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1177/0018720814553471Human FactorsApplication of Motivation Theory to HF/E

On the Application of Motivation Theory to

Human Factors/Ergonomics: Motivational Design
Principles for Human–Technology Interaction
James L. Szalma, University of Central Florida, Orlando

Objective: Motivation is a driving force in human– Introduction

technology interaction. This paper represents an effort
to (a) describe a theoretical model of motivation in Human factors and ergonomics (HF/E) theo-
human technology interaction, (b) provide design ries and research have mostly emphasized sen-
principles and guidelines based on this theory, and (c) sory/perceptual, cognitive, and psychomotor pro-
describe a sequence of steps for the evaluation of moti- cesses (Proctor & Van Zandt, 2008; Sanders
vational factors in human–technology interaction. & McCormick, 1993; Wickens, Lee, Liu, &
Background: Motivation theory has been relatively
neglected in human factors/ergonomics (HF/E). In both Gordon-Becker, 2003), although there has been
research and practice, the (implicit) assumption has been some work on how emotion and personality
that the operator is already motivated or that motiva- affect human–technology interaction (e.g., Han-
tion is an organizational concern and beyond the purview cock, Pepe, & Murphy, 2005; Helander & Tham,
of HF/E. However, technology can induce task-related 2003; Szalma, 2008, 2009). With respect to emo-
boredom (e.g., automation) that can be stressful and also
increase system vulnerability to performance failures. tion, authors of much of this work have been
Method: A theoretical model of motivation in concerned either with the influence of stress on
human–technology interaction is proposed, based on performance (e.g., Broadbent, 1971) and human–
extension of the self-determination theory of motiva- machine interaction (Hancock & Szalma, 2008)
tion to HF/E. This model provides the basis for both or with the design of interfaces and tasks to be
future research and for development of practical rec-
ommendations for design. emotionally satisfying or even pleasurable (e.g.,
Results: General principles and guidelines for moti- Hancock et al., 2005; Helander & Tham, 2003;
vational design are described as well as a sequence of Jordan, 2000; McDonagh, Hekkert, Van Erp, &
steps for the design process. Gyi, 2004; Norman, 2004).
Conclusion: Human motivation is an important
concern for HF/E research and practice. Procedures
in the design of both simple and complex technologies Motivation Psychology and HF/E
can, and should, include the evaluation of motivational Motivation theory has been mostly neglected
characteristics of the task, interface, or system. In addi- in HF/E theory and research (for a brief discus-
tion, researchers should investigate these factors in
specific human–technology domains.
sion, see Szalma, 2009). The (implicit) assump-
Application: The theory, principles, and guidelines tion has been that the operator or user is already
described here can be incorporated into existing tech- motivated or that lack of motivation can be
niques for task analysis and for interface and system ameliorated by application of organizational
design. science—that motivation is outside the purview of
HF/E. However, it is now clear that technology
Keywords: motivation and technology, motivation and
human factors/ergonomics, hedonomics, eudaimonic
itself can induce or exacerbate boredom (Cooke,
design, self-determination theory, work motivation Cummings, Hancock, Marras, & Warm, 2010;
Cummings, Mastracchio, Thornburg, & Mkrt-
chyan, 2013; Hancock, 2013) and stress (e.g.,
Address correspondence to James L. Szalma, Performance Szalma, Hancock, & Hancock, 2012), which
Research Laboratory, Psychology Department, University can place performance at risk (Hancock &
of Central Florida, PO Box 161390, Orlando, FL 32816- Szalma, 2008). In fact, boredom and disengage-
1390, USA; e-mail: ment can be considered adaptive responses of
individuals to poorly designed environments
Vol. 56, No. 8, December 2014, pp. 1453­–1471 (Hancock, 2013), and the prevalence of bore-
DOI: 10.1177/0018720814553471 dom in technology use underscores the need for
Copyright © 2014, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. consideration of motivation theory in HF/E. As
1454 December 2014 - Human Factors

recently noted by Hancock (2013), lack of moti- useful for developing general HF/E principles
vation in many contexts results from failures not for motivational design.
of the person but in the design of the task itself. It is proposed here that a set of general prin-
Fortunately, insights from motivation psychol- ciples for motivational design be developed for
ogy developed over the previous half century broad application in a manner analogous to that
can potentially address these issues in the design for principles of display and control design, that
of technology. is, by deriving principles from psychological
Although motivation has been recognized to be theory. One can imagine that many of the prin-
an important factor in technology design (e.g., ciples of display design would have been less
Leventhal & Barnes, 2008; Nielson, 1993; Olphert powerful if they had not been derived from and
& Damodaran, 2004; Shackel, 1986), the theoreti- based on theories of sensation, perception, and
cal constructs related to motivation have been cognition. Although it is likely that many practi-
phrased in poorly defined and nontheoretical tioners already consider user motivation in their
terms. There have been exceptions, such as design work, to date, these considerations have
research on flow experience associated with tech- not been formalized in HF/E theory and research.
nology (e.g., Montgomery, Sharafi, & Hedman, Hence, the present work is an effort to (a)
2004; Pace, 2004; Pilke, 2004), technology accep- describe a theoretical model of motivation in
tance (Davis, 1989; Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, human technology interaction based on self-
1989, 1992; Venkatesh, 2000), and most generally, determination theory (SD-theory; Deci & Ryan,
work motivation (Kanfer, Chen, & Pritchard, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2000), (b) provide general
2008). In addition, there has been substantial design principles and guidelines based on this
research on the influence of incentives and arousal theory, and (c) describe a sequence of steps for
on performance as well as work on the cognitive the evaluation of motivational factors in human–
processes associated with motivation (e.g., expec- technology interaction. These steps for applica-
tancy, goal value; for a review, see Matthews, tion parallel those that have been previously
Davies, Westerman, & Stammers, 2000). How- described for personality and individual differ-
ever, most of these exceptions either are domain ences (Szalma, 2009).
specific (e.g., human–computer interaction; video
games) or are focused on the broader context in Why Motivation?
which a task is performed (e.g., work settings; the Motivation has been conceptualized as a
relationships among motivation, stress, and per- continuous stream of behavior comprising three
formance) rather than on the motivational effects components: (a) direction (goals), (b) energy
of the technology itself. (allocated to the pursuit of those goals), and
To date, there are no broadly applicable (c) persistence (versus a change) in goal pur-
design principles for human–technology inter- suit (Atkinson & Birch, 1978; Petri & Govern,
action based on psychological theories of moti- 2013). It is also well established that the struc-
vation, and most practical recommendations for ture of environments influences motivational
enhancing motivation that do exist are not well states (Petri & Govern, 2013; Reeve, 2005).
grounded in psychological theory, which can For instance, factors related to feedback or
limit the effectiveness of their applicability. For rewards, to autonomy, and to self-efficacy have
instance, Thompson (2004) discussed motiva- been implicated in motivational responses to
tion “theory” but cited no scholarly work (except environmental conditions (e.g., Bandura, 1997;
for Maslow, 1943) to identify theories or to Deci & Ryan, 1985). To the extent that these
apply them, remarking only that there is no “sin- factors are generally important in determining
gle overriding theory which applies to all situa- human behavior, they must also influence how
tions” (p. 333). Although it is true that multiple humans respond to technology. That is, technol-
theories exist, it is not the case that there are no ogy, as a component of the environment, affects
general theories of motivation applicable to goals, efficacy beliefs, and the energization of
human–technology interaction. There are a few behavior. However, technology is an aspect of
theories that are sufficiently broad in scope to be the environment that humans themselves create.
Application of Motivation Theory to HF/E 1455

