Technical Papers

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Technical Papers

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B

1. The 1980 Extractive Metallurgy Lecture The Metallurgical Society of AIME Zinc-lead blast furnace
—the key developments --By Derek Temple Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Volume
11, Number 3, 343-352, DOI: 10.1007/BF02676879

2. A Microscopic study of the transformation of sphalerite particles during the roasting of zinc
concentrate – by J. W. Graydon and D. W. Kirk Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
Volume 19, Number 1, 141-146, DOI: 10.1007/BF02666500

3. Agglomeration of particles during roasting of zinc sulfide concentrates By M. Benlyamani and F.

Ajersch-Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Volume 17, Number 4, 647-656, DOI:

4. Oxidation kinetic studies of zinc sulfide in a fluidized bed reactor –By K. Natesan and W. O.
Philbrook- Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Volume 1, Number 5, 1353-1360, DOI:

5. Oxidaton of zinc sulfide in a fluidized bed-by Fukunaka, Momta, Asaki & Kondo-Metallurgical
Transactions B, 7B:307-314, Sept 1976

6. The mechanism of ferrite formation from iron sulfides during zinc roasting - J. W. Graydon and
D. W. Kirk -Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Volume 19, Number 5, 777-785, DOI:

7. Kinetics of zinc ferrite formation in the rate deceleration period-By Dan K. Xia and Christopher A.
Pickles- Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B Volume 28, Number 4, 671-677, DOI:

8. Thermodynamic optimization of the systems……by Degterov, Wu, Hayes & others- Met. And
Materials Transactions B, 28B:1011-1018, Dec 1997

9. Improved leaching technologies in the electrolytic zinc industry- by AR Gordon & RW Pickering–
Metallurgical Transactions B, 6B: 43-53, 1975

10. V.K. Condina, F. R. A. Jorgensen, and T.M. Turner: Metall. Trans. B, 1980, vol. liB, p. 637.

11. Agglomeration of Particles during Roasting of Zinc Sulfide Concentrates-M. BENLYAMANI and E
AJERSCH-Metall. Transactions B- 17B (4) p 647-656, December 1986

12. Factors affecting alkali jarosite precipitation-by Dutrizac, J.E., 1983a. Metall. Trans. B 14, 531–

13. Thermodynamic Optimization of the Systems PbO-SiO2, PbO-ZnO, ZnO-SiO2 and PbO-ZnO-SiO2-
by Jak E, Detegterov S A, Wu P, Hayes P C & Pelton A (1999) Met Trans B, vol 28 B, pp.1011-

14. Contribution to the study of the kinetics and mechanism of sulfation of zinc oxide – by Gales F &
Winand R (1973) Metallurgical Transactions B, Volume 4, p 883–885.

15. Mechanism of ferrite formation from iron sulfides during zinc roasting-Metall. Trans B, 19B (5),
p 777-785, October 1988

16. Basic lead sulfates as agglomerating agents during the fluid-bed roasting of zinc concentrates -
by Condina VK, Jorgensen FRA & Turner TM (1980) - Metallurgical Transactions B, Volume 11B,
p 637–638.

17. Innovative processing technique to produce zinc concentrate from zinc leach residue with
simultaneous recovery of lead and silver- by Z. Asaki, K. Matsumoto, T. Tanabe, and Y.
Kondo: Metall. Trans. B, 1983. vol. 14B, p. 109.

18. The evidence for a miscibility gap in the Fe3O4-ZnFe2O4 system– A review – by Graydon JW &
Kirk DW (1988b)-Metallurgical Transactions B, Volume 19B, p 919–925.

Metallalurgical Transactions

1. Z. Asaki, F. Ajersch, and J.M. Toguri: Metall. Trans., 1974, vol. 5, p. 1753.

2. F. Ajersch and J. M. Toguri: Metall. Trans., 1972, vol. 3, p. 2187


1. Innovative processing technique to produce zinc concentrate from zinc leach residue with
simultaneous recovery of lead and silver – by R. Raghavan*, P. K. Mohanan and S. C. Patnaik
Hydrometallurgy Volume 48, Issue 2, April 1998, Pages 225-237

2. The effect of seeding on the rate of precipitation of ammonium jarosite and sodium jarosite.-by
Dutrizac, J.E., 1996 Hydrometallurgy 42 (3), 293–312.

