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Anmol Ali

Professor Brooks
MKTG 3301
1 February 2017
CPA #3: Sony Company Case

3-18. What micro environmental factors have affected Sony’s performance since 2000?
Political factors: Various governmental regulations in different countries, Sony has to adapt
different strategies in the countries it operates. It had passed a Global policy on Occupational
Health and Safety in 1998. It deals with group standard and shows Sony’s cares about the health
and safety of its employees.
Social factors: Sony has been affected by social issues from time to time. This is mainly because
Sony has so widely expanded into different cultures and different markets that it tends to become
hard to deal with all the diversity. Social factors such as health consciousness of customers and
consumer health rates might affect Sony.
Environmental factors: Sony tackles climate change as an important commitment. This is to
ensure their business continuity. For instance, rising sea levels and abnormal weather which
cause by climate change could predict the perceptions change to another purchasing trend. Sony
has realized this problem where it could be social and financial ramifications, so to deal with
legal and regulatory developments.
Technological factors: Sony is working hard on their products to reduce the effect towards the
environment. It is to decrease the total energy that used and also reduce the resource in their
product. Sony fell behind in technology and other companies like Apple, Samsung, Google and
Amazon started to boom and take over. Also Sony had failed to connect with other people in
digital entertainment. Sony was caught in the middle of a perfect storm of environment forces
that inhibited its growth and success.

3-19. What micro environmental factors have affected Sony’s performance during that
They weren’t able to keep up with the other company’s technology. For example, Apple makes a
new product one after another and everyone nowadays buys them making it hard for Sony to
compete. Sony took its eye off the market by losing sight of the future and failing to adapt to
important issues.

3-20. What stands in the way of Sony’s success today?

Sony has failed to change with the times:
Economic and Environmental factors
Competition: Samsung and Apple

3-21. Given Sony’s current situation, what recommendations would you make to Hirai for
the future of the company?
1. User interface and design
2. Market trends, change in consumer needs, opportunities and threats
3. Enhancing the R&D organization
4. Communicating value

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