The utility for including motivation theory into and because motivational processes energize
HF/E design is apparent from consideration of and direct human activity. Motivation is a cen-
multiple research literatures, including motivation tral driving force in the design and creation of
theory itself (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, tools: Humans do not create artifacts without a
2000), technology acceptance (Venkatesh, 2000), purpose, and humans use tools for activities that
pleasurable or hedonomic design (Hancock et al., are meaningful to them (Hancock, 2009). Hence,
2005; Jordan, 1998, 2000; McLaughlin, Gandy, motivation theory should inform the design of
Allaire, & Whitlock, 2012), boredom and monot- these tools in order to maximize the benefits to
ony (Davies, Shackleton, & Parasuraman, 1983; the users.
Fisher, 1993; Scerbo, 1998; Smith, 1981), and It is useful to consider the consequences of
work motivation (Kanfer et al., 2008; Luczak, not incorporating motivation theory into design
Kabel, & Licht, 2012). Research from these diverse principles. One cannot prove a negative; that is,
areas, considered from the HF/E perspective, con- one cannot establish that a system failure that
verges on the clear conclusion that consideration of has occurred would not have occurred if opera-
the motivational effects of technology (or of any tor motivation had been considered. However,
aspects of the environment) is crucial to the attain- variables investigated in motivation research
ment of successful outcomes (e.g., usability, per- (e.g., interest; Sansone & Smith, 2000; Sansone,
formance, mitigation of workload and stress). Thoman, & Smith, 2010; boredom and its miti-
The rationale for incorporating motivation the- gation, Fisher, 1993) are also relevant to HF/E
ory into HF/E research and practice derives from domains, for example, prolonged driving, auto-
concerns that are familiar to the HF/E community. mation, and autonomous systems. It is not the
These issues are (a) the degree to which an inter- case that if the motivational state of the user is
face supports the person in attaining his or her ignored during the design process, the technol-
immediate (and in some cases, long-term) goals ogy or system will fail with certainty or even
and (b) the meaning of the immediate activity and with a high probability. Humans and the systems
the general contextualized activity for the user. they use are often resilient; the former are adap-
This second issue addresses the kinds of goals pur- tive to suboptimal circumstances, and the latter
sued as well as why a person pursues them. From are often designed to be error tolerant. Indeed,
this perspective, the central question for design is Olphert and Damodaran (2004) noted that the
how to structure technology to support motivated relative lack of attention to “nonfunctional” (i.e.,
behavior that facilitates both performance and the affective) requirements by designers and users
well-being of the users (i.e., to enable effective alike may be attributed to the fact that people are
performance without inducing stress and to facili- not accustomed to systems in the workplace that
tate, when possible, the experience of a pleasant are rewarding and fulfilling to use. However,
interaction or activity). even tolerant and resilient systems have limits in
Consideration of motivation theory addresses stability, and the strain of stress, workload, and
the issue of how goals (and the contexts in which fatigue can place humans and the systems they
they are pursued) should be structured, which in operate into states of adaptive instability and
turn will drive how the technology is designed to increased risk of failure (Hancock & Warm,
support their attainment. Note that considerations 1989; Hockey, 1997). Hence, to ignore operator
of system and user goals are not new to HF/E. motivation is to neglect an important but vulner-
The centrality of motivation is reflected in one of able aspect of human–technology interaction,
the first and most central questions in technology which may increase the risk of performance
design: “What is the goal for the system?” How- impairment that may result in adverse effects on
ever, the motivational state of the user has not the well-being of the users.
been formally or systematically integrated into As a practical illustration, consider tasks in
HF/E theory, research, or practice. which there are well-documented effects of
In essence, motivation is important for boredom, fatigue, and stress. The importance of
human–technology interaction because such cir- motivation is well established for performance
cumstances are a subset of human experience in work environments in general (Kanfer et al.,
1456 December 2014 - Human Factors

