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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2956173, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

An IoT Honeynet based on Multi-port Honeypots

for Capturing IoT attacks
Weizhe Zhang, Bin Zhang, Ying Zhou, Hui He, Zeyu Ding

Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) devices are vulnerable Distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) services on the
against attacks because of their limited network resources and darknet. Another botnet named Hide’N Seek (HNS), infected
complex operating systems. Thus, honeypot is a good method of nearly a thousand IoT devices by injecting vulnerabilities
capturing malicious requests and collecting malicious samples but
is rarely used on the IoT. Accordingly, this research implements through several remote commands, which have been dis-
three kinds of honeypots to capture malicious behaviors. First , on closed. The botnet named IoTroop, drew on part of Mirai
the basis of the CVE-2017-17215 vulnerability, we implement a (a type of botnet) and launched three consecutive large-scale
medium-high interaction honeypot that can simulate a specific se- DDoS attacks on financial institutions on January 28 in 2018.
ries of router UPnP services. It has functions such as service simu- Moreover, the MikroTik router has resulted in more than
lation, log recording, malicious sample download, and service self-
check. Second, given the limited details available for the simulated 200,000 devices digging without the user’s knowledge due to
UPnP service and to help the honeypot respond to unrecognizable its firmware vulnerabilities.
malicious requests, we use the actual IoT device firmware that The vulnerabilities and number of IoT devices render IoT
matches the vulnerability to build a high-interaction honeypot. attacks easier than traditional cyber-attacks. Existing IoT de-
In addition, we investigate the most exposed SOAP service ports vices are vulnerable to various physical attacks [22], [29],
and design corresponding multi-port honeypot to improve the
capacity of the honeynet, providing a hybrid service from a real such as position-based services [32], [33], [34]. Therefore,
device and simulating honeypots. The Docker in the honeynet, studying lightweight IoT devices as well as communication
which reduces the volume of the honeypot and realizes the rapid encryption schemes is crucial in ensuring their security [23].
deployment of the honeynet, encapsulates all these honeypots. The traditional sandbox and other security protection technolo-
Moreover, the honeynet control center is simultaneously designed gies [31] cannot be realized on the IoT devices because of
to distribute commands and transfer files to each physical node
in the honeynet. We implemented the proposed honeynet system the limited resources of sensor devices and unreliable system
and deployed it in practice. We have successfully caught many [24]. Consequently, the vulnerability of the system is easily
unknown malicious attacks excluded in the VT, which proved found via firmware analysis [25]. It is also vulnerable to side-
the effectiveness of the proposed framework. channel attacks due to the stability of its equipment location
Index Terms—Internet of Things(IoT), honeypot, honeynet, [26]. The security threats to communication networks are
SOAP, Multiport dominated by traditional cyber-attacks, namely, man-in-the-
middle attacks, data theft and replay, counterfeiting, and so
on. In addition, the UPnP, which is extensively used in IoT
devices, also brings many vulnerabilities. IoT devices can use
The Internet of Things (IoT) promotes smart and convenient DHCP to automatically access the Internet and then use the
living. According to a survey [1], the number of IoT devices SSDP protocol to discover devices until the control device
has surpassed 10 billion. However, a huge security breach completes the task [28].
happens in IoT. In 2018, a hacker organization infected more To protect the IoT devices, monitoring the malicious behav-
than ten thousands of IOT devices with two IoT vulnerabilities ior of the IoT and promptly identifying threats are important.
CVE-2017-17215 and CVE-2014-8361, and they even rented We must analyze the malicious behavior, characteristics of
the data, as well as the characteristics of attacks [30], which
Weizhe Zhang is with the School of Science and Technology, Harbin
Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. He is with Cyberspace Security require us to obtain malicious samples of the IoT first.
Research Center, Peng Cheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China. (e-mail: wz- Honeypot and honeynet are effective methods of capturing malicious requests and collecting malicious behavior samples.
Bin Zhang is with the Cyberspace Security Research Center, Peng Cheng
Laboratory, Shenzhen, China ( Honeypot induces the attack by arranging some hosts, network
Ying Zhou is with the Cyberspace Security Research Center, Peng Cheng services, or information, thereby capturing the attack behavior
Laboratory, Shenzhen, China (e-mail: and analyzing the tools and methods adopted by the attacker
Hui He is with the School of Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of
Technology, Harbin, China (e-mail: and inferring the attack intention and motivation. The honeypot
Zeyu Ding is with the School of Science and Technology, Harbin Institute can help the defense party clearly understand the security
of Technology, Harbin, China (e-mail: threats and enhance the security protection capability of the
This work is supported by the Key Research and Development Program for
Guangdong Province 2019B010136001, the Peng Cheng Laboratory Project real system.
of Guangdong Province PCL2018KP004 and PCL2018KP005. (corresponding Yegneswaran et al. [15] proposed a situational awareness
author: Weizhe Zhang) model based on honeynet. They deployed a honeynet system
Copyright (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be with MySQL database to save and analyze data, and the
obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to BRONIDS is used for analysis. After six months of data

