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International Journal of GEOMATE, Aug., 2020, Vol.19, Issue 72, pp.

1 - 7
ISSN: 2186-2982 (P), 2186-2990 (O), Japan, DOI: https://doi.org/10.21660/2020.72.5514
Special Issue on Science, Engineering and Environment



Ken-ichi Fujita1and Harumi Yashiro2

Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science, Japan;
School of Systems Engineering, National Defense Academy of Japan, Japan

*Corresponding Author, Received:14 Aug. 2019, Revised: 19 Nov. 2019, Accepted: 25 Feb. 2020

ABSTRACT: Damage estimation and disaster prevention plan for a Nankai megathrust earthquake which
occurrence is assumed in the future have been formulated cabinet office of Japan based on lesson learned from
the huge human damage caused by the tsunami of The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Damage
estimation for earthquake and tsunami is usually evaluated independently. For the damage estimation by
tsunami, the human damage in evacuation from tsunami has been carried out. However, street-blockades have
not been considered in many studies and damage estimations. When evacuation routes are changed by the
street-blockades, configuration of the human damage in evacuation from tsunami seems to be different in no
street-blockades. To evaluate total damage in whole area, unified treatment of the human damage by the both
disasters seems to be significant. This study presents an evaluation method of human damage in evacuation
from tsunami considering street-blockades using area-wide mesh. The author’s method considering variances
of tsunami run-up speed and walking speed is used to the evaluation. The street-blockades of evacuation routes
are evaluated by using fragility curves of buildings for earthquake. Moreover, the difference in configuration
of the human damage by consider the street-blockades and no blockades is discussed.

Keywords: Tsunami evacuation, Human damage, Street-blockade, Human damage probability,

Area-wide mesh

1. INTRODUCTION of street walls and fire caused by large earthquakes

becomes important. The street-blockade has been
In disaster prevention planning for large scaled considered to lifesaving activities and fire-fighting
natural disasters such as mega-class earthquake, in the disaster estimation for large earthquakes [3].
tsunami and eruption, estimation of buildings When the street-blockades are caused a change of
damage and human damage is extremely important. evacuation routes, configuration of the human
Damage estimation for the natural disaster in damage in evacuation from a tsunami seems to be
cabinet office and local governments of Japan has different in no street-blockades.
been usually evaluated independently for each This study presents an evaluation method of
disaster [1], [2]. Using the damage estimation human damage in evacuation from tsunami
results, disaster prevention planning for both considering the street-blockades by destroy of
structural measures and non-structural measures are buildings. Area-wide mesh is used to evaluate an
projected. overview of the human damage in tsunami
The disaster prevention planning for tsunami are evacuation under the street-blockades from a view
as follows; construction of tide embankment, point of macro-perspective. The author’s method
relocation to higher ground of town, education on [4]-[6] for the human damage taking account of
evacuation and so on. Evacuation planning from variances of tsunami run-up speed and walking
tsunami is especially important item for tsunami speed is also used to the evaluation considering the
disaster prevention. Evaluation of human damage street-blockades. Moreover, the difference in
for tsunami is carried out for evacuation action to configuration of the human damage between the
safety area. In evaluation of the human damage, street-blockades and no street-blockades by using
difference between evacuation time and tsunami the evaluation method.
arriving time to evacuation facilities is usually used.
In evaluating of human damage in evacuation from 2. EVALUATION FLOW OF HUMAN
tsunami, the effect of damage of buildings by DAMAGE
earthquake before arriving tsunami has not been
considered in many studies and damage estimation. The area-wide mesh is used to the evaluation of
In evacuation planning from tsunami, to consider the human damage. Population composition, height
street-blockade by destroy of buildings, fallen down above sea level, tsunami inundation depth, seismic

International Journal of GEOMATE, Aug., 2020, Vol.19, Issue 72, pp. 1 - 7

GIS Scenario earthquake Seismic hazard

Completely destroyed ratio and

Area-wide mesh Tsunami hazard partially destroyed ratio of buildings

Population and elevation Tsunami inundation area Street-blockade ratio

Evacuation mesh Effective width of street

Conditions of evacuation Decrement ratio of walking speed

Evacuation time Tsunami arriving time

Tsunami fragility on
Damage probability
human damage

Survive Damage

Evacuation completion Evacuation completion Evacuation incompletion

Fig.1 Evaluation flow of human damage in evacuation from tsunami considered street-blockade