2008; Luczak et al., 2012), but worker motiva- & Damodaran, 2004). This concept is relevant to
tion is particularly fragile for monotonous tasks motivation because emotions are, in part, a
or jobs (Davies et al., 1983; Fisher, 1993). These response to goal status (Lazarus, 1991). That is,
include automation, long-distance driving, mon- emotional responses to technology or to perform-
itoring, and monotonous, repetitive tasks. For ing a task are a result of cognitive appraisals
automation in particular, the motivational issue regarding current system state relative to a goal
associated with supervisory control (i.e., the state.
problem of boredom) has been recently identi- As noted previously, individuals use technol-
fied as a crucial concern (Cooke et al., 2010; ogy for goal-directed activity (Hancock, 2009).
Cummings et al., 2013). In all these contexts, the Well-designed technology supports attainment
operators are generally motivated to engage in of these goals and does so in a manner that
the task, and they realize that their safety depends requires the least amount of energy. In essence,
on successful task performance. Yet they are this is the meaning of the term usability, which
bored, tired, and stressed and are thus vulnerable may be defined in terms of achieving “specified
to performance failure. Furthermore, these goals” in an “efficient and satisfying manner”
effects are likely iatrogenic, that is, induced by (ISO, 1998; Leventhal & Barnes, 2008). Fur-
the design of the technology itself (Hancock, thermore, psychological processes related to
2013). nonfunctional requirements are included in for-
These circumstances can be potentially miti- mal treatments of usability. For instance, models
gated by consideration of the relation of the of usability identify user attitudes (Shackel,
operator to the goal, that is, the motivational 1986), whether a user experiences an interface
relationship of the person to the task goal. Bore- as subjectively pleasing (Nielsen, 1993), or
dom, fatigue, and stress can be reduced by whether the user is motivated to use the technol-
designing task goals to be well aligned to impor- ogy (Eason, 1984). Note that with respect to the
tant personal goals of the individual and by pro- latter model, motivation was conceptualized as a
viding the person with opportunities for effec- goal-directed construct, but the model did not
tive, autonomous performance of the task. Con- address the factors that drive intrinsic versus
sideration of operator motivation will facilitate extrinsic motivation or the importance of per-
attainment of the design goals of “satisfaction” sonal autonomy in goal selection and pursuit.
(International Organization for Standardization In general, usability models have not included
[ISO], 1998), “pleasing experience” (Nielson, a description of the motivational structures or
1993), and “task match” (Eason, 1984) associ- processes underlying user intentions and behav-
ated with models of usability. ior. Authors of texts on usability (e.g., Leventhal
& Barnes, 2008) mention the importance of
Prior Applications of Motivation motivation, but they do not analyze it further
and Emotion to Human–Technology than to note that motivated users will have more
Interaction successful and/or pleasant interactions with the
Emotion and usability. Although motivation interface. This approach neglects analysis of the
has not been adequately addressed in usability relation of the person to the goal, for example,
research, the importance of consideration of emo- the importance of both adopting and attaining
tion in design is well known (e.g., Jordan, 1998, the goal for the person and his or her well-being.
2000; McDonagh et al., 2004; Norman, 2004). Following traditional information-processing
For instance, Jordan (2000) noted that pleasure in perspectives, HF/E seems to treat all goals as
using a product requires more than (functional) occurring on a single continuum of motivational
usability but also the effects the product has on intensity and to assume that goals differ only in
emotional response. Functionality is crucial for quantity and not in kind. However, there is sub-
product effectiveness and a necessary condition stantial evidence that the kind of goal pursued
for pleasurable interaction (Hancock et al., 2005), affects the form of motivation as well as its
but nonfunctional requirements, such as affective intensity (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci,
experience, may be just as important (Olphert 2000).
Application of Motivation Theory to HF/E 1457

Motivation and technology acceptance. One Work on TAM does establish, however, that
of the most well-known applications of motiva- attention to factors that influence user motivation
tion research to technology use is the technology can have positive outcomes, that is, user accep-
acceptance model (TAM). TAM was developed tance of technology (e.g., the design of a medica-
from research on user acceptance of computer tion management device; Chiou et al., 2014).
technology (Davis, 1989; Davis et al., 1989, Further, the model provides validated instru-
1992). According to this model, technology use ments for the measurement of perceived ease of
is directly determined by behavioral intention to use and perceived usefulness (Davies et al.,
use it, and this intention is determined by atti- 1992; Venkatesh, 2000), which may facilitate
tudes of the user toward the technology. Specifi- applications of motivational design principles.
cally, intention is determined by the perceived In a subsequent section of this paper, it is
usefulness of the technology (i.e., the utility or argued that each of the facilitating conditions
instrumentality of the technology for goal attain- identified in TAM can be supported by creating
ment) and perceived ease of use (i.e., the usabil- structures that strengthen the experience of sat-
ity of the technology). Research has established isfaction of basic psychological needs. From this
that perceived usefulness is influenced by per- perspective, the factors identified in TAM are
ceived ease of use and that the latter is determined elements of a larger set of conditions that sup-
by multiple factors that include self-efficacy, per- port psychological need satisfaction and thereby
ception of control, computer anxiety, computer facilitate intrinsic and internalized extrinsic
playfulness, enjoyment, and “objective usabil- motivation.
ity” (i.e., the actual level of effort required to use
the technology to complete a specific task; Ven- Choice of Theory: Shifting the
katesh, 2000). Emphasis From Goals to Meaning
The evidence generally supports the validity There are many theoretical perspectives that
of TAM (for meta-analytic reviews, see King & have contributed to our collective understanding
He, 2006; Schepers & Wetzels, 2007), including of motivation by identifying cognitive processes
its application to automation (Ghazizadeh, Lee, that influence behavior, including expectancy
& Boyle, 2012), but the model does not explain and value (Vroom, 1964), self-efficacy (Ban-
how the relational meaning of the interaction dura, 1997), and goal setting (Latham & Locke,
affects user performance or well-being. TAM 2007; Locke & Latham, 1990, 2002, 2006).
has been linked to a distinction between extrin- Theories that emphasize goal setting (Locke &
sic and intrinsic motivation (Davis et al., 1992; Latham, 1990) or cybernetic control of behavior
Venkatesh, 2000), but the model does not (Carver & Scheier, 1998) are relevant because
account for different forms of extrinsic motiva- these concepts are also used widely in HF/E.
tion that occur as a function of different levels of Although these particular theories may therefore
psychological need satisfaction (Ryan & Deci, be useful for describing the microstructure of
2000), nor does it account for the importance of dynamic fluctuations in motivational state in
the degree of internalization of goals (Sheldon & real time, they are not sufficient to address the
Kasser, 1995). These structures and processes issues of purpose that drive human–technology
determine the form and the magnitude of moti- interaction, that is, the meaning of the interac-
vation. In addition, TAM specifies facilitating tion for the human user (cf. Hancock, 2009,
conditions for higher perceived ease of use (i.e., 2013).
providing support for self-efficacy and control, For instance, goal-setting theory has been
reducing anxiety, and increasing the playfulness applied across multiple contexts (Latham &
of the system; Venkatesh, 2000), but it does not Locke, 2007; Locke & Latham, 1990, 2002,
address the process by which this facilitation 2006), and it has potential for application to
occurs. evaluation of the effect of task goals on human–
In essence, TAM does not completely describe technology interaction. Goals are obviously an
the motivational structures and processes that important component of efforts to design tech-
determine the “why” of technology acceptance. nology to support user activities, but there are
1458 December 2014 - Human Factors

