Be Fragrant, To Smell Good",Type the reading!,Image
濡らす,ぬらす,"To Wet, To Moisten, To Dampen, To Soak",Type the reading!,Image
航空券,こうくうけん,"Airplane Ticket, Plane Ticket",Type the reading!,Image
鼻詰まり,はなづまり,"Stuffy Nose, Blocked Nose",Type the reading!,Image
思い詰める,おもいつめる,"To Brood, To Think Hard, To Worry",Type the reading!,Image
見詰める,みつめる,To Stare At,Type the reading!,Image
雄犬,おすいぬ,Male Dog,Type the reading!,Image
絶やす,たやす,"To Kill Off, To Let Die Out",Type the reading!,Image
緊張する,きんちょうする,"To Stress, To Stress Out, To Be Nervous",Type the
融合,ゆうごう,Fusion,Type the reading!,Image
融資,ゆうし,"Financing, Loan",Type the reading!,Image
離れる,はなれる,"To Separate, To Leave",Type the reading!,Image
離婚,りこん,Divorce,Type the reading!,Image
分離,ぶんり,"Segregation, Separation",Type the reading!,Image
印鑑,いんかん,Seal,Type the reading!,Image
壊れる,こわれる,"To Be Broken, To Get Broken",Type the reading!,Image
壊れ物,こわれもの,"Fragile Thing, Breakables, Fragile Item",Type the reading!,Image
既に,すでに,"Already, Previously",Type the reading!,Image
既存,"きそん,きぞん",Existing,Type the reading!,Image
既決,きけつ,"Decided, Settled",Type the reading!,Image
普通,ふつう,"Normal, Normally",Type the reading!,Image
普段,ふだん,"Usual, Ordinary, Habitual, Always, Everyday",Type the reading!,Image
編む,あむ,To Knit,Type the reading!,Image
編集,へんしゅう,Edit,Type the reading!,Image
編者,へんしゃ,Editor,Type the reading!,Image
外務大臣,がいむだいじん,Minister Of Foreign Affairs,Type the reading!,Image
総理大臣,そうりだいじん,Prime Minister,Type the reading!,Image
華やか,はなやか,"Showy, Gorgeous, Glamorous",Type the reading!,Image
中華,ちゅうか,Chinese,Type the reading!,Image
地下街,ちかがい,"Underground Shopping Mall, Underground Shopping Center, Shopping
Centre",Type the reading!,Image
豪華,ごうか,"Luxurious, Splendid",Type the reading!,Image
鑑定,かんてい,"Appraisal, Expert Opinion, Judgement",Type the reading!,Image
除く,のぞく,"To Exclude, To Remove",Type the reading!,Image
掃除,そうじ,Cleaning,Type the reading!,Image
除外,じょがい,"Exception, Exclusion",Type the reading!,Image
尋ねる,たずねる,"To Inquire, To Ask",Type the reading!,Image
尋問,じんもん,Questioning,Type the reading!,Image
幾ら,いくら,How Much,Type the reading!,Image
幾つ,いくつ,"How Many, How Old",Type the reading!,Image
幾何学,きかがく,Geometry,Type the reading!,Image
廊下,ろうか,"Corridor, Hallway",Type the reading!,Image
画廊,がろう,Picture Gallery,Type the reading!,Image
掃く,はく,To Sweep,Type the reading!,Image
泥,どろ,Mud,Type the reading!,Image
泥水,"でいすい,どろみず",Muddy Water,Type the reading!,Image
棒,ぼう,"Pole, Wooden Pole, Rod",Type the reading!,Image
驚く,おどろく,"To Be Surprised, To Be Shocked",Type the reading!,Image
驚嘆,きょうたん,"Admiration, Wonder",Type the reading!,Image
嘆く,なげく,"To Lament, To Grieve",Type the reading!,Image
嘆息,たんそく,"Sigh, Lament",Type the reading!,Image
感嘆符,かんたんふ,"Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Point",Type the reading!,Image
倉庫,そうこ,"Storehouse, Warehouse",Type the reading!,Image
倉,くら,Warehouse,Type the reading!,Image
子孫,しそん,Descendant,Type the reading!,Image
孫,まご,Grandchild,Type the reading!,Image
巣,す,"Nest, Habitat",Type the reading!,Image
巣立ち,すだち,"Leave The Nest, Become Independent",Type the reading!,Image
ハチの巣,"はちのす,ハチのす",Beehive,Type the reading!,Image
クモの巣,"くものす,クモのす",Spiderweb,Type the reading!,Image
帯,おび,Belt,Type the reading!,Image
地帯,ちたい,"Zone, District",Type the reading!,Image
直径,ちょっけい,Diameter,Type the reading!,Image
半径,はんけい,Radius,Type the reading!,Image
経路,けいろ,"Route, Course",Type the reading!,Image
救急車,きゅうきゅうしゃ,Ambulance,Type the reading!,Image
救う,すくう,To Rescue,Type the reading!,Image
散る,ちる,"To Be Scattered, To Get Scattered, To Scatter",Type the reading!,Image
散歩,さんぽ,"A Stroll, A Walk, Stroll, Walk",Type the reading!,Image
解散,かいさん,"Breakup, Dissolution",Type the reading!,Image
粉,"こな,こ","Powder, Flour",Type the reading!,Image
花粉症,かふんしょう,Hay Fever,Type the reading!,Image
粉状,ふんじょう,Powdered,Type the reading!,Image
人脈,じんみゃく,"Personal Connections, Network",Type the reading!,Image
山脈,さんみゃく,Mountain Range,Type the reading!,Image
血脈,けつみゃく,"Blood Vessel, Blood Relationship",Type the reading!,Image
野菜,やさい,Vegetable,Type the reading!,Image
菜食,さいしょく,"Vegetarianism, Vegetarian Diet",Type the reading!,Image
貨物,かもつ,"Freight, Cargo",Type the reading!,Image
通貨,つうか,Currency,Type the reading!,Image
大陸,たいりく,Continent,Type the reading!,Image
陸軍,りくぐん,"Land Army, Army",Type the reading!,Image
似る,にる,To Resemble,Type the reading!,Image
真似,まね,"Impersonation, Mimicry, Imitation",Type the reading!,Image
平均,へいきん,"Average, Mean",Type the reading!,Image
均等,きんとう,"Equality, Uniformity, Evenness",Type the reading!,Image
均整,きんせい,"Symmetry, Balance",Type the reading!,Image
墓,はか,Grave,Type the reading!,Image
墓地,ぼち,"Graveyard, Cemetery",Type the reading!,Image
富士山,ふじさん,"Mt Fuji, Mount Fuji",Type the reading!,Image
富む,とむ,"To Be Rich, To Be Wealthy",Type the reading!,Image
富,とみ,"Wealth, Riches",Type the reading!,Image
富裕,ふゆう,"Wealthy, Affluent",Type the reading!,Image
道徳,どうとく,"Morals, Morality",Type the reading!,Image
徳川,とくがわ,"Tokugawa, Tokugawa Shogun",Type the reading!,Image
徳島県,とくしまけん,Tokushima Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
探す,さがす,"To Look For, To Search For",Type the reading!,Image
探究,たんきゅう,"Research, Academic Inquiry",Type the reading!,Image
探偵,たんてい,"Private Detective, Private Investigator, Detective, Sleuth,
Investigator",Type the reading!,Image
内偵,ないてい,"Scouting, Reconnaissance, Secret Investigation",Type the
怖がる,こわがる,"To Be Scared, To Be Afraid Of, To Fear",Type the reading!,Image
恐れる,おそれる,"To Fear, To Dread",Type the reading!,Image
迷わす,まよわす,"To Lead Astray, To Perplex",Type the reading!,Image
積む,つむ,"To Pile Things Up, To Accumulate",Type the reading!,Image
主催する,しゅさいする,"To Sponsor, To Promote",Type the reading!,Image
催促する,さいそくする,"To Urge, To Press For, To Demand",Type the reading!,Image
幾度,"いくど,いくたび","How Many Times, How Often",Type the reading!,Image
恐い,こわい,"Scary, Frightening, Eerie, Dreadful, I'm Afraid, I'm Scared",Type the
恐らく,おそらく,"Probably, Perhaps, Likely, I Dare Say, Maybe, As Likely As Not",Type
the reading!,Image
恐れ,おそれ,"Fear, Horror, Anxiety, Concern, Uneasiness, Dread",Type the
用心棒,ようじんぼう,"Bodyguard, Bouncer, Guard",Type the reading!,Image
華道,かどう,Flower Arrangement,Type the reading!,Image
華美,かび,"Gaudy, Pomp, Splendor, Splendour",Type the reading!,Image
久しい,ひさしい,"Long Ago, For a Long TIme",Type the reading!,Image
白旗,"しらはた,はっき,しろはた",White Flag,Type the reading!,Image
結婚式,けっこんしき,"Marriage Ceremony, Wedding",Type the reading!,Image
押しボタン,"おしぼたん,おしボタン",Push Button,Type the reading!,Image
押入れ,おしいれ,"Closet, Cupboard",Type the reading!,Image
出版する,しゅっぱんする,To Publish,Type the reading!,Image
出版社,しゅっぱんしゃ,"Publishing Company, Publisher",Type the reading!,Image
貧乏人,びんぼうにん,Poor Person,Type the reading!,Image
冷える,ひえる,"To Be Chilled, To Get Cold",Type the reading!,Image
結婚する,けっこんする,"To Marry, To Get Married",Type the reading!,Image
撮影禁止,さつえいきんし,"No Photos, No Photos Allowed",Type the reading!,Image
照り焼き,てりやき,Teriyaki,Type the reading!,Image
背中,せなか,"One's Back, Back",Type the reading!,Image
購読する,こうどくする,To Subscribe,Type the reading!,Image
迎える,むかえる,"To Pick Someone Up, To Meet Someone, To Welcome, To Invite",Type the
大騒ぎ,おおさわぎ,"Clamor, Uproar, Big Noise",Type the reading!,Image
序文,じょぶん,Preface,Type the reading!,Image
順序,じゅんじょ,"Sequence, Order, Steps",Type the reading!,Image
志,こころざし,"Intention, Ambition",Type the reading!,Image
意志,いし,"Will, Volition",Type the reading!,Image
志望,しぼう,"Desire, Ambition",Type the reading!,Image
恩人,おんじん,Benefactor,Type the reading!,Image
恩賞,おんしょう,"Reward, A Reward",Type the reading!,Image
採る,とる,To Gather,Type the reading!,Image
採用,さいよう,"Use, Adoption, Acceptance",Type the reading!,Image
採決,さいけつ,Voting,Type the reading!,Image
採算,さいさん,Profit,Type the reading!,Image
桜,さくら,"Sakura, Cherry Tree, Cherry Blossom",Type the reading!,Image
桜んぼ,さくらんぼ,Cherry,Type the reading!,Image
桜肉,さくらにく,Horse Meat,Type the reading!,Image
桜色,さくらいろ,"Pink, Pink Color, Color Pink",Type the reading!,Image
永遠,えいえん,"Forever, Eternity, Permanence",Type the reading!,Image
永久,えいきゅう,"Forever, Eternity",Type the reading!,Image
液体,えきたい,Liquid,Type the reading!,Image
血液,けつえき,Blood,Type the reading!,Image
眼,"め,まなこ","Eye, Eyeball",Type the reading!,Image
眼球,がんきゅう,Eyeball,Type the reading!,Image
老眼,ろうがん,Farsightedness,Type the reading!,Image
先祖,せんぞ,"Ancestors, One's Ancestors",Type the reading!,Image
祖父,そふ,"Grandfather, Grandpa",Type the reading!,Image
祖母,そぼ,"Grandmother, Grandma",Type the reading!,Image
功績,こうせき,"Achievement, Accomplishment",Type the reading!,Image
成績,せいせき,"Grades, Ranking",Type the reading!,Image
興味,きょうみ,Interest,Type the reading!,Image
自衛,じえい,Self Defense,Type the reading!,Image
衛生,えいせい,Hygiene,Type the reading!,Image
複雑,ふくざつ,"Complicated, Complex",Type the reading!,Image
衛星,えいせい,Satellite,Type the reading!,Image
複数,ふくすう,"Multiple, Plural",Type the reading!,Image
複写,ふくしゃ,"Copying, Duplication, Copy, Duplicate",Type the reading!,Image
雑音,ざつおん,"Noise, Static",Type the reading!,Image
雑費,ざっぴ,Miscellaneous Expenses,Type the reading!,Image
酸っぱい,すっぱい,Sour,Type the reading!,Image
賛成,さんせい,"Agreement, Approval, Support",Type the reading!,Image
酸素,さんそ,Oxygen,Type the reading!,Image
銭,ぜに,Coin,Type the reading!,Image
銭湯,せんとう,Public Bath,Type the reading!,Image
飼う,かう,"To Keep A Pet, To Raise A Pet, To Own A Pet",Type the reading!,Image
傷,きず,"Wound, Damage",Type the reading!,Image
傷める,いためる,To Damage,Type the reading!,Image
傷心,しょうしん,Heartbreak,Type the reading!,Image
傷者,しょうしゃ,"Injured Person, Wounded Person",Type the reading!,Image
自民党,じみんとう,"Liberal Democratic Party, LDP",Type the reading!,Image
共産党,きょうさんとう,Communist Party,Type the reading!,Image
政党,せいとう,Political Party,Type the reading!,Image
党員,とういん,Party Member,Type the reading!,Image
社会党,しゃかいとう,Socialist Party,Type the reading!,Image
卵,たまご,Egg,Type the reading!,Image
生卵,なまたまご,Raw Egg,Type the reading!,Image
ゆで卵,ゆでたまご,Boiled Egg,Type the reading!,Image
厳しい,きびしい,"Strict, Harsh, Severe",Type the reading!,Image
厳禁,げんきん,"Strictly Forbidden, Strictly Prohibited, Strict Prohibition, Ban",Type
the reading!,Image
捨てる,すてる,"To Throw Away, To Abandon",Type the reading!,Image
込む,こむ,To Be Crowded,Type the reading!,Image
密か,ひそか,"Secret, Private",Type the reading!,Image
密会,みっかい,"Secret Meeting, Clandestine Meeting",Type the reading!,Image
密告,みっこく,Secret Information,Type the reading!,Image
秘密,ひみつ,"Secret, A Secret",Type the reading!,Image
密輸,みつゆ,Smuggling,Type the reading!,Image
染める,そめる,To Dye,Type the reading!,Image
感染,かんせん,"Infection, Contagion",Type the reading!,Image
伝染病,でんせんびょう,Contagious Disease,Type the reading!,Image
汚れる,よごれる,"To Get Dirty, To Get Polluted, To Become Dirty",Type the
汚染,おせん,Pollution,Type the reading!,Image
汚水,おすい,"Dirty Water, Filthy Water, Sewage",Type the reading!,Image
汚点,おてん,"Stain, Smudge",Type the reading!,Image
欲しい,ほしい,"Wanted, To Want, Desired",Type the reading!,Image
欲求,よっきゅう,"Wants, Desires, Personal Needs",Type the reading!,Image
肉欲,にくよく,Carnal Desires,Type the reading!,Image
食欲,しょくよく,Appetite,Type the reading!,Image
暖かい,"あたたかい,あったかい","Warm, Mild",Type the reading!,Image
温暖,おんだん,"Warm, Mild, Warmth",Type the reading!,Image
机,つくえ,Desk,Type the reading!,Image
秘める,ひめる,"To Conceal, To Keep Secret",Type the reading!,Image
便秘,べんぴ,Constipation,Type the reading!,Image
訳,わけ,Reason,Type the reading!,Image
訳す,やくす,To Translate,Type the reading!,Image
訳者,やくしゃ,Translator,Type the reading!,Image
訳語,やくご,Translated Term,Type the reading!,Image
通訳,つうやく,"Interpreting, Interpretation",Type the reading!,Image
英訳,えいやく,English Translation,Type the reading!,Image
和訳,わやく,Japanese Translation,Type the reading!,Image
延長する,えんちょうする,"To Prolong, To Extend",Type the reading!,Image
今更,いまさら,"Too Late, Now",Type the reading!,Image
漏らす,もらす,"To Leak Something, To Leak",Type the reading!,Image
越す,こす,To Go Beyond,Type the reading!,Image
浮かれる,うかれる,"To Be Happy, To Be In High Spirits, To Be Elated",Type the
背丈,せたけ,"Stature, Height",Type the reading!,Image
火傷,"やけど,かしょう","Burn, Scald",Type the reading!,Image
意欲,いよく,"Will, Desire, Ambition",Type the reading!,Image
背が高い,せがたかい,Tall,Type the reading!,Image
飾り,かざり,"Decoration, Ornament",Type the reading!,Image
飾り気,かざりけ,"Showing Off, Affectation",Type the reading!,Image
遊び,あそび,"Play, Playing, Games",Type the reading!,Image
火照る,ほてる,"To Feel Hot, To Flush, To Burn",Type the reading!,Image
背広,せびろ,Business Suit,Type the reading!,Image
匂い,におい,"Scent, Fragrance, Odor, Smell",Type the reading!,Image
濡れる,ぬれる,"To Get Wet, To Be Wet",Type the reading!,Image
簡易,かんい,"Simple, Easy",Type the reading!,Image
編集する,へんしゅうする,To Edit,Type the reading!,Image
掃除機,そうじき,Vacuum Cleaner,Type the reading!,Image
散歩する,さんぽする,"To Go For A Walk, To Go For A Stroll, To Take A Walk, To Take A
Stroll",Type the reading!,Image
華々しい,はなばなしい,"Gorgeous, Flamboyant, Brilliant, Remarkable",Type the
除いて,のぞいて,Except,Type the reading!,Image
物真似,ものまね,Impersonation,Type the reading!,Image
墓場,はかば,"Graveyard, Cemetery",Type the reading!,Image
閉める,しめる,"To Close, To Shut",Type the reading!,Image
閉店,へいてん,"Store Closed, Closed Store",Type the reading!,Image
開閉,かいへい,"Opening And Closing, Opening And Shutting",Type the reading!,Image
雑誌,ざっし,Magazine,Type the reading!,Image
窓口,まどぐち,"Ticket Window, Ticket Counter, Clerk, Customer Service",Type the
窓,まど,Window,Type the reading!,Image
否,"いな,いいえ,いえ,いや",No,Type the reading!,Image
否定,ひてい,"Denial, Negation",Type the reading!,Image
否決,ひけつ,Rejection,Type the reading!,Image
筋,すじ,"Tendon, Sinew",Type the reading!,Image
筋肉,きんにく,Muscle,Type the reading!,Image
垂らす,たらす,"To Dangle Something, To Dangle",Type the reading!,Image
垂直,すいちょく,"Vertical, Perpendicular",Type the reading!,Image
宣伝,せんでん,"Propaganda, Advertising",Type the reading!,Image
宣言,せんげん,"Proclamation, Declaration",Type the reading!,Image
尊い,"とうとい,たっとい","Revered, Noble, Precious",Type the reading!,Image
尊敬,そんけい,Respect,Type the reading!,Image
忠実,ちゅうじつ,"Faithful, Devoted, Loyal",Type the reading!,Image
忠告,ちゅうこく,"Advice, Admonishment",Type the reading!,Image
拡がる,ひろがる,"To Extend, To Spread",Type the reading!,Image
拡張,かくちょう,"Enlargement, Expansion, Extension",Type the reading!,Image
拡大,かくだい,"Zoom, Magnification, Enlargement, Expansion",Type the reading!,Image
操る,あやつる,To Manipulate,Type the reading!,Image
操,みさお,Chastity,Type the reading!,Image
操作,そうさ,"Operation, Handling",Type the reading!,Image
体操,たいそう,"Calisthenics, Gymnastics",Type the reading!,Image
敬語,けいご,"Honorific, Term Of Respect, Keigo",Type the reading!,Image
暮らす,くらす,"To Live, To Live One's Life",Type the reading!,Image
野暮,やぼ,"Unrefined, Rustic, Stupid",Type the reading!,Image
灰,はい,"Ash, Ashes",Type the reading!,Image
灰色,はいいろ,"Gray, Gray Color",Type the reading!,Image
灰皿,はいざら,Ashtray,Type the reading!,Image
熟れる,うれる,To Ripen,Type the reading!,Image
熟語,じゅくご,"Compound Word, Compound Kanji, Jukugo",Type the reading!,Image
未熟,みじゅく,"Not Yet Good At, Not Good At",Type the reading!,Image
成熟,せいじゅく,"Ripen, Mature, Ripeness, Maturity",Type the reading!,Image
異なる,ことなる,To Differ,Type the reading!,Image
異状,いじょう,"Abnormality, Something Wrong",Type the reading!,Image
異性,いせい,"Opposite Sex, Opposite Gender",Type the reading!,Image
異義,いぎ,Different Meaning,Type the reading!,Image
天皇,てんのう,"Emperor Of Japan, Emperor",Type the reading!,Image
皇太子,こうたいし,Crown Prince,Type the reading!,Image
皇族,こうぞく,"Imperial Family, Member Of The Imperial Family",Type the
皇室,こうしつ,"Imperial Palace, Imperial Household",Type the reading!,Image
盛る,もる,"To Heap Up, To Serve Food",Type the reading!,Image
砂,すな,"Sand, Grit",Type the reading!,Image
砂糖,さとう,Sugar,Type the reading!,Image
砂漠,さばく,Desert,Type the reading!,Image
漠然,ばくぜん,Vague,Type the reading!,Image
果糖,かとう,Fructose,Type the reading!,Image
無糖,むとう,"Sugar Free, Unsweetened",Type the reading!,Image
納める,おさめる,"To Supply, To Deliver, To Pay",Type the reading!,Image
収納,しゅうのう,Storage,Type the reading!,Image
納入,のうにゅう,"Payment, Supply, Delivery",Type the reading!,Image
肺,はい,Lung,Type the reading!,Image
肺がん,はいがん,Lung Cancer,Type the reading!,Image
肺病,はいびょう,Lung Disease,Type the reading!,Image
著しい,いちじるしい,"Remarkable, Marked",Type the reading!,Image
著者,ちょしゃ,Author,Type the reading!,Image
著作,ちょさく,"Writing, Authorship",Type the reading!,Image
蒸れる,むれる,To Be Humid,Type the reading!,Image
蒸気,じょうき,"Steam, Vapor",Type the reading!,Image
蔵,くら,Storehouse,Type the reading!,Image
冷蔵庫,れいぞうこ,"Refrigerator, Fridge",Type the reading!,Image
地蔵,じぞう,"Jizo, Jizou",Type the reading!,Image
装い,よそおい,"Attire, Dress, Garb",Type the reading!,Image
装置,そうち,"Equipment, Device, Apparatus",Type the reading!,Image
変装,へんそう,Disguise,Type the reading!,Image
服装,ふくそう,"Attire, Dress",Type the reading!,Image
裏口,うらぐち,"Back Door, Rear Entrance",Type the reading!,Image
裏切る,うらぎる,"To Backstab, To Betray",Type the reading!,Image
裏切り,うらぎり,"Backstab, Betrayal",Type the reading!,Image
裏通り,うらどおり,"Alley, Back Street",Type the reading!,Image
裏,うら,"Backside, Reverse, Other Side",Type the reading!,Image
諸君,しょくん,"Gentlemen, My Friends, Ladies And Gentlemen",Type the reading!,Image
諸〜,しょ,Various,Type the reading!,Image
家賃,やちん,"House Rent, Rent",Type the reading!,Image
賃貸,ちんたい,Rental,Type the reading!,Image
貨物船,かもつせん,"Freighter, Freight Ship",Type the reading!,Image
小麦粉,こむぎこ,"Wheat Flour, Flour",Type the reading!,Image
泥棒,どろぼう,"Robber, Burglar",Type the reading!,Image
似合う,にあう,"To Suit, To Match",Type the reading!,Image
驚かす,おどろかす,"To Surprise, To Shock, To Astonish",Type the reading!,Image
掃除する,そうじする,To Clean,Type the reading!,Image
乾かす,かわかす,"To Dry Something, To Dry",Type the reading!,Image
散らかす,ちらかす,To Scatter,Type the reading!,Image
離す,はなす,"To Separate, To Keep Apart",Type the reading!,Image
簡単,かんたん,"Simple, Easy, Simply",Type the reading!,Image
編集者,へんしゅうしゃ,Editor,Type the reading!,Image
散らし,ちらし,"Leaflet, Handbill, Flyer, Scattering",Type the reading!,Image
武装,ぶそう,"Arms, Armament, Armed",Type the reading!,Image
異常,いじょう,"Abnormal, Strange, Disorder",Type the reading!,Image
噂,うわさ,"Rumor, Gossip",Type the reading!,Image
久しぶり,ひさしぶり,"Long Time No See, It's Been A While",Type the reading!,Image
複数形,ふくすうけい,Plural,Type the reading!,Image
心臓,しんぞう,Heart,Type the reading!,Image
肺臓,はいぞう,Lung,Type the reading!,Image
内臓,ないぞう,Internal Organ,Type the reading!,Image
引っ越す,ひっこす,"To Move, To Move Homes",Type the reading!,Image
追い越す,おいこす,To Overtake,Type the reading!,Image
祖父母,そふぼ,Grandparents,Type the reading!,Image
飼い主,かいぬし,Pet Owner,Type the reading!,Image
傷つく,きずつく,To Get Hurt,Type the reading!,Image
傷つける,きずつける,"To Hurt Someone, To Injure, To Wound, To Scratch, To Damage",Type
the reading!,Image
使い捨て,つかいすて,Disposable,Type the reading!,Image
投げ捨てる,なげすてる,To Throw Away,Type the reading!,Image
込める,こめる,"To Put In, To Load",Type the reading!,Image
申し込む,もうしこむ,"To Apply, To Submit An Application",Type the reading!,Image
飛び込み自殺,とびこみじさつ,Suicide By Train,Type the reading!,Image
書き込む,かきこむ,"To Fill Out, To Write In",Type the reading!,Image
人込み,ひとごみ,"Crowd Of People, Crowded, Crowded With People",Type the
染み,しみ,"Stain, A Stain",Type the reading!,Image
染まる,そまる,To Be Dyed,Type the reading!,Image
汚す,よごす,"To Make Dirty, To Make Something Dirty",Type the reading!,Image
言い訳,いいわけ,"Excuse, Explanation",Type the reading!,Image
詰め込む,つめこむ,"To Stuff, To Cram",Type the reading!,Image
歓迎,かんげい,"A Welcome, Welcome",Type the reading!,Image
血液型,けつえきがた,"Blood Type, Blood Group",Type the reading!,Image
興味がない,きょうみがない,"No Interest, Not Interested",Type the reading!,Image
賛成する,さんせいする,"To Agree, To Support",Type the reading!,Image
誤解,ごかい,Misunderstanding,Type the reading!,Image
誤字,ごじ,Typo,Type the reading!,Image
誤用,ごよう,Misuse,Type the reading!,Image
誤算,ごさん,Miscalculation,Type the reading!,Image
貴い,"とうとい,たっとい","Valuable, Sacred",Type the reading!,Image
兄貴,あにき,"Older Brother, Big Brother, Elder Brother, One's Senior",Type the
貴様,きさま,You,Type the reading!,Image
貴族,きぞく,"The Nobility, A Noble",Type the reading!,Image
降る,ふる,"To Fall, To Come Down",Type the reading!,Image
降参,こうさん,Surrender,Type the reading!,Image
降車,こうしゃ,"Getting Off, Alighting, Disembarking",Type the reading!,Image
牛丼,ぎゅうどん,"Beef Bowl, Beef Rice Bowl",Type the reading!,Image
丼,どんぶり,Rice Bowl,Type the reading!,Image
吐く,はく,"To Puke, To Throw Up, To Barf, To Vomit",Type the reading!,Image
奴,やつ,"Dude, Guy",Type the reading!,Image
奴隷,どれい,Slave,Type the reading!,Image
芋,いも,Potato,Type the reading!,Image
焼き芋,やきいも,"Roast Potato, Baked Potato",Type the reading!,Image
じゃが芋,じゃがいも,"White Potato, Irish Potato",Type the reading!,Image
縮まる,"ちぢまる,ちじまる","To Shrink, To Contract",Type the reading!,Image
縮小,しゅくしょう,"Reduction, Cut",Type the reading!,Image
単純,たんじゅん,Simple,Type the reading!,Image
不純,ふじゅん,Impure,Type the reading!,Image
純毛,じゅんもう,All Wool,Type the reading!,Image
縦,たて,Vertical,Type the reading!,Image
縦書,たてがき,"Vertical Writing, Vertical Style Writing",Type the reading!,Image
縦横,"たてよこ,じゅうおう","Length And Width, Vertical And Horizontal",Type the
純粋,じゅんすい,"Pure, Genuine",Type the reading!,Image
粋,いき,Stylish,Type the reading!,Image
神聖,しんせい,"Holiness, Holy",Type the reading!,Image
聖書,せいしょ,Bible,Type the reading!,Image
聖日,せいじつ,Holy Day,Type the reading!,Image
聖地,せいち,"Holy Land, Holy Ground",Type the reading!,Image
磁気,じき,Magnetism,Type the reading!,Image
磁石,じしゃく,"Magnet, A Magnet",Type the reading!,Image
磁場,じば,Magnetic Field,Type the reading!,Image
紅,"くれない,べに","Deep Red, Dark Red, Crimson, Rouge, Lipstick",Type the
紅茶,こうちゃ,Black Tea,Type the reading!,Image
注射,ちゅうしゃ,"Shot, Injection",Type the reading!,Image
反射,はんしゃ,Reflection,Type the reading!,Image
発射する,はっしゃする,"To Launch, To Fire",Type the reading!,Image
放射,ほうしゃ,Radiation,Type the reading!,Image
幕,まく,Curtain,Type the reading!,Image
字幕,じまく,Subtitles,Type the reading!,Image
黒幕,くろまく,"Wirepuller, Mastermind, Black Curtain, Dick Cheney",Type the
拝む,おがむ,"To Worship, To Pray To, To See",Type the reading!,Image
拝見する,はいけんする,"To Have A Look At, To See",Type the reading!,Image
推定,すいてい,"Estimate, Estimation, Assumption",Type the reading!,Image
推理,すいり,"Reasoning, Inference",Type the reading!,Image
推薦,すいせん,Recommendation,Type the reading!,Image
自薦,じせん,Self Recommendation,Type the reading!,Image
薦める,すすめる,To Recommend,Type the reading!,Image
発揮する,はっきする,"To Exhibit, To Demonstrate",Type the reading!,Image
指揮,しき,"Command, Lead",Type the reading!,Image
沿岸,えんがん,"Coast, Shore",Type the reading!,Image
沿海,えんかい,"Coastal Waters, Coast",Type the reading!,Image
沿線,えんせん,Along The Train Line,Type the reading!,Image
沿う,そう,"To Run Alongside, To Run Parallel To",Type the reading!,Image
源,みなもと,"Origin, Source, Ground Spring",Type the reading!,Image
源氏,げんじ,Genji,Type the reading!,Image
電源,でんげん,"Power Source, Light Socket, Outlet, Socket",Type the reading!,Image
震源地,しんげんち,"Epicenter, Epicentre",Type the reading!,Image
勤める,つとめる,"To Be Employed At, To Work For",Type the reading!,Image
通勤,つうきん,"Commute, Commuting",Type the reading!,Image
常勤,じょうきん,"Full Time Employment, Full Time",Type the reading!,Image
承る,うけたまわる,"To Hear, To Understand, To Listen To, To Be Informed, To
Consent",Type the reading!,Image
承知,しょうち,"Consent, Know",Type the reading!,Image
承認,しょうにん,Approval,Type the reading!,Image
歓楽街,かんらくがい,Pleasure Quarter,Type the reading!,Image
損なう,そこなう,"To Harm, To Injure",Type the reading!,Image
損,そん,"Disadvantage, Handicap, Loss",Type the reading!,Image
損害,そんがい,"Damage, Injury",Type the reading!,Image
大損,おおぞん,"Heavy Loss, Big Loss",Type the reading!,Image
全損,ぜんそん,Total Loss,Type the reading!,Image
枝,えだ,Branch,Type the reading!,Image
豆,まめ,Beans,Type the reading!,Image
小豆,あずき,"Azuki Beans, Adzuki Beans",Type the reading!,Image
納豆,なっとう,"Natto, Fermented Soybeans",Type the reading!,Image
腐る,くさる,To Rot,Type the reading!,Image
腐食,ふしょく,Corrosion,Type the reading!,Image
腐敗,ふはい,"Decomposition, Decay",Type the reading!,Image
爪,つめ,"Claw, Nail, Talon, Hoof",Type the reading!,Image
爪切り,つめきり,Nail Clipper,Type the reading!,Image
刻む,きざむ,"To Carve, To Cut Up",Type the reading!,Image
時刻表,じこくひょう,"Timetable, Schedule",Type the reading!,Image
深刻,しんこく,"Serious, Grave",Type the reading!,Image
眼鏡,"めがね,がんきょう","Glasses, Eyeglasses",Type the reading!,Image
幕府,ばくふ,"Bakufu, Shogunate",Type the reading!,Image
貴重,きちょう,"Precious, Valuable",Type the reading!,Image
迎え,むかえ,"Meeting, Welcome, Greeting, Reception",Type the reading!,Image
傷む,いたむ,"To Be Damaged, To Go Bad, To Spoil",Type the reading!,Image
以降,いこう,"Hereafter, After, Since",Type the reading!,Image
痩せる,やせる,"To Get Thin, To Lose Weight",Type the reading!,Image
痩身,そうしん,"Lean, Slim, Slimming",Type the reading!,Image
喋る,しゃべる,"To Chat, To Talk",Type the reading!,Image
閉じる,とじる,"To Shut, To Close",Type the reading!,Image
一筋,ひとすじ,"Single Mindedly, Intently, Earnestly, A Line",Type the reading!,Image
垂れる,たれる,"To Dangle, To Drip",Type the reading!,Image
宣言する,せんげんする,To Proclaim,Type the reading!,Image
盛り上げる,もりあげる,"To Heap Up, To Pile Up, To Liven Up, To Stir Up",Type the
裏切り者,うらぎりもの,Traitor,Type the reading!,Image
諸々,もろもろ,"Various, All Kinds Of",Type the reading!,Image
三つ編み,みつあみ,"Braided Hair, Hair Braid, Plaited Hair, Plait",Type the
閉まる,しまる,"To Be Shut, To Be Closed",Type the reading!,Image
納まる,おさまる,"To Be Satisfied, To Be Settled, To Be Paid, To Be Supplied, To Be
Delivered",Type the reading!,Image
納得,なっとく,"Consent, Understanding",Type the reading!,Image
否定形,ひていけい,"Negative Form, Negative Sentence, Negative, Negative Tense",Type
the reading!,Image
否定する,ひていする,To Deny,Type the reading!,Image
尊敬する,そんけいする,To Respect,Type the reading!,Image
尊敬語,そんけいご,"Honorific Japanese, Honorific Language, Formal Japanese, Formal
Language",Type the reading!,Image
暮らし,くらし,"Life, Living, Daily Living",Type the reading!,Image
同音異義語,どうおんいぎご,Homonym,Type the reading!,Image
著作権,ちょさくけん,Copyright,Type the reading!,Image
蒸し暑い,むしあつい,"Humid, Hot And Humid",Type the reading!,Image
蒸し返す,むしかえす,"To Rehash, To Bring Up Again, To Drag Up, To Reheat",Type the
装う,よそおう,"To Feign, To Wear, To Pretend",Type the reading!,Image
遅れる,おくれる,To Be Late,Type the reading!,Image
遅刻,ちこく,"Be Late, Be Tardy, Late, Tardy",Type the reading!,Image
遅延,ちえん,Delay,Type the reading!,Image
彫刻,ちょうこく,Sculpture,Type the reading!,Image
測る,はかる,"To Measure, To Measure Scientifically",Type the reading!,Image
推測,すいそく,"Conjecture, Speculation",Type the reading!,Image
予測,よそく,Prediction,Type the reading!,Image
観測,かんそく,Observation,Type the reading!,Image
破る,やぶる,"To Tear, To Rip, To Break",Type the reading!,Image
破壊,はかい,"Destruction, Demolition",Type the reading!,Image
破船,はせん,Shipwreck,Type the reading!,Image
破産,はさん,Bankruptcy,Type the reading!,Image
田舎,いなか,"Countryside, Rural",Type the reading!,Image
兵舎,へいしゃ,Barracks,Type the reading!,Image
庁舎,ちょうしゃ,Government Office Building,Type the reading!,Image
講演,こうえん,"Lecture, Address",Type the reading!,Image
講師,こうし,"Lecturer, Instructor",Type the reading!,Image
講義,こうぎ,Lecture,Type the reading!,Image
滞る,とどこおる,To Be Overdue,Type the reading!,Image
遅滞,ちたい,Delay,Type the reading!,Image
紹介,しょうかい,Introduction,Type the reading!,Image
介入,かいにゅう,Intervention,Type the reading!,Image
己,おのれ,"Oneself, Myself, I",Type the reading!,Image
自己,じこ,"Self, Oneself",Type the reading!,Image
厄介,やっかい,"Troublesome, Burdensome, Hard To Deal With, Trouble, Burden,
Nuisance",Type the reading!,Image
亀,かめ,Turtle,Type the reading!,Image
海亀,うみがめ,Sea Turtle,Type the reading!,Image
互い,たがい,"Mutual, Each Other, Reciprocal, Together",Type the reading!,Image
相互,そうご,"Mutual, Reciprocal",Type the reading!,Image
交互,こうご,Alternately,Type the reading!,Image
真剣,しんけん,Serious,Type the reading!,Image
剣道,けんどう,"Kendo, Japanese Fencing, Way Of The Sword",Type the reading!,Image
寿司,すし,Sushi,Type the reading!,Image
寿命,じゅみょう,Lifespan,Type the reading!,Image
長寿,ちょうじゅ,"Long Life, Longevity",Type the reading!,Image
喜寿,きじゅ,Seventy Seventh Birthday,Type the reading!,Image
福寿,ふくじゅ,Happiness And Longevity,Type the reading!,Image
彼,かれ,He,Type the reading!,Image
彼氏,かれし,Boyfriend,Type the reading!,Image
彼ら,かれら,They,Type the reading!,Image
恥ずかしい,はずかしい,"Embarrassing, Embarrassed, Ashamed",Type the reading!,Image
恥,はじ,"Shame, Embarrassment, Disgrace",Type the reading!,Image
杉,すぎ,Cedar,Type the reading!,Image
果汁,かじゅう,Fruit Juice,Type the reading!,Image
汁,しる,"Soup, Juice",Type the reading!,Image
味噌,みそ,Miso,Type the reading!,Image
炎,ほのお,"Flame, Blaze",Type the reading!,Image
炎症,えんしょう,Inflammation,Type the reading!,Image
為に,ために,"For, For The Sake Of, To, Sake Of",Type the reading!,Image
行為,こうい,Deed,Type the reading!,Image
有意,ゆうい,Significance,Type the reading!,Image
熊,くま,Bear,Type the reading!,Image
熊本県,くまもとけん,Kumamoto Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
地獄,じごく,Hell,Type the reading!,Image
獄内,ごくない,In Prison,Type the reading!,Image
入獄,にゅうごく,Imprisonment,Type the reading!,Image
出獄,しゅつごく,Release From Prison,Type the reading!,Image
脱獄,だつごく,"Jailbreak, Escape From Prison",Type the reading!,Image
酔う,よう,"To Be Drunk, To Be Seasick, To Be Carsick",Type the reading!,Image
泥酔,でいすい,"Dead Drunk, Completely Drunk",Type the reading!,Image
酢,す,Vinegar,Type the reading!,Image
酢の物,すのもの,"Vinegared Food, Pickled Food",Type the reading!,Image
鍋,なべ,"Pot, Hotpot",Type the reading!,Image
湖,みずうみ,Lake,Type the reading!,Image
山中湖,やまなかこ,"Lake Yamanaka, Yamanaka Lake",Type the reading!,Image
青銅,せいどう,Bronze,Type the reading!,Image
銅山,どうざん,Copper Mine,Type the reading!,Image
銅像,どうぞう,"Copper Statue, Bronze Statue",Type the reading!,Image
払う,はらう,To Pay,Type the reading!,Image
油,あぶら,Oil,Type the reading!,Image
油断,ゆだん,"Inattentiveness, Let Your Guard Down",Type the reading!,Image
油田,ゆでん,Oil Field,Type the reading!,Image
原油,げんゆ,Crude Oil,Type the reading!,Image
給油,きゅうゆ,Fueling,Type the reading!,Image
醤油,しょうゆ,"Shoyu, Soy Sauce, Shouyu",Type the reading!,Image
剣,けん,"Sword, Sabre, Blade, Double Edged Sword",Type the reading!,Image
暮れる,くれる,"To Get Dark, To End, To Close, To Run Out, To Be Lost",Type the
白熊,しろくま,Polar Bear,Type the reading!,Image
石油,せきゆ,"Oil, Petroleum, Kerosene",Type the reading!,Image
鮭,"さけ,しゃけ",Salmon,Type the reading!,Image
うなぎ丼,"うなぎどんぶり,うなぎどん","Eel Bowl, Eel Rice Bowl",Type the reading!,Image
降りる,おりる,To Get Off,Type the reading!,Image
親子丼,"おやこどんぶり,おやこどん","Parent And Child Bowl, Parent And Child Rice Bowl,
Chicken And Egg Rice Bowl, Chicken And Egg On Rice",Type the reading!,Image
吐き気,はきけ,Nausea,Type the reading!,Image
吐き出す,はきだす,"To Spit Out, To Disgorge, To Spew Out",Type the reading!,Image
奴ら,やつら,"Those Dudes, Those Guys",Type the reading!,Image
口紅,くちべに,Lipstick,Type the reading!,Image
薦め,すすめ,"Recommendation, Advice",Type the reading!,Image
勤め,つとめ,"Work, Job, Duties",Type the reading!,Image
電磁場,でんじば,Electromagnetic Field,Type the reading!,Image
放射能,ほうしゃのう,"Radioactivity, Radiation",Type the reading!,Image
指揮者,しきしゃ,"Conductor, Commander",Type the reading!,Image
源氏物語,げんじものがたり,"Tale Of Genji, The Tale Of Genji",Type the reading!,Image
損害する,そんがいする,To Damage,Type the reading!,Image
枝豆,えだまめ,"Edamame, Steamed Soybeans",Type the reading!,Image
豆腐,とうふ,"Tofu, Toufu",Type the reading!,Image
旧姓,きゅうせい,Maiden Name,Type the reading!,Image
復旧,ふっきゅう,"Restoration, Recovery",Type the reading!,Image
姓名,せいめい,Full Name,Type the reading!,Image
貿易,ぼうえき,"Trade, Commerce",Type the reading!,Image
甘い,あまい,Sweet,Type the reading!,Image
甘く見る,あまくみる,"To Not Take Seriously, To Take Lightly",Type the reading!,Image
甘党,あまとう,Sweet Tooth,Type the reading!,Image
将来,しょうらい,Future,Type the reading!,Image
将軍,しょうぐん,"Shogun, General, Commander, Shougun",Type the reading!,Image
大将,たいしょう,"General, Admiral, Head, Leader",Type the reading!,Image
主将,しゅしょう,"Commander, Commander In Chief, Team Captain",Type the reading!,Image
同盟,どうめい,Alliance,Type the reading!,Image
連盟,れんめい,"League, Federation",Type the reading!,Image
盟約,めいやく,"Pledge, Pact",Type the reading!,Image
遺産,いさん,Inheritance,Type the reading!,Image
遺失,いしつ,Loss,Type the reading!,Image
遺伝,いでん,Heredity,Type the reading!,Image
遺体,いたい,"Corpse, Remains",Type the reading!,Image
伸びる,のびる,"To Grow Longer, To Be Stretched, To Make Progress",Type the
債券,さいけん,Bond,Type the reading!,Image
債権,さいけん,"Credit, Claim, Debt, Liabilities",Type the reading!,Image
国債,こくさい,"National Debt, Bonds",Type the reading!,Image
及ぶ,およぶ,"To Reach, To Amount To",Type the reading!,Image
普及,ふきゅう,Diffusion,Type the reading!,Image
及第,きゅうだい,"Passing An Exam, Make The Grade, Passing The Exam",Type the
奈良,なら,Nara,Type the reading!,Image
神奈川県,かながわけん,Kanagawa Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
幅,はば,Width,Type the reading!,Image
廃止,はいし,"Abolition, Abolishment",Type the reading!,Image
廃れる,すたれる,To Become Obsolete,Type the reading!,Image
廃絶,はいぜつ,"Abolition, Elimination, Extinction",Type the reading!,Image
換気,かんき,Ventilation,Type the reading!,Image
変換,へんかん,"Conversion, Change",Type the reading!,Image
摘む,つむ,"To Pluck, To Pick, To Prune",Type the reading!,Image
指摘,してき,"Pointing Out, Identification",Type the reading!,Image
摘発する,てきはつする,"To Unmask, To Expose",Type the reading!,Image
核,かく,"Nucleus, Core, Nuclear",Type the reading!,Image
核兵器,かくへいき,Nuclear Weapons,Type the reading!,Image
核実験,かくじっけん,"Nuclear Test, Nuclear Bomb Test, Nuclear Testing",Type the
沖合,おきあい,Open Sea,Type the reading!,Image
縄,なわ,Rope,Type the reading!,Image
縄文,じょうもん,"Jomon People, Joumon People, Joumon, Jomon, Ancient Japanese",Type
the reading!,Image
津波,つなみ,"Tsunami, Tidal Wave",Type the reading!,Image
献血,けんけつ,Blood Donation,Type the reading!,Image
献金,けんきん,"Donation, Offering",Type the reading!,Image
医療,いりょう,Medical Treatment,Type the reading!,Image
治療,ちりょう,"Medical Therapy, Medical Treatment",Type the reading!,Image
継父,けいふ,Stepfather,Type the reading!,Image
継ぐ,つぐ,To Inherit,Type the reading!,Image
継承,けいしょう,"Succession, Inheritance",Type the reading!,Image
維持,いじ,"Maintenance, Support",Type the reading!,Image
維新,いしん,"Restoration, Meiji Restoration",Type the reading!,Image
舞台,ぶたい,Stage,Type the reading!,Image
舞う,まう,"To Dance, To Flutter",Type the reading!,Image
歌舞伎,かぶき,Kabuki,Type the reading!,Image
舞踏,ぶとう,Dancing,Type the reading!,Image
踏む,ふむ,"To Step On, To Tread On",Type the reading!,Image
一般,いっぱん,"General, Common",Type the reading!,Image
超〜,ちょう,"Ultra, Super, Really",Type the reading!,Image
超自然的,ちょうしぜんてき,Supernatural,Type the reading!,Image
超音速,ちょうおんそく,Supersonic Speed,Type the reading!,Image
超音波,ちょうおんぱ,Ultrasonic Wave,Type the reading!,Image
頼む,たのむ,"To Ask For, To Request, To Entrust, To Rely On",Type the reading!,Image
信頼,しんらい,"Reliance, Trust",Type the reading!,Image
依頼,いらい,"Request, Entrust",Type the reading!,Image
依存,"いぞん,いそん","Dependence, Reliance",Type the reading!,Image
馬鹿,ばか,"Idiot, Dumb, Fool, Stupid, Absurd",Type the reading!,Image
鹿児島県,かごしまけん,Kagoshima Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
鹿,しか,Deer,Type the reading!,Image
承諾,しょうだく,"Consent, Agreement",Type the reading!,Image
受諾,じゅだく,Acceptance,Type the reading!,Image
許諾,きょだく,Consent,Type the reading!,Image
諾否,だくひ,"Consent Or Refusal, Yes Or No",Type the reading!,Image
象牙,ぞうげ,"Ivory, Elephant Tusk",Type the reading!,Image
牙,きば,Fang,Type the reading!,Image
降参する,こうさんする,To Surrender,Type the reading!,Image
換える,かえる,To Exchange,Type the reading!,Image
汚い,きたない,"Dirty, Filthy, Foul, Unclean",Type the reading!,Image
大幅,おおはば,"Big, Large, Drastic, Substantial, Major",Type the reading!,Image
舞,まい,"Dancing, Dance",Type the reading!,Image
誤り,あやまり,"Mistake, Error, Slip, Bug, Fault",Type the reading!,Image
貴重品,きちょうひん,"Valuables, Treasures",Type the reading!,Image
依然,いぜん,"Still, As Yet, As It Was",Type the reading!,Image
一人暮らし,ひとりぐらし,Living Alone,Type the reading!,Image
彼女,かのじょ,"She, Girlfriend",Type the reading!,Image
恥知らず,はじしらず,Shameless Person,Type the reading!,Image
試験地獄,しけんじごく,"Exam Hell, Examination Hell",Type the reading!,Image
船酔い,ふなよい,Sea Sickness,Type the reading!,Image
〜鍋,なべ,"Pot, Stew, Hotpot",Type the reading!,Image
払い,はらい,"Payment, A Payment",Type the reading!,Image
油絵,あぶらえ,Oil Painting,Type the reading!,Image
甘酢,あまず,Sweet Vinegar,Type the reading!,Image
盛り上がる,もりあがる,"To Swell, To Get Excited",Type the reading!,Image
遅い,おそい,"Slow, Late",Type the reading!,Image
恥ずかしがる,はずかしがる,"To Be Shy, To Be Bashful",Type the reading!,Image
破れる,やぶれる,"To Get Torn, To Get Broken, To Get Ripped",Type the reading!,Image
自己紹介,じこしょうかい,Self Introduction,Type the reading!,Image
紹介する,しょうかいする,To Introduce,Type the reading!,Image
紹介状,しょうかいじょう,Letter Of Introduction,Type the reading!,Image
汁物,しるもの,"Soups, Soup",Type the reading!,Image
味噌汁,みそしる,Miso Soup,Type the reading!,Image
酔っ払い,よっぱらい,Drunk,Type the reading!,Image
二日酔い,ふつかよい,Hangover,Type the reading!,Image
給油所,"きゅうゆじょ,きゅうゆしょ","Gas Station, Filling Station, Petrol Station",Type
the reading!,Image
跳ぶ,とぶ,"To Jump, To Hop, To Leap",Type the reading!,Image
昭和,しょうわ,"Showa Era, Shouwa Era, Showa, Shouwa, Showa Emperor, Shouwa
Emperor",Type the reading!,Image
漁師,りょうし,Fisherman,Type the reading!,Image
漁船,ぎょせん,"Fishing Boat, Fishing Vessel",Type the reading!,Image
漁業,ぎょぎょう,"Fishing Industry, Fishery",Type the reading!,Image
償う,つぐなう,"To Compensate For, To Make Up For",Type the reading!,Image
弁償,べんしょう,"Reimbursement, Compensation",Type the reading!,Image
刑務所,けいむしょ,"Jail, Prison",Type the reading!,Image
死刑,しけい,Death Penalty,Type the reading!,Image
刑事,けいじ,"Police Detective, Detective, Criminal Case",Type the reading!,Image
刑期,けいき,Prison Term,Type the reading!,Image
刑罰,けいばつ,"Punishment, Penalty",Type the reading!,Image
終身刑,しゅうしんけい,Life Sentence,Type the reading!,Image
募る,つのる,"To Appeal For, To Invite, To Raise, To Grow Violent, To Become
Stronger",Type the reading!,Image
募金,ぼきん,Fundraising,Type the reading!,Image
募集,ぼしゅう,"Recruiting, Solicitation",Type the reading!,Image
応募,おうぼ,Application,Type the reading!,Image
執る,とる,"To Take Control, To Carry Out",Type the reading!,Image
執着,しゅうちゃく,"Attachment To, Tenacity, Obsessed With, Attachment",Type the
執筆,しっぴつ,"Writing, Write For A Magazine",Type the reading!,Image
塁,るい,"Baseball Base, Base",Type the reading!,Image
塁打,るいだ,"Base Hit, Single",Type the reading!,Image
塁審,るいしん,"Baseball Umpire, Umpire",Type the reading!,Image
崩す,くずす,"To Demolish, To Break, To Pull Down, To Crumble",Type the
崩壊,ほうかい,"Collapse, Crumbling, Breaking Down",Type the reading!,Image
患う,わずらう,"To Be Afflicted, To Be Afflicted With Illness, To Be Sick",Type the
患者,かんじゃ,"A Patient, Patient, Medical Patient",Type the reading!,Image
急患,きゅうかん,Emergency Patient,Type the reading!,Image
戻す,もどす,"To Return, To Return Something",Type the reading!,Image
戻る,もどる,"To Return, To Be Returned",Type the reading!,Image
対向する,たいこうする,To Counter,Type the reading!,Image
反抗する,はんこうする,To Rebel,Type the reading!,Image
抗戦,こうせん,Resistance,Type the reading!,Image
抗体,こうたい,Antibody,Type the reading!,Image
抵抗する,ていこうする,To Resist,Type the reading!,Image
大抵,たいてい,"Generally, Usually, In Most Cases",Type the reading!,Image
上旬,じょうじゅん,"First Ten Days Of The Month, Beginning Of Month, Beginning Of The
Month",Type the reading!,Image
下旬,げじゅん,"Last Ten Days Of The Month, End Of Month, End Of The Month",Type the
中旬,ちゅうじゅん,"Middle Ten Days Of The Month, Middle Of The Month, Middle Of
Month",Type the reading!,Image
旬,しゅん,In Season,Type the reading!,Image
湾,わん,"Gulf, Bay, Inlet",Type the reading!,Image
台湾,たいわん,Taiwan,Type the reading!,Image
爆発,ばくはつ,Explosion,Type the reading!,Image
爆弾,ばくだん,Bomb,Type the reading!,Image
爆笑,ばくしょう,Explosive Laughter,Type the reading!,Image
自爆,じばく,Suicide Bomb,Type the reading!,Image
爆撃,ばくげき,Bombing,Type the reading!,Image
弾,たま,Bullet,Type the reading!,Image
弾む,はずむ,To Bounce,Type the reading!,Image
弾丸,だんがん,Bullet,Type the reading!,Image
聴力,ちょうりょく,Hearing Ability,Type the reading!,Image
聴者,ちょうしゃ,Listener,Type the reading!,Image
聴く,きく,"To Listen To, To Hear, To Listen",Type the reading!,Image
盗聴,とうちょう,"Wiretapping, Bugging",Type the reading!,Image
跡,あと,"Traces, Mark",Type the reading!,Image
奇跡,きせき,Miracle,Type the reading!,Image
証跡,しょうせき,Evidence,Type the reading!,Image
遺跡,いせき,"Ruins, Historic Ruins, Remains, Historic Remains",Type the
遣う,つかう,"To Consider, To Make Use Of",Type the reading!,Image
闘う,たたかう,"To Struggle, To Fight",Type the reading!,Image
戦闘,せんとう,"Battle, A Battle",Type the reading!,Image
闘志,とうし,Fighting Spirit,Type the reading!,Image
陣,じん,"Army Base, Army Camp, Group",Type the reading!,Image
陣営,じんえい,Camp,Type the reading!,Image
香り,かおり,"Fragrance, Aroma",Type the reading!,Image
香港,ほんこん,Hong Kong,Type the reading!,Image
香水,こうすい,"Perfume, Scent",Type the reading!,Image
香川県,かがわけん,Kagawa Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
兆候,ちょうこう,"Sign, Indication",Type the reading!,Image
前兆,ぜんちょう,"Omen, Sign",Type the reading!,Image
臨む,のぞむ,To Face,Type the reading!,Image
臨海,りんかい,"Seaside, Coastal",Type the reading!,Image
臨時,りんじ,"Temporary, Provisional",Type the reading!,Image
削る,けずる,"To Whittle Down, To Shave Off",Type the reading!,Image
削除,さくじょ,"Deletion, Elimination",Type the reading!,Image
削減,さくげん,"Reduction, Cutback",Type the reading!,Image
契約,けいやく,"Contract, Agreement",Type the reading!,Image
契機,けいき,"Chance, Opportunity, Turning Point",Type the reading!,Image
恵む,めぐむ,"To Do A Favor, To Bless, To Give Out Of Pity, To Donate Out Of
Charity",Type the reading!,Image
知恵,ちえ,"Wisdom, Intelligence",Type the reading!,Image
抱く,"だく,いだく","To Hug, To Embrace, To Hold, To Cherish, To Bear",Type the
掲げる,かかげる,"To Put Up A Sign, To Put Up",Type the reading!,Image
掲示,けいじ,"Notice, Bulletin",Type the reading!,Image
掲載,けいさい,"Publication, Print",Type the reading!,Image
狙い,ねらい,Aim,Type the reading!,Image
狙撃,そげき,"Shooting, Sniping",Type the reading!,Image
葬式,そうしき,Funeral,Type the reading!,Image
葬る,ほうむる,"To Bury, To Inter",Type the reading!,Image
火葬,かそう,Cremation,Type the reading!,Image
派遣,はけん,"Dispatch, Deployment",Type the reading!,Image
弾力,だんりょく,"Elasticity, Flexibility",Type the reading!,Image
支払い,しはらい,Payment,Type the reading!,Image
串,くし,"Skewer, Spit",Type the reading!,Image
串焼き,くしやき,Grilled Skewers,Type the reading!,Image
眉,まゆ,"Eyebrows, Brow",Type the reading!,Image
眉間,みけん,"Brow, Glabella",Type the reading!,Image
貿易会社,ぼうえきがいしゃ,Trading Firm,Type the reading!,Image
遺伝子,いでんし,Genes,Type the reading!,Image
奈良県,ならけん,Nara Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
廃止する,はいしする,To Abolish,Type the reading!,Image
乗り換える,のりかえる,"To Transfer, To Change Trains, To Transfer Trains",Type the
指摘する,してきする,"To Point Out, To Identify",Type the reading!,Image
沖縄,おきなわ,Okinawa,Type the reading!,Image
維持する,いじする,To Maintain,Type the reading!,Image
明治維新,めいじいしん,Meiji Restoration,Type the reading!,Image
お見舞い,おみまい,Sympathy Visit,Type the reading!,Image
舞踏会,ぶとうかい,"Ball, Dance",Type the reading!,Image
一般的,いっぱんてき,"Ordinary, Normal, Common",Type the reading!,Image
全般的,ぜんぱんてき,"General, Overall, Across The Board",Type the reading!,Image
頼み,たのみ,"A Favor, Favor, A Request, Request",Type the reading!,Image
頼る,たよる,"To Rely On, To Trust, To Depend On",Type the reading!,Image
依頼人,いらいにん,Client,Type the reading!,Image
馬鹿らしい,ばからしい,Absurd,Type the reading!,Image
需要,じゅよう,Demand,Type the reading!,Image
必需品,ひつじゅひん,"Necessities, Essentials",Type the reading!,Image
年齢,ねんれい,"Years Old, Age",Type the reading!,Image
高齢者,こうれいしゃ,"Elderly Person, Old Person",Type the reading!,Image
老齢,ろうれい,Old Age,Type the reading!,Image
宜しい,よろしい,"Good, Okay, All Right, Fine",Type the reading!,Image
繰る,くる,"To Spin, To Turn Over, To Reel In, To Shuffle",Type the reading!,Image
避ける,"さける,よける","To Avoid, To Dodge",Type the reading!,Image
避難,ひなん,Evacuation,Type the reading!,Image
避妊,ひにん,"Birth Control, Contraception",Type the reading!,Image
妊娠する,にんしんする,"To Be Pregnant, To Get Pregnant",Type the reading!,Image
妊婦,にんぷ,Pregnant Woman,Type the reading!,Image
致す,いたす,To Do,Type the reading!,Image
一致する,いっちする,To Match,Type the reading!,Image
致命的,ちめいてき,Fatal,Type the reading!,Image
朝刊,ちょうかん,Morning Edition,Type the reading!,Image
月刊,げっかん,Monthly Edition,Type the reading!,Image
夕刊,ゆうかん,Evening Edition,Type the reading!,Image
刊行する,かんこうする,To Publish,Type the reading!,Image
日刊,にっかん,Daily Edition,Type the reading!,Image
奏楽,そうがく,"Musical Performance, Instrumental Music",Type the reading!,Image
演奏,えんそう,"Musical Performance, Performance",Type the reading!,Image
伴う,ともなう,To Accompany,Type the reading!,Image
同伴する,どうはんする,To Accompany,Type the reading!,Image
併殺,へいさつ,Double Play,Type the reading!,Image
併合,へいごう,Merger,Type the reading!,Image
傾く,かたむく,"To Be Leaned, To Be Tilted",Type the reading!,Image
傾向,けいこう,Tendency,Type the reading!,Image
却って,かえって,"On The Contrary, Instead",Type the reading!,Image
却下,きゃっか,"Rejection, Dismissal",Type the reading!,Image
奥,おく,"Far Back, In The Back",Type the reading!,Image
奥さん,おくさん,Wife,Type the reading!,Image
遠慮,えんりょ,"Restraint, Decline, Hesitation",Type the reading!,Image
配慮,はいりょ,"Consideration, Care",Type the reading!,Image
考慮,こうりょ,Consideration,Type the reading!,Image
懸ける,かける,"To Stake, To Risk",Type the reading!,Image
懸命,けんめい,"Eager, Eagerness",Type the reading!,Image
房,ふさ,"Cluster, Tassel, Tuft",Type the reading!,Image
冷房,れいぼう,Air Conditioning,Type the reading!,Image
暖房,だんぼう,"Heating, Heat",Type the reading!,Image
扱う,あつかう,"To Handle, To Treat",Type the reading!,Image
抑圧,よくあつ,Oppression,Type the reading!,Image
抑制,よくせい,"Control, Restraint",Type the reading!,Image
抑止,よくし,"Deterrent, Deterrence, Deter, Stave Off",Type the reading!,Image
選択,せんたく,"Selection, Choice",Type the reading!,Image
描写,びょうしゃ,Depiction,Type the reading!,Image
描画,びょうが,"Drawing, Painting",Type the reading!,Image
描く,"かく,えがく","To Draw, To Sketch",Type the reading!,Image
盤,ばん,"Tray, Board, Disc",Type the reading!,Image
円盤,えんばん,"Disk, Flying Saucer",Type the reading!,Image
基盤,きばん,"Base, Basis, Foundation",Type the reading!,Image
対称,たいしょう,Symmetry,Type the reading!,Image
仮称,かしょう,"Working Name, Tentative Name",Type the reading!,Image
一人称,いちにんしょう,First Person,Type the reading!,Image
一緒,いっしょ,Together,Type the reading!,Image
内緒,ないしょ,"Secret, Confidential",Type the reading!,Image
緩い,ゆるい,Loose,Type the reading!,Image
緩む,ゆるむ,To Loosen,Type the reading!,Image
緩やか,ゆるやか,"Loose, Mild, Gentle",Type the reading!,Image
委託,いたく,"Consign, Entrust, Consignment",Type the reading!,Image
託す,たくす,To Entrust,Type the reading!,Image
信託,しんたく,"Trust, Entrusting",Type the reading!,Image
受託,じゅたく,Be Entrusted With,Type the reading!,Image
贈る,おくる,"To Give A Present, To Give",Type the reading!,Image
贈収賄,ぞうしゅうわい,Bribery,Type the reading!,Image
賄賂,わいろ,Bribe,Type the reading!,Image
賄う,まかなう,"To Pay, To Cover",Type the reading!,Image
逃げる,にげる,"To Escape, To Flee, To Run Away",Type the reading!,Image
逃亡,とうぼう,"Escape, Flight",Type the reading!,Image
生還,せいかん,"Reaching Home Plate, Returning Alive",Type the reading!,Image
返還,へんかん,"Return, Restoration",Type the reading!,Image
還元,かんげん,"Return To Origins, Reduction",Type the reading!,Image
湯豆腐,ゆどうふ,Boiled Tofu,Type the reading!,Image
伸ばす,のばす,"To Stretch Something, To Stretch",Type the reading!,Image
及ぼす,およぼす,"To Exert, To Reach To",Type the reading!,Image
及び,および,As Well As,Type the reading!,Image
踏み込む,ふみこむ,"To Step Into, To Rush Into",Type the reading!,Image
超す,こす,"To Exceed, To Go Over, To Surpass",Type the reading!,Image
縄張り,なわばり,"Rope Off, Turf, Territory, Domain",Type the reading!,Image
奥深い,"おくぶかい,おくふかい","Profound, Deep",Type the reading!,Image
欠伸,あくび,"Yawn, Yawning",Type the reading!,Image
降ろす,おろす,"To Take Down, To Launch, To Drop, To Lower, To Bring Down",Type the
馬鹿馬鹿しい,ばかばかしい,"Absurd, Ridiculous, Silly",Type the reading!,Image
奥底,おくそこ,"Depths, Bottom",Type the reading!,Image
膝,ひざ,Knee,Type the reading!,Image
膝頭,ひざがしら,"Kneecap, Patella",Type the reading!,Image
宛名,あてな,"Addressee, Name, Address",Type the reading!,Image
将棋,しょうぎ,"Shogi, Shougi, Japanese Chess",Type the reading!,Image
跡継ぎ,あとつぎ,"Heir, Heiress, Successor",Type the reading!,Image
跳ねる,はねる,"To Jump, To Leap, To Hop",Type the reading!,Image
縄跳び,なわとび,Jump Rope,Type the reading!,Image
応募する,おうぼする,"To Apply For, To Enlist, To Answer An Ad",Type the reading!,Image
本塁打,ほんるいだ,"Home run, Homer",Type the reading!,Image
崩れる,くずれる,"To Crumble, To Collapse",Type the reading!,Image
払い戻す,はらいもどす,"To Repay, To Refund, To Reimburse",Type the reading!,Image
弾く,ひく,"To Play A Stringed Instrument, To Play",Type the reading!,Image
言葉遣い,ことばづかい,Choice Of Words,Type the reading!,Image
小遣い,こづかい,"Allowance, Spending Money",Type the reading!,Image
削除する,さくじょする,"To Delete, To Eliminate",Type the reading!,Image
掲示板,けいじばん,Bulletin Board,Type the reading!,Image
渋滞,じゅうたい,"Traffic Jam, Traffic Congestion",Type the reading!,Image
募集中,ぼしゅうちゅう,"Now Hiring, Now Recruiting",Type the reading!,Image
戻り道,もどりみち,"Way Back, The Way Back",Type the reading!,Image
取り戻す,とりもどす,To Take Back,Type the reading!,Image
原子爆弾,げんしばくだん,Atomic Bomb,Type the reading!,Image
足跡,あしあと,Footprint,Type the reading!,Image
狙う,ねらう,"To Aim At, To Aim",Type the reading!,Image
邦訳,ほうやく,"Translation Into Japanese, Translation To Japanese",Type the
邦人,ほうじん,"Fellow Countryman, Japanese National",Type the reading!,Image
連邦,れんぽう,"Commonwealth, Federation",Type the reading!,Image
呼び鈴,よびりん,Doorbell,Type the reading!,Image
鈴,すず,"Small Bell, Bell",Type the reading!,Image
岐阜,ぎふ,Gifu,Type the reading!,Image
隆盛,りゅうせい,Prosperity,Type the reading!,Image
隆起,りゅうき,"Protuberance, Bulge",Type the reading!,Image
雇う,やとう,"To Employ, To Hire",Type the reading!,Image
解雇する,かいこする,"To Fire Someone, To Fire",Type the reading!,Image
雇用,こよう,Employment,Type the reading!,Image
壁,かべ,Wall,Type the reading!,Image
壁紙,かべがみ,Wallpaper,Type the reading!,Image
棋士,きし,"Shogi Player, Go Player",Type the reading!,Image
棋院,きいん,"Go Hall, Go Club, Go Institution",Type the reading!,Image
渋い,しぶい,"Bitter Flavor, Bitter",Type the reading!,Image
片〜,かた,"Fragment, One Of A Pair, Incomplete",Type the reading!,Image
片手,かたて,One Handed,Type the reading!,Image
片言,かたこと,"Broken Japanese, Broken English, Broken Language",Type the
片仮名,かたかな,Katakana,Type the reading!,Image
片道,かたみち,One Way,Type the reading!,Image
群れ,むれ,Flock,Type the reading!,Image
群馬県,ぐんまけん,Gunma Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
群集,ぐんしゅう,"Crowd, Multitude",Type the reading!,Image
仙人,せんにん,"Hermit, Mountain Man",Type the reading!,Image
水仙,すいせん,Daffodil,Type the reading!,Image
仙台,せんだい,Sendai,Type the reading!,Image
充実,じゅうじつ,"Fullness, Beefing Up",Type the reading!,Image
充電,じゅうでん,Recharge,Type the reading!,Image
補充,ほじゅう,"Resupply, Refill",Type the reading!,Image
免れる,"まぬかれる,まぬがれる","To Escape From, To Avoid",Type the reading!,Image
免状,めんじょう,"Certificate, License, Diploma",Type the reading!,Image
免許,めんきょ,"License, Certificate, Permit",Type the reading!,Image
免税,めんぜい,Tax Exemption,Type the reading!,Image
御免,ごめん,"Sorry, I Beg Your Pardon",Type the reading!,Image
免除,めんじょ,"Exemption, Exclusion",Type the reading!,Image
勧める,すすめる,"To Recommend, To Suggest, To Advise",Type the reading!,Image
勧告,かんこく,"Recommendation, Official Advice",Type the reading!,Image
勧誘,かんゆう,"Solicitation, Invitation",Type the reading!,Image
圏外,けんがい,Out Of Range,Type the reading!,Image
英語圏,えいごけん,English Speaking World,Type the reading!,Image
南極圏,なんきょくけん,"Antarctic Circle, Antarctica",Type the reading!,Image
埋める,"うめる,うずめる",To Bury,Type the reading!,Image
埼玉県,さいたまけん,Saitama Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
奪う,うばう,"To Rob, To Steal By Force",Type the reading!,Image
御飯,ごはん,"Cooked Rice, Meal",Type the reading!,Image
御覧になる,ごらんになる,"To Look, To Please Look",Type the reading!,Image
慎む,つつしむ,"To Be Discreet, To Be Careful",Type the reading!,Image
慎重,しんちょう,"Discreet, Careful",Type the reading!,Image
拒む,こばむ,"To Refuse, To Reject",Type the reading!,Image
拒否,きょひ,"Refusal, Rejection",Type the reading!,Image
枠,わく,"Frame, Limit",Type the reading!,Image
枠組み,わくぐみ,"Frame, Framework",Type the reading!,Image
甲,こう,"Turtle Shell, Instep, Back Of Hand, Back Of The Hand",Type the
甲斐,かい,"Effect, Result, Worth",Type the reading!,Image
福祉,ふくし,"Welfare, Well Being",Type the reading!,Image
稲,いね,Rice Plant,Type the reading!,Image
稲田,いなだ,"Rice Field, Rice Paddy, Paddy Field",Type the reading!,Image
稲作,いなさく,"Rice Cultivation, Rice Crop",Type the reading!,Image
譲る,ゆずる,"To Concede, To Hand Over, To Turn Over",Type the reading!,Image
移譲,いじょう,"Transfer, Assignment",Type the reading!,Image
謙譲語,けんじょうご,"Humble Japanese, Humble Language",Type the reading!,Image
謙虚,けんきょ,"Modesty, Humility",Type the reading!,Image
躍る,おどる,"To Leap, To Jump, To Bounce",Type the reading!,Image
飛躍,ひやく,Leaping,Type the reading!,Image
活躍,かつやく,"Activities, Great Efforts",Type the reading!,Image
躍進,やくしん,"Rush, Dash, Onslaught",Type the reading!,Image
躍動,やくどう,"Lively Motion, Throb",Type the reading!,Image
跳躍,ちょうやく,"Jump, Leap, Bound, Skip",Type the reading!,Image
銃,じゅう,"Gun, Firearm",Type the reading!,Image
銃殺,じゅうさつ,Death By Shooting,Type the reading!,Image
銃弾,じゅうだん,"Rifle Bullet, Bullet",Type the reading!,Image
短銃,たんじゅう,"Pistol, Revolver",Type the reading!,Image
項目,こうもく,"Item, Entry, Clause, Data Item",Type the reading!,Image
事項,じこう,"Matter, Item, Facts",Type the reading!,Image
要項,ようこう,"Important Points, Main Points",Type the reading!,Image
鋼,はがね,Steel,Type the reading!,Image
鋼材,こうざい,Steel Material,Type the reading!,Image
製鋼,せいこう,Steel Manufacture,Type the reading!,Image
掲載する,けいさいする,"To Publish, To Print",Type the reading!,Image
控え,ひかえ,"Backup, Reserve, Spare, Copy, Stub",Type the reading!,Image
眉毛,まゆげ,Eyebrow,Type the reading!,Image
妖精,ようせい,Fairy,Type the reading!,Image
妖怪,ようかい,"Monster, Yokai",Type the reading!,Image
妖しい,あやしい,"Enchanting, Charming, Mysterious",Type the reading!,Image