2327-4662 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2956173, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

collection, the experimental results proved that the system the attacker’s request, the process is handed over to the real
could detect botnet scanning and worm outbreaks. honeypot and returns the real output. This research also de-
Ma et al. [16] generated a highly personalized and predictive signed a multi-port honeypot, using a multi-threaded running
blacklist for each network by sharing historical attackers, high-interaction honeypot. Then, any port can return the IoT
which are captured by honeynets in each network. Accord- device configuration file according to the given fingerprint
ingly, different networks can collaboratively detect new attack- information to simulate the real device service. The current
ers because of the shared attacker information. The most likely study proposed a novel architecture of honeypot and honeynet,
attacker in the future will be identified on the basis of their with the following contributions:
attacker’s historical relevance. The defense strategy undergoes • We build interconnected and collaborative honeynet for
a relatively active realization, and the experimental results IoT network. The system simulates IoT device services
show that this method can produce an accurate blacklist. to monitor the security status of the IoT in real time. It
Yongli et al. [17] proposed a new honeynet model, BRHNS can discover and record malicious behaviors and collect
(based on Realm Honeynet), to solve the problem of non- malicious samples of the IoT.
cooperation and weak real-time performance in honeynet. • In the proposed hybrid honeynet, we develop a medium-
BRHNS utilized the cooperation between Realms and shared high interactive honeypot with a high-interaction honey-
the new intrusion rules. It also updated the Intrusion Detection pot using real firmware services based on the popular
Systems (IDS) rule-lib in real-time and improved the detection CVE-2017-17215 vulnerability. Moreover, we design a
efficiency of IDS. Accordingly, it effectively reduced the work- multi-port interactive honeypot on the basis of the most
load of honeynet and improved the efficiency of a honeynet. exposed SOAP port in 2018.
Experimental results show that the BRHNS is much faster than • We encapsulate the honeypot with Docker for the pro-
formal honeynets. posed honeynet to ensure the security of the physical
Honeypot captures many attacks that are difficult to handle machine and facilitate rapid deployment.
manually; therefore, some researchers proposed using data The rest of work is structured as follows. The next section
mining techniques to analyze the recorded traffic and extract proposes related works. The method section depicts the pro-
useful information. Ghourabi et al. [18] provided a data posed honeypots and honeynet. Consecutively, we dissect the
analysis tool on the basis of the clustering algorithm. The conducted evaluation and activity observed with the honeynet
main idea is to extract useful information from data captured in the evaluation section. Finally, we conclude our work and
by the honeypot. The data are then clustered by the Density- future outlook in the final section.
Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise algorithm
to classify the captured packets. Then, a human expert verifies
the extracted suspicious packets. This solution is useful for
detecting novel routed attacks. A. Honeypot
Huang et al. [19] indicated that positive interactions on Niels [3] proposed a classic honeypot framework Honeyd
the honeynet could yield mature attack samples, but such ; the latter can simulate real computers under the network
honeynet is highly expensive and poses high risks against the layer as shown in Fig.1. It consists of the traffic allocation
development of the honeynet. Therefore, they applied Semi- units, protocol processing units, and fingerprint matching units.
Markov Decision Process to describe an attacker’s random The traffic allocation units send the packet to an established
transition and their stay time in the honeynet. Subsequently, honeypot or a default route. The protocol processing units
they weighed the rewards and risks. Adaptive long-term partic- can simulate the TCP, UDP and ICMP protocols, and so on.
ipation policies have also been developed to demonstrate risk The fingerprint matching units are used to fight fingerprint
avoidance, cost-effectiveness, and time efficiency. Numerical identification tools, which can prevent hackers from discover-
results show that this adaptive interaction strategy can be used ing the honeypot. The free IP address of the current network
to attract attackers quickly, with the capacity to obtain valuable can be regarded as the virtual address of the honeypot, and
threat information in a long time with a low penetration rate. many honeypots can be deployed on a single host because it
However, the existing honeynet systems are designed for the is lightweight.
traditional Internet and are inappropriate for IoT systems. In Paul et al. [4] proposed another classic honeypot framework
addition, owing to the changing form of the attack, we must called Nepentes. Nepenthes stimulates only parts of the pro-
design a new honeypot to capture the attacks. To capture a tocol instead of a complete one, and it adopts a ShellCode
complete attack and avoid hackers from stopping due to long detection mechanism to discover injected malicious code. The
periods of unresponsiveness, this research proposes a medium- framework is replaced by Dionaea [5], which is implemented
high interactive honeypot that uses the internal execution of via Python language to simulate vulnerability services and
the vulnerability service as a black box and only returns capture malicious attacks.
the output. Such proposition avoids the simulation of the Rist et al. [6] developed a Web honeypot called Glastopf,
service, reduces the workload of the security personnel, and which attempts to respond directly to the requestors, thus
improves the capability of the honeypot to interact with the avoiding the simulation of the service and reducing the work-
external network. Accordingly, the current study develops a load of security personnel. Based on this work, the Glastopf
high-interaction honeypot running real IoT firmware. When regards the CVE-2017-17215 vulnerability as a black box,
the high-interaction simulation honeypot fails to respond to which shall only respond to the attacker. The limitations

