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Hard Candy Lab II - Fruit Flavors and Acidulants

Without acidulants, fruit flavored confectionery products would

be dull, non-descript, non-characteristic and unusually sweet.

To achieve an optimal fruit flavor, it is essential to balance

the sugar and the acid with the specific fruit flavor. Citric
acid with its high level of tartness, over rules the more
delicate flavors such as strawberry and watermelon, but is ideal
in orange and lemon. Malic and lactic, with more subtle
sourness, are better suited in milder berry flavors.

The consumer expects a certain level of tartness from various

fruit flavors. It is natural to use the food acid that is
commonly found associated with the fruit in nature. For
example, citric acid in orange, lemon and grapefruit flavored
candies, tartaric and malic acid in grape and malic acid in
apple, cherry and watermelon.

The product developer is not limited to this, however. Knowing

the flavor profile of the acids, a logical choice can be made.
Tartaric acid is perceived very quickly and with high intensity
but fades quickly. Citric acid is perceived very quickly as
well with an intensity not quite as high as tartaric but with
more staying power on the palate. Malic and lactic acid are
perceived slowly but linger for a longer time period.

Many confections contain blends of acids that result in the

desired combination of intensity, duration and flavor masking.

In this lab we will make 9 combinations of fruit flavored hard

candy, consisting of three different flavors and 3 different
food grade acids, all at an equal 1% level. We will taste these
different grades observing the various effects the acid has on
flavor perception, intensity, release and duration.
Hard Candy II Lab - Flavors/Acids
Objective: To determine the effect of acid/flavor combinations on flavor
perception, release, intensity, and duration.


Basic Hard Candy Formula

Sucrose 819 g
Corn Syrup, 42 DE 540 g
Water 245 g
Total 1604 g

Formula Flavor Rotation 1 Rotation 2 Rotation 3

A Orange 0.6% (7.8 g) No Acid No Acid No Acid

B “ 1.0% (16 g) 1.0% Citric 1.0% Citric

C “ 1.0% (16 g) 1.0% Malic 1.0% Malic
D Grape 0.5% (6.5 g) No Acid No Acid No Acid

E “ 1.0% (16 g) 1.0% Citric 1.0% Citric

F “ 1.0% (16 g) 1.0% Malic 1.0% Malic
G Watermelon 0.6% No Acid No Acid No Acid
H “ 1.0% (16 g) 1.0% Citric 1.0% Citric
I “ 1.0% (16 g) 1.0% Malic 1.0% Malic

Copper cooking kettles
Gas burner
Stirring spoon
8 oz. glass jars
The base hard candy formulations (dry basis formula 65% sucrose / 35%
42/43 corn syrup) have been preweighed for you in the copper kettles.

Stir the mixture slowly as it heats. When the sugar is completely

dissolved, it is no longer necessary to stir. Keep the flame rather low,
between 230 and 250ºF, because there will be moderate foaming.

After foaming has subsided, the gas fire can be increased slightly.
Continue cooking until the mixture has reached 305°F. Immediately turn off
the burner, carry the kettle to the cooling table and pour out mixture. Add
the flavor and acid corresponding to your group and fold it into the cooked
mass using a spatula. Adding a small amount of hard candy scrap to the melt
will help absorb liquid flavor and acids during addition and mixing.

When the candy is cool, break into pieces to fill an 8 oz. jar identified
with your code number. These jars will be used for classroom discussion with
the instructor.
Observations: Describe your results in the following table.





Flavors and Acids
Hard Candy Lab 2
Allan Buck
Archer Daniels Midland Co.

Course in

Resident Course in Confectionery Technology

Flavors and acids

• Citric - orange, lemon, lime

• Malic - apple, strawberry, cherry
• Tartaric - grape
• Lactic - milk based flavors

Resident Course in Confectionery Technology

Flavor Profile of Acidulants

Acid Intensity

4 Citric
3 Malic
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Lasting Time

Resident Course in Confectionery Technology

Example of Inverting Effect of Acids

Orange Flavor % Inverted

No Acid 5%

Citric Acid 20%

Malic Acid 18%

Tartaric Acid 15%

Buffered Lactic Acid 5%

Source: NCA Candy School 2001 – Lab II experiments

Resident Course in Confectionery Technology

Rework Reclamation by P. Srnak
Even the best hard candy system will generate a certain quantity of out-of-
specification goods. How a manufacturer handles these goods will largely be
determined by economics. Often, however, having some type of rework reclamation
procedure will be necessitated, and this section will outline some of the options
available. The procedures outlined will work equally well with both sugar and most
sugarfree products. Throughout this discussion, the term “rework” and “scrap” will be
used interchangeably. It should be noted that oftentimes candymakers shun the term
“scrap” because of its negative connotations.

