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ARTE Learning Segment (LS) Template 9/13/21

Title of Learning Segment: Smell. Feel. Change. Create. Grade or Class: 3rd and 4th

Image from LS

Prior Knowledge
Students will have knowledge of representative art works, creating three-
dimensional works, using fine motor skills, and mixing materials.

Central Focus/Big Idea

Through this project students will focus on how the material changes as they add
ingredients. Students will also create a work of art that is representative of their
idea of movement. Allowing them to express their own ideas, while seeing
differing result from their peers.

Learning Segment Overview (lessons 45 minutes each)

Lesson 1 (Day 1) Intro/ Motivation/Engage/Research

Students will be introduced to works of art that show movement.
Students will practice drawing their own idea of movement to start
formulating and reflecting on ideas.
Lesson 2 (Days 2) Instruction process/Procedure/Explore/Guided Practice
Students will prepare their clay, following teacher guided instruction.
Clay will be split between the students, and they will begin the creation of
their sculpture.
Lesson 3 (Day 2) Present/ Respond and/or connect/ present/ Evaluation/Closure
Allow 5 minutes for self-reflection at individual groups, 10 minutes of small
group discussion.
Whole class discussion.

Standard Learning Objective Summative Assessment

NVAS: #10
SWBAT express the idea of Students will be evaluated on a
Synthesize and movement through their artwork. discussion basis; the teacher will
relate knowledge gauge what each student brings to
and personal the discussion and what they have
experiences to learned from the project based on
make art. their language usage as well as the
justification of their final project.
SCVAS: #2 SWBAT follow art making
I can use different
material, SWBAT create three-dimensional
techniques and works of art.
processes to
make art.
ARTE Learning Segment (LS) Template 9/13/21


Academic Language Demands, as applicable:

1. Language Function
a. Describe
2. Vocabulary No more than 5 terms w/definitions using age-appropriate language. Cite
a. Movement:
i. (1): the act or process of moving especially: change of place or position or
ii. (2): a particular instance or manner of moving.

b. Self-Reflection
i. the activity of thinking about your own feelings and behavior, and the
reasons that may lie behind them.
c. Clay
i. A substance that resembles clay in plasticity and is used for modeling.
ii. An earthy material that is plastic when moist but hard when fired, that is
composed mainly of fine particles of hydrous aluminum silicates and other
minerals, and that is used for brick, tile, and pottery.
d. Senses
i. A specialized function or mechanism (such as sight, hearing, smell, taste,
or touch) by which an animal receives and responds to external or
internal stimuli.
3. Discourse
a. Students will be introduced to works of art that show movement.
b. Teacher provides time for reflection and active conversation about their
movement works.
4. Practice
a. Students will practice the art of movement through the action of creating their
own clay.
b. Students will practice discussion through a conversation about what movement
means to them and what objects they associate with movement.

Key Materials
 Paper Towels
 Newspaper
 For Each Group of Students:
o 2 Cups of flour
o 1 Cup of salt
o 1 Tablespoon oil
o 1 Cup of water
o Mixing bowl / container
o Mixing spoon
 PowerPoint on movement
 Video Demonstration
ARTE Learning Segment (LS) Template 9/13/21

Lesson I of 4 (2 of 4 etc.) Each lesson is a step to teaching the Big Idea of L. Segment
Standard Objective Formative Assessment
The focus of this lesson Same as overview Discussion and Self-Reflection

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)

 Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks should match Objectives & Standards. This is
the heart of the plan. It is your script. Write so it is a clear, concise, yet thorough sequence.
 Include enough detail so that anyone who is well-educated could follow your plan.
 Include Introduction, reflective questions, & enough activities to adequately address your
objectives. They must be developmentally appropriate for grade level.
 Be very specific in this section, particularly with transitions. E.g. Can vary based on lesson:
o Focus/review OR INTRO
 Students are presented with a slide show that includes works of art that show
the visual element of movement.
o Share objectives
 Students will be given their objectives.
 Discussion will begin on what movement is:
 Ask: What is movement? What does movement mean to you? How
can you show movement?
 Examples: Car, rain, running, organic shapes.
o Teacher instructions Or I DO
 Students will be shown a video on how they are going to mix the clay.
o Guided practice / We do
 Students will work in their group to mix all of their materials to make clay.
During this process the teacher will ask questions to guide their table
 How does it feel? What step are you on? Do you know what’s next?
How does is smell? Do you notice any changes?
 The clay is then split between the members of the table.
o Independent practice YOU DO
 Allow the students time to create their own work that reminds them of
 Allow time for self-reflection after the process.
 Student cleans up their own workspace and returns to their seat.
o Connecting/sharing/presenting
 Students can take part in their own group discussion on what they made and
o Closure/ review
 Students move back to the rug and discuss what changes they saw in the
clay as they were mixing. They will also discuss with the class what they
made, and how it was different than the people at their table. Students will
discuss what they learned and if it matched the learning objective they were
told before starting.

Theory/Theorists State the theory/theorists whose thinking influenced yours for this learning
segment. E.g. Piaget, Vygotsky, Lowenfeld.

Universal Design for Learning used in this art lesson.
 Representation:
o Students’ information is given verbally and visually.
 Engagement:
ARTE Learning Segment (LS) Template 9/13/21

o Students are shown a power point, shown a demonstration and verbally told the
 Expression:
o Students will show what they know through class discussion, small group
conversation and the visual aspects of their final project.
 Individual student with special needs:
o Individuals with special needs will be accommodated on an individual level that
corresponds with their IEP or 504 plan.


Clay. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Movement. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Self-reflection. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Sense. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Artifacts/teacher or student made Images, handouts, PowerPoints, etc.

Reflection (Internship I only) What went well? Not so well? Next time I will do this differently…

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