Social Stress As A Trigger For Depressive Like Behavior and Persistent

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Journal of Affective Disorders 274 (2020) 759–767

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Research paper

Social stress as a trigger for depressive-like behavior and persistent T

hyperalgesia in mice: study of the comorbidity between depression and
chronic pain
LN Piardia,1, M Pagliusia,1, IJM Bonetb, AF Brandãoa, SF Magalhãesa, FB Zanelattoa, CH Tambelia,
CA Paradaa, CR Sartoria,

Department of Structural and Functional Biology, University of Campinas, Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, Cidade Universitaria Zeferino Vaz, Box 6109, Campinas, SP
13083-865, Brazil
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of California San Francisco, 513 Parnassus Ave, Box 0440 S709, San Francisco, CA 94143, United States of


Keywords: Background: There is great comorbidity and similarity between chronic pain and major depressive disorders. We
Chronic pain have recently shown that 10 days of social defeat stress (SDS) induces hyperalgesia regardless depressive-like
depression behavior in mice. Here we aimed to investigate whether social stress predisposes to chronic pain and, inversely,
social defeat stress whether chronic pain predisposes to stress-induced depression.
Methods: Firstly, we used the 10 days SDS paradigm in mice followed by a mild protocol of repetitive in-
social avoidance
flammatory stimulus to evaluate if SDS would predispose to persistent hyperalgesia development. Secondly, we
used the intense protocol of repetitive inflammatory stimulus followed by a subthreshold SDS to evaluate if
persistent hyperalgesia would predispose to depressive-like behavior of social avoidance.
Results: Our results showed that SDS predispose to chronic pain, since stressed mice injected with PGE2 for 7
days (mild protocol), stimuli normally not sufficient to trigger chronic pain, showed persistent hyperalgesia.
Also, we showed that persistent hyperalgesia induced by repetitive inflammatory stimuli predispose to long-
lasting depressive-like behavior of social avoidance induced by subthreshold SDS.
Limitations: We did not analyze molecular mechanism associated with chronic pain and depressive-like behavior
induced by SDS. However, we hypothesized that SDS and 14 days of PGE2 would generate neuroplasticity on
brain areas shared by chronic pain and depression, predisposing to pain chronification and depressive-like be-
havior, respectively.
Conclusions: We can conclude social stress as a key and a common factor for chronic pain and depression. We can
also conclude that SDS predisposes to chronic pain and, inversely, chronic pain predisposes to depressive-like

1. Introduction interventions (Li, 2017). Recently, using a 10 days social defeat stress
(SDS) paradigm that allows the separation of susceptible and resilient
Several studies have shown the great comorbid between chronic phenotypes for depressive-like behavior (Golden et al., 2011), our re-
pain and major depressive disorders (MDD) (Arnow et al., 2009; search group showed that SDS induced mechanical and chemical hy-
Robinson et al., 2009; Goldenberg, 2010; Li, 2017). This comorbidity peralgesia regardless depressive-like behavior in mice (Pagliusi Jr et al.,
between chronic pain and MDD is reflected in clinical conditions, 2018). Rivat et al. (2010), using a different SDS rat model, also showed
neural circuits, neurotransmitter systems, and neural structures that are chronic social stress triggering sensory hypersensitivity and anxiety
similarly altered in patients with these conditions (Robinson et al., behavior, which is closely associated with depression (Tiller, 2013).
2009; Goldenberg, 2010; Li, 2017). Understanding the relationship These results show that stress is a key factor to trigger both chronic pain
between chronic pain and MDD is important for more effective clinical and depressive-like behavior.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Sartori).
Contributed equally to this article.
Received 4 December 2019; Received in revised form 17 April 2020; Accepted 27 May 2020
Available online 31 May 2020
0165-0327/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Piardi, et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 274 (2020) 759–767

