Guided Steps To Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site For SAP ASE (Sybase) Database Running With SAP Business Suite Applications - SAP Blogs

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9/9/21 23:57 Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database running

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Technical Articles

Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff

December 3, 2019
| 10 minute read

Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE
(Sybase) Database running with SAP Business Suite Applications
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This blog post/Article is for all level of SAP Basis System Administrators who wants to setup simple Disaster Site (DR) solution (Active-Passive) for their SAP
Systems running with SAP ASE 16.0 (Sybase) Database with guided steps.

This blog post will focus on “How to Setup/Implement”, “How to reconfigure”, “How to Uninstall” DR Site based on SAP ASE (Sybase) Database.

The process described here will setup simple DR site for clustered SAP ASE 16.0 (Sybase) database on Windows 2012 OS platform with/without Fail-over

1. Process / Setup Overview
2. Preparation & Prerequisites
3. Installation Steps
4. Post-Installation Steps
5. Other Tasks

Process / Setup Overview

At the end of DR Site setup as described in this article, the Primary & DR Site system landscape will look like the following:

Note: In the above image, the SAP ASE 16.0 Database, RMA Agent, SRS are part of the Microsoft Windows OS Fail-over Cluster in Final Setup.

Let’s try to understand who will be the major payers and how they will play their role in the whole setup. This is very important part because execution with
proper understanding is called good quality of genuine SAP Consultant.

Components playing major role in whole Setup:

Source Database (also called a primary database): A database that is the source of data and transactions that modify data in the target database.… 1/13
9/9/21 23:57 Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database running with SAP Business Suite Applications | S…
Replication Management Agent (RMA) (also called replication agent): A database (depending on the source database)-specific agent that supports data and
transaction replication from a source database to a replication server.
Sybase Replication Server Process (SRS): The server receives replicated data and transactions from the source database via the replication agent and
controls its transition to the target database.
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Target Database (also called companion/standby/DR site’s database): A database that is the target of data and transactions that are modified in the source
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MS Failover Cluster Manager (optional): This will be required to provide High Availability to the installed Sybase Replication Components like RMA, SRS

How the setup will work?

Let’s take brief overview without going much in detail.

During the initial load and replication, the replication agent (RMA) reads the transaction log of the source database and generates the Log Transfer
Language (LTL) output, which is a notation (using a language) that the replication server (SRS) uses to process identified and collected data throughout
the replication channel from the source to the target database.
The primary replication server (SRS) receives the LTL from a replication agent and sends the replicated data to the companion replication server
(Standby/DR Site) (when a split between primary replication server and replicate replication server is used). Otherwise, the sending does not take place
because the data is operated by the single replication server instance). The companion replication server converts the received data from the LTL to the
native format and language used by the target database. It sends the replicate data to the target database for processing, which closes the replication
process (if it is committed in the target database).
For data consistency reasons (no loss of data) each replication server uses a database called the Replication Server System Database (RSSD) to store
replication data and metadata. This information can be used by a replication agent to provide advanced replication features such as transfer of database
data logic (procedures).

Preparation / Prerequisites :
System Environment used on Primary Site and DR site:

SAP Solution/Application: SAP NW 7.4 ABAP

Database: SAP ASE (Sybase)

OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 64bit

HA: MS Failover Cluster Manager v 6.3


SAP Media used in the Setup:

Database Installation media of SAP ASE Database

(Media Number : 51053868_2)

Installation Guide : HADR Users Guide for SAP ASE
Primary Site is running well with consistent SAP ASE (Sybase) database with or without HA on Windows Server OS
DR Site is installed on OS (same as Primary site environemnt) with same SAP software components like SAP Application Servers, SAP Kernel, SAP
ASE (Sybase) Database, Failover Cluster Manager by way of performing Fresh SAP system installation or System Copy procedure
Basic Knowledge of MS Failover cluster manager will be required, if
The script/response file templates referred here are available with completeness in SAP’s official document “ASE HADR Users Guide for SAP ASE
release” (so called “official guide” in this blog). The response file / scrips will need to be prepared properly with correct directory path,
hostname and other required input with great ownership and responsibility.
The following Port communication will need to be enable between Primary Database and Companion (DR Site) Database hosts either at Virtual Hosts
level or at Physical Hosts level: 4909, 6996 to 7000
The following Port communication will need to be disable between Message Server, Application Servers and Database of Primary and Companion (DR
Site) sites either at Virtual Hosts level or at Physical Hosts level. This will avoid cross talk communication during Failover testing.     