宜しく,よろしく,"Best Regards, Well, Properly, Suitably",Type the reading!,Image
宜しくお願いします,よろしくおねがいします,Best Regards,Type the reading!,Image
繰り返す,くりかえす,"To Repeat, To Repeat Over And Over",Type the reading!,Image
避難する,ひなんする,To Evacuate,Type the reading!,Image
傾ける,かたむける,"To Lean, To Tilt",Type the reading!,Image
奥様,おくさま,"Your Wife, Wife, Ma'am",Type the reading!,Image
遠慮する,えんりょする,"To Decline, To Restrain, To Refrain",Type the reading!,Image
懸かる,かかる,"To Hang, To Depend On, To Be At Stake",Type the reading!,Image
一生懸命,いっしょうけんめい,"With All One's Might, All Out",Type the reading!,Image
扱い,あつかい,"Handling, Treatment",Type the reading!,Image
取り扱う,とりあつかう,"To Manage, To Handle",Type the reading!,Image
選択する,せんたくする,"To Select, To Choose",Type the reading!,Image
称える,たたえる,"To Praise, To Give Praise",Type the reading!,Image
内緒話,ないしょばなし,"Confidential Talk, Whispering",Type the reading!,Image
緩める,ゆるめる,"To Loosen, To Relax",Type the reading!,Image
贈り物,おくりもの,"A Present, Present",Type the reading!,Image
沖縄県,おきなわけん,Okinawa Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
贈賄,ぞうわい,Bribery,Type the reading!,Image
逃す,のがす,"To Let Go, To Let Escape, To Set Free",Type the reading!,Image
逃亡者,とうぼうしゃ,"Fugitive, Runaway, Refugee",Type the reading!,Image
顧問,こもん,Advisor,Type the reading!,Image
顧みる,かえりみる,"To Look Back On, To Reflect On",Type the reading!,Image
回顧録,かいころく,"Memoirs, Reminiscences",Type the reading!,Image
駐日,ちゅうにち,"Resident Of Japan, Stationed In Japan",Type the reading!,Image
駐在,ちゅうざい,"Residence, Stay",Type the reading!,Image
駐車場,ちゅうしゃじょう,Parking Lot,Type the reading!,Image
駐留軍,ちゅうりゅうぐん,"Stationed Troops, Occupying Troops",Type the reading!,Image
駆ける,かける,"To Gallop, To Drive",Type the reading!,Image
柱,はしら,Pillar,Type the reading!,Image
電柱,でんちゅう,Telephone Pole,Type the reading!,Image
唱える,となえる,To Chant,Type the reading!,Image
主唱,しゅしょう,Advocate,Type the reading!,Image
唱歌,しょうか,"Singing, Songs",Type the reading!,Image
独唱,どくしょう,Solo,Type the reading!,Image
歌唱,かしょう,"Singing, Song",Type the reading!,Image
合唱団,がっしょうだん,"Chorus, Choir",Type the reading!,Image
孝行,こうこう,Filial Piety,Type the reading!,Image
不孝,ふこう,"Disobedience To Parents, Lack Of Filial Piety",Type the reading!,Image
俊才,しゅんさい,"Genius, Person Of Exceptional Talent, Exceptionally Talented
Person",Type the reading!,Image
兼業,けんぎょう,"Side Business, Second Job, Moonlighting",Type the reading!,Image
兼用,けんよう,"Combined Use, Serving Two Purposes",Type the reading!,Image
兼ねる,かねる,"To Combine, To Double As, To Be Unable, To Have Trouble Doing",Type
the reading!,Image
洗剤,せんざい,Detergent,Type the reading!,Image
薬剤,やくざい,"Medicine, Drugs",Type the reading!,Image
薬剤師,やくざいし,Pharmacist,Type the reading!,Image
防腐剤,ぼうふざい,"Preservative, Antiseptic",Type the reading!,Image
〜剤,ざい,"Medicine, Dose",Type the reading!,Image
吹く,ふく,To Blow,Type the reading!,Image
堀,ほり,"Ditch, Moat, Canal",Type the reading!,Image
内堀,うちぼり,Inner Moat,Type the reading!,Image
外堀,そとぼり,Outer Moat,Type the reading!,Image
巡回,じゅんかい,"Patrol, Going Around",Type the reading!,Image
巡礼,じゅんれい,Pilgrimage,Type the reading!,Image
巡る,めぐる,"To Go Around, To Return",Type the reading!,Image
巡査,じゅんさ,"Police, Policeman",Type the reading!,Image
戒める,いましめる,"To Warn, To Caution, To Admonish",Type the reading!,Image
戒告,かいこく,Admonition,Type the reading!,Image
訓戒,くんかい,"Warning, Admonition",Type the reading!,Image
警戒,けいかい,"Vigilance, Precaution",Type the reading!,Image
排気,はいき,"Exhaust, Ventilation",Type the reading!,Image
排他,はいた,Exclusion,Type the reading!,Image
排水,はいすい,Drainage,Type the reading!,Image
排出,はいしゅつ,Emission,Type the reading!,Image
排除,はいじょ,"Exclusion, Removal, Elimination",Type the reading!,Image
携帯,けいたい,"Portable, Cell Phone, Mobile Phone",Type the reading!,Image
携わる,たずさわる,"To Engage In, To Participate, To Take Part In",Type the
敏感,びんかん,"Sensitivity, Sensitive To, Sensibility",Type the reading!,Image
過敏,かびん,"Oversensitivity, Nervousness",Type the reading!,Image
機敏,きびん,"Quick, Prompt, Clever, Shrewd, Smart",Type the reading!,Image
鋭敏,えいびん,"Sharpness, Quick Witted, Keenness",Type the reading!,Image
鋭い,するどい,Sharp,Type the reading!,Image
鋭利,えいり,Sharpness,Type the reading!,Image
新鋭,しんえい,"Cutting Edge, Up-And-Coming, State Of The Art, Freshly Picked",Type
the reading!,Image
敷く,しく,"To Spread Out, To Lay Out",Type the reading!,Image
敷金,しききん,Security Deposit,Type the reading!,Image
屋敷,やしき,"Residence, Estate",Type the reading!,Image
座敷,ざしき,"Tatami Room, Tatami Mat Room",Type the reading!,Image
〜殿,どの,"Lord, Master, Milord",Type the reading!,Image
殿様,とのさま,Feudal Lord,Type the reading!,Image
殿堂,でんどう,Palace,Type the reading!,Image
犠打,ぎだ,"Sacrifice Fly, Sacrifice Bunt",Type the reading!,Image
獲得,かくとく,"Acquisition, Possession",Type the reading!,Image
捕獲,ほかく,"Capture, Seizure",Type the reading!,Image
獲物,えもの,"Spoils, Trophy, Game",Type the reading!,Image
茂る,しげる,"To Be Luxuriant, To Grow Thickly",Type the reading!,Image
繁茂,はんも,Luxuriant Growth,Type the reading!,Image
頻繁,ひんぱん,"Frequent, Incessant",Type the reading!,Image
繁殖,はんしょく,"Breeding, Multiplying",Type the reading!,Image
繁栄,はんえい,"Prospering, Prosperity",Type the reading!,Image
頻度,ひんど,Frequency,Type the reading!,Image
頻発,ひんぱつ,"Frequency, Frequent Occurrence",Type the reading!,Image
頻りに,しきりに,"Frequently, Repeatedly, Often",Type the reading!,Image
生殖,せいしょく,Reproduction,Type the reading!,Image
殖える,ふえる,"To Multiply, To Increase",Type the reading!,Image
薄い,うすい,"Thin, Weak, Dilute",Type the reading!,Image
薄弱,はくじゃく,"Weakness, Feebleness",Type the reading!,Image
薄情,はくじょう,Cold Hearted,Type the reading!,Image
衝撃,しょうげき,"Shock, Crash, Impact",Type the reading!,Image
衝突,しょうとつ,"Collision, Impact, Conflict",Type the reading!,Image
名誉,めいよ,"Honor, Prestige",Type the reading!,Image
栄誉,えいよ,Honor,Type the reading!,Image
褒める,ほめる,"To Praise, To Compliment",Type the reading!,Image
褒美,ほうび,"Reward, Prize",Type the reading!,Image
褒賞,ほうしょう,"Medal, Prize, Reward",Type the reading!,Image
透ける,すける,"To Be Transparent, To Be See-Through",Type the reading!,Image
透明,とうめい,"Transparent, Transparency",Type the reading!,Image
隣,となり,"Neighbor, Next To, Next Door Neighbor",Type the reading!,Image
隣家,りんか,Neighboring House,Type the reading!,Image
近隣,きんりん,Neighborhood,Type the reading!,Image
隣国,りんごく,Neighboring Country,Type the reading!,Image
隣人,りんじん,Neighbor,Type the reading!,Image
雅致,がち,"Artistry, Good Taste, Elegance",Type the reading!,Image
雅楽,ががく,"Japanese Court Music, Gagaku",Type the reading!,Image
優雅,ゆうが,"Elegance, Grace",Type the reading!,Image
〜房,ふさ,"Section, Bunch",Type the reading!,Image
嬉々,きき,"Happily, Joyfully, Merrily",Type the reading!,Image
嬉しい,うれしい,"Glad, Happy, Joyful",Type the reading!,Image
膝小僧,ひざこぞう,Kneecap,Type the reading!,Image
喧嘩,けんか,"Fight, Quarrel, Argument",Type the reading!,Image
喧しい,やかましい,"Noisy, Picky",Type the reading!,Image
葬儀,そうぎ,Funeral,Type the reading!,Image
控える,ひかえる,To Abstain,Type the reading!,Image
群れる,むれる,"To Flock, To Crowd, To Swarm",Type the reading!,Image
埋もれる,うもれる,"To Get Buried, To Be Buried",Type the reading!,Image
埋め合わせる,うめあわせる,To Compensate For,Type the reading!,Image
御手洗,おてあらい,"Restroom, Bathroom, Toilet",Type the reading!,Image
岐阜県,ぎふけん,Gifu Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
雇用者,こようしゃ,"Employer, Employee",Type the reading!,Image
破片,はへん,Fragment,Type the reading!,Image
御免なさい,ごめんなさい,"Sorry, I Beg Your Pardon",Type the reading!,Image
社会福祉,しゃかいふくし,Social Welfare,Type the reading!,Image
謙遜,けんそん,"Humble, Humility, Modesty",Type the reading!,Image
拳銃,けんじゅう,"Revolver, Pistol, Handgun",Type the reading!,Image
思い遣り,おもいやり,"Consideration, Sympathy",Type the reading!,Image
原爆,げんばく,Atomic Bomb,Type the reading!,Image
渋谷,しぶや,Shibuya,Type the reading!,Image
充電する,じゅうでんする,"To Charge A Battery, To Recharge, To Recharge A Battery",Type
the reading!,Image
甲斐性,かいしょう,"Resourcefulness, Competence",Type the reading!,Image
生き甲斐,いきがい,"Reason For Living, Something Worth Living For",Type the
手の甲,てのこう,Back Of One's Hand,Type the reading!,Image
やり甲斐,やりがい,Worth Doing,Type the reading!,Image
躍り,おどり,"Jumping, Leaping",Type the reading!,Image
伺う,うかがう,"To Inquire, To Ask, To Hear, To Implore",Type the reading!,Image
徹する,てっする,"To Devote Oneself, To Sink In, To Penetrate",Type the reading!,Image
徹夜,てつや,"All Night, Sleepless Night, All Nighter",Type the reading!,Image
徹底,てってい,"Thoroughness, Completeness",Type the reading!,Image
瀬戸,せと,"Seto, Strait, Channel",Type the reading!,Image
高瀬,たかせ,Shallows,Type the reading!,Image
早瀬,はやせ,"Swift Currents, Rapids",Type the reading!,Image
瀬,せ,"Rapids, Shallows, Current",Type the reading!,Image
撤去,てっきょ,"Withdrawal, Removal",Type the reading!,Image
撤回,てっかい,"Withdrawal, Repeal",Type the reading!,Image
撤兵,てっぺい,Withdrawal Of Troops,Type the reading!,Image
措置,そち,"Measures, Steps",Type the reading!,Image
措辞,そじ,Wording,Type the reading!,Image
拠る,よる,"To Be Due To, To Be Caused By",Type the reading!,Image
拠点,きょてん,"Position, Location",Type the reading!,Image
証拠,しょうこ,"Physical Evidence, Evidence, Proof",Type the reading!,Image
根拠,こんきょ,"Basis, Grounds",Type the reading!,Image
礼儀,れいぎ,"Manners, Courtesy, Etiquette",Type the reading!,Image
儀式,ぎしき,"Ceremony, Ritual",Type the reading!,Image
祝儀,しゅうぎ,"Celebration, Congratulations",Type the reading!,Image
辞儀する,じぎする,To Bow,Type the reading!,Image
果樹,かじゅ,Fruit Tree,Type the reading!,Image
樹皮,じゅひ,"Tree Bark, Bark",Type the reading!,Image
植樹,しょくじゅ,Tree Planting,Type the reading!,Image
放棄,ほうき,"Resignation, Abandonment",Type the reading!,Image
廃棄,はいき,"Annulment, Disposal",Type the reading!,Image
投棄,とうき,Abandonment,Type the reading!,Image
虎,とら,Tiger,Type the reading!,Image
蛍,ほたる,"Firefly, Lightning Bug, Glowworm",Type the reading!,Image
蜂,はち,"Bee, Hornet, Wasp",Type the reading!,Image
蜂蜜,はちみつ,Honey,Type the reading!,Image
焼酎,しょうちゅう,"Shochu, Shouchuu, Japanese Liquor",Type the reading!,Image
蜜,みつ,"Honey, Nectar",Type the reading!,Image
廃墟,はいきょ,"Ruins, Abandoned Building",Type the reading!,Image
艦船,かんせん,"Warship, Ocean Vessel",Type the reading!,Image
艦隊,かんたい,"Naval Fleet, Armada",Type the reading!,Image
軍艦,ぐんかん,Battleship,Type the reading!,Image
潜水艦,せんすいかん,Submarine,Type the reading!,Image
航空母艦,こうくうぼかん,Aircraft Carrier,Type the reading!,Image
潜む,ひそむ,"To Lurk, To Lie Dormant",Type the reading!,Image
原潜,げんせん,Nuclear Submarine,Type the reading!,Image
潜水,せんすい,Diving,Type the reading!,Image
潜在意識,せんざいいしき,Subconscious,Type the reading!,Image
拳,こぶし,Fist,Type the reading!,Image
拳骨,げんこつ,"Clenched Fist, Knuckles",Type the reading!,Image
炭,すみ,Charcoal,Type the reading!,Image
炭素,たんそ,Carbon,Type the reading!,Image
石炭,せきたん,Coal,Type the reading!,Image
〜畑,"はたけ,はた","Field, Crop",Type the reading!,Image
田畑,たはた,"Field, Field Of Rice, Field Of Crops",Type the reading!,Image
麦畑,むぎばたけ,"Wheat Field, Barley Field",Type the reading!,Image
包む,"つつむ,くるむ",To Wrap,Type the reading!,Image
包丁,ほうちょう,Kitchen Knife,Type the reading!,Image
包囲,ほうい,"Siege, Encirclement",Type the reading!,Image
衣,"ころも,きぬ","Clothes, Garment",Type the reading!,Image
更衣室,こういしつ,"Changing Room, Locker Room, Dressing Room",Type the reading!,Image
脱衣,だつい,Undressing,Type the reading!,Image
仁,じん,Humanity,Type the reading!,Image
仁義,じんぎ,"Humanity And Justice, Duty",Type the reading!,Image
鉱山,こうざん,"A Mine, Mine",Type the reading!,Image
鉱石,こうせき,"Ore, Mineral",Type the reading!,Image
鉱物,こうぶつ,Mineral,Type the reading!,Image
炭鉱,たんこう,"Coal Mine, Coal Pit",Type the reading!,Image
鉄鉱,てっこう,Iron Ore,Type the reading!,Image
鉱業,こうぎょう,Mining Industry,Type the reading!,Image
至る,いたる,To Arrive At,Type the reading!,Image
夏至,げし,Summer Solstice,Type the reading!,Image
冬至,とうじ,Winter Solstice,Type the reading!,Image
必至,ひっし,"Inevitable, Necessary, Foregone",Type the reading!,Image
至上,しじょう,Supremacy,Type the reading!,Image
誠,まこと,"Sincerity, Truth",Type the reading!,Image
誠意,せいい,"Sincerity, Good Faith",Type the reading!,Image
誠実,せいじつ,"Sincere, Honest, Faithful",Type the reading!,Image
忠誠,ちゅうせい,Loyalty,Type the reading!,Image
郷里,きょうり,"Hometown, Birthplace",Type the reading!,Image
故郷,"こきょう,ふるさと","Hometown, Birthplace",Type the reading!,Image
帰郷する,ききょうする,To Return To One's Hometown,Type the reading!,Image
侵攻,しんこう,Invasion,Type the reading!,Image
侵入,しんにゅう,"Intrusion, Penetration",Type the reading!,Image
侵す,おかす,"To Invade, To Violate, To Intrude",Type the reading!,Image
侵害,しんがい,"Infringement, Violation",Type the reading!,Image
偽,にせ,"Fake, Imitation",Type the reading!,Image
偽る,いつわる,"To Lie, To Cheat, To Deceive",Type the reading!,Image
偽装,ぎそう,"Camouflage, Disguise",Type the reading!,Image
偽造,ぎぞう,Forgery,Type the reading!,Image
衣服,いふく,"Clothes, Clothing, Garment",Type the reading!,Image
渋々,しぶしぶ,"Reluctantly, Unwillingly",Type the reading!,Image
嘘,うそ,Lie,Type the reading!,Image
嘘吐き,うそつき,Liar,Type the reading!,Image
凄い,すごい,"Amazing, Wonderful, Terrible, Awful",Type the reading!,Image
凄絶,せいぜつ,"Extremely Gruesome, Extremely Fierce, Extremely Violent",Type the
駆け込む,かけこむ,To Rush Into,Type the reading!,Image
駆け出す,かけだす,To Rush Out,Type the reading!,Image
駆け回る,かけまわる,To Run Around,Type the reading!,Image
不孝者,ふこうもの,"Disobedient Child, Unfilial Child",Type the reading!,Image
親不孝,おやふこう,"Lack Of Filial Piety, Disobedience To Parents",Type the
携帯電話,けいたいでんわ,"Portable Phone, Cell Phone, Mobile Phone",Type the
最新鋭,さいしんえい,"State Of The Art, Cutting Edge",Type the reading!,Image
犠飛,ぎひ,Sacrifice Fly,Type the reading!,Image
不透明,ふとうめい,"Opacity, Opaque",Type the reading!,Image
克服,こくふく,Conquest,Type the reading!,Image
克明,こくめい,Detailed,Type the reading!,Image
到着,とうちゃく,Arrival,Type the reading!,Image
双子,ふたご,Twins,Type the reading!,Image
双,そう,Pair,Type the reading!,Image
双眼鏡,そうがんきょう,Binoculars,Type the reading!,Image
哲学,てつがく,Philosophy,Type the reading!,Image
喪,も,Mourning,Type the reading!,Image
喪失,そうしつ,"Loss, Forfeit",Type the reading!,Image
堅い,かたい,"Solid, Tough",Type the reading!,Image
床,ゆか,Floor,Type the reading!,Image
起床,きしょう,"Rising, Getting Out Of Bed",Type the reading!,Image
温床,おんしょう,"Hotbed, Breeding Ground",Type the reading!,Image
病床,びょうしょう,Sickbed,Type the reading!,Image
括る,くくる,"To Tie Up, To Fasten, To Tie Together, To Bind",Type the reading!,Image
一括,いっかつ,"All Together, Batch, One Lump",Type the reading!,Image
総括,そうかつ,"Synthesis, Recap",Type the reading!,Image
統括,とうかつ,Unification,Type the reading!,Image
括弧,かっこ,"Parentheses, Brackets",Type the reading!,Image
円弧,えんこ,Arc,Type the reading!,Image
挑む,いどむ,"To Challenge Someone, To Challenge Something, To Challenge",Type the
挑戦,ちょうせん,"A Challenge, Challenge",Type the reading!,Image
挑発,ちょうはつ,Provocation,Type the reading!,Image
掘る,ほる,To Dig,Type the reading!,Image
発掘,はっくつ,"Excavation, Digging Up, Unearthing",Type the reading!,Image
揚げる,あげる,"To Hoist, To Fly, To Raise, To Deep Fry",Type the reading!,Image
握る,にぎる,"To Grasp, To Clasp",Type the reading!,Image
握手,あくしゅ,"Handshake, Shaking Hands",Type the reading!,Image
握力,あくりょく,"Handgrip, Grip Of The Hand",Type the reading!,Image
揺る,ゆる,"To Shake, To Jolt",Type the reading!,Image
動揺,どうよう,"Shaking, Trembling, Jolt",Type the reading!,Image
書斎,しょさい,"Study, Den, Library",Type the reading!,Image
斎場,さいじょう,Funeral Hall,Type the reading!,Image
暫く,しばらく,"In A Little While, In A Short While, In A Moment",Type the
暫定,ざんてい,"Tentative, Temporary",Type the reading!,Image
解析,かいせき,Analysis,Type the reading!,Image
分析,ぶんせき,Analysis,Type the reading!,Image
枢軸,すうじく,"Axle, Pivot",Type the reading!,Image
中枢,ちゅうすう,"Center, Centre, Pivot",Type the reading!,Image
軸,じく,Axis,Type the reading!,Image
掛軸,かけじく,Hanging Scroll,Type the reading!,Image
中軸,ちゅうじく,"Axis, Pivot",Type the reading!,Image
柄,がら,"Pattern, Design",Type the reading!,Image
国柄,くにがら,National Character,Type the reading!,Image
人柄,ひとがら,"Personal Character, Personality, Character",Type the reading!,Image
一泊,いっぱく,One Night's Stay,Type the reading!,Image
二泊,にはく,Two Night's Stay,Type the reading!,Image
宿泊,しゅくはく,"Lodging, Stay The Night",Type the reading!,Image
泊まる,とまる,"To Stay The Night, To Stay At",Type the reading!,Image
滑る,すべる,"To Slide, To Slip",Type the reading!,Image
円滑,えんかつ,"Effortless, Smooth",Type the reading!,Image
潟,かた,Lagoon,Type the reading!,Image
干潟,ひがた,"Tidal Flat, Tideland",Type the reading!,Image
焦点,しょうてん,"Focal Point, Focus",Type the reading!,Image
焦げる,こげる,"To Be Burned, To Get Burned",Type the reading!,Image
範囲,はんい,"Extent, Scope",Type the reading!,Image
模範,もはん,"Exemplification, Model, Example",Type the reading!,Image
範,はん,"Example, Model",Type the reading!,Image
紛らす,まぎらす,"To Divert, To Distract",Type the reading!,Image
紛糾,ふんきゅう,"Complication, Confusion",Type the reading!,Image
糾弾,きゅうだん,Blame,Type the reading!,Image
綱,つな,"Rope, Sumo Belt",Type the reading!,Image
横綱,よこづな,"Yokozuna, Sumo Grand Champion",Type the reading!,Image
綱引き,つなひき,Tug Of War,Type the reading!,Image
網,あみ,"Net, Netting, Web",Type the reading!,Image
交通網,こうつうもう,Traffic Network,Type the reading!,Image
通信網,つうしんもう,Communications Network,Type the reading!,Image
肝,きも,"Liver, Chutzpah, Courage",Type the reading!,Image
肝炎,かんえん,Hepatitis,Type the reading!,Image
肝臓,かんぞう,Liver,Type the reading!,Image
芝,しば,"Lawn, Turf",Type the reading!,Image
芝生,しばふ,Lawn,Type the reading!,Image
東芝,とうしば,"Toshiba, Toushiba",Type the reading!,Image
芝草,しばくさ,"Lawn, Turf",Type the reading!,Image
荒い,あらい,"Wild, Rough",Type the reading!,Image
荒れる,あれる,"To Be Stormy, To Be Rough",Type the reading!,Image
袋,ふくろ,"Sack, Bag",Type the reading!,Image
ゴミ袋,"ごみぶくろ,ゴミぶくろ","Garbage Bag, Garbage Sack, Rubbish Bag",Type the
福袋,ふくぶくろ,"Mystery Bag, Mystery Sack, Lucky Bag",Type the reading!,Image
親孝行,おやこうこう,Filial Piety,Type the reading!,Image
吹き出す,ふきだす,"To Begin To Blow, To Breathe Out, To Burst Out Laughing",Type the
吹き込む,ふきこむ,To Blow In,Type the reading!,Image
口笛を吹く,くちぶえをふく,To Whistle,Type the reading!,Image
薄める,うすめる,"To Dilute, To Water Down",Type the reading!,Image
逃れる,のがれる,To Escape,Type the reading!,Image
吹き飛ばす,ふきとばす,To Blow Away,Type the reading!,Image
逃がす,にがす,"To Let Go, To Set Free, To Let Escape",Type the reading!,Image
小柄,こがら,"Small Build, Small Stature, Petite",Type the reading!,Image
透き通る,すきとおる,"To Be Transparent, To Be Clear, To Be See Through",Type the
軍艦島,ぐんかんじま,"Battleship Island, Gunkanjima",Type the reading!,Image
偽物,にせもの,"Fake, Counterfeit",Type the reading!,Image
包み,つつみ,"Bundle, Package, Parcel",Type the reading!,Image
浴衣,ゆかた,Yukata,Type the reading!,Image
誠に,まことに,"Indeed, Really, Absolutely",Type the reading!,Image
誰,だれ,Who,Type the reading!,Image
誰か,だれか,Someone,Type the reading!,Image
珍,ちん,"Rare, Curious, Strange",Type the reading!,Image
珍味,ちんみ,Delicacy,Type the reading!,Image
珍しい,めずらしい,"Rare, Unusual, Curious",Type the reading!,Image
裂く,さく,"To Tear, To Rip Up",Type the reading!,Image
決裂,けつれつ,"Breakdown, Rupture",Type the reading!,Image
分裂,ぶんれつ,"Split, Division",Type the reading!,Image
襲う,おそう,To Attack,Type the reading!,Image
襲撃,しゅうげき,"Attack, Assault",Type the reading!,Image
奇襲,きしゅう,Surprise Attack,Type the reading!,Image
空襲,くうしゅう,"Air Raid, Air Attack",Type the reading!,Image
逆襲,ぎゃくしゅう,Counterattack,Type the reading!,Image
貢献,こうけん,Contribution,Type the reading!,Image
趣,おもむき,"Gist, Vibe, Taste, Charm",Type the reading!,Image
趣味,しゅみ,Hobby,Type the reading!,Image
距離,きょり,"Distance, Range",Type the reading!,Image
戸籍,こせき,"Family Register, Census",Type the reading!,Image
国籍,こくせき,Citizenship,Type the reading!,Image
暴露,ばくろ,"Disclosure, Exposure",Type the reading!,Image
露骨,ろこつ,"Frank, Blunt",Type the reading!,Image
露店,ろてん,"Street Stall, Stand, Booth",Type the reading!,Image
露出,ろしゅつ,"Exposure, Photographic Exposure",Type the reading!,Image
牧師,ぼくし,"Pastor, Minister, Clergyman",Type the reading!,Image
牧野,"ぼくや,まきの","Pasture Land, Ranch",Type the reading!,Image
牧草,ぼくそう,"Pasture, Grass",Type the reading!,Image
牧場,"ぼくじょう,まきば","Livestock Farm, Ranch, Station",Type the reading!,Image
印刷,いんさつ,Printing,Type the reading!,Image
刷る,する,To Print,Type the reading!,Image
明朗,めいろう,"Bright, Cheerful, Clear",Type the reading!,Image
朗報,ろうほう,Good News,Type the reading!,Image
朗らか,ほがらか,"Bright, Cheerful",Type the reading!,Image
潮,しお,"Tide, Current",Type the reading!,Image
風潮,ふうちょう,"Tide, Current, Trend",Type the reading!,Image
満潮,"まんちょう,みちしお","High Tide, Full Tide",Type the reading!,Image
潮流,ちょうりゅう,"Tide, Tidal Current",Type the reading!,Image
即〜,そく,"Immediate, Instant",Type the reading!,Image
即興,そっきょう,Improvisation,Type the reading!,Image
即座,そくざ,"Immediate, Instantaneous",Type the reading!,Image
即死,そくし,Instant Death,Type the reading!,Image
即日,そくじつ,Same Day,Type the reading!,Image
即効,そっこう,"Immediate Effect, Instant Effect",Type the reading!,Image
垣,かき,Fence,Type the reading!,Image
垣根,かきね,"Hedge, Fence",Type the reading!,Image
石垣,いしがき,Stone Wall,Type the reading!,Image
権威,けんい,Authority,Type the reading!,Image
威張る,いばる,"To Be Proud, To Be Arrogant",Type the reading!,Image
球威,きゅうい,"A Pitcher's Stuff, Pitcher's Stuff",Type the reading!,Image
威厳,いげん,"Dignity, Majesty",Type the reading!,Image
封,ふう,Seal,Type the reading!,Image
開封,かいふう,Unsealed Letter,Type the reading!,Image
封書,ふうしょ,Sealed Letter,Type the reading!,Image
封建主義,ほうけんしゅぎ,Feudalism,Type the reading!,Image
封筒,ふうとう,Envelope,Type the reading!,Image
筒,つつ,"Pipe, Cylinder, Tube",Type the reading!,Image
山岳,さんがく,Mountains,Type the reading!,Image
岳,たけ,"Peak, Mountain",Type the reading!,Image
慰謝,いしゃ,Consolation,Type the reading!,Image
慰める,なぐさめる,To Console,Type the reading!,Image
慰問,いもん,"Condolences, Sympathy Call",Type the reading!,Image
慰安,いあん,"Solace, Relaxation",Type the reading!,Image
懇意,こんい,"Intimacy, Kindness, Closeness",Type the reading!,Image
懇話,こんわ,"Friendly Chat, Friendly Talk",Type the reading!,Image
懇親,こんしん,Friendship,Type the reading!,Image
懇談,こんだん,"Informal Talk, Friendly Talk",Type the reading!,Image
懲りる,こりる,To Learn By Experience,Type the reading!,Image
懲罰,ちょうばつ,"Discipline, Punishment",Type the reading!,Image
摩擦,まさつ,Friction,Type the reading!,Image
擦れる,"すれる,こすれる","To Chafe, To Rub",Type the reading!,Image
相撲,すもう,"Sumo Wrestling, Sumo",Type the reading!,Image
一斉,いっせい,"Simultaneous, All At Once",Type the reading!,Image
旨い,うまい,"Delicious, Skillful, Clever",Type the reading!,Image
旨,むね,"Gist, Principle",Type the reading!,Image
要旨,ようし,"Point, Essentials",Type the reading!,Image
論旨,ろんし,Point Of An Argument,Type the reading!,Image
柔らかい,やわらかい,"Gentle, Flexible, Soft, Tender",Type the reading!,Image
柔道,じゅうどう,"Judo, Juudou",Type the reading!,Image
柔和,にゅうわ,Gentleness,Type the reading!,Image
沈める,しずめる,To Sink,Type the reading!,Image
沈む,しずむ,To Sink,Type the reading!,Image
沈滞,ちんたい,"Stagnation, Inactivity",Type the reading!,Image
沼,ぬま,"Bog, Swamp",Type the reading!,Image
沼田,"ぬまた,ぬた","Marshy Rice Field, Marshy Rice Paddy",Type the reading!,Image
沼地,ぬまち,"Marshland, Wetland, Swampland",Type the reading!,Image
泥沼,どろぬま,"Bog, Marsh",Type the reading!,Image
沼沢,しょうたく,"Swamp, Marsh",Type the reading!,Image
安泰,あんたい,"Peace, Security",Type the reading!,Image
滅ぼす,ほろぼす,"To Destroy, To Annihilate",Type the reading!,Image
滅亡,めつぼう,"Downfall, Ruin",Type the reading!,Image
撲滅,ぼくめつ,"Extermination, Eradication",Type the reading!,Image
絶滅,ぜつめつ,"Destruction, Extinction",Type the reading!,Image
壊滅,かいめつ,"Destruction, Annihilation",Type the reading!,Image
幻滅,げんめつ,Disillusionment,Type the reading!,Image
滋養,じよう,Nourishment,Type the reading!,Image
高炉,こうろ,Blast Furnace,Type the reading!,Image
暖炉,だんろ,"Fireplace, Hearth, Stove",Type the reading!,Image
炉心,ろしん,Nuclear Reactor Core,Type the reading!,Image
原子炉,げんしろ,"Atomic Reactor, Nuclear Reactor",Type the reading!,Image
琴,こと,"Koto, Japanese Harp, Harp",Type the reading!,Image
伺い,うかがい,"Inquiry, Enquiry, Question",Type the reading!,Image
群がる,むらがる,"To Flock, To Crowd",Type the reading!,Image
潜る,"もぐる,くぐる","To Pass Through, To Dive Underwater, To Go Underground, To Go
Under",Type the reading!,Image
埋まる,うまる,"To Be Buried, To Be Surrounded, To Overflow, To Be Filled",Type the
慰謝料,いしゃりょう,"Compensation, Consolation Money, Reparation, Settlement",Type the
露,つゆ,Dew,Type the reading!,Image
御札,おふだ,"Amulet, Talisman",Type the reading!,Image
凄く,すごく,"Awfully, Very, Immensely",Type the reading!,Image
濡れ衣,ぬれぎぬ,"False Accusations, False Charges, Baseless Accusations",Type the
携帯ストラップ,"けいたいすとらっぷ,けいたいストラップ","Cell Phone Strap, Mobile Phone
Strap",Type the reading!,Image
克服する,こくふくする,To Conquer,Type the reading!,Image
哲学者,てつがくしゃ,Philosopher,Type the reading!,Image
喪服,もふく,"Mourning Dress, Mourning Clothes",Type the reading!,Image
挑戦者,ちょうせんしゃ,"A Challenger, Challenger",Type the reading!,Image
揚げ,あげ,Fried,Type the reading!,Image
握り,にぎり,"Grip, Handle, Handful, Fistful",Type the reading!,Image
揺さぶる,ゆさぶる,"To Shake, To Jolt",Type the reading!,Image
揺する,ゆする,"To Shake, To Rock, To Sway, To Jolt",Type the reading!,Image
揺れる,ゆれる,"To Be Shaken, To Be Jolted",Type the reading!,Image
泊まり,とまり,"Overnight Stay, Sleepover, Stopover",Type the reading!,Image
泊める,とめる,"To Let Someone Stay Over, To Let Someone Stay The Night",Type the
滑り台,すべりだい,"Playground Slide, Slide",Type the reading!,Image
焦る,あせる,"To Be In A Hurry, To Be Impatient",Type the reading!,Image
焦がす,こがす,"To Burn, To Scorch",Type the reading!,Image
紛れる,まぎれる,"To Be Diverted, To Be Distracted",Type the reading!,Image
紛らわしい,まぎらわしい,"Confusing, Misleading",Type the reading!,Image
網戸,あみど,Screen Door,Type the reading!,Image
荒波,あらなみ,"Stormy Seas, Raging Waves",Type the reading!,Image
手袋,てぶくろ,Gloves,Type the reading!,Image
竜,りゅう,Dragon,Type the reading!,Image
竜巻,たつまき,Tornado,Type the reading!,Image
恐竜,きょうりゅう,Dinosaur,Type the reading!,Image
縁起,えんぎ,"Omen, Luck",Type the reading!,Image
無縁,むえん,Unrelated,Type the reading!,Image
縁談,えんだん,Marriage Proposal,Type the reading!,Image
左翼,さよく,Left Wing,Type the reading!,Image
右翼,うよく,Right Wing,Type the reading!,Image
翼,つばさ,Wing,Type the reading!,Image
吉,きち,Good Omen,Type the reading!,Image
不吉,ふきつ,"Ominous, Sinister, Bad Luck, Ill Omen",Type the reading!,Image
忍ぶ,しのぶ,"To Endure, To Conceal, To Hide",Type the reading!,Image
忍者,にんじゃ,Ninja,Type the reading!,Image
刃,は,"Blade, Edge",Type the reading!,Image
刃物,はもの,"Edged Tool, Cutlery, Kitchen Cutlery, Knife",Type the reading!,Image
刃先,はさき,"Edge Of Blade, Blade Edge",Type the reading!,Image
桃,もも,Peach,Type the reading!,Image
桃色,ももいろ,Peach Color,Type the reading!,Image
辛い,"からい,つらい","Spicy, Hot, Difficult, Painful",Type the reading!,Image
香辛料,こうしんりょう,Spices,Type the reading!,Image
辛抱,しんぼう,"Patience, Endurance",Type the reading!,Image
辛勝,しんしょう,Narrow Victory,Type the reading!,Image
謎,なぞ,"Mystery, Riddle",Type the reading!,Image
謎々,なぞなぞ,"Riddle, Puzzle, Enigma",Type the reading!,Image
侍,さむらい,Samurai,Type the reading!,Image
俺,おれ,"I, Me",Type the reading!,Image
俺ら,おれら,We,Type the reading!,Image
俺たち,おれたち,We,Type the reading!,Image
叱る,しかる,"To Scold, To Chide, To Reprimand",Type the reading!,Image
娯楽,ごらく,"Pleasure, Amusement",Type the reading!,Image
斗,と,"Ladle, Big Dipper, Measure Of Volume, Eighteen Liters",Type the
朱,"あけ,しゅ","Vermillion, Scarlet Red, Blood",Type the reading!,Image
朱印,しゅいん,Red Seal,Type the reading!,Image
丘,おか,"Hill, Knoll",Type the reading!,Image
砂丘,さきゅう,Sand Dune,Type the reading!,Image
梨,なし,Pear,Type the reading!,Image
〜匹,ひき,"Small Animal Counter, Counter For Small Animals",Type the reading!,Image
四匹,よんひき,Four Small Animals,Type the reading!,Image
一匹,いっぴき,One Small Animal,Type the reading!,Image
叫ぶ,さけぶ,"To Shout, To Scream",Type the reading!,Image
絶叫,ぜっきょう,"Exclamation, Scream, Shout",Type the reading!,Image
釣り,つり,Fishing,Type the reading!,Image
釣る,つる,To Fish,Type the reading!,Image
髪,かみ,"Hair, Head Hair, Hair On Your Head",Type the reading!,Image
金髪,きんぱつ,Blonde,Type the reading!,Image
髪の毛,かみのけ,Head Hair,Type the reading!,Image
髪型,かみがた,"Hairstyle, Hair Style, Hairdo",Type the reading!,Image
嵐,あらし,"Storm, Tempest",Type the reading!,Image
笠,かさ,"Conical Hat, Bamboo Hat",Type the reading!,Image
大砲,たいほう,Cannon,Type the reading!,Image
涙,なみだ,"Tears, Tear, Teardrop",Type the reading!,Image
感涙,かんるい,Tears Of Gratitude,Type the reading!,Image
缶ビール,"かんびーる,かんビール","Can Beer, Canned Beer",Type the reading!,Image
缶,かん,"Tin Can, Can, Tin",Type the reading!,Image
空き缶,あきかん,Empty Can,Type the reading!,Image
缶コーヒー,"かんこーひー,かんコーヒー","Canned Coffee, Can Coffee",Type the
姫,ひめ,"Princess, Noble Girl",Type the reading!,Image
姫様,ひめさま,Princess,Type the reading!,Image
棚,たな,Shelf,Type the reading!,Image
本棚,ほんだな,"Bookcase, Bookshelf",Type the reading!,Image
戸棚,とだな,Cupboard,Type the reading!,Image
粒,つぶ,"Grain, Bead, Counter For Grains",Type the reading!,Image
粒子,りゅうし,"Particle, Grain, Atomic Particle",Type the reading!,Image
雷雨,らいう,Thunderstorm,Type the reading!,Image
雷,かみなり,"Thunder, Lightning, Thunderbolt",Type the reading!,Image
魚雷,ぎょらい,Torpedo,Type the reading!,Image
芽,め,"Sprout, Bud",Type the reading!,Image
塔,とう,"Tower, Pagoda",Type the reading!,Image
管制塔,かんせいとう,Control Tower,Type the reading!,Image
バベルの塔,"ばべるのとう,バベルのとう",Tower Of Babel,Type the reading!,Image
エッフェル塔,"えっふぇるとう,エッフェルとう",Eiffel Tower,Type the reading!,Image
見逃す,みのがす,To Overlook,Type the reading!,Image
取り逃がす,とりにがす,To Fail To Catch,Type the reading!,Image
寝床,ねどこ,"Bed, Crib",Type the reading!,Image
手堅い,てがたい,"Solid, Steady, Firm",Type the reading!,Image
荒らす,あらす,"To Lay Waste, To Devastate",Type the reading!,Image
荒々しい,あらあらしい,"Wild, Rough",Type the reading!,Image
寸,すん,"Sun, Three Point Zero Three Centimeters, Three Centimeters, Three Point Oh
Three Centimeters",Type the reading!,Image
寸法,すんぽう,"Measurement, Size, Dimension",Type the reading!,Image
寸前,すんぜん,"On The Brink, On The Verge, Just In Front Of, Just Before",Type the
縁,ふち,"Edge, Rim, Brim",Type the reading!,Image
落雷,らくらい,"Thunderbolt, Lightning, Bolt Of Lightning, Lightning Strike",Type the
一翼,いちよく,"Part, A Part",Type the reading!,Image
両翼,りょうよく,"Both Wings, Both Flanks",Type the reading!,Image
挨拶,あいさつ,"Greeting, Salutation, Speech",Type the reading!,Image
引き裂く,ひきさく,"To Tear Up, To Tear Off, To Split",Type the reading!,Image
核分裂,かくぶんれつ,"Nuclear Fission, Karyokinesis",Type the reading!,Image
襲撃する,しゅうげきする,"To Attack, To Assault",Type the reading!,Image
遠距離,えんきょり,Long Distance,Type the reading!,Image
近距離,きんきょり,Short Distance,Type the reading!,Image
短距離,たんきょり,Short Distance,Type the reading!,Image
入籍,にゅうせき,Entry In Family Register,Type the reading!,Image
一斉に,いっせいに,"Simultaneously, All At Once",Type the reading!,Image
滅びる,ほろびる,"To Be Destroyed, To Be Annihilated",Type the reading!,Image
硬い,かたい,"Stiff, Hard",Type the reading!,Image
硬直,こうちょく,"Rigidity, Stiffening, Stiffness",Type the reading!,Image
稼ぐ,かせぐ,"To Earn Income, To Make Money",Type the reading!,Image
澄む,すむ,"To Become Clear, To Become Transparent",Type the reading!,Image
矛,ほこ,Spear,Type the reading!,Image
肌,はだ,"Human Skin, Skin",Type the reading!,Image
鳥肌,とりはだ,Goosebumps,Type the reading!,Image
肌触り,はだざわり,"The Touch Of, Feel Of, Texture",Type the reading!,Image
肌色,はだいろ,"Flesh Colored, Skin Colored",Type the reading!,Image
小舟,こぶね,"Boat, Small Craft",Type the reading!,Image
舟,ふね,Boat,Type the reading!,Image
鐘,かね,"Bell, Chime",Type the reading!,Image
警鐘,けいしょう,"Alarm Bell, Fire Bell",Type the reading!,Image
凶器,きょうき,"Dangerous Weapon, Lethal Weapon",Type the reading!,Image
元凶,"げんきょう,がんきょう","Ringleader, Main Culprit",Type the reading!,Image
凶悪,きょうあく,"Atrocious, Fiendish",Type the reading!,Image
狩り,かり,Hunting,Type the reading!,Image
狩人,かりゅうど,Hunter,Type the reading!,Image
頃,"ころ,ごろ","Approximate Time, Around, About, Approximate",Type the
先頃,さきごろ,"Recently, The Other Day",Type the reading!,Image
近頃,ちかごろ,"Lately, Recently",Type the reading!,Image
年頃,としごろ,Approximate Age,Type the reading!,Image
いつ頃,いつごろ,"About When, How Soon",Type the reading!,Image
この頃,このごろ,"Recently, Nowadays, These Days",Type the reading!,Image
若い頃,わかいころ,"One's Youth, Early Life",Type the reading!,Image
魂,たましい,Soul,Type the reading!,Image
〜魂,こん,Spirit,Type the reading!,Image
脚,あし,"Leg, Foot",Type the reading!,Image
脚本,きゃくほん,"Script, Screenplay",Type the reading!,Image
可也,かなり,"Considerably, Fairly, Quite",Type the reading!,Image
井戸,いど,Well,Type the reading!,Image
天井,てんじょう,Ceiling,Type the reading!,Image
呪い,のろい,Curse,Type the reading!,Image
呪う,のろう,"To Curse, To Put A Curse On",Type the reading!,Image
暦,こよみ,"Calendar, Almanac",Type the reading!,Image
旧暦,きゅうれき,"Lunisolar Calendar, Traditional Japanese Calendar, Japanese
Calendar",Type the reading!,Image
西暦,せいれき,"Christian Era, Western Calendar",Type the reading!,Image
曇る,くもる,"To Get Cloudy, To Become Cloudy",Type the reading!,Image
曇り,くもり,"Cloudiness, Cloudy Weather",Type the reading!,Image
眺める,ながめる,"To Stare At, To Look At, To View, To Gaze At",Type the
眺望,ちょうぼう,"Prospect, View",Type the reading!,Image
全裸,ぜんら,"Completely Nude, Totally Nude, Completely Naked, Totally Naked",Type
the reading!,Image
半裸,はんら,"Half Naked, Half Nude",Type the reading!,Image
裸,はだか,Naked,Type the reading!,Image
賭ける,かける,"To Gamble, To Bet, To Stake, To Risk",Type the reading!,Image
賭け,かけ,"Betting, Gambling, A Gamble, A Bet",Type the reading!,Image
疲れる,つかれる,"To Become Exhausted, To Become Tired, To Get Tired",Type the
疲労,ひろう,"Fatigue, Weariness",Type the reading!,Image
塾,じゅく,"Cram School, Coaching School, Juku",Type the reading!,Image
義塾,ぎじゅく,Private School,Type the reading!,Image
塾生,じゅくせい,Cram School Student,Type the reading!,Image
電卓,でんたく,Calculator,Type the reading!,Image
食卓,しょくたく,Dining Table,Type the reading!,Image
卓,たく,"Table, Desk",Type the reading!,Image
卓球,たっきゅう,"Table Tennis, Ping Pong",Type the reading!,Image
磨く,みがく,"To Polish, To Shine, To Brush Your Teeth",Type the reading!,Image
磨き,みがき,"Polish, Shine",Type the reading!,Image
細菌,さいきん,Bacteria,Type the reading!,Image
ばい菌,ばいきん,Germ,Type the reading!,Image
無菌,むきん,"Sterilized, Sterilised, Pasteurised, Pasteurized",Type the
殺菌,さっきん,"Sterilization, Sterilisation",Type the reading!,Image
陰,かげ,"Shadow, Shade",Type the reading!,Image
陰気,いんき,"Gloom, Melancholy",Type the reading!,Image
悪霊,"あくりょう,あくれい",Evil Spirit,Type the reading!,Image
霊感,れいかん,"Inspiration, Sixth Sense, ESP",Type the reading!,Image
亡霊,ぼうれい,"Ghost, The Dead",Type the reading!,Image
霊園,れいえん,Cemetery,Type the reading!,Image
加湿器,かしつき,Humidifier,Type the reading!,Image
湿地,しっち,Wetlands,Type the reading!,Image
湿気,しっけ,"Moisture, Humidity",Type the reading!,Image
湿る,しめる,"To Be Damp, To Be Moist, To Be Wet",Type the reading!,Image
嫁,よめ,"Bride, Wife",Type the reading!,Image
嫁ぐ,とつぐ,To Marry,Type the reading!,Image
溝,みぞ,"Gutter, Ditch, Drain",Type the reading!,Image
海溝,かいこう,Ocean Trench,Type the reading!,Image
排水溝,はいすいこう,"Drainage, Drain, Gutter",Type the reading!,Image
滝,たき,Waterfall,Type the reading!,Image
滝川,たきがわ,Rapids,Type the reading!,Image
狂う,くるう,"To Go Mad, To Go Crazy",Type the reading!,Image
狂気,きょうき,"Madness, Insanity",Type the reading!,Image
翔る,かける,"To Fly, To Soar",Type the reading!,Image
悪趣味,あくしゅみ,"Bad Habit, Bad Taste",Type the reading!,Image
包み紙,つつみがみ,Wrapping Paper,Type the reading!,Image
潮時,しおどき,"Tidal Hour, The Right Time, High Time",Type the reading!,Image
黒潮,くろしお,"Japan Current, Kuroshio Current",Type the reading!,Image
擦る,"する,こする","To Rub, To Scrub",Type the reading!,Image
小包,こづつみ,"Package, A Package, Parcel, A Parcel",Type the reading!,Image
塊,かたまり,"Lump, Mass, Bundle",Type the reading!,Image
手頃,てごろ,"Moderate, Handy, Convenient, Reasonable",Type the reading!,Image
辛子,からし,Mustard,Type the reading!,Image
素粒子,そりゅうし,"Elementary Particle, Particle",Type the reading!,Image
お握り,おにぎり,"Onigiri, Rice Ball",Type the reading!,Image
揚げ出し,あげだし,Deep Fried,Type the reading!,Image
叫び,さけび,"Shout, Scream, A Shout, A Scream",Type the reading!,Image
叫び声,さけびごえ,"Shout, Yell, Scream",Type the reading!,Image
新芽,しんめ,"Sprout, Bud, Shoot",Type the reading!,Image
焦り,あせり,Impatience,Type the reading!,Image
墨,すみ,"Ink, Black Ink",Type the reading!,Image
墨絵,すみえ,Ink Painting,Type the reading!,Image
入れ墨,いれずみ,Tattoo,Type the reading!,Image
鳩,はと,"Pigeon, Dove",Type the reading!,Image
穏やか,おだやか,"Calm, Mild",Type the reading!,Image
穏当,おんとう,"Proper, Reasonable",Type the reading!,Image
平穏,へいおん,"Calm, Tranquil",Type the reading!,Image
不穏,ふおん,"Unrest, Turbulence, Disquieting, Threatening",Type the reading!,Image
鈍い,"にぶい,のろい","Dull, Thickheaded",Type the reading!,Image
鈍感,どんかん,"Thickheadedness, Insensitivity",Type the reading!,Image
鈍器,どんき,Blunt Weapon,Type the reading!,Image
悪魔,あくま,"Devil, Demon, Satan",Type the reading!,Image
魔法,まほう,"Magic, Witchcraft",Type the reading!,Image
魔術,まじゅつ,"Black Magic, Sorcery",Type the reading!,Image
魔女,まじょ,Witch,Type the reading!,Image
寮,りょう,"Dormitory, Hostel",Type the reading!,Image
寮生,りょうせい,"Boarding Student, Boarder",Type the reading!,Image
お盆,おぼん,"Obon, Obon Festival, Lantern Festival, Tray",Type the reading!,Image
寧ろ,むしろ,"Rather, Better, Instead",Type the reading!,Image
丁寧,ていねい,"Polite, Courteous",Type the reading!,Image
病棟,びょうとう,Hospital Ward,Type the reading!,Image
吾輩,わがはい,"I, Me, Myself",Type the reading!,Image
斬新,ざんしん,"Novel Idea, Original, Novel, Original Idea",Type the reading!,Image
斬殺,ざんさつ,"Killing With A Sword, Putting To The Sword",Type the reading!,Image
斬る,きる,"To Cut Down, To Slice Off, To Lop Off",Type the reading!,Image
椅子,いす,Chair,Type the reading!,Image
歳月,さいげつ,"Time, Years",Type the reading!,Image
〜歳,さい,Years Old,Type the reading!,Image
二十歳,はたち,Twenty Years Old,Type the reading!,Image
万歳,ばんざい,"Banzai, Raising Your Hands, Hooray",Type the reading!,Image
歳暮,せいぼ,"End Of The Year, Year End Gift, End Of Year Gift",Type the
歳入,さいにゅう,Annual Revenue,Type the reading!,Image
涼しい,すずしい,"Cool, Refreshing",Type the reading!,Image
清涼,せいりょう,"Refreshing, Cool, Fresh",Type the reading!,Image
涼風,りょうふう,"Cool Breeze, Refreshing Breeze",Type the reading!,Image
猿真似,さるまね,Monkey See Monkey Do,Type the reading!,Image
猿,さる,Monkey,Type the reading!,Image
瞳,ひとみ,Pupil,Type the reading!,Image
鍵,かぎ,"Key, Lock",Type the reading!,Image
零,れい,Zero,Type the reading!,Image
零下,れいか,"Below Zero, Sub Zero",Type the reading!,Image
零時,れいじ,"Midnight, Twelve O'clock",Type the reading!,Image
零点,れいてん,"Zero Points, Zero Marks",Type the reading!,Image
零す,こぼす,"To Spill, To Drop, To Shed Tears",Type the reading!,Image
碁,ご,"Go, Go Boardgame",Type the reading!,Image
囲碁,いご,"Go, Go Board Game",Type the reading!,Image
碁盤,ごばん,Go Board,Type the reading!,Image
碁会所,"ごかいしょ,ごかいじょ","Go Parlor, Go Playing Parlor",Type the reading!,Image
租界,そかい,"Concession, Settlement",Type the reading!,Image
租税,そぜい,"Taxes, Taxation",Type the reading!,Image
泡,あわ,"Bubble, Foam",Type the reading!,Image
気泡,きほう,Air Bubble,Type the reading!,Image
水泡,すいほう,"Foam, Bubble",Type the reading!,Image
発泡,はっぽう,Foaming,Type the reading!,Image
癖,くせ,"Bad Habit, Habit",Type the reading!,Image
幽閉,ゆうへい,"Confinement, Imprisonment",Type the reading!,Image
幽霊,ゆうれい,"Ghost, Specter, Spectre, Phantom",Type the reading!,Image
口癖,くちぐせ,"Favorite Phrase, Catchphrase, Habit Of Saying",Type the reading!,Image
鍛錬,たんれん,"Tempering, Forging, Training",Type the reading!,Image
錬金術,れんきんじゅつ,Alchemy,Type the reading!,Image
鍛える,きたえる,"To Forge, To Temper, To Train, To Discipline",Type the
穂,ほ,"Head Of Plant, Ear Of Plant",Type the reading!,Image
稲穂,いなほ,"Head Of Rice, Ear Of Rice",Type the reading!,Image
皇帝,こうてい,Emperor,Type the reading!,Image
帝,みかど,"Japanese Emperor, Emperor Of Japan",Type the reading!,Image
帝国,ていこく,Empire,Type the reading!,Image
帝政,ていせい,"Imperial Government, Imperialism",Type the reading!,Image
瞬く,"またたく,まばたく","To Blink, To Flicker, To Twinkle",Type the reading!,Image
瞬間,しゅんかん,"An Instant, Instant, Moment",Type the reading!,Image
瞬時,しゅんじ,"Moment, Instant",Type the reading!,Image
白菊,しらぎく,White Chrysanthemum,Type the reading!,Image
誇大,こだい,"Exaggeration, Hyperbole",Type the reading!,Image
瞬き,"まばたき,またたき","A Blink, A Wink, Wink, Blink",Type the reading!,Image
一瞬,いっしゅん,"An Instant, A Moment",Type the reading!,Image
誇る,ほこる,"To Be Proud Of, To Boast Of",Type the reading!,Image
誇張,こちょう,Exaggeration,Type the reading!,Image
庄園,しょうえん,Manor,Type the reading!,Image
阻む,はばむ,"To Thwart, To Hamper, To Prevent",Type the reading!,Image
阻止,そし,"Obstruction, Hindrance",Type the reading!,Image
阻害,そがい,"Obstruction, Inhibition",Type the reading!,Image
黙る,だまる,"To Shut Up, To Be Silent",Type the reading!,Image
沈黙,ちんもく,"Silence, Hush, Awkward Silence",Type the reading!,Image
黙殺,もくさつ,Ignoring,Type the reading!,Image
俵,たわら,"Sack, Straw Bag, Straw Sack",Type the reading!,Image
土俵,どひょう,"Ring, Sumo Ring, Arena, Sumo Arena",Type the reading!,Image
綿,"わた,めん","Cotton Plant, Cotton Material",Type the reading!,Image
綿布,めんぷ,"Cotton Cloth, Cotton Material",Type the reading!,Image
架設,かせつ,"Construction, Building",Type the reading!,Image
書架,しょか,"Bookshelf, Bookcase",Type the reading!,Image
担架,たんか,"Stretcher, Litter",Type the reading!,Image
紛れもない,まぎれもない,"Certain, Unmistaken, Obvious",Type the reading!,Image
瞳孔,どうこう,"Pupil, Pupillary",Type the reading!,Image
眼孔,がんこう,Eye Socket,Type the reading!,Image
寸暇,すんか,"Moment's Leisure, Free Minute",Type the reading!,Image
魔,ま,"Devil, Demon, Evil Spirit",Type the reading!,Image
揺らぐ,ゆらぐ,"To Shake, To Sway, To Tremble",Type the reading!,Image
木綿,もめん,Cotton,Type the reading!,Image
辛口,からくち,"Spicy Taste, Dry Taste, Dry Tasting, Harsh",Type the reading!,Image
眺め,ながめ,"View, Scene, Prospect",Type the reading!,Image
疲れ,つかれ,"Tiredness, Fatigue",Type the reading!,Image
湿らせる,しめらせる,"To Moisten, To Dampen",Type the reading!,Image
砕く,くだく,"To Smash, To Break",Type the reading!,Image
砕石,さいせき,"Rubble, Broken Stone",Type the reading!,Image
粉砕,ふんさい,"Pulverization, Smashing",Type the reading!,Image
粘る,ねばる,"To Be Sticky, To Persevere",Type the reading!,Image
粘土,ねんど,Clay,Type the reading!,Image
粘着,ねんちゃく,"Cohesion, Adhesion, Adhesive",Type the reading!,Image
化粧,けしょう,"Makeup, Cosmetics",Type the reading!,Image
欺く,あざむく,"To Deceive, To Swindle, To Delude",Type the reading!,Image
詐欺,さぎ,Fraud,Type the reading!,Image
詐取,さしゅ,"Swindle, Cheat, Defraud, Rip-Off",Type the reading!,Image
詐称,さしょう,"Misrepresentation, False Statement",Type the reading!,Image
霧,きり,"Fog, Mist",Type the reading!,Image
黒い霧,くろいきり,"Thick Fog, Black Veil, Covered Up",Type the reading!,Image
朝霧,あさぎり,Morning Fog,Type the reading!,Image
柳,やなぎ,"Willow, Weeping Willow",Type the reading!,Image
花柳,かりゅう,Red Light District,Type the reading!,Image
川柳,せんりゅう,Comic Haiku,Type the reading!,Image
伊勢,いせ,Ise,Type the reading!,Image
伊達,だて,"Elegance, Dandyism, Sophistication",Type the reading!,Image
補佐,ほさ,"Aid, Help, Assistance",Type the reading!,Image
大佐,たいさ,"Colonel, Navy Captain",Type the reading!,Image
少佐,しょうさ,"Major, Lieutenant Commander",Type the reading!,Image
中佐,ちゅうさ,"Lieutenant Colonel, Navy Commander",Type the reading!,Image
尺,しゃく,"Shaku, Japanese Foot",Type the reading!,Image
巻尺,まきじゃく,"Tape Measure, Measuring Tape",Type the reading!,Image
哀れ,あわれ,"Pity, Sorrow, Grief",Type the reading!,Image
可哀想,かわいそう,"Pitiful, Poor, Pitiable, Pathetic",Type the reading!,Image
悲哀,ひあい,"Sorrow, Grief, Sadness",Type the reading!,Image
唇,くちびる,Lips,Type the reading!,Image
下唇,"したくちびる,かしん","Lower Lip, Bottom Lip",Type the reading!,Image
上唇,"うわくちびる,じょうしん","Upper Lip, Top Lip",Type the reading!,Image
塀,へい,"Wall, Fence",Type the reading!,Image
土塀,どべい,"Mud Wall, Earthen Wall",Type the reading!,Image
撃墜,げきつい,"Shooting Down, Shooting Down An Aircraft",Type the reading!,Image
墜落,ついらく,"Falling, Crashing",Type the reading!,Image
欠如,けつじょ,"Lack, Deficiency",Type the reading!,Image
突如,とつじょ,"Suddenly, All Of A Sudden",Type the reading!,Image
躍如,やくじょ,"Lifelike, Vivid",Type the reading!,Image
老婆,ろうば,"Old Woman, Elderly Woman",Type the reading!,Image
お婆さん,おばあさん,"Grandmother, Old Woman, Old Lady",Type the reading!,Image
崖,がけ,Cliff,Type the reading!,Image
布巾,ふきん,"Dish Cloth, Tea Towel",Type the reading!,Image
雑巾,ぞうきん,"Dust Cloth, House Cloth",Type the reading!,Image
帽子,ぼうし,"Hat, Cap",Type the reading!,Image
貨幣,かへい,"Money, Currency, Coinage",Type the reading!,Image
紙幣,しへい,"Paper Money, Notes, Bills",Type the reading!,Image
恨む,うらむ,To Hold A Grudge,Type the reading!,Image
痛恨,つうこん,"Regret, Regretful, Contrition, Remorse",Type the reading!,Image
憎む,にくむ,"To Hate, To Detest",Type the reading!,Image
愛憎,あいぞう,Love And Hate,Type the reading!,Image
憩う,いこう,"To Rest, To Relax",Type the reading!,Image
休憩,きゅうけい,"Rest, Break, Recess, Intermission",Type the reading!,Image
扇ぐ,あおぐ,To Fan,Type the reading!,Image
扇風機,せんぷうき,"Electric Fan, Electronic Fan",Type the reading!,Image
扇子,せんす,"Folding Fan, Traditional Paper Fan, Paper Fan",Type the reading!,Image
扉,とびら,"Front Door, Door, Gate, Front Page",Type the reading!,Image
門扉,もんぴ,"Doors Of A Gate, Gate Doors",Type the reading!,Image
挿絵,さしえ,Book Illustration,Type the reading!,Image
挿話,そうわ,Episode,Type the reading!,Image
挿入,そうにゅう,Insertion,Type the reading!,Image
掌,てのひら,"Palm Of One's Hand, Palm",Type the reading!,Image
車掌,しゃしょう,Train Conductor,Type the reading!,Image
掌握,しょうあく,"Grasping, Seizing, Holding",Type the reading!,Image
滴る,したたる,To Drip,Type the reading!,Image
水滴,すいてき,"Drop Of Water, Water Drop",Type the reading!,Image
点滴,てんてき,"Intravenous Drip, IV Drip, Raindrops, Falling Drops Of Water",Type the
炊く,たく,"To Cook, To Boil, To Cook Grains",Type the reading!,Image
自炊,じすい,Cooking For Oneself,Type the reading!,Image
炊事,すいじ,"Cooking, Culinary Arts",Type the reading!,Image
炊飯器,すいはんき,Rice Cooker,Type the reading!,Image
爽やか,さわやか,"Refreshing, Fresh, Invigorating, Eloquent",Type the reading!,Image
〜畳,じょう,Counter For Tatami Mats,Type the reading!,Image
畳,たたみ,"Tatami Mat, Tatami",Type the reading!,Image
明瞭,めいりょう,"Clarity, Clearness",Type the reading!,Image
箸,はし,Chopsticks,Type the reading!,Image
割り箸,わりばし,"Splittable Chopsticks, Splittable Wood Chopsticks",Type the
胴,どう,"Torso, Abdomen, Waist",Type the reading!,Image
胴体,どうたい,"Body, Trunk, Torso",Type the reading!,Image
芯,しん,"Core, Wick, Pencil Lead, Marrow",Type the reading!,Image
虹,にじ,Rainbow,Type the reading!,Image
虹色,にじいろ,Rainbow Colored,Type the reading!,Image
お嬢さん,おじょうさん,"Young Lady, Miss, Daughter",Type the reading!,Image
裸足,はだし,Barefoot,Type the reading!,Image
稼ぎ,かせぎ,Earnings,Type the reading!,Image
〜狩り,"かり,がり",Hunting,Type the reading!,Image
歯を磨く,はをみがく,To Brush One's Teeth,Type the reading!,Image
澄ます,すます,"To Clear, To Make Clear",Type the reading!,Image
塊魂,かたまりだましい,Katamari Damacy,Type the reading!,Image
矛先,ほこさき,"Point Of Spear, Spearpoint, Brunt",Type the reading!,Image
お陰で,おかげで,Thanks To,Type the reading!,Image
粘々,ねばねば,"Stickiness, Sticky",Type the reading!,Image
癖に,くせに,"And Yet, Though, In Spite Of",Type the reading!,Image
帝国主義,ていこくしゅぎ,Imperialism,Type the reading!,Image
車椅子,くるまいす,Wheelchair,Type the reading!,Image
土俵際,どひょうぎわ,"Edge Of A Sumo Ring, Sumo Ring Edge, Edge, Sumo Ring",Type the
紛れ,"まぐれ,まぎれ","Fluke, Chance",Type the reading!,Image
脅し,おどし,"Threat, A Threat",Type the reading!,Image
脅迫,きょうはく,"Threat, Menace",Type the reading!,Image
魔法使い,まほうつかい,"Wizard, Magician, Sorcerer",Type the reading!,Image
涼む,すずむ,"To Cool Oneself, To Cool Off",Type the reading!,Image
備蓄,びちく,Emergency Stores,Type the reading!,Image
貯蓄,ちょちく,Savings,Type the reading!,Image
蓄える,たくわえる,"To Amass, To Store, To Lay In Stock, To Have A Beard, To Grow A
Beard",Type the reading!,Image
蚊,か,Mosquito,Type the reading!,Image
蚊帳,かや,Mosquito Net,Type the reading!,Image
記帳,きちょう,"Registry, Entry",Type the reading!,Image
手帳,てちょう,"Notebook, Planner, Memo Pad",Type the reading!,Image
メモ帳,"めもちょう,メモちょう","Memo Book, Memo Pad, Notebook, Notepad,
Scratchpad",Type the reading!,Image
電話帳,でんわちょう,"Telephone Book, Telephone Directory",Type the reading!,Image
蛇,へび,Snake,Type the reading!,Image
貼る,はる,"To Paste, To Stick",Type the reading!,Image
辱める,はずかしめる,"To Humiliate, To Embarrass",Type the reading!,Image
恥辱,ちじょく,"Disgrace, Shame",Type the reading!,Image
屈辱,くつじょく,"Disgrace, Humiliation",Type the reading!,Image
鉢,はち,"Bowl, Pot, Basin",Type the reading!,Image
火鉢,ひばち,"Brazier, Hibachi",Type the reading!,Image
鉢巻,はちまき,Headband,Type the reading!,Image
闇,やみ,"Darkness, The Dark",Type the reading!,Image
暗闇,くらやみ,"Darkness, The Dark",Type the reading!,Image
無闇に,むやみに,"Unreasonably, Absurdly",Type the reading!,Image
隙,すき,"Crevice, Gap, Space, Chance, Fault, Room",Type the reading!,Image
隙間,すきま,"Crevice, Crack, Gap, Opening",Type the reading!,Image
霜,しも,Frost,Type the reading!,Image
飢餓,きが,"Starvation, Famine, Hunger",Type the reading!,Image
飢える,うえる,"To Starve, To Thirst, To Be Hungry",Type the reading!,Image
餓死,がし,"Death From Starvation, Starving To Death",Type the reading!,Image
畜産,ちくさん,Animal Husbandry,Type the reading!,Image
家畜,かちく,"Domestic Animals, Livestock, Cattle",Type the reading!,Image
畜生,ちくしょう,"Damn It, Beast, Son Of A Bitch",Type the reading!,Image
迅速,じんそく,"Quick, Fast, Rapid, Swift",Type the reading!,Image
騎士,きし,Knight,Type the reading!,Image
騎馬,きば,Horse Riding,Type the reading!,Image
騎手,きしゅ,Horse Rider,Type the reading!,Image
騎兵,きへい,Cavalry,Type the reading!,Image
尽きる,つきる,"To Be Exhausted, To Be Used Up, To Exhaust, To Use Up",Type the
理不尽,りふじん,"Unreasonable, Irrational",Type the reading!,Image
尽力,じんりょく,"Efforts, Assistance",Type the reading!,Image
彩る,いろどる,"To Color Something, To Color",Type the reading!,Image
色彩,しきさい,Color,Type the reading!,Image
迷彩,めいさい,"Camouflage, Camo",Type the reading!,Image
水彩画,すいさいが,Watercolor Painting,Type the reading!,Image
油彩,ゆさい,Oil Painting,Type the reading!,Image
記憶,きおく,"Memory, Recollection",Type the reading!,Image
憶測,おくそく,"Guess, Speculation",Type the reading!,Image
溶かす,とかす,"To Melt Something, To Melt",Type the reading!,Image
溶岩,ようがん,Lava,Type the reading!,Image
水溶性,すいようせい,Water Soluble,Type the reading!,Image
耐える,たえる,"To Endure, To Withstand",Type the reading!,Image
忍耐,にんたい,"Endurance, Perseverance",Type the reading!,Image
耐熱,たいねつ,"Heat Resisting, Heat Resistant",Type the reading!,Image
耐火,たいか,Fireproof,Type the reading!,Image
耐久性,たいきゅうせい,Durability,Type the reading!,Image
踊る,おどる,To Dance,Type the reading!,Image
踊り,おどり,Dance,Type the reading!,Image
踊り場,おどりば,"Dance Hall, Dance Floor",Type the reading!,Image
盆踊り,ぼんおどり,"Bon Festival Dance, Bon Odori, Lantern Festival Dance",Type the
賢い,かしこい,"Clever, Intelligent",Type the reading!,Image
賢人,けんじん,"Sage, Wise Person",Type the reading!,Image
賢明,けんめい,"Wise, Sensible",Type the reading!,Image
輝く,かがやく,"To Shine, To Glitter, To Sparkle",Type the reading!,Image
光輝,こうき,"Brightness, Splendor",Type the reading!,Image
輝度,きど,"Luminance, Brightness, Clearness",Type the reading!,Image
麻,あさ,"Cannabis, Hemp",Type the reading!,Image
大麻,たいま,"Hemp, Cannabis, Shinto Paper Offerings",Type the reading!,Image
麻酔,ますい,"Anesthesia, Anaesthesia",Type the reading!,Image
灯り,あかり,"Lamp, Light, Torch",Type the reading!,Image
街灯,がいとう,"Streetlight, Street Lamp",Type the reading!,Image
電灯,でんとう,"Electric Light, Lamp, Electric Lamp",Type the reading!,Image
咲く,さく,"To Bloom, To Blossom",Type the reading!,Image
遅咲き,おそざき,"Late Flower, Late Blooming",Type the reading!,Image
返り咲き,かえりざき,"Comeback, Second Bloom",Type the reading!,Image
培う,つちかう,"To Cultivate, To Foster",Type the reading!,Image
培養,ばいよう,"Cultivation, Nurture",Type the reading!,Image
悔しい,くやしい,"Regrettable, Vexing, Annoying",Type the reading!,Image
後悔,こうかい,"Regret, Repentance",Type the reading!,Image
脇,わき,"Armpit, Under One's Arm",Type the reading!,Image
脇見,わきみ,"Looking Away, Looking Aside",Type the reading!,Image
脇役,わきやく,"Supporting Actor, Supporting Role, Minor Role",Type the reading!,Image
未遂,みすい,Attempt,Type the reading!,Image
遂行,すいこう,"Accomplishment, Execution",Type the reading!,Image
班,はん,"Squad, Group, Party, Team",Type the reading!,Image
首班,しゅはん,"Head, Leader",Type the reading!,Image
班長,はんちょう,"Squad Leader, Honcho, Team Leader, Group Leader",Type the
塗布,とふ,"Application, Coating",Type the reading!,Image
塗る,ぬる,"To Paint, To Plaster, To Lacquer, To Spread",Type the reading!,Image
塗装,とそう,"Coating, Painting",Type the reading!,Image
塗料,とりょう,"Paints, Painting Material",Type the reading!,Image
斜め,ななめ,"Diagonal, Slanting, Tilted",Type the reading!,Image
斜面,しゃめん,"Slant, Slope",Type the reading!,Image
斜体,しゃたい,"Italics, Italic Font Style",Type the reading!,Image
殴る,なぐる,"To Punch, To Strike, To Hit",Type the reading!,Image
殴打,おうだ,"Hit, Strike, Blow",Type the reading!,Image
盾,たて,Shield,Type the reading!,Image
矛盾,むじゅん,Contradiction,Type the reading!,Image
後ろ盾,うしろだて,"Backing, Support, Backer, Supporter",Type the reading!,Image
収穫,しゅうかく,"Harvest, Crop",Type the reading!,Image
蹴る,ける,"To Kick, To Reject",Type the reading!,Image
一蹴する,いっしゅうする,"To Kick, To Reject, To Flatly Reject, To Brush Aside, To
Easily Beat",Type the reading!,Image
貨幣価値,かへいかち,Currency Value,Type the reading!,Image
不明瞭,ふめいりょう,"Dimness, Obscurity, Unclear, Unintelligible",Type the
浸透,しんとう,"Permeation, Soaking, Osmosis",Type the reading!,Image
粘り,ねばり,Stickiness,Type the reading!,Image
お婆ちゃん,おばあちゃん,"Granny, Grandma, Old Lady, Old Woman",Type the reading!,Image
憎らしい,にくらしい,Hateful,Type the reading!,Image
憎しみ,にくしみ,Hatred,Type the reading!,Image
憎い,にくい,"Hateful, Abominable, Detestable",Type the reading!,Image
扇,おうぎ,Folding Fan,Type the reading!,Image
団扇,うちわ,"Fan, Uchiwa",Type the reading!,Image
挿入する,そうにゅうする,To Insert,Type the reading!,Image
駒,こま,"Chess Piece, Shogi Piece",Type the reading!,Image
紫,むらさき,Purple,Type the reading!,Image
紫外線,しがいせん,Ultraviolet Rays,Type the reading!,Image
紫色,むらさきいろ,"Violet, Purple",Type the reading!,Image
抽象,ちゅうしょう,"Abstract, Abstraction",Type the reading!,Image
抽選,ちゅうせん,"Lottery, Raffle",Type the reading!,Image
抽出,ちゅうしゅつ,"Extraction, Selection, Sampling, Abstraction",Type the