A rodent model using repetitive inflammatory stimulus with pros- 2.1. Social defeat stress (SDS)
taglandin E2 (PGE2) have been widely used to mimic human chronic
pain conditions (Ferreira et al., 1990; Villarreal, Sachs, et al., 2009; Dias We used an adapted version (Pagliusi Jr. & Sartori, 2019) of the
et al., 2015). In this model, PGE2 is daily injected subcutaneously in the social defeat stress protocol standardized by Golden et al. (2011).
hind paw for 14 days and, as consequence, the rodent remains hyper- Briefly, C57BL/6J mice were daily introduced for 10 consecutive days
algesic for at least 30 days (i.e. chronic pain) after the end of the in- in the same cage of a resident Swiss mouse (previously selected for its
jections (Ferreira et al., 1990). An important property of this model is aggressive behavior), each day with a different resident Swiss mouse.
that it allows us to analyze the susceptibility of the animal to develop Each social defeat session lasted 10 min. After this period of agonistic
chronic pain. This is possible because a mild repetitive inflammatory body contact both mice, C57BL/6J and Swiss, remained for 24h in the
stimulus protocol (7 days of PGE2 injections) is not sufficient to trigger same cage but separated by a clear perforated acrylic divider allowing
chronic pain in healthy animals (Dias et al., 2015). Therefore, this mild only sensorial contact. These mice were designated to the “SDS” group.
protocol plus additional manipulation (e.g. social stress, molecular Control mice were maintained in pairs (both C57BL/6J) in a cage di-
manipulations in the central nervous system) could trigger a chronic vided by a clear perforated acrylic divider allowing sensorial contact
pain condition in the individual, allowing us to study comorbidities and and were handled similarly to the SDS mice during all the protocol.
molecular mechanisms associated with pain chronification. Also, using These mice were designated to the “no-SDS”group. All mice were
this model we can assess the hypothesis that the social defeat stress constantly evaluated during the defeat protocol, and, as standardized
would induce a priming effect on nociceptor, which could become more by Golden et al. (2011), mice with open wounds exceeding 1 cm were
sensitive to PGE2. removed from the study and immediately euthanized.
Studying diseases of modernity, such as chronic pain and MDD,
require us to use animal models that mimic the stressful environment 2.2. Subthreshold social defeat stress (SSDS)
where human is inserted and which, directly, is being responsible for
the epidemic indices of these diseases (Moussavi et al., 2007; For the subthreshold social defeat stress (also denominated micro-
Hidaka, 2012). In this context, nowadays it seems unlikely for a human defeat) protocol C57BL/6J mice were introduced to the cage of resident
being to be subjected to situations of physical stress, such as physical Swiss mice (previously selected for its aggressive behavior) in three 5-
restraint or electrical shocks, type of stressors which are being used as min session on a single day, with 15 min of rest, with sensorial contact,
animal models for depression and pain (Da Silva Torres et al., 2003; between each session (Krishnan et al., 2007).
Gameiro et al., 2006; Bali & Jaggi, 2015). Because of this we used in the
present study the SDS paradigm, considering that stress associated with 2.3. Persistent hyperalgesia induction model
social relationships like family, work and urban conditions are the most
significative stress that affects modern humans and can trigger MDD To induce persistent hyperalgesia, we used an intense protocol of
(Jasnow et al., 2005; Kumpulainen, 2008; Davidson & McEwen, 2012). repetitive inflammatory stimulus previously described by Ferreira et al.
Even with the well-known abovementioned comorbidity between (1990) and Villarreal et al. (2009). In this protocol we performed daily
chronic pain and MDD, there is a lack of studies in the literature aiming injections (using a hypodermic 26-gauge needle) of prostaglandin E2
the relationship between these two conditions, mainly in a social stress (PGE2) for 14 days in the plantar surface of the mice hind paw (90μg/
context. Taking this into account, the present study assessed the re- 15μl/paw). After these two weeks of PGE2 injections mice shows long-
lationship between chronic pain and depression using a social stress lasting mechanical hiperalgesia for, at least, 30 days.
context. Based on this approach, this study aimed to investigate if the
SDS paradigm would predispose to pain chronification and, inversely, if 2.4. Mild protocol of repetitive inflammatory stimulus
chronic pain induced by repetitive inflammatory stimuli would pre-
dispose to depressive-like behavior in mice. To evaluate predisposition to chronic pain we used a mild protocol
of repetitive inflammatory stimulus described by Dias et al. (2015),
which is a short-term version of the persistent hyperalgesia induction
2. Methods model (Ferreira et al., 1990; Villarreal, Funez, et al., 2009). In this
protocol we performed daily injections (using a hypodermic 26-gauge
Male eight weeks old C57BL/6J mice and male Swiss mice retired needle) of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) for 7 days in the plantar surface of
breeders were used and obtained from the Multidisciplinary Center for the mice hind paw (90μg/15μl/paw). This protocol is used to evaluate
Biological Investigation (CEMIB) at the State University of Campinas the susceptibility for pain chronification since it is not sufficient to
(UNICAMP). Mice were housed under standard laboratory conditions induce per se long-lasting mechanical hiperalgesia in a healthy in-
(22 ± 1oC, 12-hour light/dark cycles, food and water ad libitum). All dividual.
experiments were approved by the Ethics Committee on the Use of
Animals at the Biology Institute of the University of Campinas (pro- 2.5. Social interaction test
In the present study we performed two sets of experiments. In the Social interaction behavior was evaluated through the social inter-
experiment 1 we used the 10 days SDS paradigm in mice followed by a action test 24 hours after the last (S)SDS session, as previously de-
mild protocol of repetitive inflammatory stimulus (7 days of PGE2 hind scribed by Golden et al. (2011). For this test we used an open field arena
paw injections) to evaluate if SDS would predispose to the development (42cm x 42cm x 42cm) with two zones of interest: interaction zone and
of persistent hyperalgesia. In the experiment 2 we used an intense corner zone, as shown in figure 2 (upper right corner). This test con-
protocol of repetitive inflammatory stimulus (14 days of PGE2 hind sisted of two 150s consecutive sessions, separated from each other by
paw injections) followed by a subthreshold SDS (1-day defeat protocol, 30s. The first session is called “no target” and an empty perforated
a.k.a. microdefeat) to evaluate if persistent hyperalgesia would pre- acrylic enclosure was placed in the center of the interaction zone. The
dispose to depressive-like behavior of social avoidance. It is worth second session is called “target” and is similar to the first session,
mentioning that all behavioral tests were performed under red light however a Swiss mouse (selected as an aggressor but not used during
conditions and in a blinded fashion. SDS) was placed into the perforated plastic enclosure. In both sessions
Experimental design is represented in the graphic diagram (figure 1): the C57BL/6J mouse was placed into the rear part of the open field

