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Dear [Journalist’s name]

I know you’re busy, so I’ll keep this brief, Company Name a [provide one sentence summary
of your company] is [provide one sentence summary of the announcement].

I thought this would be of interest to you, as you’ve recently written a number of stories
about [insert topic]. Here are the key points of Company Name’s [announcement]:  

 [Point #1, taken from the press release]  

 [Point #2, taken from the press release]
 [Point #3, taken from the press release]

Below is the full press release. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like any
more information or if you would like to speak to the team directly.

I know you must be super busy, so I will follow up with you in case you missed this.  

All the best

[Insert logo]

Headline [include company name and a summary of the

Subheadline [build upon the above, provide an enticing piece of detail]

Location, Date. Company Name, a [provide super quick summary of ‘who’] company, today
announces [provide a super quick summary of ‘what’]. This allows/enables/facilitates
[provide a super quick summary of ‘why’].

Company Name is a/provides/solves/addresses [provide an overview of what your company

does and what makes it different to the competition. 2 to 3 sentences]

Today’s announcement will help address/solve/improve [work your angle into this paragraph,
what are the benefits of this and what are the wider implications. Provide hyperlinks to third
party sources, which support the narrative].

“This will help/enable/allow [provide a quote from a relevant person at the company. Write it
so it supports the overall narrative of the press release]” said Company Person, CEO of
Company Name. “Also [write a further sentence, to wrap up the quote, talking about the

About Company Name  

Company name is a [provide the boilerplate copy here. You can often copy-and-paste this
from the “about” section of your website, to save time].


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