Fundamentals of Nursing Practice #16

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PAIN MANAGEMENT patient’s condition and accept

● Pain is a universal but his or her subjective report.

individual experience and a Physiology of Pain
condition that nurses There are four physiological
encounter among patients in processes of normal pain:
all settings. It is the most transduction, transmission,
common reason that people perception, and modulation.
seek health care; yet it is ● Transduction
often underrecognized, - Converts energy
misunderstood, and produced by stimuli
inadequately treated. into electrical energy.
● The International Association - It begins in the
for the Study of Pain (IASP) periphery when a
defines it as “an unpleasant, pain-producing
subjective sensory and stimulus sends an
emotional experience impulse across a
associated with actual or sensory peripheral pain
potential damage, or nerve fiber (noiceptor),
described in terms of such initiating an action
damage. potential.
● Pain management should be ● Transmission
patient-centered, with nurses - Cellular damage
practicing patient advocacy, caused by thermal,
empowerment, compassion, mechanical, or
and respect. chemical stimuli result
NATURE OF PAIN in the release of
● The pain experience is excitatory
complex, involving more than neurotransmitters such
a single physiological as prostaglandins,
sensation caused by a bradykinin, substance
specific stimulus. P, and histamine.
● It has physical, emotional, and - Pain impulses travel up
cognitive components. the spinal cord by way
● It is subjective and highly of the spinothalamic
individualized tract.
● Pain itself cannot be ● Perception
measured objectively. Only - It is the point at which a
the patient knows whether person is aware of
pain is present and how the pain.
experience feels. - The somatosensory
● It is not the responsibility of cortex identifies the
the patient to prove that he or location and intensity of
she is in pain; it is a nurse’s pain, whereas the
responsibility to assess a association cortex,
primarily the limbic - The pain response is
system, determines complex, influenced by a
how a person feels person’s culture, pain
about it. experiences, perception of
- The reaction to pain pain, and ability to manage
includes the stress.
physiological and - Lack of pain expression does
behavioral responses not indicate that a patient is
that occur after an not experiencing it.
individual perceives - A patient’s ability to tolerate
pain. pain significantly influences
● Modulation your perception of the degree
- There is a release of of his or her discomfort.
neurotransmitters such Nursing knowledge of pain
as endorphins, mechanisms and interventions
serotonin, continues to grow through nursing
norepinephrine, and research.
gamma-aminobutyric ● Knowledge, Attitudes,
acid, which hinder the and Beliefs
transmission of pain - Attitudes of nurses
and help produces an and other health
analgesic effect. care providers
- The neurotransmitters affect pain
decrease neuron management.
activity without directly - A number of nurse
transferring a nerve and patient
signal through a variables, including
synapse. cultural, knowledge,
- This inhibition of pain and patient
impulse is the fourth diagnosis, may
and last phase of the contribute to the
normal pain process. differences in pain
- As pain impulses ascend the - Bias based on
spinal cord toward the culture, education,
brainstem and thalamus, the and experience
stress response stimulates influence everyone.
the autonomic nervous - To help a patient
system (ANS) gain relief, it is
- Stimulation of the sympathetic important to view
branch of the ANS results in the experience
physiological responses. through the
TYPES OF PAIN Pain is a complex process, involving
The two types of pain you observe in physiological, social, spiritual,
patients are acute (transient) and psychological, and cultural
chronic (persistent), which includes influences.
cancer and non-cancer pain. Physiological Factors
Acute/Transient Pain ● Age
- Acute pain is protective, - Age influences the pain
usually has an identifiable experience. It is important to
cause, is of short duration, consider how a painful event
and has limited tissue affects a patient
damage and emotional developmentally.
response. ● Fatigue
Chronic Non-cancer Pain - Fatigue heightens the
- Chronic pain is not protective perception of pain and
unlike acute pain, and thus decreases coping abilities.
serves no purpose, but it has ● Genes
a dramatic effect on a - Research on healthy human
person’s quality of life. subjects suggest that genetic
- Chronic non-cancer pain is information passed on by
prolonged, varies in intensity, parents possibly increases or
and usually lasts longer than decreases a person’s
is expected or predicted. sensitivity to pain and
Chronic Cancer Pain determines pain threshold or
- A tumor progression and tolerance.
related pathological ● Neurological Function
processes, invasive - A patient’s neurological
procedures, toxicities of function influences the pain
chemotherapy, infection, and experience.
physical limitations usually Social Factors