• Like-into-Like rework usage. Simply fold your deformed candy into subsequent
batches. This is the cheapest, simplest and most cost-effective system, but it has
some important drawbacks:
1) Any contaminates that were present on the surface of the scrap, or were
traveling along with the scrap will now be worked into the finished goods.
2) If your candy has a high sugar to corn syrup ratio, or contains a
crystallizing polyol, then there is the possibility of inducing unwanted
graining in your finished goods.
3) You need to have similar batches to work your scrap into, and there is a
limit to how much you can use. This is a problem with short runs or unique
items. Striped or multicolored goods can be very hard to rework this way.
4) This system works best if the scrap is ground into small chips to allow for
more uniform mixing, and if it is added while the freshly cooked batch is hot
enough to ensure complete melting. Of course, introducing a grinder into
the production process also increases the risk of incorporating tramp metal
into the product, so that a finished product metal detector is highly
5) Finally, you must be very careful to avoid the introduction of unlabeled
• Liquid Scrap Reclaiming. This is often a better way to utilize out-of-specification
candy. With a liquid scrap system you dissolve your rework in water and then
treat and filter the solution. The treatment will remove flavors and colors and
adjust the pH while the filtering will remove particulates (including the treatment
compounds). The resulting liquid can be added back to the syrup feed stream
prior to cooking, and will generally be free from the drawbacks experienced with
the handling of solid rework. A liquid scrap system consists basically of a
dissolving/mixing kettle, a filtering or adsorption system, and a receiving tank.
Activated carbon, in either powdered or granulated form, is used to adsorb the
unwanted flavors and colors. These systems are described in more detail below.
Components of a Liquid Scrap Reclamation System:
1) Processing Aids
(a) Activated Carbon. Activated carbon is a very porous material. It
functions by allowing undesirable flavor or color molecules to enter
these pores, and then retains them via weak electrostatic forces. The
high porosity of activated carbon gives it a tremendous absorptive
surface area, (in the range of 500-2,000 m2/g for the powdered
product). Activated carbon is available in many different pore sizes and
grinds so that it can be custom-matched to a specific application. For a
filter-type system a fine powder is generally desired while the granular
form is better suited for an absorptive column.
(b) Filter Precoat. A filter precoat is used with filter-type rework systems.
The most common material used for filter precoating for hard candy
reworking is diatomaceous earth, or filter-aid. In practice, a supporting
surface (either a filter pad or a fine mesh screen) has a filter cake of the
precoating material built up on it. The carbon/rework slurry is then
forced or drawn through the filter cake with the flavor and color loaded
carbon being retained while the clear solution is allowed to permeate.
The filter cake acts as a depth-type filter, while retained carbon acts as
a sort of dynamic filtering surface. The amount of filter precoat required
is dependent on the equipment being used since the entire filtering
surface must be coated. Additional precoat is often added to the rework
syrup at a rate of 0.25 – 0.35% of the rework solids.
(c) Neutralizing Agents. When using rework syrup, it is important to
neutralize any acids that may have been present in the scrap candy to
avoid inversion during cooking. However, because activated carbon
works better at a lower pH, (2-3 is ideal), it is recommended that the
neutralizing be done after the carbon is filtered off. The table below can
be used to determine the amount of neutralizing agent required:

Sodium Sodium Sodium

Sodium Carbonate Carbonate Calcium Hydroxide
Acid Bicarbonate (Anhydrous) (Monohydrate) Carbonate C.P.
Citric Acid (Anhydrous) 21 13.2 15.5 12.5 10
Tartaric Acid 17.9 11.3 13.2 10.7 8.5
Lactic Acid (50%) 7.5 4.7 5.5 4.4 16.7
Malic Acid 20 12.7 14.8 11.9 9.5
Ounces of alkaline salts per pound acid

