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Palliative Care Research

Figure 1Hook
The main aim of palliative care is to assist the patients and their families through
Figure 2 topic
comprehensive treatment of the presenting symptoms. The most associated presentations at the sentence

end of life include psychosocial, physical and spiritual symptoms. When the death approaches,

Moe aggressive palliative care is needed both at home and at the hospital setting. The patients at

such stage of life are more interested in the comfort that the curative aspect of care. The research

basic research methodologies used were mainly the peer-reviewed medical and nursed articles as
Figure 3 thesis
a source of data. statement

Data analysis was mainly based on the findings of hospice and non-hospice care research.

Hospice care is a specialized care that provides care during critical illness. It focuses on comfort

and quality rather than cure. The main goal is to promote dignity during the end-of-life stage thus

enhancing peaceful death. Attending to the pain and other physical symptoms that are usually

encountered by the ill is one primary mission. The individuals who were subjected to non-

hospice care registered negative results. They study also revealed the narrow difference between

hospice and palliative care; most authors argued that palliative care is given within the service

delivery system of non-hospice care.

Figure 4 conclusion sentence


Palliative care also referred to as the end-of-life care crucial involves caring and

management of the very ill patients. The holistic nursing care promotes the dignity of the ill and

sometimes thus promoting peaceful death because death is inevitable. The holistic care serves to

attend to pain and other physical symptoms usually associated with certain chronic illness. Apart

from taking care of the physiologic pain using medicinal remedies, the health care providers also

Figure 5concluding certain techniques of controlling psychological pain Cronin, Ryan, and Coughlan, 2008).

The methods include counseling and creation of a friendly environment for the sick.

Experts argue that the care handling of the self-care deficit in a way enhance comfort to the

terminally ill that is very vital during the last moments of death (Kelley and Meier, 2010). The

terminally ill do not require curative treatment, and thus the initiative will not be an economic

burden to the hospital. Further detailed consideration of the application of end-of-life care in the

nursing practice has been seen in the write up (Temel and Greer, 2010). The thesis was based on

the hypothesis that end-of-life care prolongs life and promote peaceful death. Figure 6concluding

Research methodology

Various scholarly approved articles provide accurate and factual details about the end-of-

life care. The below are relevant articles that have helped in the study to address the study topic.

The authors of the article have addressed the physiological aspect in the palliative care. The

family should always act as the first-hand health care providers. Management of the physical

symptoms not only involves the practical interventions but also the mental aspects. The article

outlines that calmness of the mind contributes to the physiological settlement.

Figure 7 concluding

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