2327-4662 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2956173, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

B. Honeynet

External network
Spitzner et al. [7] proposed honeynet due to the limitations
of a single virtual honeypot. The honeynet system is a net-
work that includes multiple honeypots as well as multiple
Network Port
deployment nodes. It is a network that consists of behavior
recording, alarm and analysis, management communication,
Database Distribution
Fingerprint and other mechanisms. It contains real systems to capture
Matching Unit
Unit further attacks, facilitating the understanding of hacker’s attack
Protocol methods and security incidents. Artail et al. [35] proposed a
Processing Unit hybrid honeynet system to improve the IDS, in which the low-
and high-interaction honeypots are all deployed to protect the
Fig. 1. The work flow of Honeyd Curran et al. [8] pointed out several major characteristics
of honeynet: (1) Defects and vulnerabilities in certain areas
as well as some un-security measures, which easily hold
honeynet vulnerable to attacks by hackers, frequently exist in
of this method prompt the current research to develop a honeynet. (2) A honeynet is not a service network, thereby
high interactive honeypot that operates real IoT firmware. rendering traffic monitoring in the honeynet system unsafe.
When medium-high-interaction honeypots cannot respond to (3) The honeynet system should be capable of recording any
an attacker’s request, the process will be handed over to the connections, requests, responses, services, logs, and so on,
high-interaction honeypot. for the security personnel to perform subsequent analysis.
(4) Every honeypot in the honeynet system is under strict
In the field of IoT, scholars have begun to study the control; it can be traced and restored. (5) Security measures
honeynet system to collect malicious IoT behaviors. YMP between the honeynet system and the external network must
et al. [11] simulated the TELNET login process to create be in place to prevent malicious behaviors after the honeypot
an IoT honeypot that attracted TELNET attacks against IoT is compromised. Moreover, Kevin et al. believed that the
devices with different CPU architectures. While collecting honeynet system does not need to actively lure attacks, which
data through the deployed honeynet, they discovered five is conducive to ensuring the authenticity of the data obtained
different malware families, the largest of which can infect up by the honeypot.
to nine different IoT devices with different CPU architectures. For conventional honeynet, many scholars have conducted
Anirudh et al. [12] designed a honeypot model as a bait for research on intrusion detection and data analysis. Hu [9]
the main server, thereby shifting the DoS attacks in the IoT proposed an attack behavior analysis method based on an
network and improving the performance of the IoT device. attack graph. He used the attack graph for honeynet security
Muhammad et al. [13] introduced an IoT honeypot framework detection and introduced the key element of network topology;
based on the UPnP protocol. They used device description files he improved the clustering algorithm to classify the alarms.
to automate honeypots, and they can allow multiple instances In addition, he improved the DFS encoding technology and
to be deployed on a single physical machine. We refer to this migrated it to the field of directed graphs. Finally, Hu syn-
architecture, select device files to make honeypots, and further thesized the network and topology information to identify the
capture IoT malicious attacks. Hansen et al.[14] extended the warning information. For data analysis in protected content,
concept of the IoT honeypot and presented a honeynet system for example, the position-based services and queries are highly
with a hybrid of virtual and real devices. The system used dependent on processing speed with content security. Sangaiah
machine learning algorithms for traffic analysis and predicted et al. [34] used machine learning for roaming PBS users.
the opponent’s next activity. Medhane et al. [33] proposed parallel architecture in position
Unlike the Internet which is based on the HTTP protocol, monitoring system, and position confidentiality conserving
IoT typically uses a lighter SOAP protocol for exchanging algorithm is used to protect the content [32].
information in a distributed computing environment. Dai et Agrawal et al. [10] proposed a method for monitoring rogue
al. [20] designed and implemented a SOAP-based transac- wireless access based on a shadow honeynet as shown in Fig.2.
tion management protocol (TMP), including supported oper- The concept of a shadow honeynet comes from a shadow
ations, interface definitions for these operations, implementa- honeypot, which refers to a copy of the software or system
tion structures, and processing of the protocol. SOAP-based actually intended to be protected. The copy shares the internal
TMP can maximize the extensively used technologies such as state with the subject. The framework consists of three parts,
HTTP, XML, and SOAP, and thus can have extensive use. namely, a filtering engine, an anomaly sensor, and a shadow
Riedel et al. [21] transformed the lengthy parts binding with honeypot.
SOAP to the semantics of a specific network platform. Taking In the field of IoT, Oza et al. [36] implemented an authoriza-
Radio Frequency Identification technology as an example, it tion mechanism in honeynet, thereby enabling them to solve
converts the semantics of Remote Procedure Call into a reader the issue of man-in-the-middle attacks in IoT. Ammar et al.
query. [37] proposed honeyIo3 model in ICS/SCADA systems, and

