Von Drake Background

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“Tell me where it went!

” I yelled

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” a weak voice replied

I reply with a fist to his face. “You know exactly what I am talking about. The panzerhand in the image of

Drachen. I know it past this way with the crusaders returning from Eisen”.

“I never saw the VonDrake panzerhand…” he is cut off by my fist in his face again.

“I never said I was looking for the VonDrake panzerhand.” I say lowering my voice. “Listen Monsignor I
am not really the type of person who likes violence, but if you don’t start cooperating I am going to make
an exception.”
He shakes his head and I unleash a flurry of blows on the priest. He falls to the ground and I don’t
let up. Let’s hold things right there for a moment. My name is Xavier “Six Gun” VonDrake and I am a
hero. Now I know what you’re thinking. What kind of a hero is neck deep in beating a priest? First you
should know that he had it coming. Second… well let’s start at the beginning.
I was born Xavier VonDrake to one of the noble families of Eisen. My family’s lands were
originally in the Hainzl Königreich but that was before the war. Everything changed during the war. Now
they fall into the newly formed Fischler Königreich. My father was the eldest direct decedent of the
VonDrake line, it his task to ensure he continuation of our family line and protect its legacy. Since the
time of the Heriophant the VonDrakes have served Eisen and its people as leaders, protectors and
caretakers. We have volumes upon volumes dedicated to the deeds and heroics of the VonDrakes. The
family was always vigilant as to the quality of life and prosperity of their lands. Over the generations
many of Eisen swore they lived best part of Eisen and would never live anywhere else in all of Theah.
Again that was before the war. When the war of the cross struck Eisen the hammer fell hardest in the
lands that now comprise Sieger and Fischler. As they always had the VonDrakes sided with the King and
fought against the invaders and the church. The VonDrakes gave all they had and then some to the war
effort. Year after year new generations Eisen would follow the next batch VonDrake sons to the front. I
never saw the war. A fact that continues to brought up by almost everyone I meet.
My Father Ulrich VonDrake was a proud and stern man who was widely regarded as one of the
most honorable and just nobles in Eisen. He was also the epitome of what it was to be an Eisen man.
Broad muscular build, towering stature and a deep booming voice. He took his duty as Steward of the
VonDrake line as his sole life purpose. He never thought of himself first, it was always about what was
best for the family and its name. As the war went on you could watch the change happen before your
eyes. Not just the mental but physical changes as well. The grief and guilt of watching his people march
to their deaths year after year would have been break any noble with a heart. Some say as Eisen went so
did my father. This was compounded by the fact that at the head of every unit was at least one VonDrake
and several more filling key leadership positions behind him. The toll the war took on the family was
dire. Brothers, cousins, nieces, nephews they all came to answer the call, none willing to stand by while
others fought. I believe to this day my father wanted nothing more than to ride out and die with his people
and hi kin. But that was not his duty and he was a man who did his duty. The once proud mountain of a
man that was all that was Eisen started to fade. His mood darkened and his physical form shrank and he
aged well past his years. But he never broke, to this day he serves Eisen with all that he is. Diminished as
it is from what it once was.
My older brother Stefan VonDrake was exactly what any Eisen father would ask of his first born.
Tall and broad with a muscular build and a square jaw. It must have almost killed my mother to give birth
to him. On the other hand I must have seemed like a light task. It was said he could throw a spear over the
castle wall and kill a crusader general. My brother was set to be the heir to the VonDrake mantle and he
was more than capable of living up to the task. My brother was born much earlier in my parents lives. He
was old enough to fight and the end of the War of the Cross. He added his own chapter to the valorous
deeds of the VonDrakes to be sure. When he was sixteen, and I was four, he led an Army that terrorized
the invaders for months. He took back more land than had been reclaimed in years. My brother was at the
battle of Starkbrunn. He led his men across the Howling Grounds and was in the assault that finally took
the city’s walls. He fought wounded for three more days before finally succumbing to his wounds. The
men that served with him say after facing my brother and his men and looking around at what there was
to take, the crusaders went home. Nothing they had seen in over a year was worth anymore lives. Whether
my brother was the reason the invaders gave up or if it was the straw that broke their back can be
argued… just don’t argue it anywhere near Fischler.
After the loss of my brother my father was devastated. He withdrew from everyone and nearly
drifted into madness. Then the Horrors started. Few at first, more and more came down from the
mountains. Then from the Walder. Soon the Horrors were a matter of everyday life. Finding a fresh sense
of purpose my father broke out of his melancholy threw himself back into service.
My father quickly realized I was not my brother. I had a smaller athletic build, not that of a
shaved bear. I also possessed a more charismatic personality, not the stoicism of a rock. Anywhere else in
Theah I would have been considered a perfect heir, but in Eisen I was almost considered a runt. My father
decided that he would not allow Eisen to take me as it had my brother. So at five years old I was sent to
lyceum in Montaigne to learn to be a noble. What I actually learned is that most “nobles” are anything
but. They give little to know thought to the people they oversee. They are selfish, arrogant and worst of
all spineless followers. They don’t lead anything or anyone. They constantly battle to be in on the next
big thing but won’t be the one who starts it. As opposed to bettering themselves they cut everyone else
down to make themselves look and/or feel better. I should have been miserable and found the people
loathsome. But I didn’t. Well somewhat. I knew it was wrong but I liked the life I had there. There was
plenty of everything food, wine, women and everything else you could want. That’s right I said want not
need. In Eisen the word want is almost sacrilegious. If you’re lucky you get what you need and you’re
happy for it. And best of all here I could be myself and not have to prove anything. I was not the
unimpressive child of the VonDrake family. I was witty, charming and good looking enough. No one
cared that I couldn’t skewer a wild boar with knife or throw a spear over a castle wall.
For the next ten years I lived it up. After finishing at the Lyceum I secured a job as an aide to a
traveling emissary. Basically I went from court to court to represent Eisen and her interests. In reality I
was living the high life on other people’s dime. The people at court found me interesting because I defied
every stereotypes they knew. And at court when people find you interesting, they want you to find them
interesting as well. When I was older I did find ways to help Eisen. I started numerous trends within the
“nobility” around me. I started fashion trends about the simplistic yet functional beauty of Eisen garb. For
months no member of court could be found without high boots and heavy jackets. Then there was the
famous wave of Eisen furniture. Tables and desks that said “I am not afraid of so called curses” and “of
