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Deliverable List

Image Processing Result

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1 Digital Orthophoto Mosaic ECW GSD 8cm


2 Digital Surface Model (DSM) GeoTiff GSD 25cm

3 Digital Terrain Model (DTM) GeoTiff GSD 25cm

4 Colour Shaded Terrain ECW GSD 25cm

5 Slope GeoTiff GSD 25cm

GIS Data
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1 Detailed Mapping/Landuse SHP one landuse layer contains the information of

three group:
• Planted Area with palm growth
categories (i.e. Healthy palms, Smallish
palms, Yellowish palms, Burned palms,
Poor maintenance, New Planting and
• Unplanted Area with its categories
(Nursery, Emplacement, Pond, Quarry,
Road, Drain, Shrub, Forest, Settlement,
Enclave, River, Swamp, Nursery, HCV
and etc
• LC area
in Ownership, Estate, Division, and Block
basis which consists of the information
Global ID of each block, Flooded Area,
Inside/outside land title boundary and
hectarage of every polygon that tallies to

Excel statistics up to 2 decimal places.

2 Palm Points SHP • Contains the information of;

• Geolocation (X,Y)
• Planting material
• Year of Planting
• Palm growth categories (i.e. Healthy
palms, Smallish palms, Yellowish palms,
Burned palms, Poor maintenance, New
Planting and Vacant)
• Palm's nearest distance to adjacent
in Ownership, Estate, Division, and Block basis
which consisting the information Palm ID of each
palms and Global ID referring to the block

3 Blank Spot SHP Blank spot inside planted area on the blocks,
divisions and estates basis.

4 Boundaries SHP • Landtitle

• PT
• Ownership
• Estate
• Division
• Block boundary layer with information
of GlobalID , Year of Planting, Planting
Material, Hectarage of Planted Area,
Hectarage of Unplanted Area, Hectarage
of LC Area, Hectarage of Gross Area,
Number of palms and SPH in each block.

5 Watershed Delineation SHP • Watershed delineation and Nature

water waste layers from UAV’s DTM
• Watershed delineation and Nature
water waste layers from Atlas World 3D
for bigger scale

6 Contour SHP Contour layer with an interval of 1 m

7 Road SHP Road layer which contains the information of

Road categories:

• Access Road
• Main Road
• Collection Road
in Ownership, Estate, Division, and Block basis
which consists of the information Global ID, and
measurement of every polyline that tallies to
Excel statistics up to 2 decimal places.

8 Drainage SHP in Ownership, Estate, Division, and Block basis

which consists of the information Global ID, and
measurement of every polyline that tallies to
Excel statistics up to 2 decimal places.

9 Flooded Area SHP Flooded area layer in Ownership,Estate,

Division, and Block basis which consisting the
information Global ID, and hectarage of every
polygon that tallies to Excel statistics up to 2
decimal places.

10 Slope SHP Slope layer with categories as follows;

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1 DOM Map PDF per PT (A2)

2 Colour shaded terrain with PDF per PT and Estate Basis (A2)
contour map

3 Land Covers Map PDF per Estate (A2)

4 Road and Drain Map PDF per PT (A2)

5 Slope Map PDF per PT Basis (A2)

6 Year of planting & SPH Map PDF per PT Basis (A2)

7 Block Scorecard Map PDF per Block basis (A3)

8 Block Detail Map PDF per Block basis (A3)

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1 Report of GCP Accuracy WORD & • Include the GCP’s SHP

PDF • Mention type of GPS used

2 Report of Image processing WORD & • Accuracy compare with Independent

accuracy PDF Control Point (ICP)
• Mention type of GPS used

3 Interim Report WORD & Weekly Report


4 Final Report WORD & Final Report


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1 Planting Material XLS Planting material on the blocks, divisions and

estates basis which consists of the information
of hectare, year of planting, and inside / outside
land title boundary. The hectarage in Excel table
shall be tallied up to three decimal places with
its corresponding shapefile.

2 Year Of Planting XLS Year of planting on the blocks, divisions and

estates basis which consists of the information
of hectare, year of planting, and inside / outside
land title boundary. The hectarage in Excel table
shall be tallied up to three decimal places with

its corresponding shapefile.

3 Land Covers XLS (e.g. roads, rivers, drains, ponds, stacking,

underbrushing, nursery, bare soil, building,
encroachment, facilities, grassland, moist area,
shrubs, enclave, conservation, and etc.) on the
blocks, divisions and estates basis which
consisting the information of hectare, year of
planting, and inside / outside land title
boundary. The hectarage in Excel table shall be
tallied up to three decimal places with its
corresponding shapefile.

4 Planting Variation XLS Variance between estate record and AS results

on the blocks, divisions and estates basis which
consists of the information of hectare, year of
planting, and inside / outside land title
boundary. The hectarage in Excel table shall be
tallied up to three decimal places with its
corresponding shapefile.

5 Estimate Supply XLS Number of blank spots on the blocks, divisions

and estates basis which consists of the
information of hectare, year of planting, and
inside / outside land title boundary. The
hectarage in Excel table shall be tallied up to
three decimal places with its corresponding

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