3. The co-precipitation of copper and zinc with lead jarosite-by Dutrizac, J.E., Dinardo, O., 1983..
Hydrometallurgy 11, 61–78.

4. Investigation of use of zinc dross as a substitute for zinc dust in solution purification in zinc
electrowinning hydrometallurgical plant- By M.K. Guptaa, B.L. Guptaa and R. Raghavan
Hydrometallurgy Volume 22, Issue 3, August 1989, Pages 379-391

5. An electrolytic process for recovery of zinc dust from melting furnace slag-By K.D. Sharmaa and
B.R.L. Row Hydrometallurgy Volume 13, Issue 3, March 1985, Pages 377-383

6. Technological innovation in the zinc electrolyte purification process of a hydrometallurgical zinc

plant through reduction in zinc dust consumption –by Vakil Singh Hydrometallurgy Volume 40,
Issues 1-2, January 1996, Pages 247-262

Minerals Engineering

1. Importance of roasted sulphide concentrates characterization in the hydrometallurgical

extraction of zinc-By
2. Julio Cézar Balarini, Ludmila de Oliveira Polli, Tânia Lúcia Santos Miranda,Roberto Machado Zica
de Castro and Adriane Salum Minerals Engineering Volume 21, Issue 1, January 2008, Pages
3. Anglesite flotation: a study for lead recovery from zinc leach residue-By F. Rashchi, A. Dashti, M.
Arabpour-Yazdi and H. Abdizadeh, Minerals Engineering Volume 18, Issue 2, February 2005,
Pages 205-212

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review

 Innovative hydrometallurgical processes for the primary processing of zinc--By filippou,

Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Volume 25, Number 3, July-September
2004 , pp. 205-252(48)

Minerals Sci. Engg

 Principles of roasting- by HY sohn & RP Goel- Minerals Sci. Engg 11 (3) P 137-153

The Canadian Journal of Chem Engg

1. On the variable dissolution kinetics of zinc ferrite in acid media By Dimitrios Filippou, George P.
Demopoulos The Canadian Journal of Chem Engg Volume 71, Issue 5, pages 790–801, October

2. J: E. Dutrizac: Can. J. Chem., 1980, vol. 58, p. 739.

Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly

1. Behaviour of silver in during roasting of zinc concentrates-Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly-

23(3), p 287-293, 1984

2. Sintering and ferrite formation during high temperature roasting of sulfide concentrates-By J.
Shu, V. I. Lakshmanan and J. Convey Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly
Volume 38, Issue 4, October 1999, Pages 215-225

3. Thermodynamic measurements of Zn-Fe-S-O equilibria……Bale & Poncet- Canadian

Metallurgical Quarterly 25(4) p 277-286, 1986
4. Rate phenomenon in the oxidation of zinc, iron & copper sulfide pellets-By YH Kim & NJ
Themelis- Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 26 (4): p 341-349, 1987

5. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly Volume 38, Issue 4, October 1999, Pages 215-225

6. Effect of zinc sulfide concentrate composition and roasting temp. on magnesium….-Ozga &
Reisenkampf-Candadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 35(3), p 235-244, 1996

The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum

 Tamargo, F.J., San, M., Valcarcel, M.R.1996. Asturiana de zinc: more than 30 years of experience
with jarosite process. Iron Control and Disposal. The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy
and Petroleum, Montreal, Canada, pp. 93–100.

Chemical Engineering Science

1. Chemical reaction in bubbling fluidized beds - D. L. Pyle, P. L. Rose Chemical Engineering

Science, Volume 20, Issue 1, January 1965, Pages 25-31

2. Particle growth mechanisms in fluidized bed granulation-Smith & Nienow- Chem Engg Sience-
38(8), p 1233-1240, 1983

3. Studies on gas-solid reactions …..Cannon & Denbigh- Chem. Engg. Sci.:6(4/5):p 145-154, 1957

Journal of American. Ceramic. Society

1. A.J. Mountvala and S.F. Ravitz: J. Am. Cer. Soc., 1962, vol. 45(6), p. 285

2. M.P. Bouleke and K.O. McDowell: J. Am. Cer. Soc., 1963, vol. 46(5), p. 243.

Powder Technology

1. High temperature defluidization-Powder Technology (38) p 13-22, 1984

2. Minmum sintering temp…..- by Compo, Pfeffer, Tardos- Powder Technology (51) p 85-101, 1987

3. Prediction of agglomerate sizes in bubbling fluidized beds of…by Iwadate & Horio Powder
technology-100(2,3) p 223-236, 1998

