Centro de Enseñanza Técnica Y Superior: Activity No.3

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Engineering School

Industrial Automation

Activity No.3
Roberto Quintero Mármol Enciso
ID Number: 32513

Mexicali, B.C, September 6, 2021

Control System Design Based on Modern

Embedded Systems

A PLC is an electronic gadget designed to control mechanisms that uses bits inside
of a memory circuit instead of wires, to structure the logics. In the other hand, an
embedded system is the fusion between hardware and software to execute a certain
function. They are usually part of larger systems.

Categories of Embedded Systems

 Stand Alone Embedded Systems:

o They basically receive inputs, process that data and bring out the desired
 Real-Time Systems:
o These systems do specific tasks in a specific period of time.
 Hard Real-Time Systems:
 They work with a precise deadline.
 Soft Real-Time Systems:
 A delay in the execution of commands would not damage
the equipment.
 Hybrid Real-Time Systems:
 These systems have both hard and soft restrictions on its
 Network Information Appliances:
o These systems are connected to a network, such as Internet or a
company’s Intranet.

Embedded Control Systems Design

 Structure:
o Embedded control system’s general architecture consist of four
 A/D Converter:
 Transforms analog outputs from the physical system into
digital signals.
 Controller:
 Takes digital outputs to generate control instructions.
 D/A Converter:
 Transforms digital signals into analog signals.
 Physical System:
 Main system that is controlled by the other components.
 Design Methodology:
o Requirements Specifications.
o Modeling.
o Controller.
o Simulation.
o Implementation.
o Module Test.
o System.
o System Test.


Control systems are very common in the industry nowadays, the more you
automate the efficiency you get. The design methodology is basically based on the
scientific method, you need to do prototypes, experiment with tests, watch, take notes
and get a final product. This way of working can be applied to any production process in
the industry.


Khamis, A. Z. (2013). Control System Design Based on Modern Embedded Systems.

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