intensity, street-blockade ratio, and evacuation evacuation mesh. The facilities are not damaged
awareness are set up for each mesh based on a real to earthquakes.
area data. The population composition and the 4) The street-blockades are occurred by destroy of
height above sea level of GIS (Geographic buildings by large earthquakes
Information System) data are used. 5) The evacuation direction is not toward to coast.
Evacuation route from an evacuation mesh to an 6) In emergency, to across any railroad crossing is
evacuation facility is defined as the route along the prohibited because crossing gates keeps down.
mesh. Evacuation distance including difference of
elevation between mesh is assumed to be 1.5 times 3. HUMAN DAMAGE PROBABILITY
of length of plane distance. The human damage
probability is evaluated by using relation between 3.1 Damage Probability of Human in Evacuation
evacuation time and tsunami arriving time after
earthquake occurrence. The human damage ratio to The human damage probability is evaluated by
tsunami inundation depth in each mesh can be the Author’s method [5], [6]. The probability is
obtained from the tsunami fragility curve [7]. The defined by a function of evacuation time and
street-blockade is evaluated by using the fragility of tsunami arriving time after earthquake occurrence.
buildings for earthquakes [8]. Decrement of the The evacuation time and the tsunami run-up time
walking speed is determined by effective sidewalk from coast to evacuation facilities are assumed to
width which passing is possible. From the above, follow the normal distribution. The tsunami arriving
the evaluation flow on the human damage can be time is divided into the time of tsunami propagation
shown in Fig.1. and run-up. The evacuation time and the tsunami
The following assumptions are used in this run-up time can be evaluated from walking speed
study. and tsunami run-up speed, respectively. The
1) The human damage is counted when a person is variation of the tsunami run-up speed is considered
caught up with tsunami. for evaluation of the tsunami arriving time. The
2) The evacuation is only walk. The walking is only tsunami run-up time can be obtained by the relation
permitted on sidewalk. of the run-up speed and the minimum distance
3) The evacuation facility is designated for each between coast and evacuation facilities. The mean

International Journal of GEOMATE, Aug., 2020, Vol.19, Issue 72, pp. 1 - 7

Wooden (Completely destroyed)
Wooden (Total destroyed)

Destruction ratio



5.5 6 6.5 7
Instrumental seismic intensity
(a) Wooden structure
Fig.2 Probability function of human damage 1 Non-wooden (Completely destroyed)
Non-wooden (Total destroyed)

Destruction ratio
value of the run-up speed can be determined by the
tsunami inundation depth [9]. Average tsunami
inundation depth from the coast to the evacuation
facilities is considered in this study. The standard 0.4
deviation of the run-up speed is evaluated by the
geometric standard deviation [10] which indicates 0.2
the adaptation between tsunami height marks on 0
land and tsunami simulation results. 5.5 6 6.5 7
In this study, the reliability evaluation method Instrumental seismic intensity
for structures [11] applied to the evaluation of the (b) Non-wooden structure
human damage. The evaluation equation of the
human damage can be provided the following Fig.3 Fragility curves of structures for earthquake [8]
partial destruction number of buildings. The street-
PR = 1 − Φ ( µ P / σ P ) (1) blockade ratio is evaluated for each mesh by using
the completely and partially destruction ratios.
where, Φ is the standard normal distribution Effective sidewalk width Wes by the street-
function with the mean value 0 and the standard blockade of each mesh can be obtained from the
deviation 1. The function of Φ is also shown in following equation;
Fig.2. In the figure, f e (t ) is the probability
function of evacuation time and f t (t ) is the Wes = (1 − Rd )Ws (4)
probability density function of tsunami arriving
time. µ P and σ P are provided by the following where, Ws is the sidewalk width in normal period,
equations, respectively; Rd is the street-blockade ratio which given for range
of Ws represented by the following equation;
µ P = µT − µ E (2)
 1.28Drb (Ws < 3m)

Rd = 0.604 Drb (3m ≤ Ws < 5.5m) (5)
σ P = σ T2 + σ E2 (3)
0.194 Drb
 (5.5m < Ws ≤ 13m)
where, µ E and µT are the mean value of total
evacuation time and the tsunami arriving time to where, Drb is the destruction ratio represented by
evacuation facilities after earthquake, respectively, the following equation [3];
σ E and σ T are the standard deviation of µ E and
µT , respectively. Drb = Dc +D p / 2 (6)

4.2 Street-Blockade by Destroy of Buildings where, Dc and D p are the completely and
partially destruction ratio of buildings, respectively.
In this study, the street-blockade is assumed to Deterioration of the walking speed is assumed
be caused by completely destruction and partial to be proportional to the effective width. The
destruction of buildings. The destroy ratio can be deterioration ratio of the speed maybe expressed by
obtained by using fragility of buildings for wooden using consideration of the decrement ratio of
and non-wooden structures shown in Fig.3 [8]. The walking speed of crowded with people [12]. In this
partial destruction ratio is also obtained by a study, the sidewalk width is assumed to be
difference completely destruction number and proportional to the crowded with people per area. In