誓い,ちかい,"Vow, Oath",Type the reading!,Image
誓約,せいやく,"Vow, Pledge, Oath, Covenant",Type the reading!,Image
悟る,さとる,To Realize,Type the reading!,Image
覚悟,かくご,"Resolution, Readiness, Preparedness, Resignation",Type the
開拓,かいたく,"Reclamation, Cultivation, Pioneering",Type the reading!,Image
拘置,こうち,"Detention, Confinement",Type the reading!,Image
礎,いしずえ,Foundation,Type the reading!,Image
基礎,きそ,"Foundation, Fundamentals",Type the reading!,Image
鶴,つる,Crane,Type the reading!,Image
刈る,かる,"To Prune, To Mow, To Cut",Type the reading!,Image
草刈り,くさかり,Mowing,Type the reading!,Image
刈り取る,かりとる,"To Mow, To Reap, To Harvest",Type the reading!,Image
剛健,ごうけん,"Vigor, Vigour, Virility",Type the reading!,Image
唯,ただ,"Solely, Only, Merely, Simply, Just",Type the reading!,Image
唯一,"ゆいつ,ゆいいつ","Only, Sole, Unique",Type the reading!,Image
唯物論,ゆいぶつろん,Materialism,Type the reading!,Image
壇,だん,"Podium, Platform",Type the reading!,Image
花壇,かだん,Flower Bed,Type the reading!,Image
仏壇,ぶつだん,Buddhist Altar,Type the reading!,Image
尼僧,にそう,"Nun, Priestess",Type the reading!,Image
尼,あま,Nun,Type the reading!,Image
気概,きがい,"Strong Spirit, Backbone",Type the reading!,Image
概算,がいさん,"Approximation, Rough Estimate",Type the reading!,Image
概念,がいねん,"General Idea, Concept, Notion",Type the reading!,Image
概要,がいよう,"Outline, Summary",Type the reading!,Image
大概,たいがい,"In General, Mainly, Mostly",Type the reading!,Image
一概に,いちがいに,"Unconditionally, As A Rule",Type the reading!,Image
浸る,ひたる,"To Be Soaked In, To Be Submerged, To Be Flooded",Type the
浸水,しんすい,"Submersion, Flood",Type the reading!,Image
侵食,しんしょく,"Erosion, Corrosion",Type the reading!,Image
淡い,あわい,"Faint, Pale",Type the reading!,Image
淡水,たんすい,Fresh Water,Type the reading!,Image
煮る,にる,"To Boil, To Simmer",Type the reading!,Image
雑煮,ぞうに,"New Year's Dish, Mochi Soup",Type the reading!,Image
煮物,にもの,"Boiled Foods, Stewed Foods",Type the reading!,Image
覆る,くつがえる,"To Be Overturned, To Be Reversed, To Be Retracted, To Topple
Over",Type the reading!,Image
覆面,ふくめん,Mask,Type the reading!,Image
転覆,てんぷく,"Capsizing, Overturn",Type the reading!,Image
謀る,はかる,"To Conspire, To Plot",Type the reading!,Image
無謀,むぼう,"Reckless, Thoughtless, Unpremeditated",Type the reading!,Image
陰謀,いんぼう,Conspiracy,Type the reading!,Image
陶器,とうき,"Pottery, Ceramics",Type the reading!,Image
陶芸,とうげい,"Ceramic Art, Ceramics",Type the reading!,Image
隔離,かくり,"Isolation, Quarantine",Type the reading!,Image
隔週,かくしゅう,Every Other Week,Type the reading!,Image
間隔,かんかく,"Space, Interval, Gap",Type the reading!,Image
隔月,かくげつ,Every Other Month,Type the reading!,Image
隔てる,へだてる,"To Isolate, To Partition, To Separate",Type the reading!,Image
遠征,えんせい,"Expedition, Campaign",Type the reading!,Image
征服,せいふく,"Conquest, Subjugation",Type the reading!,Image
陛下,へいか,"Your Majesty, His Majesty, Her Majesty",Type the reading!,Image
俗語,ぞくご,"Colloquialism, Colloquial Language",Type the reading!,Image
民俗,みんぞく,"Folk Customs, Ethnic Customs",Type the reading!,Image
俗,ぞく,"Slang, Common, Vulgar, Local Manners, Local Customs, Mundane",Type the
桑,くわ,"Mulberry Tree, Mulberry",Type the reading!,Image
桑原,くわばら,Mulberry Field,Type the reading!,Image
桑畑,くわばたけ,"Mulberry Field, Mulberry Plantation",Type the reading!,Image
潤う,うるおう,"To Be Moist, To Be Damp, To Be Watered",Type the reading!,Image
利潤,りじゅん,"Profit, Returns",Type the reading!,Image
数珠,じゅず,"Rosary, Prayer Beads",Type the reading!,Image
珠算,しゅざん,Calculation With Abacus,Type the reading!,Image
真珠,しんじゅ,Pearl,Type the reading!,Image
衰える,おとろえる,"To Decline, To Decay, To Become Weak, To Wither",Type the
老衰,ろうすい,"Senility, Senile Decay",Type the reading!,Image
衰退,すいたい,"Decline, Decay",Type the reading!,Image
推奨,すいしょう,"Recommendation, Endorsement",Type the reading!,Image
奨学金,しょうがくきん,"Scholarship, Stipend",Type the reading!,Image
劣化,れっか,"Deterioration, Degradation",Type the reading!,Image
劣悪,れつあく,"Inferiority, Coarseness",Type the reading!,Image
劣等感,れっとうかん,Inferiority Complex,Type the reading!,Image
劣る,おとる,To Be Inferior To,Type the reading!,Image
勘,かん,"Intuition, Perception, Hunch",Type the reading!,Image
勘案,かんあん,"Taking Into Consideration, Giving Consideration",Type the
勘弁,かんべん,"Pardon, Forgiveness",Type the reading!,Image
割り勘,わりかん,"Splitting The Cost, Splitting The Bill",Type the reading!,Image
勘違い,かんちがい,"Misunderstanding, Wrong Guess",Type the reading!,Image
王妃,おうひ,Queen,Type the reading!,Image
皇太子妃,こうたいしひ,Crown Princess,Type the reading!,Image
妃,ひ,Princess,Type the reading!,Image
恨み,うらみ,"Grudge, Resentment, Malice",Type the reading!,Image
哀れむ,あわれむ,"To Pity, To Have Mercy On",Type the reading!,Image
憩い,いこい,Rest,Type the reading!,Image
詐欺師,さぎし,Swindler,Type the reading!,Image
花柳界,かりゅうかい,"Red Light District, Pleasure Quarters, World Of The Geisha",Type
the reading!,Image
休憩所,きゅうけいじょ,"Rest Area, Rest Stop",Type the reading!,Image
お疲れ様,おつかれさま,"Thank You, That's Enough For Today, Good Work",Type the
慌てる,あわてる,"To Panic, To Hurry, To Rush, To Be Upset",Type the reading!,Image
恐慌,きょうこう,"Panic, Scare",Type the reading!,Image
溶ける,とける,"To Melt, To Dissolve, To Thaw",Type the reading!,Image
悪賢い,わるがしこい,"Devious, Cunning, Crafty, Wily",Type the reading!,Image
輝き,かがやき,Radiance,Type the reading!,Image
蟹,かに,Crab,Type the reading!,Image
鰐,わに,"Alligator, Crocodile",Type the reading!,Image
鬱陶しい,うっとうしい,"Gloomy, Gloomy Mood, Depressing",Type the reading!,Image
峰,みね,"Summit, Peak, Ridge",Type the reading!,Image
連峰,れんぽう,Mountain Range,Type the reading!,Image
巧い,うまい,"Adept, Skillful, Clever",Type the reading!,Image
巧妙,こうみょう,"Ingenious, Skillful",Type the reading!,Image
風邪,かぜ,"Cold, Common Cold",Type the reading!,Image
邪魔,じゃま,"Hindrance, Intrusion",Type the reading!,Image
邪,よこしま,"Wicked, Evil",Type the reading!,Image
下駄,げた,"Geta, Japanese Wooden Clogs",Type the reading!,Image
駄目,だめ,"Not Good, Hopeless, Cannot, Not Allowed",Type the reading!,Image
無駄,むだ,"Futility, Uselessness, Pointlessness",Type the reading!,Image
唐突,とうとつ,"Sudden, Unexpected",Type the reading!,Image
法廷,ほうてい,Courtroom,Type the reading!,Image
宮廷,きゅうてい,"Imperial Court, Royal Court",Type the reading!,Image
名簿,めいぼ,"Register Of Names, List Of Names, Roll",Type the reading!,Image
帳簿,ちょうぼ,"Account Book, Register",Type the reading!,Image
表彰,ひょうしょう,"Public Acknowledgement, Public Recognition",Type the
漫画,まんが,"Manga, Japanese Comics",Type the reading!,Image
漫才,まんざい,"Comic Dialogue, Two Man Comedy Act",Type the reading!,Image
訂正,ていせい,"Correction, Revision",Type the reading!,Image
改訂版,かいていばん,Revised Edition,Type the reading!,Image
諮問,しもん,"Question, Enquiry",Type the reading!,Image
諮る,はかる,"To Consult With, To Discuss, To Confer",Type the reading!,Image
感銘,かんめい,Deep Impression,Type the reading!,Image
銘柄,めいがら,"Brand, Make",Type the reading!,Image
銘々,めいめい,"Each, Individual",Type the reading!,Image
堰,せき,Dam,Type the reading!,Image
堤,つつみ,"Embankment, Bank, Dike",Type the reading!,Image
堤防,ていぼう,"Embankment, Bank, Levee",Type the reading!,Image
漂う,ただよう,To Drift,Type the reading!,Image
漂流,ひょうりゅう,"Drifting, Drift",Type the reading!,Image
漂着,ひょうちゃく,Drifting Ashore,Type the reading!,Image
翻意,ほんい,"Change One's Mind, Change Your Mind",Type the reading!,Image
翻訳,ほんやく,Translation,Type the reading!,Image
翻る,ひるがえる,"To Billow, To Flutter, To Suddenly Change",Type the reading!,Image
軌跡,きせき,"Tire Track, Path One Has Taken",Type the reading!,Image
軌道,きどう,"Orbit, Trajectory",Type the reading!,Image
皇后,こうごう,Japanese Empress,Type the reading!,Image
興奮,こうふん,"Excitement, Stimulation",Type the reading!,Image
奮起,ふんき,"Stirring, Rousing Oneself",Type the reading!,Image
〜亭,てい,"Restaurant, Traditional Japanese Restaurant",Type the reading!,Image
仰ぐ,あおぐ,"To Look Up At, To Look Up To",Type the reading!,Image
仰々しい,ぎょうぎょうしい,"Pompous, Exaggerated",Type the reading!,Image
仰天,ぎょうてん,"Taken Aback, Amazed, Horrified, Flabbergasted",Type the
信仰,しんこう,Religious Faith,Type the reading!,Image
伯,はく,"Chief, Count, Earl",Type the reading!,Image
伯母,おば,Aunt,Type the reading!,Image
偶に,たまに,"Occasionally, Once In A While",Type the reading!,Image
偶然,ぐうぜん,"By Chance, Unexpectedly",Type the reading!,Image
配偶者,はいぐうしゃ,"Spouse, Partner",Type the reading!,Image
淀川,よどがわ,Yodogawa,Type the reading!,Image
古墳,こふん,"Ancient Tomb, Ancient Mound",Type the reading!,Image
墳墓,ふんぼ,"Grave, Tomb",Type the reading!,Image
壮大,そうだい,"Magnificent, Grand, Epic",Type the reading!,Image
壮年,そうねん,Prime Of Life,Type the reading!,Image
壮行,そうこう,Rousing,Type the reading!,Image
〜把,わ,"Counter For Bundles, Counter for Bunches, Bundle Counter, Bunch
Counter",Type the reading!,Image
把握,はあく,"Grasp, Catch",Type the reading!,Image
運搬,うんぱん,"Transport, Carriage",Type the reading!,Image
搬送,はんそう,Transportation,Type the reading!,Image
搬出,はんしゅつ,Carry Out,Type the reading!,Image
液晶,えきしょう,Liquid Crystal,Type the reading!,Image
水晶,すいしょう,Crystal,Type the reading!,Image
洞,ほら,"Cave, Den",Type the reading!,Image
空洞,くうどう,"Hollow, Cavity, Cave",Type the reading!,Image
洞穴,"どうけつ,ほらあな","Cave, Den",Type the reading!,Image
生涯,しょうがい,"One's Lifetime, One's Career",Type the reading!,Image
検疫,けんえき,Quarantine,Type the reading!,Image
免疫,めんえき,"Immunity, Immunization",Type the reading!,Image
疫病,えきびょう,"Infectious Disease, Plague, Epidemic",Type the reading!,Image
脅す,おどす,To Threaten,Type the reading!,Image
飢え,うえ,"Hunger, Starvation",Type the reading!,Image
尽くす,つくす,"To Exhaust, To Run Out, To Do To Exhaustion",Type the reading!,Image
彩り,いろどり,"Coloring, Color Scheme, Makeup",Type the reading!,Image
悔やむ,くやむ,"To Regret, To Mourn, To Lament",Type the reading!,Image
殴り合い,なぐりあい,"Fistfight, Fist Fight",Type the reading!,Image
殴り込み,なぐりこみ,Raid,Type the reading!,Image
遂げる,とげる,"To Accomplish, To Achieve, To Carry Out",Type the reading!,Image
麻布,あさぬの,"Hemp Cloth, Linen",Type the reading!,Image
鬱気,うっき,"Gloomy, Melancholy, Gloominess",Type the reading!,Image
伯父,おじ,Uncle,Type the reading!,Image
灯る,ともる,"To Burn, To Be Lighted, To Be Lit, To Be Burning",Type the
無邪気,むじゃき,"Innocence, Simple Mindedness, Innocent, Simple Minded, Naive",Type
the reading!,Image
偉人,いじん,"Great Person, Great Man, Hero",Type the reading!,Image
偉大,いだい,"Greatness, Grand, Outstanding",Type the reading!,Image
偉い,えらい,"Great, Excellent, Admirable, Remarkable",Type the reading!,Image
勘定,かんじょう,"Calculation, Counting, Allowance, Payment, Bill, Check",Type the
召す,めす,"To Respectfully Call, To Respectfully Invite, To Respectfully Eat, To
Respectfully Drink",Type the reading!,Image
喚起,かんき,"Awaken, Rouse, Evoke, Excite",Type the reading!,Image
喚く,わめく,"To Shout, To Scream",Type the reading!,Image
召喚,しょうかん,"Summon, Summons",Type the reading!,Image
塚,つか,"Mound, Burial Mound",Type the reading!,Image
愛媛県,えひめけん,Ehime Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
慈悲,じひ,"Compassion, Benevolence, Charity, Mercy",Type the reading!,Image
慈愛,じあい,"Affection, Kindness, Love",Type the reading!,Image
慈善,じぜん,"Charity, Philanthropy",Type the reading!,Image
挟む,はさむ,"To Put Between, To Sandwich, To Insert",Type the reading!,Image
枯渇,こかつ,"Drying Up, Dry Up, Running Dry",Type the reading!,Image
枯れる,かれる,"To Wither, To Die",Type the reading!,Image
沸く,わく,"To Boil, To Grow Hot, To Get Excited",Type the reading!,Image
沸点,ふってん,Boiling Point,Type the reading!,Image
浦,うら,"Bay, Inlet",Type the reading!,Image
浸す,ひたす,"To Soak, To Steep, To Dip",Type the reading!,Image
渦,うず,"Whirlpool, Eddy, Vortex",Type the reading!,Image
渦中,かちゅう,"Vortex, Maelstrom",Type the reading!,Image
潤い,うるおい,"Moisture, Richness, Wetness",Type the reading!,Image
洗濯機,"せんたくき,せんたっき","Washing Machine, Laundry Machine",Type the
洗濯粉,せんたくこ,Detergent,Type the reading!,Image
洗濯屋,せんたくや,"Dry Cleaners, Laundromat",Type the reading!,Image
乾燥,かんそう,"Dehydration, Dryness",Type the reading!,Image
焦燥,しょうそう,"Impatience, Uneasy, Irritation",Type the reading!,Image
玄関,げんかん,"Entranceway, Entry Hall, Foyer, Entryway",Type the reading!,Image
玄米,げんまい,"Unpolished Rice, Unmilled Rice, Brown Rice",Type the reading!,Image
瓶,びん,"Bottle, Jar",Type the reading!,Image
花瓶,かびん,"Vase, Flower Vase",Type the reading!,Image
空き瓶,"あきびん,からびん",Empty Bottle,Type the reading!,Image
火炎瓶,かえんびん,Molotov Cocktail,Type the reading!,Image
瓶詰,びんづめ,"Bottling, Bottled",Type the reading!,Image
耕す,たがやす,"To Till, To Plow, To Plough, To Cultivate",Type the reading!,Image
耕地,こうち,Arable Land,Type the reading!,Image
耕作,こうさく,"Cultivation, Farming",Type the reading!,Image
農耕,のうこう,"Farming, Agriculture",Type the reading!,Image
聡い,さとい,"Smart, Sensitive, Discerning",Type the reading!,Image
聡明,そうめい,"Wisdom, Sagacity",Type the reading!,Image
肯定,こうてい,"Positive, Affirmation",Type the reading!,Image
脂肪,しぼう,"Fat, Grease, Blubber",Type the reading!,Image
樹脂,じゅし,Resin,Type the reading!,Image
皮膚,ひふ,Skin,Type the reading!,Image
苗,なえ,Seedling,Type the reading!,Image
苗字,みょうじ,"Surname, Family Name",Type the reading!,Image
蓮,はす,Sacred Lotus,Type the reading!,Image
蓮花,れんげ,"Lotus Flower, Lotus",Type the reading!,Image
覆う,おおう,"To Cover, To Hide, To Conceal",Type the reading!,Image
貞節,ていせつ,"Chastity, Virtue, Fidelity",Type the reading!,Image
貞操,ていそう,"Chastity, Virtue, Fidelity",Type the reading!,Image
不貞,ふてい,"Unfaithful, Infidelity",Type the reading!,Image
軒,のき,"Eaves, Stand In A Row, Stand Side By Side",Type the reading!,Image
〜軒,けん,"House Counter, Counter For Houses, Building Counter, Counter For
Buildings",Type the reading!,Image
柔軟,じゅうなん,"Flexible, Pliable",Type the reading!,Image
軟禁,なんきん,House Arrest,Type the reading!,Image
私邸,してい,Private Residence,Type the reading!,Image
官邸,かんてい,Official Residence,Type the reading!,Image
公邸,こうてい,Official Residence,Type the reading!,Image
邸宅,ていたく,"Mansion, Residence",Type the reading!,Image
邸内,ていない,"Grounds, Premises",Type the reading!,Image
郊外,こうがい,"Suburb, Outskirts",Type the reading!,Image
近郊,きんこう,"Suburbs, Outskirts",Type the reading!,Image
郡,ぐん,"District, County",Type the reading!,Image
釈明,しゃくめい,"Explanation, Vindication",Type the reading!,Image
注釈,ちゅうしゃく,"Notes, Comment, Remark, Annotation",Type the reading!,Image
会釈,えしゃく,"Nod, Greeting, Bow",Type the reading!,Image
解釈,かいしゃく,"Explanation, Interpretation",Type the reading!,Image
隅,すみ,"Corner, Nook, Recess",Type the reading!,Image
片隅,かたすみ,"Corner, Nook",Type the reading!,Image
四隅,よすみ,Four Corners,Type the reading!,Image
隅々,すみずみ,"Nooks, Corners",Type the reading!,Image
〜隻,せき,"Ship Counter, Counter For Ships",Type the reading!,Image
頂く,いただく,"To Humbly Receive, To Humbly Accept, To Humbly Eat, To Humbly
Drink",Type the reading!,Image
山頂,さんちょう,Summit,Type the reading!,Image
襟,えり,"Collar, Lapel, Neck",Type the reading!,Image
洗濯する,せんたくする,"To Wash, To Do Laundry",Type the reading!,Image
慌ただしい,あわただしい,"Hurried, Hasty, Busy, Hectic, Frantic",Type the
世界恐慌,せかいきょうこう,The Great Depression,Type the reading!,Image
鰐蟹,わにかに,WaniKani,Type the reading!,Image
不倫,ふりん,Adultery,Type the reading!,Image
倫理,りんり,"Ethics, Morals",Type the reading!,Image
偏る,かたよる,"To Be Biased, To Be One Sided, To Be Partial, To Be Prejudiced",Type
the reading!,Image
偏見,へんけん,Prejudice,Type the reading!,Image
偏狭,へんきょう,"Narrow Minded, Intolerance",Type the reading!,Image
偏食,へんしょく,"Unbalanced Diet, Picky Eating",Type the reading!,Image
示唆,しさ,"Suggestion, Hint, Implication",Type the reading!,Image
噴火,ふんか,Eruption,Type the reading!,Image
噴煙,ふんえん,Volcanic Smoke,Type the reading!,Image
噴射,ふんしゃ,"Jet, Spray, Injection, Jet Propulsion",Type the reading!,Image
噴水,ふんすい,Water Fountain,Type the reading!,Image
噴出,ふんしゅつ,"Spewing, Gushing, Spouting, Eruption",Type the reading!,Image
孤児,こじ,Orphan,Type the reading!,Image
孤島,ことう,Solitary Island,Type the reading!,Image
孤独,こどく,"Isolation, Loneliness, Solitude",Type the reading!,Image
孤立,こりつ,"Isolation, Alone, Friendless",Type the reading!,Image
怠惰,たいだ,"Laziness, Idleness, Sloth",Type the reading!,Image
怠る,おこたる,"To Be Negligent, To Neglect, To Shirk, To Be Off One's Guard",Type the
恒星,こうせい,Star,Type the reading!,Image
恒例,こうれい,"Established Practice, Custom",Type the reading!,Image
恒久,こうきゅう,"Permanent, Perpetual",Type the reading!,Image
恒常,こうじょう,"Constant, Routine",Type the reading!,Image
惰性,だせい,"Inertia, Habit, Momentum",Type the reading!,Image
我慢,がまん,"Endurance, Perseverance, Tolerance, Patience, Self Control",Type the
自慢,じまん,"Pride, Boast",Type the reading!,Image
緩慢,かんまん,"Slow, Sluggish, Dull",Type the reading!,Image
怠慢,たいまん,"Negligence, Procrastination, Carelessness",Type the reading!,Image
慢性,まんせい,Chronic,Type the reading!,Image
擁護,ようご,"Protection, Advocacy, Support, Defence",Type the reading!,Image
抱擁,ほうよう,"Embrace, Hug",Type the reading!,Image
擁立,ようりつ,"Backing, Support",Type the reading!,Image
擁する,ようする,"To Have, To Possess",Type the reading!,Image
特殊,とくしゅ,"Special, Unique",Type the reading!,Image
殊勝,しゅしょう,Admirable,Type the reading!,Image
没,ぼつ,"Discard, Reject, Death",Type the reading!,Image
没後,ぼつご,"After Death, Posthumously",Type the reading!,Image
戦没,せんぼつ,"Killed In Action, Death In Battle, KIA",Type the reading!,Image
沈没,ちんぼつ,"Sinking, Going Down, Submersion",Type the reading!,Image
日没,にちぼつ,Sunset,Type the reading!,Image
没頭,ぼっとう,"Immersing Oneself, Immersing Yourself, Immerse Oneself, Immerse
Yourself",Type the reading!,Image
没落,ぼつらく,"Ruin, Fall, Collapse",Type the reading!,Image
埋没,まいぼつ,"Implantation, Burial, Embedding",Type the reading!,Image
出没,しゅつぼつ,"Appearing Frequently, Infesting",Type the reading!,Image
没収,ぼっしゅう,"Forfeiture, Seizure, Confiscation, Impounding",Type the
犠牲,ぎせい,"Victim, Sacrifice, Scapegoat",Type the reading!,Image
猟,りょう,"Hunting, Game",Type the reading!,Image
猟師,りょうし,"Hunter, Huntsman",Type the reading!,Image
密猟,みつりょう,Poaching,Type the reading!,Image
狩猟,しゅりょう,Hunting,Type the reading!,Image
猟犬,りょうけん,"Hunting Dog, Hound",Type the reading!,Image
発祥,はっしょう,Origin,Type the reading!,Image
不祥事,ふしょうじ,Scandal,Type the reading!,Image
秩序,ちつじょ,"Order, Regularity, System, Method",Type the reading!,Image
食糧,しょくりょう,"Provisions, Rations, Food Supply",Type the reading!,Image
膨大,ぼうだい,"Huge, Bulky, Enormous, Extensive",Type the reading!,Image
膨れる,ふくれる,"To Swell, To Expand, To Be Inflated, To Distend, To Bulge",Type the
膨張,ぼうちょう,"Expansion, Swelling, Increase, Growth",Type the reading!,Image
芳香,ほうこう,"Perfume, Fragrance, Aroma",Type the reading!,Image
芳しい,かんばしい,"Sweet, Fragrant, Aromatic, Good",Type the reading!,Image
茨,いばら,"Thorn, Briar, Wild Rose",Type the reading!,Image
覇気,はき,"Ambition, Aspiration, Spirit",Type the reading!,Image
制覇,せいは,"Conquest, Domination, Mastery",Type the reading!,Image
覇権,はけん,"Hegemony, Supremacy",Type the reading!,Image
覇者,はしゃ,"Supreme Ruler, Champion",Type the reading!,Image
連覇,れんぱ,"Winning Streak, Consecutive Championships, Successive Victories",Type
the reading!,Image
〜貫,かん,"Sushi Pieces Counter, Counter For Pieces Of Sushi",Type the
一貫,いっかん,"One Piece Of Sushi, One Sushi, Consistency",Type the reading!,Image
貫通,かんつう,"Pierce, Penetrate, Perforate",Type the reading!,Image
貫徹,かんてつ,"Persistence, Accomplishment, Carry Through, Perseverance, Realization,
Realisation",Type the reading!,Image
貫く,つらぬく,"To Go Through, To Pierce, To Penetrate, To Persist, To Stick To",Type
the reading!,Image
突貫,とっかん,"Charge, Rush, Lightning Attack",Type the reading!,Image
賠償,ばいしょう,"Reparations, Compensation",Type the reading!,Image
処遇,しょぐう,"Treatment, Dealing With",Type the reading!,Image
遭遇,そうぐう,Encounter,Type the reading!,Image
待遇,たいぐう,"Treatment, Reception",Type the reading!,Image
優遇,ゆうぐう,"Preferential Treatment, Favorable Treatment",Type the reading!,Image
冷遇,れいぐう,"Cold Reception, Inhospitality",Type the reading!,Image
境遇,きょうぐう,"Environment, Circumstances",Type the reading!,Image
遭う,あう,"To Meet, To Encounter",Type the reading!,Image
遭難,そうなん,"Disaster, Shipwreck, Accident, Being Stranded",Type the reading!,Image
鎖,くさり,"Chain, Chains",Type the reading!,Image
鎖国,さこく,"National Isolation, Exclusion Of Foreigners",Type the reading!,Image
封鎖,ふうさ,"Blockade, Freezing",Type the reading!,Image
閉鎖,へいさ,"Closing, Closure, Shutdown, Lockout, Unsociable",Type the
連鎖,れんさ,"Chain, Chaining, Connection",Type the reading!,Image
陥る,おちいる,"To Cave In, To Collapse, To Fall, To Trap",Type the reading!,Image
陥没,かんぼつ,"Cave In, Collapse, Sinking, Depression",Type the reading!,Image
陥落,かんらく,"Fall, Sinking, Surrender",Type the reading!,Image
欠陥,けっかん,"Defect, Fault, Deficiency, Deformity",Type the reading!,Image
陳腐,ちんぷ,"Cliched, Stale, Hackneyed",Type the reading!,Image
陳列,ちんれつ,"Exhibition, Display, Show",Type the reading!,Image
陳述,ちんじゅつ,"Statement, Declaration, Allegation",Type the reading!,Image
陳情,ちんじょう,"Petition, Appeal",Type the reading!,Image
隼,はやぶさ,Falcon,Type the reading!,Image
必須,ひっす,"Indispensable, Required, Essential",Type the reading!,Image
颯と,さっと,"Quickly, Suddenly",Type the reading!,Image
お風呂,おふろ,Bath,Type the reading!,Image
皮膚科,ひふか,Dermatology,Type the reading!,Image
皮膚病,ひふびょう,Skin Disease,Type the reading!,Image
襟元,えりもと,"Collar, Front Of The Neck, Nape Of The Neck",Type the reading!,Image
襟巻き,えりまき,"Scarf, Muffler, Comforter",Type the reading!,Image
丹誠,たんせい,"Working Earnestly, Sincerity, Diligence, Effort",Type the
丹念,たんねん,"Diligent, Careful, Elaborate, Meticulous",Type the reading!,Image
批准,ひじゅん,"Ratification, Ratify",Type the reading!,Image
過剰,かじょう,"Excess, Over",Type the reading!,Image
余剰,よじょう,"Redundant, Surplus, Residue, Balance",Type the reading!,Image
剰余金,じょうよきん,Surplus,Type the reading!,Image
召し上がる,めしあがる,"To Respectfully Eat, To Respectfully Drink",Type the
啓示,けいじ,Revelation,Type the reading!,Image
啓発,けいはつ,"Enlightenment, Development, Illumination, Education, Inspiration",Type
the reading!,Image
啓蒙,けいもう,"Enlightenment, Instruction",Type the reading!,Image
土壌,どじょう,Soil,Type the reading!,Image
平壌,"へいじょう,ぴょんやん",Pyongyang,Type the reading!,Image
寛大,かんだい,"Tolerance, Liberality, Leniency",Type the reading!,Image
寛容,かんよう,"Tolerance, Open Minded, Forbearance, Generous",Type the reading!,Image
寛ぐ,くつろぐ,"To Relax, To Feel At Home",Type the reading!,Image
元帥,げんすい,"General Of The Army, Marshal, Admiral",Type the reading!,Image
総帥,そうすい,"Commander, Leader, Fuhrer",Type the reading!,Image
統帥,とうすい,"Supreme Command, High Command",Type the reading!,Image
徐行,じょこう,Going Slowly,Type the reading!,Image
徐々,じょじょ,"Gradually, Steadily, Quietly, Slowly",Type the reading!,Image
惨事,さんじ,"Disaster, Horrible Accident",Type the reading!,Image
悲惨,ひさん,"Disastrous, Tragic, Miserable, Wretched, Pitiful",Type the
惨め,みじめ,"Miserable, Wretched, Unhappy, Sad",Type the reading!,Image
惨敗,ざんぱい,"Crushing Failure, Utterly Beaten, Overwhelming Defeat",Type the
惨状,さんじょう,"Disastrous Scene, Terrible Spectacle",Type the reading!,Image
披露,ひろう,"Announcement, Show, Display, Introduction, Perform",Type the
挟まる,はさまる,"To Get Between, To Be Caught In",Type the reading!,Image
据える,すえる,"To Install, To Place, To Fix, To Set, To Lay, To Seat",Type the
搭載,とうさい,"Built In, Equipped With",Type the reading!,Image
搭乗,とうじょう,"Boarding, Embarkation",Type the reading!,Image
曙,あけぼの,"Dawn, Daybreak, Beginning",Type the reading!,Image
枯れ木,かれき,"Dead Tree, Dry Wood",Type the reading!,Image
枯らす,からす,"To Let Dry, To Kill, To Season",Type the reading!,Image
沸かす,わかす,"To Boil, To Heat, To Excite",Type the reading!,Image
沸騰,ふっとう,"Boiling, Seething",Type the reading!,Image
自浄,じじょう,"Self Purification, Self Cleansing",Type the reading!,Image
浄化,じょうか,"Purification, Cleanup",Type the reading!,Image
浄土,じょうど,Pure Land,Type the reading!,Image
不浄,ふじょう,"Uncleanliness, Dirtiness, Impurity, Filthiness, Defilement",Type the
浄水,じょうすい,Clean Water,Type the reading!,Image
清浄,"せいじょう,しょうじょう","Pure, Clean, Purity",Type the reading!,Image
洗浄,せんじょう,"Washing, Cleaning, Laundering",Type the reading!,Image
渦巻き,うずまき,"Whirlpool, Eddy, Coil",Type the reading!,Image
玄人,くろうと,"Expert, Professional, Specialist, Woman Of The Red Light
District",Type the reading!,Image
瓜,うり,"Melon, Gourd",Type the reading!,Image
西瓜,すいか,Watermelon,Type the reading!,Image
原稿,げんこう,"Manuscript, Copy",Type the reading!,Image
草稿,そうこう,"Notes, Draft, Manuscript",Type the reading!,Image
投稿,とうこう,"Submission, Post, Contribution, Submit",Type the reading!,Image
稿料,こうりょう,"Advance For Manuscript, Copy Money",Type the reading!,Image
緯度,いど,Latitude,Type the reading!,Image
南緯,なんい,"Southern Latitude, South Latitude",Type the reading!,Image
北緯,ほくい,"Northern Latitude, North Latitude",Type the reading!,Image
経緯,"けいい,いきさつ","Details, Particulars, Whole Story, How It Started, Longitude
And Latitude",Type the reading!,Image
緯線,いせん,"Parallel, Latitude Lines",Type the reading!,Image
化繊,かせん,"Synthetic Fibers, Synthetic Fibres",Type the reading!,Image
繊維,せんい,"Fiber, Fibre, Textile",Type the reading!,Image
合繊,ごうせん,"Synthetic Fiber, Synthetic Fibre",Type the reading!,Image
繊細,せんさい,"Delicate, Dainty, Fine, Slim, Sensitive, Subtle",Type the
肯く,"うなずく,うなづく","To Nod, To Bow One's Head",Type the reading!,Image
胞子,ほうし,Spore,Type the reading!,Image
細胞,"さいぼう,さいほう","Cell, Biological Cell",Type the reading!,Image
同胞,"どうほう,どうぼう","Brethren, Brothers, Fellow Countrymen, Compatriot",Type the
胡座,あぐら,"Sitting Cross Legged, Sit Cross Legged",Type the reading!,Image
胡瓜,きゅうり,Cucumber,Type the reading!,Image
脂身,あぶらみ,"Fat Meat, Fatty Meat",Type the reading!,Image
舗,"ほ,ぽ","Shop, Store",Type the reading!,Image
店舗,てんぽ,"Shop, Store, Shop Counter, Store Counter",Type the reading!,Image
舗装,ほそう,"Pavement, Road Surface",Type the reading!,Image
本舗,ほんぽ,"Head Office, Main Shop, Shop Name Suffix",Type the reading!,Image
艦艇,かんてい,"Military Vessel, War Fleet",Type the reading!,Image
競艇,きょうてい,"Boat Race, Regatta",Type the reading!,Image
苗木,なえぎ,"Seedling, Sapling, Young Tree",Type the reading!,Image
苗床,なえどこ,"Nursery, Seedbed",Type the reading!,Image
葵,あおい,Hollyhock,Type the reading!,Image
蒙古,もうこ,Mongolia,Type the reading!,Image
蓮根,"れんこん,はすね",Lotus Root,Type the reading!,Image
虐殺,ぎゃくさつ,"Atrocity, Massive Killing, Slaughter, Massacre",Type the
虐待,ぎゃくたい,"Abuse, Maltreatment, Mistreatment, Cruelty",Type the reading!,Image
残虐,ざんぎゃく,"Cruelty, Brutality",Type the reading!,Image
暴虐,ぼうぎゃく,"Tyranny, Outrage, Atrocity, Cruel",Type the reading!,Image
虐げる,しいたげる,"To Oppress, To Persecute, To Tyrannize",Type the reading!,Image
諭す,さとす,"To Admonish, To Persuade, To Warn",Type the reading!,Image
教諭,きょうゆ,Teacher,Type the reading!,Image
軒並,のきなみ,"Across The Board, Row Of Houses, Altogether",Type the reading!,Image
錦,にしき,"Brocade, Fine Dress, Fine Clothes",Type the reading!,Image
錦鯉,にしきごい,"Colored Carp, Colored Koi",Type the reading!,Image
随時,ずいじ,At Any Time,Type the reading!,Image
随所,ずいしょ,"Everywhere, At Every Turn",Type the reading!,Image
随筆,ずいひつ,"Essays, Miscellaneous Writings, Literary Jottings",Type the
随分,ずいぶん,"Very, Extremely, Surprisingly, Considerably",Type the reading!,Image
追随,ついずい,"Follow, Take After",Type the reading!,Image
頂,いただき,"Crown, Summit, Spire, Easy Win For One, Something Received",Type the
頂戴,ちょうだい,"Humbly Receiving, Humble Eating, Humble Having",Type the
高騰,こうとう,"Sudden Price Jump, Steep Price Rise",Type the reading!,Image
暴騰,ぼうとう,"Sudden Rise, Sharp Rise, Boom, Skyrocketing",Type the reading!,Image
急騰,きゅうとう,"Sudden Rise, Jump, Sharp Rise",Type the reading!,Image
鯉,こい,"Carp, Koi",Type the reading!,Image
緋鯉,ひごい,"Red Carp, Golden Carp, Red Koi, Golden Koi",Type the reading!,Image
真鯉,まごい,"Black Carp, Black Koi",Type the reading!,Image
風呂場,ふろば,Bathroom,Type the reading!,Image
風呂屋,ふろや,Public Bathhouse,Type the reading!,Image
倫理学,りんりがく,"Ethics, Moral Philosophy",Type the reading!,Image
倫理的,りんりてき,Ethical,Type the reading!,Image
偏り,かたより,"Bias, Deviation, Prejudice",Type the reading!,Image
冠,"かん,かむり,かんむり","Traditional Cap, Crown, Diadem, Coronet",Type the
王冠,おうかん,"Crown, Diadem, Bottle Cap",Type the reading!,Image
殊勲,しゅくん,Meritorious Deeds,Type the reading!,Image
叙勲,じょくん,"Conferring Of Decorations, Decorate",Type the reading!,Image
勲章,くんしょう,"Decoration, Order, Medal",Type the reading!,Image
卸,おろし,Wholesale,Type the reading!,Image
卸す,おろす,"To Sell Wholesale, To Grate",Type the reading!,Image
卸値,おろしね,Wholesale Price,Type the reading!,Image
卸売,おろしうり,Wholesale,Type the reading!,Image
叙事詩,じょじし,"Epic Poem, Descriptive Poetry",Type the reading!,Image
叙述,じょじゅつ,Description,Type the reading!,Image
叙情,じょじょう,"Lyricism, Description Of Feelings, Expression Of Feelings",Type the
自叙伝,じじょでん,Autobiography,Type the reading!,Image
阿呆,"あほう,あほ","Fool, Simpleton, Idiot",Type the reading!,Image
呆ける,"ぼける,ほうける","To Grow Senile, To Be Mentally Slow",Type the reading!,Image
露呈,ろてい,"Exposure, Disclosure",Type the reading!,Image
進呈,しんてい,Presentation,Type the reading!,Image
贈呈,ぞうてい,Presentation,Type the reading!,Image
哺育,ほいく,"Nursing, Suckling",Type the reading!,Image
噴き出す,ふきだす,"To Burst Out, To Spout Out",Type the reading!,Image
孤児院,こじいん,Orphanage,Type the reading!,Image
尚,なお,"Furthermore, Still, More, Greater",Type the reading!,Image
和尚,おしょう,"Buddhist High Priest, High Priest, Buddhist Priest",Type the
高尚,こうしょう,"High, Noble, Refined",Type the reading!,Image
時期尚早,じきしょうそう,Premature,Type the reading!,Image
庶民,しょみん,"Masses, Common People",Type the reading!,Image
庶務,しょむ,General Affairs,Type the reading!,Image
怠ける,なまける,"To Neglect, To Be Idle, To Slack",Type the reading!,Image
悠々,ゆうゆう,"Quiet, Calm, Leisurely, Easy",Type the reading!,Image
悠久,ゆうきゅう,"Eternity, Perpetuity, Permanence",Type the reading!,Image
悠長,ゆうちょう,"Leisurely, Slow, Deliberate, Easygoing",Type the reading!,Image
愚,ぐ,"Foolish, Silly, Stupid",Type the reading!,Image
愚痴,ぐち,"Idle Complaint, Grumble",Type the reading!,Image
傲慢,ごうまん,"Pride, Haughtiness, Arrogance, Insolence",Type the reading!,Image
誘拐,ゆうかい,"Kidnapping, Abduction",Type the reading!,Image
杏,あんず,Apricot,Type the reading!,Image
銀杏,"いちょう,ぎんなん","Ginkgo, Ginkgo Nut, Ginkgo Tree",Type the reading!,Image
栞,しおり,Bookmark,Type the reading!,Image
栽培,さいばい,"Cultivation, Growing",Type the reading!,Image
盆栽,ぼんさい,Bonsai,Type the reading!,Image
欄,らん,"Column, Column Of Text, Field",Type the reading!,Image
空欄,くうらん,Blank Space,Type the reading!,Image
欄干,らんかん,"Guardrail, Handrail, Bannister",Type the reading!,Image
欄外,らんがい,Margin,Type the reading!,Image
殊に,ことに,"Especially, Particularly, Additionally, Unusually",Type the
犠牲者,ぎせいしゃ,Victim,Type the reading!,Image
哺乳瓶,ほにゅうびん,Baby Bottle,Type the reading!,Image
過疎,かそ,Depopulation,Type the reading!,Image
空疎,くうそ,"Vain, Groundless, Futile",Type the reading!,Image
疎遠,そえん,"Estrangement, Neglect",Type the reading!,Image
疎開,そかい,Evacuation,Type the reading!,Image
疎外,そがい,"Estrangement, Neglect, Alienation",Type the reading!,Image
疎通,そつう,"Mutual Understanding, Removal Of Blockage, Drainage",Type the
疎ら,まばら,"Sparse, Thin, Scattered, Straggling, Sporadic",Type the reading!,Image
疾患,しっかん,"Disease, Ailment, Disorder",Type the reading!,Image
疾走,しっそう,"Sprint, Dash",Type the reading!,Image
疾風,"しっぷう,はやて","Gale, Strong Wind, Fresh Breeze",Type the reading!,Image
疾病,しっぺい,"Illness, Disease",Type the reading!,Image
音痴,おんち,"Tone Deafness, Tone Deaf, Off Key",Type the reading!,Image
痴呆,ちほう,Dementia,Type the reading!,Image
痴漢,ちかん,"Molester, Pervert",Type the reading!,Image
無秩序,むちつじょ,"Disorder, Chaos, Confusion",Type the reading!,Image
自粛,じしゅく,"Self Control, Self Discipline, Self Restraint",Type the reading!,Image
厳粛,げんしゅく,"Gravity, Solemnity, Severity, Seriousness",Type the reading!,Image
静粛,せいしゅく,Silent,Type the reading!,Image
兵糧,ひょうろう,"Army Provisions, Provisions",Type the reading!,Image
紋,もん,"Family Crest, Crest, Coat Of Arms",Type the reading!,Image
指紋,しもん,Fingerprint,Type the reading!,Image
波紋,はもん,"Ripple, Repercussions",Type the reading!,Image
紋章,もんしょう,"Crest, Coat Of Arms",Type the reading!,Image
膨らむ,ふくらむ,"To Expand, To Swell, To Get Big, To Become Inflated",Type the
茎,くき,"Stem, Stalk",Type the reading!,Image
茨城県,いばらきけん,Ibaraki Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
山荘,さんそう,"Mountain Retreat, Mountain Cottage, Mountain Villa",Type the
荘厳,そうごん,"Solemnity, Gravity",Type the reading!,Image
別荘,べっそう,"Holiday House, Villa",Type the reading!,Image
歌謡,かよう,"Song, Ballad",Type the reading!,Image
童謡,どうよう,"Nursery Rhyme, Children's Song",Type the reading!,Image
民謡,みんよう,"Folk Song, Popular Song",Type the reading!,Image
貫き通す,つらぬきとおす,"To Follow, To Stick With, To Stick To, To Go Through",Type
the reading!,Image
賠償金,ばいしょうきん,"Reparations, Compensation",Type the reading!,Image
実践,じっせん,"Practice, Put Into Practice",Type the reading!,Image
逸話,いつわ,Anecdote,Type the reading!,Image
逸品,いっぴん,"Gem, Treasure, Article Of Rare Beauty, Fine Article",Type the
逸脱,いつだつ,"Deviation, Departure",Type the reading!,Image
秀逸,しゅういつ,Excellence,Type the reading!,Image
逸らす,そらす,"To Turn Away, To Avert",Type the reading!,Image
最優遇,さいゆうぐう,"Most Favorable Treatment, Warmest Reception",Type the
応酬,おうしゅう,"Exchange, Reciprocation",Type the reading!,Image
報酬,ほうしゅう,"Reward, Compensation",Type the reading!,Image
酷,こく,"Severe, Harsh, Strict, Unfair",Type the reading!,Image
過酷,かこく,"Severity, Rigor, Cruelty, Harsh",Type the reading!,Image
酷使,こくし,"Exploitation, Overuse, Abuse",Type the reading!,Image
酷似,こくじ,"Resemblance, Resemble",Type the reading!,Image
酷い,ひどい,"Cruel, Awful, Severe, Terrible, Violent",Type the reading!,Image
酷暑,こくしょ,Intense Heat,Type the reading!,Image
残酷,ざんこく,"Cruelty, Harshness",Type the reading!,Image
冷酷,れいこく,"Cruel, Coldhearted, Relentless, Ruthless",Type the reading!,Image
酷評,こくひょう,"Severe Criticism, Damnation",Type the reading!,Image
鎌,かま,"Sickle, Scythe",Type the reading!,Image
新陳代謝,しんちんたいしゃ,Metabolism,Type the reading!,Image
陳列室,ちんれつしつ,Showroom,Type the reading!,Image
必須条件,ひっすじょうけん,"Essential Condition, Requisite, Must",Type the
露顕,ろけん,"Discovery, Detection, Exposure",Type the reading!,Image
顕在,けんざい,"Actual, Obvious, Explicit, Overt, Apparent, Evident",Type the
顕著,けんちょ,"Remarkable, Striking, Obvious",Type the reading!,Image
顕彰,けんしょう,Honoring,Type the reading!,Image
鯨,くじら,Whale,Type the reading!,Image
捕鯨,ほげい,"Whaling, Whale Fishing",Type the reading!,Image
鯨肉,げいにく,Whale Meat,Type the reading!,Image
之,これ,This,Type the reading!,Image
起伏,きふく,"Undulation, Ups And Downs, Highs And Lows",Type the reading!,Image
伏せる,ふせる,"To Cover, To Hide, To Lay Upside Down, To Turn Over",Type the
降伏,こうふく,"Surrender, Submission",Type the reading!,Image
潜伏,せんぷく,"Conceal, Hiding, Ambush",Type the reading!,Image
伏線,ふくせん,Foreshadowing,Type the reading!,Image
伏兵,ふくへい,Ambush,Type the reading!,Image
佳作,かさく,"Fine Work, Good Piece Of Work",Type the reading!,Image
傍,"そば,はた","Near, Close, Beside",Type the reading!,Image
傍観,ぼうかん,"Look On, Sit By And Watch, Spectate",Type the reading!,Image
傍受,ぼうじゅ,"Monitoring, Interception, Tapping",Type the reading!,Image
凝固,ぎょうこ,"Solidify, Coagulate, Freeze",Type the reading!,Image
凝視,ぎょうし,"Stare, Gaze, Fixation",Type the reading!,Image
凝る,こる,"To Be Absorbed In, To Grow Stiff, To Be Devoted To",Type the
奉仕,ほうし,"Attendance, Service, Ministry",Type the reading!,Image
信奉,しんぽう,"Belief, Faith",Type the reading!,Image
奉公,ほうこう,"Service, Apprenticeship, Public Duty",Type the reading!,Image
奉納,ほうのう,"Dedication, Offering, Presentation",Type the reading!,Image
尿,にょう,"Urine, Pee",Type the reading!,Image
弥生,やよい,"Yayoi Period, Yayoi",Type the reading!,Image
循環,じゅんかん,"Circulation, Rotation, Cycle",Type the reading!,Image
哀悼,あいとう,"Condolence, Regret, Sympathy, Lament",Type the reading!,Image
追悼,ついとう,"Mourning, Memorial",Type the reading!,Image
惜しむ,おしむ,"To Be Frugal, To Be Sparing",Type the reading!,Image
惜敗,せきはい,"Loss Of A Close Game, Regrettable Defeat",Type the reading!,Image
愉快,ゆかい,"Pleasant, Happy",Type the reading!,Image
憂鬱,ゆううつ,"Depression, Melancholy, Dejection, Gloom",Type the reading!,Image
憂国,ゆうこく,"Patriotic Concern, Patriotism",Type the reading!,Image
憂慮,ゆうりょ,"Anxiety, Concern, Fear",Type the reading!,Image
憂える,うれえる,"To Be Anxious, To Worry About, To Lament, To Grieve, To Be
Distressed",Type the reading!,Image
遺憾,いかん,"Regrettable, Unsatisfactory",Type the reading!,Image
披露宴,ひろうえん,"Wedding Reception, Reception",Type the reading!,Image
一抹,いちまつ,"A Little, A Touch, Slightly",Type the reading!,Image
抹殺,まっさつ,"Murder, Killing, Denial, Erasure, Obliteration, Ignoring",Type the
抹茶,まっちゃ,"Matcha, Powdered Green Tea",Type the reading!,Image
抹消,まっしょう,"Erase, Delete",Type the reading!,Image
据え付ける,すえつける,"To Install, To Equip, To Mount",Type the reading!,Image
一旦,いったん,"Once, For A Moment, Temporarily",Type the reading!,Image
元旦,がんたん,"New Year's Day, New Year's Morning",Type the reading!,Image
繁昌,はんじょう,"Prosperity, Flourishing, Thriving",Type the reading!,Image
素朴,そぼく,"Simple, Naive",Type the reading!,Image
栃木県,とちぎけん,Tochigi Prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
栓,せん,"Cork, Stopper, Plug",Type the reading!,Image
栓抜き,せんぬき,"Bottle Opener, Corkscrew",Type the reading!,Image
洗浄剤,せんじょうざい,Detergent,Type the reading!,Image
南瓜,かぼちゃ,"Pumpkin, Squash, Kabocha",Type the reading!,Image
瓜実顔,うりざねがお,"Oval Face, Classic Features",Type the reading!,Image
治癒,ちゆ,"Healing, Cure, Recovery",Type the reading!,Image
癒着,ゆちゃく,"Adhesion, Collusion",Type the reading!,Image
粗野,そや,"Rustic, Rough, Rude, Vulgar",Type the reading!,Image
粗い,あらい,"Coarse, Rough",Type the reading!,Image
粗悪,そあく,"Coarse, Crude, Inferior",Type the reading!,Image
累計,るいけい,"Cumulative Total, Accumulated Total",Type the reading!,Image
累進,るいしん,"Successive Promotion, Gradual Promotion, Graduated",Type the
累積,るいせき,Accumulation,Type the reading!,Image
老舗,"しにせ,ろうほ","Old Shop, Old Store",Type the reading!,Image
山葵,わさび,"Wasabi, Japanese Horseradish",Type the reading!,Image
捕虜,ほりょ,"Prisoner Of War, Captive",Type the reading!,Image
虜,とりこ,"Captive, Prisoner, Victim To Love, Slave To Lust",Type the reading!,Image
該当,がいとう,"Correspond, Fulfilling, Applicable To, Qualifying As",Type the
貴賓,きひん,Noble Visitor,Type the reading!,Image
国賓,こくひん,State Guest,Type the reading!,Image
来賓,らいひん,"Guest, Visitor",Type the reading!,Image
賓客,"ひんきゃく,ひんかく","Guest Of Honor, Privileged Guest",Type the reading!,Image
赴任,ふにん,"Move For A Different Job, Move For A Job",Type the reading!,Image
旦那,だんな,"Master, Husband, Male Patron",Type the reading!,Image
輪郭,りんかく,"Outline, Border, Silhouette, Summary, Features, Appearance",Type the
鎮圧,ちんあつ,"Suppression, Subjugation",Type the reading!,Image
鎮魂,ちんこん,Repose Of Souls,Type the reading!,Image
鎮める,しずめる,"To Appease, To Suppress, To Calm",Type the reading!,Image
重鎮,じゅうちん,"Leader, Authority",Type the reading!,Image
鎮痛剤,ちんつうざい,"Painkiller, Pain Reliever, Sedative, Tranquilizer,
Tranquiliser",Type the reading!,Image
骨髄,こつずい,"Bone Marrow, Marrow",Type the reading!,Image
真髄,しんずい,"Essence, Pith, True Meaning",Type the reading!,Image
神髄,しんずい,"Essence, Spirit, True Meaning",Type the reading!,Image
脊髄,せきずい,Spinal Cord,Type the reading!,Image
凛々しい,りりしい,"Gallant, Manly, Distinguished, Noble",Type the reading!,Image
非凡,ひぼん,"Prodigy, Rare, Unique, Extraordinary",Type the reading!,Image
凡人,ぼんじん,"Ordinary Person, Average Person, Mediocre",Type the reading!,Image
平凡,へいぼん,"Common, Ordinary, Mediocre",Type the reading!,Image
凡庸,ぼんよう,"Mediocre, Banality, Common",Type the reading!,Image
匠,たくみ,"Artisan, Mechanic, Carpenter, Workman",Type the reading!,Image
意匠,いしょう,Design,Type the reading!,Image
師匠,ししょう,"Master, Teacher",Type the reading!,Image
巨匠,きょしょう,"Master, Maestro",Type the reading!,Image
呆れる,あきれる,"To Be Amazed, To Be Shocked, To Be Astonished",Type the
呉服,ごふく,"Draperies, Kimono Fabric, Cloth",Type the reading!,Image
呉越同舟,ごえつどうしゅう,"Bitter Enemies In The Same Boat, Classic Rivals, Traditional
Rivals",Type the reading!,Image
嘉日,かじつ,"Auspicious Day, Lucky Day",Type the reading!,Image
主宰,しゅさい,"Supervision, Chairmanship",Type the reading!,Image
宰相,さいしょう,Prime Minister,Type the reading!,Image
寂しい,"さびしい,さみしい","Lonely, Lonesome, Solitary, Desolate",Type the
静寂,せいじゃく,"Silence, Still, Quiet",Type the reading!,Image
大尉,たいい,Captain,Type the reading!,Image
少尉,しょうい,"Second Lieutenant, Ensign",Type the reading!,Image
中尉,ちゅうい,"First Lieutenant, Lieutenant",Type the reading!,Image
尚更,なおさら,"All The More, Still Less",Type the reading!,Image
尚且つ,なおかつ,"And Yet, Besides, Furthermore",Type the reading!,Image
庶民的,しょみんてき,"Popular, Folk, Working Class",Type the reading!,Image
疲弊,ひへい,"Exhaustion, Impoverishment",Type the reading!,Image
弊害,へいがい,"Evil Effect, Harmful Influence",Type the reading!,Image
弦,"つる,げん","Bowstring, String",Type the reading!,Image
弦楽,げんがく,String Music,Type the reading!,Image
怠い,だるい,"Sluggish, Feel Heavy, Languid, Dull",Type the reading!,Image
怠け者,なまけもの,Lazy Person,Type the reading!,Image
恭しい,うやうやしい,"Respectful, Reverent",Type the reading!,Image
満悦,まんえつ,"Delight, Rapture",Type the reading!,Image
愚か,おろか,"Foolish, Stupid",Type the reading!,Image
〜拍,はく,Beat,Type the reading!,Image
拍手,はくしゅ,"Applause, Clapping Hands",Type the reading!,Image
脈拍,みゃくはく,Pulse,Type the reading!,Image
搾る,しぼる,"To Squeeze, To Press, To Milk",Type the reading!,Image
搾取,さくしゅ,Exploitation,Type the reading!,Image
搾乳,さくにゅう,"Milking, Breast Pumping",Type the reading!,Image
摂氏,せっし,"Centigrade, Celsius",Type the reading!,Image
摂理,せつり,"Divine Providence, Providence",Type the reading!,Image
摂取,せっしゅ,"Intake, Absorption",Type the reading!,Image
智,ち,Wisdom,Type the reading!,Image
柴,しば,"Firewood, Brushwood",Type the reading!,Image
柴犬,"しばいぬ,しばけん","Shiba Inu, Shiba Dog, Shiba",Type the reading!,Image
洪水,こうずい,Flood,Type the reading!,Image
猶予,ゆうよ,"Extension, Delay, Postpone",Type the reading!,Image
疎か,おろそか,"Neglect, Negligence, Carelessness",Type the reading!,Image
方向音痴,ほうこうおんち,"No Sense Of Direction, Bad Sense Of Direction",Type the
墓碑,ぼひ,"Gravestone, Tombstone",Type the reading!,Image
石碑,せきひ,Stone Monument,Type the reading!,Image
碑文,ひぶん,"Inscription, Epitaph",Type the reading!,Image
記念碑,きねんひ,Monument,Type the reading!,Image
穀物,こくもつ,"Grain, Cereal",Type the reading!,Image
穀類,こくるい,Grains,Type the reading!,Image
米穀,べいこく,Rice,Type the reading!,Image
窒息,ちっそく,"Suffocation, Choking",Type the reading!,Image
窒素,ちっそ,Nitrogen,Type the reading!,Image
窮地,きゅうち,"Dilemma, Predicament",Type the reading!,Image
窮屈,きゅうくつ,"Tight, Narrow, Stiff, Rigid",Type the reading!,Image
窮乏,きゅうぼう,"Poverty, Destitution",Type the reading!,Image
困窮,こんきゅう,"Poverty, Distress",Type the reading!,Image
窮状,きゅうじょう,"Distress, Wretched Condition",Type the reading!,Image
紳士,しんし,Gentleman,Type the reading!,Image
縛る,しばる,"To Tie, To Bind",Type the reading!,Image
束縛,そくばく,"Restraint, Shackles, Restriction, Confinement, Binding",Type the
縫う,ぬう,"To Sew, To Stitch",Type the reading!,Image
裁縫,さいほう,"Sewing, Needlework",Type the reading!,Image
縫製,ほうせい,Sewing,Type the reading!,Image
船舶,せんぱく,"Ship, Vessel",Type the reading!,Image
舶来,はくらい,Imported,Type the reading!,Image
蝶,ちょう,Butterfly,Type the reading!,Image
歌謡曲,かようきょく,Popular Song,Type the reading!,Image
管轄,かんかつ,"Jurisdiction, Control",Type the reading!,Image
所轄,しょかつ,Jurisdiction,Type the reading!,Image
直轄,ちょっかつ,Direct Control,Type the reading!,Image
逸れる,"それる,はぐれる","To Stray, To Turn Away, To Digress, To Deviate",Type the
遥か,はるか,"Far Away, Distant, Far Off",Type the reading!,Image
無報酬,むほうしゅう,"Free Of Charge, Gratuitous, Without Pay",Type the reading!,Image
錯誤,さくご,"Mistake, Error",Type the reading!,Image
錯覚,さっかく,"Illusion, Optical Illusion",Type the reading!,Image
錯乱,さくらん,"Confusion, Distraction, Derangement",Type the reading!,Image
交錯,こうさく,"Mixture, Blending, Complication",Type the reading!,Image
倒錯,とうさく,Perversion,Type the reading!,Image
丘陵,きゅうりょう,Hill,Type the reading!,Image
靖国神社,やすくにじんじゃ,Yasukuni Shrine,Type the reading!,Image
飽和,ほうわ,Saturation,Type the reading!,Image
飽きる,あきる,"To Get Tired Of, To Lose Interest In",Type the reading!,Image
飽食,ほうしょく,"Gluttony, Satiation, Engorgement",Type the reading!,Image
熊之実,くまのみ,"Clownfish, Anemone Fish",Type the reading!,Image
乙,おつ,"Second, B, Latter, Defendant, Thanks, Chic, Quaint",Type the reading!,Image
甲乙,こうおつ,"A And B, First And Second",Type the reading!,Image
間伐,かんばつ,"Tree Thinning, Thinning, Periodic Thinning",Type the reading!,Image
伐採,ばっさい,"Lumbering, Felling, Deforestation",Type the reading!,Image
減俸,げんぽう,"Salary Reduction, Salary Cut",Type the reading!,Image
年俸,ねんぽう,Annual Salary,Type the reading!,Image
傍ら,かたわら,"While, While Doing, Besides",Type the reading!,Image
凸版,とっぱん,"Letterpress, Relief Printing",Type the reading!,Image
凹凸,おうとつ,"Uneven, Rough, Rugged",Type the reading!,Image
恐喝,きょうかつ,"Blackmail, Extortion",Type the reading!,Image
坪,つぼ,"Tsubo, Two Mat Area",Type the reading!,Image
堕落,だらく,"Corruption, Depravity, Degradation",Type the reading!,Image
奉行,ぶぎょう,"Magistrate, Shogunate Administrator",Type the reading!,Image
海峡,かいきょう,"Channel, Strait",Type the reading!,Image
峡谷,きょうこく,"Ravine, Gorge, Canyon",Type the reading!,Image
弔意,ちょうい,"Condolence, Sympathy, Mourning",Type the reading!,Image
弔辞,ちょうじ,"Memorial Address, Funeral Address",Type the reading!,Image
弔う,とむらう,"To Mourn For, To Hold A Memorial Service For, To Condole",Type the
悪循環,あくじゅんかん,Vicious Circle,Type the reading!,Image
循環器,じゅんかんき,Circulatory Organ,Type the reading!,Image
惜しい,おしい,"Regrettable, Disappointing, Precious, Dear",Type the reading!,Image
不愉快,ふゆかい,"Unpleasant, Unhappy, Discomfort, Disagreeable",Type the
憂い,うれい,"Grief, Distress, Sorrow",Type the reading!,Image
果敢,かかん,"Resolute, Determined, Bold",Type the reading!,Image
敢えて,あえて,"Dare To, Presume To, Daringly",Type the reading!,Image
敢行,かんこう,"Decisive Action, Perform, Dare, Carry Out",Type the reading!,Image
敢然,かんぜん,"Boldly, Bravely, Fearlessly",Type the reading!,Image
敢闘,かんとう,Fight Bravely,Type the reading!,Image
勇敢,ゆうかん,"Brave, Heroic, Gallant",Type the reading!,Image
旋回,せんかい,"Revolution, Rotation, Turning, Circling",Type the reading!,Image
旋風,せんぷう,"Whirlwind, Commotion, Sensation",Type the reading!,Image
旋律,せんりつ,"Melody, Tune",Type the reading!,Image
楓,"かえで,ふう","Maple, Maple Tree",Type the reading!,Image
楓糖,"ふうとう,かえでとう",Maple Sugar,Type the reading!,Image
水槽,すいそう,"Fish Tank, Water Tank",Type the reading!,Image
浴槽,よくそう,Bathtub,Type the reading!,Image
定款,ていかん,"Articles Of Incorporation, Company Statute, Articles Of The Company
Laws",Type the reading!,Image
約款,やっかん,"Agreement, Stipulation, Article, Clause",Type the reading!,Image
借款,しゃっかん,"Loan, International Loan",Type the reading!,Image
漬ける,つける,"To Soak, To Seep, To Dip In, To Pickle",Type the reading!,Image
烏,からす,"Crow, Raven",Type the reading!,Image
烏龍茶,"うーろんちゃ,ウーロンちゃ","Oolong Tea, Oolong",Type the reading!,Image
盲人,もうじん,Blind Person,Type the reading!,Image
盲点,もうてん,Blind Spot,Type the reading!,Image
盲目,もうもく,"Blindness, Blind",Type the reading!,Image
色盲,しきもう,Color Blindness,Type the reading!,Image
粗塩,"あらじお,あらしお","Sea Salt, Coarse Salt",Type the reading!,Image
紺,こん,"Navy Blue, Deep Blue, Navy",Type the reading!,Image
濃紺,のうこん,Dark Blue,Type the reading!,Image
網羅,もうら,"Covering, Encompassing, Including",Type the reading!,Image
羅列,られつ,Enumeration,Type the reading!,Image
羅針盤,らしんばん,Compass,Type the reading!,Image
胎児,たいじ,"Embryo, Fetus, Foetus",Type the reading!,Image
堕胎,だたい,"Abortion, Feticide",Type the reading!,Image
受胎,じゅたい,"Conception, Fertilization, Fertilisation",Type the reading!,Image
胎盤,たいばん,"Placenta, Afterbirth",Type the reading!,Image
腸,"ちょう,わた,はらわた","Guts, Bowels, Intestines",Type the reading!,Image
胃腸,いちょう,"Stomach, Gastrointestine",Type the reading!,Image
盲腸,もうちょう,Appendix,Type the reading!,Image
大腸,だいちょう,"Large Intestine, Large Bowel, Colon",Type the reading!,Image
膜,まく,"Membrane, Film",Type the reading!,Image
角膜,かくまく,Cornea,Type the reading!,Image
網膜,もうまく,Retina,Type the reading!,Image
萌芽,ほうが,"Germination, Sprout",Type the reading!,Image
均衡,きんこう,"Equilibrium, Balance",Type the reading!,Image
平衡,へいこう,"Balance, Equilibrium",Type the reading!,Image
烏賊,いか,"Squid, Cuttlefish",Type the reading!,Image
海賊,かいぞく,Pirate,Type the reading!,Image
山賊,さんぞく,"Bandit, Brigand",Type the reading!,Image
盗賊,とうぞく,"Thief, Robber",Type the reading!,Image
迎賓館,げいひんかん,"Reception Hall, Guest House",Type the reading!,Image
普遍,ふへん,"Universal, Ubiquitous, Omnipresent",Type the reading!,Image
一遍,いっぺん,"Once, One Time",Type the reading!,Image
何遍,なんべん,"How Many Times, How Often",Type the reading!,Image
遍歴,へんれき,"Travels, Pilgrimage, Itinerancy",Type the reading!,Image
遮る,さえぎる,"To Interrupt, To Intercept, To Obstruct",Type the reading!,Image
遮断,しゃだん,"Isolation, Cut Off, Blockade, Quarantine",Type the reading!,Image
酵素,こうそ,Enzyme,Type the reading!,Image
酵母,こうぼ,"Yeast, Leaven",Type the reading!,Image
発酵,はっこう,Fermentation,Type the reading!,Image
醸成,じょうせい,"Brew, Ferment, Breed",Type the reading!,Image
醸造,じょうぞう,"Brewing, Distillation",Type the reading!,Image
醸す,かもす,"To Brew, To Cause, To Give Rise To, To Distill",Type the reading!,Image
鎮まる,しずまる,"To Quiet Down, To Calm Down, To Subside, To Die Down",Type the
閲覧,えつらん,"Browsing, Perusal, Reading",Type the reading!,Image
検閲,けんえつ,"Censor, Inspect",Type the reading!,Image
校閲,こうえつ,"Revision, Proofreading",Type the reading!,Image
鼓舞,こぶ,"Inspiration, Encouragement",Type the reading!,Image
鼓,つづみ,"Hand Drum, Tsuzumi",Type the reading!,Image
鼓動,こどう,"Beat, Palpitate, Pulse, Throb",Type the reading!,Image
鼓膜,こまく,Eardrum,Type the reading!,Image
太鼓,たいこ,"Drum, Taiko",Type the reading!,Image
享受,きょうじゅ,"Enjoyment, Enjoy",Type the reading!,Image
傑作,けっさく,"Masterpiece, Best Work",Type the reading!,Image
豪傑,ごうけつ,"Hero, Bold Person, Daring Person, Extraordinary Person",Type the
凌ぐ,しのぐ,"To Endure, To Keep Out, To Stave Off, To Surpass, To Outrank, To
Eclipse",Type the reading!,Image
解剖,かいぼう,"Autopsy, Dissection",Type the reading!,Image
呆け,ぼけ,"Idiot, Fool",Type the reading!,Image
呆気,あっけ,"Dumbfounded, Taken Aback, Astonished",Type the reading!,Image
呆れ返る,あきれかえる,"To Be Utterly Amazed, To Be Stunned, To Be Amazed",Type the
嘱託,しょくたく,"Part Time Employee, Temporary Employee",Type the reading!,Image
奔走,ほんそう,"Running About, Efforts, Be Busy",Type the reading!,Image
奔放,ほんぽう,"Wild, Uninhibited, Extravagant, Rampant",Type the reading!,Image
媒介,ばいかい,Intermediary,Type the reading!,Image
媒体,ばいたい,"Media, Medium",Type the reading!,Image
触媒,しょくばい,Catalyst,Type the reading!,Image
媒酌,ばいしゃく,Matchmaking,Type the reading!,Image
帆,ほ,Sail,Type the reading!,Image
帆走,はんそう,Sailing,Type the reading!,Image
弦楽器,げんがっき,Stringed Instrument,Type the reading!,Image
管弦楽,かんげんがく,Orchestral Music,Type the reading!,Image
感慨,かんがい,"Strong Feelings, Deep Emotion",Type the reading!,Image
憤慨,ふんがい,"Anger, Indignation, Resentment",Type the reading!,Image
憤り,いきどおり,"Resentment, Outrage, Anger",Type the reading!,Image
遊戯,ゆうぎ,"Game, Play, Sport",Type the reading!,Image
戯曲,ぎきょく,"Drama, Play",Type the reading!,Image
戯れる,たわむれる,"To Toy With, To Play With, To Flirt, To Kid",Type the
扶助,ふじょ,"Aid, Help, Support",Type the reading!,Image
扶養,ふよう,"Support, Maintenance, Provide For",Type the reading!,Image
拍子,ひょうし,"Tempo, Time, Rhythm, Beat",Type the reading!,Image
暁,あかつき,"Dawn, Daybreak",Type the reading!,Image
不朽,ふきゅう,"Immortal, Everlasting, Eternal",Type the reading!,Image
老朽,ろうきゅう,"Decrepit, Overage, Obsolete, Too Old",Type the reading!,Image
朽ちる,くちる,"To Decay, To Die Out",Type the reading!,Image
脊椎,せきつい,"Spine, Spinal Column, Backbone",Type the reading!,Image
殻,から,"Shell, Husk",Type the reading!,Image
地殻,ちかく,Earth's Crust,Type the reading!,Image
淑やか,しとやか,"Graceful, Modest, Gentle, Polite",Type the reading!,Image
淑女,しゅくじょ,Lady,Type the reading!,Image
汚濁,おだく,"Pollution, Contamination, Corruption",Type the reading!,Image
濁す,にごす,"To Make Muddy, To Make Cloudy, To Speak Ambiguously, To Speak
Vaguely",Type the reading!,Image
濁流,だくりゅう,Muddy Stream,Type the reading!,Image
起訴猶予,きそゆうよ,Suspension Of Indictment,Type the reading!,Image
執行猶予,しっこうゆうよ,Suspended Sentence,Type the reading!,Image
瑞々しい,みずみずしい,"Fresh, Young, Juicy, Lively, Vibrant",Type the reading!,Image
硫酸,りゅうさん,"Sulfuric Acid, Sulphuric Acid",Type the reading!,Image
窃盗,せっとう,"Theft, Stealing",Type the reading!,Image
紳士協定,しんしきょうてい,Gentlemen's Agreement,Type the reading!,Image
絹,きぬ,Silk,Type the reading!,Image
絹糸,"けんし,きぬいと",Silk Thread,Type the reading!,Image
金縛り,かなしばり,"Tied Down By Money, Sleep Paralysis, Bound Hand And Foot,
Temporary Paralysis",Type the reading!,Image
縛り首,しばりくび,"Hanging, Death By Hanging",Type the reading!,Image
縫目,ぬいめ,"Seam, Stitch, Suture",Type the reading!,Image
肖像,しょうぞう,Portrait,Type the reading!,Image
藩,はん,"Fiefdom, Domain",Type the reading!,Image
藩主,はんしゅ,"Feudal Lord, Daimyo",Type the reading!,Image
蝶々,ちょうちょう,Butterfly,Type the reading!,Image
棋譜,きふ,Game Records,Type the reading!,Image
楽譜,がくふ,"Score, Sheet Music",Type the reading!,Image
系譜,けいふ,"Genealogy, Pedigree, Family History",Type the reading!,Image
年譜,ねんぷ,Chronological Record,Type the reading!,Image
譜面,ふめん,"Music, Musical Score, Sheet Music",Type the reading!,Image
恩赦,おんしゃ,"Amnesty, Pardon",Type the reading!,Image
赦免,しゃめん,"Pardon, Amnesty",Type the reading!,Image
容赦,ようしゃ,"Pardon, Forgiveness, Mercy, Leniency",Type the reading!,Image
更迭,こうてつ,"Change, Switch, Reshuffle, Reorganization, Reorganisation",Type the
晩酌,ばんしゃく,"Evening Drink, Drink With Dinner",Type the reading!,Image
酌む,くむ,"To Serve, To Pour, To Consider",Type the reading!,Image
錠,じょう,"Lock, Padlock, Tablet, Pill",Type the reading!,Image
手錠,てじょう,"Handcuffs, Manacles",Type the reading!,Image
錠剤,じょうざい,"Pill, Lozenge, Tablet",Type the reading!,Image
陪審,ばいしん,"Jury, Juror",Type the reading!,Image
飽き,あき,"Weariness, Tiresomeness",Type the reading!,Image
飽くまでも,あくまでも,"To The Last, To The End",Type the reading!,Image
鶏,にわとり,Chicken,Type the reading!,Image
鶏肉,"とりにく,けいにく",Chicken Meat,Type the reading!,Image