other aspects of motivation relevant to HF/E behavior. These are the needs for autonomy (expe-
issues that goal-setting theory does not address rience of choice, personal agency, volition, self-
(i.e., the “why” of goal selection; Sheldon, Ryan, determination; cf. Dember & Earl, 1957),
Deci, & Kasser, 2004). Similarly, cybernetic competence (effective interactions with the envi-
approaches also describe how goals are achieved, ronment; effectance motivation; White, 1959),
but they are less effective in identifying the fac- and relatedness (a supportive social connected-
tors that determine the “what” and “why” of ness with others, encompassing both healthy
goal selection and pursuit (Deci & Ryan, 2000). attachment and intimacy; Ryan & Deci, 2001).
SD-theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, Note that psychological needs can serve both as
2000) addresses these latter issues. outcomes to be satisfied (i.e., experiential require-
ments) and as motives that energize and direct
SD-Theory behavior (Sheldon, 2011; Sheldon & Gunz, 2009;
SD-theory is a broad perspective that distin- Sheldon & Schuler, 2011). In the present context,
guishes intrinsic motivation as qualitatively dif- need satisfaction can thus serve both as an out-
ferent from forms of extrinsic motivation (Deci come of technology use and as a motivation for
& Ryan, 1985, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2000, 2008). using it (e.g., Sheldon, Abad, & Hintsch, 2011).
Note that researchers in this area refer to SD- Goals and the self. It is well established that
theory as “SDT.” Here it is referred to as SD- not all goals are equivalent in their value to a
theory to avoid confusion with the signal detec- given individual, and there is substantial evi-
tion theory familiar to the HF/E and applied dence that the relation of the goal to the self of
experimental psychology community. As I have the person affects the experience of the activity.
previously noted (Szalma, 2009), the use of the For instance, when goals are well matched to
abbreviation SDT for two very different theories values that have been integrated into the per-
underscores the historical separation between son’s self (i.e., when goals are self-concordant;
motivation psychology and HF/E. Sheldon & Kasser, 1995), individuals are more
Intrinsic motivation is defined as motivation engaged in the activity, they experience more
in which the source is the “inherent satisfaction” positive affect, and they exhibit greater resil-
the individual derives from the behavior (Ryan ience when confronted with challenge (Ryan &
& Deci, 2008). The purpose or goal for the Deci, 2008; Sheldon & Kasser, 1995). Goals that
behavior is in the experience of the activity are externally imposed on the person, with lim-
itself. In contrast, extrinsic motivation occurs ited or no opportunity for self-determined
when the motivational source of behavior is an (autonomous) behavior, lead to greater vulnera-
external agent, that is, when the motivation for bility to stress and fatigue and to a less satisfying
an activity is to attain a goal separate from the experience. This result has been observed in a
activity itself (e.g., a means to an end). The dis- variety of contexts, including work, sport, and
tinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motiva- education, and, more recently, has been extended
tion has been well established empirically, and to technological environments as well (e.g., Prz-
several factors have been identified that influ- bylski, Deci, Rigby, & Ryan, 2014; Ryan, Rigby,
ence whether behavior is intrinsically or extrin- & Przybylski, 2006; Sheldon et al., 2011).
sically motivated (for a meta-analytic review, Forms of extrinsic motivation: The impor-
see Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 1999). The distinc- tance of autonomy. In the overwhelming major-
tion between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation ity of tasks involving human use of technology
differentiates SD-theory from other dominant (or human behavior in general), there is a limited
models that propose a central self-regulatory number of opportunities for intrinsically inter-
(Carver & Scheier, 1998) or goal-setting mecha- esting activity. Thus, intrinsic motivation may
nism (Locke & Latham, 1990) as the primary not be a realistic goal for many applications, a
drivers of a unitary motivation system. practical limitation that has been recognized by
Psychological needs. In SD-theory, three innate self-determination theorists themselves (e.g.,
psychological needs are considered the basis for Gagné & Deci, 2005). However, there are four
human motivation and the self-regulation of forms of extrinsic motivation that vary in the
Application of Motivation Theory to HF/E 1459

Figure 1. Different forms of motivation and their associated levels of autonomy, regulatory style, and
perceived locus of causality. The processes relevant to each regulatory style and the potential effect of each
type of motivation on human–technology interaction are also shown. Adapted from Ryan and Deci (2000).

degree to which the regulation of behavior is reward/punishment contingencies that the indi-
autonomous and the goal is integrated with the vidual himself or herself regulates (these may
person’s values (see Figure 1). Which form of include ego-related goals for self-esteem, such
extrinsic motivation occurs is determined by the as pride or avoidance of shame). In this case, the
degree of internalization of the value of the internalization of the goal is minimal and limited
activity. Internalization refers to a process by to the self-control of the contingency regulation.
which a person accepts and adopts the value of a Identified regulation is characterized by
goal and integrates it with their identity and behavior that is not linked to specific rewards or
sense of self (Deci & Ryan, 2000; Ryan & Deci, punishments, but the person values the activity
2000). Internalization of a goal is associated as a means to attaining a separate but personally
with the experience of greater autonomy and important goal. However, the activity remains a
competence in the goal-related activity (Deci & requirement imposed by external forces. The
Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2000; Stone, Deci, & most autonomous form of extrinsic motivation
Ryan, 2009). is integrated regulation, in which the value of
The lowest level of autonomy is external reg- the goal has been fully integrated with the per-
ulation, in which there is no internalization of son’s values (the “self”; Deci & Ryan, 2000;
the goal and behavior is directly regulated by the Ryan & Deci, 2000; Sheldon & Elliot, 1999). It
response contingencies of an external agent is similar to intrinsic motivation in the degree of
(e.g., tangible rewards or punishments). The sec- autonomy in self-regulation, but it differs from
ond level is introjected regulation, composed of the latter in that it is behavior that results from
1460 December 2014 - Human Factors