2) Equipment
a) Filter Press. A filter press is one of the simplest types of reclamation
equipment available. Presses use either disposable paper or washable
fabric filter materials, and consist of several divided sections which
either carry the rework slurry or the filtered permeate (filtrate). They
have a decent surface area in a fairly compact unit and are easy to
maintain and clean. Unfortunately, these types of filters tend to plug
easily. Therefore if dealing with rework containing wrapping materials or
with rework that contains any particulates, screening or prefiltering may
be necessary to avoid excessive drops in permeate flow rates.
b) Rotary Vacuum Filter. This is old technology that is still unmatched in
performance today. A rotary vacuum filter consists of a segmented,
filter-covered drum that is slowly rotated through the feed slurry while
applied vacuum draws permeate through it. Rotary vacuum filters are
available with many different filtering surfaces utilizing various retentate
removal systems. However, hard candy is best filtered using what is
called a “pre-coat filter” equipped with a doctor blade, (see drawing).
With this system, filtering begins by first filling the reservoir with a filter-
aid slurry. Applied vacuum will then build up a thick cake on the surface
of the filter. Once the cake is formed, the reservoir is filled with the
carbon-rework slurry and the doctor blade is slowly advanced toward
the drum surface. With each turn, the doctor blade removes a thin layer
of thick precoat cake along with any particulates that had deposited on
the surface. This basically results in a never-ending fresh filtering
surface. Because the maximum pressure driving the permeate through
the filter is atmospheric, this system works best with low solids rework
syrups (<60%). Furthermore, the vacuum produces evaporative cooling
which results in a viscosity increase which in turn further limits the
maximum syrup concentration.
c) Candle Filters and Pressure Plate (or Leaf) Filters. They can also be
run using a precoat. Their primary benefit is that they operate at higher
pressures, which allows the production of higher concentration syrups.
However, they require a feed with a low level of particulates. Pressure
plates have numerous perforated plates, or hubs, through which the
filtrate passes. In this respect, they are similar to the simple filter press.
However, the plates are mounted within a pressure vessel that allows
the high operating pressures. A vibratory mechanism can be used to
clear the spent precoat once the filtration is completed without requiring
the operator to open the vessel. Candle filters are tube-shaped filters,
mounted in rows, also placed within a pressure vessel. Blowing
pressurized air (or other gas) back through them will discharge the
spent precoat. With candle filters, the individual filter elements are easy
to replace.
d) Miscellaneous Filters. There are other filtering strategies, but they are
beyond the scope of this discussion.
e) Adsorptive Carbon Column. This is one of the least used methods for
reclamation of hard candy scrap due to its high initial cost, low
production rate, and lack of flexibility. However, it does have certain
benefits for some applications. The system consists basically of a large
column packed with granulated activated carbon through which the
rework syrup travels. Because of the much lower surface-to-volume
ratio for granules verses powder, the system is much less efficient and
the syrup must pass through slowly to ensure maximum absorption. It
can handle only fairly dilute syrup and one with only a small load of
materials to be removed. However, once the carbon granules are
loaded with adsorbed material, they can be regenerated using an ~5%
alkali solution with a pH close to 14. Under alkali conditions, the carbon
desorbs and all the adsorbed materials can be flushed out. This means
that the laden carbon does not need to go to a landfill where the waste
can become a future liability (depending on the materials adsorbed and
current or future EPA guidelines). Also, (and this is not a trivial point)
there is no carbon dust. If a company has a uniform rework stream with
only a limited amount of flavors or colors to remove, then a carbon
column may be worth examining.
3) Rework Process.
a) Step 1: Sort your rework. Try to get a consistent raw material so that
you can standardize your process.
b) Step 2: Hydrate your carbon. Carbon must be thoroughly wetted to
c) Step 3: Dissolve your rework. Use lots of agitation but avoid high
temperatures. There are two reasons to avoid hot water. First, activated
carbon works best at lower temperatures. The absorption process is a
dynamic process…molecules enter the pores and exit the pores,
eventually reaching equilibrium. Heating the solution shifts the process
more toward desorption. The other reason to avoid high temperatures is
to minimize inversion of the sucrose when dealing with regular candy
d) Step 4: Allow the carbon time to adsorb flavors and colors. Adsorption
follows sort of a logarithmic curve, so that it is important to allow
enough time for maximum adsorption to occur. Start with at least 1
hour. Stir constantly to ensure that the carbon is allowed to come in
contact with the undesirable components and to keep it from settling on
the bottom of your kettle. With an absorptive column, the unit must be
sized to ensure that the syrup has a residence time of at least 1 hour
before it exists when the unit is operating at the desired production rate.
With adsorptive columns, skip to Step 7.
e) Step 5: If applicable to the chosen system, precoat your filter.
f) Step 6: Begin filtering. Return the permeate to the feed tank until it
begins to run clear. If necessary, you can add more carbon and start
over. Remember that the carbon will build-up on the diatomaceous
earth precoat and form a dynamic filtering surface, so that the permeate
must be recycled briefly.
g) Step 7: Use your rework in a timely fashion because with a solids of
only ~50%, it is far from bacteriologically stable.
• Other Rework Strategies. Rework does not need to be used back into hard
candies. For example, rework can be used in jelly fillings to replace some or all of
the required sugar and corn syrup. Because hard candy rework is usually greater
than 95% sugar and corn syrup solids, alternate confectionery products can even
be made based on a consistent supply of solid rework.
Rework Laboratory Exercise
This exercise will demonstrate the effect of four different processing parameters on
the adsorptive efficiency of Activated Carbon using a precoated vacuum filter system.

Because the samples must stir for at least 1 hour, you will be preparing samples for
the group that follows your group, and will be filtering samples from the group that
came before yours.

• Assorted Ground Hard Candy (Containing Assorted Flavors as well as FD&C
Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Red 40, Blue 1 and Red 3)
• Activated Carbon, Fine Grind
• Diatomaceous Earth (Filter Aid)
• Citric Acid

• Buchner Funnel
• Filter Flask
• Grade No. 415 Coarse Filter Paper
• pH Paper
• Hot Plate with Stirrer (4)
• Stir Bar (4)
• 1 liter Beaker (8)