L. Piardi, et al.

Figure 1. Graphic diagram of the experimental design. (A) First set of experiments to evaluate if SDS would predispose to persistent hyperalgesia, and (B) second set of experiments to evaluate if persistent hyperalgesia
would predispose depressive-like behavior of social avoidance after subthreshold SDS.
Journal of Affective Disorders 274 (2020) 759–767
L. Piardi, et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 274 (2020) 759–767

Figure 2. (A) Total time spent in the interaction zone during target session of the social interaction test performed 24h after the last defeat session of the SDS protocol
(B) Total time spent in the corner zone during target session of the social interaction test performed 24h after the last defeat session of the SDS protocol. (N=19-20;
***p≤0.001 different from no-SDS group). Figure on the upper right corner shows the social interaction arena (IZ = interaction zone and CZ = corners zone).

opposite the interaction zone. Both sessions were recorded by a camera Following the habituation period, capsaicin was injected in the sub-
system and analyzed in specialized software (X-Plo-Rat – developed by cutaneous tissue of the left hind paw (0.1µg/15µl/paw). The nocicep-
Dr. Silvio Morato, USP, Brazil) to obtain the total time spent in the tive response was characterized by the act of lifting the paw stereo-
interaction and corners zone. The results are shown as the total time typically (flinching) and was quantified during a 5 min period. This test
spent in the interaction and corner zone in the target session. Less time was used to evaluate chemical hyperalgesia intensity.
in the interaction zone and more time in the corner zone, when com-
pared to the control no- SDS group, are considered depressive-like be- 2.8. Statistical analysis
havior of social avoidance. In this test is also possible to segregate the
SDS mice in “susceptible” and “resilient”. Susceptible mice have social Mice were randomly assigned to the different experimental condi-
interaction ratio (SI) – calculated by dividing the time spent in the in- tions. Statistical analysis was performed in Graph-Pad Prism version 6.0
teraction zone during “target” session by the time spent in the inter- for Windows (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA). Data were
action zone during “no target” session – less than 1 (SI < 1); and re- analyzed using unpaired T test and ANOVA techniques (one-way or
silient mice have SI greater or equal than 1 (SI ≥ 1). It means that two-way depending on the number of sources of variances) followed by
susceptible mice show depressive-like behavior of social avoidance and a pos hoc Bonferroni multiple comparison tests to compare the groups.
resilient mice are resistant, not showing socialavoidance. Data are presented as the mean ± standard error of mean (SEM).
Statistical significance was defined as p ≤ 0.05.
2.6. Electronic von Frey test
3. Results
The electronic von Frey test was performed to evaluate the me-
chanical nociceptive threshold, as previously described (Cunha et al., 3.1. Experiment 1 – social stress-induced predisposition for chronic pain
2004). Briefly, this test consisted of evoking a hind paw flexion with a
hand-held force transducer adapted with a 0.5mm polypropylene tip Social defeat stress (SDS) induced depressive-like behavior of
(electronic von Frey; IITC Life Science, Woodland Hills, CA, USA). A social avoidance
tilted mirror placed under the grid provided a clear view of the mouse After 10 days of social defeat stress we performed the social inter-
hind paw. The experimenter was trained to apply a pressure on the action test where mice from SDS group spent less time in interaction
plantar surface of the mouse hindpaw with a constant gain of strength zone and more time in corner zone during the target session when
until the mouse withdraws the paw stereotypically in a clear flinching compared to mice from no-SDS group (figure 2). As previously de-
response. Then the stimulus was automatically discontinued, and its scribed (Golden et al., 2011), this is a typical depressive-like behavior of
intensity was recorded when the paw was withdrawn. For habituation, social avoidance and demonstrates that the model standardized by
mice were placed in the von Frey apparatus 30min before starting the Golden et al. (2011) was replicated in the present study. Figure 2A
test. The von Frey apparatus consists in acrylic cages measuring shows the total time spent in the interaction zone by mice from each
12 × 20 × 17cm with a floor made of a 5mm2 mesh of non-malleable group during target session (no-SDS: 78.26 ± 5.264s; SDS:
wire with a thickness of 1mm. The results are expressed by the variation 51.65 ± 5.028s). Unpaired T test revealed statistical difference be-
of the nociceptive threshold in grams (gram- force) obtained by sub- tween groups (p=0.0008; t=3.658; df=37). Figure 2B shows the total
tracting the average of three values observed in the baseline (before time spent in the corner zone by mice from each group during target
starting the SDS protocol or PGE2 injections) from those of the average session (no-SDS: 17.58 ± 1.972s; SDS: 41.05 ± 4.343s). Unpaired T test
of three values obtained after the SDS protocol or PGE2 injections (∆ revealed statistical difference between groups (p≤0.0001; t=4.834;
mechanical nociceptive threshold in grams). This test was used to df=37).
evaluate mechanical hyperalgesia intensity. The experimenter was
blind to all experimentaltreatments. 3.2. Social defeat stress (SDS)-induced mechanical hyperalgesia was long-
2.7. Capsaicin test
After the end of the SDS protocol we performed weekly assessment
To evaluate the mice response to chemical nociceptive stimulus, we of the mechanical nociceptive threshold to evaluate how long SDS-in-
performed the capsaicin test. For habituation, 30min before starting the duced hyperalgesia last. As shown in figure 3, on week 0 (48h after the
experiment mice were placed in the capsaicin test apparatus consisted last defeat session) we replicate our previously results (Pagliusi Jr.
in an observation box measuring 30 × 30 × 30cm with of one clear et al., 2018) showing hyperalgesia induced by SDS (no-SDS:
glass wall at the front, three mirrored walls, and a mirrored floor. -0.0118 ± 0.1896g; SDS: 1.84 ± 0.2503g). One week after the last