the utility of the goal for other personal (but competence is the “intuitiveness” of the controls.
highly valued and integrated) goals rather than Ryan et al. (2006) reported that the ease of use of
inherent interest in the activity itself. an interface, in this case, a game control device,
directly and positively affected need satisfaction,
Facilitating Intrinsic Motivation and which increased intrinsic or integrated extrinsic
Autonomous Extrinsic Motivation motivation for the activity. Both autonomy and
Intrinsic motivation is facilitated by environ- competence also predicted enjoyment, preference
ments that support and provide opportunities for for playing the game, and free choice of play (a
autonomous behavior and that promote experi- behavioral measure of intrinsic motivation; Deci
ences of competence and relatedness. Condi- & Ryan, 1985). In addition, competence (but not
tions that interfere with or thwart satisfaction of autonomy) was positively related to the experi-
these needs undermine intrinsic motivation and ence of presence in the game. It should be noted
induce extrinsic motivation (or no motivation— that Ryan et al. used a relatively older game (Mario
“amotivation”; Ryan & Deci, 2000) for the 64), so these effects would likely be stronger in
activity. Thus, technology that supports need games with more complex features as well as in
satisfaction will facilitate intrinsic motivation virtual reality contexts (e.g., Partala, 2011; Verha-
and autonomous extrinsic motivation (identified gen, Feldberg, van den Hooff, Meents, & Merikivi,
or integrated regulation) for using the technol- 2012). There is initial evidence to support this
ogy. Although intrinsic motivation may not be contention (Przbylski et al., 2014).
a realistic goal for practical application (but see Technology may also play a role in satisfying
Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Hancock et al., 2005), the need for relatedness. For instance, Sheldon
identified and integrated regulation are realis- et al. (2011) examined the relationship of Face-
tic and possible. Attaining such self-regulation book use to perceptions of connectedness and dis-
requires provision of real autonomy to opera- connectedness with others (the latter indicating
tors (perceived autonomy is necessary but not that satisfaction of the need for relatedness is
sufficient). Facilitating competence (i.e., effec- blocked). They reported that higher levels of dis-
tive engagement with the environment; Deci & connectedness were associated with increased use
Ryan, 1985) is also crucial, and to some extent of Facebook and that connectedness perceptions
this is addressed by design principles that sup- were an outcome of that use. Thus, psychological
port usability. need dissatisfaction can motivate behavior, and
need satisfaction may then be an outcome of that
activity depending on the motivational structure of
Application of SD-Theory to Human– the environment (Sheldon, 2011).
Technology Interaction There is evidence that autonomous motiva-
There have been few applications of SD- tion can be facilitated even for monotonous
theory to issues pertaining to human–technology tasks. Deci, Eghrari, Patrick, and Leone (1994)
interaction, but extant examples indicate that asked participants to perform a monotonous vig-
technology affects user motivation as a func- ilance task in which they monitored a video dis-
tion of the degree to which it supports need play for the occasional appearance of a small dot
satisfaction. The beneficial effects of facilitating of light at randomly determined locations. They
autonomy and competence have been observed evaluated the effects of instruction manipulation
in the context of acceptance of new information on the degree and type of internalization task
technology (Mitchell, Gagné, Beaudry, & Dyer, goals, as measured by time spent engaged in the
2012), computer-based self-management of dia- task during a free activity period as well as by
betes (Williams, Lynch, & Glasgow, 2007; Wil- ratings of perceived choice, perceived useful-
liams, McGregor, Zeldman, Freedman, & Deci, ness, and interest/enjoyment of the task. They
2004), and video game play (Przbylinski, Rigby, reported that autonomous motivation was
& Ryan, 2010; Ryan et al., 2006). enhanced by providing participants with a mean-
In the case of video game use, one of the vari- ingful rationale for the activity, by acknowl-
ables that affect the experience of autonomy and edgement that the task was uninteresting, or by
Application of Motivation Theory to HF/E 1461

Figure 2. (A) A theory of motivation and human–technology interaction. (B) An illustration of how the
characteristics of a task or interface affect need satisfaction and the resulting consequences for behavioral self-
regulation and human–technology interaction.

using instructions that were worded to minimize Motivational Structures and Cognitive
the experience of externally controlled task Evaluation
engagement (e.g., by emphasizing choice and A motivational structure is a set of structures
autonomous behavior versus using words such in the environment that offers opportunities for
as should or must). Hence, the way in which par- the experience of autonomy, competence, and
ticipants were oriented toward the task affected relatedness (i.e., for basic psychological needs
their experience of autonomous motivation. to be met). This concept is similar to the term
Note that because the purpose for their study motivational affordance as used by Szalma
was to test the effects of instructions on goal (2009) and Zhang (2008). An environmental
internalization, Deci et al. (1994) did not report structure facilitates autonomy if it enables per-
performance data. sonal agency and self-regulation of activities
(freedom of choice, self-determination); an
A Theory of Motivation and environmental structure facilitates competence
Human–Technology Interaction if it enables effective use of technology or, in
The general model and the regulatory out- some circumstances, learning and skill devel-
comes of psychological need support are shown opment; an environmental structure facilitates
in Figures 2A and 2B, respectively. Note that per- relatedness if it enables mutually supportive
sonality traits are included in Figure 2A because social relationships and a positive, nurturing
of their known effects on appraisal (Lazarus, relationship between the person and the orga-
1991; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984) and on personal nization, social group, or the technology itself.
outcomes related to task performance and cogni- Individuals use technology in order to achieve
tive state (Szalma, 2008, 2009, 2012). both short- and long-term goals (“intention
1462 December 2014 - Human Factors

formation” in Figure 2A). The motivational more generally, effective interaction) and auton-
structures in the environment constrain human omy can be undermined. Of course, there can also
use of the technology. Response to the technol- be too little structure—that is, providing multiple
ogy, in terms of performance, satisfaction, accep- options can induce indecision or poor choices
tance, likelihood of future use, and affective (Schwarz, 2004) because the information-process-
response, will be influenced by cognitive apprais- ing requirements exceed capacity (Dember &
als of goal support (i.e., cognitive evaluations; Earl, 1957). Conversely, overly rigid task struc-
Deci & Ryan, 1985) and the subsequent experi- tures can reduce autonomous motivation and, in
ence of need satisfaction and the resulting out- some circumstances (e.g., automation), increase
comes (see “personal outcomes” in Figure 2A). the risk of loss of competence and relatedness.