cause cancer pain. ● Attention
- A patient senses pain at the - The degree to which a patient
actual site of the tumor or focuses attention on pain
distant to the site, called influences
referred pain. ● Previous Experience
- Each person learns from
Idiopathic Pain painful experiences.
- Idiopathic pain is chronic pain - Prior experience does not
in the absence of an mean that a person accepts
identifiable physical or pain more easily in the future.
psychological cause or pain ● Family and Social Support
perceived as excessive for the - People in pain often depend
extent of an organic on family members or close
pathological condition. friends for support,
FACTORS INFLUENCING PAIN assistance, or protection.
● Spiritual Factors
- Spirituality is an active attitudes, and intellectual and
searching for meaning in professional standards.
situations in which one finds NURSING PROCESS
oneself - The nursing process provides
- Spiritual beliefs affect the way a clinical decision-making
patients view or cope with approach for you to develop
pain. and implement an
Psychological Factors individualized plan of care.
● Anxiety - Nurses approach pain
- A person perceives pain management systematically to
differently if it suggests a understand and treat a
threat, loss, punishment, or patient’s pain.
challenge. ASSESSMENT
- The relationship between pain A comprehensive assessment of
and anxiety is complex, pain aims to gather information
anxiety often increases the about the cause of a person’s pain
perception of pain, and pain and determine its effect on his or her
causes feelings of anxiety. ability to function.
● Coping Style Through the Patient’s Eye
- Coping style influences the - It is important to learn a
ability to deal with pain. patient’s own values and
- People with inter loci of beliefs about management of
control perceive themselves pain and recognize that
as having control over events patient expectations will
in their life and the outcomes influence your ability to
such as pain. achieve outcomes in its
- People with external loci of management.
control perceive that other Patient’s Expression of Pain
factors in their life such as - A patient’s self-report of pain
nurses are responsible for the is the single most reliable
outcome of events. indicator of its existence and
Cultural Factors intensity.
- The meaning that a person Characteristics of Pain
associates with pain affects Assessment of the characteristics of
the experience. pain allows you to understand the
- Cultural beliefs and values type of pain, its pattern, and the
affect how individuals cope types of interventions that bring
with pain. relief.
CRITICAL THINKING ⮚ Timing (Onset, Duration,
- Successful critical thinking Pattern)
requires a synthesis of - Ask questions to determine the
knowledge, experience, onset, duration, and time
information gathered from sequence of the pain
patients, critical thinking ⮚ Location
- Ask a patient to describe or restlessness, occur with pain
point all areas of discomfort to and usually increases a
assess pain location. patient’s pain severity.
⮚ Severity
- One of the most subjective and
therefore most useful NURSING DIAGNOSIS
characteristics for reporting pain The nursing diagnosis focuses on
is its severity. the specific nature of a patient’s pain
⮚ Quality to identify the most useful types of
- There is no common or specific interventions for alleviating it and
pain vocabulary in general use. improving the patient’s function.
Patients describe in their own IMPLEMENTATION
way. Pain therapy requires an
⮚ Aggravating and individualized approach, perhaps
Precipitating Factors more so than any other patient
- Various factors or conditions problem.
precipitate or aggravate pain. Ask HEALTH PROMOTION
a patient to describe activities When providing pain relief
that cause or aggravate pain. measures, choose therapies suited
⮚ Relief Measures to a patient’s unique pain
- It is useful to know whether a experience. Apply guidelines for
patient has an effective way of individualizing pain therapy, including
relieving pain. the following:
Effects of Pain on the Patient ❖ Use different types of pain
Pain alters a person’s lifestyle and relief measures
psychological well-being. ❖ Use measures that patient
⮚ Behavioral Effects believes are effective
- When a patient has pain, ❖ Keep an open mind about
assess verbalization, vocal ways to relieve pain
response, facial and body ❖ Keep trying. When efforts at
movements, and social pain relief fail, do not abandon
interaction. the patient but reassess the
⮚ Influence on Activities of situation.
- Patients who live with daily ANALGESIA
pain or have prolonged pin - A drug delivery system called
during hospitalization are less patient controlled analgesia
able to participate in routine (PCA) is a method for pain
activities, which result in management that many
physical deconditioning. patients prefer.
⮚ Concomitant Symptoms - It is a drug delivery system
- Concomitant symptoms, that allows patients to
including nausea, headache, self-administer opioids
dizziness, urge to urinate, (morphine, hydromorphine, or
constipation, depression, and
