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Frank C. Anderson1, Eran Guendelman1, Peter Loan2, Ayman Habib1, Chand John1,
Allison Arnold1, Darryl Thelen3, and Scott Delp1
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Musculographics Division, Motion Analysis Corporation, Santa Rosa, CA, USA
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA
E-mail:, Web:

Muscle-actuated simulations allow one to
study how the elements of the
neuromusculoskeletal system function
together to generate movement. Although
the value of simulation is broadly
recognized and individual investigators have
made elegant contributions, the field
remains fragmented. Many laboratories
develop their own custom simulation
software, making it difficult for a simulation
to be reproduced, evaluated, and used
outside the laboratory where it was
developed. In addition, since software tools
are not freely accessible for assisting in the
development and analysis of
musculoskeletal simulations, researchers
typically must spend a great deal of time
implementing each new simulation and Figure 1: Schematic of OpenSim.
creating tools to analyze it. As a result,
many laboratories cannot dedicate the OpenSim is an object-oriented software
resources needed to generate their own platform written in C++ for modeling,
simulations. These conditions create a major simulating, and analyzing the
barrier to advancing simulation technology musculoskeletal system (Fig. 1). It is built
and achieving the scientific potential of on computational components that allow one
musculoskeletal simulation. to derive equations of motion for dynamical
systems, perform numerical integration, and
We have established a freely available open- solve constrained non-linear optimization
source simulation platform, called OpenSim, problems. Users can extend OpenSim by
to accelerate the development and sharing of writing their own plug-ins for specialized
simulation technology and to integrate controllers, analyses, actuators, and contact
dynamic simulations into the field of forces. A graphical user interface, written in
movement science. Java, allows users to view models, edit
muscles, and plot results. SIMM models
(Delp et al., 1990) can be imported and
analyzed. SimTrack, a set of tools in
OpenSim, enables muscle-driven advances have made it possible to generate
simulations to be generated that accurately simulations in minutes. With SimTrack, it is
represent the dynamics of individual now practical to generate simulations on a
subjects (Delp et al., in press). By using per-subject basis, opening up new
computed muscle control (Thelen and possibilities for the use of simulation,
Anderson, 2006), rather than traditional including, for example, using simulation to
optimal control, SimTrack dramatically assist in identifying the causes of a
reduces the computer time needed for movement abnormality and evaluating
generating simulations. OpenSim is being potential treatments for an individual.
developed and maintained on
We believe the adoption of a community-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION owned open-source software platform for
simulating and analyzing the
OpenSim provides a platform on which the musculoskeletal system will accelerate
biomechanics community can build a library research. A common platform means that
of models and simulations that can be models can be evaluated and simulations can
exchanged, tested, analyzed, and improved be reproduced. When a simulation is
through multi-institutional collaboration. developed, it can be posted on,
Currently, there are about 30 collaborators and then anyone can download, evaluate,
from 12 different institutions working analyze, and extend it. Having access to the
together on to develop and source code means that the mathematics
improve OpenSim. underlying musculoskeletal models can be
critically reviewed and improved. OpenSim
The architecture of OpenSim encourages has been seeded with an initial set of
users to extend functionality by developing capabilities. Our hope is that the broader
their own muscle models, contact models, biomechanics community will not only use
controllers, and analyses. For example, there OpenSim, but also engage in its
are currently more than ten analysis plug- development by extending its functionality,
ins, authored by different users, available in building new models, and contributing new
OpenSim. These analyses compute muscle simulations.
moment arms and lengths, joint forces,
muscle-induced accelerations, and other REFERENCES
variables. Although these analyses were
developed for different models, they have Anderson, F.C., Pandy, M.G. (2001). J.
general applicability and can be used with Biomech. Eng., 123, 381-390.
any OpenSim model. The plug-in Delp, S.L., et al. (1990). IEEE Trans. Biomed.
Eng., 37, 757-67.
architecture of OpenSim thus provides a
Delp, S.L., et al. (in press). IEEE Tans. Biomed.
means of rapidly disseminating new Eng.
functionality to the biomechanics Thelen, D.G., Anderson, F.C. (2006). J.
community. Biomech., 39, 1107-15.

Historically, optimal control has been used ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

to generate muscle-actuated simulations.
Even with parallel computing, generating NIH Roadmap for Medical Research U54
these solutions has been extremely costly GM072970, HD33929, and HD046814.
(e.g., Anderson and Pandy, 2001). Recent

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