The Role of Psychological Needs in Eudaimonic Design: Principles

Human–Technology Interaction and Procedures
Essentially, human response to technology Eudaimonic approaches to motivation
depends not only on goal outcomes (individuals involve viewing well-being as a high level of
adapt relatively well to poor design via compen- psychological functioning and self-realization
satory mechanisms; Hancock & Warm, 1989; of nonmaterial goals (in particular, goals that,
Hockey, 1997, 2003) but also on the experience when attained, satisfy the three basic needs)
of the interaction itself (i.e., the “experience of rather than attaining the purely hedonic goals
need satisfaction”; see Figure 2B). For instance, of pleasure or pain avoidance (see Ryan &
using an ATM or a word-processing program Deci, 2001, for a more detailed treatment of
may result in the same task outcome for two peo- this issue). Designing technology to enhance
ple (completing a financial transaction; writing well-being in terms of effective psychological
a document), but if one person uses a clumsy, functioning may thus be termed eudaimonic
poorly designed interface, the experience of design as a contrast to hedonomic design (for
the interaction (and the motivation for future a description of the latter, see Hancock et al.,
use of the technology) will likely be external 2005; Helander & Tham, 2003). That is, in
or introjected regulation. If the interaction is addition to satisfying goals for short-term plea-
pleasant for the second individual because the sure (hedonomics), principles for motivational
technology supported autonomous engagement design can also facilitate long-term well-being
in the activity, his or her experience would that is characterized by effective psychologi-
likely be associated with identified, integrated, cal functioning, or eudaimonia (Ryan & Deci,
or intrinsic regulation (depending on the degree 2001). It is my contention that designing only
to which task goals are internalized or the activ- for pleasure or purely hedonic goals is not nec-
ity itself is interesting). The crucial difference in essarily designing for well-being or eudaimonic
the motivational experience of these individuals goals. For instance, engaging in video game
results not from the task goal per se but from play several hours per day may provide oppor-
how the appraised progress toward goal attain- tunities for short-term pleasure but it also may
ment supports the experience of satisfaction of induce poor long-term psychological or physi-
the three basic psychological needs. cal health (e.g., Park, 2007; Smyth, 2007).
The experience of pleasure or displeasure elic-
ited by the attributes of the object or task (Jordan, Principles for Motivational Design
2000) are symptoms of the facilitation (pleasure) The principles listed in Table 1 describe the
or thwarting (displeasure) of psychological need general issues to be addressed in designing a
satisfaction. If the technology or task structure task or an interface to support the experience of
facilitates experience of autonomy and compe- autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Figure
tence, the interaction will be positive and the moti- 3 illustrates how the previously described moti-
vation for using it will be more autonomous and vation concepts can be incorporated into the
less controlled. If the task or interface structure is general design process of HF/E. Note that when
designed poorly, competency (not only skill but, possible, these principles should be applied at
Application of Motivation Theory to HF/E 1463

Table 1: Principles of Eudaimonic Design

1. Functional design: In trade-offs among design principles, meeting functional criteria is a necessary
but not sufficient condition for motivational usability (i.e., an interface will have low motivational
usability if it has poor function; cf. Hancock, Pepe, & Murphy, 2005). This includes ensuring that task
demands closely match the skill level of the user and that there is a high level of perceived ease of
use (Venkatesh, 2000).
2. Eudaimonic design: Interfaces that are high in motivational usability will be those that, through
their use, satisfy the individual’s needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
  a. Autonomy: Autonomy is supported by an interface or task that provides the user with as much
choice as is safe and practical in setting immediate and long-term goals and in how he or she
performs the task.
  b. Competence: Competence is supported by an interface that is intuitive and by task demands
that match the skill of the user and provide opportunities for skill improvement.
  c. Relatedness: Relatedness is supported by sociotechnical environments that facilitate supportive
interaction with other persons and with the technology, that avoid experiences of alienation or
isolation of the user from others or from the task, and that engender feelings and attitudes that
the technology serves the person, not vice versa.
3. Self-concordant goals: The self-concepts and the values (attitudes, beliefs) of the operator should
be evaluated as part of the person analysis (Szalma, 2009) so that the technological environment
can be shaped to these values to support the achievement of self-concordant goals and to
maximize internalized and integrated regulation of task-related behaviors.
4. Need satisfaction: Immediate need satisfaction, and the benefits that derive from it, should be
considered an experiential outcome of the interaction with the technology; need dissatisfaction
may motivate use of the technology. User experience will be enhanced when the task or interface
conforms to the above principles.
5. Organizational context: For complex operational environments, an interface may support short-
term need satisfaction, but sustained, long-term need satisfaction will occur only if the factors that
support them are also incorporated into the broader sociotechnical system.

multiple levels, ranging from the sociotechni- principles of SD-theory may serve as an effec-
cal system to the design of display and control tive means of satisfying the basic psychological
elements (for a general hierarchical perspective needs in circumstances in which satisfaction of
on SD-theory, see Vallerand, 1997). Table 2 the latter was previously blocked, thereby sup-
lists factors that previous SD-theory research porting the general goal of creating technology
has identified as facilitating or thwarting need to improve well-being. That is, use of technol-
satisfaction and that may extend to human– ogy may be motivated by need dissatisfaction,
technology interaction. Table 3 provides a list and its use may facilitate satisfaction. Indeed,
of example questions to consider in designing there is initial evidence for this contention (Shel-
technology or a task to support intrinsic or don et al., 2011).
autonomous extrinsic motivation. However, it is unlikely that all technological
In general, the major goal for motivational environments will facilitate integrated or intrin-
design should be to reduce the degree to which sic regulation. In these circumstances, creating
use of the interface fails to support (or interferes technology to support identified regulation
with) need satisfaction and for the technology to should be the standard pursued, if not ubiqui-
instead facilitate need satisfaction. In short, the tously attained. Supporting autonomous motiva-
tool to be used, whether an interface or a training tion to the extent possible can be achieved by
procedure, should be convivial (Hancock, 2009; identifying the goals of the user in the task con-
Illich, 1973). It is possible that in some circum- text, both the content (the “what”) and the rea-
stances, technology structured according to the son for selecting the goals (the “why”). If it is
1464 December 2014 - Human Factors