course I have the money to pay for harsh expeditions into the Eisen wild to bring back the finest wood”.
What they did not realize is that they basically bought swamp wood that grows everywhere in Eisen, but
none of them were going to go there and find out. However despite my best efforts I did little to improve
the situation in Eisen. Even with increased industry and money it did little good for the people. I guess
what good was money when there was nothing to spend it on. And more importantly money can’t buy
you a tomorrow in Eisen.
When I was fifteen I realized that I had spent almost all of my life away from Eisen. I wanted to
go home. It could not really be as bad as the stories made it out to be could it? They were just stories from
petty nobles trying to bring down someone they saw as a threat. I requested to be relieved of my duties
and return to Eisen. I was denied. Some issue in Avalon needed our representation. Then it was the
commonwealth, then Montaigne and then Ussura. It never ended. Whenever I was to come home there
was another issue that I needed to represent Eisen in. Only when I got to these places the issues were
small, unimportant and at times had nothing to do with us. I eventually realized what happened. My father
had secured this position for me to keep me out of Eisen. I guess I should have known something was
amiss. Why did all of these senior dignitaries need assistance from a teenager from a rather unpolitical
family? The VonDrakes where a symbol of Eisen in Eisen. We had little influence in the outside world.
My theory was verified when I made arrangements to travel to Eisen without asking or even telling
anyone where I was going.
I was in my room packed and ready to board the ship for Eisen first thing in the morning. That is
when Reinhard came to my room. Reinhard was once one of my brother’s lieutenants and since had been
assigned as my body guard ever since I could remember.
“Young master VonDrake we cannot go to Eisen” he said
“I am going Reinhard and there is nothing short of killing me that is going to stop me” I replied
“Your father has forbidden me from letting you go home. And he is not a man I wish to disobey”
he said somberly
“I hear the stories about how bad things are back home and I wish to see for myself the state of
“Your father will be furious.” His tone hardened “It is my duty to see that no harm befalls you. I
won’t allow this”
“What would you have me do?” I asked “Continue to do nothing while all of Eisen suffers? Live
a life luxury while others struggle to survive?”
“That is not for me to decide.” I could hear the sympathy in his voice now.
“My father has written to me the entire time I have been away. He has told me of our family
history and of the history of Eisen. He has tried to teach me compassion for those around me. That
strength is to be used for those who do not have it. That our family has always and will always serve
Eisen and her people.” My emotions were bubbling to the surface and I had to strain to keep them in
“Even if I let you go what are you going to do?” he said shaking his head “Every man, woman
and child in Eisen is fighting. You have never even been in a fist fight and I assure you your charm and
wit will not go far against horrors that roam Eisen.”
“VonDrakes have always fought. I sure it will come to me” I was slightly taken aback by the
realization that I had no idea how to fight let alone fight monster.
“That is your big plan. It will come to you. You are going to get yourself and me killed with this
plan” He laughed a mocking laugh.
“Damn it Reinhard if you don’t want to go then stay here. And live out your days as a coward”
My voice had taken on a tone of a spoiled child not getting his way.
He slapped me across the face. His voice went from humor to deadly serious. “Do not speak to
me of cowardice and courage boy. I was there at Starkbrunn and all the days before that. I saw ten
thousand men lose their lives in that mud. I saw your brother fight for days with wounds that would kill
ten lesser men” he stared in to the distance and voice trailed off. Then he regained himself “I have proved
my courage and worth over and again. And I bear the scars to prove it.”
There was a tense moment of silence in the room. We both reflected on what transpired. And if it
was possible for two people to reach a shared understanding in silence it happened that night. Then
Reinhard broke it. “I am sorry I struck you Sire.”
“It was nothing Reinhard. And I suppose I will have to get used to discomfort and pain if I am
going to Eisen” I said with a fake chuckle
“Yes young master VonDrake I suppose you right”
The next morning we made for Eisen. On the way to Eisen Reinhard taught me how to shoot on
the ship. As it would turn out it did kind of just come to me. I told him, I told him so and he told me I was
going to need much more if I was going to save all of Eisen. We worked every day on my combat skills.
But nothing could have prepared me for week after we made port in Eisen.
As it turned out all the stories of Eisen were not true. Things were much worse. The trek home
was filled with the stuff nightmares are made of. At every turn we had to battle through the horrors. There
seemed to not be a moment’s peace to be had. I was scared and for the first time in my life I felt small,
insignificant and helpless. I started to think I had bitten off more than I could chew. When we finally
arrived at the home of my ancestors I felt a momentary reprieve. I walked through the streets and the
gates that were my earliest memories. I thought things had finally taken a turn for the better. I was
wrong… again. As the guards announced us to the court room an earth shattering boom could be heard
for miles around.
“Reinhard what the name of the creator are you two doing here” My father yelled
Reinhard knelt and in the most apologetic voice he could muster replied “My lord he could not be
dissuade from coming home. I tried but I feared if I did not come with him he would have left on his own
“You are a grown man and he is a child. I don’t care if he held you at gun point. I gave you one
task, to ensure no harm came to him and you let him come here. Were all the harm in the world has
congregated.” The stone walls seemed to reverberate with his anger.
“Father I am right here. You can address this with me, Reinhard was only doing what was best to
keep me safe” voice almost faltered. The scale of my father was far more intense to behold than I had
“I will deal with you when I have finished with him Xavier.” The fire of his anger only fanned by
my interjection.
He turned back to Reinhard has his blood boiled to the surface of his face. “Reinhard Frausten
your services are no longer required. Your land, position and title stripped. If you ever again set foot in
Fischler I will have you hanged. Guards escort him to the border and put him on his way.”
“Father you cannot punish him for what I have done. It is not fair or just. You are…” Reinhard
put his hand on my shoulder and leaned in to speak.
“Young master VonDrake it is not worth it pursue this course of action. What’s done is done.” He
“But your home and everything you have worked for. It is not right for you to give that up. So
many times you spoke of returning home to finally find your peace.” I replied
“You do not worry about me. It will all be worth it when you save all of Eisen. You remind me so
much of your brother and your father in a different time. Take this.” He handed me his Heiligen of the
Imperator Weiss. “Farewell young master VonDrake until we meet again.” Then he turned and
surrendered to the guards.
“Xavier first thing the morning you make way Adel. I will have arrangements set for you by the
time you get there” my father said as looked at me taking me in. we had not seen one another since I was
“No” I said with all the courage I could muster.