L. Piardi, et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 274 (2020) 759–767

between no-SDS Saline and SDS Saline and p≤0.01 between no-SDS Saline
and SDS PGE2, and between no-SDS PGE2 and both SDS).
Figure 4B shows mechanical hyperalgesia 8 days after the last PGE2
injection but, at this moment, we separated the phenotypes generated
by SDS protocol (resilient and susceptible mice) evaluated in the social
interaction test performed on day -28 of the experimental design. We
can see that susceptible mice, but not resilient, shows persistent me-
chanical hyperalgesia (no-SDS PGE2: 0.0222 ± 0.2060g; resilient PGE2:
0.5200 ± 0.3121g; susceptible PGE2: 2.640 ± 0.5240g). One-way
ANOVA showed significant differences between groups (F2,16=17.33;
p≤0.0001). The post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparison test re-
vealed statistical differences between susceptible PGE2 and no-SDS
PGE2 (p≤0.001) and resilient PGE2 (p≤0.01).
After 10 days of the last injections (day 10) we performed the
Figure 3. Variation of the mechanical nociceptive threshold. Figure shows
thevariation of the mechanical nociceptive threshold 0, 1, 2 and 3 weeks after
capsaicin test (figure 4C) and only SDS PGE2 group showed long-lasting
the last defeat session of the SDS protocol (N=17-20; **p≤0.01 different from chemical hyperalgesia (no-SDS saline: 48.75 ± 3.400; no-SDS PGE2:
no-SDS group; ***p≤0.001 different from no-SDS group; week 0 means 48h 56.30 ± 2.028; SDS saline: 61.70 ± 3.986; SDS PGE2: 64.90 ± 4.040).
after the last defeat session). One-way ANOVA showed significant differences between groups
(F3,34=3.821; p=0.0184). The post hoc Bonferroni's multiple com-
parison test revealed statistical differences between SDS PGE2 and no-
defeat session (on week 1) mice from SDS group were still showing
SDS saline (p=0.0161)
mechanical hyperalgesia when compared to mice from no-SDS group
(control: -0.1176 ± 0.1654g; SDS: 1.765 ± 0.2643g). Same occurred
3.4. Social defeat stress (SDS)-induced depressive-like behavior of social
two weeks after the last defeat session (on week 2), when mice from
avoidance was long-lasting regardless saline or PGE2 injection in the hind
SDS group was still showing mechanical hyperalgesia when compared
to mice from no-SDS group (control: -0.0294 ± 0.1548g; SDS:
1.045 ± 0.3169g). However, three weeks after the last defeat session
After 9 days after the last injection (PGE2 or saline), i.e. 38 days after the
(on week 3) the mechanical nociceptive threshold of mice from SDS
SDS protocol, we performed another social interaction test and both, saline
group returned to the baseline (control: 0.1 ± 0.1906g; SDS:
and PGE2, SDS groups spent less time in interaction zone (figure 5A) and
0.235 ± 0.1907g) and became similar to the no-SDS group. Two-way
more time in corner zone (figure 5B) during the target session when
analyses of variance (ANOVA) showed significant differences for all
compared to no-SDS groups, which indicate that they are still showing
effects (Interaction: F3,105= 13.54 p≤0.0001; Time: F3,105= 9.157
depressive-like behavior of social avoidance (Time in interaction zone –
p≤0.0001; Column Factor: F1,35= 22.41 p≤0.0001; Subjects: F35,105=
no-SDS Saline: 70.50 ± 6.150s; no-SDS PGE2: 70.00 ± 6.396s; SDS Saline:
5.440 p≤0.0001). The post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparison test
33.00 ± 4.240s; SDS PGE2: 31.20 ± 4.950s. Time in corner zone – no-SDS
revealed statistical differences between no-SDS and SDS groups on
Saline: 19.75 ± 3.115s; no-SDS PGE2: 22.30 ± 6.289s; SDS Saline:
week 0 (p≤0.001), week 1 (p≤0.001) and week 2 (p=0.0048).
54.80 ± 7.212s; SDS PGE2: 46.70 ± 7.149s). One-way ANOVA showed