2327-4662 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2956173, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

Protected system Container

warehouse Physical Host B
State rollback
Physical Host A Hardware
Protected service address space honeypot

Hardware Master A
honeypot controller Master B
Process Honeypot controller
General Service
state Shadow

CVE honeypot
SOAP multiport
CVE honeypot

Intrusion Sensor

Filter Master Internet Master B SOAP multiport

Controller honeypot


Fig. 3. Composite honeynet system architecture

Fig. 2. Work principle of shadow Honeynet
the given commands to open and close the honeypot as well
as monitor the host system.
it provided the honeypot security tool with high availability;
As shown in Fig.3, the honeynet system deploys honeypots
it contained three IoT devices and is implemented using an
to multiple physical nodes, where each node supports both
office router and one public IP address.
single and multi-honeypot deployments and a master program
The honeynet module in this work focuses on the SOAP
to manage the honeypots on it. When the medium-high in-
protocol in the UPnP protocol stack of IoT, which exhibits
teraction honeypot cannot resolve the external request, it will
seriousness in terms of security. The CVE-2017-17215 vulner-
send a request to the master node, and the master node notifies
ability and the most exposed SOAP port in 2018 are used to
the high-interaction honeypot running the real firmware to
make honeypots. The latest IoT malicious samples since 2017
respond. The control nodes interact with the honeynet nodes
have been collected and rigorously screened. Therefore, this
so that the honeypots are combined by a single individual into
research has obtained highly authentic, timely, and valuable
a whole honeynet system.
B. Medium-high Interactive Honeypot
III. M ETHODOLOGY In this subsection, we develop a honeypot for a router’s
To monitor malicious behaviors of the IoT, we proposed remote code injection vulnerabilities, which provide unsecured
a hybrid honeynet as shown in Fig.3, containing three kinds SOAP services for device upgrades. This vulnerability can
of honeypots. First, we designed a medium-high interactive result in unauthorized access and remote code injection. It
honeypot. Second, we designed a high-interactive honeypot can be utilized to execute arbitrary commands remotely by
that provides real service; hence, a mixed service of real sending a specially constructed request packet to the port
equipment and simulated honeypot is formed. Third, for the 37215 monitored by the UPnP service of routers.
most exposed SOAP ports in 2018, this research analyzes and
produces a multi-port honeypot. Finally, an IoT honeynet sys- TABLE I
tem is implemented by deploying these different honeypots to
multiple nodes. With control centers for command distribution Utilized Occupied Request path Infected Equip-
and file transfer, we complemented the honeynet system by vulnera- port ment Model
Docker. B660
CVE- /upnpdev.xml/
2017- 37215 ctrlt/DeviceUpgrade-
A. Overall Architecture 17215 1
To establish a coordinated honeypot system and increase YAbox
the capacity of cluster deployment, this study designs a
control center. The script in the control center is used for First, we collect the IoT devices and their configuration
file distribution and command transfer, the honeypot response information affected by this vulnerability as shown in Table
message is obtained, and it is recorded in the output log. The I. We develop a honeypot on the basis of this vulnerability.
control script uses py thon multi-threaded design to connect to The structure of the proposed honeypot is as follows: the core
the remote host of the IP list using the paramiko library. The module of the honeypot, the honeypot Daemon module, the
script can realize the function of transferring files and can also Daemon process service, and the honeypot monitor, and other
use the Secure Shell key to connect to the host and execute modules.

2327-4662 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2956173, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

The SOAP service module calls the handler defined in

Core Service the web service module and the make-server functions in
wsgiref.simple-server, and it opens the SOAP server at port
37215 to simulate the SOAP service with vulnerabilities of
real IoT equipment and attract hackers.
The handler function for the SOAP vulnerability is defined
Log Server Soap Server in the web service module, and the constructed fake file is