• Rework Solution (already done)
Dissolve 10 pounds of ASSORTED HARD CANDY REWORK in 10 pounds of
WATER. This makes a 50% solution.
• Sample Preparation
Rework Solution 400g
Activated Carbon 2g
pH ~6
Temperature Ambient
Weigh REWORK SOLUTION into a flask, drop in a stir bar and
set on stirrer. Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into beaker. Add
10g WATER and stir well. Combine the rework solution and the
carbon slurry, recording time.
Rework Solution 400g
Activated Carbon 2g
pH ~2 to 3
Temperature Ambient
Weigh REWORK SOLUTION into a flask, drop in stir bar and set
on stirrer. Check the pH and sprinkle in CITRIC ACID to lower
the pH to between 2 and 3. Record final pH. Weigh ACTIVATED
CARBON into beaker. Add 10g WATER and stir well. Combine
the rework solution and the carbon slurry, recording time.
Rework Solution 400g
Activated Carbon 2g
pH ~6
Temperature 180 F
Weigh REWORK SOLUTION into a flask, drop in stir bar and set
on stirrer, turning on heat. Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into
beaker. Add 10g WATER and stir well. Combine the rework
solution and the carbon slurry, recording time.
Rework Solution 400g
Activated Carbon 10g
pH ~6
Temperature Ambient
Weigh REWORK SOLUTION into a flask, drop in stir bar and set
on stirrer. Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into beaker. Add 10g
WATER and stir well. Combine the rework solution and the
carbon slurry, recording time.

To keep things moving, we will try to space the samples 5 minutes apart. Therefore,
when you are ready to add the carbon slurry, check when the person before you
added their carbon slurry and leave as close to a 5 minute gap as possible.

• Sample Filtration
Set up the Buchner Funnel on the Filter Flask. Moisten a Filter Paper and
place it in the Funnel. Slurry 75g of DIATOMACEOUS EARTH with 325g
WATER. Turn on the vacuum and pour the diatomaceous slurry rapidly into
the funnel. When the filter cake is firm, shut off the vacuum and pour-off the
water from the Filter Flask. Replace the Funnel, turn the vacuum back on and
rapidly pour the REWORK TEST SAMPLE into the Funnel onto the filter cake.
Collect the permeate and label it.
When designing a rework system, begin with approximately 1 pound carbon for every
100 pounds of rework solids. You may need more or less depending on the amount
of undesirable components present and the desired discoloration and blandness of
the finished rework syrup.

Different components are adsorbed optimally under different conditions and at

different rates. You may need to make adjustments to your process as the nature of
your rework supply changes.

Activated Carbon will cost you approximately $1 a pound while Filter Aid comes in at
about one third of that. Factoring in labor, steam, electricity, equipment depreciation
and possibly even sewage charges will let you determine whether your scrap is worth
reworking with a liquid system.
Rework Solution (from the 1 gal bottle) 400g (about 400 ml)
Activated Carbon 2g
pH ~6
Temperature Ambient

• Measure the REWORK SOLUTION into a 1 liter plastic

beaker, drop in a stir bar and set on stirrer.
• Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into a small beaker. Add
10g WATER and stir well.
• Combine the rework solution and the carbon slurry,
recording time.
Rework Solution (from the 1 gal bottle) 400g (about 400 ml)
Activated Carbon 2g
pH ~2 to 3
Temperature Ambient

• Measure the REWORK SOLUTION into a 1 liter plastic

beaker, drop in a stir bar and set on stirrer.
• Check the pH and sprinkle in CITRIC ACID (only a pinch
will do it) to lower the pH to between 2 and 3. Record final
• Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into a small beaker. Add
10g WATER and stir well.
• Combine the rework solution and the carbon slurry,
recording time.
Rework Solution (from the 1 gal bottle) 400g (about 400 ml)
Activated Carbon 2g
pH ~6
Temperature 180 F

• Measure the REWORK SOLUTION into a 1 liter GLASS

beaker, drop in a stir bar and set on stirrer, and turning on
• Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into a small beaker. Add
10g WATER and stir well.
• Combine the rework solution and the carbon slurry,
recording time.
Rework Solution (from the 1 gal bottle) 400g (about 400 ml)
Activated Carbon 10g
pH ~6
Temperature Ambient

• Measure the REWORK SOLUTION into a 1 liter plastic

beaker, drop in a stir bar and set on stirrer.
• Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into a small beaker. Add
10g WATER and stir well.
• Combine the rework solution and the carbon slurry,
recording time.
Hard Candy Flavor Considerations
Presented by Paul Srnak

The following considerations must be addressed when adopting a new flavor item,
substituting for existing flavors in a given item, or modifying an existing item. Most of the
discussion deals mainly with added flavors such as peppermint or citrus oils, and not with
flavors contributed by value-added ingredients or reaction flavors. These topics are
mentioned briefly at the end.

• Cost. While Flavors are often only a small part of the cost of a hard confection, they
can have substantial effect if you are dealing with small margins. Flavor costs can
range from $2 per pound to 20 or more times that amount, especially when dealing
with Natural Flavors.

• Get to know your Flavor Supplier. Having a good relationship with your flavor
supplier ensures that you have the assistance you need in determining what flavor is
most appropriate for you specific application. A good flavor supplier will also provide
you with consistent flavors when you need them.

