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Examination : First Sessional Exam Seat No. : ________________
Date : 20/01/2016 Day : Wednesday
Time : 12:30 pm to 01:45 pm Max. Marks : 36
1. Figures to the right indicate maximum marks for that question.
2. The symbols used carry their usual meanings.
3. Assume suitable data, if required & mention them clearly.
4. Draw neat sketches wherever necessary.
Q.1 Do as directed.
(a) In the free space electromagnetic wave travelling in radial direction ar, Calculate the [1]
electric and magnetic field component Er and Hr.
(b) Differentiate Omni-directional and Directional Antenna radiation in free space. [1]
(c) In practical performance of λ/2 dipole antenna, Mr. X transmit the signal with [2]
transmitting antenna is parallel to ground plane and Mr. Y tried to receive the same
signal with receiving antenna perpendicular to ground plane. But the receiver is not able
to detect the signal and receiving power is zero. Recognize the problem and give your
(d) Draw the current distribution and radiation pattern of 5λ/2 dipole antenna. [2]
Q.2 Do as directed.
(a) Draw the possible standing wave patterns obtained on a loss less line terminated by [2]
ZL>Z0 & ZL<Z0; where ZL=RL.
(b) On a loss less line connected to a load the maximum voltage and current are 100V and
4A respectively. If 25% of the incident power is reflected by the load find the
maximum & minimum impedance seen on the line. [3]
(c) Which of the following characteristic impedance represents a loss less line [1]
a. 100+j100Ω b. 100Ω c. 50Ω d. j50Ω

i) a & d ii) b,c & d iii) b & c iv) c & d

Q.3 (a) Design a short circuited single stub tuner for a line of 100Ω terminated with a load of [6]
(b) Design a matching network using a quarter wave transformers to match a load of 500Ω [3]
with a line of 50Ω.
(c) Derive the equation used in a, considering a loss less line & the voltage & current [3]
standing wave equations are known.
Q.3 (a) Design a short circuited single stub tuner for a line of 200Ω terminated with a load of [6]
(b) A 300Ω parallel wire line is connected to an antenna of 75+j35Ω input impedance. Find [3]
the VSWR on the line. What is the maximum and minimum impedance seen on the line.
(c) Derive the equation of the maximum & minimum impedance seen on a loss less [3]
transmission line considering the voltage & current standing wave equations are known.
Q.4 Attempt Any TWO from the following questions.
(a) (i) The hertz dipole antenna is horizontal to ground plane and radiate the power in radial [3]

direction, prove that in far field = η0

(ii) Prove that Electrostatic and Induction field contribute only reactive power. [3]
(b) mλ [3]
(i) Derive the equation of cosθ null = ±1 ± for thin wire antenna of length, l=2H.
(ii) Justify, “The radiation pattern tends to have more nulls as the length of dipole [3]
antenna increase.”
⎛π ⎞ [6]
cos⎜ cosθ ⎟
⎝2 ⎠.
(c) Prove the radiation pattern equation of λ/2 dipole antenna is F (θ ,φ ) = sin θ
With the help of this equation plot the vertical and horizontal plane radiation pattern of
λ/2 dipole antenna and compute its HPBW.

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