International Journal of GEOMATE, Aug., 2020, Vol.19, Issue 72, pp. 1 - 7

evacuation, no deterioration of the walking speed is

considered for Wes more than 1.5m, the speed is
linearly deteriorated with proportional to Wes
223 274
within 0.5m to 1.5m and impassable for less than
127 490 64 597
0.5m. The Deterioration ratio Rw may be evaluated 518 645 438 326 168
by the following equation; 705 518 410 473 408 526 603 312 459
752 863 640 384 499 684 726 660 339 464 538
 1.0 (1.5m < Wes ) 542 347 730 491 652 617 506

Rw = 0.8Wes − 0.2 (0.5m ≤ Wes ≤ 1.5m) (7) 87 642 441 499 590
 (Wes < 0.5m) 350 516 428
 0
142 331
63 299 Number: Population
The walking speed in evacuation is evaluated by 0 239
multiplying Rw the walking speed in normal period. : Evacuation facility
: Evacuation upland
5. EVALUATION OF HUMAN DAMAGE Fig.4 Area-wide mesh and population distribution

5.1 Evaluation Conditions

The human damage in evacuation from tsunami 1.0 1.0
using the method in this study is discussed under 2.5 1.6 3.5 1.6
conditions of street-blockade and no street- 1.6 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
blockade. The area-wide mesh and population 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 0.7 0.0 0.0
distribution of target area [13] is shown in Fig.4. 4.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 0.7 0.0 0.0
The mesh size is 250m x 250m and the population 6.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 2.5
is 23,345. 7.5 7.5 5.5 4.5 4.5
Tsunami inundation depth and seismic intensity 7.5 6.5 5.5
used in this study are based on a Meio type scenario 7.5 6.5
earthquake (moment magnitude scale, Mw 8.4) and 5.5 5.5
a scenario earthquake along the Miura peninsula 6.5 6.5 Number: Tsunami inundation
faults (Mw7.0), respectively. To investigate the depth (m)
maximum case of the human damages considered
the effect of the street-blockade, two types scenario Fig.5 Tsunami inundation depth
earthquakes which are the maximum case of the
damage estimation in the target area [13] is selected. 6+
Tsunami inundation depth and seismic intensity 6- 6+
(JMA seismic intensity scale) are shown in Figs.5 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
and 6, respectively. In addition, the maximum 6- 6- 6- 6- 6+
tsunami height is 8.94m. Though tsunami arriving 6- 6- 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
time to coast is 59 minute [13], to clear the 6- 6- 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
difference of evacuation awareness, tsunami 6- 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6-
arriving time in this study is set to 20 minute. 6- 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
Buildings and roads are uniformly allocated to 6- 6+ 6-
each mesh because of the evaluation to be 6- 6-
simplification. Total number of buildings in the area 6- 6-
is 9,256 (wooden: 6,664, non-wooden: 2,592). Road 6- 6-
area including sidewalk per mesh is 7,375m2 which Number: Seismic intensity
is 11.8% of one mesh area.
Population ratio of the evacuation activity is Fig.6 Seismic intensity
divided into four type; evacuation immediately,
evacuation after work, urgency evacuation and no walking speed is shown in Table3. The values are
evacuation [14]. The population ratio is set up by the obtained by the statistics of walking speed in
combining the following three types evacuation normal period [15]. In addition, the mean value is
awareness; strong awareness, average awareness deteriorated by the effect of the street-blockade and
and weak awareness. The evacuation awareness and the standard deviation is assumed to be not variable
the start time of evacuation after earthquake for the blockade in this study. Mean value of
occurrence are shown in Tables 1 and 2, tsunami run-up speed υ t is evaluated by the
respectively. following equation [9];
The mean value and standard deviation of

International Journal of GEOMATE, Aug., 2020, Vol.19, Issue 72, pp. 1 - 7

Table 1 Population ratio for evacuation awareness

Evacuation immediately
Evacuation Urgency evacuation No evacuation
After earthquake After work
awareness (Weak awareness) (Weak awareness)
(Strong awareness) (Weak awareness)
Strong 80% 10% 5% 5%
Middle 50% 25% 15% 10%
Weak 15% 35% 30% 20%

