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1. Afifah Aprianty Syamhar

2. Srikandi Bulan Maharani


The South Sulawesi Regional Development Bank was established in Makassar on

January 13, 1961 under the name PT Southeast Sulawesi Regional Development Bank in
accordance with Raden Kadiman Notary Deed in Jakarta No. 95 dated January 23, 1961. Then
based on Notary Deed Raden Kadiman No. 67 dated July 13, 1961 the name of the South
Southeast Sulawesi Regional Development Bank was changed to the South Southeast Sulawesi
Regional Development Bank.

Based on South East Sulawesi Regional Regulation No. 1 002 of 1964 on February 12,
1964, the name of the South Sulawesi Regional Development Bank was changed to the South
Sulawesi Southeast Sulawesi Regional Development Bank with an authorized capital of Rp
250,000,000. With the separation between the South Sulawesi Province Level I Province and the
Southeast Sulawesi Province I Province, the Bank finally changed its name to the South
Sulawesi Regional Development Bank.

With the birth of Regional Regulation No. 01 of 1993 and the stipulation of authorized
capital to Rp25 billion, the Regional Development Bank of South Sulawesi as the BPD Sulsel
Bank and the status of a Regional Enterprise (PD). Furthermore, in the context of changing the
status from a Regional Company (PD) to a Limited Liability Company (PT) regulated in
Regional Regulation No. 13 of 2003 concerning the Changing Status of the Form of Legal Entity
of the South Sulawesi Regional Development Bank from PD to a PT with an authorized capital
of Rp. 650 billion.

The Deed of Establishment of PT has been approved by the Minister of Law and Human
Rights of the Republic of Indonesia based on Decree No. C-31541.HT.01.01 dated 29 December
2004 concerning Ratification of the Deed of Establishment of a South Sulawesi Regional
Development Bank Limited Company abbreviated as Bank Sulsel, and has been announced in
the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 February 15, 2005, Supplement No.

On February 10, 2011, an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS LB)

was held in a circular resolution and the Resolution of the GMS was agreed unanimously by the
shareholders. The decision of the LB RUPS has been made by the notary Rakhmawati Laica
Marzuki, SH with Deed of Statement on the Decision of the Shareholders as a Substitute for the
General Meeting of Shareholders of PT. Bank Sulsel, Number 16 Date 10 February 2011. Where
in the Deed the shareholders decided to change the name of PT. South Sulawesi Regional
Development Bank abbreviated as PT. Bank Sulsel becomes PT. Regional Development Banks
of South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi, abbreviated as PT. Sulselbar Bank.

This change has been approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights under number
AHU-11765.AH.01.02. 2011 concerning Approval of Amendments to the Company's Articles of
Association. In addition, this name change has also been approved by Bank Indonesia based on
the Decree of the Governor of Bank Indonesia Number: 13/32 / KEP. GBI / 2011 Regarding
Changes in the Use of Business Licenses on behalf of PT. South Sulawesi Regional
Development Bank Abbreviated as PT. Bank Sulsel Becomes a Business License on Behalf of
PT. Regional Development Banks of South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi, abbreviated as PT.
Sulselbar Bank.

PT. Sulselbar Bank

1. Deposits: Simpeda, Tapemda, Hajj Savings, Deposits, Demand Deposits, and Handsome

2. Loans: KIB (Ordinary investment loans), KMK (Working Capital Loans), Home Ownership
Loans (KPR), KUL (Other General Loans) , Economic Sectors (Agriculture, Industry,
Construction, Trade, Services).

3. Bank Services: Remittances, Collections, Bank Guarantees, Receiving payments for telephone
accounts, PDAMs, electricity, taxes, etc. Payments for salaries / pensioners, Recipient Banks for
Controlling Hajj Operations (BPS-BPIH), Foreign Currency Trading (Money Changer), and
Mobile Banking.

4. ATM

5. Bank guarantees: Bank guarantees for auctions (Bid Bonds), Bank Guarantees for
Implementation (Performance Bonds), Bank Guarantees for Advances (Advanced Payment
Bonds), Bank Guarantees for Maintenance (Maintenance Bonds), Bank Guarantees for General
Trade Transactions, Bank guarantee for Customs Guarantee, (Shipping Guarantee).
6. UUS Products and Services (Sharia Units):

a. Funds Deposit Products: Demand Deposits, Sharia Savings, Hatam Savings (Hajj & Umrah
Savings), Sharia BKMT Savings, Mudharabah Deposits.

b. Fund Distribution Products: Investment Murabahah Receivables, Working Capital Murabahah

Receivables, Other Murabahah Receivables, Mudharabah Financing.

c. Sulselbar Bank UUS Services: Money Transfer (Wakalah), Bank Guarantee (Kafalah).

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