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Mixed ability grammar worksheets

Worksheet 9 Student’s Book pages 104-105

Grammar worksheets
If-clauses (Type 0, I, II)

1 Complete the gaps by choosing the most appropriate option.

a. If the sun shines, everybody feels / felt happier.

b. If they knew / know what was going on, they would try to find a way out.
c. If we hurry up, we would / will catch the next train.
d. If John doesn’t want to join in, I will / would not force him.
e. We would go out if I have / had an umbrella.
f. If England has a good team, they would / will win the European Cup.

2 Match the clauses on the left with those on the right and conjugate the verb in (brackets).

1. If you heat water to 100 ºC, a. if the band (not show) up at the concert?
2. If Jim took you home, b. if they (decide) to travel this year?
3. If they sell their house, c. they (have) to rent another.
4. What would happen, d. other sports (get) more financial support.
5. If football weren’t so popular, e. I (feel) more relaxed.
6. Which country would they choose to go to, f. it (boil).

3 Complete the following sentences by using the words in brackets and conjugating the
verbs in the appropriate tenses.

a. If I saw someone breaking into my flat/house, . (call / police)

b. If I got the highest mark in my next Maths test, . (be happy)
c. If my friends decided to help me with my English project, . (work be better)
d. If I could learn a new language, . (learn German)
e. If we could work in a computer lab, . (be more interesting)
f. If schoolwork weren’t so demanding, . (have better marks)
g. If the weather was fine, . (go to the beach)
h. Nobody if students were really interested in improving
their marks. (miss classes)
i. I if I could afford to. (move to a new house)
j. John would hire a secretary if his business . (be successful)
k. If I were you, I for coffee in the evening. (start go out)

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves
Mixed ability grammar worksheets

4 Write a sentence saying what you would do in the situations below.

Grammar worksheets
1. If it rained a lot and you had no umbrella?
2. If your best friend had to move to another school?
3. If you weren’t at home in time for your favourite TV show?

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

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