significant differences between groups in the time in interaction zone (Time
3.3. Social defeat stress (SDS) predisposed to persistent hyperalgesia in a in interaction zone – F3,34=16.23; p≤0.0001. Time in corner zone –
mild protocol of repetitive inflammatory stimulus F3,34=7.322; p=0.0006). The post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparison
test revealed statistical differences between SDS groups (saline and PGE2)
After SDS-induced mechanical hiperalgesia returns to the baseline (3 and both no-SDS groups (saline and PGE2) (Time in interaction zone –
weeks, see figure 4), we perform a mild protocol of repetitive inflammatory p≤0.001; Time in corner zone – p≤0.01 between SDS saline and control
stimulus consisted by only 7 days of PGE2 (or saline as control for PGE2) groups and p≤0.05 between SDS PGE2 and control groups).
injections subcutaneously in the hind paw. As shown in figure 4A, 24h after
the last PGE2 injection (day 1) mice from both no-SDS and SDS groups 3.5. Experiment 2 – chronic pain-induced predisposition for depressive-like
showed mechanical hyperalgesia (i.e. are statistical different from mice of behavior of social avoidance
no-SDS Saline group). SDS mice injected with saline (SDS Saline group) did
not show mechanical hyperalgesia on day 1, although it has increased their 14 days of PGE2 injections in the hind paw induced persistent
mechanical nociceptive threshold when compared to the day before starting hyperalgesia
saline injections (no-SDS Saline: 0.1143 ± 0.2355g; no-SDS PGE2: After 1 day and 15 days of the last PGE2 (or saline) injection we
2.57 ± 0.2608g; SDS Saline: 1.38 ± 0.3723g; SDS PGE2: 3.49 ± 0.2892g). performed an electronic von Frey test to assess the mechanical noci-
After 8 days of the last injections (day 8) only SDS groups (Saline and PGE2) ceptive threshold (figure 6). As previously described (Ferreira et al.,
showed long-lasting mechanical hyperalgesia. As expected in a mild per- 1990; Villarreal, Funez, et al., 2009), all mice injected with PGE2 for 14
sistent hyperalgesia induction protocol, mice from no-SDS PGE2 group did days showed persistent mechanical hyperalgesia (Day 1 – saline:
not show long-lasting mechanical hyperalgesia (no-SDS Saline: -0.3429 0.3824 ± 0.1102g; PGE2: 3.4263 ± 0.2405g. Day 15 – saline:
± 0.2608g; no-SDS PGE2: -0.34 ± 0.4064g; SDS Saline: 1.34 ± 0.3925g; 0.1618 ± 0.225g; PGE2: 2.5526 ± 0.2065g). Two-way ANOVA showed
SDS PGE2: 1.58 ± 0.4555g). Two-way ANOVA showed significant differ- significant differences for time, column factor and subjects (Interaction:
ences for all effects (Interaction: F6,66=7.286 p≤ 0.0001; Time: F1,34=3.415 p=0.0733; Time: F1,34=9.597 p=0.0039; Column Factor:
F2,66=34.07 p≤0.0001; Column Factor: F3,33=8.207 p=0.0003; Subjects: F1,34=120.6 p≤0.0001; Subjects: F34,34=1.961 p=0.0267). The post
F33,66=2.180 p=0.0036). The post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparison hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparison test revealed statistical differ-
test revealed statistical differences on day 1 between no-SDS Saline and ences on day 1 and 15 between saline and PGE2 groups (p ≤0.001).
both PGE2 groups (p≤0.001) and between SDS Saline and SDS PGE2
(p<0.001). Still observing the data from day 1, it's important to note that 3.6. Persistent hyperalgesia predisposes to depressive-like behavior in a
there is no statistical difference between SDS saline and no-SDS saline subthreshold social defeat stressparadigm
groups. On day 8 the post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparison test re-
vealed statistical differences between no-SDS and SDS groups (p≤0.05 After 14 days of PGE2 injections we performed a subthreshold social