fentanyl) with minimal risk of NUTRIENTS: The Biochemical
overdose. Units of Nutrition
PHARMACOLOGICAL PAIN ● The body requires fuel to
THERAPIES provide energy for cellular
Many pharmacological agents are metabolism and repair, organ
available to provide pain relief. Your function, growth, and body
judgment in the use and movement
managements of analgesics ensures ● The basal metabolic rate
the best pain relief possible. (BMR) is the energy needed
CARE life-sustaining activities
Pain Clinics, Palliative Care, and (breathing, circulation, heart
Hospices rate, and temperature) for a
- A comprehensive pain center specific amount of time.
treats people on an inpatient ● The resting energy
or outpatient basis. expenditure (REE), or resting
- The goal of palliative care is metabolic rate, is the amount
to help patients manage of energy you need to
disease-related symptoms consume over a 24-hour
while living life fully with an period for your body to
incurable condition. maintain all of its internal
- Hospice provides support and working activities while at rest
care for people in the last ● Nutrients are the elements
stages of incurable disease, necessary for the normal
with an emphasis on function of numerous body
enhancing the quality of processes.
remaining life. ● The nutrient density of food
SAFETY GUIDELINES refers to the proportion of
❖ The patient is the only person essential nutrients to the
who should press the PCA number of kilocalories
button to administer the pain DIGESTION
medication. ● Digestion of food is the
❖ Monitor the patient for signs mechanical breakdown that
and symptoms of results from chewing,
oversedation and respiratory churning, and mixing with fluid
depression. and chemical reactions in
❖ Monitor for potential side which food reduces to its
effects of opioid analgesics. simplest form
NUTRITION ● Enzymes are the protein-like
Nutrition is the basic component of substances that act as
health and is essential for normal catalysts to speed up
growth and development, tissue chemical reactions.
maintenance and repair, cellular ABSORPTION
metabolism, and organ function. ● The small intestine, lined with
fingerlike projections called
villi, is the primary absorption 2015-2020 and provide
site for nutrients. average daily consumption
● The body absorbs nutrients by guidelines for the five food
means of passive diffusion, groups
osmosis, active transport, and ⮚ Daily Values
pinocytosis The U.S. Food and Drug
METABOLISM AND STORAGE OF Administration (FDA) created
NUTRIENTS daily values for food labels in
● Metabolism refers to all of the response to the 1990 Nutrition
biochemical reactions within Labeling and Education Act
the cells of the body (NLEA)
● Anabolism is the building of
more complex biochemical NURSING KNOWLEDGE BASE
substances by synthesis of - Nutritional requirements
nutrients depend on many factors.
● Catabolism is the breakdown Individual caloric and nutrient
of biochemical substances requirements vary by stage of
into simpler substances and development, body
occurs during physiological composition, activity levels,
states of negative nitrogen pregnancy and lactation, and
balance the presence of disease
● Chyme moves by peristaltic - Long before the FDA issued
action through the ileocecal recommended allowances
valve into the large intestine, and guidelines, many people
where it becomes feces followed special patterns of
● Exercise and fiber stimulate food intake on the basis of
peristalsis, and water religion, cultural background,
maintains consistency health beliefs, personal
DIETARY GUIDELINES preference, or concern for the
⮚ Dietary Reference Intakes efficient use of land to
Dietary reference intakes produce food.
evidence-based criteria for an - Successful critical thinking
acceptable range of requires a synthesis of
amounts of vitamins and knowledge, experience,
nutrients for each gender and information gathered from
age-group patients, critical thinking
⮚ Food Guidelines attitudes, and intellectual and
The U.S. Department of professional standards.
Health and Human Services ASSESSMENT
(USDHHS) and the U.S. - During the assessment
Department of Agriculture process thoroughly assess
(USDA) published the Dietary each patient and critically
Guidelines for Americans analyze findings to ensure
that you make
patient-centered clinical
decisions required for safe
nursing care
- When identifying a
problem-focused nursing
diagnosis, you select the
appropriate related factors
(e.g., inability to digest food or
reduced daily activity).
Related factors need to be
accurate so you select the
right interventions

- Diet therapies are numerous
and chosen on the basis of a
patient's overall health status,
ability to eat and digest
normally, and long-term
nutritional needs
- Enteral nutrition (EN) provides
nutrients into the GI tract. It is
the preferred method of
meeting nutritional needs if a
patient is unable to swallow or
take in nutrients orally yet has
a functioning GI tract.
- Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a
form of specialized nutrition
support provided

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