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 What type of movie do you enjoy the most?

 What is one of your favourite movies?

o Why is it your favourite?

 What other films do you like? Why?

 What films have you seen that you didn’t like? why?
Diet/ food

 Do you think the following are unhealthy for us? why?

o Fruit
o Vegetables
o Dairy
o Meat
o Sugar
o Pasta/Rice/Bread
Growing up :
 Do you eat a healthy diet?
 What would you say is a healthy diet?
 Did you grow up in the city or the country?
 What were the good things about growing up where you did?
 What were the bad things about growing up where you did?
 What problems can children have living in the city?
 What problems can children have living in the country?
 Where would you like to have grown up?
Pocket money:

 Did you receive pocket money when you were a child?

o If yes, how much?
 Will you give your children pocket money in the future?
 What do you think the purpose is in giving children pocket money?
 What can the negative effects be of giving children too much pocket money?
 What can the negative effects be of not giving children enough pocket money?
 How can parents decide how much pocket money to give their children?

 Did you like eating vegetables when you were a child?

 What was your favourite vegetable when you were a child?
 Did you like eating fruit when you were a child?
 What was your favourite fruit when you were a child?
 What did you like eating when you were a child?
 What was your favourite thing to eat when you were a child?
 What do you eat now that you didn’t eat when you were a child?

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