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1 Wyie tht heesiazy condition o deadlKk

| s eaJloCk is a Situaaion wheve tbwo 03 Moze Ppotesses
aye Wuting for each 0the0. Foy example. let
assume, we have tw0 proctses P1 and P2. NOW, P%0(es5 Pi
is hoting the vejouce Ri and wUma or the
yesouace R2.
A the same fime. the Pyocesy P2 is havin1
the esoUntt R2 ard is wating 0 the vesource A1.
|S0, the Pao(e55 Piiswautn fo P7OCeSS P2 to
eJease ISeSouyCe and at the same Yme, the
PTOLes Pz is WaUting to Po0esS PI to velease ts
fnd ho one is eleasing Qmy VSoux(e, So, both
dye waiting for edch Othe t0 xelease the yeSourte,
This 1eads jo ininite waitint Qnd ho tw0k js dône
here. Thisis ealled Aad0ck



Nere ssany Cohditons o JeadlocK

There {oux deveht (ond ons that esuLF
in Deadlock, These foux Conditions de also knoun a
COtman (gndY+{ons gnd these Consitions hot ave muBu4ily
ve.Let's Jo0k atthem one by

1 Mutu Exlusioh: A Yes0urce Can be held by Oh ly one

Process dt a time. In Othey wOids. if a Pyotts Pi1
is usimg Some vesS0urce R at a pavtYculas in$ tant 0t
time, then somt Oth potes P2 Can't hold OY ue
the same eGOURE R at that paxtitulay instant of
The Protty P2 Can make a equ 0r that esOuUrte
A bur it Can't use thot 7e1ource simul tane ously with

2Hold an Walt:A P2oteh Can hold a numbeY 0

esorce a d Fime and a the Same ime,
Can eques 0Y other resouxCay Phat are bint
held by SOme Other pxo(e, for exaMple, a Pxo(e
Cgn hold tuw0 yLgoUty A1 gnd R2 dhd a he
Same pome,ft edn vequef some tsouste A3 haf
s cuvsenHy huld by P10Ley P2.

3 NO P7etmption: 4 Tt10UTCe Can't be prtempted aom tha

p7otey by enother p30CEM, }brceuly,For example,
t a prorey pi is usin jome Tejou(e 8, 4hen Some Otke
PO ey P2 tant {0efuly take hat tsaure,.l{ St is so,
then what' fhe netd or vavfouy StheduJng algosithm
The Pro(ey P2 Can veqa ext OY Hhe Teioute R
and Cqn Wut ov fhat vtiquhee fo be ted by h
por Pi


9. Culdy wair, Circular ww 13 4 Cont1on when he irs+

PYOeyis waiting0 the yesoute held bY
he secaned proLey, Ahe setoned PTOCe fs ai ting fo
he yesouce held by he hiid Pyels, and So on.
A Jat, the Jat PTocey is waltîng tor he ye$ouT(e
he by he first ProCey.
S0, everyY PYoCe is wwtmg tor each 0ther
t0eJease he TesoUrce ng ho one is veleaîng
heir 0wh resourte. Ev{Yyone ís waUing her For
94int Fhe res ouxte. This 8 Caled a CiyCular w t

Explajn LRU Page replate algogithm wih an exanple.

0r memory
I h 0Praling 3y5.Pems hat use pPaging
managemehE, page_1eplatement algositbm dr
which' Pafe neecded do be. Teplactd
needed o decide
d hew pa
WkoM hew Pasa COMe in wheneveY
not presh in mern0xy. Page aut
s reter"and 7eplacej one o he
0CCur nd ORIYOFTng system
xiSn Pages with newly Teplacemen algorithms
Dittevtnd pasi to
t0 decide which pag£
Suge difvent ways is to vedute
or aM algorithms
Teplace. The Jayge
numbey of pagedu3

(LRU) d gasirhm is a Greesly algothr

h Leas Rcently used leas ecendly use4
where Au Pafe to b Jotality of feehte, fhe
Theded is based on
reLendly ustd pa is hot ikely
deferente 94sing 70120
1e say the pagt
have pase Slots empty. IhitJally au 310+S
nitjdl we ailbtased to he empty
when 7012 are
tpy,So is alyeday Gheiy so-> 0 page fault
SI015- y_page a s because
when 3 Came it will Jaxe_he PJate of7
Jeayt Teçently us > 1 paze fau
's th meMOYY S0->0pae fault
0 is of i 11Pageaul
will Jaru place


erence St7ng-s0page fau

NoW 0 Ghe Uther page mem ory.
dve alTeddy dvajjabla
in FhL
bltaose fhey

To4al pag aalbs =6

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