Table 2 Evacuation start time after earthquake Table 4 Total number of human damage
No blockade Blockade
Evacuation Evacuation awareness
immediately immediately Urgency Strong 2,631 4,181
after after finished evacuation Middle 6,543 8,401
earthquake the work Weak 11,997 13,857
Tsunami Unit: person
5min. 15min.
arriving time
destined walking speed ratio for each evacuation
Table 3 Mean value and standard deviation of mesh population. The ratio is variable with the scale
walking speed of the blockades.
The human damage for several evacuation
Mean value Standard deviation awareness under street-blockade condition is shown
1.34m/s 0.167m/s in Fig.10 The human damage becomes large in spite
of the evacuation awareness compare to that of the
no blockage. The number of the damage with the
υ t = 1.1 gh (8)
strong awareness is the minimum.
The number of the human damage for the
where, g is the gravitational acceleration and h is the blockade is also shown in Table 4. The damage is
tsunami inundation depth. Standard deviation of the increased to 1.58, 1.28 and 1.16 times for the strong,
tsunami run-up speed is evaluated by using the middle and weak awareness, respectively. To
Aida’s equation [10]. consider the decrement of walking speed by the
blockage is important for the human damage
5.2 Evaluation Results without Street-Blockade estimation from tsunami. Enhancing of evacuation
awareness as well as seismic strengthening of
The human damage for several evacuation buildings become the one way to decrease the
awareness under no street-blockade condition is human damage in evacuation.
shown in Fig.7. The large number of the damage is
also shown with deep color. The number of the 6. CONCLUSIONS
damage with the strong awareness is the minimum.
The damage near the evacuation area is less than An evaluation method of the human damage
that of the other mesh. The damage on mesh of the
considering the street-blockade by destroy of
coast and the railroad crossing becomes large.
The number of the human damage is shown in buildings is proposed. The human damage in
Table 4. The human damage with the strong evacuation from tsunami is discussed for the street-
awareness decreased to 22% of the damage with the blockade and no street blockade conditions. The
weak awareness. The evacuation awareness is large following conclusions can be drawn.
influence to decrease the human damage. 1) The human damage under the street-blockade
becomes large compared to that of no street-
5.3 Evaluation Results with Street-Blockade blockade because of decrement of the walking
speed by the blockade.
The street-blockages ratio by destroyed of
buildings is shown in Fig.8 The ratio becomes large 2) To consider the effect of the street-blockade in
for strong seismic intensity. In addition, the evacuation planning is important.
numbers of destroyed buildings simulated in this 3) The human damage in evacuation from tsunami
study are 1,801 for completely destroyed and 1,114 can be decreased by enhancing evacuation
for partially destroyed. The decrement ratio of the awareness for evacuation and education on
walking speed by the blockade is shown in Fig.9 disaster prevention.
The number shown in the figure represents the

International Journal of GEOMATE, Aug., 2020, Vol.19, Issue 72, pp. 1 - 7

1 0.60

16 17 0.05 0.60
0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
11 40 5 34
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.60
37 62 36 25 9
0.05 0.05 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
66 79 34 36 34 76 76 0 0
0.05 0.05 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
114 158 125 49 49 128 119 98 30 0 0
0.05 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.05
59 35 140 49 64 60 48
0.05 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
18 69 45 61 61
0.05 0.60 0.05
70 95 46 0.05 0.05
27 35 0.05 0.05
12 29 0.00 0.05
0 44 Number: Street-blockade ratio
Damaged population: 2,631
Fig.8 Street-blockade ratio by destroy of buildings
(a) Strong awareness 0.60
1.00 0.60
2 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
39 41 1.00 0.87 0.80 1.00 0.60
26 99 11 84 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.60 0.80 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60

92 154 89 62 22 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
0.80 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 1.00
164 197 84 89 84 190 188 0 0
0.73 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
284 395 312 123 123 319 296 245 74 0 0
0.87 0.80 1.00
147 87 349 121 160 148 120
1.00 1.00
44 173 111 153 153
1.00 1.00
173 237 114 1.00 1.00 Number: Decrement ratio of
67 87 walking speed
29 72
0 110
Fig.9 Decrement ratio of walking speed by street-
Damaged population: 6,543
(b) Middle awareness 16 17
11 42 9 35
4 37 77 38 25 11
77 82 66 79 57 48 44 195 156 0 0
51 197 21 167 114 158 391 75 81 295 323 206 36 0 0
175 292 177 123 44 90 53 325 80 71 97 48
326 339 164 178 163 334 342 0 0 25 123 67 95 95
500 672 530 228 245 545 509 428 148 0 0 75 101 46
287 174 596 241 320 296 234 27 35
74 337 221 285 285 12 29
294 408 223 0 44
114 171 Damaged population: 4,181
49 141
(a) Strong awareness
0 186
Damaged population: 11,997
39 43
(c) Weak awareness 28 104 18 87
92 192 95 62 26
Fig.7 Human damage distribution without street- 164 197 141 120 110 291 290 0 0
blockade 284 395 479 185 202 429 438 342 89 0 0
224 131 470 198 177 242 120
4) Seismic strengthening of buildings is the one way 48 307 166 233 233
to decrease the street-blockade for large 177 252 114
earthquakes. 67 87
29 72
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