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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Bulacan
District of Baliwag
Mariano Ponce National High School
Bagong Nayon, Baliwag, Bulacan



Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:

Head Teacher VI-Science Department

Approved by:

Principal IV-MPNHS
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
1. Determine the functions of the nerve cells
2. Describe the different parts of the nerve cells
3. Realize the importance of a healthy nerve cells
II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Control of Body Process through the Nervous system

Learner’s Module Grade 10 Science pp 232-240
Science and Technology and Biology pp. 120-122


For the students

 Evaluation Sheet
 Costumes and props
 Neckerchief
 Activity notebook

For the teacher:

 Laptop
 Projector
 Visual Aids
 Chalk
 Bowl
 Candies
 Blind fold

Strategies: Guided discussion, Student-Teacher Interaction, PWA (Practical, Work,

Learning Tasks
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activity
Daily Routine

Opening Prayer

Everybody, Please stand up

(The students will stand up)
_____________ will you please lead
the prayer (Student will come in front and lead the

Good morning Sir David!
“Good morning, class!” Good morning classmates!
Good morning visitors!

Classroom Management

Class, before you take your seat, kindly The students will arrange the chair and
arrange your chairs properly and pick pick up pieces of papers and arrange
up all pieces of papers under your their chairs properly.

Are you done?

Yes, Sir!
You may now take your seat.

Checking of Attendance None, Sir.

Class secretary, is there any absent

Very Good! I am glad to hear that no

one is absent today.

Checking of Assignment Yes, Sir.

“Did I gave you an assignment?”

“Pass your assignment to your leader.”

Review (Elicit)
Very good! Let us have a game. I am
going to play your kind of music and
then you will guess the title of each
song and I will also need a volunteer to
put the first letter of the title on the
board until we complete the word.
_ _ _ _ _ CELL

Yes, we are ready, Sir!

Are you ready class?

The teacher will play the song

collections (one at a time) Sir the title of the first song is NAE
The second title of the song is ELESI
What is the title of the first song? Third RAINBOW,
How about the second song? The last title of the song is
And so on…

What is our hidden word?

Sir. The missing word is NERVE CELL

You got it! Very good!

Let’s proceed.

What are nerve cells? Nerve cells are the primary cells in the
nervous system. They are responsible for
relaying electrical messages to cells and
tissues in other organ systems. It is also
called as neurons.

Okay, what about the parts of the nerve

The three parts of the nerve cell/neuron
are the Dendrites, Soma/Cell body and
the Axon.
Can you give me the functions of each
part? DENDRITES – Carry impulses away
from the cell body
The teacher will call 3 students to
answer each function of: CELL BODY/SOMA – Is the center of
DENDRITES the nerve cell containing nucleus
AXON – Carries impulses away from
the cell body

Do you have any questions? None, Sir!

Motivation (Engage)

To continue I have here a “MYSTERY Sir! I would like to try.

BOX” containing different kinds of (Students will put their hands inside the
objects. Place your hand inside the box, hole).
touch the object and guess it.
I need 5 volunteers. Who would like to

What can you say about the texture of

the object inside the box?

Can you identify what is inside the


Okay, name it! The objects inside the “MYSTERY

BOX” are:
1. Grains of rice
2.monggo beans
3.rock salt
4. jelly ace
5.matches ticks
Nice try!
Let’s give them a perfect clap!

How did you identify the objects inside

the box easily? Sir, I used my sense of TOUCH in
identifying what kind of objects is inside
the box. By touching it. I can easily felt
and guessed what I’ve been touching.
That’s because of the information
coming from my sense of touch are
Localization: Using available used box carried via nerve cells through the brain.
and clothes. The brain interpreted the impulse
perceived by the nerve cells

Pre- Activity (Explore)

1. Preparation of the materials

2. Discussion of the procedure
3. Giving precautionary


The teacher will discuss the

procedures/mechanics of the game.