Transactions of AIME

1. D.C. Hilty and W. Crafts: Trans. AIME, 1952, vol. 194, p. 1307

2. K. Niwa, T. Wada, and Y. Shiraishi: Trans. AIME, 1957, vol. 209, p. 296

Trans. Of the Metallurical Society of AIME

1. N.B. Gray, N. W. Stump, W. S. Boundy, and R. V. Culver: Trans TMS-A1ME, 1967, vol. 239(11),
p. 1835.

2. R. R. Tuffiey and B. Russel: TMS-AIME, 1964, vol. 230(5), p. 950.

3. Kinetics & mechanism of sulfation of zinc oxides- Trans. Of the Metallurical Society of AIME
242:1761. Aug 1968

4. High temp fluid roasting of zinc concentrates-CE Rogerro- Trans. Met. Soc. AIME, 227:105-111,

Trans. Indian Inst. Met

 Thermal analysis studies on multimetal sulphides: Characterisation, Roasting and Leaching-

Sarveswara Rao K & Ray HS (1999) Trans. Indian Inst. Met., Vol. 52, No. 4, p 171–196.

Trans. Inst. Min. Metall

1. Mineralogical characterization of calcine, neutral leach residue from Vieille-Montagne zinc

plant-Chen, Dutrizac & Canoo- Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. (102) C19-C31, 1993

2. Roasting of zinc-lead sulphide concentrates with structured pellets, Paper published by Canham
DL & Charles JA (1981)-Trans. Instn Min. Metall. 90, p C35–C42.

Journal of Metals

1. Fluid Bed Behavior in Zinc Roasters, Paper presented by Themelis NJ & Freeman GM (1983 and
1984) Journal of Metals, August 1984, p 52–57.

2. Oxidation of sulfide minerals –by P.G. Thornhill and L.M. Pidgeon: J. of Metals, 1957, vol. 9,
p. 989.

3. A Soviet Design for roasting zinc concentrates …Zak, Hodov, Serebrennikova, Khripin &
Doverman- -JOM 44 (4) p 44-45 April 1992

4. Self agglomerating fluidized bed reduction-Journal of Metals –Langston & Stephens Jr.- p 312-
316 April 1960

5. The separation and concentration of iron from zinc process solutions-by Demopoulos, G.P.
Principe, F.T., 1999. Journal of Metals (December), 34–35

Journal of Materials Science

1. Formation of zinc ferrite by solid-state reaction and its characterization by XRD and XPS –By S.
Bera, A. A. M. Prince, S. Velmurugan, P. S. Raghavan, R. Gopalan, G. Panneerselvam and S. V.
Narasimhan Journal of Materials Science Volume 36, Number 22, 5379-5384, DOI:

2. The formation of zinc ferrite –By F. J. C. M. Toolenaar Journal of Materials Science Volume 24,
Number 3, 1089-1094, DOI: 10.1007/BF01148803

An International Journal

 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review: An International Journal, 1547-7401,

Volume 16, Issue 4, 1997, Pages 261 – 278

Trans. Inst. Chem. Engrs

 Oxidation of zinc sulfide spheres in ….-Denbigh & Beveridge- Trans. Inst. Chem. Engrs (40), p 23-
34, 1962

Ind. Engg. Chem. Fundam

 Kinetics of the oxidation of zinc sulfide-Prabhu, Ulrichson & Pulsifer- Ind. Engg. Chem. Fundam.
23:271-273, 1984

Ind. Engg. Chem. Research

 High temp. oxidation of zinc sulfide-Sofekun & Doraiswamy- Ind. Engg. Chem. Research
35:3163-3170, 1996

The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

1. Oxidation of Zinc Sulfide in a Fluidised Bed of Very Low Oxygen Concentration –by Hattori H,
Miyatani J, Asaki Z & Kondo Y (1980) Australia Japan Extractive Metallurgy Symposium, Sydney,
published by The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, p 223–232.