Figure 3. General guidelines for incorporating motivation into technology design (adapted from Szalma,
2009). PLOC = perceived locus of causality.

discovered that components of the task or tech- or goals, such as those described by Olphert
nology promote external or introjected regula- and Damodaran (2004), tend to apply method-
tion (or, in the extreme, amotivation with respect ologies established in business and engineering,
to the task; see Figure 1), the relationship such as participatory design and focus groups.
between the task or technology and the person’s These approaches have utility, but they can be
goals should be reevaluated. Specifically, the augmented by methods used in psychology to
task, interface, training procedures, and/or selec- identify how the relation of the person to task
tion methods should be redesigned to bring task goals and to the context in which they are pur-
or system goals into concordance (cf. Sheldon & sued affect the person’s motivational state. We
Elliot, 1999) with the person’s goals (in cases of thus do not need to invent an entirely new set of
interface/task design) or the person’s goals into procedures or methods. We need only incorpo-
concordance with task goals (in cases of train- rate motivational requirements and motivational
ing/selection). With respect to the latter, when measures into current practice.
such concordance is achieved via training, it The designer should first seek to discover not
should include procedures to facilitate internal- only what the person wishes to achieve, but also
ization of task or broader system goals by the why (Hancock, 2009). Answers to both of these
person (see Table 2). questions provide the information necessary to
identify a how that best fits the person’s needs,
General Procedural Guidelines for relative to both the technology use itself and to
Motivational Design his or her psychological needs for autonomy,
Many of the ideas for motivational design competence, and relatedness. In other words,
presented here are not entirely new to HF/E, this approach requires extending our consider-
and it is very likely that many practitioners ation of system requirements to include struc-
consider motivation in their designs. In previ- tures that support the experience of autonomy
ous treatments, the focus was on emotion and and competence in technology use that, at least,
experiences of pleasure in the interaction with a does not undermine relatedness. It means con-
device. Techniques for eliciting a user’s values sidering not only utilitarian or hedonic goals but
Application of Motivation Theory to HF/E 1465

Table 2: Factors That Affect the Experience of Need Satisfaction and Internalization of Task Goals

Thwarting Need Promoting

Facilitating Need Satisfaction Satisfaction Internalization

•  Choice in setting goals and selecting paths •  Lack of choice •  Meaningful rationale
to achieve them for task
•  Information demands are intrinsically
interesting or, if extrinsic, are organized to
support autonomous decision making
•  Informational feedback is experienced •  Controlling feedback; •  Emphasis on choice rather
as autonomous (self-determined) and an external perceived than on control
associated with an internal perceived locus of locus of causality
causality rather than as externally controlled
•  Accountability for performance outcomes •  Tangible rewards •  Participation in goal
is experienced as autonomous rather than experienced as selection and planning
controlled (e.g., surveillance may undermine controlling
self-determined motivation)
•  Skill development opportunities •  Performance- •  Participatory ergonomics
contingent rewards
•  Learning goals •  Performance goals •  Acknowledgement that
task may be uninteresting
•  Acknowledging the person’s inner •  Skill atrophy  
experiences related to the activity
•  Supportive interpersonal relationships •  Social pressure  
•  Experience of connectedness with the •  Time pressure  
technology and the task •  Threat
•  Development and maintenance of a level of •  Surveillance
trust in the technology that corresponds to •  Evaluation
its functional usability •  Deadlines
  •  Isolation, alienation  
  •  High information  
retrieval costs
Note. These are not intended as exhaustive lists. Rather, they represent factors identified by self-determination
theory research that have been found to affect need satisfaction or goal internalization in a variety of contexts but
applied here to human–technology interaction.

also goals related to integrated and identified person analysis should include stable cognitive
regulation. and affective traits (Szalma, 2009) but also
Figure 3 illustrates sequential steps for includ- immediate and long-term goals and the degree to
ing motivation in the design process. Incorporat- which the goals are internalized or integrated
ing motivational design principles into HF/E with the self (i.e., self-concordant). Incorporation
requires analysis of both the task and the person. of motivational structures into the process simply
HF/E already possesses the tools to incorporate requires, in addition to analyses of task charac-
motivation into design, in a manner analogous to teristics and the population of users, that one also
that for inclusion of individual differences into includes in the task analysis the motivational
design principles (Szalma, 2009). Part of the pro- structure of the context and that the user analysis
cess of a task analysis involves identifying the includes evaluation of the degree of goal inter-
perceptual and cognitive demands (more broadly, nalization and human–task goal concordance.
the “characteristics”) of the system or task. The The task can then be structured in a manner that
1466 December 2014 - Human Factors

Table 3: Example Questions to Consider When Designing Technology to Support Identified,

Integrated, or Intrinsic Motivation

Need Example Questions

Autonomy •  Do users feel that they are in control of the activity or that the technology
controls them?
•  Do users experience choice in activities and in goal selection and pursuit, without
information overload?
•  Are the goals for the technology or the task internalized and integrated with the
self of the user?
•  Are short-term hedonistic goals supportive of long-term psychological well-being
(eudaimonic goals)?
Competence •  Is the interface easy to use?
•  Does the interface support skill development and maintenance?
•  Does the technology support prevention of skill atrophy?
•  Does the technology facilitate active engagement of the user in personally
relevant and “optimally” challenging activities?
Relatedness •  Do individuals feel alienated when they use the technology, as if they are a “cog”
in the system, or do they feel meaningfully related to their work, their colleagues,
or their supervisors?
•  Does interaction with the system increase feelings of connectedness, or does it
increase feelings of aloneness or alienation?
•  Do users tend to abandon responsibility for the task or technology?
•  Does the interface support secure or insecure attachment with others?
•  Does the interface support high-quality relationships (intimacy) or low-quality
relationships (aloneness)?
•  Does the technology help support only material goals, or does it also support
nonmaterial goals?