Message Server Port, Dispatcher ports of Application Server (Primary/DR site)

To:Database server ports (4901, 4902) (DR site / Primary site)

Prepare hosts.allow file at location %SYBROOT% location (e.g. D:\sybase\POM) with following input format on both Sybase Database Servers to
enable smooth communication of Sybase Backup Server with remote Sybase Database.<local sybase backup server> <remote sybase backup server>
The password of users sapsa, sa at Sybase Database level and users syb<sid> at OS level should be known and user account sapsa, syb<sid> should
be accessible

Installation Steps :
Step-1:  Install Data Movement Component
Location: Database Host of Primary and DR Site

Installation User: <domain>\syb<sid>

As mentioned in official guide, prepare setup response file and Install Data Movement Component without silent installation along with SAP ASE Cockpit
feature. The input USER_INSTALL_DIR is very important in this small step.… 2/13
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If SAP ASE Cockpit component is already got installed on database host before then you can ignore its installation. In other case, do not forget to complete
the installation with configuration part of SAP ASE cockpit. Refer SAP Note 2272320 for complete installation information and configuration of SAP ASE
Cockpit, but you can do it at the end with great free time

Step-2: Install DR Agent Service (RMA)

Location: Database Host of Primary and DR Site

Installation User: <domain>\syb<sid>

One can create Batch script with following commands to Install DR Agent Service (RMA) manually on Host-1.  Provide correct SID of Database.




%SYBASE%\SCC-3_2\plugins\DR\bin\amd64\drservice.exe -install %SID%


sc config SybaseDRAgent_%SID% obj= .\%USERNAME% password= Password123

for /f “tokens=*” %%i in (‘sc sdshow SYBSQL_%SID%’) do set sddl=%%i

sc sdset  SybaseDRAgent_%SID% %sddl%

net start SybaseDRAgent_%SID%

As result, the following Windows Service will be created :

Copy this batch script file to Host-2, Failover Cluster to Host-2 and Install DR Agent Service (RMA), same as above. This step is necessary if you want to
include RMA agent service in Failover Cluster.

Step-3: Apply SAP Note 2754218 ( if it is required) and Restart RAM Service… 3/13
9/9/21 23:57 Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database running with SAP Business Suite Applications | S…
Location: Database Host of Primary and DR Site

Installation User: <domain>\syb<sid>

As per SAP Note 2754218, change …/RMA-16_0/config/bootstrap.prop with Cluster IP of Database Server and Restart RMA Agent Service

 Like This action step is very important step; otherwise, setuphadr script will end

with errors in database materialization part for <SID> database.

Unlock sa user

 RSS Feed isql -Usapsso –P<password> -SPOM -X -w9999

sp_locklogin sa, unlock


        Steps-4: Prepare Response file ( for setuphadr script & Execute setuphadr script
          Location: Database Host of Primary and DR Site

Installation User: <domain>\syb<sid>

Prepare Response file (rs) for setuphadr script as per the guided response file templates of official guide. Be careful with respect to the inputs of
Primary and Companion Server.
Very Important Parameters to change before execution of setuphadr script for Primary Site database:



PRIM.backup_server_dump_directory=<any big disk space where the database

backup can be exported>

The next step will be to execute setuphadr script with the prepared response file. As a result of executing the setuphadr script on Database Host of
Primary and DR Site the RMA agent, Replication Server Environment will be setup automatically along with Database Materialization (if it is opted).
Run setuphadr script with above generated Response file on Primary Site. The execution output should be without error. If there is error, repeat
the execution of setuphadr script.

Run setuphadr script with above generated Response file on Companion/Standby/DR site with following changed parameter:



backup_server_dump_directory= any big disk space where the database backup can be exported>

The execution output should be without error. If there is error, repeat the execution of setuphadr script till you get the clean result.