“What?” he asked confused

“Father you have always written to me of what it means to be a man, an Eisen and a VonDrake.
You listed the traits that have made our family what it is. And now you tell me to disregard all of that for
my own safety. That is not you I am it’s not in my blood” He cuts me off.

“I know what is in your blood and I know what I said. But you need to do this” His voice
trembled to almost pleading. “No man should outlive both of his sons.”

“And then what Father? When you are gone I am to finally come home and sit in this hall and
rule these lands as the cowardly VonDrake.” My voice finds itself and begin to hit an oratory stride. “I am
to be the man who rules but has done nothing noble in all his life. Who understands nothing of the plight
of the people he is supposed to serve. And what of the VonDrake name? Is that how you would see it
“I have arranged for all of that. When I am gone your uncle will rule and pass that rule to your
cousin. There is no reason for you to ever return to Eisen again. I cannot lose you like I lost your brother.”
In an instant age, worry and regret all seem to catch up to him. And the imposing persona all but fades.
“You are to leave and not return.”

“I will leave this house, but I will not leave Eisen. I am that much of a disappointment from my
brother that you would live the rest of your days without me?”

“I have never been disappointed with you Xavier. I have kept tabs on you ever since you left” he
said his stoic demeanor about to brake.

“Then why do wish be gone so badly?”

“Because I would rather not have my son with me and know that he is safe, then to have you here
and lose you”

“You don’t know that you will lose me”

“Yes I do. If I lost your brother than I will most certainly lose you. You don’t know how
bad things are here. It is only a matter of time.”

“Father if your mind cannot be changed then it looks as if you will lose me regardless of
your wishes.” I said flatly.

“Guards take him to Adel and ensure he gets on the ship…”

“Farewell Father” I yelled as I bolted out the door.

I ran from the castle to the stables and rode south as fast as I could. I did not know where I was
going but I was sure it would come to me.

I made my way south not knowing exactly what I was going to do. I eventually ended up
in Starkbrunn. The very place where my brother had died. I as approached the city I was once
again attacked by the horrors. It was not going well when a group of men intervened. When we
were finally able to defeat the threat they asked me what I was thinking being in the Howling
Grounds so close to nightfall. I told them I was not familiar with the area and did not know any
better. I asked who they were and they told me they belonged to the Junge Blut. A group of
people dedicated to fighting the horrors near Starkbrunn and the surrounding areas. Most of them
were too young to have fought in the war but know fought our generation’s war. I instantly felt a
connection. I was a man in a country full of veterans trying to find my place. Talk about a fish
out of water. It seemed as though everyone everywhere except me had fought for Eisen. This was
my chance to change that. I signed on the minute we reached the city.

I realized quickly just how far behind everyone else I was. I was not used to working long
hours, doing manual labor, being in constant danger, not having enough to eat or in general not
doing what I wanted when I wanted. In short I was not used to being an Eisen. I left my name
behind and became Drake a Waisen from near the Wlader. I did not want to be found or bring
shame to my family so I kept my identity secret. I made sure not to complain, actually I made
sure not to say much at all. I had to learn quickly in the Junge Blut or I was going to die. The
basics were easy enough. Walk your route when it was your shift, protect anyone you find,
destroy the horrors, report at the end of your shift and be ready to do it again tomorrow. The
actual application of these rules were much more difficult than they made it seem. In the first
three months I nearly got myself killed seven or eighteen maybe twenty times. Then I took a few
risks and sent letters to some of my bankers and moved around my accounts to make them more
accessible. After all I was a noble who made his living in trade and trade negotiations. I was
basically stupid rich. I was concerned about what my father might do if he found out. But most
of the bankers owed me at least a few favors. To my surprise there was no intervention by my
father. When I had all my affair in order I treated myself to some proper monster fight
equipment. A set of heavy clothing, a few armor plates and a proper blade to start. One night
while out on patrol and fighting the horrors, I use the term patrol loosely it was basically a
guarantee we were going to be attacked, I had an epiphany. The next day I went to the market
and had a custom leather vest made and bought six pistols. I carried two under each arm and two
at my lower back. See the horrors don’t scare you shoot the first one and then the rest rush you
before you get off the next shot. Also, you always seem to need one more shot once they get up
close and personal. The rest of the squad started calling me “Six Gun” and not as a term of
endearment. They thought I was crazy. Within a week I was a genius.

I fought with the Junge Blut for a little over a year. I had fair amount of success. My
nerves and body hardened. My skills in combat were honed in a never ending crucible. I came to
understand what loss was. Basically I grew more accustomed to the daily life of Eisen. I was
promoted to patrol leader and attended the weekly update and planning meetings. I also found
ways to befriend the local merchants and sorcerers. I would bring back the coveted parts of the
monsters we killed in the Howling Grounds. I could make a fair amount of coin and get whatever
I needed. If there was one thing I learned in all of my travels is was that merchants always have
two different things for sale. The stock on the shelves and information. And if they don’t know
what you want to know, they know who does. While I did not necessarily agree with Hexewerk,
I did not entirely disagree with it either. It seemed to border on madness and evil, but it was also
very effective in its ability aide in fighting the horrors. Which I knew were evil. For now I would
just have to let it be what it was.