• Natural or Artificial? Decide what Market you are Targeting. Is your current Customer
base into health food or premium products, or is it concerned mainly with cost? This
will be invaluable for determining whether to choose Natural or Artificial Flavors.
Generally speaking, you can expect to pay more for natural flavors, will get a less
stable ingredient, and will need to use more due to a lower flavor impact. However,
contrary to popular public perception, natural flavors do not usually contribute less
“chemicals” to the diet. For example, there are about 500 to 600 chemicals responsible
for the flavor of fresh strawberries and would therefore be present in a natural
strawberry flavor. On the other hand, a good artificial strawberry flavor would only
need about 15 to 20 of these same chemicals. So which one contributes more chemicals
to the diet?

• Stability. This also relates back to natural vs artificial flavors, but it includes other
considerations. Without exception, hard candy flavors must withstand high
temperatures. Flavors are usually incorporated into batches at temperatures in excess of
250 F because the hard candy mass must still be pliable. Fortunately, once incorporated
into the hard candy “glass”, the flavors are usually fairly well protected. Flavors must
also be stable enough to resist changes over time, since a flavor with a short shelf-life
would probably require more operator discrimination than it would be worth. Storage
conditions can also affect flavor quality. Some flavors may keep well under
refrigeration but degrade quickly at elevated temperatures, while others are best stored
at room temperatures. The storage container can also affect product quality, but not
simply due to the addition of off-flavors from the packaging material itself. For
example, many of you may be familiar with the “sucked-in” and distorted plastic flavor
bottle. In some cases, the plastic used to manufacture the storage container may be
more permeable to certain chemical components of the flavor than to other chemical
components. Over time, this differential chemical permeation could result in the
selective evaporation of some flavor compounds and the resulting concentration of
others. This will therefore covertly change the characteristics of your flavor. Also with
some flavors, (especially citrus flavors), flavor component oxidation can result if the
storage container is permeable to oxygen. Finally, flavor components can react with
each other to produce off flavors. This is another reason to use knowledgeable flavor
suppliers and to avoid mixing your own “custom” flavors (unless you have the
expertise required).

• Unwanted Attributes. Does the flavor contribute undesirable colors? When dealing
with natural pastes or powders, does the flavor contribute gritty textures? Sometimes
the method used to incorporate the flavor is critical in determining whether it will work
or not. Obviously when dealing with a low-moisture system such as hard candy, a
water-based flavor would be undesirable since it could make your product sticky,
(furthermore, flavor components often flash off with the water with these types of
flavor systems).

• Does the Flavor undergo Chemical Changes during Processing, or does it react with
other Ingredients? The flavor should not change when it is exposed to the high
processing temperatures found in hard candy production. The flavor must be relatively
inert with regard to other candy ingredients. For example, if you have an acidulated
candy, the flavor must not be pH sensitive. The flavor must not react with added colors

• How will you incorporate the Flavor into the Candy? In a perfect world, you could add
your flavor directly to your pre-cook. Unfortunately, this is rarely possible since the
high cooking temperatures required, especially coupled with the use of vacuum, would
quickly strip off flavors. However, there are several methods that are successfully used
by hard candy manufacturers to incorporate flavors. For example, (a) modern high-
volume lines normally use Direct Flavor Injection. With this method, the flavor is
metered directly into the cooked hard candy mass as it travels through the discharge
piping from the cooker. This allows for excellent control of the amount of flavor used
(provided the equipment is well maintained), and helps to minimize flavor loss due to
volatilization. Some type of in-line static mixer would be needed in this type of system.
(b) Adding the flavor batchwise into the candy mass. This method is either done
manually or by machine, and normally involves a considerable amount of volatilization
since the candy mass is usually still quite hot at this point. The flavor can either be
stirred in, poured across the candy mass as it sits on the cooling table (cooling to
produce a surface crust, followed by pulverizing of this crust will give you a powdery
surface to “mop up” the flavor), or it can be added at the puller. (c) Add the flavor with
another ingredient. If the formula permits, mixing the flavor into a dry ingredient such
as citric acid or salt will greatly simplify incorporation as well as reduce volatilization.
However, the flavor must not react with the dry ingredient, nor must it hamper the
incorporation of the dry ingredient (for example, due to lumping). When choosing a
flavor, it is vital to take the production procedures into account. A flavor that works
well in a direct injection system may prove lacking when mixed in batchwise. This
may be the result of flavor components being “stripped off” due to differences in their

Finally, something must be said about value-added ingredients and reaction products.
Value Added Ingredients such as honey, coffee, nuts, fats, dairy products etc. provide their
own distinct flavors to hard candies as well as allowing the confections to demand higher
prices. Unfortunately, these ingredients can vary from season to season and from supplier
to supplier. Furthermore, the freshness of many value added ingredients is critical (this is
especially true for nuts and dairy fats, since rancidity can quickly render the products
unusable). These are ingredients where supplier integrity and inventory control are critical.