鶏卵,けいらん,"Chicken Egg, Hen Egg",Type the reading!,Image
養鶏,ようけい,"Chicken Farming, Poultry Farming",Type the reading!,Image
回忌,かいき,"Death Anniversary, Anniversary Of Death",Type the reading!,Image
忌,き,"Mourning, Mourning Period",Type the reading!,Image
禁忌,きんき,Taboo,Type the reading!,Image
一周忌,いっしゅうき,"First Anniversary Of Death, First Death Anniversary",Type the
忌まわしい,いまわしい,"Unpleasant, Disgusting, Inauspicious, Ominous",Type the
早乙女,さおとめ,"Rice Planting Girl, Saotome",Type the reading!,Image
東亜,とうあ,"East Asia, The Orient",Type the reading!,Image
侮蔑,ぶべつ,"Scorn, Disdain, Contempt, Slight",Type the reading!,Image
侮る,あなどる,"To Despise, To Disdain, To Make Light Of",Type the reading!,Image
侮辱,ぶじょく,"Insult, Contempt, Slight",Type the reading!,Image
凸凹,でこぼこ,"Uneven, Rough, Rugged",Type the reading!,Image
凹む,へこむ,"To Become Hollow, To Be Dented, To Sink, To Collapse",Type the
卑屈,ひくつ,"Subservient, Abject",Type the reading!,Image
卑劣,ひれつ,"Mean, Foul Play, Cowardly, Base",Type the reading!,Image
叔父,おじ,Uncle,Type the reading!,Image
叔母,おば,Aunt,Type the reading!,Image
吟味,ぎんみ,"Scrutiny, Testing, Careful Investigation",Type the reading!,Image
堪える,"こらえる,こたえる,たえる","To Endure, To Bear",Type the reading!,Image
婚姻,こんいん,"Marriage, Matrimony",Type the reading!,Image
駐屯,ちゅうとん,"Stationed, Occupancy",Type the reading!,Image
岬,みさき,Cape,Type the reading!,Image
峠,とうげ,"Peak, Mountain Pass, Ridge",Type the reading!,Image
崇高,すうこう,"Loftiness, Sublimity, Nobility",Type the reading!,Image
崇拝,すうはい,"Worship, Adoration, Admiration, Cult",Type the reading!,Image
惜しまない,おしまない,"Without Sparing, Spare No",Type the reading!,Image
慶事,けいじ,"Auspicious Event, Happy Event",Type the reading!,Image
弁慶,べんけい,Strong Person,Type the reading!,Image
慶祝,けいしゅく,"Congratulation, Celebration",Type the reading!,Image
慶弔,けいちょう,Congratulations And Condolences,Type the reading!,Image
憂き目,うきめ,"Bitterness, Misery, Hardship, Distress",Type the reading!,Image
憧れ,あこがれ,"Yearning, Longing, Aspiration",Type the reading!,Image
憧れる,あこがれる,"To Long For, To Yearn After, To Admire, To Be Attracted By",Type
the reading!,Image
稚拙,ちせつ,"Unskillful, Childish",Type the reading!,Image
模擬,もぎ,"Imitation, Sham, Mock, Simulation",Type the reading!,Image
擬装,ぎそう,"Disguise, Camouflage",Type the reading!,Image
取り敢えず,とりあえず,"For The Time Being, First Of All, At Once, Immediately",Type
the reading!,Image
法曹,ほうそう,"Lawyer, Legal Profession",Type the reading!,Image
ご無沙汰,ごぶさた,"Neglecting To Contact, Long Silence",Type the reading!,Image
流浪,るろう,"Vagrancy, Wandering, Nomadism",Type the reading!,Image
浪費,ろうひ,"Waste, Extravagance",Type the reading!,Image
放浪,ほうろう,"Wandering, Roaming",Type the reading!,Image
浪人,ろうにん,"Ronin, Masterless Samurai",Type the reading!,Image
浮浪者,ふろうしゃ,"Vagrant, Bum",Type the reading!,Image
漆,うるし,Lacquer,Type the reading!,Image
漆器,しっき,"Lacquerware, Lacquer Ware",Type the reading!,Image
漆黒,しっこく,"Jet Black, Pitch Black",Type the reading!,Image
漬物,つけもの,"Tsukemono, Japanese Pickled Vegetables, Pickled Vegetables, Preserved
Vegetables",Type the reading!,Image
〜漬け,づけ,"Pickled, Preserved In, Marinated In",Type the reading!,Image
漬かる,つかる,"To Be Pickled, To Be Well Seasoned, To Be Submerged, To Be
Soaked",Type the reading!,Image
甚大,じんだい,"Immense, Tremendous, Enormous",Type the reading!,Image
甚だ,はなはだ,"Very, Very Much, Greatly",Type the reading!,Image
親睦,しんぼく,"Friendship, Amity",Type the reading!,Image
暗礁,あんしょう,"Reef, Sunken Reef",Type the reading!,Image
環礁,かんしょう,"Atoll, Circular Coral Reef",Type the reading!,Image
岩礁,がんしょう,"Reef, Sunken Rocks, Shore Reef, Rock Reef",Type the reading!,Image
禍根,かこん,"Root Of Evil, Source Of Evil",Type the reading!,Image
戦禍,せんか,"War Damages, Ravages Of War",Type the reading!,Image
危篤,きとく,"Critical Condition, Critical Illness, On The Verge Of Death",Type the
紡ぐ,つむぐ,"To Spin, To Make Yarn",Type the reading!,Image
紡績,ぼうせき,"Spinning, Yarn Spinning",Type the reading!,Image
紡織,ぼうしょく,"Spinning And Weaving, Weaving And Spinning",Type the reading!,Image
胆,"たん,きも","Guts, Innards, Courage",Type the reading!,Image
魂胆,こんたん,"Plot, Ulterior Motive, Secret Intention, Hidden Purpose",Type the
胆石,たんせき,Gallstones,Type the reading!,Image
大胆,だいたん,"Bold, Daring, Audacious",Type the reading!,Image
落胆,らくたん,"Discouragement, Despondency, Dejection, Disappointment",Type the
大腸菌,だいちょうきん,"E. Coli, Escherichia Coli, E Coli",Type the reading!,Image
萌え,もえ,"Sprouting, Budding, Crush, Infatuation, Moe",Type the reading!,Image
軽蔑,けいべつ,"Scorn, Disdain, Contempt",Type the reading!,Image
蔑む,さげすむ,"To Scorn, To Despise",Type the reading!,Image
不均衡,ふきんこう,"Imbalance, Disparity, Inequality",Type the reading!,Image
詠む,よむ,"To Compose, To Recite",Type the reading!,Image
普遍的,ふへんてき,"Universal, Omnipresent, Ubiquitous",Type the reading!,Image
一遍に,いっぺんに,"At Once, At One Time",Type the reading!,Image
遮断機,しゃだんき,"Crossing Gate, Railway Crossing Gate, Circuit Breaker",Type the
左遷,させん,"Demotion, Degradation, Demolish",Type the reading!,Image
遷都,せんと,"Move The Capital, Transfer The Capital, Relocation Of The Capital",Type
the reading!,Image
変遷,へんせん,"Change, Transition",Type the reading!,Image
酪農,らくのう,Dairy Farming,Type the reading!,Image
鋳造,ちゅうぞう,"Casting, Founding, Minting",Type the reading!,Image
閑散,かんさん,"Deserted, Inactive, Leisure, Quiet",Type the reading!,Image
閑静,かんせい,Quiet,Type the reading!,Image
雌,めす,"Female, Female Animal",Type the reading!,Image
雌花,めばな,Female Flower,Type the reading!,Image
倹約,けんやく,"Thrift, Economy, Frugality",Type the reading!,Image
解剖学,かいぼうがく,Anatomy,Type the reading!,Image
弾劾,だんがい,"Impeachment, Accusation, Censure, Denunciation",Type the
隠匿,いんとく,"Hide, Concealment, Conceal",Type the reading!,Image
匿名,とくめい,"Anonymity, Pseudonym",Type the reading!,Image
升,ます,"Grid, Box, Measuring Container, Measure",Type the reading!,Image
升目,ますめ,"Square, Box, Measure",Type the reading!,Image
唄,うた,"Song, Shamisen Song",Type the reading!,Image
唄う,うたう,"To Sing, To Recite, To Chant",Type the reading!,Image
長唄,ながうた,"Long Shamisen Song, Epic Shamisen Song, Nagauta",Type the
囚人,しゅうじん,"Prisoner, Convict",Type the reading!,Image
死刑囚,しけいしゅう,"Condemned Criminal, Death Row Convict",Type the reading!,Image
坑道,こうどう,"Tunnel, Mine, Shaft",Type the reading!,Image
妄想,もうそう,"Delusion, Fantasy",Type the reading!,Image
婿,むこ,"Husband, Groom, Son In Law",Type the reading!,Image
花婿,はなむこ,"Bridegroom, Groom",Type the reading!,Image
娘婿,むすめむこ,Son In Law,Type the reading!,Image
寡婦,かふ,Widow,Type the reading!,Image
寡黙,かもく,"Silent, Shy",Type the reading!,Image
帆船,"はんせん,ほぶね","Sailboat, Sailing Boat, Sailing Ship",Type the reading!,Image
帆柱,ほばしら,Mast,Type the reading!,Image
廉価,れんか,"Low Price, Cheap",Type the reading!,Image
管弦楽団,かんげんがくだん,Orchestra,Type the reading!,Image
思慕,しぼ,"Yearning, Deep Affection",Type the reading!,Image
慕う,したう,"To Adore, To Miss, To Yearn For",Type the reading!,Image
感慨無量,かんがいむりょう,"Deep Emotion, Deeply Moved, Filled With Emotion",Type the
感慨深い,かんがいぶかい,"Deeply Moving, Deeply Emotive",Type the reading!,Image
悪戯,いたずら,"Tease, Prank, Trick, Practical Joke",Type the reading!,Image
戯れ,たわむれ,"Play Flirt, Joke, Flirt",Type the reading!,Image
拷問,ごうもん,"Torture, The Rack, Third Degree",Type the reading!,Image
某,ぼう,"Certain, One",Type the reading!,Image
桟橋,さんばし,"Pier, Wharf",Type the reading!,Image
殉職,じゅんしょく,"Die At One's Post, Die On Duty, Die At Your Post",Type the
吸い殻,すいがら,"Cigarette Butt, Tobacco Ashes",Type the reading!,Image
分泌,"ぶんぴつ,ぶんぴ","Secretion, Discharge",Type the reading!,Image
泌尿器,ひにょうき,Urinary Organs,Type the reading!,Image
渓谷,けいこく,"Valley, Ravine, Canyon",Type the reading!,Image
渓流,けいりゅう,Mountain Stream,Type the reading!,Image
湧く,わく,"To Well Up, To Gush Forth, To Spring Out, To Surge",Type the
湧水,"ゆうすい,わきみず","Spring Water, Spring",Type the reading!,Image
漸く,ようやく,"Finally, At Last, Narrowly, Hardly",Type the reading!,Image
濁る,にごる,"To Become Muddy, To Become Impure, To Become Cloudy",Type the
煩い,うるさい,"Noisy, Loud, Annoying",Type the reading!,Image
煩雑,はんざつ,"Complex, Intricate, Complicated",Type the reading!,Image
煩忙,はんぼう,Busy,Type the reading!,Image
湖畔,こはん,Lake Shore,Type the reading!,Image
下痢,げり,"Diarrhea, Diarrhoea",Type the reading!,Image
赤痢,せきり,Dysentery,Type the reading!,Image
矯正,きょうせい,"Correction, Remedy",Type the reading!,Image
硫黄,いおう,"Sulfur, Sulphur",Type the reading!,Image
罷免,ひめん,"Dismissal, Discharge",Type the reading!,Image
藍,あい,Indigo,Type the reading!,Image
藻,も,"Seaweed, Duckweed, Algae",Type the reading!,Image
海藻,かいそう,Seaweed,Type the reading!,Image
野蛮,やばん,"Savage, Uncivilized, Uncivilised",Type the reading!,Image
南蛮,なんばん,"Southern Barbarians, Nanban, South Sea Countries",Type the
蛮行,ばんこう,"Barbarism, Brutality",Type the reading!,Image
謹賀新年,きんがしんねん,"Happy New Year, Happy New Year!",Type the reading!,Image
容赦なく,ようしゃなく,"Relentlessly, Mercilessly",Type the reading!,Image
逝去,せいきょ,Death,Type the reading!,Image
醜い,みにくい,"Ugly, Unattractive, Unsightly, Unseemly",Type the reading!,Image
醜悪,しゅうあく,"Ugliness, Meanness, Offensiveness",Type the reading!,Image
醜態,しゅうたい,"Shameful Sight, Disgraceful Behavior, Disgraceful Behaviour",Type
the reading!,Image
醜聞,しゅうぶん,Scandal,Type the reading!,Image
狐,きつね,Fox,Type the reading!,Image
後,"あと,ご,のち",afterwards,Type the reading!,Image
大きな,おおきな,big,Type the reading!,Image
さ来年,さらいねん,year after next,Type the reading!,Image
小さな,ちいさな,little,Type the reading!,Image
1 分,いっぷん,one minute,Type the reading!,Image
2 分,にふん,two minutes,Type the reading!,Image
3 分,さんぷん,three minutes,Type the reading!,Image
4 分,よんぷん,four minutes,Type the reading!,Image
5 分,ごふん,five minutes,Type the reading!,Image
6 分,ろっぷん,six minutes,Type the reading!,Image
7 分,ななふん,seven minutes,Type the reading!,Image
8 分,はっぷん,eight minutes,Type the reading!,Image
9 分,きゅうふん,nine minutes,Type the reading!,Image
10 分,じゅっぷん,ten minutes,Type the reading!,Image
8円,はちえん,eight yen,Type the reading!,Image
一度,いちど,once,Type the reading!,Image
売り場,うりば,place where things are sold,Type the reading!,Image
運転,うんてん,to drive,Type the reading!,Image
下りる,おりる,to get off,Type the reading!,Image
会場,かいじょう,assembly hall or meeting place,Type the reading!,Image
帰り,かえり,return,Type the reading!,Image
お金持ち,おかねもち,rich man,Type the reading!,Image
教会,きょうかい,church,Type the reading!,Image
校長,こうちょう,headmaster,Type the reading!,Image
小鳥,ことり,small bird,Type the reading!,Image
さ来月,さらいげつ,the month after next,Type the reading!,Image
さ来週,さらいしゅう,the week after next,Type the reading!,Image
知らせる,しらせる,to notify,Type the reading!,Image
新聞社,しんぶんしゃ,newspaper company,Type the reading!,Image
昼間,ひるま,"daytime, during the day",Type the reading!,Image
見つかる,みつかる,to be discovered,Type the reading!,Image
見つける,みつける,to discover,Type the reading!,Image
止む,やむ,to stop,Type the reading!,Image
明い,あかるい,bright,Type the reading!,Image
飛行場,ひこうじょう,airfield; airport,Type the reading!,Image
入口,いりぐち,entrance,Type the reading!,Image
降り出す,ふりだす,to begin to rain; to begin to snow,Type the reading!,Image
部長,ぶちょう,"head (chief, director) of a section or department, head of a (school)
club; head of a (school) team",Type the reading!,Image
上着,うわぎ,jacket,Type the reading!,Image
連絡,れんらく,"to contact; to get in touch, contacting; getting in touch;
communication; call; message, connection; coordination; junction, intercalary;
intercalaris; internuncial",Type the reading!,Image
赤んぼう,あかんぼう,baby; infant,Type the reading!,Image
黒,くろ,Black,Type the reading!,Image
大使館,たいしかん,embassy,Type the reading!,Image
とり肉,とりにく,chicken meat,Type the reading!,Image
始め,はじめ,beginning,Type the reading!,Image
毎週,まいしゅう,every week,Type the reading!,Image
もう一度,もういちど,again,Type the reading!,Image
八百屋,やおや,greengrocer,Type the reading!,Image
夕方,ゆうがた,evening,Type the reading!,Image
夕飯,ゆうはん,dinner,Type the reading!,Image
お祭り,おまつり,festival; feast; carnival,Type the reading!,Image
ご主人,ごしゅじん,your husband; her husband,Type the reading!,Image
真ん中,まんなか,middle; centre; center; mid-way,Type the reading!,Image
二階建て,にかいだて,two-storied building,Type the reading!,Image
皆,"みな,みんな","all; everyone; everybody, everything",Type the reading!,Image
片付ける,かたづける,"to tidy up; to put in order; to straighten up; to put away, to
settle (problem); to clear (dispute), to finish; to bring something to an end, to
marry off (e.g. a daughter), to do away with someone; to bump someone off",Type the
十分,"じゅうぶん,じゅっぷん,じっぷん","10 minutes, plenty; enough; sufficient;
satisfactory; adequate, division into ten, perfectly; thoroughly; fully; in
full",Type the reading!,Image
向かう,むかう,"to face, to go towards; to head towards",Type the reading!,Image
客,きゃく,"guest; visitor, customer; client; shopper; spectator; audience; tourist;
sightseer; passenger, visitor from afar; guest, visitor from afar, joy-bringing
spirit from the divine realms",Type the reading!,Image
引き出し,ひきだし,"drawer, withdrawal; drawing out, variety of knowledge and
experience useful for handling things impromptu",Type the reading!,Image
押し入れ,おしいれ,closet,Type the reading!,Image
明かり,あかり,"lamplight, light (in general), brightness",Type the reading!,Image
空き,あき,"room, time to spare, emptiness",Type the reading!,Image
明らか,あきらか,"obvious, evident, clear",Type the reading!,Image
明ける,あける,"to dawn, to become daylight",Type the reading!,Image
余り,"あまり,あんまり","not very (used as adverb), not much",Type the reading!,Image
現れ,あらわれ,"embodiment, materialization",Type the reading!,Image
安定,あんてい,"stability, equilibrium",Type the reading!,Image
生き物,いきもの,"living thing, animal",Type the reading!,Image
意思,いし,"intention, purpose",Type the reading!,Image
一度に,いちどに,all at once,Type the reading!,Image
市場,"いちば,しじょう","marketplace, the market",Type the reading!,Image
一家,いっか,"a house, a home, a family, a household",Type the reading!,Image
一種,いっしゅ,"a species, a kind, a variety",Type the reading!,Image
一方,いっぽう,"(1) on the other hand, (2) meanwhile, (3) only, simple, in turn",Type
the reading!,Image
以来,いらい,"since, henceforth",Type the reading!,Image
言わば,いわば,so to speak,Type the reading!,Image
引用,いんよう,"quotation, citation",Type the reading!,Image
受け取る,うけとる,"to receive, to get, to accept, to take",Type the reading!,Image
疑う,うたがう,"to doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of, to suspect",Type the
演説,えんぜつ,"speech, address",Type the reading!,Image
老い,おい,"old age, old person, the old, the aged",Type the reading!,Image
横断,おうだん,crossing,Type the reading!,Image
終える,おえる,to finish,Type the reading!,Image
大家,おおや,landlord; landlady,Type the reading!,Image
お互い,おたがい,"mutual, reciprocal, each other",Type the reading!,Image
お昼,おひる,"lunch, noon",Type the reading!,Image
回,かい,counter for occurrences,Type the reading!,Image
害,がい,"injury, harm, evil influence, damage",Type the reading!,Image
絵画,かいが,picture,Type the reading!,Image
会計,かいけい,"account, finance, accountant",Type the reading!,Image
会合,かいごう,"meeting, assembly",Type the reading!,Image
画家,がか,"painter, artist",Type the reading!,Image
抱える,かかえる,to hold or carry under or in the arms,Type the reading!,Image
化学,かがく,chemistry,Type the reading!,Image
係,かかり,"official, duty, person in charge",Type the reading!,Image
確実,かくじつ,"certainty, reliability, soundness",Type the reading!,Image
学習,がくしゅう,"study, learning",Type the reading!,Image
方々,"かたがた,ほうぼう","persons, this and that, here and there, everywhere",Type the
必ずしも,かならずしも,"(not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) all, (not)
entirely",Type the reading!,Image
観察,かんさつ,"observation, survey",Type the reading!,Image
感動,かんどう,"being deeply moved, excitement, impression, deep emotion",Type the
機関,きかん,"organ, mechanism, facility, engine",Type the reading!,Image
記者,きしゃ,reporter,Type the reading!,Image
帰宅,きたく,returning home,Type the reading!,Image
記入,きにゅう,"entry, filling in of forms",Type the reading!,Image
記念,きねん,"commemoration, memory",Type the reading!,Image
機能,きのう,"function, faculty",Type the reading!,Image
決まり,きまり,"settlement, conclusion, regulation, rule",Type the reading!,Image
気味,きみ,"-like, -looking, -looked",Type the reading!,Image
急速,きゅうそく,rapid (e.g. progress),Type the reading!,Image
共通,きょうつう,"commonness, community",Type the reading!,Image
切れ,きれ,"cloth, piece, cut, chop",Type the reading!,Image
近代,きんだい,present day,Type the reading!,Image
具体,ぐたい,"concrete, tangible, material",Type the reading!,Image
苦痛,くつう,"pain, agony",Type the reading!,Image
組合,くみあい,"association, union",Type the reading!,Image
組む,くむ,to put together,Type the reading!,Image
暮れ,くれ,"year end, sunset, nightfall, end",Type the reading!,Image
加わる,くわわる,"to join in, to accede to, to increase, to gain in (influence)",Type
the reading!,Image
景気,けいき,"condition, state, business (condition)",Type the reading!,Image
経由,けいゆ,"go by the way, via",Type the reading!,Image
見解,けんかい,"opinion, point of view",Type the reading!,Image
現金,げんきん,"cash, ready money, mercenary, self-interested",Type the reading!,Image
現状,げんじょう,"present condition, existing state, status quo",Type the
現代,げんだい,"nowadays, modern times, present-day",Type the reading!,Image
見当,けんとう,"be found, aim, estimate, guess, approx",Type the reading!,Image
合格,ごうかく,"success, passing (e.g. exam), eligibility",Type the reading!,Image
交際,こうさい,"company, friendship, association, society, acquaintance",Type the
後者,こうしゃ,the latter,Type the reading!,Image
高速,こうそく,"high speed, high gear",Type the reading!,Image
公平,こうへい,"fairness, impartial, justice",Type the reading!,Image
呼吸,こきゅう,"breath, respiration",Type the reading!,Image
国家,こっか,"state, country, nation",Type the reading!,Image
国会,こっかい,"National Diet, parliament, congress",Type the reading!,Image
好み,このみ,"liking, taste, choice",Type the reading!,Image
小屋,こや,"hut, cabin, shed, (animal) pen",Type the reading!,Image
婚約,こんやく,"engagement, betrothal",Type the reading!,Image
差,さ,"difference, variation",Type the reading!,Image
財産,ざいさん,"property, fortune, assets",Type the reading!,Image
最中,さいちゅう,in the middle of,Type the reading!,Image
拝見,はいけん,seeing; look at,Type the reading!,Image
作物,さくもつ,"produce (e.g. agricultural), crops",Type the reading!,Image
酒,さけ,"alcohol, sake",Type the reading!,Image
作曲,さっきょく,"composition, setting (of music)",Type the reading!,Image
作法,さほう,"manners, etiquette, propriety",Type the reading!,Image
覚ます,さます,to awaken,Type the reading!,Image
覚める,さめる,"to wake, to wake up",Type the reading!,Image
去る,さる,"to leave, to go away",Type the reading!,Image
参考,さんこう,"reference, consultation",Type the reading!,Image
直に,"じかに,じきに","immediately, readily, directly",Type the reading!,Image
支給,しきゅう,"payment, allowance",Type the reading!,Image
時刻,じこく,"instant, time, moment",Type the reading!,Image
支出,ししゅつ,"expenditure, expenses",Type the reading!,Image
失業,しつぎょう,unemployment,Type the reading!,Image
実現,じつげん,"implementation, materialization, realization",Type the reading!,Image
実行,じっこう,"practice, performance, execution (e.g. program), realization",Type the
実に,じつに,"indeed, truly, surely",Type the reading!,Image
実は,じつは,"as a matter of fact, by the way",Type the reading!,Image
支配,しはい,"rule, control, direction",Type the reading!,Image
支払,しはらい,payment,Type the reading!,Image
支払う,しはらう,to pay,Type the reading!,Image
事務,じむ,"business, office work",Type the reading!,Image
週,しゅう,week,Type the reading!,Image
週間,しゅうかん,"week, weekly",Type the reading!,Image
重大,じゅうだい,"serious, important, grave, weighty",Type the reading!,Image
手術,しゅじゅつ,surgical operation,Type the reading!,Image
首相,しゅしょう,Prime Minister,Type the reading!,Image
手段,しゅだん,"means, way, measure",Type the reading!,Image
首都,しゅと,capital city,Type the reading!,Image
主要,しゅよう,"chief, main, principal, major",Type the reading!,Image
乗客,じょうきゃく,passenger,Type the reading!,Image
上京,じょうきょう,proceeding to the capital (Tokyo),Type the reading!,Image
正午,しょうご,"noon, mid-day",Type the reading!,Image
少々,しょうしょう,"just a minute, small quantity",Type the reading!,Image
招待,しょうたい,invitation,Type the reading!,Image
上達,じょうたつ,"improvement, advance, progress",Type the reading!,Image
上等,じょうとう,"superiority, first class, very good",Type the reading!,Image
職,しょく,employment,Type the reading!,Image
食品,しょくひん,"commodity, foodstuff",Type the reading!,Image
食物,しょくもつ,"food, foodstuff",Type the reading!,Image
食料,しょくりょう,food,Type the reading!,Image
書物,しょもつ,books,Type the reading!,Image
知らせ,しらせ,notice,Type the reading!,Image
進学,しんがく,going on to university,Type the reading!,Image
神経,しんけい,"nerve, sensitivity",Type the reading!,Image
人物,じんぶつ,"character, personality, person, man, personage, talented man",Type the
進歩,しんぽ,"progress, development",Type the reading!,Image
空く,"あく,すく","to open, to become empty",Type the reading!,Image
少しも,すこしも,"anything of, not one bit",Type the reading!,Image
進める,すすめる,"to advance, to promote, to hasten",Type the reading!,Image
済ませる,すませる,to be finished,Type the reading!,Image
制限,せいげん,"restriction, restraint, limitation",Type the reading!,Image
生産,せいさん,"production, manufacture",Type the reading!,Image
正式,せいしき,"due form, official, formality",Type the reading!,Image
成人,せいじん,adult,Type the reading!,Image
成長,せいちょう,"growth, grow to adulthood",Type the reading!,Image
生命,せいめい,"life, existence",Type the reading!,Image
世間,せけん,"world, society",Type the reading!,Image
説,せつ,theory,Type the reading!,Image
世話,せわ,to look after,Type the reading!,Image
前者,ぜんしゃ,the former,Type the reading!,Image
前進,ぜんしん,"advance, drive, progress",Type the reading!,Image
全体,ぜんたい,"whole, entirety, whatever (is the matter)",Type the reading!,Image
相続,そうぞく,"succession, inheritance",Type the reading!,Image
相当,そうとう,"suitable, fair, tolerable, proper",Type the reading!,Image
対,"たい,つい","pair, couple, set",Type the reading!,Image
台,"だい,うてな","stand, rack, table, support",Type the reading!,Image
題,だい,"title, subject, theme, topic",Type the reading!,Image
代金,だいきん,"price, payment, cost, charge",Type the reading!,Image
大使,たいし,ambassador,Type the reading!,Image
大戦,たいせん,"great war, great battle",Type the reading!,Image
代表,だいひょう,"representative, representation, delegation, type, example,
model",Type the reading!,Image
代理,だいり,"representation, agency, proxy, deputy, agent",Type the reading!,Image
多少,たしょう,"more or less, somewhat, a little, some",Type the reading!,Image
直ちに,ただちに,"at once, immediately, directly, in person",Type the reading!,Image
立ち上がる,たちあがる,to stand up,Type the reading!,Image
立場,たちば,"standpoint, position, situation",Type the reading!,Image
種,"たね,しゅ","(1) seed, (2) material, (3) cause, source",Type the reading!,Image
度,"たび,ど",counter for occurrences,Type the reading!,Image
試し,ためし,"trial, test",Type the reading!,Image
便り,たより,"news, tidings, information, correspondence, letter",Type the
段,だん,"step, stair, flight of steps, grade, rank, level",Type the reading!,Image
単位,たんい,"unit, denomination, credit (in school)",Type the reading!,Image
単なる,たんなる,"mere, simple, sheer",Type the reading!,Image
地位,ちい,"(social) position, status",Type the reading!,Image
違いない,ちがいない,"(phrase) sure, no mistaking it, for certain",Type the
知事,ちじ,prefectural governor,Type the reading!,Image
知能,ちのう,"intelligence, brains",Type the reading!,Image
地方,ちほう,"area, locality, district, region, the coast",Type the reading!,Image
茶,ちゃ,tea,Type the reading!,Image
注,ちゅう,"annotation, explanatory note",Type the reading!,Image
昼食,ちゅうしょく,"lunch, midday meal",Type the reading!,Image
中心,ちゅうしん,"center, core, heart, pivot, emphasis, balance",Type the
注目,ちゅうもく,"notice, attention, observation",Type the reading!,Image
長期,ちょうき,long time period,Type the reading!,Image
頂上,ちょうじょう,"top, summit, peak",Type the reading!,Image
通過,つうか,"passage through, passing",Type the reading!,Image
通学,つうがく,commuting to school,Type the reading!,Image
通行,つうこう,"passage, passing",Type the reading!,Image
通じる,つうじる,"to run to, to lead to, to communicate, to understand",Type the
通信,つうしん,"correspondence, communication, news, signal",Type the reading!,Image
付き合い,つきあい,"association, socializing, fellowship",Type the reading!,Image
続き,つづき,"sequel, continuation",Type the reading!,Image
務め,つとめ,"(1) service, duty, (2) Buddhist religious services",Type the
連れ,つれ,"companion, company",Type the reading!,Image
出会い,であい,"meeting, rendezvous, encounter",Type the reading!,Image
定期,ていき,fixed term,Type the reading!,Image
出来事,できごと,"incident, affair, happening, event",Type the reading!,Image
適する,てきする,"to fit, to suit",Type the reading!,Image
適切,てきせつ,"pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance",Type the reading!,Image
適度,てきど,moderate,Type the reading!,Image
適用,てきよう,applying,Type the reading!,Image
手品,てじな,"sleight of hand, conjuring trick, magic, juggling",Type the
手伝い,てつだい,"help, helper, assistant",Type the reading!,Image
手間,てま,"time, labour",Type the reading!,Image
天然,てんねん,"nature, spontaneity",Type the reading!,Image
問い,とい,"question, query",Type the reading!,Image
同一,どういつ,"identity, sameness, similarity",Type the reading!,Image
当時,とうじ,"at that time, in those days",Type the reading!,Image
同様,どうよう,"identical, equal to, same (kind), like",Type the reading!,Image
通り過ぎる,とおりすぎる,"to pass, to pass through",Type the reading!,Image
図書,としょ,books,Type the reading!,Image
年寄,としより,"old people, the aged",Type the reading!,Image
飛び出す,とびだす,"to jump out, to rush out, to fly out",Type the reading!,Image
留める,"とめる,とどめる","to fasten, to turn off, to detain",Type the reading!,Image
共に,ともに,"sharing with, participate in",Type the reading!,Image
取り上げる,とりあげる,"to take up, to pick up, to disqualify, to confiscate, to
deprive",Type the reading!,Image
流れ,ながれ,"stream, current",Type the reading!,Image
等,"など,とう","et cetera, etc., and the like",Type the reading!,Image
願い,ねがい,"desire, wish, request",Type the reading!,Image
願う,ねがう,"to desire, to wish, to request",Type the reading!,Image
年代,ねんだい,"age, era, period, date",Type the reading!,Image
野,"の,や",field,Type the reading!,Image
能,のう,"being skilled in, nicely, properly",Type the reading!,Image
場,ば,"place, field (physics)",Type the reading!,Image
配達,はいたつ,"delivery, distribution",Type the reading!,Image
計る,はかる,"to measure, to weigh, to survey",Type the reading!,Image
始まり,はじまり,"origin, beginning",Type the reading!,Image
働き,はたらき,"work, labor",Type the reading!,Image
発行,はっこう,issue (publications),Type the reading!,Image
発車,はっしゃ,departure of a vehicle,Type the reading!,Image
発達,はったつ,"development, growth",Type the reading!,Image
発明,はつめい,invention,Type the reading!,Image
話し合う,はなしあう,"to discuss, to talk together",Type the reading!,Image
原,はら,"field, plain, prairie, tundra, moor, wilderness",Type the reading!,Image
番,ばん,,Type the reading!,Image
飛行,ひこう,aviation,Type the reading!,Image
日付,ひづけ,"date, dating",Type the reading!,Image
一言,ひとこと,single word,Type the reading!,Image
平等,びょうどう,"equality (a), impartiality, evenness",Type the reading!,Image
表面,ひょうめん,"surface, outside, face, appearance",Type the reading!,Image
便,"びん,べん","way, means",Type the reading!,Image
不,ふ,"un, non, negative prefix",Type the reading!,Image
風景,ふうけい,scenery,Type the reading!,Image
夫人,ふじん,"wife, Mrs, madam",Type the reading!,Image
物質,ぶっしつ,"material, substance",Type the reading!,Image
物理,ぶつり,physics,Type the reading!,Image
不平,ふへい,"complaint, discontent, dissatisfaction",Type the reading!,Image
不満,ふまん,"dissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent, complaints, unhappiness",Type
the reading!,Image
不利,ふり,"disadvantage, handicap, unfavorable, drawback",Type the reading!,Image
文明,ぶんめい,"civilization, culture",Type the reading!,Image
法,ほう,Act (law: the X Act),Type the reading!,Image
放送,ほうそう,"broadcast, broadcasting",Type the reading!,Image
任せる,まかせる,"to entrust to another, to leave to",Type the reading!,Image
負け,まけ,"defeat, loss, losing (a game)",Type the reading!,Image
真面目,まじめ,"diligent, serious, honest",Type the reading!,Image
洗濯,せんたく,washing; laundry,Type the reading!,Image
真っ赤,まっか,"deep red, flushed (of face)",Type the reading!,Image
真っ直ぐ,まっすぐ,"straight (ahead), direct, upright",Type the reading!,Image
回り,まわり,"circumference, surroundings, circulation",Type the reading!,Image
見送り,みおくり,"seeing one off, farewell, escort",Type the reading!,Image
満ちる,みちる,"to be full, to rise (tide), to mature, to expire",Type the
温い,ぬるい,"lukewarm; tepid, lenient, slow; stupid",Type the reading!,Image
見舞い,みまい,"enquiry, expression of sympathy, expression of concern",Type the
土産,みやげ,"present, souvenir",Type the reading!,Image
都,"みやこ,と",capital,Type the reading!,Image
明後日,"みょうごにち,あさって",day after tomorrow,Type the reading!,Image
向かい,むかい,"facing, opposite, across the street, other side",Type the
明確,めいかく,"clear up, clarify, define",Type the reading!,Image
命じる,めいじる,"to order, to command, to appoint",Type the reading!,Image
面,"めん,おも,おもて,つら","face, mug, surface, facial features, mask, face guard,
side or facet, corner, page",Type the reading!,Image
持ち上げる,もちあげる,"to raise, to lift up, to flatter",Type the reading!,Image
者,もの,person,Type the reading!,Image
物音,ものおと,sounds,Type the reading!,Image
物事,ものごと,"things, everything",Type the reading!,Image
友情,ゆうじょう,"friendship, fellowship",Type the reading!,Image
有能,ゆうのう,"able, capable, efficient, skill",Type the reading!,Image
有利,ゆうり,"advantageous, better, profitable, lucrative",Type the reading!,Image
夜明け,よあけ,"dawn, daybreak",Type the reading!,Image
様,"よう,さま,ざま","way, manner, kind",Type the reading!,Image
用心,ようじん,"care, precaution, guarding, caution",Type the reading!,Image
様子,ようす,"aspect, state, appearance",Type the reading!,Image
要するに,ようするに,"in a word, after all, the point is .., in short ..",Type the
予期,よき,"expectation, assume will happen, forecast",Type the reading!,Image
横切る,よこぎる,"to cross (e.g. arms), to traverse",Type the reading!,Image
夜中,"よなか,やちゅう","midnight, dead of night",Type the reading!,Image
利口,りこう,"clever, shrewd, bright, sharp, wise, intelligent",Type the
理想,りそう,ideal,Type the reading!,Image
例,"れい,ためし","instance, example, case",Type the reading!,Image
礼,れい,expression of gratitude,Type the reading!,Image
列車,れっしゃ,train (ordinary),Type the reading!,Image
連想,れんそう,"association (of ideas), suggestion",Type the reading!,Image
論じる,ろんじる,"to argue, to discuss, to debate",Type the reading!,Image
論争,ろんそう,"controversy, dispute",Type the reading!,Image
別れ,わかれ,"parting, separation, farewell",Type the reading!,Image
以内,いない,within,Type the reading!,Image
お宅,おたく,(polite) your house,Type the reading!,Image
高価,こうか,high price,Type the reading!,Image
家内,かない,housewife,Type the reading!,Image
騒ぎ,さわぎ,uproar; disturbance,Type the reading!,Image
食う,くう,"to eat, to live; to make a living; to survive, to bite; to sting (as
insects do), to tease; to torment; to taunt; to make light of; to make fun of, to
encroach on; to eat into; to consume, to defeat a superior; to threaten a position,
to consume time and-or resources, to receive something (usu. an unfavourable
event), to have sexual relations with a woman, esp. for the first time",Type the
頬,"ほお,ほほ","cheek (of face), face; mug, surface, surrounding area, cheek;
cheeks",Type the reading!,Image
順調,じゅんちょう,favourable; favorable; doing well; OK; all right,Type the
下宿,げしゅく,lodging,Type the reading!,Image
決して,けっして,never,Type the reading!,Image
公務員,こうむいん,government worker,Type the reading!,Image
御主人,ごしゅじん,(honorable) your husband,Type the reading!,Image
ご存じ,ごぞんじ,"knowing, acquaintance",Type the reading!,Image
市民,しみん,citizen,Type the reading!,Image
水泳,すいえい,swimming,Type the reading!,Image
確か,たしか,definite,Type the reading!,Image
捕まえる,つかまえる,to seize,Type the reading!,Image
電報,でんぽう,telegram,Type the reading!,Image
銅貨,どうか,copper coin,Type the reading!,Image
治る,なおる,"to be cured, to heal",Type the reading!,Image
鉄道,てつどう,railroad; railway; rail transport,Type the reading!,Image
鉄,"てつ,くろがね","money, metal, iron (Fe), strong and hard (as iron), railway,
railway enthusiast, iron",Type the reading!,Image
重視,じゅうし,"importance; stress; serious consideration, to take something
seriously; to attach importance; to stress",Type the reading!,Image
途端,とたん,"just (now, at the moment, etc.); just as; in the act of; as soon as; at
the moment that",Type the reading!,Image
身長,しんちょう,height (of body); stature,Type the reading!,Image
賞,しょう,prize; award,Type the reading!,Image
申し上げる,もうしあげる,"(humble) to say, to tell",Type the reading!,Image
資源,しげん,resources,Type the reading!,Image
予習,よしゅう,preparation for a lesson,Type the reading!,Image
利用,りよう,utilization,Type the reading!,Image
泳ぎ方,およぎかた,way of swimming,Type the reading!,Image
一致,いっち,"coincidence; agreement; union; match, conformity; consistency,
cooperation",Type the reading!,Image
下す,くだす,"to make a decision; to draw a conclusion, to give a judgement; to hand
down a verdict; to pass a sentence; to give an order, to let go down; to lower, to
do oneself; to do by oneself, to beat; to defeat, to have loose bowels; to have
diarrhea, to pass (in stool); to discharge from the body, to do in one go; to do to
the end without stopping",Type the reading!,Image
不可,ふか,"wrong; bad; improper; unjustifiable; inadvisable, not allowed; not
possible, failing grade",Type the reading!,Image
主張,しゅちょう,claim; request; insistence; assertion; advocacy; emphasis;
contention; opinion; tenet,Type the reading!,Image
予算,よさん,estimate; budget,Type the reading!,Image
事態,じたい,situation; (present) state of affairs; circumstances,Type the
二十(歳),はたち,,Type the reading!,Image
交換,こうかん,"exchange; interchange; switching; reciprocity; barter; substitution;
replacement; clearing (of checks, cheques)",Type the reading!,Image
今後,こんご,from now on; hereafter,Type the reading!,Image
企業,きぎょう,enterprise; undertaking; corporation; business,Type the reading!,Image
調査,ちょうさ,investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey,Type the
体温,たいおん,"temperature; body temperature (human, animal)",Type the reading!,Image
余分,よぶん,extra; excess; surplus,Type the reading!,Image
読書,どくしょ,reading,Type the reading!,Image
修正,しゅうせい,amendment; correction; revision; modification; alteration;
retouching; update; fix,Type the reading!,Image
語学,ごがく,language study,Type the reading!,Image
停留所,ていりゅうじょ,bus stop; tram stop; stop; station,Type the reading!,Image
典型,てんけい,type; pattern; model; epitome; exemplar; archetypal;
representative,Type the reading!,Image
誇り,ほこり,pride; boast,Type the reading!,Image
出身,しゅっしん,"person's origin (e.g. city, country, parentage, school)",Type the
分野,ぶんや,field; sphere; realm; division; branch,Type the reading!,Image
券,けん,ticket; coupon; bond; certificate,Type the reading!,Image
加減,かげん,"degree; extent; just right amount of, condition; state of health,
adjustment; moderation, addition and subtraction",Type the reading!,Image
半ば,なかば,middle; half; semi; halfway; partly,Type the reading!,Image
博士,"はかせ,はくし","doctorate; PhD; Dr (as a title), expert; learned person",Type
the reading!,Image
設計,せっけい,plan; design; layout,Type the reading!,Image
反抗,はんこう,opposition; resistance; insubordination; defiance; hostility;
rebellion,Type the reading!,Image
団体,だんたい,organization; organisation; association,Type the reading!,Image
国語,こくご,"national language, Japanese language (often as a school subject in
Japan), native Japanese words (as opposed to loanwords)",Type the reading!,Image
親戚,しんせき,relative; relation; kin,Type the reading!,Image
地平線,ちへいせん,horizon (related to land),Type the reading!,Image
外す,はずす,"to unfasten; to undo, to remove; to take off; to deinstall, to leave;
to step out; to slip away, to miss (a target)",Type the reading!,Image
外出,がいしゅつ,"going out; outing; leaving (one's home, office, etc.)",Type the
大半,たいはん,"majority; more than half; most (of), mostly; largely; mainly;
predominately; nearly",Type the reading!,Image
要素,ようそ,"component; factor; item (e.g. in list), element (e.g. in array); member
(e.g. data structure)",Type the reading!,Image
大部分,だいぶぶん,most part; greater part; majority,Type the reading!,Image
嫌う,きらう,to hate; to dislike; to loathe,Type the reading!,Image
実施,じっし,enforcement; implementation; putting into practice; carrying out;
operation; working (e.g. working parameters); enactment,Type the reading!,Image
尻,"しり,けつ","buttocks; behind; rump; bottom, undersurface; bottom, last place;
end, consequence, ass; arse; buttocks, rear; end",Type the reading!,Image
行儀,ぎょうぎ,manners; behavior; behaviour,Type the reading!,Image
自身,じしん,by oneself; personally,Type the reading!,Image
年月,ねんげつ,months and years,Type the reading!,Image
引っ張る,ひっぱる,"to pull; to draw; to pull tight, to string (lines); to run
(cable); to stretch, to pull towards oneself (e.g. someone's sleeve), to drag; to
haul; to tow, to lead (e.g. one's followers), to take someone somewhere (e.g. a
suspect to the police), to tempt into joining; to strongly invite to join, to
delay; to prolong, to lengthen the pronunciation (of a word), to quote; to cite; to
reference, to pull the ball, to wear; to put on",Type the reading!,Image
微笑む,ほほえむ,to smile,Type the reading!,Image
急激,きゅうげき,sudden; precipitous; radical,Type the reading!,Image
怪我,けが,injury (to animate object); hurt,Type the reading!,Image
恩,おん,favour; favor; obligation; debt of gratitude,Type the reading!,Image
批評,ひひょう,criticism; review; commentary,Type the reading!,Image
投票,とうひょう,voting; poll,Type the reading!,Image
抵抗,ていこう,"resistance; opposition; standing up to, reluctance; repulsion;
repugnance, resistance; drag; friction, electrical resistance, resistor",Type the
救助,きゅうじょ,relief; aid; rescue,Type the reading!,Image
日中,にっちゅう,"daytime; during the day, Sino-Japanese",Type the reading!,Image
結論,けつろん,conclusion,Type the reading!,Image
本人,ほんにん,the person himself,Type the reading!,Image
経営,けいえい,management; administration; operation; running (business);
conducting,Type the reading!,Image
水準,すいじゅん,"level; standard, water level",Type the reading!,Image
無視,むし,disregarding; ignoring,Type the reading!,Image
熱中,ねっちゅう,become enthusiastic about; be full of enthusiasm for; be crazy about;
be keen on; be absorbed in; be intent on; devote oneself to; give oneself up to;
abandon oneself to; put one's heart into; go heart and soul into; be infatuated
with; enthuse over; be hooked on; go in for in a big way; be nuts about,Type the
生じる,しょうじる,"to produce; to yield; to cause, to result from; to arise; to be
generated",Type the reading!,Image
畑,"はた,はたけ","field (for fruits, vegetables, etc.); cultivated land; vegetable
plot; kitchen garden; plantation, field (of specialization); sphere; area, womb;
birth; birthplace",Type the reading!,Image
預かる,あずかる,"to keep in custody, to receive on deposit, to take charge of",Type
the reading!,Image
厚かましい,あつかましい,"impudent, shameless, brazen",Type the reading!,Image
脂,あぶら,"fat, tallow, lard",Type the reading!,Image
雨戸,あまど,sliding storm door,Type the reading!,Image
甘やかす,あまやかす,"to pamper, to spoil",Type the reading!,Image
編物,あみもの,"knitting, web",Type the reading!,Image
危うい,あやうい,"dangerous, critical, grave",Type the reading!,Image
改めて,あらためて,"another time, again, over again, anew, formally",Type the
改める,あらためる,"to change, to alter, to reform, to revise",Type the reading!,Image
著す,あらわす,"to write, to publish",Type the reading!,Image
有難い,ありがたい,"grateful, thankful, welcome, appreciated, evoking gratitude",Type
the reading!,Image
在る,ある,"to live, to be",Type the reading!,Image
安易,あんい,easy-going,Type the reading!,Image
言い付ける,いいつける,"to tell, to tell on (someone), to order",Type the
育児,いくじ,"childcare, nursing, upbringing",Type the reading!,Image
勇ましい,いさましい,"brave, valiant, gallant, courageous",Type the reading!,Image
衣食住,いしょくじゅう,"necessities of life (food, clothing, etc.)",Type the
一段と,いちだんと,"greater, more, further, still more",Type the reading!,Image
一定,いってい,"fixed, settled, definite",Type the reading!,Image
移転,いてん,"moving, transfer, demise",Type the reading!,Image
引力,いんりょく,gravity,Type the reading!,Image
植木,うえき,"garden shrubs, trees, potted plant",Type the reading!,Image
浮ぶ,うかぶ,"to float, to rise to surface, to come to mind",Type the reading!,Image
浮かべる,うかべる,"to float, to express, to look (sad, glad)",Type the reading!,Image
受取,うけとり,receipt,Type the reading!,Image
受け持つ,うけもつ,to take (be in) charge of,Type the reading!,Image
薄暗い,うすぐらい,"dim, gloomy",Type the reading!,Image
打合せ,うちあわせ,"business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment",Type the
打ち消す,うちけす,"to deny, to negate, to contradict",Type the reading!,Image
敬う,うやまう,"to show respect, to honour",Type the reading!,Image
裏返す,うらがえす,"to turn inside out, to turn (something) over",Type the
占う,うらなう,"to forecast, to predict",Type the reading!,Image
絵の具,えのぐ,"colors, paints",Type the reading!,Image
園芸,えんげい,"horticulture, gardening",Type the reading!,Image
演劇,えんげき,play (theatrical),Type the reading!,Image
円周,えんしゅう,circumference,Type the reading!,Image
煙突,えんとつ,chimney,Type the reading!,Image
追い掛ける,おいかける,"to chase or run after someone, to run down, to pursue",Type the
押える,おさえる,"to stop, to restrain, to seize, to repress, to suppress, to press
down",Type the reading!,Image
治める,おさめる,"(1) to govern, to manage, (2) to subdue",Type the reading!,Image
落し物,おとしもの,lost property,Type the reading!,Image
お参り,おまいり,"worship, shrine visit",Type the reading!,Image
思い掛けない,おもいがけない,"unexpected, casual",Type the reading!,Image
思い込む,おもいこむ,"to be under impression that, to be convinced that",Type the
思い付く,おもいつく,"to think of, to hit upon",Type the reading!,Image
温室,おんしつ,greenhouse,Type the reading!,Image
温帯,おんたい,temperate zone,Type the reading!,Image
御中,おんちゅう,"and Company, Messrs.",Type the reading!,Image
改札,かいさつ,examination of tickets,Type the reading!,Image
海水浴,かいすいよく,"sea bathing, seawater bath",Type the reading!,Image
回数,かいすう,"number of times, frequency",Type the reading!,Image
快晴,かいせい,good weather,Type the reading!,Image
解答,かいとう,"answer, solution",Type the reading!,Image
回答,かいとう,"reply, answer",Type the reading!,Image
外部,がいぶ,"the outside, external",Type the reading!,Image
解放,かいほう,"release, liberation, emancipation",Type the reading!,Image
開放,かいほう,"open, throw open, liberalization",Type the reading!,Image
書留,かきとめ,"writing down, putting on record, recording, making a note of,
registration (of mail)",Type the reading!,Image
書取,かきとり,dictation,Type the reading!,Image
学術,がくじゅつ,"science, learning, scholarship",Type the reading!,Image
学部,がくぶ,"department of a university, undergraduate",Type the reading!,Image
格別,かくべつ,exceptional,Type the reading!,Image
下降,かこう,"downward, descent, fall, drop, subsidence",Type the reading!,Image
過失,かしつ,"error, blunder, accident",Type the reading!,Image
果実,かじつ,"fruit, nut, berry.",Type the reading!,Image
個所,かしょ,"passage, place, point, part",Type the reading!,Image
課税,かぜい,taxation,Type the reading!,Image
下線,かせん,"underline, underscore",Type the reading!,Image
加速,かそく,acceleration,Type the reading!,Image
加速度,かそくど,acceleration,Type the reading!,Image
片付く,かたづく,"to put in order, to dispose of, to solve",Type the reading!,Image
片寄る,かたよる,"to be one-sided, to incline, to be partial",Type the reading!,Image
学科,がっか,"study subject, course of study",Type the reading!,Image
活字,かつじ,printing type,Type the reading!,Image
活力,かつりょく,"vitality, energy",Type the reading!,Image
課程,かてい,"course, curriculum",Type the reading!,Image
加熱,かねつ,heating,Type the reading!,Image
過半数,かはんすう,majority,Type the reading!,Image
被せる,かぶせる,to cover (with something),Type the reading!,Image
感ずる,かんずる,"to feel, to sense",Type the reading!,Image
寒帯,かんたい,frigid zone,Type the reading!,Image
缶詰,かんづめ,"packing (in cans), canning, canned goods, tin can",Type the
乾電池,かんでんち,"dry cell, battery",Type the reading!,Image
関東,かんとう,"eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo",Type the reading!,Image
漢和,かんわ,Chinese Character-Japanese (e.g. dictionary),Type the reading!,Image
気圧,きあつ,atmospheric pressure,Type the reading!,Image
機関車,きかんしゃ,"locomotive, engine",Type the reading!,Image
記号,きごう,"symbol, code",Type the reading!,Image
客席,きゃくせき,guest seating,Type the reading!,Image
客間,きゃくま,"parlor, guest room",Type the reading!,Image
休講,きゅうこう,lecture cancelled,Type the reading!,Image
休息,きゅうそく,"rest, relief, relaxation",Type the reading!,Image
強化,きょうか,"strengthen, intensify, reinforce, solidify",Type the reading!,Image
行列,ぎょうれつ,"(1) line, procession, (2) matrix (math)",Type the reading!,Image
気を付ける,きをつける,"to be careful, to pay attention, to take care",Type the
偶数,ぐうすう,even number,Type the reading!,Image
空想,くうそう,"daydream, fantasy, fancy, vision",Type the reading!,Image
区切る,くぎる,"to punctuate, to cut off, to mark off, to stop, to put an end to",Type
the reading!,Image
苦情,くじょう,"complaint, troubles, objection",Type the reading!,Image
苦心,くしん,"pain, trouble",Type the reading!,Image
薬指,くすりゆび,ring finger,Type the reading!,Image
工夫,くふう,"labourer, worker",Type the reading!,Image
組合せ,くみあわせ,combination,Type the reading!,Image
組み立てる,くみたてる,"to assemble, to set up, to construct",Type the reading!,Image
形式,けいしき,"form, formality, format, math expression",Type the reading!,Image
経度,けいど,longitude,Type the reading!,Image
芸能,げいのう,"public entertainment, accomplishments, attainments",Type the
競馬,けいば,horse racing,Type the reading!,Image
警備,けいび,"defense, guard, policing, security",Type the reading!,Image
外科,げか,surgical department,Type the reading!,Image
毛皮,けがわ,"fur, skin, pelt",Type the reading!,Image
月給,げっきゅう,monthly salary,Type the reading!,Image
気配,けはい,"indication, market trend, worry",Type the reading!,Image
険しい,けわしい,"inaccessible place, sharp eyes",Type the reading!,Image
原産,げんさん,"place of origin, habitat",Type the reading!,Image
原始,げんし,"origin, primeval",Type the reading!,Image
県庁,けんちょう,prefectural office,Type the reading!,Image
原理,げんり,"principle, theory, fundamental truth",Type the reading!,Image
原料,げんりょう,raw materials,Type the reading!,Image
恋しい,こいしい,"(1) dear, beloved, darling, (2) yearned for",Type the reading!,Image
強引,ごういん,"overbearing, coercive, pushy, forcible, high-handed",Type the
工芸,こうげい,industrial arts,Type the reading!,Image
交差,こうさ,cross,Type the reading!,Image
公式,こうしき,"formula, formality, official",Type the reading!,Image
口実,こうじつ,excuse,Type the reading!,Image
光線,こうせん,"beam, light ray",Type the reading!,Image
高層,こうそう,upper,Type the reading!,Image
交替,こうたい,"alternation, change, relief, relay, shift",Type the reading!,Image
交通機関,こうつうきかん,transportation facilities,Type the reading!,Image
校庭,こうてい,campus,Type the reading!,Image
合同,ごうどう,"combination, incorporation, union, amalgamation",Type the
公表,こうひょう,"official announcement, proclamation",Type the reading!,Image
公務,こうむ,"official business, public business",Type the reading!,Image
紅葉,"こうよう,もみじ",(1) (Japanese) maple,Type the reading!,Image
合理,ごうり,rational,Type the reading!,Image
交流,こうりゅう,"alternating current, intercourse, (cultural) exchange,
intermingling",Type the reading!,Image
合流,ごうりゅう,"confluence, union, linking up, merge",Type the reading!,Image
超える,こえる,"to exceed, to cross over, to cross",Type the reading!,Image
凍える,こごえる,"to freeze, to be chilled, to be frozen",Type the reading!,Image
心当たり,こころあたり,"having some knowledge of, happening to know",Type the
腰掛け,こしかけ,"seat, bench",Type the reading!,Image
腰掛ける,こしかける,to sit (down),Type the reading!,Image
個体,こたい,an individual,Type the reading!,Image
混合,こんごう,"mixing, mixture",Type the reading!,Image
在学,ざいがく,(enrolled) in school,Type the reading!,Image
再三,さいさん,"again and again, repeatedly",Type the reading!,Image
採点,さいてん,"marking, grading, looking over",Type the reading!,Image
逆さ,さかさ,"reverse, inversion, upside down",Type the reading!,Image
酒場,さかば,"bar, bar-room",Type the reading!,Image
作成,さくせい,"frame, draw up, make, producing",Type the reading!,Image
探る,さぐる,"to search, to look for, to sound out",Type the reading!,Image
刺さる,ささる,"to stick, to be stuck",Type the reading!,Image
差し支え,さしつかえ,"hindrance, impediment",Type the reading!,Image
差し引き,さしひき,"deduction, subtraction, balance, ebb and flow, rise and fall",Type
the reading!,Image
流石,さすが,"clever, adept, good, expectations, as one would expect",Type the
座布団,ざぶとん,cushion (Japanese),Type the reading!,Image
冷ます,さます,"to cool, to dampen, to let cool",Type the reading!,Image
冷める,さめる,"to become cool, to wear off, to abate, to subside",Type the
産地,さんち,producing area,Type the reading!,Image
山林,さんりん,"mountain forest, mountains and forest",Type the reading!,Image
寺院,じいん,temple,Type the reading!,Image
塩辛い,しおからい,salty (taste),Type the reading!,Image
四角い,しかくい,square,Type the reading!,Image
時間割,じかんわり,"timetable, schedule",Type the reading!,Image
持参,じさん,"bringing, taking, carrying",Type the reading!,Image
四捨五入,ししゃごにゅう,rounding up (fractions),Type the reading!,Image
静まる,しずまる,"to quieten down, to calm down, to subside",Type the reading!,Image
自然科学,しぜんかがく,natural science,Type the reading!,Image
時速,じそく,speed (per hour),Type the reading!,Image
自治,じち,"self-government, autonomy",Type the reading!,Image
実習,じっしゅう,"practice, training",Type the reading!,Image
実績,じっせき,"achievements, actual results",Type the reading!,Image
湿度,しつど,level of humidity,Type the reading!,Image
実物,じつぶつ,"real thing, original",Type the reading!,Image
実用,じつよう,"practical use, utility",Type the reading!,Image
実例,じつれい,"example, illustration",Type the reading!,Image
指定,してい,"designation, specification, assignment, pointing at",Type the
社会科学,しゃかいかがく,social science,Type the reading!,Image
社説,しゃせつ,"editorial, leading article",Type the reading!,Image
住居,じゅうきょ,"dwelling, house, residence, address",Type the reading!,Image
集合,しゅうごう,"gathering, assembly, meeting, set (math)",Type the reading!,Image
重点,じゅうてん,"important point, lay stress on, colon, emphasis",Type the
周辺,しゅうへん,"circumference, outskirts, environs, (computer) peripheral",Type the
重役,じゅうやく,"director, high executive",Type the reading!,Image
重量,じゅうりょう,"(1) weight, (2) heavyweight boxer",Type the reading!,Image
出勤,しゅっきん,"going to work, at work",Type the reading!,Image
述語,じゅつご,predicate,Type the reading!,Image
主役,しゅやく,"leading part, leading actor (actress)",Type the reading!,Image
順々,じゅんじゅん,"in order, in turn",Type the reading!,Image
純情,じゅんじょう,"pure heart, naivete, self-sacrificing devotion",Type the
定規,じょうぎ,(measuring) ruler,Type the reading!,Image
商業,しょうぎょう,"commerce, trade, business",Type the reading!,Image
商社,しょうしゃ,"trading company, firm",Type the reading!,Image
乗車,じょうしゃ,"taking a train, entraining",Type the reading!,Image
小数,しょうすう,"fraction (part of), decimal",Type the reading!,Image
商店,しょうてん,"shop, business firm",Type the reading!,Image
消毒,しょうどく,"disinfection, sterilization",Type the reading!,Image
蒸発,じょうはつ,"evaporation, unexplained disappearance",Type the reading!,Image
賞品,しょうひん,"prize, trophy",Type the reading!,Image
小便,"しょうべん,しょんべん","(col) urine, piss",Type the reading!,Image
消防署,しょうぼうしょ,fire station,Type the reading!,Image
正面,しょうめん,"the front, honesty",Type the reading!,Image
食塩,しょくえん,table salt,Type the reading!,Image
職人,しょくにん,"worker, mechanic, artisan, craftsman",Type the reading!,Image
書籍,しょせき,"book, publication",Type the reading!,Image
白髪,しらが,"white or grey hair, trendy hair bleaching",Type the reading!,Image
知合い,しりあい,acquaintance,Type the reading!,Image
信ずる,しんずる,"to believe, to believe in, to place trust in",Type the
寝台,しんだい,"bed, couch",Type the reading!,Image
人文科学,じんぶんかがく,"social sciences, humanities",Type the reading!,Image
人命,じんめい,(human) life,Type the reading!,Image
森林,しんりん,"forest, woods",Type the reading!,Image
針路,しんろ,"course, direction, compass bearing",Type the reading!,Image
神話,しんわ,"myth, legend",Type the reading!,Image
水産,すいさん,"marine products, fisheries",Type the reading!,Image
水蒸気,すいじょうき,"water vapour, steam",Type the reading!,Image
水筒,すいとう,"canteen, flask, water bottle",Type the reading!,Image
水平,すいへい,"water level, horizon",Type the reading!,Image
水平線,すいへいせん,horizon,Type the reading!,Image
末っ子,すえっこ,youngest child,Type the reading!,Image
好き好き,すきずき,matter of taste,Type the reading!,Image
図形,ずけい,figure,Type the reading!,Image
頭脳,ずのう,"head, brains, intellect",Type the reading!,Image
図表,ずひょう,"chart, diagram, graph",Type the reading!,Image
姓,せい,"surname, family name",Type the reading!,Image
税関,ぜいかん,customs house,Type the reading!,Image
制作,せいさく,"work (film, book)",Type the reading!,Image
性質,せいしつ,"nature, property, disposition",Type the reading!,Image
清書,せいしょ,clean copy,Type the reading!,Image
清掃,せいそう,cleaning,Type the reading!,Image
性能,せいのう,"ability, efficiency",Type the reading!,Image
性別,せいべつ,"distinction by sex, sex, gender",Type the reading!,Image
正方形,せいほうけい,square,Type the reading!,Image
正門,せいもん,"main gate, main entrance",Type the reading!,Image
成立,せいりつ,"coming into existence, arrangements, establishment, completion",Type
the reading!,Image
背負う,せおう,"to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder",Type the
接近,せっきん,"getting closer, drawing nearer, approaching",Type the reading!,Image
接する,せっする,"to come in contact with, to connect, to attend, to receive",Type the
接続,せつぞく,"(1) connection, union, join, link, (2) changing trains",Type the
全集,ぜんしゅう,complete works,Type the reading!,Image
専制,せんせい,"despotism, autocracy",Type the reading!,Image
先頭,せんとう,"head, lead, vanguard, first",Type the reading!,Image
全般,ぜんぱん,"(the) whole, universal, wholly, general",Type the reading!,Image
相違,そうい,"difference, discrepancy, variation",Type the reading!,Image
増減,ぞうげん,"increase and decrease, fluctuation",Type the reading!,Image
造船,ぞうせん,shipbuilding,Type the reading!,Image
増大,ぞうだい,enlargement,Type the reading!,Image
速達,そくたつ,"express, special delivery",Type the reading!,Image
測定,そくてい,measurement,Type the reading!,Image
測量,そくりょう,"measurement, surveying",Type the reading!,Image
速力,そくりょく,speed,Type the reading!,Image
祖先,そせん,ancestor,Type the reading!,Image