returned by wsgi. For the CVE-2017-17215 vulnerability, the
injection code accesses port 37215 of the web service. Table
III shows the banner information. The send-log function is also
Samples Deal Webhook
defined in this section to send a request record packaged in
JSON format to log-server. In this part, the socket is used in the
Fig. 4. Relations between pot-core parts communication between web and log servers. The web server
waits for the message the log server returns. If it receives
an error message, it retransmits the same message. If the
The framework can ensure the stability of honeypot oper- number of retransmissions exceeds the limit, the log server
ation, and it can promptly discover and restart the honeypot is considered down.
when the honeypot service is abnormal. It can also supply The malicious sample processing module is responsible for
some log information, which cannot be recorded by the honey- downloading and processing malicious samples, where the
pot service, as well as assist in debugging and troubleshooting wget-virus-in-url function provides an external interface for
problems. calling the sample download function. In the function, the
1) Core Module of the Honeypot: The honeypot core mod- downloaded features are extracted by regular expressions.
ule is the core service of a honeypot, which provides simulated After extracting the download resource information, the
IoT devices and services with vulnerabilities. It consists of download-virus-by-requests function is called to download
the SOAP service module, web service module, log module, samples. The function first searches for the output directory
and malicious sample processing module. Fig.4 illustrates the and the sample name. If the sample name exists, the renaming-
relationship between them. duplicate-virus function is called to add the sample suffix
The core service module provides an external interface for to the sample to rename it. Then, the function calls the
the module, except for the honeypot core module. It monitors requests library for sample downloads. If the sample download
by opening the log and SOAP servers, and it sets the timer- is successful, the deep-analyze function is further called for
handle-fun function of the timer-call log module. The function an in-depth analysis, that is, the sample content is analyzed
recursively calls itself and detects the current time, ensuring to determine whether a ”large Trojan downloaded by small
that all logs are recorded daily in local directory. Trojan” situation occurs. This part also defines the clear-
The log module defines UDPHandler to monitor the front- duplicate-sample function to remove the deduplication of the
end SOAP service module, and it analyzes the request infor- sample, which calculates the hash value of the sample by
mation packaged in JSON format. Subsequently, the success calling the md5sum function.
information is returned. If a malicious sample download is
found in the request, the wget-virus-in-url function in the ma- TABLE III
licious sample processing module will be called to download CVE-2017-17215 V ULNERABILITY BANNER F ORMAT
the sample. This file also provides the interface function of
Field Name Meaning Value
opening log server and timing output log for core service Content- Return Content Length 259
module. Table II presents the logs defined as GET, POST and Length
others, and the corresponding format. Date Time Mon, 26 Nov 2018
13:05:09 GMT
EXT JS Framework Empty
TABLE II Content-Type Filed Type text/xml; charset=”utf-
Server Device Type Linux UPnP/1.0
Field Name Meaning Value Huawei-ATP-IGD
log type Malicious Request Type get, post, other WWW- Abstract Authentication ...nonce=“2da490f624b01
time Request Time time.ctime () Authenticate 151f1feabad77c1a122”,
timestamp UTC Time stamp time.time () qop=“auth”,
src ip Request Source IP JSON Packet Analysis algorithm=“MD5”
sensor ip Honeypot External IP requests.get return data SOAP Service Messages this is end
socket.gethostbyname The SoapXML folder provides a SOAP device information
(socket.gethostname ()) modeled after the vulnerable router. It includes the device
des port Destination Port 37215 type, device model, device URL, Universally Unique Identifier,
protocol Protocol HTTP
path info Request Path JSON Packet Analysis service list, service address, serial number, and so on. This
query string Get Query String JSON Packet Analysis file is used to respond to SOAP service scans for port 37215,
user agent Requester banner user agent returning real device configuration information.