L. Piardi, et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 274 (2020) 759–767

Figure 4. (A) Shows the variation of the mechanical nociceptive threshold 1 day before (experimental day -6), 1 and 8 days after PGE2 (or saline) injections (N=7-
10; *p≤0.05 no-SDS Saline vs. SDS Saline; **p≤0.01 no-SDS Saline vs. SDS PGE2; no-SDS PGE2 vs. SDS Saline; no-SDS PGE2 vs. SDS PGE2; ***p≤0.001 no-SDS
Saline vs. no-SDS PGE2; no-SDS Saline vs. SDS PGE2; ###p≤0.001 SDS Saline vs. SDS PGE2); (B) shows variation of the mechanical nociceptive threshold 8 days after
PGE2 injections, dividing SDS group in susceptible (SI ratio ≥ 1) and resilient (SI ratio < 1) (N=5-9; **p≤0.01; ***p≤0.001) and (C) shows the number of flinches
for each experimental group in the capsaicin test performed 10 days after the last saline/PGE2 injection (N=7-10; **p≤0.01 different from no-SDS Saline group).

Figure 5. (A) Total time spent in the interaction zone during target session 9 days after the last saline/PGE2 injection. (B) Total time spent in the corner zone during
target session 9 days after the last saline/PGE2 injection (N=8-10; *p≤0.05 different from no-SDS group; **p≤0.01 different from no-SDS group; ***p≤0.001
different from no-SDS group). Figure on the upper right corner shows the social interaction arena (IZ = interaction zone and CZ = corners zone).

L. Piardi, et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 274 (2020) 759–767

showed significant differences between groups (Time in interaction

zone – F3,35=14.28; p≤0.0001. Time in corner zone – F3,36=10.18;
p≤0.0001). The post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparison test re-
vealed statistical differences between SSDS groups (saline and PGE2)
and both no-SSDS groups (saline and PGE2) (p≤0.01 between no-SSDS
saline and SSDS saline; and p≤0.001 between no-SSDS groups and
SSDS PGE2 and between control PGE2 and SSDS saline).
In the second social interaction test, performed 14 days after SSDS
session, only SSDS PGE2 showed depressive-like behavior of social
avoidance, spending less time in the interaction zone and more time in
the corner zone when compared to the no-SSDS groups (Time in in-
teraction zone – no-SSDS saline: 64.63 ± 4.799s; no-SSDS PGE2:
70.56 ± 7.474s; SSDS saline: 53.11 ± 9.621s; SSDS PGE2:
Figure 6. Variation of the mechanical nociceptive threshold. Figure shows the 32.10 ± 8.127s. Time in corner zone – no-SSDS saline:
variation of the mechanical nociceptive threshold 1 and 15 days after saline/ 25.89 ± 6.603s; – no-SSDS PGE2: 23.56 ± 4.882s; SSDS saline:
PGE2 injections (N=17-19; ***p≤0.001 different from saline group). 43.11 ± 9.102s; SSDS PGE2: 71.30 ± 10.73s). One-way ANOVA
showed significant differences between groups (Time in interaction
defeat stress (SSDS) session as previous described (Krishnan et al., zone – F3,32=4.864; p=0.0067. Time in corner zone – F3,33=7.266;
2007) and assessed the social interaction behavior three times: 24h (0 p=0.0007). The post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparison test re-
weeks), 2 weeks and 3 weeks after SSDS session. Figure 7 shows the vealed statistical differences between SSDS PGE2 and both no SSDS
time spent in the interaction zone (A) and corner zone (B) during target groups (saline and PGE2) (Time in interaction zone – p≤0.05 between
session for all three social interaction tests performed. We can see that control saline and SSDS PGE2 and p≤0.01 between control PGE2 and
in both, saline and PGE2, SSDS groups spent less time in the interaction SSDS PGE2. Time in corner zone – p≤0.01 between no-SSDS groups
zone and more time in the corner zone when compared to the control and SSDS PGE2).
no-SDS groups 24h after SSDS session, that is, showed depressive-like In the third and last social interaction test, performed 21 days after
behavior of social avoidance (Time in interaction zone – no-SSDS SSDS session, again only SSDS PGE2 showed depressive-like behavior of
saline: 46.10 ± 5.815s; no-SSDS PGE2: 54.20 ± 6.352s; SSDS saline: social avoidance, spending less time in the interaction zone and more
20.67 ± 5.605s; SSDS PGE2: 13.30 ± 2.103s. Time in corner zone – time in the corner zone when compared to the control no-defeated
no-SSDS saline: 38.60 ± 6.791s; no-SSDS PGE2: 29.80 ± 6.354s; SSDS groups (Time in interaction zone – no-SSDS saline: 60.10 ± 5.767s;
saline: 72.90 ± 9.885s; SSDS PGE2: 80.30 ± 7.733s). One-way ANOVA no-SSDS PGE2: 65.11 ± 5.591s; SSDS saline: 59.13 ± 8.812s; SSDS
PGE2: 31.70 ± 7.448s. Time in corner zone – no-SSDS saline:
25.56 ± 4.571s; no-SSDS PGE2: 20.25 ± 2.313s; SSDS saline:
41.50 ± 10.61s; SSDS PGE2: 74.80 ± 11.92s). One-way ANOVA
showed significant differences between groups (Time in interaction
zone – F3,33=5.019; p=0.0056. Time in corner zone – F3,31=8.400;
p=0.0003). The post hoc Bonferroni's multiple comparison test re-
vealed statistical differences between SSDS PGE2 and all other groups
(Time in interaction zone – p≤0.05 between no-SSDS saline and SSDS
PGE2 and p≤0.01 between SSDS PGE2 and other groups. Time in
corner zone – p≤0.05 between SSDS PGE2 and SSDS saline and
p≤0.01 between SSDS PGE2 and no-SSDS groups).