率直,そっちょく,"frankness, candour, openheartedness",Type the reading!,Image
存ずる,ぞんずる,"to think, feel, consider, know, etc.",Type the reading!,Image
損得,そんとく,"loss and gain, advantage and disadvantage",Type the reading!,Image
退院,たいいん,to leave hospital,Type the reading!,Image
対照,たいしょう,"contrast, antithesis, comparison",Type the reading!,Image
体制,たいせい,"order, system, structure, set-up, organization",Type the
大層,たいそう,"very much, exaggerated, very fine",Type the reading!,Image
代名詞,だいめいし,pronoun,Type the reading!,Image
田植え,たうえ,rice planting,Type the reading!,Image
絶えず,たえず,constantly,Type the reading!,Image
畳む,たたむ,to fold (clothes),Type the reading!,Image
例える,たとえる,"to compare, to liken, to speak figuratively, to illustrate, to use a
simile",Type the reading!,Image
頼もしい,たのもしい,"reliable, trustworthy, hopeful, promising",Type the
足袋,たび,"tabi, Japanese socks (with split toe)",Type the reading!,Image
短所,たんしょ,"(1) defect, demerit, weak point, (2) disadvantage",Type the
断水,だんすい,water outage,Type the reading!,Image
単数,たんすう,singular (number),Type the reading!,Image
団地,だんち,multi-unit apartments,Type the reading!,Image
断定,だんてい,"conclusion, decision",Type the reading!,Image
短編,たんぺん,"short (e.g. story, film)",Type the reading!,Image
近付ける,ちかづける,"to bring near, to put close, to let come near, to associate
with",Type the reading!,Image
近寄る,ちかよる,"to approach, to draw near",Type the reading!,Image
地点,ちてん,"site, point on a map",Type the reading!,Image
中性,ちゅうせい,"neuter gender, neutral (chem.), indifference, sterility",Type the
中途,ちゅうと,"in the middle, half-way",Type the reading!,Image
超過,ちょうか,"excess, being more than",Type the reading!,Image
長所,ちょうしょ,"(1) strong point, merit, (2) advantage",Type the reading!,Image
長短,ちょうたん,"length, long and short, +-",Type the reading!,Image
頂点,ちょうてん,"top, summit",Type the reading!,Image
長方形,ちょうほうけい,"rectangle, oblong",Type the reading!,Image
調味料,ちょうみりょう,"condiment, seasoning",Type the reading!,Image
直後,ちょくご,immediately following,Type the reading!,Image
直線,ちょくせん,straight line,Type the reading!,Image
直前,ちょくぜん,just before,Type the reading!,Image
直通,ちょくつう,direct communication,Type the reading!,Image
直流,ちょくりゅう,direct current,Type the reading!,Image
貯蔵,ちょぞう,"storage, preservation",Type the reading!,Image
直角,ちょっかく,right angle,Type the reading!,Image
散らかる,ちらかる,"to be in disorder, to lie scattered around",Type the
散らす,ちらす,"to scatter, to disperse, to distribute",Type the reading!,Image
追加,ついか,"addition, supplement, appendix",Type the reading!,Image
通路,つうろ,"passage, pathway",Type the reading!,Image
付合う,つきあう,"to associate with, to keep company with, to get on with",Type the
突き当たり,つきあたり,end (e.g. of street),Type the reading!,Image
突き当たる,つきあたる,"to run into, to collide with",Type the reading!,Image
点く,つく,"to catch fire, (electricity) comes on",Type the reading!,Image
次ぐ,つぐ,"to rank next to, to come after",Type the reading!,Image
突っ込む,つっこむ,"to plunge into, to go into deeply",Type the reading!,Image
努める,つとめる,"(1) to serve, to fill a post, to serve under, to work (for)",Type
the reading!,Image
出合い,であい,an encounter,Type the reading!,Image
定員,ていいん,"fixed number of regular personnel, capacity (of boat, etc.)",Type the
低下,ていか,"fall, decline, lowering, deterioration",Type the reading!,Image
定期券,ていきけん,"commuter pass, season ticket",Type the reading!,Image
定休日,ていきゅうび,regular holiday,Type the reading!,Image
停車,ていしゃ,stopping (e.g. train),Type the reading!,Image
出掛ける,でかける,"to depart, to set out, to start, to be going out",Type the
適確,てきかく,"precise, accurate",Type the reading!,Image
鉄橋,てっきょう,"railway bridge, iron bridge",Type the reading!,Image
出迎え,でむかえ,"meeting, reception",Type the reading!,Image
出迎える,でむかえる,"to meet, to greet",Type the reading!,Image
照る,てる,to shine,Type the reading!,Image
電球,でんきゅう,light bulb,Type the reading!,Image
点々,てんてん,"here and there, little by little",Type the reading!,Image
電流,でんりゅう,electric current,Type the reading!,Image
問い合わせ,といあわせ,"enquiry, ENQ",Type the reading!,Image
銅,"どう,あかがね",copper,Type the reading!,Image
同格,どうかく,"the same rank, equality, apposition",Type the reading!,Image
当日,とうじつ,"appointed day, very day",Type the reading!,Image
投書,とうしょ,"letter to the editor, letter from a reader, contribution",Type the
登場,とうじょう,entry (on stage),Type the reading!,Image
灯台,とうだい,lighthouse,Type the reading!,Image
盗難,とうなん,"theft, robbery",Type the reading!,Image
当番,とうばん,being on duty,Type the reading!,Image
灯油,とうゆ,"lamp oil, kerosene",Type the reading!,Image
通り掛かる,とおりかかる,to happen to pass by,Type the reading!,Image
溶く,とく,to dissolve (paint),Type the reading!,Image
特定,とくてい,"specific, special, particular",Type the reading!,Image
溶け込む,とけこむ,to melt into,Type the reading!,Image
退ける,"どける,しりぞける,のける","to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put
something out of the way",Type the reading!,Image
床の間,とこのま,alcove,Type the reading!,Image
床屋,とこや,barber,Type the reading!,Image
所々,ところどころ,"here and there, some parts (of something)",Type the reading!,Image
都心,としん,heart (of city),Type the reading!,Image
留まる,"とどまる,とまる","(1) to be fixed, (2) to abide, to stay (in the one
place)",Type the reading!,Image
飛び込む,とびこむ,"to jump in, to leap in, to plunge into, to dive",Type the
取り入れる,とりいれる,"to harvest, to take in, to adopt",Type the reading!,Image
取り消す,とりけす,to cancel,Type the reading!,Image
捕る,とる,"to take, to catch (fish), to capture",Type the reading!,Image
内科,ないか,"internist clinic, internal medicine",Type the reading!,Image
内線,ないせん,"phone extension, indoor wiring, inner line",Type the reading!,Image
永い,ながい,"long, lengthy",Type the reading!,Image
長引く,ながびく,"to be prolonged, to drag on",Type the reading!,Image
亡くす,なくす,"to lose someone, wife, child, etc",Type the reading!,Image
並木,なみき,"roadside tree, row of trees",Type the reading!,Image
鳴らす,ならす,"to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose)",Type the
日課,にっか,"daily lesson, daily work, daily routine",Type the reading!,Image
熱する,ねっする,to heat,Type the reading!,Image
寝間着,ねまき,"sleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, nightgown, nightdress",Type the
寝巻,ねまき,"sleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, nightgown, nightdress",Type the
農産物,のうさんぶつ,agricultural produce,Type the reading!,Image
農村,のうそん,"agricultural community, farm village, rural",Type the reading!,Image
農薬,のうやく,agricultural chemicals,Type the reading!,Image
残らず,のこらず,"all, entirely, completely, without exception",Type the
延びる,のびる,to be prolonged,Type the reading!,Image
歯車,はぐるま,"gear, cog-wheel",Type the reading!,Image
肌着,はだぎ,underwear,Type the reading!,Image
果して,はたして,"as was expected, really",Type the reading!,Image
発想,はっそう,"expression (music), conceptualization",Type the reading!,Image
話合い,はなしあい,"discussion, conference",Type the reading!,Image
話し掛ける,はなしかける,"to accost a person, to talk (to someone)",Type the
羽根,はね,shuttlecock,Type the reading!,Image
歯磨き,はみがき,"dentifrice, toothpaste",Type the reading!,Image
流行る,はやる,"to flourish, to thrive, to be popular, to come into fashion",Type the
払い込む,はらいこむ,"to deposit, to pay in",Type the reading!,Image
反映,はんえい,"reflection, influence",Type the reading!,Image
判事,はんじ,"judge, judiciary",Type the reading!,Image
番地,ばんち,"house number, address",Type the reading!,Image
半島,はんとう,peninsula,Type the reading!,Image
日当たり,ひあたり,"exposure to the sun, sunny place",Type the reading!,Image
引返す,ひきかえす,"to repeat, to send back, to bring back",Type the reading!,Image
引算,ひきざん,subtraction,Type the reading!,Image
芝居,しばい,play; drama,Type the reading!,Image
引き止める,ひきとめる,"to detain, to check, to restrain",Type the reading!,Image
引っ掛かる,ひっかかる,"to be caught in, to be stuck in, to be cheated",Type the
筆記,ひっき,"(taking) notes, copying",Type the reading!,Image
引越し,ひっこし,"moving (dwelling etc.), changing residence",Type the reading!,Image
引っ込む,ひっこむ,"to draw back, to sink, to cave in",Type the reading!,Image
筆者,ひっしゃ,"writer, author",Type the reading!,Image
美容,びよう,beauty of figure or form,Type the reading!,Image
表紙,ひょうし,"front cover, binding",Type the reading!,Image
深まる,ふかまる,"to deepen, to heighten, to intensify",Type the reading!,Image
含める,ふくめる,"to include, to instruct, to make one understand",Type the
更ける,ふける,"to get late, to advance, to wear on",Type the reading!,Image
符号,ふごう,"sign, mark, symbol",Type the reading!,Image
船便,ふなびん,surface mail (ship),Type the reading!,Image
部品,ぶひん,"parts, accessories",Type the reading!,Image
吹雪,ふぶき,snow storm,Type the reading!,Image
文芸,ぶんげい,"literature, art and literature, belles-lettres",Type the
閉会,へいかい,closure,Type the reading!,Image
平野,へいや,"plain, open field",Type the reading!,Image
方角,ほうがく,"direction, way, compass point",Type the reading!,Image
方針,ほうしん,"objective, plan, policy",Type the reading!,Image
包装,ほうそう,"packing, wrapping",Type the reading!,Image
包帯,ほうたい,"bandage, dressing",Type the reading!,Image
方程式,ほうていしき,equation,Type the reading!,Image
方面,ほうめん,"direction, district, field (e.g., of study)",Type the reading!,Image
放る,ほうる,to let go,Type the reading!,Image
北極,ほっきょく,North Pole,Type the reading!,Image
本部,ほんぶ,headquarters,Type the reading!,Image
交ざる,まざる,"to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to
join",Type the reading!,Image
待ち合わせる,まちあわせる,"to rendezvous, to meet at a prearranged place and time",Type
the reading!,Image
真っ暗,まっくら,"total darkness, shortsightedness, pitch dark",Type the
祭る,まつる,"to deify, to enshrine",Type the reading!,Image
真似る,まねる,"to mimic, to imitate",Type the reading!,Image
回り道,まわりみち,detour,Type the reading!,Image
見掛け,みかけ,outward appearance,Type the reading!,Image
道順,みちじゅん,"itinerary, route",Type the reading!,Image
見付かる,みつかる,"to be found, to be discovered",Type the reading!,Image
見慣れる,みなれる,"to become used to seeing, to be familiar with",Type the
実る,みのる,"to bear fruit, to ripen",Type the reading!,Image
見舞う,みまう,"to ask after (health), to visit",Type the reading!,Image
未満,みまん,"less than, insufficient",Type the reading!,Image
民間,みんかん,"private, civilian, civil, popular, folk, unofficial",Type the
蒸す,むす,"to steam, to poultice, to be sultry",Type the reading!,Image
命ずる,めいずる,"to command, to appoint",Type the reading!,Image
目指す,めざす,"to aim at, to have an eye on",Type the reading!,Image
目覚まし,めざまし,(abbr) alarm-clock,Type the reading!,Image
目印,めじるし,"mark, sign, landmark",Type the reading!,Image
物置,ものおき,storage room,Type the reading!,Image
物差し,ものさし,"ruler, measure",Type the reading!,Image
役者,やくしゃ,"actor, actress",Type the reading!,Image
役所,やくしょ,"government office, public office",Type the reading!,Image
薬品,やくひん,"medicine(s), chemical(s)",Type the reading!,Image
薬局,やっきょく,"pharmacy, drugstore",Type the reading!,Image
破く,やぶく,"to tear, to rip",Type the reading!,Image
軟らかい,やわらかい,"soft, tender, limp",Type the reading!,Image
郵送,ゆうそう,mailing,Type the reading!,Image
湯飲み,ゆのみ,teacup,Type the reading!,Image
容積,ようせき,"capacity, volume",Type the reading!,Image
用途,ようと,"use, usefulness",Type the reading!,Image
要領,ようりょう,"point, gist, essentials, outline",Type the reading!,Image
寄せる,よせる,"to collect, to gather, to add, to put aside",Type the reading!,Image
四つ角,よつかど,"four corners, crossroads",Type the reading!,Image
予備,よび,"preparation, preliminaries, reserve, spare",Type the reading!,Image
呼び掛ける,よびかける,"to call out to, to accost, to address (crowd), to appeal",Type
the reading!,Image
呼び出す,よびだす,"to summon, to call (e.g. phone)",Type the reading!,Image
理科,りか,science,Type the reading!,Image
利害,りがい,"advantages and disadvantages, interest",Type the reading!,Image
流域,りゅういき,(river) basin,Type the reading!,Image
領事,りょうじ,consul,Type the reading!,Image
領収,りょうしゅう,"receipt, voucher",Type the reading!,Image
冷凍,れいとう,"freezing, cold storage, refrigeration",Type the reading!,Image
列島,れっとう,chain of islands,Type the reading!,Image
連合,れんごう,"union, alliance",Type the reading!,Image
論ずる,ろんずる,"to argue, to discuss, to debate",Type the reading!,Image
和英,わえい,Japanese-English,Type the reading!,Image
割算,わりざん,division (math),Type the reading!,Image
割と,わりと,"relatively, comparitively",Type the reading!,Image
騒がしい,さわがしい,"noisy; boisterous, turbulent (era, etc.); troubled",Type the
騒々しい,そうぞうしい,noisy; boisterous,Type the reading!,Image
養分,ようぶん,nourishment; nutrient,Type the reading!,Image
餅,もち,"sticky rice cake, mochi rice cake",Type the reading!,Image
題名,だいめい,title,Type the reading!,Image
印象,いんしょう,impression,Type the reading!,Image
響き,ひびき,"commotion; stir, echo; reverberation, sound (esp. the distinctive sound
of an object or activity, e.g. rain, gun, gallop, drum); noise, quality of a sound
(e.g. a fine phrase, clear voice, resonant bell); feeling of a sound; emotion or
feeling inspired by something heard or read",Type the reading!,Image
延期,えんき,"postponement, adjournment",Type the reading!,Image
青白い,あおじろい,"pale; pallid, bluish-white",Type the reading!,Image
課,か,counter for chapters (of a book),Type the reading!,Image
長男,ちょうなん,eldest son (may be the only son); first-born son,Type the
鑑賞,かんしょう,appreciation (e.g. of art); aesthetic sense,Type the reading!,Image
菓子,かし,pastry,Type the reading!,Image
鉄砲,てっぽう,"gun, wooden pole that wrestlers strike in practice, fugu",Type the
釣り合う,つりあう,"to balance; to be in harmony; to be in equilibrium, to suit; to go
well together; to be a good match",Type the reading!,Image
釜,かま,iron pot; kettle,Type the reading!,Image
岸,きし,"bank, coast, shore",Type the reading!,Image
技師,ぎし,"engineer, technician",Type the reading!,Image
気の毒,きのどく,"pitiful, a pity",Type the reading!,Image
重ねる,かさねる,"to pile up; to put something on top of another; to stack up, to
repeat many times over; to go through something repeatedly",Type the reading!,Image
旧,きゅう,ex-,Type the reading!,Image
競技,きょうぎ,"game, match, contest",Type the reading!,Image
金額,きんがく,amount of money,Type the reading!,Image
区別,くべつ,"distinction, differentiation, classification",Type the reading!,Image
訓,くん,native Japanese reading of a Chinese character,Type the reading!,Image
敬意,けいい,"respect, honour",Type the reading!,Image
通帳,つうちょう,passbook; bankbook,Type the reading!,Image
逆様,さかさま,inverted; upside down,Type the reading!,Image
県,けん,prefecture,Type the reading!,Image
送料,そうりょう,postage; carriage; shipping charge,Type the reading!,Image
送別,そうべつ,farewell; send-off,Type the reading!,Image
硬貨,こうか,coin,Type the reading!,Image
転がす,ころがす,"to roll, to turn over; to tip over; to throw down, to leave, to buy
and sell (quickly for a profit)",Type the reading!,Image
候補,こうほ,candidacy,Type the reading!,Image
極,"きょく,ごく","pole, climax (きょく), quite, very (ごく)",Type the reading!,Image
身分,みぶん,social position; social status,Type the reading!,Image
小麦,こむぎ,wheat,Type the reading!,Image
混雑,こんざつ,"confusion, congestion",Type the reading!,Image
踏切,ふみきり,"railway crossing; railroad crossing; train crossing; level crossing,
starting line; scratch, determination, stepping over the edge of the ring",Type the
足る,たる,to be sufficient; to be enough; to be worthy of,Type the reading!,Image
赤道,せきどう,equator,Type the reading!,Image
順,じゅん,"order, turn",Type the reading!,Image
貸間,かしま,room to let; room for rent,Type the reading!,Image
貸家,かしや,house for rent,Type the reading!,Image
章,しょう,"(1) chapter, section, (2) medal",Type the reading!,Image
調節,ちょうせつ,regulation; adjustment; control,Type the reading!,Image
調整,ちょうせい,adjustment; regulation; coordination; reconciliation; tuning; fixing;
tailoring,Type the reading!,Image
話中,はなしちゅう,busy (phone),Type the reading!,Image
税,ぜい,tax,Type the reading!,Image
見本,みほん,"sample; specimen; pattern, model; example",Type the reading!,Image
設備,せつび,"equipment, device, facilities, installation",Type the reading!,Image
想像,そうぞう,"imagination, guess",Type the reading!,Image
尊重,そんちょう,"respect, esteem, regard",Type the reading!,Image
街角,まちかど,street corner,Type the reading!,Image
行事,ぎょうじ,event; function,Type the reading!,Image
薬缶,やかん,kettle,Type the reading!,Image
駐車,ちゅうしゃ,parking (e.g. car),Type the reading!,Image
落第,らくだい,failure; dropping out of a class,Type the reading!,Image
茶色い,ちゃいろい,light brown; tawny,Type the reading!,Image
至急,しきゅう,urgent; pressing,Type the reading!,Image
党,とう,party (political),Type the reading!,Image
能率,のうりつ,"efficiency, moment (i.e. magnetic moment)",Type the reading!,Image
肘,ひじ,elbow,Type the reading!,Image
熱帯,ねったい,tropics,Type the reading!,Image
農家,のうか,"farmer, farm family",Type the reading!,Image
縮れる,ちぢれる,to be wavy; to be curled; to be frizzled,Type the reading!,Image
縮める,ちぢめる,"to shorten; to reduce; to condense; to shrink, to crumple (fabric);
to wrinkle, to make (one's body) smaller; to draw in (one's legs); to duck (one's
head)",Type the reading!,Image
縮む,ちぢむ,to shrink; to contract; to diminish (in size),Type the reading!,Image
統一,とういつ,unity; consolidation; uniformity; unification; compatible,Type the
針,はり,"needle, hand (e.g. clock)",Type the reading!,Image
素質,そしつ,character; qualities; genius; the makings of,Type the reading!,Image
灯,"ひ,ともしび",light,Type the reading!,Image
素直,すなお,"obedient; meek; docile; unaffected, honest; frank; upfront (about one's
feelings)",Type the reading!,Image
系統,けいとう,"system, lineage; ancestry; family line, group (e.g. of colors)
(colours); family (e.g. of languages); party; school (of thought), close
(evolutionary) relationship, a population sharing a common ancestor (in genetics);
strain (e.g. bacterial)",Type the reading!,Image
等分,とうぶん,division into equal parts,Type the reading!,Image
空っぽ,からっぽ,empty; vacant; hollow,Type the reading!,Image
稽古,けいこ,practice; practising; training; study,Type the reading!,Image
豊富,ほうふ,"abundance, wealth, plenty, bounty",Type the reading!,Image
有効,ゆうこう,"validity, availability, effectiveness",Type the reading!,Image
知人,ちじん,friend; acquaintance,Type the reading!,Image
真っ青,まっさお,"deep blue; bright blue, ghastly pale; pallid; white as a sheet",Type
the reading!,Image
陸,りく,six (used in legal documents),Type the reading!,Image
真っ先,まっさき,the head; the foremost; beginning; the very front,Type the
看病,かんびょう,nursing (a patient),Type the reading!,Image
一通り,ひととおり,"(in) general; broad (e.g. knowledge); the basics, ordinary; usual;
common, briefly; roughly, one method",Type the reading!,Image
上下,じょうげ,"top and bottom; up and down; high and low; above and below; upper and
lower ends, upside-down, top and bottom; high and low; above and below; upper and
lower ends; up and down, going up and down; rising and falling; fluctuating, going
and coming back, upper and lower classes; ruler and ruled; the government and the
people, first and second volumes, samurai costume; old ceremonial costume, top and
bottom; up and down; high and low; upper and lower ends, upper and lower classes;
ruler and ruled; the government and the people",Type the reading!,Image
下水,げすい,"""drainage; ditch; gutter; sewerage, sewage; black water, water flowing
underneath; one's true feelings, kanji """"water"""" radical at bottom (radical
85)""",Type the reading!,Image
下車,げしゃ,"alighting (from train, bus, etc.); getting off",Type the reading!,Image
目覚し,めざまし,"alarm clock, opening one's eyes; keeping one's eyes open, type of
candy given to a child after it wakes up from a nap",Type the reading!,Image
不通,ふつう,suspension; interruption; stoppage; tie-up; cessation,Type the
不運,ふうん,misfortune; bad luck; ill luck; ill fortune; bad break; tough luck;
mischance,Type the reading!,Image
中世,ちゅうせい,Middle Ages (in Japan esp. the Kamakura and Muromachi periods );
medieval times; mediaeval times,Type the reading!,Image
中味,なかみ,contents; interior; substance; filling; (sword) blade,Type the
中身,なかみ,contents; interior; substance; filling; (sword) blade,Type the
目立つ,めだつ,to be conspicuous; to stand out,Type the reading!,Image
人通り,ひとどおり,pedestrian traffic,Type the reading!,Image
仮名遣い,かなづかい,kana orthography; syllabary spelling,Type the reading!,Image
目安,めやす,"criterion; standard; yardstick; reference; aim, rough estimate;
approximation",Type the reading!,Image
会館,かいかん,meeting hall; assembly hall,Type the reading!,Image
目下,めした,"subordinate; subordinates; inferior; inferiors; junior, at present;
now",Type the reading!,Image
目上,めうえ,superior; superiors; senior,Type the reading!,Image
体系,たいけい,system; organization; organisation; architecture,Type the
余所,よそ,"another place; somewhere else; strange parts, outside (one's family or
group); those people, unrelated matter",Type the reading!,Image
便箋,びんせん,writing paper; stationery,Type the reading!,Image
保健,ほけん,health preservation; hygiene; sanitation,Type the reading!,Image
的確,てきかく,precise; accurate; appropriate; exactly the right,Type the
発電,はつでん,"generation (e.g. power), sending a telegram; telegraphing",Type the
発射,はっしゃ,"firing; shooting; discharge; catapult, ejaculation",Type the
発つ,たつ,"to depart (on a plane, train, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
申請,しんせい,application; request; petition,Type the reading!,Image
公正,こうせい,justice; fairness; impartiality,Type the reading!,Image
申し訳ない,もうしわけない,"I'm sorry; (it's) inexcusable; I feel regretful; I feel
guilty, thank you very much (for help, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
写生,しゃせい,sketching; drawing from nature; portrayal; description,Type the
田んぼ,たんぼ,paddy field; farm,Type the reading!,Image
生長,せいちょう,growth; increment,Type the reading!,Image
生意気,なまいき,impertinent; saucy; cheeky; conceit; audacious; brazen; feisty,Type
the reading!,Image
出来上がり,できあがり,finish; completion; ready; made for; cut out,Type the
分布,ぶんぷ,distribution; allocation,Type the reading!,Image
初旬,しょじゅん,first 10 days of the month,Type the reading!,Image
生年月日,せいねんがっぴ,birth date; date of birth; DOB,Type the reading!,Image
前後,ぜんご,"front and rear; front and back; before and behind; back and forth,
before and after, order; context, consequences, inversion; reversion; getting out
of order, co-occurring, around; about; approximately; nearly, front and rear; front
and back; before and behind",Type the reading!,Image
剥く,むく,to peel; to skin; to pare; to hull; to bare (e.g. fangs); to open wide
(e.g. eyes),Type the reading!,Image
生ずる,しょうずる,"to produce; to yield; to cause, to result from; to arise; to be
generated",Type the reading!,Image
生け花,いけばな,"ikebana; Japanese art of flower arrangement, fresh flower; natural
flower",Type the reading!,Image
力強い,ちからづよい,"powerful; strong; forceful; vigorous, reassuring;
encouraging",Type the reading!,Image
動作,どうさ,action; movements; motions; bearing; behaviour; behavior; execution;
actuation; operation; manners,Type the reading!,Image
南北,なんぼく,"north and south; north to south, South Korea and North Korea",Type the
瓶詰め,びんづめ,bottling; bottled,Type the reading!,Image
瓦,かわら,"gram; gramme, roof tile",Type the reading!,Image
受話器,じゅわき,(telephone) receiver,Type the reading!,Image
古典,こてん,old book; classics; classic,Type the reading!,Image
句読点,くとうてん,punctuation mark; punctuation marks,Type the reading!,Image
可決,かけつ,"approval; adoption (e.g. motion, bill); passage",Type the
司会,しかい,"leading a meeting; presiding over a meeting; officiating at a ceremony;
chairmanship, chairman; presenter; host; moderator; master of ceremonies",Type the
名作,めいさく,masterpiece,Type the reading!,Image
問答,もんどう,questions and answers; dialogue,Type the reading!,Image
嗅ぐ,かぐ,to sniff; to smell,Type the reading!,Image
器具,きぐ,utensil; apparatus; implement; device; gadget,Type the reading!,Image
特長,とくちょう,forte; merit,Type the reading!,Image
特色,とくしょく,"characteristic; feature; idiosyncrasy; personal colour, spot color
(in printing)",Type the reading!,Image
国立,こくりつ,national,Type the reading!,Image
特売,とくばい,special sale,Type the reading!,Image
地下水,ちかすい,underground water,Type the reading!,Image
地味,じみ,"plain; simple; subdued; sober, soil fertility; product of the soil",Type
the reading!,Image
地盤,じばん,"ground; crust (earth); bed (gravel, river, etc.), foundation (building,
etc.); base, constituency; power base; support (electoral); footing; foothold",Type
the reading!,Image
地質,ちしつ,"geological features, quality of a fabric or cloth; texture of a
fabric",Type the reading!,Image
坊っちゃん,ぼっちゃん,"son (of others), young master, green young man from a well-to-
do family",Type the reading!,Image
物騒,ぶっそう,dangerous; unsettled; troubled; disturbed; insecure,Type the
物語る,ものがたる,to tell; to indicate,Type the reading!,Image
基地,きち,"base (military, expedition, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
塞がる,ふさがる,"to be closed; to be blocked; to be healed (e.g. wound); to be shut
up, to be clogged; to be plugged up, to be occupied; to be taken (e.g.
accommodation)",Type the reading!,Image
塞ぐ,ふさぐ,"to stop up; to close up; to block (up); to plug up; to shut up; to
cover (ears, eyes, etc.); to close (eyes, mouth), to stand in the way; to obstruct,
to occupy; to fill up; to take up, to perform one's role; to do one's duty, to feel
depressed; to mope",Type the reading!,Image
煮える,にえる,to be boiled; to be cooked,Type the reading!,Image
売上,うりあげ,amount sold; sales; proceeds; takings; turnover,Type the reading!,Image
売店,ばいてん,shop; stand,Type the reading!,Image
売行き,うれゆき,sales; demand,Type the reading!,Image
売買,ばいばい,"trade; buying and selling; trafficking (e.g. of humans, arms, drugs);
dealing",Type the reading!,Image
夕日,ゆうひ,evening sun; setting sun,Type the reading!,Image
夕立,ゆうだち,(sudden) evening shower (rain),Type the reading!,Image
夜行,やこう,walking around at night; night train; night travel,Type the
大工,だいく,carpenter,Type the reading!,Image
大木,たいぼく,large tree,Type the reading!,Image
大通り,おおどおり,main street,Type the reading!,Image
煎る,いる,to parch; to fry; to fire; to broil; to roast; to boil down (in oil),Type
the reading!,Image
始終,しじゅう,continuously; from beginning to end; from first to last,Type the
嫌がる,いやがる,to hate; to dislike,Type the reading!,Image
定価,ていか,list price; regular price; established price,Type the reading!,Image
無数,むすう,countless number; infinite number; innumerable,Type the reading!,Image
無地,むじ,plain; unfigured,Type the reading!,Image
家屋,かおく,house; building,Type the reading!,Image
容器,ようき,container; vessel,Type the reading!,Image
火口,かこう,"crater; caldera, burner (e.g. on a furnace), burner; nozzle; origin of
a fire, tinder; touchwood; charcloth",Type the reading!,Image
屋外,おくがい,"outdoors; alfresco, outside near the door to one's home",Type the
激増,げきぞう,sudden increase,Type the reading!,Image
潰れる,つぶれる,"to be crushed; to be smashed; to be broken; to collapse, to become
useless; to cease functioning; to be wasted (e.g. time), to go bankrupt; to go out
of business; to fail",Type the reading!,Image
潰す,つぶす,"to smash; to crush, to shut down, to thwart; to block, to kill (time),
to waste (e.g. talents)",Type the reading!,Image
工員,こういん,factory worker,Type the reading!,Image
帰す,かえす,"to send (someone) back; to send (someone) home, to come to (in the
end); to end in, to attribute; to blame",Type the reading!,Image
消極的,しょうきょくてき,negative; passive; half-hearted; unmotivated,Type the
広場,ひろば,plaza; (public) square; piazza; forum; open space,Type the
店屋,みせや,store; shop,Type the reading!,Image
海洋,かいよう,ocean,Type the reading!,Image
強気,つよき,"confident; assured; self-assured; firm; strong; cocksure, bullish (e.g.
market), great; grand, obstinate; stubborn",Type the reading!,Image
彫る,ほる,"to carve; to engrave; to sculpt; to chisel, to tattoo",Type the
御覧,ごらん,"(please) try to, (please) look, seeing; looking; watching",Type the
御辞儀,おじぎ,bow; bowing,Type the reading!,Image
洋品店,ようひんてん,shop that handles Western-style apparel and accessories,Type the
恐縮,きょうしゅく,"feeling obliged; being grateful; being thankful; being sorry;
being ashamed, shrinking back in fear",Type the reading!,Image
水素,すいそ,hydrogen (H),Type the reading!,Image
意義,いぎ,meaning; significance,Type the reading!,Image
感激,かんげき,deep emotion; impression; inspiration,Type the reading!,Image
成分,せいぶん,ingredient; component; composition,Type the reading!,Image
正味,しょうみ,"net weight, useful part; actual content, real; effective; full",Type
the reading!,Image
標識,ひょうしき,sign; mark; flag,Type the reading!,Image
桁,けた,"column; beam; girder; crossbeam; spar; yard, digit; decade; order of
magnitude",Type the reading!,Image
校舎,こうしゃ,school building,Type the reading!,Image
手拭い,てぬぐい,(hand) towel,Type the reading!,Image
架空,かくう,"aerial; overhead, fictitious; imaginary; fanciful; fabricated",Type the
東西,とうざい,"east and west, Orient and Occident; East and West, Ladies and
Gentlemen!; Your attention, please!; roll-up, roll-up",Type the reading!,Image
東洋,とうよう,Orient,Type the reading!,Image
拭く,ふく,to wipe; to dry,Type the reading!,Image
挿す,さす,"to insert; to put in, to plant (a cutting); to strike, to arrange
(flowers), to wear (a sword) in one's belt, to shut; to close; to lock; to
fasten",Type the reading!,Image
来日,らいにち,"arrival in Japan; coming to Japan; visit to Japan, future day; later
date",Type the reading!,Image
教わる,おそわる,to be taught (by); to learn from,Type the reading!,Image
整う,ととのう,"to be ready; to be prepared; to be arranged, to be in order; to be put
in order; to be well-ordered; to be well-proportioned; to be harmonious, to be
adjusted; to be regulated; to be refined (e.g. of a face), to be settled (e.g.
treaty, contract); to be completed",Type the reading!,Image
整備,せいび,"maintenance; servicing, putting in place; establishment; development;
preparation; provision; outfitting",Type the reading!,Image
整数,せいすう,integer,Type the reading!,Image
有無,うむ,"existence or nonexistence; presence or absence, consent or refusal; yes
or no, flag indicator; presence or absence marker",Type the reading!,Image
有料,ゆうりょう,toll; fee; charge; admission-paid,Type the reading!,Image
文体,ぶんたい,literary style,Type the reading!,Image
文房具,ぶんぼうぐ,stationery,Type the reading!,Image
月日,"つきひ,がっぴ","time; years; days, (the) date",Type the reading!,Image
書店,しょてん,bookshop; bookstore,Type the reading!,Image
日差し,ひざし,sunlight; rays of the sun,Type the reading!,Image
日帰り,ひがえり,day trip,Type the reading!,Image
日時,にちじ,date and time,Type the reading!,Image
日用品,にちようひん,daily necessities,Type the reading!,Image
日陰,ひかげ,shade; shadow,Type the reading!,Image
明け方,あけがた,dawn,Type the reading!,Image
積極的,せっきょくてき,positive; assertive; active; proactive; aggressive,Type the
滞在,たいざい,stay; sojourn,Type the reading!,Image
溺れる,おぼれる,"to drown; to nearly drown; to sink below the surface (of water), to
indulge in; to lose one's head over something; to wallow in",Type the
消防,しょうぼう,"fire fighting, fire department; fire brigade",Type the
粗末,そまつ,crude; rough; plain; humble; shabby,Type the reading!,Image
梅雨,つゆ,"rainy season (in Japan from early June to mid-July), rain during the
rainy season",Type the reading!,Image
間柄,あいだがら,relation(ship),Type the reading!,Image
亜科,あか,"suborder, subfamily",Type the reading!,Image
籠,かご,"basket (shopping, etc.); hamper; cage",Type the reading!,Image
麓,ふもと,foot (of a mountain or hill); bottom; base,Type the reading!,Image
浅ましい,あさましい,"wretched, miserable, shameful, mean, despicable, abject",Type the
甘える,あまえる,"to behave like a spoiled child, to fawn on",Type the reading!,Image
甘口,あまくち,"sweet flavour, mildness, flattery, stupidity",Type the reading!,Image
荒っぽい,あらっぽい,"rough, rude",Type the reading!,Image
暗算,あんざん,mental arithmetic,Type the reading!,Image
案じる,あんじる,"to be anxious, to ponder",Type the reading!,Image
案の定,あんのじょう,"sure enough, as usual",Type the reading!,Image
鳥居,とりい,torii; Shinto shrine archway,Type the reading!,Image
域外,いきがい,outside the area,Type the reading!,Image
異議,いぎ,"objection, dissent, protest",Type the reading!,Image
異見,いけん,"different opinion, objection",Type the reading!,Image
移行,いこう,switching over to,Type the reading!,Image
碑,いしぶみ,stone monument bearing an inscription,Type the reading!,Image
衣装,いしょう,"clothing, costume, outfit, garment, dress",Type the reading!,Image
至って,いたって,"very much, exceedingly, extremely",Type the reading!,Image
一律,いちりつ,"evenness, uniformity, monotony, equality",Type the reading!,Image
一挙に,いっきょに,"at a stroke, with a single swoop",Type the reading!,Image
一帯,いったい,"a region, a zone, the whole place",Type the reading!,Image
異動,いどう,a change,Type the reading!,Image
稲光,いなびかり,(flash of) lightning,Type the reading!,Image
祈り,いのり,"prayer, supplication",Type the reading!,Image
卑しい,いやしい,"greedy, vulgar, shabby, humble, base, mean, vile",Type the
衣料,いりょう,clothing,Type the reading!,Image
威力,いりょく,"power, might, authority, influence",Type the reading!,Image
衣類,いるい,"clothes, clothing, garments",Type the reading!,Image
異論,いろん,"different opinion, objection",Type the reading!,Image
受け継ぐ,うけつぐ,"to inherit, to succeed, to take over",Type the reading!,Image
内訳,うちわけ,"the items, breakdown, classification",Type the reading!,Image
訴え,うったえ,"lawsuit, complaint",Type the reading!,Image
腕前,うでまえ,"ability, skill, facility",Type the reading!,Image
埋め込む,うめこむ,to bury,Type the reading!,Image
梅干し,うめぼし,dried plum,Type the reading!,Image
裏返し,うらがえし,"inside out, upside down",Type the reading!,Image
植わる,うわる,to be planted,Type the reading!,Image
運営,うんえい,"management, administration, operation",Type the reading!,Image
運賃,うんちん,"freight rates, shipping expenses, fare",Type the reading!,Image
運輸,うんゆ,transportation,Type the reading!,Image
液,えき,"liquid, fluid",Type the reading!,Image
艶,"えん,つや,あで","charming, fascinating, voluptuous",Type the reading!,Image
縁側,えんがわ,"veranda, porch, balcony, open corridor",Type the reading!,Image
応急,おうきゅう,emergency,Type the reading!,Image
黄金,おうごん,gold,Type the reading!,Image
大柄,おおがら,"large build, large pattern",Type the reading!,Image
大筋,おおすじ,"outline, summary",Type the reading!,Image
厳か,おごそか,"austere, majestic, dignified, stately, awful, impressive",Type the
雄,おす,male (animal),Type the reading!,Image
仰っしゃる,おっしゃる,"to say, to speak, to tell, to talk",Type the reading!,Image
脅かす,"おどかす,おびやかす","to threaten, to coerce",Type the reading!,Image
驚き,おどろき,"surprise, astonishment, wonder",Type the reading!,Image
帯びる,おびる,"to wear, to carry, to be entrusted, to have, to take on, to have a
trace of, to be tinged with",Type the reading!,Image
面目,めんぼく,"face; honour; honor; reputation; prestige; dignity; credit,
appearance; look",Type the reading!,Image
赴く,おもむく,"to go, to proceed, to repair to, to become",Type the reading!,Image
織,おり,"weave, weaving, woven item",Type the reading!,Image
温和,おんわ,"gentle, mild, moderate",Type the reading!,Image
仮,かり,"tentative, provisional",Type the reading!,Image
個,"か,こ",article counter,Type the reading!,Image
階,かい,"-floor (counter), stories",Type the reading!,Image
改悪,かいあく,"deterioration, changing for the worse",Type the reading!,Image
改革,かいかく,"reform, reformation, innovation",Type the reading!,Image
貝殻,かいがら,shell,Type the reading!,Image
階級,かいきゅう,"class, rank, grade",Type the reading!,Image
介護,かいご,nursing,Type the reading!,Image
開催,かいさい,"holding a meeting, open an exhibition",Type the reading!,Image
改修,かいしゅう,"repair, improvement",Type the reading!,Image
階層,かいそう,"class, level, stratum, hierarchy",Type the reading!,Image
改定,かいてい,reform,Type the reading!,Image
改訂,かいてい,revision,Type the reading!,Image
介抱,かいほう,"nursing, looking after",Type the reading!,Image
回覧,かいらん,circulation,Type the reading!,Image
改良,かいりょう,"improvement, reform",Type the reading!,Image
省みる,かえりみる,to reflect,Type the reading!,Image
課外,かがい,extracurricular,Type the reading!,Image
佳句,かく,beautiful passage of literature,Type the reading!,Image
拡散,かくさん,"scattering, diffusion",Type the reading!,Image
各種,かくしゅ,"every kind, all sorts",Type the reading!,Image
革新,かくしん,"reform, innovation",Type the reading!,Image
確保,かくほ,"guarantee, ensure, maintain, insure, secure",Type the reading!,Image
駆け足,かけあし,"running fast, double time",Type the reading!,Image
駆けっこ,かけっこ,(foot) race,Type the reading!,Image
雨天,うてん,rainy weather,Type the reading!,Image
雨具,あまぐ,rain gear,Type the reading!,Image
箇所,かしょ,"passage, place, point, part",Type the reading!,Image
箇条書き,かじょうがき,"itemized form, itemization",Type the reading!,Image
霞む,かすむ,"to grow hazy, to be misty",Type the reading!,Image
火星,かせい,Mars (planet),Type the reading!,Image
河川,かせん,rivers,Type the reading!,Image
片思い,かたおもい,unrequited love,Type the reading!,Image
片付け,かたづけ,"tidying up, finishing",Type the reading!,Image
課題,かだい,"subject, theme, task",Type the reading!,Image
叶う,かなう,to come true (wish),Type the reading!,Image
雑木,"ぞうき,ざつぼく,ぞうぼく",various kinds of small trees; assorted trees,Type the
鉄棒,"かなぼう,てつぼう","iron rod, crowbar, horizontal bar (gymnastics)",Type the
関与,かんよ,participation; taking part in; participating in; being concerned in,Type
the reading!,Image
兼ねて,かねて,simultaneously,Type the reading!,Image
花粉,かふん,pollen,Type the reading!,Image
過密,かみつ,crowded,Type the reading!,Image
下吏,かり,lower official,Type the reading!,Image
辛うじて,かろうじて,"barely, narrowly, just manage to do st",Type the reading!,Image
簡潔,かんけつ,"brevity, conciseness, simplicity",Type the reading!,Image
刊行,かんこう,"publication, issue",Type the reading!,Image
看護,かんご,"nursing, (army) nurse",Type the reading!,Image
換算,かんさん,"conversion, change, exchange",Type the reading!,Image
観衆,かんしゅう,"spectators, onlookers, members of the audience",Type the
肝心,かんじん,"essential, fundamental, crucial, vital, main",Type the reading!,Image
歓声,かんせい,"cheer, shout of joy",Type the reading!,Image
幹線,かんせん,"main line, trunk line",Type the reading!,Image
関税,かんぜい,"customs, duty, tariff",Type the reading!,Image
簡素,かんそ,"simplicity, plain",Type the reading!,Image
幹部,かんぶ,"management, (executive) staff, leaders",Type the reading!,Image
還暦,かんれき,60th birthday,Type the reading!,Image
貫禄,かんろく,"presence, dignity",Type the reading!,Image
緩和,かんわ,"relief, mitigation",Type the reading!,Image
外貨,がいか,"imported goods, foreign money",Type the reading!,Image
概説,がいせつ,"general statement, outline",Type the reading!,Image
街頭,がいとう,in the street,Type the reading!,Image
概略,がいりゃく,"outline, summary, gist, in brief",Type the reading!,Image
学芸,がくげい,"arts and sciences, liberal arts",Type the reading!,Image
学士,がくし,university graduate,Type the reading!,Image
合唱,がっしょう,"chorus, singing in a chorus",Type the reading!,Image
合致,がっち,"agreement, concurrence, conforming to",Type the reading!,Image
合併,がっぺい,"combination, union, amalgamation, consolidation, merger, coalition,
fusion, annexation, affiliation, incorpor",Type the reading!,Image
眼科,がんか,ophthalmology,Type the reading!,Image
岩石,がんせき,rock,Type the reading!,Image
着飾る,きかざる,to dress up,Type the reading!,Image
器官,きかん,"organ (of body), instrument",Type the reading!,Image
季刊,きかん,quarterly (e.g. magazine),Type the reading!,Image
気兼ね,きがね,"hesitance, diffidence, feeling constraint, fear of troubling someone,
having scruples about doing someth",Type the reading!,Image
気軽,きがる,"cheerful, buoyant, lighthearted",Type the reading!,Image
効き目,ききめ,"effect, virtue, efficacy, impression",Type the reading!,Image
基金,ききん,"fund, foundation",Type the reading!,Image
棄権,きけん,"abstain from voting, renunciation of a right",Type the reading!,Image
起源,きげん,"origin, beginning, rise",Type the reading!,Image
既婚,きこん,"marriage, married",Type the reading!,Image
気障,きざ,"affectation, conceit, snobbery",Type the reading!,Image
兆し,きざし,"signs, omen, symptoms",Type the reading!,Image
兆,きざし,"signs, omen, symptoms",Type the reading!,Image
築く,きずく,"to build, to pile up, to amass",Type the reading!,Image
傷付く,きずつく,"to be hurt, to be wounded, to get injured",Type the reading!,Image
寄贈,"きそう,きぞう","donation, presentation",Type the reading!,Image
喫茶,きっさ,"tea drinking, tea house",Type the reading!,Image
規範,きはん,"model, standard, pattern, norm, criterion, example",Type the
脚色,きゃくしょく,dramatization (e.g. film),Type the reading!,Image
救援,きゅうえん,"relief, rescue, reinforcement",Type the reading!,Image
球根,きゅうこん,(plant) bulb,Type the reading!,Image
救済,きゅうさい,"relief, aid, rescue, salvation, help",Type the reading!,Image
旧知,きゅうち,"old friend, old friendship",Type the reading!,Image
宮殿,きゅうでん,palace,Type the reading!,Image
驚異,きょうい,"wonder, miracle",Type the reading!,Image
協議,きょうぎ,"conference, consultation, discussion, negotiation",Type the
強硬,きょうこう,"firm, vigorous, unbending, unyielding, strong, stubborn",Type the
凶作,きょうさく,"bad harvest, poor crop",Type the reading!,Image
教材,きょうざい,teaching materials,Type the reading!,Image
郷愁,きょうしゅう,"nostalgia, homesickness",Type the reading!,Image
興じる,きょうじる,"to amuse oneself, to make merry",Type the reading!,Image
協調,きょうちょう,"co-operation, conciliation, harmony, firm (market) tone",Type the
協定,きょうてい,"arrangement, pact, agreement",Type the reading!,Image
拒絶,きょぜつ,"refusal, rejection",Type the reading!,Image
清らか,きよらか,"clean, pure, chaste",Type the reading!,Image
桐,きり,paulownia tree,Type the reading!,Image
切り替える,きりかえる,"to change, to exchange, to convert, to renew, to throw a
switch, to replace, to switch over",Type the reading!,Image
奇麗,きれい,"pretty, clean, nice, tidy, beautiful, fair",Type the reading!,Image
近眼,きんがん,"nearsightedness, shortsightedness, myopia",Type the reading!,Image
禁ずる,きんずる,"to forbid, to suppress",Type the reading!,Image
禁物,きんもつ,"taboo, forbidden thing",Type the reading!,Image
議案,ぎあん,legislative bill,Type the reading!,Image
逆転,ぎゃくてん,"(sudden) change, reversal, turn-around, coming from behind
(baseball)",Type the reading!,Image
業績,ぎょうせき,"achievement, performance, results, work, contribution",Type the
金銭,きんせん,money; cash,Type the reading!,Image
漁村,ぎょそん,fishing village,Type the reading!,Image
疑惑,ぎわく,"doubt, misgivings, distrust, suspicion",Type the reading!,Image
区画,くかく,"division, section, compartment, boundary, area, block",Type the
区間,くかん,section (of track etc),Type the reading!,Image
区切り,くぎり,"an end, a stop, punctuation",Type the reading!,Image
旧事,"くじ,きゅうじ","past events, bygones",Type the reading!,Image
屈折,くっせつ,"bending, indentation, refraction",Type the reading!,Image
覆す,くつがえす,"to overturn, to upset, to overthrow, to undermine",Type the
金輪際,こんりんざい,the deepest bottom of the earth; never; not ... at all; on no
account; for all the world; till doomsday,Type the reading!,Image
首飾り,くびかざり,necklace,Type the reading!,Image
首輪,くびわ,"necklace, choker",Type the reading!,Image
群,ぐん,group (math),Type the reading!,Image
軍事,ぐんじ,military affairs,Type the reading!,Image
軍備,ぐんび,"armaments, military preparations",Type the reading!,Image
軍服,ぐんぷく,military or naval uniform,Type the reading!,Image
刑,けい,"penalty, sentence, punishment",Type the reading!,Image
系,けい,"system, lineage, group",Type the reading!,Image
軽快,けいかい,"rhythmical (e.g. melody), casual (e.g. dress), light, nimble",Type the
計器,けいき,"meter, gauge",Type the reading!,Image
敬具,けいぐ,Sincerely yours,Type the reading!,Image
軽減,けいげん,abatement,Type the reading!,Image
傾斜,けいしゃ,"inclination, slant, slope, bevel, list, dip",Type the reading!,Image
形勢,けいせい,"condition, situation, prospects",Type the reading!,Image
軽率,けいそつ,"rash, thoughtless, careless, hasty",Type the reading!,Image
形態,けいたい,"form, shape, figure",Type the reading!,Image
経歴,けいれき,"personal history, career",Type the reading!,Image
金融,きんゆう,financing; credit transacting; loaning of money; circulation of
money,Type the reading!,Image
汚らわしい,けがらわしい,"filthy, unfair",Type the reading!,Image
汚れ,"けがれ,よごれ","uncleanness, impurity, disgrace",Type the reading!,Image
結核,けっかく,"tuberculosis, tubercule",Type the reading!,Image
決算,けっさん,"balance sheet, settlement of accounts",Type the reading!,Image
結晶,けっしょう,"crystal, crystallization",Type the reading!,Image
結成,けっせい,formation,Type the reading!,Image
結束,けっそく,"union, unity",Type the reading!,Image
結合,けつごう,"combination, union",Type the reading!,Image
圏,けん,"sphere, circle, range",Type the reading!,Image
健在,けんざい,"in good health, well",Type the reading!,Image
懸賞,けんしょう,"offering prizes, winning, reward",Type the reading!,Image
検事,けんじ,public prosecutor,Type the reading!,Image
健全,けんぜん,"health, soundness, wholesome",Type the reading!,Image
月謝,げっしゃ,monthly tuition fee,Type the reading!,Image
月賦,げっぷ,monthly installment,Type the reading!,Image
減少,げんしょう,"decrease, reduction, decline",Type the reading!,Image
元素,げんそ,chemical element,Type the reading!,Image
原則,げんそく,"principle, general rule",Type the reading!,Image
現像,げんぞう,developing (film),Type the reading!,Image
原典,げんてん,original (text),Type the reading!,Image
減点,げんてん,"subtract, give a demerit",Type the reading!,Image
厳密,げんみつ,"strict, close",Type the reading!,Image
重なる,"かさなる,おもなる","to be piled up; to lie on top of one another, to come one
after another; to happen over and over; to pile up (e.g. stress); to accumulate, to
overlap (each other); to occur at the same time; to happen simultaneously, main;
principal; important",Type the reading!,Image
恋する,こいする,"to fall in love with, to love",Type the reading!,Image
航海,こうかい,"sail, voyage",Type the reading!,Image
皇居,こうきょ,Imperial Palace,Type the reading!,Image
好況,こうきょう,"prosperous conditions, healthy economy",Type the reading!,Image
抗議,こうぎ,"protest, objection",Type the reading!,Image
興業,こうぎょう,industrial enterprise,Type the reading!,Image
講習,こうしゅう,"short course, training",Type the reading!,Image
口述,こうじゅつ,verbal statement,Type the reading!,Image
控除,こうじょ,"subsidy, deduction",Type the reading!,Image
抗争,こうそう,"dispute, resistance",Type the reading!,Image
拘束,こうそく,"restriction, restraint",Type the reading!,Image
光沢,こうたく,"brilliance, polish, lustre, glossy finish (of photographs)",Type the
公団,こうだん,public corporation,Type the reading!,Image
講読,こうどく,"reading, translation",Type the reading!,Image
荒廃,こうはい,ruin,Type the reading!,Image
好評,こうひょう,"popularity, favorable reputation",Type the reading!,Image
公募,こうぼ,"public appeal, public contribution",Type the reading!,Image
国防,こくぼう,national defence,Type the reading!,Image
焦げ茶,こげちゃ,black tea,Type the reading!,Image
個々,ここ,"individual, one by one",Type the reading!,Image
志す,こころざす,"to plan, to intend, to aspire to, to set aims (sights on)",Type the
心細い,こころぼそい,"helpless, forlorn, hopeless, unpromising, lonely, discouraging,
disheartening",Type the reading!,Image
凝らす,"こごらす,こらす","to freeze, to congeal",Type the reading!,Image
故人,こじん,"the deceased, old friend",Type the reading!,Image
梢,こずえ,treetop,Type the reading!,Image
個性,こせい,"individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy",Type the reading!,Image
小銭,こぜに,"coins, small change",Type the reading!,Image
固体,こたい,solid (body),Type the reading!,Image
道化,どうけ,"antics; buffoonery; clowning, clown; jester",Type the reading!,Image
固定,こてい,fixation,Type the reading!,Image
事柄,ことがら,"matter, thing, affair, circumstance",Type the reading!,Image
粉々,こなごな,in very small pieces,Type the reading!,Image
個別,こべつ,particular case,Type the reading!,Image
零れる,こぼれる,"to overflow, to spill",Type the reading!,Image
細やか,"こまやか,ささやか",tender; warm; caring; thoughtful (こまやか) meager; modest
(ささやか),Type the reading!,Image
固有,こゆう,"characteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, eigen-",Type the
昆虫,こんちゅう,"insect, bug",Type the reading!,Image
根底,こんてい,"root, basis, foundation",Type the reading!,Image
混同,こんどう,"confusion, mixing, merger",Type the reading!,Image
護衛,ごえい,"guard, convoy, escort",Type the reading!,Image
語句,ごく,"words, phrases",Type the reading!,Image
語源,ごげん,"word root, word derivation, etymology",Type the reading!,Image
誤魔化す,ごまかす,"to deceive, to falsify, to misrepresent",Type the reading!,Image
遊山,ゆさん,excursion; outing; picnic,Type the reading!,Image
御覧なさい,ごらんなさい,"(please) look, (please) try to do",Type the reading!,Image
進捗,しんちょく,progress; being under way,Type the reading!,Image
連ねる,つらねる,"to line up; to put in a row, to add (to a group); to accept (as a
member of an organization, etc.); to join (e.g. a list), to link; to put together;
to string together (e.g. compliments); to enumerate, to take along with; to bring
with",Type the reading!,Image
差異,さい,"difference, disparity",Type the reading!,Image
再会,さいかい,"another meeting, meeting again, reunion",Type the reading!,Image
細工,さいく,"work, craftsmanship, tactics, trick",Type the reading!,Image
採掘,さいくつ,mining,Type the reading!,Image
再現,さいげん,"reappearance, reproduction, return, revival",Type the reading!,Image
採集,さいしゅう,"collecting, gathering",Type the reading!,Image
再生,さいせい,"playback, regeneration, resuscitation, return to life, rebirth,
reincarnation, narrow escape, reclamation, r",Type the reading!,Image
最善,さいぜん,the very best,Type the reading!,Image
採択,さいたく,"adoption, selection, choice",Type the reading!,Image
再発,さいはつ,"return, relapse, reoccurrence",Type the reading!,Image
冴える,さえる,"to be clear, to be serene, to be cold, to be skillful",Type the
逆立ち,さかだち,"handstand, headstand",Type the reading!,Image
逆上る,さかのぼる,"to go back, to go upstream, to make retroactive",Type the
連なる,つらなる,"to extend; to stretch out; to stand in a row, to attend; to
participate in, to enrol; to join, to have a connection; to be related; to be
linked",Type the reading!,Image
差額,さがく,"balance, difference, margin",Type the reading!,Image
裂ける,さける,"to split, to tear, to burst",Type the reading!,Image
授ける,さずける,"to grant, to award, to teach",Type the reading!,Image
冊,さつ,counter for books,Type the reading!,Image
三味線,"しゃみせん,さみせん","three-stringed Japanese guitar, shamisen",Type the
酸,さん,acid,Type the reading!,Image
酸化,さんか,oxidation,Type the reading!,Image
参照,さんしょう,"reference, consultation, consultation",Type the reading!,Image
財源,ざいげん,"source of funds, resources, finances",Type the reading!,Image
在庫,ざいこ,"stockpile, stock",Type the reading!,Image
雑貨,ざっか,"miscellaneous goods, general goods, sundries",Type the reading!,Image
座標,ざひょう,coordinate(s),Type the reading!,Image
飼育,しいく,"breeding, raising, rearing",Type the reading!,Image
市街,しがい,"urban areas, the streets, town, city",Type the reading!,Image
湿気る,"しける,しっける","to be damp, to be moist",Type the reading!,Image
志向,しこう,"intention, aim",Type the reading!,Image
視察,しさつ,"inspection, observation",Type the reading!,Image
従って,したがって,"therefore, consequently, in accordance with",Type the
質素,しっそ,"simplicity, modesty, frugality",Type the reading!,Image
視点,してん,"opinion, point of view, visual point",Type the reading!,Image
途絶える,とだえる,to stop; to cease; to come to an end,Type the reading!,Image
司法,しほう,administration of justice,Type the reading!,Image
染みる,しみる,"to pierce, to permeate",Type the reading!,Image
締め切り,しめきり,"closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance",Type the
謝絶,しゃぜつ,refusal,Type the reading!,Image
視野,しや,"field of vision, outlook",Type the reading!,Image
衆,しゅう,"masses, great number, the people",Type the reading!,Image
周,しゅう,"circuit, lap, circumference, vicinity, Chou (dynasty)",Type the
収益,しゅうえき,"earnings, proceeds, returns",Type the reading!,Image
修学,しゅうがく,learning,Type the reading!,Image
修行,しゅぎょう,"pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, ascetic
practice, discipline",Type the reading!,Image
修飾,しゅうしょく,"ornamentation, embellishment, decoration, adornment, polish up
(writing), modification (gram)",Type the reading!,Image
修了,しゅうりょう,completion (of a course),Type the reading!,Image
守衛,しゅえい,"security guard, doorkeeper",Type the reading!,Image
祝賀,しゅくが,"celebration, congratulations",Type the reading!,Image
手芸,しゅげい,handicrafts,Type the reading!,Image
趣旨,しゅし,"object, meaning",Type the reading!,Image
主導,しゅどう,main leadership,Type the reading!,Image
首脳,しゅのう,"head, brains",Type the reading!,Image
諸,"しょ,もろ","various, many, several",Type the reading!,Image
逐一,ちくいち,one by one; in detail; minutely,Type the reading!,Image
症,しょう,illness,Type the reading!,Image
消耗,"しょうもう,しょうこう","exhaustion, consumption",Type the reading!,Image
照合,しょうごう,"collation, comparison",Type the reading!,Image
称する,しょうする,"to pretend, to take the name of, to feign, to purport",Type the
小児科,しょうにか,pediatrics,Type the reading!,Image
奨励,しょうれい,"encouragement, promotion, message, address",Type the reading!,Image
植民地,しょくみんち,colony,Type the reading!,Image
処罰,しょばつ,punishment,Type the reading!,Image
指令,しれい,"orders, instructions, directive",Type the reading!,Image
殿,"しんがり,との","rear, rear unit guard (しんがり), master, lord (どの)",Type the
審議,しんぎ,deliberation,Type the reading!,Image
新興,しんこう,"rising, developing, emergent",Type the reading!,Image
振興,しんこう,"promotion, encouragement",Type the reading!,Image
親善,しんぜん,friendship,Type the reading!,Image
進展,しんてん,"progress, development",Type the reading!,Image
神殿,しんでん,"temple, sacred place",Type the reading!,Image
神秘,しんぴ,mystery,Type the reading!,Image
侵略,しんりゃく,"aggression, invasion, raid",Type the reading!,Image
診療,しんりょう,"medical examination and treatment, diagnosis",Type the
自我,じが,"self, the ego",Type the reading!,Image
磁器,じき,"porcelain, china",Type the reading!,Image
自尊心,じそんしん,"self-respect, conceit",Type the reading!,Image
実態,じったい,"truth, fact",Type the reading!,Image
耳鼻科,じびか,otolaryngology,Type the reading!,Image
弱,じゃく,"weakness, the weak, little less then",Type the reading!,Image
若干,じゃっかん,"some, few, number of",Type the reading!,Image
砂利,じゃり,"gravel, ballast, pebbles",Type the reading!,Image
従業員,じゅうぎょういん,"employee, worker",Type the reading!,Image
従事,じゅうじ,"engaging, pursuing, following",Type the reading!,Image
重複,"じゅうふく,ちょうふく","duplication, repetition, overlapping, redundancy,
restoration",Type the reading!,Image
重宝,"じゅうほう,ちょうほう","priceless treasure, convenience, usefulness",Type the
樹木,じゅもく,"trees and shrubs, arbour",Type the reading!,Image
樹立,じゅりつ,"establish, create",Type the reading!,Image
準急,じゅんきゅう,local express (train slower than an express),Type the
準じる,じゅんじる,"to follow, to conform, to apply to",Type the reading!,Image
準ずる,じゅんずる,"to apply correspondingly, to correspond to, to be proportionate
to, to conform to",Type the reading!,Image
辞退,じたい,declining; refusal; nonacceptance; turning down; withdrawal (e.g.
