Limitless Technique Red and Blue

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Strengthened Limitless: Blue

Main Article: Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue

Blue (蒼 Ao?) is the Cursed Technique Lapse of the Limitless, which increases the cursed
energy output of the technique and generates the power to attract.[4] This is achieved by
amplifying the Limitless and bringing the conceptual impossibility of negative distance into
reality. This forces the surrounding space to try and fill in the gap by pulling violently toward the
source of the aforementioned impossibility, creating the magnetic-like effect.[13]

Anyone who is targeted directly with blue will have their body implode and their limbs instantly
crushed.[14] The user can use this effect to on themselves move at high speed[10] or use massive
amounts of cursed energy to generate a large field of attraction away from themselves. Stronger
variations of blue can be used to target faster moving targets or large areas, but the user can't
create a wide field of attraction close to themselves.

Like the Limitless technique in general, Blue is difficult to use and requires precise manipulation
of the user's cursed energy, which can cause the user to tire out easily.[13]

Juzo's limbs getting crushed as a result of getting hit by the effects of Blue directly.

Satoru activating Blue on two targets.

Satoru's targets colliding as a result of Blue's magnetism effect.

Satoru generating a large field of attraction.

Reversed Limitless: Red

Main Article: Cursed Technique Reversal: Red

Red (赫 Aka?) is the Cursed Technique Reversal of the Limitless, which reverses the effect of
the strengthened technique and brings the divergence of infinity into reality[15], generating the
power to repel.[4] This is achieved flowing reverse cursed energy into the power of the Limitless,
creating a repelling effect rather than a magnetic one. This technique manifests as a small red orb
that can unleash immense explosive force in an instant.[16][17] The energy output of Red is at least
twice as much as the output of Blue.[10]

Generating the reverse cursed energy needed for Red is extremely difficult. It requires an even
more complex manipulation of cursed energy than usual, making pulling of cursed technique
reversal even more sophisticated than using cursed technique lapse. The user must multiply their
negative energy by negative energy in order to create positive energy, a simple concept that
proves to be extremely difficult in practice.[18] Being able to use a reverse cursed technique is
extremely complicated for any sorcerer, even the most gifted of the Gojo Family.[19]

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