Reaction Flavors are a different problem altogether. Caramel flavor is a classic reaction
flavor. Caramel flavor is produced by the Maillard reaction between milk proteins and
reducing sugars. Obviously, if either of these ingredients is absent (such as when working
with sugar-free confections), or if ingredient concentrations are changed, (cutting back on
milk ingredients to lower costs), then the final product flavor could change drastically.
Changes in processing conditions can also affect reaction flavors. For example, changing
hold times due to delays in processing or changing cook temperatures can quickly result in
the over-production of reaction flavors. With these types of products, it is wise to stick to
existing ingredients, formulations and processing procedures if you have a loyal customer
base, or to substitute added standardized flavors and then to strive to minimize the
production of reaction flavors during manufacture.
Hard Candy Color Considerations
Presented by Paul Srnak

As with flavors, there are several considerations that must be addressed when looking at
hard candy coloring options. Again, most of this discussion will deal with high-intensity
coloring compounds, rather than with value-added ingredients that contribute color as a
side-effect of their usage.

• Cost. Colors normally give a tremendous “Bang for your Buck” due to their usage at
only trace levels. This applies especially to synthetic FD&C dyes. For example, $1.00
worth of dry FD&C Yellow 5 dye will easily tint 2,500 pounds of hard candy with a
bright pleasing yellow color.

• Natural or Artificial? This decision is not as simple as with flavors, since the FDA
does not allow use of the term “naturally colored” if the candy contains any colorants,
regardless of origin. The only exception would be value-added ingredients that
incidentally contribute color. “Certified” or “Non-Certified” colors would be more
appropriate terms in this discussion. Certified colors are the seven common FD&C
dyes (Red 40, Blue 1, etc.), while non-certified colors are all the other colorants,
including nature-derived colors as well as caramel color and titanium dioxide.
However, the Nutrition Labeling & Education Act (NLEA) did tilt the playing field
slightly in favor of not using certified dyes due to labeling particulars, (see below). As
with flavors, certified dyes are cheaper, often used in smaller quantities, are usually
more stable, and are more consistent than nature-derived colors.

• Color Labeling. The FDA basically requires that all ingredients used to provide a tint
to hard candies be labeled as an added color, unless the ingredient adds this color
incidentally. For example,
(a) Molasses would provide a brown tint to hard candies, (along with a characteristic
taste), but would not need to be labeled as a color.
(b) Natural Red Beet Extract would provide color, but the candy could not be
represented as “naturally colored”. It could be represented as “artificially colored”,
“colored with natural red beet extract”, or red beet extract could just simply as be
listed by name on the ingredient panel.
(c) Due to NLEA requirements, FD&C Certified dyes must be listed by name, (e.g.
Red 40, Blue 1, etc.).

• Unwanted Attributes. Most hard candy colorants contribute nothing to the flavor and
texture of hard candy predominately because they are used in such small quantities.
Some of the nature-derived colorants could impart slight aftertastes. Of course, being
implicated as allergens (Yellow 5) or as carcinogens (Red 3) could be viewed as
unwanted attributes.

• Stability. Not all hard candy colorants are created equally, and not all hard candy
colorants behave the same under different conditions. Generally speaking, in hard
candy applications you can expect the following:
Color Light Acid Heat
Blue 1 Good Good Good
Blue 2 Pathetic Pathetic Poor
Red 3 Poor Pathetic Good
Red 40 Very Good Good Good
Yellow 5 Good Good Good
Yellow 6 Moderate Good Good
Green 3 rarely used due to cost
Turmeric Poor Good Very Good
Beta Carotene Good Very Good Good
Annatto Fair Fair Good
Caramine Excellent Good Very Good
Red Beet Juice Fair Fair Poor

A lack of light stability can be an insidious problem that expresses itself only after your
product has reached the retailer or the consumer, so it is an issue you must take into

• Does the Color Undergo Chemical Changes during Processing? This is definitely an
area where the confectioner must exercise extreme caution, and it relates back to the
stability of the colorants. Heat stability is critical because processing temperatures are
high and acid stability is important because low pH’s are often present in fruit flavored
candies. A good color supplier can help you work through formulation changes to
avoid processing problems, while trial-and-error tests will immediately tell you
whether it will or won’t work.

• How will you incorporate the colorant into your product? Ideally, your system will
allow you to add as-is colorants directly into a large volume of pre-cook syrup. This
will give you the most uniform batches at the lowest possible cost. This method does
have some drawbacks. Due to the high coloring ability of most food dyes, extremely
low concentrations of colors are needed. This often requires an unreasonably minute
quantity of color that would be difficult to measure out accurately. Because FD&C
dyes must be in solution to provide tincture, there must also be sufficient water present
to thoroughly dissolve the colors. Fortunately, color suppliers have come up with
several ingenious methods for incorporating colors into hard candy. For example,
(a) Liquid Colors. This applies mainly to certified dyes. Color suppliers can produce
color concentrates (that require dilution or mixing before use), or ready to use
solutions. A confectioner can also make their own custom color solutions using the
dry dyes. Often, propylene glycol or glycerin is added as a solution preservative or
as a co-solvent. Liquid colors can be added to pre-cooks or directly to the cooked
candy mass. Use control is excellent.
(b) Color Pastes. These are often solutions of dyes bulked up with a powder such as
dextrose. Pastes are usually added to individual batches of the cooked candy mass.
Use control is low.
(c) Color Cubes. Similar to pastes, cubes often incorporate a hard fat as an ingredient
so that they are solid at room temperature. Cubes melt easily in the hot hard candy
but often require pounding to speed up the mixing process. Color cubes are
produced by slabing out and scoring the color mass. Use control is good.
(d) Color Granules. Basically, ground-up color cubes. Often harder fats are used to
keep the finished granules from sticking together. Granules melt faster due to their
smaller particle size and are easier to use than cubes. Use control is good if there is
a uniform particle size.