The following execution output is with AUTO Database Materialization option in which the Database backup will be executed automatically on Primary
Database Host and it will be copied and restored automatically on DR Site as per the internal steps of setuphadr script.… 4/13
9/9/21 23:57 Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database running with SAP Business Suite Applications | S…


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Check sap_status path. The output should be like the following. If the output is not as the following information, then re-execute the setuphadr script
first on Primary Database Host and then on companion/DR site database host as mentioned above. The opened port communication plays important
role in having valid result in ‘sap_status path’

Post-Installation Steps:
Steps-5:  Post Installation Steps:Location: Database Host of Primary and DR Site     
Installation User: <domain>\syb<sid> , <domain>\<sid>adm… 5/13
9/9/21 23:57 Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database running with SAP Business Suite Applications | S…
On Host-1 Restart Replication Server as a Service on Windows


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Export Registry Key of Replication Server from Host-1 and Import to Host-2

Registry key to export: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> SYBASE -> <SID>_REP_<SiteName>

Failover Cluster to another Host-2 – > Create & Restart Replication Server as a Service on Windows on Host-2 -> Check sap_status path 

Configure Replication Server with sap_tune_rs

Lock sa user

isql -Usapsso –P<password> -SPOM -X -w9999

sp_locklogin sa, lock

Add the DR_admin Entry to SecureStore under <sid>adm user… 6/13
9/9/21 23:57 Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database running with SAP Business Suite Applications | S…

Include DR Agent Service (RMA), Replication Server Service in Failover Cluster like the following reference screen. Test FailOver/Failback in Failover
Cluster Manager.

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Check sap_status path , Test HADR Configuration , Save the Response file, scripts for future use
Setup & Access SAP ASE Cockpit and Monitor Primary & DR Site databases

(refer sap note 2272320)

Other Tasks: (on demand… but do not ignore):

Perform Planned & Unplanned Fail over/Fail Back Testing (every 6 months) as per SAP Note 2165143
Perform Re-materialization / to Re-sync Sybase Database using SAP Note 2089569

High level Steps Overview to Uninstall DR Site Configuration:

1. Remove Replication Server Service, RMA Agent Servie from Failover Cluster & Restart them if they were part of Failover Cluster Manager… 7/13
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2. Execute command sap_teardown under <domain>/syb<sid> OS level user

The command should be finished without any kind of single error.


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3. check sap_status path and check that it should not return anything in configuration. If you see the configuration settings, then re-execute the
command sap_teardown same as above 

High level Steps Overview to Re-configure/ Re-Install DR Site:

Perform the steps as mentioned in Uninstallation part of this Blog
Perform the required steps as mentioned in Installation part of this Blog

Generally, the people will find the relevant technical setup guide or sap notes for the same topic but it does not give more confidence to the administrator
when it is question of setup the complete DR site for SAP ASE (Sybase) database.

The intention of publishing this article/post/blog was to share technical knowledge to setup simple DR site for SAP Systems running SAP ASE (Sybase)
Database with possible high level overview steps to give more confidence to the Technical System Administrators (SAP Basis Consultants).

SAP HADR Users Guide:

SAP Note 2272320 – How to install SAP ASE Cockpit on Windows Platform – SAP ASE

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Assigned tags

SAP ASE - HADR Enablement | SAP Replication Server | Reconfigure DR Site for SAP ASE (sybase) Database | Setup DR Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database |

Uninstall DR Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database

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Varenyam Trivedi
December 4, 2019 at 6:53 am

Really appreciate for your amazing article. Thank you for this sharing valuable information.

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

December 4, 2019 at 6:58 am


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Jasani Hardik
December 4, 2019 at 7:13 am

Appreciate your efforts to prepare this document. It's very helpful.

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

December 7, 2019 at 6:43 am

Thanks a lot.

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Gaurav Patel
December 4, 2019 at 7:37 am

Much obliged. Efforts would be appreciated. Great job

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

December 7, 2019 at 7:04 am

Thanks a lot.

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Parth Raval
December 4, 2019 at 11:12 am

Thanks for the detailed document!!

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9/9/21 23:57 Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database running with SAP Business Suite Applications | S…
Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author
December 7, 2019 at 6:43 am

Thanks a lot.