As time went on, patrol after patrol and fight after fight I began to realize we gained no
ground. We saved a lot of people but the overall situation was the same as the day I arrived. I
was disheartened. A year of fighting and generally winning and nothing to show for it but a few
nightmares and new scars. One day I had about my fill of the never ending cycle and asked to
meet with Elmina Elkhardt the senior commander of the Jung Blut and basically the leader of
Starkbrunn. I was immediately denied on the grounds that she had more important matters to
attend to then meet with some wall walker. I left and returned the next day and walked directly
into her meeting hall. When the door guards tried to stop me I blurted out “Tell Elmina Elkhardt
that Xavier VonDrake is here and he needs to speak with her on an important matter” The
guard’s eyes widened and they asked to verify my papers. I refused and sent them on their way.
Which no doubt was the verification that they needed. A short time later I was in Elmina’s office
and had her full attention.

“So the VonDrake heir has been living in the garrison and walking the wall at night. And
I am just hearing about this now.” She said in a quite sarcastic manner “To be Honest I that you
were just a legend, Xavier VonDrake the ghost child of the VonDrake family”

“I assure you Elmina I am quite real. I have come to speak with you about your plans for
the Jung Blut and the city.” I stated flatly.

“What do you want to know?” I could hear the borderline insulted tone in her voice

“I want to know what your next step is. You have an effective military force and base of
operations. Do you now expand the area of military operations or do you try to establish a
network political allies to follow your model in order gain ground?” I asked
She stared at me mouth open eyes wide in shock as if I had just called her entire family
line into question. “Expand operations, political networks, what are you talking about? What do
think we are trying to do here?” she stammered out.

“Are we not trying to take back Eisen?” I asked puzzled

“You are insane. There is no taking back Eisen. There is only survival. We are lucking to
have made the life we have and you want me to risk all of this on some damn foolish idea of
taking back Eisen?” she was now shouting in total disbelief.

“So what I am gathering is that you have no plan.”

“This is the plan. I will keep this city safe and maybe when situation changes I will
change with it.” Her tone had gone completely cold.

“Well. I will leave you to it.” I said just as cold.

“What will you do know?” she asked

“I am not sure. But it will come to me.” I replied.

“You should head to Wachsamhertz castle in the Dracheneisen. There you will find the
Drachenblut. They seem to have a like mind with you.” She said in a softer tone
“Thank you.” I stand and walk toward the door. As I am about to leave she speaks again.

“You are just as mad as your brother.” She chuckled “He believed he could take the walls
of this fortress. Then again he actually did. Maybe Eisen needs a man who is that kind of crazy.”

I nod good bye and walk out. The shadow of the past loomed over me once again. I
gathered my things and made preparations for the journey to the mountains. As I left the city I
felt the urge to turn back and look at the city. I had not really taken the time to look at it before as
I did now. Stefan really was mad for thinking he could take those walls. I guess in Eisen
sometimes all you need is a little luck and a surplus of crazy.
The journey to the mountains was arduous at best. Then the journey through and up the
mountains was hell. I suppose that might have been the point. No one who wasn’t at least worthy
of consideration would make this trek. I had only heard a little about the Drachenblut in my time
back in Eisen. And most of that was wild gossip at best. I did know that they were basically a
private army with a self-proclaimed mission to save Eisen from the horrors. On the surface they
did sound like my kind of people. However I wondered to what end and purpose. The leader
Rosamund Roth seemed honorable enough. The group never took a political stance for or against
how a lord looked after the lands in their charge. But they did just decide to make an army. With
no government oversight and at times had clashed with the actual army of the nation. Anywhere
else I am pretty sure this is called rebellion, mutiny or a military coupe. On the reverse side they
have done nothing but good for Eisen. I guess I will find out if I ever get out of this damn snow.

I arrived at castle Wachesherz close to dusk. I was cold, bloody and half starved. At the
gates there was a man at a desk and a line of young men in front of him. I walked up and waited
my turn.

“Next” a gruff voice shouted. Not that there was a need to shout I was standing two feet
away and there was no one else around.

“I am here to sign up” I said. Trying to be pleasant and polite.

“letter?” he asked somewhat annoyed.

“What letter?” I replied almost as annoyed “What like a code word? Please tell me there
is not a damn code word.”

“Are you loopy from the road? No, your letter of recommendation from a member of the
Drachenblut vouching for your character and valor. You twit.” He sneered

“I just traveled half way cross Eisen and up this infernal, infested mountain and you say I
need a letter of recommendation to join your little club. Hay I got an update for you people are
not lining up to go fight horrors and die so you should probably take whatever you can get I am
pretty sure a stupid code word would have been better than this stupid how about I kick your
teeth down your throat and then you can vouch for me hmmmmmmm?” I rambled out. A woman
came out of one of the side doors near the gate but I didn’t notice.
“Well boy, if you weren’t so dumb you would not have wasted your time and more
importantly mine. If you don’t have a letter than piss off, and if you threaten me again I will…”
he was cut off by two of my barrels being out into his face fast as he could blink.

“I’m sorry what was that you will what? Get your face blown all over that wall over
there? Or maybe up on the roof of this hut?” I said full of arrogance and vinegar.

“What’s your name?” a woman’s voice said to my left

“Drake” I replied flatly.

“Drake what?” she asked

“just Drake”

“Well Just Drake this might be your lucky day” she said warmly “Tomorrow we ride out
to save a village from a very large ghoul horde. And any man who rides with the Drachenblut
can call himself blutgeschwister and live among us. If you prove your worth I am sure someone
will vouch for you soon enough. Can ask who sent you here?”

“Elmina Elkhardt.”

“So you were a young blood. I might have to ask around about you.”

“Ask about Six Gun Drake”

“How does someone get the name Six Gun?”

“You will have to fight with me to find that out” I said lower my guns.

“So I will. Gustan close up shop for the night and see he finds a bed and something to eat.
He has an early morning.”

“Yes ma’am” the guard replied somewhat put out.

In the morning I gathered with the rest of the Drachenblut and other hopefuls near the
gate. As the man I believed was in charge of the mission was finishing his lack luster attempt at a
rousing speech a rider came out of the castle and announced that Knight Commander Roth would
be joining the mission. As the Commander rode up I recognized her as the woman from the night
before. She found a spot next to me, looked me up and down and spoke.

