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Good morning and Greetings to all of us!__

The Honorable Mr. Dr. Chairil Faif Pasani, M. Si as the Dean of the Teacher Training and
Education Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University ._

The Honourable Mrs. Dr. Ninis Hadi Haryanti, M. S. As The Head Of The Physics Society Of
Indonesia, South Kalimantan Branch_

The Honourable Mr. Dr. Syahmani M.Si As The Chairman Of The Department Of Education
Mathematics And Science, Teacher Training And Education Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat

The Honorable Mr. Abdul Salam M, M.Pd As The Coordinator Of The Physics Education
Department, Teacher Training And Education Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University._

The Honourable, All Lecturers Of The Physics Education Department, Teacher Training And
Education Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University

The Honourable, All Lecturers in the Faculty of Teacher Training And Education, Lambung
Mangkurat University

The Honourable, The Speakers:

1. Prof Dr. Sutopo M.Si., From Malang State University

2. Dr. Siska Desy Fatmaryanti, M.S., From Muhammadiyah University Purworejo
3. Dr. Suyidno. M Pd., From Lambung Mangkurat University

The Honourable, The Chairman of the Physics Education Student Association for the 2021
(twenty twenty one) period and his staff.

The Honorable, The Executive Committe of the National Seminar of Physics Education 2021

The Honourable, all the happy participants of the national seminar of physics education 2021

Praise and gratitude we pray to our god Allah SWT, because of his blessings, we can
gather in this zoom room in good health_.

So that today, on Saturday, September, Eleven, 2021, we can gather together to

participate in the National Seminar of Physics Education 2021 with the theme “Optimizing
STEM Learning in Creating a Generation that is Excellent, Character, and Competitive in
the Era of Society 5.0”
Shalawat and salam may peace, be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW, because of
him we can brought from the era of ignorance to an era, that was bright and full of knowledge._

Ladies and gentlemen, as well as all happy invited guests, we would like to welcome you
to the National Seminar of Physics Education 2021 which is part of a series of MOTOGPE
moment of general physics education activities in 2021, organized by the Physical Education
Student Association, Physics Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty,
Lambung Mangkurat University ._


The implementation of the National Seminar of Physics Education 2021 will not be held
without the support of various parties, for that, we would like to thank the sponsors who have
supported this activity, including :_

Adaro Indonesia
Dinas Kesehatan Kota banjarmasin
Restuguru Promosindo
Istana print
e-Comel Sasirangan
Amanah Borneo Park

Our agenda today will be:

The first is opening
The second is dance performance
The third is reciting the holy Quran and sari tilawah
The fourth is listening national anthem of Indonesia Raya and Mars ULM
The fifth is greetings
The sixth is photo session
The seventh is Prayer
The eight is explanation from the speakers
The Ninth is Discussion
And The last is closing_

All right, to shorten the time, let's just enter the first event, which is the opening, to open our
agenda today, let's read Basmalah together. BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM
The second agenda is a dance performances. To all participants of the National Seminar, enjoy
watching the dance performance presented by our colleague, Mahrufah Melati Putri, Physics
Education Student Batch 2021 . To Mahrufah Melati Putri, time is yours.
Thanks to Mahrufah Melati Putri for her performance .

The third agenda is reciting the holy Quran and sari tilawah which will be read by Sultan Syekh
Nuhly Rifa Rizkya Robby Hidayatullah, Physics Education Student Batch 2021 and Dwi Mugi
Lestari, Physics Education Student Batch 2019.
Thanks to Sultan Syekh Nuhly Rifa Rizkya Robby Hidayatullah as reciter the holy quran and
Dwi Mugi Lestari as sari tilawah.

Then, the fourth agenda, is Listening the national anthem of Indonesia Raya and Mars ULM
To operator, time is yours.

The fifth agenda, is Greetings

- The first speech will be delivered by the Coordinator of the Physics Education Department,
Kepada Bapak

Thanks to Mr. Abdul Salam M, M. Pd as the Coordinator of the Physics Education Department

- The second speech will be delivered by the Dean of the Teacher Training and Education
Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University, to Mr. Dr. Chairil Faif Pasani, M. Si, Time is yours._

Thanks to Mr. Dr. Chairil Faif Pasani, M. Si as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education
Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat Univesity,_

The sixth agenda is photo session will be guided by Isnur Alfiah_ to all of the participants please
turn on your camera during a this sessions. To Isnur Alfiah. Time is yours.

The next agenda is prayer which will be recite to Muhammad Wildi Firahmi, time is yours_

Thanks to Muhammad Wildi Firahmi for leading the prayer today.

The main agenda which we are waiting for is an explanation from the speakers, which will be
guided by our Moderator, Mrs. Dewi Dewantara, M.Pd.


Acara selanjutnya yaitu penutup Plenary session yang dilanjutkan dengan penyerahan
sertifikat Narasumber.
For the first speakers, Mr. Prof. Dr. Sutopo, M.Si will be handed over by the Coordinator of
Physics Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat
University, To Mr. Abdul Salam M., M.Pd., time is yours...
Thank you to Mr. Abdul Salam M., M.Pd., who have symbolically handed over the certificate to
the speakers
Untuk narasumber kedua yaitu Ibu Dr. Siska Desy Fatmaryanti, M.Si akan diserahkan
oleh koordinator program studi pendidikan fisika FKIP ULM, kepada bapak Abdul Salam M,
M.Pd dipersilahkan ---------- terima kasih kepada bapak Abdul Salam M, M.Pd yang telah
menyerahkan secara simbolis sertifikat narasumber
For the third speakers, Mr. Dr. Suyidno., M.Pd., will be handed over by the Coordinator
of Physics Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Lambung
Mangkurat University, To Mr. Abdul Salam M., M.Pd., time is yours...
Thank you to Mr. Abdul Salam M., M.Pd., who have symbolically handed over the certificate to
the speakers

Agenda selanjutnya adalah penyampaian mengenai mekanisme kegiatan seminar pemakalah

yang akan disampaikan oleh ibu Dewi Dewantara, M. Pd., Kepada Ibu Dewi Dewantara, M. Pd.
saya persilakan.

Kepada Bapak/Ibu pemakalah setelah Ishoma diharapkan untuk tetap bertahan di room zoom ini
dan kembali ke room ini sebelum atau tepat pukul 13.20 WITA. Kepada para pasrtisipan yang
ingin menyaksikan paralel session dipersilahkan untuk dapat bergabung di room yang
diinginkan. Untuk para pemakalah diharapkan untuk menyaksikan video presentasi dan masuk
room tepat waktu. Sertifikat akan dikirimkan pada H+(belum tau), dan tidak dikirimkan pada
hari ini.
(Break out)
The next agenda is the delivery of technical information of the publications by Mrs.
Misbah, M.Pd., to Mrs. Misbah., M.Pd., time is yours...
Thank you to Mrs. Misbah, M.Pd who has delivered the technical information of the

Demikian rangkaian acara seminar nasional pendidikan fisika tahun 2021 Universitas Lambung

Acara yang terakhir adalah penutup, baiklah untuk menutup acara pada hari ini marilah kita
mengucapkan hamdalah, ALHAMDULILLAHIROBBIL ALAMIN. Saya Nur Muhammad
Akbar Hamidi dan Saya Napisah selaku MC dan mewakili seluruh panitia menyampaikan terima
kasih banyak kepada para peserta yang telah berhadir pada hari ini dan mohon maaf apabila
terdapat kekurangan selama berlangsungnya acara, semoga ilmu yang didapat bermanfaat, akhir
kata wabilahitaufiq walhidayah.


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