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Name : Azna Yuliana

NIM : 11194561920077

Duty : English Public

Lacture : Mr. Leonard Oley, S.Pd

3 kalimat Simple Sentence.

1. He sings songs at the cafe.

2. The nurses help the patients in the hospital
3. She dances gracefully.

6 kalimat Compond Sentence.

1.  I wanted to buy a new house, so I started to save my money.

2. I love my mo and my mom love me
3. You are good but naughty
4. The capital city of Indonesia will be replaced to Banjarmasin or jakarta.
5. The problem will be solved, so we must be happy
6. Hve a look Budi in Hospital so se will feel happy

3 kalimat Complex Sentence.

1. I will give you a call after I get the news

2. When I feel hurt inside, I will cry.
3. I will not give up until I achieve my goal.

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