candidacy); pulling out (e.g. race); excusing oneself,Type the reading!,Image
嬢,じょう,young woman,Type the reading!,Image
城下,じょうか,land near the castle,Type the reading!,Image
上昇,じょうしょう,"rising, ascending, climbing",Type the reading!,Image
情勢,じょうせい,"state of things, condition, situation",Type the reading!,Image
譲歩,じょうほ,"concession, conciliation, compromise",Type the reading!,Image
上陸,じょうりく,"landing, disembarkation",Type the reading!,Image
蒸留,じょうりゅう,distillation,Type the reading!,Image
女史,じょし,Ms.,Type the reading!,Image
助動詞,じょどうし,auxiliary verb,Type the reading!,Image
人材,じんざい,man of talent,Type the reading!,Image
水源,すいげん,"source of river, fountainhead",Type the reading!,Image
推進,すいしん,"propulsion, driving force",Type the reading!,Image
吹奏,すいそう,playing wind instruments,Type the reading!,Image
救い,すくい,"help, aid, relief",Type the reading!,Image
健やか,すこやか,"vigorous, healthy, sound",Type the reading!,Image
勧め,すすめ,"recommendation, advice, encouragement",Type the reading!,Image
素早い,すばやい,"fast, quick, prompt, agile",Type the reading!,Image
刷り,すり,printing,Type the reading!,Image
擦れ違い,すれちがい,chance encounter,Type the reading!,Image
身近,みぢか,near oneself; close to one; familiar,Type the reading!,Image
製,せい,"-made, make",Type the reading!,Image
精巧,せいこう,"elaborate, delicate, exquisite",Type the reading!,Image
制裁,せいさい,"restraint, sanctions, punishment",Type the reading!,Image
清算,せいさん,"liquidation, settlement",Type the reading!,Image
星座,せいざ,constellation,Type the reading!,Image
清純,せいじゅん,"purity, innocence",Type the reading!,Image
盛装,せいそう,"be dressed up, wear rich clothes",Type the reading!,Image
盛大,せいだい,"grand, prosperous, magnificent",Type the reading!,Image
清濁,せいだく,"good and evil, purity and impurity",Type the reading!,Image
製鉄,せいてつ,iron manufacture,Type the reading!,Image
製法,せいほう,"manufacturing method, recipe, formula",Type the reading!,Image
精密,せいみつ,"precise, exact, detailed, minute, close",Type the reading!,Image
整列,せいれつ,"stand in a row, form a line",Type the reading!,Image
世帯,せたい,household,Type the reading!,Image
接触,せっしょく,"touch, contact",Type the reading!,Image
設置,せっち,"establishment, institution",Type the reading!,Image
折衷,せっちゅう,"compromise, cross, blending, eclecticism",Type the reading!,Image
設定,せってい,"establishment, creation",Type the reading!,Image
接続詞,せつぞくし,conjunction,Type the reading!,Image
設立,せつりつ,"establishment, foundation, institution",Type the reading!,Image
攻め,せめ,"attack, offence",Type the reading!,Image
仙,せん,"hermit, wizard",Type the reading!,Image
宣教,せんきょう,religious mission,Type the reading!,Image
戦災,せんさい,war damage,Type the reading!,Image
専修,せんしゅう,specialization,Type the reading!,Image
潜入,せんにゅう,"infiltration, sneaking in",Type the reading!,Image
専用,せんよう,"exclusive use, personal use",Type the reading!,Image
占領,せんりょう,"occupation, capture, possession, have a room to oneself",Type the
税務署,ぜいむしょ,tax office,Type the reading!,Image
是正,ぜせい,"correction, revision",Type the reading!,Image
絶版,ぜっぱん,out of print,Type the reading!,Image
禅,ぜん,Zen (Buddhism),Type the reading!,Image
全快,ぜんかい,complete recovery of health,Type the reading!,Image
全盛,ぜんせい,height of prosperity,Type the reading!,Image
前提,ぜんてい,"preamble, premise, reason, prerequisite",Type the reading!,Image
全滅,ぜんめつ,annihilation,Type the reading!,Image
善良,ぜんりょう,"goodness, excellence, virtue",Type the reading!,Image
僧,そう,"monk, priest",Type the reading!,Image
添う,そう,"to accompany, to become married, to comply with",Type the reading!,Image
総,"そう,ふさ","whole, all, general, gross",Type the reading!,Image
相応,そうおう,"suitability, fitness",Type the reading!,Image
総会,そうかい,general meeting,Type the reading!,Image
創刊,そうかん,"launching (e.g. newspaper), first issue",Type the reading!,Image
装飾,そうしょく,ornament,Type the reading!,Image
操縦,そうじゅう,"management, handling, control, manipulation",Type the reading!,Image
騒動,そうどう,"strife, riot, rebellion",Type the reading!,Image
装備,そうび,equipment,Type the reading!,Image
即座に,そくざに,"immediately, right away",Type the reading!,Image
促進,そくしん,"promotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring
on",Type the reading!,Image
即する,そくする,"to conform to, to agree with, to be adapted to, to be based on",Type
the reading!,Image
素っ気ない,そっけない,"cold, short, curt, blunt",Type the reading!,Image
損失,そんしつ,loss,Type the reading!,Image
蹴飛ばす,けとばす,"to kick away; to kick off; to kick hard, to refuse curtly; to
reject outright",Type the reading!,Image
像,ぞう,"statue, image, figure, picture, portrait",Type the reading!,Image
蔵相,ぞうしょう,Minister of Finance,Type the reading!,Image
対抗,たいこう,"opposition, antagonism",Type the reading!,Image
態勢,たいせい,"attitude, conditions, preparations",Type the reading!,Image
滞納,たいのう,"non-payment, default",Type the reading!,Image
対辺,たいへん,(geometrical) opposite side,Type the reading!,Image
巧み,たくみ,"skill, cleverness",Type the reading!,Image
奉る,たてまつる,"to offer, to present, to revere, to do respectfully",Type the
費やす,ついやす,"to spend; to expend; to consume, to waste; to squander; to throw
away, to devote",Type the reading!,Image
堪らない,たまらない,"intolerable, unbearable, unendurable",Type the reading!,Image
賜る,たまわる,"to grant, to bestow",Type the reading!,Image
短歌,たんか,"tanka, 31-syllable Japanese poem",Type the reading!,Image
短気,たんき,quick temper,Type the reading!,Image
探検,たんけん,"exploration, expedition",Type the reading!,Image
短縮,たんしゅく,"shortening, abbreviation, reduction",Type the reading!,Image
短大,たんだい,junior college,Type the reading!,Image
単独,たんどく,"sole, independence, single, solo (flight)",Type the reading!,Image
短波,たんぱ,short wave,Type the reading!,Image
第,だい,ordinal,Type the reading!,Image
代弁,だいべん,"pay by proxy, act for another, speak for another",Type the
妥結,だけつ,agreement,Type the reading!,Image
打撃,だげき,"1. blow, shock, strike, damage, 2. batting (baseball)",Type the
駄作,ださく,"poor work, rubbish",Type the reading!,Image
脱出,だっしゅつ,escape,Type the reading!,Image
脱する,だっする,"to escape from, to get out",Type the reading!,Image
脱退,だったい,secession,Type the reading!,Image
一様,いちよう,uniformity; evenness; similarity; equality; impartiality;
homogeneity,Type the reading!,Image
団結,だんけつ,"unity, union, combination",Type the reading!,Image
契る,ちぎる,"to pledge, to promise, to swear",Type the reading!,Image
蓄積,ちくせき,"accumulation, accumulate, store",Type the reading!,Image
乳,ちち,"milk, breast, loop",Type the reading!,Image
着陸,ちゃくりく,"landing, alighting, touch down",Type the reading!,Image
宙返り,ちゅうがえり,"somersault, looping-the-loop",Type the reading!,Image
中継,ちゅうけい,"relay, hook-up",Type the reading!,Image
中傷,ちゅうしょう,"slander, libel, defamation",Type the reading!,Image
仲人,"ちゅうにん,なこうど","go-between, matchmaker",Type the reading!,Image
超,ちょう,"super-, ultra-, hyper-",Type the reading!,Image
庁,ちょう,government office,Type the reading!,Image
調印,ちょういん,"signature, sign, sealing",Type the reading!,Image
聴覚,ちょうかく,the sense of hearing,Type the reading!,Image
聴講,ちょうこう,"lecture attendance, auditing",Type the reading!,Image
徴収,ちょうしゅう,"collection, levy",Type the reading!,Image
聴診器,ちょうしんき,stethoscope,Type the reading!,Image
調停,ちょうてい,"arbitration, conciliation, mediation",Type the reading!,Image
長編,ちょうへん,long (e.g. novel film),Type the reading!,Image
丁目,ちょうめ,"district of a town, city block (of irregular size)",Type the
著書,ちょしょ,"literary work, book",Type the reading!,Image
著名,ちょめい,"well-known, noted, celebrated",Type the reading!,Image
賃金,ちんぎん,wages,Type the reading!,Image
沈殿,ちんでん,"precipitation, settlement",Type the reading!,Image
追及,ついきゅう,"gaining on, carrying out, solving (crime)",Type the reading!,Image
追跡,ついせき,pursuit,Type the reading!,Image
遣い,つかい,"mission, simple task, doing",Type the reading!,Image
司る,つかさどる,"to rule, to govern, to administer",Type the reading!,Image
月並み,つきなみ,"every month, common",Type the reading!,Image
継ぎ目,つぎめ,"a joint, joining point",Type the reading!,Image
造り,つくり,"make up, structure, physique",Type the reading!,Image
貴方,あなた,"your home; your residence, you (referring to one's equal; epistolary
style), you (referring to someone of equal or lower status), dear (what a wife
calls a husband), you",Type the reading!,Image
繕う,つくろう,"to mend, to repair, to fix, to patch up, to darn, to tidy up, to
adjust, to trim",Type the reading!,Image
接ぐ,つぐ,"to join, to piece together, to set (bones), to graft (trees)",Type the
突っ張る,つっぱる,"to support, to become stiff, to become taut, to thrust (ones
opponent), to stick to (ones opinion), to in",Type the reading!,Image
貧困,ひんこん,"poor; needy, lacking; meagre; meager",Type the reading!,Image
謀反,むほん,"rebellion; uprising; insurrection, treason, plotting to overthrow the
government (by assassinating the emperor)",Type the reading!,Image
釣鐘,つりがね,hanging bell,Type the reading!,Image
提携,ていけい,"cooperation, tie-up, joint business, link-up",Type the reading!,Image
体裁,ていさい,"decency, style, form, appearance, show, get-up, format",Type the
提示,ていじ,"presentation, exhibit, suggest, citation",Type the reading!,Image
停滞,ていたい,"stagnation, tie-up, congestion, retention, accumulation, falling into
arrears",Type the reading!,Image
手軽,てがる,"easy, simple, informal, offhand, cheap",Type the reading!,Image
適応,てきおう,"adaptation, accommodation, conformity",Type the reading!,Image
適宜,てきぎ,suitability,Type the reading!,Image
手順,てじゅん,"process, procedure, protocol",Type the reading!,Image
鉄鋼,てっこう,iron and steel,Type the reading!,Image
鉄片,てっぺん,iron scraps,Type the reading!,Image
照り返す,てりかえす,"to reflect, to throw back light",Type the reading!,Image
転換,てんかん,"convert, divert",Type the reading!,Image
点検,てんけん,"inspection, examination, checking",Type the reading!,Image
天災,てんさい,"natural calamity, disaster",Type the reading!,Image
展示,てんじ,"exhibition, display",Type the reading!,Image
点線,てんせん,"dotted line, perforated line",Type the reading!,Image
展望,てんぼう,"view, outlook, prospect",Type the reading!,Image
電線,でんせん,electric line,Type the reading!,Image
棟,"とう,むね","place, section, building",Type the reading!,Image
等級,とうきゅう,"grade, class",Type the reading!,Image
討議,とうぎ,"debate, discussion",Type the reading!,Image
統治,"とうじ,とうち","rule, reign, government, governing",Type the reading!,Image
統制,とうせい,"regulation, control",Type the reading!,Image
統率,とうそつ,"command, lead, generalship, leadership",Type the reading!,Image
到底,とうてい,(cannot) possibly,Type the reading!,Image
説く,とく,to explain; to advocate; to preach; to persuade,Type the reading!,Image
跡切れる,とぎれる,"to pause, to be interrupted",Type the reading!,Image
特派,とくは,"send specially, special envoy",Type the reading!,Image
刺,"とげ,し","thorn, splinter, spine, biting words",Type the reading!,Image
誤差,ごさ,measurement error; calculation error,Type the reading!,Image
戸締り,とじまり,"closing up, fastening the doors",Type the reading!,Image
届け,とどけ,"report, notification, registration",Type the reading!,Image
帳,とばり,curtain,Type the reading!,Image
共稼ぎ,ともかせぎ,"working together, (husband and wife) earning a living
together",Type the reading!,Image
誤る,あやまる,"to make a mistake; to err, to mislead; to misguide",Type the
取り扱い,とりあつかい,"treatment, service, handling, management",Type the
取り替え,とりかえ,"swap, exchange",Type the reading!,Image
取り締まり,とりしまり,"control, management, supervision",Type the reading!,Image
取り締まる,とりしまる,"to manage, to control, to supervise",Type the reading!,Image
取り巻く,とりまく,"to surround, to circle, to enclose",Type the reading!,Image
取り混ぜる,とりまぜる,"to mix, to put together",Type the reading!,Image
副,ふく,"especially, above all",Type the reading!,Image
同級,どうきゅう,"the same grade, same class",Type the reading!,Image
同士,どうし,"fellow, companion, comrade",Type the reading!,Image
同志,どうし,"same mind, comrade, kindred soul",Type the reading!,Image
導入,どうにゅう,"introduction, bringing in, leading in",Type the reading!,Image
同封,どうふう,enclosure (e.g. in a letter),Type the reading!,Image
独自,どくじ,"original, peculiar, characteristic",Type the reading!,Image
内閣,ないかく,"cabinet, (government) ministry",Type the reading!,Image
内乱,ないらん,"civil war, insurrection, rebellion, domestic conflict",Type the
内陸,ないりく,inland,Type the reading!,Image
雪崩,なだれ,avalanche,Type the reading!,Image
懐く,なつく,to become emotionally attached,Type the reading!,Image
語彙,ごい,vocabulary; lexicon; lexis; terminology,Type the reading!,Image
名札,なふだ,"name plate, name tag",Type the reading!,Image
生臭い,なまぐさい,"smelling of fish or blood, fish or meat",Type the reading!,Image
生温い,なまぬるい,"lukewarm, halfhearted",Type the reading!,Image
鈍る,"なまる,にぶる","to become less capable, to grow dull, to become blunt, to
weaken",Type the reading!,Image
並み,なみ,"average, medium, common, ordinary",Type the reading!,Image
滑らか,なめらか,"smoothness, glassiness",Type the reading!,Image
悩ましい,なやましい,"seductive, melancholy, languid",Type the reading!,Image
悩ます,なやます,"to afflict, to torment, to harass, to molest",Type the
詰る,なじる,to rebuke; to scold; to tell off,Type the reading!,Image
並びに,ならびに,and,Type the reading!,Image
荷,に,"load, baggage, cargo",Type the reading!,Image
荷造り,にづくり,"packing, baling, crating",Type the reading!,Image
入賞,にゅうしょう,winning a prize or place (in a contest),Type the reading!,Image
入浴,にゅうよく,"bathe, bathing",Type the reading!,Image
妊娠,にんしん,"conception, pregnancy",Type the reading!,Image
熱湯,ねっとう,boiling water,Type the reading!,Image
熱量,ねつりょう,temperature,Type the reading!,Image
根回し,ねまわし,making necessary arrangements,Type the reading!,Image
練る,ねる,"to knead, to work over, to polish up",Type the reading!,Image
年鑑,ねんかん,yearbook,Type the reading!,Image
燃焼,ねんしょう,"burning, combustion",Type the reading!,Image
年輪,ねんりん,annual tree ring,Type the reading!,Image
農地,のうち,agricultural land,Type the reading!,Image
軒並み,のきなみ,row of houses,Type the reading!,Image
延べ,のべ,"futures, credit (buying), stretching, total",Type the reading!,Image
乗り換え,のりかえ,"(n) transfer (trains, buses, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
派,は,"clique, faction, school",Type the reading!,Image
拝啓,はいけい,Dear (so and so),Type the reading!,Image
拝借,はいしゃく,borrowing,Type the reading!,Image
配布,はいふ,distribution,Type the reading!,Image
破棄,はき,"revocation, annulment, breaking (e.g. treaty)",Type the reading!,Image
泊,はく,counter for nights of a stay,Type the reading!,Image
励む,はげむ,"to be zealous, to brace oneself, to endeavour, to strive, to make an
effort",Type the reading!,Image
橋渡し,はしわたし,"bridge building, mediation",Type the reading!,Image
破損,はそん,damage,Type the reading!,Image
発芽,はつが,burgeoning,Type the reading!,Image
歯磨,はみがき,"dentifrice, toothpaste",Type the reading!,Image
張り紙,はりがみ,"paper patch, paper backing, poster",Type the reading!,Image
破裂,はれつ,"explosion, rupture, break off",Type the reading!,Image
版,"はん,ばん",edition,Type the reading!,Image
版画,はんが,art print,Type the reading!,Image
反撃,はんげき,"counterattack, counteroffensive, counterblow",Type the reading!,Image
繁盛,はんじょう,"prosperity, flourishing, thriving",Type the reading!,Image
半端,はんぱ,"remnant, fragment, incomplete set, fraction, odd sum,
incompleteness",Type the reading!,Image
反乱,はんらん,"insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, uprising",Type the
倍率,ばいりつ,"diameter, magnification",Type the reading!,Image
爆破,ばくは,"blast, explosion, blow up",Type the reading!,Image
控え室,ひかえしつ,waiting room,Type the reading!,Image
匹,ひき,"head, small animal counter, roll of cloth",Type the reading!,Image
率いる,ひきいる,"to lead, to spearhead (a group), to command (troops)",Type the
久し振り,ひさしぶり,after a long time,Type the reading!,Image
秘書,ひしょ,(private) secretary,Type the reading!,Image
比重,ひじゅう,specific gravity,Type the reading!,Image
必修,ひっしゅう,required (subject),Type the reading!,Image
匹敵,ひってき,"comparing with, match, rival, equal",Type the reading!,Image
一羽,いちわ,one (bird),Type the reading!,Image
日の丸,ひのまる,the Japanese flag,Type the reading!,Image
百科事典,ひゃっかじてん,encyclopedia,Type the reading!,Image
百科辞典,ひゃっかじてん,encyclopedia,Type the reading!,Image
標語,ひょうご,"motto, slogan, catchword",Type the reading!,Image
貧弱,ひんじゃく,"poor, meagre, insubstantial",Type the reading!,Image
微笑,びしょう,smile,Type the reading!,Image
微量,びりょう,"minuscule amount, extremely small quantity",Type the reading!,Image
風俗,ふうぞく,"1. manners, customs, 2. sex service, sex industry",Type the
複合,ふくごう,"composite, complex",Type the reading!,Image
布告,ふこく,"edict, ordinance, proclamation",Type the reading!,Image
富豪,ふごう,"wealthy person, millionaire",Type the reading!,Image
負債,ふさい,"debt, liabilities",Type the reading!,Image
負傷,ふしょう,"injury, wound",Type the reading!,Image
不審,ふしん,"incomplete understanding, doubt, question, distrust, suspicion,
strangeness, infidelity",Type the reading!,Image
不順,ふじゅん,"irregularity, unseasonableness",Type the reading!,Image
付属,ふぞく,"attached, belonging, affiliated, annexed, associated, subordinate,
incidental, dependent, auxiliary",Type the reading!,Image
復活,ふっかつ,"revival (e.g. musical), restoration",Type the reading!,Image
復興,ふっこう,"revival, renaissance, reconstruction",Type the reading!,Image
不評,ふひょう,"bad reputation, disgrace, unpopularity",Type the reading!,Image
踏まえる,ふまえる,"to be based on, to have origin in",Type the reading!,Image
振り,ふり,"pretence, show, appearance",Type the reading!,Image
振り出し,ふりだし,"outset, starting point, drawing or issuing (draft)",Type the
震わせる,ふるわせる,"to be shaking, to be trembling",Type the reading!,Image
付録,ふろく,"appendix, supplement",Type the reading!,Image
紛失,ふんしつ,losing something,Type the reading!,Image
紛争,ふんそう,"dispute, trouble, strife",Type the reading!,Image
奮闘,ふんとう,"hard struggle, strenuous effort",Type the reading!,Image
粉末,ふんまつ,fine powder,Type the reading!,Image
部門,ぶもん,"class, group, category, department, field, branch",Type the
武力,ぶりょく,"armed might, military power, the sword, force",Type the reading!,Image
隔たる,へだたる,to be distant,Type the reading!,Image
編,へん,"compilation, editing, completed poem, book, part of book",Type the
偏,へん,"side, left radical of a character, inclining, inclining toward,
biased",Type the reading!,Image
変革,へんかく,"change, reform, revolution, upheaval, (the) Reformation",Type the
弁解,べんかい,"explanation, justification, defence, excuse",Type the reading!,Image
便宜,べんぎ,"convenience, accommodation, advantage, expedience",Type the
弁護,べんご,"defense, pleading, advocacy",Type the reading!,Image
弁論,べんろん,"discussion, debate, argument",Type the reading!,Image
保育,ほいく,"nursing, nurturing, rearing, lactation, suckling",Type the
法案,ほうあん,bill (law),Type the reading!,Image
宝器,ほうき,"treasured article or vessel, outstanding individual",Type the
封建,ほうけん,feudalistic,Type the reading!,Image
豊作,ほうさく,"abundant harvest, bumper crop",Type the reading!,Image
方策,ほうさく,"plan, policy",Type the reading!,Image
保温,ほおん,"retaining warmth, keeping heat in, heat insulation",Type the
保管,ほかん,"charge, custody, safekeeping, deposit, storage",Type the reading!,Image
補給,ほきゅう,"supply, supplying, replenishment",Type the reading!,Image
補強,ほきょう,"compensation, reinforcement",Type the reading!,Image
保護,ほご,"care, protection, shelter, guardianship, favor, patronage",Type the
干し物,ほしもの,dried washing (clothes),Type the reading!,Image
保守,ほしゅ,"conservative, maintaining",Type the reading!,Image
補償,ほしょう,"compensation, reparation",Type the reading!,Image
補助,ほじょ,"assistance, support, aid, auxiliary",Type the reading!,Image
補足,ほそく,"supplement, complement",Type the reading!,Image
記す,しるす,"to write down; to note; to jot down, to remember",Type the
施す,ほどこす,"to donate, to give, to conduct, to apply, to perform",Type the
保母,ほぼ,day care worker in a kindergarten nursery school etc.,Type the
保養,ほよう,"health preservation, recuperation, recreation",Type the reading!,Image
捕吏,ほり,constable,Type the reading!,Image
防衛,ぼうえい,"defense, protection, self-defense",Type the reading!,Image
膨脹,ぼうちょう,"expansion, swelling, increase, growth",Type the reading!,Image
冒頭,ぼうとう,"beginning, start, outset",Type the reading!,Image
暴動,ぼうどう,"insurrection, rebellion, revolt, riot, uprising",Type the
暴風,ぼうふう,"storm, windstorm, gale",Type the reading!,Image
枚,まい,counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper),Type the reading!,Image
埋蔵,まいぞう,"buried property, treasure trove",Type the reading!,Image
巻,まき,volume,Type the reading!,Image
鞠,まり,ball,Type the reading!,Image
丸々,まるまる,completely,Type the reading!,Image
丸める,まるめる,"to make round, to round off, to roll up, to curl up, to seduce, to
cajole, to explain away",Type the reading!,Image
真ん丸い,まんまるい,perfectly circular,Type the reading!,Image
密集,みっしゅう,"crowd, close formation, dense",Type the reading!,Image
密接,みっせつ,"related, connected, close, intimate",Type the reading!,Image
密度,みつど,density,Type the reading!,Image
脈,みゃく,pulse,Type the reading!,Image
未練,みれん,"lingering affection, attachment, regret(s), reluctance",Type the
結び,むすび,"ending, conclusion, union",Type the reading!,Image
結び付き,むすびつき,"connection, relation",Type the reading!,Image
結び付く,むすびつく,"to be connected or related, to join together",Type the
結び付ける,むすびつける,"to combine, to join, to tie on, to attach with a knot",Type
the reading!,Image
名称,めいしょう,name,Type the reading!,Image
恵み,めぐみ,blessing,Type the reading!,Image
滅茶苦茶,めちゃくちゃ,"absurd, unreasonable, excessive, messed up, spoiled,
wreaked",Type the reading!,Image
目盛り,めもり,"scale, gradations",Type the reading!,Image
目録,もくろく,"catalogue, catalog, list",Type the reading!,Image
模索,もさく,groping (for),Type the reading!,Image
模倣,もほう,"imitation, copying",Type the reading!,Image
催す,もよおす,"to hold (a meeting), to give (a dinner), to feel, to show signs of, to
develop symptoms of, to feel (sick",Type the reading!,Image
漏る,もる,"to leak, to run out",Type the reading!,Image
討伐,とうばつ,subjugation; suppression,Type the reading!,Image
野党,やとう,opposition party,Type the reading!,Image
遣り通す,やりとおす,"to carry through, to achieve, to complete",Type the
やり遂げる,やりとげる,to accomplish,Type the reading!,Image
遣る,やる,"to do, to have sexual intercourse, to kill, to give (to inferiors animals
etc.), to dispatch (a letter",Type the reading!,Image
融通,"ゆうずう,ゆうづう","lending (money), accommodation, adaptability, versatility,
finance",Type the reading!,Image
優勢,ゆうせい,"superiority, superior power, predominance, preponderance",Type the
誘導,ゆうどう,"guidance, leading, induction, introduction, incitement,
inducement",Type the reading!,Image
遊牧,ゆうぼく,nomadism,Type the reading!,Image
溶液,ようえき,solution (liquid),Type the reading!,Image
養護,ようご,"protection, nursing, protective care",Type the reading!,Image
養成,ようせい,"training, development",Type the reading!,Image
余暇,よか,"leisure, leisure time, spare time",Type the reading!,Image
余興,よきょう,"side show, entertainment",Type the reading!,Image
浴室,よくしつ,"bathroom, bath",Type the reading!,Image
善し悪し,よしあし,"good or bad, merits or demerits, quality, suitability",Type the
与党,よとう,"government party, (ruling) party in power, government",Type the
弱まる,よわまる,"to abate, to weaken, to be emaciated, to be dejected, to be
perplexed",Type the reading!,Image
弱める,よわめる,to weaken,Type the reading!,Image
弱る,よわる,"to weaken, to be troubled, to be downcast, to be emaciated, to be
dejected, to be perplexed, to impair",Type the reading!,Image
濫用,らんよう,"abuse, misuse, misappropriation, using to excess",Type the
利根,りこん,intelligence,Type the reading!,Image
略奪,りゃくだつ,"pillage, plunder, looting, robbery",Type the reading!,Image
言伝,ことづて,(oral) message; declaration; hearsay; rumour; rumor,Type the
領海,りょうかい,territorial waters,Type the reading!,Image
両極,りょうきょく,"both extremities, north and south poles, positive and negative
poles",Type the reading!,Image
了承,りょうしょう,"acknowledgement, understanding (e.g. please be understanding of
the mess during our renovation)",Type the reading!,Image
領地,りょうち,"territory, dominion",Type the reading!,Image
履歴,りれき,"personal history, background, career, log",Type the reading!,Image
親しむ,したしむ,to be intimate with; to befriend,Type the reading!,Image
林業,りんぎょう,forestry,Type the reading!,Image
類推,るいすい,analogy,Type the reading!,Image
冷蔵,れいぞう,"cold storage, refrigeration",Type the reading!,Image
冷淡,れいたん,"coolness, indifference",Type the reading!,Image
連帯,れんたい,solidarity,Type the reading!,Image
朗読,ろうどく,"reading aloud, recitation",Type the reading!,Image
我がまま,わがまま,"selfishness, egoism, wilfulness, disobedience, whim",Type the
惑星,わくせい,planet,Type the reading!,Image
煩わしい,わずらわしい,"troublesome, annoying, complicated",Type the reading!,Image
見苦しい,みぐるしい,unsightly; ugly,Type the reading!,Image
見晴らし,みはらし,view; prospect; outlook,Type the reading!,Image
西日,にしび,"westering sun; setting sun, Spanish-Japanese (gen. for translations and
dictionaries)",Type the reading!,Image
裾,すそ,"hem; (trouser) cuff; shirttail, bottom edge, foot (of a mountain), tips (of
hair), downstream",Type the reading!,Image
圧縮,あっしゅく,"compression, condensation, pressure",Type the reading!,Image
蓋,ふた,cover; lid; cap,Type the reading!,Image
萎える,なえる,"to lose strength; to become weak; to waste away, to wither; to
droop",Type the reading!,Image
苛める,いじめる,to tease; to torment; to persecute; to chastise,Type the
良識,りょうしき,good sense,Type the reading!,Image
船乗り,ふなのり,"getting on board, sailor; seaman",Type the reading!,Image
舟運,しゅううん,transportation by water (e.g. by ship),Type the reading!,Image
自ら,"みずから,おのずから","naturally; as a matter of course, oneself, for one's self;
personally",Type the reading!,Image
臆病,おくびょう,cowardice; timidity,Type the reading!,Image
腫れる,はれる,to swell (from inflammation); to become swollen,Type the reading!,Image
背く,そむく,to run counter to; to go against; to disobey; to infringe,Type the
股,"もも,また","crotch; crutch; groin; thigh, fork (in a tree, road, river, etc.);
tines (of a fork), thigh, femoral",Type the reading!,Image
老ける,ふける,to age; to grow old (esp. in appearance); to show marks of age,Type the
老いる,おいる,to age; to grow old,Type the reading!,Image
羽音,はおと,"sound of flapping wings (of a bird), buzz; hum (of an insect)",Type the
羽毛,うもう,feathers; plumage; down,Type the reading!,Image
罵る,ののしる,to abuse (verbally); to curse at; to shout abuse at; to speak ill
of,Type the reading!,Image
綻びる,ほころびる,"to come apart at the seams; to be ripped; to be torn, to begin to
open; to begin to bloom, to smile broadly; to break into a smile",Type the
恩恵,おんけい,"grace, favor, blessing, benefit",Type the reading!,Image
給食,きゅうしょく,"provision of lunch (e.g. at office, school, etc.); providing a
meal; lunch service",Type the reading!,Image
概論,がいろん,"intro, outline, general remarks",Type the reading!,Image
給仕,きゅうじ,"waiting on a table; serving (at dinner), waiter; waitress; waitperson;
server; cabin boy; bellboy; page; pageboy, office boy; office girl",Type the
経る,へる,"to pass; to elapse; to go by, to pass through; to go through, to
experience; to go through; to undergo",Type the reading!,Image
拡充,かくじゅう,expansion,Type the reading!,Image
粗筋,あらすじ,outline; summary; argument,Type the reading!,Image
節,"せつ,ふし","occasion; time, section (of a literary work); paragraph; verse;
stanza; passage, principle; integrity, node (of a plant stem), clause,
(taxonomical) section, knot (nautical mile per hour), joint; knuckle, tune; melody,
knot (in wood); node in a bamboo stem, part; notable characteristic, characteristic
way of speaking, space between two nodes (on bamboo, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
空ろ,うつろ,"cavity; hollow; void, hollow (voice); empty (heart); blank (eyes, face,
etc.); vacant (stare)",Type the reading!,Image
空しい,むなしい,"empty; void; vacant, vain; fruitless; futile; ineffective,
lifeless",Type the reading!,Image
種々,"しゅじゅ,くさぐさ",variety,Type the reading!,Image
碑石,ひせき,stone monument,Type the reading!,Image
破廉恥,はれんち,shameless; infamous; disgraceful,Type the reading!,Image
研ぐ,とぐ,"to sharpen; to hone; to whet; to grind, to wash (rice), to scour; to
polish; to burnish",Type the reading!,Image
真心,まごころ,sincerity; devotion,Type the reading!,Image
真下,ました,right under; directly below,Type the reading!,Image
真上,まうえ,just above; right overhead,Type the reading!,Image
為替,かわせ,"money order, exchange",Type the reading!,Image
相応しい,ふさわしい,appropriate; adequate; suitable; fitting; worthy,Type the
直ぐ,すぐ,"immediately; at once; directly, soon; before long; shortly, easily;
readily; without difficulty, right (near); nearby; just (handy), honest; upright;
frank; straightforward",Type the reading!,Image
目論見,もくろみ,plan; scheme; project; program; programme; intention; goal,Type the
器械,きかい,instrument,Type the reading!,Image
目蓋,まぶた,eyelid; eyelids,Type the reading!,Image
目盛,めもり,scale; gradations,Type the reading!,Image
発作,ほっさ,fit; spasm; attack; seizure,Type the reading!,Image
病,やまい,"illness; disease, bad habit; weakness; fault, pain; trouble, illness,
disease; -pathy",Type the reading!,Image
休養,きゅうよう,"rest, break, recreation",Type the reading!,Image
教養,きょうよう,"culture, education, refinement, cultivation",Type the reading!,Image
砕ける,くだける,"to break, to be broken",Type the reading!,Image
画期,かっき,transition from one epoch to another; change of era,Type the
田園,でんえん,"the country; countryside; rural districts, cultivated land;
fields",Type the reading!,Image
蛍光灯,けいこうとう,"fluorescent lamp, person who is slow to react",Type the
継続,けいぞく,continuation,Type the reading!,Image
産婦人科,さんふじんか,maternity and gynaecology department (gynecology); department of
obstetrics and gynaecology (gynecology),Type the reading!,Image
生真面目,きまじめ,too serious; person who is too serious; honesty; sincerity,Type the
生やす,はやす,to grow; to cultivate; to wear a beard,Type the reading!,Image
生かす,いかす,"to make (the best) use of; to leverage (skills, attributes,
experience, etc.); to capitalise on (experience, etc), to let live; to keep alive,
to revive; to resuscitate",Type the reading!,Image
玩具,"がんぐ,おもちゃ",toy; plaything,Type the reading!,Image
厳重,げんじゅう,"strict, rigour, severe, firm",Type the reading!,Image
顕微鏡,けんびきょう,microscope,Type the reading!,Image
請う,こう,"to ask, to request",Type the reading!,Image
公衆,こうしゅう,the public,Type the reading!,Image
犬死に,いぬじに,dying in vain; wasteful sacrifice of life,Type the reading!,Image
父母,"ふぼ,ちちはは",father and mother; parents,Type the reading!,Image
煙たい,けむたい,"smoky, awkward; ill at ease",Type the reading!,Image
無駄遣い,むだづかい,wasting ... on (e.g. money); squandering; waste; frittering
away,Type the reading!,Image
無難,ぶなん,"safe; secure, acceptable; passable; faultless; innocuous",Type the
献立,こんだて,"menu, program, schedule",Type the reading!,Image
無礼,ぶれい,impolite; rude,Type the reading!,Image
無下に,むげに,"bluntly (refusing, etc.); flatly; out of hand; completely",Type the
作製,さくせい,manufacture,Type the reading!,Image
射す,さす,"to shine, to strike",Type the reading!,Image
為さる,なさる,to do,Type the reading!,Image
滴,しずく,"drop (of water); drip, dripping; drop, counter for drops of liquid",Type
the reading!,Image
酸性,さんせい,acidity,Type the reading!,Image
滲む,にじむ,"to run (of liquid); to spread, to blur; to blot; to be blurred, to
ooze; to well up (of tears, etc.), to show through (of feelings, emotions, etc.);
to reveal itself",Type the reading!,Image
滑稽,こっけい,funny; humorous; humourous; comical; laughable; ridiculous; joking,Type
the reading!,Image
敷地,しきち,site,Type the reading!,Image
溺死,できし,death by drowning,Type the reading!,Image
渡り鳥,わたりどり,migratory bird; bird of passage,Type the reading!,Image
海抜,かいばつ,height above sea level,Type the reading!,Image
締め切る,しめきる,to shut up,Type the reading!,Image
蛇口,じゃぐち,"faucet, tap",Type the reading!,Image
修繕,しゅうぜん,"repair, mending",Type the reading!,Image
就任,しゅうにん,"inauguration, assumption of office",Type the reading!,Image
浮力,ふりょく,buoyancy; floating power,Type the reading!,Image
浅瀬,あさせ,shoal; shallows; sand bar; ford,Type the reading!,Image
出張,しゅっちょう,"official tour, business trip",Type the reading!,Image
活かす,いかす,"to make (the best) use of; to leverage (skills, attributes,
experience, etc.); to capitalise on (experience, etc), to let live; to keep alive,
to revive; to resuscitate",Type the reading!,Image
油井,ゆせい,oil well,Type the reading!,Image
氾濫,はんらん,"overflowing; flood; inundation; deluge, oversupply; plethora",Type the
水田,すいでん,(water-filled) paddy field,Type the reading!,Image
助教授,じょきょうじゅ,assistant professor,Type the reading!,Image
気風,きふう,"character; traits; ethos, character; disposition; spirit;
temperament",Type the reading!,Image
気立て,きだて,disposition; nature,Type the reading!,Image
素人,しろうと,"amateur, novice",Type the reading!,Image
民主,みんしゅ,"democracy; popular sovereignty, democratic",Type the reading!,Image
母校,ぼこう,alma mater,Type the reading!,Image
殺生,せっしょう,"killing; destruction of life, barbarous; callous; brutal;
cruel",Type the reading!,Image
残高,ざんだか,(bank) balance; remainder,Type the reading!,Image
歩む,あゆむ,to walk; to go on foot,Type the reading!,Image
図鑑,ずかん,picture book,Type the reading!,Image
好き嫌い,すききらい,"likes and dislikes, taste",Type the reading!,Image
正弦,せいげん,sine,Type the reading!,Image
正に,まさに,"exactly; surely; certainly, right then; just then; at that moment, just
(about to); on the verge (of doing or happening), duly; naturally",Type the
棄てる,すてる,,Type the reading!,Image
欠く,かく,"to chip; to nick; to break; to crack, to lack",Type the reading!,Image
様相,ようそう,"aspect; phase; condition, modality (philosophy)",Type the
楽観,らっかん,optimism,Type the reading!,Image
業腹,ごうはら,spite; resentment,Type the reading!,Image
瀬戸物,せともの,"earthenware, crockery, china",Type the reading!,Image
柵,"さく,しがらみ","fence; paling; railing, weir, bonds; fetters; ties of obligation,
fortress (surrounded by a wall, moat, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
柳眉,りゅうび,beautiful eyebrows,Type the reading!,Image
創作,そうさく,"production, literary creation, work",Type the reading!,Image
束の間,つかのま,moment; brief time; brief; transient,Type the reading!,Image
草履,ぞうり,"zoori (Japanese footwear), sandals",Type the reading!,Image
本音,ほんね,real intention; motive; true opinion; what one really thinks,Type the
算盤,そろばん,abacus,Type the reading!,Image
本名,ほんみょう,real name,Type the reading!,Image
只,ただ,"free of charge, mere, sole, only, usual, common",Type the reading!,Image
但し,ただし,"but, however, provided that",Type the reading!,Image
有難う,ありがとう,Thank you; Thanks,Type the reading!,Image
妥当,だとう,"valid, proper, right, appropriate",Type the reading!,Image
誓う,ちかう,"to swear, to vow, to take an oath, to pledge",Type the reading!,Image
有様,ありさま,state; condition; circumstances; the way things are or should be;
truth,Type the reading!,Image
最早,もはや,"already; now, no longer; not any more",Type the reading!,Image
時折,ときおり,sometimes,Type the reading!,Image
映える,はえる,to shine; to look attractive; to look pretty,Type the reading!,Image
明々後日,"しあさって,みょうみょうごにち",in three days' time; two days after
tomorrow,Type the reading!,Image
浸ける,つける,"to dip in, to soak",Type the reading!,Image
早急,"さっきゅう,そうきゅう",immediate; prompt; quick; rapid; urgent; pressing,Type the
日向,ひなた,sunny place; in the sun,Type the reading!,Image
斑,"ハン,まだら,むら,ぶち,ふ","uneven; irregular; speckled; mottled, erratic;
inconsistent, fickle; capricious; fitful, spots; speckles; mottles, spots;
speckles; mottles, speckled; spotted",Type the reading!,Image
伝染,でんせん,contagion,Type the reading!,Image
放り出す,ほうりだす,"to throw out, to drop; to toss; to dump, to abandon; to neglect;
to leave behind; to give up, to dismiss; to fire; to expel, to expel; to eject; to
push out; to force out",Type the reading!,Image
統計,とうけい,"scattering, a scatter, dispersion",Type the reading!,Image
改宗,かいしゅう,religious conversion,Type the reading!,Image
為す,なす,"to accomplish, to do",Type the reading!,Image
捕らえる,とらえる,"to catch; to capture; to seize; to arrest; to grab; to catch hold
of, to grasp (e.g. meaning); to perceive; to capture (e.g. features), to captivate;
to move (one's heart)",Type the reading!,Image
指図,さしず,instruction; mandate; directions,Type the reading!,Image
女房,にょうぼう,wife,Type the reading!,Image
持続,じぞく,continuation; persisting; lasting; sustaining; enduring,Type the
招き,まねき,invitation,Type the reading!,Image
打開,だかい,break in the deadlock,Type the reading!,Image
手際,てぎわ,performance; skill; tact,Type the reading!,Image
手配,てはい,"arrangement; preparations, search (by police)",Type the reading!,Image
斜,はす,,Type the reading!,Image
発揮,はっき,"exhibition, demonstration, utilization, display",Type the
手近,てぢか,"near; close by; within reach; handy, familiar",Type the reading!,Image
手数,"てすう,てかず","trouble; bother, number of moves (in go, shogi, etc.), number
of punches (in boxing)",Type the reading!,Image
甚だしい,はなはだしい,"extreme, excessive, terrible",Type the reading!,Image
花嫁,はなよめ,bride,Type the reading!,Image
張り切る,はりきる,"to be in high spirits, to be full of vigor",Type the
戦,いくさ,"war; battle; campaign; fight, troops; forces, war; battle, match;
competition",Type the reading!,Image
成る丈,なるたけ,as much as possible; if possible,Type the reading!,Image
引っ繰り返す,ひっくりかえす,"to turn over, to overturn, to knock over, to upset, to
turn inside out",Type the reading!,Image
引っ繰り返る,ひっくりかえる,"to be overturned, to be upset, to topple over, to be
reversed",Type the reading!,Image
成り立つ,なりたつ,"to consist of; to be made up of; to be composed of, to be
practical (logical, feasible, viable); to be concluded; to hold true",Type the
懸想,けそう,falling in love; attachment,Type the reading!,Image
慣用,かんよう,common; customary,Type the reading!,Image
慣例,かんれい,custom; precedent; of convention,Type the reading!,Image
標準,ひょうじゅん,"standard, level",Type the reading!,Image
標本,ひょうほん,"example, specimen",Type the reading!,Image
膨らます,ふくらます,"to swell, to expand, to inflate, to bulge",Type the
意趣返し,いしゅがえし,revenge,Type the reading!,Image
附属,ふぞく,"attached, belonging, affiliated",Type the reading!,Image
情け深い,なさけぶかい,tender-hearted; compassionate; charitable; good-hearted,Type the
殖やす,ふやす,"to increase, to add to, to augment",Type the reading!,Image
振舞う,ふるまう,"to behave, to conduct oneself, to entertain (vt)",Type the
風呂敷,ふろしき,"wrapping cloth, cloth wrapper",Type the reading!,Image
文献,ぶんけん,"literature, books (reference)",Type the reading!,Image
悲鳴,ひめい,shriek; scream,Type the reading!,Image
文脈,ぶんみゃく,context,Type the reading!,Image
悪者,わるもの,bad fellow; rascal; ruffian; scoundrel,Type the reading!,Image
望遠鏡,ぼうえんきょう,telescope,Type the reading!,Image
牧畜,ぼくちく,stock-farming,Type the reading!,Image
悪化,あっか,(suffer) deterioration; growing worse; aggravation; degeneration;
corruption,Type the reading!,Image
盆,ぼん,"Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead, tray",Type the reading!,Image
盆地,ぼんち,basin (e.g. between mountains),Type the reading!,Image
蒔く,まく,to sow (seeds),Type the reading!,Image
急かす,せかす,to hurry; to urge on,Type the reading!,Image
又は,または,"or, otherwise",Type the reading!,Image
稀,まれ,"rare, seldom",Type the reading!,Image
思惑,"おもわく,しわく","expectation; anticipation; prediction; forecast; calculations,
purpose; intention; motive; ulterior motive, others' opinions of one, speculation,
perceptive mental disturbances",Type the reading!,Image
恵まれる,めぐまれる,"to be blessed with, to be rich in",Type the reading!,Image
後退,こうたい,"retreat, backspace; BS",Type the reading!,Image
催し,もよおし,"event, festivities, function",Type the reading!,Image
待ち遠しい,まちどおしい,looking forward to; anxiously awaited,Type the reading!,Image
彼方,"かなた,あなた,あちら,あっち","beyond; across; the other side; the distance, that
way (direction distant from both speaker and listener); over there; yonder, that
one (something physically distant from both speaker and listener, or something not
visible but known by both speaker and listener); that, that person (someone
physically distant from both speaker and listener, or someone not present but known
by both speaker and listener), there (place distant from both speaker and
listener); over there; foreign country (esp. a Western nation)",Type the
欲張り,よくばり,"avarice, covetousness, greed",Type the reading!,Image
強いる,しいる,to force; to compel; to coerce,Type the reading!,Image
強いて,しいて,by force,Type the reading!,Image
弄ぶ,もてあそぶ,"to play with (a toy, one's hair, etc.); to fiddle with, to toy with
(one's emotions, etc.); to trifle with, to do with something as one pleases, to
appreciate",Type the reading!,Image
万能,ばんのう,"all-purpose; utility, almighty; omnipotent",Type the reading!,Image
三日月,みかづき,new moon; crescent moon,Type the reading!,Image
不図,ふと,suddenly; casually; accidentally; incidentally; unexpectedly;
unintentionally,Type the reading!,Image
中程,なかほど,(about) middle; midway,Type the reading!,Image
乙女,おとめ,little girl; maiden; young lady; female usually between 7 and 18 years
old,Type the reading!,Image
交える,まじえる,"to mix; to combine, to exchange (words, fire, etc.), to cross (e.g.
swords); to join together",Type the reading!,Image
人柱,ひとばしら,human pillar; human sacrifice,Type the reading!,Image
人質,ひとじち,hostage,Type the reading!,Image
仕える,つかえる,to serve; to work for; to attend,Type the reading!,Image
仕様,しよう,"way; method; means; resource; remedy, (technical) specification",Type
the reading!,Image
伝言,"でんごん,つてごと","verbal message; word, verbal message; word, rumour;
rumor",Type the reading!,Image
似通う,にかよう,to resemble closely,Type the reading!,Image
何処か,どこか,somewhere; anywhere; in some respects,Type the reading!,Image
余弦,よげん,cosine,Type the reading!,Image
余所見,よそみ,looking away; looking aside,Type the reading!,Image
信者,しんじゃ,believer; adherent; devotee,Type the reading!,Image
倣う,ならう,to imitate; to follow; to emulate,Type the reading!,Image
値する,あたいする,to be worth; to deserve; to merit,Type the reading!,Image
僅か,わずか,only; merely; (a) little; small quantity,Type the reading!,Image
億万長者,おくまんちょうじゃ,billionaire; multimillionaire; very rich person,Type the
優越,ゆうえつ,supremacy; predominance; being superior to,Type the reading!,Image
元来,がんらい,originally; primarily; essentially; logically; naturally,Type the
公,おおやけ,"you; buddy; pal, monarch; ruler; sovereign; (one's) master, public;
open; formal; official; governmental, public matter; governmental matter, prince;
duke, lord; sir, familiar or derogatory suffix",Type the reading!,Image
共鳴,きょうめい,resonance; sympathetic (sound); (being in) sympathy,Type the
冬眠,とうみん,hibernation; winter sleep,Type the reading!,Image
分担,ぶんたん,apportionment; allotment; share,Type the reading!,Image
初耳,はつみみ,something heard for the first time; hearing something for the first
time,Type the reading!,Image
初陣,ういじん,first campaign; one's first battle,Type the reading!,Image
剥がす,はがす,to tear off; to peel off; to rip off; to strip off; to skin; to flay;
to disrobe; to deprive of; to detach; to disconnect,Type the reading!,Image
剥ぐ,はぐ,"to tear off; to peel off; to rip off; to strip off; to skin; to flay; to
bark; to disrobe, to strip of (e.g. clothes, rank); to deprive of; to divest",Type
the reading!,Image
勝る,まさる,"to excel; to surpass; to exceed; to have an edge; to be superior; to
outrival, to outweigh; to preponderate",Type the reading!,Image
危ぶむ,あやぶむ,to fear; to have misgivings; to be doubtful; to mistrust,Type the
参議院,さんぎいん,House of Councillors,Type the reading!,Image
受身,うけみ,"the defensive, passive attitude; passivity; passiveness, the passive;
passive voice, ukemi (the art of falling safely)",Type the reading!,Image
台無し,だいなし,mess; spoiled; spoilt; (come to) nothing; ruin,Type the
同い年,おないどし,the same age,Type the reading!,Image
同居,どうきょ,coexistence; living together,Type the reading!,Image
名残,なごり,"remains; traces; vestiges; relics, (the sorrow of) parting, end",Type
the reading!,Image
和やか,なごやか,mild; calm; gentle; quiet; harmonious,Type the reading!,Image
和らげる,やわらげる,to soften; to moderate; to relieve,Type the reading!,Image
唾,"つば,つばき",saliva; spit; sputum,Type the reading!,Image
問屋,"といや,とんや",wholesale store,Type the reading!,Image
図々しい,ずうずうしい,impudent; shameless,Type the reading!,Image
図る,はかる,"to plan; to attempt; to devise, to plot; to conspire; to scheme, to aim
for; to strive for; to work towards; to seek",Type the reading!,Image
地主,じぬし,landlord; landowner,Type the reading!,Image
地元,じもと,"home area; home town, local",Type the reading!,Image
基,"もと,もとい","origin; source, base; basis; foundation; root, cause, ingredient;
material, original cost (or capital, principal, etc.), (plant) root; (tree) trunk,
first section of a waka, handle (chopsticks, brush, etc.); grip, group, (free)
radical, counter for installed or mounted objects (e.g. stone lanterns,
gravestones, satellites), basis; foundation, cause",Type the reading!,Image
声高,こわだか,with a loud voice,Type the reading!,Image
夕暮れ,ゆうぐれ,evening; dusk; twilight,Type the reading!,Image
多岐,たき,digression; many divergences,Type the reading!,Image
夜具,やぐ,bedding; bedclothes,Type the reading!,Image
夜更かし,よふかし,staying up late; keeping late hours; sitting up late at night;
nighthawk,Type the reading!,Image
大宗,たいそう,leading figure; foundation,Type the reading!,Image
奈落,ならく,"Naraka; hell; hades, very bottom; the end; worst possible
circumstances, theatre basement; theater basement",Type the reading!,Image
好ましい,このましい,nice; likeable; desirable,Type the reading!,Image
妬む,ねたむ,to be jealous of; to envy; to begrudge,Type the reading!,Image
嫉妬,しっと,jealousy; envy,Type the reading!,Image
完璧,かんぺき,perfect; complete; flawless,Type the reading!,Image
定まる,さだまる,to become settled; to be fixed,Type the reading!,Image
定める,さだめる,to decide; to establish; to determine,Type the reading!,Image
宛,あて,"aim; object; purpose; end, expectations; prospects; hopes, something that
can be relied upon, snack served with alcoholic drink, pad; guard, blow; strike,
addressed to, per",Type the reading!,Image
宛てる,あてる,to address,Type the reading!,Image
家主,"やぬし,いえぬし","landlord; landlady, house owner; home owner; head of the
household",Type the reading!,Image
家来,けらい,retainer; retinue; servant,Type the reading!,Image
容易い,たやすい,easy; simple; light,Type the reading!,Image
尊ぶ,"とうとぶ,たっとぶ",to value; to prize; to esteem; to respect,Type the
小売,こうり,retail,Type the reading!,Image
居候,いそうろう,lodger who pays nothing for room and board; freeloader; sponger,Type
the reading!,Image
左程,さほど,not so; not particularly; not very; not that much,Type the
差し支える,さしつかえる,to interfere; to hinder; to become impeded,Type the
幾多,いくた,many; numerous,Type the reading!,Image
度々,たびたび,often; again and again; over and over again; repeatedly;
frequently,Type the reading!,Image
反る,そる,"to warp, to be warped, to curve",Type the reading!,Image
一息,ひといき,one breath; pause; rest<br>one go (i.e. in a short time)<br>small
amount of effort,Type the reading!,Image
一敗,いっぱい,one defeat,Type the reading!,Image
一昨昨日,"いっさくさくじつ,さきおととい",two days before yesterday; three days back
(ago),Type the reading!,Image
一連,いちれん,series; chain; sequence<br>two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of
paper)<br>verse; stanza,Type the reading!,Image
一頃,ひところ,once; some time ago,Type the reading!,Image
上回る,うわまわる,"to exceed (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to
surpass; to be more than; to be better than",Type the reading!,Image
下らない,くだらない,good-for-nothing; stupid; trivial; worthless,Type the
下取り,したどり,trade in; part exchange,Type the reading!,Image
下地,したじ,groundwork; foundation<br>inclination; aptitude; elementary knowledge
of; grounding in<br>undercoat; first coat<br>soy sauce,Type the reading!,Image
下心,したごころ,"""secret intention; ulterior motive<br>kanji """"heart"""" radical
at bottom""",Type the reading!,Image
下火,したび,burning low; waning; declining,Type the reading!,Image
世代,せだい,generation; the world; the age,Type the reading!,Image
世論,"せろん,よろん",public opinion; popular voice; public sentiment; consensus,Type
the reading!,Image
主人公,しゅじんこう,protagonist; main character; hero(ine) (of a story)<br>head of
household,Type the reading!,Image
予言,"よげん,かねごと",prediction; prophecy; prognostication<br>promise;
prediction,Type the reading!,Image
争い,あらそい,dispute; strife; quarrel; dissension; conflict; rivalry; contest,Type
the reading!,Image
互い違い,たがいちがい,alternate; alternation,Type the reading!,Image
交付,こうふ,delivery; issuance; handing over; granting,Type the reading!,Image
交易,こうえき,trade; commerce,Type the reading!,Image
人民,じんみん,people; public<br>imperial subjects; the people,Type the reading!,Image
人目,"ひとめ,じんもく",public gaze; public notice; attention,Type the reading!,Image
今日日,きょうび,nowadays,Type the reading!,Image
仕付ける,しつける,to be used to; to get accustomed to; to be in the habit of
doing<br>to train; to discipline; to teach manners<br>to tack (in needlework); to
baste<br>to plant (esp. rice seedlings),Type the reading!,Image
仕舞う,しまう,"to finish; to stop; to end; to put an end to; to bring to a
close<br>to close (a business, etc.); to close down; to shut down; to shut up<br>to
put away; to put back; to keep; to store<br>to finish ...; to do ...
