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Mixed ability writing activities

Block 0 Mixed ability writing activities

Film / Book review (Student’s Book page 25)

Instruction: The summer holidays have just finished

and, like most teens, you probably enjoy reading an
interesting book or watching a good film. Choose the
best book you have read or the most enjoyable film that
you have watched recently and write a comment on it.

Fill in the frame text below with your ideas. Here are a
few interesting words to help you:

Positive adjectives: Negative adjectives:

• exciting • boring
• thrilling • dull
• mesmerising • ridiculous
• addictive • unbelievable
• inspiring • strange
• realistic • very long

To help you describe the characters, look at the words in the Glossary on page
233 in your Student’s book.

Book review:
They say there is no better company than a good book. Recently, I read a book
entitled ________________________________________________ by
_____________________________ that certainly convinced me that this is
true. In my opinion, it is a book which will keep you ____________________
The plot is about ________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ and the
story is set in __________________________________________________.
The main characters are _________________________________________
_______________________________ and basically, the book is about how
they __________________________________________________________
_____________________. My favourite character is ____________________
______________________________________________ because of the fact
that __________________________________________________________

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves
Mixed ability writing activities

I think that the following characters are very ___________________________
____________________________________. They make the story very good
and exciting because we can actually relate to them. For example, in the part
when _________________________________________________________
_________________. I think that most people can easily understand why ___
____________________________________________________. There were
even times when ________________________________________ made me
In short, this is a really __________________________________________
which I ____________________________________________. In my modest
opinion, you should _____________________________________________
because it ____________________________________________________.
The only part that I didn’t like so much and would change was when _______
Despite this, I would recommend that people who ______________________
_________________________________________________ read this book.

Film review:
They say one of the best ways to relax is to watch a good film. Recently, I
watched a film entitled __________________________________________
directed by _____________________________ that certainly convinced me
that this is true. In my opinion, it is a film which will keep you _____________
The plot is about ________________________________________________
_________________ and the story is set in __________________________.
The main characters are __________________________________________
_______________________________ and basically, the film is about how they
_________________________________________________________. My
favourite character is __________________________________ because of the
fact that __________________________________________________

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves
Mixed ability writing activities

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

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