• What Colors are best for Hard Candies? This all depends on what you are trying to
accomplish. Color Lakes will work well for striping or with products that require a
painted, non-opaque appearance. Titanium dioxide can be used to lighten candy masses
that are too dark due to processing problems, or as a substitute for pulling. Certified
dyes are easy to use but it may be difficult to produce deep colors such as black.
Finally, nature-derived colors may produce attractive shades but they are often quirky
and some have questionable kosher status.
Boiling Under Vacuum
Presented by Paul Srnak

Boiling under vacuum facilitates the achievement of a high solids level at a relatively low
temperature. This reduces inversion and caramelization of the sugar and reduces the syrup
temperature for subsequent processing.

Approximate Atmospheric Vacuum Boiling Vacuum

% Solids Temperature Temperature in/Hg
96 289 143 264 129 25
97 302 150 275 135 27
98 320 160 286 141 28

It is not necessary for the whole boiling cycle to be under vacuum. Normally, syrup will be
boiled to ~266 F (130 C) and then subjected to a vacuum of 28 in/Hg for ~6 minutes for a
final solids of >98%

When caramel is subjected to vacuum, the purpose is usually to rapidly reduce its
Traditional Test for Syrup Boils
Approximate Temperature
Term F C Texture

Thread 230-235 110-113 Forms a thread between thumb and index

Soft Ball 237-244 114-118 Dip a spatula into the batch and remove
the sample in cold water. Sample will form
a soft ball when cool.
Firm Ball 250-255 121-124 Sample will form a firm ball
Hard Ball 259-264 126-129 Sample will form a hard ball
First Crack 264-270 129-132 Dip a spatula into the batch and remove
the sample in cold water. Press into a thin
sheet. Flick the sample with the index
finger. It will crack if thoroughly cool
2nd Crack 275-280 135-138 Dip a spatula into the batch and remove
the sample in cold water. Press into a thin
sheet. When thoroughly cool, it will break
and not bend.
Hard Crack 284-310 140-154 The cooled spatula sample will shatter
like glass
Caramel 335-350 168-177 Sample is brown and will quickly set like

Answer Key:

1) What is the purpose of the Cream of Tartar? Cream of Tartar is a
“Doctor” used to increase the Inversion of the Sucrose. Without the
resultant Glucose and Fructose, the candy mass would grain, or
crystallize, uncontrollably.
2) Since it is essentially all cooked-off, what effect could the water quality
have on the product? Substances such as minerals in the water may
inhibit or greatly enhance the function of the “Doctor” (depending on
what is present). That is why formulas must be tailored to the specific
region where the candy is being made.
3) Why are the sides washed down with Water? The Sugar must be
totally dissolved when there is enough water present to accomplish
the job (early in the cook). Otherwise, any crystalline sugar crusted
along the water line can act as a “seed” to cause uncontrolled
4) Why is the Powdered Sugar added at the puller? To act as a “seed”
so that you get controlled crystallization when the batch is ready. The
Powdered Sugar introduces numerous small nuclei for crystal growth,
which results in lots of fine crystals (and a smooth texture) rather than
a few large crystals (and a gritty texture).

1) Can a water-based (jelly) filling be honeycombed? No. The final
product consists of thin layers of hard candy alternated with fat-
based filling. A water-based filling would soften or dissolve this thin
layers destroying the desired texture.
2) Why is the filling heated? If the filling is cold, it will cool the inside
candy surface that it is contact with causing it to become inflexible.
Forming and/or leaking problems will result.

1) Why is such a low Cook Temperature used? This is a “Demo” lab. To
give enough work time with a small batch under less than ideal
conditions, higher residual moisture is desired. Shelf-life would be
unacceptably short for retail sale under these conditions.
2) Why is the candy roped-out on a hot table? Surface cooling would
reduce or eliminate the elasticity of the candy. It would not rope-out to
the desired diameter smoothly…try it with the demo sample.
Hard Candy Demonstration
Grained Mints

Sugar 25 lbs
Water 9 lbs
Vegetable Shortening 5 oz
Cream of Tartar 10 grams
Peppermint Oil (or other flavor) ¾ oz
Glycerin 2 oz
Powdered Sugar 4 oz
Additional Powdered Sugar for Storage Trays
• Place Sugar, Water, Shortening and Cream of Tartar into a clean kettle and place
the kettle on the gas-fired Savage Cooker.
• As the batch begins to boil, wash down the sides of the kettle with a small amount of
water using a brush or a wet rag.
• Cook the batch to 280 F.
• Pour the batch onto an oiled cooling table and allow it to cool with a minimum of
• Load the batch onto a pulling machine and pull it for 1½ to 2½ minutes. While
pulling add the Peppermint, the Glycerin and the Powdered Sugar.
• Remove the batch from the puller and shape it into a roll.
• Spin and cut the roll in 2 to 3 foot sections of “rope” and place the “rope” onto trays
dusted with Powdered Sugar.
• Store the trays in a warm, humid area to allow it to grain overnight.