“Stay close Just Drake I would not want to miss seeing how you got your name” and with
that we started on our way.
We arrived at the base of the mountains to a town under siege. The occupants had hold up
in the main hall behind a ramshackle wall. And the zombies were everywhere, with a few
revenants mixed in for good measure. We moved into position and started our attack. The tactics
were simple enough, ride forward scrape the flank of the horde turn around and repeat. A small
detachment broke off to handle stragglers. Everything seemed to go fine for a while. On one pass
the man next to me was pulled from his horse. Before I could ask myself what I was doing, I had
dismounted fired three shots to clear the immediate. By the time I had realized what I had done I
drew my sword at the horde was closing in around us. Must have woke up on the suicidal side of
the bed. I told the man to fight back to back and move toward an opening in the undead wall and
save his strength for the ones that tried to get in our way. It did not go well. As I was sure we
were about to be swallowed by the horde and I tried to make peace with my life, I heard a crash
of weapons and armor hit rotting flesh. The rest of the Drachenblut had charged into horde right
around us. Commander Roth was moving deep into the fray. I decided to keep up. Must have
been suicidal as hell that day. Roth was a hell of a fighter, I was not really on her level. I fired of
two more shots trying to keep my face from being torn off. After what seemed like an eternity, I
felt the pressure of start to ease. I watched Commander Roth decapitate three zombie in one
swing to pretty much clear the last of them. She turned to me and saw my last pistol lowered at
her. Before she could speak I fired. She turned just in time to see the revenant drop two feet
behind her.

“So six guns huh?” she tried to chuckle out. I could just make out the tremors still in her

“Yeah six guns. I was not always as good with a sword as I am now.” I stated way too

“Who said you were any good?”

“I was able to stay in stride with the great Commander Roth of the Drachenblut. I’d say
that’s endorsement enough.” Is what my mouth said, what my brain said was “What the hell
were you thinking? You almost got us killed like thirty-seven times”

“And just how many shots do you have left?”

I just forced a half smile and shook my head in reply.

“So you almost kept up with Commander Roth of the Drachenblut.” She stated “That is
still a fair endorsement.” And the she walked away.

I made busy tending to wounded and clearing the rest of the area. Helping where ever I
could. Once the townspeople came out I saw Roth and what I believed to be the Mayor talking.
In my curious nature I moved closer to see what I could find out. Before I was close enough to
hear I could see them talking and nodding toward me. Then the “Mayor” made a gesture as he
looked right at me and them at Roth and nodded his head. I made haste to a different location. I
was not sure what they were discussing and I hoped it was just my paranoia of being found by
my father playing tricks on me. We stayed the night in the village and made for Berg
Wachesherz at first light.

When we returned to the castle I expected to be accepted into the Blutsgeschwister. As I

was looking to find quarters Roth found me and asked me to follow her. I did and we went to the
main hall where a man was waiting. She told the man to take me to the induction hall and was to
start my training immediately with the Drachenblut. She said nothing to me and left. And so I
started my training to become one of the Drachenblut.

When I completed the training I was granted a full position in the Drachenblut. I was now
nineteen years old after the three years of training. I spent the next two years fighting to earn my
place within the Drachenblut. I met a fair amount of scrutiny and sometimes outright disrespect.
I suppose this was because Commander Roth always seemed to be keeping up on me. She would
ask my superiors how I was doing and would often switch my assignments without reason. Most
of the time it was to a much more difficult or miserable mission, but perceptions are what they
are. There was no reasoning with them, they had it their heads and anything I said was just me
covering for myself. At the time I wasn’t sure why she seemed so involved in my career. I
pondered it many of times, but as life goes on the road I never made it too deep into it before
something terrible happened. Something terrible was always happening. When I was not on the
road I spent most of my time in the village outside the city. I could not resist interacting with the
merchants from all over Theah and I was still fascinated and skeptical of Hexenwerke. Both were
in abundance in Wachesherz village. People traded all kinds of goods that elsewhere would be
considered taboo or get you put on the Fiedrich or Posen’s lists. Also the village served as a
meeting place for sorcerers and travelers from all over Eisen and Theah.

One day I met Ulrig Osguter, an Iron Singer of the Die Kruezritter. He was taking refuge
in the village after being lost in a storm. Prior to this he wasn’t aware of the exact whereabouts of
the castle. I shared the wealth of information about the goings on with the Drachenblut, the
horrors and some of the political happens. He was very appreciative and asked if I would be
interested in aiding the Die Kruezritter in their struggle against the horrors of Eisen. I told him I
had already found my place to help Eisen but I would continue to provide him with information
whenever I could. After that he would make regular trips to Wachesherz. We exchanged
intelligence and stories over drinks and dinner. After a while I began to look forward to his
visits. It was a welcome distraction from the ceaseless war against the horrors.

After two years of grinding it out in the trenches, finally earning the respect of my peers
and a few advancements. I had a series encounters with some of the nobility that visited the
castle. They came to see the castle and the state of the Drachenblut, and hear about the good we
were doing for the people of Eisen. During one of these visits one of the nobles wanted to hear
the state of things from the troops on the ground not the dignitaries and spokespeople of the
Drahcenblut. Commander Roth brought him to me. In a matter of hours I had convinced him that
the Drachenblut with his support would be the most important weapon against the horrors, and
by the time he left he had committed more than anyone thought possible to the cause. I guess all
those years of negotiating and wooing nobles actually paid off. Commander Roth then appointed
me to dignitary position. She said that my ability to win over support for the cause was much
more important than my ability to fight monsters.
Over the next year I worked with the Jarslmanns, a Vesten couple, to wine dine and
squeeze every bit of support we could in order to better support the Drachenblut. I also took it
upon myself to branch out and become involved in foreign affairs. I traded favors of military and
political support with foreign governments. We would send a detachment to quell a bandit
uprising in the Commonwealth near our border in exchange for arms and armor. But that was
just the beginning. I helped arrange a marriage of an Inish prince, who in return took a less
favorable trade agreement with a Vesten, who moved relief supplies into Ussura for wealthy land
owner, who sent much needed timber at a good price to a Montaignese noble who lent his famed
duelist to a Vodacce merchant who’s cousin was captain of a garrison near Eisen and he marched
his men to the border and met our agents and assisted with wiping out a rouge Hexe cell. These
where the kind of deals I was able to make, hell I was even able to coordinate the first and only
coop mission with the Drachenblut and the Iron Guard. There was a brawl immediately
following the completion of the mission but they did work together for a little while. With all my
years running in the elitist circles meant that all almost always knew someone who knew
someone who could or needed help. I actually thought for the first time we might be gaining
ground and turning the tide. I was wrong once again… when was I going to stop being so naïve
and hopeful?