2327-4662 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2956173, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

The functions of the above parts work together to form C. High Interactive Honeypot
the core of honeypot, complete the basic functions of the The medium-high interactive honeypot described in the
honeypot, and simulate the real IoT devices and services. previous section simulates the SOAP protocol based on wsgi.
2) Honeypot Daemon: This class defines a base class However, when the simulation protocol fails to process re-
Daemon to open, close, restart, and initialize. It also provides quests, an attacker is likely to interrupt the connection be-
the external interface to control honeypot. cause the expected response is not received. Consequently,
Considering that the Daemon class is out of the terminal, the honeypot fails to capture the subsequent injection code
the standard information flow is redirected to an empty file. and malicious sample. Therefore, a high interactive honeypot
The default value of pidfile attribute is “/tmp/”, which is developed to handle requests using a completely realis-
saves the process number of the current process. The system tic exploitable IoT firmware to handle requests that cannot
can determine if the process already exists to ensure singleton be processed by mid-high interactive emulation honeypots.
mode. Moreover, running the captured malicious samples is possible
The function daemonize is used to initialize the Daemon because of the integrity of its services.
instance. First, whether it already exists by pidfile is deter- The qemu environment is used to assemble the kernel file
mined; then, the buffer is flushed, and the standard stream vmlinux-2.6.32-5-4kc-malta and disk image debian-squeeze-
is discarded. Finally, the pidfile is guaranteed removal at the mips-standard.qcow2. After booting successfully, the change
end of the process through the atexit.register and signal.signal root command is used to switch the root directory and run the
functions. The static function throws SystemExit exception. UPnP and mic services. It provides the same SOAP service
The start function calls the daemonize function to initialize, as a real-world vulnerability IoT device. The device firmware-
catches the abnormal operation, and outputs an error message. based SOAP service honeypot can be implemented by adding
The stop function takes a process number from a pidfile and the above request record and sample download module to the
kills it. The restart function continuously calls stop and start system.
functions to restart.
3) Daemon Service: The class MyDaemon is defined in D. Multi-port Honeypot
the Daemon module, which inherits the Daemon class in scar- SOAP vulnerability involves UPnP’s device architecture,
library. Then, it starts the honeypot core service when the SOAP service, and HTTP protocol. Attackers use multiple
instance is in operation. In the main function, an instance of ports to attack. To collect these samples, we obtain the banner
the class MyDaemon is created. The start of the honeypot information of several IoT devices affected by the vulnerability
daemon and the core of the honeypot are controlled by the through the collection of IoT device information. The latter
corresponding functions of the instance. The class PotCore is is used to match the device type and select the response
also defined to provide an interface to the daemon externally. content of the malicious request. Table IV describes the device
The main function is called by calling the subprocess.Popen information.
function. That is, the external instance of the class MyDaemon
is not directly called, but the instance of PotCore is called. The L OG F ORMAT
instance of PotCore calls the instance of MyDaemon through
its own method to implement the indirect call. Port Banner Device Files
4) Honeypot Monitor: The Honeypot Monitor module calls 2048 Net-OS 5.xx UPnP/1.0 gatedesc.xml
the timer-handle-web-detect-fun function to check the honey- 3183 Net-OS 5.xx UPnP/1.0 gatedesc.xml
5000 nginx desc-DSM-eth0.xml
pot function. This function regularly accesses the honeypot 5000 Linux/2.6.12 UPnP/1.0 Public-UPNP-
simulation service, detects its running state, determines ex- NETGEAR-UPNP/1.0 gatedesc.xml
ceptions such as timeouts and connection errors, and calls the 5000 1.11.0-R UPnP/1.0 MiniUP- rootDesc.xml
PotCore class object to restart honeypot when an exception 5500 Tenda UPnP/1.0 rootDesc.xml
occurs. The start-service interface is also provided for external miniupnpd/1.0
calls. 5555 RomPager/4.07 UPnP/1.0 DeviceDescription.xml
35510 Net-OS 5.xx UPnP/1.0 gatedesc.xml
5) Other Modules: The configuration module is the hon- 49152 Linux/, UPnP/1.0, gatedesc.xml
eypot configuration file, which defines some parameters and Portable SDK for UPnP
reduces the workload of secondary development. Specifically, devices/1.6.6
52869 ipos/7.0 UPnP/1.0 TL- igd.xml
it includes honeypot name, log output directory, honeypot core, WR841N/11.0
honeypot self-check delay, and self-check cycle. 52869 miniupnpd/1.5 UPnP/1.5 picsdesc.xml
52881 OS 1.0 UPnP/1.0 Realtek/V1.3 simplecfg.xml is the entry of the entire honeypot framework. It 54147 Net-OS 5.xx UPnP/1.0 gatedesc.xml
calls the start method of the PotCore class instance to open 55567 Net-OS 5.xx UPnP/1.0 gatedesc.xml
the daemon and then calls the self-check.start-service of pot-
monitor function to start the SOAP service self-check. To implement the multi-port honeypot, this research adopts calls the tc tool to limit traffic and prevent the the threading module to achieve multi-threaded operation.
honeypot from being compromised due to DDoS attacks. The Then, any port can return the IoT device configuration file is called in this research and is the outermost entrance according to the given fingerprint information to simulate the
of the honeypot. real device service.