Be sure to sample the candy before it has had a chance to mature and note the texture.

1) What is the purpose of the Cream of Tartar?
2) Since it is essentially all cooked-off, what effect could the water quality
have on the product?
3) Why are the sides washed down with Water?
4) Why is the Powdered Sugar added at the puller?
Hard Candy Demonstration
Filled Pillows
Filling Portion
Vegetable Shortening 5 lbs
Powdered Sugar 10 lbs
Flavor ¼ oz
Candy Portion
Sugar 25 lbs
Corn Syrup (42 DE) 25 lbs
Water 8 lbs
Flavor & Color as needed
Release Agent as needed
• Place the Powdered Sugar, Shortening and Flavor into a steam kettle and heat it
slowly to 170 - 180 F. Hold the filling at this temperature until it is needed. (The
Filling should have a sufficient amount of Powdered Sugar in it to make it firm
enough to stand up).
• Cook the Sugar-Corn Syrup mixture to 280 F in an open gas-fired Savage kettle.
• Spray the vacuum kettle with release agent (top and bottom) and transfer the hot
batch to it. Close the cover and draw a vacuum for about 4 minutes.
• Discharge the cooked candy into a kettle that has also been sprayed with release
• Remove a baseball-sized portion to be used as “shine”. Hold it on the hot table
under a blanket.
• Flavor and color the cooked candy in the kettle.
• Pour the candy batch onto the cold table and cool it to a working temperature.
• Place the cooled batch on the puller and pull it until it is satin.
• Remove 1/3 of the batch and place it on the hot table. This will be used for the
“jacket” of both sample batches.
• Flatten the remainder of the batch and place the Filling on it.
• Wet the outside edges of the batch with water and, forming an envelope, wrap and
seal the batch around the filling.
• Divide this envelope in two (for two sample batches).
• Wrap one filled envelope in a jacket, shape it into a roll, and spin it through the
pillow machine. These are the Filled Pillows.
• Fold and stretch (honeycomb) the remaining filled envelope.
• Wrap the remaining jacket around this portion, shape it into a roll, and spin it
through the pillow machine. These are the Honeycombed Pillows.

1) Can a water-based (jelly) filling be honeycombed?
2) Why is the filling heated?
7/25/01. Use Savage agitated cooker to make the batch for the pillows. Cooked
2 pails blend to 275 F in <1hr. Use kettle on stand to cook the Grain Mints, and it
took ~1 hr. Used kettle on stand to cook 2 pails blend for cut rock, and it took
~1½ hrs. Vacuum of 5 mins worked well. Vacuum kettle also has steam, so it
works better.
Hard Candy Demonstration
Cut Rock
Sugar 25 lbs
Corn Syrup (42 DE) 25 lbs
Water 8 lbs
Flavor & Color as needed
Release Agent as needed
• Imagine a design and determine how you will make it.
• Cook the Sugar-Corn Syrup mixture to 275 F – 280 F in an open gas-fired Savage
• Spray the vacuum kettle with release agent (top and bottom) and transfer the hot
batch to it. Close the cover and draw a vacuum for about 4 minutes.
• Discharge the cooked candy into a kettle that has also been sprayed with release
• Divide up the cooked candy into portions sufficiently large enough for each
component, leaving the largest part for the background.
• Flavor and color the background portion. Color all the components (flavoring them
will only be necessary if they make up an excessive percentage of the total product.
Otherwise, flavoring the background is usually sufficient).
• Kneed the various portions on the cold table to cool them to working temperatures.
• Depending on the design, portions may be pulled. Avoid excessive pulling since it
may make the candy too spongy to handle properly.
• Form the components (more hands = better) on the hot table. When component
shapes are completed, surface-cool them on the cold table to form a stabilizing crust
of hardened candy. Transfer them back to the hot table to avoid excessive cooling.
Keep forming them to avoid unwanted deformation.
• Assemble the various components. Use water to glue them together.
• Spin out the batch on the hot table. Traditional Cut Rock is roped-out, allowed to
cool on a long, straight conveyor, and then struck with a sharp edge to split off
button-shaped cross-sections. In lieu of such equipment, hand roll sections of rope
on the cold table and strike them with a spatula to cleave off buttons.

1) Why is such a low Cook Temperature used?
2) Why is the candy roped-out on a hot table?

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