completely",Type the reading!,Image
代わる代わる,かわるがわる,alternately; by turns,Type the reading!,Image
任命,にんめい,appointment; nomination; ordination; commission; designation,Type the
伝来,でんらい,ancestral; hereditary; imported; transmitted; handed down,Type the
何処,どこ,"where; what place<br>how much (long, far); what extent",Type the
何気ない,なにげない,casual; unconcerned; nonchalant,Type the reading!,Image
余地,よち,place; room; margin; scope,Type the reading!,Image
余接,よせつ,cotangent,Type the reading!,Image
係り,かかり,charge; duty; person in charge; official; clerk<br>connection;
linking,Type the reading!,Image
備え付ける,そなえつける,to provide; to furnish; to equip; to install,Type the
備わる,そなわる,to be furnished with; to be provided with; to be equipped with<br>to
be possessed of; to be endowed with; to be gifted with<br>to be among; to be one
of,Type the reading!,Image
優美,ゆうび,grace; refinement; elegance; daintiness,Type the reading!,Image
元年,がんねん,first year (of a specific reign),Type the reading!,Image
光熱費,こうねつひ,cost of fuel and lighting; cost of heat and electricity; energy
bill; utility cost,Type the reading!,Image
共働き,ともばたらき,(husband and wife) both working; dual income,Type the
共存,"きょうそん,きょうぞん",coexistence,Type the reading!,Image
共産,きょうさん,communism<br>Communist Party,Type the reading!,Image
冷やかす,ひやかす,to banter; to make fun of; to jeer at<br>to cool; to
refrigerate<br>to window-shop; to look at without buying,Type the reading!,Image
出直し,でなおし,adjustment; touch up,Type the reading!,Image
出費,しゅっぴ,expenses; disbursements,Type the reading!,Image
分母,ぶんぼ,denominator,Type the reading!,Image
切ない,せつない,painful; heartrending; trying<br>oppressive; suffocating;
miserable,Type the reading!,Image
切実,せつじつ,earnest; sincere; acute; keen; fervent<br>pressing; urgent; serious;
severe<br>pertinent; appropriate,Type the reading!,Image
利子,りし,interest (bank),Type the reading!,Image
剥げる,はげる,to come off; to be worn off<br>to fade; to discolor; to discolour<br>to
peel off,Type the reading!,Image
割合に,わりあいに,comparatively,Type the reading!,Image
割引き,わりびき,discount; reduction; rebate; (after a number) tenths discounted;
tenths reduced,Type the reading!,Image
勤まる,つとまる,to be fit for; to be equal to; to function properly,Type the
勤め先,つとめさき,place of work,Type the reading!,Image
勤労,きんろう,labor; labour; exertion; diligent service,Type the reading!,Image
区々,"まちまち,くく",petty; trivial; insignificant; trifling<br>several; various;
divergent; conflicting; different; diverse,Type the reading!,Image
単一,"たんいつ,たんいち",single; simple; sole; individual; unitary<br>size D
(battery),Type the reading!,Image
危害,きがい,injury; harm; danger,Type the reading!,Image
参上,さんじょう,calling on; visiting,Type the reading!,Image
反り,そり,warp; curvature; curve; arch<br>turning over; flipping over<br>reply;
response<br>marks indicating the Japanese meaning of the texts of Chinese
classics<br>lapel,Type the reading!,Image
収まる,おさまる,"to be in one's place; to be installed; to settle into<br>to be
delivered; to be obtained; to be paid<br>to be settled; to be sorted out<br>to
lessen (e.g. of storms, pain); to calm down<br>to be fit tightly into (e.g. a
frame); to be sheathed (in a scabbard)",Type the reading!,Image
収支,しゅうし,income and expenditure,Type the reading!,Image
可愛がる,かわいがる,to love; to be affectionate; to favor; to favour; to be partial
to<br>to torment; to tease; to be rough with,Type the reading!,Image
可愛らしい,かわいらしい,lovely; sweet,Type the reading!,Image
同等,どうとう,equality; equal; same rights; same rank; equivalence,Type the
名付ける,なづける,to name; to call; to christen; to term,Type the reading!,Image
君主,くんしゅ,ruler; monarch; sovereign,Type the reading!,Image
問い合わせる,といあわせる,to enquire; to inquire; to seek information,Type the
問う,とう,to ask; to inquire<br>to charge (e.g. with a crime); to accuse<br>without
regard to; to not matter<br>to call into question; to doubt; to question,Type the
土台,どだい,foundation; base; basis<br>from the beginning; from the outset; by
nature,Type the reading!,Image
土手,どて,embankment; bank<br>beef sinew stewed in miso and mirin,Type the
土木,どぼく,engineering works; civil engineering; public works,Type the
坊ちゃん,ぼっちゃん,son (of others)<br>young master<br>green young man from a well-to-
do family,Type the reading!,Image
多様,たよう,diverse; varied,Type the reading!,Image
夜更け,よふけ,late at night; small hours of the morning,Type the reading!,Image
大方,おおかた,large part; greater part; majority<br>people in general; general
public; public at large<br>mostly; for the most part; almost; nearly<br>probably;
maybe; perhaps,Type the reading!,Image
大水,おおみず,flood,Type the reading!,Image
好い,"いい,よい","good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable<br>sufficient (can
be used to turn down an offer); ready; prepared<br>profitable (e.g. deal, business
offer, etc.); beneficial<br>OK",Type the reading!,Image
子息,しそく,son,Type the reading!,Image
守備,しゅび,defense; defence,Type the reading!,Image
安静,あんせい,rest; quiet; repose,Type the reading!,Image
実費,じっぴ,actual expense; cost price,Type the reading!,Image
家出,いえで,running away from home; elopement<br>outing; going out<br>becoming a
Buddhist monk; entering the priesthood,Type the reading!,Image
寒気,"さむけ,かんき",chill; the shivers; shivering fit<br>cold; coldness; cold
air,Type the reading!,Image
専ら,もっぱら,wholly; solely; entirely; exclusively; devotedly;
fixedly<br>principally; mostly; chiefly; mainly,Type the reading!,Image
小切手,こぎって,cheque; check,Type the reading!,Image
居住,きょじゅう,residence,Type the reading!,Image
展覧会,てんらんかい,exhibition,Type the reading!,Image
山腹,さんぷく,hillside; mountainside,Type the reading!,Image
平たい,ひらたい,"flat; even; level; simple<br>plain (speech, etc.); simple",Type the
待望,たいぼう,waiting expectantly; waiting eagerly; looking forward to<br>long-
awaited,Type the reading!,Image
徒歩,とほ,walking; going on foot<br>foot soldier (Edo period); samurai on
foot<br>going on foot; walking,Type the reading!,Image
心地,ここち,feeling; sensation; mood<br>sensation of doing (usu. after -masu stem of
verb)<br>padding; lining; foundation,Type the reading!,Image
恥じらう,はじらう,to feel shy; to be bashful; to blush,Type the reading!,Image
悪日,あくび,unlucky day,Type the reading!,Image
意図,いと,intention; aim; design,Type the reading!,Image
意地,いじ,stubbornness; obstinacy; willpower; pride<br>disposition;
nature<br>appetite; desire; greed,Type the reading!,Image
感無量,かんむりょう,deep feeling; inexpressible feeling; filled with emotion,Type the
手元,てもと,at hand; on hand; nearby; close at hand<br>way of moving one's arms;
skill<br>money at hand; pocket money<br>grip; handle,Type the reading!,Image
折り返す,おりかえす,"to turn up; to fold back<br>to loopback (a signal, a
message)",Type the reading!,Image
控室,ひかえしつ,waiting room,Type the reading!,Image
日取り,ひどり,fixed date; appointed day,Type the reading!,Image
日夜,にちや,day and night; always,Type the reading!,Image
日頃,ひごろ,normally; habitually,Type the reading!,Image
易い,やすい,easy<br>likely to ...; have a tendency to ...<br>easy to ...,Type the
是非とも,ぜひとも,"""by all means (with sense of not taking """"no"""" for an
answer)""",Type the reading!,Image
杯,"ハイ,さかずき","sake cup; cup for alcoholic beverages<br>sake cup; cup for
alcoholic beverages<br>counter for cupfuls<br>counter for ships, octopuses and
squid<br>shallow bowl",Type the reading!,Image
果たす,はたす,to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out; to fulfill; to fulfil; to
realize; to execute; to perform; to do<br>to do ... completely; to do ...
entirely,Type the reading!,Image
様式,ようしき,style; form; pattern,Type the reading!,Image
欲深い,よくぶかい,greedy,Type the reading!,Image
止むを得ない,やむをえない,cannot be helped; unavoidable,Type the reading!,Image
歯科,しか,dentistry,Type the reading!,Image
治まる,おさまる,"to be at peace; to clamp down; to lessen (storm, terror,
anger)",Type the reading!,Image
消去,しょうきょ,elimination; erasure; dying out; clearing; purge; melting away,Type
the reading!,Image
消息,しょうそく,news (from somebody); letter; contact<br>(somebody's) whereabouts;
(somebody's) movements,Type the reading!,Image
温厚,おんこう,gentle,Type the reading!,Image
演出,えんしゅつ,production (e.g. play); direction,Type the reading!,Image
火花,ひばな,spark,Type the reading!,Image
仕来り,しきたり,custom; convention; tradition; mores; conventional practice,Type the
無口,むくち,reticence; taciturnity; silent person<br>reticent; taciturn;
silent<br>astomatous,Type the reading!,Image
無茶苦茶,むちゃくちゃ,nonsensical; unreasonable; absurd; unrealistic<br>awfully;
extremely; to excess; senseless; reckless<br>disorder; confusion; being jumbled;
being mixed up<br>very; extremely; excessively,Type the reading!,Image
無論,むろん,of course; naturally,Type the reading!,Image
煙る,けむる,to smoke (e.g. fire)<br>to be hazy,Type the reading!,Image
勿体ない,もったいない,impious; profane; sacrilegious<br>too good; more than one
deserves; unworthy of<br>wasteful,Type the reading!,Image
物足りない,ものたりない,unsatisfied; unsatisfactory; insufficient,Type the
特許,とっきょ,patent; special permission; licence (license); concession; franchise;
charter<br>proprietary,Type the reading!,Image
生身,なまみ,living flesh; flesh and blood<br>physical body of Buddha or a
bodhisattva,Type the reading!,Image
申告,しんこく,report; statement; filing a return; notification,Type the
痛切,つうせつ,keen; acute,Type the reading!,Image
発病,はつびょう,attack (disease),Type the reading!,Image
発足,"ほっそく,はっそく",starting; inauguration; launch; founding; establishment;
start-up,Type the reading!,Image
的,まと,-like; typical<br>mark; target,Type the reading!,Image
目方,めかた,weight,Type the reading!,Image
相場,そうば,market price<br>speculation (e.g. on stocks)<br>reputation (according to
conventional wisdom); estimation; esteem,Type the reading!,Image
真っ二つ,まっぷたつ,in two equal parts,Type the reading!,Image
着手,ちゃくしゅ,to start work (on); to undertake<br>embarkation; launch,Type the
知性,ちせい,intelligence,Type the reading!,Image
社宅,しゃたく,company owned house,Type the reading!,Image
突破,とっぱ,breaking through; breakthrough; penetration,Type the reading!,Image
経費,けいひ,expenses; cost; outlay,Type the reading!,Image
給う,たまう,semi-polite or endearing auxiliary verb indicating reception by the
speaker,Type the reading!,Image
腹立ち,はらだち,anger,Type the reading!,Image
膳,ぜん,small dining table (usu. for a single person); serving tray (with
legs)<br>meal; food; serving<br>counter for bowlfuls of rice; counter for pairs of
chopsticks,Type the reading!,Image
良心,りょうしん,conscience,Type the reading!,Image
茶の間,ちゃのま,living room (Japanese-style),Type the reading!,Image
落下,らっか,fall; drop; coming down,Type the reading!,Image
行政,ぎょうせい,administration,Type the reading!,Image
要因,よういん,main cause; primary factor,Type the reading!,Image
見積り,みつもり,estimate; estimation; valuation; quotation,Type the reading!,Image
見舞,みまい,visiting ill or distressed people; writing get-well letters<br>get-well
gifts; get-well letters<br>expression of sympathy; expression of concern; enquiry;
inquiry,Type the reading!,Image
見通し,みとおし,unobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista<br>forecast;
outlook; prospect; prediction<br>insight; foresight,Type the reading!,Image
試み,こころみ,attempt; trial; experiment<br>endeavour (endeavor); effort; venture;
initiative,Type the reading!,Image
豪,ごう,strong; hard; manly<br>tremendous; huge<br>Australia,Type the reading!,Image
負う,おう,to bear; to carry on one's back<br>to take responsibility for; to accept a
duty<br>to be injured<br>to owe,Type the reading!,Image
返済,へんさい,repayment; reimbursement; refund; redemption,Type the reading!,Image
遅らす,おくらす,to retard; to delay,Type the reading!,Image
釣り鐘,つりがね,temple bell; hanging bell; funeral bell,Type the reading!,Image
頬っぺた,ほっぺた,cheek,Type the reading!,Image
顎,あご,chin; jaw<br>chin; jaw<br>gills; branchia,Type the reading!,Image
願書,がんしょ,written application or petition; application form,Type the
類似,るいじ,resemblance; similarity; analogous; quasi<br>to resemble; to be similar;
to be alike,Type the reading!,Image
遂に,ついに,finally; at last<br>in the end,Type the reading!,Image
醸し出す,かもしだす,to engender; to bring about,Type the reading!,Image
豪快,ごうかい,hearty; exciting; stirring; lively; heroic; largehearted; splendid,Type
the reading!,Image
渋る,しぶる,to hesitate; to hold back; to balk; to falter<br>to be reluctant; to be
unwilling; to begrudge<br>to have loose painful bowel movement; to suffer from
tenesmus,Type the reading!,Image
解禁,かいきん,lifting a ban,Type the reading!,Image
採取,さいしゅ,picking; collecting; harvesting,Type the reading!,Image
多角,たかく,many-sided; versatile; polygonal; diversified,Type the reading!,Image
鮮烈,せんれつ,vivid; striking,Type the reading!,Image
作動,さどう,operation; functioning; running,Type the reading!,Image
発展,はってん,"development; growth; advancement; unfurling, expansion; extension;
enlargement, playing around; having an active sex life",Type the reading!,Image
申し訳,もうしわけ,apology; excuse,Type the reading!,Image
節約,せつやく,economising; saving,Type the reading!,Image
次第,しだい,"depending on, as soon as; immediately (upon), in accordance with,
order; program; programme; precedence, circumstances; course of events;
reason",Type the reading!,Image
検討,けんとう,consideration; examination; investigation; study; scrutiny; discussion;
analysis; review,Type the reading!,Image
結ぶ,むすぶ,"to tie; to bind; to link, to bear (fruit), to close (e.g. deal); to
confirm; to conclude, to connect (two distant places), to close tightly; to purse
(e.g. lips), to unite (with); to ally; to join hands",Type the reading!,Image
一つ一つ,ひとつひとつ,"one-by-one, separately, in detail",Type the reading!,Image
一ヶ月,いっかげつ,one month,Type the reading!,Image
支払い方法,しはらいほうほう,payment method,Type the reading!,Image
一丁,いっちょう,"one sheet, one page, one leaf, one block of tofu, one serving (in a
restaurant), one long and narrow thing (e.g. guns, scissors, spades, hoes,
inksticks, palanquins, candles, jinrikishas, shamisen, oars, etc.), one cho (unit
of distance, 109.09 m), one game, one task, well then, come then",Type the
一世,いっせい,"generation, lifetime, the age, the day, the First, issei, first-
generation Japanese (or Korean, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
一両,いちりょう,"one vehicle, one ryou (an old coin)",Type the reading!,Image
一丸,いちがん,"lump, (into) one",Type the reading!,Image
一人っ子,ひとりっこ,(an) only child,Type the reading!,Image
一人で,ひとりで,"alone, by oneself, voluntarily, spontaneously, automatically",Type
the reading!,Image
一人一人,ひとりひとり,"one by one, each, one at a time",Type the reading!,Image
一人前,ひとりまえ,"one portion, one serving, one person, adult, grown-up, person who
has come of age, fully fledged, established, qualified",Type the reading!,Image
一人息子,ひとりむすこ,only son,Type the reading!,Image
一人物,いちじんぶつ,"person to be reckoned with, person of importance, one person, one
character, someone",Type the reading!,Image
一介,いっかい,"mere, only a ...",Type the reading!,Image
一件,いっけん,"(one) matter, (one) item, (one) case",Type the reading!,Image
一任,いちにん,entrusting,Type the reading!,Image
一休み,ひとやすみ,"(short) rest, breather, break",Type the reading!,Image
誠にありがとうございます,まことにありがとうございます,thank you very much,Type the
八月,はちがつ,August; eighth month of the lunar calendar,Type the reading!,Image
一元,いちげん,unitary,Type the reading!,Image
一元化,いちげんか,"unification, centralization, centralisation",Type the
一党,いっとう,"party, clique",Type the reading!,Image
一円,いちえん,"one yen, throughout (an area), whole district",Type the reading!,Image
一分,いちぶ,"one tenth, one hundredth, one percent, one tenth of a sun, one quarter
ryou (an old coin)",Type the reading!,Image
一切,いっさい,"all, everything, the whole, lock, stock, and barrel, absolutely not
(with negative), without exception, entirely not",Type the reading!,Image
一刻,いっこく,"minute, moment, an instant, stubborn, hot-headed",Type the
一助,いちじょ,"help, assistance",Type the reading!,Image
利用方法,りようほうほう,"how to use, method for using, way of using",Type the
一口,ひとくち,"mouthful, morsel, bite, gulp, sip, draft, draught, one word, in short,
one share, one contribution",Type the reading!,Image
一同,いちどう,"all present, all concerned, all of us",Type the reading!,Image
一向,いっこう,"completely, absolutely, totally, (not) at all, (not) a bit, (not) in
the least, earnestly, intently, determinedly, Jōdo Shinshū",Type the reading!,Image
一向に,いっこうに,"completely, absolutely, totally, (not) at all, (not) a bit, (not)
in the least, earnestly, intently, determinedly",Type the reading!,Image
一周年,いっしゅうねん,one full year,Type the reading!,Image
一味違う,ひとあじちがう,"to be somewhat different (from before, from others,
etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
一品,ひとしな,"item, article, dish, course",Type the reading!,Image
一員,いちいん,"person, member",Type the reading!,Image
一問,いちもん,one question,Type the reading!,Image
アジア人,アジアじん,Asian,Type the reading!,Image
一回り,ひとまわり,"one turn, one round, (a) size, to go around, to make a circuit, to
take a turn, twelve years, one cycle of the Chinese zodiac",Type the reading!,Image
一因,いちいん,cause,Type the reading!,Image
一団,いちだん,"body, group, party, gang, troupe, troop",Type the reading!,Image
一国,いっこく,"whole country, hotheaded, stubborn",Type the reading!,Image
一堂,いちどう,"one building (hall, temple, shrine, room), same room, same place, same
building",Type the reading!,Image
一塁,いちるい,"first base, first baseman, one fort",Type the reading!,Image
一変,いっぺん,"complete change, about-face",Type the reading!,Image
一夜,いちや,"one night, all night, overnight, one evening",Type the reading!,Image
一大,いちだい,"one large ..., a great ...",Type the reading!,Image
一女,いちじょ,"one daughter, eldest daughter, first-born daughter",Type the
一字,いちじ,"letter, character",Type the reading!,Image
一室,いっしつ,one room,Type the reading!,Image
一審,いっしん,"first instance, first trial",Type the reading!,Image
プロフィール画像,プロフィールがぞう,"profile picture, profile pic",Type the
一局,いっきょく,"one game (checkers, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
一幕,ひとまく,one act,Type the reading!,Image
一年中,いちねんじゅう,all year round,Type the reading!,Image
一座,いちざ,"party, those present, troupe, first seat",Type the reading!,Image
一式,いっしき,"complete set, all, everything",Type the reading!,Image
一心,いっしん,"one mind, wholeheartedness, one's whole heart",Type the reading!,Image
一心に,いっしんに,"wholeheartedly, single-mindedly, fervently, intently",Type the
一戦,いっせん,"battle, game, bout",Type the reading!,Image
一戸建て,いっこだて,"detached house, stand-alone house, single-family home",Type the
一手,いって,"move (in game), method, single-handed, monopoly",Type the
選りすぐり,よりすぐり,"special selection, finest pick, top pick",Type the
一挙,いっきょ,"one effort, one action",Type the reading!,Image
一掃,いっそう,"clean sweep, purging, doing away with, eradication",Type the
一握り,ひとにぎり,"handful, small handful",Type the reading!,Image
一文,いちもん,"something insignificant, one mon (10th sen)",Type the reading!,Image
一新,いっしん,"complete change, reform, restoration, remodeling, remodelling,
renewal",Type the reading!,Image
一方的,いっぽうてき,"one-sided, unilateral, arbitrary",Type the reading!,Image
一方通行,いっぽうつうこう,one-way traffic,Type the reading!,Image
一族,いちぞく,"family, relatives, dependents, household",Type the reading!,Image
一日中,いちにちじゅう,"all day long, all the day, throughout the day",Type the
一昔,ひとむかし,"ages, long time, decade, the past ten years",Type the reading!,Image
一昨年,いっさくねん,year before last,Type the reading!,Image
一時期,いちじき,a period (of time),Type the reading!,Image
一時的,いちじてき,temporary,Type the reading!,Image
一時金,いちじきん,"lump sum, bonus, one-off payment",Type the reading!,Image
一時間,いちじかん,one hour,Type the reading!,Image
一晩,ひとばん,"one night, one evening, all night, overnight",Type the reading!,Image
一晩中,ひとばんじゅう,"all night long, all through the night",Type the reading!,Image
一曲,いっきょく,"tune (melody, piece of music)",Type the reading!,Image
一期,いちご,"one's life time, lifetime",Type the reading!,Image
一本,いっぽん,"one long cylindrical thing, one film, TV show, etc., one goal, home
run, etc., one telephone call, one version, one book, a certain book, ippon, one
point, a blow, experienced geisha, single-minded focus on ...",Type the
一条,いちじょう,"one long straight object, streak, beam, ray (of light), wisp (of
smoke), one item (in an itemized form), one clause, one passage (in a book), one
matter (affair, event, case, incident), the same logic, the same reason",Type the
一枚,いちまい,"one thin flat object, one sheet",Type the reading!,Image
一枚岩,いちまいいわ,"monolith, large slab of rock",Type the reading!,Image
一校,いっこう,"whole school, the first proof, one proofreading",Type the
一段,いちだん,"more, much more, still more, all the more, step, rung, level, rank,
paragraph, passage, ichidan (verb, verb conjugation)",Type the reading!,Image
一段落,いちだんらく,"completing the first stage, reaching a point where one can
pause",Type the reading!,Image
一気に,いっきに,"in one go, in one gulp, in one breath, without stopping, without
pausing, without resting, in one sitting, at a stretch, all at once, immediately,
instantly, right away, straight away, straightaway",Type the reading!,Image
一派,いっぱ,"school, sect, party",Type the reading!,Image
一点,いってん,"speck, dot, point, only a little, particle, only one",Type the
一環,いっかん,link (e.g. a part of a larger plan),Type the reading!,Image
一男,いちなん,"boy, eldest son",Type the reading!,Image
一番乗り,いちばんのり,"leader of a charge, first to arrive",Type the reading!,Image
一番手,いちばんて,"first player, first worker",Type the reading!,Image
一発,いっぱつ,"shot, charge, explosion, blow, punch, home run, try, attempt",Type the
一目,ひとめ,"glance, look, glimpse, complete view, bird's-eye view",Type the
一直線,いっちょくせん,straight line,Type the reading!,Image
一着,いっちゃく,"first arrival, first in race, suit of clothes",Type the
一石,いっせき,one game (of go),Type the reading!,Image
一石二鳥,いっせきにちょう,killing two birds with one stone,Type the reading!,Image
一票,いっぴょう,"ballot, vote",Type the reading!,Image
一端,いったん,"one end, an end, part, fragment",Type the reading!,Image
一節,いっせつ,"a verse (e.g. in the Bible), stanza, paragraph, passage, a joint,
section, a tune, note, strain, measure",Type the reading!,Image
一級,いっきゅう,"one grade, first-class, primary",Type the reading!,Image
一緒に,いっしょに,"together (with), at the same time, in a lump",Type the
一線,いっせん,line,Type the reading!,Image
一義,いちぎ,"reason, principle, meaning, first meaning, first principle, first
consideration",Type the reading!,Image
一般に,いっぱんに,"in general, generally",Type the reading!,Image
一色,いっしょく,"one color, one colour, one article, monochrome, same tendency,
everyone being caught up in the same thing",Type the reading!,Image
一行,いっこう,"line, row, troupe, party",Type the reading!,Image
一見,いっけん,"look, glimpse, glance, apparently, seemingly, first meeting",Type the
一覧表,いちらんひょう,"list, table, schedule, catalogue, catalog",Type the
一足,いっそく,"pair (footwear) /, step, short distance, short time",Type the
一躍,いちやく,"suddenly (rising to fame, etc.), instantly, immediately, overnight,
one bound, one leap",Type the reading!,Image
一身,いっしん,"oneself, one's own interests, throughout the body",Type the
一軍,いちぐん,"one army, whole army, first string players",Type the reading!,Image
一辺倒,いっぺんとう,complete devotion to one side,Type the reading!,Image
一途,いちず,"wholehearted, earnest",Type the reading!,Image
一通,いっつう,"one copy (of a document), one letter, one-way traffic, pure straight,
winning hand containing nine consecutive tiles of the same suit (i.e. 1-9)",Type
the reading!,Image
一週間,いっしゅうかん,one week,Type the reading!,Image
一過,いっか,passing away,Type the reading!,Image
一部,いちぶ,"one part, one portion, one section, some, one copy (e.g. of a
document)",Type the reading!,Image
一部分,いちぶぶん,"part, portion, section",Type the reading!,Image
一酸化炭素,いっさんかたんそ,carbon monoxide,Type the reading!,Image
天然温泉,てんねんおんせん,natural hot spring,Type the reading!,Image
一重,ひとえ,"one layer, single, onefold",Type the reading!,Image
一門,いちもん,"family, clan, kin, sect, school, adherents, followers, disciples,
group of related sumo stables",Type the reading!,Image
好感度,こうかんど,"likability, favorability, popularity",Type the reading!,Image
一面,いちめん,"one face, one surface, the whole surface, one aspect, one side, (on)
the other hand, one broad, flat object, front page (e.g. newspaper)",Type the
一風,いっぷう,"oddity, eccentricity, peculiarity",Type the reading!,Image
一首,いっしゅ,"tanka, poem",Type the reading!,Image
一騎打ち,いっきうち,"personal combat, one-to-one fight",Type the reading!,Image
丁重,ていちょう,"polite, courteous, hospitable",Type the reading!,Image
七七日,なななのか,49th day after death,Type the reading!,Image
右クリック,みぎクリック,right-click,Type the reading!,Image
七夕,しちせき,"Star Festival (held in July or August), Tanabata, Festival of the
Weaver",Type the reading!,Image
市営地下鉄,しえいちかてつ,municipal subway,Type the reading!,Image
報われる,むくわれる,"to be repaid, to be rewarded",Type the reading!,Image
十二月,じゅうにがつ,December; twelfth month of the lunar calendar,Type the
万が一,まんがいつ,"if by any chance, just in case, in the worst case, in the unlikely
event that, 10000 to 1",Type the reading!,Image
万事,ばんじ,"all, everything",Type the reading!,Image
万全,ばんぜん,"perfection, flawlessness",Type the reading!,Image
万国,ばんこく,"all countries, the whole world, universal, all nations",Type the
万年,まんねん,"ten thousand years, eternity",Type the reading!,Image
無くてはいけません,なくてはいけません,"cannot do without something, indispensable,
absolutely necessary; have to do",Type the reading!,Image
万引き,まんびき,"shoplifting, shoplifter",Type the reading!,Image
万里,ばんり,thousands of miles,Type the reading!,Image
十一月,じゅういちがつ,November; eleventh month of the lunar calendar,Type the
三代,さんだい,"three generations, three periods, third generation",Type the
三冠馬,さんかんば,winner of Japan's three main horse races,Type the reading!,Image
無くちゃいけない,なくちゃいけない,"cannot do without something, indispensable,
absolutely necessary; have to do",Type the reading!,Image
三十八度線,さんじゅうはちどせん,the Thirty-eighth Parallel,Type the reading!,Image
三十日,みそか,last day of the month,Type the reading!,Image
無きゃいけない,なきゃいけない,"cannot do without something, indispensable, absolutely
necessary; have to do",Type the reading!,Image
三国,さんごく,"three countries, Japan, China &amp; India, Japan, Korea &amp; China,
all the world, Three Kingdoms (of ancient China: Wei, Shu, Wu)",Type the
三塁,さんるい,third base,Type the reading!,Image
三塁手,さんるいしゅ,third baseman,Type the reading!,Image
三塁打,さんるいだ,"three-base hit, triple",Type the reading!,Image
三女,さんじょ,third daughter,Type the reading!,Image
三度,みたび,"three times, thrice, third (musical interval), several times, often,
frequently",Type the reading!,Image
三役,さんやく,"three highest ranks (wrestling, unions, etc.), three parts, three
divisions",Type the reading!,Image
三振,さんしん,"strikeout, strike out, fanning out",Type the reading!,Image
三方,さんぽう,"three sides, small offering stand",Type the reading!,Image
三時,さんじ,"3 o'clock, 3 o'clock snack",Type the reading!,Image
余っ程,よっぽど,"very, greatly, much, to a large extent, quite; just about to",Type
the reading!,Image
三本,さんぼん,three (long cylindrical things),Type the reading!,Image
三枚,さんまい,"three flat objects (e.g. tickets, pieces of cloth, etc.), filleting (a
fish)",Type the reading!,Image
三権,さんけん,"the three powers of government (legislative, executive and
judicial)",Type the reading!,Image
三次,さんじ,"three times, cubic",Type the reading!,Image
三流,さんりゅう,"third-rate, third-class",Type the reading!,Image
三男,さんなん,"three sons, third son",Type the reading!,Image
鎌倉,かまくら,Kamakura (city),Type the reading!,Image
三省,さんせい,frequent reflection (meditation),Type the reading!,Image
三種,さんしゅ,"three kinds, three varieties",Type the reading!,Image
三者,さんしゃ,"three persons, three parties",Type the reading!,Image
三輪,さんりん,three wheels,Type the reading!,Image
三選,さんせん,third-term election,Type the reading!,Image
三部,さんぶ,"three parts, three copies",Type the reading!,Image
三部作,さんぶさく,trilogy,Type the reading!,Image
三重,さんじゅう,"triple, treble, threefold, three-ply, triplicate",Type the
上々,じょうじょう,"the very best, excellent, superb",Type the reading!,Image
上がったり,あがったり,"doomed (business, trade, etc.), in a bad state, poor",Type the
上がり,あがり,"rise, increase, ascent, income, proceeds, return, profit, crop yield,
freshly-drawn green tea (esp. in sushi shops), completion, stop, finish, end result
(e.g. of crafts like painting, pottery, etc.), how something comes out, after
(rain, illness, etc.), ex- (e.g. ex-bureaucrat)",Type the reading!,Image
上げ,あげ,"tuck (e.g. in a dress), rise (e.g. in price)",Type the reading!,Image
上せる,のぼせる,"to raise, to record, to bring up (a matter), to serve (food), to
send some on out",Type the reading!,Image
上っ調子,うわっちょうし,"flippant, frivolous, shallow",Type the reading!,Image
上り,のぼり,"ascent, climbing, ascending (path), climb, up-train (e.g. going to
Tokyo), northward (towards Tokyo)",Type the reading!,Image
では無い,ではない,"is not, am not, are not",Type the reading!,Image
上乗せ,うわのせ,"adding, addition, extra",Type the reading!,Image
上位,じょうい,"superior (in rank), top, ranking, higher order (e.g. byte), host
computer (of connected device)",Type the reading!,Image
上体,じょうたい,upper body,Type the reading!,Image
上半期,かみはんき,"the first half-year, first half of the year",Type the
上半身,じょうはんしん,"upper half of body, bust",Type the reading!,Image
上向き,うえむき,"pointing up, pointing upward, upturn, uptrend, upward tendency",Type
the reading!,Image
上告,じょうこく,final appeal to the highest court,Type the reading!,Image
格好いい,かっこいい,"attractive, good-looking, stylish, cool, smooth, neat, with-it,
groovy",Type the reading!,Image
上場,じょうじょう,"listing (on the stock exchange, etc.), taking a company public,
presentation (e.g. of a play, opera), performance",Type the reading!,Image
上層,じょうそう,"upper stratum (classes, stories, storeys)",Type the reading!,Image
上手投げ,うわてなげ,"overhand throw, a throw using the outside of the arm",Type the
上方,かみがた,"Kyoto and vicinity, Kyoto-Osaka region, Kansai region (esp. during Edo
period)",Type the reading!,Image
上映,じょうえい,"screening (a movie), showing, to screen a movie",Type the
上期,かみき,first half of the year,Type the reading!,Image
上機嫌,じょうきげん,"good humour (humor), good mood",Type the reading!,Image
上流,じょうりゅう,"upper stream, upper course, upper reaches, upstream, upper
classes",Type the reading!,Image
上田,じょうでん,"high rice field, very fertile rice field",Type the reading!,Image
上申,じょうしん,report to a superior,Type the reading!,Image
上積み,うわづみ,"deck cargo, upper layer of goods, extra, to pile on top of",Type the
上空,じょうくう,"sky, the skies, high-altitude sky, upper air",Type the
上記,じょうき,"above-mentioned, above-named, above",Type the reading!,Image
上越,じょうえつ,"area on Japan Sea side of Japan, including Niigata",Type the
上部,じょうぶ,"top part, surface",Type the reading!,Image
上限,じょうげん,"upper limit, supremum",Type the reading!,Image
上院,じょういん,"Upper House, Senate, Lords",Type the reading!,Image
下がり,さがり,"fall, decline, lowering, hanging down, drooping, slanting (downward),
string apron, ornamental cords hanging from the front of a sumo wrestler's belt,
food offering to the gods, leftovers, hand-me-downs, leaving (one's master's place
for home), a little after ...",Type the reading!,Image
下っ腹,したっぱら,"abdomen, stomach, under parts",Type the reading!,Image
下り,くだり,"down-train (going away from Tokyo), down-slope, downward going",Type
the reading!,Image
じゃ無いか,じゃないか,"isn't it?; let's ..., why don't we ..., how about we ...,
shouldn't we ...",Type the reading!,Image
下り坂,くだりざか,"descent, downhill, decline, waning",Type the reading!,Image
下る,くだる,"to descend, to go down, to come down, to be handed down (of an order,
judgment, etc.), to pass (of time), to surrender, to capitulate, (often in neg.
form) to be less than, to be inferior to, to have the runs, to have diarrhea, to
pass (in stool), to be discharged from the body",Type the reading!,Image
下ろす,おろす,"to take down (e.g. flag), to launch (e.g. boat), to drop, to lower
(e.g. ladder), to let (a person) off, to unload, to discharge, to drop off (a
passenger from a vehicle), to let (a person) off, to withdraw money from an
account, to wear (clothing) for the first time, to fillet (e.g. a fish)",Type the
下位,かい,"low rank, subordinate, lower order (e.g. byte), low-end",Type the
下値,したね,lowest price,Type the reading!,Image
下半期,かはんき,"the last half-year, second half of the year",Type the reading!,Image
下半身,かはんしん,lower half of body,Type the reading!,Image
下山,げざん,descending (mountain),Type the reading!,Image
大手企業,おおてきぎょう,"big corporation, major firm, leading company",Type the
下手投げ,したてなげ,"underhand throw, underarm throw",Type the reading!,Image
街づくり,まちづくり,"town planning, urban development, community development, creating
a community",Type the reading!,Image
下敷き,したじき,"desk pad, sheet of plastic (or cardboard, felt, etc.) placed under
writing paper, underlay, being pinned under, being caught under, being trapped
under, being buried under, being crushed beneath, model, pattern",Type the
下方,かほう,"lower region, lower part",Type the reading!,Image
下期,しもき,second half of the fiscal year,Type the reading!,Image
下水道,げすいどう,"drain, sewer, drainage system",Type the reading!,Image
下流,かりゅう,"downstream, lower reaches of a river, lower classes",Type the
そうこうしている内に,そうこうしているうちに,"meanwhile, in the meantime",Type the
下等,かとう,"inferior, base, vulgar, low grade, lower class",Type the reading!,Image
下級,かきゅう,"lower grade, low class, junior (officer)",Type the reading!,Image
今一つ,いまひとつ,"one more, another, the other; not quite, not very good,
lacking",Type the reading!,Image
下落,げらく,"depreciation, decline, fall, slump",Type the reading!,Image
下見,したみ,"preview, preliminary inspection, preparatory reading, preparation for a
lesson, rehearsal, siding (on a house), clapboard, weatherboard",Type the
下調べ,したしらべ,"preliminary investigation, preparation",Type the reading!,Image
下請け,したうけ,"subcontract, subcontractor (person or company)",Type the
下部,かぶ,"lower part, substructure, subordinate (office), good and faithful
servant",Type the reading!,Image
下野,げや,"retirement from public office, going into opposition, losing power",Type
the reading!,Image
下限,かげん,"lower limit, infimum",Type the reading!,Image
下院,かいん,"lower house, lower (legislative) body",Type the reading!,Image
不仲,ふなか,discord,Type the reading!,Image
不作,ふさく,"poor crop, crop failure",Type the reading!,Image
不信任,ふしんにん,"non-confidence, lack of confidence",Type the reading!,Image
矢張り,やはり,"too, also, likewise, either; still, as before; even so, either way,
nonetheless, in any event, all the same; as expected",Type the reading!,Image
不備,ふび,"defect, deficiency, imperfection, inadequacy, Yours in haste",Type the
その中,そのなか,"wherein, therein, thereinto",Type the reading!,Image
不全,ふぜん,"partial, incomplete, imperfect",Type the reading!,Image
不公平,ふこうへい,"unfairness, injustice, partiality",Type the reading!,Image
不利益,ふりえき,"disadvantage, handicap, drawback, inadvisability, inexpediency",Type
the reading!,Image
不動,ふどう,"immobility, firmness, fixed, steadfastness, motionless, idle",Type the
不動産,ふどうさん,real estate,Type the reading!,Image
不動産屋,ふどうさんや,"real estate agent, realtor",Type the reading!,Image
不十分,ふじゅうぶん,"insufficient, inadequate, imperfect, shortage",Type the
不協和音,ふきょうわおん,"discord, dissonance",Type the reading!,Image
不可侵,ふかしん,"inviolability, sacredness, nonaggression",Type the reading!,Image
不可解,ふかかい,"mystery, baffling, inexplicable, incomprehensible",Type the
不可避,ふかひ,"inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable",Type the reading!,Image
不合理,ふごうり,"unreasonable, irrational, absurd, inconsistent",Type the
全体的,ぜんたいてき,"overall, on the whole",Type the reading!,Image
不問,ふもん,"something not questioned, something not asked about, something not
relevant, something of no object",Type the reading!,Image
不在,ふざい,"absence, disregard, indifference",Type the reading!,Image
不在者投票,ふざいしゃとうひょう,"absentee ballot, absentee voting",Type the
不変,ふへん,"eternal, everlasting, unchangeable, immutable, immovable, constant,
permanent, indestructible",Type the reading!,Image
不妊,ふにん,"infertility, sterility, barrenness",Type the reading!,Image
不始末,ふしまつ,"omission, failure, incompleteness, irregularity, mismanagement,
misconduct, malpractice, carelessness, wastefulness, extravagance",Type the
不安定,ふあんてい,"instability, insecurity, crankiness",Type the reading!,Image
不定,ふてい,"uncertainty, insecurity, inconstancy, indefinite, undecided",Type the
どの様に,どのように,"how, in what way",Type the reading!,Image
不平等,ふびょうどう,"inequality, unequal (treaties), unfair",Type the reading!,Image
不幸せ,ふしあわせ,"unhappiness, misfortune, ill luck",Type the reading!,Image
不当,ふとう,"injustice, impropriety, unreasonableness, undeserved, unfair,
invalid",Type the reading!,Image
不得意,ふとくい,one's weak point,Type the reading!,Image
観光スポット,かんこうスポット,"tourist attraction, sight-seeing area",Type the
不必要,ふひつよう,"unnecessary, needless",Type the reading!,Image
不意,ふい,"sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseen",Type the reading!,Image
不意に,ふいに,"suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly",Type the reading!,Image
不慣れ,ふなれ,"inexperienced, unfamiliar (with), unversed, lacking experience",Type
the reading!,Image
不慮,ふりょ,"unforeseen, accidental",Type the reading!,Image
不成立,ふせいりつ,"failure, rejection, rupture",Type the reading!,Image
不戦,ふせん,"war renunciation, anti-war, bout cancelled due to absence of one of the
wrestlers",Type the reading!,Image
不払い,ふばらい,"nonpayment, default",Type the reading!,Image
不整脈,ふせいみゃく,"irregular pulse, arrhythmia",Type the reading!,Image
打付ける,ぶつける,"to hit (e.g. one's head), to strike, to crash into; to throw (e.g.
a ball, a question, a demand); to express, to vent (e.g. one's anger)",Type the
三十一日,さんじゅういちにち,thirty-first day of the month; thirty-one days,Type the
不断,ふだん,"constant, persistent, unremitting, ceaseless, indecisiveness",Type the
不時着,ふじちゃく,emergency landing,Type the reading!,Image
不景気,ふけいき,"economic slump, hard times, recession, depression, poor (business),
dull, slack, inactive, gloomy, cheerless, dismal",Type the reading!,Image
不服,ふふく,"dissatisfaction, discontent, disapproval, objection, complaint,
protest, disagreement",Type the reading!,Image
不本意,ふほんい,"reluctant, unwilling, involuntary, unintentional",Type the
二十九日,にじゅうくにち,twenty-ninth day of the month; twenty-nine days,Type the
不条理,ふじょうり,"absurdity, irrationality, inconsistency",Type the reading!,Image
二十八日,にじゅうはちにち,twenty-eighth day of the month; twenty-eight days,Type the
不毛,ふもう,"sterile, barren, unproductive, sour",Type the reading!,Image
不気味,ぶきみ,"weird, ominous, eerie, uncanny, ghastly",Type the reading!,Image
不注意,ふちゅうい,"carelessness, inattention, thoughtlessness",Type the
二十七日,にじゅうしちにち,twenty-seventh day of the month; twenty-seven days,Type the
不渡り,ふわたり,"non-payment, dishonouring (bill), dishonoring (bill), bouncing
(cheque, check)",Type the reading!,Image
不燃物,ふねんぶつ,"non-inflammables, incombustible (usu. waste)",Type the
不用意,ふようい,"unpreparedness, carelessness",Type the reading!,Image
不発,ふはつ,misfire,Type the reading!,Image
不相応,ふそうおう,"unsuited, inappropriate, improper, undeserved",Type the
不眠,ふみん,"sleeplessness, insomnia, wakefulness",Type the reading!,Image
二十六日,にじゅうろくにち,twenty-sixth day of the month; twenty-six days,Type the
不確か,ふたしか,"unreliable, uncertain, indefinite, unclear",Type the reading!,Image
不確実,ふかくじつ,"uncertain, unreliable, inauthentic, acataleptic",Type the
二十五日,にじゅうごにち,twenty-fifth day of the month; twenty-five days,Type the
不能,ふのう,"incompetency, inefficiency, impossibility, weak point, imbecility",Type
the reading!,Image
不自然,ふしぜん,"unnatural, artificial, affected, strained",Type the reading!,Image
不要,ふよう,"unnecessary, unneeded",Type the reading!,Image
不親切,ふしんせつ,"unkindness, unfriendliness",Type the reading!,Image
不調,ふちょう,"bad condition, not to work out (i.e. a deal), disagreement, break-off,
disorder, slump, out of form",Type the reading!,Image
不起訴,ふきそ,"nonprosecution, nonindictment",Type the reading!,Image
不退転,ふたいてん,"determination, conviction",Type the reading!,Image
不適当,ふてきとう,"inadequacy, inappropriateness, unfitness, impropriety",Type the
不都合,ふつごう,"inconvenient, inexpedient, unfavourable, troublesome, difficult,
wrong, improper, objectionable, unjustifiable",Type the reading!,Image
与野党,よやとう,"ruling and opposition parties, parties in and out of power",Type the
世界一,せかいいち,best in the world,Type the reading!,Image
世界各国,せかいかっこく,"countries all over the world, all the countries of the
world",Type the reading!,Image
世界各地,せかいかくち,"every part of the world, all over the world, the four corners
of the world",Type the reading!,Image
世界大戦,せかいたいせん,the World War,Type the reading!,Image
世界的,せかいてき,"global, international, world-famous",Type the reading!,Image
世界観,せかいかん,"world view, outlook on the world, Weltanschauung (philosophy),
appearance of a world (e.g. in fiction)",Type the reading!,Image
世界銀行,せかいぎんこう,World Bank,Type the reading!,Image
世相,せそう,"phase of life, sign of the times, world (social) conditions,
society",Type the reading!,Image
世紀末,せいきまつ,"end of a century (esp. 19th), fin-de-siècle",Type the
世襲,せしゅう,"heredity, heritage",Type the reading!,Image
世話人,せわにん,"sponsor, manager, go-between, mediator, agent, caretaker",Type the
世銀,せぎん,World Bank,Type the reading!,Image
二十三日,にじゅうさんにち,twenty-third day of the month; twenty-three days,Type the
両党,りょうとう,both political parties,Type the reading!,Image
両国,りょうごく,"both countries, Ryougoku (area of Tokyo)",Type the reading!,Image
両岸,りょうぎし,both banks (of a river),Type the reading!,Image
両氏,りょうし,both persons,Type the reading!,Image
二十二日,にじゅうににち,twenty-second day of the month; twenty-two days,Type the
両立,りょうりつ,"compatibility, coexistence, standing together",Type the
両端,りょうはし,"both ends, either end, both edges, double-mindedness, sitting on the
fence",Type the reading!,Image
二十一日,にじゅういちにち,twenty-first day of the month; twenty-one days,Type the
両親,ふたおや,"parents, both parents",Type the reading!,Image
両論,りょうろん,both arguments (theories),Type the reading!,Image
両足,もろあし,"both feet, both legs",Type the reading!,Image
両軍,りょうぐん,"both armies, both teams",Type the reading!,Image
両輪,りょうりん,two wheels,Type the reading!,Image
両院,りょういん,both Houses of Parliament,Type the reading!,Image
十八日,じゅうはちにち,eighteenth day of the month; eighteen days,Type the
両面,りょうめん,"both sides, two sides, double-sided",Type the reading!,Image
並び,ならび,"line, row, rank, list",Type the reading!,Image
十七日,じゅうしちにち,seventeenth day of the month; seventeen days,Type the
並び替える,ならびかえる,"to reorganize, to rearrange, to put (things) in order",Type
the reading!,Image
十六日,じゅうろくにち,sixteenth day of the month; sixteen days,Type the reading!,Image
並立,へいりつ,standing abreast,Type the reading!,Image
中でも,なかでも,"among (other things), especially, particularly, inter alia, above
all (else)",Type the reading!,Image
中にも,なかにも,"among (other things), especially, particularly, inter alia, above
all (else), at the same time, simultaneously, at once, both",Type the
中京,ちゅうきょう,Nagoya and environs,Type the reading!,Image
中元,ちゅうげん,"15th day of the 7th lunar month, (last day of) Bon lantern festival,
mid-year gift, summer gift, Bon Festival gifts",Type the reading!,Image
中前,ちゅうぜん,"front of center field, front of centre field",Type the
中卒,ちゅうそつ,"junior high school graduate, middle school graduate",Type the
中南米,ちゅうなんべい,Central and South America,Type the reading!,Image
中原,ちゅうげん,"middle of a field, middle of a country, field of contest",Type the
中古車,ちゅうこしゃ,"used car, secondhand car",Type the reading!,Image
中和,ちゅうわ,"neutralizing, neutralising, counteracting, neutral, unbiased",Type the
中国人,ちゅうごくじん,Chinese person,Type the reading!,Image
中国語,ちゅうごくご,Chinese (language),Type the reading!,Image
中型,ちゅうがた,medium size,Type the reading!,Image
中執,ちゅうしつ,Central Executive Committee,Type the reading!,Image
中堅,ちゅうけん,"main body (of troops), nucleus, backbone, mainstay, key figure,
center field, centre field, center fielder, centre fielder, athlete competing in
the middle-number match in a team competition, i.e. second in 3-on-3, third in 5-
on-5 (kendo, judo, etc.), medium-level, mid-level, midsize",Type the reading!,Image
中央集権,ちゅうおうしゅうけん,"centralized authoritarian rule, centralised
authoritarian rule",Type the reading!,Image
中学,ちゅうがく,"middle school, junior high school",Type the reading!,Image
中将,ちゅうじょう,"lieutenant general, vice-admiral",Type the reading!,Image
中小,ちゅうしょう,small to medium,Type the reading!,Image
中小企業,ちゅうしょうきぎょう,"small to medium enterprises, smaller companies",Type the
中島,なかじま,island in a pond or river,Type the reading!,Image
中年,ちゅうねん,"middle-age, middle age, midlife, one's middle years",Type the
中庭,なかにわ,"courtyard, quadrangle, middle court",Type the reading!,Image
中性子,ちゅうせいし,neutron,Type the reading!,Image
中断,ちゅうだん,"interruption, suspension, break",Type the reading!,Image
中日,ちゅうにち,"China and Japan, the middle day, the equinoctial day",Type the
中期,ちゅうき,"middle period, medium-term",Type the reading!,Image
中核,ちゅうかく,"kernel, core, nucleus, center, centre",Type the reading!,Image
十三日,じゅうさんにち,thirteenth day of the month; thirteen days,Type the
中流,ちゅうりゅう,"mid-stream, middle course, middle class",Type the reading!,Image
中産階級,ちゅうさんかいきゅう,"middle class, bourgeoisie",Type the reading!,Image
中略,ちゅうりゃく,"omission (of middle part of a text), ellipsis",Type the
中盤,ちゅうばん,middle (stage),Type the reading!,Image
中立,ちゅうりつ,neutrality,Type the reading!,Image
中等,ちゅうとう,"second grade, medium quality, average, middle class, secondary
grade",Type the reading!,Image
中絶,ちゅうぜつ,"abortion, to be interrupted, to be discontinued, to be suspended, to
fall into abeyance",Type the reading!,Image
中継ぎ,なかつぎ,"joining, joint, intermediation, relaying, intermediary, relay,
agency, brokerage, mid-relief pitcher, middle reliever",Type the reading!,Image
十二日,じゅうににち,twelfth day of the month; twelve days,Type the reading!,Image
琉球,りゅうきゅう,"Ryukyu, chain of southwestern Japanese islands comprising Okinawa
Prefecture",Type the reading!,Image
中腹,ちゅうふく,"mountain side, halfway up",Type the reading!,Image
十一日,じゅういちにち,eleventh day of the month; eleven days,Type the reading!,Image
中越,ちゅうごし,over center field (centre),Type the reading!,Image
中退,ちゅうたい,leaving school during a term,Type the reading!,Image
中道,ちゅうどう,"middle of the road, moderation, golden mean, the middle (of what one
is doing), half-way, middle way, middle path",Type the reading!,Image
中部,ちゅうぶ,"center, centre, middle, heart, Chubu region (incl. Aichi, Nagano,
Shizuoka, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi and Gifu prefectures)",Type
the reading!,Image
中間,ちゅうかん,"middle, midway, interim",Type the reading!,Image
中隊,ちゅうたい,"company, battery, troop",Type the reading!,Image
中高,ちゅうこう,"middle and high school, medium and high (level)",Type the
丸まる,まるまる,"to become rounded, to roll into a ball",Type the reading!,Image
丸み,まるみ,"roundness, rotundity, mellowness, maturity",Type the reading!,Image
丸め込む,まるめこむ,"to coax, to seduce, to win over, to roll up and put in (to
something), to bundle up",Type the reading!,Image
丸刈り,まるがり,close clipping,Type the reading!,Image
丸太,まるた,log,Type the reading!,Image
丹,に,"red earth (i.e. containing cinnabar or minium), vermilion",Type the
十九日,じゅうくにち,"nineteenth day of the month; nineteen days; fool, simpleton",Type
the reading!,Image
主たる,しゅたる,"main, principal, major",Type the reading!,Image
主として,しゅとして,"mainly, chiefly, primarily, for the most part",Type the
主任,しゅにん,"person in charge, responsible official, senior staff",Type the
主体,しゅたい,"main constituent, core, nucleus, subject (philosophical),
protagonist",Type the reading!,Image
主体的,しゅたいてき,"independent, responsible, active, proactive, subjective",Type the
主力,しゅりょく,"main force, chief object, mainline",Type the reading!,Image
酷く,ひどく,"very much, terribly, badly, awfully, extremely",Type the reading!,Image
主審,しゅしん,chief umpire,Type the reading!,Image
主導権,しゅどうけん,"hegemony, leadership, initiative",Type the reading!,Image
主席,しゅせき,"head, chief, chairman, governor, president, top student, head of the
class, top seat, first desk (in orchestra)",Type the reading!,Image
主幹,しゅかん,"chief editor, managing editor, manager, person in charge",Type the
主戦,しゅせん,advocacy of war,Type the reading!,Image
主査,しゅさ,chief examiner or investigator,Type the reading!,Image
主権,しゅけん,"sovereignty, supremacy, dominion",Type the reading!,Image
主治医,しゅじい,"attending physician, physician in charge, (one's) family
doctor",Type the reading!,Image
主流,しゅりゅう,"mainstream, commonplace, main course (of a river), main stream",Type
the reading!,Image
主演,しゅえん,"starring, playing the leading part",Type the reading!,Image
主犯,しゅはん,"principal offence, principal offense, principal offender",Type the
主眼,しゅがん,main point,Type the reading!,Image
主砲,しゅほう,"main battery, main armament",Type the reading!,Image
主税局,しゅぜいきょく,(Japanese) Tax Bureau,Type the reading!,Image
主筆,しゅひつ,editor-in-chief,Type the reading!,Image
主管,しゅかん,"supervision, management, supervisor, manager",Type the reading!,Image
主義者,しゅぎしゃ,"advocate (of a theory or principle), ideologist, ideologue, -ist
(i.e. adherent to a belief system), socialist, communist, anarchist",Type the
主計,しゅけい,"paymaster, accountant",Type the reading!,Image
主計局,しゅけいきょく,budget bureau,Type the reading!,Image
七月,しちがつ,July; seventh month of the lunar calendar,Type the reading!,Image
主軸,しゅじく,"main spindle, main shaft, linchpin, pivot, principal axis, main
axis",Type the reading!,Image
主題,しゅだい,"subject, theme, motif",Type the reading!,Image
主食,しゅしょく,staple food,Type the reading!,Image
久々,ひさびさ,"(in a) long time, long time (ago), while (ago), long ago, long while
(ago), (in a) long while",Type the reading!,Image
数年前,すうねんまえ,"a few years ago, some years back",Type the reading!,Image
乗じる,じょうじる,"to take advantage of, to follow blindly, to multiply",Type the
乗ずる,じょうずる,"to take advantage of, to follow blindly, to multiply",Type the
乗っ取り,のっとり,"capture, takeover, hijack, skyjacking",Type the reading!,Image
乗っ取る,のっとる,"to take over, to capture, to seize, to commandeer, to occupy, to
usurp, to hijack (a vehicle)",Type the reading!,Image
乗り出す,のりいだす,"to set out, to set sail, to embark on (a new venture), to set out
(to achieve something), to begin to ride, to lean forward",Type the reading!,Image
乗り切る,のりきる,"to weather (a storm, rough seas), to ride across, to sail across,
to get through (adversity), to weather, to get over, to tide over, to overcome, to
survive, to load completely (e.g. books on a shelf, people or luggage in a
car)",Type the reading!,Image
乗り回す,のりまわす,"to drive (a car) around, to ride (a bicycle) around",Type the
乗り気,のりき,"interest, eagerness, enthusiasm",Type the reading!,Image
乗り越える,のりこえる,"to climb over, to get over, to ride across, to surmount, to
overcome, to surpass, to overtake",Type the reading!,Image
乗り越し,のりこし,riding past (one's station),Type the reading!,Image
乗り越す,のりこす,"to ride past (one's stop), to overshoot, to climb over, to get
over, to overtake (in a vehicle), to pass",Type the reading!,Image
乗り込む,のりこむ,"to board, to embark on, to get into (a car), to man (a ship), to
help (someone) into, to march into, to enter",Type the reading!,Image
乗り遅れる,のりおくれる,"to miss (train, bus, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
乗り降り,のりおり,"getting on and off (a vehicle), boarding and alighting",Type the
乗務員,じょうむいん,"crew member, crewman",Type the reading!,Image
乗員,じょういん,crew,Type the reading!,Image
四時,よじ,four o'clock,Type the reading!,Image
いっその事,いっそのこと,"rather, sooner, preferably",Type the reading!,Image
その辺,そのへん,"around there, near there; or thereabouts, or so; such a matter, such
a thing",Type the reading!,Image
事がない,ことがない,"(something) has never occurred, to have never done (something),
such a thing has not happened; never happens, there is never a time when",Type the
嗚呼嗚呼,ああああ,"aaah!, oooh!, oh no!, oh boy!",Type the reading!,Image
乗用車,じょうようしゃ,"passenger vehicle, automobile",Type the reading!,Image
乗組員,のりくみいん,crew,Type the reading!,Image
三月,さんがつ,March; third month of the lunar calendar,Type the reading!,Image
小さい頃,ちいさいころ,"as a child, when one was a child",Type the reading!,Image
乗車券,じょうしゃけん,passenger ticket,Type the reading!,Image
乗降,じょうこう,"getting on and off, embarking and disembarking",Type the
乗馬,じょうば,"horse riding, riding horse, saddle horse",Type the reading!,Image
九月,くがつ,September; ninth month of the lunar calendar,Type the reading!,Image
有って無い,あってない,"lacking in some desired property (size, usefulness, etc.)",Type
the reading!,Image
ないと行けない,ないといけない,"have to (verb), must (verb); is indispensable,
absolutely necessary",Type the reading!,Image
九重,ここのえ,"ninefold, imperial palace, the Court",Type the reading!,Image
乞食,こつじき,"beggar, begging",Type the reading!,Image
乱れ,みだれ,"disorder, disturbance, unrest",Type the reading!,Image
乱売,らんばい,"underselling, panic selling",Type the reading!,Image
乱獲,らんかく,"excessive fishing, overfishing, overhunting, excessive taking",Type
the reading!,Image
乱用,らんよう,"abuse, misuse, misappropriation, using to excess",Type the
乱発,らんぱつ,"random firing, reckless firing, excessive issue",Type the
乱立,らんりつ,"standing together in a disorderly fashion, standing close around,
crowding together, flooding in (applicants, election candidates, etc.)",Type the
乱調,らんちょう,confusion,Type the reading!,Image
乱闘,らんとう,"fray, fighting, brawling, scuffle",Type the reading!,Image
乱雑,らんざつ,"clutter, disorder, promiscuity, affray, confusion, muddle",Type the
乳児,にゅうじ,"infant (below 1 years old), suckling baby",Type the reading!,Image
乳幼児,にゅうようじ,"infants, babies",Type the reading!,Image
乳房,ちぶさ,"breast, nipple, udder",Type the reading!,Image
十五日,じゅうごにち,fifteenth day of the month; fifteen days,Type the reading!,Image
乳製品,にゅうせいひん,dairy products,Type the reading!,Image
一対一,いちたいいち,"one-to-one, one-on-one",Type the reading!,Image
乾物,かんぶつ,"dry provisions, dried food, dried goods, groceries",Type the
亀裂,きれつ,"crack, crevice, fissure, chap, rift",Type the reading!,Image
了,りょう,"finish, completion, understanding",Type the reading!,Image
予備校,よびこう,prep school (ronin year),Type the reading!,Image
予備費,よびひ,"reserve funds, emergency funds",Type the reading!,Image
予想外,よそうがい,"unexpected, unforeseen, strange",Type the reading!,Image
予感,よかん,"presentiment, premonition, hunch, to have a premonition, to have a
hunch",Type the reading!,Image
予断,よだん,"guessing, prediction, conclusion",Type the reading!,Image
予期せぬ,よきせぬ,"unexpected, unforeseen",Type the reading!,Image
予知,よち,"foresight, foreknowledge, intimation, premonition, prediction",Type the
予選,よせん,"preliminary contest, qualifying round, trial, heat, primary",Type the
予防接種,よぼうせっしゅ,"immunization, immunisation, vaccination, inoculation",Type
the reading!,Image
争奪,そうだつ,"struggle, contest",Type the reading!,Image
争点,そうてん,point at issue,Type the reading!,Image
争議,そうぎ,"dispute, quarrel, strike",Type the reading!,Image
事例,じれい,"example, precedent, case",Type the reading!,Image
事例集,じれいしゅう,"collection of cases, collection of instances",Type the
事前,じぜん,"prior, beforehand, in advance, before the fact, ex ante",Type the
事務員,じむいん,"clerk, office worker, office staff",Type the reading!,Image
事務官,じむかん,"administrative official, secretary, commissioner",Type the
事務室,じむしつ,office,Type the reading!,Image
事務局,じむきょく,"secretariat, executive office",Type the reading!,Image
事務当局,じむとうきょく,officials in charge,Type the reading!,Image
事務次官,じむじかん,"permanent vice-president, undersecretary, vice-minister",Type the
事務的,じむてき,"businesslike, practical",Type the reading!,Image
事実上,じじつじょう,"(as a) matter of fact, actually, in reality",Type the
事実無根,じじつむこん,"groundless, entirely contrary to fact",Type the reading!,Image
事後,じご,"after-, post-, ex-, after the fact, ex post",Type the reading!,Image
事業,じぎょう,"project, enterprise, business, industry, operations, venture, service,
act, deed, conduct",Type the reading!,Image
事業所,じぎょうしょ,"plant, enterprise place, office",Type the reading!,Image
為れる,される,"to be done (to someone); to do, to be doing",Type the reading!,Image
事象,じしょう,"event, phenomenon, matter",Type the reading!,Image
エックス線,エックスせん,X-ray,Type the reading!,Image
二つ目,ふたつめ,"one after next, second",Type the reading!,Image
二の次,にのつぎ,"secondary, subordinate",Type the reading!,Image
二七日,ふたなぬか,second week's memorial services,Type the reading!,Image
二人とも,ふたりとも,both (people),Type the reading!,Image
二人三脚,ににんさんきゃく,"three-legged race, cooperation with singleness of purpose
(e.g. between companies), operating in tandem",Type the reading!,Image
二人前,ふたりまえ,"for two people, (work) of two, (meals) for two",Type the
二分,にぶん,"halving, bisection, the two equinoxes (vernal and autumnal)",Type the
二割,にわり,20 percent,Type the reading!,Image
事により,ことにより,"by (means of), by doing, due to, via, through",Type the
二十世紀,にじっせいき,twentieth century,Type the reading!,Image
二十四時間制,にじゅうよじかんせい,around-the-clock system,Type the reading!,Image
二号,にごう,"number two, mistress, concubine",Type the reading!,Image
二塁,にるい,second base,Type the reading!,Image
二塁手,にるいしゅ,second baseman,Type the reading!,Image
二塁打,にるいだ,"two-base hit, double",Type the reading!,Image
二宮,にぐう,the Two Ise Shrines,Type the reading!,Image
二度,にど,"two times, twice, two degrees",Type the reading!,Image
二度と,にどと,never again (with negative verb),Type the reading!,Image
二度寝,にどね,going back to sleep (e.g. after waking up in the morning),Type the
色々あって,いろいろあって,"what with this and that, for a number of reasons",Type the
二期,にき,two periods or terms,Type the reading!,Image
二本立て,にほんだて,double feature (movie),Type the reading!,Image
二枚,にまい,two sheets (pieces) (of paper),Type the reading!,Image
二枚目,にまいめ,"handsome man, actor in a love scene",Type the reading!,Image
無くてはいけない,なくてはいけない,"cannot do without something, indispensable,
absolutely necessary; have to do",Type the reading!,Image
二次,にじ,"secondary, subordinate",Type the reading!,Image
二死,にし,"two out, two down (and one to go)",Type the reading!,Image
二流,にりゅう,"second-rate, inferior",Type the reading!,Image
菅,すげ,"sedge (Cyperaceae spp., esp. members of genus Carex)",Type the
二百二十日,にひゃくはつか,"220th day, end of the storm period",Type the reading!,Image
二百十日,にひゃくとおか,"210th day (from the first day of spring according to the
lunar calendar), the storm day",Type the reading!,Image
二者択一,にしゃたくいつ,"two alternatives, selecting an option (from two
alternatives)",Type the reading!,Image
二見,ふたみ,"forked (road, river)",Type the reading!,Image
二軍,にぐん,second string players,Type the reading!,Image
二輪車,にりんしゃ,"two-wheeled vehicle (bicycle, motorcycle, etc.)",Type the
二部,にぶ,"two parts, two copies, the second part",Type the reading!,Image
無さそう,なさそう,"does not seem, unlikely, improbable",Type the reading!,Image
二院,にいん,the two houses of legislature,Type the reading!,Image
互いに,たがいに,"mutually, with each other, reciprocally, together",Type the
互助,ごじょ,"mutual aid, cooperation, benefit",Type the reading!,Image
互換,ごかん,"interchange, transposition, compatible (e.g. PC)",Type the
互角,ごかく,"equality, evenness, par, good match",Type the reading!,Image
訳じゃない,わけじゃない,"it does not mean that ..., I don't mean that ..., it is not
the case that",Type the reading!,Image
この内,このうち,"among these, between these, of these; in here, in this",Type the
五分,ごぶ,"half, 50%, tie, evenness, 5 parts, 5%",Type the reading!,Image
爺さん,じいさん,grandfather (may be used after name as honorific); male senior-
citizen (may be used after name as honorific),Type the reading!,Image
五十三次,ごじゅうさんつぎ,the 53 Toukaidou stages,Type the reading!,Image
五十音,ごじゅうおん,the Japanese syllabary,Type the reading!,Image
是非是非,ぜひぜひ,"certainly, by all means",Type the reading!,Image
