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The English tense chart

Simple tenses (infinitive – to do) Continuous tenses (infinitive – to Perfect tenses (infinitive – to have Perfect Continuous tenses (infinitive -
be doing) done) to have been doing)
Present simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous
Positive Am/is/are + Ving Have/has + V3 Have/has been + Ving
V1, 3p. sing(he/she/it) V1+S Positive Positive Positive
Some doctors work in hospitals. I am V + ing I/you/we/they have + V3 I/you/we/they have been + Ving
She works in hospital. You/they/we are V + ing He/she/it has + V3 He/she/it has been + Ving
Negative He/she/it is V + ing I have done my homework . I have been studying English for six years.
do not (don’t) + V1 I am studying English now. She has done her homework. She has been playing the piano since she was ten.
3p.sing(he/she/it) does not (doesn’t) + V1 Negative Negative Negative
Some doctors don’t work in hospitals. She doesn’t I am not V + ing I/you/we/they have not (haven’t) + V3 I/you/we/they have not (haven’t) been + Ving
work in hospital. You/they/we are not (aren’t) V + ing He/she/it has not (hasn’t) + V3 He/she/it has not (hasn’t) been + Ving
Questions He/she it is not (isn’t) V + ing I haven’t done my homework yet. I haven’t been using my dictionary for six weeks.
Do… V1? He isn’t studying English now. She hasn’t done her homework yet. She hasn’t been using her computer for a week.
3p.sing (he/she/it) Does… V1? Questions Questions Questions
Do some doctors work in hospitals? Am I V + ing? Have I/you/we/they + V3? Have I/we/you/they been + V ing?
Does she work in hospital? Are you/they/we V + ing ? Has he/she/it + V3? Has he/she/it been + Ving?
Where do they work? Is he/she/it V + ing? Have you done your homework yet? Have you been reading this book for a long time?
Who works in hospital? Are they studying English now? Has he done his homework yet? Has she been playing the piano for a long time?
Usage: What are they studying now? What have you done? What have you been doing lately?
1. facts and things that are always true Who is studying English now? Where has she been? Usage:
2. Habits and repeated actions Usage: Usage: 1. actions that started in the past and are still going
3. permanent situations 1. actions that are happening now. 1. finished actions that took place at a non- on (especially with emphasizing how long an
4. timetables 2. future arrangements specific time in the past action lasted).
Time expressions: usually, often, sometimes, 3. changing situations 2. actions that happened in the past, but which 2. actions that happened over a long period of time
rarely, every day, at the weekend, in the evening, 4. temporary situations you can see the result of now. and have stopped but have present results.
always 5. to express annoyance with always 3. something that happened in the past and I have been teaching you for 8 months.
Time expressions: now, at the moment, right still continues in the present (with stative Oh, look! The Sun is shining now but there are puddles on
now, at present, currently, look!, listen! verbs) the ground. It has been raining.
Stative verbs AREN”T USED with continuous 4. experience of a person who is still alive Time expressions: for,since,all day/morning/year, for
Past Simple tenses (feelings,emotions, possessions) Time expressions: just, yet, already, for, since, ages/a long time/many years.
never, ever, recently, lately, today, this
Positive morning/week/month/year, this is the first time
V2 Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Some doctors worked in hospitals during the II world Was/were + Ving Past Perfect Had been + Ving
war. Positive
Negative I/he/she/it was + Ving Had + V3 Positive
Did not (didn’t) + V1 You/we/they were + Ving I/you/he/she/it/we/they had been+Ving
They didn’t work in hospitals during the war. I was playing tennis yesterday at 3 o’clock. I had been teaching for 20 years before I realized that it was
Questions They were dancing when I came in. Positive impossible to achieve perfect results.
Did …+ V1? Negative I/you/he/she/it/we/they had + V3 Negative
Did they work in hospitals? I/he/she/it was not (wasn’t) + Ving They had already read about the history of the building I/you/he/she/it/we/they had not (hadn’t) been + Ving
Why did they work in hospitals? You/we/they were not (weren’t) + Ving before they visited it. I hadn’t been waiting for more than 20 min. before I realized
Who worked in hospitals? The children were not sleeping when the parents came Negative I was at the wrong place.
Usage: home. I/you/he/she/it/we/they had not (hadn’t) + V3 Questions
1. completed action in the past. Questions He hadn’t met her before he came to the party. Had I/you/he/she/it/we/they been +Ving?
2. Actions that interrupted longer actions in Was I/she/he/it +Ving? Questions Had you been waiting long before he arrived?
the past. Were you/we/they + Ving? Had I/you/he/she/it/we/they + V3? Usage:
3. Repeated actions in the past. Were you watching TV yesterday at 8 in the evening? Usage: 1. to put emphasis on the duration of an action
4. historical events What was she doing when you saw her yesterday? 1. completed actions in the past that happened which started and finished in the past before
5. dead people Usage: before other completed actions in the past. another past action or stated time in the past.