4. Discussion

The present investigation was designed to evaluate whether social

defeat stress – that induces depressive-like behavior of social avoidance
– would predispose to persistent hyperalgesia and, inversely, weather
persistent hyperalgesia would predispose to depressive-like behavior of
social avoidance in mice. This approach was taken because there is, in
humans, great comorbidity between chronic pain and depression
(Goldenberg, 2010; Robinson et al., 2009) and few studies have in-
vestigated this relationship in animal models. We used the social defeat
stress paradigm because the stress associated with social relationships
like family, work and urban conditions are, generally, the most
common stress that affects modern humans and can trigger MDD
(Jasnow et al., 2005; Kumpulainen, 2008; Davidson & McEwen, 2012).
Also, we used the repetitive inflammatory stimulus (PGE2 injections)
paradigm to study pain chronification because it is an established
model (Ferreira et al., 1990; Villarreal, Funez, et al., 2009) and, among
Figure 7. (A) Total time spent in the interaction zone during target session 0, 2 many causes, chronic pain commonly results from an inflammatory
and 3 weeks after SSDS (B) Total time spent in the corner zone during target episode (Woolf, 2011) and PGE2 is a well-known inflammatory med-
session 0, 2 and 3 weeks after SSDS (N=7-10; *p≤0.05; **p≤0.01 and iator (Ferreira et al., 1990).
***p≤0.001; &&p≤0.01 different from no-SSDS saline group; &&&p≤0.001 Our results showed that social defeat stress induces mechanical
different from no-SSDS saline group; ##p≤0.01 different from no-SSDS PGE2 hyperalgesia, as we had previously described (Pagliusi et al., 2018), and
group; ###p≤0.001 different from no-SSDS PGE2 group; Ѳp≤0.05 different that this hyperalgesia is chronic, lasting for at least 2 weeks. Also, our
from both saline groups; week 0 means 24h after SSDS). results showed that social defeat stress (SDS) predisposes to persistent