2327-4662 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2956173, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

E. Honeypot Docker Packaging B. Evaluation of Honeypots

To facilitate the rapid deployment of the transplant and Table VI presents the functional test of the honeypot. The
to prevent malicious behavior after the honeypot is broken, functional test demonstrates that the IoT honeypot can per-
the honeypot must be virtualized and transplanted. Then, the fectly simulate and implement the real IoT device services and
honeypot is packaged into an easily usable and deployable can handle unknown requests. It also implements self-check
black box. and restart functions with certain tolerance and robustness, and
Docker is a technology for packaging applications. The it provides a reliable underlying environment for the system.
main components are images, containers, and warehouses. An We can conclude from Table VI that the honeypot is running
image is a file that contains the basic contents of a container normally after opening and can provide a simulated SOAP
that can be recognized by the Docker engine. An image service for IoT devices. After killing the honeypot core service
can contain the following that the developer needs: operating with the kill command, the honeypot Daemon will find that the
system and specific environment, applications, and so on. The program runs abnormally and automatically restarts the core
container is an image after running. The repository is used during regular self-check.
to save the image. Considering rapid deployment, the image
must be streamlined as follows: TABLE VI
1. Optimize the basic image. ubuntu 16.04 is adopted in
the basic image of a honeypot, and it also integrates some Instance Descrip- Expected Results Actual
packages simultaneously needed in the Python 3.6, preventing tion Results
Scan device re- Returns Banner Information of IoT Normal
the image from being downloaded at a reduced rate during sponse header in- Device Attackers Get the Same Re-
packaging. formation sponse as real IoT Devices
2. Concatenate DockerFile instructions. Multiple commands Wget Requested Honeypot Records Requests, Returns Normal
Device File Request Files and Saves Logs Re-
are concatenated into one RUN command, the number of questor downloads device file to local
image layers is reduced, and unnecessary components are Request a Honeypot Records Request Content Normal
removed to reduce space. resource path and Responds that Resource does not
that does not exist Exist
3. Optimize business. The image cache is maximized, a Use POC Injec- Honeypot Records Injection Code Normal
fixed machine is used for Docker builds, and the constant large tion Directive and Returns Response Prompt for
dependent libraries are separated from the frequently modified Attacker Gets Device Upgrade Suc-
own code. Download Instruc- Honeypot Successfully Analysis Normal
4. Optimize run command. Suggested dependencies are tions with POC Download Instructions and
avoided when executing the apt command. Injection Sample Downloads Malicious Samples
Prompt for Attacker Gets Device
During the rapid deployment of honeynet, the master node Upgrade Successful
issues command to the master program of each physical Injecting Honeypots with POC Code Firmware Normal
Firmware Successfully Executes Malicious In-
host, and each physical host connects to the remote image structions