maximizes to the extent practicable the number task element is in the time frame of seconds (i.e.,
of self-concordant task goals as well as activity immediate activity). One may need to evaluate
that is experienced as autonomous and compe- both general and context-independent interests as
tence supporting. well as the person’s immediate context-dependent
A first step is to identify task goals and how interests during task performance.
their attainment is constrained by context, includ- Satisfaction of the three basic needs may
ing the interface or task itself and the goals of the serve as criteria for evaluation of task elements.
users (Steps 1 and 2 in Figure 3). Then identify If a task is discovered to be monotonous, then
for each task element how that element supports interventions may include adjustment of opera-
(or does not support) identified or integrated tor autonomy based on task load, activities that
regulation (Steps 2, 3, and 4 in Figure 3). This facilitate competence building in the domain,
process may be as simple as increasing the and self-concordant activities to engage the
salience of cues relating the task elements to a operator during periods of low task load (based
broader, highly valued goal or, in some settings, on goal internalizations identified in Step 4 of
introducing variability into the work that allevi- Figure 3). Note that the objective should not
ates the boredom and low-autonomy characteris- necessarily be to induce maximum autonomous
tic of many work environments or, in other set- motivation at all times, as such an outcome is
tings, redesigning the interface to be inherently unrealistic in many circumstances. Rather, the
interesting to the person. Broad interest invento- objective should be that even when the task is
ries may not be sufficient in some cases, if the not engaging (“motivating”) the person may be
Application of Motivation Theory to HF/E 1467

engaged because of the broader, contextualized et al., 1992; Venkatesh, 2000). These measures
meaning the task has for his or her self-concor- should be used in tandem with measures of
dant goals. This goal is more than achieving motivation rather than as proxies for assessing
“buy-in” or providing operators with “owner- motivation.
ship” over their activities. The facilitation of The futility of unethical application. Design-
these needs, and the subsequent emergence of ing technology, tasks, or training procedures to
internalized or integrated motivation, must be induce a person to internalize system goals can
manifested in the design of the task or techno- result in improved performance and user well-
logical environment itself. being, but motivational principles also have the
For each component of a task/interface, the potential for abuse by managers or designers (cf.
questions to be addressed include the following: Parasuraman & Riley, 1997). For instance,
(a) How do the goals for this activity relate to the designers or managers may attempt to induce
user’s goals? (b) How does the activity affect the individuals to internalize goals by using these
user’s experience of autonomy and competence? principles to create persuasive propaganda or
(c) Does the activity facilitate connectedness or manipulative interventions. However, practitio-
does it alienate the person from his or her broad ners seeking to abuse the principles of motiva-
internalized and integrated (i.e., highly valued) tional design are forewarned that it is not only
goals? (d) Do the person’s integrated goals con- unethical to do so, but it will also be ineffective.
flict with overall (external) task goals? If so, The only way to achieve integrated or identified
then one of these should be changed: the task regulation is to actually satisfy the three basic
goal whenever possible. If task goals are brought psychological needs. That is, the technological
in line with the person’s integrated goals, then context must support actual autonomous behav-
(e) how does the combination of task elements ior, the development and maintenance of actual
within an activity affect the person’s experience competence, and actual, genuine relatedness.
of competence and autonomy? Does the person Attempts at (external) manipulation will lead, at
experience the task as internalized or integrated best, to introjected regulation and the resultant
regulation, that is, meaningfully related to his or motivational costs to usability and performance.
her self-concordant goals?
Assessment of motivation. A challenge for Summary and Conclusions
any application of motivation theory to HF/E is The main goals for this paper were (a) to
in the assessment of user motivation. Measures describe a general theoretical model of how
of specific (contextually based) and general motivation influences human–technology interac-
(personality-based) need satisfaction are neces- tion, based on SD-theory, and (b) to incorporate
sary. Fortunately, well-validated measures exist this theory into general principles and guidelines
and are easily available (e.g., http://www.selfde- for motivational design. There has been a very There are limited number of empirical studies investigat-
also behavioral methods for assessing autonomy ing the influence of motivational characteristics
(e.g., the “free choice” method; see Deci & of technology on human performance and well-
Ryan, 1985). Assessment of need satisfaction being, and no published studies have explic-
using these measures should therefore be a rou- itly integrated SD-theory into research on HF/E
tine part of interface/task analysis (Steps 2 principles or in their application to design. This
through 4 in Figure 3) as well as in follow-up work represents a crucial next step if we are to
assessments after implementation (Step 6 in create technology to enhance human well-being.
Figure 3). However, one cannot measure or evaluate some-
At Step 6, one can also measure derivative thing unless one is aware of its importance. The
outcomes of motivation that are relevant for motivational design principles and general pro-
human–technology interaction, such as stress, cedural guidelines described here are therefore
workload, and fatigue, as well as the TAM con- intended to alert designers to concerns, such as
structs of perceived ease of use and perceived autonomy, so that they will be more likely to
usefulness (for measures of the latter, see Davis include assessment of them in their design pro-
1468 December 2014 - Human Factors

cesses. These principles are meant to augment the and a sense of connectedness (relatedness) with oth-
established principles of human factors design. ers via the technology will increase the likelihood
To the extent that the principles and procedural of identified or integrated extrinsic motivation or, in
guidelines described here are already used in some circumstances, intrinsic motivation.
“real-world” practice, this paper represents a •• A crucial determinant of the motivational expe-
theory-based specification of what has to date rience with technology does not derive from the
been accomplished informally but not articulated task goal per se but from whether the appraised
in the HF/E literature. If this is the case, it is hoped progress toward goal attainment supports the
that these principles will serve to close a gap experience of satisfaction of the three basic psy-
between HF/E theory and actual practice. chological needs.
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improving well-being by facilitating the satis- interaction can be addressed by including an eval-
faction of basic human needs for autonomy, uation of motivational characteristics of the task,
competence, and relatedness. Alternatively, it the interface, the context, and the relationships of
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James L. Szalma received his PhD in applied experi- Date received: March 20, 2014
mental/human factors psychology from the University Date accepted: August 29, 2014

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