L. Piardi, et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 274 (2020) 759–767

hyperalgesia in a mild protocol of repetitive inflammatory stimulus depression, and, as consequence, predisposing to both pain chron-
and, inversely, persistent hyperalgesia predisposes to depressive-like ification and depressive-like behavior of social avoidance.
behavior of social avoidance in a subthreshold social defeat stress Considering peripheral outcomes of SDS, it is worth mentioning a
(SSDS) model. These results strongly corroborate clinical studies possible priming effect on nociceptor induced by chronic stress. It is
showing the abovementioned comorbidity between chronic pain and well known that chronic stress, including SDS, results in chronic acti-
depression (Bair et al., 2008; Maletic & Raison, 2009; Robinson et al., vation of the HPA axis, which, in turns, induces an increase of circu-
2009; Goldenberg, 2010). To the best of our knowledge, no studies lating inflammatory cytokines (Tian et al, 2014; Nasef et al, 2017). This
investigated the causality relationship between inflammatory agents- inflammatory environment induced by chronic stress can switch the
induced chronic pain and depressive-like behavior in a social stress nociceptor, making it more susceptible to PGE2 in a process that we call
mouse model approach. hyperalgesic priming (Reichling and Levine, 2009). In this context,
Social defeat stress-induced hyperalgesia has already been reported Khasar et al (2008) showed in ratsthat repeated sound stress enhances
in a mild social defeat stress model for rats (Rivatet al., 2010). In this the susceptibility of the nociceptor to PGE2, also discussing a possible
study, Rivat et al. (2010) showed that SDS-induced hyperalgesia was hyperalgesic priming induced by repeated stress. Aurora et al (2018)
long-lasting for at least 2 weeks, same observed for mice in the present performed a study also suggesting this effect. In this study, authors
study. In fact, it is well established chronic stress triggering hyper- showed that chronic social stress slowed the recovery of the nociceptive
algesia (Satoh et al., 1992; Da Silva Torres et al., 2003; Bradesi et al., threshold after a post-operative pain model in rats, indicating that local
2005; Khasar et al., 2005; Gameiro et al., 2006; Suarez-Roca et al., 2006; inflammatory cytokines along with stress-released cytokines would be
Rivat et al., 2007) and depressive-like behavior (Conti et al., 2002; triggering hyperresponsiveness of the nociceptor (Aurora et al, 2018).
Mineur et al., 2006; Bondi et al., 2008; Pollak et al., 2010). However, It is noteworthy that many studies linking stress with pain and de-
there is a lack of studies evaluating chronic stress, mainly social stress, pressive-like behavior employ physical stress protocols, such as physical
triggering these both conditions simultaneously. restraint and forced swim (DeSantana et al., 2013; Li et al., 2017;
It's important to mention that we waited the mechanical nociceptive Nishiyori et al., 2011; Scheich et al., 2017; Sousa et al., 2018). How-
threshold of the stressed mice returned to baseline values (evaluated ever, nowadays, it is unlikely humans being forcibly exposed to these
before the SDS); this way, when beginning the PGE2 injections, all forms of stressors. Therefore, in the current study, we employed a social
groups would depart under equal pain sensibility conditions. stress protocol model that better reflects the modern human stressful
Interestingly, mechanical hyperalgesia disappears (figure 4) even condition. This approach has great relevance because social environ-
stressed mice still showing social avoidance (figure 5). We hypothe- ment significatively influences depressive-like and pain behaviors in
sized that social avoidance is a more complex behavior than pain re- both human and rodents. Norman, Karelina, Morris, et al. (2010b), for
sponse elicited by mechanical stimulus, recruiting more neural net- example, showed that social interaction during two weeks prior to the
works and requiring greater integration in the central nervous system. spared nerve injury surgery prevents depressive-like behavior induced
This idea is supported by the fact that resilient mice showed mechanical by the injury. Also, Bates et al. (2016) showed in adolescent mice that
hyperalgesia even not showing depressive-like behavior of social social environment (group-housed) mitigates the development of
avoidance (Pagliusi Jr. et al., 2018). That is, because it is a less complex opioid-induced hyperalgesia and antinociceptive tolerance.
behavior and has arisen earlier in vertebrate phylogeny, hyperalgesia It's to be noted that the current study did not investigate mechan-
can be previously induced by social stress and independently of social isms behind the causality between pain and depressive-like behaviors,
avoidance behavior expression. although this mechanistic approach is open for future studies. However,
In another context, Brüning et al., (2015) showed that partial sciatic we advance in the understanding of the interrelationships between
nerve ligation, commonly reported as a comorbid pain and depression social stress and pain chronification, showing that social stress predis-
model, can induce depressive-like behavior in mice evaluated in the poses to chronic pain and, inversely, chronic pain predisposes to de-
forced swimming and tail suspension tests 4 weeks after experimental pressive-like behavior induced by social stress. In addition, we vali-
surgery. It's important to mention that 14 days of PGE2 injections dated the SDS paradigm used in the present study as a chronic pain
cannot induce depressive-like behavior of social avoidance by itself, as model.
shown in the no SSDS PGE2 group in figure 7. In fact, our results
showed that, to induce depressive-like behavior of social avoidance, 14
days of PGE2 needs to be followed by a subthreshold social defeat stress Data Accessibility
stimulus that, in naïve mice, is not sufficient to induce social avoidance.
This way, SDS – in the experiment 1 – and 14 days of PGE2 injec- All data presented in the current manuscript can be obtained from
tions – in the experiment 2 – would be generating neuroplasticity on the corresponding author.
specifics brain areas, probably shared by chronic pain and depression,
and, as consequence, predisposing to pain chronification and depres-
sive-like behavior of social avoidance, respectively. Corroborating this Author Contributions
idea, Norman, Karelina and Zhang (2010a) showed that spared nerve
injury, an animal model of persistent peripheral neuropathic pain, also L.P.N. and M.P.Jr. contributed equally and designed the study,
induces depressive-like behavior evaluated in the forced swim test. performed the experiments, analyzed the data, and drafted the manu-
They also showed that 2 weeks of chronic restraint stress prior to spared script. I.J.M.B. performed behavioral experiments. S.F.M. performed
nerve injury exacerbated the hyperalgesia and depressive-likebehavior, behavioral experiments. F.B.Z. performed behavioral experiments.
resulting in an increase in IL-1b gene expression in the prefrontal cortex A.F.B. performed behavioral experiments. C.H.T. analyzed the data and
and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression in drafted the manuscript. C.A.P. designed the study, analyzed the data,
periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) (Norman, Karelina, Zhang, et al., and drafted the manuscript. C.R.S. designed the study, analyzed the
2010a). It's important to mention that both, prefrontal cortex and PAG, data, and drafted the manuscript.
are of great importance in the pathophysiology of both depression and
chronic pain (Heinricher, 2016; Li, 2017). Moreover, although the
present study did not investigate mechanisms behind the causality be- Declaration of interest statement
tween pain and depressive-like behaviors, it is plausible to consider that
the SDS would be stimulating neuroplasticity on specifics brain areas, The authors report no conflicts of interest.
such as prefrontal cortex ad PAG, probably shared by chronic pain and

L. Piardi, et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 274 (2020) 759–767

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