warehouse to download the required honeypot image and wget request Honeypot Returns Different Banner Normal
subsequently run them. A hybrid IoT honeypot with multi- multi-port based on Requested Path and Port
honeypot device Number Attackers Get the Same Re-
nodes and multi-honeypots is constructed through the commu- file sponse as real IoT Devices
nication between the master node and each physical machine, Kill a process with The Honeypot self-check Program Normal
the communication between each physical machine, and the the kill command Detects Service Availability at Reg-
ular Intervals. Honeypot Self-check
mutual cooperation between the honeypots inside the physical Procedure Finds Process Terminated
machines. and Restarts it Automatically

IV. E VALUATION C. Evaluation of Honeynet

A. Configuration Two honeypots deployed in in the USA
In this paper, the control center and program are running and in Canada operate steadily and collect
on the personal computer, and the proposed honeynet is many attacks over a week between November 30, 2018 and
deployed on the cloud. Table V presents the specific software December 6, 2018 as shown in Table VII.
environments and configurations.
T EST E NVIRONMENT Field Name IP Location Operators Moscow, Russia
Software type Configuration Latvia
HoneyWeb Host Operating System Ubuntu 18.04 New York, New York, USA
Honeynet host-dependent environment Docker, qemu Hauts de France, Valenciennes,
Project Development Language Python, vue, node, shell France
Database MySQL, heidisql Singapore
Test Host Win10 professional Moscow, Russia
Browser Google chrome Bucharest, Romania

2327-4662 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2956173, IEEE Internet of
Things Journal

to the IoT with high scientific and engineering value. Table

Russia VIII presents the specific information of the malicious sample.
Sample MD5 Hash marked by
Name VT
NEixu378 3ead70762dea459c9eaa890ad3fb5c67 Yes
ixa 0995b3d7b7de8b6b2c3fd68dd0a69318 No
gvv 65751698335401d479c646a4e2a4fafb No
mips.bushido 7556a023c0db73c72ea2e1e7355a30b9 No

Fig. 5. Analysis for captured scan behaviors On the basis of the CVE-2017-17215 vulnerability exploited
by large-scale botnets, we develop a medium-high interaction
honeypot, which can implement SOAP service interaction, log
recording, sample download, and service self-check. For the
Japan request that the honeypot could not be processed, a high-
France interaction honeypot based on real firmware is designed.
USA Moreover, to expand the processing capability of the honeynet,
the multi-port honeypot is developed using the most exposed
SOAP service port in 2018, and we simulate different types of
IoT devices. Finally, the rapid deployment of the honeynet is
achieved by packaging the honeypot as a Docker image. The
honeynet system has been on stable operation for nearly half
a year in 2019, providing a large number of logs, malicious
samples, and other materials.
Fig. 6. Analysis for captured inject behaviors Owing to the timeliness of vulnerabilities, a necessity arises
to carry out ongoing track and research of IoT vulnerabilities,
security incidents, and analysis of hacker attacks. In terms
A total of 332 different IPs are observed to scan and of honeynet, the intelligence and automation of the system
inject the honeypot. As shown in Fig.5, the source IPs of require further strengthening as well as efficiency.
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