Just as I was falling into my comfort zone in my new role I was again surprised by life in
Eisen. At least I could honestly say it was never boring. I heard through the rumor mill that Lady
VonDrake had fallen ill and was most likely not going to recover. I told Commander Roth that I
needed to take to the road and follow up on some promises and supervise the completion of some
deals and I set of for Fischler. When I arrived at Castle VonDrake I bribed the cook to let me in
the back door. I made my way toward my parent’s chambers. My father was in his study looking
over documents. I found my mother lying in bed with a look of a ghost.

“Mother” I said quiet as could be.

“Oh my dear Xavier. I was worried I would not see you again. Come here my darling”
her voice was weak and frail. I strained to hear her.

“I would not let you go without saying goodbye no matter the circumstances” I

“My dear boy, look at you all grown up. You’ve been fighting haven’t you?” She gasped.

“Of course not mother.” I tried my best to lie.

“Don’t try lying to me Xavier.” She scolded “I have spent my whole life around men of
war. The look they wear on their faces is unmistakable.”

“I have been fighting, but I have been doing it for Eisen...”

“That’s what they all say.” She cut me off “Son I want to listen to me and remember what
I tell you know. Eisen has all the warriors it could ever need. We have young men and women
you have starred down evil that no one else can imagine.”

“Then why can we not gain any ground against the horrors?” I asked puzzled.

“Because they are scattered across Eisen all trying to win the war on their own. And more
importantly none of them know how to stop them from coming back.” She said smugly. All the
military minds in Eisen and this old women had it all figured out. I knew better to argue with her
though. I heard a sound coming from down the hall.

“Mother I don’t have much time. I love you and I will remember what you said.” I
hugged her kissed her forehead.

“I love you Xavier. More than anything else in Theah. Please don’t get yourself killed
over something trivial. Live your life it will be over soon enough without you trying to save all
the world.”

I didn’t want to save the world only Eisen. I made my way toward the door. Just as I
reached it. I heard my mother speak again.

“Your father loves and cares about you deeply Xavier. So much so he sent you away
from all this suffering. He wants you to be able to good life so much he would rather suffer
without his son with him than to have you live in a nightmare.”

I hesitated. Nodded. Then made my way out of the castle. When I returned to
Wachesherz Roth found me a said she might have a deal in the works that could bring in more
supplies and manpower than we ever thought possible. There was a border dispute between two
nobles on from Ussura and the other the Commonwealth. The proximity to Freiburg had caused
Trage to become involved. All parties were willing to support the Drachenblut if a peaceful and
fair resolution could be found. I did my homework on all the men involved. And after a couple of
months of working them I was able to get a meeting with everyone present and Wachesherz. The
first few days I got them all drunk and we sang and danced with pretty women I had hired to stay
while negotiations were underway. Once I had them buddied up with each other we began our
talks. It was arduous keeping it all together and I quickly realized we needed to take our time.
After almost a month I was getting hammered drunk with Ulrig before I lost my mind with the
negotiations when Roth found me.

“Pack your bags you have a mission. You leave first thing in the morning” She barked

“What about the negotiations? You said this could be the break we needed.” I pleaded

“It is not the priority anymore.”

“What could you possibly need me to do that is more important than this?”
“Your job. Get your company ready.” She ordered.

“So I should stop drinking?”

“No by all means keep going” She paused “cause you’re going to hunt down a
Liebewerk” She sneered.

“Damn.” I said louder than I wanted to “What about this deal If I leave it might fall apart
I am getting close I feel it.”

“I will see that someone else who is capable looks after. In the morning have your troop
ready to go. You need to head north toward Zarchig. The horror must not be allowed to make it
to Adel no matter the cost. Also I have made arrangements for someone to watch your back. His
name is Reinhard Falkenruth do not let him die. Now make preparations.” She ordered

“Yes ma’am” was all I could say. “Ulrig did you hear that? A liebewerke is somewhere
between the mountains and Adel. The Die Kruezritter might want to look into this.”

“I assure you we will. But it sounds like it might already be taken care of.” He replied
somewhat sarcastically.

“You have more faith than I do. Bring a Hexe with you just in case” I finished my drink
and went to make preparations.

The next morning I was ensuring all preparations were made and Reinhard Falkenruth
rode up.

“Are you Six Gun Drake?” He asked looking me over.

“Yes. And you must be Reinhard Falkenruth.” I replied

“That I am. Commander Roth has spoke highly of you and has assured me you are up to
this challenge.” He said

“Well she must know something I don’t” a hint of annoyance crept into my voice.

“I was told confidence was not something you did not lack.” He seemed somewhat

“Mr. Falkenruth have you ever fought a Liebewerk before?”

“I have fought a great many things but a liebewerk is not one of them.”

“You have the poise of a man who has seen more than his fair share of battle.” I started
and the annoyance left my voice “But a Liebewerk is quite possible the most nightmarish and
terrifying thing to ever walk Theah.”
“I have only ever heard the stories. And it can be hard to separate the truth from the
embellishments. Enlighten me as to what we are up against.”

“I wish I could. One of the worst part about liebewerk horrors is that no two are the same.
Some are just bodies with extra or exaggerated parts. But the more repulsive breed are the ones
that look some took a pile of flesh and sculpted it into something and gave it life. They are often
custom built for the purpose they serve but they are all exceptionally dangerous.” I said
somewhat enjoying the rhetoric of doom.

“Have you ever killed one before?” he asked

“To the best of my knowledge no one person has ever single handedly slain a liebewerk. I
was with a troop that specialized in hunting and killing liebewerks for a while. But even then we
only ever fought eight.”

“Fought not killed?”