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Wispmac Shah
December 4, 2019 at 12:03 pm

Good effort. Well documented steps. Can be very useful to anyone who wants a DR on their ASE setup!

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December 5, 2019 at 8:19 am

Congratulations Bhavik. Great Initiative for the SAP BASIS Community. Very well detail each step for DR, fortunately , our team is actually setting up DR for one customer.

Many thanks and Best wishes

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

December 5, 2019 at 8:27 am

Thank you. I hope your team will get benefited through this article.

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Biren Parikh
December 5, 2019 at 11:42 am

Nicely articulate the process for Simple DR for SAP.

This is reflecting you cre skill in the domain.

Thanks a lot.

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

December 7, 2019 at 6:42 am

Thanks a lot.

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Glareh Majid
December 6, 2019 at 4:14 pm

Very useful article to me. Please accept my sincere thanks for sharing this valuable solution.

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

December 7, 2019 at 6:43 am

Thanks a lot.

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Sumit Patel… 10/13
9/9/21 23:57 Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database running with SAP Business Suite Applications | S…
December 8, 2019 at 4:38 am

Thnka for sharing very useful information.

Do you have anything for the Hana Database, kindly share

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

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December 8, 2019 at 12:24 pm

Dear Sumit,

For HANA, you may take reference of the following URLs:

Configure SAP HANA System Replication: Overview of Steps

Setting Up SAP HANA System Replication with HANA Studio

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Abhijeet Siras
February 19, 2020 at 6:18 am

Hello Bhavik,

Its nice article , can you have the same for other operating system like AIX, HP unix.

Is it possible to install two DR system in Sybase database


Abhijit Siras

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

April 21, 2020 at 10:18 am

Dear Abhijeet,

Thanks for your feedback.

You will find the relevant commands for unix platforms in relevant HADR User guide available at here. Please choose sybase release and version carefully.

Additionally we need to keep the following reference notes: 

HADR Operating System Support List

2783547 - Troubleshooting HADR issues in SAP ASE 16 BS environment

For Multiple DR sites, one can use new features of "External Replication", as per sap note 2410733 - Always-On (HADR) support for 1-to-many replication - SAP ASE

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Deepak Pant
April 8, 2020 at 5:08 pm

Hello Bhavik

Can we use replication scenario to upgrade Production Sybase and OS. OS is suse linux 11 sp3 and want to go on suse linux 12 sp4 and also sybase is I can''t find which SRS
to use for the same and guide for the same. If you could pls help me… 11/13
9/9/21 23:57 Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database running with SAP Business Suite Applications | S…
Best regards

Hetal Follow

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author
April 22, 2020 at 8:30 am


Replication scenario what you are expecting in term of HADR is only available from Sybase release SAP ASE which support SRS on Linux SLES platform.
Please refer this URL and sap note1891560 - SYB: Disaster Recovery Setup with SAP Replication Server.

In your situation, a well planned TESTING on TEST server landscape is required with expert consulting of SAP Basis consultant. I have done it for some customers.

Best Regards,

Bhavik G. Shroff

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June 17, 2020 at 2:36 pm

Nice blog to ref.

Btw HA is optional in any case to save the cost? Thanks

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

September 13, 2020 at 12:22 pm

Hi Amit,

HA (High Availability) at OS level or at Application level is important requirement to provide business continuity in less time in some business vertical for production systems. So
this technical article covers both aspects.

Best Regards,

Bhavik G. Shroff

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sandipkumar sharma
February 3, 2021 at 4:59 am

It is very useful. This blog cover detailed steps.

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

March 15, 2021 at 8:32 am

Thank you.

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Bhargav Bhatt
March 7, 2021 at 5:34 am

This was very helpful.. thanks for sharing this..

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Bhavik Kumar G. Shroff | Blog Post Author

March 15, 2021 at 8:33 am

Thank you.… 12/13
9/9/21 23:57 Guided steps to Setup Disaster Recovery (DR) Site for SAP ASE (Sybase) Database running with SAP Business Suite Applications | S…

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BrijeshKumar Kathiriya
July 31, 2021 at 12:38 am

Thanks Bhavik forFeed
preparing such a nice document.

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