1. actions in progress in the past at a stated When we came home we saw that somebody had 2. for an action which lasted for some time in the
Time expressions: yesterday, last
time. burgled our house. past and the results of which were visible in the
week/weekend/year, three years/two days/an hour ago,
2. temporary situations in the past. past.
when, in 1992 Time expressions: already, after, before, by the
Time expressions:while,as time, when, for, since, as soon as. Time expressions: for, since, how long, before, until
Simple tenses (infinitive – to do) Continuous tenses (infinitive – to Perfect tenses (infinitive – to have Perfect Continuous tenses (infinitive -
be doing) done) to have been doing)
Future Simple Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous
Will be + Ving Will have + V3 Will have been + Ving
Will + V1 Positive Positive Positive
Will you come tomorrow? I/he/she/it/you/we/they will be + Ving. I/he/she/it/you/we/they will have + V3. I/he/she/it/you/we/they will have been + Ving.
Negative This time next week we will be having an English She will have finished her task by 4 p.m. I will have been teaching for more than 20 years by the end
Will not (Won’t) + V1 lesson. Negative of this school year.
She won’t come tomorrow. Negative I/he/she/it/you/we/they will not (won’t) have + V3. Negative
Questions I/he/she/it/you/we/they will not (won’t) be + Ving. He won’t have returned by tomorrow. I/he/she/it/you/we/they will not (won’t) have been + Ving.
Will …+ V1? This time tomorrow I won’t be doing my homework, I Questions She won’t have been reading the book by the time you get
Will they come tomorrow? will be watching a film. Will I/he/she/it/you/we/they have + V3? back.
Who will come tomorrow? Questions Will you have done your homework by 8 p.m.? Questions
When will you come? Will I/he/she/it/you/we/they be + Ving? What will have happened by next Monday here? Will hw have been traveling for 8 months by the end of the
Usage: Will you be cooking dinner tonight at 6? Usage: year?
1. predictions about the future usually with the What will he be doing tomorrow after the show? 1. for an action which will be finished before a How long will she have been teaching by the next summer?
verbs think, believe, expect, etc. Will you be going to the shop this evening? I need stated future time. Usage:
2. for on the spot decisions some milk. Time expressions: by, by the time, before, by 1. to emphasize the duration of an action up to a
3. for actions/events/situations which will Usage: then, etc. certain time in the future.
definitely happen in the future and which we 1. for an action which will be in progress at a
can’t control. stated future time.
4. for promises, offers, threats, warnings, 2. for an action which will definitely happen Time expressions: by; for
requests, hopes in the future as the result of a routine or
Time expressions: tomorrow, the day after arrangement.
tomorrow, next week/month/year, tonight, soon, etc. 3. when we ask politely about sb’s plans for
the near future when we want something
from them.
Time expressions: this time next week, etc.
Conditional clauses
Zero conditional First conditional Second conditional Third conditional
If clause , result clause If clause , result clause If clause , result clause If clause , result clause
Presnt simple Present simple All present tenses Future simple/ imperative/ Past simple/ would + bare infinitive Past perfect would have + V3
If you don’t water the flowers, they die. Modals + bare infinitive Past continuous
If you push that button, the machine starts. If you come, we will play Monopoly. If I won in a lottery, I would travel around the World. If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t have made such
If somebody calls, let me know. If I were you, I would work harder. stupid mistake.
Usage: to talk about sth. which is always true/ general If it happens, I must inform them.
truths/instructions. Usage: Usage:
Usage: Imaginary situations which are contrary to the present Imaginary situations which are contrary to facts in the
Real or very probable situations in the present or future. or future and therefore are unlikely to happen in the past/ regrets or criticism.
present or future. (tariamoji nuosaka)
Wish/if only/rather
Present Past Future
Wish + Past simple Wisk + Past perfect Wish + would/could + bare infinitive

Regret about the present Regret about the past. To express desire for a changing situation or sb.’s behaviour
I wish I lived close to the school. (Gaila, kad negyvenu arti mokyklos) I wish I had lived close to the school. (Gaila, kad negyvenau arti mokyklos) I wish I could travel abroad.
I wish I didn’t live close to the school. (Gaila, kad gyvenu arti mokyklos) I wish I hadn’t lived close to the school. (Gaila, kad gyvenau arti mokyklos) I wish it would stop raining.
I’d rather do sth. – the speaker expresses his preference about himself I’d rather have done sth. – the speaker his preference or regret about the
at present. past
I’d rather stay at home tonight. I’d rather have stayed at home yesterday because the party was boring.
He’d rather go out this evening.
I’d rather sb. had done sth. – the speaker expresses his
I’d rather sb. did sth. – the speaker expresses his preference concerning preference/criticism concerning another person
another person I’d rather she had stayed at home yesterday and helped me.
I’d rather she stayed at home tonight.

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