1. Form a team of 8-10 members

and compete with the other
groups in your class.
2. Among the members of the
group, assign who will represent
the following parts Brain,
Sensory Neurons and Motor
3. Have the “Brain” stand at one at
the back, then the “Organ” at
the other end near the
4. Let three to four members
representing “Sensory Neuron”
stand and line up between the
“Brain” and the “Organ”. The teacher will show the illustration
Another set of three to for with the correct position of the
members representing “Motor participants,
Neurons” will stand and line up
facing the “Sensory Neuron”
5. Refer to the following
illustrations to see how you will
position yourselves in the game.
6. Your teacher will show a card
to the first member of the group
who is the “Organ”. Each card
sensory sensory sensory
will depict a situation of a O neuron neuron
stimulus affecting an organ.
7. The “Organ” must pass the A
message to one “Sensory R
Neuron” by whispering. Organ Brain
8. Each member who receives the D
message must relay it to another
until it reaches the last “Sensory sensory sensory sensory
Neuron” neuron neuron neuron
9. Let the last person in the group
“Sensory Neuron” group run to
the “Brain” to communicate the
message that was transmitted
from the “Organ”
10. The “Brain” must think of a
reaction to the stimulus
presented and pass this response
to the “Motor Neurons”
11. Each member of the “Motor
Neuron” group who receives the
response from the brain, must
relay it to another until it
reaches the last person in the
12. The “Organ” will receive this
response though the “Motor
Neurons” and run quickly to the
board to write the response.
13. The team with the most
acceptable answer and the
shortest time of trip will win the

Any questions regarding the game


Activity Proper: (GAME PROPER)

Interdisciplinary MAPEH ( Music)

The students will perform Activity 3

Nervous Trip
Are you ready?

Organ, please come in front to get Ready!

messages or situations. (Organ from team A and B will come in
Let us start the game for round 1. At
the count of 3 the organ will start
passing the message to the sensory
neuron 1, 2, 3, Go!
(the organs will pass the message to
first sensory neuron)
Repeat the rounds 2-5 with the same

Post- Activity /Discussion


After enjoying the game, kindly get

your activity notebook and answer the
following questions:

1. How does the brain receive the

information from the receptor?
The brain receives the information
thorough the sensory neurons that
2. What does the brain do as soon transmit the message from one neuron to
as it receives the information? another.

3. How will you differentiate the As soon as the brain receives the
sensory and motor neuron based information, it processes the message
on their functions? and come up with a response to be sent
through the neurons.

4. Why does the damage in the The sensory neurons transmit impulses
nervous system cause paralysis from the receptor to the brain while the
of the body? motor neurons transmit impulse from the
brain to the effector.
5. What public health care
program in our country are Any damage in the nervous system
geard towards dealing with affects the function of the other body
health issues concerning Mental parts, since messages are not properly
Health issues? transmitted throughout the body.

National Health Program, Epilepsy

Camp, Universal Health Care, and
Rabies Prevention and Control Program.

“Does the brain stops functioning when

we are sleeping?”

“That’s right!”

“How does the brain stimulates in

human development?”

“Very good!”


Different parts of the nervous system

must perform their functions in
coordination with one another to avoid
damage like paralysis. As one of the Students answer may vary.
members of the family, how can you
help maintain harmonious relationship
among the members of the family to
avoid any conflict?

“Great answer!”


“To check your understanding about

Nerve Cell, I would like you to
complete these statements.”

My chosen word is ________

I know that I know something


First, I know ________

In addition, I know _______

Finally, I know _________

LS: Metacognition
“Excellent answers!”
Evaluation (Evaluate)

Direction: Identify the word/s being

asked. Choose the correct answer inside
the word bank.

Cell Body Axon

Receptor Neurons

Effectors Stimulus

Nerve impulse Response

Nerve cells Paralysis


___________1. Something that causes

a change or a reaction.
1. Stimulus
___________2. It is the basic unit of
the nervous system.
2. Nerve cells
___________3. It is a reaction to a
condition or stimulus.
___________4. An electrochemical 3. Response
signal moving along neuron.

___________5. Other terms for sensory 4. Axon

and motor neurons are the primary cells
in the nervous system
5. Effectors
_________6. It is the center of the
nervous system.

_________7. Carries impulses away 6. Cell body

from the cell body

_________8. The primary cells in the 7. Nerve impulse

nervous system

_________9. A case where all your 8. Neurons

system can no longer function as it
usually does.
9. Paralysis
_________10. The space between
Assignment (Extend) 10. Synapse

1. What is endocrine system?

2. Name the parts of the endocrine
3. Identify the hormones secreted
by the different glands of the

Reference: Science Learner’s Material

Grade 10 pp. 240-241

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