五輪,ごりん,"Olympic rings, Olympics",Type the reading!,Image
亜熱帯,あねったい,subtropics,Type the reading!,Image
亜鉛,あえん,zinc (Zn),Type the reading!,Image
亡命,ぼうめい,"flight from one's country, seeking asylum, defection, emigration (for
political reasons), (going into) exile, becoming a (political) refugee",Type the
事にする,ことにする,"to decide to; to pretend that; to make a practice of doing, to
make it a rule to",Type the reading!,Image
何処にもない,どこにもない,nowhere,Type the reading!,Image
亡骸,なきがら,"remains, corpse, (dead) body",Type the reading!,Image
お家,おうち,"your home, your family, their home, their family; (my) home",Type the
交じり,まじり,"mixed, mingled",Type the reading!,Image
何方か,どなたか,someone,Type the reading!,Image
その内に,そのうちに,"before very long, soon, someday, one of these days, sooner or
later",Type the reading!,Image
交わす,かわす,"to exchange (messages, greetings, arguments, etc.), to intersect, to
cross, to interlace, ... with one another, ... to each other",Type the
交代,こうたい,"alternation, change, relief, relay, shift, substitution (sports,
etc.), taking turns",Type the reading!,Image
交信,こうしん,"telecommunications, correspondence",Type the reading!,Image
交友,こうゆう,"friend, companion, acquaintance, friendship, companionship",Type the
交戦,こうせん,"war, battle, hostilities",Type the reading!,Image
為さい,なさい,do ...,Type the reading!,Image
交通事故,こうつうじこ,traffic accident,Type the reading!,Image
交通費,こうつうひ,"traveling expenses, travelling expenses, carfare",Type the
数分,すうふん,"several minutes, a few minutes",Type the reading!,Image
交際費,こうさいひ,entertainment expenses,Type the reading!,Image
交響曲,こうきょうきょく,symphony,Type the reading!,Image
交響楽,こうきょうがく,symphony (orchestra),Type the reading!,Image
京,きょう,"imperial capital (esp. Kyoto), final word of an iroha-uta, 10^16,
10,000,000,000,000,000, ten quadrillion",Type the reading!,Image
京阪,けいはん,Kyoto-Osaka,Type the reading!,Image
亭主,ていしゅ,"household head, master, host (e.g. of a tea gathering), innkeeper,
owner (e.g. of an hotel), husband",Type the reading!,Image
人ごみ,ひとごみ,crowd of people,Type the reading!,Image
人たち,ひとたち,people,Type the reading!,Image
人だかり,ひとだかり,"crowd, throng",Type the reading!,Image
人一倍,ひといちばい,"more than others, exceedingly, redoubled, exceptional",Type the
人並み,ひとなみ,"being average (capacity, looks, standard of living), ordinary",Type
the reading!,Image
人中,ひとなか,"society, company, the public, the world",Type the reading!,Image
人事,たにんごと,"personnel affairs, human affairs, human resources, HR /, other
people's affairs, somebody else's problem",Type the reading!,Image
人事異動,じんじいどう,"personnel change, personnel shift, reshuffle, (annual) staff
reassignment",Type the reading!,Image
人事院,じんじいん,National Personnel Authority,Type the reading!,Image
人件費,じんけんひ,"personnel expenses, labor cost, labour cost, indirect labour
costs, indirect labor costs",Type the reading!,Image
人体,じんたい,human body,Type the reading!,Image
人出,ひとで,"crowd, turnout",Type the reading!,Image
人前,ひとまえ,"portion of food /, the public, company",Type the reading!,Image
路線図,ろせんず,"route map (buses, trains, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
人名,じんめい,person's name,Type the reading!,Image
人員,じんいん,"number of persons, personnel",Type the reading!,Image
人妻,ひとづま,"married woman, another's wife",Type the reading!,Image
人工呼吸,じんこうこきゅう,artificial respiration,Type the reading!,Image
人工的,じんこうてき,"artificial, unnatural",Type the reading!,Image
人工衛星,じんこうえいせい,man-made satellite,Type the reading!,Image
人影,じんえい,"figure of a person, figures of people, shadow of a person",Type the
人心,ひとごころ,"human nature, human heart, human spirit, kindness, sympathy",Type
the reading!,Image
人文,じんぶん,"humanity, civilization, civilisation, culture",Type the reading!,Image
人権擁護,じんけんようご,protection of human rights,Type the reading!,Image
人民戦線,じんみんせんせん,popular front,Type the reading!,Image
人気者,にんきもの,"popular person, favorite, favourite",Type the reading!,Image
人為,じんい,"human work, human agency, art, artificiality",Type the reading!,Image
人為的,じんいてき,"artificial, unnatural",Type the reading!,Image
人生観,じんせいかん,view of life,Type the reading!,Image
人的,じんてき,"human, personal",Type the reading!,Image
人相,にんそう,"looks, countenance, facial features, physiognomy",Type the
人見知り,ひとみしり,"shyness, fear of strangers, stranger anxiety",Type the
人道,じんどう,"humanity, sidewalk, footpath, human realm",Type the reading!,Image
人道主義,じんどうしゅぎ,"humanism, humanitarianism",Type the reading!,Image
人道的,じんどうてき,humane,Type the reading!,Image
許りか,ばかりか,not only,Type the reading!,Image
人選,じんせん,personnel selection,Type the reading!,Image
人間ドック,にんげんどっく,"medical check-up, thorough physical examination",Type the
人間像,にんげんぞう,image of (an ideal) person,Type the reading!,Image
人間国宝,にんげんこくほう,living national treasure,Type the reading!,Image
人間性,にんげんせい,"humanity, human nature",Type the reading!,Image
人間的,にんげんてき,"human, human-like, as a person",Type the reading!,Image
人間関係,にんげんかんけい,human relations,Type the reading!,Image
人骨,じんこつ,human bones,Type the reading!,Image
何処にも,どこにも,"nowhere (with neg. verb), not anywhere; everywhere, anywhere,
anyplace",Type the reading!,Image
少,しょう,"small, little, few",Type the reading!,Image
浜松,はままつ,Hamamatsu (city),Type the reading!,Image
今に,いまに,"before long, even now",Type the reading!,Image
今にも,いまにも,"at any time, soon",Type the reading!,Image
今や,いまや,"now (esp. in contrast to the past), now at last, at present, right
now",Type the reading!,Image
今夏,こんか,"this summer, next summer, last summer",Type the reading!,Image
今季,こんき,this season,Type the reading!,Image
今年度,こんねんど,"this year, this fiscal year, this school year",Type the
今日この頃,きょうこのごろ,"these days, nowadays, recently",Type the reading!,Image
今日的,こんにちてき,"modern, up-to-date",Type the reading!,Image
新潟,にいがた,"Niigata (city, prefecture)",Type the reading!,Image
今春,こんしゅん,"this spring, spring this year",Type the reading!,Image
今晩,こんばん,"tonight, this evening",Type the reading!,Image
今期,こんき,the present term,Type the reading!,Image
今秋,こんしゅう,"this (next, last) autumn (fall)",Type the reading!,Image
今頃,いまごろ,about this time,Type the reading!,Image
介助,かいじょ,"help, assistance, aid, to assist, to help, to aid",Type the
介在,かいざい,"mediation, interposition, intervention",Type the reading!,Image
仏文,ふつぶん,"French, French writing, French literature",Type the reading!,Image
仏語,ふつご,French (language),Type the reading!,Image
静岡,しずおか,"Shizuoka (city, prefecture)",Type the reading!,Image
仕上がり,しあがり,"finish, end, completion",Type the reading!,Image
仕上げ,しあげ,"end, finishing touches, being finished",Type the reading!,Image
仕上げる,しあげる,"to finish up, to complete, to finish off, to get through, to
polish off",Type the reading!,Image
仕事中,しごとちゅう,"at work, in the midst of work, working",Type the reading!,Image
仕事場,しごとば,"place where one works, construction site, working area",Type the
仕事始め,しごとはじめ,"resuming work after the New Year's vacation, first time that
one works in the year",Type the reading!,Image
仕入れ,しいれ,"stocking, buying up",Type the reading!,Image
仕入れる,しいれる,"to lay in stock, to replenish stock, to procure, to learn
something that might be useful later",Type the reading!,Image
仕出し,しだし,"catering, shipment",Type the reading!,Image
仕切り,しきり,"partition, division, boundary, compartment, settlement of accounts,
preliminary warm-up ritual, toeing the mark, directing, controlling, managing,
taking responsibility for",Type the reading!,Image
仕掛け,しかけ,"device, contrivance, mechanism, gadget, trick, trap, calculated
manipulation, gambit, (small) scale, half finished, commencement, initiation, set
up, laying out, preparation, challenge, attack",Type the reading!,Image
仕掛ける,しかける,"to start, to begin, to commence, to challenge, to pick (a fight),
to make (war), to set (traps), to plant (explosives), to lay (mines)",Type the
仕方ない,しかたない,"it can't be helped, it's inevitable, it's no use, can't stand it,
impatient, annoyed",Type the reading!,Image
仕業,しわざ,"deed (esp. negative), act, action, one's doing",Type the reading!,Image
仕立て,したて,"tailoring, dressmaking, sewing, making, preparation",Type the
仕立てる,したてる,"to tailor, to make (clothing), to train, to bring up, to make it
seem like, to pass off, to turn into a play or movie, to prepare, to send, to
despatch",Type the reading!,Image
仕組み,しくみ,"structure, construction, arrangement, contrivance, mechanism,
workings, plan, plot, contrivance",Type the reading!,Image
仕込み,しこみ,"training, education, upbringing, stocking up, laying in, preparation
(e.g. ingredients), girl studying to become a geisha",Type the reading!,Image
仕送り,しおくり,"allowance, remittance, sending (someone) an allowance",Type the
他に,ほかに,"in addition, besides",Type the reading!,Image
埼玉,さいたま,"Saitama (city, prefecture)",Type the reading!,Image
他国,たこく,"foreign country, other country, another province, strange land, alien
land",Type the reading!,Image
他方,たほう,"one (esp. of two), the other, one way, the other way, one direction,
the other direction, one side, the other side, one party, the other party, on the
other hand",Type the reading!,Image
他殺,たさつ,murder,Type the reading!,Image
他派,たは,the other group,Type the reading!,Image
他社,たしゃ,"another company, other company",Type the reading!,Image
他者,たしゃ,"another person, others",Type the reading!,Image
他面,ためん,"other side, another side, different angle, on the other hand",Type the
付き合う,つきあう,"to associate with, to keep company with, to go out with, to go
steady with, to get on with, to go along with, to follow someone's lead, to
accompany someone, to compromise",Type the reading!,Image
付き添い,つきそい,"attendance on, attendant, escort, chaperon, retinue",Type the
付け加える,つけくわえる,to add one thing to another,Type the reading!,Image
付け根,つけね,"root, joint, base, crotch",Type the reading!,Image
付け足す,つけたす,to add to,Type the reading!,Image
付け込む,つけこむ,"to take advantage of, to impose on, to make an entry (in an
account book)",Type the reading!,Image
付与,ふよ,"grant, allowance, endowment, bestowal, assignment, conferment",Type the
付加,ふか,"addition, annexation, appendage",Type the reading!,Image
付帯,ふたい,"incidental, ancillary, accessory, secondary, collateral",Type the
付着,ふちゃく,"sticking to, clinging to, adhesion, cohesion, agglutination",Type the
札幌,さっぽろ,Sapporo (city in Hokkaido),Type the reading!,Image
代々,よよ,"for generations, hereditary, generation after generation",Type the
福岡,ふくおか,"Fukuoka (city, prefecture)",Type the reading!,Image
代人,だいにん,"substitute, deputy, proxy, representative, agent",Type the
北九州,きたきゅうしゅう,Kitakyushu (city),Type the reading!,Image
代償,だいしょう,"compensation, indemnification, reparation, consideration",Type the
代官,だいかん,"Edo-period prefectural governor (magistrate, bailiff)",Type the
代役,だいやく,"substitute (e.g. actor), substitution, stand-in, double",Type the
代打,だいだ,pinch-hitting,Type the reading!,Image
代替,だいたい,"substitution, alternation, alternative, substitute",Type the
代理店,だいりてん,"agent, agency",Type the reading!,Image
代行,だいこう,acting as agent,Type the reading!,Image
代表作,だいひょうさく,"most important work (of a writer, artist, etc.), representative
work, masterpiece",Type the reading!,Image
代表的,だいひょうてき,"representative, exemplary, model",Type the reading!,Image
代謝,たいしゃ,"renewal, regeneration, metabolism",Type the reading!,Image
代議,だいぎ,representing others in a conference,Type the reading!,Image
代議士,だいぎし,"parliamentarian, member of a congress",Type the reading!,Image
令,れい,"command, order, dictation",Type the reading!,Image
令状,れいじょう,"warrant, summons, written order",Type the reading!,Image
仮処分,かりしょぶん,"provisional disposition, temporary injunction",Type the
仮想,かそう,"imagination, supposition, virtual, potential (enemy)",Type the
仮設,かせつ,"temporary, provisional, to do something temporarily (esp. build
temporary facilities), to do something provisionally",Type the reading!,Image
仮題,かだい,tentative title,Type the reading!,Image
仰向け,あおむけ,face up,Type the reading!,Image
方が良い,ほうがよい,had better ...; had better not ...,Type the reading!,Image
仲介,ちゅうかい,"agency, intermediation",Type the reading!,Image
仲裁,ちゅうさい,"arbitration, intercession, mediation",Type the reading!,Image
仲買,なかがい,brokerage,Type the reading!,Image
仲間入り,なかまいり,joining a group,Type the reading!,Image
件,けん,"matter, case, item, affair, subject",Type the reading!,Image
件数,けんすう,"number of events (e.g. accidents, crimes, meetings, housing starts,
hits on a web page)",Type the reading!,Image
任,にん,"obligation, duty, charge, responsibility",Type the reading!,Image
任す,まかす,"to entrust, to leave to a person",Type the reading!,Image
任期,にんき,term of office,Type the reading!,Image
企み,たくらみ,"plan, design, artifice, trick, intrigue",Type the reading!,Image
企業家,きぎょうか,"industrialist, entrepreneur",Type the reading!,Image
企画室,きかくしつ,planning office,Type the reading!,Image
休する,きゅうする,"to come to an end, to rest",Type the reading!,Image
休まる,やすまる,"to be rested, to feel at ease, to repose, to be relieved",Type the
休める,やすめる,"to rest, to suspend, to give relief",Type the reading!,Image
休刊,きゅうかん,suspension of publication,Type the reading!,Image
休場,きゅうじょう,"theater closure, theatre closure, stage absence, wrestler's
absence from the tournament",Type the reading!,Image
休戦,きゅうせん,"cease-fire, truce, armistice",Type the reading!,Image
休校,きゅうこう,"closing school (temporarily), dropping one's studies",Type the
休業,きゅうぎょう,"closed (e.g. store), business suspended, shutdown, holiday",Type
the reading!,Image
休職,きゅうしょく,"temporary retirement, suspension from office",Type the
休館,きゅうかん,"closure (of a library, museum, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
然う,そう,"in that way, thus, such; so; so?",Type the reading!,Image
会堂,かいどう,"church, chapel, synagogue, tabernacle",Type the reading!,Image
会報,かいほう,"bulletin, report",Type the reading!,Image
会心,かいしん,"congeniality, satisfaction",Type the reading!,Image
会期,かいき,session (of a legislature),Type the reading!,Image
会社更生法,かいしゃこうせいほう,Corporate Rehabilitation Law,Type the reading!,Image
会見,かいけん,"interview, audience",Type the reading!,Image
会計年度,かいけいねんど,fiscal year,Type the reading!,Image
会計検査院,かいけいけんさいん,Board of Audit,Type the reading!,Image
会談,かいだん,"conversation, conference (usu. between important people), discussion,
interview",Type the reading!,Image
会費,かいひ,membership fee,Type the reading!,Image
会長,かいちょう,"president (of a society), chairman",Type the reading!,Image
会頭,かいとう,society president,Type the reading!,Image
会食,かいしょく,"dining together, mess",Type the reading!,Image
伝う,つたう,"to go along, to walk along, to follow",Type the reading!,Image
伝承,でんしょう,"handing down (information), legend, tradition, folklore,
transmission",Type the reading!,Image
伝票,でんぴょう,"chit, sales slip, voucher",Type the reading!,Image
伝統文化,でんとうぶんか,traditional culture,Type the reading!,Image
伝送,でんそう,"transmission, communication, circulation, dissemination, diffusion,
propagation, delivery",Type the reading!,Image
伝道,でんどう,"proselytizing, evangelism, missionary work",Type the reading!,Image
大っきい,おっきい,"big, large, great",Type the reading!,Image
と言うことはない,ということはない,"it is not possible (to, that), there is no such thing
as",Type the reading!,Image
と言っても,といっても,"although I say, although one might say, although called",Type
the reading!,Image
伯爵,はくしゃく,"count, earl",Type the reading!,Image
乍らも,ながらも,"though, notwithstanding, although",Type the reading!,Image
無しには,なしには,without,Type the reading!,Image
伴奏,ばんそう,(musical) accompaniment,Type the reading!,Image
伸し,のし,"stretching, sidestroke (in swimming)",Type the reading!,Image
伸び,のび,"growth, development, stretching (e.g. body when waking up), spread,
elongation, extension, carry (e.g. of sound), sustain",Type the reading!,Image
伸びやか,のびやか,"comfortable, carefree",Type the reading!,Image
伸び悩む,のびなやむ,"to be sluggish (business), to make little progress, to not grow
as much as expected",Type the reading!,Image
伸び率,のびりつ,"growth rate, coefficient of extension",Type the reading!,Image
とは言うものの,とはいうものの,"having said that, be that as it may",Type the
似せる,にせる,"to copy, to imitate, to counterfeit, to forge",Type the reading!,Image
似合い,にあい,"well-matched, becoming, suitable",Type the reading!,Image
似顔,にがお,"portrait, likeness",Type the reading!,Image
似顔絵,にがおえ,"portrait, likeness",Type the reading!,Image
佃,つくだ,cultivated rice field,Type the reading!,Image
位,くらい,"throne, crown, (nobleman's) seat, government position, court rank, social
standing, rank, class, echelon, rung, grade (of quality, etc.), level, tier, rank,
digit (e.g. the tens, the hundreds, etc.), place, degree, extent, amount /, rank,
place (e.g. first place), decimal place, counter for ghosts",Type the
位置付け,いちづけ,"placement, fixed position, mapping out, location",Type the
位置付ける,いちづける,"to place (in relation to the whole), to rank, to position, to
locate",Type the reading!,Image
低める,ひくめる,"to lower, to be lowered",Type the reading!,Image
低価格,ていかかく,low price,Type the reading!,Image
低利,ていり,low interest rate,Type the reading!,Image
低学年,ていがくねん,"lower grades of primary school (first, second, and sometimes
third grades)",Type the reading!,Image
低料金,ていりょうきん,low rates,Type the reading!,Image
低気圧,ていきあつ,"low (atmospheric) pressure, low-pressure system, depression,
cyclone, bad temper, foul mood, tense situation",Type the reading!,Image
低水準,ていすいじゅん,"substandard, low-level",Type the reading!,Image
低減,ていげん,"decrease, reduction, fall, depreciation, mitigation",Type the
低温,ていおん,low temperature,Type the reading!,Image
低落,ていらく,"fall, decline, slump",Type the reading!,Image
低調,ていちょう,"inactive, slow, sluggish, slack, low tone, undertone, dullness,
(market) weakness",Type the reading!,Image
低迷,ていめい,"hanging low (over), hovering around (price level), low hanging (e.g.
clouds), sluggish (e.g. economy), slump, recession",Type the reading!,Image
低音,ていおん,"low tone, bass, low voice",Type the reading!,Image
住,じゅう,"dwelling, living",Type the reading!,Image
住まい,すまい,"dwelling, house, residence, address",Type the reading!,Image
お節,おせち,food served during the New Year's Holidays,Type the reading!,Image
住み心地,すみごこち,comfort (in living place),Type the reading!,Image
住宅地,じゅうたくち,"housing district, residential district",Type the reading!,Image
住宅街,じゅうたくがい,residential area,Type the reading!,Image
住専,じゅうせん,housing-loan corporation,Type the reading!,Image
住民票,じゅうみんひょう,certificate of residence,Type the reading!,Image
住民税,じゅうみんぜい,municipal tax,Type the reading!,Image
住職,じゅうしょく,chief priest (of a Buddhist temple),Type the reading!,Image
体つき,からだつき,"body build, figure",Type the reading!,Image
電源開発,でんげんかいはつ,development of electrical power resources,Type the
体勢,たいせい,"posture, stance",Type the reading!,Image
体型,たいけい,"figure, body shape, build, physique, form, somatotype, biotype,
habitus, (type of) physique",Type the reading!,Image
体外受精,たいがいじゅせい,"in vitro fertilization, in vitro fertilisation",Type the
お持て成し,おもてなし,"hospitality, reception, treatment, service, entertainment;
(light) refreshment, entertaining with food and drink, treat",Type the
体得,たいとく,"mastery, knack, realization, realisation, experience,
comprehension",Type the reading!,Image
体感,たいかん,"bodily sensation, sense, experience",Type the reading!,Image
体格,たいかく,"physique, constitution",Type the reading!,Image
体温計,たいおんけい,medical thermometer,Type the reading!,Image
体罰,たいばつ,corporal punishment,Type the reading!,Image
体育館,たいいくかん,gymnasium,Type the reading!,Image
体調,たいちょう,physical condition,Type the reading!,Image
体質,たいしつ,"constitution (physical), genetic make-up, predisposition (to disease),
structure (e.g. of an organization), innate characteristics, make-up, nature,
culture",Type the reading!,Image
体長,たいちょう,length of an animal (sometimes including and sometimes excluding the
tail),Type the reading!,Image
何か,なんか,something,Type the reading!,Image
何かと,なにかと,one way or another,Type the reading!,Image
何と,なんと,"what, how, whatever",Type the reading!,Image
あり得ない,ありえない,"impossible, unlikely, improbable",Type the reading!,Image
何とも,なんとも,"quite, really, very, extremely, nothing, not a bit, not at all",Type
the reading!,Image
何とも言えない,なんともいえない,"indescribable, inexpressible, unspeakable, indefinable,
nobody can tell",Type the reading!,Image
何なのか,なんなのか,"what is it (that), the meaning of something, what something is
about",Type the reading!,Image
何にも,なんにも,nothing at all,Type the reading!,Image
何も,なにも,"""nothing (with neg. verbs), not any, and everything else (with noun
plus """"mo""""), all""",Type the reading!,Image
何より,なにより,"most, best, above all",Type the reading!,Image
何ら,なんら,"whatever, what, what sort of, any kind of, nothing whatever (with neg.
verb)",Type the reading!,Image
何を隠そう,なにをかくそう,"to be frank with you, to tell you the truth, I'm going to
lay my cards on the table",Type the reading!,Image
何事,なにごと,"what, something, everything, nothing (with neg. verb), something or
other, unspecified matter",Type the reading!,Image
何人か,なんにんか,"some people, a few people, several people",Type the reading!,Image
何分,なにぶん,"some, any, (a) little, of some kind, of some sort, please, anyway,
anyhow, at any rate, after all",Type the reading!,Image
何十,なんじゅう,several tens,Type the reading!,Image
何卒,なにとぞ,"please, kindly, I beg of you, if it pleases you, by all means, without
fail",Type the reading!,Image
何度でも,なんどでも,any number of times,Type the reading!,Image
その様,そのよう,"that kind of, of the sort, of the kind, such",Type the
何時に無く,いつになく,"unusually, unwontedly, uncharacteristically",Type the
何気なく,なにげなく,"unintentionally, calmly, inadvertently, innocently",Type the
一番上,いちばんうえ,topmost,Type the reading!,Image
何百,なんびゃく,hundreds,Type the reading!,Image
何者,なにもの,"who, what kind of person",Type the reading!,Image
余す,あます,"to save, to leave over, to spare",Type the reading!,Image
余人,よじん,"others, other people",Type the reading!,Image
余儀ない,よぎない,"unavoidable, inevitable, beyond one's control",Type the
余儀なく,よぎなく,"unavoidably, necessarily, inevitably",Type the reading!,Image
余力,よりょく,"spare energy, time or money, remaining strength, reserve power, money
to spare",Type the reading!,Image
余命,よめい,"remainder of one's life, one's remaining years",Type the reading!,Image
余念,よねん,another idea,Type the reading!,Image
余波,よは,"waves that remain after the wind has subsided, after-effect,
aftermath",Type the reading!,Image
余談,よだん,"digression, sequel (of a story)",Type the reading!,Image
余韻,よいん,"reverberation, swelling (of a hymn), trailing note, lingering memory,
aftertaste, suggestiveness (of a book, poem, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
作,さく,"work (e.g. of art), production, harvest, cultivation, farming, crop, yield,
technique",Type the reading!,Image
作り,つくり,"making, producing, manufacturing, building, construction, make,
structure, appearance (i.e. attire, make-up), build (i.e. physique), sashimi,
forced (smile, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
作り上げる,つくりあげる,"to make up, to fabricate, to build up, to complete, to
construct",Type the reading!,Image
作り出す,つくりだす,"to manufacture, to produce, to raise (crops), to invent, to dream
up, to create",Type the reading!,Image
作り笑い,つくりわらい,"forced laugh, forced smile",Type the reading!,Image
作り話,つくりばなし,"fiction, made-up story, fable, fabrication, myth",Type the
作付け,さくつけ,planting,Type the reading!,Image
作付面積,さくづけめんせき,planted area,Type the reading!,Image
作柄,さくがら,"crop conditions, quality (of art)",Type the reading!,Image
作業環境,さぎょうかんきょう,work environment,Type the reading!,Image
作況指数,さっきょうしすう,rice-crop index,Type the reading!,Image
作詞,さくし,(writing) song lyrics,Type the reading!,Image
作風,さくふう,literary style,Type the reading!,Image
今週末,こんしゅうまつ,this weekend,Type the reading!,Image
電源ケーブル,でんげんけいぶる,"power cable, power lead",Type the reading!,Image
併用,へいよう,"using together (jointly), used at the same time",Type the
無くてはならない,なくてはならない,"cannot do without something, indispensable,
absolutely necessary; have to do",Type the reading!,Image
併設,へいせつ,"joint establishment (esp. schools of different levels or different
courses of study), establishment as an annex (e.g. of a school), juxtaposition,
placing side by side",Type the reading!,Image
使い,つかい,"errand, mission, going as envoy, messenger, bearer, errand boy, errand
girl, familiar spirit, use, usage, user, trainer, tamer, charmer",Type the
使い分け,つかいわけ,"proper use, using (different things) for different purposes",Type
the reading!,Image
使い道,つかいみち,"purpose, utility, objective, way to use something",Type the
使命,しめい,"mission, errand, task, duty, obligation",Type the reading!,Image
までも無い,までもない,"doesn't amount to doing (something), not significant enough to
require (something), unnecessary",Type the reading!,Image
使用人,しようにん,"employee, servant",Type the reading!,Image
使用料,しようりょう,"rent, hire",Type the reading!,Image
使用済み,しようずみ,"already finished being used, second-hand, no longer used",Type
the reading!,Image
使用者,しようしゃ,"user, consumer, employer",Type the reading!,Image
使節,しせつ,"envoy, embassy, mission, delegate",Type the reading!,Image
使者,ししゃ,"messenger, envoy, emissary",Type the reading!,Image
使途,しと,"purpose for which money is spent, the way money is spent, how goods are
used",Type the reading!,Image
例え,たとえ,"example, simile, metaphor, allegory, fable, parable",Type the
例会,れいかい,regular meeting,Type the reading!,Image
例外的,れいがいてき,exceptional,Type the reading!,Image
例年,れいねん,"average (normal, ordinary) year, every year, annually",Type the
例題,れいだい,"example, exercise (for the reader)",Type the reading!,Image
でも無い,でもない,it is not (like that) either,Type the reading!,Image
こいつ等,こいつら,"these guys, these fellows",Type the reading!,Image
侍従,じじゅう,chamberlain,Type the reading!,Image
供,とも,"companion, follower, attendant, retinue",Type the reading!,Image
供与,きょうよ,"giving, provision, furnishing",Type the reading!,Image
売れ筋,うれすじ,"popular line (of products), best-selling line, hot sellers",Type the
行ってらっしゃい,いってらっしゃい,"have a good day, take care, see you",Type the
供述,きょうじゅつ,"affidavit, deposition, testimony",Type the reading!,Image
供養,くよう,"memorial service for the dead, holding a service",Type the
依然として,いぜんとして,"still, as yet, as of old",Type the reading!,Image
日本初,にほんはつ,first (of its kind) in Japan,Type the reading!,Image
気触れ,かぶれ,"rash, eruption (in response to a skin irritant); influence; crazy
about, having an affectation concerning all things surrounding something (esp. a
language, a culture, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
侵犯,しんぱん,"violation, invasion, infringement, trespass",Type the reading!,Image
然うすれば,そうすれば,"if so, in that case, in that situation",Type the reading!,Image
便乗,びんじょう,"taking advantage of a ride or an opportunity, taking a ship",Type
the reading!,Image
便利さ,べんりさ,"convenience, handiness, usefulness",Type the reading!,Image
小,しょう,"smallness, small item; short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days);
elementary school; younger or inferior (of two items or people with the same name);
unit of field area (approx. 400 sq m)",Type the reading!,Image
係争,けいそう,"contention, dispute, conflict, controversy",Type the reading!,Image
係員,かかりいん,"official (e.g. customs), clerk in charge",Type the reading!,Image
係官,かかりかん,official in charge,Type the reading!,Image
係長,かかりちょう,chief clerk,Type the reading!,Image
促成,そくせい,promotion of growth,Type the reading!,Image
俄雨,にわかあめ,rain shower,Type the reading!,Image
大,おお,"large, big, great, major, important, serious, heavy, loud; older, senior;
final, ultimate; rough, broad, general",Type the reading!,Image
俊足,しゅんそく,"fast runner, swift horse, fleet steed, talented person, brilliant
person",Type the reading!,Image
両,りょう,"both (hands, parents, sides, etc.); counter for carriages (e.g. in a
train), counter for vehicles; ryō, tael, traditional unit of weight (for gold,
silver and drugs), 4-5 monme, 15-19 g; ryō, pre-Meiji unit of currency, orig. the
value of one ryō of gold; ryō, traditional measure of fabric, 2 tan; ryō, tael,
unit of weight under the Ritsuryo system, 1/16 kin, 42-43 g; counter for suits of
clothing, sets of armor, etc.",Type the reading!,Image
羅馬,ローマ,Rome,Type the reading!,Image
保する,ほする,to guarantee,Type the reading!,Image
保健婦,ほけんふ,"district health nurse, public health nurse",Type the reading!,Image
保健所,ほけんしょ,"health care center, health care centre",Type the reading!,Image
保全,ほぜん,"preservation, integrity, conservation, maintenance",Type the
保守党,ほしゅとう,"Conservative Party (UK, Canada, Japan)",Type the reading!,Image
保安,ほあん,"peace preservation, security, safety",Type the reading!,Image
保有,ほゆう,"possession, retention, maintenance",Type the reading!,Image
保留,ほりゅう,"reserve, putting on hold, deferment, hold (e.g. telephone button),
pending",Type the reading!,Image
保育園,ほいくえん,"nursery school, day nursery, preschool",Type the reading!,Image
保育所,ほいくじょ,"nursery school, nursery",Type the reading!,Image
保証人,ほしょうにん,"guarantor, bondsman",Type the reading!,Image
保証付き,ほしょうつき,"guaranteed, certified, warranty included",Type the
保証金,ほしょうきん,"deposit (esp. on renting a house), security money, bond payment,
guarantee",Type the reading!,Image
保護者,ほごしゃ,"guardian, protector, patron, parent",Type the reading!,Image
保釈,ほしゃく,"bail, releasing on bail",Type the reading!,Image
保険金,ほけんきん,"insurance payout, insurance money",Type the reading!,Image
保革,ほかく,"conservatism and progressivism, conservatives and reformists",Type the
保養所,ほようしょ,"sanatorium, rest home",Type the reading!,Image
信,しん,"honesty, fidelity, trust, reliance, (religious) faith, counter for received
messages",Type the reading!,Image
信任,しんにん,"trust, confidence, credence",Type the reading!,Image
信号機,しんごうき,"traffic light, signalling mechanism, semaphore (apparatus)",Type
the reading!,Image
世界遺産,せかいいさん,"World Heritage (cultural, natural, etc.), World Cultural and
Natural Heritage (UNESCO)",Type the reading!,Image
信念,しんねん,"belief, faith, conviction",Type the reading!,Image
信条,しんじょう,"creed, belief, conviction, article of faith",Type the reading!,Image
信用組合,しんようくみあい,credit association,Type the reading!,Image
信用金庫,しんようきんこ,credit union,Type the reading!,Image
信義,しんぎ,"faith, fidelity, loyalty",Type the reading!,Image
信販会社,しんぱんがいしゃ,credit company,Type the reading!,Image
信金,しんきん,credit union (guild),Type the reading!,Image
信頼性,しんらいせい,"credibility, authenticity, confidence, reliability",Type the
修める,おさめる,"to study, to complete (a course), to cultivate, to master, to order
(one's life), to repair (a fault one has committed)",Type the reading!,Image
修士課程,しゅうしかてい,master's course,Type the reading!,Image
修学旅行,しゅうがくりょこう,"excursion, field trip, school trip",Type the
修復,しゅふく,"restoration, repair, mending",Type the reading!,Image
修業,しゅうぎょう,"pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, completing a
course",Type the reading!,Image
予想以上,よそういじょう,more than expected,Type the reading!,Image
修道,しゅうどう,"learning, studying the fine arts",Type the reading!,Image
修道院,しゅうどういん,"monastery, convent, cloister, abbey",Type the reading!,Image
俳人,はいじん,haiku poet,Type the reading!,Image
そこら辺,そこらへん,"hereabouts, around there, that area",Type the reading!,Image
どれ位,どれくらい,"how long, how far, how much",Type the reading!,Image
倉敷,くらしき,storage charges,Type the reading!,Image
個々人,ここじん,"an individual, individual people",Type the reading!,Image
個人差,こじんさ,"individual differences, personal equation",Type the reading!,Image
個人的,こじんてき,"personal, individual, private",Type the reading!,Image
個展,こてん,"solo exhibition, one-man exhibition, one-woman exhibition",Type the
付いてくる,ついてくる,"to follow, to come along with one, to accompany",Type the
倍,ばい,"twice, double, times, -fold",Type the reading!,Image
訳ではない,わけではない,"it does not mean that ..., I don't mean that ..., it is not
the case that...",Type the reading!,Image
倍増,ばいぞう,double,Type the reading!,Image
訳がない,わけがない,"there is no way that ...; easy, simple",Type the reading!,Image
倒れ,たおれ,"bad debt, collapse (esp. pref.)",Type the reading!,Image
倒置,とうち,"turning upside down, placing nonessentials before essentials",Type the
鬱,うつ,"depression, low spirits; luxuriant (of vegetation)",Type the reading!,Image
倒閣,とうかく,overthrow of government,Type the reading!,Image
借り,かり,"borrowing, debt, loan",Type the reading!,Image
借り入れ,かりいれ,debt,Type the reading!,Image
借入金,かりいれきん,"loan, loan payable, debt",Type the reading!,Image
借地,しゃくち,leased land,Type the reading!,Image
値上がり,ねあがり,"price advance, increase in value",Type the reading!,Image
値上げ,ねあげ,"price hike, mark-up",Type the reading!,Image
値下がり,ねさがり,"price decline, fall in price",Type the reading!,Image
値下げ,ねさげ,cut in price,Type the reading!,Image
値切る,ねぎる,"to drive a bargain, to beat down the price, to haggle",Type the
値引き,ねびき,"price reduction, discount",Type the reading!,Image
値打ち,ねうち,"value, worth, price, dignity",Type the reading!,Image
旅行会社,りょこうがいしゃ,"travel agent, travel agency",Type the reading!,Image
では無いか,ではないか,"isn't it?; let's ..., why don't we ..., how about we ...,
shouldn't we ...",Type the reading!,Image
偉業,いぎょう,"great enterprise, exploits",Type the reading!,Image
摂る,とる,"to have (e.g. lunch), to take (e.g. vitamins)",Type the reading!,Image
偏差値,へんさち,"deviation value (usu. scaled to mean of 50, standard deviation of
10, and often used for academic grades), deviation, T-score, standard score",Type
the reading!,Image
偏重,へんちょう,"preponderance, making too much of, overestimation, overemphasis,
attaching too much importance to",Type the reading!,Image
に渡って,にわたって,"throughout, over a period of ..., over a span of ...",Type the
停学,ていがく,suspension from school,Type the reading!,Image
停戦,ていせん,"armistice, ceasefire",Type the reading!,Image
停泊,ていはく,"anchorage, moorings",Type the reading!,Image
健保,けんぽ,health insurance,Type the reading!,Image
健常者,けんじょうしゃ,"(physically) non-handicapped person, healthy person",Type the
健康保険,けんこうほけん,health insurance,Type the reading!,Image
健康食品,けんこうしょくひん,health foods,Type the reading!,Image
健気,けなげ,"admirable, commendable, praiseworthy, laudable, brave, heroic, noble,
courageous",Type the reading!,Image
萌える,もえる,"to burst into bud, to sprout; to have a crush, to be infatuated",Type
the reading!,Image
健闘,けんとう,"fighting bravely, strenuous efforts",Type the reading!,Image
側近,そっきん,"close associate, close aide, brains-truster",Type the reading!,Image
側面,そくめん,"side, flank, aspect, dimension, profile, sidelight, lateral",Type the
偵察,ていさつ,"scout out, reconnaissance",Type the reading!,Image
偶像,ぐうぞう,"image, idol, statue",Type the reading!,Image
偶発,ぐうはつ,"sudden outbreak, accidental, incidental",Type the reading!,Image
数少ない,かずすくない,few in number,Type the reading!,Image
偽証,ぎしょう,"false evidence, perjury, false testimony",Type the reading!,Image
傍聴,ぼうちょう,"hearing, listening, attendance, auditing",Type the reading!,Image
お馴染み,おなじみ,"familiar, well-known, regular (e.g. customer), old stand-by",Type
the reading!,Image
傘下,さんか,"affiliated with, under jurisdiction of, under the umbrella",Type the
備え,そなえ,"preparation, provision, guarding",Type the reading!,Image
備考,びこう,"note (for reference), remarks, N.B.",Type the reading!,Image
催涙,さいるい,"lacrimator, dacryagogue, tear-inducing agent",Type the reading!,Image
泰,タイ,Thailand,Type the reading!,Image
債,さい,"debt, loan",Type the reading!,Image
債務,さいむ,"debt, liabilities, obligation to a person or party (usu. legal or
contractual)",Type the reading!,Image
取り方,とりかた,"way of taking (e.g. photographs), manner of taking, how to
take",Type the reading!,Image
日本経済,にほんけいざい,Japanese economy,Type the reading!,Image
あいつ等,あいつら,they,Type the reading!,Image
傷口,きずぐち,"(opening of) a wound, (mouth of a) wound, cut",Type the reading!,Image
傷害,しょうがい,"wound, injury, accident, casualty, assault, inflicting bodily
injury",Type the reading!,Image
傷跡,きずあと,"scar, cicatrix",Type the reading!,Image
傾げる,かたげる,"to lean, to incline, to tilt, to slant",Type the reading!,Image
四人,よにん,four people,Type the reading!,Image
傾注,けいちゅう,"devotion, concentration",Type the reading!,Image
そう言えば,そういえば,"now that you mention it, come to think of it, that reminds me,
on that subject, speaking of which",Type the reading!,Image
働かせる,はたらかせる,"to put someone to work, to make someone work, to use, to apply,
to exert, to exercise (restraint, one's imagination, one's brain, etc.)",Type the
働きかける,はたらきかける,"to work on someone, to influence, to exert influence on, to
seek action from, to appeal to, to begin to work",Type the reading!,Image
金融庁,きんゆうちょう,"Financial Services Agency, FSA",Type the reading!,Image
内閣府,ないかくふ,Cabinet Office,Type the reading!,Image
有りとあらゆる,ありとあらゆる,"every conceivable, every single, every possible, all
kinds of",Type the reading!,Image
働き盛り,はたらきざかり,prime of one's working life,Type the reading!,Image
痔,じ,"hemorrhoids, piles",Type the reading!,Image
僕たち,ぼくたち,we,Type the reading!,Image
僕ら,ぼくら,we,Type the reading!,Image
未だしも,まだしも,"rather, better",Type the reading!,Image
僧侶,そうりょ,"priest, monk",Type the reading!,Image
新生活,しんせいかつ,new life,Type the reading!,Image
僻み,ひがみ,"prejudice, bias, warped view, jealousy, inferiority complex",Type the
儀,ぎ,"ceremony, matter, affair, with regard to (used after a person's name, a
personal pronoun, etc. in epistolary style), as for, as concerns",Type the
儀礼,ぎれい,"etiquette, courtesy",Type the reading!,Image
錬金術師,れんきんじゅつし,alchemist,Type the reading!,Image
儒教,じゅきょう,Confucianism,Type the reading!,Image
償い,つぐない,"recompense, indemnity, atonement",Type the reading!,Image
償却,しょうきゃく,"repayment, redemption, depreciation, amortization,
amortisation",Type the reading!,Image
償還,しょうかん,"repayment, redemption, amortization, amortisation",Type the
優位,ゆうい,"predominance, ascendancy, superiority",Type the reading!,Image
優先的,ゆうせんてき,preferential,Type the reading!,Image
満足感,まんぞくかん,feeling of satisfaction,Type the reading!,Image
都市部,としぶ,"urban area, urban district",Type the reading!,Image
優等生,ゆうとうせい,"honor student, honours student",Type the reading!,Image
優良,ゆうりょう,"superior, excellent, fine",Type the reading!,Image
優越感,ゆうえつかん,"superiority complex, sense of superiority",Type the
儲かる,もうかる,"to be profitable, to yield a profit",Type the reading!,Image
儲け,もうけ,"profit, earnings",Type the reading!,Image
儲ける,もうける,"to profit, to get, to earn, to gain, to have (bear, beget) a child,
to have a stroke of luck",Type the reading!,Image
元号,げんごう,era name,Type the reading!,Image
元日,がんにち,New Year's Day,Type the reading!,Image
元本,げんぽん,"principal (invest.), capital",Type the reading!,Image
元祖,がんそ,"originator, founder, pioneer, inventor",Type the reading!,Image
元禄,げんろく,Genroku era (1688.9.30-1704.3.13),Type the reading!,Image
中心部,ちゅうしんぶ,"central part, heart (of a city)",Type the reading!,Image
集中力,しゅうちゅうりょく,"(powers of) concentration, ability to concentrate",Type the
元首,げんしゅ,"ruler, sovereign",Type the reading!,Image
兄さん,にいさん,"older brother, elder brother, brother (as older-brother figure in
friendly and or work relationship), (vocative) young man, buddy, fella,
laddie",Type the reading!,Image
兄ちゃん,あんちゃん,"(my) older brother, sonny (with a nuance of suspicion), lad",Type
the reading!,Image
充てる,あてる,"to assign, to set aside",Type the reading!,Image
充当,じゅうとう,"allocation, appropriation",Type the reading!,Image
充満,じゅうまん,"being filled with, being full of, permeation",Type the
充足,じゅうそく,sufficiency,Type the reading!,Image
先々,さきざき,"distant future, inevitable future, places one goes to",Type the
先だって,せんだって,"recently, the other day",Type the reading!,Image
先に,さきに,"before, earlier than, first, ahead, beyond, away, previously,
recently",Type the reading!,Image
先ほど,さきほど,"some time ago, not long ago, just now",Type the reading!,Image
先人,せんじん,"predecessor, pioneer, ancestor",Type the reading!,Image
先代,せんだい,"family predecessor, previous age, previous generation",Type the
先住,せんじゅう,previous priest or resident,Type the reading!,Image
先例,せんれい,precedent,Type the reading!,Image
先入観,せんにゅうかん,"preconception, prejudice, preoccupation, preconceived
notion",Type the reading!,Image
先制,せんせい,"head start, initiative, preemption",Type the reading!,Image
先取,せんしゅ,"earning the first (runs), preoccupation",Type the reading!,Image
先取り,さきどり,"receiving in advance, taking before others, prefetch, anticipatory
completion, finishing another person's sentence in anticipation of what likely to
be said next",Type the reading!,Image
先天的,せんてんてき,"inborn, innate, inherent, congenital, hereditary, a priori",Type
the reading!,Image
先安,さきやす,lower future quotations,Type the reading!,Image
先導,せんどう,"guidance, leadership",Type the reading!,Image
先手,せんて,"first move (in go, shogi, etc.), moving first, person with the first
move, forestalling, (seizing the) initiative",Type the reading!,Image
先方,せんぽう,"companion, other party (side), he, she, they, destination, person in
front",Type the reading!,Image
先決,せんけつ,"previous decision, predetermination, deciding in advance, first
priority",Type the reading!,Image
先物,さきもの,futures,Type the reading!,Image
先発,せんぱつ,"starting in advance, starting first, going first, going ahead,
starting (in team sports)",Type the reading!,Image
先着,せんちゃく,arriving first,Type the reading!,Image
自然環境,しぜんかんきょう,natural (physical) environment,Type the reading!,Image
殺人事件,さつじんじけん,murder case,Type the reading!,Image
先行,せんこう,"preceding, going first, leading, going ahead, taking priority",Type
the reading!,Image
先行き,さきゆき,"the future, future prospects",Type the reading!,Image
先見,せんけん,"foresight, anticipation",Type the reading!,Image
先送り,さきおくり,postpone,Type the reading!,Image
先進,せんしん,"seniority, advance, leadership",Type the reading!,Image
先進国,せんしんこく,"advanced (developed) country, advanced nations",Type the
先遣,せんけん,sending ahead,Type the reading!,Image
先陣,せんじん,"vanguard, advance guard",Type the reading!,Image
先駆,せんく,"forerunner, pioneer, precursor, herald, outrider, pilot car",Type the
先駆け,さきがけ,"charging ahead of others, the first to charge, pioneer, forerunner,
harbinger",Type the reading!,Image
先駆ける,さきがける,to be the first,Type the reading!,Image
勤務時間,きんむじかん,"office hours, business hours, working hours",Type the
光学,こうがく,optics,Type the reading!,Image
光学式文字認識,こうがくしきもじにんしき,"optical character recognition, OCR",Type the
環境問題,かんきょうもんだい,"environmental problem, environmental issue",Type the
花火大会,はなびたいかい,"display of fireworks, firework(s) display",Type the
光明,こうみょう,"bright light, hope, bright future, light emanating from a buddha or
bodhisattva, symbolizing their wisdom and compassion",Type the reading!,Image
化学物質,かがくぶっしつ,"chemical substances, chemicals",Type the reading!,Image
克己,こっき,"self denial, self control",Type the reading!,Image
依存症,いぞんしょう,"dependence (on alcohol, drugs, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
文部科学省,もんぶかがくしょう,"Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology, MEXT",Type the reading!,Image
免職,めんしょく,"dismissal, sacking, discharge",Type the reading!,Image
免許証,めんきょしょう,"licence, license, permit, certificate (of qualification)",Type
the reading!,Image
免責,めんせき,"exemption from responsibility, disclaimer",Type the reading!,Image
党内,とうない,party-internal,Type the reading!,Image
党利,とうり,party interests,Type the reading!,Image
党務,とうむ,party business,Type the reading!,Image
党勢,とうせい,strength of a party,Type the reading!,Image
党派,とうは,faction,Type the reading!,Image
党略,とうりゃく,party politics (tactics),Type the reading!,Image
党籍,とうせき,"party register, membership in a party",Type the reading!,Image
党議,とうぎ,"party council, party conference",Type the reading!,Image
党首,とうしゅ,party leader,Type the reading!,Image
兜,かぶと,"helmet (of armor, armour), headpiece",Type the reading!,Image
入り,いり,"entering, setting (of the sun), containing, content, audience, income,
beginning",Type the reading!,Image
入り込み,いりごみ,"coming in together, unreserved seats for the public",Type the
入り込む,はいりこむ,"to go into, to come into, to penetrate, to get in, to step in (a
house), to become complicated",Type the reading!,Image
入れ替え,いれかえ,"replacement, substitution, change, shunting (rail),
switching",Type the reading!,Image
入れ歯,いれば,"false tooth, denture",Type the reading!,Image
入れ物,いれもの,"container, case, receptacle, (euph. for) coffin, casket",Type the
入党,にゅうとう,joining a political party,Type the reading!,Image
入国,にゅうこく,entry to a country,Type the reading!,Image
入国管理局,にゅうこくかんりきょく,"Immigration Bureau, Immigration Office",Type the
入園,にゅうえん,"enrollment in kindergarten, enrolment in kindergarten, entering a
park, garden, zoo, etc.",Type the reading!,Image
入場券,にゅうじょうけん,"ticket of admission, platform ticket",Type the reading!,Image
入室,にゅうしつ,"entering a room, studying under a Buddhist teacher",Type the
入居,にゅうきょ,moving into (house),Type the reading!,Image
入幕,にゅうまく,advancing to the first grade,Type the reading!,Image
入念,にゅうねん,"careful, elaborate, scrupulous",Type the reading!,Image
入手,にゅうしゅ,"acquisition, obtaining, coming to hand",Type the reading!,Image
入札,にゅうさつ,"bid, bidding",Type the reading!,Image
と言う,という,"called, named, that says, that; as many as, as much as; all ..., every
single ...",Type the reading!,Image
入植,にゅうしょく,"settlement, immigration",Type the reading!,Image
入港,にゅうこう,entry into port,Type the reading!,Image
入荷,にゅうか,"arrival of goods, goods received",Type the reading!,Image
入試,にゅうし,entrance examination,Type the reading!,Image
入選,にゅうせん,chosen (in a competition),Type the reading!,Image
入金,にゅうきん,"deposit, payment, money received, money due",Type the reading!,Image
入閣,にゅうかく,joining the cabinet,Type the reading!,Image
全,ぜん,"all, whole, entire, complete, overall, pan-, omni-, toti-",Type the
全うする,まっとうする,"to accomplish, to fulfill, to carry out",Type the
全世界,ぜんせかい,the whole world,Type the reading!,Image
全人,ぜんじん,"saint, person well-balanced morally and intellectually",Type the
全会,ぜんかい,whole assembly,Type the reading!,Image
全体主義,ぜんたいしゅぎ,totalitarianism,Type the reading!,Image
全勝,ぜんしょう,"complete victory, winning a tournament with no losses",Type the
全土,ぜんど,"whole nation, whole land, whole country",Type the reading!,Image
全域,ぜんいき,the whole area,Type the reading!,Image
全学,ぜんがく,whole college,Type the reading!,Image
全容,ぜんよう,"full portrait, whole aspect, full story",Type the reading!,Image
全廃,ぜんぱい,"total abolition, full phase-out, total repeal",Type the reading!,Image
全文,ぜんぶん,"whole passage, full text, whole sentence, full paragraph",Type the
全日,ぜんじつ,all days,Type the reading!,Image
全日制,ぜんにちせい,the full-day (school system),Type the reading!,Image
全曲,ぜんきょく,"all compositions, the entire composition",Type the reading!,Image
全校,ぜんこう,the whole school,Type the reading!,Image
全権,ぜんけん,"plenipotentiary powers, full authority",Type the reading!,Image
全点,ぜんてん,"all items, all parts, all points",Type the reading!,Image
何の,どの,"which, what (way)",Type the reading!,Image
全社,ぜんしゃ,"whole company, all the companies",Type the reading!,Image
全線,ぜんせん,"the whole line, all lines, the whole ship",Type the reading!,Image
脆弱,ぜいじゃく,"weak, frail, fragile",Type the reading!,Image
全速力,ぜんそくりょく,full speed,Type the reading!,Image
全量,ぜんりょう,the whole quantity,Type the reading!,Image
全長,ぜんちょう,"over-all length, span",Type the reading!,Image
全面,ぜんめん,"whole surface, entire",Type the reading!,Image
全面的,ぜんめんてき,"all-out, general, over-all, complete, extensive, full-scale",Type
the reading!,Image
八つ当たり,やつあたり,"outburst of anger, venting one's anger",Type the reading!,Image
八丁,はっちょう,skillfulness,Type the reading!,Image
八分音符,はちぶおんぷ,"8th note, eighth note, quaver",Type the reading!,Image
ほんの少し,ほんのすこし,just a little,Type the reading!,Image
八千代,やちよ,"eternity, thousands of years",Type the reading!,Image
八幡,はちまん,"Hachiman (God of War), Hachiman shrine, certainly",Type the
八方,はっぽう,"all sides, the four cardinal directions and the four ordinal
directions, large hanging lantern",Type the reading!,Image
怒涛,どとう,"surging waves, raging billows; turbulent, tempestuous, tumultuous,
chaotic",Type the reading!,Image
八重,やえ,"multilayered, doubled",Type the reading!,Image
出,で,"coming out, going out, outflow, efflux, rising (of the Sun or the Moon);
attending (work), appearing (on stage), one's turn to go on; start, beginning;
origins, background, person (or item) originating from ..., graduate of ..., native
of ..., member of ... (lineage); architectural member that projects outward;
highest point of the stern of a ship; amount (comprising something), amount of time
or effort required to do something",Type the reading!,Image
公人,こうじん,public character,Type the reading!,Image
公会堂,こうかいどう,"town hall, public hall",Type the reading!,Image
公使,こうし,"envoy, diplomat below the rank of ambassador (e.g. deputy chief of
mission, charge d'affaires), minister (of legation)",Type the reading!,Image
公債,こうさい,"public debt, public bond or securities",Type the reading!,Image
公共放送,こうきょうほうそう,"public broadcasting (e.g. NHK, BBC)",Type the
公共料金,こうきょうりょうきん,public utilities charge,Type the reading!,Image
公判,こうはん,"public hearing, trial",Type the reading!,Image
公取委,こうとりい,Fair Trade Commission,Type the reading!,Image
公司,こうし,"company, firm (in China)",Type the reading!,Image
公報,こうほう,"official bulletin, communique",Type the reading!,Image
公子,こうし,young nobleman,Type the reading!,Image
公安,こうあん,"public safety, public welfare",Type the reading!,Image
公安委員会,こうあんいいんかい,public safety commission,Type the reading!,Image
公定,こうてい,"official (rate, price, etc.)",Type the reading!,Image
公定歩合,こうていぶあい,official discount (bank) rate,Type the reading!,Image
公布,こうふ,"official proclamation, announcement, promulgation (e.g. of
regulations)",Type the reading!,Image
公庫,こうこ,finance corporation,Type the reading!,Image
公式サイト,こうしきさいと,official website,Type the reading!,Image
公式戦,こうしきせん,"regular game, pennant race",Type the reading!,Image
公文,こうぶん,"official document, archives",Type the reading!,Image
公文書,こうぶんしょ,"official document, archives",Type the reading!,Image
公明,こうめい,"fairness, justice",Type the reading!,Image
公明党,こうめいとう,"New Komeito (Japanese political party), New Clean Government
Party, Justice Party",Type the reading!,Image
公有,こうゆう,public ownership,Type the reading!,Image
公民,こうみん,"citizen, freemen",Type the reading!,Image
公民権,こうみんけん,"civil rights, franchise, citizenship",Type the reading!,Image
公民館,こうみんかん,"public hall, community center, community centre",Type the
公海,こうかい,"high seas, international waters",Type the reading!,Image
公演,こうえん,"public performance, exhibition in a foreign country",Type the
公然,こうぜん,"open, public, official, overt",Type the reading!,Image
付いてる,ついてる,"to be lucky, to be in luck; to be attached, to have, to be
included, to come with, to contain, to be in a state",Type the reading!,Image
公的,こうてき,"public, official",Type the reading!,Image
公益法人,こうえきほうじん,"public-service corporation, charitable corporation,
juridical (legal) person working for the public good",Type the reading!,Image
公社債,こうしゃさい,public bonds,Type the reading!,Image
公私,こうし,"public and private, official and personal, government and people",Type
the reading!,Image
公称,こうしょう,"public name, announcing publicly, nominal",Type the reading!,Image
公立,こうりつ,public (institution),Type the reading!,Image
公算,こうさん,"probability, likelihood",Type the reading!,Image
公約,こうやく,"public commitment, public promise, campaign pledge, official vow",Type
the reading!,Image
公聴会,こうちょうかい,public hearing,Type the reading!,Image
公職,こうしょく,public office,Type the reading!,Image
公舎,こうしゃ,official residence,Type the reading!,Image
公衆衛生,こうしゅうえいせい,"sanitation, public health",Type the reading!,Image
公衆電話,こうしゅうでんわ,"public telephone, pay phone",Type the reading!,Image
公言,こうげん,"declaration, profession",Type the reading!,Image
公訴,こうそ,"accusation, prosecution",Type the reading!,Image
公認,こうにん,"official recognition, authorization, authorisation, licence, license,
accreditation",Type the reading!,Image
公認会計士,こうにんかいけいし,certified public accountant,Type the reading!,Image
公論,こうろん,"public opinion, unbiased criticism, unbiassed criticism",Type the
公費,こうひ,"public expense, public funds, public money, public expenditure",Type
the reading!,Image
公選,こうせん,public election,Type the reading!,Image
公金,こうきん,public funds,Type the reading!,Image
公館,こうかん,official residence,Type the reading!,Image
電池切れ,でんちぎれ,flat battery,Type the reading!,Image
棲む,すむ,"to live (of animals), to inhabit, to nest",Type the reading!,Image
六十四分音符,ろくじゅうしぶおんぷ,"64th note, hemidemisemiquaver,
semidemisemiquaver",Type the reading!,Image
授業中,じゅぎょうちゅう,while in class,Type the reading!,Image
共々,ともども,"together, in company",Type the reading!,Image
商品名,しょうひんめい,"brand name, trade name, product name",Type the reading!,Image
共催,きょうさい,joint sponsorship,Type the reading!,Image
共同体,きょうどうたい,"cooperative body, cooperative system, collective,
community",Type the reading!,Image
共和,きょうわ,"republican, cooperative",Type the reading!,Image
共和党,きょうわとう,Republican Party,Type the reading!,Image
共和制,きょうわせい,"republic, republicanism",Type the reading!,Image
共和国,きょうわこく,"republic, commonwealth",Type the reading!,Image
共学,きょうがく,coeducation,Type the reading!,Image
共感,きょうかん,"sympathy, empathy, response",Type the reading!,Image
共栄,きょうえい,mutual prosperity,Type the reading!,Image
共済,きょうさい,mutual aid,Type the reading!,Image
共演,きょうえん,"appearing together, co-acting, co-starring",Type the reading!,Image
共犯,きょうはん,complicity,Type the reading!,Image
共生,きょうせい,"symbiosis, paragenesis, union",Type the reading!,Image
共産主義,きょうさんしゅぎ,"communism, collectivism",Type the reading!,Image
共用,きょうよう,"common use, communal use, sharing",Type the reading!,Image
共立,きょうりつ,"joint, common",Type the reading!,Image
共著,きょうちょ,"collaboration, co-authorship",Type the reading!,Image
共謀,きょうぼう,"conspiracy, collusion, complicity, being in cahoots",Type the
共通語,きょうつうご,"common term, common language, lingua franca, standard
language",Type the reading!,Image
共闘,きょうとう,"joint struggle, common (united) front",Type the reading!,Image
兵力,へいりょく,"military force, force of arms, strength of an army",Type the
兵役,へいえき,"military service, conscription",Type the reading!,Image
就いて,ついて,"about, concerning, as to, regarding",Type the reading!,Image
具,ぐ,"tool, means, ingredients (added to soup, rice, etc.), counter for sets of
armor, utensils, furniture, etc.",Type the reading!,Image
具体化,ぐたいか,"embodiment, materialization, actualization, realization, taking
form, taking shape",Type the reading!,Image
具体的,ぐたいてき,"concrete, tangible, definite, specific",Type the reading!,Image
具象,ぐしょう,"embodying, expressing concretely",Type the reading!,Image
兼,けん,"cum (e.g. bedroom-cum-study), holding both roles (e.g. Prime Minister and
Minister of Foreign Affairs), and, in addition, concurrently, at the same
time",Type the reading!,Image
兼ね備える,かねそなえる,"to have both, to possess both, to combine with",Type the
兼ね合い,かねあい,"equilibrium, good balance, poise",Type the reading!,Image
兼任,けんにん,"concurrent post, to hold two posts concurrently",Type the
兼務,けんむ,holding two posts concurrently,Type the reading!,Image
内々,うちうち,"family circle, the inside, private, informal, secret,
confidential",Type the reading!,Image
本質的,ほんしつてき,"essential, substantial, substantive, intrinsic",Type the
三年,さんねん,three years,Type the reading!,Image
競技場,きょうぎじょう,"field, sports stadium, arena",Type the reading!,Image
内務,ないむ,internal or domestic affairs,Type the reading!,Image
内包,ないほう,"connotation, comprehension, intension, inclusion, containment
within",Type the reading!,Image
内向,ないこう,introvert,Type the reading!,Image
内向的,ないこうてき,introvert,Type the reading!,Image
心理的,しんりてき,"psychological, mental",Type the reading!,Image
内外,うちそと,"inside and outside, domestic and foreign, approximately, interior and
exterior",Type the reading!,Image
内定,ないてい,"unofficial offer (esp. job offer), tentative decision",Type the
内実,ないじつ,the facts,Type the reading!,Image
内幕,ないまく,"lowdown, inside curtain, inside information, hidden circumstances,
inside facts, inner workings, undisclosed circumstances",Type the reading!,Image
内心,ないしん,"inner thoughts, real intention, inmost heart, one's mind, at heart,
deep down, on the inside, inner center (centre)",Type the reading!,Image
内情,ないじょう,"internal conditions, true state of affairs",Type the reading!,Image
内戦,ないせん,civil war,Type the reading!,Image
内政,ないせい,"domestic affairs, internal administration",Type the reading!,Image
内気,うちき,"bashfulness, shyness, reserve, timidity",Type the reading!,Image
内海,うちのみ,"inlet, bay, inland sea",Type the reading!,Image
内申,ないしん,"unofficial report, confidential report",Type the reading!,Image
金槌,かなづち,"hammer; hopeless swimmer, complete beginner at swimming, someone who
sinks like a stone",Type the reading!,Image
内示,ないじ,unofficial announcement,Type the reading!,Image
内職,ないしょく,"side job (at home), home industry, side line",Type the
内蔵,ないぞう,"internal (e.g. disk), built-in, equipped (with)",Type the
内装,ないそう,"interior design, interior, upholstery",Type the reading!,Image
内規,ないき,"private regulations, bylaws, internal rules, tradition",Type the
内角,ないかく,"interior angle, internal angle, inside corner",Type the reading!,Image
露西亜,ロシア,Russia,Type the reading!,Image
内輪,うちわ,"moderate, private matter, family circle, the inside, conservative,
pigeon-toed",Type the reading!,Image
内部,ないぶ,"interior, inside, internal",Type the reading!,Image
内野,ないや,"infield, diamond",Type the reading!,Image
内野手,ないやしゅ,"infielder, baseman",Type the reading!,Image
内閣官房,ないかくかんぼう,Cabinet Secretariat,Type the reading!,Image
内閣法制局,ないかくほうせいきょく,Cabinet Legislation Bureau,Type the reading!,Image
内需,ないじゅ,domestic demand,Type the reading!,Image
内面,ないめん,"inside, interior",Type the reading!,Image
円,えん,"yen, Japanese monetary unit, circle",Type the reading!,Image
海外旅行,かいがいりょこう,"trip abroad, overseas travel",Type the reading!,Image
あれ程,あれほど,to that extent,Type the reading!,Image
円卓,えんたく,round table,Type the reading!,Image
円安,えんやす,cheap yen,Type the reading!,Image
円建て,えんだて,"denominated in yen, yen-denominated, yen base",Type the
電気製品,でんきせいひん,electronic goods,Type the reading!,Image
円形,えんけい,"round shape, circle, circular form",Type the reading!,Image
西班牙,スペイン,Spain,Type the reading!,Image
円満,えんまん,"perfection, harmony, peace, smoothness, completeness, satisfaction,
integrity",Type the reading!,Image
世界中,せかいじゅう,"around the world, throughout the world",Type the reading!,Image
円相場,えんそうば,yen exchange rate,Type the reading!,Image
円筒,えんとう,cylinder,Type the reading!,Image
円高,えんだか,"appreciation of the yen, strong yen, strengthening of the yen, high-
valued yen, exchange in favor of the yen (favour)",Type the reading!,Image
冊子,さっし,"book, booklet, story book, pamphlet, notebook",Type the reading!,Image
再,さい,"re-, again, repeated, deutero-, deuto-, deuter-",Type the reading!,Image
再スタート,さいすたあと,restarting,Type the reading!,Image
再任,さいにん,reappointment,Type the reading!,Image
再婚,さいこん,"second marriage, remarriage",Type the reading!,Image
再審,さいしん,"retrial, reopening of a case, review, reexamination",Type the
再来,さいらい,"return, coming back, second coming (e.g. of Christ), second advent,
reincarnation",Type the reading!,Image
再検討,さいけんとう,"re-examination, review, reappraisal",Type the reading!,Image
再演,さいえん,"another showing (of a play), recapitulation",Type the reading!,Image
再燃,さいねん,"recurrence, revival, resuscitation",Type the reading!,Image
再編,さいへん,"reorganization, reorganisation, reshuffle",Type the reading!,Image
再考,さいこう,reconsideration,Type the reading!,Image
再販,さいはん,resale,Type the reading!,Image
再起,さいき,"comeback, recovery, restoration, rally, reflexive (in grammar)",Type
the reading!,Image
再選,さいせん,re-election,Type the reading!,Image
再開発,さいかいはつ,redevelopment,Type the reading!,Image

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