“Yes. One we fought three before we killed it and another we hunted for five months
after we first made contact with it. It escaped into the mountains and we lost it during the
winter.” I replied “There is no guarantee that we will succeed in this endeavor.”

And with that we made our way to the gate and on to the road heading north down the
mountain. Before we even cleared the first mile the deal with the Ussura and the commonwealth
was dead. Capable indeed.

We reached Zarchig and found it in utter ruins. We found a few survivors at the mill on
the outskirts of the village. They spoke of a horror that stood taller than two men and as wide as
one is tall, with a huge grotesque left arm that dragged as it walked. It was strong as a hurricane.
It pushed over stone walls and trees as if they were wheat in a field. At least it would be easy to
track but likely near impossible to kill. I never understood why someone would create these
monsters on such a grand scale. No matter how much good you had intended this creature to do
it was doomed from the start. We made our way north following the trail of destruction the beast
left in its wake.

We tracked the beast for three days when we came upon a pile of excrement. I
dismounted and approached it with a bare hand outstretched.

“What are you doing?” Reinhard asked

“Shit” I was suddenly frightened

“I can see what it is. What are...”

“Scat…” I started to yell but before I could a huge and grotesque figure burst thru the
“Scatter and rally at the next village north.” I yelled or the death screams and horrified

It was two days ride to the next town. We waited a day after I arrived. Only a little more
than half the troop showed up. We started evacuating the town. I sent all the men north to the
next town Ramshuld. Another three days at a hard gallop. I instructed them to dig a massive pit
and position cannons behind and to the flanks of the pit. A third cannon was to be loaded with as
much powder as it could hold and fired just before we rode into the pit. They were to make
barbed spikes half again as tall as a man and place them every two feet on the bottom. Spikes the
size of spears needed to be anchored to the sides. The bottom was to be filled with one foot of tar
and oil. They were only to fire the cannons to keep the beast headed toward the pit. I would stay
behind by time and then lead the monster right to them. They had to be done before I got there,
there was no other option. If the creature made it past Ramshuld the next stop would be Adel on
the coast. Reinhard refused to leave and stayed with me. The next four days might have been the
worst of my life. We both rode three horse to death. We did not stop, we did not sleep all we did
was ride. When the beast fell behind we circled around and got back its attention. Usually by
shooting it. Shooting it failed to do much but get it to give chase again. In the early morning
hours of the fourth day of riding we could see Ramshuld and the cannons. We rode harder. The
beast seemed to double its efforts when it saw the village. It almost overtook us a few times but
well aimed shots from the cannons seem to give it just enough pause. As we closed on the city
liebewerk hot on our tails. The center cannon fired and the air turned white with smoke.

“Reinhard jump to the ground know” I yelled

We bailed from our horses. I could hear them whinny as they crashed into the pit. And I
could hear the rapid thud of the beast close in on us. Those few seconds seemed to last a life
time. This had to work. THUD THUD…THUD THUD… Was he slowing down? THUD
THUD… THUD THUD… This had to work. THUD THUD… Just as I was about to give up and
do something I felt the beast rush past me and the ground give way below him. The nightmarish
scream, gasps and the sound of tearing flesh will stick with me forever.

When the smoke cleared all was as I had planned. The best was pinned in the hole and as
it thrashed and tried pull itself free the more stakes impaled it.

“Douse it with oil and set it ablaze” I ordered coldly never looking away from the pit.

We stood watch over the hole as it burned. It took three days to die. We burned it for
another three. On the morning of the third day Ulrig arrived late as usual. We stayed to ensure
the Hexe was able to dispose of the liebewerk before we started back to Wachesherz. When we
neared the castle Reinhard said he was going to ride ahead. I assumed it was demand extra
payment and then put as many miles between him and the Drachenblut as he could. As I made
my way through the city and castle I noticed everyone was staring at me but not saying a word. I
wondered what was going on. It had been a while since a liebewerk was killed but it had
happened before. This one was a breed unto itself but still should not have this effect on
everyone. They acted as if they had seen a ghost. When I arrived at the castle stables a messenger
was waiting for me. He said Commander Roth needed to speak with me immediately. I was
beginning to dislike our run-ins. I reported to Roth office but drug my feet in doing so. When I
entered the office she was at her map table with Reinhard behind her to one side.

“Xavier VonDrake take a seat.” She said.

“Who are you talking to?” I replied with my best confused voice and face.

“Now is not the time to play coy Just Drake. I know who you are so drop the act.” She
said partly amused.

“How long have you known?” I asked

“I have had a suspicion for years but it has recently confirm.” She said “To get right to
the point you cannot stay with the Drachenblut any longer.”

“What?” I shouted “What do you mean you can’t stay with the Drachenblut any longer?”

“I know this seems strange and sudden but it is what’s best for Eisen.” She said in a
steady calm voice

“How can this be what’s best for Eisen?” I said still shouting “I have done everything to
better the cause. We are making things better. Does no one else see that this is a step backward?”

“We are not winning Xavier. And we will not win until all of Eisen is united under one
leader and takes unified action against the horrors. And no one can agree on who should be that
leader. I have made mistakes in building the Drachenblut. I have alienated some of the iron
princes and other nobility. The Drachenblut needs allies in other places to help strengthen our
position.” Roth said

“So what would you have me do?” I asked regaining my composure.

“I would have you do nothing more than you have been doing. I just want you to do it for
yourself and the VonDrake name and not the Drachenblut. And thus becoming one those allies.”
She answered.

“I don’t believe I would fit in that role as an ally to help strengthen anyone’s position.” I

“I believe you underestimate your position master VonDrake.” Reinhard chimed in. I had
forgotten he was there.

“And what do you know about my position?” I asked coarsely.

“I know that you single handedly breathed new life into the Fischler economy by selling
peasant’s clothes and swamp wood furniture to nobles all over Theah. Upon your return to Eisen
the phantom VonDrake heir traded his noble robes for three braces of pistols and took the fight
to the horrors in the trenches of Starkbrunn. Then you fought your way to the mountain top and
were measured by the Drachenblut and not found wanting. You fought the worst horrors
imaginable for years. Then you saved untold lives and solved every problem you came across for
the people of Eisen. And most recently you put done the most devastatingly terrible liebewerk
ever known. I would say you are well on your way to adding a new chapter to the VonDrake
legend.” He answered.