2. Fluid Bed Roasting of Zinc Concentrate at Risdon, Tasmania-by Lightfoot R (1977) The Aus.I.M.M.
Conference, Tasmania, Published by The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, p

3. Behavior of Minor Elements in the Roasting of Zinc Concentrate,-by Yazawa A, Eguchi M, Itagaki
K, Kobayashi T, Shimizu T, Kimura T, Kato T, Seino T & Muto T (1980) Australia/Japan Extractive
Metallurgy Symposium, Sydney, Published by The Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, p 199–210.

Thermochimica Acta

 Kinetics and mechanism of zinc ferrite formation -By G.A. Koltaa, S.Z. El-Tawila, A.A. Ibrahima
and N.S. Felixa Thermochimica Acta Volume 36, Issue 3, 15 March 1980, Pages 359-366

 Mössbauer spectroscopy study on the oxidation of sulfide zinc concentrate rich in marmatite- By
S. Nikolov, B. Boyanov, N. Moldovanska, and R. Dimitrov Thermochimica Acta Volume 380,
Issue 1, 30 November 2001, Pages 37-41

Unsorted List

 The behaviour of silver during jarosite precipitation –by Dutrizac, J.E., Jambor, J.L.1984b Trans.
Inst. Miner. Metall. 96, C206–218.

 G. Kullerud: Norsk. Geol. Tidsskr,, 1953, vol. 32, p. 61.

 H.W. Billhardt: J. Electrochem. Soc., 1970, vol. 117(5), p. 690.

 N.H. Chen and D.F. Othmer: J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1962, vol. 7, p. 37.

 Studies on the formation of zinc ferrite –By K. R. Krishnamurthy, J. Gopalakrishnan, G.

Aravamudanand M. V. C. Sastri- Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Volume 36, Issue 3,
March 1974, Pages 569-573

 Kinetic study of oxidation of pelleted zinc sulfide…. -Kimura, Takagi, Tone & Otake- Journal of
Chem. Engg. Of Japan 16(3): 217-223, 1983

 Yazagawa, Eguchi & others-Behaviour of minor elements in the roasting of zinc concentrates-
Australia Japan Extractive Metallurgy Symposium-199-219

 Oxidative Roasting of Low Grade Zinc Sulfide Concentrate from Gagok Mine in Korea By
KIM Byung-Su ; JEONG Soo-Bock ; KIM Young-Hun ; KIM Hyung-Seok Japan Institute of Metals,
Sendai, JAPON  (2001) (Revue) 2010, vol. 51, no8, pp. 1481-1485

 A study on the effect of lead & copper in zinc ore to fluidized bed agglomeration…by KZ Paik &
PC Park- Journal of the Korean Inst. Of Metals -22(11) p 1090-1098, 1984

 Fe Mössbauer spectroscopic study of nanostructured zinc ferrite –By Jitendra Pal Singh, R. C.
Srivastava, H. M. Agrawal and R. P. S. Kushwaha ICAME 2007 2009, 393-400, DOI: 10.1007/978-

 Kinetics of ZnFe2O4 formation in a microwave field –By A. S. Vanetsev, A. E. Baranchikov and Yu.
D. Tret’yakov Doklady Chemistry Volume 418, Number 2, 34-36, DOI:

 Synthesis and Properties of Inorganic Compounds Kinetics of H +/Na+ solid-phase ion exchange on
iron(III) hydrogen sulfate-By Yu. A. Karavanova, I. A. Stenina and A. B. Yaroslavtsev

 Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Volume 53, Number 4, 520-523, DOI:


 Roasting of the sulfide-zinc concentrate with predominant obtaining of sulfate roast for effective
leaching –By L. Ye. Sargsyan and A. M. Hovhannisyan Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals
Volume 51, Number 3, 212-216, DOI: 10.3103/S106782121003003X

 A study on the preparation of zinc ferrite-by HK Chen & Cy Yang- Scandinavian Journal of
Metallurgy (3) p 238-241, 2001

 Jarosite process boosts zinc.-by Haigh, C., Wood, J., 1972. World in.(September),34–38.

 Revisiting the Wen and Yu Equations for Minimum Fluidization Velocity Prediction—by A.
Delebarre Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 82, Issue 5, May 2004, Pages

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