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Ward Assignment of Residents for the Month of Sep 2021

Wards R1 R2 R3 R4
LW Wondu Alemtsehay Fikadu
EGOPD Ahmed Eyob
MW Bulala Zintalem Destaye Melaku
GW Simeneh Achamyelew Binyam
ANC Siraj Habtamu Kuntare
RGOPD Eman Melat

Research - - - Tujo –MFM
Leave Tesfaye A. – ONCO
Bereket -ONCO

Those at ANC, RGOPD and EGOPD, at least one resident and all interns are required to start
work at 8:30 AM.

LW consultation will be made to Dr Binyam and EOPD consultation will be made to Dr Melat

ANC consultation will be made to Dr Melaku and in the absence of Dr Kuntare, Dr melaku will
cover the ANC as needed.

Assigned duty Year 2 residents shall get handed over and cover the LW and EGOPD during the
morning session.

Morning Moderators for the Month of Sep 2021

Week Moderator
1 Binyam
2 Melaku
3 Melat
4 Binyam
5 Melaku
Case Presentation for the Month of Sep 2021
Date Presenter Case Advisor
02/09/21 Eyob Case Binyam
07/09/21 Zintalem Case Destaye
09/09/21 Achamyelew Case Melaku
14/09/21 Habtamu Case Fekadu
16/09/21 Eyerusalem Case Melat
21/09/21 Getachew Case Mubin
23/09/21 Simeneh Case Kuntare
28/09/21 Alemtsehay PNM I Dr Binyam
30/09/21 Alemtsehay PNM II Dr Binyam

Major OR
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Binyam Melat Tujo
Fikadu Mubin Kuntare
2 Binyam Melat Melaku Tujo Melaku
Destaye Melaku Binyam Melat Fikadu
3 Melat Melaku Tujo Binyam Melat
Mubin Kuntare Binyam Destaye Melaku
4 Melaku Tujo Binyam Melat Tujo
Binyam Melat Fikadu Mubin Kuntare
5 Binyam Melat Binyam Melat
Destaye Melaku Melaku Tujo
Consultan Shiferaw Abera Birhanu Salih Binyam
t zeleke endalk Rahma Girma mena

Minor OR filler

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 Kuntare
2 Kuntare Kuntare
3 Kuntare Kuntare

4 Kuntare Kuntare

5 Kuntare Kuntare

Assigned Residents should be available in the OR at 8:00 AM.

Minor OR
Week Monday Wednesday
1 03/09/21 -Wondu
2 06/09/21-Eyerusalem 08/09/21 - Ahmed
3 13/09/21 – Getachew 15/09/21-Esubalew
4 20/09/21 – Bulala 22/09/21 - Misgan
5 27/09/21- SIraj 29/09/21- Eman

Year 1 Residents assigned at minor OR should communicate the EGOPD team for
consultation and assistance.
Duty Schedule for the Month of Sep 2021

# R1 R2 R3 R4 Consultant
1 Eyerusalem Bulala Achamyelew Kuntare Binyam Beniam Salih
2 Wondu Misgan Habtamu Destaye Melaku Girma Rehama
3 Ahmed Simeneh Zintalem Mubin Tujo Endalkachew Ahmed
4 Getachew Siraj Alemtsehay Fikadu BInyam Zeleke Endalkachew
5 Esubalew Eman Eyob Kuntare Tesfaye Rehama Mena
6 Bulala Eyerusalem Achamyelew Destaye Melat Abera Girma
7 Misgan Wondu Habtamu Mubin Bereket Birhanu Mena
8 Simeneh Ahmed Zintalem Fikadu Binyam Zeleke Ahmed
9 Siraj Getachew Alemtsehay Kuntare Tujo Mena Beniam
10 Eman Esubalew Eyob Destaye Tesfaye Rehama Ahmed
11 Eyerusalem Bulala Achamyelew Mubin Bereket
12 Wondu Misgan Habtamu Fikadu Melat
13 Ahmed Simeneh Zintalem Kuntare Binyam
14 Getachew Siraj Alemtsehay Destaye Melaku
15 Esubalew Eman Eyob Mubin Tujo
16 Bulala Eyerusalem Achamyelew Fikadu Tesfaye
17 Misgan Wondu Habtamu Kuntare Bereket
18 Simeneh Ahmed Zintalem Destaye Melat
19 Siraj Getachew Alemtsehay Mubin Melaku
20 Eman Esubalew Eyob Fikadu Binyam
21 Eyerusalem Bulala Achamyelew Kuntare Tujo
22 Wondu Misgan Habtamu Destaye Tesfaye
23 Ahmed Simeneh Zintalem Mubin Melaku
24 Getachew Siraj Alemtsehay Fikadu Melat
25 Esubalew Eman Eyob Kuntare Bereket
26 Bulala Eyerusalem Achamyelew Destaye Tesfaye
27 Misgan Wondu Habtamu Mubin Tujo
28 Simeneh Ahmed Zintalem Fikadu Melaku
29 Siraj Getachew Alemtsehay Kuntare Bereket
30 Eman Esubalew Eyob Destaye Melat

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