I said nothing. I sat and contemplated what this all meant.

“On top of that. Your family’s history is above reproach. Early in the war of the cross
your father was the bulwark that kept the war in the south and saved the north from the same
debilitating devastation that almost destroyed the southern part of Eisen. And your brother. What
can be said about the man who took the walls of Starkbrunn when the Imperator’s generals said
it could not be done? No one in Eisen has anything bad to say about the VonDrakes. Very few
can make such a statement these days.” Roth added

“It takes more than just a great leader to unify a country. It takes a great deal of great
leaders to legitimize the rule of one.” Reinhard said.

“So that is what you really want!” I said in a harsh tone “you want me to go claim the
VonDrake name and then throw my allegiance behind you so you can become the new

“No one has decided who the next imperator will be. We just see a chance to spread the
influence of good men throughout Eisen. And not have you bound to the enemies of the
Drachenblut.” Reinhard said doing his best soothe the mood with a calm and soft tone in his

“Commander Roth if this is what you want, I will leave. But when I do, while we will
remain allies in the fight to save Eisen, any future support will be given based on the situation at
hand. I will not blindly follow orders and any vouching for anyone will be done based on the
merits of the individual and not because the Drachenblut says so.” I stated and shifted my gaze to
Reinhad “Or because anyone else says so either for that matter.”

Roth looked at me, then in her soft and friendly voice she said “Xavier, it is not want I
really want. But it is what is best for Eisen. You will always be welcome among the Drachenblut.
But it is time for you to forge your own legacy where it belongs, with the rest of the VonDrake
heroes. The people of Eisen need to know that there are still nobles who fight for and with them.
And who knows, maybe it will be me supporting you for Imperator. Good-bye young master

“Good-bye Commander Rosamund Roth. Thank you for everything.” I said and left the
room. Reinhard followed me out.

“What will you do know?” He asked

“I don’t know but I am sure it will come to me.” I replied.

“The word of your deeds will spread quickly.”

“How do you know that?”

“Your friend the Iron Singer has assured me the word will spread. And once you leave
you will be the talk of the village for at least a month. That is a lot of travelers going all
throughout Eisen.”

“I don’t like being part of someone else’s schemes. What if I choose to live out my days
in obscurity in some other country like my Father wants?”

“That is just a risk we will have to take. You know the Brotherhood of the coast runs a
lot if patrols in The Maw. I believe there is a ship in Adel right now. I am sure you could make
some new friends there.”

“Maybe.” I turned and walked away. I was not sure what Reinhard’s game was and so I
didn’t like it. But I did need a direction. And I guess north was as good as any. I made my way
toward Adel and the brotherhood.

I made my way to Adel and found Ulrig. I had him introduce me to a good man and
captain in the brother hood of the coast. I convinced him to teach me the ways of the sea in
return he would use my pay to offset the cost of good s to be sold in Eisen when they docked
there. I spent three years learning everything about life at sea. I started at the bottom again.
Eventually working my way up to the second lieutenant. One day we came on a pirate ship who
had been raiding coastal cities within Eisen. We dispatched the pirates and salvaged the ship. It
was an old Eisen vessel from the War of the Cross. I offered to buy the ship from the
Brotherhood but the captain gave it to me as payment for years of service. I got the ship back
to Eisen, made repairs, took on a new crew and set sail. I named the ship the “Eisen Dawn.” I
only took on crew from outside of Eisen when it was absolutely necessary. The first tour I only
paid sailors ¼ pay at ports, with the rest upon our return to Eisen and them ending their
service. Second tour and beyond sailors received ½ pay at ports and the remainder at the end
of service. I held this pay in trust so that no one left my service with nothing to show for it. A
single tour could net a sailor enough money to buy a business, become a land owner or keep his
family with more food on their plates then they had thought possible. In short I was improving
the lives of the Eisen people one family at time. Some other captains thought I was a tyrant or
greedy, but I never had to look for crew. There was always a line ready to sign up whenever I
made port in Eisen.

I was now 25 years old. I continued to help solve problems all over Eisen. Weather
through trading support or directly going myself wherever there was catastrophe the youngest
VonDrake was sure to show his presence. I was searching all of Theah for a solution to the Eisen
problem. But in the interim I was trying to stem the bleeding. I always brought back much
needed supplies to Eisen and sold them directly to the people or through a trusted network of
merchants. I would only make enough to maintain the ship and pay the crew. It helped the
people to have access to much needed goods and it helped keep the other less gentile
merchants from price gouging an already down trodden people. I really wanted to save Eisen
but I know realized that it was not going to be a single act that did it. For now I would have to
do what I could and hopefully one day Eisen would find its way out of the dark.
Which brings us back to this pretentious ass of a Monsignor. I knew that whoever took
the VonDrake panzerhand from my brother’s corpse had to pass through here on his way back to
Castille. I tried to ask nicely but he told me take my heathen self from his holy place before he
put me down like the dog that I was. I told you he deserved it. He now laid at my feet beaten
and bloody.

“Monsignor are you ready to be more helpful?” I said lower a pistol to his face “ I told
you I would make an exception to my policy on violence.”

“God has cursed you and your people for your…

I pull the trigger on the pistol the shot rings out and smoke fills the room. I can hear the
priest crying. “Oh shut up.” I say sternly. The smoke clears. “Your fine. I want you to remember
this day as the day a man asked for help and you denied him. And when he would have been
quite justified in ending your life he didn’t. “

I could hear the sounds of armored men running in the streets. “But you shot me. How
am I not dead? The lord protected me from the heathen’s gun.” The priest cried smugly. There
was no teaching some people.

“You are not dead because I did not want you dead. The pistol had no shot, only powder.
You twit.” The running was very close now. “As much of a pleasure as this has been it is time
for me to go.” I pistol whip the priest and make my way through the streets and back to my ship.

“Make way men we are leaving!” I shout

“Aye Aye! Captain!” they shout back.

We set sail for a new dawn. An Eisen Dawn.

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